[mathicgb] 225/393: Moving SPairs towards proper use of MonoMonoid.

Doug Torrance dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Apr 3 15:59:07 UTC 2015

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dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch upstream
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commit 129b86c5be5c17387343464904c0b285c65522a3
Author: Bjarke Hammersholt Roune <bjarkehr.code at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Apr 5 17:18:58 2013 +0200

    Moving SPairs towards proper use of MonoMonoid.
 src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp | 243 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 src/mathicgb/PolyBasis.cpp  | 182 ---------------------------------
 src/mathicgb/PolyBasis.hpp  |  24 -----
 src/mathicgb/PolyRing.cpp   |  14 ---
 src/mathicgb/PolyRing.hpp   |  27 ++---
 src/mathicgb/SPairs.cpp     | 221 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 src/mathicgb/SPairs.hpp     |  98 +++++++++++++-----
 src/test/MonoMonoid.cpp     | 130 ++++++++++++++++++++++--
 8 files changed, 553 insertions(+), 386 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp b/src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp
index ec54cf9..8f79365 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
 /// Implements the monoid of (monic) monomials with integer
 /// non-negative exponents. Exponent must be an unsigned integer type that is
 /// used to store each exponent of a monomial.
-/// TODO: support grading and comparison.
   class Exponent,
   bool HasComponent = true,
@@ -115,6 +113,8 @@ public:
   friend class PolyRing;
   static MonoRef toRef(Exponent* e) {return MonoRef(e);}
   static ConstMonoRef toRef(const Exponent* e) {return ConstMonoRef(e);}
+  static Exponent* toOld(MonoRef e) {return rawPtr(e);}
+  static const Exponent* toOld(ConstMonoRef e) {return rawPtr(e);}
@@ -134,7 +134,8 @@ public:
         return true;
-    mGrading(mGradingIsTotalDegree ? std::vector<Exponent>() : grading)
+    mGrading(mGradingIsTotalDegree ? std::vector<Exponent>() : grading),
+    mPool(*this)
     if (!mGradingIsTotalDegree) {
       // Take negative values since reverse lex makes bigger values
@@ -158,13 +159,41 @@ public:
     mOrderIndexEnd(HasComponent + mVarCount + StoreOrder),
-    mGrading()
+    mGrading(),
+    mPool(*this)
     std::srand(0); // To use the same hash coefficients every time.
     for (VarIndex var = 0; var < varCount; ++var)
       mHashCoefficients[var] = static_cast<HashValue>(std::rand());      
+  /// Copies the ordering and varCount from monoid.
+  template<class E2, bool HC2, bool SH2, bool SO2>
+  MonoMonoid(const MonoMonoid<E2, HC2, SH2, SO2>& monoid):
+    mVarCount(monoid.varCount()),
+    mOrderEntryCount(StoreOrder),
+    mOrderIndexBegin(HasComponent + mVarCount),
+    mOrderIndexEnd(HasComponent + mVarCount + StoreOrder),
+    mHashCoefficients(mVarCount),
+    mGradingIsTotalDegree(monoid.mGradingIsTotalDegree),
+    mGrading(monoid.mGrading),
+    mPool(*this)
+  {}
+  // the compiler-generated copy constructor is a better match for overload
+  // resolution than the template constructor above, so we need to provide
+  // our own copy constructor to prevent the compiler-generated one from
+  // being used.
+  MonoMonoid(const MonoMonoid& monoid):
+    mVarCount(monoid.varCount()),
+    mOrderEntryCount(StoreOrder),
+    mOrderIndexBegin(HasComponent + mVarCount),
+    mOrderIndexEnd(HasComponent + mVarCount + StoreOrder),
+    mHashCoefficients(mVarCount),
+    mGradingIsTotalDegree(monoid.mGradingIsTotalDegree),
+    mGrading(monoid.mGrading),
+    mPool(*this)
+  {}
   bool operator==(const MonoMonoid& monoid) const {
     return this == &monoid;
@@ -223,6 +252,19 @@ public:
     return true;
+  template<class MonoidA>
+  bool equal(
+    const MonoidA& monoidA,
+    typename MonoidA::ConstMonoRef a,
+    ConstMonoRef b
+  ) const {
+    // todo: assert compatible
+    for (VarIndex var = 0; var < varCount(); ++var)
+      if (monoidA.exponent(a, var) != exponent(b, var))
+        return false;
+    return true;
+  }
   /// As equal(), but optimized for the case where true is returned.
   bool equalHintTrue(ConstMonoRef a, ConstMonoRef b) const {
     // if a[i] != b[i] then a[i] ^ b[i] != 0, so the or of all xors is zero
@@ -332,16 +374,46 @@ public:
   /// Returns true if a divides b. Equal monomials divide each other.
-  bool divides(ConstMonoRef a, ConstMonoRef b) const {
-    for (auto i = entriesIndexBegin(); i < exponentsIndexEnd(); ++i)
-      if (access(a, i) > access(b, i))
+  bool divides(ConstMonoRef div, ConstMonoRef into) const {
+    // todo: enable this when the code works with it
+    //if (HasComponent && component(div) != component(into))
+    //  return false;
+    for (auto i = exponentsIndexBegin(); i < exponentsIndexEnd(); ++i)
+      if (access(div, i) > access(into, i))
+        return false;
+    return true;
+  }
+  template<class MonoidA>
+  bool divides(
+    const MonoidA& monoidA,
+    typename MonoidA::ConstMonoRef a,
+    ConstMonoRef b
+  ) const {
+    // todo: fix other divisibility functions to work properly for component too.
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(monoidA.varCount() == varCount());
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(!MonoidA::HasComponent || HasComponent);
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(monoidA.debugValid(a));
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(debugValid(b));
+    // todo: enable this when the code works with it
+    //if (HasComponent && component(div) != component(into))
+    //  return false;
+    //if (
+    //  MonoidA::HasComponent &&
+    //  HasComponent &&
+    //  monoidA.component(a) != component(b)
+    //)
+    //  return false;
+    for (VarIndex var = 0; var < varCount(); ++var)
+      if (monoidA.exponent(a, var) > exponent(b, var))
         return false;
     return true;
   /// Returns true if div divides lcm(a, b).
   bool dividesLcm(ConstMonoRef div, ConstMonoRef a, ConstMonoRef b) const {
-    MATHICGB_ASSERT(!HasComponent || component(a) == component(b));
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(debugLcmCheck(*this, a, *this, b));
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(debugValid(div));
     for (auto i = exponentsIndexBegin(); i != exponentsIndexEnd(); ++i) {
       const auto dive = access(div, i);
@@ -351,9 +423,29 @@ public:
     return true;
+  template<class MonoidDiv, class MonoidA>
+  bool dividesLcm(
+    const MonoidDiv& monoidDiv,
+    typename MonoidDiv::ConstMonoRef div,
+    const MonoidA& monoidA,
+    typename MonoidA::ConstMonoRef a,
+    ConstMonoRef b
+  ) const {
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(monoidDiv.debugLcmCheck(monoidA, a, *this, b));
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(monoidDiv.debugValid(div));
+    for (VarIndex var = 0; var < varCount(); ++var) {
+      const auto e = monoidDiv.exponent(div, var);
+      if (e > monoidA.exponent(a, var) && e > exponent(b, var))
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
   /// Returns true if lcm(a,b) == lcmAB.
   bool isLcm(ConstMonoRef a, ConstMonoRef b, ConstMonoRef lcmAB) const {
-    MATHICGB_ASSERT(!HasComponent || component(a) == component(b));
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(debugLcmCheck(*this, a, *this, b));
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(debugValid(lcmAB));
     for (auto i = exponentsIndexBegin(); i != exponentsIndexEnd(); ++i)
       if (access(lcmAB, i) != std::max(access(a, i), access(b, i)))
@@ -361,6 +453,38 @@ public:
     return true;
+  template<class MonoidA, class MonoidB>
+  bool isLcm(
+    const MonoidA& monoidA,
+    typename MonoidA::ConstMonoRef a,
+    const MonoidB& monoidB,
+    typename MonoidB::ConstMonoRef b,
+    ConstMonoRef lcmAB
+  ) const {
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(debugLcmCheck(monoidA, a, monoidB, b));
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(debugValid(lcmAB));
+    if (HasComponent) {
+      if (MonoidA::HasComponent) {
+        if (monoidA.component(a) != component(lcmAB))
+          return false;
+      } else {
+        MATHICGB_ASSERT(MonoidB::HasComponent);
+        if (monoidB.component(b) != component(lcmAB))
+          return false;
+      }
+    }
+    for (VarIndex var = 0; var < varCount(); ++var) {
+      if (
+        ptr(lcmAB, exponentsIndexBegin())[var] !=
+        std::max(monoidA.exponent(a, var), monoidB.exponent(b, var))
+      )
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
   // Graded reverse lexicographic order. The grading is total degree.
