[apophenia] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/0.999b+ds'

Jerome Benoit calculus-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Sep 8 14:29:44 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

calculus-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository apophenia.

commit 6bc19515e3a9392771bdbb883619af2f61b20fb6
Merge: b3ab0f6 2b895e6
Author: Jerome Benoit <calculus at rezozer.net>
Date:   Mon Sep 8 16:23:44 2014 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/0.999b+ds'
    Upstream version 0.999b+ds

 Makefile.in                    |  1339 ----
 acinclude.m4                   |   715 --
 aclocal.m4                     |  1244 ---
 apophenia.pc                   |    11 -
 build-aux/config.guess         |  1535 ----
 build-aux/config.sub           |  1790 -----
 build-aux/depcomp              |   791 --
 build-aux/install-sh           |   527 --
 build-aux/ltmain.sh            |  9655 ----------------------
 build-aux/missing              |   215 -
 build-aux/test-driver          |   127 -
 cmd/Makefile.in                |   665 --
 config.guess                   |  1535 ----
 config.h.in                    |   166 -
 config.sub                     |  1790 -----
 configure                      | 16809 ---------------------------------------
 depcomp                        |   791 --
 docs/Makefile.in               |   507 --
 docs/doxyconfig                |  1350 ----
 docs/edit_group                |    18 -
 eg/.dirstamp                   |     0
 eg/.libs/apop_map_row          |   Bin 19753 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/binning               |   Bin 20201 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/db_fns                |   Bin 19818 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/dconstrain            |   Bin 22112 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/dot_products          |   Bin 21221 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/draw_to_db            |   Bin 20364 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/fake_logit            |   Bin 20116 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/fix_params            |   Bin 19323 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/hills2                |   Bin 21858 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/iv                    |   Bin 29466 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/jacobian              |   Bin 23813 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/ks_tests              |   Bin 20323 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-apop_map_row       |   Bin 19753 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-binning            |   Bin 20201 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-db_fns             |   Bin 19818 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-dconstrain         |   Bin 22112 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-dot_products       |   Bin 21221 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-draw_to_db         |   Bin 20364 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-fake_logit         |   Bin 20116 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-fix_params         |   Bin 19323 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-hills2             |   Bin 21858 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-iv                 |   Bin 29466 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-jacobian           |   Bin 23813 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-ks_tests           |   Bin 20323 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-normalizations     |   Bin 19311 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-parameterization   |   Bin 20110 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-pmf_test           |   Bin 21342 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-simple_subsets     |   Bin 18807 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-some_cdfs          |   Bin 28729 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-stack_models       |   Bin 27955 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-test_distances     |   Bin 17337 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-test_fisher        |   Bin 13219 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-test_harmonic      |   Bin 12004 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-test_kl_divergence |   Bin 19535 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-test_pruning       |   Bin 18672 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-test_ranks         |   Bin 19797 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-test_regex         |   Bin 36943 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/lt-test_updating      |   Bin 23442 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/normalizations        |   Bin 19311 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/parameterization      |   Bin 20110 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/pmf_test              |   Bin 21342 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/simple_subsets        |   Bin 18807 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/some_cdfs             |   Bin 28729 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/stack_models          |   Bin 27955 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/test_distances        |   Bin 17337 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/test_fisher           |   Bin 13219 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/test_harmonic         |   Bin 12004 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/test_kl_divergence    |   Bin 19535 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/test_pruning          |   Bin 18672 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/test_ranks            |   Bin 19797 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/test_regex            |   Bin 36943 -> 0 bytes
 eg/.libs/test_updating         |   Bin 23442 -> 0 bytes
 eg/Makefile.in                 |   480 --
 eg/apop_map_row                |   228 -
 eg/apop_map_row.log            |     0
 eg/apop_map_row.trs            |     4 -
 eg/binning                     |   228 -
 eg/binning.log                 |     0
 eg/binning.trs                 |     4 -
 eg/db_fns                      |   228 -
 eg/db_fns.log                  |     0
 eg/db_fns.trs                  |     4 -
 eg/dconstrain                  |   228 -
 eg/dconstrain.log              |     0
 eg/dconstrain.trs              |     4 -
 eg/dot_products                |   228 -
 eg/dot_products.log            |     0
 eg/dot_products.trs            |     4 -
 eg/draw_to_db                  |   228 -
 eg/draw_to_db.log              |    15 -
 eg/draw_to_db.trs              |     4 -
 eg/fake_logit                  |   228 -
 eg/fake_logit.log              |     0
 eg/fake_logit.trs              |     4 -
 eg/fix_params                  |   228 -
 eg/fix_params.log              |     0
 eg/fix_params.trs              |     4 -
 eg/hills2                      |   228 -
 eg/hills2.log                  |     0
 eg/hills2.trs                  |     4 -
 eg/iv                          |   228 -
 eg/iv.log                      |     0
 eg/iv.trs                      |     4 -
 eg/jacobian                    |   228 -
 eg/jacobian.log                |     0
 eg/jacobian.trs                |     4 -
 eg/ks_tests                    |   228 -
 eg/ks_tests.log                |     0
 eg/ks_tests.trs                |     4 -
 eg/normalizations              |   228 -
 eg/normalizations.log          |     0
 eg/normalizations.trs          |     4 -
 eg/parameterization            |   228 -
 eg/parameterization.log        |     0
 eg/parameterization.trs        |     4 -
 eg/pmf_test                    |   228 -
 eg/pmf_test.log                |     0
 eg/pmf_test.trs                |     4 -
 eg/simple_subsets              |   228 -
 eg/simple_subsets.log          |     5 -
 eg/simple_subsets.trs          |     4 -
 eg/some_cdfs                   |   228 -
 eg/some_cdfs.log               |     0
 eg/some_cdfs.trs               |     4 -
 eg/stack_models                |   228 -
 eg/stack_models.log            |     0
 eg/stack_models.trs            |     4 -
 eg/test_distances              |   228 -
 eg/test_distances.log          |     0
 eg/test_distances.trs          |     4 -
 eg/test_fisher                 |   228 -
 eg/test_fisher.log             |     0
 eg/test_fisher.trs             |     4 -
 eg/test_harmonic               |   228 -
 eg/test_harmonic.log           |     0
 eg/test_harmonic.trs           |     4 -
 eg/test_kl_divergence          |   228 -
 eg/test_kl_divergence.log      |     0
 eg/test_kl_divergence.trs      |     4 -
 eg/test_pruning                |   228 -
 eg/test_pruning.log            |     0
 eg/test_pruning.trs            |     4 -
 eg/test_ranks                  |   228 -
 eg/test_ranks.log              |     0
 eg/test_ranks.trs              |     4 -
 eg/test_regex                  |   228 -
 eg/test_regex.log              |     0
 eg/test_regex.trs              |     4 -
 eg/test_updating               |   228 -
 eg/test_updating.log           |     0
 eg/test_updating.trs           |     4 -
 install-sh                     |   527 --
 ltmain.sh                      |  9655 ----------------------
 m4/libtool.m4                  |  7992 -------------------
 m4/ltoptions.m4                |   384 -
 m4/ltsugar.m4                  |   123 -
 m4/ltversion.m4                |    23 -
 m4/lt~obsolete.m4              |    98 -
 missing                        |   215 -
 model/Makefile.in              |   786 --
 test-driver                    |   127 -
 tests/Makefile                 |  1903 -----
 tests/Makefile.in              |  1995 -----
 tests/utilities_test           |    52 -
 transform/Makefile.in          |   661 --
 166 files changed, 72653 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/apophenia.git

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