[python-xrayutilities] 01/05: Imported Upstream version 1.1.2
Eugen Wintersberger
eugenwintersberger-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Apr 25 17:39:20 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
eugenwintersberger-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository python-xrayutilities.
commit d70b227063f5879260b94246f5ea9ae52ad6a8fe
Author: Eugen Wintersberger <eugen.wintersberger at gmail.com>
Date: Sat Apr 25 13:02:16 2015 +0200
Imported Upstream version 1.1.2
CHANGES.txt | 9 +
PKG-INFO | 50 +-
README.txt | 41 +-
doc/source/_static/favicon.ico | Bin 2238 -> 4286 bytes
doc/source/conf.py | 11 +-
doc/source/examples.rst | 112 +-
doc/source/index.rst | 84 +-
doc/source/index.rst~ | 82 +-
doc/source/pics/favicon.ppm | 5 -
doc/source/pics/xray-logo-sf.png | Bin 4406 -> 0 bytes
doc/source/pics/xray-logo.png | Bin 11534 -> 17068 bytes
doc/source/pics/xu_usage.png | Bin 27536 -> 25172 bytes
doc/source/pics/xu_usage.svg | 569 +-
doc/source/pics/xu_usage_inkscape.svg | 414 +
doc/source/pics/xu_usage_planning.png | Bin 20586 -> 17437 bytes
doc/source/pics/xu_usage_planning.svg | 457 +-
doc/source/pics/xu_usage_planning_inkscape.svg | 303 +
examples/data/04-003-0996.cif | 8060 ------------
examples/data/1216385.cif | 166 -
examples/data/BaF2.cif | 456 +-
examples/data/Calcite.cif | 144 +-
examples/data/Silicon.cif | 454 +-
examples/data/bi2te3.cif | 176 +-
examples/xrayutilities_export_data2vtk.py | 164 +-
examples/xrayutilities_hotpixelkill_variant.py | 132 +-
examples/xrayutilities_kmap_example_ESRF.py | 202 +-
examples/xrayutilities_user.conf | 18 +-
setup.py | 11 +-
xrayutilities.pdf | 14147 +++++++++++-----------
xrayutilities/analysis/sample_align.py | 64 +-
xrayutilities/experiment.py | 47 +-
xrayutilities/gridder2d.py | 3 +-
xrayutilities/io/__init__.py | 1 +
xrayutilities/io/edf.py | 34 +-
xrayutilities/io/fastscan.py | 1544 +--
xrayutilities/io/helper.py | 5 +-
xrayutilities/io/spec.py | 77 +-
xrayutilities/materials/cif.py | 4 +-
xrayutilities/materials/data/README.txt~ | 13 -
xrayutilities/materials/material.py | 177 +-
xrayutilities/materials/predefined_materials.py | 4 +
xrayutilities/math/fit.py | 31 +-
xrayutilities/math/functions.py | 5 +-
xrayutilities/src/qconversion.h~ | 131 -
xrayutilities/utilities_noconf.py | 70 +-
xrayutilities/xrayutilities_default.conf | 2 +-
46 files changed, 10337 insertions(+), 18142 deletions(-)
diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.txt
index c6397a8..3a75c72 100644
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+v1.1.2, 2015-04-22
+* new webpage theme to allow for easier reading (esp. mobile devices)
+* huge set of improvements for working with FastScans (ESRF ID01)
+* keep_open option in EDFFile to speed up reading of multiple images
+* new convenience function for parsing data from spec-files
+* improve peak position finding in area-detector calibration
+* added new material AlAs
v1.1.1, 2015-01-22
* new PseudoVoigt1dasym function implementing an asymmetric PseudoVoigt peak
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index 527e228..e2c4645 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: xrayutilities
-Version: 1.1.1
+Version: 1.1.2
Summary: package for x-ray diffraction data evaluation
Home-page: http://xrayutilities.sourceforge.net
Author: Dominik Kriegner
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ Description:
- xrayutilities is a collection of scripts used to analyze x-ray diffraction data.
- It consists of a Python package and several routines coded in C. It especially
- useful for the reciprocal space conversion of diffraction data taken with linear
- and area detectors.
+ xrayutilities is a collection of scripts used to analyze x-ray diffraction
+ data. It consists of a Python package and several routines coded in C. It is
+ especially useful for the reciprocal space conversion of diffraction data
+ taken with linear and area detectors.
Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner at gmail.com>
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Description:
- matplotlib (optionally)
refer to your operating system documentation to find out how to install
- those packages. On Microsoft Windows refer to the Documentation for the
+ those packages. On Microsoft Windows refer to the Documentation for the
easiest way of the installation (Python(x,y) or WinPython).
On Microsoft Windows it might be necessary to manually
@@ -79,29 +79,29 @@ Description:
Python-3 if possible, however, xrayutilies can be used with Python-2.7 as well.
Care was taken to make this possible from the same code-base
- The python package configuration
+ The Python package configuration
The following steps should only be necessary for user local installation to
ensure the Python module is found by the Python interpreter:
- In this case the module is installed under
+ In this case the module is installed under
<prefix>/lib[64]/python?.?/site-packages on Unix systems and
- <prefix>/Lib/site-packages on Windows systems.
+ <prefix>/Lib/site-packages on Windows systems.
If you have installed the Python package in a directory unknown to your local
Python distribution, you have to tell Python where to look for the Package.
There are several ways how to do this:
- - add the directory where the package is installed to your
+ - add the directory where the package is installed to your
*PYTHONPATH* environment variable.
- - add the path to sys.path in the .pythonrc file placed in your home
+ - add the path to sys.path in the .pythonrc file placed in your home
directory ::
import sys
sys.path.append("path to the xrayutilities package")
- - simply apply the previous method in every script where you want to
+ - simply apply the previous method in every script where you want to
use the xrayutilities package before importing the package ::
import sys
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ Description:
$> git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/xrayutilities/code xrayutilities
- to clone the git repository. If you would like to have commit rights
+ to clone the git repository. If you would like to have commit rights
contact one of the administrators.
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Description:
its source folder and obtain the new sources by ::
$> git pull
or download the new tarball from sourceforge
(http://sf.net/projects/xrayutilities) if any code changed during the update you
need to reinstall the Python package. To determine the path in which
@@ -148,26 +148,25 @@ Description:
Documention for xrayutilities is found in the xrayutilities.pdf file or on the
- webpage http://xrayutilities.sourceforge.net
+ webpage http://xrayutilities.sourceforge.net
The API-documentation can also be browsed by ::
$> pydoc -p PORT
in any web-browser, after the installation is finished.
To build the PDF documentation from the docu-sources use:
- python setup.py build_doc -b latex
- cd build/sphinx/latex; make
- You will need sphinx and pdflatex including latex-recommended, latex-extra
+ $> python setup.py build build_doc -b pdf
+ You will need sphinx and pdflatex including latex-recommended, latex-extra
and fonts-recommended.
- Or generate a texinfo file using
+ Or generate a texinfo file using
python setup.py build_doc -b texinfo
- cd build/sphinx/texinfo; make
+ cd build/sphinx/texinfo; make
@@ -183,9 +182,14 @@ Description:
Platform: UNKNOWN
+Classifier: Programming Language :: C
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.2
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Physics
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
-Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
+Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2 or later (GPLv2+)
Requires: numpy
Requires: scipy
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
index e3b52a8..10a1ba0 100644
--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
-xrayutilities is a collection of scripts used to analyze x-ray diffraction data.
-It consists of a Python package and several routines coded in C. It especially
-useful for the reciprocal space conversion of diffraction data taken with linear
-and area detectors.
+xrayutilities is a collection of scripts used to analyze x-ray diffraction
+data. It consists of a Python package and several routines coded in C. It is
+especially useful for the reciprocal space conversion of diffraction data
+taken with linear and area detectors.
Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner at gmail.com>
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ system
- matplotlib (optionally)
refer to your operating system documentation to find out how to install
-those packages. On Microsoft Windows refer to the Documentation for the
+those packages. On Microsoft Windows refer to the Documentation for the
easiest way of the installation (Python(x,y) or WinPython).
On Microsoft Windows it might be necessary to manually
@@ -71,29 +71,29 @@ The current developement focues Python-3.X and we ask all users to update to
Python-3 if possible, however, xrayutilies can be used with Python-2.7 as well.
Care was taken to make this possible from the same code-base
-The python package configuration
+The Python package configuration
The following steps should only be necessary for user local installation to
ensure the Python module is found by the Python interpreter:
-In this case the module is installed under
+In this case the module is installed under
<prefix>/lib[64]/python?.?/site-packages on Unix systems and
-<prefix>/Lib/site-packages on Windows systems.
+<prefix>/Lib/site-packages on Windows systems.
If you have installed the Python package in a directory unknown to your local
Python distribution, you have to tell Python where to look for the Package.
There are several ways how to do this:
-- add the directory where the package is installed to your
+- add the directory where the package is installed to your
*PYTHONPATH* environment variable.
-- add the path to sys.path in the .pythonrc file placed in your home
+- add the path to sys.path in the .pythonrc file placed in your home
directory ::
import sys
sys.path.append("path to the xrayutilities package")
-- simply apply the previous method in every script where you want to
+- simply apply the previous method in every script where you want to
use the xrayutilities package before importing the package ::
import sys
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ Use ::
$> git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/xrayutilities/code xrayutilities
-to clone the git repository. If you would like to have commit rights
+to clone the git repository. If you would like to have commit rights
contact one of the administrators.
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ if you already installed xrayutilities you can update it by navigating into
its source folder and obtain the new sources by ::
$> git pull
or download the new tarball from sourceforge
(http://sf.net/projects/xrayutilities) if any code changed during the update you
need to reinstall the Python package. To determine the path in which
@@ -140,26 +140,25 @@ DOCUMENTATION
Documention for xrayutilities is found in the xrayutilities.pdf file or on the
-webpage http://xrayutilities.sourceforge.net
+webpage http://xrayutilities.sourceforge.net
The API-documentation can also be browsed by ::
$> pydoc -p PORT
in any web-browser, after the installation is finished.
To build the PDF documentation from the docu-sources use:
- python setup.py build_doc -b latex
- cd build/sphinx/latex; make
-You will need sphinx and pdflatex including latex-recommended, latex-extra
+ $> python setup.py build build_doc -b pdf
+You will need sphinx and pdflatex including latex-recommended, latex-extra
and fonts-recommended.
-Or generate a texinfo file using
+Or generate a texinfo file using
python setup.py build_doc -b texinfo
- cd build/sphinx/texinfo; make
+ cd build/sphinx/texinfo; make
diff --git a/doc/source/_static/favicon.ico b/doc/source/_static/favicon.ico
index 0c19de2..944b149 100644
Binary files a/doc/source/_static/favicon.ico and b/doc/source/_static/favicon.ico differ
diff --git a/doc/source/conf.py b/doc/source/conf.py
index 5038d4f..f71467c 100644
--- a/doc/source/conf.py
+++ b/doc/source/conf.py
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
import sys
import os
+import sphinx_rtd_theme
+import re
# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
@@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ copyright = u'2015, Dominik Kriegner, Eugen Wintersberger'
# The short X.Y version.
version = '1.1'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
-release = '1.1.1'
+release = '1.1.2'
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
@@ -102,12 +104,13 @@ pygments_style = 'sphinx'
# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.
-html_theme = 'nature'
+html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme"
+html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()]
# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
# documentation.
-html_theme_options = {'sidebarwidth': 280}
+html_theme_options = {'logo_only': True}
# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.
# html_theme_path = []
@@ -361,8 +364,6 @@ pdf_default_dpi = 120
# my additions for pre-processing the docstring
# parameter list of functions should be found and changed to be properly
# formated in the output
-import re
def process_docstring(app, what, name, obj, options, lines):
# highlight parameters names
diff --git a/doc/source/examples.rst b/doc/source/examples.rst
index ab4f9df..ac7d080 100644
--- a/doc/source/examples.rst
+++ b/doc/source/examples.rst
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ various formats. In the following few examples are given.
Reading SPEC files
-Working with spec files in *xrayutilities* can be done in two distinct ways.
+Working with spec files in *xrayutilities* can be done in two distinct ways.
1. parsing the spec file for scan headers; and parsing the data only when needed
- 2. parsing the spec file for scan headers; parsing all data and dump them to an HDF5 file; reading the data from the HDF5 file.
+ 2. parsing the spec file for scan headers; parsing all data and dump them to an HDF5 file; reading the data from the HDF5 file.
-Both methods have their pros and cons. For example when you parse the spec-files over a network connection you need to re-read the data again over the network if using method 1) whereas you can dump them to a local file with method 2). But you will parse data of the complete file while dumping it to the HDF5 file.
+Both methods have their pros and cons. For example when you parse the spec-files over a network connection you need to re-read the data again over the network if using method 1) whereas you can dump them to a local file with method 2). But you will parse data of the complete file while dumping it to the HDF5 file.
Both methods work incremental, so they do not start at the beginning of the file when you reread it, but start from the last position they were reading and work with files including data from linear detectors.
@@ -31,16 +31,16 @@ An working example for both methods is given in the following.::
import tables
import xrayutilities as xu
import os
# open spec file or use open SPECfile instance
try: s
except NameError:
s = xu.io.SPECFile("sample_name.spec", path="./specdir")
# method (1)
scan10data = s.scan10.data
# method (2)
h5file = os.path.join("h5dir", "h5file.h5")
s.Save2HDF5(h5file) # save content of SPEC file to HDF5 file
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ In the following it is shown how to re-parsing the SPEC file for new scans and r
s.Update() # reparse for new scans in open SPECFile instance
# reread data method (1)
- scan10data = s.scan10.data
+ scan10data = s.scan10.data
# reread data method (2)
s.Save2HDF5(h5) # save content of SPEC file to HDF5 file
# read data from HDF5 file
@@ -76,17 +76,17 @@ Reading EDF files
EDF files are mostly used to store CCD frames at ESRF recorded from various different detectors. This format is therefore used in combination with SPEC files. In an example the EDFFile class is used to parse the data from EDF files and store them to an HDF5 file. HDF5 if perfectly suited because it can handle large amount of data and compression.::
- import tables
+ import tables
import xrayutilities as xu
import numpy
specfile = "specfile.spec"
h5file = "h5file.h5"
h5 = tables.openFile(h5file, mode='a')
s = xu.io.SPECFile(specfile, path=specdir)
s.Save2HDF5(h5) # save to hdf5 file
# read ccd frames from EDF files
for i in range(1, 1000, 1):
efile = "edfdir/sample_%04d.edf" %i
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ EDF files are mostly used to store CCD frames at ESRF recorded from various diff
g5 = h5.createGroup(h5.root, "frelon_%04d" %i)
e.Save2HDF5(h5, group=g5)
.. seealso::
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Other formats
Other formats which can be read include
- * files recorded from `Panalytical <http://www.panalytical.com>`_ diffractometers in the ``.xrdml`` format.
+ * files recorded from `Panalytical <http://www.panalytical.com>`_ diffractometers in the ``.xrdml`` format.
* files produces by the experimental control software at Hasylab/Desy (spectra).
* ccd images in the tiff file format produced by RoperScientific CCD cameras and Perkin Elmer detectors.
* files from recorded by Seifert diffractometer control software (``.nja``)
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ Methods for high angle x-ray diffraction experiments. Mostly for experiments per
import xrayutilities as xu
Si = xu.materials.Si # load material from materials submodule
# initialize experimental class with directions from experiment
hxrd = xu.HXRD(Si.Q(1, 1, -2), Si.Q(1, 1, 1))
# calculate angles of Bragg reflections and print them to the screen
@@ -158,19 +158,19 @@ There exists also a powder diffraction class, which is able to convert powder sc
import xrayutilities as xu
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
energy = (2 * 8048 + 8028) / 3. # copper k alpha 1,2
- # creating Indium powder
+ # creating Indium powder
In_powder = xu.Powder(xu.materials.In, en=energy)
# calculating the reflection strength for the powder
# convoluting the peaks with a gaussian in q-space
peak_width = 0.01 # in q-space
resolution = 0.0005 # resolution in q-space
In_th,In_int = In_powder.Convolute(resolution, peak_width)
plt.xlabel(r"2Theta (deg)"); plt.ylabel(r"Intensity")
# plot the convoluted signal
@@ -180,13 +180,13 @@ There exists also a powder diffraction class, which is able to convert powder sc
plt.bar(In_powder.ang * 2, In_powder.data / In_powder.data.max(),
width=0.3, bottom=0, linewidth=0, color='r',
align='center', orientation='vertical', label="Indium bar plot")
plt.legend(); plt.set_xlim(15, 100); plt.grid()
One can also print the peak positions and other informations of a powder by
>>> print In_powder
- Powder diffraction object
+ Powder diffraction object
Material: In
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ One can also print the peak positions and other informations of a powder by
Lattice base:
Base point 0: In (49) (0.000000 0.000000 0.000000) occ=1.00 b=0.00
Base point 1: In (49) (0.500000 0.500000 0.500000) occ=1.00 b=0.00
- Reflections:
+ Reflections:
h k l | tth | |Q| | Int | Int (%)
@@ -210,17 +210,17 @@ One can also print the peak positions and other informations of a powder by
Using the ``Gridder`` classes
-*xrayutilities* provides Gridder classes for 1D, 2D, and 3D data sets. These Gridders map irregular spaced data onto a regular grid.