   CompareResult compare(ConstMonoRef a, ConstMonoRef b) const {
@@ -430,6 +554,32 @@ public:
+  template<class MonoidFrom>
+  void copy(
+    const MonoidFrom& monoidFrom,
+    typename MonoidFrom::ConstMonoRef from,
+    MonoRef to
+  ) const {
+    // todo: extract this in checker method
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(HasComponent == MonoidFrom::HasComponent);
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(monoidFrom.debugValid(from));
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(monoidFrom.varCount() == varCount());
+      ((std::is_same<Exponent, typename MonoidFrom::Exponent>::value));
+    if (HasComponent)
+      access(to, componentIndex()) = monoidFrom.component(from);
+    for (VarIndex var = 0; var < varCount(); ++var)
+      ptr(to, exponentsIndexBegin())[var] = monoidFrom.exponent(from, var);
+    if (StoreOrder)
+      access(to, orderIndexBegin()) = monoidFrom.degree(from);
+    if (StoreHash)
+      access(to, hashIndex()) = monoidFrom.hash(from);
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(debugValid(to));
+    // todo: check equal
+  }
   /// Set the exponent of var to newExponent in mono.
   void setExponent(
     const VarIndex var,
@@ -577,6 +727,7 @@ public:
+  /// Sets lcmAB to the lcm of a and b.
   void lcm(ConstMonoRef a, ConstMonoRef b, MonoRef lcmAB) const {
     if (HasComponent) {
       MATHICGB_ASSERT(component(a) == component(b));
@@ -588,22 +739,39 @@ public:
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(isLcm(a, b, lcmAB));
-  /// todo: get rid of this
-  void lcmRaw(ConstMonoRef a, ConstMonoRef b, MonoRef lcmAB) const {
-    MATHICGB_ASSERT(component(a) == component(b));
+  template<class MonoidA, class MonoidB>
+  void lcm(
+    const MonoidA& monoidA,
+    typename MonoidA::ConstMonoRef a,
+    const MonoidB& monoidB,
+    typename MonoidB::ConstMonoRef b,
+    MonoRef lcmAB
+  ) const {
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(debugLcmCheck(monoidA, a, monoidB, b));
-    // Loop also sets component.
-    access(lcmAB, componentIndex()) = 0;
-    for (auto i = exponentsIndexBegin(); i != exponentsIndexEnd(); ++i)
-      access(lcmAB, i) = std::max(access(a, i), access(b, i));
-    //setOrderData(lcmAB);
-    //setHash(lcmAB);
+    if (HasComponent) {
+      access(lcmAB, componentIndex()) =
+        MonoidA::HasComponent ? monoidA.component(a) : monoidB.component(b);
+    }
-    //MATHICGB_ASSERT(debugValid(lcmAB));
+    for (VarIndex var = 0; var < varCount(); ++var) {
+      ptr(lcmAB, exponentsIndexBegin())[var] =
+        std::max(monoidA.exponent(a, var), monoidB.exponent(b, var));
+    }
+    setOrderData(lcmAB);
+    setHash(lcmAB);
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(debugValid(lcmAB));
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(isLcm(monoidA, a, monoidB, b, lcmAB));
+  Mono alloc() const {return mPool.alloc();}
+  void free(Mono&& mono) const {mPool.free(std::move(mono));}
   /// Parses a monomial out of a string. Valid examples: 1 abc a2bc
   /// aA. Variable names are case sensitive. Whitespace terminates the
   /// parse as does any other character that is not a letter or a
@@ -777,6 +945,9 @@ public:
     const MonoMonoid& monoid() const {return mMonoid;}
+    MonoPool(const MonoPool&); // not available
+    void operator=(const MonoPool&); // not available
     const MonoMonoid& mMonoid;
     memt::BufferPool mPool;
@@ -953,6 +1124,11 @@ public:
+  // Grants access to other template instantiations.
+  template<class E2, bool HC2, bool SH2, bool SO2>
+  friend class MonoMonoid;
+  // The main point here is to grant access to rawPtr().
   friend class Mono;
   friend class MonoRef;
   friend class ConstMonoRef;
@@ -967,6 +1143,33 @@ private:
     return true;
+  template<class MonoidA, class MonoidB>
+  bool debugLcmCheck(
+    const MonoidA& monoidA,
+    typename MonoidA::ConstMonoRef a,
+    const MonoidB& monoidB,
+    typename MonoidB::ConstMonoRef b
+  ) const {
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(monoidA.varCount() == varCount());
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(monoidB.varCount() == varCount());
+      ((std::is_same<Exponent, typename MonoidA::Exponent>::value));
+      ((std::is_same<Exponent, typename MonoidB::Exponent>::value));
+      (HasComponent == (MonoidA::HasComponent || MonoidB::HasComponent));
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(monoidA.debugValid(a));
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(monoidB.debugValid(b));
+      !HasComponent ||
+      !MonoidA::HasComponent ||
+      !MonoidB::HasComponent ||
+      monoidA.component(a) == monoidB.component(b)
+  );
+    return true;
+  }
   // *** Accessing fields of a monomial
   template<class M>
   static auto rawPtr(M&& m) -> decltype(m.internalRawPtr()) {
@@ -1178,6 +1381,8 @@ private:
   /// vector with this vector. If mGradingIsTotalDegree is true then
   /// mGrading is empty but implicitly it is a vector of ones.
   std::vector<Exponent> mGrading;
+  mutable MonoPool mPool;
 namespace MonoMonoidHelper {
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/PolyBasis.cpp b/src/mathicgb/PolyBasis.cpp
index 73cd31b..3a5190f 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/PolyBasis.cpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/PolyBasis.cpp
@@ -185,188 +185,6 @@ size_t PolyBasis::getMemoryUse() const {
   return sum;
-bool PolyBasis::buchbergerLcmCriterion(size_t a, size_t b) const {
-  MATHICGB_ASSERT(!retired(a));
-  MATHICGB_ASSERT(!retired(b));
-  // We don't need to set the weights on the lcm since we will only use it
-  // for testing divisibility, not for determining order.
