[yosys] 24/57: Merge branch 'master' into ubuntu

Ruben Undheim rubund-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Sep 17 16:08:10 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

rubund-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository yosys.

commit 5279ca77dec046f3fa5503252d930a703298356b
Merge: ddd1868 01ef34c
Author: Ruben Undheim <ruben.undheim at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Sep 5 22:04:33 2014 +0200

    Merge branch 'master' into ubuntu

 .gitignore                                         |    2 +-
 CHECKLISTS                                         |  134 ++
 CodingStyle                                        |   43 +
 Makefile                                           |  208 +-
 README                                             |  129 +-
 backends/autotest/Makefile.inc                     |    3 -
 backends/autotest/autotest.cc                      |  336 ---
 backends/blif/blif.cc                              |  164 +-
 backends/btor/btor.cc                              |  337 +--
 backends/edif/edif.cc                              |  200 +-
 backends/ilang/ilang_backend.cc                    |  274 +--
 backends/ilang/ilang_backend.h                     |   32 +-
 backends/intersynth/intersynth.cc                  |   61 +-
 backends/spice/spice.cc                            |   93 +-
 backends/verilog/verilog_backend.cc                |  726 +++---
 backends/verilog/verilog_backend.h                 |    5 +-
 frontends/ast/Makefile.inc                         |    1 +
 frontends/ast/ast.cc                               |  200 +-
 frontends/ast/ast.h                                |   35 +-
 frontends/ast/dpicall.cc                           |  140 ++
 frontends/ast/genrtlil.cc                          |  561 +++--
 frontends/ast/simplify.cc                          |  690 +++++-
 frontends/ilang/Makefile.inc                       |   10 +-
 frontends/ilang/ilang_frontend.cc                  |    9 +-
 frontends/ilang/ilang_frontend.h                   |   11 +-
 frontends/ilang/lexer.l                            |   33 +-
 frontends/ilang/parser.y                           |   96 +-
 frontends/liberty/liberty.cc                       |  276 +--
 frontends/verific/Makefile.inc                     |   10 +-
 frontends/verific/build_amd64.txt                  |   31 +
 frontends/verific/test_navre.ys                    |    4 +-
 frontends/verific/verific.cc                       |  149 +-
 frontends/verilog/Makefile.inc                     |    6 +-
 frontends/verilog/const2ast.cc                     |   46 +-
 frontends/verilog/lexer.l                          |   62 +-
 frontends/verilog/parser.y                         |  204 +-
 frontends/verilog/preproc.cc                       |   64 +-
 frontends/verilog/verilog_frontend.cc              |   39 +-
 frontends/verilog/verilog_frontend.h               |   14 +-
 frontends/vhdl2verilog/vhdl2verilog.cc             |   54 +-
 kernel/bitpattern.h                                |   19 +-
 kernel/calc.cc                                     |   77 +-
 kernel/celltypes.h                                 |  335 +--
 kernel/compatibility.cc                            |  135 --
 kernel/compatibility.h                             |   37 -
 kernel/consteval.h                                 |  125 +-
 kernel/driver.cc                                   |  643 ++----
 kernel/log.cc                                      |  200 +-
 kernel/log.h                                       |  101 +-
 kernel/modtools.h                                  |  455 ++++
 kernel/register.cc                                 |  250 +-
 kernel/register.h                                  |   85 +-
 kernel/rtlil.cc                                    | 2386 +++++++++++++-------
 kernel/rtlil.h                                     |  871 +++++--
 kernel/satgen.h                                    |  497 ++--
 kernel/sigtools.h                                  |  319 ++-
 kernel/utils.h                                     |  210 ++
 kernel/{driver.cc => yosys.cc}                     |  786 +++----
 kernel/yosys.h                                     |  147 ++
 libs/ezsat/Makefile                                |    6 +-
 libs/ezsat/ezminisat.cc                            |   15 +-
 libs/ezsat/ezsat.cc                                |  136 +-
 libs/ezsat/ezsat.h                                 |   25 +-
 libs/ezsat/testbench.cc                            |    6 +
 ..._arg.patch => 00_PATCH_mkLit_default_arg.patch} |    0
 libs/minisat/00_PATCH_remove_zlib.patch            |   38 +
 libs/minisat/{UPDATE.sh => 00_UPDATE.sh}           |    5 +-
 libs/minisat/Alg.h                                 |    2 +-
 libs/minisat/Alloc.h                               |    4 +-
 libs/minisat/Dimacs.h                              |    4 +-
 libs/minisat/Heap.h                                |    4 +-
 libs/minisat/IntMap.h                              |    2 +-
 libs/minisat/Map.h                                 |    4 +-
 libs/minisat/Options.cc                            |    6 +-
 libs/minisat/Options.h                             |    6 +-
 libs/minisat/ParseUtils.h                          |   16 +-
