[symmetrica] 02/03: Imported Debian patch 2.0+ds-1

Jerome Benoit calculus-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Sep 22 22:21:57 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

calculus-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository symmetrica.

commit 410bbaab6138346fc3b03240bff2515ecf523c22
Author: Jerome Benoit <calculus at rezozer.net>
Date:   Mon Sep 22 23:32:30 2014 +0200

    Imported Debian patch 2.0+ds-1
 debian/adhoc/examples/sample.c                     |   10 +
 debian/changelog                                   |   38 +-
 debian/control                                     |   80 +-
 debian/copyright                                   |   56 +-
 debian/libsymmetrica-2.0.install                   |    1 -
 debian/libsymmetrica-dev.install                   |    3 -
 debian/libsymmetrica2-dev.install                  |    5 +
 debian/libsymmetrica2.install                      |    1 +
 debian/libsymmetrica2.lintian-overrides            |    1 +
 debian/libsymmetrica2.symbols                      | 2880 ++++++++++++++++++
 ...bianization-bug-748142-goto_cc-neutralize.patch |   19 +
 debian/patches/debianization.patch                 |   34 +
 debian/patches/macros-bugfix.patch                 |   46 -
 debian/patches/series                              |   15 +-
 debian/patches/shared-library.patch                |   42 -
 debian/patches/upstream-autotoolization.patch      |  295 ++
 debian/patches/upstream-fix-doc-typo.patch         | 2691 +++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/upstream-fix-warning-format.patch   | 1111 +++++++
 .../patches/upstream-fix-warning-implicits.patch   |  477 +++
 ...banner.patch => upstream-sage-banner_off.patch} |   13 +-
 debian/patches/upstream-sage-bruch.patch           |   43 +
 debian/patches/upstream-sage-int32.patch           |   43 +
 debian/patches/upstream-sage-sort_sum_rename.patch |  334 +++
 debian/patches/upstream-source-typo.patch          |   42 +
 debian/patches/upstream-version_script-map.patch   | 3108 ++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/repack                                      |   89 +
 debian/rules                                       |   26 +-
 debian/source/format                               |    2 +-
 debian/source/lintian-overrides                    |    1 +
 debian/source/options                              |    2 +
 debian/symmetrica-doc.docs                         |    1 +
 debian/symmetrica-doc.examples                     |    1 +
 debian/watch                                       |    7 +-
 33 files changed, 11358 insertions(+), 159 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/adhoc/examples/sample.c b/debian/adhoc/examples/sample.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..466d947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/adhoc/examples/sample.c
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ * $ gcc -o sample sample.c -lsymmetrica
+#include <symmetrica.h>
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 3aadd1b..e5f2562 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,9 +1,39 @@
-symmetrica (2.0-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+symmetrica (2.0+ds-1) unstable; urgency=medium
-  * Added symmetrica-doc package.  Gave descriptions to patches and made package 
-	lintian clean.
+  * New maintainer (Closes: #761243).
+  * Debianization:
+    - debian/copyright:
+      - in DEP-5 format, bump;
+      - proper copyright license, ISC instead of GPL-2+;
+      - refresh;
+    - debian/control:
+      - debhelper build-dep to >= 9, bump;
+      - Standards Version 3.9.6, bump;
+      - Vcs-* headers, provide/refresh (Closes: #697315);
+    - debian/source, format 3.0 (quilt), bump;
+    - debian/watch file, refresh;
+    - debian/repack, repack script to folder the source material;
+    - debian/rules:
+      - full and minal dh integration;
+      - hardened dh_auto_clean;
+      - get-orig-source uscan based target which downloads the currently
+        packaged upstream tarball and repacks it;
+      - default target which basically queries package status with uscan
+        -- output in DEHS format;
+    - debian/patches/:
+    	- Sage patches, apply with minor modifications;
+      - doc patches, harmonize and correct;
+      - script-version, create by hand wrt `def.h' and `macro.h';
+      - autotools build machinery, write from scratch to ease maintenance;
+      - library versionning, introduce (version 2);
+      - library header, named `symmetrica.h', introduce;
+      - goto-cc analysis, (hopefully) neutralize (Closes: #748142);
+    - gpg-signature check support, neutralize;
+    - debug and document packages, introduce (Closes: #577261);
+    - simple Symmetrica sample, provide;
+  * Minor, cosmetic fixes submitted to the upstream maintainer team.
- -- Dominique Ingoglia <Dominique.Ingoglia at gmail.com>  Mon, 20 Jan 2014 11:40:01 -0700
+ -- Jerome Benoit <calculus at rezozer.net>  Mon, 22 Sep 2014 20:55:52 +0000
 symmetrica (2.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 5938673..a53e012 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -2,49 +2,85 @@ Source: symmetrica
 Section: math
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Uploaders: Dominique Ingoglia <Dominique.Ingoglia at gmail.com>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9)
-Homepage: http://www.neu.uni-bayreuth.de/de/Uni_Bayreuth/Fakultaeten/1_Mathematik_Physik_und_Informatik/Fachgruppe_Informatik/prof_diskrete_algorithmen/en/research/SYMMETRICA/index.html
-Standards-Version: 3.9.5
+Uploaders: Jerome Benoit <calculus at rezozer.net>
+ debhelper (>= 9), quilt, autotools-dev, dh-autoreconf, libtool
+Standards-Version: 3.9.6
+Homepage: http://www.algorithm.uni-bayreuth.de/en/research/SYMMETRICA
+Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/symmetrical.git
+Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=debian-science/packages/symmetrica.git
-Package: libsymmetrica-dev
+Package: libsymmetrica2
+Provides: libsymmetrica
+Replaces: libsymmetrica-2.0
+Section: libs
 Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
 Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libsymmetrica-2.0 (= ${binary:Version})
-Description: Library for algebraic combinatorics, development files
- Symmetrica is a library for combinatorics.  It has support for the
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Conflicts: libsymmetrica
+Suggests: symmetrica-doc
+Multi-Arch: same
+Description: Symmetrica Combinatoric C Library -- library package
+ Symmetrica is a library for combinatorics. It has support for the
  representation theory of the symmetric group and related groups,
  combinatorics of tableaux, symmetric functions and polynomials,
  Schubert polynomials, and the representation theory of Hecke algebras
  of type A_n.
- This package contains development files for symmetrica.
+ This package provides the shared library required to run programs
+ compiled against the Symmetrica Combinatoric C Library. To compile
+ your own program you also need to install the libsymmetrica2-dev
+ package.
-Package: libsymmetrica-2.0
+Package: libsymmetrica2-dev
+Provides: libsymmetrica-dev
+Section: libdevel
 Architecture: any
-Section: libs
-Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Description: Library for algebraic combinatorics, shared library
- Symmetrica is a library for combinatorics.  It has support for the
+Depends: libsymmetrica2 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
+Conflicts: libsymmetrica-dev
+Suggests: symmetrica-doc
+Multi-Arch: same
+Description: Symmetrica Combinatoric C Library -- development package
+ Symmetrica is a library for combinatorics. It has support for the
  representation theory of the symmetric group and related groups,
  combinatorics of tableaux, symmetric functions and polynomials,
  Schubert polynomials, and the representation theory of Hecke algebras
  of type A_n.
- This package contains the shared library for symmetrica.
+ This package contains the header files, static libraries and symbolic
+ links that developers using the Symmetrica Combinatoric C Library will
+ need.
+Package: libsymmetrica2-dbg
+Provides: libsymmetrica-dbg
+Section: debug
+Priority: extra
+Architecture: any
+Depends: libsymmetrica2 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
+Conflicts: libsymmetrica-dbg
+Multi-Arch: same
+Description: Symmetrica Combinatoric C Library -- debug symbols package
+ Symmetrica is a library for combinatorics. It has support for the
+ representation theory of the symmetric group and related groups,
+ combinatorics of tableaux, symmetric functions and polynomials,
+ Schubert polynomials, and the representation theory of Hecke algebras
+ of type A_n.
+ .
+ This package provides the debugging symbols for the libraries from
+ the libsymmetrica2 package.
 Package: symmetrica-doc
-Architecture: all
 Section: doc
-Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
+Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}
-Description: Library for algebraic combinatorics, documentation
- Symmetrica is a library for combinatorics.  It has support for the
+Suggests: libsymmetrica2 (= ${binary:Version}), libsymmetrica2-dev (= ${binary:Version})
+Multi-Arch: foreign
+Description: Symmetrica Combinatoric C Library -- documentation
+ Symmetrica is a library for combinatorics. It has support for the
  representation theory of the symmetric group and related groups,
  combinatorics of tableaux, symmetric functions and polynomials,
  Schubert polynomials, and the representation theory of Hecke algebras
  of type A_n.
- This package contains the documentation for symmetrica.
+ This package provides documentation for the Symmetrica Combinatoric C
+ Library; it also contains examples.
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index 47bf5e1..e9cac3a 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -1,25 +1,41 @@
-Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
+Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0
 Upstream-Name: Symmetrica
 Upstream-Contact: Lehrstuhl Mathematik II <symmetrica at symmetrica.de>
-Source: http://www.neu.uni-bayreuth.de/de/Uni_Bayreuth/Fakultaeten/1_Mathematik_Physik_und_Informatik/Fachgruppe_Informatik/prof_diskrete_algorithmen/en/research/SYMMETRICA/index.html
+Source: http://www.algorithm.uni-bayreuth.de/en/research/SYMMETRICA/
+ The upstream source tarball is repacked mainly to contain the source material
+ into a folder and eventually to substantially reduce size.
 Files: *
-Copyright: (c) 1987-2008, Lehrstuhl Mathematik II <symmetrica at symmetrica.de>
-License: GPL-2+
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- .
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- .
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- .
- On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
- can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'
+ 1987-2014 Lehrstuhl Mathematik II <symmetrica at symmetrica.de>
+License: ISC
+ This package was originally set under a faulty license:
+ confirmation was asked to the copyright holder.
+Files: debian/*
+ 2014 Jerome Benoit <calculus at rezozer.net>
+ 2008 Tim Abbott <tabbott at mit.edu>
+License: ISC
+ This package was originally debianized by Tim Abbott <tabbott at mit.edu>
+ under the same but then faulty upstream license: Debian material is now set
+ under ISC licence which is the effective license of the upstream material.
+ Thanks also to Dominique Ingoglia <Dominique.Ingoglia at gmail.com>,
+ Lifeng Sun <lifongsun at gmail.com>, and Tobias Hansen <tobias.han at gmx.de>
+ who had contributed to the Debian material as deposited at Alioth.
+License: ISC
+ Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for
+ any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the
+ above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ .
diff --git a/debian/libsymmetrica-2.0.install b/debian/libsymmetrica-2.0.install
deleted file mode 100644
index d72e118..0000000
--- a/debian/libsymmetrica-2.0.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/libsymmetrica-dev.install b/debian/libsymmetrica-dev.install
deleted file mode 100644
index f8657e1..0000000
--- a/debian/libsymmetrica-dev.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/libsymmetrica2-dev.install b/debian/libsymmetrica2-dev.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86da735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libsymmetrica2-dev.install
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/debian/libsymmetrica2.install b/debian/libsymmetrica2.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a56d09c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libsymmetrica2.install
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/libsymmetrica2.lintian-overrides b/debian/libsymmetrica2.lintian-overrides
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3765e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libsymmetrica2.lintian-overrides
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/libsymmetrica2.symbols b/debian/libsymmetrica2.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46df3a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libsymmetrica2.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,2880 @@
+libsymmetrica.so.2 libsymmetrica2 #MINVER#
+ B_W at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ Cdeg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ Cgen at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ Cosinus_eingabe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ E_eingabe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ Exp_eingabe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ GaussRecInternal at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ Ggen at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ Kn_adjacency_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ P_symmetrized_bideterminant at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ Perm_eingabe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ R_roftableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ SYMMETRICA_bricknumber at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ SYM_calloc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ SYM_div at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ SYM_free at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ SYM_malloc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ SYM_realloc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ SYM_sort at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ SYM_sum at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ S_a_rofword at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ S_rofword at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ Sinus_eingabe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ UD_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ _homtest at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ a_charvalue at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ a_charvalue_co at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ absolute at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ absolute_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ absolute_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ absolute_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ absolute_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ absolute_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_adjacency_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_bruch_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_bruch_bruch_pre261101 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_bruch_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_bruch_scalar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_default at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_gral at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_gral_gral at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_integer_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_integer_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_integer_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_laurent at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_longint_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_longint_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_matrix_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_polynom_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_polynom_scalar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_polynom_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_scalar_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_scalar_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_schubert_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_symfunc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_symfunc_symfunc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_apply_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_bruch_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_bruch_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_bruch_scalar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_cyclo_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_elmsym_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_galois at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_homsym_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_integer_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_integer_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_koeff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_laurent at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_longint_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_longint_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_matrix_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_monom_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_monomial_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_monopoly_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_part_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_polynom_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_powsym_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_scalar_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_scalar_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_scalar_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_scalar_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_schubert_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_schur_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_sqrad_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_staircase_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ add_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply_galois at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply_laurent at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_apply_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addinvers_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ addtoallvectorelements at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ak_make_alt_classes at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ak_make_alt_partitions at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ak_plet_phm_integer_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ all_01_matrices at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ all_irred_polynomials at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ all_orbits at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ all_orbits_set_rankf at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ all_orbits_set_trace at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ all_orbits_unset_rankf at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ all_orbits_unset_trace at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ all_plactic_word at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ all_points_phg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ all_ppoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ alle_teiler at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ allkostka at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ alt_dimension at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ alt_odg_trafo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ alt_sdg_trafo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ an_odg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ an_rz_perm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ an_sdg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ an_tafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ an_trafo_odg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ an_trafo_sdg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ anfang at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ append at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ append_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ append_apply_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ append_apply_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ append_behind_matrix_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ append_below_matrix_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ append_column_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ append_part_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ append_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ apply_INJDT at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ augpart at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_d_sc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_gk_spa at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_i_pa at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_kl_pa at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_ks_o at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_ks_p at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_ks_pa at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_ksd_n at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_l_nv at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_l_v at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_lh_m at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_lh_nm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_lhs_m at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_ls_v at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_matrix_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_o_v at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_ou_b at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_pa_mon at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_pa_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_perm_vector_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_s_po at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_scalar_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_scalar_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_scalar_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_scalar_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_scalar_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_sk_mo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_skn_mp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_skn_po at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_skn_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_skn_sch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_sn_e at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_sn_h at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_sn_l at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_sn_mon at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_sn_po at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_sn_ps at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_sn_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_u_t at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_us_t at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ b_wpd_sc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bar_rectr at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ basis_mod_dg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bdg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bestimme_D at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bestimme_fixpunkt at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bestimme_konjugiertenklasse at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bestimme_zufallsmatrizen at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bideterminant at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bideterminant_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bideterminant_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bilde_htupel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bin_ggt at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ binom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ binom_small at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ binom_values at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bit at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bit_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ brauer_char at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bru_comp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bruch_anfang at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bruch_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bruch_not_scalar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bruhat_comp_perm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bruhat_ideal at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bruhat_ideal_strong at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bruhat_ideal_weak at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bruhat_interval_strong at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bruhat_interval_weak at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ bruhat_rank_function at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ build_lc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ build_propab_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_b_o at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_b_u at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_ff_ip at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_i_i at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_i_n at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_i_n_an at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_ij_sn at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_ijk_sn at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_ijk_sn_tafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_kr_g at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_kr_v at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_l_n at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_l_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_m_h at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_m_hash at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_m_l at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_m_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_mo_k at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_mo_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_n_d at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_n_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_o_k at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_o_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_p_k at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_p_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_pa_hash at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_pa_k at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_pa_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_s_n at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_sc_d at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_sc_p at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_sc_w at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_sch_n at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_spa_g at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_spa_k at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_t_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_t_u at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_v_i at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_v_l at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ c_v_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ calculate_fixed_point_number at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ callocobject at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ callocobject_anfang at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ callocobject_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ callocobject_fast at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ callocobject_magma at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_apply_barperm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_apply_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_apply_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_apply_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_apply_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_apply_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_apply_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_apply_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_apply_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_apply_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_apply_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_apply_perm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_apply_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_apply_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_apply_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_apply_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_apply_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cast_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cc_muir_mms_partition_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cc_plet_pes_integer_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cc_plet_phs_integer_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cc_plet_pss_integer_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cc_plet_pss_partition_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ change_column_ij at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ change_row_ij at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ char_matrix_scalar_product at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ character_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ characteristik_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ characteristik_to_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ charakteristik_to_ypolynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ charge_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ charge_word at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ chartafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ chartafel_bit at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ chartafel_nonbit at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ chartafel_partvector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ chartafel_symfunc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ charvalue at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ charvalue_bit at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ charvalue_tafel_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ check_braid at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ check_commute at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ check_equal_2 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ check_equal_2a at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ check_equal_3 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ check_equal_4 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ check_hecke_generators at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ check_hecke_quadratic at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ check_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ check_result_0 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ check_result_1 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ check_result_2 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ check_result_3 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ check_result_5 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ check_time at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ check_time_co at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ check_zeilenposition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ check_zero_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ class_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ class_label at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ class_label_glnq at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ class_label_glnq_co at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ class_mult at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ class_mult_part_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ class_mult_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ class_rep at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ class_rep_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ class_rep_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ clone_size_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ co_070295 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ co_k_dimmod at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ co_polya3_sub at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ co_polya_sub at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ co_zykelind_pglkq at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ code_mod_into_ord2 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ code_mod_into_ord at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ coeff_of_in at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ column_standardise_tableau at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ columns_standardise_tableau at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ columnwordoftableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_bigr_bigr at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_bigr_perm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_bruch_scalar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_bv at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_colex_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_colex_schurmonom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_colex_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_galois at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_integer_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_integermatrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_kranztafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_lex_perm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_list_co at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_longint_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_monomelmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_monomhomsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_monommonomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_monompowsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_monomschur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_monomvector_monomvector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_number at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_numeric_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_partition_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_permutation_pol at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_polynom_scalar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_skewpartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_skewpartition_skewpartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ comp_word at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ complete_complete_plet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ complete_schur_plet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ complex_conjugate at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ compute_complete_with_alphabet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ compute_elmsym_with_alphabet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ compute_gl_c_ijk at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ compute_gl_charvalue at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ compute_gl_cl_classorder at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ compute_gl_il_dimension at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ compute_monomial_with_alphabet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ compute_power_with_alphabet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ compute_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ compute_schur_with_alphabet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ compute_schur_with_alphabet_det at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ compute_skewschur_with_alphabet_det at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ compute_zonal_with_alphabet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ conj_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ conj_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ conjugate at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ conjugate_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ conjugate_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ conjugate_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ conjugate_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ conjugate_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ conjugate_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ conjugate_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cons_drei at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cons_eins at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cons_negeins at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cons_null at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cons_zwei at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ consp_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ contain_comp_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ content at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ content_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ content_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ content_word at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ convert_cyclo_scalar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ convert_radical_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ convert_sqrad_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ convert_sqrad_scalar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_bintree at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_bitvector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_composition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_galois at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_integermatrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_kranztypus at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_laurent at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_number at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_queue at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_skewpartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_subset at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ copy_word at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cyclic_tafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cyclo_an_tafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ cyclo_odg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ debruijn_all_functions at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ debruijn_inj_functions at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ debugprint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ debugprint_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ debugprint_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ debugprint_object at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ debugprint_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dec at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dec_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dec_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dec_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dec_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dec_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dec_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ decp_mat at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ decreasingp_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ degree_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ degree_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ delete_column_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ delete_entry_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ delete_row_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ derivative at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ det270588 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ det at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ det_imm_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ det_mat_imm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ det_mat_tri at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ det_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dg_mp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ diagramm_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dimension at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dimension_augpart at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dimension_bit at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dimension_mod at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dimension_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dimension_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dimension_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dimension_skewpartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dimension_symmetrization at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dimino at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ display at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ display_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ div_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ div_apply_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ div_default at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ divdiff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ divdiff_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ divdiff_perm_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ divdiff_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ divideddiff_lc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ divideddiff_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ divideddiff_rz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ divideddiff_rz_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ divideddifference at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ divideddifference_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dixon_wilf_transversal at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ doffset at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dom_comp_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ double_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ double_apply_default at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ double_apply_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ double_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ durfee_size_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ dynamicp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eins at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eins_default at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eins_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eins_ff_given_q at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eins_galois at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eins_gr_given_c_d at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp_bitvector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp_cyclotomic at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp_galois at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp_symfunc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ einsp_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ elementarp_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ elementary_schur_plet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ embedding_mod_into_ord at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ empty_listp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ empty_object at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ emptyp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ en_forme at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ english_tableau at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ enter_list_to_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eq at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eq_cyclotomic at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eq_fieldobject_int at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eq_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eq_integervector_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eq_longint_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eq_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eq_monomsymfunc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eq_monomsymfunchash at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eq_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eq_partition_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eq_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eq_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eq_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ equal_2_error at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ equal_parts at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eqv at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ error at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ error_during_computation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ error_during_computation_code at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ euler_phi at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eval_2schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eval_char_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eval_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eval_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ eval_polynom_dir_prod at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ even at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ even_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ even_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ even_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ even_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ exchange_alphabets at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ exor_bitvector_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ factorize at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ factorize_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fakul at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fakul_longintresult at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fastrectr at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fatal_error at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ferrers at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ferrers_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ferrers_skewpartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ff_anfang at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ff_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fill_left_down_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ filter_apply_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ filter_apply_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ filter_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_1result_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_2result_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_bintree at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_knuth_tab_entry at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_non_root_standard_pos at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_non_rowstandard_pos at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_tab_entry at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_teh_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_tem_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_tep_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_the_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_thm_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_thp_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_tme_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_tmh_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_tpe_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_tph_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_user_bintree at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ find_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ findmax_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ findmax_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ findmax_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ findmax_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ findmax_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ findmax_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ findmin_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ findmin_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ findmin_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ findmin_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ findmin_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ first at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ first_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ first_composition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ first_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ first_ff_given_q at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ first_gr_given_c_d at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ first_kranztypus at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ first_lehmercode at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ first_lex_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ first_part_EXPONENT at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ first_part_VECTOR at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ first_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ first_perm_n_invers at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ first_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ first_prime_factor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ first_subset at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ first_tab_perm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ first_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint_bintree at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint_bitvector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint_number at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint_queue at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint_skewpartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprint_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fprintln at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ free_cyclotomic_parameters at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ free_root_parameters at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ free_useful_monopolies at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeall at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeall_magma at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeall_speicher at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeall_speicherposition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeall_speichersize at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeall_speichersize_max at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freemonom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freepartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_bintree at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_bitvector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_galois at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_graph at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_integermatrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_kranztypus at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_laurent at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_number at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_skewpartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freeself_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ freevectorstruct at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ frip_latex_zykelind at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ frobenius_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ frobenius_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ frobenius_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ frobenius_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ frobenius_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ fusedmemory at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ galois_anfang at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ galois_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ganzdiv at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ganzdiv_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ganzdiv_apply_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ganzdiv_apply_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ganzdiv_apply_longint_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ganzdiv_apply_longint_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ganzdiv_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ganzdiv_integer_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ganzdiv_integer_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ganzdiv_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ganzdiv_longint_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ganzdiv_longint_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ganzsquareroot at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ganzsquareroot_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ganzsquareroot_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ garnir at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ gauss_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ gauss_schubert_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ gcd_ex at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ gcd_int_po at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ gcd_mp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ gcd_mp_lent at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ge at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ gen_mat at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ gen_smat at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ generate_root_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ generate_standard_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ generators_glnq at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ generators_slnq at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ gengroup at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ get_ax_dist at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ get_bv_i at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ get_ff_irred at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ get_galois_irred at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ get_incidence_phg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ get_index at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ get_orb_rep at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ get_perm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ get_position at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ get_tex_polynom_parameter at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ get_time at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ggt at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ggt_field_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ggt_i at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ggt_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ggt_integer_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ggt_integer_integer_slow at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ggt_integer_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ggt_integer_slow at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ggt_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ggt_longint_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ggt_longint_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ggt_longint_longint_sub at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ggt_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ giambelli_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ gl_character at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ gl_dimension at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ gl_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ glm_B_W at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ glm_get_BV at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ glm_homtest at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ glm_sab at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ glmndg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ glpdg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ gr at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ gram_schmidt at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ grf_An at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ grf_Cn at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ grf_Dn at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ grf_Sn at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ grf_arb at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ group_gen at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ grouporder_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ growingorder_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ gt at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ gupta_nm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ gupta_nm_speicher at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ gupta_tafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ half_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ half_apply_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hall_littlewood at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hall_littlewood_alt at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hall_littlewood_dij at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hall_littlewood_tafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ has_one_variable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hash at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hash_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hash_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hash_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hash_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hash_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hash_monompartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hash_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hash_skewpartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hashv at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hecke_action_lc_on_lc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hecke_action_perm_on_hecke at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hecke_action_perm_on_lc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hecke_add at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hecke_dg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hecke_generator_reps at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hecke_mult at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hecke_root_generator_reps at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hecke_scale at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hfix_in_ww at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hoch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hoch_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hoch_bruch_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hoch_bruch_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hoch_default at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hoch_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hoch_integer_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hoch_integer_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hoch_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hoch_longint_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hoch_longint_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hook_diagramm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hook_length at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hook_length_augpart at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hook_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hook_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hookp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ horizontal_sum at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ hplus at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ idempotent at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ immanente_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inc_bitvector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inc_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inc_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inc_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inc_matrix_column_co at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inc_matrix_row_co at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inc_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inc_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inc_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inc_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inc_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inc_vector_co at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ index_galois at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ index_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ index_vector_binary at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ indexofpart at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inf_bitvector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inf_bitvector_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ init at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ init_bintree at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ init_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ init_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ init_galois_global at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ init_hall_littlewood at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ init_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ init_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ init_kostka at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ init_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ init_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ init_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ init_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ init_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ init_queue at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ init_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ init_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ init_size_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ init_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inner_tensor_sc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ innermaxmofn at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ input_glmn at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ input_lc_permutations at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ input_tableau at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ insert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ insert_bintree at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ insert_bt_bt at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ insert_elmsym_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ insert_entry_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ insert_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ insert_hashtable_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ insert_homsym_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ insert_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ insert_list_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ insert_list_list_2 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ insert_monomial_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ insert_powsym_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ insert_scalar_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ insert_schur_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ integer_factor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ integer_factors_to_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ integer_format at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ intlog at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ intlog_int at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ intlog_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_POLYNOM at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_apply_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_apply_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_apply_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_apply_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_bitvector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_galois at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_kostka_tafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_laurent at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ invers_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inverse_jeudetaquin_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inverse_nilplactic_jeudetaquin_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inversion_matrix_perm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ inversordcen at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ is_graphical at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ is_scalar_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ is_scalar_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ is_selfconjugate at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ jacobi at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ jacobitrudimatrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ jeudetaquin_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ johnson_graph_adjacency_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kgv at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kk_280604 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ knuth_row_delete_step at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ knuth_row_insert_step at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ knuth_twoword at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ konj_gral_perm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ konj_perm_perm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ konjugation2 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ konjugation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ konjugierende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kostka_character at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kostka_number at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kostka_number_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kostka_number_skewpartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kostka_tab at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kostka_tafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kranztafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kranztypus_charakteristik at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kranztypus_kranztypus_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kranztypus_to_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kronecker at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kronecker_product at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ krz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kuerzen at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kuerzen_integer_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kuerzen_integer_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kuerzen_integral at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kuerzen_longint_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kuerzen_longint_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kuerzen_yn at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ kung_formel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ l_complete_complete_plet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ l_complete_schur_plet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ l_elementary_schur_plet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ l_outerproduct_schur_lrs at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ l_power_schur_plet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ l_powerproduct_schur_plet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ l_schur_power_schur_plet_mult at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ l_schur_powerproduct_schur_plet_mult at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ l_schur_schur_plet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ l_schur_schur_pletbis at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ lagrange_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ last_lehmercode at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ last_part_EXPONENT at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ last_part_VECTOR at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ last_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ last_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ lastof at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ lastof_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ lastof_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ lastof_skewpartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ lastof_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ lastp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ lastp_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ latex_glm_dar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ latex_kranztafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ latticepword at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ldcf_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ldcf_mp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ le at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ lehmercode2_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ lehmercode at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ lehmercode_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ lehmercode_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ lehmercode_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ lehmercode_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ lehmercode_vector_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ length at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ length_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ length_bintree at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ length_comp_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ length_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ length_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ length_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ length_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ length_skewpartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ length_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ list_anfang at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ list_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ listp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ loc_counter at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ loc_index at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ loc_size at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ loc_speicher at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ longint_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ longint_speicher at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ longint_speicherindex at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ longint_speichersize at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ lt at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ lyndon_orb at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_INTEGER_elmtrans at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_INT_elmtrans at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_bar_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_cosinus_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_d_sc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_eins_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_ff_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_forall_monomials_in_a at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_forall_monomials_in_ab at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_forall_monomials_in_b at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_function_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_gk_spa at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_gl_alt at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_gl_chartafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_gl_cl at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_gl_co at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_gl_cr at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_gl_cyclic at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_gl_first at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_gl_ge_cl at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_gl_glnq at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_gl_go at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_gl_hyp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_gl_il at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_gl_nc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_gl_next at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_gl_sym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_gl_symkranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_i_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_i_i at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_i_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_i_pa at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_i_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_i_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_i_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_i_staircase at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_iindex_iexponent_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_iindex_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_iindex_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_il_bv at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_il_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_il_nbv at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_il_nv at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_il_p at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_il_pa at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_il_v at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_ilih_m at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_ilih_nm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_index_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_int_pa at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_ioiu_b at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_kl_pa at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_ks_p at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_ks_pa at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_ksd_n at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_l_nv at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_l_p at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_l_v at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_lehmer_schubert_monom_summe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_lehmer_schubert_qpolynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_lh_m at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_lh_nm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_matrix_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_matrix_umriss at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_merge_partition_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_nc_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_o_v at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_ou_b at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_pa_e at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_pa_h at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_pa_mon at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_pa_ps at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_pa_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_part_Qschur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_part_centralsc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_part_kostkaperm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_part_part_perm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_part_perm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_part_qelm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_part_sc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_part_sc_tafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_part_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_part_youngsc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_perm_2schubert_monom_summe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_perm_2schubert_operating_monom_summe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_perm_paareperm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_perm_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_perm_rz_number at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_perm_rz_set at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_perm_sch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_perm_schubert_dimension at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_perm_schubert_monom_summe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_perm_schubert_qpolynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_perm_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_s_po at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_scalar_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_scalar_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_scalar_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_scalar_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_scalar_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_scalar_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_scalar_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_scalar_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_scalar_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_sinus_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_sk_gr at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_sk_mo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_skewpart_skewperm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_skn_mp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_skn_po at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_skn_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_skn_sch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_sn_l at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_tableaux_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_tableaux_tableauxpair at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_u_t at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_umriss_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_us_t at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_v_pa at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_v_po_mz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_v_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_vcl_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_vco_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_vec_grad_nc_hyp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_vec_poly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_vec_vec_poly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_vector_diagonalmatrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_vector_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ m_wpd_sc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mahh_hashtable_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mahh_integer_homsym_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mahh_partition_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_all_st_tabs at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_alt_classes at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_alt_partitions at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_coprimes at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_cyclotomic_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_ij_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_index_coeff_power_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_index_power_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_monopoly_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_n_id at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_n_kelmtrans at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_n_transpositionmatrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_neu_partij_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_nzykel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_partij_perm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_partij_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_real_cycletype at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_scalar_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_scalar_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_tab_signs at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_unitary0_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ make_unitary_eins_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ makealtclassreps at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ makevectorofSYT at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ makevectorof_class_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ makevectorof_class_rep_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ makevectorof_kranztypus at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ makevectorofpart at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ makevectorofpart_EXPONENT at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ makevectorofperm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ makevectorofrect_lehmercode at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ makevectorofrect_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ makevectorofshuffle at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ makevectorofspecht_poly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ makevectorofsubsets at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ makevectorofsymspecht_poly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ makevectoroftableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ makevectoroftranspositions at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ maple_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mapp_hashtable_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ matrix_knuth at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ matrix_monom_ypolynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ matrix_to_kranztypus at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ matrix_twoword at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ matrixp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ max at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ max_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ max_degree_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ max_divideddiff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ max_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ max_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ max_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ max_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ maxdegree_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ maxorder_young at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ maxpart_comp_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ maxrindexword