[mathic] 34/62: Added support for retirement of indexes to PairQueue.
Doug Torrance
dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Apr 1 11:36:21 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository mathic.
commit 6ed3a6ea8cbae6609e281ecb3716373fbf727b0b
Author: Bjarke Hammersholt Roune <bjarkehr.code at gmail.com>
Date: Thu Aug 9 04:13:49 2012 -0400
Added support for retirement of indexes to PairQueue.
src/mathic/PairQueue.h | 289 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
src/test/PairQueue.cpp | 145 ++++++++++++++++++++++---
2 files changed, 355 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/mathic/PairQueue.h b/src/mathic/PairQueue.h
index 5db9064..b9cae3f 100755
--- a/src/mathic/PairQueue.h
+++ b/src/mathic/PairQueue.h
@@ -62,18 +62,32 @@ namespace mathic {
// other way than to call this function.
// The default implementation default-constructs the PairData and
- // then calls Configuration::computePairData. Specialize (do not
- // overload) this template function for your particular
- // configuration type if you want something else to happen -- for
- // example you might not want default construction to occur.
+ // then calls Configuration::computePairData. Specialize
+ // ConstructPairDataFunction for your particular configuration
+ // type if you want something else to happen -- for example you
+ // might not want default construction to occur.
+ //
+ // You could also specialize constructPairData directly, but this
+ // is not recommended since C++ does not allow partial
+ // specialization of function templates. Hence fully or partially
+ // specializing ConstructPairDataFunction is a more general
+ // mechanism that you might as well use.
+ template<class Configuration>
+ struct ConstructPairDataFunction {
+ typedef typename Configuration::PairData PairData;
+ static void function
+ (void* memory, Index col, Index row, Configuration& conf) {
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(memory != 0);
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(col > row);
+ PairData* pd = new (memory) PairData();
+ conf.computePairData(col, row, *pd);
+ }
+ };
template<class Configuration>
void constructPairData
(void* memory, Index col, Index row, Configuration& conf) {
- MATHIC_ASSERT(memory != 0);
- MATHIC_ASSERT(col > row);
- typename Configuration::PairData* pd =
- new (memory) typename Configuration::PairData();
- conf.computePairData(col, row, *pd);
+ ConstructPairDataFunction<Configuration>::function
+ (memory, col, row, conf);
// Used by PairData<Configuration> to destruct a PairData object
@@ -81,29 +95,104 @@ namespace mathic {
// destructed in any other way than to call this function.
// The default implementation just calls the
- // destructor. Specialize (do not overload) this template function
- // for your particular configuration type if you want something
- // else to happen -- for example PairData might hold memory
- // allocated from a memory pool that you want to return to the
- // pool but you do not want to put a reference to the memory pool
- // inside every PairData.
+ // destructor. Specialize DestructPairDataFunction for your
+ // particular configuration type if you want something else to
+ // happen -- for example PairData might hold memory allocated from
+ // a memory pool that you want to return to the pool but you do
+ // not want to put a reference to the memory pool inside every
+ // PairData.
+ //
+ // You could also specialize destructPairData directly, but this
+ // is not recommended since C++ does not allow partial
+ // specialization of function templates. Hence fully or partially
+ // specializing DestructPairDataFunction is a more general
+ // mechanism that you might as well use.
+ template<class Configuration>
+ struct DestructPairDataFunction {
+ typedef typename Configuration::PairData PairData;
+ static void function
+ (PairData* pd, Index col, Index row, Configuration& conf) {
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(pd != 0);
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(col > row);
+ pd->~PairData();
+ }
+ };
template<class Configuration>
void destructPairData
(typename Configuration::PairData* pd,
Index col, Index row, Configuration& conf) {
- MATHIC_ASSERT(pd != 0);
- MATHIC_ASSERT(col > row);
- typedef typename Configuration::PairData PairData;
- pd->~PairData();
+ DestructPairDataFunction<Configuration>::function(pd, col, row, conf);
+ // Used by PairData<Configuration> to determine whether to allow
+ // retirement of indexes. The default is to allow it, but there is
+ // some overhead. This is configured separately from the
+ // configuration to decrease the minimal size of a working
+ // configuration.
