[libticcutils] branch master created (now 394e1eb)
Joost van Baal
joostvb at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Sep 3 17:13:06 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
joostvb pushed a change to branch master
in repository libticcutils.
at 394e1eb Merge tag 'upstream/0.5'
This branch includes the following new commits:
new c40d5c6 new
new dfe7d5b Initial config. yet to be tested
new b7a3261 set properties
new 830074b debian/libticcutil-dev.install: changed name of include dir
new bc8f7e0 attempt to resolve 'package-name-doesnt-match-sonames' warning
new e3864b0 resolved the 'package-name-doesnt-match-sonames' warning
new ed093fb wrong version fixed
new af55ae7 start next release
new 2083854 improve description
new b3ca477
new c9b5487
new d29ea2f
new 9188427 debian/control: Standards-Version upgraded from policy 3.9.2 to 3.9.3 (no other changes needed)
new b6ecc0e close ITP bug
new 4b893bf tags
new 56093f4 grrr... no comments allowed in compat
new c3e91e1 ship it
new ae02ce4 start next release
new ebcc308 debian/{compat,control}: debhelper compatibility level lowered from 9 to 8.
new 85ebcbc start next release
new 270131a New Upstream Release
new 4fe9076 start next release
new 57a04f0 * New Upstream Release * debian/control: added dependency on libxml2. We now build libticcutils2 and libticcutils2-dev * debian/libticcutils2{-dev}.install new files
new e6d8065 add 2 new files
new 0102236 start next release
new da5db18 merge previous changes
new 9d596ee * debian/control: added Conflicts: libticcutils1-dev *
new 8bdd200 debian/control: also added Replaces: libticcutils1-dev
new abfde0a start next release
new 85cd184 cosmetics
new e05a377 remove obsolete DM-Upload-Allowed
new 0582294 debian/libticcutils2-dev.install, debian/libticcutils-dev.install, debian/control: rename libticcutils2-dev to libticcutils-dev. Add libticcutils2-dev to Conflicts and Replaces.
new f2a5f90 ship it
new 7ed2ee4 start next release
new e8e0fa8 debian/libticcutils2-dev.install, debian/libticcutils-dev.install, debian/control: rename libticcutils-dev to libticcutils2-dev. upstream cannot guarantee strong compatibility yet.
new 30c3284 fix changelog syntax
new 19bb1ff updated standards
new dd586f5 ship it
new f76e192 start next release
new 885e4fc * New Upstream Release * debian/control: Standards-Version upgraded from policy 3.9.4 to 3.9.5 * debian/changelog (this file) use 'trusty' as the distribution name, while lintian rejects 'unstable'
new 93cb689 start next release
new 470212f initial upstream branch
new 63b8930 Merge branch 'upstream'
new 241b691 Imported Upstream version 0.4
new 6d306c3 Merge tag 'upstream/0.4'
new 80b226b Imported Upstream version 0.5
new 394e1eb Merge tag 'upstream/0.5'
The 47 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/libticcutils.git
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