[mathicgb] 20/393: Removed support for stopping siggb computations early on a Grobner basis since if turning that option on was a win, then using classic buchberger was better in all our experiments and the feature was complex.
Doug Torrance
dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Apr 3 15:58:25 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository mathicgb.
commit a35d196598b5100ec80ec7bb6fd84781ec8f3435
Author: Bjarke Hammersholt Roune <bjarkehr.code at gmail.com>
Date: Tue Aug 7 17:56:23 2012 -0400
Removed support for stopping siggb computations early on a Grobner basis since if turning that option on was a win, then using classic buchberger was better in all our experiments and the feature was complex.
src/cli/GBMain.cpp | 10 --
src/mathicgb/SPairHandler.cpp | 238 ------------------------------------------
src/mathicgb/SPairHandler.hpp | 27 -----
src/mathicgb/SignatureGB.cpp | 9 +-
src/mathicgb/SignatureGB.hpp | 5 -
src/test/gb-test.cpp | 37 +++----
6 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 310 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/cli/GBMain.cpp b/src/cli/GBMain.cpp
index bb4be44..7be7e50 100755
--- a/src/cli/GBMain.cpp
+++ b/src/cli/GBMain.cpp
@@ -55,12 +55,6 @@ public:
"Postpone the construction of Koszul syzygy signatures.",
- mComputeSignatureBasis("computeSignatureBasis",
- "Compute a signature basis. If false and using the signature "
- "algorithm, stop the computation early when detecting "
- "a grobner basis.",
- true),
"Use high ratio and low ratio base divisors to eliminate "
"S-spairs quickly based on signature.",
@@ -153,7 +147,6 @@ public:
case 8: mStrategy.processArgument(tokens[6]);
mClassicBuchbergerAlgorithm.setValue((mStrategy.value() & 1) == 1);
mPostponeKoszul.setValue((mStrategy.value() & 2) != 0);
- mComputeSignatureBasis.setValue((mStrategy.value() & 8) != 0);
mUseBaseDivisors.setValue((mStrategy.value() & 16) != 0);
case 7: mTracingLevel.processArgument(tokens[5]);
case 6: // ignore this value
@@ -216,7 +209,6 @@ public:
- alg.setComputeSignatureBasis(mComputeSignatureBasis.value());
// print statistics
@@ -268,7 +260,6 @@ public:
- parameters.push_back(&mComputeSignatureBasis);
@@ -292,7 +283,6 @@ private:
mic::BoolParameter mAutoTopReduce;
mic::BoolParameter mClassicBuchbergerAlgorithm;
mic::BoolParameter mPostponeKoszul;
- mic::BoolParameter mComputeSignatureBasis;
mic::BoolParameter mUseBaseDivisors;
mic::IntegerParameter mSPairQueue;
mic::IntegerParameter mTracingLevel;
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/SPairHandler.cpp b/src/mathicgb/SPairHandler.cpp
index f3c4468..6df1cc3 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/SPairHandler.cpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/SPairHandler.cpp
@@ -44,10 +44,6 @@ SPairHandler::SPairHandler(
bool useSingularCriterionEarly,
size_t queueType
- mTrackEssentialPair(false),
- mEssentialFirst(static_cast<size_t>(-1)),
- mEssentialSecond(static_cast<size_t>(-1)),
- mEssentialSig(R0->allocMonomial()),
@@ -63,224 +59,12 @@ SPairHandler::SPairHandler(
ASSERT(mUseBaseDivisors || mUseHighBaseDivisors || mKnownSyzygyTri.empty());
- R->freeMonomial(mEssentialSig);
-bool SPairHandler::hasEssentialPair() const {
- ASSERT(mTrackEssentialPair);
- bool value = (mEssentialFirst < GB->size());
- ASSERT(!value || isEssential(mEssentialFirst, mEssentialSecond));
- return value;
void SPairHandler::newSyzygy(const_monomial sig) {
-bool SPairHandler::isEssential(size_t a, size_t b) const {
- ASSERT(mTrackEssentialPair);
- bool minA = GB->basis().leadMinimal(a);
- bool minB = GB->basis().leadMinimal(b);
- if (minA && minB)
- return true;
- if (!minA && !minB)
- return false;
- if (!minA)
- std::swap(a, b);
- ASSERT(GB->basis().leadMinimal(a));
- ASSERT(!GB->basis().leadMinimal(b));
- if (mDidReducingSPair[b])
- return false;
- return R->monomialIsDivisibleBy
- (GB->getLeadMonomial(b), GB->getLeadMonomial(a));
-void SPairHandler::setTrackEssentialPair(bool value) {
- if (value == mTrackEssentialPair)
- return;
- mTrackEssentialPair = value;
- if (mTrackEssentialPair) {
- ASSERT(mEssentialPoly.get() == 0);
- while (mDidReducingSPair.size() < GB->size())
- mDidReducingSPair.push_back(false);
- mEssentialFirst = 0;
- mEssentialSecond = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
- if (GB->size() > 0)
- nextEssentialPair();
- } else {
- mEssentialPoly.reset(0);
- mEssentialFirst = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
- mEssentialSecond = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
- }
-void SPairHandler::nextEssentialPair() {
- ASSERT(mTrackEssentialPair);
- ASSERT(mEssentialFirst < GB->size());
- ASSERT(mEssentialSecond == static_cast<size_t>(-1) ||
- mEssentialSecond < mEssentialFirst);
- if (mEssentialPoly.get() != 0)
- mEssentialPoly.reset(0);
- // If the queue is empty, we don't know what the next signature will be,
- // so we don't know what has been shown to reduce to zero, which means
- // we can't proceed. The queue can be empty without the computation
- // being done if the last S-pair does not reduce to zero, and this
- // method gets called between the last S-pair being popped and the
- // new basis element being inserted.
