[mathicgb] 204/393: Added MonoMonoid along with tests. The purpose of MonoMonoid is to take over the monomial functionality from PolyRing.

Doug Torrance dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Apr 3 15:59:00 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository mathicgb.

commit 7849dfdc987adf97bb61772a2722c350fb4967e6
Author: Bjarke Hammersholt Roune <bjarkehr.code at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Mar 27 22:03:31 2013 +0100

    Added MonoMonoid along with tests. The purpose of MonoMonoid is to take over the monomial functionality from PolyRing.
 Makefile.am                 |   4 +-
 src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp | 452 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/mathicgb/PrimeField.hpp | 290 ++++++++++++++--------------
 src/test/MonoMonoid.cpp     | 233 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 832 insertions(+), 147 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 79337a5..6bfe5e1 100755
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ libmathicgb_la_SOURCES = src/mathicgb/BjarkeGeobucket2.cpp				\
   src/mathicgb/F4ProtoMatrix.cpp src/mathicgb/F4MatrixProject.hpp		\
   src/mathicgb/F4MatrixProjection.cpp src/mathicgb/ScopeExit.hpp		\
   src/mathicgb.cpp src/mathicgb.h src/mathicgb/mtbb.hpp					\
-  src/mathicgb/PrimeField.hpp
+  src/mathicgb/PrimeField.hpp src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp
 # The headers that libmathicgb installs.
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ unittest_SOURCES=src/test/FreeModuleOrderTest.cpp						\
   src/test/ideals.cpp src/test/poly-test.cpp src/test/ideals.hpp		\
   src/test/SparseMatrix.cpp src/test/QuadMatrixBuilder.cpp				\
   src/test/F4MatrixBuilder.cpp src/test/F4MatrixReducer.cpp             \
-  src/test/mathicgb.cpp src/test/PrimeField.cpp
+  src/test/mathicgb.cpp src/test/PrimeField.cpp src/test/MonoMonoid.cpp
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp b/src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f284ca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <memtailor.h>
+/// Implements the monoid of (monic) monomials with integer
+/// non-negative exponents. T must be an unsigned integer type that is
+/// used to store each exponent of a monomial.
+/// TODO: support grading and comparison.
+template<class E>
+class MonoMonoid {
+  // *** Types
+  // Integer index representing a variable. Indices start at 0 and go
+  // up to varCount() - 1 where varCount() is the number of variables.
+  typedef size_t VarIndex;
+  /// The type of each exponent of a monomial.
+  typedef E Exponent;
+  /// Iterator for the exponents in a monomial.
+  typedef const Exponent* const_iterator;
+  /// Represents a monomial and manages the memory underlying it. To
+  /// refer to a non-owned monomial or to refer to a Mono, use MonoRef
+  /// or ConstMonoRef. Do not use Mono& or Mono* if you do not have
+  /// to, since that implies a double indirection when accessing the
+  /// monomial.
+  class Mono;
+  /// A reference to a non-const monomial. Cannot be null, cannot be
+  /// reassigned to refer to a different monomial and does not connote
+  /// ownership - the same semantics as C++ references.
+  class MonoRef;
+  /// A reference to a monomial. As MonoRef, but you cannot change the
+  /// monomial through this reference. Prefer this class over the
+  /// other reference/pointer classes unless there is a reason not to.
+  class ConstMonoRef;
+  /// A pointer to a non-const monomial. Can be null and can be
+  /// reassigned to refer to a different monomial - the same semantics
+  /// as C++ pointers. Does not connote ownership.
+  class MonoPtr;
+  /// A pointer to a monomial. As MonoPtr, but you cannot change the
+  /// monomial through this pointer.
+  class ConstMonoPtr;
+  /// A pool of memory for monomials.
+  ///
+  /// @todo: This approach is a poor fit for variable-sized
+  /// monomials. So prefer other solutions where reasonable.
+  class MonoPool;
+  /// A vector of monomials. The interface is a subset of
+  /// std::vector. Monomials can be appended (push_back). Only the
+  /// last monomial can be mutated and monomials cannot be reordered
+  /// or removed. These restrictions should make it easier to support
+  /// variable-sized monomials in future. Change it if you need to
+  /// break these restrictions, but first try to find an alternative.
