[mathicgb] 129/393: Merge. Working version. (yay\!)

Doug Torrance dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Apr 3 15:58:47 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository mathicgb.

commit deda06717344916cfdf3d6b29674e1f48d1501d2
Merge: e597eba 9924fa7
Author: Bjarke Hammersholt Roune <bjarkehr.code at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Dec 13 19:26:50 2012 +0100

    Merge. Working version. (yay\!)

 src/mathicgb/F4MatrixReducer.cpp | 1062 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 src/mathicgb/LogDomain.hpp       |    2 +-
 src/mathicgb/LogDomainSet.hpp    |    1 +
 src/mathicgb/PolyRing.hpp        |   13 +
 src/mathicgb/stdinc.h            |    6 +-
 src/test/F4MatrixReducer.cpp     |    1 +
 6 files changed, 658 insertions(+), 427 deletions(-)

diff --cc src/mathicgb/F4MatrixReducer.cpp
index 829377c,2164938..930bd54
mode 100755,100644..100644
--- a/src/mathicgb/F4MatrixReducer.cpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/F4MatrixReducer.cpp
@@@ -1,423 -1,617 +1,639 @@@
--#include "stdinc.h"
--#include "F4MatrixReducer.hpp"
--#include "QuadMatrix.hpp"
--#include "SparseMatrix.hpp"
--#include "PolyRing.hpp"
--#include "LogDomain.hpp"
--#include <tbb/tbb.h>
--#include <algorithm>
--#include <vector>
--#include <stdexcept>
- #include <map>  
 -#include <map>
--#include <string>
--#include <cstdio>
--#include <iostream>
--  F4MatrixReduce,
--  "Displays statistics about matrices that are row reduced."
--namespace {
--  template<class T>
--  class DenseRow {
--  public:
--    DenseRow() {}
--    DenseRow(size_t colCount): mEntries(colCount) {}
--    /// returns false if all entries are zero
--    bool takeModulus(const SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus) {
--      T bitwiseOr = 0; // bitwise or of all entries after modulus
--      const auto end = mEntries.end();
--      for (auto it = mEntries.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
--        if (*it >= modulus)
--          *it %= modulus;
--        bitwiseOr |= *it;
--      }
--      return bitwiseOr != 0;
--    }
--    size_t colCount() const {return mEntries.size();}
--    bool empty() const {return mEntries.empty();}
--    void clear(size_t colCount = 0) {
--      mEntries.clear();
--      mEntries.resize(colCount);
--    }
--    T& operator[](size_t col) {
--      MATHICGB_ASSERT(col < colCount());
--      return mEntries[col];
--    }
--    T const& operator[](size_t col) const {
--      MATHICGB_ASSERT(col < colCount());
--      return mEntries[col];
--    }
--    void appendTo(SparseMatrix& matrix) {matrix.appendRow(mEntries);}
--    void makeUnitary(const SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus, const size_t lead) {
--      MATHICGB_ASSERT(lead < colCount());
--      MATHICGB_ASSERT(mEntries[lead] != 0);
--      const auto end = mEntries.end();
--      auto it = mEntries.begin() + lead;
--      const auto toInvert = static_cast<SparseMatrix::Scalar>(*it % modulus);
--      const auto multiply = modularInverse(toInvert, modulus);
--      *it = 1;
--      for (++it; it != end; ++it) {
--        const auto entry = static_cast<SparseMatrix::Scalar>(*it % modulus);
--        if (entry != 0)
--          *it = modularProduct(entry, multiply, modulus);
--        else
--          *it = entry;
--      }
--    }
--    void addRow(const SparseMatrix& matrix, SparseMatrix::RowIndex row) {
--      MATHICGB_ASSERT(row < matrix.rowCount());
--      const auto end = matrix.rowEnd(row);
--      for (auto it = matrix.rowBegin(row); it != end; ++it) {
--        MATHICGB_ASSERT(it.index() < colCount());
-         mEntries[it.index()] = it.scalar();
 -        mEntries[it.index()] += it.scalar();
--      }
--    }
--    template<class Iter>
--    void addRowMultiple(
--      const SparseMatrix::Scalar multiple,
--      const Iter begin,
--      const Iter end
--    ) {
--      // MATHICGB_RESTRICT on entries is important. It fixed a performance
--      // regression on MSVC 2012 which otherwise was not able to determine that
--      // entries is not an alias for anything else in this loop. I suspect that
--      // this is because MSVC 2012 does not make use of the strict aliasing
--      // rule. The regression occurred when reusing the DenseRow object instead
--      // of making a new one. I suspect that MSVC 2012 was then previously able
--      // to tell that entries is not an alias since new does not return
--      // aliases.
--      T* const MATHICGB_RESTRICT entries = mEntries.data();
--      for (Iter it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
--        MATHICGB_ASSERT(it.index() < colCount());
--        MATHICGB_ASSERT(entries + it.index() == &mEntries[it.index()]);
--        entries[it.index()] += it.scalar() * static_cast<T>(multiple);
--      }
--    }
--    void rowReduceByUnitary(
--      const size_t pivotRow,
--      const SparseMatrix& matrix,
--      const SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus
--    ) {
--      MATHICGB_ASSERT(matrix.rowBegin(pivotRow).scalar() == 1); // unitary
--      MATHICGB_ASSERT(modulus > 1);
--      auto begin = matrix.rowBegin(pivotRow);
--      const SparseMatrix::ColIndex col = begin.index();
--      const SparseMatrix::Scalar entry = mEntries[col] % modulus;
--      mEntries[col] = 0;
--      if (entry == 0)
--        return;
--      ++begin; // can skip first entry as we just set it to zero.
--      addRowMultiple(modulus - entry, begin, matrix.rowEnd(pivotRow));
--    }
--  private:
--    std::vector<T> mEntries;
--  };
--  SparseMatrix reduce(
--    const QuadMatrix& qm,
--    SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus
--  ) {
--    const SparseMatrix& toReduceLeft = qm.bottomLeft;
--    const SparseMatrix& toReduceRight = qm.bottomRight;
--    const SparseMatrix& reduceByLeft = qm.topLeft;
--    const SparseMatrix& reduceByRight = qm.topRight;
--    const auto leftColCount = qm.computeLeftColCount();
--//      static_cast<SparseMatrix::ColIndex>(qm.leftColumnMonomials.size());
-     const auto rightColCount =
-       static_cast<SparseMatrix::ColIndex>(qm.computeRightColCount());
 -    const auto rightColCount = static_cast<SparseMatrix::ColIndex>(qm.computeRightColCount());
--//      static_cast<SparseMatrix::ColIndex>(qm.rightColumnMonomials.size());
--    MATHICGB_ASSERT(leftColCount == reduceByLeft.rowCount());
--    const auto pivotCount = leftColCount;
--    const auto rowCount = toReduceLeft.rowCount();
--    // ** pre-calculate what rows are pivots for what columns.