- ASSERT(!mTri.empty());
- const_monomial currentSig = mTri.topOrderBy();
- const size_t basisElementCount = GB->size();
- size_t& first = mEssentialFirst;
- size_t& second = mEssentialSecond;
- bool firstIteration = true;
- while (true) {
- if (!mDidReducingSPair[first] &&
- !firstIteration &&
- !GB->basis().leadMinimal(first)) {
- ASSERT(R->monomialIsDivisibleBy
- (GB->getLeadMonomial(first), GB->getLeadMonomial(second)));
- mDidReducingSPair[first] = true;
- second = first; // move on to next first
- } else {
- firstIteration = false;
- ++second;
- }
- // ** move on to next S-pair
- // Setting mEssentialSecond to -1 instructs this method to search the
- // S-pairs with the given mEssentialFirst starting at the first one.
- if (first == second) {
- ++first;
- if (first == basisElementCount) {
- second = static_cast<size_t>(-1); // start at zero next time
- break; // no more S-pairs to check for now
- }
- second = 0;
- }
- // Let
- // A = the set of basis elements with minimal lead term
- // B = the set of basis elements with non-minimal lead term
- // G = the union of A and B
- // P' = the set of pairs (a,b) in AxB such that lead(a)|lead(b)
- // P = The union of AxA and P'
- // We say that an S-pair is essential if it is a member of P.
- // Skip pair if not a member of P since we only need the S-polynomials of
- // members of P to reduce to zero. We can skip all the other S-pairs in GxG
- // due to Buchberger's second criterion (lcm criterion).
- if (!GB->basis().leadMinimal(first)) {
- if (mDidReducingSPair[first]) {
- second = first - 1;
- continue;
- }
- for (; second < first; ++second) {
- if (GB->basis().leadMinimal(second) &&
- R->monomialIsDivisibleBy
- (GB->getLeadMonomial(first), GB->getLeadMonomial(second))) {
- ASSERT(isEssential(first, second));
- break;
- }
- ASSERT(!isEssential(first, second));
- }
- } else {
- for (; second < first; ++second) {
- if (GB->basis().leadMinimal(second))
- break;
- if (!mDidReducingSPair[second] &&
- R->monomialIsDivisibleBy
- (GB->getLeadMonomial(second), GB->getLeadMonomial(first))) {
- ASSERT(isEssential(first, second));
- break;
- }
- ASSERT(!isEssential(first, second));
- }
- }
- if (second == first) {
- --second; // as it is incremented at top of loop
- goto nextIteration; // todo: we really need to improve the code structure here
- }
- ASSERT(isEssential(first, second));
- ASSERT(mTrackEssentialPair);
- bool minFirst = GB->basis().leadMinimal(first);
- bool minSecond = GB->basis().leadMinimal(second);
- if (minFirst) {
- if (!minSecond) {
- if (!R->monomialIsDivisibleBy
- (GB->getLeadMonomial(second), GB->getLeadMonomial(first))) {
- ASSERT(!isEssential(first, second));
- continue;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (!minSecond) {
- ASSERT(!isEssential(first, second));
- continue;
- }
- if (!R->monomialIsDivisibleBy
- (GB->getLeadMonomial(first), GB->getLeadMonomial(second))) {
- ASSERT(!isEssential(first, second));
- continue;
- }
- }
- ASSERT(isEssential(first, second));
- //if (!isEssential(first, second))
- // continue;
- // Use buchberger's first criterion: skip S-pairs whose leading terms
- // are relatively prime.
- if (R->monomialRelativelyPrime(
- GB->getLeadMonomial(first),
- GB->getLeadMonomial(second)))
- continue;
- // Use Buchberger's second criterion (lcm criterion).
