[mathicgb] 339/393: DivLookup.hpp is now fully lambdaed.
Doug Torrance
dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Apr 3 15:59:32 UTC 2015
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dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository mathicgb.
commit afde969a1af793ba694bfac4b327542700da5a91
Author: Bjarke Hammersholt Roune <bjarkehr.code at gmail.com>
Date: Tue Aug 27 16:54:40 2013 +0200
DivLookup.hpp is now fully lambdaed.
src/mathicgb/DivLookup.hpp | 271 +++++++++++++++++----------------------------
1 file changed, 104 insertions(+), 167 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/DivLookup.hpp b/src/mathicgb/DivLookup.hpp
index d15213e..9ea749e 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/DivLookup.hpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/DivLookup.hpp
@@ -236,89 +236,30 @@ public:
virtual size_t minimalLeadInSig(ConstMonoRef sig) const {
- MinimalLeadInSig searchObject(mLookup.getConfiguration().sigBasis());
- mLookup.findAllDivisors(sig, searchObject);
- return searchObject.minLeadGen();
- }
- virtual size_t classicReducer(ConstMonoRef mono) const {
- const auto& conf = mLookup.getConfiguration();
- ClassicReducer searchObject(conf.basis(), conf.preferSparseReducers());
- mLookup.findAllDivisors(mono, searchObject);
- return searchObject.reducer();
- }
- virtual size_t divisor(ConstMonoRef mono) const {
- const Entry* entry = mLookup.findDivisor(mono);
- return entry == 0 ? static_cast<size_t>(-1) : entry->index;
- }
- virtual void divisors(ConstMonoRef mono, EntryOutput& consumer) const {
- PassOn out(consumer);
- mLookup.findAllDivisors(mono, out);
- }
- virtual void multiples(ConstMonoRef mono, EntryOutput& consumer) const {
- PassOn out(consumer);
- mLookup.findAllMultiples(mono, out);
- }
- virtual void removeMultiples(ConstMonoRef mono) {
- mLookup.removeMultiples(mono);
- }
- virtual void remove(ConstMonoRef mono) {mLookup.removeElement(mono);}
- virtual size_t size() const {
- return mLookup.size();
- }
- std::string getName() const {return mLookup.getName();}
- const PolyRing& ring() const {return mLookup.configuration().ring();}
- size_t getMemoryUse() const {return mLookup.getMemoryUse();}
- // Class used in multiples() and divisors()
- struct PassOn {
- public:
- PassOn(EntryOutput& out): mOut(out) {}
- bool proceed(const Entry& entry) {
- return mOut.proceed(entry.index);
- }
- private:
- EntryOutput& mOut;
- };
+ // Given signature sig, we want to minimize (S/G)g where
+ // g and G are the lead term and signature taken over basis elements
+ // whose signature G divide S. The code here instead maximizes G/g,
+ // which is equivalent and also faster since the basis has a data
+ // structure to accelerate comparisons between the ratio of
+ // signature to lead term.
+ //
+ // In case of ties, we select the sparser elements. If there is
+ // still a tie, we select the basis element with the largest
+ // signature. There can be no further ties since all basis
+ // elements have distinct signatures.
+ const auto& basis = mLookup.getConfiguration().sigBasis();
- // Class used in minimalLeadInSig()
- class MinimalLeadInSig {
- public:
- MinimalLeadInSig(const SigPolyBasis& basis):
- mSigBasis(basis),
- mMinLeadGen(static_cast<size_t>(-1)) {}
- bool proceed(const Entry& entry) {
- // Given signature sig, we want to minimize (S/G)g where
- // g and G are the lead term and signature taken over basis elements
- // whose signature G divide S. The code here instead maximizes G/g,
- // which is equivalent and also faster since the basis has a data
- // structure to accelerate comparisons between the ratio of
- // signature to lead term.
- //
- // In case of ties, we select the sparser elements. If there is
- // still a tie, we select the basis element with the largest
- // signature. There can be no further ties since all basis
- // elements have distinct signatures.