+*xrayutilities* provides Gridder classes for 1D, 2D, and 3D data sets. These Gridders map irregular spaced data onto a regular grid.
This is often needed after transforming data measured at equally spaced angular positions to reciprocal space were their spacing is irregular.
-In 1D this process actually equals the calculation of a histogramm.
+In 1D this process actually equals the calculation of a histogram.
Below you find the most basic way of using the Gridder in 2D. Other dimensions work very similar.
The most easiest use (what most user might need) is:
- import xrayutilities as xu # import python package
- g = xu.Gridder2D(100, 101) # initialize the Gridder object, which will
+ import xrayutilities as xu # import Python package
+ g = xu.Gridder2D(100, 101) # initialize the Gridder object, which will
# perform Gridding to a regular grid with 100x101 points
#====== load some data here =====
g(x, y, data) # call the gridder with the data
@@ -228,10 +228,10 @@ The most easiest use (what most user might need) is:
_.. note: previously you could use the Gridder's gdata object, which was always an internal buffer and should not be used anymore!
-A more complicated example showing also sequential gridding is shown below. You need sequential gridding when you can not load all data at the same time, which is often problematic with 3D data sets. In such cases you need to specify the data range before the first call to the gridder.
+A more complicated example showing also sequential gridding is shown below. You need sequential gridding when you can not load all data at the same time, which is often problematic with 3D data sets. In such cases you need to specify the data range before the first call to the gridder.
- import xrayutilities as xu # import python package
+ import xrayutilities as xu # import Python package
g = xu.Gridder2D(100, 101) # initialize the Gridder object
g.dataRange(1, 2, 3, 4) # (xgrd_min, xgrd_max, ygrd_min, ygrd_max)
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ A more complicated example showing also sequential gridding is shown below. You
Using the ``material`` class
-*xrayutilities* provides a set of python classes to describe crystal lattices and
+*xrayutilities* provides a set of Python classes to describe crystal lattices and
Examples show how to define a new material by defining its lattice and deriving a new material, furthermore materials can be used to calculate the structure factor of a Bragg reflection for an specific energy or the energy dependency of its structure factor for anomalous scattering. Data for this are taken from a database which is included in the download.
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ Examples show how to define a new material by defining its lattice and deriving
First defining a new material from scratch is shown. This consists of an lattice with base and the type of atoms with elastic constants of the material::
import xrayutilities as xu
# defining a ZincBlendeLattice with two types of atoms
# and lattice constant a
def ZincBlendeLattice(aa, ab, a):
@@ -269,23 +269,23 @@ First defining a new material from scratch is shown. This consists of an lattice
lb.append(ab, [0.75, 0.75, 0.25])
lb.append(ab, [0.75, 0.25, 0.75])
lb.append(ab, [0.25, 0.75, 0.75])
#create lattice vectors
a1 = [a, 0, 0]
a2 = [0, a, 0]
a3 = [0, 0, a]
- l = xu.materials.Lattice(a1, a2, a3, base=lb)
+ l = xu.materials.Lattice(a1, a2, a3, base=lb)
return l
- # defining InP, no elastic properties are given,
+ # defining InP, no elastic properties are given,
# helper functions exist to create the (6, 6) elastic tensor
- # for cubic materials
+ # for cubic materials
atom_In = xu.materials.elements.In
atom_P = xu.materials.elements.P
elastictensor = xu.materials.CubicElasticTensor(10.11e+10, 5.61e+10,
- InP = xu.materials.Material("InP",
+ InP = xu.materials.Material("InP",
ZincBlendeLattice(atom_In, atom_P, 5.8687),
@@ -301,11 +301,11 @@ Using the material properties the calculation of the reflection strength of a Br
import xrayutilities as xu
import numpy
# defining material and experimental setup
InAs = xu.materials.InAs
energy= 8048 # eV
# calculate the structure factor for InAs (111) (222) (333)
hkllist = [[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3]]
for hkl in hkllist:
@@ -317,10 +317,10 @@ Using the material properties the calculation of the reflection strength of a Br
Similar also the energy dependence of the structure factor can be determined::
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
energy= numpy.linspace(500, 20000, 5000) # 500 - 20000 eV
F = InAs.StructureFactorForEnergy(InAs.Q(1, 1, 1), energy)
plt.figure(); plt.clf()
plt.plot(energy, F.real, 'k-', label='Re(F)')
plt.plot(energy, F.imag, 'r-', label='Imag(F)')
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ It is also possible to calculate the components of the structure factor of atoms
# f = f0(|Q|) + f1(en) + j * f2(en)
import xrayutilities as xu
import numpy
Fe = xu.materials.elements.Fe # iron atom
Q = numpy.array([0, 0, 1.9], dtype=numpy.double)
en = 10000 # energy in eV
@@ -350,9 +350,9 @@ Calculation of diffraction angles for a general geometry
Often the restricted predefined geometries are not corresponding to the experimental setup, nevertheless *xrayutilities* is able to calculate the goniometer angles needed to reach a certain reciprocal space position.
For this purpose the goniometer together with the geometric restrictions need to be defined and the q-vector in laboratory reference frame needs to be specified.
-This works for arbitrary goniometer, however, the user is expected to set up bounds to put restrictions to the number of free angles to obtain reproducible results.
+This works for arbitrary goniometer, however, the user is expected to set up bounds to put restrictions to the number of free angles to obtain reproducible results.
In general only three angles are needed to fit an arbitrary q-vector (2 sample + 1 detector angles or
-1 sample + 2 detector).
+1 sample + 2 detector).
The example below shows the necessary code to perform such an angle calculation for a costum defined material with orthorhombic unit cell.
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ The example below shows the necessary code to perform such an angle calculation
hkl=(2, 0, 0)
q_material = SmFeO3.Q(hkl)
- q_laboratory = hxrd.Transform(q_material) # transform
+ q_laboratory = hxrd.Transform(q_material) # transform
print('SmFeO3: \thkl ', hkl, '\tqvec ', np.round(q_material, 5))
print('Lattice plane distance: %.4f' % SmFeO3.planeDistance(hkl))
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ The example below shows the necessary code to perform such an angle calculation
ang,qerror,errcode = xu.Q2AngFit(q_laboratory, hxrd, bounds)
print('err %d (%.3g) angles %s' % (errcode, qerror, str(np.round(ang, 5))))
# check that qerror is small!!
- print('sanity check with back-transformation (hkl): ',
+ print('sanity check with back-transformation (hkl): ',
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ User-specific config file
Several options of *xrayutilities* can be changed by options in a config file. This includes the default x-ray energy as well as parameters to set the number of threads used by the parallel code and the verbosity of the output.
The default options are stored inside the installad Python module and should not be changed. Instead it is suggested to use a user-specific config file
-'~/.xrayutilities.conf' or a 'xrayutilities.conf' file in the working directory.
+'~/.xrayutilities.conf' or a 'xrayutilities.conf' file in the working directory.
An example of such a user config file is shown below:
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ An example of such a user config file is shown below:
# levels can be changed in the config file as well
verbosity = 1
- # default wavelength in Angstrom,
+ # default wavelength in Angstrom,
wavelength = MoKa1 # Molybdenum K alpha1 radiation (17479.374eV)
# default energy in eV
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ An example of such a user config file is shown below:
nthreads = 1
# 0: the maximum number of available threads will be used (as returned by
# omp_get_max_threads())
- # n: n-threads will be used
+ # n: n-threads will be used
@@ -480,26 +480,26 @@ A possible output of this script could be
.. code-block:: python
fitted parameters: epsilon: 8.0712e-08 (2,['Parameter convergence'])
- param: (cch1,cch2,pwidth1,pwidth2,tiltazimuth,tilt,detrot,outerangle_offset)
+ param: (cch1,cch2,pwidth1,pwidth2,tiltazimuth,tilt,detrot,outerangle_offset)
param: 140.07 998.34 4.4545e-05 4.4996e-05 72.0 1.97 -0.792 -1.543
please check the resulting data (consider setting plot=True)
detector rotation axis / primary beam direction (given by user): ['z+', 'y-'] / x+
detector pixel directions / distance: z- y+ / 1
- detector initialization with: init_area('z-', 'y+', cch1=140.07,
+ detector initialization with: init_area('z-', 'y+', cch1=140.07,
cch2=998.34, Nch1=516, Nch2=516, pwidth1=4.4545e-05, pwidth2=4.4996e-05,
distance=1., detrot=-0.792, tiltazimuth=72.0, tilt=1.543)
AND ALWAYS USE an (additional) OFFSET of -1.9741deg in the OUTER DETECTOR ANGLE!
-The output gives the fitted detector parameters and compiles the python code line one needs to use to initialize the detector.
-Important to note is that the outer angle offset which was determined by the fit (-1.9741 degree in the aboves example) is not included in the initialization of the detector parameters *but* needs to be used in every call to the q-conversion function as offset.
+The output gives the fitted detector parameters and compiles the Python code line one needs to use to initialize the detector.
+Important to note is that the outer angle offset which was determined by the fit (-1.9741 degree in the aboves example) is not included in the initialization of the detector parameters *but* needs to be used in every call to the q-conversion function as offset.
This step needs to be performed manually by the user!
Area detector (Variant 2)
In addition to scans in the primary beam this variant enables also the use of detector images recorded in scans at Bragg reflections of a known reference materials. However this also required that the sample orientation and x-ray wavelength need to be fit.
-To keep the additional parameters as small as possible we only implemented this for symmetric coplanar diffractions.
+To keep the additional parameters as small as possible we only implemented this for symmetric coplanar diffractions.
The advantage of this method is that it is more sensitive to the outer angle offset also at large detector distances.
The additional parameters are:
diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
index 622a5bc..0b0d0f9 100644
--- a/doc/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Installation instructions you find further down `Installation`_.
Read more about *xrayutilities* below or in `Journal of Applied Crystallography 2013, Volume 46, 1162-1170 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S0021889813017214>`_
@@ -30,25 +30,25 @@ Concept of usage
:align: right
:alt: Flow diagram showing how to analyze x-ray diffraction data using xrayutilities
-*xrayutilities* provides a set of functions to read experimental data from various data file formats.
+*xrayutilities* provides a set of functions to read experimental data from various data file formats.
All of them are gathered in the :mod:`io`-subpackage.
-After reading data with a function from the io-submodule the data might be corrected for monitor counts and/or absorption factor of a beam attenuator.
+After reading data with a function from the io-submodule the data might be corrected for monitor counts and/or absorption factor of a beam attenuator.
A special set of functions is provided to perform this for point, linear and area detectors.
-Since the amount of data taken with modern detectors often is too large to be able to work with them properly, a functions for reducing the data from linear and area detectors are provided.
-They use block-averaging to reduce the amount of data.
+Since the amount of data taken with modern detectors often is too large to be able to work with them properly, a functions for reducing the data from linear and area detectors are provided.
+They use block-averaging to reduce the amount of data.
Use those carefully not to loose the features you are interested in in your measurements.
-After the pre-treatment of the data, the core part of the package is the transformation of the angular data to reciprocal space.
-This is done as described in more detail below using the :mod:`experiment`-module`.
+After the pre-treatment of the data, the core part of the package is the transformation of the angular data to reciprocal space.
+This is done as described in more detail below using the :mod:`experiment`-module`.
The classes provided within the experiment module provide routines to help performing X-ray diffraction experiments.
This includes methods to calculate the diffraction angles (described below) needed to align crystalline samples and to convert data between angular and reciprocal space.
-The conversion from angular to reciprocal space is implemented very general for various goniometer geometries.
-It is especially useful in combination with linear and area detectors as described in this `article <http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S0021889813017214>`_.
+The conversion from angular to reciprocal space is implemented very general for various goniometer geometries.
+It is especially useful in combination with linear and area detectors as described in this `article <http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S0021889813017214>`_.
In standard cases, Users will only need the initialized routines, which predefine a certain goniometer geometry like the popular four-cirlce and six-circle geometries.
-After the conversion to reciprocal space, it is convenient to transform the data to a regular grid for visualization.
-For this purpose the :mod:`gridder`-module has been included into *xrayutilities*.
+After the conversion to reciprocal space, it is convenient to transform the data to a regular grid for visualization.
+For this purpose the :mod:`gridder`-module has been included into *xrayutilities*.
For the visualization of the data in reciprocal space the usage of `matplotlib <http://matplotlib.org>`_ is recommended.
A practical example showing the usage is given below.
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ Angle calculation using the material classes
Calculation of angles needed to align Bragg reflections in various diffraction geometries is done using the Materials defined in the :mod:`materials`-package.
This package provides a set of classes to describe crystal lattices and materials.
-Once such a material is properly defined one can calculate its properties, which includes the reciprocal lattice points, lattice plane distances, optical properties like
+Once such a material is properly defined one can calculate its properties, which includes the reciprocal lattice points, lattice plane distances, optical properties like
the refractive index, the structure factor (including the atomic scattering factor) and the complex polarizability.
These atomic properties are extracted from a database included in *xrayutilities*.
-Using such a material and an experimental class from the :mod:`experiment`-module, describing the experimental setup, the needed diffraction angles can be calculated for certain coplanar diffraction (high, low incidence), grazing incidence diffraction and also special non-coplanar diffraction geometries.
+Using such a material and an experimental class from the :mod:`experiment`-module, describing the experimental setup, the needed diffraction angles can be calculated for certain coplanar diffraction (high, low incidence), grazing incidence diffraction and also special non-coplanar diffraction geometries.
In the predefined experimental classes fixed geometries are used. For angle calculation of custom geometries using arbitrary geometries (max. of three free angles) the :mod:`q2ang_fit`-module can be used as described in one of the included example files.
.. _helloworld:
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ Express instructions
* open a command line and navigate to the downloaded sources and execute:
.. code-block:: bash
> python setup.py install
-which will install *xrayutilities* to the default directory. It should be possible to use it (*import xrayutilities*) from now on in python scripts.
+which will install *xrayutilities* to the default directory. It should be possible to use it (*import xrayutilities*) from now on in python scripts.
.. note:: The python package of *xrayutilities* was formerly called ''xrutils''
@@ -119,16 +119,16 @@ Detailed instructions
Installing *xrayutilities* is done using Python's distutils
-The package can be installed on Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows, however, it is mostly tested on Linux/Unix platforms.
+The package can be installed on Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows, however, it is mostly tested on Linux/Unix platforms.
Please inform one of the authors in case the installation fails!
Required third party software
-To keep the coding effort as small as possible *xrayutilities* depends on a
-large number of third party libraries and Python modules.
+To keep the coding effort as small as possible *xrayutilities* depends on a
+large number of third party libraries and Python modules.
-The needed dependencies are:
+The needed dependencies are:
* **GCC** Gnu Compiler Collection or any compatible C compiler. On windows you most probably should use MinGW or CygWin. Others might work but are untested.
* **HDF5** a versatile binary data format (library is implemented in C).
Although the library is not called directly, it is needed by the pytables Python
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ The needed dependencies are:
Additionally, the following Python modules are needed in order to make *xrayutilities* work as intended:
* **Numpy** a Python module providing numerical array objects
* **Scipy** a Python module providing standard numerical routines, which is heavily using numpy arrays
- * **Python-Tables** a powerful Python interface to HDF5.
+ * **Python-Tables** a powerful Python interface to HDF5.
* **Matplotlib** a Python module for high quality 1D and 2D plotting (optionally)
* **IPython** although not a dependency of *xrayutilities* the IPython shell is perfectly suited for the interactive use of the *xrayutilities* python package.
@@ -149,10 +149,10 @@ building the C library.
Building and installing the library and python package
-*xrayutilities* uses the distutils packaging system to build and install all of its components. You can perform the installation by executing
+*xrayutilities* uses the distutils packaging system to build and install all of its components. You can perform the installation by executing
.. code-block:: bash
>python setup.py install
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ or
>python setup.py install --prefix=INSTALLPATH
-in the root directory of the source distribution.
+in the root directory of the source distribution.
The *--prefix* option sets the root directory for the installation. If it is omitted
the libary is installed under /usr/lib/ on Unix systems or in the Python installation directory on Windows.
@@ -171,20 +171,20 @@ Setup of the Python package
You need to make your Python installation aware of where to look for the module.
This is usually only needed when installing in non-standard *<install path>* locations.