--    // Store column indexes instead of row indices as the matrix is square
--    // anyway (so all indices fit) and we are going to store this as a column
--    // index later on.
--    std::vector<SparseMatrix::ColIndex> rowThatReducesCol(pivotCount);
--    // fill in an invalid value that can be recognized by asserts to be invalid.
--    std::fill(rowThatReducesCol.begin(), rowThatReducesCol.end(), pivotCount);
--    for (SparseMatrix::ColIndex pivot = 0; pivot < pivotCount; ++pivot) {
--      MATHICGB_ASSERT(!reduceByLeft.emptyRow(pivot));
--      SparseMatrix::ColIndex col = reduceByLeft.leadCol(pivot);
--      MATHICGB_ASSERT(rowThatReducesCol[col] == pivotCount);
--      rowThatReducesCol[col] = pivot;
--    }
--    SparseMatrix reduced(qm.topRight.memoryQuantum());
--    tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<DenseRow<uint64>> denseRowPerThread([&](){
--      return DenseRow<uint64>();
--    }); 
--    SparseMatrix tmp(qm.topRight.memoryQuantum());
--    std::vector<SparseMatrix::RowIndex> rowOrder(rowCount);
--    tbb::mutex lock;
--    tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, rowCount),
--      [&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range)
--      {for (auto it = range.begin(); it != range.end(); ++it)
--    {
--      const size_t row = it;
--      auto& denseRow = denseRowPerThread.local();
--      denseRow.clear(leftColCount);
--      denseRow.addRow(toReduceLeft, row);
--      MATHICGB_ASSERT(leftColCount == pivotCount);
--      for (size_t pivot = 0; pivot < pivotCount; ++pivot) {
--        if (denseRow[pivot] == 0)
--          continue;
--        auto entry = denseRow[pivot];
--        entry %= modulus;
--        if (entry == 0) {
--          denseRow[pivot] = 0;
--          continue;
--        }
--        entry = modulus - entry;
--        const auto row = rowThatReducesCol[pivot];
--        MATHICGB_ASSERT(row < pivotCount);
--        MATHICGB_ASSERT(!reduceByLeft.emptyRow(row));
--        MATHICGB_ASSERT(reduceByLeft.leadCol(row) == pivot);
--        MATHICGB_ASSERT(entry < std::numeric_limits<SparseMatrix::Scalar>::max());
--        denseRow.addRowMultiple(static_cast<SparseMatrix::Scalar>(entry), ++reduceByLeft.rowBegin(row), reduceByLeft.rowEnd(row));
--        denseRow[pivot] = entry;
--      }
--      tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lockGuard(lock);
--      for (size_t pivot = 0; pivot < pivotCount; ++pivot) {
--		MATHICGB_ASSERT(denseRow[pivot] < std::numeric_limits<SparseMatrix::Scalar>::max());
--        if (denseRow[pivot] != 0)
--          tmp.appendEntry(rowThatReducesCol[pivot], static_cast<SparseMatrix::Scalar>(denseRow[pivot]));
--	  }
--      tmp.rowDone();
--      rowOrder[tmp.rowCount() - 1] = row;
--    }});
--    tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, rowCount),
--      [&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range)
--      {for (auto iter = range.begin(); iter != range.end(); ++iter)
--    {
--      const size_t i = iter;
--      const size_t row = rowOrder[i];
--      auto& denseRow = denseRowPerThread.local();
--      denseRow.clear(rightColCount);
--      denseRow.addRow(toReduceRight, row);
--      auto it = tmp.rowBegin(i);
--      const auto end = tmp.rowEnd(i);
--      for (; it != end; ++it) {
--        const auto begin = reduceByRight.rowBegin(it.index());
--        const auto end = reduceByRight.rowEnd(it.index());
--        denseRow.addRowMultiple(it.scalar(), begin, end);
--      }
--      tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lockGuard(lock);
--      bool zero = true;
--	  for (SparseMatrix::ColIndex col = 0; col < rightColCount; ++col) {
--        const auto entry =
--          static_cast<SparseMatrix::Scalar>(denseRow[col] % modulus);
--        if (entry != 0) {
--          reduced.appendEntry(col, entry);
--          zero = false;
--        }
--      }
--      if (!zero)
--        reduced.rowDone();
--    }});
--    return std::move(reduced);
--  }
--  SparseMatrix reduceToEchelonForm(
--    const SparseMatrix& toReduce,
--    const SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus
--  ) {
-       const char* p = STR(MATHICGB_IF_LOG(F4MatrixReduce));
-     MATHICGB_LOG_TIME(F4MatrixReduce) <<
-       "Reducing matrix to row echelon form\n";
--    const auto colCount = toReduce.computeColCount();
--    const auto rowCount = toReduce.rowCount();
--    // convert to dense representation 
--    std::vector<DenseRow<uint64>> dense(rowCount);
--    tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, rowCount),
--      [&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range)
--      {for (auto it = range.begin(); it != range.end(); ++it)
--    {
--      const size_t row = it;
--      if (toReduce.emptyRow(row))
--        return;
--      dense[row].clear(colCount);
--      dense[row].addRow(toReduce, row);
--    }});
--    // invariant: all columns in row to the left of leadCols[row] are zero.
--    std::vector<SparseMatrix::ColIndex> leadCols(rowCount);
--    // pivot rows get copied here before being used to reduce the matrix.
--    SparseMatrix reduced(toReduce.memoryQuantum());
--    // (col,row) in nextReducers, then use row as a pivot in column col
--    // for the next iteration.
--    std::vector<std::pair<SparseMatrix::ColIndex, SparseMatrix::RowIndex> > nextReducers;
--    // isPivotRow[row] is true if row is or has been used as a pivot.
--    std::vector<bool> isPivotRow(rowCount);
--    // columnHasPivot[col] is true if a pivot row for column col has
--    // been chosen.
