[mathicgb] 299/393: merge
Doug Torrance
dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Apr 3 15:59:25 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository mathicgb.
commit 0ab694c3300302f60018d95cc5f6c9f09906e621
Merge: 12eb95e 2b0bdf1
Author: Bjarke Hammersholt Roune <bjarkehr.code at gmail.com>
Date: Fri Apr 26 22:40:25 2013 +0200
src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp | 1 +
src/mathicgb/MonoOrder.hpp | 338 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
2 files changed, 170 insertions(+), 169 deletions(-)
diff --cc src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp
index f984c27,3803f53..cfcd03f
--- a/src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp
@@@ -1760,6 -1745,7 +1760,7 @@@ auto MonoMonoid<E, HC, SH, SO>::readMon
in >> e;
gradings[w] = static_cast<Exponent>(e);
- typedef MonoOrder<Exponent> Order;
Order order(
diff --cc src/mathicgb/MonoOrder.hpp
index 7a746b4,accd166..c46674d
--- a/src/mathicgb/MonoOrder.hpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/MonoOrder.hpp
@@@ -1,169 -1,169 +1,169 @@@
--#include <vector>
--/// Class used to describe an monomial order or a module monomial
--/// order. Use this class to construct a monoid. The monoid does the
--/// actual comparisons.
--/// You can extend the functionality for ordering offered here for
--/// module mononials by pre- and post-processing of monomials. See
--/// MonoProcessor.
--template<class Weight>
--class MonoOrder;
--template<class W>
--class MonoOrder {
-- typedef W Weight;
-- typedef size_t VarIndex;
-- static const size_t ComponentAfterBaseOrder = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
-- enum BaseOrder {
-- /// Lexicographic order with x0 < x1 < ... < x_n.
-- LexBaseOrder = 0,
-- /// Reverse lexicographic order with x0 > x1 > ... > x_n.
-- RevLexBaseOrder = 1
-- };
-- /// Same as MonoOrder(varCount, varOrder, gradings, componentBefore)
-- /// where gradings has a single row of varCount 1's.
-- MonoOrder(
-- const VarIndex varCount,
-- const BaseOrder baseOrder = RevLexBaseOrder,
-- const size_t componentBefore = ComponentAfterBaseOrder
-- ):
-- mVarCount(varCount),
-- mGradings(varCount, 1),
-- mBaseOrder(baseOrder),
-- mComponentBefore(ComponentAfterBaseOrder)
-- {}
-- /// The specified base order is graded by the gradings matrix.
-- ///
-- /// The layout of the gradings matrix is row-major. For comparisons,
-- /// the degree with respect to the first row is considered first,
-- /// then the degree with respect to the second row and so on. The
-- /// base order is used as a tie-breaker. The gradings vector can be
-- /// empty. The order must be a monomial order - in particular, 1
-- /// must be strictly less than all other monomials.
-- ///
-- /// For module monomials, the component is considered too. When the
-- /// component is considered depens on componentBefore. If
-- /// componentBefore == 0 then the component is considered before
-- /// anything else. If componentBefore < gradingCount(), then the
-- /// component is considered before the grading with index
-- /// componentBefore and after the grading with index componentBefore
-- /// - 1. If componentBefore == gradingCount(), then the component is
-- /// considered after all gradings and before the base order. If
-- /// componentBefore = ComponentAfterBaseOrder then the component is
-- /// considered after everything else.
-- ///
-- /// The ordering represented by this object will be equivalent to
-- /// the specified order, but it may be encoded differently. For
-- /// example, if varCount == 0, then all orders are equivalent so all
-- /// the other parameters are ignored and the encoding will be chosen
-- /// to be the minimal-overhead one: ungraded lex with component
-- /// considered last (do not depend on this particular choice - it
-- /// may change). Therefore, you cannot count on any setting of this
-- /// order to match what you passed in as a parameter.
-- ///
-- /// If the ordering you hav specified is not a monomial order, then
-- /// the only guarantee in terms of encoding is that isMonomialOrder
-- /// will return false.
-- MonoOrder(
-- const VarIndex varCount,
-- std::vector<Weight>&& gradings,
-- const BaseOrder baseOrder = RevLexBaseOrder,
-- const size_t componentBefore = ComponentAfterBaseOrder
-- ):
-- mVarCount(varCount),
-- mGradings(std::move(gradings)),
-- mBaseOrder(baseOrder),
-- mComponentBefore(componentBefore)
-- {}
-- const VarIndex varCount() const {return mVarCount;}
-- /// Returns the number of rows in the grading vector.
