[mathicgb] 136/393: Added .pbm image output to matrix action. Useful for debugging as it allows visual inspection of the matrix.

Doug Torrance dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Apr 3 15:58:49 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository mathicgb.

commit 7b7fccb458d13c0b0ef805f0457513207fb3aaf1
Author: Bjarke Hammersholt Roune <bjarkehr.code at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jan 11 18:38:47 2013 +0100

    Added .pbm image output to matrix action. Useful for debugging as it allows visual inspection of the matrix.
 src/cli/MatrixAction.cpp      |  15 +-
 src/mathicgb/SparseMatrix.cpp | 104 ++++--
 src/mathicgb/SparseMatrix.hpp | 728 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 3 files changed, 461 insertions(+), 386 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/cli/MatrixAction.cpp b/src/cli/MatrixAction.cpp
index 559ea81..b6484bb 100644
--- a/src/cli/MatrixAction.cpp
+++ b/src/cli/MatrixAction.cpp
@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ void MatrixAction::performAction() {
       if (!fileExists(lowerRightFileName)) {
         CFile file(lowerRightFileName, "wb");
         lowerRightMatrix.write(modulus, file.handle());
+        CFile pbmFile(lowerRightFileName + ".pbm", "wb");
+        lowerRightMatrix.writePBM(pbmFile.handle());
     } else if (extension == LowerRightMatrixExtension) {
       inputFileName = lowerRightFileName;
@@ -89,14 +91,25 @@ void MatrixAction::performAction() {
     if (!fileExists(reducedLowerRightFileName)) {
       CFile file(reducedLowerRightFileName.c_str(), "wb");
       lowerRightMatrix.write(modulus, file.handle());
+      CFile pbmFile(reducedLowerRightFileName + ".pbm", "wb");
+      lowerRightMatrix.writePBM(pbmFile.handle());
     } else {
       SparseMatrix referenceMatrix;
       CFile file(reducedLowerRightFileName.c_str(), "rb");
       if (lowerRightMatrix != referenceMatrix) {
+        const std::string wrongFile =
+          fileNameStem + ".out" + ReducedLowerRightMatrixExtension;
+        const std::string wrongFilePbm = fileNameStem + ".out.pbm";
         std::cerr << "Reducing " << inputFileName
           << " does not yield the matrix "
-          << reducedLowerRightFileName << ".\n";
+          << reducedLowerRightFileName << ".\n"
+          << "Writing computed matrix to " << wrongFile << ".\n";
+        CFile file(wrongFile, "wb");
+        lowerRightMatrix.write(modulus, file.handle());
+        CFile filePbm(wrongFilePbm, "wb");
+        lowerRightMatrix.writePBM(filePbm.handle());
       } else if (tracingLevel > 0) {
         std::cerr << "Match for " << inputFileName 
           << " -> " << ReducedLowerRightMatrixExtension << ".\n";
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/SparseMatrix.cpp b/src/mathicgb/SparseMatrix.cpp
index e7803e3..7e5e4e6 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/SparseMatrix.cpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/SparseMatrix.cpp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ void SparseMatrix::takeRowsFrom(SparseMatrix&& matrix) {
     oldestBlock->mPreviousBlock = new Block(std::move(mBlock));
   mBlock = std::move(matrix.mBlock);
-  mRows.insert(mRows.begin(), matrix.mRows.begin(), matrix.mRows.end());
+  mRows.insert(mRows.end(), matrix.mRows.begin(), matrix.mRows.end());
@@ -45,31 +45,33 @@ void SparseMatrix::rowToPolynomial(
 void SparseMatrix::sortRowsByIncreasingPivots() {
   SparseMatrix ordered;
+  const auto rowCount = this->rowCount();
+  std::vector<RowIndex> rows(rowCount);
+  for (size_t row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row)
+    rows[row] = row;
+  const auto lexLess = [&](const size_t a, const size_t b) -> bool {
+    auto aIt = rowBegin(a);
+    auto bIt = rowBegin(b);
+    const auto aEnd = rowEnd(a);
+    const auto bEnd = rowEnd(b);
+    for (; aIt != aEnd && bIt != bEnd; ++aIt, ++bIt) {
+      if (*aIt < *bIt)
+        return true;
+      if (*aIt > *bIt)
+        return false;