at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mee_elmsym__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mee_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mee_hashtable_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mee_integer__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mee_integer_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mee_integer_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mee_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mee_partition_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mem_counter_loc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mem_counter_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mem_counter_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mem_elmsym__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mem_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mem_integer__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mem_integer_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mem_integer_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mem_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mem_size at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mem_size_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mem_size_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mem_size_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mem_size_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mem_small at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ memcheck at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mes_elmsym__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mes_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mes_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mes_integer__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mes_integer_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mes_integer_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mes_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhh_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhh_hashtable_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhh_homsym__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhh_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhh_partition_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhh_partition_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhm_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhm_homsym__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhm_integer__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhm_integer_hashtable_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhm_integer_partition_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhm_null__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhm_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhp_co at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhp_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhp_homsym__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhp_integer__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhp_integer_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhp_integer_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhp_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhs_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhs_homsym__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhs_integer__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhs_integer_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mhs_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ min at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ min_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ min_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ min_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ min_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ minimal_extension at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mmm___ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mmm_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mmm_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mmm_hashtable_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mmm_integer__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mmm_integer_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mmm_integer_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mmm_monomial__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mmm_null_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mmm_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mmm_partition_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mms___ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mms_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mms_hashtable_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mms_integer__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mms_integer_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mms_monomial__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mms_null__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mms_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mms_partition_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mod at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mod_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mod_apply_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mod_apply_integer_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mod_apply_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mod_dg_sbd at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mod_integer_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mod_longint_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mod_longint_integer_via_ganzsquores at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mod_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mod_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mod_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mod_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mod_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ moddg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ moebius at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ moebius_tafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ monom_anfang at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ monom_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ monom_release at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ monom_speicher at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ monom_speicherindex at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ monom_speichersize at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ monomial_recursion2 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ monomial_recursion at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ move_1result_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ move_2result_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mp_is_cst at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mpp___ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mpp_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mpp_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mpp_hashtable_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mpp_integer__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mpp_integer_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mpp_integer_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mpp_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mpp_partition_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mpp_powsym__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mps___ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mps_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mps_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mps_hashtable__pre100102 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mps_integer__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mps_integer_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mps_null__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mps_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mps_powsym__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mss___ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mss___maxpart_maxlength at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mss_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mss_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mss_hashtable__maxpart_maxlength at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mss_hashtable_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mss_hashtable_hashtable_maxpart_maxlength at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mss_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mss_partition__maxpart_maxlength at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mss_partition_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mss_partition_partition_maxpart_maxlength at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mss_schur__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mss_schur__maxpart_maxlength at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_bruch_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_bruch_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_bruch_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_bruch_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_bruch_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_bruch_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_bruch_scalar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_default at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_elmsym_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_gral at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_homsym_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_homsym_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_integer_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_integer_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_integer_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_integer_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_integer_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_integer_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_integer_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_integer_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_longint_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_longint_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_longint_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_longint_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_longint_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_matrix_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_monomial_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_polynom_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_polynom_scalar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_powsym_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_scalar_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_scalar_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_scalar_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_scalar_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_scalar_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_scalar_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_scalar_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_scalar_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_scalar_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_scalar_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_schur_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_apply_vector_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_bar_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_bruch_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_bruch_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_bruch_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_bruch_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_cyclo_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_disjunkt_polynom_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_elmsym_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_elmsym_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_elmsym_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_elmsym_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_elmsym_scalar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_elmsym_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_ff_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_ff_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_galois at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_galois_galois at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_gral at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_gral_gral at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_hashtable_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_hashtable_hashtable_faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_homsym_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_homsym_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_homsym_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_homsym_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_homsym_scalar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_homsym_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_imatrix_imatrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_integer_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_integer_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_integer_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_integer_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_integer_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_kranz_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_laurent at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_longint_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_longint_integer_via_ganzsmul at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_longint_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_matrix_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_matrix_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_monomial_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_monomial_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_monomial_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_monomial_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_monomial_scalar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_monomial_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_monopoly_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_monopoly_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_nc_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_perm_fix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_polynom_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_power_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_powsym_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_powsym_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_powsym_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_powsym_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_powsym_scalar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_powsym_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_scalar_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_scalar_gral at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_scalar_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_scalar_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_scalar_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_scalar_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_scalar_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_scalar_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_scalar_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_scalar_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_schubert_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_schubert_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_schubert_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_schubert_variable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_schur_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_schur_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_schur_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_schur_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_schur_scalar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_schur_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_schur_schur_maxlength at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_schur_schur_maxpart_maxlength at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_sqrad_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_symchar_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_vector_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mult_vector_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ multadd_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ multadd_apply_default at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ multadd_apply_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ multinom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ multinom_small at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ multiplicity_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mx_outerproduct_schur_lrs at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mx_power_schur_plet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mx_powerproduct_schur_plet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mx_schur_power_schur_plet_mult at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mx_schur_powerproduct_schur_plet_mult at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mx_schur_schur_plet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mx_schur_schur_pletbis at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mxx_null__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mz_extrahieren at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ mz_vereinfachen at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ n_fold_kronecker_product at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nachfolger_young at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nb_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ndg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ neg_sum at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ negeinsp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ negeinsp_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ negeinsp_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ negeinsp_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ negeinsp_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ negp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ negp_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ negp_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ negp_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ negp_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ neq at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ neqparts_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ new_divdiff_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ new_divideddiff_rz_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ new_divideddifference_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ new_orbit at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ newtrans at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ newtrans_eins at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ newtrans_lehmer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ newtrans_limit_limitfunction at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ newtrans_limitfunction at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ newtrans_maxpart at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ newtrans_maxpart_maxlength at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_apply_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_apply_composition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_apply_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_apply_gr at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_apply_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_apply_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_apply_subset at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_composition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_gr at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_kranztypus at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_lehmercode at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_lex_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_lex_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_part_EXPONENT at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_part_EXPONENT_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_part_VECTOR at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_part_VECTOR_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_partition_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_perm_invers at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_permutation_lex at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_shuffle_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_shufflepermutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_shufflevector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ next_subset at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ no_banner at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ no_mem_check at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ no_memory at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ no_orbits_arb at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ normal_laurent at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ not_yet_implemented at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ntopaar_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ null at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ null_default at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ null_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ null_ff_given_q at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ null_galois at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ null_gr_given_c_d at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ null_object at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_bitvector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_galois at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_integermatrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nullp_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ number_01_matrices at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ number_nat_matrices at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ number_of_bits at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ number_of_digits at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ number_of_irred_poly_of_degree at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ numberof_class_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ numberof_inversionen at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ numberof_shufflepermutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ numberofmonomials at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ numberofpart at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ numberofpart_i at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ numberofparts_exact_parts at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ numberofparts_ge at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ numberofparts_le_parts at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ numberofselfconjugatepart at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ numberofvariables at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ nxt_ym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread_bv at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread_gral at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread_number at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread_skewpartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectread_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectwrite at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectwrite_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectwrite_bv at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectwrite_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectwrite_gral at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectwrite_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectwrite_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectwrite_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectwrite_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectwrite_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectwrite_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectwrite_number at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectwrite_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectwrite_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectwrite_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectwrite_skewpartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectwrite_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectwrite_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ objectwrite_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ odd at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ odd_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ odd_to_strict_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ oddify_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ oddpartsp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ odg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ operate_gral_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ operate_perm_bideterminant at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ operate_perm_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ operate_perm_spaltenmatrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ operate_perm_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ operate_perm_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ operate_perm_zeilenmatrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ or_character at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ or_dimension at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ or_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ orbit at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ orbit_set_max_size at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ orbit_words at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ orblen at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ordcen at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ordcen_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ordcon at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ordcon_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ order_class_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ order_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ order_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ordnung_affkq at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ordnung_glkq at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ outerproduct_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ outerproduct_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ outerproduct_schur_limit at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ outerproduct_schur_limit_limitfunction at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ outerproduct_schur_limitfunction at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ outerproduct_schur_lrs at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ p2_schursum at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ p_hook_diagramm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ p_root_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ p_root_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ p_schursum at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ p_splitpart2 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ p_splitpart at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ part_anfang at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ part_comp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ part_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ part_part_skewschur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ partition_speicher at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ partition_speicherindex at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ partition_speichersize at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ partitionp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ perm_anfang at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ perm_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ perm_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ perm_matrix_p at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ perm_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ permutation_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ permutationp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pes___ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pes_elmsym__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pes_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pes_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pes_integer__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pes_integer_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pes_integer_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pes_null__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pes_null_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pes_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pfact at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pfaffian_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pgcd at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phm___ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phm_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phm_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phm_hashtable_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phm_homsym__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phm_integer__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phm_integer_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phm_integer_integer_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phm_integer_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phm_null__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phm_null_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phm_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phs___ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phs_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phs_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phs_homsym__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phs_integer__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phs_integer_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phs_integer_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phs_null__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phs_null_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ phs_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plane_tableau at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ planep at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_elmsym_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_elmsym_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_elmsym_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_elmsym_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_elmsym_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_homsym_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_homsym_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_homsym_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_homsym_monomial_via_ppm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_homsym_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_homsym_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_monomial_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_monomial_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_monomial_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_monomial_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_monomial_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_powsym_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_powsym_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_powsym_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_powsym_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_powsym_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_powsym_schur_via_ppm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_schur_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_schur_elmsym_pre101201 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_schur_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_schur_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_schur_monomial_new at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_schur_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_schur_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_schur_schur_pol at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plet_schur_schur_via_phs at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plethysm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plethysm_schur_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ plethysm_schur_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pn_character at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pn_dimension at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pn_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ point at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ polya1_sub at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ polya2_sub at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ polya3_sub at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ polya_const_sub at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ polya_multi_const_sub at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ polya_multi_sub at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ polya_n_sub at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ polya_sub at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pop at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pos_sum at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ posp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ posp_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ posp_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ posp_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ posp_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ posp_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ power_schur_plet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ power_schur_plet_old at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ powerproduct_schur_plet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppe___ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppe_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppe_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppe_hashtable_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppe_integer__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppe_integer_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppe_integer_integer_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppe_integer_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppe_null__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppe_null_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppe_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppe_powsym__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pph___ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pph_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pph_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pph_hashtable_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pph_integer__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pph_integer_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pph_integer_integer_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pph_integer_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pph_null__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pph_null_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pph_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pph_powsym__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppm___ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppm_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppm_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppm_hashtable_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppm_integer__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppm_integer_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppm_integer_integer_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppm_integer_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppm_null__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppm_null_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppm_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppm_powsym__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppp___ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppp_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppp_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppp_hashtable_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppp_integer__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppp_integer_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppp_integer_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppp_null__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppp_null_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppp_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ppp_powsym__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pps___ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pps_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pps_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pps_hashtable_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pps_integer__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pps_null__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pps_null_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pps_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pps_powsym__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ prepartdom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ prime_power_p at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ primep at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ primep_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ primitive_element_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ primitive_element_ff_given_q at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ print at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ print_cyclo_data at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ print_cyclo_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ print_cyclo_table at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ print_schubert_difference at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ print_stat_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ print_time at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ print_type at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ printeingabe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ println at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ println_schub_lehmer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ printobjectkind at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ prsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ psl_apply_i_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ psl_apply_i_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ psl_apply_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ psm___ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ psm_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ psr_apply_i_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ psr_apply_i_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pss___ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pss_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pss_hashtable__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pss_hashtable_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pss_integer__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pss_integer_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pss_integer_integer_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pss_integer_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pss_integer_schur_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pss_null__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pss_null_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pss_partition__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pss_partition_hashtable_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pss_partition_partition_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pss_partition_schur_ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ pss_schur__ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ push at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ put_exactlength_limit_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ put_length_limit_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ q_core at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ q_core_sign at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ qdimension at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ qdimension_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ qsort_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ quadraticp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ quores at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ quores_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ quores_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ quores_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ quores_monopoly_pre300402 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ raise_power_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_adjacency_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_bv at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_char_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_ff_given_q at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_gr_given_c_d at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_gral at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_part_EXPONENT at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_partition_exponent at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_subgroup_glk_grcd at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_subgroup_glk_grcd_2gen at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_subgroup_glk_grcd_cyclic at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_subgroup_glk_grcd_diagonal at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_subgroup_glk_grcd_smaller_k at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_subgroup_glk_grcd_stabilizer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ random_word at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ rank at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ rank_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ rank_k_subset at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ rank_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ red_dia_perm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ redf_cap at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ redf_cap_hoch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ redf_cup at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ redf_cup_hoch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ reduce_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ reduce_inner_tensor_sc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ reduce_nc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ reduce_nc_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ reduce_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ reduce_symchar_tafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ reduceninpaar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ reell_gram_schmidt at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ release_numbers at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ remove_hook at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ remove_mp_qnumber_fac at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ remove_part_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ remove_part_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ remove_vec_qnumber at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ remove_zero_terms at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ removepartij at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ reorder_hall_littlewood at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ reorder_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ reorder_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ reorder_vector_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ represent_hecke_element at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ reset_basis at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ reset_saving at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ reverse_bitvector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ reverse_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ rh_test at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ribbon_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ribbon_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ rindexword at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ rindexword_sub at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ rm_rindex at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ root_dimension at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ root_normalise_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ root_represent_hecke_action at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ root_standardise_cold_tableaux_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ row_column_matrices at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ row_length at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ rowwordoftableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ runtime at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ rz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ rz_Dn at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ rz_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ rz_lehmercode at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ rz_lehmercode_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ rz_perm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_b_i at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_b_o at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_b_oi at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_b_u at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_b_ui at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_bv_li at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_ff_c at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_ff_ci at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_ff_di at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_ff_ii at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_gr_kni at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_gr_koori at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_gr_nai at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_gr_xkoori at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_gr_ykoori at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_i_i at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_kr_g at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_kr_gi at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_kr_gl at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_kr_gli at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_kr_i at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_kr_v at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_l_n at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_l_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_lc_poly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_m_h at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_m_hash at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_m_hi at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_m_ij at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_m_iji at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_m_l at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_m_li at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_m_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_mo_k at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_mo_ki at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_mo_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_mo_si at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_mo_sii at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_mo_sl at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_mo_sli at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_mz_po at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_mz_v at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_mz_vi at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_mz_vii at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_n_d at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_n_dcd at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_n_dci at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_n_dcp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_n_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_o_k at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_o_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_p_i at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_p_ii at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_p_k at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_p_l at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_p_li at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_p_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_pa_hash at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_pa_i at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_pa_ii at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_pa_k at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_pa_l at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_pa_li at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_pa_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_po_k at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_po_ki at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_po_n at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_po_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_po_si at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_po_sii at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_po_sl at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_po_sli at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_s_k at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_s_ki at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_s_n at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_s_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_s_si at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_s_sii at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_s_sl at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_s_sli at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_sc_d at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_sc_di at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_sc_p at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_sc_pi at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_sc_pli at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_sc_w at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_sc_wi at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_sc_wii at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_sc_wli at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_sch_k at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_sch_ki at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_sch_n at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_sch_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_sch_si at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_sch_sii at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_sch_sl at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_sch_sli at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_spa_g at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_spa_gi at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_spa_gii at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_spa_gli at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_spa_k at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_spa_ki at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_spa_kii at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_spa_kli at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_t_h at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_t_hi at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_t_ij at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_t_iji at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_t_l at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_t_li at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_t_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_t_u at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_t_ug at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_t_ugii at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_t_ugli at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_t_ui at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_t_uii at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_t_uk at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_t_ukii at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_t_ukli at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_t_ul at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_t_uli at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_t_us at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_v_i at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_v_ii at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_v_l at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_v_li at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_v_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_w_i at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_w_ii at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_w_l at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_w_li at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_w_s at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ s_x_nu_to_ypolynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sab at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sab_input at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ save_cyclo_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scalarp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scalarproduct at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scalarproduct_bar_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scalarproduct_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scalarproduct_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scalarproduct_homsym_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scalarproduct_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scalarproduct_nc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scalarproduct_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scalarproduct_powsym_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scalarproduct_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scalarproduct_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scalarproduct_schur_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scalarproduct_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scalarproduct_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scale_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_bitvector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_exponentpartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_fastpolynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_galois at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_gl_nc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_gral at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_integerbruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_integermatrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_kostka at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_laurent at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_monomial at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_nc_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_parttableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_permutation_cycle at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_permvector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_powsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_printeingabe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_reversepartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_skewpartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_skewsymmetric_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_skewtableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scan_word at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scanobjectkind at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ scanoutput_yn at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ schen_word at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ schensted_row_delete_step at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ schensted_row_insert_step at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ schnitt_mat at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ schnitt_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ schubertp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ schur_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ schur_part_skewschur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ schur_power_schur_plet_mult at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ schur_powerproduct_schur_plet_mult at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ schur_schur_plet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ schur_schur_pletbis at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sdg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ select_coeff_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ select_coeff_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ select_column at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ select_column_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ select_degree_reihe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ select_i at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ select_row at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ select_row_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ set_bv_i at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ set_cyclotomic_parameters at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ set_lo_nopoint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ set_root_parameters at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ set_tex_polynom_parameter at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ set_useful_monopolies at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ setup_numbers at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ signum at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ signum_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ singularp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ skewpartitionp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ skewplane_plane at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ skip at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ skip_comment at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ skip_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sn_character at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sn_dimension at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sn_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ so_character at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ so_dimension at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ so_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sort_rows_tableaux_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sort_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sp_br at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sp_character at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sp_dimension at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sp_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ spalten_summe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ spaltenanfang at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ spaltenende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ specht_dg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ specht_irred_characteristik at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ specht_m_part_sc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ specht_poly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ specht_powersum at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ special_eq at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ special_mult_apply_homsym_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ speicher_anfang at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ speicher_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ spin_tableaux_character at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ split at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ split_hashtable at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ splitpart at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sprint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sprint_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sprint_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sprint_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sprint_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sprint_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sprint_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sprint_skewpartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sprint_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ square_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ square_apply_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ square_apply_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ square_free_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ square_free_part_0 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ squareroot at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ squareroot_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ squareroot_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ squareroot_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sscan at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sscan_bar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sscan_bitvector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sscan_elmsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sscan_homsym at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sscan_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sscan_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sscan_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sscan_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sscan_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sscan_permvector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sscan_reversepartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sscan_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sscan_word at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ standardise_cold_tableaux_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ standardise_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ standardp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ starpart at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ start_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ starting_bar_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ starttableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ std_perm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ stirling_first_tafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ stirling_numbers_second_kind_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ stirling_second_number at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ stirling_second_number_kostka at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ stirling_second_number_tafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ stirling_second_tafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ store_result_0 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ store_result_1 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ store_result_2 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ store_result_3 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ store_result_4 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ store_result_5 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ strict_to_odd_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ strictp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ strong_check_barp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ strong_check_permutationp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ strong_generators at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sub at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sub_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sub_comp_bv at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sub_comp_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sub_default at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sub_part_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ substitute_one_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ substitute_one_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sum_integervector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sum_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sum_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sup_bitvector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sup_bitvector_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ swap at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sym_background at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sym_no_results at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sym_timelimit at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ sym_www at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ symchar_hoch_n at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ symmetricp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ symmetricp_i at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ symmetricp_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ t_BINTREE_SCHUR_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ t_ELMSYM_SCHUR_pre041201 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ t_SCHUR_MONOMIAL_pre211101 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ t_augpart_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ t_bar_doubleperm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ t_forall_monomials_in_a at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ t_galois_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ t_int_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ t_longint_int at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ t_loop_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ t_polynom_galois at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ t_productexponent at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ t_schur_jacobi_trudi at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ t_schur_naegelsbach at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ t_splitpart at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ t_vperm_zperm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ t_zperm_vperm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tab_anfang at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tab_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tab_funk at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tableaux_character at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tableauxp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ teh___faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ teh_elmsym__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ teh_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ teh_hashtable__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ teh_integer__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ teh_partition__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ teh_partition__faktor_pre290102 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tem_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tem_integer__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tem_partition__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tep___faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tep_elmsym__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tep_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tep_hashtable__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tep_integer__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tep_partition__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tep_partition__faktor_pre040202 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tes___faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tes_elmsym__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tes_hashtable__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tes_integer__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tes_partition__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_bintree at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_brc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_callocobject at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_dcp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_kostka at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_mdg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_ndg at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_number at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_object at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_perm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_plet at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_poly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ test_word at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_2schubert_monom_summe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_bruch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_hall_littlewood at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_hecke_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_integer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_kostka at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_lc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_longint at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_matrix_co at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_monom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_monom_plus at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_monopoly at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_row_length at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_rz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_schubert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_schur at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_sqrad at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_symchar at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tex_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ texmath_yn at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ texout at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ texposition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ the_integer__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ thm_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ thm_integer__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ thm_partition__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ thp___faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ thp_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ thp_homsym__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ thp_integer__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ thp_partition__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ thp_partition__faktor_pre300102 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tidy at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tl_set_index_inc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tl_set_max_numb at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tl_set_prime at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tme___faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tme_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tme_hashtable__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tme_integer__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tme_monomial__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tme_partition__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tmh___faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tmh_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tmh_integer__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tmh_monomial__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tmh_partition__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tmp___faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tmp_int__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tmp_integer__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tmp_monomial__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tmp_partition__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tpe___faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tpe_hashtable__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tpe_integer__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tpe_partition__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tpe_powsym__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tph___faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tph_hashtable__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tph_integer__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tph_partition__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tph_partition__faktor_pre300102 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tph_powsym__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tpm___faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tpm_hashtable__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tpm_integer__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tpm_partition__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tpm_powsym__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tps___faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ trace at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ trace_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ trafo_check at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ trans2formlist at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ trans_index_monopoly_cyclo at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ transform_apply_list at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ transformlist at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ transpose at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ transpose_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ transpose_second_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tse___faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tse___faktor_slow at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tse_integer__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tse_partition__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tse_partition__faktor_pre040202 at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tse_schur__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tsh___faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tsh_eval_jt at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tsh_hashtable__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tsh_integer__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tsh_jt at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tsh_partition__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tsh_schur__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tsm___faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tsm_integer__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tsm_partition__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tsm_schur__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tsp___faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tsp_integer__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tsp_partition__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ tsp_schur__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ twoword_knuth at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ twoword_matrix at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ txx_null__faktor at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ typusorder at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ umriss_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ unimodalp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ unitp_galois at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ unrank_degree_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ unrank_given_q_ff at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ unrank_k_subset at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ unrank_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ unrank_subset at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ unset_bv_i at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ usersort_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ vander at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ vec_anfang at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ vec_ende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ vec_mat_mult at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ vectorofzerodivisors_galois at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ vectorp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ vertikal_sum at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ vexillaryp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ vexillaryp_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ vminus at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ vminus_hecke at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ vminus_tabloid at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ vorgaenger_bruhat at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ vorgaenger_bruhat_strong at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ vorgaenger_bruhat_weak at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ vorgaenger_young at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ vorgaenger_young_skewpartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ weight at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ weight_augpart at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ weight_partition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ weight_skewpartition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ weight_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ weight_vector at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ wert at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ werte_Polynom_aus at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ which_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ word_schen at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ word_tableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ wordoftableaux at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ wrong_type_oneparameter at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ wrong_type_twoparameter at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ ym_min at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ young_alt_scalar_tafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ young_character at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ young_ideal at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ young_polynom at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ young_scalar_tafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ young_tafel at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ youngp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zeilen_summe at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zeilenanfang at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zeilenende at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zeilenposition at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zentralprim at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_An at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_Cn at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_Dn at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_Sn at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_aff1Zn at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_affkq at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_affkzn at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_arb at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_centralizer at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_cube at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_cube_edges at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_cube_edges_extended at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_cube_extended at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_cube_faces at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_cube_faces_extended at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_cube_vertices at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_cube_vertices_extended at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_dec at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_dec_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_dir_prod at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_dir_prod_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_dir_summ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_dir_summ_apply at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_dodecahedron at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_dodecahedron_edges at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_dodecahedron_edges_extended at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_dodecahedron_extended at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_dodecahedron_faces at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_dodecahedron_faces_extended at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_dodecahedron_vertices at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_dodecahedron_vertices_extended at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_exponentiation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_glkq at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_glkzn at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_hoch_dir_prod at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_hoch_dir_summ at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_inc at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_kranz at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_on_2sets at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_on_ksubsets at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_on_ktuples at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_on_ktuples_injective at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_on_pairs at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_on_pairs_disjunkt at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_on_pairs_oriented at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_on_pairs_reduced at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_on_power_set at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_pglkq at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_plethysm at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_stabilizer_part at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_superp_lin_dir_graphs at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_test at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_tetraeder at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_tetraeder_edges at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_tetraeder_edges_extended at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_tetraeder_extended at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_tetraeder_faces at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_tetraeder_faces_extended at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_tetraeder_vertices at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykelind_tetraeder_vertices_extended at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykeltyp at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykeltyp_hoch_n at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykeltyp_permutation at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
+ zykeltyp_pi_hoch at LIBSYMMETRICA_2.0.0 2.0
diff --git a/debian/patches/debianization-bug-748142-goto_cc-neutralize.patch b/debian/patches/debianization-bug-748142-goto_cc-neutralize.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e41296b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/debianization-bug-748142-goto_cc-neutralize.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Description: debianization -- goto-cc analysis workaround
+ Meant to (hopefully) neutralize bugs #748142.
