[libsnl] 01/01: Added autopkgtest

Wolfgang Fütterer wlfuetter-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Apr 15 08:23:44 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

wlfuetter-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libsnl.

commit 8b9c4fb00a2d4f9d9a06a83db8691474cf8dea2d
Author: Wolfgang Fuetterer <debian at wlf-online.de>
Date:   Wed Apr 15 10:22:13 2015 +0200

    Added autopkgtest
 debian/control       |    1 +
 debian/tests/build1  | 1708 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/tests/control |    2 +
 3 files changed, 1711 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 9188ca4..612f15a 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Section: libs
 Homepage: http://libsnl.sourceforge.net/
 #Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/collab-maint/libsnl.git
 #Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/libsnl.git;a=summary
+XS-Testsuite: autopkgtest
 Package: libsnl-dev
 Section: libdevel
diff --git a/debian/tests/build1 b/debian/tests/build1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21efe2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/tests/build1
@@ -0,0 +1,1708 @@
+# autopkgtest check: Build and run a program against glib, to verify that the
+# headers and pkg-config file are installed correctly
+# (C) 2015 Wolfgang Fuetterer
+# Author: Wolfgang Fuetterer <debian at wlf-online.de>
+set -e
+WORKDIR=$(mktemp -d)
+cat <<EOF > snlTest.cpp
+// libSNL - Simple Nurbs Library
+// Copyright 2004 Scott A.E. Lanham, Australia.
+// --------------------------------------------
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+//  GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+//  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+//  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+// *** Test program for libSNL ***
+#ifdef SGI_MIPS
+    #include <iostream.h>
+    #include <math.h>
+    #include <iostream>
+    #include <cmath>
+    using namespace std;
+#include "snlSquareLinear.h"
+#include "snlCurve.h"
+#include "snlSurface.h"
+#include "snlCtrlPoint.h"
+#include "snlVector.h"
+snlCurve* generateCurve()
+   // Create some points to interpolate.
+    snlPoint* points = new snlPoint [ 10 ];
+    double x = 0.0;
+    double y = 0.0;
+    double z = 10.0;
+    double w = 1.0;
+    double zIncr = 1.0;
+    for ( int count = 0; count < 10; count ++ )
+    {
+        points [ count ].components ( x, y, z, w );
+        x += 1.0;
+        y += 1.0;
+        z -= zIncr;
+        zIncr -= 0.2;
+    }
+    knot* params;
+    // Generate curve.
+    snlCurve* curve = new snlCurve ( points, 10, snlCurve::SNL_GLOBAL_INTERPOLATION, 3, false, &params );
+    delete[] params;
+    delete[] points;
+    return curve;
+snlCurve* generateReverseCurve()
+   // Create some points to interpolate.
+    snlPoint* points = new snlPoint [ 10 ];
+    double x = 0.0;
+    double y = 0.0;
+    double z = 10.0;
+    double w = 1.0;
+    double zIncr = 1.0;
+    for ( int count = 9; count >= 0; count -- )
+    {
+        points [ count ].components ( x, y, z, w );
+        x += 1.0;
+        y += 1.0;
+        z -= zIncr;
+        zIncr -= 0.2;
+    }
+    knot* params;
+    // Generate curve.
+    snlCurve* curve = new snlCurve ( points, 10, snlCurve::SNL_GLOBAL_INTERPOLATION, 3, false, &params );
+    delete[] points;
+    delete[] params;
+    return curve;
+snlSurface* generateSurface()
+    // Generate surface for use elsewhere in the test program.
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    snlCtrlPoint* points = new snlCtrlPoint [ 100 ];
+    double x = - 5.0;
+    double y = 0.0;
+    double z = 10.0;
+    double w = 1.0;
+    double xyGrad = 0.02;
+    double xyGradIncr = 0.01;
+    double xIncr = 0.02;
+    double yIncr = 0.05;    
+    double zIncr = -0.2;
+    double xStep = 1.0;
+    for ( int tIndex = 0; tIndex < 10; tIndex ++ )
+    {
+        for ( int uIndex = 0; uIndex < 10; uIndex ++ )
+        {
+            double newX = x + ( xStep * uIndex );
+            double newY = y + ( newX - x ) * xyGrad;            
+            points [ ( tIndex * 10 ) + uIndex ].components ( newX, newY, z, w );
+            x += xIncr;
+            y += yIncr;
+            z += zIncr;
+            xyGrad += xyGradIncr;
+        }
+    }
+    snlSurface* retSurface = new snlSurface ( 5, 5, 10, 10, points, 0, 0 );
+    return retSurface;
+snlSurface* generateSurface2()
+    // Generate surface for use elsewhere in the test program.
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    snlCtrlPoint* points = new snlCtrlPoint [ 110 ];
+    double z = 2.5;
+    double w = 1.0;
+    points [ 0 ].components ( - 2.5, 0.5, z, w );
+    points [ 1 ].components ( - 2.0, 1.0 , z, w );
+    points [ 2 ].components ( - 1.5, 0.5, z, w );
+    points [ 3 ].components ( - 1.0, 0.0, z, w );
+    points [ 4 ].components ( - 0.5, 0.5, z, w );
+    points [ 5 ].components ( 0.0, 1.0, z, w );
+    points [ 6 ].components ( 0.5, 0.5, z, w );
+    points [ 7 ].components ( 1.0, 0.0, z, w );
+    points [ 8 ].components ( 1.5, 0.5, z, w );
+    points [ 9 ].components ( 2.0, 1.0, z, w );
+    points [ 10 ].components ( 2.5, 1.5, z, w );
+    double zIncr = - 0.5;
+    double angleStep = 0.314;
+    snlTransform rotation;
+    snlTransform translation;
+    snlPoint axisStart ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
+    snlPoint axisEnd ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
+    rotation.rotate ( angleStep, axisStart, axisEnd );
+    translation.translate ( 0.0, 0.0, zIncr );
+    int index = 11;
+    for ( int uIndex = 1; uIndex < 10; uIndex ++ )
+    {
+        for ( int vIndex = 0; vIndex < 11; vIndex ++ )
+        {
+            points [ index ] = points [ vIndex ];
+            rotation.transform ( points [ index ] );
+            translation.transform ( points [ index ] );
+            index ++;
+        }
+        rotation.rotate ( angleStep, axisStart, axisEnd );
+        translation.translate ( 0.0, 0.0, zIncr );
+    }
+    snlSurface* retSurface = new snlSurface ( 5, 5, 10, 11, points, 0, 0 );
+    return retSurface;
+snlSurface* generateSawToothSurface()
+    // Generate surface for use elsewhere in the test program.