+ template<class Configuration>
+ struct SupportRetirement {
+ // the value field must be static bool const.
+ static bool const value = true;
+ };
+ }
+ namespace PairQueueInternal {
+ // Derive with true parameter to support retirement and false to
+ // not support retirement. The main point of this is not just to
+ // save the memory for the bool, it's to make it clear to the
+ // compiler that nothing is retired when retirement is not
+ // supported.
+ //
+ // This class has to be outside the PairQueue class since partial
+ // specialization is not supported for template member classes of
+ // template classes.
+ template<bool supportRetirement>
+ class SupportRetirement {
+ public:
+ void addNextIndex() {mRetired.push_back(false);}
+ void undoAdd() {
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(!mRetired.empty());
+ mRetired.pop_back();
+ }
+ void retireIndex(size_t index) {
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(index < mRetired.size());
+ mRetired[index] = true;
+ }
+ bool retired(size_t index) const {
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(index < mRetired.size());
+ return mRetired[index];
+ }
+ private:
+ std::vector<char> mRetired;
+ };
+ template<>
+ class SupportRetirement<false> {
+ public:
+ void addNextIndex() {}
+ void undoAdd() {}
+ void retireIndex(size_t index) {
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(false); // this method should not be called.
+ }
+ bool retired(size_t index) const {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
template<class C>
- class PairQueue {
+ class PairQueue : private PairQueueInternal::SupportRetirement<PairQueueNamespace::SupportRetirement<C>::value> {
typedef C Configuration;
typedef typename C::PairData PairData;
typedef PairQueueNamespace::Index Index;
+ static bool const SupportRetirement =
+ PairQueueNamespace::SupportRetirement<Configuration>::value;
// PairQueue stores a copy of the passed in configuration.
PairQueue(const Configuration& conf);
@@ -134,7 +223,7 @@ namespace mathic {
// Returns the maximal pair according to the custom ordering on
// pairs.
std::pair<size_t, size_t> topPair() const;
// Returns the PairData of topPair().
const PairData& topPairData() const;
@@ -149,10 +238,36 @@ namespace mathic {
// configured.
std::string name() const;
+ // Remove all pairs of the form (index,x) or (x,index). It is not
+ // allowed to add such pairs in future. You must not retire an
+ // index twice (that could be a bug and we want to assert in that
+ // case to surface the issue).
+ //
+ // ATTENTION: retired indexes can still appear in comparisons if
+ // that pair already has its PairData computed and stored and
+ // those comparisons must still work the same way that they did
+ // previously. No new PairData will be computed using retired
+ // indexes and of course topPair() will never involve a retired
+ // index.
+ //
+ // ATTENTION: All the retired pairs are not identified right away
+ // so pairCount() might still count some retired pairs.
+ //
+ // ATTENTION: If you have disabled support for retirement then you
+ // may not call this method.
+ void retireIndex(size_t index);
+ // Returns true if index has been retired. If support for
+ // retirement has been turned off then this method always returns
+ // false.
+ bool retired(size_t index) const;
typedef unsigned short SmallIndex;
- class Column {
+ typedef PairQueueInternal::SupportRetirement<SupportRetirement> Retirer;
+ class Column {
template<class Iter>
static Column* create
@@ -162,7 +277,8 @@ namespace mathic {
Index columnIndex() const {return mColumnIndex;}
Index rowIndex() const;
- void incrementRowIndex(C& conf); // recomputes pairData if not empty
+ // Recomputes pairData if not empty. Skips retired rows.