+Origin: debian
+Author: Jerome Benoit <calculus at rezozer.net>
+Last-Update: 2014-09-16
+--- a/macro.h
++++ b/macro.h
+@@ -816,10 +816,6 @@
+ #define FATALERROR(text) fatal_error(text)
+ #define CH2D(a,b) if ((a) == (b) ) { erg += equal_2_error(); goto endr_ende;}
+-#define CE2(a,b,f) if (check_equal_2(a,b,f,&erg) == EQUAL) goto endr_ende;
+ #define CE2A(a,b,f) if (check_equal_2a(a,b,f,&erg) == EQUAL) goto endr_ende;
+ #define CE3(a,b,c,f) \
diff --git a/debian/patches/debianization.patch b/debian/patches/debianization.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14ec8d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/debianization.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Description: debianization
+ Meant to maintain a minimal debian/rules, to fix warnings,
+ to address Debian specific stuff in general.
+Origin: debian
+Author: Jerome Benoit <calculus at rezozer.net>
+Last-Update: 2014-09-13
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/symmetrica.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
++#include <symmetrica/def.h>
++#include <symmetrica/macro.h>
+--- a/Makefile.am
++++ b/Makefile.am
+@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
+ include_HEADERS = \
+ 	symmetrica.h
++include_HEADERS = \
++	symmetrica.h
+ pkginclude_HEADERS = \
+ 	def.h \
+ 	macro.h
+@@ -44,6 +47,9 @@
+ libsymmetrica_la_CFLAGS = \
+ 	-Wno-unused-result
++libsymmetrica_la_CFLAGS = \
++	-Wno-unused-result
+ libsymmetrica_la_SOURCES = \
+ 	bar.c \
diff --git a/debian/patches/macros-bugfix.patch b/debian/patches/macros-bugfix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 57248bc..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/macros-bugfix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Description: Use 'long' instead of the 'INT' macro.
-Author: Tim Abbott <tabbott at mit.edu>
-Index: src/macro.h
---- src.orig/macro.h	2008-02-09 18:14:05.000000000 -0800
-+++ src/macro.h	2008-02-09 18:14:10.000000000 -0800
-@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
- #endif
- #define S_O_S(a) (((OP)(a))->ob_self)
- #define S_O_K(a) (((OP)(a))->ob_kind)
- #define C_O_K(a,b) ((a)->ob_kind = (OBJECTKIND)(b))
-@@ -171,7 +170,7 @@
--extern INT partition_speichersize,partition_speicherindex,mem_counter_part;
-+extern long partition_speichersize,partition_speicherindex,mem_counter_part;
- extern struct partition **partition_speicher; 
- #define FREEPARTITION(d)\
-@@ -266,7 +265,7 @@
-       C_MO_K(c,b); \
- } while(0)
--extern INT monom_speicherindex,mem_counter_monom,monom_speichersize;
-+extern long monom_speicherindex,mem_counter_monom,monom_speichersize;
- extern struct monom **monom_speicher;
- #define FREEMONOM(v) \
-@@ -554,10 +553,10 @@
- /* for longint */
--extern INT loc_index, loc_size,loc_counter;
-+extern long loc_index, loc_size,loc_counter;
- extern struct loc **loc_speicher;
--extern INT longint_speicherindex,mem_counter_loc,longint_speichersize;
-+extern long longint_speicherindex,mem_counter_loc,longint_speichersize;
- extern struct longint **longint_speicher;
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 7ba3fbf..b80e8c6 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/debian/patches/shared-library.patch b/debian/patches/shared-library.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e771e19..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/shared-library.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-Description: Create a makefile that can build a shared library.
-Author: Tim Abbott <tabbott at mit.edu>
---- a/makefile
-+++ b/makefile
-@@ -1,4 +1,34 @@
-+OBJS=bar.o bi.o boe.o bruch.o classical.o de.o di.o ff.o galois.o ga.o gra.o hash.o hiccup.o io.o ko.o list.o lo.o ma.o mee.o mem.o mes.o mhe.o mhh.o mhm.o mhp.o mhs.o mmm.o mms.o mod_dg_sbd.o mo.o mpp.o mps.o mse.o msh.o msm.o mss.o muir.o na.o nb.o nc.o nu.o part.o pee.o peh.o pem.o perm.o pes.o phe.o phh.o phm.o phs.o plet.o pme.o pmh.o poly.o ppe.o pph.o ppm.o ppp.o pps.o pr.o pse.o psh.o psm.o pss.o rest.o rh.o sab.o sb.o sc.o sr.o ta.o teh.o tem.o tep.o tes.o the.o thm.o thp.o ths [...]
-+TARGETS=libsymmetrica.a libsymmetrica.so
-+all: $(TARGETS)
- .c.o:
--	cc -c -O2 -DFAST -DALLTRUE $<
--test: test.c bar.o bi.o boe.o bruch.o classical.o de.o di.o ff.o galois.o ga.o gra.o hash.o hiccup.o io.o ko.o list.o lo.o ma.o mee.o mem.o mes.o mhe.o mhh.o mhm.o mhp.o mhs.o mmm.o mms.o mod_dg_sbd.o mo.o mpp.o mps.o mse.o msh.o msm.o mss.o muir.o na.o nb.o nc.o nu.o part.o pee.o peh.o pem.o perm.o pes.o phe.o phh.o phm.o phs.o plet.o pme.o pmh.o poly.o ppe.o pph.o ppm.o ppp.o pps.o pr.o pse.o psh.o psm.o pss.o rest.o rh.o sab.o sb.o sc.o sr.o ta.o teh.o tem.o tep.o tes.o the.o thm.o t [...]
--	gcc -DALLTRUE -DFAST test.c bar.o bi.o boe.o bruch.o classical.o de.o di.o ff.o galois.o ga.o gra.o hash.o hiccup.o io.o ko.o list.o lo.o ma.o mee.o mem.o mes.o mhe.o mhh.o mhm.o mhp.o mhs.o mmm.o mms.o mod_dg_sbd.o mo.o mpp.o mps.o mse.o msh.o msm.o mss.o muir.o na.o nb.o nc.o nu.o part.o pee.o peh.o pem.o perm.o pes.o phe.o phh.o phm.o phs.o plet.o pme.o pmh.o poly.o ppe.o pph.o ppm.o ppp.o pps.o pr.o pse.o psh.o psm.o pss.o rest.o rh.o sab.o sb.o sc.o sr.o ta.o teh.o tem.o tep.o tes [...]
-+test: test.c $(OBJS)
-+	$(CC) -DALLTRUE -DFAST test.c $(OBJS) $(LIBS) -o test
-+libsymmetrica.a: $(OBJS)
-+	ar crs $@ $(OBJS)
-+	ranlib $@
-+libsymmetrica.so: $(OBJS)
-+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -fPIC -shared -Wl,-soname,lib$(DIRNAME).so $(LIBS) -o lib$(DIRNAME).so $(OBJS)
-+	ln -s lib$(DIRNAME).so $@
-+install: all
-+	install -p lib$(DIRNAME).so libsymmetrica.a $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)
-+	ln -s lib$(DIRNAME).so $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/libsymmetrica.so
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/symmetrica
-+	install -p def.h macro.h $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/symmetrica/
-+	rm -f $(OBJS) $(TARGETS) test libsymmetrica-*.so
diff --git a/debian/patches/upstream-autotoolization.patch b/debian/patches/upstream-autotoolization.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b86ce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/upstream-autotoolization.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+Description: upstream autotoolization
+ Attempt to autotoolize Symmetrica source; meant
+ to be submitted to the upstream maintainer.
+Origin: debian
+Author: Jerome Benoit <calculus at rezozer.net>
+Last-Update: 2014-09-13
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
++dnl                                               -*- Autoconf -*-
++dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
++	[symmetrica at symmetrica.de],[symmetrica],
++	[http://www.algorithm.uni-bayreuth.de/en/research/SYMMETRICA/])
++dnl LibTool setup.
++dnl check linker script support
++dnl Checks for programs.
++dnl Checks for libraries.
++dnl Checks for header files.
++AC_CHECK_HEADERS([malloc.h memory.h stdlib.h string.h sys/param.h unistd.h])
++dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
++dnl Checks for library functions.
++	sym_test.sh
++	Makefile
++	],[
++	chmod a+x sym_test.sh
++	])
++dnl eof
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/Makefile.am
+@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
++## Makefile.am -- AutoMake master file
++	foreign \
++	dist-xz \
++	dist-bzip2
++	--disable-maintainer-mode
++## Library versioning (C:R:A == current:revision:age)
++include_HEADERS = \
++	symmetrica.h
++pkginclude_HEADERS = \
++	def.h \
++	macro.h
++lib_LTLIBRARIES = libsymmetrica.la
++libsymmetrica_la_LD_VERSION_SCRIPT =
++libsymmetrica_la_LD_VERSION_SCRIPT += -Wl,--version-script=$(top_srcdir)/symmetrica.map
++check_SCRIPTS = sym_test.sh
++check_PROGRAMS = test
++TESTS = $(check_SCRIPTS)
++noinst_HEADERS = symmetrica_config.h
++libsymmetrica_la_CPPFLAGS = \
++	-DFAST \
++libsymmetrica_la_CFLAGS = \
++	-Wno-unused-result
++libsymmetrica_la_SOURCES = \
++	bar.c \
++	bi.c \
++	boe.c \
++	bruch.c \
++	classical.c \
++	de.c \
++	di.c \
++	ff.c \
++	galois.c \
++	ga.c \
++	gra.c \
++	hash.c \
++	hiccup.c \
++	io.c \
++	ko.c \
++	list.c \
++	lo.c \
++	ma.c \
++	mee.c \
++	mem.c \
++	mes.c \
++	mhe.c \
++	mhh.c \
++	mhm.c \
++	mhp.c \
++	mhs.c \
++	mmm.c \
++	mms.c \
++	mod_dg_sbd.c \
++	mo.c \
++	mpp.c \
++	mps.c \
++	mse.c \
++	msh.c \
++	msm.c \
++	mss.c \
++	muir.c \
++	na.c \
++	nb.c \
++	nc.c \
++	nu.c \
++	part.c \
++	pee.c \
++	peh.c \
++	pem.c \
++	perm.c \
++	pes.c \
++	phe.c \
++	phh.c \
++	phm.c \
++	phs.c \
++	plet.c \
++	pme.c \
++	pmh.c \
++	poly.c \
++	ppe.c \
++	pph.c \
++	ppm.c \
++	ppp.c \
++	pps.c \
++	pr.c \
++	pse.c \
++	psh.c \
++	psm.c \
++	pss.c \
++	rest.c \
++	rh.c \
++	sab.c \
++	sb.c \
++	sc.c \
++	sr.c \
++	ta.c \
++	teh.c \
++	tem.c \
++	tep.c \
++	tes.c \
++	the.c \
++	thm.c \
++	thp.c \
++	ths.c \
++	tme.c \
++	tmh.c \
++	tmp.c \
++	tms.c \
++	tpe.c \
++	tph.c \
++	tpm.c \
++	tps.c \
++	tse.c \
++	tsh.c \
++	tsm.c \
++	tsp.c \
++	vc.c \
++	zo.c \
++	zykelind.c \
++	zyk.c
++libsymmetrica_la_LDFLAGS = \
++	-version-info $(LIBSYMMETRICA_LT_VERSION) \
++	$(libsymmetrica_la_LD_VERSION_SCRIPT)
++libsymmetrica_la_LIBADD = \
++	$(LIBM)
++test_CPPFLAGS = \
++	$(libsymmetrica_la_CPPFLAGS)
++test_SOURCES = \
++	test.c
++test_LDADD = \
++	libsymmetrica.la
++## eof
+--- a/makefile
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
+-	cc -c -O2 -DFAST -DALLTRUE $<
+-test: test.c bar.o bi.o boe.o bruch.o classical.o de.o di.o ff.o galois.o ga.o gra.o hash.o hiccup.o io.o ko.o list.o lo.o ma.o mee.o mem.o mes.o mhe.o mhh.o mhm.o mhp.o mhs.o mmm.o mms.o mod_dg_sbd.o mo.o mpp.o mps.o mse.o msh.o msm.o mss.o muir.o na.o nb.o nc.o nu.o part.o pee.o peh.o pem.o perm.o pes.o phe.o phh.o phm.o phs.o plet.o pme.o pmh.o poly.o ppe.o pph.o ppm.o ppp.o pps.o pr.o pse.o psh.o psm.o pss.o rest.o rh.o sab.o sb.o sc.o sr.o ta.o teh.o tem.o tep.o tes.o the.o thm.o t [...]
+-	gcc -DALLTRUE -DFAST test.c bar.o bi.o boe.o bruch.o classical.o de.o di.o ff.o galois.o ga.o gra.o hash.o hiccup.o io.o ko.o list.o lo.o ma.o mee.o mem.o mes.o mhe.o mhh.o mhm.o mhp.o mhs.o mmm.o mms.o mod_dg_sbd.o mo.o mpp.o mps.o mse.o msh.o msm.o mss.o muir.o na.o nb.o nc.o nu.o part.o pee.o peh.o pem.o perm.o pes.o phe.o phh.o phm.o phs.o plet.o pme.o pmh.o poly.o ppe.o pph.o ppm.o ppp.o pps.o pr.o pse.o psh.o psm.o pss.o rest.o rh.o sab.o sb.o sc.o sr.o ta.o teh.o tem.o tep.o tes [...]
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/m4/ld-version-script.m4
+@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
++# ld-version-script.m4 serial 3
++dnl Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
++dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
++dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
++dnl From Simon Josefsson
++# FIXME: The test below returns a false positive for mingw
++# cross-compiles, 'local:' statements does not reduce number of
++# exported symbols in a DLL.  Use --disable-ld-version-script to work
++# around the problem.
++# --------------------
++# Check if LD supports linker scripts, and define automake conditional
++  AC_ARG_ENABLE([ld-version-script],
++    AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-ld-version-script],
++      [enable linker version script (default is enabled when possible)]),
++      [have_ld_version_script=$enableval], [])
++  if test -z "$have_ld_version_script"; then
++    AC_MSG_CHECKING([if LD -Wl,--version-script works])
++    save_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"
++    LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,--version-script=conftest.map"
++    cat > conftest.map <<EOF
++                   [accepts_syntax_errors=yes], [accepts_syntax_errors=no])
++    if test "$accepts_syntax_errors" = no; then
++      cat > conftest.map <<EOF
++VERS_1 {
++        global: sym;
++VERS_2 {
++        global: sym;
++} VERS_1;
++                     [have_ld_version_script=yes], [have_ld_version_script=no])
++    else
++      have_ld_version_script=no
++    fi
++    rm -f conftest.map
++    LDFLAGS="$save_LDFLAGS"
++    AC_MSG_RESULT($have_ld_version_script)
++  fi
++  AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_LD_VERSION_SCRIPT, test "$have_ld_version_script" = "yes")
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sym_test.sh.in
+@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
++[ -x $TESTEXEC ] || exit 2
++[ $(echo 11 | $TESTEXEC 2> /dev/null) = 39916800 ] || exit 1
++exit 0
++## eos
diff --git a/debian/patches/upstream-fix-doc-typo.patch b/debian/patches/upstream-fix-doc-typo.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c8cd62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/upstream-fix-doc-typo.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,2691 @@
+Description: upstream documentation corrections
+ Attempt harmonize and correct the Symmetrica doc files.
+ The primary motivation is to render/maintain Symmetrica
+ doc files easily parsable --- for Debian the doc files
+ were parsed to generate a minimal version-script.
+ Also meant to be submitted to the upstream maintainer.
+Origin: debian
+Author: Jerome Benoit <calculus at rezozer.net>
+Last-Update: 2014-09-16
+--- a/bar.doc
++++ b/bar.doc
+@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
+ 		next_bar
+ 		INT next_bar(OP a,b)
+ 	:	computes the next barred permutation b. The algorithm
+ 	uses the lehmercode. The last barred permutation will be
+ 	[-1,-2,-3,...]
+@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
+ 		transforms a barred permutation 'a' in list-notation into
+ 	cycle notation
+@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
+ 		transforms a barred permutation 'a' in cycle-notation into
+ 	list notation
+--- a/boe.doc
++++ b/boe.doc
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
+ NAME:		
+ 	specht_dg
+-	INT  specht_dg(OP a,b,c) 
++	INT specht_dg(OP a,b,c)
+ 	you enter a PARTITION or SKEWPARTITION object a, and a
+ 	PERMUTATION object  b, and the output is the corresponding
+--- a/classical.doc
++++ b/classical.doc
+@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
+ NAME:          
+ 	gl_dimension
+ SYNOPSIS:      
+-	INT gl_dimension (OP n, OP partition, OP dim);
++	INT gl_dimension (OP n, OP partition, OP dim)
+ 	Calculates the dimension of the representation of GL(n)
+ 	       labelled by the partition. If the number of parts
+@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
+ NAME:          
+ 	sp_dimension
+ SYNOPSIS:      
+-	INT sp_dimension (OP n, OP partition, OP dim);
++	INT sp_dimension (OP n, OP partition, OP dim)
+ 	Calculates the dimension of the representation of Sp(n)
+ 	       labelled by the partition. If the number of parts
+@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	        or_dimension
+-	      INT or_dimension (OP n, OP partition, OP dim);
++	      INT or_dimension (OP n, OP partition, OP dim)
+ 	   Calculates the dimension of the representation of O(n)
+ 	       labelled by the partition. If the sum of the first
+@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	        so_dimension
+-	      INT so_dimension (OP n, OP partition, OP dim);
++	      INT so_dimension (OP n, OP partition, OP dim)
+ 	   Calculates the dimension of the representation of SO(n)
+ 	       labelled by the partition. If the number of parts
+@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
+ NAME:   
+ 	       pn_dimension
+-	      INT pn_dimension (OP n, OP partition, OP dim);
++	      INT pn_dimension (OP n, OP partition, OP dim)
+ 	   Calculates the dimension of the spin representation of 
+ 	       O(n) (the Pin(n) group) labelled by the partition.
+@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	        sn_dimension
+-	      INT sn_dimension (OP n, OP partition, OP dim);
++	      INT sn_dimension (OP n, OP partition, OP dim)
+ 	   Calculates the dimension of the spin representation of 
+ 	       SO(n) (the Spin(n) group) labelled by the partition.
+@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@
+ NAME:   
+        gl_tableaux 
+-      INT gl_tableaux (OP n, OP partition, OP list);
++      INT gl_tableaux (OP n, OP partition, OP list)
+    Calculates the set of standard tableaux ("semi-standard")
+ 	       for GL(n), returning a LIST of TABLEAUX in list.
+@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
+ NAME: 
+          sp_tableaux 
+-      INT sp_tableaux (OP n, OP partition, OP list);
++      INT sp_tableaux (OP n, OP partition, OP list)
+    Calculates the set of standard tableaux for Sp(n),
+ 	       returning a LIST of TABLEAUX in list.
+@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
+           or_tableaux 
+-      INT or_tableaux (OP n, OP partition, OP list);
++      INT or_tableaux (OP n, OP partition, OP list)
+    Calculates the set of standard tableaux for O(n),
+ 	       returning a LIST of TABLEAUX in list.
+@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
+ 	          so_tableaux 
+-	      INT so_tableaux (OP n, OP partition, INT flag, OP list);
++	      INT so_tableaux (OP n, OP partition, INT flag, OP list)
+    Calculates the set of standard tableaux for SO(n),
+ 	       returning a LIST of TABLEAUX in list. flag is used
+@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
+           pn_tableaux 
+-      INT pn_tableaux (OP n, OP partition, OP list);
++      INT pn_tableaux (OP n, OP partition, OP list)
+    Calculates the set of standard spinor-tableaux for O(n),
+ 	       returning a LIST of MONOM in list. Each MONOM has
+@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
+           sn_tableaux 
+-      INT sn_tableaux (OP n, OP partition, INT flag, OP list);
++      INT sn_tableaux (OP n, OP partition, INT flag, OP list)
+    Calculates the set of standard spinor-tableaux for SO(n),
+ 	       returning a LIST of MONOM in list. Each MONOM has
+@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
+           gl_character
+-      INT gl_character (OP n, OP partition, OP character);
++      INT gl_character (OP n, OP partition, OP character)
+    Calculates the character of the representation of GL(n)
+ 	       labelled by partition. This is the Schur function.
+@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
+           sp_character
+-      INT sp_character (OP n, OP partition, OP character);
++      INT sp_character (OP n, OP partition, OP character)
+    Calculates the character of the representation of Sp(n)
+ 	       labelled by partition. It is returned as a POLYNOM
+@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@
+           or_character
+-      INT or_character (OP n, OP partition, OP character);
++      INT or_character (OP n, OP partition, OP character)
+    Calculates the character of the representation of O(n)
+ 	       labelled by partition. It is returned as a POLYNOM
+@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@
+           so_character
+-      INT so_character (OP n, OP partition, INT flag, OP character);
++      INT so_character (OP n, OP partition, INT flag, OP character)
+    Calculates the character of the representation of SO(n)
+ 	       labelled by partition. It is returned as a POLYNOM
+@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@
+           pn_character
+-      INT pn_character (OP n, OP partition, OP character);
++      INT pn_character (OP n, OP partition, OP character)
+    Calculates the spin character of the representation of
+ 	       O(n) labelled by partition. It is returned as a
+@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
+           sn_character
+-      INT sn_character (OP n, OP partition, INT flag, OP character);
++      INT sn_character (OP n, OP partition, INT flag, OP character)
+    Calculates the spin character of the representation of
+ 	       SO(n) labelled by partition. It is returned as a
+--- a/ff.doc
++++ b/ff.doc
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
+ NAME:	
+ 	s_ff_di
+-	INT 	s_ff_di(OP ff)
++	INT s_ff_di(OP ff)
+ 	gives the degree of the extension as an INT value
+--- a/ga.doc
++++ b/ga.doc
+@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
+ 	hplus_hecke
+ 	INT hplus_hecke(OP a,b)
++	none
+ NAME:		
+ 	hplus
+@@ -46,11 +48,15 @@
+ 	vminus_hecke
+ 	INT vminus_hecke(OP a,b)
++	none
+ NAME:		
+ 	vminus_tabloid
+ 	INT vminus_tabloid(OP a,b)
++	none
+ NAME:		
+ 	vminus
+--- a/hiccup.doc
++++ b/hiccup.doc
+@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+         hecke_scale
+-     INT hecke_scale (OP hecke, OP power, OP coeff); 
++     INT hecke_scale (OP hecke, OP power, OP coeff)
+    The hecke algebra element hecke which is a linear
+ 	       combinations of permutations as described in the
+@@ -475,8 +475,7 @@
+ INT root_dimension (OP partition, OP p_root, OP dim);
+ INT generate_root_tableaux (OP partition, OP p_root, OP std);
+ INT hecke_root_generator_reps (OP partition, OP p_root, OP vector);
+-INT root_represent_hecke_action (OP partition, 
+-				  OP p_root, OP hecke, OP mat);
++INT root_represent_hecke_action (OP partition, OP p_root, OP hecke, OP mat);
+ INT root_standardise_cold_tableaux_list (OP tableaux, OP p_root, OP result);
+@@ -493,7 +492,7 @@
+ INT hecke_add (OP hecke1, OP hecke2, OP result);
+ INT hecke_mult (OP hecke1, OP hecke2, OP result);
+-INT hecke_scale (OP hecke, OP power, OP coeff); 
++INT hecke_scale (OP hecke, OP power, OP coeff);
+ /********************************************************************
+--- a/integer.doc
++++ b/integer.doc
+@@ -33,18 +33,18 @@
+ NAME:   
+         m_i_i
+-	    INT m_i_i(INT integer; OP integerobject)
++	    INT m_i_i(INT integer, OP integerobject)
++      M_I_I
+   builds an integerobject with value integer. First
+-	it is checked whether integerobject is an empty object, if 
+-	not it is freed first.
++  it is checked whether integerobject is an empty object, if
++  not it is freed first.
++  The macro version M_I_I does the same but without a check
++  on empty object.
+          the returnvalue is OK, or ERROR if an error
+ 	occured.
+-          there is also a macro version M_I_I which does the
+-	same without a check on empty object.
+ 	If you have an INTEGERobject you sometimes want to select the
+@@ -64,16 +64,17 @@
+ NAME: 
+ 	          s_i_i
+ 	 INT s_i_i(OP integerobject)
++	 S_I_I
+-	    selects the INTvalue of integerobject. There is
++	selects the INTvalue of integerobject. There is
+ 	first a check whether it is an INTEGERobject or not.
++	The macro version S_I_I does the same but without a
++	check on INTEGERobject.
+ 	         the returnvalue is the INTvalue or ERROR if an error occured
+-	         there is also a macro version S_I_I which does the
+-	same without a check on INTEGERobject.
+@@ -91,18 +92,19 @@
+ 	will first print a line with the number 5, and then a line with the
+ 	number 7.
+-	c_i_i              
++	c_i_i
+-	       INT c_i_i(OP integerobject;INT integervalue)
++	       INT c_i_i(OP integerobject, INT integervalue)
++	       C_I_I
+ 	   changes the INTvalue of integerobject. There is
+ 	first a check whether it is an INTEGERobject or not.
++	The version C_I_I does the same but without a check
++	on INTEGERobject.
+ 	         the returnvalue is OK or ERROR if an error occured
+- there is also a macro version C_I_I which does the
+-	same without a check on INTEGERobject.
+ 	For sake of consistency there is also a routine b_i_i(), which means
+@@ -159,7 +161,7 @@
+ 			scan_integer
+-		INT scan_integer( OP a)
++		INT scan_integer(OP a)
+ 		the sub routine for reading interactivly an
+ 	INTEGER object. There will be an error message if it was not possible
+@@ -258,10 +260,11 @@
+ 	as you often need special INTEGER objects, there are some global
+ 	INTEGER objects, there are:
+-	OP cons_eins			the INTEGER object with value 1
+-	OP cons_null			the INTEGER object with value 0
+-	OP cons_zwei			the INTEGER object with value 2
+-	OP cons_negeins			the INTEGER object with value -1
++	OP cons_eins     the INTEGER object with value  1
++	OP cons_null     the INTEGER object with value  0
++	OP cons_zwei     the INTEGER object with value  2
++	OP cons_drei     the INTEGER object with value  3
++	OP cons_negeins  the INTEGER object with value -1
+ 	so you may use these global variables instead of generating your
+ 	own variables containing these often used INTEGER objects. But you 
+@@ -269,7 +272,41 @@
+ 	variables. This will generate bad results in all the routines 
+ 	which trust on the values of these global variables.
++	cons_eins
++	OP cons_eins
++	the INTEGER object with value 1
++	cons_null
++	OP cons_null
++	the INTEGER object with value 0
++	cons_zwei
++	cons_two
++	OP cons_zwei
++	the INTEGER object with value 2
++	cons_drei
++	OP cons_drei
++	the INTEGER object with value 3
++	cons_negeins
++	OP cons_negeins
++	the INTEGER object with value -1
+ 	----------------
+--- a/io.doc
++++ b/io.doc
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	     display
+-	  INT display( OP a)
++	  INT display(OP a)
+ 	 This is a old routine to provide  nice output of special 
+         objects. 
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	     ferrers
+-	   INT ferrers( OP a)
++	   INT ferrers(OP a)
+ 	 prints the Ferrers diagramm of a PARTITION object to
+         stdout.
+--- a/list.doc
++++ b/list.doc
+@@ -7,7 +7,44 @@
+ which is again a LIST object. If the next-part is NULL,
+ we are at the end of the list.
+-To select parts of a LIST object we have standard macros and 
++	s_l_s
++	OP s_l_s()
++	S_L_S
++	see comment
++	c_l_s
++	INT c_l_s()
++	C_L_S
++	see comment
++	s_l_n
++	OP s_l_n()
++	S_L_N
++	see comment
++	c_l_n
++	INT c_l_n()
++	C_L_N
++	see comment
++To select parts of a LIST object we have standard macros and
+ routines:
+ NAME                    MACRO              description
+@@ -20,12 +57,13 @@
+ For the construction of a LIST object there are
+ m_sn_l and b_sn_l, whose description follows.
+                  b_sn_l
+                  INT b_sn_l(OP self,next,result)
+-DESCRIPTION:     constructs a new LIST object using 
+-      build (using the parameters as partsof the result). 
++	constructs a new LIST object using
++  build (using the parameters as partsof the result).
+ 	If the parameters are NULL
+       than there is no difference between b_sn_l and m_sn_l.
+       First it frees the memory of result, if result is not
+@@ -90,8 +128,7 @@
+ NAME:         
+ 	insert_list
+ SYNOPSIS:     
+-	INT insert_list(OP element, list
+-                       INT (* eqhandle)(), (* compfunction)() )
++	INT insert_list(OP element, list; INT (* eqhandle)(), (* compfunction)() )
+ 	inserts the element into the LIST object list. 
+ 	The second parameter list must be a LIST object. 
+@@ -127,7 +164,7 @@
+ NAME:           
+ 	lastp_list
+ SYNOPSIS:       
+-	INT lastp_list(OP l)
++	INT lastp_list(OP list)
+ 	true if next == NULL
+ 	a test whether we are at the end of a list
+@@ -154,7 +191,7 @@
+ NAME:           
+ SYNOPSIS:       
+-	INT t_LIST_VECTOR(OP list,OP vector)
++	INT t_LIST_VECTOR(OP list, OP vector)
+ 	builds a VECTOR whose entries are copies
+ 	      of the entries of the LIST object.