-For this case append the installation directory to your *PYTHONPATH* environment variable by
+For this case append the installation directory to your *PYTHONPATH* environment variable by
.. code-block:: bash
>export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<local install path>/lib64/python2.7/site-packages
on a Unix/Linux terminal. Or, to make this configuration persistent append this line to
-your local *.bashrc* file in your home directory.
-On MS Windows you would like to create a environment variable in the
-system preferences under system in the advanced tab (Using pythonxy this is done automatically).
-Be sure to use the correct directory which might be similar to
+your local *.bashrc* file in your home directory.
+On MS Windows you would like to create a environment variable in the
+system preferences under system in the advanced tab (Using Python(x,y) this is done automatically).
+Be sure to use the correct directory which might be similar to
.. code-block:: bash
<local install path>/Lib/site-packages
on Windows systems.
@@ -192,23 +192,23 @@ on Windows systems.
Notes for installing on Windows
-Since there is no packages manager on Windows the packages need to be installed manual
+Since there is no packages manager on Windows the packages need to be installed manual
(including all the dependecies) or a pre-packed solution needs two be used. We strongly suggest to
-use the `Python(x,y) <https://code.google.com/p/pythonxy/>`_ or
-`WinPython <http://winpython.sourceforge.net/>`_ python distributions,
+use the `Python(x,y) <https://code.google.com/p/pythonxy/>`_ or
+`WinPython <https://winpython.github.io/>`_ Python distributions,
which include already all of the needed dependencies for installing *xrayutilities*.
-The setup of the environment variables is also done by the python distributions.
+The setup of the environment variables is also done by the Python distributions.
One can proceed with the installation of *xrayutilities* directly!
-The easiest way to do this on windows is to use the binaries distributed on the `Python package index <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/xrayutilities>`_, otherwise one can follow the general installation instructions.
-Depending on your compiler on Microsoft Windows it might be necessary to perform the building of the Python extension separately and specify the compiler manually.
+The easiest way to do this on windows is to use the binaries distributed on the `Python package index <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/xrayutilities>`_, otherwise one can follow the general installation instructions.
+Depending on your compiler on Microsoft Windows it might be necessary to perform the building of the Python extension separately and specify the compiler manually.
This is done by
.. code-block:: bash
python setup.py build -c <compiler_name>
-Using Python(x,y) you want to specify 'mingw32' as compiler name. With the WinPython it
+Using Python(x,y) you want to specify 'mingw32' as compiler name. With the WinPython it
is recommended to use the MS Visual Studio Express 2008 (which is freely available for download)
and can also build the code for 64bit Windows. In this case us 'msvc' as compiler name.
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ In case you want to do it the hard way install all of the following (versions in
* matplotlib (1.1.0)
It is suggested to add the MinGW binary directory, as well as the Python and Python-scripts directory
-to the Path environment variable as described above! Installation is done as described above.
+to the Path environment variable as described above! Installation is done as described above.
.. _expapi:
@@ -231,16 +231,16 @@ Examples and API-documentation
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
- examples
+ examples
Indices and tables
diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst~ b/doc/source/index.rst~
index 81bd576..b013516 100644
--- a/doc/source/index.rst~
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst~
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Installation instructions you find further down `Installation`_.
Read more about *xrayutilities* below or in `Journal of Applied Crystallography 2013, Volume 46, 1162-1170 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S0021889813017214>`_
@@ -30,25 +30,25 @@ Concept of usage
:align: right
:alt: Flow diagram showing how to analyze x-ray diffraction data using xrayutilities
-*xrayutilities* provides a set of functions to read experimental data from various data file formats.
+*xrayutilities* provides a set of functions to read experimental data from various data file formats.
All of them are gathered in the :mod:`io`-subpackage.
-After reading data with a function from the io-submodule the data might be corrected for monitor counts and/or absorption factor of a beam attenuator.
+After reading data with a function from the io-submodule the data might be corrected for monitor counts and/or absorption factor of a beam attenuator.
A special set of functions is provided to perform this for point, linear and area detectors.
-Since the amount of data taken with modern detectors often is too large to be able to work with them properly, a functions for reducing the data from linear and area detectors are provided.
-They use block-averaging to reduce the amount of data.
+Since the amount of data taken with modern detectors often is too large to be able to work with them properly, a functions for reducing the data from linear and area detectors are provided.
+They use block-averaging to reduce the amount of data.
Use those carefully not to loose the features you are interested in in your measurements.
-After the pre-treatment of the data, the core part of the package is the transformation of the angular data to reciprocal space.
-This is done as described in more detail below using the :mod:`experiment`-module`.
+After the pre-treatment of the data, the core part of the package is the transformation of the angular data to reciprocal space.
+This is done as described in more detail below using the :mod:`experiment`-module`.
The classes provided within the experiment module provide routines to help performing X-ray diffraction experiments.
This includes methods to calculate the diffraction angles (described below) needed to align crystalline samples and to convert data between angular and reciprocal space.
-The conversion from angular to reciprocal space is implemented very general for various goniometer geometries.
-It is especially useful in combination with linear and area detectors as described in this `article <http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S0021889813017214>`_.
+The conversion from angular to reciprocal space is implemented very general for various goniometer geometries.
+It is especially useful in combination with linear and area detectors as described in this `article <http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S0021889813017214>`_.
In standard cases, Users will only need the initialized routines, which predefine a certain goniometer geometry like the popular four-cirlce and six-circle geometries.
-After the conversion to reciprocal space, it is convenient to transform the data to a regular grid for visualization.
-For this purpose the :mod:`gridder`-module has been included into *xrayutilities*.
+After the conversion to reciprocal space, it is convenient to transform the data to a regular grid for visualization.
+For this purpose the :mod:`gridder`-module has been included into *xrayutilities*.
For the visualization of the data in reciprocal space the usage of `matplotlib <http://matplotlib.org>`_ is recommended.
A practical example showing the usage is given below.
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ Angle calculation using the material classes
Calculation of angles needed to align Bragg reflections in various diffraction geometries is done using the Materials defined in the :mod:`materials`-package.
This package provides a set of classes to describe crystal lattices and materials.
-Once such a material is properly defined one can calculate its properties, which includes the reciprocal lattice points, lattice plane distances, optical properties like
+Once such a material is properly defined one can calculate its properties, which includes the reciprocal lattice points, lattice plane distances, optical properties like
the refractive index, the structure factor (including the atomic scattering factor) and the complex polarizability.
These atomic properties are extracted from a database included in *xrayutilities*.
-Using such a material and an experimental class from the :mod:`experiment`-module, describing the experimental setup, the needed diffraction angles can be calculated for certain coplanar diffraction (high, low incidence), grazing incidence diffraction and also special non-coplanar diffraction geometries.
+Using such a material and an experimental class from the :mod:`experiment`-module, describing the experimental setup, the needed diffraction angles can be calculated for certain coplanar diffraction (high, low incidence), grazing incidence diffraction and also special non-coplanar diffraction geometries.
In the predefined experimental classes fixed geometries are used. For angle calculation of custom geometries using arbitrary geometries (max. of three free angles) the :mod:`q2ang_fit`-module can be used as described in one of the included example files.
.. _helloworld:
@@ -107,10 +107,9 @@ Express instructions
* open a command line and navigate to the downloaded sources and execute:
.. code-block:: bash
> python setup.py install
-which will install *xrayutilities* to the default directory. It should be possible to use it (*import xrayutilities*) from now on in python scripts.
+which will install *xrayutilities* to the default directory. It should be possible to use it (*import xrayutilities*) from now on in python scripts.
.. note:: The python package of *xrayutilities* was formerly called ''xrutils''
@@ -119,16 +118,16 @@ Detailed instructions
Installing *xrayutilities* is done using Python's distutils
-The package can be installed on Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows, however it is mostly tested on Linux/Unix platforms.
+The package can be installed on Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows, however, it is mostly tested on Linux/Unix platforms.
Please inform one of the authors in case the installation fails!
Required third party software
-To keep the coding effort as small as possible *xrayutilities* depends on a
-large number of third party libraries and Python modules.
+To keep the coding effort as small as possible *xrayutilities* depends on a
+large number of third party libraries and Python modules.
-The needed dependencies are:
+The needed dependencies are:
* **GCC** Gnu Compiler Collection or any compatible C compiler. On windows you most probably should use MinGW or CygWin. Others might work but are untested.
* **HDF5** a versatile binary data format (library is implemented in C).
Although the library is not called directly, it is needed by the pytables Python
@@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ The needed dependencies are:
Additionally, the following Python modules are needed in order to make *xrayutilities* work as intended:
* **Numpy** a Python module providing numerical array objects
* **Scipy** a Python module providing standard numerical routines, which is heavily using numpy arrays
- * **Python-Tables** a powerful Python interface to HDF5.
+ * **Python-Tables** a powerful Python interface to HDF5.
* **Matplotlib** a Python module for high quality 1D and 2D plotting (optionally)
* **IPython** although not a dependency of *xrayutilities* the IPython shell is perfectly suited for the interactive use of the *xrayutilities* python package.
@@ -149,10 +148,9 @@ building the C library.
Building and installing the library and python package
-*xrayutilities* uses the distutils packaging system to build and install all of its components. You can perform the installation by executing
+*xrayutilities* uses the distutils packaging system to build and install all of its components. You can perform the installation by executing
.. code-block:: bash
>python setup.py install
@@ -161,7 +159,7 @@ or
>python setup.py install --prefix=INSTALLPATH
-in the root directory of the source distribution.
+in the root directory of the source distribution.
The *--prefix* option sets the root directory for the installation. If it is omitted
the libary is installed under /usr/lib/ on Unix systems or in the Python installation directory on Windows.
@@ -171,20 +169,20 @@ Setup of the Python package
You need to make your Python installation aware of where to look for the module.
This is usually only needed when installing in non-standard *<install path>* locations.
-For this case append the installation directory to your *PYTHONPATH* environment variable by
+For this case append the installation directory to your *PYTHONPATH* environment variable by
.. code-block:: bash
>export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<local install path>/lib64/python2.7/site-packages
on a Unix/Linux terminal. Or, to make this configuration persistent append this line to
-your local *.bashrc* file in your home directory.
-On MS Windows you would like to create a environment variable in the
-system preferences under system in the advanced tab (Using pythonxy this is done automatically).
-Be sure to use the correct directory which might be similar to
+your local *.bashrc* file in your home directory.
+On MS Windows you would like to create a environment variable in the
+system preferences under system in the advanced tab (Using Python(x,y) this is done automatically).
+Be sure to use the correct directory which might be similar to
.. code-block:: bash
<local install path>/Lib/site-packages
on Windows systems.
@@ -192,23 +190,23 @@ on Windows systems.
Notes for installing on Windows
-Since there is no packages manager on Windows the packages need to be installed manual
+Since there is no packages manager on Windows the packages need to be installed manual
(including all the dependecies) or a pre-packed solution needs two be used. We strongly suggest to
-use the `Python(x,y) <https://code.google.com/p/pythonxy/>`_ or
-`WinPython <http://winpython.sourceforge.net/>`_ python distributions,
+use the `Python(x,y) <https://code.google.com/p/pythonxy/>`_ or
+`WinPython <https://winpython.github.io/>`_ Python distributions,
which include already all of the needed dependencies for installing *xrayutilities*.
-The setup of the environment variables is also done by the python distributions.
+The setup of the environment variables is also done by the Python distributions.
One can proceed with the installation of *xrayutilities* directly!
-The easiest way to do this on windows is to use the binaries distributed on the `Python package index <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/xrayutilities>`_, otherwise one can follow the general installation instructions.
-Depending on your compiler on Microsoft Windows it might be necessary to perform the building of the Python extension separately and specify the compiler manually.
+The easiest way to do this on windows is to use the binaries distributed on the `Python package index <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/xrayutilities>`_, otherwise one can follow the general installation instructions.
+Depending on your compiler on Microsoft Windows it might be necessary to perform the building of the Python extension separately and specify the compiler manually.
This is done by
.. code-block:: bash
python setup.py build -c <compiler_name>
-Using Python(x,y) you want to specify 'mingw32' as compiler name. With the WinPython it
+Using Python(x,y) you want to specify 'mingw32' as compiler name. With the WinPython it
is recommended to use the MS Visual Studio Express 2008 (which is freely available for download)
and can also build the code for 64bit Windows. In this case us 'msvc' as compiler name.
@@ -222,7 +220,7 @@ In case you want to do it the hard way install all of the following (versions in
* matplotlib (1.1.0)
It is suggested to add the MinGW binary directory, as well as the Python and Python-scripts directory
-to the Path environment variable as described above! Installation is done as described above.
+to the Path environment variable as described above! Installation is done as described above.
.. _expapi:
@@ -231,16 +229,16 @@ Examples and API-documentation
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
- examples
+ examples
Indices and tables
diff --git a/doc/source/pics/favicon.ppm b/doc/source/pics/favicon.ppm
deleted file mode 100644
index 992e882..0000000
--- a/doc/source/pics/favicon.ppm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# CREATOR: GIMP PNM Filter Version 1.1
-32 32
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/source/pics/xray-logo-sf.png b/doc/source/pics/xray-logo-sf.png
deleted file mode 100644
index aa4cba2..0000000
Binary files a/doc/source/pics/xray-logo-sf.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/doc/source/pics/xray-logo.png b/doc/source/pics/xray-logo.png
index 2254cad..ee3b793 100644
Binary files a/doc/source/pics/xray-logo.png and b/doc/source/pics/xray-logo.png differ
diff --git a/doc/source/pics/xu_usage.png b/doc/source/pics/xu_usage.png
index 3a491c9..5d6a16a 100644
Binary files a/doc/source/pics/xu_usage.png and b/doc/source/pics/xu_usage.png differ
diff --git a/doc/source/pics/xu_usage.svg b/doc/source/pics/xu_usage.svg
index f32f178..d6de514 100644
--- a/doc/source/pics/xu_usage.svg
+++ b/doc/source/pics/xu_usage.svg
@@ -1,522 +1,51 @@
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-#Copyright 2014 International Centre for Diffraction Data. All rights reserved.