+      ++aIt;
+      ++bIt;
+    }
+    return aIt == aEnd && bIt != bEnd;
+  };
+  std::sort(rows.begin(), rows.end(), lexLess);
-  // compute pairs (pivot column index, row)
-  std::vector<std::pair<SparseMatrix::ColIndex, SparseMatrix::RowIndex> > order;
-  const SparseMatrix::RowIndex lRowCount = rowCount();
-  const SparseMatrix::ColIndex lColCount = computeColCount();
-  for (SparseMatrix::RowIndex row = 0; row < lRowCount; ++row) {
-    if (entryCountInRow(row) == 0)
-      order.push_back(std::make_pair(lColCount, row));
-    else
-      order.push_back(std::make_pair(rowBegin(row).index(), row));
-  }
-  // sort pairs by pivot column index
-  std::sort(order.begin(), order.end());
-  // construct ordered with pivot columns in increaing order
+  // construct ordered with pivot columns in increasing order
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < lRowCount; ++i) {
-    const auto row = order[i].second;
-    const auto end = rowEnd(row);
-    for (auto it = rowBegin(row); it != end; ++it)
-      ordered.appendEntry(it.index(), it.scalar());
-    ordered.rowDone();
-  }
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < rowCount; ++i)
+    ordered.appendRow(*this, rows[i]);
   *this = std::move(ordered);
@@ -169,6 +171,7 @@ void SparseMatrix::appendRow(const SparseMatrix& matrix, const RowIndex row) {
 SparseMatrix& SparseMatrix::operator=(const SparseMatrix& matrix) {
   // todo: use copy-swap or copy-move.
+  mMemoryQuantum = matrix.mMemoryQuantum;
   // A version that works on each block would be faster, but this is not
   // used anywhere time-critical right now. Improve this if it turns
   // up in profiling at some point.
@@ -508,3 +511,56 @@ SparseMatrix::Scalar SparseMatrix::read(FILE* file) {
   MATHICGB_ASSERT(mBlock.mPreviousBlock == 0); // still only one block
   return modulus;
+void SparseMatrix::writePBM(FILE* file) {
+  // See http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/pbm.html
+  const auto rowCount = this->rowCount();
+  auto colCount = this->computeColCount();
+  colCount += 8-(colCount % 8);
+  // Write PBM header
+  {
+    std::stringstream out;
+    out << "P1 " << colCount << ' ' << rowCount << '\n';
+    fputs(out.str().c_str(), file);
+  }
+  for (RowIndex row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row) {
+    const auto end = rowEnd(row);
+    auto it = rowBegin(row);
+    unsigned char byte = 0;
+    unsigned int bit = (1 << 8);
+    for (ColIndex col = 0; col < colCount; ++col) {
+      if (it != end && col == it.index()) {
+        fputc('1', file);
+        byte |= bit;
+        ++it;
+      } else
+        fputc('0', file);
+      bit >>= 1;
+      if (bit == 0) {
+//        fputc(byte, file);
+        byte = 0;
+        bit = (1 << 8);
+      }
+    }
+    fputc('\n', file);
+   // if (bit != (1 << 8))
+     // fputc(byte, file);
+  }
+bool SparseMatrix::debugAssertValid() const {
+  for (RowIndex row = 0; row < rowCount(); ++row) {
+    for (auto it = rowBegin(row); it != rowEnd(row); ++it) {
+      // A scalar of 0 is not necessarily bad, it is just not expected
+      // at the time of writing this assert. Feel free to remove this assert
+      // if you are creating scalars that are zero on purpose.
+      MATHICGB_ASSERT(it.scalar() != 0);
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/SparseMatrix.hpp b/src/mathicgb/SparseMatrix.hpp
index cc506e5..77270c6 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/SparseMatrix.hpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/SparseMatrix.hpp
@@ -1,355 +1,361 @@
-#include "RawVector.hpp"
-#include "PolyRing.hpp"
-#include <mathic.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <limits>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <iterator>
-class Poly;
-/** A class that implements a sparse matrix.
-These are the mathematical concepts involved:
-  Sparse matrix: a sequence of sparse rows.
-  Sparse row: a seqence of entries.
-  Entry: a pair (i,s) where i is a column index and s is a scalar.
