[wcslib] 06/11: Added (outdated) symbols file
Ole Streicher
olebole at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Apr 8 09:06:40 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
olebole pushed a commit to branch debian
in repository wcslib.
commit 01dcb670c43ac75889665d3f26841306bd835ac9
Author: Ole Streicher <debian at liska.ath.cx>
Date: Wed Apr 8 10:48:21 2015 +0200
Added (outdated) symbols file
debian/libwcs4.symbols | 743 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 743 insertions(+)
diff --git a/debian/libwcs4.symbols b/debian/libwcs4.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e842b97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libwcs4.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
+libwcs.so.4 libwcs4 #MINVER#
+ AIR at Base 4.8.2
+ AIT at Base 4.8.2
+ ARC at Base 4.8.2
+ AZP at Base 4.8.2
+ BON at Base 4.8.2
+ CAR at Base 4.8.2
+ CEA at Base 4.8.2
+ CELSET at Base 4.8.2
+ COD at Base 4.8.2
+ COE at Base 4.8.2
+ CONIC at Base 4.8.2
+ CONVENTIONAL at Base 4.8.2
+ COO at Base 4.8.2
+ COP at Base 4.8.2
+ CSC at Base 4.8.2
+ CYLINDRICAL at Base 4.8.2
+ CYP at Base 4.8.2
+ HEALPIX at Base 4.8.2
+ HPX at Base 4.8.2
+ LINSET at Base 4.8.2
+ MER at Base 4.8.2
+ MOL at Base 4.8.2
+ NPSMAX at Base 4.8.2
+ NPVMAX at Base 4.8.2
+ PAR at Base 4.8.2
+ PCO at Base 4.8.2
+ POLYCONIC at Base 4.8.2
+ QSC at Base 4.8.2
+ QUADCUBE at Base 4.8.2
+ SFL at Base 4.8.2
+ SIN at Base 4.8.2
+ STG at Base 4.8.2
+ SZP at Base 4.8.2
+ TABSET at Base 4.8.2
+ TAN at Base 4.8.2
+ TSC at Base 4.8.2
+ WCSSET at Base 4.8.2
+ XPH at Base 4.18
+ ZEA at Base 4.8.2
+ ZENITHAL at Base 4.8.2
+ ZPN at Base 4.8.2
+ acosd at Base 4.8.2
+ add at Base 4.8.2
+ afrqfreq at Base 4.8.2
+ afrqfreq_ at Base 4.8.2
+ airs2x at Base 4.8.2
+ airs2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ airset at Base 4.8.2
+ airset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ airx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ airx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ aits2x at Base 4.8.2
+ aits2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ aitset at Base 4.8.2
+ aitset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ aitx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ aitx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ arcs2x at Base 4.8.2
+ arcs2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ arcset at Base 4.8.2
+ arcset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ arcx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ arcx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ asind at Base 4.8.2
+ atan2d at Base 4.8.2
+ atand at Base 4.8.2
+ awavfreq at Base 4.8.2
+ awavfreq_ at Base 4.8.2
+ awavvelo at Base 4.8.2
+ awavvelo_ at Base 4.8.2
+ awavwave at Base 4.8.2
+ awavwave_ at Base 4.8.2
+ azps2x at Base 4.8.2
+ azps2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ azpset at Base 4.8.2
+ azpset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ azpx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ azpx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ betavelo at Base 4.8.2
+ betavelo_ at Base 4.8.2
+ bons2x at Base 4.8.2
+ bons2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ bonset at Base 4.8.2
+ bonset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ bonx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ bonx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ cars2x at Base 4.8.2
+ cars2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ carset at Base 4.8.2
+ carset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ carx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ carx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ cdfix at Base 4.8.2
+ cdfix_ at Base 4.8.2
+ ceas2x at Base 4.8.2
+ ceas2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ ceaset at Base 4.8.2
+ ceaset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ ceax2s at Base 4.8.2
+ ceax2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ cel_block_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ cel_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ cel_errmsg at Base 4.8.2
+ celfix at Base 4.8.2
+ celfix_ at Base 4.8.2
+ celfree at Base 4.8.2
+ celfree_ at Base 4.8.2
+ celget_ at Base 4.8.2
+ celgtc_ at Base 4.8.2
+ celgtd_ at Base 4.8.2
+ celgti_ at Base 4.8.2
+ celini at Base 4.8.2
+ celini_ at Base 4.8.2
+ celprt at Base 4.8.2
+ celprt_ at Base 4.8.2
+ celptc_ at Base 4.8.2
+ celptd_ at Base 4.8.2
+ celpti_ at Base 4.8.2
+ celput_ at Base 4.8.2
+ cels2x at Base 4.8.2
+ cels2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ celset at Base 4.8.2
+ celset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ celx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ celx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ cods2x at Base 4.8.2
+ cods2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ codset at Base 4.8.2
+ codset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ codx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ codx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ coes2x at Base 4.8.2
+ coes2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ coeset at Base 4.8.2
+ coeset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ coex2s at Base 4.8.2
+ coex2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ coos2x at Base 4.8.2
+ coos2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ cooset at Base 4.8.2
+ cooset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ coox2s at Base 4.8.2
+ coox2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ cops2x at Base 4.8.2
+ cops2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ copset at Base 4.8.2
+ copset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ copx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ copx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ cosd at Base 4.8.2
+ cscs2x at Base 4.8.2
+ cscs2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ cscset at Base 4.8.2
+ cscset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ cscx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ cscx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ cylfix at Base 4.8.2
+ cylfix_ at Base 4.8.2
+ cyps2x at Base 4.8.2
+ cyps2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ cypset at Base 4.8.2
+ cypset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ cypx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ cypx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ datfix at Base 4.8.2
+ datfix_ at Base 4.8.2
+ enerfreq at Base 4.8.2
