[med-fichier] 02/03: Fix FTBFS with clang. (Closes: #751174)
Anton Gladky
gladk at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Sep 11 19:52:06 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gladk pushed a commit to branch master
in repository med-fichier.
commit ff1dec0c47dae9dd3c541d235c98ad6cdccead72
Author: Arthur Marble <arthur at info9.net>
Date: Thu Sep 11 21:39:26 2014 +0200
Fix FTBFS with clang. (Closes: #751174)
debian/patches/clang-ftbfs.diff | 652 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 652 insertions(+)
diff --git a/debian/patches/clang-ftbfs.diff b/debian/patches/clang-ftbfs.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27bfe15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/clang-ftbfs.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+Description: Fix FTBFS with clang:
+ - Fixed "function declaration not allowed" in
+ tests/parallel/filterBlockOfentities.c
+ tests/parallel/generateDatas.c
+Author: Arthur Marble <arthur at info9.net>
+Reviewed-by: Anton Gladky <gladk at debian.org>
+Last-Update: 2014-09-11
+--- a/tests/parallel/filterBlockOfentities.c
++++ b/tests/parallel/filterBlockOfentities.c
+@@ -77,324 +77,323 @@
+ /* #define USER_MODE MED_COMPACT */
+-int main (int argc, char **argv)
+- med_err _ret=0;
+- med_idt _fid;
++med_err generateFieldFile( const med_size nentities, const med_size nvaluesperentity, const med_size nconstituentpervalue,
++ const med_switch_mode constituentmode,GetBlocksOfEntitiesType getBlockOfEntities, const med_int nbblocksperproc,
++ GenerateDataType generateDatas,
++ const med_storage_mode storagemode, const med_size profilearraysize, const char * const fieldnameprefix,
++ int mpi_size, med_idt _fid, MPI_Comm comm, int mpi_rank, med_int *_filterarray,
++ med_int _nentitiesfiltered, MPI_Info info) {
++/* static int _fileno=0; */
++ med_err _ret=-1;
++ char _filename [255]="";
++ char _meshname[MED_NAME_SIZE+1]="Empty mesh";
++ med_int _meshdim=3;
++ char _meshcomponentname[3*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1] = "x y z ";
++ char _meshcomponentunit[3*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1] = "cm cm cm ";
++ char _fieldname [MED_NAME_SIZE+1]="";
++ char *componentname,*componentunit;
++ char _profilename[MED_NAME_SIZE+1]=MED_NO_PROFILE;
++ med_int *_profilearray=0;
++ int _i=0,_j=0,_k=0, _lastusedrank=0;
++ med_size _blocksize=0,_lastblocksize=0,_count=0,_stride=0,_start=0,_index=0;
++ med_float *_arrayvalues;
++ med_filter filter = MED_FILTER_INIT;
++ med_size _nusedentities = nentities;
++ med_size _io_count = nbblocksperproc;
++ med_idt _fidseq;
++ med_geometry_type _geotype = MED_TRIA6;
++ med_int _geodim = _geotype/100;
++ med_int _geonnodes = _geotype%100;
++ char _ipointname[MED_NAME_SIZE+1];
++ med_float* _ipointrefcoo = 0;
++ med_int _ipoint = nvaluesperentity;
++ med_float* _ipointcoo = 0;
++ med_float* _ipointwg = 0;
++ sprintf(_filename,"%s_CPU-%03d_ at _%s_%s.med",fieldnameprefix,mpi_size,_MED_MODE_SWITCH_MSG[constituentmode],_MED_STORAGE_MODE_MSG[storagemode]);
++/* SSCRUTE(_filename); */
++ /* Ouverture du fichier en mode parallel */
++ if ((_fid = MEDparFileOpen(_filename, MODE_ACCES ,comm, info)) < 0){
++ MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_OPEN,MED_ERR_FILE,_filename);
++ goto ERROR;
++ }
+- int mpi_size, mpi_rank;
+- MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
+- MPI_Info info = MPI_INFO_NULL;
++/* SSCRUTE(_meshname); */
++ if (MEDmeshCr( _fid,_meshname,_meshdim,_meshdim, MED_UNSTRUCTURED_MESH,
++ "Un maillage pour le test parallel","s", MED_SORT_DTIT,
++ MED_CARTESIAN, _meshcomponentname, _meshcomponentunit) < 0) {
++ MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_CREATE,MED_ERR_MESH,_meshname);
++ goto ERROR;
++ };
+- med_int _nentitiesfiltered=0;
+- med_int *_filterarray=NULL;
++ componentname = (char*) malloc((nconstituentpervalue*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1)*sizeof(char));
++ componentunit = (char*) malloc((nconstituentpervalue*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1)*sizeof(char));
++ /*TODO : Compléter le nom */
++ strcpy(componentname,"");
++ strcpy(componentunit,"");
++ strcpy(_fieldname,fieldnameprefix);
++ if ( MEDfieldCr(_fid,_fieldname,MED_FLOAT64,nconstituentpervalue,componentname,componentunit,"s",_meshname ) < 0) {
++ MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_CREATE,MED_ERR_FIELD,_fieldname);
++ goto ERROR;
++ };
++ free(componentname);
++ free(componentunit);
++ if ( _ipoint > 1 ) {
++ MESSAGE("Creating a localization of integration points...");
++ strcpy(_ipointname,_fieldname);
++ strcat(_ipointname,"_loc");
++ /*Attention ancienne spec*/
++ _ipointrefcoo = (med_float *) calloc(_geodim*_geonnodes,sizeof(med_float));
++ _ipointcoo = (med_float *) calloc(_ipoint*_geodim,sizeof(med_float));
++ _ipointwg = (med_float *) calloc(_ipoint,sizeof(med_float));
++ if (MEDlocalizationWr(_fid, _ipointname, _geotype, _geotype/100, _ipointrefcoo, constituentmode,
++ _ipoint, _ipointcoo, _ipointwg, MED_NO_INTERPOLATION, MED_NO_MESH_SUPPORT ) < 0) {
++ ISCRUTE_int(constituentmode);
++ goto ERROR;
++ }
++ free(_ipointrefcoo );
++ free(_ipointcoo );
++ free(_ipointwg );
++ } else {
++ strcpy(_ipointname,MED_NO_LOCALIZATION);
++ }
+- MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
+- MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
+- MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);
++ if (profilearraysize) {
++ MESSAGE("Creating a profile...");
++ strcpy(_profilename,_fieldname);strcat(_profilename,"_profile");
+- med_err generateFieldFile( const med_size nentities, const med_size nvaluesperentity, const med_size nconstituentpervalue,
+- const med_switch_mode constituentmode,GetBlocksOfEntitiesType getBlockOfEntities, const med_int nbblocksperproc,
+- GenerateDataType generateDatas,
+- const med_storage_mode storagemode, const med_size profilearraysize, const char * const fieldnameprefix ) {
+-/* static int _fileno=0; */
+- med_err _ret=-1;
+- char _filename [255]="";
+- char _meshname[MED_NAME_SIZE+1]="Empty mesh";
+- med_int _meshdim=3;
+- char _meshcomponentname[3*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1] = "x y z ";
+- char _meshcomponentunit[3*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1] = "cm cm cm ";
+- char _fieldname [MED_NAME_SIZE+1]="";
+- char *componentname,*componentunit;
+- char _profilename[MED_NAME_SIZE+1]=MED_NO_PROFILE;