-- size_t gradingCount() const {
-- return varCount() == 0 ? 0 : mGradings.size() / varCount();
-- }
-- /// Returns the grading matrix in row-major layout.
- const std::vector<Weight>& gradings() const {return mGradings;}
- const std::vector<Weight>& gradings() {return mGradings;}
-- /// Returns true if the grading matrix is a single row of 1's.
-- bool isTotalDegree() const {
-- if (varCount() == 0 || mGradings.size() != varCount())
-- return false;
-- for (VarIndex var = 0; var < varCount(); ++var)
-- if (mGradings[var] != 1)
-- return false;
-- return true;
-- }
-- BaseOrder baseOrder() const {return mBaseOrder;}
-- /// Returns true if the order is a monomial order. A monomial order
-- /// is a total order on monomials where a>b => ac>bc for all
-- /// monomials a,b,c and where the order is a well order. Only the
-- /// well order property could currently fail. It is equivalent to
-- /// stating that x>1 for all variables x.
-- bool isMonomialOrder() const {
-- for (VarIndex var = 0; var < varCount(); ++var) {
-- // Check that x_var > 1.
-- for (size_t grading = 0; ; ++grading) {
-- if (grading == gradingCount) {
-- // The column was entirely zero, so x_var > 1 if and only if the
-- // base ordering is lex.
-- if (baseOrder() != LexBaseOrder)
-- return false;
-- break;
-- }
-- const auto index = grading * gradingCount() + var;
-- MATHICGB_ASSERT(index < mGradings.size());
-- const auto weight = mGradings[index];
-- if (weight != 0) {
-- // We have found the first non-zero weight in this column,
-- // so x_var > 1 if and only if this weight is positive.
-- if (weight < 0)
-- return false;
-- break;
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- return true;
-- }
-- bool debugAssertValid() {
-- MATHICGB_ASSERT(mGradings.size() == gradingCount() * varCount());
-- mComponentBefore == ComponentAfterBaseOrder ||
-- mComponentBefore <= gradingCount()
-- );
-- mBaseOrder == LexBaseOrder ||
-- mBaseOrder == RevLexBaseOrder
-- );
-- if (varCount() == 0) {
-- MATHICGB_ASSERT(mGradings.empty());
-- MATHICGB_ASSERT(baseOrder() == RevLexBaseOrder());
-- MATHICGB_ASSERT(mComponentBefore == ComponentAfterBaseOrder);
-- }
-- return true;
-- }
-- const VarIndex mVarCount;
-- const std::vector<Weight> mGradings;
-- const BaseOrder mBaseOrder;
-- const size_t mComponentBefore;
++#include <vector>
++/// Class used to describe an monomial order or a module monomial
++/// order. Use this class to construct a monoid. The monoid does the
++/// actual comparisons.
++/// You can extend the functionality for ordering offered here for
++/// module mononials by pre- and post-processing of monomials. See
++/// MonoProcessor.
++template<class Weight>
++class MonoOrder;
++template<class W>
++class MonoOrder {
++ typedef W Weight;
++ typedef size_t VarIndex;
++ static const size_t ComponentAfterBaseOrder = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
++ enum BaseOrder {
++ /// Lexicographic order with x0 < x1 < ... < x_n.
++ LexBaseOrder = 0,
++ /// Reverse lexicographic order with x0 > x1 > ... > x_n.
++ RevLexBaseOrder = 1
++ };
++ /// Same as MonoOrder(varCount, varOrder, gradings, componentBefore)
++ /// where gradings has a single row of varCount 1's.
++ MonoOrder(
++ const VarIndex varCount,
++ const BaseOrder baseOrder = RevLexBaseOrder,
++ const size_t componentBefore = ComponentAfterBaseOrder
++ ):
++ mVarCount(varCount),
++ mGradings(varCount, 1),
++ mBaseOrder(baseOrder),
++ mComponentBefore(ComponentAfterBaseOrder)
++ {}
++ /// The specified base order is graded by the gradings matrix.
++ ///
++ /// The layout of the gradings matrix is row-major. For comparisons,
++ /// the degree with respect to the first row is considered first,
++ /// then the degree with respect to the second row and so on. The
++ /// base order is used as a tie-breaker. The gradings vector can be
++ /// empty. The order must be a monomial order - in particular, 1
++ /// must be strictly less than all other monomials.