-  monomial lcmAB = mRing.allocMonomial();
-  mRing.monomialLeastCommonMultipleNoWeights
-    (leadMonomial(a), leadMonomial(b), lcmAB);
-  bool value = buchbergerLcmCriterion(a, b, lcmAB);
-  mRing.freeMonomial(lcmAB);
-  return value;
-bool PolyBasis::buchbergerLcmCriterion
-  (size_t a, size_t b, const_monomial lcmAB) const
-  MATHICGB_ASSERT(!retired(a));
-  MATHICGB_ASSERT(!retired(b));
-  MATHICGB_ASSERT(mRing.monomialIsLeastCommonMultipleNoWeights
-    (leadMonomial(a), leadMonomial(b), lcmAB));
-  class Criterion : public DivisorLookup::EntryOutput {
-  public:
-    Criterion(size_t a, size_t b, const_monomial lcmAB, const PolyBasis& basis):
-      mA(a), mB(b),
-      mLcmAB(lcmAB),
-      mRing(basis.ring()),
-      mBasis(basis),
-      mHit(static_cast<size_t>(-1)),
-      mAlmostApplies(false) {}
-    virtual bool proceed(size_t index) {
-      MATHICGB_ASSERT(index < mBasis.size());
-      MATHICGB_ASSERT(!applies()); // should have stopped search in this case
-        mRing.monomialIsDivisibleBy(mLcmAB, mBasis.leadMonomial(index)));
-      if (!mBasis.leadMinimal(index))
-        return true;
-      if (index == mA || index == mB)
-        return true;
-      mAlmostApplies = true;
-      if (index < mA || index < mB) {
-        // check lcm(a,index) != lcm(a,b) <=>
-        // exists i such that max(a[i], c[i]) != max(a[i],b[i]) <=>
-        // exists i such that b[i] > a[i] && b[i] > c[i]
-        const_monomial leadA = mBasis.leadMonomial(mA);
-        const_monomial leadB = mBasis.leadMonomial(mB);
-        const_monomial leadC = mBasis.leadMonomial(index);
-        if (//index > mA &&
-          !mRing.monomialHasStrictlyLargerExponent(leadB, leadC, leadA))
-          return true;
-        // check lcm(b,index) != lcm(a,b)
-        if (//index > mB &&
-          !mRing.monomialHasStrictlyLargerExponent(leadA, leadC, leadB))
-          return true;
-      }
-      mHit = index;
-      return false; // stop search
-    }
-    const_monomial lcmAB() const {return mLcmAB;}
-    bool almostApplies() const {return mAlmostApplies;}
-    bool applies() const {return mHit != static_cast<size_t>(-1);}
-    size_t hit() const {return mHit;}
-  private:
-    size_t mA;
-    size_t mB;
-    const_monomial mLcmAB;
-    const PolyRing& mRing;
-    const PolyBasis& mBasis;
-    size_t mHit; // the divisor that made the criterion apply
-    bool mAlmostApplies; // applies ignoring lcm(a,b)=lcm(a,c) complication
-  };
-  ++mStats.buchbergerLcmQueries;
-  bool applies = false;
-  bool almostApplies = false;
-  {
-    Criterion criterion(a, b, lcmAB, *this);
-    if (mUseBuchbergerLcmHitCache) {
-      // Check cacheB first since when I tried this there was a higher hit rate
-      // for cacheB than cacheA. Might not be a persistent phenomenon, but
-      // there's no downside to trying out cacheB first so I'm going for that.
-      //
-      // I update the cache if the second check is a hit but not if the first
-      // check is a hit. In the one test I did, the worst hit rate was from
-      // updating the cache every time, the second best hit rate was from
-      // not updating the cache (from cache hits) and the best hit rate was
-      // from doing this.
-      //
-      // The idea is that when the first cache check is a hit,
-      // the second cache member might have been a hit too, and updating it
-      // might replace a high hit rate element with a low hit rate element,
-      // which would be bad. When the second cache check is a hit, we know
-      // that the first one wasn't (or we would have taken an early exit),
-      // so we have reason to suspect that the first cache element is not
-      // a high hit rate element. So it should be better to replace it.
-      // That idea seems to be right since it worked better in the one
-      // test I did.
-      size_t cacheB = mBuchbergerLcmHitCache[b];
-      if (!applies && !retired(cacheB) &&
-        ring().monomialIsDivisibleBy
-          (criterion.lcmAB(), leadMonomial(cacheB)))
-        applies = !criterion.Criterion::proceed(cacheB);
-      size_t cacheA = mBuchbergerLcmHitCache[a];
-      if (!applies && !retired(cacheA) &&
-        ring().monomialIsDivisibleBy
-          (criterion.lcmAB(), leadMonomial(cacheA))) {
-        applies = !criterion.Criterion::proceed(cacheA);
-        if (applies)
-          mBuchbergerLcmHitCache[b] = cacheA;
-      }
-    }
-    if (applies)
-      ++mStats.buchbergerLcmCacheHits;
-    else {
-      MATHICGB_ASSERT(!criterion.applies());
-      mDivisorLookup->divisors(criterion.lcmAB(), criterion);
-      applies = criterion.applies();
-      if (mUseBuchbergerLcmHitCache && applies) {
-        MATHICGB_ASSERT(criterion.hit() < size());
-        mBuchbergerLcmHitCache[a] = criterion.hit();
-        mBuchbergerLcmHitCache[b] = criterion.hit();
-      }
-    }
-    if (!applies)
-      almostApplies = criterion.almostApplies();
-  }
-  if (applies)
-    ++mStats.buchbergerLcmHits;
-  else if (almostApplies)
-    ++mStats.buchbergerLcmNearHits;
-  MATHICGB_ASSERT(applies == buchbergerLcmCriterionSlow(a, b));
-  return applies;
-bool PolyBasis::buchbergerLcmCriterionSlow(size_t a, size_t b) const {
-  MATHICGB_ASSERT(!retired(a));
-  MATHICGB_ASSERT(!retired(b));
-  monomial lcmAB = ring().allocMonomial();
-  monomial lcm = ring().allocMonomial();
-  ring().monomialLeastCommonMultiple
-    (leadMonomial(a), leadMonomial(b), lcmAB);
-  size_t stop = size();
-  size_t i = 0;
-  for (; i < stop; ++i) {
-    if (retired(i) || !leadMinimal(i))
-      continue;
-    if (!ring().monomialIsDivisibleBy(lcmAB, leadMonomial(i)))
-      continue;
-    if (i == a || i == b)
-      continue;
-    if (i < a || i < b) {
-      ring().monomialLeastCommonMultiple
-        (leadMonomial(a), leadMonomial(i), lcm);
-      if (ring().monomialEQ(lcmAB, lcm))
-        continue;
-      ring().monomialLeastCommonMultiple
-        (leadMonomial(b), leadMonomial(i), lcm);
-      if (ring().monomialEQ(lcmAB, lcm))
-        continue;
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  ring().freeMonomial(lcmAB);
-  ring().freeMonomial(lcm);
-  return i != stop;
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/PolyBasis.hpp b/src/mathicgb/PolyBasis.hpp
index 4cdebe8..ddf71e9 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/PolyBasis.hpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/PolyBasis.hpp
@@ -72,30 +72,6 @@ public:
   Stats stats() const {return mStats;}
-  // Returns true if Buchberger's second criterion for eliminating useless
-  // S-pairs applies to the pair (a,b). Let
-  //   l(a,b) = lcm(lead(a), lead(b)).
-  // The criterion says that if there is some other basis element c such that
-  //   lead(c)|l(a,b)
-  // and
-  //   l(a,c) reduces to zero, and
-  //   l(b,c) reduces to zero
-  // then (a,b) will reduce to zero (using classic non-signature reduction).
-  //
-  // This criterion is less straight forward to apply in case for example
-  //   l(a,b) = l(a,c) = l(b,c)
-  // since then there is the potential to erroneously eliminate all the three
-  // pairs among a,b,c on the assumption that the other two pairs will reduce
-  // to zero. In such cases, we eliminate the pair with the lowest indexes.
-  // This allows removing generators that get non-minimal lead term without
-  // problems.
-  bool buchbergerLcmCriterion(size_t a, size_t b) const;
-  // As the overload with an lcmAb parameter, except lcmAB must be the lcm of
-  // the lead monomials of a and b. Then this quantity does not have to be
-  // computed for the criterion.