- if (GB->basis().buchbergerLcmCriterion(first, second))
- continue;
- // Skip pair if signature less than or equal to current signature, as
- // then the S-polynomial has been reduced to zero. Note that it is not
- // relevant if the signature of the S-pair is an element of the initial
- // syzygy submodule, as that only implies that the S-pair will reduce to
- // once we get to its signature. It does not imply that the S-pair reduces
- // to zero right now.
- //
- // Usually in the Signature Buchberger Algorithm, it is not OK for
- // the signature of the two halves of the S-pair to be equal.
- // So those S-pairs are usually discarded. We can't do that here.
- size_t greater = first;
- size_t smaller = second;
- if (GB->ratioCompare(greater, smaller) == LT)
- std::swap(greater, smaller);
- R->monomialFindSignature(
- GB->getLeadMonomial(greater),
- GB->getLeadMonomial(smaller),
- GB->getSignature(greater),
- mEssentialSig); // Set mEssentialSig to signature of S-pair
- if (F->signatureCompare(mEssentialSig, currentSig) == LT)
- continue;
- mEssentialPoly = mReducer->classicReduceSPoly
- (GB->poly(first), GB->poly(second), GB->basis());
- ASSERT(mEssentialPoly.get() != 0);
- if (mEssentialPoly->isZero()) {
- mEssentialPoly.reset(0);
- continue;
- }
- // (first, second) is an essential pair that we cannot prove reduces
- // to zero.
- break;
- }
SPairHandler::Stats SPairHandler::getStats() const
F->getStats(mStats.comparisons, mStats.precomparisons);
@@ -324,28 +108,6 @@ void SPairHandler::newPairs(size_t newGen)
- if (mTrackEssentialPair) {
- ASSERT(mDidReducingSPair.size() == newGen);
- mDidReducingSPair.push_back(false);
- if (!mTri.empty()) {
- ASSERT(mEssentialFirst < newGen ||
- mEssentialSecond == static_cast<size_t>(-1));
- if (mEssentialPoly.get() == 0 ||
- R->monomialIsDivisibleBy
- (mEssentialPoly->getLeadMonomial(), GB->getLeadMonomial(newGen))) {
- if (mEssentialFirst < newGen)
- --mEssentialSecond;
- nextEssentialPair();
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG
- else {
- ASSERT(GB->basis().divisor(mEssentialPoly->getLeadMonomial()) ==
- static_cast<size_t>(-1));
- }
- }
- }
ASSERT((!mUseBaseDivisors && !mUseHighBaseDivisors) ||
mKnownSyzygyTri.columnCount() == newGen + 1);
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/SPairHandler.hpp b/src/mathicgb/SPairHandler.hpp
index 6f69c69..adc699f 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/SPairHandler.hpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/SPairHandler.hpp
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ class GroebnerBasis;
class FreeModuleOrder;
class Reducer;
class SPairHandler
@@ -44,13 +43,6 @@ public:
// fills in all the S-pairs with i.
void newPairs(size_t i);
- // Set to true to enable hasEssentialPair().
- void setTrackEssentialPair(bool value);
- // Returns true if any essential pairs are yet to be popped. Requires
- // tracking of essential pairs to be turned on.
- bool hasEssentialPair() const;
// Inform the S-pair handler that there is a new syzygy signature in play.
void newSyzygy(const_monomial sig);
@@ -101,25 +93,6 @@ public:
std::string name();
- void nextEssentialPair();
- bool isEssential(size_t a, size_t b) const;
- // If there is no essential pair, then essentialFirst == GB->size().
- // Otherwise (a,b)=(essentialFirst, essentialSecond) is an essential
- // S-pair such that a > b. Among all essential S-pairs, a is minimal
- // and b is maximal.
- bool mTrackEssentialPair; // whether to keep track of an essential pair
- size_t mEssentialFirst; // first generator of the essential pair
- size_t mEssentialSecond; // second generator of the essential pair
- monomial mEssentialSig; // signature of the essential pair
- // classic reduced S-pair of the essential pair
- std::auto_ptr<Poly> mEssentialPoly;
- // Value at be is true if we have reduced an S-pair (be,div) where
- // div is the index of a basis element whose lead term divides the
- // lead term of div. Only used if mTrackEssentialPair is true.
