[mathicgb] 357/393: Moved some of the code of PolyHashTable into its implementation file.
Doug Torrance
dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Apr 3 15:59:34 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository mathicgb.
commit 3666e57059660d4a8446e46174a91366e9e2089b
Author: Bjarke Hammersholt Roune <bjarkehr.code at gmail.com>
Date: Tue Sep 3 16:11:05 2013 +0200
Moved some of the code of PolyHashTable into its implementation file.
src/mathicgb/PolyHashTable.cpp | 53 +++++++++++++-
src/mathicgb/PolyHashTable.hpp | 153 +++--------------------------------------
2 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/PolyHashTable.cpp b/src/mathicgb/PolyHashTable.cpp
index 563cd0e..b3574d6 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/PolyHashTable.cpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/PolyHashTable.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,57 @@
+PolyHashTable::PolyHashTable(const PolyRing& ring):
+ mHashToIndexMask(computeHashMask(1000)),
+ mBuckets
+ (make_unique_array<Node*>(hashMaskToBucketCount(mHashToIndexMask))),
+ mRing(ring),
+ mNodes(sizeofNode(ring)
+ ),
+ mSize()
+ mMaxSize = static_cast<size_t>(bucketCount() * maxLoadFactor());
+ std::fill_n(mBuckets.get(), bucketCount(), nullptr);
+void PolyHashTable::rehash(const size_t requestedBucketCount) {
+ const auto newHashToIndexMask = computeHashMask(requestedBucketCount);
+ const auto newBucketCount = hashMaskToBucketCount(newHashToIndexMask);
+ auto newBuckets = make_unique_array<Node*>(newBucketCount);
+ std::fill_n(newBuckets.get(), newBucketCount, nullptr);
+ const auto bucketsEnd = mBuckets.get() + bucketCount();
+ for (auto bucket = mBuckets.get(); bucket != bucketsEnd; ++bucket) {
+ for (auto node = *bucket; node != 0;) {
+ const auto hash = monoid().hash(node->mono());
+ const auto newIndex = hashToIndex(hash, newHashToIndexMask);
+ const auto next = node->next();
+ node->next() = newBuckets[newIndex];
+ newBuckets[newIndex] = node;
+ node = next;
+ }
+ }
+ mHashToIndexMask = newHashToIndexMask;
+ mBuckets = std::move(newBuckets);
+ mMaxSize = static_cast<size_t>(bucketCount() * maxLoadFactor());
+HashValue PolyHashTable::computeHashMask(const size_t requestedBucketCount) {
+ // round request up to nearest power of 2.
+ size_t pow2 = 1;
+ while (pow2 < requestedBucketCount && 2 * pow2 != 0)
+ pow2 *= 2;
+ MATHICGB_ASSERT(pow2 > 0 && (pow2 & (pow2 - 1)) == 0); // power of two
+ // If casting to a hash value overflows, then we get the maximum
+ // possible number of buckets based on the range of the hash
+ // value type. Only unsigned overflow is defined, so we need
+ // to assert that the hash type is unsigned.
+ static_assert(!std::numeric_limits<HashValue>::is_signed, "");
+ const auto hashToIndexMask = static_cast<HashValue>(pow2 - 1);
+ MATHICGB_ASSERT(pow2 == hashMaskToBucketCount(hashToIndexMask));
+ return hashToIndexMask;
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/PolyHashTable.hpp b/src/mathicgb/PolyHashTable.hpp
index 5040ed0..88b45d6 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/PolyHashTable.hpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/PolyHashTable.hpp
@@ -40,18 +40,7 @@ public:
// Construct a hash table with at least requestedBucketCount buckets. There
// may be more buckets. Currently the number is rounded up to the next power
// of two.
- PolyHashTable(const PolyRing& ring):
- mHashToIndexMask(computeHashMask(1000)),
- mBuckets
- (make_unique_array<Node*>(hashMaskToBucketCount(mHashToIndexMask))),
- mRing(ring),
- mNodes(sizeofNode(ring)
- ),
- mSize()
- {
- mMaxSize = static_cast<size_t>(bucketCount() * maxLoadFactor());
- std::fill_n(mBuckets.get(), bucketCount(), nullptr);
- }
+ PolyHashTable(const PolyRing& ring);
const PolyRing::Monoid& monoid() const {return mRing.monoid();}
@@ -140,45 +129,12 @@ public:
- void rehash(const size_t requestedBucketCount) {
- const auto newHashToIndexMask = computeHashMask(requestedBucketCount);
- const auto newBucketCount = hashMaskToBucketCount(newHashToIndexMask);
- auto newBuckets = make_unique_array<Node*>(newBucketCount);
- std::fill_n(newBuckets.get(), newBucketCount, nullptr);
- const auto bucketsEnd = mBuckets.get() + bucketCount();
- for (auto bucket = mBuckets.get(); bucket != bucketsEnd; ++bucket) {
- for (auto node = *bucket; node != 0;) {
- const auto hash = monoid().hash(node->mono());
- const auto newIndex = hashToIndex(hash, newHashToIndexMask);
- const auto next = node->next();
- node->next() = newBuckets[newIndex];
- newBuckets[newIndex] = node;
- node = next;
- }
- }
- mHashToIndexMask = newHashToIndexMask;
- mBuckets = std::move(newBuckets);
- mMaxSize = static_cast<size_t>(bucketCount() * maxLoadFactor());
- }
+ /// Change the number of buckets and put all the nodes into their new
+ /// places. The bucket array gets put into new memory, but all the nodes
+ /// stay where they are.