-You add a row by adding all entries in the row and then calling
-rowDone(). You cannot add entries to a row once it has been
-created, so in that sense this class is append-only. However, you
-are free to change the indices and the scalars in the entries that
-are already there. Entries are not automatically reordered by this
-class, so your rows will be in increasing order of index only if
-you make them like that.
-Adding an entry or a row can invalidate all pointers/references to
-entries in the matrix and all iterators. This is true even if the
-entry has been added but it has not been put in a new row yet by
-calling rowDone.
-There is no special treatment of entries whose scalar is zero. For
-example they still count as entries in relation to entryCount().
-Currently this is not a template class so you can get by without
-using the typedefs offered, for example using uint16 instead of
-SparseMatrix::Scalar. Please use the typedefs to make it easier to
-support a wider range of types of matrices in future.
-class SparseMatrix {
-  typedef size_t RowIndex;
-  typedef uint32 ColIndex;
-  typedef uint16 Scalar;
-  class ConstRowIterator;
-  /// Construct a matrix with no rows.
-  SparseMatrix(const size_t memoryQuantum = 0):
-    mMemoryQuantum(memoryQuantum)
-  {}
-  SparseMatrix(SparseMatrix&& matrix):
-    mRows(std::move(matrix.mRows)),
-    mBlock(std::move(matrix.mBlock)),
-    mMemoryQuantum(matrix.mMemoryQuantum)
-  {
-  }
-  SparseMatrix& operator=(SparseMatrix&& matrix) {
-    this->~SparseMatrix();
-    new (this) SparseMatrix(std::move(matrix));
-    return *this;
-  }
-  SparseMatrix(const SparseMatrix& matrix) {
-    *this = matrix;
-  }
-  ~SparseMatrix() {clear();}
-  SparseMatrix& operator=(const SparseMatrix&);
-  void swap(SparseMatrix& matrix);
-  bool operator==(const SparseMatrix& matrix) const;
-  bool operator!=(const SparseMatrix& matrix) const {
-    return !(*this == matrix);
-  }
-  // Removes all rows from *this.
-  void clear();
-  /// Appends the rows from matrix to this object. Avoids most of the copies
-  /// that would otherwise be required for a big matrix insert by taking
-  /// the memory out of matrix.
-  void takeRowsFrom(SparseMatrix&& matrix);
-  RowIndex rowCount() const {return mRows.size();}
-  ColIndex computeColCount() const;
-  size_t memoryQuantum() const {return mMemoryQuantum;}
-  /// Returns number of non-zero entries divide by the product of the number of
-  /// rows times the number of columns. So it is the proportion of non-zero
-  /// entries.
-  float computeDensity() const;
-  /// Returns the number of entries in the whole matrix. Is not constant time
-  /// so avoid calling too many times.
-  size_t entryCount() const;
-  /// Returns the number of bytes of memory allocated by this object. Is not
-  /// constant time so avoid calling too many times.
-  size_t memoryUse() const;
-  size_t memoryUseTrimmed() const;
-   /// Returns the number of entries in the given row.
-  ColIndex entryCountInRow(RowIndex row) const {
-    MATHICGB_ASSERT(row < rowCount());
-    return mRows[row].size();
-  }
-  /// Returns true if the given row has no entries.
-  bool emptyRow(RowIndex row) const {
-    MATHICGB_ASSERT(row < rowCount());
-    return mRows[row].empty();
-  }
-  ConstRowIterator rowBegin(RowIndex row) const {
-    MATHICGB_ASSERT(row < rowCount());
-    const Row& r = mRows[row];
-    return ConstRowIterator(r.mIndicesBegin, r.mScalarsBegin);
-  }
-  ConstRowIterator rowEnd(RowIndex row) const {
-    MATHICGB_ASSERT(row < rowCount());
-    const Row& r = mRows[row];
-    return ConstRowIterator(r.mIndicesEnd, r.mScalarsEnd);
-  }
-  /// Returns the index of the first entry in the given row. This is
-  /// the first entry that you added to the row - so not necessarily the
-  /// minimum column index in that row. The row in question must have at
-  /// least one entry.