--    std::vector<bool> columnHasPivot(colCount);
--    bool firstIteration = true;
--    while (firstIteration || reduced.rowCount() > 0) {
--      firstIteration = false;
--      size_t const reducerCount = reduced.rowCount();
--      //std::cout << "reducing " << reduced.rowCount() << " out of " << toReduce.rowCount() << std::endl;
--      tbb::mutex lock;
--      tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, rowCount),
--        [&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range)
--        {for (auto it = range.begin(); it != range.end(); ++it)
--      {
--        const size_t row = it;
--        MATHICGB_ASSERT(leadCols[row] <= colCount);
--        DenseRow<uint64>& denseRow = dense[row];
--        if (denseRow.empty())
--          return;
--        // reduce by each row of reduced.
--        for (size_t reducerRow = 0; reducerRow < reducerCount; ++reducerRow) {
--          size_t const col = reduced.rowBegin(reducerRow).index();
--          if (denseRow[col] == 0 || (isPivotRow[row] && col == leadCols[row]))
--            continue;
--          denseRow.rowReduceByUnitary(reducerRow, reduced, modulus);
--        }
--        // update leadCols[row]
--        SparseMatrix::ColIndex col;
--        MATHICGB_ASSERT(leadCols[row] <= colCount);
--        for (col = leadCols[row]; col < colCount; ++col) {
--          denseRow[col] %= modulus;
--          if (denseRow[col] != 0)
--            break;
--        }
--        leadCols[row] = col;
--        MATHICGB_ASSERT(leadCols[row] <= colCount);
--        // note if we have found a new pivot row
--        if (col == colCount)
--          denseRow.clear();
--        else {
--          MATHICGB_ASSERT(col < colCount);
--          bool isNewReducer = false;
--          {
--            tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lockGuard(lock);
--            if (!columnHasPivot[col]) {
--              columnHasPivot[col] = true;
--              isNewReducer = true;
--              nextReducers.push_back(std::make_pair(col, row));
--            }
--          }
--          if (isNewReducer)
--            denseRow.makeUnitary(modulus, col);
--        }
--      }});
--      //std::cout << "done reducing that batch" << std::endl;
--      reduced.clear();
--      std::sort(nextReducers.begin(), nextReducers.end());
--      for (size_t i = 0; i < nextReducers.size(); ++i) {
--        size_t const row = nextReducers[i].second;
--        MATHICGB_ASSERT(static_cast<bool>
--          (columnHasPivot[nextReducers[i].first]));
--        MATHICGB_ASSERT(dense[row].colCount() == colCount);
--        MATHICGB_ASSERT(dense[row][nextReducers[i].first] == 1);
--        MATHICGB_ASSERT(reduced.rowCount() == i);
--        MATHICGB_ASSERT(!isPivotRow[row]);
--        dense[row].appendTo(reduced); // already unitary
--        isPivotRow[row] = true;
--      }
--      nextReducers.clear();
--    }
--    tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, rowCount),
--      [&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range)
--      {for (auto it = range.begin(); it != range.end(); ++it)
--    {
--      const size_t row = it;
--      dense[row].takeModulus(modulus);
--    }});
--    reduced.clear();
--    for (size_t row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row)
--      if (!dense[row].empty())
--        dense[row].appendTo(reduced);
--    return std::move(reduced);
--  }
- #define STR(X) #X
 -// todo: use auto instead of these typedefs where possible/reasonable
 -// todo: do SparseMatrix::Scalar instead of Scalar and remove this typedef		:: DONE
 -//typedef SparseMatrix::Scalar Scalar; 											:: DONE
 -//typedef SparseMatrix::RowIndex RowIndex; // todo: same  						:: DONE
 -//typedef SparseMatrix::ColIndex ColIndex; // todo: same  						:: DONE
 -//Scalar modPrime = 11; // todo: remove this variable 							:: DONE
 -class SharwanMatrix {
 -// typedefs for scalar, row index and col index
 -// typedef Row to be your representation of a row
 -  const Scalar& operator[](RowIndex row, ColIndex col) const {return mMatrix[row][col];}
 -  Scalar& operator[](RowIndex row, ColIndex col) {return mMatrix[row][col];}
 -  Row& operator[](RowIndex) {}
 -  const Row& operator[](RowIndex) const {}
 -  // example of setter. Do not make a setter for modulus, row index or col index. No setters, except for entries of the matrix.
 -  void setX(int value) {mX = value;}  
 -// store matrix, modulus, rowCount and colCount
 -// accessor for getting modulus: modulus()
 -  int mX; // todo: remove, just example
 -  // all member variables go here. member x is written mX.
 -void addRowMultipleInplace(
 -  std::vector<std::vector<SparseMatrix::Scalar> >& matrix,
 -  const SparseMatrix::RowIndex addRow,
 -  const SparseMatrix::Scalar multiple,
 -  const SparseMatrix::RowIndex row,
 -  const SparseMatrix::ColIndex leadingCol,
 -  const SparseMatrix::ColIndex colCount,
 -  const SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus
 -) {
 -  assert(addRow < matrix.size());
 -  assert(row < matrix.size());
 -  assert(row != addRow);
 -  assert(leadingCol < colCount);
 -  assert(matrix[row].size() == colCount);
 -  assert(matrix[addRow].size() == colCount);
 -  for(auto col = leadingCol; col < colCount; ++col){
 -    const auto product = modularProduct
 -      (multiple, matrix[addRow][col], modulus);
 -    matrix[row][col] = modularSum(matrix[row][col], product, modulus);
 -  }
 -void makeRowUnitary(
 -  std::vector<std::vector<SparseMatrix::Scalar>>& matrix,
 -  const SparseMatrix::RowIndex row,
 -  const SparseMatrix::ColIndex colCount,
 -  const SparseMatrix::ColIndex leadingCol,
 -  const SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus
 -) {
 -  assert(row<matrix.size());
 -  assert(matrix[row].size() == colCount);
 -  assert(leadingCol < colCount);
 -  assert(modulus> 1);
 -  const auto leadingScalar = matrix[row][leadingCol];
 -  assert(leadingScalar != 0);
 -  auto multiply = modularInverse(leadingScalar, modulus);
 -  for(SparseMatrix::ColIndex col = leadingCol; col < colCount; ++col)
 -    matrix[row][col] = modularProduct(matrix[row][col], multiply, modulus);
 -  // todo: use modularProduct on above line    									::DONE
 -// todo: make this take a parameter startAtCol 									::DONE
 -SparseMatrix::ColIndex leadingColumn(
 -  const std::vector<std::vector<SparseMatrix::Scalar>>& matrix,
 -  const SparseMatrix::RowIndex row,
 -  const SparseMatrix::ColIndex colCount,
 -  SparseMatrix::ColIndex startAtCol 
 -) {
 -  assert(row < matrix.size());
 -  assert(matrix[row].size() == colCount);
 -  for(auto col = startAtCol; col < colCount; ++col){
 -    if(matrix[row][col] != 0)
 -      return col;
 -  }
 -  return colCount;
 -void rowReducedEchelonMatrix(
 -  std::vector<std::vector<SparseMatrix::Scalar> >& matrix,
 -  const SparseMatrix::ColIndex colCount,
 -  const SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus
 -) {
 -  assert(matrix.empty() || matrix[0].size() == colCount);
 -  const	auto rowCount=matrix.size();
 -  // pivotRowOfCol[i] is the pivot in column i or rowCount
 -  // if we have not identified such a pivot so far.