 libs/minisat/Queue.h                               |    2 +-
 libs/minisat/Rnd.h                                 |    2 +-
 libs/minisat/SimpSolver.cc                         |    6 +-
 libs/minisat/SimpSolver.h                          |    4 +-
 libs/minisat/Solver.cc                             |    8 +-
 libs/minisat/Solver.h                              |   12 +-
 libs/minisat/SolverTypes.h                         |   12 +-
 libs/minisat/Sort.h                                |    2 +-
 libs/minisat/System.cc                             |    2 +-
 libs/minisat/System.h                              |    2 +-
 libs/minisat/Vec.h                                 |    4 +-
 libs/sha1/sha1.cpp                                 |  455 ++--
 libs/sha1/sha1.h                                   |  106 +-
 libs/subcircuit/subcircuit.cc                      |    4 +-
 libs/svgviewer/.gitignore                          |    6 -
 libs/svgviewer/files/bubbles.svg                   |  215 --
 libs/svgviewer/files/cubic.svg                     |   77 -
 libs/svgviewer/files/spheres.svg                   |   72 -
 libs/svgviewer/main.cpp                            |   66 -
 libs/svgviewer/mainwindow.cpp                      |  205 --
 libs/svgviewer/mainwindow.h                        |   86 -
 libs/svgviewer/svgview.cpp                         |  227 --
 libs/svgviewer/svgview.h                           |   87 -
 libs/svgviewer/svgviewer.desktop                   |   11 -
 libs/svgviewer/svgviewer.pro                       |   33 -
 libs/svgviewer/svgviewer.qrc                       |    6 -
 manual/APPNOTE_011_Design_Investigation.tex        |   24 +-
 manual/CHAPTER_Auxlibs.tex                         |    6 +-
 manual/CHAPTER_Auxprogs.tex                        |    7 -
 manual/CHAPTER_CellLib.tex                         |   29 +-
 manual/CHAPTER_Optimize.tex                        |    2 +-
 manual/CHAPTER_Prog/stubnets.cc                    |   29 +-
 manual/CHAPTER_StateOfTheArt/simlib_yosys.v        |    4 +-
 manual/CHAPTER_Techmap.tex                         |    2 +-
 manual/PRESENTATION_ExAdv.tex                      |    6 +-
 manual/PRESENTATION_ExOth.tex                      |  181 +-
 manual/PRESENTATION_ExOth/.gitignore               |    1 +
 manual/PRESENTATION_ExOth/Makefile                 |   16 +
 manual/PRESENTATION_ExOth/axis_master.v            |   27 +
 manual/PRESENTATION_ExOth/axis_test.v              |   27 +
 manual/PRESENTATION_ExOth/axis_test.ys             |    5 +
 manual/PRESENTATION_ExOth/equiv.ys                 |   17 +
 manual/PRESENTATION_ExOth/scrambler.v              |   14 +
 manual/PRESENTATION_ExOth/scrambler.ys             |   23 +
 manual/PRESENTATION_ExSyn.tex                      |   24 +-
 manual/PRESENTATION_ExSyn/Makefile                 |    2 +-
 manual/PRESENTATION_ExSyn/techmap_01_map.v         |    6 +-
 manual/PRESENTATION_Intro.tex                      |  189 +-
 manual/PRESENTATION_Intro/counter.ys               |   11 +-
 manual/PRESENTATION_Prog.tex                       |  452 +++-
 manual/PRESENTATION_Prog/.gitignore                |    1 +
 manual/PRESENTATION_Prog/Makefile                  |   18 +
 manual/PRESENTATION_Prog/absval_ref.v              |    3 +
 manual/PRESENTATION_Prog/my_cmd.cc                 |   71 +
 manual/PRESENTATION_Prog/sigmap_test.v             |    3 +
 manual/command-reference-manual.tex                |    2 +-
 manual/presentation.sh                             |    2 +
 manual/presentation.tex                            |   22 +-
 manual/weblinks.bib                                |    6 -
 passes/abc/abc.cc                                  |  474 ++--
 passes/abc/blifparse.cc                            |   80 +-
 passes/cmds/Makefile.inc                           |    4 +
 passes/cmds/add.cc                                 |   23 +-
 passes/cmds/connect.cc                             |   18 +-
 passes/cmds/connwrappers.cc                        |   24 +-
 passes/cmds/copy.cc                                |    9 +-
 passes/cmds/cover.cc                               |  144 ++
 passes/cmds/delete.cc                              |   61 +-
 passes/cmds/design.cc                              |   29 +-
 passes/cmds/plugin.cc                              |  124 +
 passes/cmds/rename.cc                              |   65 +-
 passes/cmds/scatter.cc                             |   15 +-
 passes/cmds/scc.cc                                 |   16 +-
 passes/cmds/select.cc                              |  185 +-
 passes/cmds/setattr.cc                             |   10 +-
 passes/cmds/setundef.cc                            |   70 +-
 passes/cmds/show.cc                                |  135 +-
 passes/cmds/splice.cc                              |   74 +-
 passes/cmds/splitnets.cc                           |   55 +-
 passes/cmds/stat.cc                                |   49 +-
 passes/cmds/tee.cc                                 |    6 +-
 passes/cmds/trace.cc                               |   97 +
 passes/cmds/write_file.cc                          |   76 +
 passes/fsm/fsm.cc                                  |    6 +-