+- med_int *_profilearray=0;
+- int _i=0,_j=0,_k=0, _lastusedrank=0;
+- med_size _blocksize=0,_lastblocksize=0,_count=0,_stride=0,_start=0,_index=0;
+- med_float *_arrayvalues;
+- med_filter filter = MED_FILTER_INIT;
+- med_size _nusedentities = nentities;
+- med_size _io_count = nbblocksperproc;
+- med_idt _fidseq;
+- med_geometry_type _geotype = MED_TRIA6;
+- med_int _geodim = _geotype/100;
+- med_int _geonnodes = _geotype%100;
+- char _ipointname[MED_NAME_SIZE+1];
+- med_float* _ipointrefcoo = 0;
+- med_int _ipoint = nvaluesperentity;
+- med_float* _ipointcoo = 0;
+- med_float* _ipointwg = 0;
+- sprintf(_filename,"%s_CPU-%03d_ at _%s_%s.med",fieldnameprefix,mpi_size,_MED_MODE_SWITCH_MSG[constituentmode],_MED_STORAGE_MODE_MSG[storagemode]);
+-/* SSCRUTE(_filename); */
+- /* Ouverture du fichier en mode parallel */
+- if ((_fid = MEDparFileOpen(_filename, MODE_ACCES ,comm, info)) < 0){
+- MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_OPEN,MED_ERR_FILE,_filename);
+- goto ERROR;
+- }
++ _profilearray = (med_int*) calloc(profilearraysize,sizeof(med_int));
+-/* SSCRUTE(_meshname); */
+- if (MEDmeshCr( _fid,_meshname,_meshdim,_meshdim, MED_UNSTRUCTURED_MESH,
+- "Un maillage pour le test parallel","s", MED_SORT_DTIT,
+- MED_CARTESIAN, _meshcomponentname, _meshcomponentunit) < 0) {
+- MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_CREATE,MED_ERR_MESH,_meshname);
++ for (_i=0; _i < profilearraysize; ++_i) _profilearray[_i]=_i;
++ if ( MEDprofileWr(_fid,_profilename,profilearraysize,_profilearray) < 0) {
++ MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_CREATE,MED_ERR_PROFILE,_profilename);
+ goto ERROR;
+ };
++ _nusedentities = profilearraysize;
++ } else {
++ strcpy(_profilename,MED_NO_PROFILE);
++ }
+- componentname = (char*) malloc((nconstituentpervalue*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1)*sizeof(char));
+- componentunit = (char*) malloc((nconstituentpervalue*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1)*sizeof(char));
+- /*TODO : Compléter le nom */
+- strcpy(componentname,"");
+- strcpy(componentunit,"");
+- strcpy(_fieldname,fieldnameprefix);
+- if ( MEDfieldCr(_fid,_fieldname,MED_FLOAT64,nconstituentpervalue,componentname,componentunit,"s",_meshname ) < 0) {
+- MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_CREATE,MED_ERR_FIELD,_fieldname);
++ MESSAGE("Generating partition...");
++ getBlockOfEntities ( mpi_rank , mpi_size, _nusedentities,
++ &_start, &_stride, &_io_count, &_blocksize,
++ &_lastusedrank, &_lastblocksize);
++ _count=_io_count;
++ MESSAGE("Generating filter...");
++ if ( MEDfilterBlockOfEntityCr(_fid, nentities, nvaluesperentity, nconstituentpervalue,
++ MED_ALL_CONSTITUENT, constituentmode, storagemode, _profilename,
++ _start,_stride,_count,_blocksize,_lastblocksize, &filter) < 0 ) {
+ goto ERROR;
+- };
+- free(componentname);
+- free(componentunit);
++ }
++ MESSAGE("Generating datas...");
++ generateDatas(mpi_rank, _lastusedrank, sizeof(med_float),
++ storagemode, profilearraysize, _profilearray,
++ _start, _stride, _count, _blocksize, _lastblocksize,
++ nentities, nvaluesperentity, nconstituentpervalue,
++ &_arrayvalues );
++ MESSAGE("Writing field...");