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    // Notes:   Generates a surface suitable for concave polygon detection.
+    int size = 11;
+    int deg = 5;
+    snlCtrlPoint* points = new snlCtrlPoint [ size * size ];
+    double x = - 5.0;
+    double y = 0.0;
+    double z = 5.0;
+    double w = 1.0;
+    double ySaw = 0.5;
+    double xStep = 1.0;
+    double yIncr = 0.1;    
+    double zIncr = -1.0;
+    for ( int tIndex = 0; tIndex < size; tIndex ++ )
+    {
+        for ( int uIndex = 0; uIndex < size; uIndex ++ )
+        {
+            points [ ( tIndex * size ) + uIndex ].components ( x + ( xStep * uIndex ), y + ( uIndex % 2 ) * ySaw, z, w );
+        }
+        y += yIncr;
+        z += zIncr;
+    }
+    knot* knotsV = new knot [ size + deg + 1 ];
+    for ( int count = 0; count < deg + 1; count ++ ) knotsV [ count ] = 0.0;
+    for ( int count = deg + 1; count < deg * 2 + 1; count ++ ) knotsV [ count ] = 0.5;
+    for ( int count = deg * 2 + 1; count < size + deg + 1; count ++ ) knotsV [ count ] = 1.0;
+    snlSurface* retSurface = new snlSurface ( 5, 5, 11, 11, points, 0, knotsV );
+    return retSurface;
+snlSurface* generateSurfaceOfRevolution()
+    // Generate surface for use elsewhere in the test program.
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    // Code used from vTurbine.
+    double impeller_depth = 2.0;
+    double inlet_radius = 1.0;
+    double outlet_radius = 3.0;
+    double innerProfile_weight1 = 0.5;
+    double innerProfile_weight2 = 0.5;
+    snlPoint* start = new snlPoint ( 0.0, inlet_radius, impeller_depth, 1.0 );
+    snlPoint* end = new snlPoint ( 0.0, outlet_radius, 0.0, 1.0 );  // Axis is rooted at origin.
+    snlCurve innerProfileCurve ( 3, 6, *start, *end );
+    snlCtrlPoint* cpts = innerProfileCurve.controlPointNet().getCtrlPtsPtr();
+    cpts [ 1 ].components ( 0.0, inlet_radius, ( impeller_depth * 2.0 ) / 3.0, 1.0 );
+    cpts [ 2 ].components ( 0.0, inlet_radius, impeller_depth / 3.0, 1.0 );
+    cpts [ 3 ].components ( 0.0, ( outlet_radius - inlet_radius ) / 3.0 + inlet_radius, 0.0, 1.0 );
+    cpts [ 4 ].components ( 0.0, ( ( outlet_radius - inlet_radius ) * 2.0 ) / 3.0 + inlet_radius, 0.0, 1.0 );    
+    cpts [ 2 ].weight ( innerProfile_weight1 );
+    cpts [ 3 ].weight ( innerProfile_weight2 );
+    start -> components ( 0.0, 0.0, impeller_depth, 1.0 );
+    end -> components ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
+    return new snlSurface ( innerProfileCurve, *start, *end, 270.0 );
+snlSurface* generateAmbigSurface()
+    // Generate surface for ambiguous edge detection.
+    int degree = 3;
+    snlCtrlPoint* line = new snlCtrlPoint [ degree + 1 ];
+    line [ 0 ].components ( 0.0, 0.0, 5.0 );
+    line [ 1 ].components ( 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
+    line [ 2 ].components ( 0.0, - 1.0, 1.0 );
+    line [ 3 ].components ( 0.0, 0.0, 5.0 );
+    snlCtrlPoint* ctrlPts = new snlCtrlPoint [ ( degree + 1 ) * ( degree + 1 ) ];
+    double xAdjust = 1.0;
+    int index = 0;
+    for ( int uIndex = 0; uIndex < degree + 1; uIndex ++ )
+    {
+        for ( int vIndex = 0; vIndex < degree + 1; vIndex ++ )
+        {
+            ctrlPts [ index ] = line [ vIndex ];
+            ctrlPts [ index ].x ( ctrlPts [ index ].x() + xAdjust * uIndex );
+            index ++;
+        }
+    }
+    delete[] line;
+    return new snlSurface ( degree, degree, degree + 1, degree + 1, ctrlPts, 0, 0 );
+snlSurface* generateAmbigSurface2()
+    // Generate surface for ambiguous edge detection.
+    int degree = 3;
+    snlCtrlPoint* line = new snlCtrlPoint [ degree + 1 ];
+    line [ 0 ].components ( 0.0, 0.0, 5.0 );
+    line [ 1 ].components ( 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
+    line [ 2 ].components ( 0.0, - 1.0, 1.0 );
+    line [ 3 ].components ( 0.0, 0.0, 5.0 );
+    snlCtrlPoint* ctrlPts = new snlCtrlPoint [ ( degree + 1 ) * ( degree + 1 ) ];
+    double xAdjust = 1.0;
+    int index = 0;
+    for ( int uIndex = 0; uIndex < degree + 1; uIndex ++ )
+    {
+        for ( int vIndex = 0; vIndex < degree + 1; vIndex ++ )
+        {
+            ctrlPts [ index ] = line [ uIndex ];
+            ctrlPts [ index ].x ( ctrlPts [ index ].x() + xAdjust * vIndex );
+            index ++;
+        }
+    }
+    delete[] line;
+    return new snlSurface ( degree, degree, degree + 1, degree + 1, ctrlPts, 0, 0 );
+bool test_surfaceInterp()
+    bool passed = true;
+    double tolerance = 0.0001;
+    // Generate surface from existing surfaces control points.
+    snlSurface* testSurf = generateSurface();
+    const snlCtrlPoint* ctrlPts = testSurf -> controlPoints();
+    int numU = testSurf -> sizeU();
+    int numV = testSurf -> sizeV();
+    int numPts = numU * numV;
+    snlPoint* pointsInterp = new snlPoint [ numPts ];
+    for ( int index = 0; index < numPts; index ++ )
+        pointsInterp [ index ] = ctrlPts [ index ];
+    snlSurface* interpSurf = new snlSurface ( snlSurface::SNL_GLOBAL_INTERP_CENTRIFUGAL, pointsInterp,
+                                              numU, numV, 4, 4 );
+    // Project orginal data points to surface and calculate error.