-_audit_creation_date 2014-09-12
-_audit_creation_method 'Generated by PDF-4+ 2013 software'
-_chemical_name_systematic 'Antimony Tellurium'
-_chemical_formula_moiety 'Sb2 Te3'
-_chemical_formula_sum 'Sb2 Te3'
-_chemical_formula_weight 626.30
-_symmetry_cell_setting Rhombohedral
-_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M R-3m
-_symmetry_Int_Tables_number 166
-1 x,y,z
-2 -x,-y,-z
-3 -y,x-y,z
-4 y,-x+y,-z
-5 -x+y,-x,z
-6 x-y,x,-z
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-8 y,x,-z
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-_cell_length_b 4.264(1)
-_cell_length_c 30.458(7)
-_cell_angle_alpha 90
-_cell_angle_beta 90
-_cell_angle_gamma 120
-_cell_volume 479.59
-_cell_formula_units_Z 3
-Te1 Te 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 3 a 1.0
-Te2 Te 0.0 0.0 0.7872 0.5 6 c 1.0
-Sb3 Sb 0.0 0.0 0.3988 0.8 6 c 1.0
-_diffrn_radiation_probe X-ray
-1.54056 0.67 K\a~1~ 1
-1.54439 0.33 K\a~2~ 2
-_pd_instr_geometry 'Bragg-Brentano (Fixed Slit)'
-_pd_meas_scan_method step
-_pd_meas_number_of_points 7986
-_pd_meas_2theta_range_min 0.00239
-_pd_meas_2theta_range_max 159.70239
-_pd_meas_2theta_range_inc 0.02
-1 0.00239 0.02851
-2 0.02239 0.02856
-3 0.04239 0.02862
-4 0.06239 0.02867
-5 0.08239 0.02873
-6 0.10239 0.02879
-7 0.12239 0.02884
-8 0.14239 0.0289
-9 0.16239 0.02896
-10 0.18239 0.02901
-11 0.20239 0.02907
-12 0.22239 0.02913
-13 0.24239 0.02919
-14 0.26239 0.02925
-15 0.28239 0.0293
-16 0.30239 0.02936
-17 0.32239 0.02942
-18 0.34239 0.02948
-19 0.36239 0.02954
-20 0.38239 0.0296
-21 0.40239 0.02966
-22 0.42239 0.02972
-23 0.44239 0.02978
-24 0.46239 0.02984
-25 0.48239 0.0299
-26 0.50239 0.02996
-27 0.52239 0.03002
-28 0.54239 0.03009
-29 0.56239 0.03015
-30 0.58239 0.03021
-31 0.60239 0.03027
-32 0.62239 0.03034
-33 0.64239 0.0304
-34 0.66239 0.03046
-35 0.68239 0.03053
-36 0.70239 0.03059
-37 0.72239 0.03065
-38 0.74239 0.03072
-39 0.76239 0.03078
-40 0.78239 0.034
-41 0.80239 0.03407
-42 0.82239 0.03414
-43 0.84239 0.03421
-44 0.86239 0.03428
-45 0.88239 0.03435
-46 0.90239 0.03442
-47 0.92239 0.03449
-48 0.94239 0.03456
-49 0.96239 0.03463
-50 0.98239 0.0347
-51 1.00239 0.03478
-52 1.02239 0.03485
-53 1.04239 0.03492
-54 1.06239 0.03499
-55 1.08239 0.03507
-56 1.10239 0.03514
-57 1.12239 0.03521
-58 1.14239 0.03529
-59 1.16239 0.03536
-60 1.18239 0.03544
-61 1.20239 0.03551
-62 1.22239 0.03874
-63 1.24239 0.03883
-64 1.26239 0.03892
-65 1.28239 0.03902
-66 1.30239 0.03911
-67 1.32239 0.03921
-68 1.34239 0.0393
-69 1.36239 0.0394
-70 1.38239 0.03949
-71 1.40239 0.03959
-72 1.42239 0.03969
-73 1.44239 0.03979
-74 1.46239 0.03989
-75 1.48239 0.03999
-76 1.50239 0.04009
-77 1.52239 0.04019
-78 1.54239 0.04029
-79 1.56239 0.04039
-80 1.58239 0.04049
-81 1.60239 0.04059
-82 1.62239 0.0407
-83 1.64239 0.0408
-84 1.66239 0.04091
-85 1.68239 0.04101
-86 1.70239 0.04112
-87 1.72239 0.04122
-88 1.74239 0.04133
-89 1.76239 0.04144
-90 1.78239 0.04155
-91 1.80239 0.04166
-92 1.82239 0.04177
-93 1.84239 0.04188
-94 1.86239 0.04199
-95 1.88239 0.0421
-96 1.90239 0.04221
-97 1.92239 0.04232
-98 1.94239 0.04244
-99 1.96239 0.04255
-100 1.98239 0.04267
-101 2.00239 0.04278
-102 2.02239 0.0429
-103 2.04239 0.04302
-104 2.06239 0.04314
-105 2.08239 0.04325
-106 2.10239 0.04337
-107 2.12239 0.04349
-108 2.14239 0.04362
-109 2.16239 0.04374
-110 2.18239 0.04386
-111 2.20239 0.04398
-112 2.22239 0.04411
-113 2.24239 0.04423
-114 2.26239 0.04436
-115 2.28239 0.04449
-116 2.30239 0.04462
-117 2.32239 0.04474
-118 2.34239 0.04487
-119 2.36239 0.045
-120 2.38239 0.04514
-121 2.40239 0.04527
-122 2.42239 0.0454
-123 2.44239 0.04554
-124 2.46239 0.04567
-125 2.48239 0.04581
-126 2.50239 0.04594
-127 2.52239 0.04608
-128 2.54239 0.04622
-129 2.56239 0.04636
-130 2.58239 0.0465
-131 2.60239 0.04664
-132 2.62239 0.04679
-133 2.64239 0.04693
-134 2.66239 0.04707
-135 2.68239 0.04722
-136 2.70239 0.04737
-137 2.72239 0.04752
-138 2.74239 0.04767
-139 2.76239 0.04782
-140 2.78239 0.04797
-141 2.80239 0.04812
-142 2.82239 0.04827
-143 2.84239 0.04843
-144 2.86239 0.04859
-145 2.88239 0.04874
-146 2.90239 0.0489
-147 2.92239 0.04906
-148 2.94239 0.04922
-149 2.96239 0.04939
-150 2.98239 0.04955
-151 3.00239 0.04972
-152 3.02239 0.04988
-153 3.04239 0.05005
-154 3.06239 0.05022
-155 3.08239 0.05039
-156 3.10239 0.05056
-157 3.12239 0.05073
-158 3.14239 0.05091
-159 3.16239 0.05109
-160 3.18239 0.05126
-161 3.20239 0.05144
-162 3.22239 0.05162
-163 3.24239 0.05181
-164 3.26239 0.05199
-165 3.28239 0.05217
-166 3.30239 0.05236
-167 3.32239 0.05255
-168 3.34239 0.05274
-169 3.36239 0.05293
-170 3.38239 0.05313
-171 3.40239 0.05332
-172 3.42239 0.05352
-173 3.44239 0.05372
-174 3.46239 0.05392
-175 3.48239 0.05412
-176 3.50239 0.05432
-177 3.52239 0.05453
-178 3.54239 0.05474
-179 3.56239 0.05495
-180 3.58239 0.05516
-181 3.60239 0.05537
-182 3.62239 0.05559
-183 3.64239 0.05581
-184 3.66239 0.05603
-185 3.68239 0.05625
-186 3.70239 0.05647
-187 3.72239 0.0567
-188 3.74239 0.05693
-189 3.76239 0.05716
-190 3.78239 0.05739
-191 3.80239 0.05763
-192 3.82239 0.05786
-193 3.84239 0.0581
-194 3.86239 0.05835
-195 3.88239 0.05859
-196 3.90239 0.05884
-197 3.92239 0.05909
-198 3.94239 0.05934
-199 3.96239 0.0596
-200 3.98239 0.05985
-201 4.00239 0.06011
-202 4.02239 0.06038
-203 4.04239 0.06064
-204 4.06239 0.06091
-205 4.08239 0.06118
-206 4.10239 0.06146
-207 4.12239 0.06174
-208 4.14239 0.06202
-209 4.16239 0.0623
-210 4.18239 0.06259
-211 4.20239 0.06288
-212 4.22239 0.06317
-213 4.24239 0.06347
-214 4.26239 0.06377
-215 4.28239 0.06407
-216 4.30239 0.06438
-217 4.32239 0.06469
-218 4.34239 0.065
-219 4.36239 0.06532
-220 4.38239 0.06564
-221 4.40239 0.06596
-222 4.42239 0.06629
-223 4.44239 0.06662
-224 4.46239 0.06696
-225 4.48239 0.0673
-226 4.50239 0.06765
-227 4.52239 0.068
-228 4.54239 0.06835
-229 4.56239 0.06871
-230 4.58239 0.06907
-231 4.60239 0.06944
-232 4.62239 0.06981
-233 4.64239 0.07018
-234 4.66239 0.07056
-235 4.68239 0.07095
-236 4.70239 0.07134
-237 4.72239 0.07174
-238 4.74239 0.07214
-239 4.76239 0.07254
-240 4.78239 0.07296
-241 4.80239 0.07337
-242 4.82239 0.0738
-243 4.84239 0.07423
-244 4.86239 0.07466
-245 4.88239 0.0751
-246 4.90239 0.07555
-247 4.92239 0.076
-248 4.94239 0.07646
-249 4.96239 0.07692
-250 4.98239 0.0774
-251 5.00239 0.07788
-252 5.02239 0.07836
-253 5.04239 0.07885
-254 5.06239 0.07935
-255 5.08239 0.07986
-256 5.10239 0.08038
-257 5.12239 0.0809
-258 5.14239 0.08143
-259 5.16239 0.08197
-260 5.18239 0.08252
-261 5.20239 0.08307
-262 5.22239 0.08364
-263 5.24239 0.08421
-264 5.26239 0.08479
-265 5.28239 0.08853
-266 5.30239 0.08914
-267 5.32239 0.08976
-268 5.34239 0.09039
-269 5.36239 0.09103
-270 5.38239 0.09168
-271 5.40239 0.09235
-272 5.42239 0.09302
-273 5.44239 0.0937
-274 5.46239 0.09439
-275 5.48239 0.0951
-276 5.50239 0.09897
-277 5.52239 0.09971
-278 5.54239 0.10045
-279 5.56239 0.10121
-280 5.58239 0.10198
-281 5.60239 0.10277
-282 5.62239 0.10357
-283 5.64239 0.10438
-284 5.66239 0.10521
-285 5.68239 0.10605
-286 5.70239 0.10691
-287 5.72239 0.10779
-288 5.74239 0.10868
-289 5.76239 0.10959
-290 5.78239 0.11051
-291 5.80239 0.11145
-292 5.82239 0.11241
-293 5.84239 0.11339
-294 5.86239 0.11439
-295 5.88239 0.1154
-296 5.90239 0.11644
-297 5.92239 0.1175
-298 5.94239 0.11858
-299 5.96239 0.11968
-300 5.98239 0.1208
-301 6.00239 0.12195
-302 6.02239 0.12312
-303 6.04239 0.12431
-304 6.06239 0.12553
-305 6.08239 0.12678
-306 6.10239 0.12805
-307 6.12239 0.12935
-308 6.14239 0.13068
-309 6.16239 0.13204
-310 6.18239 0.13343
-311 6.20239 0.13485
-312 6.22239 0.1363
-313 6.24239 0.13779
-314 6.26239 0.13931
-315 6.28239 0.14086
-316 6.30239 0.14245
-317 6.32239 0.14408
-318 6.34239 0.14575
-319 6.36239 0.14746
-320 6.38239 0.14921
-321 6.40239 0.15101
-322 6.42239 0.15285
-323 6.44239 0.15473
-324 6.46239 0.15667
-325 6.48239 0.15865
-326 6.50239 0.16069
-327 6.52239 0.16277
-328 6.54239 0.16492
-329 6.56239 0.16712
-330 6.58239 0.16938
-331 6.60239 0.1717
-332 6.62239 0.17409
-333 6.64239 0.17654
-334 6.66239 0.17906
-335 6.68239 0.18166
-336 6.70239 0.18432
-337 6.72239 0.18707
-338 6.74239 0.1899
-339 6.76239 0.19281
-340 6.78239 0.1958
-341 6.80239 0.19889
-342 6.82239 0.20208
-343 6.84239 0.20536
-344 6.86239 0.20874
-345 6.88239 0.21224
-346 6.90239 0.21584
-347 6.92239 0.21957
-348 6.94239 0.22341
-349 6.96239 0.22739
-350 6.98239 0.2315
-351 7.00239 0.23575
-352 7.02239 0.24014
-353 7.04239 0.24469
-354 7.06239 0.2494
-355 7.08239 0.25428
-356 7.10239 0.25934
-357 7.12239 0.26458
-358 7.14239 0.27002
-359 7.16239 0.27566
-360 7.18239 0.28152
-361 7.20239 0.28761
-362 7.22239 0.29394
-363 7.24239 0.30052
-364 7.26239 0.30737
-365 7.28239 0.3145
-366 7.30239 0.32192
-367 7.32239 0.32966
-368 7.34239 0.33773
-369 7.36239 0.34615
-370 7.38239 0.35494
-371 7.40239 0.36413
-372 7.42239 0.37374
-373 7.44239 0.38379
-374 7.46239 0.39431
-375 7.48239 0.40534
-376 7.50239 0.4169
-377 7.52239 0.42903
-378 7.54239 0.44177
-379 7.56239 0.45516
-380 7.58239 0.46924
-381 7.60239 0.48407
-382 7.62239 0.4997
-383 7.64239 0.51618
-384 7.66239 0.53358
-385 7.68239 0.55197
-386 7.70239 0.57143
-387 7.72239 0.59203
-388 7.74239 0.61388
-389 7.76239 0.63707
-390 7.78239 0.66171
-391 7.80239 0.68793
-392 7.82239 0.71586
-393 7.84239 0.74566
-394 7.86239 0.77749
-395 7.88239 0.81154
-396 7.90239 0.84802
-397 7.92239 0.88717
-398 7.94239 0.92924
-399 7.96239 0.97454
-400 7.98239 1.0234
-401 8.00239 1.07619
-402 8.02239 1.13334
-403 8.04239 1.19533
-404 8.06239 1.26272
-405 8.08239 1.33614
-406 8.10239 1.41632
-407 8.12239 1.50408
-408 8.14239 1.60039
-409 8.16239 1.70636
-410 8.18239 1.8262
-411 8.20239 1.95781
-412 8.22239 2.10758
-413 8.24239 2.27532
-414 8.26239 2.46653
-415 8.28239 2.68647
-416 8.30239 2.94182
-417 8.32239 3.24103
-418 8.34239 3.59458
-419 8.36239 4.01519
-420 8.38239 4.51799
-421 8.40239 5.12042
-422 8.42239 5.84194
-423 8.44239 6.70346
-424 8.46239 7.7264
-425 8.48239 8.93135
-426 8.50239 10.33634
-427 8.52239 11.95441
-428 8.54239 13.79031
-429 8.56239 15.8358
-430 8.58239 18.06277
-431 8.60239 20.41388
-432 8.62239 22.79159
-433 8.64239 25.04963
-434 8.66239 26.99536
-435 8.68239 28.41362
-436 8.70239 29.1154
-437 8.72239 28.99673
-438 8.74239 28.07635
-439 8.76239 26.48833
-440 8.78239 24.4347
-441 8.80239 22.12735
-442 8.82239 19.74646
-443 8.84239 17.42383
-444 8.86239 15.24459
-445 8.88239 13.25687
-446 8.90239 11.48248
-447 8.92239 9.92868
-448 8.94239 8.58172
-449 8.96239 7.43006
-450 8.98239 6.45476
-451 9.00239 5.63486
-452 9.02239 4.94898
-453 9.04239 4.37655
-454 9.06239 3.89864
-455 9.08239 3.49843
-456 9.10239 3.1615
-457 9.12239 2.87576
-458 9.14239 2.63133
-459 9.16239 2.42029
-460 9.18239 2.23639
-461 9.20239 2.0747
-462 9.22239 1.9314
-463 9.24239 1.80037
-464 9.26239 1.68694
-465 9.28239 1.58409
-466 9.30239 1.49058
-467 9.32239 1.40533
-468 9.34239 1.32742
-469 9.36239 1.25606
-470 9.38239 1.19054
-471 9.40239 1.13025
-472 9.42239 1.07467
-473 9.44239 1.02332
-474 9.46239 0.9758
-475 9.48239 0.93174
-476 9.50239 0.89082
-477 9.52239 0.85275
-478 9.54239 0.81727
-479 9.56239 0.78417
-480 9.58239 0.75323
-481 9.60239 0.72428
-482 9.62239 0.69714
-483 9.64239 0.67169
-484 9.66239 0.64777
-485 9.68239 0.62528
-486 9.70239 0.6041
-487 9.72239 0.58413
-488 9.74239 0.56529
-489 9.76239 0.5475
-490 9.78239 0.53067
-491 9.80239 0.51474
-492 9.82239 0.49966
-493 9.84239 0.48536
-494 9.86239 0.47178
-495 9.88239 0.45889
-496 9.90239 0.44664
-497 9.92239 0.43499
-498 9.94239 0.4239
-499 9.96239 0.41333
-500 9.98239 0.40326
-501 10.00239 0.39366
-502 10.02239 0.38449
-503 10.04239 0.37573
-504 10.06239 0.36736
-505 10.08239 0.35936
-506 10.10239 0.35171
-507 10.12239 0.34438
-508 10.14239 0.33736
-509 10.16239 0.33063
-510 10.18239 0.32419
-511 10.20239 0.318
-512 10.22239 0.31207
-513 10.24239 0.30637
-514 10.26239 0.30089
-515 10.28239 0.29563