-  bool buchbergerLcmCriterion(size_t a, size_t b, const_monomial lcmAB) const;
   // As the non-slow version, but uses simpler and slower code.
   bool buchbergerLcmCriterionSlow(size_t a, size_t b) const;
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/PolyRing.cpp b/src/mathicgb/PolyRing.cpp
index f8e0540..0c6ce37 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/PolyRing.cpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/PolyRing.cpp
@@ -222,20 +222,6 @@ void PolyRing::monomialGreatestCommonDivisor(ConstMonomial a,
-bool PolyRing::monomialIsLeastCommonMultipleNoWeights(
-  ConstMonomial a,
-  ConstMonomial b,
-  ConstMonomial l) const
-  if (*l != 0)
-    return false;
-  for (size_t i = 1; i <= mNumVars; ++i)
-    if (l[i] != std::max(a[i], b[i]))
-      return false;
-  return true;
 void PolyRing::mysteriousSPairMonomialRoutine(ConstMonomial newSig,
                                               ConstMonomial newLead,
                                               ConstMonomial baseDivSig,
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/PolyRing.hpp b/src/mathicgb/PolyRing.hpp
index e3cef31..a192659 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/PolyRing.hpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/PolyRing.hpp
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 #define EQ 0
 #define GT 1
 template<class T>
   typename std::make_unsigned<
@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ typedef long coefficient;
 typedef MonoMonoid<exponent> Monoid;
 typedef PrimeField<unsigned long> Field;
 typedef exponent* vecmonomial; // includes a component
 typedef coefficient const_coefficient;
@@ -195,6 +197,9 @@ struct term {
 class PolyRing {
+  typedef MonoMonoid<exponent> Monoid;
+  typedef PrimeField<unsigned long> Field;
   PolyRing(coefficient charac, int nvars, const std::vector<exponent>& weights);
   PolyRing(coefficient charac, int nvars, int nweights);
   ~PolyRing() {}
@@ -452,18 +457,10 @@ public:
                                           ConstMonomial b, 
                                           Monomial& l) const;
-  inline void monomialLeastCommonMultipleNoWeights(ConstMonomial a, 
-                                                   ConstMonomial b, 
-                                                   Monomial& l) const;
   bool monomialIsLeastCommonMultiple(ConstMonomial a, 
                                      ConstMonomial b, 
                                      ConstMonomial l) const;
-  bool monomialIsLeastCommonMultipleNoWeights(ConstMonomial a, 
-                                              ConstMonomial b, 
-                                              ConstMonomial l) const;
   // Returns true if there is a variable var such that hasLarger raises var to
   // a strictly greater exponent than both smaller1 and smaller2 does.
   inline bool monomialHasStrictlyLargerExponent(
@@ -498,6 +495,9 @@ public:
   const coefficientStats & getCoefficientStats() const { return mStats; }
   void resetCoefficientStats() const;
+  const Monoid& monoid() const {return mMonoid;}
+  const Field field() const {return mField;}
   inline HashValue computeHashValue(const_monomial a1) const;
@@ -518,10 +518,7 @@ private:
   bool mTotalDegreeGradedOnly;
-  const Monoid& monoid() const {return mMonoid;}
   Monoid mMonoid;
-  const Field field() const {return mField;}
   Field mField;
@@ -651,14 +648,6 @@ inline void PolyRing::monomialLeastCommonMultiple(
   monoid().lcm(a, b, l);
-inline void PolyRing::monomialLeastCommonMultipleNoWeights(
-  ConstMonomial a,
-  ConstMonomial b,
-  Monomial& l) const
-  monoid().lcmRaw(a, b, l);
 inline bool PolyRing::monomialHasStrictlyLargerExponent(
   ConstMonomial hasLarger,
   ConstMonomial smaller1,
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/SPairs.cpp b/src/mathicgb/SPairs.cpp
index 5ca5f43..01aecbe 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/SPairs.cpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/SPairs.cpp
@@ -23,9 +23,12 @@ MATHICGB_DEFINE_LOG_ALIAS(
 SPairs::SPairs(const PolyBasis& basis, bool preferSparseSPairs):
-  mQueue(QueueConfiguration(basis, preferSparseSPairs)),
+  mQueue(QueueConfiguration(basis, basis.ring().monoid(), preferSparseSPairs)),
-  mRing(basis.ring()) {}
+  mRing(basis.ring()),
+  mMonoid(basis.ring().monoid()),
+  mOrderMonoid(mMonoid),
+  mBareMonoid(mMonoid) {}
 std::pair<size_t, size_t> SPairs::pop() {
@@ -34,23 +37,24 @@ std::pair<size_t, size_t> SPairs::pop() {
   MATHICGB_ASSERT(mEliminated.columnCount() == mBasis.size());
   while (!mQueue.empty()) {
-    std::pair<size_t, size_t> p;
-    p = mQueue.topPair();
+    const auto p = mQueue.topPair();
     if (mBasis.retired(p.first) || mBasis.retired(p.second)) {
-    const_monomial lcm = mQueue.topPairData();
-    MATHICGB_ASSERT(mRing.monomialIsLeastCommonMultiple
-      (mBasis.leadMonomial(p.first),
-      mBasis.leadMonomial(p.second), lcm));
-    // Can't pop before done with lcm as popping overwrites lcm.
+    auto lcm = bareMonoid().alloc(); // todo: just keep one around instead
+    bareMonoid().copy(monoid(), mQueue.topPairData(), lcm);
+    mQueue.pop();
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(bareMonoid().isLcm(
+      monoid(), mBasis.leadMonomial(p.first),
+      monoid(), mBasis.leadMonomial(p.second),
+      lcm
+    ));
     if (!advancedBuchbergerLcmCriterion(p.first, p.second, lcm)) {
-      mQueue.pop();
       mEliminated.setBit(p.first, p.second, true);
       return p;
-    mQueue.pop();
   return std::make_pair(static_cast<size_t>(-1), static_cast<size_t>(-1));
@@ -61,25 +65,23 @@ std::pair<size_t, size_t> SPairs::pop(exponent& w) {
   // Must call addPairs for new elements before popping.
   MATHICGB_ASSERT(mEliminated.columnCount() == mBasis.size());
-  while (!mQueue.empty()) {
-    std::pair<size_t, size_t> p;
-    p = mQueue.topPair();
-    if (mBasis.retired(p.first) || mBasis.retired(p.second)) {
-      mQueue.pop();
+  for (; !mQueue.empty(); mQueue.pop()) {
+    const auto p = mQueue.topPair();
+    if (mBasis.retired(p.first) || mBasis.retired(p.second))
-    }
-    const_monomial lcm = mQueue.topPairData();
-    MATHICGB_ASSERT(mRing.monomialIsLeastCommonMultiple
-      (mBasis.leadMonomial(p.first),
-      mBasis.leadMonomial(p.second), lcm));
-    // Can't pop before done with lcm as popping overwrites lcm.