+  class MonoVector;
+  // *** Constructors and accessors
+  MonoMonoid(const VarIndex varCount): mVarCount(varCount) {}
+  bool operator==(const MonoMonoid& monoid) const {
+    return this == &monoid;
+  }
+  bool operator!=(const MonoMonoid& monoid) const {
+    return !(*this == monoid);
+  }
+  /// Returns the number of variables. This is also the number of
+  /// exponents in the exponent vector of a monomial.
+  VarIndex varCount() const {return mVarCount;}
+  // *** Monomial accessors and queries
+  /// Returns iterator to the first exponent.
+  const_iterator begin(ConstMonoRef mono) const {return mono.rawPtr();}
+  /// Returns iterator to one-past-the-end of the range of exponents.
+  const_iterator end(ConstMonoRef mono) const {
+    return mono.rawPtr() + entriesPerMono();
+  }
+  /// Returns the exponent of var in mono.
+  Exponent exponent(ConstMonoRef mono, const VarIndex var) const {
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(var < varCount());
+    return mono.rawPtr()[var];
+  } 
+  bool equal(ConstMonoRef a, ConstMonoRef b) const {
+    return std::equal(begin(a), end(a), begin(b));
+  }
+  /// Returns true if all the exponents of mono are zero. In other
+  /// words, returns true if mono is the identity for multiplication
+  /// of monomials.
+  bool isIdentity(ConstMonoRef mono) const {
+    return std::all_of(begin(mono), end(mono), [](Exponent e) {return e == 0;});
+  }
+  // *** Monomial mutating computations
+  void copy(ConstMonoRef from, MonoRef to) const {
+    std::copy_n(from.rawPtr(), entriesPerMono(), to.rawPtr());
+  }
+  void setExponent(const VarIndex var, const Exponent e, MonoRef mono) const {
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(var < varCount());
+    mono.rawPtr()[var] = e;
+  }
+  void setIdentity(MonoRef mono) const {
+    std::fill_n(mono.rawPtr(), entriesPerMono(), static_cast<Exponent>(0));
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(isIdentity(mono));
+  }
+  // *** Classes for holding and referring to monomials
+  class ConstMonoPtr {
+  public:
+    ConstMonoPtr(): mMono(0) {}
+    ConstMonoPtr(const ConstMonoPtr& mono): mMono(mono.rawPtr()) {}
+    ConstMonoPtr operator=(const ConstMonoPtr& mono) {
+      mMono = mono.mMono;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    ConstMonoRef operator*() const {return *this;}
+    bool isNull() const {return mMono == 0;}
+    void toNull() {mMono = 0;}
+  private:
+    friend class MonoVector;
+    friend class MonoPtr;
+    friend class ConstMonoRef;
+    const Exponent* rawPtr() const {return mMono;}
+    ConstMonoPtr(const Exponent* mono): mMono(mono) {}
+    const Exponent* mMono;
+  };
+  class MonoPtr {
+  public:
+    MonoPtr(): mMono(0) {}
+    MonoPtr(const MonoPtr& mono): mMono(mono.rawPtr()) {}
+    MonoPtr operator=(const MonoPtr& mono) {
+      mMono = mono.mMono;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    MonoRef operator*() const {return *this;}
+    bool isNull() const {return mMono == 0;}
+    void toNull() {mMono = 0;}
+    operator ConstMonoPtr() const {return ConstMonoPtr(mMono);}
+  private:
+    friend class Mono;
+    friend class MonoRef;
+    friend class MonoVector;
+    friend class MonoPool;
+    Exponent* rawPtr() const {return mMono;}
