[gnuplot5] 07/15: Merge tag 'upstream/5.0.0_rc2+dfsg'

Anton Gladky gladk at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Sep 30 21:57:41 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gladk pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gnuplot5.

commit 70c06ec3f7c3e4f56a971081153c526d526be4c1
Merge: 947cf8e f90ab32
Author: Anton Gladky <gladk at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Sep 29 22:31:07 2014 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/5.0.0_rc2+dfsg'
    Upstream version 5.0.0~rc2+dfsg

 ChangeLog                                          |  5516 +------
 FAQ.pdf                                            |   Bin 147654 -> 0 bytes
 INSTALL                                            |    43 +-
 Makefile.am                                        |     2 +-
 Makefile.in                                        |    87 +-
 Makefile.maint                                     |     4 +
 NEWS                                               |    29 +
 PATCHLEVEL                                         |     2 +-
 README.1ST                                         |    37 -
 RELEASE_NOTES                                      |   288 +
 aclocal.m4                                         |   318 +-
 config.hin                                         |     9 +-
 config/Makefile.in                                 |    62 +-
 config/cygwin/Makefile                             |    10 +-
 config/makefile.cyg                                |    11 +-
 config/makefile.dj2                                |    10 +-
 config/makefile.os2                                |     6 +-
 config/makefile.wc                                 |     6 +-
 config/mingw/Makefile                              |   137 +-
 config/msvc/Makefile                               |    21 +-
 config/watcom/Makefile                             |     6 +-
 configure                                          |   473 +-
 configure.in                                       |    28 +-
 configure.vms                                      |     6 +-
 demo/Makefile.am                                   |     6 -
 demo/Makefile.am.in                                |     6 -
 demo/Makefile.in                                   |    81 +-
 demo/callargs.dem                                  |     6 +-
 demo/dashtypes.dem                                 |    17 +-
 demo/heatmaps.dem                                  |    21 +-
 demo/plugin/Makefile                               |   135 +-
 demo/plugin/Makefile.in                            |    67 +-
 demo/poldat.dem                                    |     8 +-
 demo/rectangle.dem                                 |    10 +-
 docs/Makefile.in                                   |    75 +-
 docs/README.ja                                     |   544 -
 docs/figure_missing.pdf                            |   Bin 15338 -> 0 bytes
 docs/gnuplot-ja.doc                                | 14200 -------------------
 docs/gnuplot.doc                                   |   193 +-
 docs/gnuplot.pdf                                   |   Bin 1669808 -> 0 bytes
 docs/term-ja.diff                                  |   260 +-
 docs/titlepag.ipf                                  |    40 +-
 docs/titlepag.tex                                  |     4 +-
 m4/Makefile.in                                     |    62 +-
 man/Makefile.in                                    |    62 +-
 man/gnuplot-ja.1                                   |    54 +-
 man/gnuplot.1                                      |    18 +-
 share/LaTeX/Makefile.in                            |    62 +-
 share/LaTeX/gnuplot-lua-tikz-common.tex            |    48 +-
 share/LaTeX/gnuplot-lua-tikz.sty                   |     2 +-
 share/Makefile.in                                  |    75 +-
 share/colors_mono.gp                               |    11 +-
 src/Makefile.am                                    |     9 +-
 src/Makefile.in                                    |   115 +-
 src/NeXT/Controller.h                              |    35 -
 src/NeXT/Controller.m                              |   231 -
 src/NeXT/English.lproj/GnuTerm.nib/data.classes    |    51 -
 src/NeXT/English.lproj/GnuTerm.nib/data.nib        |   Bin 4149 -> 0 bytes
 src/NeXT/English.lproj/gnuview.nib/bigger.tiff     |   Bin 260 -> 0 bytes
 src/NeXT/English.lproj/gnuview.nib/data.classes    |    45 -
 src/NeXT/English.lproj/gnuview.nib/data.nib        |   Bin 1232 -> 0 bytes
 src/NeXT/English.lproj/gnuview.nib/smaller.tiff    |   Bin 372 -> 0 bytes
 src/NeXT/GnuTerm.iconheader                        |     2 -
 src/NeXT/GnuTerm.tiff                              |   Bin 9410 -> 0 bytes
 src/NeXT/GnuTerm_main.m                            |    15 -
 src/NeXT/GnuView.h                                 |    18 -
 src/NeXT/GnuView.m                                 |   128 -
 src/NeXT/Makefile                                  |    46 -
 src/NeXT/Makefile.postamble                        |   108 -