++ if ( MEDfieldValueAdvancedWr(_fid,_fieldname,MED_NO_DT,MED_NO_IT,0.0, MED_CELL, _geotype,
++ _ipointname, &filter, (unsigned char*)_arrayvalues ) < 0) {
++ MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_WRITE,MED_ERR_FIELD,_fieldname);
++ ISCRUTE(mpi_rank);
++ goto ERROR;
++ }
+- if ( _ipoint > 1 ) {
++ /* Test de lecture du même fichier avec filtre simple par un seul processeur */
++ /* TODO : Créer MEDflush */
++ H5Fflush(_fid, H5F_SCOPE_GLOBAL );
+- MESSAGE("Creating a localization of integration points...");
+- strcpy(_ipointname,_fieldname);
+- strcat(_ipointname,"_loc");
++ /*Le flush suffit pas besoin de synchroniser les processus : MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); */
++ if (mpi_rank == 0 ) {
++ MESSAGE("Reading field...");
+- /*Attention ancienne spec*/
+- _ipointrefcoo = (med_float *) calloc(_geodim*_geonnodes,sizeof(med_float));
+- _ipointcoo = (med_float *) calloc(_ipoint*_geodim,sizeof(med_float));
+- _ipointwg = (med_float *) calloc(_ipoint,sizeof(med_float));
+- if (MEDlocalizationWr(_fid, _ipointname, _geotype, _geotype/100, _ipointrefcoo, constituentmode,
+- _ipoint, _ipointcoo, _ipointwg, MED_NO_INTERPOLATION, MED_NO_MESH_SUPPORT ) < 0) {
+- ISCRUTE_int(constituentmode);
+- goto ERROR;
+- }
+- free(_ipointrefcoo );
+- free(_ipointcoo );
+- free(_ipointwg );
++ med_int _nentitiesarrayvalues=0;
++ med_float *_filteredarrayvalues=NULL;
++ med_filter filter2=MED_FILTER_INIT;
++ int _ind=0;
++ FILE * _asciifile;
++ char _asciifilename[255]="";
+- } else {
+- strcpy(_ipointname,MED_NO_LOCALIZATION);
++ if ((_fidseq = MEDfileOpen(_filename, MED_ACC_RDONLY )) < 0){
++ MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_OPEN,MED_ERR_FILE,_filename);
++ goto ERROR;
+ }
+- if (profilearraysize) {
+- MESSAGE("Creating a profile...");
++ sprintf(_asciifilename,"%s_CPU-%03d_ at _%s_%s.ascii",fieldnameprefix,mpi_size,_MED_MODE_SWITCH_MSG[constituentmode],_MED_STORAGE_MODE_MSG[storagemode]);
++ _asciifile=fopen(_asciifilename, "w");
+- strcpy(_profilename,_fieldname);strcat(_profilename,"_profile");
++ /*Génère un filtre de selection simple s'il n'a pas déjà été généré lors d'un précédent appel */
++ /*TODO : Déplacer cette appel dans le main après avoir externaliser la génération du profile */
++ if (!_filterarray)
++ if ( generateFilterArray( nentities, nvaluesperentity, nconstituentpervalue,
++ profilearraysize, _profilearray,
++ &_nentitiesfiltered, &_filterarray ) < 0 ) {
++ goto ERROR;
++ }
+- _profilearray = (med_int*) calloc(profilearraysize,sizeof(med_int));
++ ISCRUTE(_nentitiesfiltered);
++ /*Stocke le filtre utilisé dans le fichier .ascii*/
++ for (_i=0; _i < _nentitiesfiltered; ++_i ) {
++/* ISCRUTE(_filterarray[_i]); */
++ fprintf(_asciifile,"%d ",_filterarray[_i]) ;
++ }
++ fprintf(_asciifile,"\n") ;
+- for (_i=0; _i < profilearraysize; ++_i) _profilearray[_i]=_i;
+- if ( MEDprofileWr(_fid,_profilename,profilearraysize,_profilearray) < 0) {
+- MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_CREATE,MED_ERR_PROFILE,_profilename);
+- goto ERROR;
+- };
+- _nusedentities = profilearraysize;
++ /*Pas de profile possible (profilearraysize == 0) en MED_GLOBAL_PFLMODE sur un fichier géré en parallel */
