[mathicgb] 284/393: Added tests for free module orders 6 and 7.
Doug Torrance
dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Apr 3 15:59:21 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository mathicgb.
commit 809093068f0d900760e3148c43a9fef111f6528c
Author: Bjarke Hammersholt Roune <bjarkehr.code at gmail.com>
Date: Thu Apr 18 17:39:50 2013 -0400
Added tests for free module orders 6 and 7.
src/test/FreeModuleOrderTest.cpp | 18 ++++++++++--------
src/test/gb-test.cpp | 10 ++++++++++
src/test/ideals.cpp | 26 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-
src/test/ideals.hpp | 8 ++++++++
4 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/test/FreeModuleOrderTest.cpp b/src/test/FreeModuleOrderTest.cpp
index 0c7d019..e2fc7b0 100755
--- a/src/test/FreeModuleOrderTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/FreeModuleOrderTest.cpp
@@ -77,18 +77,20 @@ TEST(FreeModuleOrder, One) {
"a "
"a3c2 ";
const char* sigs =
- "<1>\n"
- "<0>\n"
- "b10<0>\n"
- "ac<0>\n"
- "bc<0>\n"
- "ac<1>\n"
- "bc<1>\n"
- "ab2c<2>\n";
+ "<1>\n" // 0
+ "<0>\n" // 1
+ "b10<0>\n" // 2
+ "ac<0>\n" // 3
+ "bc<0>\n" // 4
+ "ac<1>\n" // 5
+ "bc<1>\n" // 6
+ "ab2c<2>\n"; // 7
runTest(ideal, sigs, "0 1 6 4 5 3 7 2", 1);
//runTest(ideal, sigs, "0 6 5 1 4 3 7 2", 2);
runTest(ideal, sigs, "0 6 5 1 7 4 3 2", 3);
//runTest(ideal, sigs, "0 6 5 1 4 3 7 2", 4);
//runTest(ideal, sigs, "0 6 5 1 4 7 3 2", 5);
+ runTest(ideal, sigs, "1 4 3 2 0 6 5 7", 6);
+ runTest(ideal, sigs, "7 0 6 5 1 4 3 2", 7);
diff --git a/src/test/gb-test.cpp b/src/test/gb-test.cpp
index 56e632f..80ea847 100755
--- a/src/test/gb-test.cpp
+++ b/src/test/gb-test.cpp
@@ -368,11 +368,21 @@ TEST(GB, gerdt93_0_4) {
testGB(4, gerdt93_ideal, gerdt93_gb_strat0_free4,
gerdt93_syzygies_strat0_free4, gerdt93_initial_strat0_free4, 7);
TEST(GB, gerdt93_0_5) {
testGB(5, gerdt93_ideal, gerdt93_gb_strat0_free5,
gerdt93_syzygies_strat0_free5, gerdt93_initial_strat0_free5, 7);
+TEST(GB, gerdt93_0_6) {
+ testGB(6, gerdt93_ideal, gerdt93_gb_strat0_free6,
+ gerdt93_syzygies_strat0_free6, gerdt93_initial_strat0_free6, 7);
+TEST(GB, gerdt93_0_7) {
+ testGB(7, gerdt93_ideal, gerdt93_gb_strat0_free7,
+ gerdt93_syzygies_strat0_free7, gerdt93_initial_strat0_free7, 9);
// Local Variables:
// compile-command: "make -C .. "
diff --git a/src/test/ideals.cpp b/src/test/ideals.cpp
index c12b272..dbb8fb8 100755
--- a/src/test/ideals.cpp
+++ b/src/test/ideals.cpp
@@ -256,10 +256,34 @@ const char* gerdt93_syzygies_strat0_free5 = "\
0: a2c a3 \n\
1: ab2 a2b a3 \n\
const char* gerdt93_initial_strat0_free5 =
" ab\n a2c\n a3\n b2c2\n b3c\n b4\n bc3e\n bc4\n ac3de\n";
+const char* gerdt93_gb_strat0_free6 = "0 <0> ab-b2-4bc+ae\n1 <1> a2c-6bc2+a2f\n2 <2> a3+b2c-a2d\n3 b<1> b3c+2b2c2+16bc3-b2ce-4ac2e-10bc2e+ace2+b3f+8b2cf+16bc2f-b2ef-4acef-4bcef+ae2f\n4 c<2> b2c2+2170bc3+3249bc2d+3249ac2e+3250b2cf\n5 b<2> b4-2386bc3-b3d-8b2cd-3247bc2d-2b3e-6b2ce-3195ac2e+58bc2e+b2de+4acde+4bcde+a2e2+2b2e2-ace2+8bce2-ade2-2ae3-13b3f-3357b2cf-208bc2f+4a2ef+13b2ef+52acef+52bcef-13ae2f\n6 bc<2> bc4-563bc3d-2577bc2d2-1896ac3e-2681bc3e-2577ac2de-3362bc2de+3088ac2e2-1829b [...]