+--- a/moddg.doc
++++ b/moddg.doc
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+ NAME:		
+ 	brauer_char
+-	INT brauer_char(OP sn,OP prime,OP bc)
++	INT brauer_char(OP sn, OP prime, OP bc)
+ 	computes the table (MATRIX object) of brauer characters for the
+ 	symmetric group of degree sn (INTEGER object) and given prime
+@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
+ NAME:       
+ 	decp_mat
+-	INT decp_mat(OP n,OP p,OP dmat) 
++	INT decp_mat(OP n, OP p, OP dmat)
+ 	computes the decomposition matrix to the symmetric 
+ 	group Sn of degree n for the prime p.
+@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
+ 	moddg
+-	INT moddg(prime,llambda,pi,dmat) OP prime; OP llambda; OP pi; OP dmat;
++	INT moddg(OP prime, OP llambda, OP pi, OP dmat)
+ 	computes a modular irreducible representation for the PERMUTATION object
+ 	pi. The result is a MATRIX object with INTEGER entries. The representation is 
+--- a/nb.doc
++++ b/nb.doc
+@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
+ NAME:             
+ 	integer_factors_to_integer
+ SYNOPSIS:         
+-	INT integer_factors_to_integer(OP l,OP a)
++	INT integer_factors_to_integer(OP l, OP a)
+ 	l is a MONOPOLY representing the factorization of an integer
+     into integers with integer exponents.  These factors are combined to reform
+@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	   make_coprimes
+-	INT make_coprimes(OP number,OP result)
++	INT make_coprimes(OP number, OP result)
+ 	      Given the number n, which should be a positive INTEGER or
+     LONGINT or a MONOPOLY representing a factorisation of an integer greater
+@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
+ NAME:      
+        euler_phi
+-         INT euler_phi(OP a,OP b)
++         INT euler_phi(OP a, OP b)
+      Determines the number of numbers coprime to an integer a
+     and returns it in b. The object a may be INTEGER object or LONGINT object.
+@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
+ NAME:             
+ 	ganzsquareroot_longint
+ SYNOPSIS:         
+-	INT ganzsquareroot_longint(OP a,OP b)
++	INT ganzsquareroot_longint(OP a, OP b)
+ 	a is a non-negative LONGINT object.
+     b is set to the integer part of its square root.  In this case, the return
+@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
+ NAME:             
+                   ganzsquareroot_integer
+ SYNOPSIS:         
+-	INT ganzsquareroot_integer(OP a,OP b)
++	INT ganzsquareroot_integer(OP a, OP b)
+ 	 a is a non-negative INTEGER object.
+     b is set to the integer part of its square root.  In this case, the return
+@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	           first_prime_factor
+-	 INT first_prime_factor(OP a,OP first_prime)
++	 INT first_prime_factor(OP a, OP first_prime)
+       This routine finds the smallest prime factor of an integer
+     a. The prime found is returned as first_prime.
+@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	   square_free_part
+-	 INT square_free_part(OP a,OP b,OP c,OP la,OP lb,OP lc)
++	 INT square_free_part(OP a, OP b, OP c, OP la, OP lb, OP lc)
+ 	      This routine find the square-free part of the integer a,
+     i.e. the product of the prime factors which occur to an odd exponent and -1,
+@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
+ NAME:      
+        square_free_part_0
+-     INT square_free_part_0( OP la,lb,lc)
++     INT square_free_part_0(OP la,lb,lc)
+       This routine find the square-free part of the integer, which
+     is given as a prime factors list la -- a MONOPOLY containing the prime
+@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
+ NAME:   
+           jacobi
+-         INT jacobi(a,b,c) OP a,b,c;
++         INT jacobi(OP a,b,c)
+       The Jacobi Symbol: (a/b) b odd.  a and b are integers.  c must
+     point to a location different from a and b. If a and b have a common factor,
+@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
+              kronecker
+-         INT kronecker(a,b,c) OP a,b,c;
++         INT kronecker(OP a,b,c)
+      The Kronecker Symbol: (a/b). a square-free and congruent to
+     0 or 1 mod 4.  a and b are integers.  c must point to a location different
+@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
+ NAME:             
+ 	b_skn_mp
+-	 INT b_skn_mp( OP s,k,n,e)
++	 INT b_skn_mp(OP s,k,n,e)
+ 	     Build a monopoly whose self is s, coefficient is
+     k and next is n.  b_skn_mp uses the objects supplied as arguments, while
+@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
+ NAME:             
+ 	m_skn_mp
+-	 INT m_skn_mp( OP s,k,n,e)
++	 INT m_skn_mp(OP s,k,n,e)
+ 	     Make a monopoly whose self is s, coefficient is
+     k and next is n.  b_skn_mp uses the objects supplied as arguments, while
+@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
+ NAME:             
+ 	scan_monopoly
+ SYNOPSIS:        
+-	 INT scan_monopoly(a) OP a;
++	 INT scan_monopoly(OP a)
+ 	   Routines for inputting a monopoly from stdin. scan_monopoly
+     requests the type of self and coefficient.  It then transfers control to
+@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@
+ NAME:             
+ 	remove_zero_terms
+-	        INT remove_zero_terms(a) OP a;
++	        INT remove_zero_terms(OP a)
+ 	      Removes those terms from a MONOPOLY with zero coefficients
+     unless this makes the list empty.  In this case, one term with self and
+@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
+ 	add_scalar_monopoly
+-		INT add_scalar_monopoly( OP a,b,c)
++		INT add_scalar_monopoly(OP a,b,c)
+ 	subroutine of add
+@@ -353,14 +353,14 @@
+ 	mult_scalar_monopoly
+-		INT mult_scalar_monopoly( OP a,b,c)
++		INT mult_scalar_monopoly(OP a,b,c)
+         subroutine of  mult
+ 	add_monopoly_monopoly
+-	INT add_monopoly_monopoly( OP a, b, c)
++	INT add_monopoly_monopoly(OP a, b, c)
+         subroutine of add
+@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@
+ 	add_monopoly
+-		INT add_monopoly( OP a,b,c)
++		INT add_monopoly(OP a,b,c)
+         subroutine of add
+@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@
+ 	add_apply_monopol
+-	INT add_apply_monopoly( OP a,b)
++	INT add_apply_monopoly(OP a,b)
+ 	Addition of objects of type INTEGER, 
+ 	LONGINT, BRUCH and MONOPOLY. Subroutine of add_apply
+@@ -394,7 +394,8 @@
+ 	mult_monopoly
+-SYNOPSIS:	INT mult_monopoly( OP a,b,c)
++	INT mult_monopoly(OP a,b,c)
+ 	for the multiplication of a object a of type MONOPOLY
+ 	with an arbitray object b, the result is the object c.
+@@ -414,15 +415,15 @@
+ 	 addinvers_monopoly
+-	INT addinvers_monopoly( OP a,b)
++	INT addinvers_monopoly(OP a,b)
+ 	subroutine of the general routine addinvers
+ 	addinvers_apply_monopoly
+-	INT addinvers_apply_monopoly(OP a) 
++	INT addinvers_apply_monopoly(OP a)
+ 	subroutine of the general routine addinvers_apply
+@@ -444,7 +445,7 @@
+ NAME:             
+ 	quores_monopoly
+ SYNOPSIS:     
+-    INT quores_monopoly( OP poly,dpoly,qpoly,rpoly)
++    INT quores_monopoly(OP poly,dpoly,qpoly,rpoly)
+ 	Carries out the division algorithm on polynomials of one
+     variable to find the quotient (qpoly) and remainder (rpoly).  The result
+@@ -457,7 +458,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+            raise_power_monopoly
+-         INT raise_power_monopoly( OP a, b)
++         INT raise_power_monopoly(OP a, b)
+      Multiplies all the self components of the terms of the
+     monopoly b by the scalar a.  Viewing the monopoly as a polynomial p(x),
+@@ -468,7 +469,7 @@
+ NAME:             
+ 	scale_monopoly
+-	       INT scale_monopoly(a,b) OP a, b;
++	       INT scale_monopoly(OP a,b)
+ 	      Viewing the monopoly b as a polynomial p(x), the effect of
+     this routine is to replace it by p(a*x).
+@@ -478,7 +479,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	           objectread_monopoly
+-	         INT objectread_monopoly(f,a) FILE *f; OP a;
++	         INT objectread_monopoly(FILE *f, OP a)
+ 	      Reads a monopoly a from the stream f.
+@@ -487,7 +488,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	           tex_monopoly
+-	         INT tex_monopoly(a) OP a;
++	         INT tex_monopoly(OP a)
+ 	      Outputs a monopoly in a form suitable for TeX processing.
+     It is treated as a polynomial in x. Subroutine of the general routine
+@@ -499,7 +500,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	           make_unitary0_monopoly
+-	         INT make_unitary0_monopoly(number,result) OP number, result;
++	         INT make_unitary0_monopoly(OP number,result)
+ 	      Given the number n, which should be an positive INTEGER or
+     LONGINT, the result returns the monopoly corresponding to x**n-1.
+@@ -509,7 +510,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	           make_unitary1_monopoly
+-	         INT make_unitary1_monopoly(number,result) OP number, result;
++	         INT make_unitary1_monopoly(OP number,result)
+ 	      Given the number n, which should be an positive INTEGER or
+     LONGINT, the result returns the MONOPOLY x**(n-1) + x**(n-2) + ... + x + 1.
+@@ -519,7 +520,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	           make_cyclotomic_monopoly
+-	         INT make_cyclotomic_monopoly(number,result) OP number, result;
++	         INT make_cyclotomic_monopoly(OP number,result)
+ 	     Given the number n, which should be an positive INTEGER or
+     LONGINT or a MONOPOLY representing a factorisation of an integer greater
+@@ -531,7 +532,7 @@
+ 	converts a MONOPOLY object  a into a POLYNOM object b
+ 	with one variable.
+@@ -540,7 +541,7 @@
+ NAME: 
+ 	            eq_fieldobject_int
+-	         INT eq_fieldobject_int(type,a,i) OBJECTKIND type; OP a; INT i;
++	         INT eq_fieldobject_int(OBJECTKIND type, OP a, INT i)
+ 	      Determines if the 'field object' (a monopoly, sqrad or cyclo)
+     is equal to the integer i.  Returns OK for equality. There are six
+@@ -557,8 +558,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+                   b_ksd_n
+-                  INT b_ksd_n(kind,self,data,result) OBJECTKIND kind;
+-                        OP self,data,result;
++                  INT b_ksd_n(OBJECTKIND kind; OP self,data,result)
+ 	       build a number object (sqrad or cyclo), whose type
+     is 'kind', and with the given self and data.  b_ksd_n uses the objects
+@@ -569,8 +569,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	           m_ksd_n
+-	        INT m_ksd_n(kind,self,data,result) OBJECTKIND kind;
+-                        OP self,data,result;
++	        INT m_ksd_n(OBJECTKIND kind; OP self,data,result)
+ 	      Make a number object (sqrad or cyclo), whose type
+     is 'kind', and with the given self and data.  b_ksd_n uses the objects
+@@ -581,7 +580,7 @@
+ NAME:             
+ 	objectwrite_number
+-	  INT objectwrite_number(f,number) FILE *f; OP number;
++	  INT objectwrite_number(FILE *f, OP number)
+ 	   writes a number (sqrad or cyclo)
+     to a stream.  In the case of a cyclo, the only part of the data
+@@ -592,7 +591,7 @@
+ NAME:             
+ 	objectread_number
+-       INT objectread_number( FILE *f; OP number; OBJECTKIND type)
++       INT objectread_number(FILE *f, OP number, OBJECTKIND type)
+ 	   Reads a number (sqrad or cyclo) from 
+      a stream.  In the case of a cyclo, the only part of the data
+@@ -605,7 +604,7 @@
+ NAME:            
+ 	 fprint_number
+-	        INT fprint_number(f,n) FILE *f; OP n;
++	        INT fprint_number(FILE *f, OP n)
+ 	      Prints the number n on the stream f.  The self is printed
+     first and is separated by a colon from the data list in the case of a sqrad
+@@ -629,7 +628,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	           mult_lists
+-	        INT mult_lists(a,b,c) OP a, b, c;
++	        INT mult_lists(OP a,b,c)
+ 	      Multiplies the entries in two lists pairwise, putting the
+     resulting objects in a list.  Duplicate objects are ignored.
+@@ -639,7 +638,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	           tidy
+-	         INT tidy(a) OP a;
++	         INT tidy(OP a)
+ 	      Tidies up an object which contains cyclos in some of its
+     components.  Such cyclos are reduced modulo the cyclotomic polynomial.
+@@ -650,7 +649,7 @@
+ NAME: 
+             make_monopoly_sqrad
+-         INT make_monopoly_sqrad(a,b) OP a,b;
++         INT make_monopoly_sqrad(OP a,b)
+       Makes b a sqrad whose self is a copy of the monopoly a.
+     Also determines the data of the sqrad.
+@@ -660,7 +659,7 @@
+              make_scalar_sqrad
+-         INT make_scalar_sqrad(a,b) OP a,b;
++         INT make_scalar_sqrad(OP a,b)
+       Makes b a sqrad whose self is 1 and whose coefficient is a.
+@@ -669,7 +668,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+            scan_sqrad
+-        INT scan_sqrad(a) OP a;
++        INT scan_sqrad(OP a)
+       Input a sqrad directly from standard input.
+@@ -679,42 +678,42 @@
+ 	 add_scalar_sqrad
+-	INT add_scalar_sqrad(a,b,c) OP a,b,c;
++	INT add_scalar_sqrad(OP a,b,c)
+ 	this is a subroutine  of the general routine add
+ 	 mult_scalar_sqrad
+-	INT mult_scalar_sqrad(a,b,c) OP a, b, c;
++	INT mult_scalar_sqrad(OP a,b,c)
+         this is a subroutine  of the general routine mult
+ 	add_sqrad_sqrad
+-	INT add_sqrad_sqrad(a,b,c) OP a, b, c;
++	INT add_sqrad_sqrad(OP a,b,c)
+         this is a subroutine  of the general routine add
+ 	mult_sqrad_sqrad
+-	INT mult_sqrad_sqrad(a,b,c) OP a, b, c;
++	INT mult_sqrad_sqrad(OP a,b,c)
+         this is a subroutine  of the general routine mult
+ 	add_sqrad
+-	INT add_sqrad(a,b,c) OP a,b,c;
++	INT add_sqrad(OP a,b,c)
+         this is a subroutine  of the general routine add
+ 	add_apply_sqrad
+-	INT add_apply_sqrad(a,b) OP a,b;
++	INT add_apply_sqrad(OP a,b)
+     Addition of objects of type INTEGER, LONGINT, BRUCH, POLYNOM,
+@@ -723,14 +722,14 @@
+ 	mult_sqrad
+-	INT mult_sqrad(a,b,c) OP a,b,c;
++	INT mult_sqrad(OP a,b,c)
+         this is a subroutine  of the general routine mult
+ 	mult_apply_sqrad
+-	INT mult_apply_sqrad(a,b) OP a,b;
++	INT mult_apply_sqrad(OP a,b)
+     Multiplication of objects the first of type SQ_RADICAL and the second of
+@@ -740,40 +739,40 @@
+ 	addinvers_sqrad
+-	INT addinvers_sqrad(a,b) OP a,b;
++	INT addinvers_sqrad(OP a,b)
+         this is a subroutine  of the general routine addinvers
+ 	addinvers_apply_sqrad
+-	INT addinvers_apply_sqrad(a) OP a;
++	INT addinvers_apply_sqrad(OP a)
+         this is a subroutine  of the general routine addinvers_apply
+ 	invers_sqrad
+-	INT invers_sqrad(a,b) OP a,b;
++	INT invers_sqrad(OP a,b)
+ 	this is a subroutine  of the general routine invers
+ 	nullp_sqrad
+-	INT nullp_sqrad(a) OP a;
++	INT nullp_sqrad(OP a)
+ 	this is a subroutine  of the general routine nullp
+-	INT comp_sqrad(a,b) OP a,b;
++	INT comp_sqrad(OP a,b)
+ 	Uses comp_list on the self fields.
+ NAME:   
+ 	          tex_sqrad
+-	        INT tex_sqrad(a) OP a;
++	        INT tex_sqrad(OP a)
+ 	      Outputs a sqrad in a form suitable for TeX processing.
+     Each term of the self is expressed in the form: coefficient * \sqrt (self).
+@@ -783,7 +782,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	           squareroot_integer
+-	         INT squareroot_integer(a,b) OP a,b;
++	         INT squareroot_integer(OP a,b)
+ 	      b is a sqrad whose square is the scalar a, which is a
+ 	INTEGER object. This is a
+@@ -795,7 +794,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+                   squareroot_longint
+-                  INT squareroot_longint(a,b) OP a,b;
++                  INT squareroot_longint(OP a,b)
+ 	      b is a sqrad whose square is the scalar a, which is a
+ 	LONGINT object. This is a
+@@ -806,7 +805,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+                   squareroot_bruch
+-                  INT squareroot_bruch(a,b) OP a,b;
++                  INT squareroot_bruch(OP a,b)
+ 	      b is a sqrad whose square is the scalar a, which is a
+ 	BRUCH object. This is a
+@@ -819,7 +818,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	           convert_radical_cyclo
+-	         INT convert_radical_cyclo(a,b) OP a,b;
++	         INT convert_radical_cyclo(OP a,b)
+ 	      Converts the square root of an integer a to a cyclo b.
+@@ -829,7 +828,7 @@
+ 	             trans_index_monopoly_cyclo
+-	        INT trans_index_monopoly_cyclo(a,b,c) OP a,b,c;
++	        INT trans_index_monopoly_cyclo(OP a,b,c)
+ 	     Given a positive integer a and a monopoly b corresponding to
+     the polynomial p(x), a cyclo c is constructed whose index is a and which
+@@ -841,7 +840,7 @@
+ NAME:   
+ 	          field_check_cyclo
+-	        INT field_check_cyclo(a) OP a;
++	        INT field_check_cyclo(OP a)
+ 	     Check if element of field element , the CYCLOTOMIC
+ 	object a, is essentially an INTEGER,
+@@ -852,7 +851,7 @@
+ NAME:   
+                   field_check_sqrad
+-                  INT field_check_sqrad(a) OP a;
++                  INT field_check_sqrad(OP a)
+ 	     Check if element of field element, the SQ_RADICAL 
+ 	object a, is essentially an INTEGER,
+@@ -863,14 +862,14 @@
+ 	make_scalar_cyclo
+-	INT make_scalar_cyclo(a,b) OP a,b;
++	INT make_scalar_cyclo(OP a,b)
+ 	transfer a scalar object l into an CYCLOTOMIC object b.
+ NAME:           
+ 	  make_index_coeff_power_cyclo
+-	         INT make_index_coeff_power_cyclo(a,b,c,d) OP a,b,c,d;
++	         INT make_index_coeff_power_cyclo(OP a,b,c,d)
+ 	      The monomial b * x:c is treated as a cyclotomic number,
+     where x is the basic primitive a-th root of unity.  A cyclo d is
+@@ -881,7 +880,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	           scan_cyclo
+-	         INT scan_cyclo(a) OP a;
++	         INT scan_cyclo(OP a)
+ 	      Input a cyclo directly from standard input.
+ 	Subroutine of the general routine scan.
+@@ -892,21 +891,21 @@
+ 	add_scalar_cyclo
+-	INT add_scalar_cyclo(a,b,c) OP a,b,c;
++	INT add_scalar_cyclo(OP a,b,c)
+ 	this is a subroutine of the general routine add
+ 	 mult_scalar_cyclo
+-	INT mult_scalar_cyclo(a,b,c) OP a, b, c;
++	INT mult_scalar_cyclo(OP a,b,c)
+         this is a subroutine of the general routine mult
+ 	add_cyclo_cyclo
+-	INT add_cyclo_cyclo(a,b,c) OP a,b,c; 
++	INT add_cyclo_cyclo(OP a,b,c)
+ 	 c is completely tidied. 
+ 	this is a subroutine of the general routine add
+@@ -914,7 +913,7 @@
+ 	mult_cyclo_cyclo
+-	INT mult_cyclo_cyclo(a,b,c) OP a,b,c;
++	INT mult_cyclo_cyclo(OP a,b,c)
+ 	 c is completely tidied.
+ 	this is a subroutine of the general routine mult
+@@ -922,14 +921,14 @@
+ 	add_cyclo
+-	INT add_cyclo(a,b,c) OP a,b,c;
++	INT add_cyclo(OP a,b,c)
+         this is a subroutine of the general routine add
+ 	add_apply_cyclo
+-	INT add_apply_cyclo(a,b) OP a,b;
++	INT add_apply_cyclo(OP a,b)
+     Adds a cyclo to an object of type INTEGER, LONGINT, BRUCH, SQ_RADICAL,
+@@ -938,13 +937,13 @@
+ 	mult_cyclo
+-	INT mult_cyclo(a,b,c) OP a,b,c;
++	INT mult_cyclo(OP a,b,c)
+         this is a subroutine of the general routine mult
+ 	 mult_apply_cyclo
+-	INT mult_apply_cyclo(a,b) OP a,b;
++	INT mult_apply_cyclo(OP a,b)
+     Multiplies a cyclo with an object of type INTEGER, LONGINT, BRUCH,
+@@ -953,13 +952,13 @@
+ 	addinvers_cyclo
+-	INT addinvers_cyclo(a,b) OP a,b;
++	INT addinvers_cyclo(OP a,b)
+ 	this is a subroutine of the general routine addinvers
+ 	addinvers_apply_cyclo
+-	INT addinvers_apply_cyclo(a) OP a;
++	INT addinvers_apply_cyclo(OP a)
+         this is a subroutine of the general routine addinvers_apply
+@@ -967,27 +966,27 @@
+ 	invers_cyclo
+-	INT invers_cyclo(a,b) OP a,b;
++	INT invers_cyclo(OP a,b)
+ 	this is a subroutine of the general routine invers
+ 	nullp_cyclo
+-	INT nullp_cyclo(a) OP a;
++	INT nullp_cyclo(OP a)
+         this is a subroutine of the general routine nullp
+ 	comp_cyclo
+-	INT comp_cyclo(a) OP a;
++	INT comp_cyclo(OP a)
+ 	Uses comp_list on the self fields.
+ 	             conj_cyclo
+-	         INT conj_cyclo(a,b,c) OP a,b,c;
++	         INT conj_cyclo(OP a,b,c)
+ 	      If a represents the cyclotomic number p(x), where x is the
+     basic primitive n-th root of unity, c is a cyclo representing the number
+@@ -998,7 +997,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	           tex_cyclo
+-	         INT tex_cyclo(a) OP a;
++	         INT tex_cyclo(OP a)
+ 	      Outputs a cyclo in a form suitable for TeX processing.
+     Each term of the self is expressed in the form:
+@@ -1021,7 +1020,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	           print_cyclo_data
+-	         INT print_cyclo_data(ptr) CYCLO_DATA *ptr;
++	         INT print_cyclo_data(CYCLO_DATA *ptr)
+ 	      Prints at stdout the cyclotomic data pointed to by ptr,
+     prefacing the entries by Index, Degree, Polynomial and Automorphism
+--- a/nc.doc
++++ b/nc.doc
+@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
+ NAME:		
+ 	m_gl_chartafel
+-	INT m_gl_chartafel(gl,t)
++	INT m_gl_chartafel(OP gl,t)
+ 	you enter an object gl, which you got using a routine
+ 	to construct a group label (see above), the output is the
+@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
+ NAME:		
+ 	m_gl_nc
+-	INT m_gl_nc(OP gl, il, nc)
++	INT m_gl_nc(OP gl,il,nc)
+ 	you input the group label gl to specify the group, then
+ 	an object il which may be an INTEGER object, to say that you want
+--- a/nu.doc
++++ b/nu.doc
+@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	         mod  
+-	       INT mod(OP a,b,c) 
++	       INT mod(OP a,b,c)
+ 	 Computes a mod b, where a,b could be out of INTEGER or
+ 	LONGINT. The result is always positive,
+@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@
+ NAME:   
+         mult
+-	     INT mult(OP a,b,c) 
++	     INT mult(OP a,b,c)
+ 	    it multiplies the two objects a and b and the result will
+ 	be in c. First there is a check whether a,b,c not NULL then 
+--- a/object.doc
++++ b/object.doc
+@@ -80,32 +80,34 @@
+          s_o_k
+ 	  OBJECTKIND s_o_k(OP object)
++    S_O_K
+    As OP is a pointer, there is first a check,
+ 	whether it is the NULL pointer, then it
+-	returns the kind of the object
++	returns the kind of the object.
++  The macro S_O_K does the smae but without a check.
+        The returnvalue is the kind, or in the case of
+         an error the value (OBJECTKIND)ERROR. You have to cast
+ 	because in the normal case ERROR is of type INT.
+-         There is a macro S_O_K without a check
+ To change the kind of an object, you have the routine c_o_k()
+ NAME:  
+ 	        c_o_k
+-	INT c_o_k(OP object; OBJECTKIND kind)
++	INT c_o_k(OP object, OBJECTKIND kind)
++  C_O_K
+ 	  As OP is a pointer, there is first a check,
+ 	whether it is the NULL pointer, then the
+-	kind of the object is changed to kind
++	kind of the object is changed to kind.
++	The macro C_O_K does the same but without a check.
+ 	        The returnvalue is OK, or ERROR if an error occured
+-	        There is a macro C_O_K without a check
+ The second part of an object, are the datas themself. The type is 
+@@ -115,21 +117,19 @@
+ 	s_o_s
+ 	OBJECTSELF s_o_s(OP a)
++	S_O_S
+ 	acess the self part of an object. This is a union 
+ 	of different datatypes according to the kind part
+ 	of the object
+-	S_O_S
+ 	c_o_s
+ 	INT c_o_s(OP a, OBJECTSELF self)
+-	changes the self part of an object a. 
+ 	C_O_S
++	changes the self part of an object a.
+--- a/part.doc
++++ b/part.doc
+@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@
+ 	constructor m_ks_pa().
+ NAME:             
+-	b_ks_pa 
+-	INT b_ks_pa(OBJECTKIND kind;OP self, result)
++	b_ks_pa
++	INT b_ks_pa(OBJECTKIND kind; OP self, result)
+ 	      this routine build out of the two components kind
+ 	and self of a PARTITION object a new PARTITION object result.
+@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
+ NAME:             
+                   m_ks_pa    
+ SYNOPSIS:         
+-                  INT m_ks_pa(OBJECTKIND kind;OP self, result)
++                  INT m_ks_pa(OBJECTKIND kind; OP self, result)
+ 	      this routines build out of the two components kind
+ 	and self of a PARTITION object a new PARTITION object result.
+@@ -134,30 +134,32 @@
+ 	s_pa_s       
+ SYNOPSIS:         
+ 	OP s_pa_s(OP partition)
++  S_PA_S
+ 	selects the self-part, which should  be an 
+ 	VECTOR object
+ 	(up to now), there is first a check whether partition is really
+ 	a PARTITION object, else we would get an error.
++	The macro S_PA_S does the same but without a check.
+ 	           the self part, or NULL if an error occured
+-	           there is also a macro S_PA_S, without a check
+ NAME:      
+ 	       s_pa_k 
+ SYNOPSIS:        
+ 	 OBJECTKIND s_pa_k(OP partition)
++	 S_PA_K
+      selects the kind-part, which should  be 
+ 	(up to now), there is first a check whether partition is really
+ 	a PARTITION object, else we would get an error.
++	The macro S_PA_K does the same but without a check.
+ 	           the kind part, or (OBJECTKIND)ERROR if an error 
+ 	occured
+-	           there is also a macro S_PA_K, without a check
+ 	As we have seen, there always (up to now) VECTOR objects as self-parts
+@@ -358,7 +360,7 @@
+ 	next_partition
+-	next_partition(OP partone, OP partnext)
++	INT next_partition(OP partone, OP partnext)
+ 	using the algorithm of Nijnhuis/Wilf the next partition with
+ 	the same weight is computed. Better to use the general routine
+@@ -399,6 +401,8 @@
+ 	last_part_EXPONENT
+ 	INT last_part_EXPONENT(OP n, OP res)
++	none
+ which have the same parameters and produce the specified 
+--- a/perm.doc
++++ b/perm.doc
+@@ -42,13 +42,49 @@
+ 		m_ks_p
+ 		m_il_p
++	c_p_k
++	c_p_s
++	s_p_k
++	s_p_i
++	s_p_ii
++	s_p_l
++	s_p_li
++	s_p_s
++	b_ks_p
++	m_ks_p
++	m_il_p
++	INT c_p_k()
++	INT c_p_s()
++	OBJECTKIND s_p_k()
++	OP s_p_i()
++	INT s_p_ii()
++	OP s_p_l()
++	INT s_p_li()
++	OP s_p_s()
++	INT b_ks_p()
++	INT m_ks_p()
++	INT m_il_p()
++	C_P_K
++	C_P_S
++	S_P_K
++	S_P_I
++	S_P_II
++	S_P_L
++	S_P_LI
++	S_P_S
++	see chart
+ 		-----------------------------
+ NAME: 	     
+ 	c_p_k
+-	c_p_k(OP p, OBJECTKIND k)
++	INT c_p_k(OP p, OBJECTKIND k)
+ 	changes the value, which indicates the type of the
+ 	PERMUTATION object p. Up to now there are only two kinds,
+@@ -109,7 +145,7 @@
+ NAME:		
+ 	bruhat_comp_perm
+-	INT  bruhat_comp_perm( OP a,b)
++	INT bruhat_comp_perm( OP a,b)
+ 	compares according to the Bruhat order. returns the
+ 	constant INT NONCOMPARABLE if the two PERMUTATION objects
+@@ -219,8 +255,6 @@
+ 	Better to use the general routine mult(OP,OP,OP).