 -  std::vector<SparseMatrix::Scalar> pivotRowOfCol(colCount, rowCount);
 -  for(SparseMatrix::RowIndex row=0; row<rowCount;++row){ 
 -    SparseMatrix::ColIndex leadingCol = 0;
 -    while (true) { // reduce row by previous pivots
 -      leadingCol = leadingColumn(matrix, row, colCount, leadingCol);
 -      if(leadingCol==colCount)
 -        break; // row was zero
 -      const auto pivotRow = pivotRowOfCol[leadingCol];
 -      if(pivotRow == rowCount) {
 -        makeRowUnitary(matrix, row, colCount, leadingCol, modulus);
 -        pivotRowOfCol[leadingCol] = row;
 -        break; // row is now a pivot
 -      }
 -      const auto multiple = modularNegative(matrix[row][leadingCol], modulus);
 -	  addRowMultipleInplace
 -	    (matrix, pivotRow, multiple, row, leadingCol, colCount, modulus);
 -    }
 -  }  
 -SparseMatrix reduceToEchelonFormShrawan(
 -  const SparseMatrix& toReduce,
 -  SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus
 -) {
 -  const SparseMatrix::RowIndex rowCount = toReduce.rowCount();
 -  const auto colCount = toReduce.computeColCount();
 -  // Convert input matrix to dense format
 -  std::vector<std::vector<SparseMatrix::Scalar>> matrix(rowCount);
 -  for (SparseMatrix::RowIndex row; row < rowCount; ++row) {
 -    MATHICGB_ASSERT(!toReduce.emptyRow(row));
 -    matrix[row].resize(colCount);
 -    const auto end = toReduce.rowEnd(row);
 -    for (auto it = toReduce.rowBegin(row); it != end; ++it) {
 -      MATHICGB_ASSERT(it.index() < colCount);
 -      matrix[row][it.index()] = it.scalar();
 -    }
 -  }
 -  // todo: make modPrime a parameter and rename it to modulus.  				:: DONE
 - // modPrime = modulus;  														:: DONE
 -  rowReducedEchelonMatrix(matrix, colCount,  modulus);
 -  // convert reduced matrix to SparseMatrix.
 -  SparseMatrix reduced;
 -  for (size_t row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row) {
 -    bool rowIsZero = true;
 -    for (size_t col = 0; col < colCount; ++col) {
 -      if (matrix[row][col] != 0) {
 -        rowIsZero = false;
 -        reduced.appendEntry(col, matrix[row][col]);
 -      }
 -    }
 -    if (!rowIsZero)
 -      reduced.rowDone();
 -  }
 -  return std::move(reduced);
 -SparseMatrix reduceToEchelonFormShrawanDelayedModulus(
 -  const SparseMatrix& toReduce,
 -  SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus
 -) {
 -  // todo: implement delayed modulus
 -  const SparseMatrix::RowIndex rowCount = toReduce.rowCount();
 -  const auto colCount = toReduce.computeColCount();
 -  // Convert input matrix to dense format
 -  std::vector<std::vector<SparseMatrix::Scalar>> matrix(rowCount);
 -  for (SparseMatrix::RowIndex row; row < rowCount; ++row) {
 -    MATHICGB_ASSERT(!toReduce.emptyRow(row));
 -    matrix[row].resize(colCount);
 -    const auto end = toReduce.rowEnd(row);
 -    for (auto it = toReduce.rowBegin(row); it != end; ++it) {
 -      MATHICGB_ASSERT(it.index() < colCount);
 -      matrix[row][it.index()] = it.scalar();
 -    }
 -  }
 -  rowReducedEchelonMatrix(matrix, colCount, modulus);
 -  // convert reduced matrix to SparseMatrix.
 -  SparseMatrix reduced;
 -  for (size_t row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row) {
 -    bool rowIsZero = true;
 -    for (size_t col = 0; col < colCount; ++col) {
 -      if (matrix[row][col] != 0) {
 -        rowIsZero = false;
 -        reduced.appendEntry(col, matrix[row][col]);
 -      }
 -    }
 -    if (!rowIsZero)
 -      reduced.rowDone();
 -  }
 -  return std::move(reduced);
--SparseMatrix F4MatrixReducer::reduceToBottomRight(const QuadMatrix& matrix) {
--  MATHICGB_ASSERT(matrix.debugAssertValid());
-   const char* p = STR(MATHICGB_IF_LOG(F4MatrixReduce));
-   /*MATHICGB_IF_LOG(F4MatrixReduce) {
-     matrix.printSizes(log.stream();
-   };*/
 -  if (::logs::F4MatrixReduce.enabled())
 -    matrix.printSizes(::logs::F4MatrixReduce.stream());
--  return reduce(matrix, mModulus);
--SparseMatrix F4MatrixReducer::reducedRowEchelonForm(
--  const SparseMatrix& matrix
--) {
-   return reduceToEchelonForm(matrix, mModulus);
 -  const bool useShrawan = true;
 -  const bool useDelayedModulus = false;
 -  if (useShrawan) {
 -    if (useDelayedModulus)
 -      reduceToEchelonFormShrawanDelayedModulus(matrix, mModulus);
 -    else    
 -      reduceToEchelonFormShrawan(matrix, mModulus);
 -  } else
 -    reduceToEchelonForm(matrix, mModulus);
 -  return std::move(matrix);
--SparseMatrix F4MatrixReducer::reducedRowEchelonFormBottomRight(
--  const QuadMatrix& matrix
--) {
--  return reducedRowEchelonForm(reduceToBottomRight(matrix));
--namespace {
--  /// this has to be a separate function that returns the scalar since signed
--  /// overflow is undefine behavior so we cannot check after the cast and
--  /// we also cannot set the modulus field inside the constructor since it is
--  /// const.