+    double maxError = 0.0;
+    snlPoint* toProject = new snlPoint [ numPts ];
+    for ( int index = 0; index < numPts; index ++ )
+        toProject [ index ] = pointsInterp [ index ];
+    int numProjLocns;
+    snlSurfLocn* projLocns = interpSurf -> fastProject ( toProject, numPts, &numProjLocns, tolerance, 0.00001, 2, 1, 1 );
+    for ( int index = 0; index < numPts; index ++ )
+    {
+        if ( maxError < projLocns [ index ].dist ) maxError = projLocns [ index ].dist;
+    }
+    delete[] projLocns;
+    delete[] toProject;
+    if ( maxError > tolerance ) passed = false;
+    cout << "Max Error: " << maxError << " - ";
+    delete testSurf;
+    delete interpSurf;
+    delete[] pointsInterp;
+    if ( ! passed )
+    {    
+        cout << "Failed\n";
+        return false;
+    }
+    else
+        cout << "Passed\n";
+    return passed;
+bool test_surfaceRefine()
+    bool passed = true;
+    double tolerance = 0.05;
+    snlSurface* testSurf = generateSurface();
+    snlSurface* testSurf2 = generateSurface2();
+    testSurf -> refine ( tolerance );
+    //testSurf2 -> refineHullBezier ( tolerance );  // Broken with no time to fix.
+    testSurf2 -> refine ( tolerance );
+    // Project all control points to surface and calculate error.
+    int numSurfaces = 1;
+    snlSurface* surfs [ 2 ];
+    surfs [ 0 ] = testSurf;
+    surfs [ 1 ] = testSurf2;
+    double maxError = 0.0;
+    cout << "\n\n";
+    cout << "\tFinished refinement, starting projections. This may take a while.\n\n";
+    for ( int surfNum = 0; surfNum < numSurfaces; surfNum ++ )
+    {
+        snlSurface* cSurf = surfs [ surfNum ];
+        int numPoints = ( cSurf -> controlPointNet() ).getNumPts();
+        cout << "\tTesting Surface Number: " << surfNum << "  Number of projections: " << numPoints << "\n";
+        const snlCtrlPoint* ctrlPoints = cSurf -> controlPoints();
+        snlPoint* toProject = new snlPoint [ numPoints ];
+        for ( int index = 0; index < numPoints; index ++ )
+            toProject [ index ] = ctrlPoints [ index ];
+        int numProjLocns;
+        snlSurfLocn* projLocns = cSurf -> fastProject ( toProject, numPoints, &numProjLocns, tolerance, 0.00001, 2, 1, 1 );
+        for ( int index = 0; index < numPoints; index ++ )
+        {
+            if ( maxError < projLocns [ index ].dist ) maxError = projLocns [ index ].dist;
+        }
+        delete[] projLocns;
+        delete[] toProject;
+    }
+    if ( maxError > tolerance ) passed = false;
+    cout << "\tMax Error: " << maxError << " - ";
+    delete testSurf;
+    delete testSurf2;
+    if ( ! passed )
+    {    
+        cout << "Failed\n";
+        return false;
+    }
+    else
+        cout << "Passed\n";
+    return passed;
+bool test_ambig()
+    bool passed = true;
+    snlSurface* testSurf = generateAmbigSurface();
+    snlSurface* testSurf2 = generateAmbigSurface2();
+    sEdge surfEdges [ 4 ];
+    sEdge surfEdges2 [ 4 ];
+    int numEdges = testSurf -> hasAmbigEdges ( surfEdges, 1.0e-6 );
+    int numEdges2 = testSurf2 -> hasAmbigEdges ( surfEdges2, 1.0e-6 );
+    if ( numEdges == 0 ) passed = false;
+    if ( numEdges2 == 0 ) passed = false;
+    for ( int index = 0; index < numEdges; index ++ )
+    {
+        if ( surfEdges [ index ].direction != 0 ) passed = false;
+        if ( surfEdges2 [ index ].direction != 1 ) passed = false;
+    }
+    delete testSurf;
+    delete testSurf2;
+    if ( ! passed )
+    {    
+        cout << "Failed\n";
+        return false;
+    }
+    else
+        cout << "Passed\n";
+    return passed;
+bool testSurfaceOfRevolution()
+    // Test accuracy of surface of rotation.
+    // -------------------------------------
+    cout << "\n\n";
+    bool passed = true;
+    snlSurface* origSurf = generateSurfaceOfRevolution();
+    snlSurface* testSurf = generateSurfaceOfRevolution();
+    // Test knot insertion at multiple locations.
+    int numSteps = 10;
+    // Step through surface and evaluate.
+    double minParamU = ( testSurf -> knotVectorU() ).min();
+    double minParamV = ( testSurf -> knotVectorV() ).min();
+    double maxParamU = ( testSurf -> knotVectorU() ).max();
+    double maxParamV = ( testSurf -> knotVectorV() ).max();
+    double paramStepU = ( maxParamU - minParamU ) / ( numSteps - 1 );
+    double paramStepV = ( maxParamV - minParamV ) / ( numSteps - 1 );
+    double paramU = minParamU + paramStepU;
+    double paramV = minParamV;
+    double maxError = 0;
+    int index = 0;
+    testSurf -> refineHull_U ( 0.005 );
+    testSurf -> refineHull_V ( 0.005 );
+    for ( int indexU = 0; indexU < numSteps; indexU ++ )
+    {
+        paramV = minParamV;
+        for ( int indexV = 0; indexV < numSteps; indexV ++ )
+        {
+            paramV += paramStepV;
+            if ( paramV > maxParamV ) paramV = maxParamV;
+            index ++;
+        }
+        paramU += paramStepU;
+        if ( paramU > maxParamU ) paramU = maxParamU;
+    }
+    // Clean up, report and return.    
+    cout << "Max Error = " << maxError << " - ";
+    delete testSurf;
+    delete origSurf;
+    if ( ! passed )
+    {    
+        cout << "Failed\n";
+        return false;
+    }
+    else
+        cout << "Passed\n";
+    return passed;    
+bool testSurfacePointInversion()
+    // Test Surface Point Inversion Function
+    // -------------------------------------
+    //cout << "\n\n";
+    bool passed = true;
+    snlSurface* testSurf = generateSurface();
+    int numSteps = 10;
+    int maxPass = 10;
+    // Step through surface and evaluate.
+    double minParamU = ( testSurf -> knotVectorU() ).min();
+    double minParamV = ( testSurf -> knotVectorV() ).min();
+    double maxParamU = ( testSurf -> knotVectorU() ).max();
+    double maxParamV = ( testSurf -> knotVectorV() ).max();
+    double paramStepU = ( maxParamU - minParamU ) / ( numSteps - 1 );
+    double paramStepV = ( maxParamV - minParamV ) / ( numSteps - 1 );
+    double paramU = 0.0;
+    double paramV = 0.0;    
+    double maxError = 0;
+    double iterTol = 1.0e-8;
+    double normTol = 1.0e-6;
+    int numEval = numSteps * numSteps;
+    // Fill array with evaluated points.