+    MonoPtr(Exponent* mono): mMono(mono) {}
+    Exponent* mMono;
+  };
+  class Mono {
+  public:
+    Mono(): mMono(), mPool(0) {}
+    Mono(Mono&& mono): mMono(mono.mMono), mPool(mono.mPool) {
+      mono.mMono.toNull();
+      mono.mPool = 0;
+    }
+    ~Mono() {toNull();}
+    void operator=(Mono&& mono) {
+      toNull();
+      mMono = mono.mMono;
+      mono.mMono.toNull();
+      mPool = mono.mPool;
+      mono.mPool = 0;
+    }
+    bool isNull() const {return mMono.isNull();}
+    void toNull() {mPool->free(*this);}
+    MonoPtr ptr() const {return mMono;}
+    operator MonoRef() const {
+      MATHICGB_ASSERT(!isNull());
+      return *mMono;
+    }
+  private:
+    Mono(const Mono&); // not available
+    void operator=(const Mono&); // not available
+    friend class MonoPool;
+    Mono(const MonoPtr mono, MonoPool& pool):
+      mMono(mono), mPool(&pool) {}
+    Exponent* rawPtr() const {return mMono.rawPtr();}
+    MonoPtr mMono;
+    MonoPool* mPool;
+  };
+  class MonoRef {
+  public:
+    MonoPtr ptr() const {return mMono;}
+    operator ConstMonoRef() const {return *static_cast<ConstMonoPtr>(mMono);}
+  private:
+    void operator=(const MonoRef&); // not available
+    friend class MonoMonoid;
+    friend class MonoPtr;
+    MonoRef(MonoPtr mono): mMono(mono) {}
+    Exponent* rawPtr() const {return mMono.rawPtr();}
+    const MonoPtr mMono;
+  };
+  class ConstMonoRef {
+  public:
+    ConstMonoRef(const Mono& mono): mMono(mono.ptr()) {
+      MATHICGB_ASSERT(!mono.isNull());
+    }
+    ConstMonoPtr ptr() const {return mMono;}
+  private:
+    void operator=(const MonoRef&); // not available
+    friend class MonoMonoid;
+    friend class ConstMonoPtr;
+    ConstMonoRef(ConstMonoPtr mono): mMono(mono) {}
+    const Exponent* rawPtr() const {return mMono.rawPtr();}
+    const ConstMonoPtr mMono;
+  };
+  // *** Classes that provide memory resources for monomials
+  class MonoPool {
+  public:
+    MonoPool(const MonoMonoid& monoid):
+      mMonoid(monoid),
+      mPool(sizeof(Exponent) * mMonoid.entriesPerMono()) {}
+    Mono alloc() {
+      const auto ptr = static_cast<Exponent*>(mPool.alloc());
+      Mono mono(ptr, *this);
+      monoid().setIdentity(mono);
+      return mono;
+    }
+    void free(Mono& mono) {free(std::move(mono));}
+    void free(Mono&& mono) {
+      if (mono.isNull())
+	return;
+      mPool.free(mono.rawPtr());
+      mono.mMono = 0;
+      mono.mPool = 0;
+    }
+    const MonoMonoid& monoid() const {return mMonoid;}
+  private:
+    const MonoMonoid& mMonoid;
+    memt::BufferPool mPool;
+  };
+  class MonoVector {
+  private:
+    typedef std::vector<Exponent> RawVector;
+  public:
+    /// Class for iterating through the monomials in a MonoVector.
+    ///
+    /// There is no operator->() since MonoRef does not have any
+    /// relevant methods to call. Implement it if you need it.
+    ///
+    /// There are no postfix increment operator as prefix is
+    /// better. Add it if you y need it (you probably do not).
+    ///
+    /// We could make this a random access iterator, but that would
+    /// make it tricky to support variable-sized exponent vectors
+    /// (e.g. sparse) in future and so far we have not needed random
+    /// access.