+ enerfreq_ at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdr at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdr_ at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdr_abort_jmp_env at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdr_block_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdr_create_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdr_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdr_delete_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdr_errmsg at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdr_flex_debug at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdr_flush_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdr_hdr at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdr_nkeyrec at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdr_scan_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdr_scan_bytes at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdr_scan_string at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdr_switch_to_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdralloc at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrfree at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrget_debug at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrget_in at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrget_leng at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrget_lineno at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrget_out at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrget_text at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrin at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrleng at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrlex_destroy at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrlineno at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrout at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrpop_buffer_state at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrpush_buffer_state at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrrealloc at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrrestart at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrset_debug at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrset_in at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrset_lineno at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrset_out at Base 4.8.2
+ fitshdrtext at Base 4.8.2
+ freekeys_ at Base 4.8.2
+ freqafrq at Base 4.8.2
+ freqafrq_ at Base 4.8.2
+ freqawav at Base 4.8.2
+ freqawav_ at Base 4.8.2
+ freqener at Base 4.8.2
+ freqener_ at Base 4.8.2
+ freqvelo at Base 4.8.2
+ freqvelo_ at Base 4.8.2
+ freqvrad at Base 4.8.2
+ freqvrad_ at Base 4.8.2
+ freqwave at Base 4.8.2
+ freqwave_ at Base 4.8.2
+ freqwavn at Base 4.8.2
+ freqwavn_ at Base 4.8.2
+ hpxs2x at Base 4.8.2
+ hpxs2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ hpxset at Base 4.8.2
+ hpxset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ hpxx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ hpxx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ keyget_ at Base 4.8.2
+ keyidget_ at Base 4.8.2
+ keyidgtc_ at Base 4.8.2
+ keyidgti_ at Base 4.8.2
+ keyidptc_ at Base 4.8.2
+ keyidput_ at Base 4.8.2
+ lin_block_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ lin_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ lin_errmsg at Base 4.8.2
+ lincpy at Base 4.8.2
+ lincpy_ at Base 4.8.2
+ linfree at Base 4.8.2
+ linfree_ at Base 4.8.2
+ linget_ at Base 4.8.2
+ lingtd_ at Base 4.8.2
+ lingti_ at Base 4.8.2
+ linini at Base 4.8.2
+ linini_ at Base 4.8.2
+ linp2x at Base 4.8.2
+ linp2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ linprt at Base 4.8.2
+ linprt_ at Base 4.8.2
+ linptd_ at Base 4.8.2
+ linpti_ at Base 4.8.2
+ linput_ at Base 4.8.2
+ linset at Base 4.8.2
+ linset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ linx2p at Base 4.8.2
+ linx2p_ at Base 4.8.2
+ log_block_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ log_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ log_errmsg at Base 4.8.2
+ logs2x at Base 4.8.2
+ logs2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ logx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ logx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ matinv at Base 4.8.2
+ mers2x at Base 4.8.2
+ mers2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ merset at Base 4.8.2
+ merset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ merx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ merx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ mols2x at Base 4.8.2
+ mols2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ molset at Base 4.8.2
+ molset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ molx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ molx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ nullfill at Base 4.8.2
+ pars2x at Base 4.8.2
+ pars2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ parset at Base 4.8.2
+ parset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ parx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ parx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ pcos2x at Base 4.8.2
+ pcos2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ pcoset at Base 4.8.2
+ pcoset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ pcox2s at Base 4.8.2
+ pcox2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ prj_block_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ prj_categories at Base 4.8.2
+ prj_codes at Base 4.8.2
+ prj_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ prj_errmsg at Base 4.8.2
+ prj_ncode at Base 4.8.2
+ prjbchk at Base 4.22
+ prjbchk_ at Base 4.22
+ prjfree at Base 4.8.2
+ prjfree_ at Base 4.8.2
+ prjget_ at Base 4.8.2
+ prjgtc_ at Base 4.8.2
+ prjgtd_ at Base 4.8.2
+ prjgti_ at Base 4.8.2
+ prjini at Base 4.8.2
+ prjini_ at Base 4.8.2
+ prjoff at Base 4.8.2
+ prjprt at Base 4.8.2
+ prjprt_ at Base 4.8.2
+ prjptc_ at Base 4.8.2
+ prjptd_ at Base 4.8.2
+ prjpti_ at Base 4.8.2
+ prjput_ at Base 4.8.2
+ prjs2x at Base 4.8.2
+ prjs2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ prjset at Base 4.8.2
+ prjset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ prjx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ prjx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ qscs2x at Base 4.8.2
+ qscs2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ qscset at Base 4.8.2
+ qscset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ qscx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ qscx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ sfls2x at Base 4.8.2
+ sfls2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ sflset at Base 4.8.2
+ sflset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ sflx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ sflx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ sincosd at Base 4.8.2
+ sind at Base 4.8.2
+ sins2x at Base 4.8.2
+ sins2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ sinset at Base 4.8.2
+ sinset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ sinx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ sinx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spc_block_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spc_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spc_errmsg at Base 4.8.2
+ spcaips at Base 4.8.2