+    snlPoint* evalPts = new snlPoint [ numEval ];
+    int index = 0;
+    for ( int indexU = 0; indexU < numSteps; indexU ++ )
+    {
+        paramV = minParamV;
+        for ( int indexV = 0; indexV < numSteps; indexV ++ )
+        {
+            evalPts [ index ] = testSurf -> eval ( paramU, paramV );
+            //cout << "(" << indexU << ", " << indexV << ") ";
+            //cout << "EvalParamU: " << paramU << "  EvalParamV: " << paramV << "\n";
+            paramV += paramStepV;
+            if ( paramV > maxParamV ) paramV = maxParamV;
+            index ++;
+        }
+        paramU += paramStepU;
+        if ( paramU > maxParamU ) paramU = maxParamU;
+    }
+    int numReturned;
+    snlSurfLocn* inverted = testSurf -> invert ( evalPts, numEval, &numReturned, iterTol, normTol, maxPass );
+    //cout << "Num Sent: " << numEval << " Num Returned: " << numReturned << "\n";
+    for ( index = 0; index < numReturned; index ++ )
+    {
+        snlVector delta ( evalPts [ inverted [ index ].origPtIndex ], inverted [ index ].pt );
+        if ( maxError < delta.length() )
+            maxError = delta.length();
+    }
+    delete[] inverted;
+    delete[] evalPts;
+    if ( maxError > iterTol ) passed = false;    
+    // Clean up, report and return.    
+    cout << "Tolerance = " << iterTol << ", Max Error = " << maxError << " - ";
+    if ( numEval > numReturned )
+    {
+        cout << "Number Sent: " << numEval << " Number Returned: " << numReturned << " - ";
+        passed = false;
+    }
+    delete testSurf;
+    if ( ! passed )
+    {    
+        cout << "Failed\n";
+        return false;
+    }
+    else
+        cout << "Passed\n";
+    return passed;    
+bool testSurfaceConvexBezierSegmentation()
+    // Test decomposition of surface into Bezier segements.
+    // ----------------------------------------------------
+    cout << "\n\n";
+    bool passed = true;
+    snlSurface* origSurf = generateSawToothSurface();
+    snlSurface* testSurf = generateSawToothSurface();
+    // Test convex detection function.
+    snlPoint testPoints[] = { snlPoint ( - 3.0, 0.0, 0.0 ),
+                              snlPoint ( - 1.5, 2.5, 0.0 ),
+                              snlPoint ( 1.5, - 2.0, 0.0 ),
+                              snlPoint ( 2.5, 1.5, 0.0 ),
+                              snlPoint ( 3.0, 2.5, 0.0 )
+                            };
+    snlPoint testPoints2[] = { snlPoint ( - 3.0, 0.0, 0.0 ),
+                               snlPoint ( - 1.5, 2.5, 0.0 ),
+                               snlPoint ( 1.5, 5.0, 0.0 ),
+                               snlPoint ( 2.5, 1.5, 0.0 ),
+                               snlPoint ( 3.0, 2.5, 0.0 )
+                             };
+    snlPoint* testPointPtrs[] = { testPoints, testPoints + 1, testPoints + 2, testPoints + 3, testPoints + 4 };
+    snlPoint* testPointPtrs2[] = { testPoints2, testPoints2 + 1, testPoints2 + 2, testPoints2 + 3, testPoints2 + 4 };
+    if ( ( testSurf -> controlPointNet() ).isConvex ( testPointPtrs, 5 )
+         &&  ! ( testSurf -> controlPointNet() ).isConvex ( testPointPtrs2, 5 ) )
+    {
+        passed = false;
+        cout << "\tConvex Points Test - Failed\n";
+    }
+    else
+        cout << "\tConvex Points Test - Passed\n";
+    // Test knot insertion at multiple locations.
+    int numSteps = 10;
+    // Step through surface and evaluate.
+    double minParamU = ( testSurf -> knotVectorU() ).min();
+    double minParamV = ( testSurf -> knotVectorV() ).min();
+    double maxParamU = ( testSurf -> knotVectorU() ).max();
+    double maxParamV = ( testSurf -> knotVectorV() ).max();
+    double paramStepU = ( maxParamU - minParamU ) / ( numSteps - 1 );
+    double paramStepV = ( maxParamV - minParamV ) / ( numSteps - 1 );
+    double paramU = minParamU + paramStepU;
+    double paramV = minParamV;
+    double maxError = 0;
+    int numV, numU;
+    testSurf -> createConvexBezierSegments ( &numU, &numV );
+    //cout << "Num U Segments: " << numU << "  Num V Segments: " << numV << "\n";
+    for ( int indexU = 1; indexU < numSteps - 1; indexU ++ )
+    {
+        paramV = minParamV + paramStepV;
+        for ( int indexV = 1; indexV < numSteps - 1; indexV ++ )
+        {
+            snlPoint original = origSurf -> eval ( paramU, paramV );
+            snlPoint test = testSurf -> eval ( paramU, paramV );
+            double error = snlVector ( original, test ).length();
+            if ( error > maxError ) maxError = error;
+            paramV += paramStepV;
+        }
+        paramU += paramStepU;
+    }
+    delete origSurf;
+    delete testSurf;
+    if ( maxError > 2.0e-13 ) passed = false;
+    cout << "\tSurface Decomposition Into Convex Bezier Segments - Max Error = " << maxError << "\n";
+    if ( ! passed )
+        cout << "\tFailed\n";
+    else
+        cout << "\tPassed\n";
+    return passed;
+bool testSurfaceBezierSegmentation()
+    // Test decomposition of surface into Bezier segements.
+    // ----------------------------------------------------
+    cout << "\n\n";
+    bool passed = true;
+    snlSurface* origSurf = generateSurface();
+    snlSurface* testSurf = generateSurface();
+    // Test knot insertion at multiple locations.
+    int numSteps = 10;
+    // Step through surface and evaluate.