+    class const_iterator {
+    public:
+      typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+      typedef ConstMonoPtr value_type;
+      const_iterator(): mIt(), mEntriesPerMono(0) {}
+      const_iterator(const const_iterator& it):
+        mIt(it.mIt), mEntriesPerMono(it.mEntriesPerMono) {}
+      bool operator==(const const_iterator& it) const {return mIt == it.mIt;}
+      bool operator!=(const const_iterator& it) const {return mIt != it.mIt;}
+      ConstMonoRef operator*() {
+	MATHICGB_ASSERT(debugValid());
+	return *ConstMonoPtr(&*mIt);
+      }
+      const_iterator operator++() {
+	MATHICGB_ASSERT(debugValid());
+	mIt += mEntriesPerMono;
+	return *this;
+      }
+    private:
+      friend class MonoVector;
+      bool debugValid() {return mEntriesPerMono > 0;}
+      const_iterator(
+        typename RawVector::const_iterator it,
+	size_t entriesPerMono
+      ): mIt(it), mEntriesPerMono(entriesPerMono) {}
+      typename RawVector::const_iterator mIt;
+      size_t mEntriesPerMono;		     
+    };
+    // ** Constructors and assignment
+    MonoVector(const MonoMonoid& monoid): mMonoid(monoid) {}
+    MonoVector(const MonoVector& v): mMonos(v.mMonos), mMonoid(v.monoid()) {}
+    MonoVector(MonoVector&& v):
+      mMonos(std::move(v.mMonos)), mMonoid(v.monoid()) {}
+    MonoVector& operator=(const MonoVector& v) {
+      MATHICGB_ASSERT(monoid() == v.monoid());
+      mMonos = v.mMonos;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    MonoVector& operator=(MonoVector&& v) {
+      MATHICGB_ASSERT(monoid() == v.monoid());
+      mMonos = std::move(v.mMonos);
+      return *this;      
+    }
+    // ** Iterators
+    const_iterator begin() const {
+      return const_iterator(mMonos.begin(), mMonoid.entriesPerMono());
+    }
+    const_iterator end() const {
+      return const_iterator(mMonos.end(), mMonoid.entriesPerMono());
+    }
+    const_iterator cbegin() const {return begin();}
+    const_iterator cend() const {return end();}
+    // ** Capacity
+    size_t size() const {return mMonos.size() / monoid().entriesPerMono();}
+    bool empty() const {return mMonos.empty();}
+    // ** Element access
+    ConstMonoRef front() const {
+      MATHICGB_ASSERT(!empty());
+      return *begin();
+    }
+    MonoRef back() {
+      MATHICGB_ASSERT(!empty());
+      const auto offset = mMonos.size() - monoid().entriesPerMono();
+      return *MonoPtr(mMonos.data() + offset);
+    }
+    ConstMonoRef back() const {
+      MATHICGB_ASSERT(!empty());
+      const auto offset = mMonos.size() - monoid().entriesPerMono();
+      return *ConstMonoPtr(mMonos.data() + offset);
+    }
+    // ** Modifiers
+    void push_back(ConstMonoRef mono) {
+      const auto offset = mMonos.size();
+      mMonos.resize(offset + monoid().entriesPerMono());
+      monoid().copy(mono, *MonoPtr(mMonos.data() + offset));
+    }
+    /// Appends the identity.
+    void push_back() {
+      const auto offset = mMonos.size();
+      mMonos.resize(offset + monoid().entriesPerMono());      
+    }
+    void swap(MonoVector& v) {
+      MATHICGB_ASSERT(&monoid() == &v.monoid());
+      mMonos.swap(v.mMonos);
+    }
+    void clear() {mMonos.clear();}
+    // ** Relational operators
+    bool operator==(const MonoVector& v) const {
+      MATHICGB_ASSERT(monoid() == v.monoid());
+      return mMonos == v.mMonos;
+    }
+    bool operator!=(const MonoVector& v) const {return !(*this == v);}
+    // ** Other
+    size_t memoryBytesUsed() const {
+      return mMonos.capacity() * sizeof(mMonos[0]);
+    }
+    const MonoMonoid& monoid() const {return mMonoid;}
+  private:
+    RawVector mMonos;
+    const MonoMonoid& mMonoid;
+  };
+  size_t entriesPerMono() const {return varCount();}
+  const VarIndex mVarCount;
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/PrimeField.hpp b/src/mathicgb/PrimeField.hpp
index 7a90c54..b00c5e4 100644
--- a/src/mathicgb/PrimeField.hpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/PrimeField.hpp
@@ -1,146 +1,146 @@
-#include <limits>
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <ostream>
-/// Implements arithmetic in a prime field. T must be an unsigned integer type
-/// that is used to store the elements of the field. The characteristic of the
-/// field must be a prime not exceeding std::numeric_limits<T>::max().