-516 10.30239 0.29058
-517 10.32239 0.28572
-518 10.34239 0.28104
-519 10.36239 0.27654
-520 10.38239 0.2722
-521 10.40239 0.26803
-522 10.42239 0.26401
-523 10.44239 0.26013
-524 10.46239 0.25639
-525 10.48239 0.25279
-526 10.50239 0.24931
-527 10.52239 0.24596
-528 10.54239 0.24272
-529 10.56239 0.2396
-530 10.58239 0.23658
-531 10.60239 0.23367
-532 10.62239 0.23085
-533 10.64239 0.22813
-534 10.66239 0.2255
-535 10.68239 0.22295
-536 10.70239 0.2205
-537 10.72239 0.21812
-538 10.74239 0.21582
-539 10.76239 0.21359
-540 10.78239 0.21144
-541 10.80239 0.20935
-542 10.82239 0.20734
-543 10.84239 0.20538
-544 10.86239 0.20349
-545 10.88239 0.20166
-546 10.90239 0.19989
-547 10.92239 0.19817
-548 10.94239 0.19651
-549 10.96239 0.1949
-550 10.98239 0.19334
-551 11.00239 0.19183
-552 11.02239 0.19036
-553 11.04239 0.18894
-554 11.06239 0.18757
-555 11.08239 0.18624
-556 11.10239 0.18495
-557 11.12239 0.1837
-558 11.14239 0.18248
-559 11.16239 0.18131
-560 11.18239 0.18017
-561 11.20239 0.17907
-562 11.22239 0.178
-563 11.24239 0.17697
-564 11.26239 0.17596
-565 11.28239 0.17499
-566 11.30239 0.17405
-567 11.32239 0.17314
-568 11.34239 0.17226
-569 11.36239 0.17141
-570 11.38239 0.17058
-571 11.40239 0.16978
-572 11.42239 0.16901
-573 11.44239 0.16826
-574 11.46239 0.16754
-575 11.48239 0.16684
-576 11.50239 0.16616
-577 11.52239 0.16551
-578 11.54239 0.16488
-579 11.56239 0.16427
-580 11.58239 0.16368
-581 11.60239 0.16311
-582 11.62239 0.16256
-583 11.64239 0.16203
-584 11.66239 0.16152
-585 11.68239 0.16103
-586 11.70239 0.16056
-587 11.72239 0.16011
-588 11.74239 0.15967
-589 11.76239 0.15925
-590 11.78239 0.15885
-591 11.80239 0.15846
-592 11.82239 0.15809
-593 11.84239 0.15774
-594 11.86239 0.1574
-595 11.88239 0.15708
-596 11.90239 0.15677
-597 11.92239 0.15648
-598 11.94239 0.15935
-599 11.96239 0.15909
-600 11.98239 0.15884
-601 12.00239 0.15861
-602 12.02239 0.15839
-603 12.04239 0.15818
-604 12.06239 0.15799
-605 12.08239 0.15781
-606 12.10239 0.15764
-607 12.12239 0.15749
-608 12.14239 0.15734
-609 12.16239 0.15721
-610 12.18239 0.15709
-611 12.20239 0.15698
-612 12.22239 0.15688
-613 12.24239 0.1568
-614 12.26239 0.15672
-615 12.28239 0.15666
-616 12.30239 0.15661
-617 12.32239 0.15657
-618 12.34239 0.15653
-619 12.36239 0.15651
-620 12.38239 0.1565
-621 12.40239 0.1565
-622 12.42239 0.15651
-623 12.44239 0.15653
-624 12.46239 0.15656
-625 12.48239 0.1566
-626 12.50239 0.15665
-627 12.52239 0.15671
-628 12.54239 0.15678
-629 12.56239 0.15686
-630 12.58239 0.15695
-631 12.60239 0.15704
-632 12.62239 0.15715
-633 12.64239 0.15727
-634 12.66239 0.15739
-635 12.68239 0.15753
-636 12.70239 0.15767
-637 12.72239 0.15782
-638 12.74239 0.15798
-639 12.76239 0.15815
-640 12.78239 0.15833
-641 12.80239 0.15852
-642 12.82239 0.15872
-643 12.84239 0.15892
-644 12.86239 0.15914
-645 12.88239 0.15936
-646 12.90239 0.1596
-647 12.92239 0.15984
-648 12.94239 0.16009
-649 12.96239 0.16035
-650 12.98239 0.16062
-651 13.00239 0.16089
-652 13.02239 0.16118
-653 13.04239 0.16147
-654 13.06239 0.16178
-655 13.08239 0.16209
-656 13.10239 0.16241
-657 13.12239 0.16274
-658 13.14239 0.16308
-659 13.16239 0.16343
-660 13.18239 0.16379
-661 13.20239 0.16415
-662 13.22239 0.16453
-663 13.24239 0.16491
-664 13.26239 0.16531
-665 13.28239 0.16571
-666 13.30239 0.16612
-667 13.32239 0.16654
-668 13.34239 0.16698
-669 13.36239 0.16742
-670 13.38239 0.16787
-671 13.40239 0.16833
-672 13.42239 0.1688
-673 13.44239 0.16928
-674 13.46239 0.16976
-675 13.48239 0.17026
-676 13.50239 0.17077
-677 13.52239 0.17129
-678 13.54239 0.17182
-679 13.56239 0.17236
-680 13.58239 0.17291
-681 13.60239 0.17348
-682 13.62239 0.17405
-683 13.64239 0.17463
-684 13.66239 0.17522
-685 13.68239 0.17583
-686 13.70239 0.17645
-687 13.72239 0.17707
-688 13.74239 0.17771
-689 13.76239 0.17837
-690 13.78239 0.17903
-691 13.80239 0.1797
-692 13.82239 0.18039
-693 13.84239 0.18109
-694 13.86239 0.1818
-695 13.88239 0.18253
-696 13.90239 0.18327
-697 13.92239 0.18402
-698 13.94239 0.18478
-699 13.96239 0.18556
-700 13.98239 0.18635
-701 14.00239 0.18716
-702 14.02239 0.18798
-703 14.04239 0.18881
-704 14.06239 0.18966
-705 14.08239 0.19053
-706 14.10239 0.19141
-707 14.12239 0.19231
-708 14.14239 0.19322
-709 14.16239 0.19415
-710 14.18239 0.19509
-711 14.20239 0.19605
-712 14.22239 0.19703
-713 14.24239 0.19803
-714 14.26239 0.19904
-715 14.28239 0.20008
-716 14.30239 0.20113
-717 14.32239 0.2022
-718 14.34239 0.20329
-719 14.36239 0.2044
-720 14.38239 0.20553
-721 14.40239 0.20668
-722 14.42239 0.20786
-723 14.44239 0.20905
-724 14.46239 0.21027
-725 14.48239 0.21151
-726 14.50239 0.21277
-727 14.52239 0.21406
-728 14.54239 0.21537
-729 14.56239 0.21671
-730 14.58239 0.21807
-731 14.60239 0.21946
-732 14.62239 0.22088
-733 14.64239 0.22232
-734 14.66239 0.22379
-735 14.68239 0.2253
-736 14.70239 0.22683
-737 14.72239 0.22839
-738 14.74239 0.22998
-739 14.76239 0.23161
-740 14.78239 0.23327
-741 14.80239 0.23496
-742 14.82239 0.23669
-743 14.84239 0.23846
-744 14.86239 0.24026
-745 14.88239 0.2421
-746 14.90239 0.24398
-747 14.92239 0.2459
-748 14.94239 0.24786
-749 14.96239 0.24987
-750 14.98239 0.25192
-751 15.00239 0.25401
-752 15.02239 0.25616
-753 15.04239 0.25835
-754 15.06239 0.26059
-755 15.08239 0.26288
-756 15.10239 0.26523
-757 15.12239 0.26763
-758 15.14239 0.27009
-759 15.16239 0.2726
-760 15.18239 0.27518
-761 15.20239 0.27782
-762 15.22239 0.28053
-763 15.24239 0.2833
-764 15.26239 0.28614
-765 15.28239 0.28906
-766 15.30239 0.29204
-767 15.32239 0.29511
-768 15.34239 0.29826
-769 15.36239 0.30148
-770 15.38239 0.3048
-771 15.40239 0.3082
-772 15.42239 0.3117
-773 15.44239 0.31529
-774 15.46239 0.31899
-775 15.48239 0.32278
-776 15.50239 0.32669
-777 15.52239 0.3307
-778 15.54239 0.33484
-779 15.56239 0.33909
-780 15.58239 0.34347
-781 15.60239 0.34798
-782 15.62239 0.35264
-783 15.64239 0.35743
-784 15.66239 0.36237
-785 15.68239 0.36747
-786 15.70239 0.37273
-787 15.72239 0.37817
-788 15.74239 0.38378
-789 15.76239 0.38957
-790 15.78239 0.39557
-791 15.80239 0.40176
-792 15.82239 0.40817
-793 15.84239 0.4148
-794 15.86239 0.42167
-795 15.88239 0.42879
-796 15.90239 0.43616
-797 15.92239 0.4438
-798 15.94239 0.45174
-799 15.96239 0.45997
-800 15.98239 0.46852
-801 16.00239 0.4774
-802 16.02239 0.48663
-803 16.04239 0.49624
-804 16.06239 0.50623
-805 16.08239 0.51664
-806 16.10239 0.52749
-807 16.12239 0.5388
-808 16.14239 0.55061
-809 16.16239 0.56293
-810 16.18239 0.5758
-811 16.20239 0.58926
-812 16.22239 0.60334
-813 16.24239 0.61495
-814 16.26239 0.63041
-815 16.28239 0.64663
-816 16.30239 0.66365
-817 16.32239 0.68152
-818 16.34239 0.70031
-819 16.36239 0.72007
-820 16.38239 0.74089
-821 16.40239 0.76283
-822 16.42239 0.78599
-823 16.44239 0.81044
-824 16.46239 0.8363
-825 16.48239 0.86682
-826 16.50239 0.89583
-827 16.52239 0.9266
-828 16.54239 0.95928
-829 16.56239 0.99404
-830 16.58239 1.03105
-831 16.60239 1.07052
-832 16.62239 1.11266
-833 16.64239 1.15772
-834 16.66239 1.20599
-835 16.68239 1.25776
-836 16.70239 1.31338
-837 16.72239 1.37325
-838 16.74239 1.43779
-839 16.76239 1.50752
-840 16.78239 1.58299
-841 16.80239 1.66483
-842 16.82239 1.75379
-843 16.84239 1.85068
-844 16.86239 1.95648
-845 16.88239 2.07227
-846 16.90239 2.19933
-847 16.92239 2.34173
-848 16.94239 2.49802
-849 16.96239 2.67219
-850 16.98239 2.86743
-851 17.00239 3.09141
-852 17.02239 3.34454
-853 17.04239 3.63589
-854 17.06239 3.97438
-855 17.08239 4.37119
-856 17.10239 4.84014
-857 17.12239 5.39796
-858 17.14239 6.06442
-859 17.16239 6.86225
-860 17.18239 7.81669
-861 17.20239 8.95473
-862 17.22239 10.30384
-863 17.24239 11.89028
-864 17.26239 13.73666
-865 17.28239 15.85876
-866 17.30239 18.26093
-867 17.32239 20.92962
-868 17.34239 23.82413
-869 17.36239 26.86446
-870 17.38239 29.91836
-871 17.40239 32.79367
-872 17.42239 35.2467
-873 17.44239 37.01713
-874 17.46239 37.88729
-875 17.48239 37.74428
-876 17.50239 36.61672
-877 17.52239 34.65066
-878 17.54239 32.081
-879 17.56239 29.15996
-880 17.58239 26.11282
-881 17.60239 23.11307
-882 17.62239 20.2784
-883 17.64239 17.6788
-884 17.66239 15.34847
-885 17.68239 13.29678
-886 17.70239 11.51671
-887 17.72239 9.99086
-888 17.74239 8.69572
-889 17.76239 7.60473
-890 17.78239 6.69051
-891 17.80239 5.92652
-892 17.82239 5.28816
-893 17.84239 4.75347
-894 17.86239 4.30345
-895 17.88239 3.92213
-896 17.90239 3.59636
-897 17.92239 3.31553
-898 17.94239 3.07123
-899 17.96239 2.85682
-900 17.98239 2.66712
-901 18.00239 2.49635
-902 18.02239 2.34384
-903 18.04239 2.20843
-904 18.06239 2.0854
-905 18.08239 1.97333
-906 18.10239 1.87099
-907 18.12239 1.77732
-908 18.14239 1.6914
-909 18.16239 1.6124
-910 18.18239 1.53963
-911 18.20239 1.47247
-912 18.22239 1.41037
-913 18.24239 1.35284
-914 18.26239 1.29947
-915 18.28239 1.24986
-916 18.30239 1.20369
-917 18.32239 1.16065
-918 18.34239 1.12048
-919 18.36239 1.08294
-920 18.38239 1.0478
-921 18.40239 1.01487
-922 18.42239 0.98398
-923 18.44239 0.95497
-924 18.46239 0.9277
-925 18.48239 0.90203
-926 18.50239 0.87785
-927 18.52239 0.85506
-928 18.54239 0.83354
-929 18.56239 0.81321
-930 18.58239 0.794
-931 18.60239 0.77582
-932 18.62239 0.75861
-933 18.64239 0.7423
-934 18.66239 0.72684
-935 18.68239 0.71218
-936 18.70239 0.69825
-937 18.72239 0.68502
-938 18.74239 0.67245
-939 18.76239 0.6605
-940 18.78239 0.64912
-941 18.80239 0.63829
-942 18.82239 0.62798
-943 18.84239 0.61816
-944 18.86239 0.6088
-945 18.88239 0.59987
-946 18.90239 0.59136
-947 18.92239 0.58323
-948 18.94239 0.57863
-949 18.96239 0.57124
-950 18.98239 0.56419
-951 19.00239 0.55745
-952 19.02239 0.55102
-953 19.04239 0.54487
-954 19.06239 0.53899
-955 19.08239 0.53338
-956 19.10239 0.52801
-957 19.12239 0.52288
-958 19.14239 0.51798
-959 19.16239 0.51329
-960 19.18239 0.50881
-961 19.20239 0.50453
-962 19.22239 0.50044
-963 19.24239 0.49652
-964 19.26239 0.49278
-965 19.28239 0.48921
-966 19.30239 0.4858
-967 19.32239 0.48254
-968 19.34239 0.47628
-969 19.36239 0.47332
-970 19.38239 0.4705
-971 19.40239 0.4678
-972 19.42239 0.46524
-973 19.44239 0.46279
-974 19.46239 0.46046
-975 19.48239 0.45825
-976 19.50239 0.45614
-977 19.52239 0.45414
-978 19.54239 0.45224
-979 19.56239 0.45044
-980 19.58239 0.44873
-981 19.60239 0.44711
-982 19.62239 0.44558
-983 19.64239 0.44414
-984 19.66239 0.44278
-985 19.68239 0.44151
-986 19.70239 0.44031
-987 19.72239 0.43918
-988 19.74239 0.43813
-989 19.76239 0.43715
-990 19.78239 0.43624
-991 19.80239 0.4354
-992 19.82239 0.43462
-993 19.84239 0.43391
-994 19.86239 0.43326
-995 19.88239 0.43267
-996 19.90239 0.43213
-997 19.92239 0.43166
-998 19.94239 0.43124
-999 19.96239 0.43088
-1000 19.98239 0.43057
-1001 20.00239 0.43031
-1002 20.02239 0.4301
-1003 20.04239 0.42995
-1004 20.06239 0.42984
-1005 20.08239 0.42978
-1006 20.10239 0.42976
-1007 20.12239 0.42979
-1008 20.14239 0.42987
-1009 20.16239 0.43314
-1010 20.18239 0.43333
-1011 20.20239 0.43355
-1012 20.22239 0.43382
-1013 20.24239 0.43413
-1014 20.26239 0.43448
-1015 20.28239 0.43487
-1016 20.30239 0.4353
-1017 20.32239 0.43576
-1018 20.34239 0.43627
-1019 20.36239 0.43681
-1020 20.38239 0.43738
-1021 20.40239 0.438
-1022 20.42239 0.43865
-1023 20.44239 0.43933
-1024 20.46239 0.44005
-1025 20.48239 0.44081
-1026 20.50239 0.44159
-1027 20.52239 0.44241
-1028 20.54239 0.44327
-1029 20.56239 0.44416
-1030 20.58239 0.44508
-1031 20.60239 0.44603
-1032 20.62239 0.44701
-1033 20.64239 0.44803
-1034 20.66239 0.44907
-1035 20.68239 0.45015
-1036 20.70239 0.45126
-1037 20.72239 0.4524
-1038 20.74239 0.45357
-1039 20.76239 0.45477
-1040 20.78239 0.456
-1041 20.80239 0.45726
-1042 20.82239 0.45855
-1043 20.84239 0.45987
-1044 20.86239 0.46122
-1045 20.88239 0.4626
-1046 20.90239 0.46401
-1047 20.92239 0.46545
-1048 20.94239 0.46691
-1049 20.96239 0.46841
-1050 20.98239 0.46993
-1051 21.00239 0.47149