 passes/fsm/fsm_detect.cc                           |   34 +-
 passes/fsm/fsm_expand.cc                           |  104 +-
 passes/fsm/fsm_export.cc                           |   14 +-
 passes/fsm/fsm_extract.cc                          |  249 +-
 passes/fsm/fsm_info.cc                             |    4 +-
 passes/fsm/fsm_map.cc                              |  304 ++-
 passes/fsm/fsm_opt.cc                              |   94 +-
 passes/fsm/fsm_recode.cc                           |   33 +-
 passes/fsm/fsmdata.h                               |   22 +-
 passes/hierarchy/hierarchy.cc                      |  133 +-
 passes/hierarchy/submod.cc                         |  105 +-
 passes/memory/Makefile.inc                         |    1 +
 passes/memory/memory.cc                            |    6 +
 passes/memory/memory_collect.cc                    |  102 +-
 passes/memory/memory_dff.cc                        |  119 +-
 passes/memory/memory_map.cc                        |  513 ++---
 passes/memory/memory_share.cc                      |  744 ++++++
 passes/memory/memory_unpack.cc                     |   40 +-
 passes/opt/Makefile.inc                            |    2 +
 passes/opt/opt.cc                                  |   88 +-
 passes/opt/opt_clean.cc                            |  119 +-
 passes/opt/opt_const.cc                            |  752 ++++--
 passes/opt/opt_muxtree.cc                          |   86 +-
 passes/opt/opt_reduce.cc                           |  259 ++-
 passes/opt/opt_rmdff.cc                            |   84 +-
 passes/opt/opt_share.cc                            |   52 +-
 passes/opt/opt_status.h                            |   26 -
 passes/opt/share.cc                                |  986 ++++++++
 passes/opt/wreduce.cc                              |  353 +++
 passes/proc/proc_arst.cc                           |   89 +-
 passes/proc/proc_clean.cc                          |   27 +-
 passes/proc/proc_dff.cc                            |  263 +--
 passes/proc/proc_init.cc                           |   33 +-
 passes/proc/proc_mux.cc                            |  132 +-
 passes/proc/proc_rmdead.cc                         |   13 +-
 passes/sat/eval.cc                                 |  115 +-
 passes/sat/example.ys                              |    7 +-
 passes/sat/expose.cc                               |  232 +-
 passes/sat/freduce.cc                              |   45 +-
 passes/sat/miter.cc                                |  196 +-
 passes/sat/sat.cc                                  |  111 +-
 passes/techmap/.gitignore                          |    2 +-
 passes/techmap/Makefile.inc                        |   23 +-
 passes/techmap/dfflibmap.cc                        |   57 +-
 passes/techmap/extract.cc                          |  190 +-
 passes/techmap/hilomap.cc                          |   42 +-
 passes/techmap/iopadmap.cc                         |   31 +-
 passes/techmap/libparse.cc                         |   40 +-
 passes/techmap/libparse.h                          |    4 +-
 passes/techmap/simplemap.cc                        |  423 ++--
 passes/techmap/techmap.cc                          |  611 +++--
 passes/tests/Makefile.inc                          |    4 +
 passes/tests/test_autotb.cc                        |  353 +++
 passes/tests/test_cell.cc                          |  573 +++++
 techlibs/common/Makefile.inc                       |   30 +-
 techlibs/common/adff2dff.v                         |   27 +
 techlibs/common/simcells.v                         |   48 +-
 techlibs/common/simlib.v                           |  271 ++-
 techlibs/common/stdcells.v                         | 1104 ---------
 techlibs/common/techmap.v                          |  855 +++++++
 techlibs/xilinx/Makefile.inc                       |    4 +-
 techlibs/xilinx/cells.v                            |   36 +-
 tests/asicworld/run-test.sh                        |    3 +-
 tests/fsm/.gitignore                               |    1 +
 tests/fsm/generate.py                              |  109 +
 tests/fsm/run-test.sh                              |   32 +
 tests/hana/README                                  |   10 -
 tests/hana/run-test.sh                             |    3 +-
 tests/hana/test_intermout.v                        |  418 ++++
 tests/hana/test_intermout_always_comb_1_test.v     |   13 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_always_comb_3_test.v     |   10 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_always_comb_4_test.v     |    9 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_always_comb_5_test.v     |   11 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_always_ff_3_test.v       |   15 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_always_ff_4_test.v       |   11 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_always_ff_5_test.v       |   13 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_always_ff_6_test.v       |    7 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_always_ff_8_test.v       |   11 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_always_ff_9_test.v       |   14 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_always_latch_1_test.v    |    9 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_bufrm_1_test.v           |    4 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_bufrm_2_test.v           |    7 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_bufrm_6_test.v           |   22 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_bufrm_7_test.v           |   33 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_exprs_add_test.v         |   10 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_exprs_binlogic_test.v    |   13 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_exprs_bitwiseneg_test.v  |    5 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_exprs_buffer_test.v      |    9 -