--  SparseMatrix::Scalar checkModulus(const coefficient modulus) {
--    // this assert has to be NO_ASSUME as otherwise the branch below will get
--    // optimized out.
--      std::numeric_limits<SparseMatrix::Scalar>::max());
--    if (modulus > std::numeric_limits<SparseMatrix::Scalar>::max())
--      throw std::overflow_error("Too large modulus in F4 matrix reduction.");
--    return static_cast<SparseMatrix::Scalar>(modulus);
--  }
--F4MatrixReducer::F4MatrixReducer(const coefficient modulus):
--  mModulus(checkModulus(modulus)) {}
++#include "stdinc.h"
++#include "F4MatrixReducer.hpp"
++#include "QuadMatrix.hpp"
++#include "SparseMatrix.hpp"
++#include "PolyRing.hpp"
++#include "LogDomain.hpp"
++#include <tbb/tbb.h>
++#include <algorithm>
++#include <vector>
++#include <stdexcept>
++#include <map>  
++#include <string>
++#include <cstdio>
++#include <iostream>
++  F4MatrixReduce,
++  "Displays statistics about matrices that are row reduced."
++namespace {
++  template<class T>
++  class DenseRow {
++  public:
++    DenseRow() {}
++    DenseRow(size_t colCount): mEntries(colCount) {}
++    /// returns false if all entries are zero
++    bool takeModulus(const SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus) {
++      T bitwiseOr = 0; // bitwise or of all entries after modulus
++      const auto end = mEntries.end();
++      for (auto it = mEntries.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
++        if (*it >= modulus)
++          *it %= modulus;
++        bitwiseOr |= *it;
++      }
++      return bitwiseOr != 0;
++    }
++    size_t colCount() const {return mEntries.size();}
++    bool empty() const {return mEntries.empty();}
++    void clear(size_t colCount = 0) {
++      mEntries.clear();
++      mEntries.resize(colCount);
++    }
++    T& operator[](size_t col) {
++      MATHICGB_ASSERT(col < colCount());
++      return mEntries[col];
++    }
++    T const& operator[](size_t col) const {
++      MATHICGB_ASSERT(col < colCount());
++      return mEntries[col];
++    }
++    void appendTo(SparseMatrix& matrix) {matrix.appendRow(mEntries);}
++    void makeUnitary(const SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus, const size_t lead) {
++      MATHICGB_ASSERT(lead < colCount());
++      MATHICGB_ASSERT(mEntries[lead] != 0);
++      const auto end = mEntries.end();
++      auto it = mEntries.begin() + lead;
++      const auto toInvert = static_cast<SparseMatrix::Scalar>(*it % modulus);
++      const auto multiply = modularInverse(toInvert, modulus);
++      *it = 1;
++      for (++it; it != end; ++it) {
++        const auto entry = static_cast<SparseMatrix::Scalar>(*it % modulus);
++        if (entry != 0)
++          *it = modularProduct(entry, multiply, modulus);
++        else
++          *it = entry;
++      }
++    }
++    void addRow(const SparseMatrix& matrix, SparseMatrix::RowIndex row) {
++      MATHICGB_ASSERT(row < matrix.rowCount());
++      const auto end = matrix.rowEnd(row);
++      for (auto it = matrix.rowBegin(row); it != end; ++it) {
++        MATHICGB_ASSERT(it.index() < colCount());
++        mEntries[it.index()] += it.scalar();
++      }
++    }
++    template<class Iter>
++    void addRowMultiple(
++      const SparseMatrix::Scalar multiple,
++      const Iter begin,
++      const Iter end
++    ) {
++      // MATHICGB_RESTRICT on entries is important. It fixed a performance
++      // regression on MSVC 2012 which otherwise was not able to determine that
++      // entries is not an alias for anything else in this loop. I suspect that
++      // this is because MSVC 2012 does not make use of the strict aliasing
++      // rule. The regression occurred when reusing the DenseRow object instead
++      // of making a new one. I suspect that MSVC 2012 was then previously able
++      // to tell that entries is not an alias since new does not return
++      // aliases.
++      T* const MATHICGB_RESTRICT entries = mEntries.data();
++      for (Iter it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
++        MATHICGB_ASSERT(it.index() < colCount());
++        MATHICGB_ASSERT(entries + it.index() == &mEntries[it.index()]);
++        entries[it.index()] += it.scalar() * static_cast<T>(multiple);
++      }
++    }
++    void rowReduceByUnitary(
++      const size_t pivotRow,
++      const SparseMatrix& matrix,
++      const SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus
++    ) {
++      MATHICGB_ASSERT(matrix.rowBegin(pivotRow).scalar() == 1); // unitary
++      MATHICGB_ASSERT(modulus > 1);
++      auto begin = matrix.rowBegin(pivotRow);
++      const SparseMatrix::ColIndex col = begin.index();
++      const SparseMatrix::Scalar entry = mEntries[col] % modulus;
++      mEntries[col] = 0;
++      if (entry == 0)
++        return;
++      ++begin; // can skip first entry as we just set it to zero.
++      addRowMultiple(modulus - entry, begin, matrix.rowEnd(pivotRow));
++    }
++  private:
++    std::vector<T> mEntries;
++  };
++  SparseMatrix reduce(
++    const QuadMatrix& qm,
++    SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus
++  ) {
++    const SparseMatrix& toReduceLeft = qm.bottomLeft;
++    const SparseMatrix& toReduceRight = qm.bottomRight;
++    const SparseMatrix& reduceByLeft = qm.topLeft;
++    const SparseMatrix& reduceByRight = qm.topRight;
++    const auto leftColCount = qm.computeLeftColCount();
++//      static_cast<SparseMatrix::ColIndex>(qm.leftColumnMonomials.size());
++    const auto rightColCount =
++      static_cast<SparseMatrix::ColIndex>(qm.computeRightColCount());
++//      static_cast<SparseMatrix::ColIndex>(qm.rightColumnMonomials.size());
++    MATHICGB_ASSERT(leftColCount == reduceByLeft.rowCount());
++    const auto pivotCount = leftColCount;
++    const auto rowCount = toReduceLeft.rowCount();
++    // ** pre-calculate what rows are pivots for what columns.
++    // Store column indexes instead of row indices as the matrix is square
++    // anyway (so all indices fit) and we are going to store this as a column
++    // index later on.
++    std::vector<SparseMatrix::ColIndex> rowThatReducesCol(pivotCount);
++    // fill in an invalid value that can be recognized by asserts to be invalid.