+ NAME:	     
+ 	fprint_permutation
+ 	INT fprint_permutation(FILE *fp, OP a)
+@@ -259,11 +293,9 @@
+ NAME:	     
+ 	makevectoroftranspositions
+-	makevectoroftranspositions
+ 	INT makevectoroftranspositions(OP deg, res)
+ 	computes the VECTOR of all PERMUTATION objects of the entered
+ 	degree, which are transpositions.
+ RETURN:	     
+@@ -509,7 +541,7 @@
+ 	        t_ZYKEL_VECTOR 
+-	    INT t_ZYKEL_VECTOR(OP a,b) 
++	    INT t_ZYKEL_VECTOR(OP a,b)
+ 	 a is a PERMUATION object of ZYKEL type
+       b becomes a PERMUTATION object of VECTOR type
+@@ -520,7 +552,7 @@
+ 	        t_zperm_vperm 
+-	    INT t_zperm_vperm(OP a,b) 
++	    INT t_zperm_vperm(OP a,b)
+ 	 a is a PERMUATION object of ZYKEL type
+       b becomes a PERMUTATION object of VECTOR type
+@@ -531,7 +563,7 @@
+ 	        t_VECTOR_ZYKEL 
+-	    INT t_VECTOR_ZYKEL(OP a,b) 
++	    INT t_VECTOR_ZYKEL(OP a,b)
+ 	 a is a PERMUATION object of VECTOR type
+       b becomes a PERMUTATION object of ZYKEL type
+@@ -542,7 +574,7 @@
+ 	        t_vperm_zperm 
+-	    INT t_vperm_zperm(OP a,b) 
++	    INT t_vperm_zperm(OP a,b)
+ 	 a is a PERMUATION object of VECTOR type
+       b becomes a PERMUTATION object of ZYKEL type
+--- a/poly.doc
++++ b/poly.doc
+@@ -37,7 +37,44 @@
+ 		b_s_po                             build_self_polynom
+ 		m_s_po                             make_self_polynom
++	s_po_n
++	s_po_s
++	s_po_si
++	s_po_sii
++	s_po_sl
++	s_po_sli
++	s_po_k
++	s_po_ki
++	m_skn_po
++	b_skn_po
++	b_s_po
++	m_s_po
++	OP s_po_n()
++	OP s_po_s()
++	OP s_po_si()
++	INT s_po_sii()
++	OP s_po_sl()
++	INT s_po_sli()
++	OP s_po_k()
++	INT s_po_ki()
++	INT m_skn_po()
++	INT b_skn_po()
++	INT b_s_po()
++	INT m_s_po()
++	S_PO_N
++	S_PO_S
++	S_PO_SI
++	S_PO_SL
++	S_PO_K
++	S_PO_KI
++	see chart
+ 			main()
+ 			{
+ 			OP a,b,c;
+@@ -103,7 +140,7 @@
+ 	produces an error, because the self part is not yet initialised.
+ NAME:		
+-	symmetrip_i
++	symmetricp_i
+ 	INT symmetricp_i(OP a; INT i)
+@@ -198,15 +235,15 @@
+ NAME:        
+ 	gauss_polynom
+-	INT gauss_polynom(a,b,c)
++	INT gauss_polynom(OP a,b,c)
+ 	computing Gauss polynomial using recursion.
+ NAME:        
+ 	gauss_schubert_polynom
+-	INT gauss_polynom(a,b,c)
++	INT gauss_schubert_polynom(OP a,b,c)
+ 	computing Gauss polynomial as a specialisation 
+ 	of  Schubert polynomials (slower)
+@@ -229,7 +266,7 @@
+ NAME:        
+ 	lagrange_polynom
+-	INT lagrange_polynom(OP a,b,c) 
++	INT lagrange_polynom(OP a,b,c)
+ 	This routine computes the Lagrange polynomial which 
+       interpolates at the points in the VECTOR object a (which
+@@ -364,7 +401,7 @@
+ NAME:	     
+ 	numberofvariables
+-	INT  numberofvariables(OP pol,res)
++	INT numberofvariables(OP pol,res)
+ 	computes the number of variables of the POLYNOM object pol.
+ 	The result is a positiv INTEGER object res. If the self-part of
+--- a/pr.doc
++++ b/pr.doc
+@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
+ NAME:       
+ 	prsym 
+-	INT prsym(OP lambda, OP T_v) 
++	INT prsym(OP lambda, OP T_v)
+ 	computes the matrix representation of the involutions
+ 	t_k which generate (together with -Id) the covering group T'_n
+ 	(in Schur's notation) of S_n and stores them as MATRIX objects 
+--- a/rh.doc
++++ b/rh.doc
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
+ NAME:		
+ 	m_function_reihe
+-	INT m_function_reihe(INT (*f)(); OP a);
++	INT m_function_reihe(INT (*f)(); OP a)
+ 	you enter a function f, which computes an coefficent
+ 	of the series, which is specified by an paramter of the function.
+@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
+ NAME:		
+ 	scan_reihe
+-	scan_reihe(OP a)
++	INT scan_reihe(OP a)
+ 	this is the function which is called by scan if you
+ 	enter the type REIHE. Up to now you can only select between
+--- a/sab.doc
++++ b/sab.doc
+@@ -34,10 +34,9 @@
+ 	bdg
+-	INT bdg(part,perm,D);  OP part,perm,D;
++	INT bdg(OP part,perm,D)
+ 	Calculates the irreduzible matrix representation 
+                         D^part(perm), whose entries are of integral numbers.
+           reference:    H. Boerner:
+@@ -47,10 +46,9 @@
+ 	sdg
+-	INT sdg(part,perm,D);  OP part,perm,D;
++	INT sdg(OP part,perm,D)
+ 	Calculates the irreduzible matrix representation 
+                         D^part(perm), which consists of rational numbers.
+           reference:    G. James/ A. Kerber:  
+@@ -60,10 +58,9 @@
+ 	odg
+-	INT odg(part,perm,D);  OP part,perm,D;
++	INT odg(OP part,perm,D)
+ 	Calculates the irreduzible matrix representation 
+ 	D^part(perm), which consists of real numbers.
+@@ -88,12 +85,11 @@
+         a)  Decomposition of the n-fold tensorproduct of the identical
+                 representation of Glm(C) onto itself.
+ 	glmndg
+-	INT glmndg(m,n,M,VAR); OP m,n,M; INT VAR;
++	INT glmndg(OP m,n,M; INT VAR)
+ 	If VAR is equal to 0L the orthogonal representation 
+                          is used for the decomposition, otherwise, if VAR 
+                          equals 1L, the natural representation is considered.
+@@ -110,8 +106,7 @@
+ 	glpdg
+ SYNOPSIS:     
+-	INT glpdg(m,part,M); OP m,part,M;
++	INT glpdg(OP m,part,M)
+ 	part has to be an PARTITION object with not more
+                           than m parts.
+@@ -139,8 +134,7 @@
+ 	glm_homtest
+ SYNOPSIS:     
+-	INT glm_homtest(m,M); OP m,M;
++	INT glm_homtest(OP m,M)
+ 	The relation D(A)*D(B) = D(A*B) is verified 
+                         with two random integer matrices. 
+@@ -166,8 +160,8 @@
+                  --------------------------------------------------------------      
+                  nr of generators of  G             |       orderS 
+                  (INTEGER )                         |
+-                 set S of generators of G           |       S 
++                 set S of generators of G           |       S
+                  (VECTOR of PERMUTATIONS of         |
+                  length n, where G <= Sn)           |
+--- a/sb.doc
++++ b/sb.doc
+@@ -25,6 +25,36 @@
+ s_sch_k          S_SCH_K          select_schubert_koeff
+ s_sch_ki         S_SCH_KI         select_schubert_koeff_asINT
++	s_sch_s
++	s_sch_si
++	s_sch_sii
++	s_sch_sl
++	s_sch_sli
++	s_sch_n
++	s_sch_k
++	s_sch_ki
++	OP s_sch_s()
++	OP s_sch_si()
++	INT s_sch_sii()
++	OP s_sch_sl()
++	INT s_sch_sli()
++	OP s_sch_n()
++	OP s_sch_k()
++	INT s_sch_ki()
++	S_SCH_S
++	S_SCH_N
++	S_SCH_K
++	see chart
+ NAME:		
+ 	m_perm_sch
+@@ -97,7 +127,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	        m_perm_2schubert_monom_summe
+-	      INT m_perm_schubert_monom_summe(OP a,b)
++	      INT m_perm_2schubert_monom_summe(OP a,b)
+ 	   this routine computes the double schubert monomial
+ 	coreesponding to the 
+@@ -180,8 +210,8 @@
+ 		exchange_alphabets
+-	INT exchange_alphabets(OP a,b) 
++	INT exchange_alphabets(OP a,b)
+ 		this routine exchanges the two sets of variables in a 
+ 	POLYNOM object a, which should be the result of a earlier call
+@@ -189,7 +219,7 @@
+ NAME:  
+ 	        test_schubert
+ 	     INT test_schubert()
+ 	   tests the installation
+@@ -197,7 +227,7 @@
+ 			tex_2schubert_monom_summe
+-		INT   tex_2schubert_monom_summe(OP a)
++		INT tex_2schubert_monom_summe(OP a)
+ 		this is to provide a  TeX output of the POLYNOM
+ 	object which was described in m_perm_2schubert_monom_summe.
+--- a/sc.doc
++++ b/sc.doc
+@@ -23,7 +23,38 @@
+ s_sc_pli        S_SC_PLI           select_symchar_partition_length_as_INT
+ s_sc_pi         S_SC_PI            select_symchar_partition_ith_entry
++	s_sc_d
++	s_sc_di
++	s_sc_w
++	s_sc_wli
++	s_sc_wi
++	s_sc_wii
++	s_sc_p
++	s_sc_pli
++	s_sc_pi
++	OP s_sc_d(OP a)
++	INT s_sc_di(OP a)
++	OP s_sc_w(OP a)
++	INT s_sc_wli(OP a)
++	OP s_sc_wi(OP a, INT i)
++	INT s_sc_wii(OP a, INT i)
++	OP s_sc_p(OP a)
++	INT s_sc_pli(OP a)
++	OP s_sc_pi(OP a, INT i)
++	S_SC_D
++	S_SC_DI
++	S_SC_W
++	S_SC_WI
++	S_SC_P
++	S_SC_PI
++	see chart
+ NAME:		
+ 	m_d_sc
+@@ -84,7 +115,7 @@
+ NAME:       
+ 	chartafel
+-	INT chartafel(OP degree,  res)
++	INT chartafel(OP degree, res)
+ 	you enter the degree of the symmetric group, as INTEGER 
+ 	object and the result is a MATRIX object: the charactertable 
+--- a/schur.doc
++++ b/schur.doc
+@@ -41,6 +41,33 @@
+ 	and the routine make_.., which differ in the handling of
+ 	the inputs, make does a copy and build does no copy.
++	s_s_s
++	s_s_n
++	s_s_k
++	s_s_si
++	s_s_sl
++	s_s_sii
++	s_s_sli
++	OP s_s_s(OP a)
++	OP s_s_n(OP a)
++	OP s_s_k(OP a)
++	OP s_s_si(OP a, INT i)
++	OP s_s_sl(OP a)
++	INT s_s_sii(OP a, INT i)
++	INT s_s_sli(OP a)
++	S_S_S
++	S_S_N
++	S_S_K
++	S_S_SI
++	S_S_SL
++	S_S_SII
++	S_S_SLI
++	see routine chart above
+ NAME:      
+ 	b_skn_s
+@@ -517,7 +544,7 @@
+ NAME:      	
+ 	hall_littlewood
+-	INT  hall_littlewood(OP part, OP res)
++	INT hall_littlewood(OP part, OP res)
+ 	computes the so called Hall Littlewood Polynomials, i.e.
+       a SCHUR object, whose coefficient are polynomials in one
+@@ -528,7 +555,7 @@
+ 	compute_zonal_with_alphabet
+-	INT compute_zonal_with_alphabet(part,l,res) OP part,l,res;
++	INT compute_zonal_with_alphabet(OP part,l,res)
+ 	computes the zonal polynomial, a POLYNOM object, labeled by the
+ 	PARTITION object part, for the alphabet in l variables.
+--- a/ta.doc
++++ b/ta.doc
+@@ -52,6 +52,74 @@
+ b_us_t                        build_umriss_self_tableaux
+ m_us_t                        make_umriss_self_tableaux
++	s_t_s
++	s_t_ij
++	s_t_iji
++	s_t_l
++	s_t_li
++	s_t_h
++	s_t_hi
++	s_t_u
++	s_t_ui
++	s_t_uii
++	s_t_ul
++	s_t_uli
++	s_t_ug
++	s_t_ugii
++	s_t_ugli
++	s_t_uk
++	s_t_ukii
++	s_t_ukli
++	b_us_t
++	m_us_t
++	OP s_t_s(OP a)
++	OP s_t_ij(OP a; INT i,j)
++	INT s_t_iji(OP a; INT i,j)
++	OP s_t_l(OP a)
++	INT s_t_li(OP a)
++	OP s_t_h(OP a)
++	INT s_t_hi(OP a)
++	OP s_t_u(OP a)
++	OP s_t_ui(OP a, INT i)
++	INT s_t_uii(OP a, INT i)
++	OP s_t_ul(OP a)
++	INT s_t_uli(OP a)
++	OP s_t_ug(OP a)
++	INT s_t_ugii(OP a, INT i)
++	INT s_t_ugli(OP a)
++	OP s_t_uk(OP a)
++	INT s_t_ukii(OP a, INT i)
++	INT s_t_ukli(OP a)
++	INT b_us_t(OP umriss,self,res)
++	INT m_us_t(OP umriss,self,res)
++	S_T_S
++	S_T_IJ
++	S_T_IJI
++	S_T_L
++	S_T_LI
++	S_T_H
++	S_T_HI
++	S_T_U
++	S_T_UI
++	S_T_UII
++	S_T_UL
++	S_T_ULI
++	S_T_UG
++	S_T_UGI
++	S_T_UGL
++	S_T_UK
++	S_T_UKI
++	S_T_UKL
++	see routine chart above
+ NAME:		
+ 	 b_matrix_tableaux
+@@ -84,16 +152,16 @@
+           wordoftableaux
+         INT wordoftableaux(OP a,b)
+             rowwordoftableaux
+-        INT rowwordoftableaux(OP a,b) 
++        INT rowwordoftableaux(OP a,b)
+             columnwordoftableaux
+         INT columnwordoftableaux(OP a,b)
++	none
+ To access the rows and columns of the tableaux, we have routines
+@@ -187,9 +255,9 @@
+ NAME:          
+   inhalt_tableaux
+        INT inhalt_tableaux(OP a,b)
+ 	A interessting routine is to compute the content of a 
+ 	tableau, i.e. the number of entries of each type, it is an integer
+ 	vector, where the first entry is the number of 1's in the tableau
+@@ -210,7 +278,7 @@
+ NAME:		
+ 	select_row
+-		select_row(OP a; INT i; OP b)
++	INT select_row(OP a; INT i; OP b)
+ 	    this routine is more or less the same as for MATRIX objects,
+ 	you transform the i-th row into VECTOR object, which contains the
+@@ -220,7 +288,7 @@
+ NAME:		
+ 		select_column
+-		select_column(OP a; INT i; OP b)
++		INT select_column(OP a; INT i; OP b)
+ 	    this routine is more or less the same as for MATRIX objects,
+ 	you transform the i-th column into VECTOR object, which contains the
+@@ -244,8 +312,7 @@
+ NAME:     
+ 	       inverse_nilplactic_jeudetaquin_tableaux
+-	        INT inverse_nilplactic_jeudetaquin_tableaux
+-                     (OP ta; INT i,j; OP erg)
++	INT inverse_nilplactic_jeudetaquin_tableaux(OP ta; INT i,j; OP erg)
+ 	same as inverse_jeudetaquin_tableaux put using the
+ 	nilplactic relations instead of the  plactic  relations
+@@ -261,9 +328,9 @@
+ 			  operate_perm_tableaux
+ 	  INT operate_perm_tableaux(OP a,b,c)
+ 		  permutes the entries (INTEGER) of a TABLEAUX object b
+ 	according to PERMUTATION object a. The result is a TABLEAUX
+ 	object c.
+--- a/vector.doc
++++ b/vector.doc
+@@ -34,18 +34,18 @@
+ 	m_il_v
+ 	 INT m_il_v(INT length; OP vectorobject)
++	 M_IL_V
+ 	builds an vector of the given length. First there is
+ 	a check whether vectorobject is a empty object, if this
+         is not the case it is freed.
+ 	Moreover, there is the allocation of the given number of 
+         objects, which are set to empty objects.
++	The macro M_IL_V does the same but without any checks.
+ 		      the returnvalue is OK, ERROR if some error occured, e.g.
+ 	not enough memory for the objects.
+-	       there is a macro M_IL_V, which is the same without any
+-	checks.
+@@ -181,23 +181,24 @@
+ NAME:         
+ 	s_v_l           select_vectorobject_length
+-              s_v_li          select_vectorobject_lengthinteger
++  s_v_li          select_vectorobject_lengthinteger
+ 	     OP s_v_l(OP vectorobject)
+-              INT s_v_li(OP vectorobject)
++       INT s_v_li(OP vectorobject)
++	S_V_L
++	S_V_LI
+ 	  selects the length of an VECTOR object. There is first a 
+ 	check whether it is really an VECTOR object. There is also a 
+ 	check whether the length is a not negative number.
++	The macro versions do the same but without checks.
+ 		      s_v_l gives the length part of the VECTOR object, this is
+ 	an INTEGER object, it is not a copy of the length part.
+ 	s_v_li gives the INTvalue of the length part. It is equivalent
+ 	to s_i_i(s_v_l()). If an error occured s_v_l returns NULL
+ 	and s_v_li() returns ERROR.
+-	       there are macro versions which do no checks, they are called
+-	S_V_L and S_V_LI
+ To access the parts of the VECTOR object, there is the routine s_v_i(),
+@@ -208,6 +209,8 @@
+          s_v_i
+     OP s_v_i(OP vectorobject; INT index)
++	S_V_I
+   selects the ith entry of an VECTOR object. There is first a 
+ 	check whether it is really an VECTOR object. Then there is a check
+@@ -215,19 +218,17 @@
+ 	As the VECTOR object is indexed by INT-numbers there is a 
+ 	(theoretical) limit on the size of a VECTOR object, namely
+ 	there a maximal 2^31 elements.
++	The macro version does the same but without checks.
+ 	s_v_i gives the ith  entry of the VECTOR object. In the case
+ 	of an error it returns NULL. 
+-       there is a macro version which does no checks, it 
+-	is called
+-	S_V_I 
+-         s_v_ii
++    s_v_ii
+     INT s_v_ii(OP vectorobject; INT index)
++	S_V_II
+   selects the INT value of the
+ 	ith entry of an VECTOR object. There is first a 
+@@ -237,12 +238,10 @@
+ 	As the VECTOR object is indexed by INT-numbers there is a 
+ 	(theoretical) limit on the size of a VECTOR object, namely
+ 	there a maximal 2^31 elements.
++	The macro version does the same but without checks.
+ RETURN:	      
+ 	s_v_ii gives the INT value of the
+ 	ith  entry of the VECTOR object. 
+-       there is a macro version which does no checks, it is called
+-	S_V_II
+@@ -297,21 +296,14 @@
+               b_l_nv 
+ SYNOPSIS:     
+               INT b_l_nv(OP l, OP v)
+ 	like the routine  b_l_v  but the elements
+         in the VECTOR object v are INTEGER objects with value 0.
+ 	comp_numeric_vector
+-	INT comp_numeric_vector(OP a,b);
++	INT comp_numeric_vector(OP a,b)
+ 	a special routine for the comparision of two VECTOR
+ 	objects with INTEGER entries. If the length of the VECTOR
+@@ -571,6 +563,9 @@
+ 			find_vector
+ 		OP find_vector(OP a,b)
++	none
+ 	returns NULL if there is no object in the VECTOR object b,
+ 	which is equal to the object a. If such a object exists,
+ 	the result is the object in the vector, not a copy of
+@@ -580,6 +575,9 @@
+ 			index_vector
+ 		INT index_vector(OP a,b)
++	none
+ 	returns -1L if there is no object in the VECTOR object b,
+ 	which is equal to the object a. If such a object exists,
+ 	the result is the index in the vector. So the result is
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/misc.doc
+@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
++	complete_complete_plet
++	INT complete_complete_plet(OP a, OP b, OP c)
++	Computes the plethysm of two complete symmetric functions labeled
++	by INTEGER objects. The first parameter is the outer one, so we
++	compute h_a(h_b). The result is a SCHUR object.
++	#include "def.h"
++	#include "macro.h"
++	scan(INTEGER,a);
++	scan(INTEGER,b);
++	complete_complete_plet(a,b,c);
++	println(c);
++	complete_schur_plet
++	INT complete_schur_plet(OP a, OP b, OP c)
++	Computes the plethysm of a complete symmetric function labeled by
++	the INTEGER object a and the Schurfunction labeled by the INTEGER
++	or PARTITION object b. The result will be a SCHUR function c. The
++	complete function is the outer one, so we compute h_a(s_b)
++	#include "def.h"
++	#include "macro.h"
++	scan(INTEGER,a);
++	scan(PARTITION,b);
++	complete_schur_plet(a,b,c);
++	println(c);
++	elementary_schur_plet
++	INT elementary_schur_plet(OP a, OP b, OP c)
++	Computes the plethysm of a elementary symmetric function labeled by
++	the INTEGER object a and the Schurfunction labeled by the INTEGER
++	or PARTITION object b. The result will be a SCHUR function c. The
++	elementary function is the outer one, so we compute e_a(s_b).
++	#include "def.h"
++	#include "macro.h"
++	scan(INTEGER,a);
++	scan(PARTITION,b);
++	elementary_schur_plet(a,b,c);
++	println(c);
++	power_schur_plet
++	INT power_schur_plet(OP a, OP b, OP c)
++	Computes the plethysm of a power symmetric function labeled by
++	the INTEGER object a and the Schurfunction labeled by the INTEGER
++	or PARTITION object b. The result will be a SCHUR function c. The
++	complete function is the outer one, so we compute p_a(s_b).
++	#include "def.h"
++	#include "macro.h"
++	scan(INTEGER,a);
++	scan(PARTITION,b);
++	power_schur_plet(a,b,c);
++	println(c);
++	schur_schur_plet
++	INT schur_schur_plet(OP a, OP b, OP c)
++	Computes the plethysm of two Schurfunctions labeled by a PARTITION
++	object or by an INTEGER object. The first parameter is the outer one,
++	so we compute s_a(s_b). The result is a SCHUR object.
++	#include "def.h"
++	#include "macro.h"
++	scan(PARTITION,a);
++	scan(PARTITION,b);
++	schur_schur_plet(a,b,c);
++	println(c);
+--- a/bruch.doc
++++ b/bruch.doc
+@@ -6,7 +6,82 @@
+ 	There a two parts, the nominator (called oben) and the denominator
+ 	(called unten).
++	s_b_o
++	INT s_b_o()
++	S_B_O
++	see comment
++	s_b_u
++	INT s_b_u()
++	S_B_U
++	see comment
++	s_b_oi
++	INT s_b_oi()
++	S_B_OI
++	see comment
++	s_b_ui
++	INT s_b_ui()
++	S_B_UI
++	see comment
++	c_b_o
++	INT c_b_o()
++	C_B_O
++	see comment
++	c_b_u
++	INT c_b_u()
++	C_B_U
++	see comment
++	b_ou_b
++	INT b_ou_b()
++	see comment
++	m_ou_b
++	INT m_ou_b()
++	see comment
++	m_ioiu_b
++	INT m_ioiu_b()
++	see comment
+ 	To select these parts, to change these parts or to build new 
+ 	BRUCH objects out of these parts there are the following routines 
+ 	or macros
+--- a/matrix.doc
++++ b/matrix.doc
+@@ -22,17 +22,70 @@
+ 	b_lhs_m                        build_length_height_self_matrix
+ 	b_lh_m                         build_length_height_matrix
+ 	m_lh_m                         make_length_height_matrix
+-	m_ilih_m                       make_integerlength_integerlength_
+-				       matrix
++	m_ilih_m                       make_integerlength_integerlength_matrix
+ 	b_lh_nm                        build_length_height_null_matrix
+ 	m_lh_nm                        make_length_height_null_matrix
+-	m_ilih_nm                      make_integerlength_integerlength_
+-				       null_matrix
++	m_ilih_nm                      make_integerlength_integerlength_null_matrix
+ 	the last three routines initialize the matrix with zero entries
+ 	The routine s_m_ij differs from S_M_IJ because in the macro
+ 	S_M_IJ there is no check on the indices.
++	s_m_s
++	s_m_h
++	s_m_hi
++	s_m_l
++	s_m_li
++	s_m_ij
++	s_m_iji
++	c_m_s
++	c_m_h
++	c_m_l
++	b_lhs_m
++	b_lh_m
++	m_lh_m
++	m_ilih_m
++	b_lh_nm
++	m_lh_nm
++	m_ilih_nm
++	OP s_m_s()
++	OP s_m_h()
++	INT s_m_hash()
++	INT s_m_hi()
++	INT s_m_hi()
++	OP s_m_l()
++	INT s_m_li()
++	INT s_m_li()
++	OP s_m_ij()
++	INT s_m_iji()
++	INT s_m_iji()
++	INT c_m_s()
++	INT c_m_h()
++	INT c_m_hash()
++	INT c_m_l()
++	INT b_lhs_m()
++	INT b_lh_m()
++	INT m_lh_m()
++	INT m_ilih_m()
++	INT b_lh_nm()
++	INT m_lh_nm()
++	INT m_ilih_nm()
++	S_M_S
++	S_M_H
++	S_M_HI
++	S_M_L
++	S_M_LI
++	S_M_IJ
++	S_M_IJI
++	C_M_S
++	C_M_H
++	C_M_L
++	see chart
+ 	--------------
+--- a/monom.doc
++++ b/monom.doc
+@@ -28,6 +28,43 @@
+ b_sk_mo
+ m_sk_mo
++	c_mo_s
++	c_mo_k
++	s_mo_s
++	s_mo_si
++	s_mo_sii
++	s_mo_sl
++	s_mo_sli
++	s_mo_k
++	s_mo_ki
++	b_sk_mo
++	m_sk_mo
++	INT c_mo_s()
++	INT c_mo_k()
++	OP s_mo_s()
++	OP s_mo_si()
++	INT s_mo_sii()
++	OP s_mo_sl()
++	INT s_mo_sli()
++	OP s_mo_k()
++	INT s_mo_ki()
++	INT b_sk_mo()
++	INT m_sk_mo()
++	C_MO_S
++	C_MO_K
++	S_MO_S
++	S_MO_SI
++	S_MO_SL
++	S_MO_K
++	S_MO_KI
++	see chart
+ NAME:        
+ 	b_sk_mo
+--- a/skew.doc
++++ b/skew.doc
+@@ -22,14 +22,46 @@
+ s_spa_gli          S_SPA_GLI          select_skewpart_gross_length_asINT
+ s_spa_kli          S_SPA_KLI          select_skewpart_klein_length_asINT
++	s_spa_g
++	s_spa_k
++	s_spa_gi
++	s_spa_ki
++	s_spa_gii
++	s_spa_kii
++	s_spa_gli
++	s_spa_kli
++	OP s_spa_g(OP a)
++	OP s_spa_k(OP a)
++	OP s_spa_gi(OP a, INT i)
++	OP s_spa_ki(OP a, INT i)
++	INT s_spa_gii(OP a, INT i)
++	INT s_spa_kii(OP a, INT i)
++	INT s_spa_gli(OP a)
++	INT s_spa_kli(OP a)
++	S_SPA_G
++	S_SPA_K
++	see routine chart above
+ To build a SKEWPARTITION-object
+-            b_gk_spa
++    b_gk_spa
+ 		INT b_gk_spa(OP gross,klein,result)
+@@ -41,7 +73,7 @@
+ 	copy of the input in the result.
+ 	m_gk_spa
+ 		INT m_gk_spa(OP gross,klein,result)
+--- a/intro.doc
++++ b/intro.doc
+@@ -98,3 +98,19 @@
+ as the last part we give some examples, a guide for the 
+ installation and a list of all routines.