+    double minParamU = ( testSurf -> knotVectorU() ).min();
+    double minParamV = ( testSurf -> knotVectorV() ).min();
+    double maxParamU = ( testSurf -> knotVectorU() ).max();
+    double maxParamV = ( testSurf -> knotVectorV() ).max();
+    double paramStepU = ( maxParamU - minParamU ) / ( numSteps - 1 );
+    double paramStepV = ( maxParamV - minParamV ) / ( numSteps - 1 );
+    double paramU = minParamU + paramStepU;
+    double paramV = minParamV;
+    double maxError = 0;
+    testSurf -> createBezierSegments();
+    for ( int indexU = 1; indexU < numSteps - 1; indexU ++ )
+    {
+        paramV = minParamV + paramStepV;
+        for ( int indexV = 1; indexV < numSteps - 1; indexV ++ )
+        {
+            snlPoint original = origSurf -> eval ( paramU, paramV );
+            snlPoint test = testSurf -> eval ( paramU, paramV );
+            double error = snlVector ( original, test ).length();
+            if ( error > maxError ) maxError = error;
+            paramV += paramStepV;
+        }
+        paramU += paramStepU;
+    }
+    delete origSurf;
+    delete testSurf;
+    if ( maxError > 2.0e-13 ) passed = false;
+    cout << "\tSurface Decomposition Into Bezier Segments - Max Error = " << maxError << "\n";
+    if ( ! passed )
+        cout << "\tFailed\n";
+    else
+        cout << "\tPassed\n";
+    return passed;
+bool testSurfaceKnotInsert()
+    // Test knot insertion functions.
+    // ------------------------------
+    cout << "\n\n";
+    bool passed = true;
+    snlSurface* origSurf = generateSurface();
+    snlSurface* testSurf = generateSurface();
+    snlSurface* testSurf2 = generateSurface();
+    // Test knot insertion at multiple locations.
+    int numSteps = 10;
+    // Step through surface and evaluate.
+    double minParamU = ( testSurf -> knotVectorU() ).min();
+    double minParamV = ( testSurf -> knotVectorV() ).min();
+    double maxParamU = ( testSurf -> knotVectorU() ).max();
+    double maxParamV = ( testSurf -> knotVectorV() ).max();
+    double paramStepU = ( maxParamU - minParamU ) / ( numSteps - 1 );
+    double paramStepV = ( maxParamV - minParamV ) / ( numSteps - 1 );
+    double paramU = minParamU + paramStepU;
+    double paramV = minParamV;
+    double maxError = 0;
+    double maxError2 = 0;
+    // Warning!! Don't insert knots at end clamps.
+    for ( int indexU = 1; indexU < numSteps - 1; indexU ++ )
+    {
+        paramV = minParamV + paramStepV;
+        int multi = ( origSurf -> knotVectorU() ).findMultiplicity ( paramU );
+        testSurf -> insertKnot ( paramU, snlSurface::SNL_U_DIR );
+        testSurf2 -> insertKnot ( paramU, snlSurface::SNL_U_DIR, testSurf2 -> degreeU() - multi );
+        //testSurf2 -> insertKnot ( paramU, snlSurface::SNL_U_DIR, 4 );
+        //( testSurf2 -> controlPointNet() ).printCompare ( testSurf -> controlPointNet() );
+        for ( int indexV = 1; indexV < numSteps - 1; indexV ++ )
+        {
+            // Evaluate before knot insertion.
+            snlPoint original = origSurf -> eval ( paramU, paramV );
+            // Insert knot and evaluate.
+            if ( indexU < 2 )
+            {
+                multi = ( origSurf -> knotVectorV() ).findMultiplicity ( paramV );
+                testSurf -> insertKnot ( paramV, snlSurface::SNL_V_DIR );
+                testSurf2 -> insertKnot ( paramV, snlSurface::SNL_V_DIR, testSurf2 -> degreeV() - multi );
+                //testSurf2 -> insertKnot ( paramV, snlSurface::SNL_V_DIR, 4 );
+            }
+            snlPoint inserted = testSurf -> eval ( paramU, paramV );
+            snlPoint inserted2 = testSurf2 -> eval ( paramU, paramV );
+            double error = snlVector ( original, inserted ).length();
+            double error2 = snlVector ( original, inserted2 ).length();
+            //cout << "Param U, V: " << paramU << ", " << paramV << "Error: " << error << " Error2: " << error2 << "\n";
+            if ( error > maxError ) maxError = error;
+            if ( error2 > maxError2 ) maxError2 = error2;
+            paramV += paramStepV;
+        }
+        paramU += paramStepU;
+    }
+    delete origSurf;
+    delete testSurf;
+    delete testSurf2;
+    if ( maxError > 1.5e-13 ) passed = false;
+    if ( maxError2 > 1.5e-13 ) passed = false;
+    cout << "\tSurface Single Knot Insertion - Max Error = " << maxError << "\n";
+    cout << "\tSurface Multiple Knot Insertion - Max Error = " << maxError2 << "\n";
+    if ( ! passed )
+        cout << "\tFailed\n";
+    else
+        cout << "\tPassed\n";
+    return passed;
+bool testDerivEval()
+    // Test derivative evaluation.
+    // ---------------------------
+    cout << "\n\n";
+    bool passed = true;
+    snlSurface* testSurf = generateSurface();
+    int numSteps = 10;
+    // Step through surface and evaluate.
+    double minParamU = ( testSurf -> knotVectorU() ).min();
+    double minParamV = ( testSurf -> knotVectorV() ).min();
+    double maxParamU = ( testSurf -> knotVectorU() ).max();
+    double maxParamV = ( testSurf -> knotVectorV() ).max();
+    double paramStepU = ( maxParamU - minParamU ) / ( numSteps - 1 );
+    double paramStepV = ( maxParamV - minParamV ) / ( numSteps - 1 );
+    double paramU = minParamU;
+    double paramV = minParamV;
+    double deltaU_val = ( maxParamU - minParamU ) / 1000000.0;
+    double deltaV_val = ( maxParamV - minParamV ) / 1000000.0;
+    double maxError = 0;
+    double maxMixedPartialError = 0;
+    for ( int indexU = 0; indexU < numSteps; indexU ++ )
+    {
+        paramV = minParamV;
+        for ( int indexV = 0; indexV < numSteps; indexV ++ )
+        {
+            // Get derivatives            
+            snlPoint* derivs = testSurf -> evalDerivs ( paramU, paramV, 2, 2 );  // Calculate 2nd derivs as well.
+            double deltaU, deltaV;
+            if ( paramU < maxParamU )
+                deltaU = deltaU_val;
+            else
+                deltaU = - deltaU_val;
+            if ( paramV < maxParamV )
+                deltaV = deltaV_val;
+            else
+                deltaV = - deltaV_val;
+            snlVector velocityU ( derivs [ 3 ] );
+            snlVector velocityV ( derivs [ 1 ] );
+            // Get points a little tiny delta from evaluated point.
+            // Vo.t + 0.5 a.(t*t).