 .../hana/test_intermout_exprs_condexpr_mux_test.v  |   11 -
 .../test_intermout_exprs_condexpr_tribuf_test.v    |    9 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_exprs_const_test.v       |    7 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_exprs_constshift_test.v  |   12 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_exprs_div_test.v         |   10 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_exprs_logicneg_test.v    |    7 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_exprs_mod_test.v         |   10 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_exprs_mul_test.v         |   10 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_exprs_redand_test.v      |    5 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_exprs_redop_test.v       |   16 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_exprs_sub_test.v         |   10 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_exprs_unaryminus_test.v  |    5 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_exprs_unaryplus_test.v   |    4 -
 tests/hana/test_intermout_exprs_varshift_test.v    |   10 -
 tests/hana/test_parse2synthtrans.v                 |  117 +
 tests/hana/test_parse2synthtrans_behavopt_1_test.v |   22 -
 tests/hana/test_parse2synthtrans_case_1_test.v     |   26 -
 .../hana/test_parse2synthtrans_contassign_1_test.v |    7 -
 .../test_parse2synthtrans_module_basic0_test.v     |    2 -
 .../hana/test_parse2synthtrans_operators_1_test.v  |   11 -
 tests/hana/test_parse2synthtrans_param_1_test.v    |    7 -
 .../test_parse2synthtrans_port_scalar_1_test.v     |    6 -
 .../test_parse2synthtrans_port_vector_1_test.v     |    9 -
 ...arse2synthtrans_v2k_comb_logic_sens_list_test.v |    9 -
 tests/hana/test_parser.v                           |   87 +
 .../test_parser_constructs_module_basic1_test.v    |    2 -
 .../test_parser_constructs_param_basic0_test.v     |   10 -
 .../hana/test_parser_constructs_port_basic0_test.v |    8 -
 .../test_parser_directives_define_simpledef_test.v |    9 -
 tests/hana/test_parser_misc_operators_test.v       |   29 -
 .../test_parser_v2k_comb_port_data_type_test.v     |    6 -
 .../test_parser_v2k_comma_sep_sens_list_test.v     |    9 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_always.v                |  135 ++
 tests/hana/test_simulation_always_15_test.v        |    5 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_always_17_test.v        |   13 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_always_18_test.v        |   10 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_always_19_test.v        |   11 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_always_1_test.v         |    5 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_always_20_test.v        |   15 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_always_21_test.v        |   11 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_always_22_test.v        |    7 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_always_23_test.v        |   14 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_always_27_test.v        |   13 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_always_29_test.v        |    9 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_and.v                   |   35 +
 tests/hana/test_simulation_and_1_test.v            |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_and_2_test.v            |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_and_3_test.v            |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_and_4_test.v            |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_and_5_test.v            |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_and_6_test.v            |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_and_7_test.v            |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_buffer.v                |   17 +
 tests/hana/test_simulation_buffer_1_test.v         |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_buffer_2_test.v         |    4 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_buffer_3_test.v         |    4 -
 ..._decoder_8_test.v => test_simulation_decoder.v} |  145 +-
 tests/hana/test_simulation_decoder_2_test.v        |   14 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_decoder_3_test.v        |   14 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_decoder_4_test.v        |   14 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_decoder_5_test.v        |   17 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_decoder_6_test.v        |   27 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_decoder_7_test.v        |   43 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_inc.v                   |   42 +