++	callocobject
++	callocobject_anfang
++	callocobject_ende
++	callocobject_fast
++	callocobject_magma
++	test_callocobject
++	OP callocobject()
++	INT callocobject_anfang()
++	INT callocobject_ende()
++	OP callocobject_fast()
++	OP callocobject_magma()
++	INT test_callocobject()
++	none
diff --git a/debian/patches/upstream-fix-warning-format.patch b/debian/patches/upstream-fix-warning-format.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ab4707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/upstream-fix-warning-format.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1111 @@
+Description: fix format warnings for upstream source
+ Fix -Wformat warnings as emitted by gcc when the package builds;
+ meant to be submitted to the upstream maintainer.
+Origin: debian
+Author: Jerome Benoit <calculus at rezozer.net>
+Last-Update: 2014-09-14
+--- a/def.h
++++ b/def.h
+@@ -3,9 +3,16 @@
+ #ifndef DEF_H
+ #include <stdint.h>
++#include <inttypes.h>
+ typedef int32_t INT;
+ typedef uint32_t UINT;
++#define PRIINT PRId32
++#define SCNINT SCNd32
++#define PRIUINT PRIu32
++#define SCNUINT SCNu32
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <memory.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+@@ -65,6 +72,8 @@
+  * and OBJECTSELF to have a size equal to a machine word. */
+ typedef intptr_t OBJECTKIND;
+ typedef union {
+ 	intptr_t ob_INT;
+ 	INT * ob_INTpointer;
+--- a/bruch.c
++++ b/bruch.c
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     if (no_banner != TRUE)
+     if (mem_counter_bruch != 0L)
+         {
+-        fprintf(stderr,"mem_counter_bruch = %ld\n",mem_counter_bruch);
++        fprintf(stderr, "mem_counter_bruch = %" PRIINT "\n" ,mem_counter_bruch);
+         erg += error("bruch memory not freed");
+         goto endr_ende;
+         }
+@@ -1961,7 +1961,7 @@
+ {
+     INT erg = OK;
+     CTO(BRUCH,"objectwrite_bruch(2)",a);
+-    fprintf(f,"%ld\n", (INT)BRUCH);
++    fprintf(f, "%" PRIINT "\n" , (INT)BRUCH);
+     erg += objectwrite(f,S_B_O(a));
+     erg += objectwrite(f,S_B_U(a)); 
+     ENDR("objectwrite_bruch");
+--- a/de.c
++++ b/de.c
+@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@
+         break;
+     case 1: 
+         fprintf(stderr,"kind:1=integer value:");
+-        fprintf(stderr,"%ld\n",s_i_i(a));
++        fprintf(stderr, "%" PRIINT "\n" ,s_i_i(a));
+         return(OK);
+         case 120199: case 31:
+@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@
+         for (i=0L;i<s_v_li(a);i++)
+         {
+         for (k=0L;k<doffset;k++) fprintf(stderr," ");
+-        fprintf(stderr,"%s %ld-komponente:\n",text,i);
++        fprintf(stderr, "%s %" PRIINT "-komponente:\n" ,text,i);
+         doffset += 2L;
+         debugprint(s_v_i(a,i));
+         doffset -= 2L;
+@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@
+ #ifdef BRUCHTRUE
+     case 4: 
+         {
+-        fprintf(stderr,"kind:4=bruch gekuerzt=%ld oben:\n", s_b_i(a));
++        fprintf(stderr, "kind:4=bruch gekuerzt=%" PRIINT " oben:\n" , s_b_i(a));
+         doffset += 2L;
+         debugprint(s_b_o(a));
+         doffset -= 2L;
+@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@
+         for (j=0L;j<s_m_li(a);j++)
+         {
+         for (k=0L;k<doffset;k++) fprintf(stderr," ");
+-        fprintf(stderr,"%s %ld %ld-komponente:\n",text,i,j);
++        fprintf(stderr, "%s %" PRIINT " %" PRIINT "-komponente:\n" ,text,i,j);
+         doffset += 2L;
+         debugprint(s_m_ij(a,i,j));
+         doffset -= 2L;
+@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@
+         doffset += 2L;
+         C_O_K(a,VECTOR);
+         for (k=0L;k<doffset;k++) fprintf(stderr," ");
+-        fprintf(stderr,"length = number of bits = %ld\n",s_v_li(a));
++        fprintf(stderr, "length = number of bits = %" PRIINT "\n" ,s_v_li(a));
+         C_O_K(a,BITVECTOR);
+         doffset -= 2L;
+                 return(OK);
+--- a/di.c
++++ b/di.c
+@@ -1285,13 +1285,13 @@
+ 	m_il_nv(0L,FP);
+     Ggen(G);
+-	fprintf(stderr,"Gruppe erzeugt Ordnung %d\n",S_V_LI(G));
++	fprintf(stderr,"Gruppe erzeugt Ordnung %" PRIdPTR "\n" ,S_V_LI(G));
+ 	if(S_I_I(len) == 0L)
+ 		M_I_I(S_V_LI(G),len);
+ 	Canz = Cgen(G,C);
+-	fprintf(stderr,"Konjugiertenklassen erzeugt Anzahl %d\n",Canz);
++	fprintf(stderr, "Konjugiertenklassen erzeugt Anzahl %" PRIINT "\n" ,Canz);
+ 	m_il_nv(Canz,Cdegrees);
+ 	Cdeg(C,Cdegrees);
+@@ -1314,7 +1314,7 @@
+ 			Mggen(G,C,Cdegrees,weight,Mg);
+ 			MGgen(Mg,G,Cdegrees,MG);
+-			printf("Anzahl Bahnrepraesentanten: %d\n",S_I_I(MG));
++			printf( "Anzahl Bahnrepraesentanten: %" PRIdPTR "\n" ,S_I_I(MG));
+ 			m_il_nv(S_V_LI(Cdegrees),propab);
+ 			build_propab_vector(propab,Cdegrees,G,MG,Mg);
+--- a/ff.c
++++ b/ff.c
+@@ -925,13 +925,13 @@
+     Zeichen = (char *) SYM_calloc(500,sizeof(char));
+     printeingabe("input of a finite field element");
+     printeingabe("degree of extension");
+-    scanf("%ld",&i);
++    scanf( "%" SCNINT ,&i);
+     SYM_free((char *) Koerperelement);
+     Koerperelement = (INT *) UE_malloc((i+1)*sizeof(INT));
+     *Koerperzeiger = Koerperelement;
+     for (j=(INT)0;j<=i;j++)
+         Koerperelement[j] = (INT)0;
+-    fprintf(stderr,"input   of %ld entries, separated by comma",i);
++    fprintf(stderr, "input   of %" PRIINT " entries, separated by comma" ,i);
+     fprintf(stderr,"\nmissing entries are 0\n");
+     scanf("%s",Zeichen);
+     j = (INT)1;
+@@ -1006,12 +1006,12 @@
+     Koerperelement = *Koerperzeiger;
+     for (i=(INT)1;i<Koerperelement[0];i++)
+         {
+-        fprintf(f,"%ld,",Koerperelement[i]);
++        fprintf(f, "%" PRIINT "," ,Koerperelement[i]);
+         if (f == stdout) {
+             zeilenposition += (intlog_int(Koerperelement[i])+1);
+             }
+         }
+-    fprintf(f,"%ld",Koerperelement[Koerperelement[0]]);
++    fprintf(f, "%" PRIINT ,Koerperelement[Koerperelement[0]]);
+     if (f == stdout) {
+         zeilenposition += intlog_int(Koerperelement[Koerperelement[0]]);
+         }
+@@ -2069,7 +2069,7 @@
+     fprintf(stderr,"ff:INT vektor =\n");
+     for (i=(INT)0;i<doffset;i++) fputc(' ',stderr);
+     for (i=(INT)0;i<= *iv;i++)
+-        fprintf(stderr,"%ld ",*(iv+i));
++        fprintf(stderr, "%" PRIINT " " ,*(iv+i));
+     fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+     return OK;
+ }
+@@ -2165,10 +2165,10 @@
+     CTO(FF,"objectwrite_ff(2)",a);
+     {
+     INT i,*ip;
+-    fprintf(f,"%ld\n%ld\n%ld ", 
++    fprintf(f, "%" PRIINT "\n%ld\n%" PRIINT " " ,
+               (INT)FF,S_FF_CI(a),S_FF_DI(a));
+     ip = S_FF_IP(a);
+-    for (i=0;i<S_FF_DI(a);i++) fprintf(f,"%ld ",ip[i+1]);
++    for (i=0;i<S_FF_DI(a);i++) fprintf(f,"%" PRIINT " ",ip[i+1]);
+     fputc('\n',f);
+     }
+     ENDR("objectwrite_bruch");
+@@ -2184,10 +2184,10 @@
+     COP("objectread_ff(1)",f);
+     {
+     INT i,j,*ip;
+-    fscanf(f,"%ld",&i);Charakteristik=i;
+-    fscanf(f,"%ld",&i);UE_Erw_Grad=i;
++    fscanf(f, "%" SCNINT ,&i);Charakteristik=i;
++    fscanf(f, "%" SCNINT ,&i);UE_Erw_Grad=i;
+     init_ff(a);ip = S_FF_IP(a);
+-    for (j=0;j<UE_Erw_Grad;j++) { fscanf(f,"%ld",&i); ip[j+1]=i;}
++    for (j=0;j<UE_Erw_Grad;j++) { fscanf(f, "%" SCNINT ,&i); ip[j+1]=i;}
+     ip[0]=UE_Erw_Grad;
+     M_I_I(Charakteristik,S_V_I(a,0));
+     }
+@@ -2202,7 +2202,7 @@
+ /* AK 040304 */
+ {
+     INT erg = OK,i,j;
+-    sprintf(f,"[%d,",S_FF_CI(a)); i = strlen(f); f = f+i;
++    sprintf(f, "[%" PRIdPTR "," ,S_FF_CI(a)); i = strlen(f); f = f+i;
+     for (i=0;i<S_FF_DI(a)-1;i++)  {
+         sprintf(f,"%d,",S_FF_II(a,i));
+         j=strlen(f);f=f+j;
+--- a/ga.c
++++ b/ga.c
+@@ -459,8 +459,8 @@
+     OP zeiger = gral;
+         {
+-        fprintf(filename, " %d ",POLYNOM);
++        fprintf(filename, " %" PRIOBJECTKIND " " ,POLYNOM);
+         objectwrite(filename,S_PO_S(zeiger));
+         objectwrite(filename,S_PO_K(zeiger));
+         zeiger=S_PO_N(zeiger);
+--- a/hiccup.c
++++ b/hiccup.c
+@@ -3181,7 +3181,7 @@
+ 	for (i=0;i<ni;i++)
+ 	{
+-		printf("%ldth square is ",i+1);
++		printf( "%" PRIINT "th square is " ,i+1);
+ 		switch (check_hecke_quadratic(s_v_i(vector,i),p_root,flag))
+ 		{
+ 		case 0:
+@@ -3200,7 +3200,7 @@
+ 	for (i=1;i<ni;i++)
+ 	{
+-		printf("%ldth braid is ",i);
++		printf( "%" PRIINT "th braid is " ,i);
+ 		switch (check_braid(s_v_i(vector,i-1),s_v_i(vector,i),p_root,flag))
+ 		{
+ 		case 0:
+@@ -3220,7 +3220,7 @@
+ 	for (i=2;i<ni;i++)
+ 		for (j=0;j<i-1;j++)
+ 		{
+-			printf("(%ld,%ld)th commute is ",i+1,j+1);
++			printf( "(%" PRIINT ",%" PRIINT ")th commute is " ,i+1,j+1);
+ 			switch (check_commute(s_v_i(vector,i),s_v_i(vector,j),p_root,flag))
+ 			{
+ 			case 0:
+--- a/io.c
++++ b/io.c
+@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@
+     if (i++ == 4L)fprintf(stderr,"\n"),i=0L;
+     fprintf(stderr,"\nwhat kind:? ");
+-    scanf("%ld",&erg);
++    scanf( "%" SCNINT ,&erg);
+     if (erg == 46) erg = BARPERM;
+     return (OBJECTKIND)erg;
+     }
+@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@
+     COP("objectread(2)",obj);
+     FREESELF(obj);
+-    i=fscanf(f,"%ld",&c);
++    i=fscanf(f, "%" SCNINT ,&c);
+     SYMCHECK(i!=1,"objectread:could not read datatype");
+     kind = (OBJECTKIND)c;
+     switch(kind)
+--- a/lo.c
++++ b/lo.c
+@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
+     }
+   if (cc) 
+     {
+-    fprintf(stderr,"cc=%ld %ld %ld %ld\n",cc,lx->w0,lx->w1,lx->w2);
++    fprintf(stderr, "cc=%" PRIINT " %" PRIINT " %" PRIINT " %" PRIINT " \n" ,cc,lx->w0,lx->w1,lx->w2);
+     error("internal error:LO7");
+     }
+   return(c);
+@@ -1512,7 +1512,7 @@
+     char c;
+-    fscanf(fp,"%ld",&i);
++    fscanf(fp, "%" SCNINT ,&i);
+     if (i <(INT)0) 
+         {
+         sgn = (signed char)-1;
+@@ -1521,7 +1521,7 @@
+     ganzint(x,  i % gd.basis);
+     while ((c=getc(fp)) == (char) gd.folgezeichen)
+         {
+-        fscanf(fp,"%ld",&i);
++        fscanf(fp, "%" SCNINT ,&i);
+         if (i <(INT)0) 
+             {
+             return error("internal error LO14");
+@@ -1572,11 +1572,11 @@
+     else    {
+         z = holeziffer(zd);
+         if (zd->ziffernzahl > 0) zd->mehr=TRUE; else zd->mehr=FALSE;
+-        sprintf(buffer,"%ld",z);
++        sprintf(buffer, "%" PRIINT ,z);
+         f0 = gd.basislaenge-strlen(buffer);
+         sprintf(zd->ziffer,"%s","000000000000");
+             /* max. 12 Nullen */
+-        sprintf(zd->ziffer + f0,"%ld",z);
++        sprintf(zd->ziffer + f0, "%" PRIINT ,z);
+         if (zd->mehr == TRUE)
+             {
+ 	    if (nofolgezeichen)
+@@ -1648,12 +1648,12 @@
+         if (zd->mehr == TRUE)
+             {
+ 	    if (nofolgezeichen)
+-		  sprintf(zd->ziffer,"%s%ld",zd->ziffer,z);
++		  sprintf(zd->ziffer, "%s%" PRIINT ,zd->ziffer,z);
+             else 
+-		  sprintf(zd->ziffer,"%s%ld%c",zd->ziffer,z,gd.folgezeichen);
++		  sprintf(zd->ziffer, "%s%" PRIINT "%c" ,zd->ziffer,z,gd.folgezeichen);
+             }
+         else    
+-          sprintf(zd->ziffer,"%s%ld",zd->ziffer,z);
++          sprintf(zd->ziffer, "%s%" PRIINT ,zd->ziffer,z);
+         }
+     locrette(& xx.floc);
+     return(OK);
+@@ -4340,16 +4340,16 @@
+     for (k=0L;k<doffset;k++) fprintf(stderr," ");
+     fprintf(stderr,"kind:22=longint\n");
+     for (k=0L;k<doffset;k++) fprintf(stderr," ");
+-    fprintf(stderr,"laenge = %ld\n",
++    fprintf(stderr, "laenge = %" PRIINT "\n" ,
+         c.ob_longint->laenge);
+     for (k=0L;k<doffset;k++) fprintf(stderr," ");
+-    fprintf(stderr,"signum = %d\n",
++    fprintf(stderr, "signum = %" PRIINT "\n" ,
+         c.ob_longint->signum);
+     alocx = c.ob_longint->floc; /* AK 071294 */
+     while (alocx != NULL)
+         {
+         for (k=0L;k<doffset;k++) fprintf(stderr," ");
+-        fprintf(stderr,"%ld %ld %ld\n",alocx->w0,alocx->w1,alocx->w2);
++        fprintf(stderr, "%" PRIINT " %" PRIINT " %" PRIINT "\n" ,alocx->w0,alocx->w1,alocx->w2);
+         alocx= alocx->nloc;
+         }
+     return(OK);
+--- a/ma.c
++++ b/ma.c
+@@ -611,11 +611,11 @@
+             err = error("m_ilih_m:self == NULL ");
+             if (err==ERROR_EXPLAIN) 
+                 fprintf(stderr,
+-                        "I wanted a %ld  x %ld matrix", 
++                        "I wanted a %" PRIINT "  x %" PRIINT " matrix" ,
+                         len,
+                         height
+-                       ); 
+-            if (err==ERROR_RETRY) 
++                       );
++            if (err==ERROR_RETRY)
+                 goto ma;
+             }
+         }
+@@ -1631,25 +1631,25 @@
+     if (i < (INT)0)
+         {
+         debugprint(a);
+-        fprintf(stderr,"index = %ld\n",i);
++        fprintf(stderr, "index = %" PRIINT "\n" ,i);
+         error("s_m_ij:row index too small");
+         }
+     if (i >= s_m_hi(a))
+         {
+         debugprint(a);
+-        fprintf(stderr,"index = %ld\n",i);
++        fprintf(stderr, "index = %" PRIINT "\n" ,i);
+         error("s_m_ij:row index too big");
+         }
+     if (j >= s_m_li(a))
+         {
+         debugprint(a);
+-        fprintf(stderr,"index = %ld\n",j);
++        fprintf(stderr, "index = %" PRIINT "\n" ,j);
+         error("s_m_ij:column index too big");
+         }
+     if (j < (INT)0)
+         {
+         debugprint(a);
+-        fprintf(stderr,"index = %ld\n",j);
++        fprintf(stderr, "index = %" PRIINT "\n" ,j);
+         error("s_m_ij:column index too small");
+         }
+     return(s_m_s(a) + (s_m_li(a)*i+j) ); 
+--- a/mo.c
++++ b/mo.c
+@@ -3017,7 +3017,7 @@
+ 	info[1]=pz;
+ 	info[2]=row;
+ 	info[3]=col;
+-	fprintf(dfp,"%ld %ld %ld %ld \n ",info[0],info[1],info[2],info[3]);
++	fprintf(dfp, "%" PRIINT " %" PRIINT " %" PRIINT " %" PRIINT " \n " ,info[0],info[1],info[2],info[3]);
+ 	j = info[2] * info[3];
+ 	for (i=(INT)0; i<j;i++)
+ 		fprintf(dfp,"%d ",(int)decomp[i]);
+@@ -3373,7 +3373,7 @@
+ 		SYM_free(part);
+ 		SYM_free(darmat[0]); /* AK 020692 statt free(darmat) */
+ 		SYM_free(darmat[1]); /* AK 020692 statt free(darmat) */
+-		fprintf(stderr,"error-no = %ld\n",dim);
++		fprintf(stderr, "error-no = %" PRIINT "\n" ,dim);
+ 		return error("mo.c: internal MO-15");
+ 	}
+ 	m_ilih_m(dim,dim,dmat);
+--- a/nb.c
++++ b/nb.c
+@@ -1402,10 +1402,10 @@
+ /* AK 200891 V1.3 */
+ {
+-    fprintf(f," %ld\n",(INT)S_O_K(number));
++    fprintf(f, " %" PRIINT "\n" ,(INT)S_O_K(number));
+     objectwrite(f,S_N_S(number));
+     switch (S_O_K(number))
+-    {    
++    {
+     case    SQ_RADICAL:
+         objectwrite(f,S_N_D(number));
+         break;
+@@ -1657,7 +1657,7 @@
+ {
+ #ifdef CYCLOTRUE
+     if (number_mem != 0L)
+-        fprintf(stderr,"error in number memory %ld\n",number_mem);
++        fprintf(stderr, "error in number memory %" PRIINT "\n" ,number_mem);
+     return OK;
+ #endif
+ }
+@@ -1933,7 +1933,7 @@
+ /* 04.06.90: TPMcD. */ /* 1.04.91: TPMcD. */
+ /* AK 200891 V1.3 */ /* 23.10.91: TPMcD */
+ {    
+-    INT    ret = ERROR; 
++    INT    ret = ERROR;
+     INT    i,n;
+ # ifdef    MONOPOLYTRUE
+     OP    x = CALLOCOBJECT(), y = CALLOCOBJECT(), z;
+@@ -1941,13 +1941,13 @@
+     init(MONOPOLY,result);
+     printeingabe("Length of list: ");  /* AK 080891 */
+-    scanf("%ld",&n);
++    scanf( "%" PRIINT ,&n);
+     for (i=0L;i<n;i++)
+-    {    
+-        sprintf(a,"%ld-th monomial (self) ",i);
++    {
++        sprintf(a, "%" PRIINT "-th monomial (self) " ,i);
+         printeingabe(a);
+         scan(self_type,x);
+-        sprintf(a,"%ld-th monomial (koeff) ",i);
++        sprintf(a, "%" PRIINT "-th monomial (koeff) " ,i);
+         printeingabe(a);
+         scan(coeff_type,y);
+         if (nullp(y))
+@@ -4901,17 +4901,17 @@
+         if (strlen(name) == 0)
+             return(ERROR);
+         if ((f = fopen(name,"r")) == NULL)
+-        {    
++        {
+             printf("Unable to open %s\n",name);
+             return(ERROR);
+         }
+     }
+-    if ( fscanf(f," %ld",&zzno_cyclos) == 0 || zzno_cyclos < 1L ||
++    if ( fscanf(f, " %" PRIINT ,&zzno_cyclos) == 0 || zzno_cyclos < 1L ||
+         (zzcyclo_table
+         = (CYCLO_DATA *) SYM_calloc((int)zzno_cyclos,sizeof(CYCLO_DATA))
+         ) == NULL
+         )
+-    {    
++    {
+         zzno_cyclos    = 0L;
+         printf("\nCyclo data table creation error");
+         return(ERROR);
+@@ -5071,17 +5071,17 @@
+ INT print_cyclo_table()
+ /* AK 200891 V1.3 */
+     CYCLO_DATA    *ptr;
+     INT    i;
+     if (!cyclo_table_set)
+         return(ERROR);
+-    printf("Number of cyclo data on table: %ld\n",zzno_cyclos);
++    printf( "Number of cyclo data on table: %" PRIINT "\n" ,zzno_cyclos);
+     ptr    = zzcyclo_table;
+     for (i=0L;i<zzno_cyclos;i++)
+-    {    
+-        printf("Table item %ld: ",i);
++    {
++        printf( "Table item %" PRIINT ": " ,i);
+         print_cyclo_data(ptr);
+         ptr++;
+     }
+@@ -5099,8 +5099,8 @@
+     printf("Cyclo data in list:\n");
+     list_ptr    = zzcyclo_list;
+     while (list_ptr != NULL)
+-    {    
+-        printf("List item %ld: ",i++);
++    {
++        printf( "List item %" PRIINT ": " ,i++);
+         print_cyclo_data((CYCLO_DATA *) S_L_S(list_ptr));
+         list_ptr    = S_L_N(list_ptr);
+     }
+@@ -5145,21 +5145,21 @@
+     else
+         strcpy(name,filename);
+     if (new)
+-    {    
++    {
+         fprintf(f,"              \n\n");
+         printf("Initialising %s\n",name);
+         i    = 0L;
+     }
+     else
+-    {    
++    {
+         fseek(f,0L,0);
+-        fscanf(f,"%ld",&i);
++        fscanf(f, "%" SCNINT ,&i);
+         fseek(f,0L,2);
+         printf("Cyclo data being appended to file %s.\n",name);
+     }
+     list_ptr    = zzcyclo_list;
+     while (list_ptr != NULL)
+-    {    
++    {
+         ptr    = (CYCLO_DATA *) S_L_S(list_ptr);
+         fprintf(f,"\n");
+         objectwrite(f,ptr->index);
+@@ -5170,7 +5170,7 @@
+         i++;
+     }
+     fseek(f,0L,0);
+-    fprintf(f,"%8ld",i);
++    fprintf(f, "%8" PRIINT ,i);
+     fclose(f);
+     return(OK);
+ }
+--- a/part.c
++++ b/part.c
+@@ -2312,7 +2312,7 @@
+     if (no_banner != TRUE)
+     if (mem_counter_part != (INT)0)
+         {
+-        fprintf(stderr,"mem_counter_part = %ld\n",mem_counter_part);
++        fprintf(stderr, "mem_counter_part = %" PRIINT "\n" ,mem_counter_part);
+         erg += error("memory problem with partitions");
+         }
+@@ -3115,7 +3115,7 @@
+     INT erg = OK;
+     COP("objectread_partition(1)",filename);
+     COP("objectread_partition(2)",part);
+-    fscanf(filename,"%ld",&kind);
++    fscanf(filename, "%" SCNINT ,&kind);
+     erg += b_ks_pa((OBJECTKIND)kind, callocobject(),part);
+     erg += objectread(filename,S_PA_S(part));
+     if (S_PA_K(part) == VECTOR) 
+@@ -3132,8 +3132,8 @@
+     INT erg = OK;
+     COP("objectwrite_partition(1)",filename);
+     COP("objectwrite_partition(2)",part);
+-    fprintf(filename,"%ld\n",(INT)PARTITION);
+-    fprintf(filename,"%ld\n",(INT)S_PA_K(part));
++    fprintf(filename, "%" PRIINT "\n" ,(INT)PARTITION);
++    fprintf(filename, "%" PRIINT "\n",(INT)S_PA_K(part));
+     erg += objectwrite(filename,S_PA_S(part));
+     ENDR("objectwrite_partition");
+ }
+--- a/perm.c
++++ b/perm.c
+@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
+     erg += freeall(old_kranz_tafel);
+     if (mem_counter_perm != 0L)
+         {
+-        fprintf(stderr,"mem_counter_perm = %ld\n",mem_counter_perm);
++        fprintf(stderr, "mem_counter_perm = %" PRIINT "\n" ,mem_counter_perm);
+         erg += error("permutation memory not freed");
+         }
+     if (next_perm_v != NULL)
+@@ -2537,7 +2537,7 @@
+     CTO(EMPTY,"objectwrite_permutation(2)",perm);
+     erg += b_ks_p((OBJECTKIND)0, callocobject(),perm);
+-    fscanf(filename,"%ld",&i); kind = (OBJECTKIND)i;
++    fscanf(filename, "%" SCNINT ,&i); kind = (OBJECTKIND)i;
+     C_P_K(perm,kind);
+     erg += objectread(filename,S_P_S(perm));
+     ENDR("objectread_permutation");
+@@ -2552,8 +2552,8 @@
+     COP("objectwrite_permutation(1)",filename);
+     CTO(PERMUTATION,"objectwrite_permutation(2)",perm);
+-    fprintf(filename,"%ld\n",(INT)PERMUTATION);
+-    fprintf(filename,"%ld\n",(INT)S_P_K(perm));
++    fprintf(filename, "%" PRIINT "\n" ,(INT)PERMUTATION);
++    fprintf(filename, "%" PRIINT "\n" ,(INT)S_P_K(perm));
+     erg += objectwrite(filename,S_P_S(perm));
+     ENDR("objectwrite_permutation");
+ }
+--- a/poly.c
++++ b/poly.c
+@@ -297,9 +297,9 @@
+ {
+     INT erg = OK;
+     COP("objectwrite_monom(1)",f);
+-    fprintf(f,"%ld ",(INT)MONOM);
+-    erg += objectwrite(f,S_MO_K(a)); 
+-    erg += objectwrite(f,S_MO_S(a)); 
++    fprintf(f, "%" PRIINT " " ,(INT)MONOM);