-  ColIndex leadCol(RowIndex row) const {
-    MATHICGB_ASSERT(row < rowCount());
-    MATHICGB_ASSERT(!emptyRow(row));
-    return *mRows[row].mIndicesBegin;
-  }
-  /// Prints the matrix in a human readable format to out.
-  /// Useful for debugging.
-  void print(std::ostream& out) const;
-  void printStatistics(std::ostream& out) const;
-  std::string toString() const;
-  /// Removes the leading trimThisMany columns. The columns are
-  /// removed by replacing all column indices col by col -
-  /// trimThisMany. No entry can have a column index less than
-  /// trimThisMany, even if the scalar of that entry is set to zero.
-  void trimLeadingZeroColumns(ColIndex trimThisMany);
-  /// Ensure that there is enough space for at least freeCount additional
-  /// entries without needing to allocate more memory for entries.
-  /// Pending entries that are not fixed into a row yet do not count as
-  /// free for this calculation.
-  void reserveFreeEntries(size_t freeCount);
-  /// Preallocate space for at least count rows. This is separate from the
-  /// space to store the entries in those rows.
-  void reserveRows(size_t count) {mRows.reserve(count);}
-  /// Adds a new row that contains all terms that have been appended
-  /// since the last time a row was added or the matrix was created.
-  void rowDone() {
-    MATHICGB_ASSERT(mBlock.mColIndices.size() == mBlock.mScalars.size());
-    Row row;
-    row.mIndicesEnd = mBlock.mColIndices.end();
-    row.mScalarsEnd = mBlock.mScalars.end();
-    if (mBlock.mHasNoRows) {
-      row.mIndicesBegin = mBlock.mColIndices.begin();
-      row.mScalarsBegin = mBlock.mScalars.begin();
-      mBlock.mHasNoRows = false;
-    } else {
-      row.mIndicesBegin = mRows.back().mIndicesEnd;
-      row.mScalarsBegin = mRows.back().mScalarsEnd;
-    }
-    mRows.push_back(row);
-  }
-  /// Appends an entry to the matrix. Will not appear in the matrix
-  /// until rowDone is called. Do not call other methods that add rows
-  /// after calling this method until rowDone has been called.
-  inline void appendEntry(ColIndex colIndex, Scalar scalar) {
-    MATHICGB_ASSERT(mBlock.mColIndices.size() == mBlock.mScalars.size());
-    MATHICGB_ASSERT(mBlock.mScalars.atCapacity() ==
-      mBlock.mColIndices.atCapacity());
-    if (mBlock.mScalars.atCapacity())
-      growEntryCapacity();
-    MATHICGB_ASSERT(!mBlock.mScalars.atCapacity());
-    MATHICGB_ASSERT(!mBlock.mColIndices.atCapacity());
-    mBlock.mColIndices.rawPushBack(colIndex);
-    mBlock.mScalars.rawPushBack(scalar);
-    MATHICGB_ASSERT(mBlock.mColIndices.size() == mBlock.mScalars.size());
-  }
-  void appendRowAndNormalize(const SparseMatrix& matrix, RowIndex row, Scalar modulus);
-  void appendRow(const SparseMatrix& matrix, RowIndex row);
-  void appendRowWithModulus(const std::vector<uint64>& v, Scalar modulus);
-  template<class T>
-  void appendRow(const std::vector<T>& v, ColIndex leadCol = 0);
-  void appendRowWithModulusNormalized(const std::vector<uint64>& v, Scalar modulus);
-  // Returns true if the row was non-zero. Otherwise the row was not
-  // appended.
-  bool appendRowWithModulusIfNonZero(const std::vector<uint64>& v, Scalar modulus);
-  /// Replaces all column indices i with colMap[i].
-  void applyColumnMap(const std::vector<ColIndex>& colMap);
-  /// Let poly be the dot product of colMonomials and the given row.
-  void rowToPolynomial(
-    RowIndex row,
-    const std::vector<monomial>& colMonomials,
-    Poly& poly);
-  /// Reorders the rows so that the index of the leading column in
-  /// each row is weakly increasing going from top to bottom. Quite
-  /// slow and it makes a copy internally.
-  void sortRowsByIncreasingPivots();
-  // Write *this and modulus to file.
-  void write(Scalar modulus, FILE* file) const;
-  // Set *this to a matrix read from file and return the modulus from the file.