-    if (advancedBuchbergerLcmCriterion(p.first, p.second, lcm)) {
-      mQueue.pop();
+    auto lcm = bareMonoid().alloc(); // todo: just keep one around instead
+    bareMonoid().copy(monoid(), mQueue.topPairData(), lcm);
+    MATHICGB_ASSERT(bareMonoid().isLcm(
+      monoid(), mBasis.leadMonomial(p.first),
+      monoid(), mBasis.leadMonomial(p.second),
+      lcm
+    ));
+    if (advancedBuchbergerLcmCriterion(p.first, p.second, lcm))
-    }
     if (w == 0)
-      w = mRing.weight(lcm);
-    else if (w != mRing.weight(lcm))
+      w = bareMonoid().degree(lcm);
+    else if (w != bareMonoid().degree(lcm))
     mEliminated.setBit(p.first, p.second, true);
@@ -202,7 +204,7 @@ void SPairs::addPairs(size_t newGen) {
-  typedef std::pair<monomial, Queue::Index> PrePair;
+  typedef std::pair<Mono, Queue::Index> PrePair;
   std::vector<PrePair> prePairs;
@@ -210,29 +212,30 @@ void SPairs::addPairs(size_t newGen) {
     throw std::overflow_error
       ("Too large basis element index in constructing S-pairs.");
-  const_monomial const newLead = mBasis.leadMonomial(newGen);
-  monomial lcm = mBasis.ring().allocMonomial();
+  Monoid::MonoPool pool(mMonoid);
+  ConstMonoRef newLead = mBasis.leadMonomial(newGen);
+  auto lcm = mBareMonoid.alloc();
   for (size_t oldGen = 0; oldGen < newGen; ++oldGen) {
     if (mBasis.retired(oldGen))
-    const_monomial const oldLead = mBasis.leadMonomial(oldGen);
-    if (mRing.monomialRelativelyPrime(newLead, oldLead)) {
+    ConstMonoRef oldLead = mBasis.leadMonomial(oldGen);
+    if (mMonoid.relativelyPrime(newLead, oldLead)) {
       mEliminated.setBit(newGen, oldGen, true);
-    mRing.monomialLeastCommonMultipleNoWeights(newLead, oldLead, lcm);
+    mBareMonoid.lcm(mMonoid, newLead, mMonoid, oldLead, lcm);
     if (simpleBuchbergerLcmCriterion(newGen, oldGen, lcm)) {
       mEliminated.setBit(newGen, oldGen, true);
-    mRing.setWeightsOnly(lcm);
-    auto newLcm = mBasis.ring().allocMonomial();
-    mBasis.ring().monomialCopy(lcm, newLcm);
-    prePairs.emplace_back(newLcm, static_cast<Queue::Index>(oldGen));
+    auto orderLcm = monoid().alloc(); // todo: use orderMonoid
+    // todo: convert lcm instead of re-computing
+    monoid().lcm(monoid(), newLead, monoid(), oldLead, orderLcm);
+    prePairs.emplace_back
+      (std::move(orderLcm), static_cast<Queue::Index>(oldGen));
-  mBasis.ring().freeMonomial(lcm);
   std::sort(prePairs.begin(), prePairs.end(),
     [&](const PrePair& a, const PrePair& b)
@@ -244,32 +247,41 @@ void SPairs::addPairs(size_t newGen) {
 	(makeSecondIterator(prePairs.begin()), makeSecondIterator(prePairs.end()));
   for (auto it = prePairs.begin(); it != prePairs.end(); ++it)
-    mRing.freeMonomial(it->first);
+    mMonoid.free(std::move(it->first));
 size_t SPairs::getMemoryUse() const {
   return mQueue.getMemoryUse();
-bool SPairs::simpleBuchbergerLcmCriterion
-(size_t a, size_t b, const_monomial lcmAB) const
+bool SPairs::simpleBuchbergerLcmCriterion(
+  size_t a,
+  size_t b,
+  BareMonoid::ConstMonoRef lcmAB
+) const {
   MATHICGB_ASSERT(a < mBasis.size());
   MATHICGB_ASSERT(b < mBasis.size());
-  MATHICGB_ASSERT(mRing.monomialIsLeastCommonMultipleNoWeights
-         (mBasis.leadMonomial(a), mBasis.leadMonomial(b), lcmAB));
+  MATHICGB_ASSERT(bareMonoid().isLcm
+    (monoid(), mBasis.leadMonomial(a), monoid(), mBasis.leadMonomial(b), lcmAB)
+  );
   MATHICGB_ASSERT(mEliminated.columnCount() == mBasis.size());
   class Criterion : public DivisorLookup::EntryOutput {
-    Criterion(size_t a, size_t b, const_monomial lcmAB, const SPairs& sPairs):
+    Criterion(
+      const size_t a,
+      const size_t b,
+      BareMonoid::ConstMonoRef lcmAB,
+      const SPairs& sPairs
+    ):
       mA(a), mB(b),
-      mRing(sPairs.ring()),
+      mMonoid(sPairs.monoid()),
+      mBareMonoid(sPairs.bareMonoid()),
       mAlmostApplies(false) {}
@@ -277,41 +289,45 @@ bool SPairs::simpleBuchbergerLcmCriterion
     virtual bool proceed(size_t index) {
       MATHICGB_ASSERT(index < mBasis.size());
       MATHICGB_ASSERT(!applies()); // should have stopped search in this case
-      MATHICGB_ASSERT(mRing.monomialIsDivisibleBy(mLcmAB, mBasis.leadMonomial(index)));
+        (mBareMonoid.divides(mMonoid, mBasis.leadMonomial(index), mLcmAB));
       if (index == mA || index == mB)
         return true;
       mAlmostApplies = true;
       // check lcm(a,index) != lcm(a,b) <=>
       // exists i such that max(a[i], c[i]) != max(a[i],b[i]) <=>
-      // exists i such that b[i] > a[i] && b[i] > c[i]
+      // exists i such that b[i] > a[i] && b[i] > c[i] <=>
+      // exists i such that b[i] > max(a[i], c[i]) <=>
+      // b does not divide lcm(a[i], c[i])
       const_monomial leadA = mBasis.leadMonomial(mA);
       const_monomial leadB = mBasis.leadMonomial(mB);
       const_monomial leadC = mBasis.leadMonomial(index);
       if (!mSPairs.eliminated(index, mA) &&
-          !mRing.monomialHasStrictlyLargerExponent(leadB, leadC, leadA))
-        return true;
+          mMonoid.dividesLcm(leadB, leadC, leadA))
+        return true; // we had lcm(a,index) == lcm(a,b)
       // check lcm(b,index) != lcm(a,b)
       if (!mSPairs.eliminated(index, mB) &&
-          !mRing.monomialHasStrictlyLargerExponent(leadA, leadC, leadB))
-        return true;
+          mMonoid.dividesLcm(leadA, leadC, leadB))
+        return true;  // we had lcm(b,index) == lcm(a,b)
       mHit = index;
       return false; // stop search
-    const_monomial lcmAB() const {return mLcmAB;}
+    BareMonoid::ConstMonoRef lcmAB() const {return mLcmAB;}
     bool almostApplies() const {return mAlmostApplies;}
     bool applies() const {return mHit != static_cast<size_t>(-1);}
     size_t hit() const {return mHit;}
-    size_t mA;
-    size_t mB;
-    const_monomial mLcmAB;
+    const size_t mA;
+    const size_t mB;
+    BareMonoid::ConstMonoRef mLcmAB;
     const SPairs& mSPairs;
-    const PolyRing& mRing;
+    const Monoid& mMonoid;
+    const BareMonoid& mBareMonoid;
     const PolyBasis& mBasis;
     size_t mHit; // the divisor that made the criterion apply
     bool mAlmostApplies; // applies ignoring lcm(a,b)=lcm(a,c) complication
@@ -342,30 +358,35 @@ bool SPairs::simpleBuchbergerLcmCriterion
       // That idea seems to be right since it worked better in the one
       // test I did.