 src/NeXT/Makefile.preamble                         |    88 -
 src/NeXT/PB.gdbinit                                |     7 -
 src/NeXT/PB.project                                |    26 -
 src/NeXT/README.rtf                                |    41 -
 src/NeXT/bigger.tiff                               |   Bin 260 -> 0 bytes
 src/NeXT/gnuviewController.h                       |    24 -
 src/NeXT/gnuviewController.m                       |    92 -
 src/NeXT/smaller.tiff                              |   Bin 372 -> 0 bytes
 src/OpenStep/Controller.h                          |    24 -
 src/OpenStep/Controller.m                          |   131 -
 src/OpenStep/English.lproj/GnuTerm.nib/classes.nib |    32 -
 src/OpenStep/English.lproj/GnuTerm.nib/objects.nib |    12 -
 .../English.lproj/gnuview.nib/data.classes         |    28 -
 src/OpenStep/English.lproj/gnuview.nib/objects.nib |     7 -
 src/OpenStep/GnuTerm.iconheader                    |     2 -
 src/OpenStep/GnuTerm.tiff                          |   Bin 9410 -> 0 bytes
 src/OpenStep/GnuTerm_main.m                        |    15 -
 src/OpenStep/GnuView.h                             |    17 -
 src/OpenStep/GnuView.m                             |   101 -
 src/OpenStep/GnuViewController.h                   |    22 -
 src/OpenStep/GnuViewController.m                   |    62 -
 src/OpenStep/Makefile                              |    60 -
 src/OpenStep/Makefile.postamble                    |   108 -
 src/OpenStep/Makefile.preamble                     |    88 -
 src/OpenStep/PB.project                            |    42 -
 src/OpenStep/PBUserInfo/PBUserInfo_leigh.plist     |     9 -
 src/OpenStep/TODO                                  |     7 -
 src/alloc.h                                        |     6 +-
 src/axis.c                                         |    14 +-
 src/axis.h                                         |     4 +-
 src/beos/GPApp.cpp                                 |   284 -
 src/beos/GPApp.h                                   |    67 -
 src/beos/GPBitmap.cpp                              |   388 -
 src/beos/GPBitmap.h                                |   119 -
 src/beos/GPView.cpp                                |   162 -
 src/beos/GPView.h                                  |    69 -
 src/beos/GPWindow.cpp                              |   332 -
 src/beos/GPWindow.h                                |    59 -
 src/beos/Makefile.in                               |   380 -
 src/beos/XStringList.cpp                           |    16 -
 src/beos/XStringList.h                             |    47 -
 src/beos/constants.h                               |    64 -
 src/bf_test.c                                      |   127 +-
 src/binary.c                                       |   409 -
 src/binary.h                                       |    58 -
 src/boundary.c                                     |    25 +-
 src/command.c                                      |     8 +-
 src/datafile.c                                     |    94 +-
 src/datafile.h                                     |    12 +-
 src/eval.c                                         |     3 +-
 src/fit.c                                          |    29 +-
 src/gadgets.c                                      |    24 +-
 src/gadgets.h                                      |     2 +-
 src/gp_types.h                                     |     6 +-
 src/gplt_x11.c                                     |    87 +-
 src/graph3d.c                                      |   153 +-
 src/graphics.c                                     |    58 +-
 src/hidden3d.c                                     |    15 +-
 src/makefile.all                                   |    21 +-
 src/makefile.awc                                   |    21 +-
 src/misc.c                                         |    62 +-
 src/mouse.c                                        |    34 +-
 src/mouse.h                                        |     5 +-
 src/os2/4allterm.cmd                               |   104 -
 src/os2/dialogs.c                                  |   476 -
 src/os2/dialogs.h                                  |   156 -
 src/os2/gclient.c                                  |  4148 ------
 src/os2/gnuplot.ico                                |   Bin 2448 -> 0 bytes
 src/os2/gnupmdrv.c                                 |   299 -
 src/os2/gnupmdrv.def                               |    13 -
 src/os2/gnupmdrv.h                                 |   163 -
 src/os2/gnupmdrv.ipf                               |   377 -
 src/os2/gnupmdrv.rc                                |   322 -
 src/os2/pm_msgs.h                                  |    83 -
 src/os2/print.c                                    |   526 -
 src/os2/ptrcross.ptr                               |   Bin 874 -> 0 bytes
 src/os2/rotating.ptr                               |   Bin 288 -> 0 bytes
 src/os2/scaling.ptr                                |   Bin 288 -> 0 bytes
 src/parse.c                                        |    32 +-