+            snlPoint deltaPointU = derivs [ 0 ];
+            deltaPointU += velocityU * deltaU;
+            deltaPointU += derivs [ 6 ] * ( deltaU * deltaU * 0.5 );
+            snlPoint deltaPointV = derivs [ 0 ];
+            deltaPointV += velocityV * deltaV;
+            deltaPointV += derivs [ 2 ] * ( deltaV * deltaV * 0.5 );
+            // Calculate distance between actual and approximated points.
+            snlVector deltaVectorU ( testSurf -> eval ( paramU + deltaU, paramV ), deltaPointU );
+            snlVector deltaVectorV ( testSurf -> eval ( paramU, paramV + deltaV ), deltaPointV );            
+            double distU = deltaVectorU.length();
+            double distV = deltaVectorV.length();
+            //cout << "ParamU: " << paramU << "  ParamV: " << paramV << "  distU: " << distU << " distV: " << distV << "\n";
+            // Asses first mixed partial.                        
+            snlVector deltaVelocityU ( derivs [ 4 ] );
+            deltaVelocityU *= deltaV;
+            deltaVelocityU += velocityU;
+            snlVector deltaVelocityV ( derivs [ 4 ] );
+            deltaVelocityV *= deltaU;
+            deltaVelocityV += velocityV;
+            snlPoint* derivsDeltaU = testSurf -> evalDerivs ( paramU + deltaU, paramV, 2, 2 );
+            snlPoint* derivsDeltaV = testSurf -> evalDerivs ( paramU, paramV + deltaV, 2, 2 );
+            double discrMixedU = deltaVelocityU.dot ( derivsDeltaV [ 3 ] ) - snlVector ( derivsDeltaV [ 3 ] ).lengthSqrd();
+            discrMixedU /= snlVector ( derivsDeltaV [ 3 ] ).lengthSqrd();
+            double discrMixedV = deltaVelocityV.dot ( derivsDeltaU [ 1 ] ) - snlVector ( derivsDeltaU [ 1 ] ).lengthSqrd();
+            discrMixedV /= snlVector ( derivsDeltaU [ 1 ] ).lengthSqrd();
+            delete[] derivsDeltaU;
+            delete[] derivsDeltaV;
+            //cout << "ParamU: " << paramU << "  ParamV: " << paramV << "  discrU: " << discrMixedU << " discrV: " << discrMixedV << "\n";
+            // Final processing
+            paramV += paramStepV;
+            if ( paramV > maxParamV ) paramV = maxParamV;
+            if (  distU > maxError ) maxError = distU;
+            if (  distV > maxError ) maxError = distV;
+            if ( discrMixedV > maxMixedPartialError ) maxMixedPartialError = discrMixedV;
+            if ( discrMixedU > maxMixedPartialError ) maxMixedPartialError = discrMixedU;
+            delete[] derivs;
+        }
+        paramU += paramStepU;
+        if ( paramU > maxParamU ) paramU = maxParamU;        
+    }
+    if ( maxError > 1.0e-12 || maxMixedPartialError > 1.0e-9 ) passed = false;    
+    // Clean up, report and return.
+    cout << "\tSurface Derivatives, velocity / acceleration approximation - Max Error = " << maxError << "\n";
+    cout << "\tSurface Derivatives, mixed partial velocity approximation - Max Error = " << maxMixedPartialError << "\n";
+    delete testSurf;
+    if ( ! passed )
+    {    
+        cout << "\t\tFailed\n";
+        return false;
+    }
+    else
+        cout << "\tPassed\n";
+    return passed;    
+bool testSurfaceProjection()
+    // Test Surface Projection
+    // -----------------------
+    cout << "\n\n";
+    bool passed = true;
+    //snlSurface* testSurf = generateSurface();
+    snlSurface* testSurf = generateSurface2();
+    int numSteps = 10;
+    int maxPass = 10;
+    // Step through surface and evaluate.
+    double minParamU = ( testSurf -> knotVectorU() ).min();
+    double minParamV = ( testSurf -> knotVectorV() ).min();
+    double maxParamU = ( testSurf -> knotVectorU() ).max();
+    double maxParamV = ( testSurf -> knotVectorV() ).max();
+    double paramStepU = ( maxParamU - minParamU ) / ( numSteps - 1 );
+    double paramStepV = ( maxParamV - minParamV ) / ( numSteps - 1 );
+    double paramU = 0.0;
+    double paramV = 0.0;    
+    double maxError = 0;
+    double maxErrorFast = 0;
+    double normTol = 1.0e-6;
+    double iterTol = 1.0e-8;
+    double normLength = 0.01;
+    int numEval = numSteps * numSteps;
+    // Fill array with evaluated points.
+    snlPoint* evalPts = new snlPoint [ numEval ];
+    int index = 0;
+    for ( int indexU = 0; indexU < numSteps; indexU ++ )
+    {
+        paramV = minParamV;
+        for ( int indexV = 0; indexV < numSteps; indexV ++ )
+        {
+            snlPoint point;
+            snlVector velU;
+            snlVector velV;
+            testSurf -> velocities ( paramU, paramV, point, velU, velV );
+            snlVector normal;
+            normal.crossProduct ( velU, velV );
+            normal.length ( normLength );
+            point += normal;
+            evalPts [ index ] = point;
+if ( index == 1 )
+            //cout << "(" << indexU << ", " << indexV << ") ";
+            cout << index << "- EvalParamU: " << paramU << "  EvalParamV: " << paramV << "\n";
+    int numReturned;
+    snlSurfLocn* projected = testSurf -> project ( evalPts + index, 1, &numReturned, iterTol, normTol, maxPass );
+    for ( int retIndex = 0; retIndex < numReturned; retIndex ++ )
+    {
+        cout << "Num Returned: " << numReturned << "\n";
+        cout << "ParamU: " << projected [ retIndex ].paramU << " ParamV: " << projected [ retIndex ].paramV
+             << "  Dist: " << projected [ retIndex ].dist << "\n";
+    }
+    delete[] projected;
+            paramV += paramStepV;
+            if ( paramV > maxParamV ) paramV = maxParamV;
+            index ++;
+        }
+        paramU += paramStepU;
+        if ( paramU > maxParamU ) paramU = maxParamU;
+    }
+    int numReturned;
+    int numReturnedFast;
+    snlSurfLocn* projected = testSurf -> project ( evalPts, numEval, &numReturned, iterTol, normTol, maxPass );
+    snlSurfLocn* fastProjected = testSurf -> fastProject ( evalPts, numEval, &numReturnedFast, iterTol, normTol, maxPass,
+                                                           1, 2 );
+    //cout << "Fast -> Num Sent: " << numEval << " Num Returned: " << numReturnedFast << "\n";
+    for ( index = 0; index < numReturned; index ++ )
+    {
+        if ( maxError < projected [ index ].cos )
+            maxError = projected [ index ].cos;
+        if ( maxErrorFast < fastProjected [ index ].cos )
+            maxErrorFast = fastProjected [ index ].cos;
+        if ( fastProjected [ index ].cos > normTol )
+        {
+            cout << "Fast - not under tolerance - ptIndex: " << fastProjected [ index ].origPtIndex << "\n";
+        }
+        if ( index )
+        {
+            if ( projected [ index ].origPtIndex - projected [ index - 1 ].origPtIndex > 1 )
+                cout << "Hole Found - start: " <<  projected [ index - 1 ].origPtIndex << "  end: "
+                     << projected [ index ].origPtIndex << "\n";
+            if ( fastProjected [ index ].origPtIndex - fastProjected [ index - 1 ].origPtIndex > 1 )
+                cout << "Hole Found - start: " <<  fastProjected [ index - 1 ].origPtIndex << "  end: "
+                     << fastProjected [ index ].origPtIndex << "\n";
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if ( projected [ index ].origPtIndex != 0 )
+                cout << "Starts at: " << projected [ index ].origPtIndex << "\n";
+            if ( fastProjected [ index ].origPtIndex != 0 )
+                cout << "Starts at: " << fastProjected [ index ].origPtIndex << "\n";
+        }
+    }
+    delete[] projected;
+    delete[] fastProjected;
+    delete[] evalPts;
+    if ( maxError > normTol ) passed = false;
+    if ( maxErrorFast > normTol ) passed = false;
+    // Clean up, report and return.    