-1052 21.02239 0.47307
-1053 21.04239 0.47468
-1054 21.06239 0.47632
-1055 21.08239 0.47799
-1056 21.10239 0.47969
-1057 21.12239 0.48141
-1058 21.14239 0.48317
-1059 21.16239 0.48495
-1060 21.18239 0.48676
-1061 21.20239 0.48861
-1062 21.22239 0.49362
-1063 21.24239 0.49556
-1064 21.26239 0.49752
-1065 21.28239 0.49952
-1066 21.30239 0.50154
-1067 21.32239 0.5036
-1068 21.34239 0.50884
-1069 21.36239 0.51098
-1070 21.38239 0.51315
-1071 21.40239 0.51535
-1072 21.42239 0.51758
-1073 21.44239 0.51984
-1074 21.46239 0.52213
-1075 21.48239 0.52446
-1076 21.50239 0.52681
-1077 21.52239 0.5292
-1078 21.54239 0.53162
-1079 21.56239 0.53407
-1080 21.58239 0.53655
-1081 21.60239 0.53907
-1082 21.62239 0.54162
-1083 21.64239 0.5442
-1084 21.66239 0.54681
-1085 21.68239 0.54946
-1086 21.70239 0.55214
-1087 21.72239 0.55486
-1088 21.74239 0.55761
-1089 21.76239 0.5604
-1090 21.78239 0.56322
-1091 21.80239 0.56607
-1092 21.82239 0.56896
-1093 21.84239 0.57189
-1094 21.86239 0.57485
-1095 21.88239 0.57785
-1096 21.90239 0.58089
-1097 21.92239 0.58397
-1098 21.94239 0.58708
-1099 21.96239 0.59023
-1100 21.98239 0.59342
-1101 22.00239 0.59664
-1102 22.02239 0.59991
-1103 22.04239 0.60322
-1104 22.06239 0.60657
-1105 22.08239 0.60995
-1106 22.10239 0.61338
-1107 22.12239 0.61685
-1108 22.14239 0.62036
-1109 22.16239 0.62392
-1110 22.18239 0.62752
-1111 22.20239 0.63432
-1112 22.22239 0.63807
-1113 22.24239 0.64187
-1114 22.26239 0.64571
-1115 22.28239 0.6496
-1116 22.30239 0.65353
-1117 22.32239 0.65752
-1118 22.34239 0.66471
-1119 22.36239 0.66885
-1120 22.38239 0.67619
-1121 22.40239 0.68044
-1122 22.42239 0.68475
-1123 22.44239 0.68912
-1124 22.46239 0.69354
-1125 22.48239 0.69801
-1126 22.50239 0.70255
-1127 22.52239 0.70714
-1128 22.54239 0.7118
-1129 22.56239 0.71651
-1130 22.58239 0.72129
-1131 22.60239 0.72613
-1132 22.62239 0.73103
-1133 22.64239 0.736
-1134 22.66239 0.74103
-1135 22.68239 0.74614
-1136 22.70239 0.75131
-1137 22.72239 0.75655
-1138 22.74239 0.76186
-1139 22.76239 0.76725
-1140 22.78239 0.77271
-1141 22.80239 0.77825
-1142 22.82239 0.78386
-1143 22.84239 0.78956
-1144 22.86239 0.79845
-1145 22.88239 0.80439
-1146 22.90239 0.81043
-1147 22.92239 0.81655
-1148 22.94239 0.82277
-1149 22.96239 0.82908
-1150 22.98239 0.83549
-1151 23.00239 0.84199
-1152 23.02239 0.84861
-1153 23.04239 0.85532
-1154 23.06239 0.86215
-1155 23.08239 0.86909
-1156 23.10239 0.87614
-1157 23.12239 0.88331
-1158 23.14239 0.8906
-1159 23.16239 0.89802
-1160 23.18239 0.90557
-1161 23.20239 0.91325
-1162 23.22239 0.92107
-1163 23.24239 0.92904
-1164 23.26239 0.93716
-1165 23.28239 0.94543
-1166 23.30239 0.95387
-1167 23.32239 0.96247
-1168 23.34239 0.97125
-1169 23.36239 0.98021
-1170 23.38239 0.98936
-1171 23.40239 0.99871
-1172 23.42239 1.00828
-1173 23.44239 1.01806
-1174 23.46239 1.02808
-1175 23.48239 1.03834
-1176 23.50239 1.04886
-1177 23.52239 1.05965
-1178 23.54239 1.07074
-1179 23.56239 1.08213
-1180 23.58239 1.09386
-1181 23.60239 1.10594
-1182 23.62239 1.11841
-1183 23.64239 1.13128
-1184 23.66239 1.1446
-1185 23.68239 1.1584
-1186 23.70239 1.17272
-1187 23.72239 1.18761
-1188 23.74239 1.20314
-1189 23.76239 1.21935
-1190 23.78239 1.23633
-1191 23.80239 1.25417
-1192 23.82239 1.27295
-1193 23.84239 1.29281
-1194 23.86239 1.31641
-1195 23.88239 1.3402
-1196 23.90239 1.36615
-1197 23.92239 1.39468
-1198 23.94239 1.42627
-1199 23.96239 1.46434
-1200 23.98239 1.50514
-1201 24.00239 1.55136
-1202 24.02239 1.60378
-1203 24.04239 1.6632
-1204 24.06239 1.73033
-1205 24.08239 1.80572
-1206 24.10239 1.88965
-1207 24.12239 1.98195
-1208 24.14239 2.08177
-1209 24.16239 2.18725
-1210 24.18239 2.29521
-1211 24.20239 2.40084
-1212 24.22239 2.49792
-1213 24.24239 2.57962
-1214 24.26239 2.63993
-1215 24.28239 2.67524
-1216 24.30239 2.68524
-1217 24.32239 2.67277
-1218 24.34239 2.64303
-1219 24.36239 2.60627
-1220 24.38239 2.56364
-1221 24.40239 2.52365
-1222 24.42239 2.49135
-1223 24.44239 2.4735
-1224 24.46239 2.46889
-1225 24.48239 2.48175
-1226 24.50239 2.51413
-1227 24.52239 2.5679
-1228 24.54239 2.64478
-1229 24.56239 2.74636
-1230 24.58239 2.87404
-1231 24.60239 3.02888
-1232 24.62239 3.2113
-1233 24.64239 3.42073
-1234 24.66239 3.65283
-1235 24.68239 3.90817
-1236 24.70239 4.17373
-1237 24.72239 4.44122
-1238 24.74239 4.69109
-1239 24.76239 4.90315
-1240 24.78239 5.0574
-1241 24.80239 5.13873
-1242 24.82239 5.14079
-1243 24.84239 5.06693
-1244 24.86239 4.92861
-1245 24.88239 4.7424
-1246 24.90239 4.52677
-1247 24.92239 4.29913
-1248 24.94239 4.07382
-1249 24.96239 3.86116
-1250 24.98239 3.66772
-1251 25.00239 3.49694
-1252 25.02239 3.35004
-1253 25.04239 3.22672
-1254 25.06239 3.1257
-1255 25.08239 3.04514
-1256 25.10239 2.9829
-1257 25.12239 2.93675
-1258 25.14239 2.90451
-1259 25.16239 2.88415
-1260 25.18239 2.87386
-1261 25.20239 2.87206
-1262 25.22239 2.87744
-1263 25.24239 2.88696
-1264 25.26239 2.90445
-1265 25.28239 2.92449
-1266 25.30239 2.95072
-1267 25.32239 2.98024
-1268 25.34239 3.01289
-1269 25.36239 3.04856
-1270 25.38239 3.08717
-1271 25.40239 3.12869
-1272 25.42239 3.1731
-1273 25.44239 3.2204
-1274 25.46239 3.27064
-1275 25.48239 3.32389
-1276 25.50239 3.38022
-1277 25.52239 3.43976
-1278 25.54239 3.50265
-1279 25.56239 3.56905
-1280 25.58239 3.63916
-1281 25.60239 3.71322
-1282 25.62239 3.79464
-1283 25.64239 3.87742
-1284 25.66239 3.96507
-1285 25.68239 4.05799
-1286 25.70239 4.15665
-1287 25.72239 4.26158
-1288 25.74239 4.37338
-1289 25.76239 4.49276
-1290 25.78239 4.61745
-1291 25.80239 4.75729
-1292 25.82239 4.90688
-1293 25.84239 5.07262
-1294 25.86239 5.25357
-1295 25.88239 5.44934
-1296 25.90239 5.66985
-1297 25.92239 5.9151
-1298 25.94239 6.19285
-1299 25.96239 6.51023
-1300 25.98239 6.87591
-1301 26.00239 7.30005
-1302 26.02239 7.79433
-1303 26.04239 8.37171
-1304 26.06239 9.04604
-1305 26.08239 9.83149
-1306 26.10239 10.73848
-1307 26.12239 11.78511
-1308 26.14239 12.97659
-1309 26.16239 14.31546
-1310 26.18239 15.79508
-1311 26.20239 17.39484
-1312 26.22239 19.07416
-1313 26.24239 20.76642
-1314 26.26239 22.37644
-1315 26.28239 23.78664
-1316 26.30239 24.87572
-1317 26.32239 25.55044
-1318 26.34239 25.75381
-1319 26.36239 25.50372
-1320 26.38239 24.85647
-1321 26.40239 23.90845
-1322 26.42239 22.76652
-1323 26.44239 21.54355
-1324 26.46239 20.33774
-1325 26.48239 19.22649
-1326 26.50239 18.26505
-1327 26.52239 17.4897
-1328 26.54239 16.92235
-1329 26.56239 16.57495
-1330 26.58239 16.45262
-1331 26.60239 16.55567
-1332 26.62239 16.88048
-1333 26.64239 17.41955
-1334 26.66239 18.16043
-1335 26.68239 19.08356
-1336 26.70239 20.15874
-1337 26.72239 21.34051
-1338 26.74239 22.56365
-1339 26.76239 23.74195
-1340 26.78239 24.77452
-1341 26.80239 25.56206
-1342 26.82239 26.02891
-1343 26.84239 26.13904
-1344 26.86239 25.90703
-1345 26.88239 25.37704
-1346 26.90239 24.62587
-1347 26.92239 23.7349
-1348 26.94239 22.7868
-1349 26.96239 21.85255
-1350 26.98239 20.98575
-1351 27.00239 20.22195
-1352 27.02239 19.58132
-1353 27.04239 19.07253
-1354 27.06239 18.6963
-1355 27.08239 18.44828
-1356 27.10239 18.32113
-1357 27.12239 18.30598
-1358 27.14239 18.39349
-1359 27.16239 18.57461
-1360 27.18239 18.84111
-1361 27.20239 19.1859
-1362 27.22239 19.60324
-1363 27.24239 20.08881
-1364 27.26239 20.63969
-1365 27.28239 21.2543
-1366 27.30239 21.9323
-1367 27.32239 22.67252
-1368 27.34239 23.48154
-1369 27.36239 24.35687
-1370 27.38239 25.30433
-1371 27.40239 26.33146
-1372 27.42239 27.44076
-1373 27.44239 28.6387
-1374 27.46239 29.93269
-1375 27.48239 31.3312
-1376 27.50239 32.84385
-1377 27.52239 34.48158
-1378 27.54239 36.25686
-1379 27.56239 38.1839
-1380 27.58239 40.27888
-1381 27.60239 42.56298
-1382 27.62239 45.05474
-1383 27.64239 47.78095
-1384 27.66239 50.77163
-1385 27.68239 54.06573
-1386 27.70239 57.70368
-1387 27.72239 61.73782
-1388 27.74239 66.2367
-1389 27.76239 71.2846
-1390 27.78239 76.98868
-1391 27.80239 83.48585
-1392 27.82239 90.95088
-1393 27.84239 99.6056
-1394 27.86239 109.72861
-1395 27.88239 121.66459
-1396 27.90239 135.83186
-1397 27.92239 152.7297
-1398 27.94239 172.92464
-1399 27.96239 197.0609
-1400 27.98239 225.83035
-1401 28.00239 259.94723
-1402 28.02239 300.10692
-1403 28.04239 346.92861
-1404 28.06239 400.87601
-1405 28.08239 462.14515
-1406 28.10239 530.50296
-1407 28.12239 605.05876
-1408 28.14239 683.96649
-1409 28.16239 764.10789
-1410 28.18239 840.90824
-1411 28.20239 908.54361
-1412 28.22239 960.76927
-1413 28.24239 992.27609
-1414 28.26239 1000
-1415 28.28239 983.69837
-1416 28.30239 945.64244
-1417 28.32239 889.86743
-1418 28.34239 821.40327
-1419 28.36239 745.55167
-1420 28.38239 667.21548
-1421 28.40239 590.36196
-1422 28.42239 517.81527
-1423 28.44239 451.31228
-1424 28.46239 391.71419
-1425 28.48239 339.24939
-1426 28.50239 293.72236
-1427 28.52239 254.6721
-1428 28.54239 221.48583
-1429 28.56239 193.47975
-1430 28.58239 169.95618
-1431 28.60239 150.24334
-1432 28.62239 133.72178
-1433 28.64239 119.8399
-1434 28.66239 108.12089
-1435 28.68239 98.16288
-1436 28.70239 89.63448
-1437 28.72239 82.26726
-1438 28.74239 75.84688
-1439 28.76239 70.20382
-1440 28.78239 65.20478
-1441 28.80239 60.74498
-1442 28.82239 56.74175
-1443 28.84239 53.12934
-1444 28.86239 49.85484
-1445 28.88239 46.87335
-1446 28.90239 44.15374
-1447 28.92239 41.66295
-1448 28.94239 39.37451
-1449 28.96239 37.27022
-1450 28.98239 35.32896
-1451 29.00239 33.53455
-1452 29.02239 31.87273
-1453 29.04239 30.33094
-1454 29.06239 28.89802
-1455 29.08239 27.56407
-1456 29.10239 26.32029
-1457 29.12239 25.15882
-1458 29.14239 24.07263
-1459 29.16239 23.0554
-1460 29.18239 22.10149
-1461 29.20239 21.20579
-1462 29.22239 20.36371
-1463 29.24239 19.57108
-1464 29.26239 18.82414
-1465 29.28239 18.11948
-1466 29.30239 17.45398
-1467 29.32239 16.82484
-1468 29.34239 16.22946
-1469 29.36239 15.66549
-1470 29.38239 15.13079
-1471 29.40239 14.62337
-1472 29.42239 14.14143
-1473 29.44239 13.68331
-1474 29.46239 13.24747
-1475 29.48239 12.83251
-1476 29.50239 12.43712
-1477 29.52239 12.06011
-1478 29.54239 11.70036
-1479 29.56239 11.35685
-1480 29.58239 11.02862
-1481 29.60239 10.7148
-1482 29.62239 10.41456
-1483 29.64239 10.12399
-1484 29.66239 9.84868
-1485 29.68239 9.58482
-1486 29.70239 9.33178
-1487 29.72239 9.08901
-1488 29.74239 8.85594
-1489 29.76239 8.63209
-1490 29.78239 8.41698
-1491 29.80239 8.21018
-1492 29.82239 8.01126
-1493 29.84239 7.81984
-1494 29.86239 7.63556
-1495 29.88239 7.45808
-1496 29.90239 7.28707
-1497 29.92239 7.12223
-1498 29.94239 6.96328
-1499 29.96239 6.80995
-1500 29.98239 6.66199
-1501 30.00239 6.51915
-1502 30.02239 6.38122
-1503 30.04239 6.24799
-1504 30.06239 6.11924
-1505 30.08239 5.9948
-1506 30.10239 5.87448
-1507 30.12239 5.75812
-1508 30.14239 5.6487
-1509 30.16239 5.53978
-1510 30.18239 5.43437
-1511 30.20239 5.33231
-1512 30.22239 5.23349
-1513 30.24239 5.13778
-1514 30.26239 5.04506
-1515 30.28239 4.95523
-1516 30.30239 4.86819
-1517 30.32239 4.78383
-1518 30.34239 4.70205
-1519 30.36239 4.62278
-1520 30.38239 4.54593
-1521 30.40239 4.47142
-1522 30.42239 4.39917
-1523 30.44239 4.32911
-1524 30.46239 4.26118
-1525 30.48239 4.1953
-1526 30.50239 4.13144
-1527 30.52239 4.06951
-1528 30.54239 4.00948
-1529 30.56239 3.9513
-1530 30.58239 3.89491
-1531 30.60239 3.84028
-1532 30.62239 3.78737
-1533 30.64239 3.73614
-1534 30.66239 3.68655
-1535 30.68239 3.63859
-1536 30.70239 3.59221
-1537 30.72239 3.5474
-1538 30.74239 3.50414
-1539 30.76239 3.46242
-1540 30.78239 3.42221
-1541 30.80239 3.38352
-1542 30.82239 3.34633
-1543 30.84239 3.31065
-1544 30.86239 3.27649
-1545 30.88239 3.24384
-1546 30.90239 3.21274
-1547 30.92239 3.18319
-1548 30.94239 3.15523
-1549 30.96239 3.1289
-1550 30.98239 3.10423
-1551 31.00239 3.08128
-1552 31.02239 3.06011
-1553 31.04239 3.04081
-1554 31.06239 3.02345
-1555 31.08239 3.00814
-1556 31.10239 2.99501
-1557 31.12239 2.98419
-1558 31.14239 2.97586