+ spcaips_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spcfix at Base 4.8.2
+ spcfix_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spcfree at Base 4.8.2
+ spcfree_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spcget_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spcgtc_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spcgtd_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spcgti_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spcini at Base 4.8.2
+ spcini_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spcprt at Base 4.8.2
+ spcprt_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spcptc_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spcptd_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spcpti_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spcput_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spcs2x at Base 4.8.2
+ spcs2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spcset at Base 4.8.2
+ spcset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spcspx at Base 4.8.2
+ spcspx_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spcspxe at Base 4.8.2
+ spcspxe_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spctrn at Base 4.8.2
+ spctrn_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spctrne at Base 4.8.2
+ spctrne_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spctyp at Base 4.8.2
+ spctyp_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spctype at Base 4.8.2
+ spctype_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spcx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ spcx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spcxps at Base 4.8.2
+ spcxps_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spcxpse at Base 4.8.2
+ spcxpse_ at Base 4.8.2
+ specx at Base 4.8.2
+ specx_ at Base 4.8.2
+ sphdpa at Base 4.8.2
+ sphdpa_ at Base 4.8.2
+ sphpad at Base 4.8.2
+ sphpad_ at Base 4.8.2
+ sphs2x at Base 4.8.2
+ sphs2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ sphx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ sphx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spx_block_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spx_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spx_errmsg at Base 4.8.2
+ spxget_ at Base 4.8.2
+ spxgti_ at Base 4.8.2
+ stgs2x at Base 4.8.2
+ stgs2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ stgset at Base 4.8.2
+ stgset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ stgx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ stgx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ szps2x at Base 4.8.2
+ szps2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ szpset at Base 4.8.2
+ szpset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ szpx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ szpx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tab_block_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tab_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tab_errmsg at Base 4.8.2
+ tabcmp at Base 4.23
+ tabcpy at Base 4.8.2
+ tabcpy_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tabedge at Base 4.8.2
+ tabfree at Base 4.8.2
+ tabfree_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tabget_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tabgtd_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tabgti_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tabini at Base 4.8.2
+ tabini_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tabmem at Base 4.8.2
+ tabmem_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tabprt at Base 4.8.2
+ tabprt_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tabptd_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tabpti_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tabput_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tabrow at Base 4.8.2
+ tabs2x at Base 4.8.2
+ tabs2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tabset at Base 4.8.2
+ tabset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tabvox at Base 4.8.2
+ tabx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ tabx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tand at Base 4.8.2
+ tans2x at Base 4.8.2
+ tans2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tanset at Base 4.8.2
+ tanset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tanx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ tanx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tscs2x at Base 4.8.2
+ tscs2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tscset at Base 4.8.2
+ tscset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ tscx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ tscx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ unitfix at Base 4.8.2
+ unitfix_ at Base 4.8.2
+ veloawav at Base 4.8.2
+ veloawav_ at Base 4.8.2
+ velobeta at Base 4.8.2
+ velobeta_ at Base 4.8.2
+ velofreq at Base 4.8.2
+ velofreq_ at Base 4.8.2
+ velowave at Base 4.8.2
+ velowave_ at Base 4.8.2
+ voptwave at Base 4.8.2
+ voptwave_ at Base 4.8.2
+ vradfreq at Base 4.8.2
+ vradfreq_ at Base 4.8.2
+ waveawav at Base 4.8.2
+ waveawav_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wavefreq at Base 4.8.2
+ wavefreq_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wavevelo at Base 4.8.2
+ wavevelo_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wavevopt at Base 4.8.2
+ wavevopt_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wavezopt at Base 4.8.2
+ wavezopt_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wavnfreq at Base 4.8.2
+ wavnfreq_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcs_block_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcs_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcs_errmsg at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbchk at Base 4.20
+ wcsbchk_ at Base 4.20
+ wcsbdx at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbdx_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth_abort_jmp_env at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth_colax at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth_create_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth_delete_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth_epoch at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth_final at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth_flex_debug at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth_flush_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth_hdr at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth_idx at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth_init1 at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth_nkeyrec at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth_pass1 at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth_scan_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth_scan_bytes at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth_scan_string