 tests/hana/test_simulation_inc_16_test.v           |    5 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_inc_1_test.v            |    5 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_inc_2_test.v            |    5 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_inc_32_test.v           |    5 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_inc_4_test.v            |    5 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_inc_8_test.v            |    5 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_mod_1_xx.v              |   13 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_mux.v                   |  176 ++
 tests/hana/test_simulation_mux_16_test.v           |   22 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_mux_2_test.v            |    8 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_mux_32_test.v           |   39 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_mux_4_test.v            |   10 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_mux_64_test.v           |   71 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_mux_8_test.v            |   14 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_nand.v                  |   25 +
 tests/hana/test_simulation_nand_1_test.v           |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_nand_3_test.v           |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_nand_4_test.v           |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_nand_5_test.v           |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_nand_6_test.v           |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_nor.v                   |   20 +
 tests/hana/test_simulation_nor_1_test.v            |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_nor_2_test.v            |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_nor_3_test.v            |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_nor_4_test.v            |    3 -
 ...st_simulation_opt_constprop_contassign_1_test.v |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_or.v                    |   30 +
 tests/hana/test_simulation_or_1_test.v             |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_or_2_test.v             |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_or_3_test.v             |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_or_4_test.v             |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_or_5_test.v             |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_or_6_test.v             |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_seq.v                   |   12 +
 tests/hana/test_simulation_seq_ff_1_test.v         |    4 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_seq_ff_2_test.v         |    4 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_shifter.v               |   60 +
 tests/hana/test_simulation_shifter_left_16_test.v  |    4 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_shifter_left_32_test.v  |    4 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_shifter_left_4_test.v   |    4 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_shifter_left_64_test.v  |    4 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_shifter_left_8_test.v   |    4 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_shifter_right_16_test.v |    4 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_shifter_right_32_test.v |    4 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_shifter_right_4_test.v  |    4 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_shifter_right_64_test.v |    4 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_shifter_right_8_test.v  |    4 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_sop.v                   |   65 +
 tests/hana/test_simulation_sop_basic_10_test.v     |    8 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_sop_basic_11_test.v     |   10 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_sop_basic_12_test.v     |   14 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_sop_basic_18_test.v     |    5 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_sop_basic_3_test.v      |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_sop_basic_7_test.v      |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_sop_basic_8_test.v      |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_sop_basic_9_test.v      |    3 -
 ...ap_mux_128_test.v => test_simulation_techmap.v} |   40 +-