-1559 31.16239 2.97019
-1560 31.18239 2.96743
-1561 31.20239 2.96784
-1562 31.22239 2.97171
-1563 31.24239 2.97942
-1564 31.26239 2.99139
-1565 31.28239 3.01135
-1566 31.30239 3.0356
-1567 31.32239 3.06715
-1568 31.34239 3.10743
-1569 31.36239 3.15825
-1570 31.38239 3.22448
-1571 31.40239 3.30525
-1572 31.42239 3.40572
-1573 31.44239 3.53011
-1574 31.46239 3.68331
-1575 31.48239 3.87077
-1576 31.50239 4.09836
-1577 31.52239 4.37215
-1578 31.54239 4.69803
-1579 31.56239 5.08122
-1580 31.58239 5.52563
-1581 31.60239 6.03283
-1582 31.62239 6.60069
-1583 31.64239 7.22139
-1584 31.66239 7.87885
-1585 31.68239 8.54613
-1586 31.70239 9.18403
-1587 31.72239 9.7433
-1588 31.74239 10.17221
-1589 31.76239 10.42815
-1590 31.78239 10.48809
-1591 31.80239 10.355
-1592 31.82239 10.041
-1593 31.84239 9.57959
-1594 31.86239 9.0081
-1595 31.88239 8.36722
-1596 31.90239 7.69673
-1597 31.92239 7.03103
-1598 31.94239 6.39614
-1599 31.96239 5.8091
-1600 31.98239 5.27911
-1601 32.00239 4.80947
-1602 32.02239 4.39941
-1603 32.04239 4.04555
-1604 32.06239 3.74301
-1605 32.08239 3.48613
-1606 32.10239 3.26905
-1607 32.12239 3.08604
-1608 32.14239 2.93176
-1609 32.16239 2.80144
-1610 32.18239 2.6909
-1611 32.20239 2.59658
-1612 32.22239 2.51556
-1613 32.24239 2.44314
-1614 32.26239 2.38293
-1615 32.28239 2.32978
-1616 32.30239 2.28063
-1617 32.32239 2.23942
-1618 32.34239 2.20237
-1619 32.36239 2.16902
-1620 32.38239 2.13903
-1621 32.40239 2.11207
-1622 32.42239 2.08788
-1623 32.44239 2.06311
-1624 32.46239 2.04383
-1625 32.48239 2.02673
-1626 32.50239 2.01167
-1627 32.52239 1.99854
-1628 32.54239 1.98724
-1629 32.56239 1.98082
-1630 32.58239 1.97298
-1631 32.60239 1.96676
-1632 32.62239 1.95901
-1633 32.64239 1.95596
-1634 32.66239 1.95445
-1635 32.68239 1.95448
-1636 32.70239 1.95605
-1637 32.72239 1.95917
-1638 32.74239 1.96387
-1639 32.76239 1.97018
-1640 32.78239 1.97815
-1641 32.80239 1.98783
-1642 32.82239 1.99929
-1643 32.84239 2.01261
-1644 32.86239 2.02787
-1645 32.88239 2.04518
-1646 32.90239 2.06467
-1647 32.92239 2.08647
-1648 32.94239 2.11388
-1649 32.96239 2.1408
-1650 32.98239 2.17056
-1651 33.00239 2.20338
-1652 33.02239 2.23953
-1653 33.04239 2.27929
-1654 33.06239 2.32298
-1655 33.08239 2.37098
-1656 33.10239 2.42371
-1657 33.12239 2.48165
-1658 33.14239 2.54534
-1659 33.16239 2.61542
-1660 33.18239 2.69259
-1661 33.20239 2.77768
-1662 33.22239 2.87164
-1663 33.24239 2.97558
-1664 33.26239 3.0937
-1665 33.28239 3.22387
-1666 33.30239 3.37004
-1667 33.32239 3.53514
-1668 33.34239 3.72287
-1669 33.36239 3.93794
-1670 33.38239 4.19004
-1671 33.40239 4.4817
-1672 33.42239 4.8248
-1673 33.44239 5.23441
-1674 33.46239 5.71849
-1675 33.48239 6.30008
-1676 33.50239 6.99189
-1677 33.52239 7.81794
-1678 33.54239 8.80034
-1679 33.56239 9.96139
-1680 33.58239 11.32203
-1681 33.60239 12.89982
-1682 33.62239 14.70596
-1683 33.64239 16.74108
-1684 33.66239 18.98921
-1685 33.68239 21.40936
-1686 33.70239 23.92566
-1687 33.72239 26.41895
-1688 33.74239 28.72677
-1689 33.76239 30.66027
-1690 33.78239 32.0409
-1691 33.80239 32.74435
-1692 33.82239 32.72777
-1693 33.84239 32.02531
-1694 33.86239 30.72286
-1695 33.88239 28.93526
-1696 33.90239 26.79484
-1697 33.92239 24.44306
-1698 33.94239 22.01686
-1699 33.96239 19.63306
-1700 33.98239 17.37834
-1701 34.00239 15.3078
-1702 34.02239 13.44956
-1703 34.04239 11.81172
-1704 34.06239 10.38876
-1705 34.08239 9.16666
-1706 34.10239 8.12658
-1707 34.12239 7.24749
-1708 34.14239 6.50791
-1709 34.16239 5.8872
-1710 34.18239 5.3663
-1711 34.20239 4.9282
-1712 34.22239 4.5582
-1713 34.24239 4.24382
-1714 34.26239 3.97476
-1715 34.28239 3.74264
-1716 34.30239 3.54072
-1717 34.32239 3.36153
-1718 34.34239 3.20608
-1719 34.36239 3.06754
-1720 34.38239 2.94118
-1721 34.40239 2.83057
-1722 34.42239 2.7304
-1723 34.44239 2.63952
-1724 34.46239 2.55691
-1725 34.48239 2.48171
-1726 34.50239 2.41318
-1727 34.52239 2.35381
-1728 34.54239 2.29675
-1729 34.56239 2.24463
-1730 34.58239 2.19703
-1731 34.60239 2.15357
-1732 34.62239 2.11392
-1733 34.64239 2.07778
-1734 34.66239 2.04492
-1735 34.68239 2.01511
-1736 34.70239 1.98503
-1737 34.72239 1.96082
-1738 34.74239 1.93919
-1739 34.76239 1.92003
-1740 34.78239 1.90326
-1741 34.80239 1.88883
-1742 34.82239 1.87669
-1743 34.84239 1.86685
-1744 34.86239 1.85932
-1745 34.88239 1.85414
-1746 34.90239 1.85139
-1747 34.92239 1.85451
-1748 34.94239 1.85886
-1749 34.96239 1.86698
-1750 34.98239 1.87943
-1751 35.00239 1.89688
-1752 35.02239 1.92015
-1753 35.04239 1.9533
-1754 35.06239 1.99268
-1755 35.08239 2.04155
-1756 35.10239 2.10121
-1757 35.12239 2.17288
-1758 35.14239 2.25451
-1759 35.16239 2.35318
-1760 35.18239 2.46598
-1761 35.20239 2.59231
-1762 35.22239 2.73029
-1763 35.24239 2.87618
-1764 35.26239 3.02383
-1765 35.28239 3.16448
-1766 35.30239 3.28739
-1767 35.32239 3.38171
-1768 35.34239 3.43903
-1769 35.36239 3.45544
-1770 35.38239 3.43179
-1771 35.40239 3.37225
-1772 35.42239 3.28279
-1773 35.44239 3.17033
-1774 35.46239 3.04251
-1775 35.48239 2.90726
-1776 35.50239 2.77187
-1777 35.52239 2.64224
-1778 35.54239 2.52245
-1779 35.56239 2.41485
-1780 35.58239 2.32045
-1781 35.60239 2.23927
-1782 35.62239 2.17071
-1783 35.64239 2.11377
-1784 35.66239 2.0673
-1785 35.68239 2.03003
-1786 35.70239 2.00074
-1787 35.72239 1.97829
-1788 35.74239 1.96162
-1789 35.76239 1.94764
-1790 35.78239 1.94077
-1791 35.80239 1.93702
-1792 35.82239 1.93379
-1793 35.84239 1.93588
-1794 35.86239 1.93975
-1795 35.88239 1.94526
-1796 35.90239 1.95226
-1797 35.92239 1.96067
-1798 35.94239 1.97038
-1799 35.96239 1.98134
-1800 35.98239 1.99347
-1801 36.00239 2.00674
-1802 36.02239 2.01799
-1803 36.04239 2.03345
-1804 36.06239 2.04995
-1805 36.08239 2.06747
-1806 36.10239 2.086
-1807 36.12239 2.10554
-1808 36.14239 2.12609
-1809 36.16239 2.14764
-1810 36.18239 2.1702
-1811 36.20239 2.19378
-1812 36.22239 2.2184
-1813 36.24239 2.24407
-1814 36.26239 2.2708
-1815 36.28239 2.29863
-1816 36.30239 2.32757
-1817 36.32239 2.35765
-1818 36.34239 2.38891
-1819 36.36239 2.42137
-1820 36.38239 2.45507
-1821 36.40239 2.49005
-1822 36.42239 2.52636
-1823 36.44239 2.56403
-1824 36.46239 2.60312
-1825 36.48239 2.64368
-1826 36.50239 2.68576
-1827 36.52239 2.72942
-1828 36.54239 2.77473
-1829 36.56239 2.82174
-1830 36.58239 2.87054
-1831 36.60239 2.9212
-1832 36.62239 2.97379
-1833 36.64239 3.02841
-1834 36.66239 3.08515
-1835 36.68239 3.1441
-1836 36.70239 3.20536
-1837 36.72239 3.26905
-1838 36.74239 3.33529
-1839 36.76239 3.40419
-1840 36.78239 3.4759
-1841 36.80239 3.55055
-1842 36.82239 3.6283
-1843 36.84239 3.70931
-1844 36.86239 3.7969
-1845 36.88239 3.88499
-1846 36.90239 3.97689
-1847 36.92239 4.07283
-1848 36.94239 4.17303
-1849 36.96239 4.27774
-1850 36.98239 4.38723
-1851 37.00239 4.50178
-1852 37.02239 4.62171
-1853 37.04239 4.74733
-1854 37.06239 4.87901
-1855 37.08239 5.01713
-1856 37.10239 5.16212
-1857 37.12239 5.31442
-1858 37.14239 5.47453
-1859 37.16239 5.64297
-1860 37.18239 5.82034
-1861 37.20239 6.00725
-1862 37.22239 6.20439
-1863 37.24239 6.41253
-1864 37.26239 6.63247
-1865 37.28239 6.86511
-1866 37.30239 7.11145
-1867 37.32239 7.37255
-1868 37.34239 7.64962
-1869 37.36239 7.94397
-1870 37.38239 8.25393
-1871 37.40239 8.5874
-1872 37.42239 8.94298
-1873 37.44239 9.32264
-1874 37.46239 9.72859
-1875 37.48239 10.16328
-1876 37.50239 10.62945
-1877 37.52239 11.13019
-1878 37.54239 11.66895
-1879 37.56239 12.24962
-1880 37.58239 12.87661
-1881 37.60239 13.55488
-1882 37.62239 14.29011
-1883 37.64239 15.08873
-1884 37.66239 15.95811
-1885 37.68239 16.91077
-1886 37.70239 17.95193
-1887 37.72239 19.09617
-1888 37.74239 20.35861
-1889 37.76239 21.7578
-1890 37.78239 23.31681
-1891 37.80239 25.06863
-1892 37.82239 27.04538
-1893 37.84239 29.29676
-1894 37.86239 31.88337
-1895 37.88239 34.88183
-1896 37.90239 38.38795
-1897 37.92239 42.5196
-1898 37.94239 47.41906
-1899 37.96239 53.25407
-1900 37.98239 60.21711
-1901 38.00239 68.52233
-1902 38.02239 78.39947
-1903 38.04239 90.08423
-1904 38.06239 103.80446
-1905 38.08239 119.76065
-1906 38.10239 138.09868
-1907 38.12239 158.86735
-1908 38.14239 181.97355
-1909 38.16239 207.08306
-1910 38.18239 233.53142
-1911 38.20239 260.2215
-1912 38.22239 285.58744
-1913 38.24239 307.71399
-1914 38.26239 324.6728
-1915 38.28239 334.99726
-1916 38.30239 338.04835
-1917 38.32239 334.03604
-1918 38.34239 323.72451
-1919 38.36239 308.10003
-1920 38.38239 288.23138
-1921 38.40239 265.29316
-1922 38.42239 240.57012
-1923 38.44239 215.34573
-1924 38.46239 190.73574
-1925 38.48239 167.57179
-1926 38.50239 146.3765
-1927 38.52239 127.40606
-1928 38.54239 110.71836
-1929 38.56239 96.23834
-1930 38.58239 83.8095
-1931 38.60239 73.23103
-1932 38.62239 64.28349
-1933 38.64239 56.74617
-1934 38.66239 50.40866
-1935 38.68239 45.07808
-1936 38.70239 40.58317
-1937 38.72239 36.77587
-1938 38.74239 33.53111
-1939 38.76239 30.74534
-1940 38.78239 28.33423
-1941 38.80239 26.23002
-1942 38.82239 24.37877
-1943 38.84239 22.73782
-1944 38.86239 21.27341
-1945 38.88239 19.95879
-1946 38.90239 18.77146
-1947 38.92239 17.69706
-1948 38.94239 16.71949
-1949 38.96239 15.82517
-1950 38.98239 15.00963
-1951 39.00239 14.26103
-1952 39.02239 13.57251
-1953 39.04239 12.93807
-1954 39.06239 12.35243
-1955 39.08239 11.81094
-1956 39.10239 11.30949
-1957 39.12239 10.84445
-1958 39.14239 10.41258
-1959 39.16239 10.01416
-1960 39.18239 9.64033
-1961 39.20239 9.29194
-1962 39.22239 8.96694
-1963 39.24239 8.66348
-1964 39.26239 8.3799
-1965 39.28239 8.11471
-1966 39.30239 7.86656
-1967 39.32239 7.63424
-1968 39.34239 7.41664
-1969 39.36239 7.21277
-1970 39.38239 7.02173
-1971 39.40239 6.8427
-1972 39.42239 6.67494
-1973 39.44239 6.51777
-1974 39.46239 6.37058
-1975 39.48239 6.23281
-1976 39.50239 6.10397
-1977 39.52239 5.98359
-1978 39.54239 5.87128
-1979 39.56239 5.76665
-1980 39.58239 5.66938
-1981 39.60239 5.57916
-1982 39.62239 5.49574
-1983 39.64239 5.41889
-1984 39.66239 5.3484
-1985 39.68239 5.28409
-1986 39.70239 5.22584
-1987 39.72239 5.17351
-1988 39.74239 5.12703
-1989 39.76239 5.08632
-1990 39.78239 5.05137
-1991 39.80239 5.02216
-1992 39.82239 4.99871
-1993 39.84239 4.9811
-1994 39.86239 4.9694
-1995 39.88239 4.96373
-1996 39.90239 4.96428
-1997 39.92239 4.97122
-1998 39.94239 4.98483
-1999 39.96239 5.00539
-2000 39.98239 5.03327
-2001 40.00239 5.06889
-2002 40.02239 5.11274
-2003 40.04239 5.1654
-2004 40.06239 5.22755
-2005 40.08239 5.29996
-2006 40.10239 5.38355
-2007 40.12239 5.47937
-2008 40.14239 5.58867
-2009 40.16239 5.71586
-2010 40.18239 5.85899
-2011 40.20239 6.02231
-2012 40.22239 6.20909
-2013 40.24239 6.42666
-2014 40.26239 6.67405
-2015 40.28239 6.96107
-2016 40.30239 7.30327
-2017 40.32239 7.69974
-2018 40.34239 8.16927
-2019 40.36239 8.72806
-2020 40.38239 9.3952
-2021 40.40239 10.1926
-2022 40.42239 11.14467
-2023 40.44239 12.27761
-2024 40.46239 13.61835
-2025 40.48239 15.19299
-2026 40.50239 17.02461
-2027 40.52239 19.1302
-2028 40.54239 21.5162
-2029 40.56239 24.17206
-2030 40.58239 27.06104
-2031 40.60239 30.10863
-2032 40.62239 33.1911
-2033 40.64239 36.13109
-2034 40.66239 38.71105
-2035 40.68239 40.71171
-2036 40.70239 41.96717
-2037 40.72239 42.40797
-2038 40.74239 42.06318
-2039 40.76239 41.02332
-2040 40.78239 39.39692
-2041 40.80239 37.29191
-2042 40.82239 34.82232
-2043 40.84239 32.11772
-2044 40.86239 29.32063
-2045 40.88239 26.5554
-2046 40.90239 23.92954
-2047 40.92239 21.51344
-2048 40.94239 19.34551
-2049 40.96239 17.43905
-2050 40.98239 15.78998
-2051 41.00239 14.38325
-2052 41.02239 13.19765
-2053 41.04239 12.20907
-2054 41.06239 11.39278
-2055 41.08239 10.72486
-2056 41.10239 10.18318
-2057 41.12239 9.74795
-2058 41.14239 9.40194
-2059 41.16239 9.13055
-2060 41.18239 8.9217
-2061 41.20239 8.76555
-2062 41.22239 8.65429
-2063 41.24239 8.57996
-2064 41.26239 8.54549
-2065 41.28239 8.53804
-2066 41.30239 8.55818
-2067 41.32239 8.60212