+ void incrementRowIndex(PairQueue<C>& pq);
bool empty() const;
size_t size() const; // number of pairs remaining in this column
@@ -342,25 +458,30 @@ namespace mathic {
template<class C>
- void PairQueue<C>::Column::incrementRowIndex(C& conf) {
+ void PairQueue<C>::Column::incrementRowIndex(PairQueue<C>& pq) {
if (big()) {
- ++bigBegin;
- if (bigBegin == bigEnd) {
- MATHIC_ASSERT(empty());
- destruct(*(bigBegin - 1), conf);
- return;
- }
+ do {
+ ++bigBegin;
+ if (bigBegin == bigEnd) {
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(empty());
+ destruct(*(bigBegin - 1), pq.configuration());
+ return;
+ }
+ } while (PairQueue::SupportRetirement && pq.retired(*bigBegin));
} else {
- ++smallBegin;
- if (smallBegin == smallEnd) {
- MATHIC_ASSERT(empty());
- destruct(*(smallBegin - 1), conf);
- return;
- }
+ do {
+ ++smallBegin;
+ if (smallBegin == smallEnd) {
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(empty());
+ destruct(*(smallBegin - 1), pq.configuration());
+ return;
+ }
+ } while (PairQueue::SupportRetirement && pq.retired(*smallBegin));
- conf.computePairData(columnIndex(), rowIndex(), mPairData);
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(!pq.retired(rowIndex()));
+ pq.configuration().computePairData(columnIndex(), rowIndex(), mPairData);
template<class C>
@@ -415,42 +536,70 @@ namespace mathic {
template<class Iter>
void PairQueue<C>::addColumnDescending
(Iter const sortedRowsBegin, Iter const sortedRowsEnd) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (SupportRetirement) {
+ for (Iter it = sortedRowsBegin; it != sortedRowsend; ++it)
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(!retired(*it));
+ }
if (mColumnCount >= std::numeric_limits<Index>::max())
throw std::overflow_error("Too large column index in PairQueue.");
Index const newColumnIndex = static_cast<Index>(mColumnCount);
+ Retirer::addNextIndex();
- if (sortedRowsBegin == sortedRowsEnd)
- return;
- memt::Arena::Guard guard(mArena);
- Column* column = Column::create
- (newColumnIndex, sortedRowsBegin, sortedRowsEnd, mConf, mArena);
- try {
- mColumnQueue.push(column);
- } catch (...) {
- column->destruct(mConf);
- throw;
+ if (sortedRowsBegin != sortedRowsEnd) {
+ try {
+ memt::Arena::Guard guard(mArena);
+ Column* column = Column::create
+ (newColumnIndex, sortedRowsBegin, sortedRowsEnd, mConf, mArena);
+ try {
+ mColumnQueue.push(column);
+ } catch (...) {
+ column->destruct(mConf);
+ throw;
+ }
+ guard.release();
+ } catch (...) {
+ Retirer::undoAdd();
+ --mColumnCount;
+ throw;
+ }
- guard.release();
template<class C>
void PairQueue<C>::pop() {
- Column* const topColumn = mColumnQueue.top();
- MATHIC_ASSERT(topColumn != 0);
- MATHIC_ASSERT(!topColumn->empty());
- // Note that all mathic queues allow doing this sequence of
- // actions: top(), change top element in-place, do decreaseTop/pop.
- topColumn->incrementRowIndex(mConf);
- if (topColumn->empty()) {
+ Column* topColumn = mColumnQueue.top();
+ do {
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(!empty());
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(topColumn == mColumnQueue.top());
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(topColumn != 0);
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(!topColumn->empty());
+ if (!SupportRetirement || !retired(topColumn->columnIndex())) {
+ // Note that all mathic queues allow doing this sequence of
+ // actions: top(), change top element in-place, do decreaseTop/pop.