at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth_switch_to_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbth_vsource at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthalloc at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthfree at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthget_debug at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthget_in at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthget_leng at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthget_lineno at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthget_out at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthget_text at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthin at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthleng at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthlex_destroy at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthlineno at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthout at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthpop_buffer_state at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthpush_buffer_state at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthrealloc at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthrestart at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthset_debug at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthset_in at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthset_lineno at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthset_out at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsbthtext at Base 4.8.2
+ wcscompare at Base 4.23
+ wcscompare_ at Base 4.23
+ wcscopy_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcserr_clear at Base 4.8.3
+ wcserr_copy at Base 4.8.2
+ wcserr_enable at Base 4.8.2
+ wcserr_enable_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcserr_get_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcserr_gtc_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcserr_gti_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcserr_prt at Base 4.8.2
+ wcserr_prt_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcserr_set at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsfix at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsfix_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsfix_block_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsfix_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsfix_errmsg at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsfixi at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsfprintf at Base 4.17
+ wcsfree at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsfree_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsget_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsgtc_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsgtd_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsgti_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcshdo at Base 4.8.2
+ wcshdr_block_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcshdr_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcshdr_errmsg at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsidx at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsidx_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsini at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsini_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsmix at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsmix_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsnps at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsnps_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsnpv at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsnpv_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsp2s at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsp2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsperr at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsperr_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspih at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspih_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspih_abort_jmp_env at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspih_create_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspih_delete_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspih_final at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspih_flex_debug at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspih_flush_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspih_hdr at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspih_inits at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspih_naxes at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspih_nkeyrec at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspih_scan_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspih_scan_bytes at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspih_scan_string at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspih_switch_to_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihalloc at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihfree at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihget_debug at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihget_in at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihget_leng at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihget_lineno at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihget_out at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihget_text at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihin at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihleng at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihlex_destroy at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihlineno at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihout at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihpop_buffer_state at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihpush_buffer_state at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihrealloc at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihrestart at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihset_debug at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihset_in at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihset_lineno at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihset_out at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspihtext at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsprintf at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsprintf_buf at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsprintf_set at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsprt at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsprt_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsptc_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsptd_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcspti_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsput_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcss2p at Base 4.8.2