++    erg += objectwrite(f,S_MO_K(a));
++    erg += objectwrite(f,S_MO_S(a));
+     ENDR("objectwrite_monom");
+ }
+@@ -2029,10 +2029,10 @@
+                 {
+                 hbool=(INT)0;
+                 if (S_M_IJI(z,i,j) >1L)
+-                    fprintf(texout," x_{%ld,%ld}^{%ld} ",
++                    fprintf(texout, " x_{%" PRIINT ",%" PRIINT "}^{%" PRIdPTR "} " ,
+                         i,j,S_M_IJI(z,i,j));
+-                else 
+-                    fprintf(texout," x_{%ld,%ld} ", i,j);
++                else
++                    fprintf(texout, " x_{%" PRIINT ",%" PRIINT "} " , i,j);
+                 texposition += 15L;
+                 }
+             }
+@@ -2042,7 +2042,7 @@
+             {
+                 hbool=(INT)0;
+                 if (tex_poly_var == NUMERICAL) /* AK 090395 */
+-            fprintf(texout,"x_{%ld}",i+tex_poly_first_var_index);
++            fprintf(texout, "x_{%" PRIINT "}" ,i+tex_poly_first_var_index);
+                 else
+             fprintf(texout,"%c",(char)( 'a'+i+tex_poly_first_var_index));
+                 texposition ++;
+@@ -2948,7 +2948,7 @@
+         for (i= 0L ;i < S_PO_SLI(zeiger); i++)
+             if (S_PO_SII(zeiger,i) > 0L)
+             {
+-                fprintf(texout,"*x%ld",i+1);
++                fprintf(texout, "*x%" PRIINT ,i+1);
+                 texposition ++;
+                 if (S_PO_SII(zeiger,i) != 1L)
+                     {
+--- a/rest.c
++++ b/rest.c
+@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
+ INT callocobject_anfang()
+     return OK;
+ }
+@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@
+ /* AK 170698 V2.0 */
+     {
+     INT err;
+-    fprintf(stderr,"function: %s code: %ld \n",t,code);
++    fprintf(stderr, "function: %s code: %" PRIINT " \n" ,t,code);
+     err = error("error during computation");
+     return ERROR;
+     }
+@@ -2625,18 +2625,18 @@
+     INT eingabe;
+     INT erg = OK;
+     COP("objectread_integer(1)",filename);
+-    fscanf(filename,"%ld",&eingabe); 
+-    M_I_I(eingabe,obj); 
++    fscanf(filename, "%" SCNINT ,&eingabe);
++    M_I_I(eingabe,obj);
+     ENDR("objectread_integer");
+     }
+ INT objectwrite_integer(filename,obj) FILE *filename; OP obj;
+ /* AK 131086 */ /* AK 270689 V1.0 */ /* AK 181289 V1.1 */
+ /* AK 210891 V1.3 */
+-    { 
++    {
+     INT erg = OK;
+     COP("objectwrite_integer(1)",filename);
+-    fprintf(filename," %ld %ld\n",(INT)INTEGER,S_I_I(obj)); 
++    fprintf(filename, " %" PRIINT " %ld\n" ,(INT)INTEGER,S_I_I(obj));
+     ENDR("objectwrite_integer");
+     }
+@@ -2748,11 +2748,11 @@
+     println(b);
+     printf("test_integer:comp_integer_integer(a,b)\n");
+     erg=comp_integer_integer(a,b);
+-    printf("%ld\n",erg);
++    printf( "%" PRIINT "\n" ,erg);
+     printf("test_integer:binom(a=5L,b=4L,c)\n");
+-    m_i_i(5L,a); 
+-    m_i_i(4L,b); 
+-    binom(a,b,c); 
++    m_i_i(5L,a);
++    m_i_i(4L,b);
++    binom(a,b,c);
+     println(c);
+     freeall(a);
+     freeall(b);
+@@ -3178,11 +3178,11 @@
+             erg += init_hashtable(a);
+             break;
+ #endif /* VECTORTRUE */
+-        default: 
+-            fprintf(stderr,"kind = %ld\n",(INT) kind);
++        default:
++            fprintf(stderr, "kind = %" PRIINT "\n" ,(INT) kind);
+             return error("init:wrong kind");
+         }
+     CTO(kind,"init(e2)",a);
+     ENDR("init");
+ }
+@@ -3546,23 +3546,23 @@
+ INT emptyp(a) OP a;
+ /* AK 270689 V1.0 */ /* AK 181289 V1.1 */ /* AK 210891 V1.3 */
+-    { 
+-    return(s_o_k(a) == EMPTY); 
++    {
++    return(s_o_k(a) == EMPTY);
+     }
+ INT test_callocobject()
+ /* AK 270689 V1.0 */ /* AK 181289 V1.1 */ /* AK 210891 V1.3 */
+     {
+     OP a = callocobject();
+-    printf("test_callocobject: sizeof(OP)=%d\n",sizeof(a));
+-    printf("test_callocobject: sizeof(*OP)=%d\n",sizeof(*a));
+-    printf("test_callocobject: sizeof(struct object)=%d\n",sizeof(struct object));
++    printf("test_callocobject: sizeof(OP)=%zu\n",sizeof(a));
++    printf("test_callocobject: sizeof(*OP)=%zu\n",sizeof(*a));
++    printf("test_callocobject: sizeof(struct object)=%zu\n",sizeof(struct object));
+     if (a==NULL) {
+         printf("test_callocobject: NULL-object");return(OK);
+         }
+-    printf("test_callocobject: a=%ld\n",(INT)a);
+-    printf("test_callocobject: a->ob_kind=%ld\n",(INT) (a->ob_kind));
+-    printf("test_callocobject: a->ob_self.ob_INT=%ld\n",
++    printf("test_callocobject: a=%p\n",a);
++    printf( "test_callocobject: a->ob_kind=%" PRIOBJECTKIND "\n" ,a->ob_kind);
++    printf( "test_callocobject: a->ob_self.ob_INT=%" PRIdPTR " \n" ,
+                         (a->ob_self).ob_INT);
+     SYM_free(a);
+     return(OK);
+@@ -3573,9 +3573,9 @@
+     {
+     if (a==NULL) {
+     fprintf(stderr,"debugprint_object: NULL-object");return(OK);}
+-    fprintf(stderr,"debugprint_object: a=%ld\n",(INT)a);
+-    fprintf(stderr,"debugprint_object: kind=%ld\n",(INT)a->ob_kind);
+-    fprintf(stderr,"debugprint_object: self.INT=%ld\n",a->ob_self.ob_INT);
++    fprintf(stderr,"debugprint_object: a=%p\n",a);
++    fprintf(stderr, "debugprint_object: kind=%" PRIOBJECTKIND "\n" ,a->ob_kind);
++    fprintf(stderr, "debugprint_object: self.INT=%" PRIdPTR "\n" ,a->ob_self.ob_INT);
+     return(OK);
+     }
+@@ -3775,7 +3775,7 @@
+     {
+     INT erg = OK;
+     COP("objectwrite_skewpartition(1)",f);
+-    fprintf(f, "%ld ", (INT)SKEWPARTITION);
++    fprintf(f, "%" PRIINT " ", (INT)SKEWPARTITION);
+     erg += objectwrite(f,S_SPA_G(a));
+     erg += objectwrite(f,s_spa_k(a));
+     ENDR("objectwrite_skewpartition");
+@@ -4640,7 +4640,7 @@
+   INT l,erg=OK;
+   INT i;
+   erg += printeingabe("length of vector ");
+-  scanf("%ld",&l);
++  scanf( "%" SCNINT ,&l);
+   if(l<2L)
+   {
+     erg+= m_il_nla(2L,ergebnis);
+--- a/rh.c
++++ b/rh.c
+@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
+ static int free_drei(a) char *a; { SYM_free(a); }
+ static int free_zwei(a) char *a; { SYM_free(a); }
+ static int free_eins(a) char *a; { SYM_free(a); }
+-static int free_null_debug(a) char *a; { printf("free_null:%ld\n",a); SYM_free(a); }
++static int free_null_debug(a) char *a; { printf("free_null:%p\n",a); SYM_free(a); }
+ static int free_null(a) char *a; { SYM_free(a); }
+ static struct REIHE_mon *new_zwei()
+@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
+ static struct reihe *new_null_debug() { 
+    struct reihe *a;
+    a = (struct reihe*) SYM_calloc(1,sizeof(struct reihe)); 
+-   printf("new_null:%ld\n",a);
++   printf("new_null:%p\n",a);
+    return a; }
+ static INT initial_reihe(adress) REIHE_zeiger* adress;
+@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
+          do
+          {
+             if (zeigvar->potenz>0L)
+-               fprintf(f," X%ld^%ld",zeigvar->index,zeigvar->potenz);
++               fprintf(f, " X%" PRIINT "^%" PRIINT ,zeigvar->index,zeigvar->potenz);
+ 	if (f == stdout) zeilenposition+=5L; /* AK 040893 */
+             zeigvar=zeigvar->weiter;
+@@ -2288,13 +2288,13 @@
+       return    fprintf(stderr,"struct reihe==NULL\n");
+       }
+    for (i=0L;i<doffset;i++) fputc(' ',stderr);
+-   fprintf(stderr,"exist = %ld\n",a->exist);
++   fprintf(stderr, "exist = %" PRIINT "\n" ,a->exist);
+    for (i=0L;i<doffset;i++) fputc(' ',stderr);
+-   fprintf(stderr,"reihenart = %ld\n",a->reihenart);
++   fprintf(stderr, "reihenart = %" PRIINT "\n" ,a->reihenart);
+    for (i=0L;i<doffset;i++) fputc(' ',stderr);
+-   fprintf(stderr,"z = %ld\n",a->z);
++   fprintf(stderr, "z = %" PRIINT "\n" ,a->z);
+    for (i=0L;i<doffset;i++) fputc(' ',stderr);
+-   fprintf(stderr,"x = \n"); 
++   fprintf(stderr,"x = \n");
+    doffset += 2L;
+    debugprint_rh(a->x);
+    doffset -= 2L;
+@@ -2328,14 +2328,14 @@
+       return    fprintf(stderr,"struct reihe_poly==NULL\n");
+       }
+    for (i=0L;i<doffset;i++) fputc(' ',stderr);
+-   fprintf(stderr,"grad = %ld\n",a->grad);
++   fprintf(stderr, "grad = %" PRIINT "\n" ,a->grad);
+    for (i=0L;i<doffset;i++) fputc(' ',stderr);
+-   fprintf(stderr,"unten = \n"); 
++   fprintf(stderr,"unten = \n");
+    doffset += 2L;
+    debugprint_rh_mon(a->unten);
+    doffset -= 2L;
+    for (i=0L;i<doffset;i++) fputc(' ',stderr);
+-   fprintf(stderr,"rechts = \n"); 
++   fprintf(stderr,"rechts = \n");
+    doffset += 2L;
+    debugprint_rh_poly(a->rechts);
+    doffset -= 2L;
+@@ -2379,11 +2379,11 @@
+       return    fprintf(stderr,"struct reihe_var==NULL\n");
+       }
+    for (i=0L;i<doffset;i++) fputc(' ',stderr);
+-   fprintf(stderr,"index = %ld\n",a->index);
++   fprintf(stderr, "index = %" PRIINT "\n" ,a->index);
+    for (i=0L;i<doffset;i++) fputc(' ',stderr);
+-   fprintf(stderr,"potenz = %ld\n",a->potenz);
++   fprintf(stderr, "potenz = %" PRIINT "\n" ,a->potenz);
+    for (i=0L;i<doffset;i++) fputc(' ',stderr);
+-   fprintf(stderr,"weiter = \n"); 
++   fprintf(stderr,"weiter = \n");
+    doffset += 2L;
+    debugprint_rh_var(a->weiter);
+    doffset -= 2L;
+--- a/sb.c
++++ b/sb.c
+@@ -1414,16 +1414,16 @@
+         tex (S_PO_K(z));
+         for (i=0L,k=0,j=0;i<S_PO_SLI(z);i++)
+             {
+             if (S_PO_SII(z,i) == (INT)1)
+                 {
+-                fprintf(texout,"$ (x_%ld - y_%ld) $ ",j,k-j);
++                fprintf(texout, "$ (x_%" PRIINT " - y_%" PRIINT ") $ " ,j,k-j);
+                 texposition += (INT)10;
+                 }
+             else
+             if (S_PO_SII(z,i) > (INT)1)
+                 {
+-                fprintf(texout,"$ (x_%ld - y_%ld)^%ld $ ",j,k-j,S_PO_SII(z,i));
++                fprintf(texout, "$ (x_%" PRIINT " - y_%" PRIINT ")^%" PRIdPTR " $ " ,j,k-j,S_PO_SII(z,i));
+                 texposition += (INT)10;
+                 }
+--- a/sc.c
++++ b/sc.c
+@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@
+ /* AK 260291 V1.2 */ /* AK 200891 V1.3 */
+     {
+     INT erg=OK;
+-    fprintf(fp,"%ld\n",(INT)SYMCHAR);
++    fprintf(fp, "%" PRIINT "\n" ,(INT)SYMCHAR);
+     erg += objectwrite(fp,S_SC_D(a));
+     erg += objectwrite(fp,S_SC_P(a));
+     erg += objectwrite(fp,S_SC_W(a));
+--- a/ta.c
++++ b/ta.c
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
+     INT erg = OK;
+     if (mem_counter_tab != 0L)
+         {
+-        fprintf(stderr,"mem_counter_tab = %ld\n",mem_counter_tab);
++        fprintf(stderr, "mem_counter_tab = %" PRIINT "\n" ,mem_counter_tab);
+         erg += error("tab memory not freed");
+         }
+     return erg;
+@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
+     INT erg = OK;
+     CTO(TABLEAUX,"objectwrite_tableaux(2)",a);
+     COP("objectwrite_tableaux(1)",f);
+-    fprintf(f,"%ld ",(INT)S_O_K(a));
++    fprintf(f, "%" PRIINT " " ,(INT)S_O_K(a));
+     erg += objectwrite(f,S_T_U(a));
+     erg += objectwrite(f,S_T_S(a));
+     ENDR("objectwrite_tableaux");
+@@ -460,17 +460,17 @@
+                 fprintf(texout,"\\vrule height10pt depth3pt$");
+ /* s_t_iji statt S_T_IJI */
+             if (s_t_iji(a,S_PA_LI(S_T_U(a))-1-i,j) < 10L)
+-                fprintf(texout,"\\ %ld",
++                fprintf(texout, "\\ %" PRIINT ,
+ /* s_t_iji statt S_T_IJI */
+                     s_t_iji(a,S_PA_LI(S_T_U(a))-1-i,j));
+ /* s_t_iji statt S_T_IJI */
+             else if (s_t_iji(a,S_PA_LI(S_T_U(a))-1-i,j) < 100L)
+-                fprintf(texout,"%ld",
++                fprintf(texout, "%" PRIINT ,
+ /* s_t_iji statt S_T_IJI */
+                     s_t_iji(a,S_PA_LI(S_T_U(a))-1-i,j));
+             else return
+             error("tex_tableaux:entry too big in tableaux");
+                 fprintf(texout,
+                     "$ \\vrule height10pt depth3pt}\n");
+                 }
+--- a/vc.c
++++ b/vc.c
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#include "def.h" 
++#include "def.h"
+ #include "macro.h"
+ /* SYMMETRICA vector.c */
+@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
+     if (no_banner != TRUE)
+     if (mem_counter_vec != (INT)0)
+         {
+-        fprintf(stderr,"mem_counter_vec = %ld\n",mem_counter_vec);
++        fprintf(stderr, "mem_counter_vec = %" PRIINT "\n" ,mem_counter_vec);
+         erg += error("vec memory not freed");
+         }
+ #ifdef UNDEF
+@@ -1453,32 +1453,32 @@
+     return erg;
+ }
+-OP s_v_i(a,i) OP a; INT i; 
++OP s_v_i(a,i) OP a; INT i;
+ /* AK 270689 V1.0 */ /* AK 201289 V1.1 */ /* AK 180691 V1.2 */
+ /* AK 200891 V1.3 */
+ /* AK 011098 V2.0 */
+ {
+     INT j;
+-    if (i<(INT)0) 
+-        { 
+-        fprintf(stderr,"index = %ld\n",i);
+-        error("s_v_i:negative index"); 
+-        return(NULL); 
++    if (i<(INT)0)
++        {
++        fprintf(stderr, "index = %" PRIINT "\n" ,i);
++        error("s_v_i:negative index");
++        return(NULL);
+         }
+     if (s_o_k(a) == HASHTABLE)
+         {
+-        if (i > (j=s_v_li(a)) ) 
+-        { 
+-        fprintf(stderr,"index = %ld dimension = %ld\n",i,j);
+-        error("s_v_i hashtable:index too big"); 
+-        return(NULL); 
++        if (i > (j=s_v_li(a)) )
++        {
++        fprintf(stderr, "index = %" PRIINT " dimension = %" PRIINT "\n" ,i,j);
++        error("s_v_i hashtable:index too big");
++        return(NULL);
+         }
+         }
+-    else if (i >= (j=s_v_li(a)) ) 
+-        { 
+-        fprintf(stderr,"index = %ld dimension = %ld\n",i,j);
+-        error("s_v_i:index too big"); 
+-        return(NULL); 
++    else if (i >= (j=s_v_li(a)) )
++        {
++        fprintf(stderr, "index = %" PRIINT " dimension = %" PRIINT "\n" ,i,j);
++        error("s_v_i:index too big");
++        return(NULL);
+         }
+     return(s_v_s(a) + (i));
+ }
+--- a/zykelind.c
++++ b/zykelind.c
+@@ -4241,12 +4241,12 @@
+         printf(" ");
+       }
+       for (i=0L;i<S_V_LI(S_PO_S(monom));++i)
+-      if (!nullp(S_V_I(S_PO_S(monom),i))) 
++      if (!nullp(S_V_I(S_PO_S(monom),i)))
+       {
+-        if (!einsp(S_V_I(S_PO_S(monom),i))) 
+-        printf("x_{%d}^{%d}\n",i+1L,S_V_II(S_PO_S(monom),i));
++        if (!einsp(S_V_I(S_PO_S(monom),i)))
++        printf( "x_{%" PRIINT "}^{%" PRIuPTR "}\n" ,i+1,S_V_II(S_PO_S(monom),i));
+         else
+-        printf("x_{%d}\n",i+1L);
++        printf( "x_{%" PRIINT "}\n" ,i+1);
+       }
+       if (S_PO_N(monom)!=NULL) printf("+");
+       monom=S_PO_N(monom);
+--- a/list.c
++++ b/list.c
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
+     if (no_banner != TRUE)
+     if (mem_counter_list != 0L)
+         {
+-        fprintf(stderr,"mem_counter_list = %ld\n",mem_counter_list);
++        fprintf(stderr, "mem_counter_list = %" PRIINT "\n" ,mem_counter_list);
+         erg += error("list memory not freed");
+         goto endr_ende;
+         }
+@@ -1122,26 +1122,26 @@
+     ENDR("insert_list_list");
+ }
+-#ifdef LISTTRUE 
++#ifdef LISTTRUE
+ INT objectwrite_list(f,a) FILE *f; OP a;
+ /* AK 210690 V1.1 */ /* AK 100591 V1.2 */
+ /* AK 060891 V1.3 */
+ {
+-    fprintf(f,"%ld ", (INT)S_O_K(a));
++    fprintf(f, "%" PRIINT " " , (INT)S_O_K(a));
+     if (S_L_S(a) == NULL) /* 100591 */
+         fprintf(f,"%ld\n",0L);
+     else    {
+         fprintf(f,"%ld\n",1L);
+         objectwrite(f,S_L_S(a));
+         }
+-    if (S_L_N(a) == NULL) 
++    if (S_L_N(a) == NULL)
+         {
+         fprintf(f,"%ld\n",0L);
+         return OK;
+         }
+-    else    { 
+-        fprintf(f,"%ld\n",1L); 
+-        return objectwrite(f,S_L_N(a)); 
++    else    {
++        fprintf(f,"%ld\n",1L);
++        return objectwrite(f,S_L_N(a));
+         }
+ }
+@@ -1151,20 +1151,20 @@
+ /* AK 060891 V1.3 */
+ {
+     INT i;
+-    fscanf(f,"%ld",&i);
+-    if (i == 0L) 
++    fscanf(f, "%" SCNINT ,&i);
++    if (i == 0)
+         b_sn_l(NULL,NULL,a);
+-    else if (i == 1L)
++    else if (i == 1)
+         {
+         b_sn_l(callocobject(),NULL,a);
+         objectread(f,S_L_S(a));
+         }
+     else
+         return error("objectread_list: wrong format (1) ");
+-    fscanf(f,"%ld",&i);
+-    if (i == 0L) 
++    fscanf(f, "%" SCNINT ,&i);
++    if (i == 0L)
+         return OK;
+-    else if (i == 1L) 
++    else if (i == 1L)
+         {
+         C_L_N(a,callocobject());
+         return objectread(f,S_L_N(a)); 
diff --git a/debian/patches/upstream-fix-warning-implicits.patch b/debian/patches/upstream-fix-warning-implicits.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac58a33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/upstream-fix-warning-implicits.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+Description: fix warnings involving implicits for upstream source
+ Fix warnings involving implicits as emitted by gcc when the package
+ builds; meant to be submitted to the upstream maintainer.
+Origin: debian
+Author: Jerome Benoit <calculus at rezozer.net>
+Last-Update: 2014-09-14
+--- a/hiccup.c
++++ b/hiccup.c
+@@ -49,7 +49,9 @@
+ 	INT free_garnir_parameters (void);
+ 	INT set_useful_monopolies (void);
+ 	INT free_useful_monopolies (void);
+-	set_multiplier (OP extra);
++	void set_multiplier (OP extra);
++#ifdef UNDEF
+ 	hecke_action (OP tableau, OP permutation, OP list);
+ 	INT hecke_action_perm_on_lc (OP tableaux, OP permutation);
+ 	INT find_non_rowstandard_pos (OP tableau, INT *r, INT *c);
+@@ -70,22 +72,26 @@
+ 	INT root_dimension (OP partition, OP p_root, OP dim);
+ 	INT generate_root_tableaux (OP partition, OP p_root, OP std);
+ 	INT hecke_root_generator_reps (OP partition, OP p_root, OP vector);
+-	INT root_represent_hecke_action (OP partition, 
++	INT root_represent_hecke_action (OP partition,
+ 	OP p_root, OP hecke, OP mat);
+ 	INT root_standardise_cold_tableaux_list (OP tableaux, OP p_root, OP result);
+ 	INT set_root_parameters (OP partition, OP p_root);
+ 	INT free_root_parameters (void);
+ 	INT find_non_root_standard_pos (OP tableau);
+-	set_root_multiplier (OP extra);
+-	root_standardise_tableau_list (OP list, OP expression);
+-	root_standardise_tableau (OP tableau, OP expression);
+-	root_juggle (OP tableau, INT power, INT coeff);
+-	strip_juggle (OP tableau, INT power, INT coeff);
+-	root_garnir_result (OP tableau, OP mp_coeff, OP acc_list);
++	void set_root_multiplier (OP extra);
++	void root_standardise_tableau_list (OP list, OP expression);
++	void root_standardise_tableau (OP tableau, OP expression);
++	void root_juggle (OP tableau, INT power, INT coeff);
++	void strip_juggle (OP tableau, INT power, INT coeff);
++	void root_garnir_result (OP tableau, OP mp_coeff, OP acc_list);
++#ifdef UNDEF
+ 	INT root_normalise_monopoly (OP mono);
+-	generate_sym_tableaux_list (INT piece, OP sym_list);
+-	coset_generate (INT head, INT wag);
++	void generate_sym_tableaux_list (INT piece, OP sym_list);
++	void coset_generate (INT head, INT wag);
++#ifdef UNDEF
+ 	INT remove_mp_qnumber_fac (OP mp, INT qn);
+ 	INT remove_vec_qnumber (INT qn);
+@@ -780,7 +786,7 @@
+ }
+-int set_multiplier (extra) OP extra;
++void set_multiplier (extra) OP extra;
+ /* all standard tableaux that are now found are added to the list
+       after their coefficients have been multiplied by extra
+@@ -2091,7 +2097,7 @@
+ }
+-set_root_multiplier (extra) OP extra;
++void set_root_multiplier (extra) OP extra;
+ /* all standard tableaux that are now found are added to the list
+       after their coefficients have been multiplied by extra
+@@ -2103,7 +2109,7 @@
+ }
+-root_standardise_tableau_list ( list,  expression)
++void root_standardise_tableau_list ( list,  expression)
+ 	OP list;
+ 	OP expression;
+@@ -2124,7 +2130,7 @@
+ }
+-root_standardise_tableau ( tableau,  expression)
++void root_standardise_tableau ( tableau,  expression)
+ 	OP tableau;
+ 	OP expression;
+@@ -2168,7 +2174,7 @@
+ }
+-root_juggle ( tableau,  power,  coeff)
++void root_juggle ( tableau,  power,  coeff)
+ 	OP tableau;
+ 	INT power;
+ 	INT coeff;
+@@ -2261,7 +2267,7 @@
+ }
+-strip_juggle (tableau, power, coeff)
++void strip_juggle (tableau, power, coeff)
+ 	OP tableau;
+ 	INT power;
+ 	INT coeff;
+@@ -2644,7 +2650,7 @@
+ #if NORMALISE == 1          /* include if we want resultant coefficients
+ tidied up with respect to the root of unity */
+-root_garnir_result ( tableau,  mp_coeff,  acc_list)
++void root_garnir_result ( tableau,  mp_coeff,  acc_list)
+ 	OP tableau;
+ 	OP mp_coeff;
+ 	OP acc_list;
+@@ -2805,7 +2811,7 @@
+ #endif          /* for NORMALISE */
+-generate_sym_tableaux_list (piece, sym_list)
++void generate_sym_tableaux_list (piece, sym_list)
+ 	INT piece;
+ 	OP sym_list;
+@@ -2888,7 +2894,7 @@
+ }
+-coset_generate (head, wag) INT head; INT wag;
++void coset_generate (head, wag) INT head; INT wag;
+ /* Recursive function which creates all the terms in the coset.
+    Method is much the same as that used for garnir_generate().