+ topColumn->incrementRowIndex(*this);
+ if (!topColumn->empty()) {
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(!retired(topColumn->columnIndex()));
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(!retired(topColumn->rowIndex()));
+ mColumnQueue.decreaseTop(topColumn);
+ goto doNotDestroy;
+ }
+ }
- } else
- mColumnQueue.decreaseTop(topColumn);
+ doNotDestroy:;
+ if (!SupportRetirement || mColumnQueue.empty())
+ break;
+ topColumn = mColumnQueue.top();
+ } while (retired(topColumn->columnIndex()) ||
+ retired(topColumn->rowIndex()));
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(!SupportRetirement || empty() || !retired(topPair().first));
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(!SupportRetirement || empty() || !retired(topPair().second));
template<class C>
@@ -464,6 +613,24 @@ namespace mathic {
template<class C>
+ void PairQueue<C>::retireIndex(size_t index) {
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(SupportRetirement);
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(index < columnCount());
+ Retirer::retireIndex(index);
+ if (!empty()) {
+ std::pair<size_t, size_t> p = topPair();
+ if (p.first == index || p.second == index)
+ pop();
+ }
+ }
+ template<class C>
+ bool PairQueue<C>::retired(size_t index) const {
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(index < columnCount());
+ return Retirer::retired(index);
+ }
+ template<class C>
std::pair<size_t, size_t> PairQueue<C>::topPair() const {
Column* topColumn = mColumnQueue.top();
diff --git a/src/test/PairQueue.cpp b/src/test/PairQueue.cpp
index 444c0cd..877a7bd 100755
--- a/src/test/PairQueue.cpp
+++ b/src/test/PairQueue.cpp
@@ -36,6 +36,23 @@ namespace {
+namespace mathic {
+ namespace PairQueueNamespace {
+ template<>
+ struct SupportRetirement<PQConf> {
+ static bool const value = false;
+ };
+ }
+TEST(PairQueue, RetirementSetToFalse) {
+ ASSERT_FALSE(mathic::PairQueue<PQConf>::SupportRetirement);
+ mathic::PairQueue<PQConf> pq(PQConf(421));
+ mathic::PairQueue<PQConf>::Index* null = 0;
+ pq.addColumnDescending(null, null);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(pq.retired(0));
TEST(PairQueue, NoOp) {
mathic::PairQueue<PQConf> pq(PQConf(421));
ASSERT_EQ(421, pq.configuration().id());
@@ -208,7 +225,13 @@ namespace {
class PQConDeconCounterConf {
// better not have two of these objects around at the same time!
- PQConDeconCounterConf() {mLive.clear();}
+ PQConDeconCounterConf(): owningQueue(0) {mLive.clear();}
+ // This is the queue that this is the configuration of. You have
+ // to set it after constructing the queue. It has to be void* as
+ // we can't instantiate the type now before we specialize the
+ // parameters like mathic::PairQueueNamespace::SupportRetirement.
+ void* owningQueue;
class PairData {
friend class PQConDeconCounterConf;
@@ -254,10 +277,7 @@ namespace {
- void computePairData(size_t col, size_t row, PairData& pd) {
- MATHIC_ASSERT(pd.live());
- pd.row = row;
- }
+ void computePairData(size_t col, size_t row, PairData& pd);
typedef bool CompareResult;
bool compare(int colA, int rowA, const PairData& pdA,
@@ -279,20 +299,41 @@ namespace {
namespace mathic {
namespace PairQueueNamespace {
- void constructPairData
- (void* memory, Index col, Index row, PQConDeconCounterConf& conf) {
- PQConDeconCounterConf::PairData* pd =
- static_cast<PQConDeconCounterConf::PairData*>(memory);
- conf.construct(pd);
- conf.computePairData(col, row, *pd);
- }
+ struct ConstructPairDataFunction<PQConDeconCounterConf> {
+ static void function
+ (void* memory, Index col, Index row, PQConDeconCounterConf& conf) {
+ PQConDeconCounterConf::PairData* pd =
+ static_cast<PQConDeconCounterConf::PairData*>(memory);
+ conf.construct(pd);
+ conf.computePairData(col, row, *pd);
+ }
+ };
- void destructPairData
- (PQConDeconCounterConf::PairData* pd,
- Index col, Index row, PQConDeconCounterConf& conf) {
- conf.destruct(pd);
- }
+ struct DestructPairDataFunction<PQConDeconCounterConf> {
+ static void function
+ (PQConDeconCounterConf::PairData* pd,
+ Index col, Index row, PQConDeconCounterConf& conf) {
+ conf.destruct(pd);
+ }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct SupportRetirement<PQConDeconCounterConf> {
+ static bool const value = true;
+ };
+ }
+namespace {
+ inline void PQConDeconCounterConf::computePairData
+ (size_t col, size_t row, PairData& pd) {
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(pd.live());
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(!static_cast<mathic::PairQueue<PQConDeconCounterConf>*>
+ (owningQueue)->retired(col));
+ MATHIC_ASSERT(!static_cast<mathic::PairQueue<PQConDeconCounterConf>*>
+ (owningQueue)->retired(row));
+ pd.row = row;
@@ -300,11 +341,13 @@ namespace mathic {
// all PairData objects.