-  Scalar read(FILE* file);
-  /// Iterates through the entries in a row.
-  class ConstRowIterator {
-  public:
-    typedef const std::pair<ColIndex, Scalar> value_type;
-	typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
-    typedef size_t distance_type;
-    typedef value_type* pointer;
-    typedef value_type& reference;
-    typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
-    ConstRowIterator& operator++() {
-      ++mScalarIt;
-      ++mColIndexIt;
-      return *this;
-    }
-    value_type operator*() const {return value_type(index(), scalar());}
-    bool operator<(const ConstRowIterator& it) const {
-      return mColIndexIt < it.mColIndexIt;
-    }
-    difference_type operator-(const ConstRowIterator& it) const {
-      return mColIndexIt - it.mColIndexIt;
-    }
-    bool operator==(const ConstRowIterator& it) const {
-      return mColIndexIt == it.mColIndexIt;
-    }
-    bool operator!=(const ConstRowIterator& it) const {return !(*this == it);}
-    const Scalar& scalar() const {return *mScalarIt;}
-    const ColIndex& index() const {return *mColIndexIt;}
-  private:
-    friend class SparseMatrix;
-    ConstRowIterator(
-      const ColIndex* const indicesIt,
-      const Scalar* const scalarIt
-    ):
-      mColIndexIt(indicesIt),
-      mScalarIt(scalarIt)
-    {
-    }
-    const ColIndex* mColIndexIt;
-    const Scalar* mScalarIt;
-  };
-  MATHICGB_NO_INLINE void growEntryCapacity();
-  /// Contains information about a row in the matrix.
-  struct Row {
-    Row(): mScalarsBegin(0), mScalarsEnd(0), mIndicesBegin(0), mIndicesEnd(0) {}
-    Scalar* mScalarsBegin;
-    Scalar* mScalarsEnd;
-    ColIndex* mIndicesBegin;
-    ColIndex* mIndicesEnd;
-    bool empty() const {return mIndicesBegin == mIndicesEnd;}
-    ColIndex size() const {
-      return static_cast<ColIndex>(std::distance(mIndicesBegin, mIndicesEnd));
-    }
-  };
-  std::vector<Row> mRows;
-  /// Memory is allocated a block at a time. This avoids the need for copying
-  /// that a std::vector normally does on reallocation. Believe it or not,
-  /// copying sparse matrix memory due to reallocation was accounting for 5%
-  /// of the running time before this change.
-  struct Block {
-    Block(): mPreviousBlock(0), mHasNoRows(true) {}
-    Block(Block&& block):
-      mColIndices(std::move(block.mColIndices)),
-      mScalars(std::move(block.mScalars)),
-      mPreviousBlock(block.mPreviousBlock),
-      mHasNoRows(block.mHasNoRows) 
-    {
-      block.mPreviousBlock = 0;
-      block.mHasNoRows = true;
-    }
-    void swap(Block& block) {
-      std::swap(mColIndices, block.mColIndices);
-      std::swap(mScalars, block.mScalars);
-      std::swap(mPreviousBlock, block.mPreviousBlock);
-      std::swap(mHasNoRows, block.mHasNoRows);
-    }
-    Block& operator=(Block&& block) {
-      this->~Block();
-      new (this) Block(std::move(block));
-      return *this;
-    }
-    size_t memoryUse() const;
-    size_t memoryUseTrimmed() const;
-    /// We need a RawVector here to tie the checks for the need to reallocate
-    /// together between mColIndices and mEntries. We only need to check
-    /// the capacity once, which, believe it or not, is a significant performance
-    /// win. Not least because it decreases the amount of code and therefore
-    /// causes better compiler inlining decisions.
-    RawVector<ColIndex> mColIndices;
-    RawVector<Scalar> mScalars;
-    Block* mPreviousBlock; /// is null if there are no previous blocks
-    bool mHasNoRows; /// true if no rows have been made from this block yet
-  };
-  Block mBlock;
-  size_t mMemoryQuantum;
-template<class T>
+#include "RawVector.hpp"
+#include "PolyRing.hpp"
+#include <mathic.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <iterator>
+class Poly;
+/** A class that implements a sparse matrix.
+These are the mathematical concepts involved:
+  Sparse matrix: a sequence of sparse rows.
+  Sparse row: a seqence of entries.