++    std::fill(rowThatReducesCol.begin(), rowThatReducesCol.end(), pivotCount);
++    for (SparseMatrix::ColIndex pivot = 0; pivot < pivotCount; ++pivot) {
++      MATHICGB_ASSERT(!reduceByLeft.emptyRow(pivot));
++      SparseMatrix::ColIndex col = reduceByLeft.leadCol(pivot);
++      MATHICGB_ASSERT(rowThatReducesCol[col] == pivotCount);
++      rowThatReducesCol[col] = pivot;
++    }
++    SparseMatrix reduced(qm.topRight.memoryQuantum());
++    tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<DenseRow<uint64>> denseRowPerThread([&](){
++      return DenseRow<uint64>();
++    }); 
++    SparseMatrix tmp(qm.topRight.memoryQuantum());
++    std::vector<SparseMatrix::RowIndex> rowOrder(rowCount);
++    tbb::mutex lock;
++    tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, rowCount),
++      [&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range)
++      {for (auto it = range.begin(); it != range.end(); ++it)
++    {
++      const size_t row = it;
++      auto& denseRow = denseRowPerThread.local();
++      denseRow.clear(leftColCount);
++      denseRow.addRow(toReduceLeft, row);
++      MATHICGB_ASSERT(leftColCount == pivotCount);
++      for (size_t pivot = 0; pivot < pivotCount; ++pivot) {
++        if (denseRow[pivot] == 0)
++          continue;
++        auto entry = denseRow[pivot];
++        entry %= modulus;
++        if (entry == 0) {
++          denseRow[pivot] = 0;
++          continue;
++        }
++        entry = modulus - entry;
++        const auto row = rowThatReducesCol[pivot];
++        MATHICGB_ASSERT(row < pivotCount);
++        MATHICGB_ASSERT(!reduceByLeft.emptyRow(row));
++        MATHICGB_ASSERT(reduceByLeft.leadCol(row) == pivot);
++        MATHICGB_ASSERT(entry < std::numeric_limits<SparseMatrix::Scalar>::max());
++        denseRow.addRowMultiple(static_cast<SparseMatrix::Scalar>(entry), ++reduceByLeft.rowBegin(row), reduceByLeft.rowEnd(row));
++        denseRow[pivot] = entry;
++      }
++      tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lockGuard(lock);
++      for (size_t pivot = 0; pivot < pivotCount; ++pivot) {
++		MATHICGB_ASSERT(denseRow[pivot] < std::numeric_limits<SparseMatrix::Scalar>::max());
++        if (denseRow[pivot] != 0)
++          tmp.appendEntry(rowThatReducesCol[pivot], static_cast<SparseMatrix::Scalar>(denseRow[pivot]));
++	  }
++      tmp.rowDone();
++      rowOrder[tmp.rowCount() - 1] = row;
++    }});
++    tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, rowCount),
++      [&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range)
++      {for (auto iter = range.begin(); iter != range.end(); ++iter)
++    {
++      const size_t i = iter;
++      const size_t row = rowOrder[i];
++      auto& denseRow = denseRowPerThread.local();
++      denseRow.clear(rightColCount);
++      denseRow.addRow(toReduceRight, row);
++      auto it = tmp.rowBegin(i);
++      const auto end = tmp.rowEnd(i);
++      for (; it != end; ++it) {
++        const auto begin = reduceByRight.rowBegin(it.index());
++        const auto end = reduceByRight.rowEnd(it.index());
++        denseRow.addRowMultiple(it.scalar(), begin, end);
++      }
++      tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lockGuard(lock);
++      bool zero = true;
++	  for (SparseMatrix::ColIndex col = 0; col < rightColCount; ++col) {
++        const auto entry =
++          static_cast<SparseMatrix::Scalar>(denseRow[col] % modulus);
++        if (entry != 0) {
++          reduced.appendEntry(col, entry);
++          zero = false;
++        }
++      }
++      if (!zero)
++        reduced.rowDone();
++    }});
++    return std::move(reduced);
++  }
++  SparseMatrix reduceToEchelonForm(
++    const SparseMatrix& toReduce,
++    const SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus
++  ) {
++    MATHICGB_LOG_TIME(F4MatrixReduce) <<
++      "Reducing matrix to row echelon form\n";
++    const auto colCount = toReduce.computeColCount();
++    const auto rowCount = toReduce.rowCount();
++    // convert to dense representation 
++    std::vector<DenseRow<uint64>> dense(rowCount);
++    tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, rowCount),
++      [&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range)
++      {for (auto it = range.begin(); it != range.end(); ++it)
++    {
++      const size_t row = it;
++      if (toReduce.emptyRow(row))
++        return;
++      dense[row].clear(colCount);
++      dense[row].addRow(toReduce, row);
++    }});
++    // invariant: all columns in row to the left of leadCols[row] are zero.
++    std::vector<SparseMatrix::ColIndex> leadCols(rowCount);
++    // pivot rows get copied here before being used to reduce the matrix.
++    SparseMatrix reduced(toReduce.memoryQuantum());
++    // (col,row) in nextReducers, then use row as a pivot in column col
++    // for the next iteration.
++    std::vector<std::pair<SparseMatrix::ColIndex, SparseMatrix::RowIndex> > nextReducers;
++    // isPivotRow[row] is true if row is or has been used as a pivot.
++    std::vector<bool> isPivotRow(rowCount);
++    // columnHasPivot[col] is true if a pivot row for column col has
++    // been chosen.
++    std::vector<bool> columnHasPivot(colCount);
++    bool firstIteration = true;
++    while (firstIteration || reduced.rowCount() > 0) {
++      firstIteration = false;
++      size_t const reducerCount = reduced.rowCount();
++      //std::cout << "reducing " << reduced.rowCount() << " out of " << toReduce.rowCount() << std::endl;
++      tbb::mutex lock;
++      tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, rowCount),
++        [&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range)
++        {for (auto it = range.begin(); it != range.end(); ++it)
++      {
++        const size_t row = it;
++        MATHICGB_ASSERT(leadCols[row] <= colCount);
++        DenseRow<uint64>& denseRow = dense[row];
++        if (denseRow.empty())
++          return;
++        // reduce by each row of reduced.