       size_t cacheB = mBuchbergerLcmHitCache[b];
-      if (!applies && !mBasis.retired(cacheB) &&
-          mRing.monomialIsDivisibleBy
-          (criterion.lcmAB(), mBasis.leadMonomial(cacheB)))
+      if (
+          !applies &&
+          !mBasis.retired(cacheB) &&
+          mBareMonoid.divides
+            (mMonoid, mBasis.leadMonomial(cacheB), criterion.lcmAB())
+      )
         applies = !criterion.Criterion::proceed(cacheB);
       size_t cacheA = mBuchbergerLcmHitCache[a];
-      if (!applies && !mBasis.retired(cacheA) &&
-          mRing.monomialIsDivisibleBy
-          (criterion.lcmAB(), mBasis.leadMonomial(cacheA))) {
+      if (
+        !applies &&
+        !mBasis.retired(cacheA) &&
+        mBareMonoid.divides
+          (mMonoid, mBasis.leadMonomial(cacheA), criterion.lcmAB())
+      ) {
         applies = !criterion.Criterion::proceed(cacheA);
         if (applies)
           mBuchbergerLcmHitCache[b] = cacheA;
-    if (applies)
-      {
-        if (mStats.late)
-          ++mStats.buchbergerLcmCacheHitsLate;
-        else
-          ++mStats.buchbergerLcmCacheHits;
-      }
-    else {
+    if (applies) {
+      if (mStats.late)
+        ++mStats.buchbergerLcmCacheHitsLate;
+      else
+        ++mStats.buchbergerLcmCacheHits;
+    } else {
-      mBasis.divisorLookup().divisors(criterion.lcmAB(), criterion);
+      mBasis.divisorLookup().divisors
+        (BareMonoid::toOld(criterion.lcmAB()), criterion);
       applies = criterion.applies();
       if (mUseBuchbergerLcmHitCache && applies) {
@@ -408,7 +429,7 @@ bool SPairs::simpleBuchbergerLcmCriterionSlow(size_t a, size_t b) const {
   for (; i < stop; ++i) {
     if (mBasis.retired(i))
-    if (!mRing.monomialIsDivisibleBy(lcmAB, mBasis.leadMonomial(i)))
+    if (!mMonoid.divides(mBasis.leadMonomial(i), lcmAB))
     if (i == a || i == b)
@@ -432,13 +453,16 @@ bool SPairs::simpleBuchbergerLcmCriterionSlow(size_t a, size_t b) const {
   return i != stop;
-bool SPairs::advancedBuchbergerLcmCriterion
-  (size_t a, size_t b, const_monomial lcmAB) const
+bool SPairs::advancedBuchbergerLcmCriterion(
+  size_t a,
+  size_t b,
+  BareMonoid::ConstMonoRef lcmAB
+) const {
   MATHICGB_ASSERT(mEliminated.columnCount() == mBasis.size());
-  MATHICGB_ASSERT(mRing.monomialIsLeastCommonMultipleNoWeights
-    (mBasis.leadMonomial(a), mBasis.leadMonomial(b), lcmAB));
+  MATHICGB_ASSERT(bareMonoid().isLcm
+    (monoid(), mBasis.leadMonomial(a), monoid(), mBasis.leadMonomial(b), lcmAB)
+  );
   mStats.late = true;
   if (simpleBuchbergerLcmCriterion(a, b, lcmAB)) {
@@ -467,7 +491,7 @@ bool SPairs::advancedBuchbergerLcmCriterion
   Graph& graph = mAdvancedBuchbergerLcmCriterionGraph;
   GraphBuilder builder(graph);
-  mBasis.divisorLookup().divisors(lcmAB, builder);
+  mBasis.divisorLookup().divisors(BareMonoid::toOld(lcmAB), builder);
   if (graph.size() <= 3) {
     // For the graph approach to be better than the simpler approach of
@@ -513,12 +537,15 @@ bool SPairs::advancedBuchbergerLcmCriterion
       // Note that
       //  lcm(c,d) != lcmAB <=>
       //  exists i such that max(c[i], d[i]) < lcmAB[i] <=>
-      //  exists i such that lcmAB[i] > c[i] && lcmAB[i] > d[i]
-      if (!eliminated(currentIndex, otherIndex) &&
-        !mRing.monomialHasStrictlyLargerExponent(lcmAB, currentLead, otherLead))
-      {
+      //  exists i such that lcmAB[i] > c[i] && lcmAB[i] > d[i] <=>
+      //  exists i such that lcmAB[i] > max(c[i], d[i]) <=>
+      // lcmAB does not divide lcm(c[i], d[i])
+      if (
+        !eliminated(currentIndex, otherIndex) &&
+        monoid().dividesLcm
+          (bareMonoid(), lcmAB, monoid(), currentLead, otherLead)
+      )
         continue; // not an edge in G
-      }
       if (otherConnect == NotConnected) {
         other->second = currentConnect;
@@ -547,10 +574,9 @@ bool SPairs::advancedBuchbergerLcmCriterionSlow(size_t a, size_t b) const {
   MATHICGB_ASSERT(mEliminated.columnCount() == mBasis.size());
-  monomial lcmAB = mRing.allocMonomial();
-  monomial lcm = mRing.allocMonomial();
-  mRing.monomialLeastCommonMultiple
-    (mBasis.leadMonomial(a), mBasis.leadMonomial(b), lcmAB);
+  auto lcmAB = mMonoid.alloc();
+  auto lcm = mMonoid.alloc();
+  mMonoid.lcm(mBasis.leadMonomial(a), mBasis.leadMonomial(b), lcmAB);
   size_t stop = mBasis.size();
   // *** Build the graph vertices
@@ -562,7 +588,7 @@ bool SPairs::advancedBuchbergerLcmCriterionSlow(size_t a, size_t b) const {
   for (size_t i = 0; i != stop; ++i) {
     if (mBasis.retired(i))
-    if (!mRing.monomialIsDivisibleBy(lcmAB, mBasis.leadMonomial(i)))
+    if (!mMonoid.divides(mBasis.leadMonomial(i), lcmAB))
     Connection con = NotConnected;
     if (i == a) {
@@ -586,7 +612,7 @@ bool SPairs::advancedBuchbergerLcmCriterionSlow(size_t a, size_t b) const {
     MATHICGB_ASSERT(node.second != NotConnected);
     // loop through all potential edges (node.first, i)
-    const_monomial leadNode = mBasis.leadMonomial(node.first);
+    ConstMonoRef leadNode = mBasis.leadMonomial(node.first);
     for (size_t i = 0; i < graph.size(); ++i) {
       if (node.second == graph[i].second)
@@ -594,8 +620,8 @@ bool SPairs::advancedBuchbergerLcmCriterionSlow(size_t a, size_t b) const {
       size_t const other = graph[i].first;
       const_monomial const leadOther = mBasis.leadMonomial(other);
-      mRing.monomialLeastCommonMultiple(leadNode, leadOther, lcm);
-      if (!eliminated(node.first, other) && mRing.monomialEQ(lcm, lcmAB))
+      mMonoid.lcm(leadNode, leadOther, lcm);
+      if (!eliminated(node.first, other) && mMonoid.equal(lcm, lcmAB))
         continue; // not an edge in G
       if (graph[i].second == NotConnected) {
@@ -610,8 +636,6 @@ bool SPairs::advancedBuchbergerLcmCriterionSlow(size_t a, size_t b) const {
-  mRing.freeMonomial(lcmAB);
-  mRing.freeMonomial(lcm);
   MATHICGB_ASSERT(applies || !simpleBuchbergerLcmCriterionSlow(a, b));
   return applies;
@@ -630,9 +654,8 @@ std::string SPairs::name() const {
 void SPairs::QueueConfiguration::computePairData(
   size_t a,
   size_t b,
-  monomial orderBy
+  MonoRef orderBy
 ) const {
-  MATHICGB_ASSERT(!orderBy.isNull());
   MATHICGB_ASSERT(a < mBasis.size());
   MATHICGB_ASSERT(b < mBasis.size());
@@ -640,8 +663,8 @@ void SPairs::QueueConfiguration::computePairData(
     // todo: do something special here?
     return; //return false;
-  const_monomial const leadA = mBasis.leadMonomial(a);
-  const_monomial const leadB = mBasis.leadMonomial(b);
-  mBasis.ring().monomialLeastCommonMultiple(leadA, leadB, orderBy);
+  ConstMonoRef leadA = mBasis.leadMonomial(a);
+  ConstMonoRef leadB = mBasis.leadMonomial(b);
+  mMonoid.lcm(leadA, leadB, orderBy);
   return; //todo: return true;
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/SPairs.hpp b/src/mathicgb/SPairs.hpp
index a81f3f4..2cfa8b1 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/SPairs.hpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/SPairs.hpp
@@ -12,6 +12,28 @@ class PolyBasis;
 // algorithm. Also eliminates useless S-pairs and orders the S-pairs.
 class SPairs {
+  typedef PolyRing::Monoid Monoid;
+  typedef Monoid::Exponent Exponent;
+  typedef Monoid::Mono Mono;
+  typedef Monoid::MonoPtr MonoPtr;
+  typedef Monoid::ConstMonoPtr ConstMonoPtr;
+  typedef Monoid::MonoRef MonoRef;
+  typedef Monoid::ConstMonoRef ConstMonoRef;
+  /// This monoid is used for computations to determine whether to eliminate
+  /// an S-pair. These computations do not require anything beyond just
+  /// considering the exponents. Since recomputing characteristics of
+  /// lcms such as hash and degree is expensive (unlike for a product), it is
+  /// worthwhile to disable those characteristics that we do not need.