+  Entry: a pair (i,s) where i is a column index and s is a scalar.
+You add a row by adding all entries in the row and then calling
+rowDone(). You cannot add entries to a row once it has been
+created, so in that sense this class is append-only. However, you
+are free to change the indices and the scalars in the entries that
+are already there. Entries are not automatically reordered by this
+class, so your rows will be in increasing order of index only if
+you make them like that.
+Adding an entry or a row can invalidate all pointers/references to
+entries in the matrix and all iterators. This is true even if the
+entry has been added but it has not been put in a new row yet by
+calling rowDone.
+There is no special treatment of entries whose scalar is zero. For
+example they still count as entries in relation to entryCount().
+Currently this is not a template class so you can get by without
+using the typedefs offered, for example using uint16 instead of
+SparseMatrix::Scalar. Please use the typedefs to make it easier to
+support a wider range of types of matrices in future.
+class SparseMatrix {
+  typedef size_t RowIndex;
+  typedef uint32 ColIndex;
+  typedef uint16 Scalar;
+  class ConstRowIterator;
+  /// Construct a matrix with no rows.
+  SparseMatrix(const size_t memoryQuantum = 0):
+    mMemoryQuantum(memoryQuantum)
+  {}
+  SparseMatrix(SparseMatrix&& matrix):
+    mRows(std::move(matrix.mRows)),
+    mBlock(std::move(matrix.mBlock)),
+    mMemoryQuantum(matrix.mMemoryQuantum)
+  {
+  }
+  SparseMatrix& operator=(SparseMatrix&& matrix) {
+    this->~SparseMatrix();
+    new (this) SparseMatrix(std::move(matrix));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  SparseMatrix(const SparseMatrix& matrix) {
+    *this = matrix;
+  }
+  ~SparseMatrix() {clear();}
+  SparseMatrix& operator=(const SparseMatrix&);
+  void swap(SparseMatrix& matrix);
+  bool operator==(const SparseMatrix& matrix) const;
+  bool operator!=(const SparseMatrix& matrix) const {
+    return !(*this == matrix);
+  }
+  // Removes all rows from *this.
+  void clear();
+  /// Appends the rows from matrix to this object. Avoids most of the copies
+  /// that would otherwise be required for a big matrix insert by taking
+  /// the memory out of matrix.
+  void takeRowsFrom(SparseMatrix&& matrix);
+  RowIndex rowCount() const {return mRows.size();}
+  ColIndex computeColCount() const;
+  size_t memoryQuantum() const {return mMemoryQuantum;}
+  /// Returns number of non-zero entries divide by the product of the number of
+  /// rows times the number of columns. So it is the proportion of non-zero
+  /// entries.
+  float computeDensity() const;
+  /// Returns the number of entries in the whole matrix. Is not constant time
+  /// so avoid calling too many times.
+  size_t entryCount() const;
+  /// Returns the number of bytes of memory allocated by this object. Is not
+  /// constant time so avoid calling too many times.
+  size_t memoryUse() const;
+  size_t memoryUseTrimmed() const;
+   /// Returns the number of entries in the given row.
+  ColIndex entryCountInRow(RowIndex row) const {
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(row < rowCount());
+    return mRows[row].size();
+  }
+  /// Returns true if the given row has no entries.
+  bool emptyRow(RowIndex row) const {
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(row < rowCount());
+    return mRows[row].empty();
+  }
+  ConstRowIterator rowBegin(RowIndex row) const {
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(row < rowCount());
+    const Row& r = mRows[row];
+    return ConstRowIterator(r.mIndicesBegin, r.mScalarsBegin);
+  }
+  ConstRowIterator rowEnd(RowIndex row) const {
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(row < rowCount());
+    const Row& r = mRows[row];
+    return ConstRowIterator(r.mIndicesEnd, r.mScalarsEnd);
+  }
+  /// Returns the index of the first entry in the given row. This is
+  /// the first entry that you added to the row - so not necessarily the
+  /// minimum column index in that row. The row in question must have at
+  /// least one entry.
+  ColIndex leadCol(RowIndex row) const {
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(row < rowCount());
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(!emptyRow(row));
+    return *mRows[row].mIndicesBegin;
+  }
+  /// Prints the matrix in a human readable format to out.