++ if ( profilearraysize ) {
++ _nentitiesarrayvalues = profilearraysize;
+ } else {
+- strcpy(_profilename,MED_NO_PROFILE);
++ _nentitiesarrayvalues = nentities;
+ }
+- MESSAGE("Generating partition...");
+- getBlockOfEntities ( mpi_rank , mpi_size, _nusedentities,
+- &_start, &_stride, &_io_count, &_blocksize,
+- &_lastusedrank, &_lastblocksize);
+- _count=_io_count;
+- MESSAGE("Generating filter...");
+- if ( MEDfilterBlockOfEntityCr(_fid, nentities, nvaluesperentity, nconstituentpervalue,
+- MED_ALL_CONSTITUENT, constituentmode, storagemode, _profilename,
+- _start,_stride,_count,_blocksize,_lastblocksize, &filter) < 0 ) {
+- goto ERROR;
++ /*Attention allocation mémoire potentiellement grosse car réalisée uniquement par le processus 0
++ qui rassemble les données.*/
++ _filteredarrayvalues = (med_float*) malloc(_nentitiesarrayvalues*
++ nvaluesperentity*
++ nconstituentpervalue*sizeof(med_float));
++ /* Permet de vérifier une erreur d'indiçage après la lecture */
++ for (_i=0;_i<_nentitiesarrayvalues*nvaluesperentity*nconstituentpervalue; ++_i)
++ _filteredarrayvalues[_i]=-_i;
++ /*Création d'un filtre de sélection simple, pour une lecture séquentielle par le processys 0*/
++ if ( MEDfilterEntityCr(_fidseq, nentities, nvaluesperentity, nconstituentpervalue,
++ MED_ALL_CONSTITUENT, constituentmode, storagemode, _profilename,
++ _nentitiesfiltered,_filterarray, &filter2) < 0 ) {
++ goto ERROR;
+ }
+- MESSAGE("Generating datas...");
+- generateDatas(mpi_rank, _lastusedrank, sizeof(med_float),
+- storagemode, profilearraysize, _profilearray,
+- _start, _stride, _count, _blocksize, _lastblocksize,
+- nentities, nvaluesperentity, nconstituentpervalue,
+- &_arrayvalues );
+- MESSAGE("Writing field...");
+- if ( MEDfieldValueAdvancedWr(_fid,_fieldname,MED_NO_DT,MED_NO_IT,0.0, MED_CELL, _geotype,
+- _ipointname, &filter, (unsigned char*)_arrayvalues ) < 0) {
+- MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_WRITE,MED_ERR_FIELD,_fieldname);
++ if ( MEDfieldValueAdvancedRd(_fidseq,_fieldname,MED_NO_DT,MED_NO_IT, MED_CELL, _geotype,
++ &filter2, (unsigned char*)_filteredarrayvalues ) < 0) {
++ MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_READ,MED_ERR_FIELD,_fieldname);
+ ISCRUTE(mpi_rank);
+ goto ERROR;
+ }
+- /* Test de lecture du même fichier avec filtre simple par un seul processeur */
+- /* TODO : Créer MEDflush */
+- H5Fflush(_fid, H5F_SCOPE_GLOBAL );
+- /*Le flush suffit pas besoin de synchroniser les processus : MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); */
+- if (mpi_rank == 0 ) {
+- MESSAGE("Reading field...");
+- med_int _nentitiesarrayvalues=0;
+- med_float *_filteredarrayvalues=NULL;
+- med_filter filter2=MED_FILTER_INIT;
+- int _ind=0;
+- FILE * _asciifile;
+- char _asciifilename[255]="";
+- if ((_fidseq = MEDfileOpen(_filename, MED_ACC_RDONLY )) < 0){
+- MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_OPEN,MED_ERR_FILE,_filename);
+- goto ERROR;
++ /*TODO : Externaliser l'affichage*/
++ if ( storagemode == MED_GLOBAL_PFLMODE ) {
++ switch (constituentmode) {
++ for (_i=0; _i < _nentitiesfiltered; ++_i)
++ for (_j=0; _j < nvaluesperentity; ++_j)
++ for (_k=0; _k < nconstituentpervalue; ++_k) {