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_and_19_tech.v   |    7 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_and_5_tech.v    |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_buf_test.v      |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_inv_test.v      |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_mux_0_test.v    |    8 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_mux_8_test.v    |   14 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_nand_19_tech.v  |   11 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_nand_2_tech.v   |   11 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_nand_5_tech.v   |   11 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_nor_19_tech.v   |   11 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_nor_2_tech.v    |   11 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_nor_5_tech.v    |   11 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_or_19_tech.v    |    7 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_or_5_tech.v     |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_tech.v          |  143 ++
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_xnor_2_tech.v   |    6 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_xnor_5_tech.v   |    6 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_xor_19_tech.v   |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_xor_2_tech.v    |    6 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_techmap_xor_5_tech.v    |    6 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_tribuf_2_test.v         |    3 -
 ...ation_always_31_tt.v => test_simulation_vlib.v} |   17 +-
 tests/hana/test_simulation_xnor.v                  |   20 +
 tests/hana/test_simulation_xnor_1_test.v           |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_xnor_2_test.v           |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_xnor_3_test.v           |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_xnor_4_test.v           |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_xor.v                   |   20 +
 tests/hana/test_simulation_xor_1_test.v            |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_xor_2_test.v            |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_xor_3_test.v            |    3 -
 tests/hana/test_simulation_xor_4_test.v            |    3 -
 tests/memories/.gitignore                          |    3 +
 tests/memories/amber23_sram_byte_en.v              |   84 +
 tests/memories/implicit_en.v                       |   24 +
 tests/memories/no_implicit_en.v                    |   24 +
 tests/memories/run-test.sh                         |   19 +
 tests/memories/shared_ports.v                      |   25 +
 tests/memories/simple_sram_byte_en.v               |   26 +
 tests/realmath/.gitignore                          |    1 +
 tests/realmath/generate.py                         |   91 +
 tests/realmath/run-test.sh                         |   24 +
 tests/sat/asserts.ys                               |    2 +-
 tests/sat/asserts_seq.ys                           |    2 +-
 tests/sat/initval.v                                |   15 +
 tests/sat/initval.ys                               |    4 +
 tests/sat/share.v                                  |   32 +
 tests/sat/share.ys                                 |   17 +
 tests/share/.gitignore                             |    1 +
 tests/share/generate.py                            |   73 +
 tests/share/run-test.sh                            |   27 +
 tests/simple/arraycells.v                          |    2 +-
 tests/simple/fsm.v                                 |    2 +-
 tests/simple/generate.v                            |    6 +-
 tests/simple/i2c_master_tests.v                    |    4 +-
 tests/simple/macros.v                              |    7 +
 tests/simple/mem2reg.v                             |   16 +-
 tests/simple/memory.v                              |  101 +-
 tests/simple/operators.v                           |    2 +-
 tests/simple/paramods.v                            |    6 +-
 tests/simple/partsel.v                             |   59 +-
 tests/simple/realexpr.v                            |   24 +
 tests/simple/repwhile.v                            |    2 +-
 tests/simple/run-test.sh                           |    3 +-
 tests/simple/scopes.v                              |   63 +
 tests/simple/signedexpr.v                          |    2 +-
 tests/simple/task_func.v                           |   15 +-
 tests/simple/undef_eqx_nex.v                       |    2 +-
 tests/simple/{usb_phy_tetsts.v => usb_phy_tests.v} |    2 +-
 tests/techmap/mem_simple_4x1_map.v                 |   15 +-
 tests/tools/autotest.mk                            |    8 +
 tests/tools/autotest.sh                            |   41 +-
 tests/various/.gitignore                           |    1 +
 tests/various/constmsk_test.v                      |    4 +
 tests/various/constmsk_test.ys                     |   15 +
 tests/various/constmsk_testmap.v                   |   49 +
 tests/various/run-test.sh                          |    6 +
 tests/various/submod_extract.ys                    |   21 +
 tests/vloghtb/.gitignore                           |    9 +
 tests/vloghtb/common.sh                            |   70 +
 tests/vloghtb/run-test.sh                          |   15 +
 tests/vloghtb/test_makefile                        |    9 +
 tests/vloghtb/test_mapopt.sh                       |   17 +
 tests/vloghtb/test_share.sh                        |   11 +
 453 files changed, 21391 insertions(+), 12473 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/yosys.git

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