+    cout << "\tTolerance = " << normTol << ", Max Error = " << maxError << " - "
+         << "Fast Max Error = " << maxErrorFast << " - ";
+    if ( numEval > numReturned )
+    {
+        cout << "\nNumber Sent: " << numEval << " Number Returned: " << numReturned << " - ";
+        passed = false;
+    }
+    if ( numEval > numReturnedFast )
+    {
+        cout << "\nFast Proj -> Number Sent: " << numEval << " Number Returned: " << numReturned << " - ";
+        passed = false;
+    }
+    delete testSurf;
+    if ( ! passed )
+    {    
+        cout << "Failed\n";
+        return false;
+    }
+    else
+        cout << "Passed\n";
+    return passed;    
+bool testSquareLinear()
+   // Test square linear class.
+    double* coeffs = new double [ 16 ];
+    double coeffVals [ 16 ] = { -2,  2, -4,  -6,
+                                -3,  6,  3, -15,
+                                 5, -8, -1,  17,
+                                 1,  1, 11,   7 };
+    for ( int index = 0; index < 16; index ++ )
+        coeffs [ index ] = coeffVals [ index ];
+    double * rhs = new double [ 12 ];
+    double rhsVals [ 12 ] = { -4,  2, -7,
+                              -3,  8,  4,
+                               9, -2, -5,
+                               7, 10,  6 };
+    for ( int index = 0; index < 12; index ++ )
+        rhs [ index ] = rhsVals [ index ];
+    snlSquareLinear solver ( 4, 3, coeffs, rhs );
+    //solver.print();
+    // Compare the solutions to known values.
+    float knownVals [ 12 ] = { 35, 655.0 / 6.0, - 1175.0 / 12.0,
+                               28, 554.0 / 6.0, - 1006.0 / 12.0,
+                               -7, -142.0 / 6.0, 278.0 / 12.0,
+                               3, 59.0 / 6.0, -115.0 / 12.0 };
+    bool success = true;
+    for ( int index = 0; index < 12; index ++ )
+    {
+        if ( ( (float) rhs [ index ] ) != knownVals [ index ] ) success = false;
+    }
+    return success;
+bool testCurveInterpolation()
+    // Create some points to interpolate.
+    snlPoint* points = new snlPoint [ 10 ];
+    double x = 0.0;
+    double y = 0.0;
+    double z = 10.0;
+    double w = 1.0;
+    double zIncr = 1.0;
+    for ( int count = 0; count < 10; count ++ )
+    {
+        points [ count ].components ( x, y, z, w );
+        x += 1.0;
+        y += 1.0;
+        z -= zIncr;
+        zIncr -= 0.2;
+    }
+    knot* params;
+    // Generate curve.
+    cout << "\n\tGlobal Interpolation ... ";
+    snlCurve curve ( points, 10, snlCurve::SNL_GLOBAL_INTERPOLATION, 3, false, &params );
+    double maxError = 0.0;
+    // Evaluate curve at params and check against control points.    
+    for ( int count = 0; count < 10; count ++ )
+    {
+        snlPoint pt = curve.evalHmg ( params [ count ] );
+        snlVector vect ( points [ count ], pt );
+        //cout << " Point " << count << " error: " << vect.length() << "\n";
+        if ( maxError < vect.length() ) maxError = vect.length();
+    }
+    cout << "Max Error = " << maxError << " - ";
+    if ( maxError > 1.0e-14 )
+        cout << "Failed\n";
+    else
+        cout << "Passed\n";
+    delete[] points;
+    delete[] params;
+    return true;
+bool testKnotRemoval()
+    snlCurve* curve = generateCurve();
+    double maxParam = curve -> maxParam();
+    double minParam = curve -> minParam();
+    double paramStep = ( maxParam - minParam ) / 10.0;
+    double maxError = 0;
+    for ( double param = minParam + paramStep; param < maxParam; param += paramStep )
+    {
+        // Insert and remove knot at param up to degree times.
+        int multi = curve -> knotVector().findMultiplicity ( param );
+        curve -> insertKnots ( param, curve -> degree() - multi, true );        
+        for ( int removalNum = 0; removalNum < curve -> degree() - multi; removalNum ++ )        
+        {
+            unsigned rSpan = curve -> knotVector().findSpan ( param );            
+            double error = curve -> removeKnot ( rSpan, 0.0 );            
+            if ( error > maxError ) maxError = error;
+        }        
+    }
+    cout << "Max Error = " << maxError << " - ";
+    if ( maxError > 1.0e-12 )
+    {
+        cout << "Failed\n";
+        return false;
+    }
+    else
+        cout << "Passed\n";
+    delete curve;
+    return true;
+bool testDegreeElevation()
+    cout << "\n\n";
+    snlCurve* curve = generateCurve();
+    bool passed = true;
+    // Generate points on original curve.