-template<class T>
-class PrimeField {
-  class Element {
-  public:
-    static_assert(!std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, "");
-    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer, "");
-    Element(const Element& e): mValue(e.value()) {}
-    Element& operator=(const Element& e) {
-      mValue = e.value();
-      return *this;
-    }
-    bool operator==(const Element e) const {return value() == e.value();}
-    bool operator!=(const Element e) const {return !(*this == e);}
-    T value() const {return mValue;}
-  private:
-    friend class PrimeField;
-    Element(const T value): mValue(value) {}
-    friend class PrimeFile;
-    T mValue;
-  };
-  PrimeField(const T primeCharacteristic): mCharac(primeCharacteristic) {}
-  Element zero() const {return Element(0);}
-  Element one() const {return Element(1);}
-  bool isZero(const Element a) const {return a == zero();}
-  bool isOne(const Element a) const {return a == one();}
-  T charac() const {return mCharac;}
-  template<class Integer>
-  Element toElement(Integer&& i) const {
-    typedef typename std::remove_reference<Integer>::type NoRefInteger;
-    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<NoRefInteger>::is_integer, "");
-    // We need to take the modulus of i to put it into the range [0;charac()).
-    // That is more tricky to get right than it might seem.
-    //
-    // The sign of a % b is implementation defined in C++ if either of a or b
-    // are negative. We need the positive remainder so the operands have to be
-    // positive. Another reason for this is that we could not allow b to be
-    // converted to a signed integer since it might not be representable that
-    // way.
-    //
-    // If Integer is signed and i is std::numeric_limits<Integer>::min() then
-    // it is undefined behavior to evaluate the expression -i since -i is not
-    // representable, leading to a signed overflow. So we have to cast to
-    // unsigned before doing the minus.
-    typedef typename std::make_unsigned<NoRefInteger>::type Unsigned;
-    if (i < 0) {
-      // Negate i to get a positive number, then negate again to cancel out
-      // the first negation. The first cast to unsigned is to avoid
-      // undefined behavior from -i. The second is there because apparently,
-      // at least on GCC, the unary - re-introduces signed and we need to
-      // be unsigned to avoid sign extension. We need zero extension.
-      const auto unsignedNegative =
-        static_cast<Unsigned>(-static_cast<Unsigned>(i));
-      return negative(Element(unsignedNegative % charac()));
-    } else
-      return Element(static_cast<Unsigned>(i) % charac());
-  }
-  T toValue(Element e) const {return e.value;}
-  Element sum(const Element a, const Element b) const {
-    const auto s = a.value() + b.value();
-    // The sum overflowed if and only if a.value() > s. In that case
-    // subtraction of charac() will overflow again in the other direction,
-    // leaving us with the correct result.
-    if (a.value() > s || s >= charac()) {
-      MATHICGB_ASSERT(s - charac() < charac());
-      return Element(s - charac());
-    } else
-      return Element(s);
-  }
-  Element difference(const Element a, const Element b) const {
-    if (a.value() < b.value()) {
-      MATHICGB_ASSERT(a.value() - b.value() + charac() < charac());
-      return Element(a.value() - b.value() + charac());
-    } else
-      return Element(a.value() - b.value());
-  }
-  Element negative(const Element a) const {
-    if (a.value() == 0)
-      return a;
-    else
-      return negativeNonZero(a);
-  }
-  Element negativeNonZero(const Element a) const {
-    MATHICGB_ASSERT(!isZero(a));
-    return Element(charac() - a.value());
-  }
-  Element product(const Element a, const Element b) const;
+#include <limits>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <ostream>
+/// Implements arithmetic in a prime field. T must be an unsigned integer type
+/// that is used to store the elements of the field. The characteristic of the
+/// field must be a prime not exceeding std::numeric_limits<T>::max().
+template<class T>
+class PrimeField {
+  class Element {
+  public:
+    static_assert(!std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, "");
+    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer, "");
+    Element(const Element& e): mValue(e.value()) {}
+    Element& operator=(const Element& e) {
+      mValue = e.value();
+      return *this;
+    }
+    bool operator==(const Element e) const {return value() == e.value();}
+    bool operator!=(const Element e) const {return !(*this == e);}
+    T value() const {return mValue;}
+  private:
+    friend class PrimeField;
+    Element(const T value): mValue(value) {}
+    friend class PrimeFile;
+    T mValue;
+  };
+  PrimeField(const T primeCharacteristic): mCharac(primeCharacteristic) {}
+  Element zero() const {return Element(0);}
+  Element one() const {return Element(1);}
+  bool isZero(const Element a) const {return a == zero();}
+  bool isOne(const Element a) const {return a == one();}
+  T charac() const {return mCharac;}
+  template<class Integer>
+  Element toElement(Integer&& i) const {
+    typedef typename std::remove_reference<Integer>::type NoRefInteger;
+    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<NoRefInteger>::is_integer, "");
+    // We need to take the modulus of i to put it into the range [0;charac()).