++ ///
++ /// For module monomials, the component is considered too. When the
++ /// component is considered depens on componentBefore. If
++ /// componentBefore == 0 then the component is considered before
++ /// anything else. If componentBefore < gradingCount(), then the
++ /// component is considered before the grading with index
++ /// componentBefore and after the grading with index componentBefore
++ /// - 1. If componentBefore == gradingCount(), then the component is
++ /// considered after all gradings and before the base order. If
++ /// componentBefore = ComponentAfterBaseOrder then the component is
++ /// considered after everything else.
++ ///
++ /// The ordering represented by this object will be equivalent to
++ /// the specified order, but it may be encoded differently. For
++ /// example, if varCount == 0, then all orders are equivalent so all
++ /// the other parameters are ignored and the encoding will be chosen
++ /// to be the minimal-overhead one: ungraded lex with component
++ /// considered last (do not depend on this particular choice - it
++ /// may change). Therefore, you cannot count on any setting of this
++ /// order to match what you passed in as a parameter.
++ ///
++ /// If the ordering you hav specified is not a monomial order, then
++ /// the only guarantee in terms of encoding is that isMonomialOrder
++ /// will return false.
++ MonoOrder(
++ const VarIndex varCount,
++ std::vector<Weight>&& gradings,
++ const BaseOrder baseOrder = RevLexBaseOrder,
++ const size_t componentBefore = ComponentAfterBaseOrder
++ ):
++ mVarCount(varCount),
++ mGradings(std::move(gradings)),
++ mBaseOrder(baseOrder),
++ mComponentBefore(componentBefore)
++ {}
++ const VarIndex varCount() const {return mVarCount;}
++ /// Returns the number of rows in the grading vector.
++ size_t gradingCount() const {
++ return varCount() == 0 ? 0 : mGradings.size() / varCount();
++ }
++ /// Returns the grading matrix in row-major layout.
++ const std::vector<Weight>& gradings() const {return mGradings;}
++ /// Returns true if the grading matrix is a single row of 1's.
++ bool isTotalDegree() const {
++ if (varCount() == 0 || mGradings.size() != varCount())
++ return false;
++ for (VarIndex var = 0; var < varCount(); ++var)
++ if (mGradings[var] != 1)
++ return false;
++ return true;
++ }
++ BaseOrder baseOrder() const {return mBaseOrder;}
++ /// Returns true if the order is a monomial order. A monomial order
++ /// is a total order on monomials where a>b => ac>bc for all
++ /// monomials a,b,c and where the order is a well order. Only the
++ /// well order property could currently fail. It is equivalent to
++ /// stating that x>1 for all variables x.
++ bool isMonomialOrder() const {
++ for (VarIndex var = 0; var < varCount(); ++var) {
++ // Check that x_var > 1.
++ for (size_t grading = 0; ; ++grading) {
++ if (grading == gradingCount) {
++ // The column was entirely zero, so x_var > 1 if and only if the
++ // base ordering is lex.
++ if (baseOrder() != LexBaseOrder)
++ return false;
++ break;
++ }
++ const auto index = grading * gradingCount() + var;
++ MATHICGB_ASSERT(index < mGradings.size());
++ const auto weight = mGradings[index];
++ if (weight != 0) {
++ // We have found the first non-zero weight in this column,
++ // so x_var > 1 if and only if this weight is positive.
++ if (weight < 0)
++ return false;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return true;
++ }
++ bool debugAssertValid() {
++ MATHICGB_ASSERT(mGradings.size() == gradingCount() * varCount());
++ mComponentBefore == ComponentAfterBaseOrder ||
++ mComponentBefore <= gradingCount()
++ );
++ mBaseOrder == LexBaseOrder ||
++ mBaseOrder == RevLexBaseOrder
++ );
++ if (varCount() == 0) {
++ MATHICGB_ASSERT(mGradings.empty());
++ MATHICGB_ASSERT(baseOrder() == RevLexBaseOrder());
++ MATHICGB_ASSERT(mComponentBefore == ComponentAfterBaseOrder);
++ }
++ return true;
++ }
++ const VarIndex mVarCount;
++ const std::vector<Weight> mGradings;
++ const BaseOrder mBaseOrder;
++ const size_t mComponentBefore;
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