+  typedef MonoMonoid<Exponent, true, false, false> BareMonoid;
+  //typedef Monoid BareMonoid;
+  /// This monoid is used to order S-pairs by their lcm. Here we need to
+  /// to store the ordering data for fast comparison, but we do not need
+  /// hashes.
+  typedef MonoMonoid<Exponent, true, false, true> OrderMonoid;
+  //typedef Monoid OrderMonoid;
   SPairs(const PolyBasis& basis, bool preferSparseSPairs);
   // Returns the number of S-pairs in the data structure.
@@ -58,6 +80,7 @@ public:
     return mEliminated.bitUnordered(a, b);
+  const Monoid& monoid() const {return ring().monoid();}
   const PolyRing& ring() const {return mRing;}
   const PolyBasis& basis() const {return mBasis;}
@@ -89,6 +112,9 @@ public:
   std::string name() const;
+  const BareMonoid& bareMonoid() const {return mBareMonoid;}
+  const OrderMonoid& orderMonoid() const {return mOrderMonoid;}
   // Returns true if Buchberger's second criterion for eliminating useless
   // S-pairs applies to the pair (a,b). Define
   //   l(a,b) = lcm(lead(a), lead(b)).
@@ -107,8 +133,11 @@ private:
   // cases to the advanced criterion, except if an S-pair has already been
   // eliminated - in that case we do not check to see if the lcm's are the same
   // as it is not necessary to do so.
-  bool simpleBuchbergerLcmCriterion
-    (size_t a, size_t b, const_monomial lcmAB) const;
+  bool simpleBuchbergerLcmCriterion(
+    size_t a,
+    size_t b,
+    BareMonoid::ConstMonoRef lcmAB
+  ) const;
   // As the non-slow version, but uses simpler and slower code.
   bool simpleBuchbergerLcmCriterionSlow(size_t a, size_t b) const;
@@ -123,24 +152,31 @@ private:
   // been eliminated. It is a theorem that if there is a path from a to b
   // in G then (a,b) is a useless S-pair that can be eliminated.
   bool advancedBuchbergerLcmCriterion
-    (size_t a, size_t b, const_monomial lcmAB) const;
+    (size_t a, size_t b, BareMonoid::ConstMonoRef lcmAB) const;
   // As the non-slow version, but uses simpler and slower code.
   bool advancedBuchbergerLcmCriterionSlow(size_t a, size_t b) const;
   class QueueConfiguration {
-    QueueConfiguration(const PolyBasis& basis, const bool preferSparseSPairs):
-      mBasis(basis), mPreferSparseSPairs(preferSparseSPairs) {}
-    typedef monomial PairData;
-	void computePairData(size_t col, size_t row, monomial m) const;
+    QueueConfiguration(
+      const PolyBasis& basis,
+      const Monoid& monoid,
+      const bool preferSparseSPairs
+    ):
+      mBasis(basis),
+      mMonoid(mBasis.ring().monoid()),
+      mPreferSparseSPairs(preferSparseSPairs) {}
+    typedef Mono PairData;
+	void computePairData(size_t col, size_t row, MonoRef m) const;
 	typedef bool CompareResult;
-	bool compare(size_t colA, size_t rowA, const_monomial a,
-				 size_t colB, size_t rowB, const_monomial b) const
-    {
-      const auto cmp = mBasis.ring().monomialCompare(a, b);
+	bool compare(
+      size_t colA, size_t rowA, ConstMonoRef a,
+      size_t colB, size_t rowB, ConstMonoRef b
+    ) const {
+      const auto cmp = monoid().compare(a, b);
       if (cmp == GT)
         return true;
       if (cmp == LT)
@@ -162,13 +198,17 @@ private:
 	bool cmpLessThan(bool v) const {return v;}
-	// these are not required for a configuration but we will use
-	// them from this code. TODO
-	monomial allocPairData() {return mBasis.ring().allocMonomial();}
-	void freePairData(monomial m) {return mBasis.ring().freeMonomial(m);}
+    // The following methods are not required of a configuration.
+	Mono allocPairData() {return monoid().alloc();}
+	void freePairData(Mono&& mono) {
+      return monoid().free(std::move(mono));
+    }
+    const Monoid& monoid() const {return mMonoid;}
 	const PolyBasis& mBasis;
+    const Monoid& mMonoid;
     const bool mPreferSparseSPairs;
   typedef mathic::PairQueue<QueueConfiguration> Queue;
@@ -183,6 +223,10 @@ private:
   const PolyRing& mRing;
   mutable Stats mStats;
+  const Monoid& mMonoid;
+  OrderMonoid mOrderMonoid;
+  BareMonoid mBareMonoid;
   static const bool mUseBuchbergerLcmHitCache = true;
   mutable std::vector<size_t> mBuchbergerLcmHitCache;
@@ -198,26 +242,34 @@ private:
   friend void mathic::PairQueueNamespace::constructPairData<QueueConfiguration>
     (void*, Index, Index, QueueConfiguration&);
   friend void mathic::PairQueueNamespace::destructPairData<QueueConfiguration>
-    (monomial*, Index, Index, QueueConfiguration&);
+    (Mono*, Index, Index, QueueConfiguration&);
 namespace mathic {
   namespace PairQueueNamespace {
-	inline void constructPairData<SPairs::QueueConfiguration>
-	(void* memory, Index col, Index row, SPairs::QueueConfiguration& conf) {
+	inline void constructPairData<SPairs::QueueConfiguration>(
+      void* memory,
+      const Index col,
+      const Index row,
+      SPairs::QueueConfiguration& conf
+    ) {
 	  MATHICGB_ASSERT(memory != 0);
 	  MATHICGB_ASSERT(col > row);
-	  monomial* pd = new (memory) monomial(conf.allocPairData());
+	  auto pd = new (memory) SPairs::Mono(conf.allocPairData());
 	  conf.computePairData(col, row, *pd);
-	inline void destructPairData
-	(monomial* pd, Index col, Index row, SPairs::QueueConfiguration& conf) {
+	inline void destructPairData(
+      SPairs::Mono* pd,
+      const Index col,
+      const Index row,
+      SPairs::QueueConfiguration& conf
+    ) {
 	  MATHICGB_ASSERT(pd != 0);
 	  MATHICGB_ASSERT(col > row);
-	  conf.freePairData(*pd);
+	  conf.freePairData(std::move(*pd));
diff --git a/src/test/MonoMonoid.cpp b/src/test/MonoMonoid.cpp
index 890c40f..0763d7e 100755
--- a/src/test/MonoMonoid.cpp
+++ b/src/test/MonoMonoid.cpp
@@ -385,17 +385,24 @@ TYPED_TEST(Monoid, MultiplyDivide) {
     ASSERT_TRUE(m.compare(c, mono) == Monoid::EqualTo);
     ASSERT_EQ(m.hash(c), m.hash(mono));
-    // check properties that mono=a*b should have
+    // divides, check properties that mono=a*b should have
     ASSERT_TRUE(m.divides(mono, c));
     ASSERT_TRUE(m.divides(c, mono));
     ASSERT_TRUE(m.divides(a, mono));
     ASSERT_TRUE(m.divides(b, mono));
+    // divides, general
+    ASSERT_TRUE(m.divides(m, mono, c));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(m.divides(m, c, mono));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(m.divides(m, a, mono));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(m.divides(m, b, mono));
     if (!m.isIdentity(a)) {
       ASSERT_TRUE(m.lessThan(b, mono));
       ASSERT_FALSE(m.lessThan(mono, b));
       ASSERT_TRUE(m.compare(mono, b) == Monoid::GreaterThan);
       ASSERT_FALSE(m.divides(mono, b));
+      ASSERT_FALSE(m.divides(m, mono, b));
       ASSERT_FALSE(m.isProductOf(a, c, b));
       ASSERT_FALSE(m.isProductOfHintTrue(a, c, b));
@@ -406,6 +413,7 @@ TYPED_TEST(Monoid, MultiplyDivide) {
       ASSERT_TRUE(m.equal(b, mono));
       ASSERT_TRUE(m.compare(b, mono) == Monoid::EqualTo);
       ASSERT_TRUE(m.divides(mono, b));
+      ASSERT_TRUE(m.divides(m, mono, b));
     if (!m.isIdentity(b)) {
@@ -413,6 +421,7 @@ TYPED_TEST(Monoid, MultiplyDivide) {
       ASSERT_FALSE(m.lessThan(mono, a));
       ASSERT_TRUE(m.compare(mono, a) == Monoid::GreaterThan);
       ASSERT_FALSE(m.divides(mono, a));
+      ASSERT_FALSE(m.divides(m, mono, a));
       ASSERT_FALSE(m.isProductOf(c, b, a));
       ASSERT_FALSE(m.isProductOfHintTrue(b, c, a));
@@ -422,7 +431,7 @@ TYPED_TEST(Monoid, MultiplyDivide) {
     } else {
       ASSERT_TRUE(m.equal(a, mono));
       ASSERT_TRUE(m.compare(a, mono) == Monoid::EqualTo);
-      ASSERT_TRUE(m.divides(mono, a));
+      ASSERT_TRUE(m.divides(m, mono, a));
     // Check that aliased parameters work.