+    // That is more tricky to get right than it might seem.
+    //
+    // The sign of a % b is implementation defined in C++ if either of a or b
+    // are negative. We need the positive remainder so the operands have to be
+    // positive. Another reason for this is that we could not allow b to be
+    // converted to a signed integer since it might not be representable that
+    // way.
+    //
+    // If Integer is signed and i is std::numeric_limits<Integer>::min() then
+    // it is undefined behavior to evaluate the expression -i since -i is not
+    // representable, leading to a signed overflow. So we have to cast to
+    // unsigned before doing the minus.
+    typedef typename std::make_unsigned<NoRefInteger>::type Unsigned;
+    if (i < 0) {
+      // Negate i to get a positive number, then negate again to cancel out
+      // the first negation. The first cast to unsigned is to avoid
+      // undefined behavior from -i. The second is there because apparently,
+      // at least on GCC, the unary - re-introduces signed and we need to
+      // be unsigned to avoid sign extension. We need zero extension.
+      const auto unsignedNegative =
+        static_cast<Unsigned>(-static_cast<Unsigned>(i));
+      return negative(Element(unsignedNegative % charac()));
+    } else
+      return Element(static_cast<Unsigned>(i) % charac());
+  }
+  T toValue(Element e) const {return e.value;}
+  Element sum(const Element a, const Element b) const {
+    const auto s = a.value() + b.value();
+    // The sum overflowed if and only if a.value() > s. In that case
+    // subtraction of charac() will overflow again in the other direction,
+    // leaving us with the correct result.
+    if (a.value() > s || s >= charac()) {
+      MATHICGB_ASSERT(s - charac() < charac());
+      return Element(s - charac());
+    } else
+      return Element(s);
+  }
+  Element difference(const Element a, const Element b) const {
+    if (a.value() < b.value()) {
+      MATHICGB_ASSERT(a.value() - b.value() + charac() < charac());
+      return Element(a.value() - b.value() + charac());
+    } else
+      return Element(a.value() - b.value());
+  }
+  Element negative(const Element a) const {
+    if (a.value() == 0)
+      return a;
+    else
+      return negativeNonZero(a);
+  }
+  Element negativeNonZero(const Element a) const {
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(!isZero(a));
+    return Element(charac() - a.value());
+  }
+  Element product(const Element a, const Element b) const;
   /// Returns the multiplicative inverse a^-1 mod charac(). a must not be zero.
-  Element inverse(const Element a) const;
-  const T mCharac;
-namespace PrimeFieldInternal {
+  Element inverse(const Element a) const;
+  const T mCharac;
+namespace PrimeFieldInternal {
   template<class T>
   struct ModularProdType {};
   template<> struct ModularProdType<uint8> {typedef uint16 type;};
   template<> struct ModularProdType<uint16> {typedef uint32 type;};
   template<> struct ModularProdType<uint32> {typedef uint64 type;};
-template<class T>
-auto PrimeField<T>::product(
-  const Element a,
-  const Element b
-) const -> Element {
+template<class T>
+auto PrimeField<T>::product(
+  const Element a,
+  const Element b
+) const -> Element {
   typedef typename PrimeFieldInternal::ModularProdType<T>::type BigT;
   BigT bigProd = static_cast<BigT>(a.value()) * b.value();
   MATHICGB_ASSERT(a.value() == 0 || bigProd / a.value() == b.value());
   return Element(static_cast<T>(bigProd % charac()));
-template<class T>
-auto PrimeField<T>::inverse(const Element elementA) const -> Element {
+template<class T>
+auto PrimeField<T>::inverse(const Element elementA) const -> Element {
   // We do two turns of the extended Euclidian algorithm per
   // loop. Usually the sign of x changes each time through the loop,
   // but we avoid that by representing every other x as its negative,
@@ -185,15 +185,15 @@ auto PrimeField<T>::inverse(const Element elementA) const -> Element {
   MATHICGB_ASSERT(isOne(product(elementA, inverseElement)));
   return inverseElement;
-template<class T>
-std::ostream& operator<<(
-  std::ostream& out,
-  typename PrimeField<T>::Element e
-) {
-  out << e.value();
-  return out;
+template<class T>
+std::ostream& operator<<(
+  std::ostream& out,
+  typename PrimeField<T>::Element e
+) {
+  out << e.value();
+  return out;
diff --git a/src/test/MonoMonoid.cpp b/src/test/MonoMonoid.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0ae7e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/MonoMonoid.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+#include "mathicgb/stdinc.h"
+#include "mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp"
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <sstream>
+// expect(i,j) encodes a matrix with interesting bit patterns that
+// are supposed to be likely to surface errors in how monomials are
+// stored inside a vector.