- std::vector<char> mDidReducingSPair;
void makePreSPairs(size_t newGen);
struct BaseDivisor { // a low ratio base divisor
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/SignatureGB.cpp b/src/mathicgb/SignatureGB.cpp
index dd54f30..f3eb8dd 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/SignatureGB.cpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/SignatureGB.cpp
@@ -21,14 +21,9 @@ void SignatureGB::computeGrobnerBasis()
std::ostream& out = std::cout;
- if (!mComputeSignatureBasis)
- SP->setTrackEssentialPair(true);
while (true) {
if (SP->empty())
- if (!mComputeSignatureBasis && !SP->hasEssentialPair())
- break;
if (mBreakAfter > 0 && GB->size() > mBreakAfter) {
@@ -85,7 +80,6 @@ SignatureGB::SignatureGB(
- mComputeSignatureBasis(true),
F(FreeModuleOrder::makeOrder(typ, &ideal)),
@@ -319,8 +313,7 @@ void SignatureGB::displayStats(std::ostream &o) const
o << "-- stats: -- \n";
o << " strategy: signature"
<< (mPostponeKoszul ? "-postpone" : "")
- << (mUseBaseDivisors ? "-basediv" : "")
- << (mComputeSignatureBasis ? "-full" : "-stopGB") << '\n';
+ << (mUseBaseDivisors ? "-basediv" : "") << '\n';
o << " sig-order: " << F->description() << '\n';
o << " reduction type: " << reducer->description() << '\n';
o << " divisor tab type: " << GB->basis().divisorLookup().getName() << '\n';
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/SignatureGB.hpp b/src/mathicgb/SignatureGB.hpp
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index dc0ff8c..e1d0fbd
--- a/src/mathicgb/SignatureGB.hpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/SignatureGB.hpp
@@ -61,14 +61,9 @@ public:
mPrintInterval = reductions;
- void setComputeSignatureBasis(bool value) {
- mComputeSignatureBasis = value;
- }
unsigned int mBreakAfter;
unsigned int mPrintInterval;
- bool mComputeSignatureBasis;
bool processSPair(monomial sig, const SPairHandler::PairContainer& pairs);
void step();
diff --git a/src/test/gb-test.cpp b/src/test/gb-test.cpp
index 1678163..cc42525 100755
--- a/src/test/gb-test.cpp
+++ b/src/test/gb-test.cpp
@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ void testGB(int freeModuleOrder,
std::string initialIdealStr,
size_t nonSingularReductions)
+ // todo: signatureBasis no longer does anything, rerun pict to get rid
+ // of that variable.
+ //
// Put the contents of pict.out into allPairsTest as a string. This
// works because pict.out does not have any commas and we do not
// care about whitespace. pict.out contains a set of tests such that
@@ -251,7 +254,6 @@ spairQueue reducerType divLookup monTable signatureBasis buchberger postponeKosz
(Reducer::makeReducerNullOnUnknown(red, I->ring()).get() != 0);
if (buchberger) {
- ASSERT(!signatureBasis);
BuchbergerAlg alg(
*I, freeModuleOrder, Reducer::reducerType(reducerType), divLookup, preferSparseReducers, spairQueue);
@@ -266,28 +268,19 @@ spairQueue reducerType divLookup monTable signatureBasis buchberger postponeKosz
SignatureGB basis
(*I, freeModuleOrder, Reducer::reducerType(reducerType),
divLookup, monTable, postponeKoszul, useBaseDivisors, preferSparseReducers, useSingularCriterionEarly, spairQueue);
- basis.setComputeSignatureBasis(signatureBasis);
- if (!signatureBasis) {
- std::auto_ptr<Ideal> initialIdeal =
- basis.getGB()->basis().initialIdeal();
- EXPECT_EQ(initialIdealStr, toString(initialIdeal.get()))
- << reducerType << ' ' << divLookup << ' '
- << monTable << ' ' << postponeKoszul << ' ' << useBaseDivisors;
- } else {
- EXPECT_EQ(sigBasisStr, toString(basis.getGB(), 1))
- << reducerType << ' ' << divLookup << ' '
- << monTable << ' ' << ' ' << postponeKoszul << ' '
- << useBaseDivisors;
- EXPECT_EQ(syzygiesStr, toString(basis.getSyzTable()))
- << reducerType << ' ' << divLookup << ' '
- << monTable << ' ' << ' ' << postponeKoszul << ' '
- << useBaseDivisors;
- EXPECT_EQ(nonSingularReductions, basis.getSigReductionCount() - basis.getSingularReductionCount())
- << reducerType << ' ' << divLookup << ' '
- << monTable << ' ' << ' ' << postponeKoszul << ' '
- << useBaseDivisors;
- }
+ EXPECT_EQ(sigBasisStr, toString(basis.getGB(), 1))
+ << reducerType << ' ' << divLookup << ' '
+ << monTable << ' ' << ' ' << postponeKoszul << ' '
+ << useBaseDivisors;
+ EXPECT_EQ(syzygiesStr, toString(basis.getSyzTable()))
+ << reducerType << ' ' << divLookup << ' '
+ << monTable << ' ' << ' ' << postponeKoszul << ' '
+ << useBaseDivisors;
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonSingularReductions, basis.getSigReductionCount() - basis.getSingularReductionCount())
+ << reducerType << ' ' << divLookup << ' '
+ << monTable << ' ' << ' ' << postponeKoszul << ' '
+ << useBaseDivisors;
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