[mathicgb] 380/393: Poly::assign can now accept a range and the implementation of Poly::polyWithTermsDescending is now a bit simpler - there are no loops in there any more and what is sorted is no longer a set of pairs (term, index) pairs since the index was not being used anymore anyway.
Doug Torrance
dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Apr 3 15:59:37 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository mathicgb.
commit a921b987d76ea4526bf6262bda6266821e3400fd
Author: Bjarke Hammersholt Roune <http://www.broune.com/>
Date: Sun Sep 22 00:33:55 2013 +0200
Poly::assign can now accept a range and the implementation of Poly::polyWithTermsDescending is now a bit simpler - there are no loops in there any more and what is sorted is no longer a set of pairs (term, index) pairs since the index was not being used anymore anyway.
src/mathicgb/Poly.cpp | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
src/mathicgb/Poly.hpp | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/Poly.cpp b/src/mathicgb/Poly.cpp
index 9352499..6a6f097 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/Poly.cpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/Poly.cpp
@@ -8,25 +8,23 @@
Poly Poly::polyWithTermsDescending() {
- // *** Sort (term, index) pairs in descending order of monomial.
- // Grr, if only C++11 lambda's allowed auto in the parameter list,
- // then it would not have been necessary to ever mention the type
- // Entry. But alas, that won't be here until C++14.
- typedef std::pair<NewConstTerm, size_t> Entry;
- auto greaterThan = [&](const Entry& a, const Entry& b) {
- return monoid().lessThan(*b.first.mono, *a.first.mono);
+ // *** Sort terms in descending order of monomial.
+ // It would be possible but cumbersome to implement a sort directly
+ // on mMonos. That way no allocation would need to happen, however
+ // it is not clear that that would be any faster, since swapping around
+ // monomials in-place is slow. Swapping terms is faster, since terms
+ // just refer to the monomials. This way is also easier to implement.
+ auto greaterOrEqual = [&](const NewConstTerm& a, const NewConstTerm& b) {
+ return monoid().lessThan(*b.mono, *a.mono);
- auto ordered = rangeToVector(indexRange(*this));
- std::sort(std::begin(ordered), std::end(ordered), greaterThan);
+ auto terms = rangeToVector(*this);
+ std::sort(std::begin(terms), std::end(terms), greaterOrEqual);
// *** Make a new polynomial with terms in that order
Poly poly(ring());
- poly.reserve(termCount());
- for (const auto& p : ordered)
- poly.append(p.first);
+ poly.append(terms, termCount());
- MATHICGB_ASSERT(termCount() == poly.termCount());
// This return statements causes no copy. The return value optimization
// will be used at the option of the compiler. If a crappy compiler gets
@@ -68,6 +66,19 @@ void Poly::makeMonic() {
+size_t Poly::getMemoryUse() const {
+ return
+ sizeof(mCoefs.front()) * mCoefs.capacity() +
+ sizeof(mMonos.front()) * mMonos.capacity();
+bool Poly::termsAreInDescendingOrder() const {
+ auto greaterThanOrEqual = [&](ConstMonoRef a, ConstMonoRef b) {
+ return !monoid().lessThan(a, b);
+ };
+ return std::is_sorted(monoBegin(), monoEnd(), greaterThanOrEqual);
bool operator==(const Poly& a, const Poly& b) {
MATHICGB_ASSERT(&a.ring() == &b.ring());
if (a.termCount() != b.termCount())
@@ -85,17 +96,4 @@ bool operator==(const Poly& a, const Poly& b) {
return true;
-size_t Poly::getMemoryUse() const {
- return
- sizeof(mCoefs.front()) * mCoefs.capacity() +
- sizeof(mMonos.front()) * mMonos.capacity();
-bool Poly::termsAreInDescendingOrder() const {
- auto greaterThanOrEqual = [&](ConstMonoRef a, ConstMonoRef b) {
- return !monoid().lessThan(a, b);
- };
- return std::is_sorted(monoBegin(), monoEnd(), greaterThanOrEqual);
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/Poly.hpp b/src/mathicgb/Poly.hpp
index 26d77d8..1a2400f 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/Poly.hpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/Poly.hpp
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ public:
typedef Monoid::MonoPtr MonoPtr;
typedef Monoid::ConstMonoPtr ConstMonoPtr;
+ /// Constructs the zero polynomial in the given ring.
Poly(const PolyRing& ring): mRing(ring) {}
Poly(const Poly& poly):
@@ -58,6 +59,35 @@ public:
append(term.coef, *term.mono);
+ /// Appends each term in the range r to the end of the polynomial.
+ ///
+ template<class Range>
+ void append(const Range& r) {
+ for (const auto& term : r)
+ append(term);
+ }
+ /// As append(r), but possibly with better performance. The number of
+ /// elements in the range r must equal rangeTermCount.
+ template<class Range>
+ void append(const Range& r, size_t rangeTermCount) {
+ (std::distance(std::begin(r), std::end(r)) == rangeTermCount);
+ reserve(termCount() + rangeTermCount);
+ for (const auto& term : r)
+ append(term);
+ }
+ /// As append(range(termsBegin, termsEnd))
+ template<class ForwardIterator>
+ void append(
+ const ForwardIterator& termsBegin,
+ const ForwardIterator& termsEnd
+ ) {
+ append(range(termsBegin, termsEnd));
+ }
void append(coefficient coef, ConstMonoRef mono);
/// Hint that space for the give number of terms is going to be needed.
@@ -246,6 +276,8 @@ private:
std::vector<exponent> mMonos;
+bool operator==(const Poly& a, const Poly& b);
// This is inline since it is performance-critical.
inline void Poly::append(coefficient a, ConstMonoRef m) {
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