 src/plot.c                                         |    37 +-
 src/plot2d.c                                       |    33 +-
 src/plot3d.c                                       |    73 +-
 src/qtterminal/Makefile.in                         |    62 +-
 src/qtterminal/QtGnuplotItems.cpp                  |    14 +
 src/qtterminal/QtGnuplotItems.h                    |     3 +
 src/qtterminal/QtGnuplotScene.cpp                  |    19 +-
 src/qtterminal/QtGnuplotWidget.cpp                 |    23 +-
 src/qtterminal/QtGnuplotWindow.cpp                 |     6 +
 src/qtterminal/QtGnuplotWindow.h                   |     1 +
 src/qtterminal/gnuplot_qt.cpp                      |    24 +-
 src/qtterminal/qt_term.cpp                         |    13 +-
 src/save.c                                         |    18 +-
 src/set.c                                          |    99 +-
 src/show.c                                         |    23 +-
 src/stats.c                                        |     8 +-
 src/syscfg.h                                       |    21 +-
 src/tables.c                                       |     4 +-
 src/term.c                                         |     5 +-
 src/term_api.h                                     |    10 +-
 src/unset.c                                        |    10 +-
 src/version.c                                      |     6 +-
 src/win/README.win-ja                              |   431 -
 src/win/grpicon.ico                                |   Bin 243478 -> 0 bytes
 src/win/pgnuplot.c                                 |   369 -
 src/win/rotating.cur                               |   Bin 326 -> 0 bytes
 src/win/scaling.cur                                |   Bin 326 -> 0 bytes
 src/win/screenbuf.c                                |   574 -
 src/win/screenbuf.h                                |    89 -
 src/win/texticon.ico                               |   Bin 766 -> 0 bytes
 src/win/wcommon.h                                  |   116 -
 src/win/wgdiplus.cpp                               |  1501 --
 src/win/wgdiplus.h                                 |    55 -
 src/win/wgnuplib.c                                 |   132 -
 src/win/wgnuplib.h                                 |   451 -
 src/win/wgnuplib.rc                                |    93 -
 src/win/wgnuplot-ja.mnu                            |   755 -
 src/win/wgnuplot.exe.manifest                      |    22 -
 src/win/wgnuplot.exe.manifest64                    |    22 -
 src/win/wgnuplot.mnu                               |   752 -
 src/win/wgnuplot.rc                                |    14 -
 src/win/wgraph.c                                   |  4950 -------
 src/win/winmain.c                                  |  1159 --
 src/win/winmain.h                                  |    75 -
 src/win/wmenu.c                                    |  1076 --
 src/win/wpause.c                                   |   352 -
 src/win/wprinter.c                                 |   361 -
 src/win/wredirect.cpp                              |    41 -
 src/win/wresourc.h                                 |   121 -
 src/win/wtext.c                                    |  2192 ---
 src/win/wtext.h                                    |   148 -
 src/wxterminal/Makefile.in                         |    62 +-
 src/wxterminal/gp_cairo.c                          |    62 +-
 src/wxterminal/wxt_gui.cpp                         |    50 +-
 src/wxterminal/wxt_gui.h                           |    17 +-
 term/Makefile.in                                   |    62 +-
 term/aquaterm.trm                                  |     6 +-
 term/caca.trm                                      |    38 +-
 term/cairo.trm                                     |    12 +-
 term/emf.trm                                       |    43 +-
 term/gd.trm                                        |    52 +-
 term/js/gnuplot_svg.js                             |    12 +-
 term/lua.trm                                       |    41 +-
 term/lua/gnuplot-tikz.help                         |     7 +-
 term/lua/gnuplot-tikz.lua                          |   152 +-
 term/post.trm                                      |    14 +-
 term/svg.trm                                       |    20 +-
 term/win.trm                                       |    29 +-
 term/wxt.trm                                       |    17 +-
 term/x11.trm                                       |    10 +-
 tutorial/Makefile.in                               |    62 +-
 win/Copyright-ja.txt                               |    39 -
 win/README-Windows-ja.txt                          |   218 -
 win/README-Windows.txt                             |   202 -
 win/gnuplot.iss                                    |   267 -
 win/modpath.iss                                    |   219 -
 224 files changed, 3942 insertions(+), 49123 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/gnuplot5.git

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