+  /// Useful for debugging.
+  void print(std::ostream& out) const;
+  void printStatistics(std::ostream& out) const;
+  std::string toString() const;
+  /// Removes the leading trimThisMany columns. The columns are
+  /// removed by replacing all column indices col by col -
+  /// trimThisMany. No entry can have a column index less than
+  /// trimThisMany, even if the scalar of that entry is set to zero.
+  void trimLeadingZeroColumns(ColIndex trimThisMany);
+  /// Ensure that there is enough space for at least freeCount additional
+  /// entries without needing to allocate more memory for entries.
+  /// Pending entries that are not fixed into a row yet do not count as
+  /// free for this calculation.
+  void reserveFreeEntries(size_t freeCount);
+  /// Preallocate space for at least count rows. This is separate from the
+  /// space to store the entries in those rows.
+  void reserveRows(size_t count) {mRows.reserve(count);}
+  /// Adds a new row that contains all terms that have been appended
+  /// since the last time a row was added or the matrix was created.
+  void rowDone() {
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(mBlock.mColIndices.size() == mBlock.mScalars.size());
+    Row row;
+    row.mIndicesEnd = mBlock.mColIndices.end();
+    row.mScalarsEnd = mBlock.mScalars.end();
+    if (mBlock.mHasNoRows) {
+      row.mIndicesBegin = mBlock.mColIndices.begin();
+      row.mScalarsBegin = mBlock.mScalars.begin();
+      mBlock.mHasNoRows = false;
+    } else {
+      row.mIndicesBegin = mRows.back().mIndicesEnd;
+      row.mScalarsBegin = mRows.back().mScalarsEnd;
+    }
+    mRows.push_back(row);
+  }
+  /// Appends an entry to the matrix. Will not appear in the matrix
+  /// until rowDone is called. Do not call other methods that add rows
+  /// after calling this method until rowDone has been called.
+  inline void appendEntry(ColIndex colIndex, Scalar scalar) {
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(mBlock.mColIndices.size() == mBlock.mScalars.size());
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(mBlock.mScalars.atCapacity() ==
+      mBlock.mColIndices.atCapacity());
+    if (mBlock.mScalars.atCapacity())
+      growEntryCapacity();
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(!mBlock.mScalars.atCapacity());
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(!mBlock.mColIndices.atCapacity());
+    mBlock.mColIndices.rawPushBack(colIndex);
+    mBlock.mScalars.rawPushBack(scalar);
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(mBlock.mColIndices.size() == mBlock.mScalars.size());
+  }
+  void appendRowAndNormalize(const SparseMatrix& matrix, RowIndex row, Scalar modulus);
+  void appendRow(const SparseMatrix& matrix, RowIndex row);
+  void appendRowWithModulus(const std::vector<uint64>& v, Scalar modulus);
+  template<class T>
+  void appendRow(const std::vector<T>& v, ColIndex leadCol = 0);
+  void appendRowWithModulusNormalized(const std::vector<uint64>& v, Scalar modulus);
+  // Returns true if the row was non-zero. Otherwise the row was not
+  // appended.
+  bool appendRowWithModulusIfNonZero(const std::vector<uint64>& v, Scalar modulus);
+  /// Replaces all column indices i with colMap[i].
+  void applyColumnMap(const std::vector<ColIndex>& colMap);
+  /// Let poly be the dot product of colMonomials and the given row.
+  void rowToPolynomial(
+    RowIndex row,
+    const std::vector<monomial>& colMonomials,
+    Poly& poly);
+  /// Reorders the rows so that the index of the leading column in
+  /// each row is weakly increasing going from top to bottom. Quite
+  /// slow and it makes a copy internally.
+  void sortRowsByIncreasingPivots();
+  /// Write *this and modulus to file.
+  void write(Scalar modulus, FILE* file) const;
+  /// Set *this to a matrix read from file and return the modulus from the file.
+  Scalar read(FILE* file);
+  /// Write a 0-1 bitmap in PBM format to file. This is useful for
+  /// debugging as it allows visual inspection of large matrices.
+  void writePBM(FILE* file);
+  /// Iterates through the entries in a row.
