[python-astropy] 02/03: Merge branch 'upstream' into debian
Ole Streicher
olebole at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Apr 16 20:16:18 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
olebole pushed a commit to branch debian
in repository python-astropy.
commit 92d7303ffab10433115d2b93319ab466183da00d
Merge: ef4bb1c c6c9bc8
Author: Ole Streicher <olebole at debian.org>
Date: Thu Apr 16 22:13:25 2015 +0200
Merge branch 'upstream' into debian
CHANGES.rst | 219 +++----
PKG-INFO | 4 +-
ah_bootstrap.py | 26 +-
astropy/_erfa/core.c | 656 +++++++++++++++++++++
astropy/_erfa/core.c.templ | 4 +
astropy/astropy.cfg | 3 +
astropy/config/configuration.py | 8 +-
.../coordinates/tests/test_angular_separation.py | 14 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_api_ape5.py | 34 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_arrays.py | 10 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_earth.py | 41 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_frames.py | 15 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_matching.py | 20 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_sky_coord.py | 39 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_transformations.py | 170 +++---
astropy/cosmology/tests/test_cosmology.py | 644 ++++++++++----------
astropy/io/ascii/core.py | 48 +-
astropy/io/ascii/src/tokenizer.h | 9 +-
astropy/io/fits/column.py | 265 ++++++---
astropy/io/fits/file.py | 121 ++--
astropy/io/fits/fitsrec.py | 265 +++++----
astropy/io/fits/hdu/base.py | 9 +
astropy/io/fits/hdu/compressed.py | 40 +-
astropy/io/fits/hdu/groups.py | 107 ++--
astropy/io/fits/hdu/hdulist.py | 72 +--
astropy/io/fits/hdu/table.py | 197 ++++++-
astropy/io/fits/src/compressionmodule.c | 37 +-
astropy/io/fits/tests/data/tdim.fits | Bin 0 -> 8640 bytes
astropy/io/fits/tests/test_checksum.py | 2 +-
astropy/io/fits/tests/test_image.py | 2 +-
astropy/io/fits/tests/test_table.py | 132 ++++-
astropy/io/fits/util.py | 148 ++++-
astropy/io/votable/tests/data/empty_table.xml | 12 +
astropy/io/votable/tests/table_test.py | 8 +
astropy/io/votable/tree.py | 3 +
astropy/modeling/core.py | 59 +-
astropy/modeling/fitting.py | 3 +-
astropy/modeling/functional_models.py | 6 +-
astropy/modeling/polynomial.py | 70 ++-
astropy/modeling/projections.py | 184 +++++-
astropy/modeling/tests/test_compound.py | 29 +
astropy/modeling/tests/test_polynomial.py | 283 +++++++--
astropy/nddata/mixins/tests/__init__.py | 0
astropy/nddata/mixins/tests/test_ndarithmetic.py | 468 +++++++++++++++
astropy/nddata/mixins/tests/test_ndio.py | 16 +
astropy/stats/funcs.py | 4 +-
astropy/stats/sigma_clipping.py | 2 +-
astropy/table/table.py | 14 +
astropy/table/tests/test_pickle.py | 28 +-
astropy/table/tests/test_table.py | 11 +
astropy/tests/helper.py | 39 +-
astropy/tests/output_checker.py | 4 +-
astropy/tests/pytest_plugins.py | 41 +-
astropy/time/core.py | 7 +-
astropy/time/tests/test_quantity_interaction.py | 15 +
astropy/units/core.py | 4 +-
astropy/units/quantity.py | 37 +-
astropy/units/quantity_helper.py | 131 ++--
astropy/units/si.py | 2 +-
astropy/units/tests/test_equivalencies.py | 13 +-
astropy/units/tests/test_quantity_ufuncs.py | 2 +-
astropy/utils/compat/numpycompat.py | 32 +
astropy/version.py | 10 +-
astropy/vo/samp/__init__.py | 4 +
astropy/vo/samp/client.py | 2 +
astropy/vo/samp/hub.py | 190 +++---
astropy/vo/samp/hub_proxy.py | 3 +
astropy/vo/samp/ssl_utils.py | 109 ++--
astropy/vo/samp/tests/test_standard_profile.py | 2 -
astropy/vo/samp/tests/web_profile_test_helpers.py | 2 +
astropy/wcs/tests/test_wcs.py | 9 +
astropy/wcs/wcs.py | 39 +-
astropy_helpers/CHANGES.rst | 19 +
astropy_helpers/ah_bootstrap.py | 26 +-
astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 4 +-
.../astropy_helpers.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 20 +-
.../astropy_helpers/commands/build_sphinx.py | 9 +
astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/setup_helpers.py | 45 +-
astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/sphinx/conf.py | 3 +
.../sphinx/ext/autodoc_enhancements.py | 17 +-
.../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/automodapi.py | 24 +-
.../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/automodsumm.py | 33 +-
.../sphinx/ext/tests/test_automodsumm.py | 6 +-
.../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/viewcode.py | 5 +-
.../bootstrap-astropy/static/astropy_linkout.svg | 75 +++
.../bootstrap-astropy/static/astropy_logo.ico | Bin 1150 -> 32988 bytes
.../bootstrap-astropy/static/astropy_logo.svg | 87 +++
.../bootstrap-astropy/static/bootstrap-astropy.css | 4 +
astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/utils.py | 67 +++
astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/version.py | 10 +-
.../travis/install_graphviz_osx.sh | 4 +-
astropy_helpers/setup.py | 2 +-
docs/_static/astropy_banner.svg | 263 +++++++++
docs/{ => _static}/astropy_banner_96.png | Bin
docs/_static/dev.png | Bin 3177 -> 0 bytes
docs/_static/mature.png | Bin 3189 -> 0 bytes
docs/_static/planned.png | Bin 3116 -> 0 bytes
docs/_static/stable.png | Bin 6439 -> 0 bytes
docs/coordinates/representations.rst | 1 +
docs/coordinates/sgr-example.rst | 2 +-
docs/development/affiliated-packages.rst | 4 +-
docs/index.rst | 19 +-
docs/install.rst | 4 +
docs/io/votable/index.rst | 9 +
docs/known_issues.rst | 318 ++++++----
docs/modeling/parameters.rst | 8 +-
docs/nitpick-exceptions | 1 +
docs/stability.rst | 81 +--
docs/table/construct_table.rst | 21 +-
docs/time/index.rst | 50 +-
docs/units/equivalencies.rst | 58 +-
docs/units/index.rst | 28 +-
docs/units/quantity.rst | 72 +--
docs/warnings.rst | 5 +-
setup.py | 2 +-
115 files changed, 4879 insertions(+), 1785 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-astro/packages/python-astropy.git
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