[mathicgb] 303/393: Added support for specifying (rev)component for after base ordering. Used this to move all component/revcomponent distinction out of the order number.
Doug Torrance
dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Apr 3 15:59:26 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository mathicgb.
commit 30e7797256a05c4517acb2b88ea918a9c7fc140e
Author: Bjarke Hammersholt Roune <bjarkehr.code at gmail.com>
Date: Mon Apr 29 21:25:09 2013 +0200
Added support for specifying (rev)component for after base ordering. Used this to move all component/revcomponent distinction out of the order number.
src/mathicgb/FreeModuleOrder.cpp | 28 +----------
src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp | 27 ++++++++++
src/test/gb-test.cpp | 28 +++++------
src/test/ideals.cpp | 103 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
src/test/ideals.hpp | 13 +++--
5 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/FreeModuleOrder.cpp b/src/mathicgb/FreeModuleOrder.cpp
index 431407b..9999f36 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/FreeModuleOrder.cpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/FreeModuleOrder.cpp
@@ -338,36 +338,12 @@ void FreeModuleOrder::displayOrderTypes(std::ostream &o)
o << " 4 SchreyerGrevLexUp" << std::endl; // done
o << " 5 SchreyerGrevLexDown" << std::endl; // done
o << " 6 IndexUp SchreyerGrevLex" << std::endl; // done
- o << " 7 IndexDown SchreyerGrevLex" << std::endl;
+ o << " 7 IndexDown SchreyerGrevLex" << std::endl; // done
std::unique_ptr<FreeModuleOrder> FreeModuleOrder::makeOrder(FreeModuleOrderType type, const PolyRing& ring)
- if (type == 0)
- type = 1; // Set the default
- switch (type) {
- case 4:
- case 5:
- case 1:
- case 6:
- case 7:
- return make_unique<ConcreteOrder<OrderA>>(ring);
- case 2:
- case 3:
- return make_unique<ConcreteOrder<OrderC>>(ring);
- default: break;
- }
- std::cerr << "unknown free module order type" << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "possible orders are: " << std::endl;
- for (size_t i = 1; i <= 7; ++i) {
- auto order = makeOrder(static_cast<FreeModuleOrderType>(i), ring);
- std::cerr << " " << i << ": " << order->description() << std::endl;
- }
- exit(1);
+ return make_unique<ConcreteOrder<OrderA>>(ring);
// Local Variables:
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp b/src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp
index 6451e3a..0e891a9 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp
@@ -1778,6 +1778,7 @@ auto MonoMonoid<E, HC, SH, SO>::readMonoid(std::istream& in) ->
if (!std::isdigit(c)) {
std::string str;
in >> str;
if (str == "component")
componentsAscendingDesired = true;
else if (str == "revcomponent")
@@ -1802,6 +1803,32 @@ auto MonoMonoid<E, HC, SH, SO>::readMonoid(std::istream& in) ->
MATHICGB_ASSERT(w == gradings.size());
+ in >> c;
+ in.unget();
+ if (c == '_') {
+ in >> str;
+ if (str == "_revlex")
+ lexBaseOrder = false;
+ else if (str == "_lex")
+ lexBaseOrder = true;
+ else
+ mathic::reportError("Expected _lex or _revlex but read \"" + str + "\".");
+ in >> c;
+ in.unget();
+ if (!std::isdigit(c)) {
+ in >> str;
+ if (str == "component")
+ componentsAscendingDesired = true;
+ else if (str == "revcomponent")
+ componentsAscendingDesired = false;
+ else
+ mathic::reportError
+ ("Expected component or revcomponent but read \"" + str + "\".");
+ }
+ }
Order order(
diff --git a/src/test/gb-test.cpp b/src/test/gb-test.cpp
index 6160e85..e3c5810 100755
--- a/src/test/gb-test.cpp
+++ b/src/test/gb-test.cpp
@@ -292,13 +292,6 @@ spairQueue reducerType divLookup monTable buchberger postponeKoszul useBaseDivis
auto tuple = Basis::parse(in);