++ _ind = (_filterarray[_i]-1)*nvaluesperentity*nconstituentpervalue+ _j*nconstituentpervalue+_k;
++/* fprintf(stdout,"%s%3d%s = %f\n","_filteredarrayvaluesFULLGLB[",_ind,"]",_filteredarrayvalues[_ind]) ; */
++ fprintf(_asciifile,"%f\n",_filteredarrayvalues[_ind]) ;
++ }
++ break;
++ for (_j=0; _j < _nentitiesfiltered; ++_j)
++ for (_k=0; _k < nvaluesperentity; ++_k)
++ for (_i=0; _i < nconstituentpervalue; ++_i) {
++ _ind =_i*nentities*nvaluesperentity+ (_filterarray[_j]-1)*nvaluesperentity +_k;
++/* fprintf(stdout,"%s%3d%s = %f\n","_filteredarrayvaluesNOGLB[",_ind,"]",_filteredarrayvalues[_ind]); */
++ fprintf(_asciifile,"%f\n",_filteredarrayvalues[_ind]);
++ }
++ break;
+ }
+- sprintf(_asciifilename,"%s_CPU-%03d_ at _%s_%s.ascii",fieldnameprefix,mpi_size,_MED_MODE_SWITCH_MSG[constituentmode],_MED_STORAGE_MODE_MSG[storagemode]);
+- _asciifile=fopen(_asciifilename, "w");
+- /*Génère un filtre de selection simple s'il n'a pas déjà été généré lors d'un précédent appel */
+- /*TODO : Déplacer cette appel dans le main après avoir externaliser la génération du profile */
+- if (!_filterarray)
+- if ( generateFilterArray( nentities, nvaluesperentity, nconstituentpervalue,
+- profilearraysize, _profilearray,
+- &_nentitiesfiltered, &_filterarray ) < 0 ) {
+- goto ERROR;
++ } else
++ switch (constituentmode) {
++ for (_i=0; _i < _nentitiesfiltered; ++_i )
++ for (_j=0; _j < nvaluesperentity; ++_j)
++ for (_k=0; _k < nconstituentpervalue; ++_k) {
++ _ind = (_filterarray[_i]-1)*nvaluesperentity*nconstituentpervalue+_j*nconstituentpervalue+_k;
++/* fprintf(stdout,"%s%3d%s = %f\n","_filteredarrayvaluesFULLCP[",_ind,"]",_filteredarrayvalues[_ind]) ; */
++ fprintf(_asciifile,"%f\n",_filteredarrayvalues[_ind]) ;
+ }
+- ISCRUTE(_nentitiesfiltered);
+- /*Stocke le filtre utilisé dans le fichier .ascii*/
+- for (_i=0; _i < _nentitiesfiltered; ++_i ) {
+-/* ISCRUTE(_filterarray[_i]); */
+- fprintf(_asciifile,"%d ",_filterarray[_i]) ;
++ break;
++ for (_j=0; _j < _nentitiesfiltered; ++_j)
++ for (_k=0; _k < nvaluesperentity; ++_k)
++ for (_i=0; _i < nconstituentpervalue; ++_i) {
++ _ind =_i*_nentitiesarrayvalues*nvaluesperentity+ (_filterarray[_j]-1)*nvaluesperentity +_k;
++/* fprintf(stdout,"%s%3d%s = %f\n","_filteredarrayvaluesNOCP[",_ind,"]",_filteredarrayvalues[_ind]); */
++ fprintf(_asciifile,"%f\n",_filteredarrayvalues[_ind]);
++ }
++ break;
+ }
+- fprintf(_asciifile,"\n") ;
+- /*Pas de profile possible (profilearraysize == 0) en MED_GLOBAL_PFLMODE sur un fichier géré en parallel */
+- if ( profilearraysize ) {
+- _nentitiesarrayvalues = profilearraysize;
+- } else {
+- _nentitiesarrayvalues = nentities;
+- }
++ free(_filteredarrayvalues);
+- /*Attention allocation mémoire potentiellement grosse car réalisée uniquement par le processus 0
+- qui rassemble les données.*/
+- _filteredarrayvalues = (med_float*) malloc(_nentitiesarrayvalues*
+- nvaluesperentity*
+- nconstituentpervalue*sizeof(med_float));
+- /* Permet de vérifier une erreur d'indiçage après la lecture */
+- for (_i=0;_i<_nentitiesarrayvalues*nvaluesperentity*nconstituentpervalue; ++_i)
+- _filteredarrayvalues[_i]=-_i;
+- /*Création d'un filtre de sélection simple, pour une lecture séquentielle par le processys 0*/