+const char* gerdt93_syzygies_strat0_free6 =
+ " 1: ab \n 2: ab b2c a2c \n";
+const char* gerdt93_initial_strat0_free6 =
+ " ab\n a2c\n a3\n b2c2\n b3c\n b4\n bc3e\n bc4\n ac3de\n";
+const char* gerdt93_gb_strat0_free7 = "\
+0 <0> ab-b2-4bc+ae\n\
+1 <1> a2c-6bc2+a2f\n\
+2 <2> a3+b2c-a2d\n\
+3 a<1> abc2+1264b2c2-bc2d+1264b2cf\n\
+4 a2<1> b3c2-216b2c3-12b2c2d+36bc2d2-6ab2cf+b3cf+216b2c2f-6b2cdf-36a2bf2\n\
+5 c2<0> b2c2+2170bc3+3249bc2d+3249ac2e+3250b2cf\n\
+6 ac<0> b3c+3259bc3+1085bc2d-b2ce+1081ac2e-10bc2e+ace2+b3f+1091b2cf+16bc2f-b2ef-4acef-4bcef+ae2f\n\
+7 a2<0> b4-2386bc3-b3d-8b2cd-3247bc2d-2b3e-6b2ce-3195ac2e+58bc2e+b2de+4acde+4bcde+a2e2+2b2e2-ace2+8bce2-ade2-2ae3-13b3f-3357b2cf-208bc2f+4a2ef+13b2ef+52acef+52bcef-13ae2f\n\
+8 bc2<0> bc4-563bc3d-2577bc2d2-1896ac3e-469bc3e-2229ac2de+3088bc2de+2013ac2e2-1829bc3f-3362b2cdf-2179bc2df+3088b2cef+2353ac2ef+3515bc2ef-1075ace2f-785b3f2+2930b2cf2+2606bc2f2-348a2ef2+785b2ef2+3140acef2+3140bcef2-785ae2f2\n\
+9 ac2<0> bc3e-3140ac2de-1718bc2de+2814ac2e2-1718b2cef+947bc2ef-3051ace2f+3140a2ef2\n\
+10 ac3<0> ac3de+1155ac2d2e-2873bc2d2e+3790ac3e2-1570ac2de2+3362bc2de2-3088ac2e3+2814b2cdef+2370bc2def+3362b2ce2f-3790ac2e2f-1659bc2e2f-3599acde2f+1133ace3f-1896b3ef2-1898b2cef2-10bc2ef2-1155a2def2+2681a2e2f2+1896b2e2f2+ace2f2+bce2f2-1896ae3f2+a2ef3\n\
+const char* gerdt93_syzygies_strat0_free7 =
+ " 0: a2c a3 b2c2 abc2 \n 1: a3 \n";
+const char* gerdt93_initial_strat0_free7 =
+ " ab\n a2c\n a3\n b2c2\n b3c\n b4\n bc3e\n bc4\n ac3de\n";
// Local Variables:
// compile-command: "make -C .. "
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
diff --git a/src/test/ideals.hpp b/src/test/ideals.hpp
index 6b6212f..089ada9 100755
--- a/src/test/ideals.hpp
+++ b/src/test/ideals.hpp
@@ -47,6 +47,14 @@ extern const char* gerdt93_gb_strat0_free5;
extern const char* gerdt93_syzygies_strat0_free5;
extern const char* gerdt93_initial_strat0_free5;
+extern const char* gerdt93_gb_strat0_free6;
+extern const char* gerdt93_syzygies_strat0_free6;
+extern const char* gerdt93_initial_strat0_free6;
+extern const char* gerdt93_gb_strat0_free7;
+extern const char* gerdt93_syzygies_strat0_free7;
+extern const char* gerdt93_initial_strat0_free7;
// Local Variables:
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/mathicgb.git
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