auto& I = std::get<1>(tuple);
- auto typ = freeModuleOrder;
- if (typ == 2 || typ == 4)
- std::get<2>(tuple)->setComponentsAscendingDesired(true);
- else if (typ == 0 || typ == 1 || typ == 3 || typ == 5)
- std::get<2>(tuple)->setComponentsAscendingDesired(false);
- // xxx
(Reducer::makeReducerNullOnUnknown(red, I->ring()).get() != 0);
@@ -350,46 +343,49 @@ spairQueue reducerType divLookup monTable buchberger postponeKoszul useBaseDivis
TEST(GB, small) {
- testGB(0, idealSmall, idealSmallBasis, idealSmallSyzygies, idealSmallInitial, 7);
+ testGB(1, smallIdealComponentLastDescending(),
+ idealSmallBasis, idealSmallSyzygies, idealSmallInitial, 7);
TEST(GB, liu_0_1) {
- testGB(1, liu_ideal, liu_gb_strat0_free1,
+ testGB(1, liuIdealComponentLastDescending(), liu_gb_strat0_free1,
liu_syzygies_strat0_free1, liu_initial_strat0_free1, 13);
TEST(GB, weispfennig97_0_4) {
- testGB(4, weispfennig97_ideal, weispfennig97_gb_strat0_free4,
+ testGB(4, weispfennig97IdealComponentLast(true),
+ weispfennig97_gb_strat0_free4,
weispfennig97_syzygies_strat0_free4, weispfennig97_initial_strat0_free4, 31);
TEST(GB, weispfennig97_0_5) {
- testGB(5, weispfennig97_ideal, weispfennig97_gb_strat0_free5,
+ testGB(5, weispfennig97IdealComponentLast(false),
+ weispfennig97_gb_strat0_free5,
weispfennig97_syzygies_strat0_free5, weispfennig97_initial_strat0_free5, 27);
TEST(GB, gerdt93_0_1) {
- testGB(1, gerdt93Ideal(), gerdt93_gb_strat0_free1,
+ testGB(1, gerdt93IdealComponentLast(false), gerdt93_gb_strat0_free1,
gerdt93_syzygies_strat0_free1, gerdt93_initial_strat0_free1, 9);
TEST(GB, gerdt93_0_2) {
- testGB(2, gerdt93Ideal(), gerdt93_gb_strat0_free2,
+ testGB(2, gerdt93IdealComponentMiddle(true), gerdt93_gb_strat0_free2,
gerdt93_syzygies_strat0_free2, gerdt93_initial_strat0_free2, 7);
TEST(GB, gerdt93_0_3) {
- testGB(3, gerdt93Ideal(), gerdt93_gb_strat0_free3,
+ testGB(3, gerdt93IdealComponentMiddle(false), gerdt93_gb_strat0_free3,
gerdt93_syzygies_strat0_free3, gerdt93_initial_strat0_free3, 9);
TEST(GB, gerdt93_0_4) {
- testGB(4, gerdt93Ideal(), gerdt93_gb_strat0_free4,
+ testGB(4, gerdt93IdealComponentLast(true), gerdt93_gb_strat0_free4,
gerdt93_syzygies_strat0_free4, gerdt93_initial_strat0_free4, 7);
TEST(GB, gerdt93_0_5) {
- testGB(5, gerdt93Ideal(), gerdt93_gb_strat0_free5,
+ testGB(5, gerdt93IdealComponentLast(false), gerdt93_gb_strat0_free5,
gerdt93_syzygies_strat0_free5, gerdt93_initial_strat0_free5, 7);
diff --git a/src/test/ideals.cpp b/src/test/ideals.cpp
index b2e6f68..13313b3 100755
--- a/src/test/ideals.cpp
+++ b/src/test/ideals.cpp
@@ -3,13 +3,16 @@
#include <sstream>
-const char* idealSmall =
-"32003 6 \
-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \
-3 \
--bc+ad \
--b2+af \
+std::string smallIdealComponentLastDescending() {
+ return
+ "32003 6\n"
+ "1 1 1 1 1 1 1\n"
+ "_revlex revcomponent\n"
+ "3\n"
+ "-bc+ad\n"
+ "-b2+af\n"
+ "-bc2+a2e\n";
const char* idealSmallBasis = "\
0 <0> bc-ad\n\
@@ -29,15 +32,17 @@ const char* idealSmallSyzygies =
const char* idealSmallInitial =
" bc\n b2\n acd\n abd\n a2be\n a2d2\n a3de\n a4e2\n";
-const char* liu_ideal =
-"2 6 \
-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \
-4 \
-bc+bd+af+ef \
-ac+cd+bf+ef \
-ad+bd+cf+ef \
-ab+ac+df+ef \
+std::string liuIdealComponentLastDescending() {
+ return
+ "2 6\n"
+ "1 1 1 1 1 1 1\n"
+ "_revlex revcomponent\n"
+ "4\n"
+ "bc+bd+af+ef\n"
+ "ac+cd+bf+ef\n"
+ "ad+bd+cf+ef\n"
+ "ab+ac+df+ef\n";
const char* liu_gb_strat0_free1 =
@@ -65,13 +70,21 @@ const char* liu_syzygies_strat0_free1 =
const char* liu_initial_strat0_free1 =
" ad\n bc\n ac\n ab\n a2f\n bd2\n c2d\n b2d\n cd2f\n c3f\n b3f\n b2ef2\n bde2f2\n c2e2f3\n cde2f4\n d2e3f4\n";