++        for (size_t reducerRow = 0; reducerRow < reducerCount; ++reducerRow) {
++          size_t const col = reduced.rowBegin(reducerRow).index();
++          if (denseRow[col] == 0 || (isPivotRow[row] && col == leadCols[row]))
++            continue;
++          denseRow.rowReduceByUnitary(reducerRow, reduced, modulus);
++        }
++        // update leadCols[row]
++        SparseMatrix::ColIndex col;
++        MATHICGB_ASSERT(leadCols[row] <= colCount);
++        for (col = leadCols[row]; col < colCount; ++col) {
++          denseRow[col] %= modulus;
++          if (denseRow[col] != 0)
++            break;
++        }
++        leadCols[row] = col;
++        MATHICGB_ASSERT(leadCols[row] <= colCount);
++        // note if we have found a new pivot row
++        if (col == colCount)
++          denseRow.clear();
++        else {
++          MATHICGB_ASSERT(col < colCount);
++          bool isNewReducer = false;
++          {
++            tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lockGuard(lock);
++            if (!columnHasPivot[col]) {
++              columnHasPivot[col] = true;
++              isNewReducer = true;
++              nextReducers.push_back(std::make_pair(col, row));
++            }
++          }
++          if (isNewReducer)
++            denseRow.makeUnitary(modulus, col);
++        }
++      }});
++      //std::cout << "done reducing that batch" << std::endl;
++      reduced.clear();
++      std::sort(nextReducers.begin(), nextReducers.end());
++      for (size_t i = 0; i < nextReducers.size(); ++i) {
++        size_t const row = nextReducers[i].second;
++        MATHICGB_ASSERT(static_cast<bool>
++          (columnHasPivot[nextReducers[i].first]));
++        MATHICGB_ASSERT(dense[row].colCount() == colCount);
++        MATHICGB_ASSERT(dense[row][nextReducers[i].first] == 1);
++        MATHICGB_ASSERT(reduced.rowCount() == i);
++        MATHICGB_ASSERT(!isPivotRow[row]);
++        dense[row].appendTo(reduced); // already unitary
++        isPivotRow[row] = true;
++      }
++      nextReducers.clear();
++    }
++    tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, rowCount),
++      [&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range)
++      {for (auto it = range.begin(); it != range.end(); ++it)
++    {
++      const size_t row = it;
++      dense[row].takeModulus(modulus);
++    }});
++    reduced.clear();
++    for (size_t row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row)
++      if (!dense[row].empty())
++        dense[row].appendTo(reduced);
++    return std::move(reduced);
++  }
++// todo: use auto instead of these typedefs where possible/reasonable
++// todo: do SparseMatrix::Scalar instead of Scalar and remove this typedef		:: DONE
++//typedef SparseMatrix::Scalar Scalar; 											:: DONE
++//typedef SparseMatrix::RowIndex RowIndex; // todo: same  						:: DONE
++//typedef SparseMatrix::ColIndex ColIndex; // todo: same  						:: DONE
++//Scalar modPrime = 11; // todo: remove this variable 							:: DONE
++class SharwanMatrix {
++// typedefs for scalar, row index and col index
++// typedef Row to be your representation of a row
++  const Scalar& operator[](RowIndex row, ColIndex col) const {return mMatrix[row][col];}
++  Scalar& operator[](RowIndex row, ColIndex col) {return mMatrix[row][col];}
++  Row& operator[](RowIndex) {}
++  const Row& operator[](RowIndex) const {}
++  // example of setter. Do not make a setter for modulus, row index or col index. No setters, except for entries of the matrix.
++  void setX(int value) {mX = value;}  
++// store matrix, modulus, rowCount and colCount
++// accessor for getting modulus: modulus()
++  int mX; // todo: remove, just example
++  // all member variables go here. member x is written mX.
++void addRowMultipleInplace(
++  std::vector<std::vector<SparseMatrix::Scalar> >& matrix,
++  const SparseMatrix::RowIndex addRow,
++  const SparseMatrix::Scalar multiple,
++  const SparseMatrix::RowIndex row,
++  const SparseMatrix::ColIndex leadingCol,
++  const SparseMatrix::ColIndex colCount,
++  const SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus
++) {
++  assert(addRow < matrix.size());
++  assert(row < matrix.size());
++  assert(row != addRow);
++  assert(leadingCol < colCount);
++  assert(matrix[row].size() == colCount);
++  assert(matrix[addRow].size() == colCount);
++  for(auto col = leadingCol; col < colCount; ++col){
++    const auto product = modularProduct
++      (multiple, matrix[addRow][col], modulus);
++    matrix[row][col] = modularSum(matrix[row][col], product, modulus);
++  }
++void makeRowUnitary(
++  std::vector<std::vector<SparseMatrix::Scalar>>& matrix,
++  const SparseMatrix::RowIndex row,
++  const SparseMatrix::ColIndex colCount,
++  const SparseMatrix::ColIndex leadingCol,
++  const SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus
++) {
++  assert(row<matrix.size());
++  assert(matrix[row].size() == colCount);
++  assert(leadingCol < colCount);
++  assert(modulus> 1);
++  const auto leadingScalar = matrix[row][leadingCol];
++  assert(leadingScalar != 0);
++  auto multiply = modularInverse(leadingScalar, modulus);
++  for(SparseMatrix::ColIndex col = leadingCol; col < colCount; ++col)
++    matrix[row][col] = modularProduct(matrix[row][col], multiply, modulus);
++  // todo: use modularProduct on above line    									::DONE
++// todo: make this take a parameter startAtCol 									::DONE
++SparseMatrix::ColIndex leadingColumn(
++  const std::vector<std::vector<SparseMatrix::Scalar>>& matrix,
++  const SparseMatrix::RowIndex row,
++  const SparseMatrix::ColIndex colCount,
++  SparseMatrix::ColIndex startAtCol 
++) {
++  assert(row < matrix.size());
++  assert(matrix[row].size() == colCount);
++  for(auto col = startAtCol; col < colCount; ++col){
++    if(matrix[row][col] != 0)
++      return col;
++  }
++  return colCount;
++void rowReducedEchelonMatrix(
++  std::vector<std::vector<SparseMatrix::Scalar> >& matrix,
++  const SparseMatrix::ColIndex colCount,
++  const SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus
++) {
++  assert(matrix.empty() || matrix[0].size() == colCount);
++  const	SparseMatrix::RowIndex rowCount=matrix.size();
++  // pivotRowOfCol[i] is the pivot in column i or rowCount
++  // if we have not identified such a pivot so far.