+uint32 expect(size_t mono, size_t var, size_t varCount) {
+  const auto unique = var + varCount * mono + 1;
+  while (true) {
+    // 000
+    if (mono == 0)
+      return 0;
+    --mono;
+    // 100
+    // 010
+    // 001
+    if (mono < varCount)
+      return var == mono ? unique : 0;
+    mono -= varCount;
+    // 000
+    // 100
+    // 110
+    // 111
+    if (mono < varCount + 1)
+      return var < mono ? unique : 0;
+    mono -= varCount + 1;
+    // 111
+    // 011
+    // 001
+    // 000
+    if (mono < varCount + 1)
+      return var >= mono ? unique : 0;
+    mono -= varCount + 1;
+    // 101
+    // 010
+    if (mono < 4)
+      return (var % 2) == (mono % 2) ? unique : 0;
+    mono -= 4;
+    // 100100
+    // 010010
+    // 001001
+    if (mono < 6)
+      return (var % 3) == (mono % 3) ? unique : 0;
+    mono -= 6;
+    // mix the patterns
+    mono += var % 17;
+  }
+TEST(MonoMonoid, VarCount) {
+  ASSERT_EQ(0, MonoMonoid<uint8>(0).varCount());
+  ASSERT_EQ(1000 * 1000, MonoMonoid<uint8>(1000 * 1000).varCount());
+  ASSERT_EQ(1, MonoMonoid<uint16>(1).varCount());
+  ASSERT_EQ(2, MonoMonoid<uint32>(2).varCount());
+  ASSERT_EQ(12, MonoMonoid<uint64>(12).varCount());
+TEST(MonoMonoid, MonoVector) {
+  typedef MonoMonoid<uint32> Monoid;
+  typedef Monoid::VarIndex VarIndex;
+  typedef Monoid::MonoVector MonoVector;
+  Monoid monoid(13);
+  MonoVector v(monoid);
+  MonoVector v2(monoid);
+  ASSERT_EQ(v2.monoid(), monoid);
+  const auto varCount = monoid.varCount();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(v.empty());
+  size_t count = 1000;
+  // Not a correctness error, but empty vectors should preferably not
+  // use any memory.
+  ASSERT_EQ(0, v.memoryBytesUsed());
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+    ASSERT_EQ(i, v.size());
+    v.push_back(); // push_back, no param
+    ASSERT_GT(v.memoryBytesUsed(), 0);
+    ASSERT_FALSE(v.empty()); // empty
+    ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, v.size()); // size
+    ASSERT_TRUE(monoid.isIdentity(v.back())); // isIdentity true, back non-const
+    bool allZero = true;
+    for (VarIndex var = 0; var < varCount; ++var) {
+      const auto exponent = expect(i, var, varCount);
+      if (exponent != 0) {
+	allZero = false;
+	monoid.setExponent(var, exponent, v.back());
+      }
+    }
+    ASSERT_EQ(allZero, monoid.isIdentity(v.back())); // isIdentity false
+    v2.push_back(v.back()); // push_back with param
+    ASSERT_TRUE(monoid.equal(v.back(), v2.back()));
+  }
+  auto it = v.begin();
+  ASSERT_EQ(it, v.cbegin());
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++it) {
+    MonoVector::const_iterator tmp;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(it != tmp);
+    tmp = it;
+    ASSERT_EQ(tmp, it);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(v.end() != it);
+    for (VarIndex var = 0; var < monoid.varCount(); ++var) {
+      ASSERT_EQ(expect(i, var, varCount), monoid.exponent(*it, var));
+    }
+  }
+  ASSERT_EQ(v.end(), it);
+  ASSERT_EQ(v.cend(), it);
+  ASSERT_EQ(v, v2); // operator== true
+  monoid.setExponent(0, 1 + monoid.exponent(v2.back(), 0), v2.back());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(v != v2); // operator!=, true, same length
+  auto& vc = const_cast<const MonoVector&>(v);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(monoid.equal(v.front(), *v2.begin())); // front, non-const
+  ASSERT_TRUE(monoid.equal(vc.front(), *v2.begin())); // front, const
+  ASSERT_TRUE(monoid.equal(vc.back(), v.back())); // back, non-const