- if (mMinLeadGen != static_cast<size_t>(-1)) {
- const int ratioCmp = mSigBasis.ratioCompare(entry.index, mMinLeadGen);
+ auto minLeadGen = size_t(-1);
+ auto proceed = [&](const Entry& entry) {
+ if (minLeadGen != size_t(-1)) {
+ const int ratioCmp = basis.ratioCompare(entry.index, minLeadGen);
if (ratioCmp == LT)
return true;
if (ratioCmp == EQ) {
// If same lead monomial in signature, pick the one with fewer terms
// as that one might be less effort to reduce.
- const size_t minTerms = mSigBasis.poly(mMinLeadGen).nTerms();
- const size_t terms = mSigBasis.poly(entry.index).nTerms();
+ const size_t minTerms = basis.poly(minLeadGen).nTerms();
+ const size_t terms = basis.poly(entry.index).nTerms();
if (minTerms > terms)
return true;
if (minTerms == terms) {
@@ -327,125 +268,121 @@ private:
// might be more reduced as the constraint on regular reduction
// is less. Also, as no two generators have same signature, this
// ensures deterministic behavior.
- const auto minSig = mSigBasis.getSignature(mMinLeadGen);
- const auto genSig = mSigBasis.getSignature(entry.index);
- int sigCmp = mSigBasis.monoid().compare(minSig, genSig);
- MATHICGB_ASSERT(sigCmp != EQ); // no two generators have same signature
- if (sigCmp == GT)
+ const auto minSig = basis.getSignature(minLeadGen);
+ const auto genSig = basis.getSignature(entry.index);
+ const auto sigCmp = basis.monoid().compare(minSig, genSig);
+ if (basis.monoid().lessThan(genSig, minSig))
return true;
- mMinLeadGen = entry.index;
+ minLeadGen = entry.index;
return true;
- }
+ };
+ auto wrap = lambdaWrap(proceed);
+ mLookup.findAllDivisors(sig, wrap);
+ return minLeadGen;
+ }
- size_t minLeadGen() const {return mMinLeadGen;}
- private:
- const SigPolyBasis& mSigBasis;
- size_t mMinLeadGen;
- };
+ virtual size_t classicReducer(ConstMonoRef mono) const {
+ const auto& basis = mLookup.getConfiguration().basis();
+ const auto preferSparse =
+ mLookup.getConfiguration().preferSparseReducers();
- // Class used in ClassicReducer.
- class ClassicReducer {
- public:
- ClassicReducer(const PolyBasis& basis, const bool preferSparse):
- mBasis(basis),
- mPreferSparse(preferSparse),
- mReducer(static_cast<size_t>(-1)) {}
- bool proceed(const Entry& entry) {
- if (mReducer == static_cast<size_t>(-1)) {
- mReducer = entry.index;
+ auto reducer = size_t(-1);
+ auto proceed = [&](const Entry& entry) {
+ if (reducer == size_t(-1)) {
+ reducer = entry.index;
return true;
- if (mPreferSparse) {
- const auto oldTermCount = mBasis.poly(mReducer).nTerms();
- const auto newTermCount = mBasis.poly(entry.index).nTerms();
+ if (preferSparse) {
+ const auto oldTermCount = basis.poly(reducer).nTerms();
+ const auto newTermCount = basis.poly(entry.index).nTerms();
if (oldTermCount > newTermCount) {
- mReducer = entry.index; // prefer sparser
+ reducer = entry.index; // prefer sparser
return true;
if (oldTermCount < newTermCount)
return true;
- // break ties by age
- }
+ } // break ties by age
- if (mReducer > entry.index)
- mReducer = entry.index; // prefer older
+ if (reducer > entry.index)
+ reducer = entry.index; // prefer older
return true;
- }
+ };
+ auto wrap = lambdaWrap(proceed);
+ mLookup.findAllDivisors(mono, wrap);
+ return reducer;
+ }
- size_t reducer() const {return mReducer;}
+ virtual size_t divisor(ConstMonoRef mono) const {
+ const Entry* entry = mLookup.findDivisor(mono);
+ return entry == 0 ? static_cast<size_t>(-1) : entry->index;
+ }
- private:
- const PolyBasis& mBasis;
- const bool mPreferSparse;
- size_t mReducer;
- };