@@ -453,7 +462,8 @@ TYPED_TEST(Monoid, MultiplyDivide) {
 TYPED_TEST(Monoid, LcmColon) {
   typedef TypeParam Monoid;
-  Monoid m(49);
+  Monoid mNonConst(49);
+  auto& m = mNonConst;
   typename Monoid::MonoPool pool(m);
   auto mono = pool.alloc();
   auto mono2 = pool.alloc();
@@ -466,11 +476,13 @@ TYPED_TEST(Monoid, LcmColon) {
     const auto& b = *++v.begin();
     const auto& lcm = v.back();
-    // isLcm
+    // isLcm (+general)
     ASSERT_TRUE(m.isLcm(a, b, lcm));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(m.isLcm(m, a, m, b, lcm));
     m.copy(lcm, mono);
     m.setExponent(1, m.exponent(mono, 1) + 1, mono);
     ASSERT_FALSE(m.isLcm(a, b, mono));
+    ASSERT_FALSE(m.isLcm(m, a, m, b, mono));
     // dividesLcm
     ASSERT_TRUE(m.dividesLcm(lcm, a, b));
@@ -480,14 +492,22 @@ TYPED_TEST(Monoid, LcmColon) {
     ASSERT_TRUE(m.dividesLcm(b, b, b));
     ASSERT_TRUE(m.dividesLcm(b, b, a));
+    // dividesLcm, general
+    ASSERT_TRUE(m.dividesLcm(m, lcm, m, a, b));
+    ASSERT_FALSE(m.dividesLcm(m, mono, m, a, b));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(m.dividesLcm(m, a, m, a, a));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(m.dividesLcm(m, a, m, a, b));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(m.dividesLcm(m, b, m, b, b));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(m.dividesLcm(m, b, m, b, a));
     // lcm(a, b)
     m.lcm(a, b, mono);
     ASSERT_TRUE(m.equal(mono, lcm));
     ASSERT_TRUE(m.compare(mono, lcm) == Monoid::EqualTo);
     ASSERT_EQ(m.hash(lcm), m.hash(mono));
-    // lcm(b, a)
-    m.lcm(b, a, mono);
+    // lcm(b, a), general
+    m.lcm(m, b, m, a, mono);
     ASSERT_TRUE(m.equal(mono, lcm));
     ASSERT_TRUE(m.compare(mono, lcm) == Monoid::EqualTo);
     ASSERT_EQ(m.hash(lcm), m.hash(mono));
@@ -616,3 +636,101 @@ TYPED_TEST(Monoid, HasAmpleCapacityTotalDegree) {
+TYPED_TEST(Monoid, CopyEqualConversion) {
+  typedef TypeParam Monoid;
+  typedef typename Monoid::Exponent Exponent;
+  typedef typename Monoid::VarIndex VarIndex;
+  static const bool HasComponent = Monoid::HasComponent;
+  typedef MonoMonoid<Exponent, HasComponent, false, false> MonoidNone;
+  typedef MonoMonoid<Exponent, HasComponent, true, true> MonoidAll;
+  for (VarIndex varCount = 1; varCount < 33; ++varCount) {
+    MonoidNone none(varCount);
+    Monoid some(none);
+    MonoidAll all(some);
+    auto none1 = none.alloc();
+    auto none2 = none.alloc();
+    auto none3 = none.alloc();
+    auto some1 = some.alloc();
+    auto some2 = some.alloc();
+    auto some3 = some.alloc();
+    auto all1 = all.alloc();
+    auto all2 = all.alloc();
+    auto all3 = all.alloc();
+    none.setExponent(0, 1, none1);
+    none.setExponent(varCount / 2, 2, none1);
+    none.setExponent(varCount - 1, 3, none1);
+    none.copy(none1, none2);
+    none.setExponent(0, 4, none2);
+    some.setExponent(0, 1, some1);
+    some.setExponent(varCount / 2, 2, some1);
+    some.setExponent(varCount - 1, 3, some1);
+    some.copy(some1, some2);
+    some.setExponent(0, 4, some2);
+    all.setExponent(0, 1, all1);
+    all.setExponent(varCount / 2, 2, all1);
+    all.setExponent(varCount - 1, 3, all1);
+    all.copy(all1, all2);
+    all.setExponent(0, 4, all2);
+    // compare on none
+    ASSERT_TRUE(none.equal(none, none1, none1));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(none.equal(some, some1, none1));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(none.equal(all, all1, none1));
+    ASSERT_FALSE(none.equal(none, none1, none2));
+    ASSERT_FALSE(none.equal(some, some1, none2));
+    ASSERT_FALSE(none.equal(all, all1, none2));
+    // compare on some
+    ASSERT_TRUE(some.equal(none, none1, some1));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(some.equal(some, some1, some1));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(some.equal(all, all1, some1));
+    ASSERT_FALSE(some.equal(none, none1, some2));
+    ASSERT_FALSE(some.equal(some, some1, some2));
+    ASSERT_FALSE(some.equal(all, all1, some2));
+    // compare on all
+    ASSERT_TRUE(all.equal(none, none1, all1));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(all.equal(some, some1, all1));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(all.equal(all, all1, all1));
+    ASSERT_FALSE(all.equal(none, none1, all2));
+    ASSERT_FALSE(all.equal(some, some1, all2));
+    ASSERT_FALSE(all.equal(all, all1, all2));
+    // convert some->none
+    none.copy(some, some1, none3);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(none.equal(none1, none3));
+    ASSERT_FALSE(none.equal(none2, none3));
+    none.copy(some, some2, none3);
+    ASSERT_FALSE(none.equal(none1, none3));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(none.equal(none2, none3));
+    /// convert some->all
+    all.copy(some, some1, all3);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(all.equal(all1, all3));
+    ASSERT_FALSE(all.equal(all2, all3));
+    all.copy(some, some2, all3);
+    ASSERT_FALSE(all.equal(all1, all3));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(all.equal(all2, all3));
+    // convert none->some
+    some.copy(none, none1, some3);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(some.equal(some1, some3));
+    ASSERT_FALSE(some.equal(some2, some3));
+    some.copy(none, none2, some3);
+    ASSERT_FALSE(some.equal(some1, some3));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(some.equal(some2, some3));
+    // convert Y->some
+    some.copy(none, none1, some3);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(some.equal(some1, some3));
+    ASSERT_FALSE(some.equal(some2, some3));
+    some.copy(none, none2, some3);
+    ASSERT_FALSE(some.equal(some1, some3));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(some.equal(some2, some3));
+  }

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