++  std::vector<SparseMatrix::RowIndex> pivotRowOfCol(colCount, rowCount);
++  // row reduce to row echelon form
++  for(SparseMatrix::RowIndex row=0; row<rowCount;++row) { 
++    SparseMatrix::ColIndex leadingCol = 0;
++    while (true) { // reduce row by previous pivots
++      leadingCol = leadingColumn(matrix, row, colCount, leadingCol);
++      if(leadingCol==colCount)
++        break; // row was zero
++      const auto pivotRow = pivotRowOfCol[leadingCol];
++      if(pivotRow == rowCount) {
++        makeRowUnitary(matrix, row, colCount, leadingCol, modulus);
++        pivotRowOfCol[leadingCol] = row;
++        break; // row is now a pivot
++      }
++      const auto multiple = modularNegative(matrix[row][leadingCol], modulus);
++	  addRowMultipleInplace
++	    (matrix, pivotRow, multiple, row, leadingCol, colCount, modulus);
++    }
++  }
++  // row reduce to reduced row echelon form
++  for (SparseMatrix::RowIndex row = 0; row < rowCount;++row) { 
++    const auto lead = leadingColumn(matrix, row, colCount, 0);
++    if (lead == colCount)
++      continue; // row is zero
++    for (auto col = lead + 1; col < colCount; ++col) {
++      const auto pivotRow = pivotRowOfCol[col];
++      if(pivotRow == rowCount)
++        continue; // no pivot for this column
++      const auto multiple = modularNegative(matrix[row][col], modulus);
++	  addRowMultipleInplace
++        (matrix, pivotRow, multiple, row, col, colCount, modulus);
++    }
++  }
++SparseMatrix reduceToEchelonFormShrawan(
++  const SparseMatrix& toReduce,
++  SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus
++) {
++  const SparseMatrix::RowIndex rowCount = toReduce.rowCount();
++  const auto colCount = toReduce.computeColCount();
++  // Convert input matrix to dense format
++  std::vector<std::vector<SparseMatrix::Scalar>> matrix(rowCount);
++  for (SparseMatrix::RowIndex row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row) {
++    MATHICGB_ASSERT(!toReduce.emptyRow(row));
++    matrix[row].resize(colCount);
++    const auto end = toReduce.rowEnd(row);
++    for (auto it = toReduce.rowBegin(row); it != end; ++it) {
++      MATHICGB_ASSERT(it.index() < colCount);
++      matrix[row][it.index()] = it.scalar();
++    }
++  }
++  // todo: make modPrime a parameter and rename it to modulus.  				:: DONE
++ // modPrime = modulus;  														:: DONE
++  rowReducedEchelonMatrix(matrix, colCount,  modulus);
++  // convert reduced matrix to SparseMatrix.
++  SparseMatrix reduced;
++  for (size_t row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row) {
++    bool rowIsZero = true;
++    for (SparseMatrix::ColIndex col = 0; col < colCount; ++col) {
++      if (matrix[row][col] != 0) {
++        rowIsZero = false;
++        reduced.appendEntry(col, matrix[row][col]);
++      }
++    }
++    if (!rowIsZero)
++      reduced.rowDone();
++  }
++  return std::move(reduced);
++SparseMatrix reduceToEchelonFormShrawanDelayedModulus(
++  const SparseMatrix& toReduce,
++  SparseMatrix::Scalar modulus
++) {
++  // todo: implement delayed modulus
++  const SparseMatrix::RowIndex rowCount = toReduce.rowCount();
++  const auto colCount = toReduce.computeColCount();
++  // Convert input matrix to dense format
++  std::vector<std::vector<SparseMatrix::Scalar>> matrix(rowCount);
++  for (SparseMatrix::RowIndex row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row) {
++    MATHICGB_ASSERT(!toReduce.emptyRow(row));
++    matrix[row].resize(colCount);
++    const auto end = toReduce.rowEnd(row);
++    for (auto it = toReduce.rowBegin(row); it != end; ++it) {
++      MATHICGB_ASSERT(it.index() < colCount);
++      matrix[row][it.index()] = it.scalar();
++    }
++  }
++  rowReducedEchelonMatrix(matrix, colCount, modulus);
++  // convert reduced matrix to SparseMatrix.
++  SparseMatrix reduced;
++  for (size_t row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row) {
++    bool rowIsZero = true;
++    for (SparseMatrix::ColIndex col = 0; col < colCount; ++col) {
++      if (matrix[row][col] != 0) {
++        rowIsZero = false;
++        reduced.appendEntry(col, matrix[row][col]);
++      }
++    }
++    if (!rowIsZero)
++      reduced.rowDone();
++  }
++  return std::move(reduced);
++SparseMatrix F4MatrixReducer::reduceToBottomRight(const QuadMatrix& matrix) {
++  MATHICGB_ASSERT(matrix.debugAssertValid());
++  //const char* p = STR(MATHICGB_IF_LOG(F4MatrixReduce));
++  /*MATHICGB_IF_LOG(F4MatrixReduce) {
++    matrix.printSizes(log.stream();
++  };*/
++  return reduce(matrix, mModulus);
++SparseMatrix F4MatrixReducer::reducedRowEchelonForm(
++  const SparseMatrix& matrix
++) {
++  const bool useShrawan = true;
++  const bool useDelayedModulus = false;
++  if (useShrawan) {
++    if (useDelayedModulus)
++      return reduceToEchelonFormShrawanDelayedModulus(matrix, mModulus);
++    else    
++      return reduceToEchelonFormShrawan(matrix, mModulus);
++  } else
++    return reduceToEchelonForm(matrix, mModulus);
++SparseMatrix F4MatrixReducer::reducedRowEchelonFormBottomRight(
++  const QuadMatrix& matrix
++) {
++  return reducedRowEchelonForm(reduceToBottomRight(matrix));
++namespace {
++  /// this has to be a separate function that returns the scalar since signed
++  /// overflow is undefine behavior so we cannot check after the cast and
++  /// we also cannot set the modulus field inside the constructor since it is
++  /// const.
++  SparseMatrix::Scalar checkModulus(const coefficient modulus) {
++    // this assert has to be NO_ASSUME as otherwise the branch below will get
++    // optimized out.
++      std::numeric_limits<SparseMatrix::Scalar>::max());
++    if (modulus > std::numeric_limits<SparseMatrix::Scalar>::max())
++      throw std::overflow_error("Too large modulus in F4 matrix reduction.");
++    return static_cast<SparseMatrix::Scalar>(modulus);
++  }
++F4MatrixReducer::F4MatrixReducer(const coefficient modulus):
++  mModulus(checkModulus(modulus)) {}

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/mathicgb.git

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