+  auto v3(v2); // copy constructor
+  ASSERT_EQ(v3.monoid(), monoid);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(v != v3 && v2 == v3);
+  v2.swap(v); // member swap
+  ASSERT_TRUE(v == v3 && v2 != v3);
+  std::swap(v, v2); // std::swap
+  ASSERT_TRUE(v != v3 && v2 == v3);
+  using std::swap;
+  swap(v, v2); // let compiler decide which swap to use
+  ASSERT_TRUE(v == v3 && v2 != v3);
+  swap(v, v2); // get back to original state
+  ASSERT_TRUE(v != v3 && v2 == v3);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(v3 != v2); // operator!=, false, same length
+  v3.push_back();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(v3 != v2); // operator!=, true, different length
+  ASSERT_FALSE(v3 == v);
+  v3 = v; // copy assignment
+  ASSERT_EQ(v3.monoid(), monoid);
+  ASSERT_EQ(v3, v);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(v3.empty());
+  v2 = std::move(v3); // move assignment
+  ASSERT_EQ(v2.monoid(), monoid);
+  ASSERT_EQ(v2, v);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(v3.empty());
+  ASSERT_FALSE(v2.empty());
+  auto v4(std::move(v2)); // move constructor
+  ASSERT_EQ(v4.monoid(), monoid);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(v2.empty());
+  ASSERT_EQ(v4, v);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(v.empty());
+  v.clear();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(v.empty());
+TEST(MonoMonoid, MonoPool) {
+  typedef MonoMonoid<uint32> Monoid;
+  typedef Monoid::VarIndex VarIndex;
+  typedef Monoid::Mono Mono;
+  for (int q = 0; q < 2; ++q) {
+    Monoid monoid(13);
+    Monoid::MonoPool pool(monoid);
+    const auto varCount = monoid.varCount();
+    const auto count = 1000;
+    std::vector<Mono> monos;
+    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+      pool.alloc();
+      pool.free(pool.alloc());
+      auto m1 = pool.alloc();
+      ASSERT_TRUE(monoid.isIdentity(m1));
+      auto m2 = pool.alloc();
+      ASSERT_TRUE(monoid.isIdentity(m2));
+      for (VarIndex var = 0; var < varCount; ++var) {
+	monoid.setExponent(var, 1, m1);
+	monoid.setExponent(var, 1, m2);
+      }
+      if (i > 10) {
+	using std::swap;
+	swap(m2, monos[i - 10]);
+      }
+      monos.push_back(std::move(m1));
+    }
+    // This ensures that we get to each entry in monos exactly once.
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT((count % 17) != 0); 
+    int i = 0;
+    do {
+      MATHICGB_ASSERT(!monos[i].isNull());
+      ASSERT_FALSE(monoid.isIdentity(monos[i]));
+      pool.free(monos[i]);
+      ASSERT_TRUE(monos[i].isNull());
+      pool.free(monos[i]);
+      ASSERT_TRUE(monos[i].isNull());
+      i = (i + 17) % count;
+    } while (i != 0);
+    // If the ordering of monomials inside the pool has anything to do with
+    // allocation and deallocation order, then the monomials inside the
+    // pool are at this point all jumbled around. All the entries were also
+    // non-zero before, so we test that new allocations are the identity.
+    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+      monos[i] = pool.alloc();
+      ASSERT_TRUE(monoid.isIdentity(monos[i]));
+      for (VarIndex var = 0; var < varCount; ++var)
+	monoid.setExponent(var, expect(i, var, varCount), monos[i]);
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+      for (VarIndex var = 0; var < varCount; ++var) {
+	ASSERT_EQ(expect(i, var, varCount), monoid.exponent(monos[i], var));
+      }
+    }
+    // everything should be free'd now. Let's do all that again.
+  }

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