+--- a/def.h
++++ b/def.h
+@@ -811,6 +811,7 @@
+ extern INT cast_apply_polynom();
+ extern INT cast_apply_powsym();
+ extern INT cast_apply_schur();
++extern INT cast_apply_schubert();
+ extern INT cast_apply_tableaux();
+ extern INT cast_elmsym();
+ extern INT cast_homsym();
+@@ -1583,6 +1584,7 @@
+ extern INT invers_apply_bruch();
+ extern INT invers_apply_integer();
+ extern INT invers_apply_longint();
++extern INT invers_apply_ff();
+ extern INT invers_bar();
+ extern INT invers_bitvector();
+ extern INT invers_bruch();
+--- a/rest.c
++++ b/rest.c
+@@ -2595,6 +2595,7 @@
+ {
+     INT erg = OK;
+     char *oldt = t;
++    int SYM_isdigit();
+     while (*t == ' ') t++;
+     if (*t == '-') t++;
+@@ -5064,7 +5065,7 @@
+-static orbit_max_size = -1;
++static INT orbit_max_size = (INT)-1;
+ INT orbit_set_max_size(INT s)
+ /* sets a limit on the orbit size */
+ /* -1 = no limit */
+@@ -5193,7 +5194,7 @@
+-static all_orbits_trace=0;
++static int all_orbits_trace=0;
+ static INT (*all_orbits_rankf)()=NULL;
+ INT all_orbits_set_trace() { all_orbits_trace=1; }
+ INT all_orbits_unset_trace() { all_orbits_trace=0; }
+--- a/di.c
++++ b/di.c
+@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@
+ /***********************************************************************/
+ /* RH 031092 */
++INT dixon_wilf_examples(G,weight,anz,FP)
+ 	OP	G; OP	weight; OP	anz; OP	FP;
+ {
+ 	INT Canz;
+--- a/mod_dg_sbd.c
++++ b/mod_dg_sbd.c
+@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
+ /* basis fuer specht modul mit sbd */
+ static OP zero_one_matrices = NULL;
+-static init_zero_one(OP part);
+-static close_zero_one();
++static INT init_zero_one(OP part);
++static INT close_zero_one();
+ static INT operate_perm_spaltenmatrix_new(a,b,c) OP a,b,c;
+ /* vertausch spalten gemaess der permutation */
+@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@
+     ENDR("get_symm_specht_poly");
+ }
+-static init_zero_one(part) OP part;
++static INT init_zero_one(part) OP part;
+ /* this vector of zero one matrices are the possible exponent in the 
+    sbd */
+ {
+@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@
+     qsort_vector(zero_one_matrices);
+     ENDR("internal:init_zero_one");
+ }
+-static close_zero_one()
++static INT close_zero_one()
+ {
+     INT erg =OK;
+     erg+=freeall(zero_one_matrices); zero_one_matrices=NULL;
+--- a/mo.c
++++ b/mo.c
+@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
+ #define SYM_memcmp memcmp
+-static close_mat();
+-static init_mat();
++static void init_mat();
++static void close_mat();
+ static INT _ber_inx_dec();
+ static INT modmat();
+ static INT moddreimat();
+@@ -1306,10 +1306,10 @@
+ 	return OK;
+ } /*schnitt*/
+-struct ak { 
+-	INT c; 
+-	INT p; 
+-	char *ptr; 
++struct ak {
++	INT c;
++	INT p;
++	char *ptr;
+ };
+ static struct ak * ak_tmpfile()
+@@ -1325,15 +1325,15 @@
+ 	init_mat();
+ }
+-static ak_rewind(a) struct ak *a;
++static INT ak_rewind(a) struct ak *a;
+ {
+ 	a->p = (INT)0;
+ 	return OK;
+ }
+-static ak_fread(buf,size,numb,a) char **buf; 
+-	INT size; 
+-	INT numb; 
++static INT ak_fread(buf,size,numb,a) char **buf;
++	INT size;
++	INT numb;
+ 	struct ak *a;
+ {
+ 	size = size * numb;
+@@ -1348,9 +1348,9 @@
+ #define AXSIZE 10000
+-static ak_fwrite(buf,size,numb,a) char *buf; 
+-	INT size; 
+-	INT numb; 
++static INT ak_fwrite(buf,size,numb,a) char *buf;
++	INT size;
++	INT numb;
+ 	struct ak *a;
+ {
+ 	size = size *numb;
+@@ -1374,7 +1374,7 @@
+ 	return a->p;
+ }
+-static ak_fclose(a) struct ak *a;
++static void ak_fclose(a) struct ak *a;
+ {
+ 	close_mat();
+ }
+@@ -1414,7 +1414,7 @@
+ INT mat_length[PRIME];
+ #endif
+-static init_mat()
++static void init_mat()
+ {
+ 	INT i,size;
+ 	TL_BYTE *a,*b;
+@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@
+ }
+-static close_mat()
++static void close_mat()
+ {
+ 	INT i;
+ 	if (mat_size != q_zeilenz) error("MO-35");
+--- a/rh.c
++++ b/rh.c
+@@ -49,11 +49,12 @@
+ static INT monomausgabe();
+ static  int trans_reihe_in_monom();
+ static int copyy_monom();
+-static JH_copy_reihe();
+-static JH_copy_reihe_co();
++static void JH_copy_reihe();
++static void JH_copy_reihe_co();
+ static INT  reihe_zu_sympolynom(), monom_zu_symmonom();
+ static INT  poly_zu_sympolynom();
+-static int ausgabe(), copy_var(), copy_mon();
++static int ausgabe();
++static void copy_var(), copy_mon();
+ static int free_drei(), free_zwei(), free_eins();
+ static int del_poly(p) struct REIHE_poly **p;
+@@ -93,54 +94,46 @@
+       }
+ }
+-static int copy_poly(a,b) struct REIHE_poly **b,*a;
++static void copy_poly(a,b) struct REIHE_poly **b,*a;
+ /* AK 150393 */
+ {
+-   if (a==NULL)
+-      return (int)(*b = NULL);
++   if (a==NULL)  { *b = NULL; return ; }
+    *b = (struct REIHE_poly *) SYM_malloc(sizeof(struct REIHE_poly));
+-   if (*b == NULL)
+-      return (int)no_memory;
++   if (*b == NULL) { no_memory(); return ; }
+    (*b)->grad = a->grad;
+    copy_mon(a->unten, & (*b)->unten);
+    copy_poly(a->rechts, & (*b)->rechts);
+ }
+-static int copy_mon(a,b) struct REIHE_mon **b,*a;
++static void copy_mon(a,b) struct REIHE_mon **b,*a;
+ /* AK 150393 */
+ {
+-   if (a==NULL)
+-      return (int)(*b = NULL);
++   if (a==NULL) { *b = NULL; return ; }
+    *b = (struct REIHE_mon *) SYM_malloc(sizeof(struct REIHE_mon));
+-   if (*b == NULL)
+-      return (int)no_memory;
++   if (*b == NULL) { no_memory(); return ; }
+    (*b)->coeff=callocobject();
+    copy(a->coeff, (*b)->coeff);
+    copy_mon(a->ref, & (*b)->ref);
+    copy_var(a->zeiger, & (*b)->zeiger);
+ }
+-static int copy_var(a,b) struct REIHE_variablen **b,*a;
++static void copy_var(a,b) struct REIHE_variablen **b,*a;
+ /* AK 150393 */
+ {
+-   if (a == NULL)
+-      return (int)(*b = NULL);
++   if (a == NULL) { *b = NULL; return ; }
+    *b = (struct REIHE_variablen *) SYM_malloc(sizeof(struct REIHE_variablen));
+-   if (*b == NULL)
+-      return (int)no_memory;
++   if (*b == NULL) { no_memory(); return ; }
+    (*b)->index = a->index;
+    (*b)->potenz = a->potenz;
+    copy_var(a->weiter, & (*b)->weiter);
+ }
+-static int copy_rh(a,b) REIHE_zeiger a,*b;
++static void copy_rh(a,b) REIHE_zeiger a,*b;
+ {
+-   if (a == NULL)
+-      return (int)(*b = NULL);
++   if (a == NULL) { *b = NULL; return ; }
+    *b = (struct reihe *) SYM_malloc(sizeof(struct reihe));
+-   if (*b == NULL)
+-      return (int)no_memory;
++   if (*b == NULL) { no_memory(); return ; }
+    (*b)->exist = a->exist;
+    (*b)->reihenart = a->reihenart;
+    (*b)->z = a->z;
+@@ -1486,16 +1479,17 @@
+ }
+-static JH_copy_reihe(a,c) REIHE_zeiger a; REIHE_zeiger* c;
++static void JH_copy_reihe(a,c) REIHE_zeiger a; REIHE_zeiger* c;
+ {
+-   return JH_copy_reihe_co(a,c,1);
++   JH_copy_reihe_co(a,c,1);
+ }
+-static AK_copy_reihe(a,c) REIHE_zeiger a; REIHE_zeiger* c;
++static void AK_copy_reihe(a,c) REIHE_zeiger a; REIHE_zeiger* c;
+ {
+-   return JH_copy_reihe_co(a,c,0);
++   JH_copy_reihe_co(a,c,0);
+ }
+-static JH_copy_reihe_co(a,c,i) REIHE_zeiger a; REIHE_zeiger* c; int i;
++static void JH_copy_reihe_co(a,c,i) REIHE_zeiger a; REIHE_zeiger* c; int i;
+ /* JH 0293 */
+ {
+    struct REIHE_mon *zeigmon,*hmon;
+@@ -2111,7 +2105,7 @@
+ }
+-jh_ausgabe_vorbereiten(f, a, r) REIHE_zeiger* a; FILE *f;
++static void jh_ausgabe_vorbereiten(f, a, r) REIHE_zeiger* a; FILE *f;
+ 	REIHE_zeiger r[];
+ /* JH 0293 */
+ {
+--- a/part.c
++++ b/part.c
+@@ -1741,7 +1741,7 @@
+ }
+-static int rec01();
++static INT rec01();
+ INT numberofpart(n, res) OP n,res;
+ /* AK 191202 */
+ /* bressoud: proofs and confirmations p.37 */
+@@ -1763,19 +1763,19 @@
+     ENDR("numberofpart");
+ }
+-static int rec01(INT ni, OP vec)
++static INT rec01(INT ni, OP vec)
+ /* to compute number of partitions */
+ {
+     INT erg = OK;
+-    if (ni<0) return;
+-    if (not EMPTYP(S_V_I(vec,ni))) return;
++    if (ni<0) return ERROR;
++    if (not EMPTYP(S_V_I(vec,ni))) return ERROR;
+     else if (ni<=1) M_I_I(1,S_V_I(vec,ni));
+     else {
+         INT m,og;
+         og = ni/3+3;
+         m_i_i(0,S_V_I(vec,ni));
+         for (m=1;m<og;m++)
+         {
+             INT j;
+--- a/de.c
++++ b/de.c
+@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@
+ int SYM_strlen(a) char *a; /* AK 030294 */
+ { int i=0; while (*a++) i++; return i; }
+-int SYM_memcmp(a,b,c) char *a,*b; /* AK 210294 */
++int SYM_memcmp(a,b,c) char *a,*b; size_t c; /* AK 210294 */
+ { return memcmp(a,b,c); }
+ int SYM_abs(a) INT a; /* AK 230695 */
diff --git a/debian/patches/banner.patch b/debian/patches/upstream-sage-banner_off.patch
similarity index 56%
rename from debian/patches/banner.patch
rename to debian/patches/upstream-sage-banner_off.patch
index b25d8b4..d2671cf 100644
--- a/debian/patches/banner.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/upstream-sage-banner_off.patch
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-Description: Do not print banners.
-Author: Tim Abbott <tabbott at mit.edu>
-Index: src/de.c
---- src.orig/de.c	2008-05-25 20:54:40.000000000 -0400
-+++ src/de.c	2008-05-25 20:54:42.000000000 -0400
+Description: turn off banner
+Origin: sage
+Last-Update: 2013-10-19
+diff -ru src/de.c b/de.c
+--- src/de.c	2007-12-06 17:30:00.000000000 +0100
++++ b/de.c	2013-10-19 18:36:11.098758179 +0200
 @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
  OP cons_negeins;/* global INTEGER variable -1 */
  OP cons_null;   /* global INTEGER variable 0 */
diff --git a/debian/patches/upstream-sage-bruch.patch b/debian/patches/upstream-sage-bruch.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dc7c75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/upstream-sage-bruch.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Description: temporary storage for bruch
+ Store integers in a temporary variable before freeing memory.
+Origin: sage
+Last-Update: 2013-10-22
+--- src/bruch.c	2007-12-06 11:30:00.000000000 -0500
++++ b/bruch.c	2013-10-22 08:37:43.000000000 -0400
+@@ -975,14 +975,16 @@
+     ggterg = ggt_i(S_B_UI(bruch),S_B_OI(bruch));
+     if (ggterg == S_B_UI(bruch)) {
++        INT tmp = S_B_OI(bruch);
+         freeself_bruch(bruch);
+-        M_I_I(S_B_OI(bruch) / ggterg,bruch);
++        M_I_I(tmp / ggterg,bruch);
+         goto ende;
+         }
+     if (-ggterg == S_B_UI(bruch)) {
++        INT tmp = S_B_OI(bruch);
+         freeself_bruch(bruch);
+-        M_I_I(- S_B_OI(bruch) / ggterg,bruch);
++        M_I_I(- tmp / ggterg,bruch);
+         goto ende;
+         }
+@@ -1032,12 +1034,14 @@
+     if (S_O_K(S_B_U(bruch)) == INTEGER)
+         if (S_B_UI(bruch) == 1) { 
++            INT tmp = S_B_OI(bruch);
+             freeself_bruch(bruch);
+-            M_I_I(S_B_OI(bruch),bruch); 
++            M_I_I(tmp,bruch); 
+             goto ende; }
+         else if (S_B_UI(bruch) == -1) { 
++            INT tmp = S_B_OI(bruch);
+             freeself_bruch(bruch);
+-            M_I_I( - S_B_OI(bruch),bruch); 
++            M_I_I( - tmp,bruch); 
+             goto ende; }
+     if (NEGP(S_B_O(bruch)) && NEGP(S_B_U(bruch)))
+         {
diff --git a/debian/patches/upstream-sage-int32.patch b/debian/patches/upstream-sage-int32.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e9fbb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/upstream-sage-int32.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Description: int32
+ Use int32_t for type INT, uint32_t for type UINT, and
+ intptr_t for OBJECTKIND.
+Origin: sage
+Last-Update: 2013-10-19
+diff -ru src/def.h c/def.h
+--- src/def.h	2007-12-06 17:30:56.000000000 +0100
++++ c/def.h	2013-10-19 18:42:55.118745730 +0200
+@@ -2,14 +2,9 @@
+ /* INT should always be 4 byte */
+ #ifndef DEF_H
+-#ifdef __alpha
+-typedef  int INT;
+-typedef unsigned  int  UINT;
+-#else /* __alpha */
+-typedef long INT;
+-typedef unsigned long UINT;
+-#endif /* __alpha */
++#include <stdint.h>
++typedef int32_t INT;
++typedef uint32_t UINT;
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <memory.h>
+@@ -65,10 +60,13 @@
+ /* definitionen fuer object.c */
+-typedef INT OBJECTKIND;   /* 4 byte */
++/* NOTE: partition code assumes that there is no unused space in the
++ * object struct when an INT is stored. This requires both OBJECTKIND
++ * and OBJECTSELF to have a size equal to a machine word. */
++typedef intptr_t OBJECTKIND;
+ typedef union {
+-	INT ob_INT;
++	intptr_t ob_INT;
+ 	INT * ob_INTpointer;
+ 	char *ob_charpointer;
+ 	struct bruch *ob_bruch;
diff --git a/debian/patches/upstream-sage-sort_sum_rename.patch b/debian/patches/upstream-sage-sort_sum_rename.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edc8a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/upstream-sage-sort_sum_rename.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+Description: rename sort/sum
+ Rename sort to SYM_sort, sum to SYM_sum.
+Origin: sage
+Last-Update: 2013-10-19
+--- a/bar.c
++++ b/bar.c
+@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
+     g = callocobject();
+     e = S_V_I(a,0L);
+     f = S_V_I(a,1L);
+-    erg += sum(f,g);
++    erg += SYM_sum(f,g);
+     j=0L;
+     for (i=0L;i<S_V_LI(e);i++)
+         j += S_V_II(e,i)*(i+1L);
+@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
+     for (i=0L;i<S_V_LI(b);i++)
+         erg += kranztypus_to_matrix(S_V_I(c,i),S_V_I(b,i));
+     erg += freeall(c);
+-    erg += sort(b); /* AK 130592 */
++    erg += SYM_sort(b); /* AK 130592 */
+     ENDR("makevectorof_class_bar");
+ }
+@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@
+     c = callocobject();
+     d = callocobject();
+     erg += lehmercode_bar(a,c);
+-    erg += sum(S_V_I(c,1L),b);
++    erg += SYM_sum(S_V_I(c,1L),b);
+     for(i=0L;i<S_P_LI(a);i++)
+         {
+         if (S_V_II(S_V_I(c,0L),i) == 1L)
+--- a/def.h
++++ b/def.h
+@@ -3103,7 +3103,7 @@
+ extern INT so_character ();
+ extern INT so_dimension ();
+ extern OBJECTKIND s_o_k();
+-extern INT sort();
++extern INT SYM_sort();
+ extern INT sort_rows_tableaux_apply();
+ extern INT sort_vector();
+ extern OBJECTSELF s_o_s();
+@@ -3269,7 +3269,7 @@
+ extern INT sub_part_part();
+ extern INT substitute_one_matrix ();
+ extern INT substitute_one_monopoly ();
+-extern INT sum();
++extern INT SYM_sum();
+ extern INT sum_integervector();
+ extern INT sum_matrix();
+ extern INT sum_vector();
+--- a/di.c
++++ b/di.c
+@@ -1355,7 +1355,7 @@
+ 				m_il_nv(0L,weight_watcher);
+ 				m_il_nv(0L,perm_vec);
+ 				copy(S_V_I(FP,0L),fix);
+-				sort(fix);
++				SYM_sort(fix);
+ 				get_perm(hweight,p,b,S_I_I(n),S_I_I(m),0L,
+ 						 perm_vec,weight_watcher,fix);
+@@ -1502,7 +1502,7 @@
+ 	if(ind == m)
+ 	{
+ 		mult_perm_fix(p,fix,hfix);
+-		sort(hfix);
++		SYM_sort(hfix);
+ 		if(!hfix_in_ww(hfix,ww))
+ 		{
+ 			inc(ww);
+--- a/ga.c
++++ b/ga.c
+@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@
+     else if (what == 0L)
+         erg += vertikal_sum(S_V_L(a),c);
+     erg += copy(a,d);
+-    erg += sort(d);
++    erg += SYM_sort(d);
+     erg += m_il_p(S_V_II(d,S_V_LI(d)-1L),e); /* identitaet */
+     for (i=0L,k=0L,j=S_V_LI(d);i<S_P_LI(e);i++)
+         if (i+1L == S_V_II(d,k) )
+@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@
+     j=0L;
+     erg += append(h,g,h2); 
+-    erg += sort(h2);
++    erg += SYM_sort(h2);
+     for (i=0L;i<S_V_LI(g);i++)
+         {
+         erg += m_i_i(S_V_II(g,i),S_P_I(a,j));
+--- a/galois.c
++++ b/galois.c
+@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@
+ 		}
+         }
+     FREEALL2(v,nv);
+-    sort(res);
++    SYM_sort(res);
+     }
+     S3R(k,phg_c,phg_d,"all_points_phg_store",res);
+     ENDR("all_points");
+--- a/macro.h
++++ b/macro.h
+@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+ /* file: macro.h symmetrica source code */
+ #ifndef MACRO_H
++#include "string.h"
+ #ifdef SYMMAGMA
+ #define SYM_MALLOC(a) mem_malloc(a)
+ #else
+--- a/nc.c
++++ b/nc.c
+@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
+     erg += mult(S_NC_C(a),S_NC_C(b),d);
+     erg += m_gl_co(S_NC_GL(a),e);
+     erg += mult_apply(e,d);
+-    erg += sum(d,e);
++    erg += SYM_sum(d,e);
+     erg += m_gl_go(S_NC_GL(a),d);
+     erg += div(e,d,c);
+     erg += freeall(e);
+@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@
+         erg += mult_nc_kranz(c,a,e);
+         erg += mult(S_V_I(e,1L),f,c);
+         erg += div(c,g,c);
+-        erg += sum(c,S_V_I(S_NC_C(b),S_I_I(d)));
++        erg += SYM_sum(c,S_V_I(S_NC_C(b),S_I_I(d)));
+     }
+     erg += freeall(c); 
+     erg += freeall(d); 
+@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@
+     for(j = 0L; j<S_V_LI(c);j++) {
+         kranztypus_to_matrix(S_V_I(c,j),S_V_I(a,j)); 
+     }
+-    sort(a);
++    SYM_sort(a);
+     freeall(f); freeall(h); freeall(c);
+     return OK;
+ }
+@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@
+         kranztypus_to_matrix(S_V_I(c,j),S_V_I(h,j)); 
+         }
+-    sort(h); 
++    SYM_sort(h);
+     m_l_v(S_V_L(h),a);
+     for(j = 0L; j<S_V_LI(c);j++) {
+         typusorder(S_V_I(h,j), zb, za, S_V_I(a,j), f);
+@@ -789,7 +789,7 @@
+         erg += kranztypus_to_matrix(S_V_I(c,j),S_V_I(h,j)); 
+     }
+-    erg += sort(h);
++    erg += SYM_sort(h);
+     erg += typusorder(S_V_I(h,S_I_I(i)), zb, za, a, f);
+     erg += freeall(f); 
+     erg += freeall(c); 
+--- a/nu.c
++++ b/nu.c
+@@ -531,13 +531,13 @@
+     ENDR("add");
+ }
+-INT sort(a) OP a;
++INT SYM_sort(a) OP a;
+ /* sortiert das object in aufsteigender reihenfolge AK 270787 */
+ /* AK 160986 */ /* AK 280689 V1.0 */ /* AK 050390 V1.1 */
+ /* AK 070891 V1.3 */
+ {
+     INT erg = OK;
+-    EOP("sort(1)",a);
++    EOP("SYM_sort(1)",a);
+     switch(S_O_K(a))
+     {
+@@ -547,9 +547,9 @@
+         erg += sort_vector(a);break;
+ #endif /* VECTORTRUE */
+     default:
+-        erg += WTO("sort",a); break;
++        erg += WTO("SYM_sort",a); break;
+     };
+-    ENDR("sort");
++    ENDR("SYM_sort");
+ }
+ INT length(a,d) OP a,d;
+@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@
+     ENDR("content");
+ }
+-INT sum(a,res) OP a,res;
++INT SYM_sum(a,res) OP a,res;
+ /* AK 280689 V1.0 */ /* AK 050390 V1.1 */ /* AK 120391 V1.2 */
+ /* AK 140891 V1.3 */
+ /* AK 170298 V2.0 */
+@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@
+     INT erg = OK;
+     COP("sum(1)",a);
+     COP("sum(2)",res);
+-    CE2(a,res,sum);
++    CE2(a,res,SYM_sum);
+     switch(S_O_K(a))
+     {
+@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@
+         erg += WTO("sum",a); break;
+     };
+-    ENDR("sum");
++    ENDR("SYM_sum");
+ }
+--- a/part.c
++++ b/part.c
+@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@
+     if (a == b) { /* a := a+a */
+         if (S_PA_K(a) == VECTOR) {
+             erg += append_apply_vector(S_PA_S(a),S_PA_S(b));
+-            erg += sort(S_PA_S(a));
++            erg += SYM_sort(S_PA_S(a));
+             goto endr_ende;
+         }
+         else if (S_PA_K(a) == EXPONENT) {
+@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@
+             k=S_PA_LI(b)-1;
+ /*
+             erg += append_apply_vector(S_PA_S(a),S_PA_S(b));
+-            erg += sort(S_PA_S(a));
++            erg += SYM_sort(S_PA_S(a));
+ */
+             inc_vector_co(S_PA_S(a),S_PA_LI(b));
+             for (j=S_PA_LI(a)-1;j>=0;j--)
+--- a/perm.c
++++ b/perm.c
+@@ -833,9 +833,9 @@
+     /* s = Anzahl der spalten */
+     s = S_V_LI(S_V_I(a,0L));
+-    sum(S_V_I(a,0L),summe);/* composition ist vector */
++    SYM_sum(S_V_I(a,0L),summe);/* composition ist vector */
+     z = S_I_I(summe);
+-    FREEALL(summe); 
++    FREEALL(summe);
+     m_ilih_nm(s,z,b); 
+     C_O_K(b,KRANZTYPUS);
+     for (i=0L;i<s;i++)
+@@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@
+         erg += kranztypus_to_matrix(S_V_I(c,i),S_V_I(h,i)); 
+     }
+-    erg += sort(h);
++    erg += SYM_sort(h);
+     erg += chartafel(b,ct);
+@@ -1926,7 +1926,7 @@
+     OP c;
+     c = CALLOCOBJECT();
+     erg += lehmercode_permutation(a,c); /*result is a vector */
+-    erg += sum(c,b); 
++    erg += SYM_sum(c,b);
+     FREEALL(c);
+     }
+     ENDR("numberof_inversionen");
+@@ -2364,8 +2364,8 @@
+     COP("rz_lehmercode(2)",b);
+     zw = callocobject();
+-    erg += sum(lc,zw); 
+-    if (NULLP(zw)) 
++    erg += SYM_sum(lc,zw);
++    if (NULLP(zw))
+         {
+         erg += m_il_integervector((INT)0,b);
+         erg += freeall(zw);
+--- a/rest.c
++++ b/rest.c
+@@ -3998,7 +3998,7 @@
+                 oj = j;
+                 }
+         }
+-    erg += sum(c,b);
++    erg += SYM_sum(c,b);
+ eee:
+     erg += freeall(c);
+     ENDR("charge_word");
+--- a/ta.c
++++ b/ta.c
+@@ -1596,7 +1596,7 @@
+     {
+     OP d,e;
+     e = CALLOCOBJECT();
+-    erg += sum(content,e); /* AK 271098 */
++    erg += SYM_sum(content,e); /* AK 271098 */
+     d = CALLOCOBJECT();
+     erg += weight(shape,d);
+     if (NEQ(d,e))
+@@ -1821,7 +1821,7 @@
+     CE3(matrix, column_index, row_index,matrix_twoword);
+     c = callocobject();
+     erg += zeilen_summe(matrix,c);
+-    erg += sum(c,c);
++    erg += SYM_sum(c,c);
+     erg += m_l_v(c,column_index);
+     erg += m_l_v(c,row_index);
+     for(i=0,l=0;i<S_M_HI(matrix);i++)
+--- a/zyk.c
++++ b/zyk.c
+@@ -804,7 +804,7 @@
+     zykeltypvec = CALLOCOBJECT();
+     ak_order = CALLOCOBJECT();
+-    sum(numztvec,ak_order); /* AK 060295 */
++    SYM_sum(numztvec,ak_order); /* AK 060295 */
+@@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@
+     erg += m_i_i(0,c);
+     while (z!=NULL)
+         {
+-        erg += sum(S_PO_S(z),e);
++        erg += SYM_sum(S_PO_S(z),e);
+         erg += hoch(b,e,e);
+         erg += mult_apply(S_PO_K(z),e);
+         erg += add_apply(e,c);
diff --git a/debian/patches/upstream-source-typo.patch b/debian/patches/upstream-source-typo.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cab0f4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/upstream-source-typo.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Description: upstream source spelling correction
+ Correct spelling typo in C source files as emitted by Lintian,
+ spelling-error-in-binary tag; meant to be submitted to the
+ upstream maintainer.
+Origin: debian
+Author: Jerome Benoit <calculus at rezozer.net>
+Last-Update: 2014-09-13
+--- a/de.c
++++ b/de.c
+@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
+    if answer == e ==> explain
+    if answer == g ==> go on
+    if answer == r ==> retry
+-   if answer == s ==> go on supress error texts
++   if answer == s ==> go on suppress error texts
+    if answer == f ==> go on forever
+    else               exit */
+ /* AK 270689 V1.0 */ /* AK 070890 V1.1 */
+@@ -457,9 +457,9 @@
+     fflush(stdout);
+     fflush(stderr);
+     fprintf(stderr,
+-"\nenter a to abort with core dump, g to go, f to supress\n");
++"\nenter a to abort with core dump, g to go, f to suppress\n");
+     fprintf(stderr, 
+-"s to supress further error text, r to retry,  e to explain, else stop\n");
++"s to suppress further error text, r to retry,  e to explain, else stop\n");
+     fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: %s?: ",fehlertext);
+--- a/ff.c
++++ b/ff.c
+@@ -931,7 +931,7 @@
+     *Koerperzeiger = Koerperelement;
+     for (j=(INT)0;j<=i;j++)
+         Koerperelement[j] = (INT)0;
+-    fprintf(stderr,"input   of %ld entries, seperated by comma",i);
++    fprintf(stderr,"input   of %ld entries, separated by comma",i);
+     fprintf(stderr,"\nmissing entries are 0\n");
+     scanf("%s",Zeichen);
+     j = (INT)1;
diff --git a/debian/patches/upstream-version_script-map.patch b/debian/patches/upstream-version_script-map.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..018b605
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/upstream-version_script-map.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,3108 @@
+Description: upstream version-script map
+ Import a version-script map created with the help of cproto
+ from the C header `def.h' and `macro.h'; meant to be submitted
+ to the upstream maintainer.
+Origin: debian
+Author: Jerome Benoit <calculus at rezozer.net>
+Last-Update: 2014-09-13
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/symmetrica.map
+@@ -0,0 +1,3097 @@
++local: *;
diff --git a/debian/repack b/debian/repack
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1667cb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/repack
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+set -e
+set -u
+usage() {
+	echo "Usage: repack --upstream-version <ver> <downloaded file>"
+	exit 1
+	}
+if [ "$#" != "3" ]; then
+	usage
+if [ "$1" != "--upstream-version" ]; then
+	usage
+if [ ! -f "$3" ]; then
+	if [ -n "$3" ]; then
+		echo "$3 doesn't exist"
+	fi
+	usage
+REPACK_TMPDIR=`mktemp -d ./repackXXXXXX`
+trap "/bin/rm -rf \"$REPACK_TMPDIR\"" QUIT INT EXIT
+message() {
+	echo
+	echo "-- -- $1"
+	echo
+	}
+message "Repackaging $UPSTREAM_TARBALLZZ"
+if [ `ls -1 "${UPSTREAM_ROOTFOLDER}" | wc -l` -eq 1 ]; then
+## repack
+set -f
+####. "${REPACK_WORKING_FOLDER}/debian/repack.local"
+## wipe out
+## clean up
+set +f
+## end
+( cd "${REPACK_TMPDIR}" && \
+	find -L "${DEBIAN_ROOTFOLDERNAME}" -xdev -type f -o -type d -print | sort | \
+	tar -T-  --owner=root --group=root --mode=a+rX --create --file "${REPACK_TARBALL}" \
+	)
+message "Testing ${DEBIAN_TARBALLXZ}"
+xz --verbose --test "${DEBIAN_TARBALLXZ}"
+message "Printing information about ${DEBIAN_TARBALLXZ}"
+xz --verbose --list "${DEBIAN_TARBALLXZ}"
+message "Quitting"
+## eos
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 8cd6010..6cecc27 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -1,13 +1,25 @@
 #!/usr/bin/make -f
+	@uscan --no-conf --dehs --report || true
-	dh $@ --parallel
+	dh $@ --with autoreconf --parallel
-	for file in *.doc; \
-	  do install -D $${file} debian/symmetrica-doc/usr/share/doc/symmetrica-doc/$${file%.doc}.txt; \
-	done
-	dh_installdocs
+	dh_strip --dbg-package=libsymmetrica2-dbg
+	dh_installchangelogs --keep README
+	$(MAKE) check
+	QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches quilt pop -q -a -R || test $$? -le 2
+	QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches quilt push -q -a
+	dh_auto_clean
+	QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches quilt pop -q -a -R || test $$? = 2
+	uscan --no-conf --download-current-version --verbose
diff --git a/debian/source/format b/debian/source/format
index 46ebe02..163aaf8 100644
--- a/debian/source/format
+++ b/debian/source/format
@@ -1 +1 @@
-3.0 (quilt)
\ No newline at end of file
+3.0 (quilt)
diff --git a/debian/source/lintian-overrides b/debian/source/lintian-overrides
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b06cb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/source/lintian-overrides
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/source/options b/debian/source/options
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22a4de9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/source/options
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+compression = xz
+compression-level = 9
diff --git a/debian/symmetrica-doc.docs b/debian/symmetrica-doc.docs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c51117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/symmetrica-doc.docs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/symmetrica-doc.examples b/debian/symmetrica-doc.examples
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a59988d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/symmetrica-doc.examples
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/watch b/debian/watch
index 7a3bb86..fe12eed 100644
--- a/debian/watch
+++ b/debian/watch
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-opts="uversionmangle=s/_/./" \
-  http://www.algorithm.uni-bayreuth.de/en/research/SYMMETRICA/sym2holen_engl.html \
-  SYM(.+)_tar.gz
+opts=dversionmangle=s/\+ds//,uversionmangle=s/_/./g,filenamemangle=s/_tar/.tar/ \
+http://www.algorithm.uni-bayreuth.de/en/research/SYMMETRICA/sym2holen_engl.html SYM(.+)_tar\.gz \
+debian sh debian/repack

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/symmetrica.git

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