+- if ( MEDfilterEntityCr(_fidseq, nentities, nvaluesperentity, nconstituentpervalue,
+- MED_ALL_CONSTITUENT, constituentmode, storagemode, _profilename,
+- _nentitiesfiltered,_filterarray, &filter2) < 0 ) {
+- goto ERROR;
+- }
+- if ( MEDfieldValueAdvancedRd(_fidseq,_fieldname,MED_NO_DT,MED_NO_IT, MED_CELL, _geotype,
+- &filter2, (unsigned char*)_filteredarrayvalues ) < 0) {
+- MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_READ,MED_ERR_FIELD,_fieldname);
+- ISCRUTE(mpi_rank);
+- goto ERROR;
+- }
++ fclose(_asciifile);
+- /*TODO : Externaliser l'affichage*/
+- if ( storagemode == MED_GLOBAL_PFLMODE ) {
+- switch (constituentmode) {
+- for (_i=0; _i < _nentitiesfiltered; ++_i)
+- for (_j=0; _j < nvaluesperentity; ++_j)
+- for (_k=0; _k < nconstituentpervalue; ++_k) {
+- _ind = (_filterarray[_i]-1)*nvaluesperentity*nconstituentpervalue+ _j*nconstituentpervalue+_k;
+-/* fprintf(stdout,"%s%3d%s = %f\n","_filteredarrayvaluesFULLGLB[",_ind,"]",_filteredarrayvalues[_ind]) ; */
+- fprintf(_asciifile,"%f\n",_filteredarrayvalues[_ind]) ;
+- }
+- break;
+- for (_j=0; _j < _nentitiesfiltered; ++_j)
+- for (_k=0; _k < nvaluesperentity; ++_k)
+- for (_i=0; _i < nconstituentpervalue; ++_i) {
+- _ind =_i*nentities*nvaluesperentity+ (_filterarray[_j]-1)*nvaluesperentity +_k;
+-/* fprintf(stdout,"%s%3d%s = %f\n","_filteredarrayvaluesNOGLB[",_ind,"]",_filteredarrayvalues[_ind]); */
+- fprintf(_asciifile,"%f\n",_filteredarrayvalues[_ind]);
+- }
+- break;
+- }
+- } else
+- switch (constituentmode) {
+- for (_i=0; _i < _nentitiesfiltered; ++_i )
+- for (_j=0; _j < nvaluesperentity; ++_j)
+- for (_k=0; _k < nconstituentpervalue; ++_k) {
+- _ind = (_filterarray[_i]-1)*nvaluesperentity*nconstituentpervalue+_j*nconstituentpervalue+_k;
+-/* fprintf(stdout,"%s%3d%s = %f\n","_filteredarrayvaluesFULLCP[",_ind,"]",_filteredarrayvalues[_ind]) ; */
+- fprintf(_asciifile,"%f\n",_filteredarrayvalues[_ind]) ;
+- }
+- break;
+- for (_j=0; _j < _nentitiesfiltered; ++_j)
+- for (_k=0; _k < nvaluesperentity; ++_k)
+- for (_i=0; _i < nconstituentpervalue; ++_i) {
+- _ind =_i*_nentitiesarrayvalues*nvaluesperentity+ (_filterarray[_j]-1)*nvaluesperentity +_k;
+-/* fprintf(stdout,"%s%3d%s = %f\n","_filteredarrayvaluesNOCP[",_ind,"]",_filteredarrayvalues[_ind]); */
+- fprintf(_asciifile,"%f\n",_filteredarrayvalues[_ind]);
+- }
+- break;
+- }
++ if ( MEDfilterClose(&filter2) < 0 ) {
++ goto ERROR;
++ }
++ } /*fin if (mpi_rank == 0) */
+- free(_filteredarrayvalues);
++if ( MEDfilterClose(&filter) < 0 ) {
++ goto ERROR;
+- fclose(_asciifile);
+- if ( MEDfilterClose(&filter2) < 0 ) {
+- goto ERROR;
+- }
++ _ret=0;
++ if (_arrayvalues) free(_arrayvalues);
++ if (profilearraysize) free(_profilearray);
+- } /*fin if (mpi_rank == 0) */
++ if ( MEDfileClose(_fid) < 0) {
++ MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_CLOSE,MED_ERR_FILE,""); _ret = -1;
++ }
+- if ( MEDfilterClose(&filter) < 0 ) {
+- goto ERROR;
++ if (mpi_rank == 0 ) {
++ if ( MEDfileClose(_fidseq) < 0) {
++ MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_CLOSE,MED_ERR_FILE,""); _ret = -1;
++ }
+ }
++ return _ret;
+- _ret=0;
+- if (_arrayvalues) free(_arrayvalues);
+- if (profilearraysize) free(_profilearray);