+    snlPoint* testPoints = new snlPoint [ 100 ];
+    double maxParam = curve -> maxParam();
+    double minParam = curve -> minParam();
+    double paramStep = ( maxParam - minParam ) / 99.0;
+    double param = minParam;
+    for ( int index = 0; index < 100; index ++ )
+    {
+        testPoints [ index ] = curve -> eval ( param );
+        param += paramStep;
+    }
+    double maxError = 0.0;
+    // Test elevation by n degrees.
+    for ( int degElev = 1; degElev <= 5; degElev ++ )
+    {
+        snlCurve* compareCurve = new snlCurve ( *curve );
+        compareCurve -> elevateDegree ( degElev );
+        param = minParam;
+        for ( int index = 0; index < 100; index ++ )
+        {
+            snlPoint testPoint = compareCurve -> eval ( param );
+            param += paramStep;
+            double error = snlVector ( testPoint, testPoints [ index ] ).length();
+            if ( error > maxError ) maxError = error;
+        }
+        cout << "\tCurve Elevation By " << degElev << " - Max Error = " << maxError << "\n";
+        delete compareCurve;
+        if ( maxError > 1.5e-14 ) passed = false;
+    }    
+    delete curve;
+    delete[] testPoints;
+    if ( ! passed )
+    {    
+        cout << "\tFailed\n";
+        return false;
+    }
+    else
+        cout << "\tPassed\n";
+    return passed;
+bool testCurveAppend()
+    bool passed = true;
+    // Generate two curves that can be joined.
+    snlCurve* curve1 = generateCurve();
+    snlCurve* curve2 = generateReverseCurve();
+    // Sample points along both curves to test later.
+    snlPoint* testPoints1 = new snlPoint [ 10 ];    
+    double maxParam1 = curve1 -> maxParam();
+    double minParam1 = curve1 -> minParam();
+    double paramStep = ( maxParam1 - minParam1 ) / 9.0;
+    double param = minParam1;
+    for ( int index = 0; index < 10; index ++ )
+    {
+        testPoints1 [ index ] = curve1 -> eval ( param );
+        param += paramStep;
+    }
+    snlPoint* testPoints2 = new snlPoint [ 10 ];
+    double maxParam2 = curve2 -> maxParam();
+    double minParam2 = curve2 -> minParam();
+    paramStep = ( maxParam2 - minParam2 ) / 9.0;
+    param = minParam2;
+    for ( int index = 0; index < 10; index ++ )
+    {
+        testPoints2 [ index ] = curve2 -> eval ( param );
+        param += paramStep;
+    }
+    // Append curve2 to curve1.
+    int origSize = curve1 -> size();
+    curve1 -> appendCurve ( curve2, false );
+    // Step through
+    double joinParam = curve1 -> param ( origSize );    
+    double paramStep1 = joinParam / 9.0;
+    double paramStep2 = ( curve1 -> maxParam() - joinParam ) / 9.0;
+    double param1 = curve1 -> minParam();
+    double param2 = joinParam;
+    double maxError = 0.0;
+    for ( int index = 0; index < 10; index ++ )
+    {
+            snlPoint testPoint1 = curve1 -> eval ( param1 );
+            snlPoint testPoint2 = curve1 -> eval ( param2 );
+            param1 += paramStep1;
+            param2 += paramStep2;
+            double error1 = snlVector ( testPoint1, testPoints1 [ index ] ).length();
+            double error2 = snlVector ( testPoint2, testPoints2 [ index ] ).length();
+            if ( error1 > maxError ) maxError = error1;
+            if ( error2 > maxError ) maxError = error2;
+    }
+    cout << "Max Error = " << maxError << " - ";
+    if ( maxError > 2.0e-14 )
+    {
+        cout << "Failed\n";
+        passed = false;
+    }
+    else
+        cout << "Passed\n";
+    delete curve1;
+    delete curve2;
+    delete[] testPoints1;
+    delete[] testPoints2;
+    return passed;
+int main ( int argc, char* argv[] )
+    bool allTestsPassed = true;
+    cout << "\nTesting surface point interpolation ... " << flush;
+    if ( ! test_surfaceInterp() ) allTestsPassed = false;
+    cout << "\nTesting surface refinement ... " << flush;
+    if ( ! test_surfaceRefine() ) allTestsPassed = false;
+    cout << "\nTesting ambiguous edge detection ... " << flush;
+    if ( ! test_ambig() ) allTestsPassed = false;
+    //cout << "\nTesting Surface Of Rotation ... " << flush;
+    //if ( ! testSurfaceOfRevolution() ) allTestsPassed = false;
+    cout << "\nTesting Surface Point Inversion ... " << flush;
+    if ( ! testSurfacePointInversion() ) allTestsPassed = false;
+    cout << "\nTesting Surface Convex Bezier Decomposition ... " << flush;
+    if ( ! testSurfaceConvexBezierSegmentation() ) allTestsPassed = false;
+    cout << "\nTesting Surface Bezier Decomposition ... " << flush;
+    if ( ! testSurfaceBezierSegmentation() ) allTestsPassed = false;
+    cout << "\nTesting Surface Knot Insertion ... " << flush;
+    if ( ! testSurfaceKnotInsert() ) allTestsPassed = false;
+    cout << "\nTesting Derivative Evaluation ... " << flush;
+    if ( ! testDerivEval() ) allTestsPassed = false;
+    cout << "\nTesting Surface Projection ... " << flush;
+    if ( ! testSurfaceProjection() ) allTestsPassed = false;
+    cout << "\nTesting snlSquareLinear ... " << flush;
+    if ( testSquareLinear() )    
+        cout << "Passed\n";
+    else
+    {
+        cout << "Failed\n";
+        allTestsPassed = false;
+    }
+    cout << "\nTesting Curve Interpolation\n";
+    if ( ! testCurveInterpolation() ) allTestsPassed = false;
+    cout << "\nTesting Curve Knot Removal ... " << flush;
+    if ( ! testKnotRemoval() ) allTestsPassed = false;    
+    cout << "\nTesting Degree Elevation ... " << flush;
+    if ( ! testDegreeElevation() ) allTestsPassed = false;
+    cout << "\nTesting Curve Append ... " << flush;
+    if ( ! testCurveAppend() ) allTestsPassed = false;
+    cout << "\n";
+    if ( allTestsPassed )
+        cout << "All tests have passed :-)\n\n";
+    else
+        cout << "*** Some tests have not passed ***\n\n";
+g++ -I/usr/include -lSNL snlTest.cpp -o snlTest
+echo "build: OK"
+[ -x snlTest ]
+echo "run: OK"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/tests/control b/debian/tests/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0c2082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/tests/control
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tests: build1
+Depends: libsnl-dev
\ No newline at end of file

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/libsnl.git

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