-const char* weispfennig97_ideal =
-"7583 4 1 1 1 1 1 \
-3 \
-b4+ab2c+a2d2-2abd2+b2d2+c2d2 \
-a2b2c-bc4+a3d2+ab2d2+ac2d2+3d5 \
-a3b2-abc3+a2d3+b2d3+c2d3 \
+std::string weispfennig97IdealComponentLast(bool componentsAscending) {
+ std::ostringstream out;
+ out << "7583 4 1\n";
+ if (componentsAscending)
+ out << "1 1 1 1 _revlex component\n";
+ else
+ out << "1 1 1 1 _revlex revcomponent\n";
+ out <<
+ "3\n"
+ "b4+ab2c+a2d2-2abd2+b2d2+c2d2 \n"
+ "a2b2c-bc4+a3d2+ab2d2+ac2d2+3d5 \n"
+ "a3b2-abc3+a2d3+b2d3+c2d3\n";
+ return out.str();
const char* weispfennig97_gb_strat0_free4 = "\
0 <0> b4+ab2c+a2d2-2abd2+b2d2+c2d2\n\
@@ -150,27 +163,43 @@ const char* weispfennig97_syzygies_strat0_free5 =
const char* weispfennig97_initial_strat0_free5 =
" b4\n a2b2c\n a3b2\n a4d2\n b3c4\n ab3c3\n a2bc3d2\n a3c3d2\n ab3c2d2\n a3bc4\n a3bd5\n a2c5d2\n ab2c4d2\n a2b3d5\n b2c6d2\n abc6d2\n a2c4d5\n bc8d2\n ac6d5\n abc5d5\n bc7d5\n c9d5\n";
-std::string gerdt93Ideal() {
- return
- "7583 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1\n\
- 3\n\
- ab-b2-4bc+ae\n\
- a2c-6bc2+a2f\n\
- a3+b2c-a2d\n\
- ";
+const char* Gert93RawIdeal =
+ "3\n"
+ "ab-b2-4bc+ae\n"
+ "a2c-6bc2+a2f\n"
+ "a3+b2c-a2d\n";
+std::string gerdt93IdealComponentLast(bool componentsAscending) {
+ std::ostringstream out;
+ out << "7583 6 ";
+ if (componentsAscending)
+ out << "1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _revlex component\n";
+ else
+ out << "1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _revlex revcomponent\n";
+ out << Gert93RawIdeal;
+ return out.str();
-std::string gerdt93IdealComponentFirst(bool componentIncreasing) {
+std::string gerdt93IdealComponentFirst(bool componentsAscending) {
std::ostringstream out;
out << "7583 6 ";
- if (componentIncreasing)
+ if (componentsAscending)
out << "2 component 1 1 1 1 1 1\n";
out << "2 revcomponent 1 1 1 1 1 1\n";
- out << "3\n"
- " ab-b2-4bc+ae\n"
- " a2c-6bc2+a2f\n"
- " a3+b2c-a2d\n";
+ out << Gert93RawIdeal;
+ return out.str();
+std::string gerdt93IdealComponentMiddle(bool componentsAscending) {
+ std::ostringstream out;
+ out << "7583 6 ";
+ if (componentsAscending)
+ out << "2 1 1 1 1 1 1 component\n";
+ else
+ out << "2 1 1 1 1 1 1 revcomponent\n";
+ out << Gert93RawIdeal;
return out.str();
diff --git a/src/test/ideals.hpp b/src/test/ideals.hpp
index d79a0cb..4c03da9 100755
--- a/src/test/ideals.hpp
+++ b/src/test/ideals.hpp
@@ -2,19 +2,21 @@
#define _test_ideals_h_
// small
-extern const char* idealSmall;
+std::string smallIdealComponentLastDescending();
extern const char* idealSmallBasis;
extern const char* idealSmallSyzygies;
extern const char* idealSmallInitial;
// liu
-extern const char* liu_ideal;
+std::string liuIdealComponentLastDescending();
extern const char* liu_gb_strat0_free1;
extern const char* liu_syzygies_strat0_free1;
extern const char* liu_initial_strat0_free1;
// weispfennig97
-extern const char* weispfennig97_ideal;
+std::string weispfennig97IdealComponentLast(bool componentsAscending);
extern const char* weispfennig97_gb_strat0_free4;
extern const char* weispfennig97_syzygies_strat0_free4;
@@ -25,8 +27,9 @@ extern const char* weispfennig97_syzygies_strat0_free5;
extern const char* weispfennig97_initial_strat0_free5;
// gerdt93
-std::string gerdt93Ideal();
-std::string gerdt93IdealComponentFirst(bool componentIncreasing);
+std::string gerdt93IdealComponentFirst(bool componentsAscending);
+std::string gerdt93IdealComponentMiddle(bool componentsAscending);
+std::string gerdt93IdealComponentLast(bool componentsAscending);
extern const char* gerdt93_gb_strat0_free1;
extern const char* gerdt93_syzygies_strat0_free1;
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