+- if ( MEDfileClose(_fid) < 0) {
+- MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_CLOSE,MED_ERR_FILE,""); _ret = -1;
+- }
++int main (int argc, char **argv)
+- if (mpi_rank == 0 ) {
+- if ( MEDfileClose(_fidseq) < 0) {
+- MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_CLOSE,MED_ERR_FILE,""); _ret = -1;
+- }
+- }
+- return _ret;
+- }
++ med_err _ret=0;
++ med_idt _fid;
++ int mpi_size, mpi_rank;
++ MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
++ MPI_Info info = MPI_INFO_NULL;
++ med_int _nentitiesfiltered=0;
++ med_int *_filterarray=NULL;
++ MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
++ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
++ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);
+ /* MAIN */
+ med_size _nbblocksperproc = 0;
+@@ -458,7 +457,8 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
+ if ( generateFieldFile( _nentities, _nvaluesperentity, _nconstituentpervalue,
+ _switchmode, getCyclicBlocksOfEntities, _nbblocksperproc, generateDatas,
+- _storagemode, _profilearraysize, _fieldnameprefix ) < 0 ) {
++ _storagemode, _profilearraysize, _fieldnameprefix, mpi_size, _fid, comm,
++ mpi_rank, _filterarray, _nentitiesfiltered, info) < 0 ) {
+ MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_WRITE,MED_ERR_FIELD,_fieldnameprefix);
+ ISCRUTE(mpi_rank);
+ goto ERROR;
+--- a/tests/parallel/generateDatas.c
++++ b/tests/parallel/generateDatas.c
+@@ -21,6 +21,13 @@
+ #define MESGERR 1
+ #include "med_utils.h"
++static inline med_int _identity (int i) { return i; }
++static const med_int * profilearray_global;
++static inline med_int _withprofilearray(int i) {
++ return (profilearray_global[i]-1);
+ /*Les données générées, le sont uniquement aux endroits utilisés */
+ void generateFullIDatas(const int myrank, const int lastrank, const int sizeoftype,
+ const med_storage_mode profilemode, const med_size profilesize, const med_int * const profilearray,
+@@ -30,10 +37,12 @@ void generateFullIDatas(const int myrank
+ med_size _start=start-1,_blockstart = 0,_blocksize=blocksize,_allblocksize=0,_index=0;
+ med_int (*_profilearrayfunc)(int)=0;
+- inline med_int _identity (int i) { return i; }
+- inline med_int _withprofilearray(int i) { return (profilearray[i]-1); }
+ int _blocknum=0,_i=0,_j=0,_k=0;
++ /* inline med_int _identity (int i) { return i; } */
++ /* inline med_int _withprofilearray(int i) { return (profilearray[i]-1); } */
++ profilearray_global = profilearray;
+ if (profilesize) {
+ if ( profilearray == NULL ) {MESSAGE("Error, profilesize > 0 && profilearray == 0"); }
+ MESSAGE("Using a profile...");
+@@ -102,8 +111,9 @@ void generateNoIDatas(const int myrank,
+ med_size _start=start-1,_blockstart = 0,_blocksize=blocksize,_allblocksize=0,_index=0,_dim=0;
+ med_int (*_profilearrayfunc)(int)=0;
+- inline med_int _identity (int i) { return i; }
+- inline med_int _withprofilearray(int i) { return (profilearray[i]-1); }
++ // inline med_int _identity (int i) { return i; }
++ // inline med_int _withprofilearray(int i) { return (profilearray[i]-1); }
++ profilearray_global = profilearray;
+ int _blocknum=0,_i=0,_j=0,_k=0;
+ if (profilearraysize) {
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