+  class ConstRowIterator {
+  public:
+    typedef const std::pair<ColIndex, Scalar> value_type;
+	typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+    typedef size_t distance_type;
+    typedef value_type* pointer;
+    typedef value_type& reference;
+    typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+    ConstRowIterator& operator++() {
+      ++mScalarIt;
+      ++mColIndexIt;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    value_type operator*() const {return value_type(index(), scalar());}
+    bool operator<(const ConstRowIterator& it) const {
+      return mColIndexIt < it.mColIndexIt;
+    }
+    difference_type operator-(const ConstRowIterator& it) const {
+      return mColIndexIt - it.mColIndexIt;
+    }
+    bool operator==(const ConstRowIterator& it) const {
+      return mColIndexIt == it.mColIndexIt;
+    }
+    bool operator!=(const ConstRowIterator& it) const {return !(*this == it);}
+    const Scalar& scalar() const {return *mScalarIt;}
+    const ColIndex& index() const {return *mColIndexIt;}
+  private:
+    friend class SparseMatrix;
+    ConstRowIterator(
+      const ColIndex* const indicesIt,
+      const Scalar* const scalarIt
+    ):
+      mColIndexIt(indicesIt),
+      mScalarIt(scalarIt)
+    {
+    }
+    const ColIndex* mColIndexIt;
+    const Scalar* mScalarIt;
+  };
+  bool debugAssertValid() const;
+  MATHICGB_NO_INLINE void growEntryCapacity();
+  /// Contains information about a row in the matrix.
+  struct Row {
+    Row(): mScalarsBegin(0), mScalarsEnd(0), mIndicesBegin(0), mIndicesEnd(0) {}
+    Scalar* mScalarsBegin;
+    Scalar* mScalarsEnd;
+    ColIndex* mIndicesBegin;
+    ColIndex* mIndicesEnd;
+    bool empty() const {return mIndicesBegin == mIndicesEnd;}
+    ColIndex size() const {
+      return static_cast<ColIndex>(std::distance(mIndicesBegin, mIndicesEnd));
+    }
+  };
+  std::vector<Row> mRows;
+  /// Memory is allocated a block at a time. This avoids the need for copying
+  /// that a std::vector normally does on reallocation. Believe it or not,
+  /// copying sparse matrix memory due to reallocation was accounting for 5%
+  /// of the running time before this change.
+  struct Block {
+    Block(): mPreviousBlock(0), mHasNoRows(true) {}
+    Block(Block&& block):
+      mColIndices(std::move(block.mColIndices)),
+      mScalars(std::move(block.mScalars)),
+      mPreviousBlock(block.mPreviousBlock),
+      mHasNoRows(block.mHasNoRows) 
+    {
+      block.mPreviousBlock = 0;
+      block.mHasNoRows = true;
+    }
+    void swap(Block& block) {
+      std::swap(mColIndices, block.mColIndices);
+      std::swap(mScalars, block.mScalars);
+      std::swap(mPreviousBlock, block.mPreviousBlock);
+      std::swap(mHasNoRows, block.mHasNoRows);
+    }
+    Block& operator=(Block&& block) {
+      this->~Block();
+      new (this) Block(std::move(block));
+      return *this;
+    }
+    size_t memoryUse() const;
+    size_t memoryUseTrimmed() const;
+    /// We need a RawVector here to tie the checks for the need to reallocate
+    /// together between mColIndices and mEntries. We only need to check
+    /// the capacity once, which, believe it or not, is a significant performance
+    /// win. Not least because it decreases the amount of code and therefore
+    /// causes better compiler inlining decisions.
+    RawVector<ColIndex> mColIndices;
+    RawVector<Scalar> mScalars;
+    Block* mPreviousBlock; /// is null if there are no previous blocks
+    bool mHasNoRows; /// true if no rows have been made from this block yet
+  };
+  Block mBlock;
+  size_t mMemoryQuantum;
+template<class T>
 void SparseMatrix::appendRow(
   std::vector<T> const& v,
   const ColIndex leadCol
@@ -368,12 +374,12 @@ void SparseMatrix::appendRow(
-inline void swap(SparseMatrix& a, SparseMatrix& b) {
-  a.swap(b);
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const SparseMatrix& matrix);
+inline void swap(SparseMatrix& a, SparseMatrix& b) {
+  a.swap(b);
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const SparseMatrix& matrix);

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