+ virtual void divisors(ConstMonoRef mono, EntryOutput& consumer) const {
+ auto proceed = [&](const Entry& e) {return consumer.proceed(e.index);};
+ auto wrap = lambdaWrap(proceed);
+ mLookup.findAllDivisors(mono, wrap);
+ }
- class DOCheckAll {
- public:
- DOCheckAll(
- const SigPolyBasis& basis,
- ConstMonoRef sig,
- ConstMonoRef monom,
- bool preferSparseReducers
- ):
- mRatioCmp(Monoid::toOld(sig), Monoid::toOld(monom), basis),
- mSigBasis(basis),
- mReducer(static_cast<size_t>(-1)),
- mPreferSparseReducers(preferSparseReducers)
- {}
- bool proceed(const Entry& e)
- {
- if (mRatioCmp.compare(e.index) != GT) {
- mSigBasis.basis().wasNonSignatureReducer(e.index);
- return true;
- }
+ virtual void multiples(ConstMonoRef mono, EntryOutput& consumer) const {
+ auto proceed = [&](const Entry& e) {return consumer.proceed(e.index);};
+ auto wrap = lambdaWrap(proceed);
+ mLookup.findAllMultiples(mono, wrap);
+ }
- mSigBasis.basis().wasPossibleReducer(e.index);
- if (mReducer != static_cast<size_t>(-1)) {
- if (mPreferSparseReducers) {
- // pick sparsest
- size_t const newTermCount = mSigBasis.poly(e.index).nTerms();
- size_t const oldTermCount = mSigBasis.poly(mReducer).nTerms();
- if (newTermCount > oldTermCount)
- return true; // what we already have is sparser
- // resolve ties by picking oldest
- if (newTermCount == oldTermCount && e.index > mReducer)
- return true; // same sparsity and what we already have is older
- } else {
- // pick oldest
- if (e.index > mReducer)
- return true; // what we already have is older
- }
- }
- mReducer = e.index;
- return true;
- }
+ virtual void removeMultiples(ConstMonoRef mono) {
+ mLookup.removeMultiples(mono);
+ }
- size_t reducer() {return mReducer;}
+ virtual void remove(ConstMonoRef mono) {mLookup.removeElement(mono);}
- private:
- SigPolyBasis::StoredRatioCmp const mRatioCmp;
- SigPolyBasis const& mSigBasis;
- size_t mReducer;
- bool const mPreferSparseReducers;
- };
+ virtual size_t size() const {
+ return mLookup.size();
+ }
+ std::string getName() const {return mLookup.getName();}
+ const PolyRing& ring() const {return mLookup.configuration().ring();}
+ size_t getMemoryUse() const {return mLookup.getMemoryUse();}
virtual void insert(ConstMonoRef mono, size_t value) {
mLookup.insert(Entry(mono, value));
virtual size_t regularReducer(ConstMonoRef sig, ConstMonoRef mono) const {
const auto& conf = mLookup.getConfiguration();
- DOCheckAll out(conf.sigBasis(), sig, mono, conf.preferSparseReducers());
- mLookup.findAllDivisors(mono, out);
- return out.reducer();
+ SigPolyBasis::StoredRatioCmp ratioCmp
+ (Monoid::toOld(sig), Monoid::toOld(mono), conf.sigBasis());
+ const auto& basis = conf.basis();
+ const bool preferSparse = conf.preferSparseReducers();
+ auto reducer = size_t(-1);
+ auto proceed = [&](const Entry& e) {
+ if (ratioCmp.compare(e.index) != GT)
+ return true;
+ if (reducer != size_t(-1)) {
+ if (preferSparse) {
+ const auto newTermCount = basis.poly(e.index).nTerms();
+ const auto oldTermCount = basis.poly(reducer).nTerms();
+ if (newTermCount > oldTermCount)
+ return true; // what we already have is sparser
+ // resolve ties by picking oldest
+ if (newTermCount == oldTermCount && e.index > reducer)
+ return true;
+ } else { // pick oldest
+ if (e.index > reducer)
+ return true; // what we already have is older
+ }
+ }
+ reducer = e.index;
+ return true;
+ };
+ auto wrap = lambdaWrap(proceed);
+ mLookup.findAllDivisors(mono, wrap);
+ return reducer;
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