+ void rehash(const size_t requestedBucketCount);
- static HashValue computeHashMask(const size_t requestedBucketCount) {
- // round request up to nearest power of 2.
- size_t pow2 = 1;
- while (pow2 < requestedBucketCount && 2 * pow2 != 0)
- pow2 *= 2;
- MATHICGB_ASSERT(pow2 > 0 && (pow2 & (pow2 - 1)) == 0); // power of two
- // If casting to a hash value overflows, then we get the maximum
- // possible number of buckets based on the range of the hash
- // value type. Only unsigned overflow is defined, so we need
- // to assert that the hash type is unsigned.
- static_assert(!std::numeric_limits<HashValue>::is_signed, "");
- const auto hashToIndexMask = static_cast<HashValue>(pow2 - 1);
- MATHICGB_ASSERT(pow2 == hashMaskToBucketCount(hashToIndexMask));
- return hashToIndexMask;
- }
+ static HashValue computeHashMask(const size_t requestedBucketCount);
static size_t hashMaskToBucketCount(const HashValue mask) {
const auto count = static_cast<size_t>(mask) + 1u; // should be power of 2
@@ -194,7 +150,8 @@ private:
- /// The maximum allowed value of elementCount() / bucketCount().
+ /// The maximum allowed value of size() / bucketCount() before a rehash
+ /// is done.
static double maxLoadFactor() {return 0.10;}
size_t hashToIndex(const HashValue hash) const {
@@ -215,99 +172,5 @@ private:
size_t mMaxSize;
-// The hash table is a map: monomial => coeff
-// Operations required on monomials:
-// hash (this will currently pick out one entry of a monomial)
-// Operations required on coefficients:
-// add, maybe multiply too?
-// isZero?
-// Does not take ownership of any of the monomials.
-class PolyHashTable {
- typedef PolyRing::Monoid Monoid;
- typedef Monoid::MonoRef MonoRef;
- typedef Monoid::ConstMonoRef ConstMonoRef;
- typedef Monoid::MonoPtr MonoPtr;
- typedef Monoid::ConstMonoPtr ConstMonoPtr;
- typedef coefficient Value;
- class Node {
- public:
- const const_monomial& mono() {return mMonom;}
- const const_monomial& mono() const {return mMonom;}
- Value& value() {return coeff;}
- const Value& value() const {return coeff;}
- private:
- friend class PolyHashTable;
- Node*& next() {return mNext;}
- Node* next() const {return mNext;}
- Node* mNext;
- coefficient coeff;
- const_monomial mMonom;
- };
- PolyHashTable(const PolyRing& ring);
- const Monoid& monoid() const {return mRing.monoid();}
- std::pair<Node*, bool> insertProduct
- (ConstMonoRef a, ConstMonoRef b);
- std::pair<Node*, bool> insertProduct
- (ConstMonoRef a, ConstMonoRef b, Value add)
- {
- auto p = insertProduct(a, b);
- mRing.coefficientAddTo(p.first->value(), add);
- return p;
- }
- std::pair<Node*, bool> insertProduct(const_term a, const_term b)
- {
- Value prod;
- mRing.coefficientMult(a.coeff, b.coeff, prod);
- return insertProduct(a.monom, b.monom, prod);
- }
- // Removes the node from the hash table.
- void remove(Node* n);
- void clear(); // Clear the table, and memory areas.
- bool empty() const {return mNodeCount == 0;}
- size_t getMemoryUse() const;
- typedef std::vector<Node*> MonomialArray;
- void resize(size_t new_nbits); // Don't change the nodes, table, but do recreate hashtable_
- Node* makeNode(const_monomial monom);
- bool lookup_and_insert(const_monomial m, Node *&result);
- const PolyRing& mRing;
- std::vector<Node*> mHashTable;
- HashValue mHashMask; // this is the number, in binary: 00001111...1, where
- // the number of 1's is mLogTableSize
- memt::Arena mArena; // space for monomials represented in this class. Also nodes??
- size_t mTableSize;
- size_t mLogTableSize; // number of bits in the table: mTableSize should be 2^mLogTableSize
- size_t mNodeCount; // current number of nodes in the hash table
- size_t mBinCount;
- size_t mMaxCountBeforeRebuild;
- size_t mMonomialSize;
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