+ wcss2p_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsset at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcssptr at Base 4.8.2
+ wcssptr_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcssub at Base 4.8.2
+ wcssub_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcstab at Base 4.8.2
+ wcstab_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulex at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulex_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulex_abort_jmp_env at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulex_create_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulex_delete_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulex_flex_debug at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulex_flush_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulex_scan_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulex_scan_bytes at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulex_scan_string at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulex_switch_to_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexalloc at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexe at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexe_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexfree at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexget_debug at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexget_in at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexget_leng at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexget_lineno at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexget_out at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexget_text at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexin at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexleng at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexlex_destroy at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexlineno at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexout at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexpop_buffer_state at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexpush_buffer_state at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexrealloc at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexrestart at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexset_debug at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexset_in at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexset_lineno at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulexset_out at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsulextext at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsunits at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsunits_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsunits_block_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsunits_data_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsunits_errmsg at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsunits_funcs at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsunits_types at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsunits_units at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsunitse at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsunitse_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutil_Eq at Base 4.23
+ wcsutil_allEq at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutil_blank_fill at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutil_double2str at Base 4.14
+ wcsutil_fptr2str at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutil_intEq at Base 4.23
+ wcsutil_null_fill at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutil_setAli at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutil_setAll at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutil_setBit at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutil_str2double at Base 4.14
+ wcsutil_strEq at Base 4.23
+ wcsutrn at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrn_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrn_abort_jmp_env at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrn_create_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrn_delete_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrn_flex_debug at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrn_flush_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrn_scan_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrn_scan_bytes at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrn_scan_string at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrn_switch_to_buffer at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnalloc at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrne at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrne_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnfree at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnget_debug at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnget_in at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnget_leng at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnget_lineno at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnget_out at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnget_text at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnin at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnleng at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnlex_destroy at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnlineno at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnout at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnpop_buffer_state at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnpush_buffer_state at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnrealloc at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnrestart at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnset_debug at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnset_in at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnset_lineno at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrnset_out at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsutrntext at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsvcopy_ at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsvfree at Base 4.8.2
+ wcsvfree_ at Base 4.8.2
+ xphs2x at Base 4.18
+ xphs2x_ at Base 4.18
+ xphset at Base 4.18
+ xphset_ at Base 4.18
+ xphx2s at Base 4.18
+ xphx2s_ at Base 4.18
+ zeas2x at Base 4.8.2
+ zeas2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ zeaset at Base 4.8.2
+ zeaset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ zeax2s at Base 4.8.2
+ zeax2s_ at Base 4.8.2
+ zoptwave at Base 4.8.2
+ zoptwave_ at Base 4.8.2
+ zpns2x at Base 4.8.2
+ zpns2x_ at Base 4.8.2
+ zpnset at Base 4.8.2
+ zpnset_ at Base 4.8.2
+ zpnx2s at Base 4.8.2
+ zpnx2s_ at Base 4.8.2
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-astro/packages/wcslib.git
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