TEST(PairQueue, ConDeconOfPairData) {
size_t const columnCount = 7;
- mathic::PairQueue<PQConf>::Index rows[columnCount - 1] = {0,1,2,3,4,5};
+ mathic::PairQueue<PQConDeconCounterConf>::Index
+ rows[columnCount - 1] = {0,1,2,3,4,5};
// check that PairData get cleaned up for a PairQueue that ends up empty.
mathic::PairQueue<PQConDeconCounterConf> pq((PQConDeconCounterConf()));
+ pq.configuration().owningQueue = &pq;
for (size_t i = 0; i < columnCount; ++i)
pq.addColumnDescending(rows, rows + i);
pq.addColumnDescending(rows, rows);
@@ -320,6 +363,7 @@ TEST(PairQueue, ConDeconOfPairData) {
// been pop'ed at all.
mathic::PairQueue<PQConDeconCounterConf> pq((PQConDeconCounterConf()));
+ pq.configuration().owningQueue = &pq;
for (size_t i = 0; i < columnCount; ++i)
pq.addColumnDescending(rows, rows + i);
pq.addColumnDescending(rows, rows);
@@ -331,6 +375,7 @@ TEST(PairQueue, ConDeconOfPairData) {
// pop'ed but is not full.
mathic::PairQueue<PQConDeconCounterConf> pq((PQConDeconCounterConf()));
+ pq.configuration().owningQueue = &pq;
for (size_t i = 0; i < columnCount; ++i)
pq.addColumnDescending(rows, rows + i);
pq.addColumnDescending(rows, rows);
@@ -340,3 +385,67 @@ TEST(PairQueue, ConDeconOfPairData) {
ASSERT_EQ(0, PQConDeconCounterConf::liveCount());
+TEST(PairQueue, RetirementSetToTrue) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(mathic::PairQueue<PQConDeconCounterConf>::SupportRetirement);
+ mathic::PairQueue<PQConDeconCounterConf> pq((PQConDeconCounterConf()));
+ pq.configuration().owningQueue = &pq;
+ mathic::PairQueue<PQConf>::Index* null = 0;
+ pq.addColumnDescending(null, null);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pq.empty());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(pq.retired(0));
+ pq.retireIndex(0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pq.retired(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pq.empty());
+TEST(PairQueue, Retirement) {
+ typedef mathic::PairQueue<PQConDeconCounterConf>::Index Index;
+ mathic::PairQueue<PQConDeconCounterConf> pq((PQConDeconCounterConf()));
+ pq.configuration().owningQueue = &pq;
+ Index const* null = 0;
+ pq.addColumnDescending(null, null);
+ {
+ Index const rows[] = {0};
+ pq.addColumnDescending(rows, rows + sizeof(rows) / sizeof(*rows));
+ }
+ {std::pair<size_t, size_t> p(1, 0); ASSERT_EQ(p, pq.topPair());}
+ // retire higher component of the top pair
+ pq.retireIndex(1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pq.empty());
+ {
+ Index const rows[] = {0};
+ pq.addColumnDescending(rows, rows + sizeof(rows) / sizeof(*rows));
+ }
+ {std::pair<size_t, size_t> p(2, 0); ASSERT_EQ(p, pq.topPair());}
+ {
+ Index const rows[] = {0,2};
+ pq.addColumnDescending(rows, rows + sizeof(rows) / sizeof(*rows));
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, pq.topPair().second);
+ {
+ Index const rows[] = {0,2,3};
+ pq.addColumnDescending(rows, rows + sizeof(rows) / sizeof(*rows));
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, pq.topPair().second);
+ // retire lower component of top pair
+ pq.retireIndex(0);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(pq.empty());
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, pq.topPair().second);
+ // retire component not involved in top pair
+ if (pq.topPair().first == 3) {
+ pq.retireIndex(4);
+ {std::pair<size_t, size_t> p(3, 2); ASSERT_EQ(p, pq.topPair());}
+ } else {
+ pq.retireIndex(3);
+ {std::pair<size_t, size_t> p(4, 2); ASSERT_EQ(p, pq.topPair());}
+ }
+ ASSERT_FALSE(pq.empty());
+ pq.pop();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pq.empty());
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