-2068 41.34239 8.67335
-2069 41.36239 8.76781
-2070 41.38239 8.88516
-2071 41.40239 9.02532
-2072 41.42239 9.18847
-2073 41.44239 9.375
-2074 41.46239 9.58553
-2075 41.48239 9.82091
-2076 41.50239 10.08224
-2077 41.52239 10.37085
-2078 41.54239 10.68834
-2079 41.56239 11.03659
-2080 41.58239 11.41779
-2081 41.60239 11.83446
-2082 41.62239 12.28953
-2083 41.64239 12.78632
-2084 41.66239 13.32866
-2085 41.68239 13.92092
-2086 41.70239 14.56813
-2087 41.72239 15.27603
-2088 41.74239 16.05121
-2089 41.76239 16.90453
-2090 41.78239 17.84119
-2091 41.80239 18.87405
-2092 41.82239 20.01664
-2093 41.84239 21.28554
-2094 41.86239 22.70134
-2095 41.88239 24.28988
-2096 41.90239 26.08806
-2097 41.92239 28.12941
-2098 41.94239 30.47617
-2099 41.96239 33.19328
-2100 41.98239 36.36607
-2101 42.00239 40.10002
-2102 42.02239 44.52304
-2103 42.04239 49.78682
-2104 42.06239 56.06668
-2105 42.08239 63.55929
-2106 42.10239 72.4778
-2107 42.12239 83.04383
-2108 42.14239 95.47577
-2109 42.16239 109.97223
-2110 42.18239 126.68886
-2111 42.20239 145.70503
-2112 42.22239 166.97817
-2113 42.24239 190.26135
-2114 42.26239 215.03005
-2115 42.28239 240.37067
-2116 42.30239 264.92567
-2117 42.32239 286.96025
-2118 42.34239 304.63186
-2119 42.36239 316.43378
-2120 42.38239 321.60722
-2121 42.40239 320.25257
-2122 42.42239 313.06805
-2123 42.44239 300.94438
-2124 42.46239 284.72328
-2125 42.48239 265.21899
-2126 42.50239 243.35079
-2127 42.52239 220.1816
-2128 42.54239 196.80548
-2129 42.56239 174.17888
-2130 42.58239 153.00692
-2131 42.60239 133.72031
-2132 42.62239 116.51534
-2133 42.64239 101.4164
-2134 42.66239 88.33486
-2135 42.68239 77.11492
-2136 42.70239 67.56602
-2137 42.72239 59.48486
-2138 42.74239 52.66997
-2139 42.76239 46.93114
-2140 42.78239 42.09523
-2141 42.80239 38.00915
-2142 42.82239 34.54096
-2143 42.84239 31.57939
-2144 42.86239 29.03238
-2145 42.88239 26.82497
-2146 42.90239 24.89978
-2147 42.92239 23.20484
-2148 42.94239 21.70422
-2149 42.96239 20.36828
-2150 42.98239 19.17238
-2151 43.00239 18.10156
-2152 43.02239 17.13893
-2153 43.04239 16.27571
-2154 43.06239 15.49701
-2155 43.08239 14.80186
-2156 43.10239 14.18104
-2157 43.12239 13.62976
-2158 43.14239 13.14378
-2159 43.16239 12.72228
-2160 43.18239 12.35487
-2161 43.20239 12.04001
-2162 43.22239 11.77176
-2163 43.24239 11.54536
-2164 43.26239 11.34712
-2165 43.28239 11.16059
-2166 43.30239 10.97399
-2167 43.32239 10.77337
-2168 43.34239 10.54897
-2169 43.36239 10.29721
-2170 43.38239 10.0201
-2171 43.40239 9.72244
-2172 43.42239 9.40923
-2173 43.44239 9.0849
-2174 43.46239 8.75404
-2175 43.48239 8.42238
-2176 43.50239 8.09663
-2177 43.52239 7.78346
-2178 43.54239 7.48834
-2179 43.56239 7.21496
-2180 43.58239 6.96522
-2181 43.60239 6.73962
-2182 43.62239 6.53768
-2183 43.64239 6.35829
-2184 43.66239 6.20004
-2185 43.68239 6.06139
-2186 43.70239 5.94079
-2187 43.72239 5.8368
-2188 43.74239 5.74812
-2189 43.76239 5.67113
-2190 43.78239 5.61082
-2191 43.80239 5.56268
-2192 43.82239 5.5263
-2193 43.84239 5.50142
-2194 43.86239 5.48628
-2195 43.88239 5.48493
-2196 43.90239 5.49505
-2197 43.92239 5.51709
-2198 43.94239 5.55161
-2199 43.96239 5.59937
-2200 43.98239 5.66125
-2201 44.00239 5.73834
-2202 44.02239 5.83192
-2203 44.04239 5.94621
-2204 44.06239 6.07985
-2205 44.08239 6.23706
-2206 44.10239 6.42134
-2207 44.12239 6.63718
-2208 44.14239 6.89029
-2209 44.16239 7.18793
-2210 44.18239 7.54196
-2211 44.20239 7.96072
-2212 44.22239 8.46044
-2213 44.24239 9.05924
-2214 44.26239 9.77874
-2215 44.28239 10.64421
-2216 44.30239 11.68427
-2217 44.32239 12.93036
-2218 44.34239 14.41568
-2219 44.36239 16.17362
-2220 44.38239 18.23561
-2221 44.40239 20.62795
-2222 44.42239 23.36749
-2223 44.44239 26.45511
-2224 44.46239 29.86643
-2225 44.48239 33.53887
-2226 44.50239 37.35649
-2227 44.52239 41.13775
-2228 44.54239 44.6373
-2229 44.56239 47.5756
-2230 44.58239 49.69993
-2231 44.60239 50.85472
-2232 44.62239 51.01895
-2233 44.64239 50.28311
-2234 44.66239 48.785
-2235 44.68239 46.65387
-2236 44.70239 43.9972
-2237 44.72239 40.92267
-2238 44.74239 37.56174
-2239 44.76239 34.06918
-2240 44.78239 30.60038
-2241 44.80239 27.28563
-2242 44.82239 24.21937
-2243 44.84239 21.44709
-2244 44.86239 18.99165
-2245 44.88239 16.8502
-2246 44.90239 15.00551
-2247 44.92239 13.43228
-2248 44.94239 12.10131
-2249 44.96239 10.98243
-2250 44.98239 10.04633
-2251 45.00239 9.26891
-2252 45.02239 8.61932
-2253 45.04239 8.07928
-2254 45.06239 7.63046
-2255 45.08239 7.25761
-2256 45.10239 6.94825
-2257 45.12239 6.69239
-2258 45.14239 6.48028
-2259 45.16239 6.31047
-2260 45.18239 6.17519
-2261 45.20239 6.06807
-2262 45.22239 5.99305
-2263 45.24239 5.94383
-2264 45.26239 5.92328
-2265 45.28239 5.92845
-2266 45.30239 5.96314
-2267 45.32239 6.02369
-2268 45.34239 6.11394
-2269 45.36239 6.23664
-2270 45.38239 6.39562
-2271 45.40239 6.59602
-2272 45.42239 6.8446
-2273 45.44239 7.1531
-2274 45.46239 7.52849
-2275 45.48239 7.9864
-2276 45.50239 8.54356
-2277 45.52239 9.21964
-2278 45.54239 10.03711
-2279 45.56239 11.02077
-2280 45.58239 12.19705
-2281 45.60239 13.59278
-2282 45.62239 15.23356
-2283 45.64239 17.14174
-2284 45.66239 19.3344
-2285 45.68239 21.81437
-2286 45.70239 24.56718
-2287 45.72239 27.55008
-2288 45.74239 30.68024
-2289 45.76239 33.8245
-2290 45.78239 36.80189
-2291 45.80239 39.39505
-2292 45.82239 41.40855
-2293 45.84239 42.71866
-2294 45.86239 43.30964
-2295 45.88239 43.26045
-2296 45.90239 42.69382
-2297 45.92239 41.72604
-2298 45.94239 40.44898
-2299 45.96239 38.9448
-2300 45.98239 37.30804
-2301 46.00239 35.65012
-2302 46.02239 34.08153
-2303 46.04239 32.68845
-2304 46.06239 31.50002
-2305 46.08239 30.50034
-2306 46.10239 29.6231
-2307 46.12239 28.77855
-2308 46.14239 27.87087
-2309 46.16239 26.84514
-2310 46.18239 25.68607
-2311 46.20239 24.41014
-2312 46.22239 23.04317
-2313 46.24239 21.60426
-2314 46.26239 20.1052
-2315 46.28239 18.56065
-2316 46.30239 16.99704
-2317 46.32239 15.45204
-2318 46.34239 13.96622
-2319 46.36239 12.57382
-2320 46.38239 11.2961
-2321 46.40239 10.14815
-2322 46.42239 9.12889
-2323 46.44239 8.23043
-2324 46.46239 7.45021
-2325 46.48239 6.77267
-2326 46.50239 6.18974
-2327 46.52239 5.68725
-2328 46.54239 5.25734
-2329 46.56239 4.88355
-2330 46.58239 4.55987
-2331 46.60239 4.2783
-2332 46.62239 4.03194
-2333 46.64239 3.81501
-2334 46.66239 3.62085
-2335 46.68239 3.44994
-2336 46.70239 3.2961
-2337 46.72239 3.15687
-2338 46.74239 3.03023
-2339 46.76239 2.91287
-2340 46.78239 2.80746
-2341 46.80239 2.71021
-2342 46.82239 2.6203
-2343 46.84239 2.53702
-2344 46.86239 2.45974
-2345 46.88239 2.3879
-2346 46.90239 2.32103
-2347 46.92239 2.25868
-2348 46.94239 2.20049
-2349 46.96239 2.1461
-2350 46.98239 2.09522
-2351 47.00239 2.04757
-2352 47.02239 2.00293
-2353 47.04239 1.96106
-2354 47.06239 1.92177
-2355 47.08239 1.8849
-2356 47.10239 1.85027
-2357 47.12239 1.81776
-2358 47.14239 1.78723
-2359 47.16239 1.75857
-2360 47.18239 1.73168
-2361 47.20239 1.70645
-2362 47.22239 1.68281
-2363 47.24239 1.66069
-2364 47.26239 1.64
-2365 47.28239 1.6207
-2366 47.30239 1.60273
-2367 47.32239 1.58604
-2368 47.34239 1.5706
-2369 47.36239 1.55635
-2370 47.38239 1.54328
-2371 47.40239 1.53136
-2372 47.42239 1.52057
-2373 47.44239 1.5109
-2374 47.46239 1.50232
-2375 47.48239 1.49485
-2376 47.50239 1.48847
-2377 47.52239 1.48319
-2378 47.54239 1.47902
-2379 47.56239 1.47598
-2380 47.58239 1.47409
-2381 47.60239 1.47337
-2382 47.62239 1.47386
-2383 47.64239 1.47559
-2384 47.66239 1.47863
-2385 47.68239 1.48301
-2386 47.70239 1.48882
-2387 47.72239 1.49613
-2388 47.74239 1.50501
-2389 47.76239 1.51559
-2390 47.78239 1.52797
-2391 47.80239 1.54228
-2392 47.82239 1.56181
-2393 47.84239 1.58051
-2394 47.86239 1.60167
-2395 47.88239 1.62552
-2396 47.90239 1.65232
-2397 47.92239 1.68237
-2398 47.94239 1.71601
-2399 47.96239 1.75366
-2400 47.98239 1.79577
-2401 48.00239 1.84288
-2402 48.02239 1.89562
-2403 48.04239 1.96196
-2404 48.06239 2.03118
-2405 48.08239 2.11033
-2406 48.10239 2.20145
-2407 48.12239 2.30712
-2408 48.14239 2.43057
-2409 48.16239 2.57578
-2410 48.18239 2.75033
-2411 48.20239 2.95628
-2412 48.22239 3.20218
-2413 48.24239 3.49593
-2414 48.26239 3.84614
-2415 48.28239 4.26193
-2416 48.30239 4.75246
-2417 48.32239 5.32635
-2418 48.34239 5.99083
-2419 48.36239 6.75054
-2420 48.38239 7.60578
-2421 48.40239 8.54995
-2422 48.42239 9.56599
-2423 48.44239 10.62217
-2424 48.46239 11.66866
-2425 48.48239 12.638
-2426 48.50239 13.45331
-2427 48.52239 14.04861
-2428 48.54239 14.37631
-2429 48.56239 14.43694
-2430 48.58239 14.26352
-2431 48.60239 13.89252
-2432 48.62239 13.36416
-2433 48.64239 12.70335
-2434 48.66239 11.9321
-2435 48.68239 11.06764
-2436 48.70239 10.14627
-2437 48.72239 9.20786
-2438 48.74239 8.29102
-2439 48.76239 7.42637
-2440 48.78239 6.63387
-2441 48.80239 5.9236
-2442 48.82239 5.29802
-2443 48.84239 4.75451
-2444 48.86239 4.29056
-2445 48.88239 3.89259
-2446 48.90239 3.55575
-2447 48.92239 3.27521
-2448 48.94239 3.03722
-2449 48.96239 2.83777
-2450 48.98239 2.67062
-2451 49.00239 2.53035
-2452 49.02239 2.41233
-2453 49.04239 2.31096
-2454 49.06239 2.22741
-2455 49.08239 2.15626
-2456 49.10239 2.09841
-2457 49.12239 2.04791
-2458 49.14239 2.00365
-2459 49.16239 1.96945
-2460 49.18239 1.94156
-2461 49.20239 1.91957
-2462 49.22239 1.90318
-2463 49.24239 1.89207
-2464 49.26239 1.88598
-2465 49.28239 1.88753
-2466 49.30239 1.8945
-2467 49.32239 1.90225
-2468 49.34239 1.91696
-2469 49.36239 1.93191
-2470 49.38239 1.94869
-2471 49.40239 1.96651
-2472 49.42239 1.98496
-2473 49.44239 2.00424
-2474 49.46239 2.02503
-2475 49.48239 2.04827
-2476 49.50239 2.078
-2477 49.52239 2.10975
-2478 49.54239 2.14611
-2479 49.56239 2.18723
-2480 49.58239 2.23306
-2481 49.60239 2.2831
-2482 49.62239 2.33612
-2483 49.64239 2.38993
-2484 49.66239 2.44149
-2485 49.68239 2.48744
-2486 49.70239 2.52505
-2487 49.72239 2.55054
-2488 49.74239 2.57057
-2489 49.76239 2.58337
-2490 49.78239 2.59109
-2491 49.80239 2.59535
-2492 49.82239 2.59187
-2493 49.84239 2.59275
-2494 49.86239 2.59318
-2495 49.88239 2.59494
-2496 49.90239 2.60015
-2497 49.92239 2.61084
-2498 49.94239 2.62868
-2499 49.96239 2.65492
-2500 49.98239 2.69041
-2501 50.00239 2.73575
-2502 50.02239 2.79142
-2503 50.04239 2.85785
-2504 50.06239 2.93936
-2505 50.08239 3.03254
-2506 50.10239 3.14001
-2507 50.12239 3.26345
-2508 50.14239 3.40544
-2509 50.16239 3.56929
-2510 50.18239 3.75404
-2511 50.20239 3.97599
-2512 50.22239 4.23885
-2513 50.24239 4.54502
-2514 50.26239 4.90553
-2515 50.28239 5.33023
-2516 50.30239 5.82971
-2517 50.32239 6.4118
-2518 50.34239 7.09337
-2519 50.36239 7.88069
-2520 50.38239 8.78093
-2521 50.40239 9.79721
-2522 50.42239 10.92918
-2523 50.44239 12.15861
-2524 50.46239 13.459
-2525 50.48239 14.78224
-2526 50.50239 16.05854
-2527 50.52239 17.20164
-2528 50.54239 18.12484
-2529 50.56239 18.76479
-2530 50.58239 19.10408
-2531 50.60239 19.16364
-2532 50.62239 18.9971
-2533 50.64239 18.65742
-2534 50.66239 18.1818
-2535 50.68239 17.5914
-2536 50.70239 16.90311
-2537 50.72239 16.14189
-2538 50.74239 15.34398
-2539 50.76239 14.55013
-2540 50.78239 13.79519
-2541 50.80239 13.10137
-2542 50.82239 12.47764
-2543 50.84239 11.92412
-2544 50.86239 11.43792
-2545 50.88239 11.0172
-2546 50.90239 10.66178
-2547 50.92239 10.37453
-2548 50.94239 10.14695
-2549 50.96239 9.97791
-2550 50.98239 9.86267
-2551 51.00239 9.79812
-2552 51.02239 9.78103
-2553 51.04239 9.81989
-2554 51.06239 9.91536
-2555 51.08239 10.06995
-2556 51.10239 10.29344
-2557 51.12239 10.58425
-2558 51.14239 10.94799
-2559 51.16239 11.38996
-2560 51.18239 11.91503
-2561 51.20239 12.53724
-2562 51.22239 13.2656
-2563 51.24239 14.11648
-2564 51.26239 15.11363
-2565 51.28239 16.28
-2566 51.30239 17.65756
-2567 51.32239 19.28819
-2568 51.34239 21.22736
-2569 51.36239 23.54162
-2570 51.38239 26.30348
-2571 51.40239 29.61308
-2572 51.42239 33.56108
-2573 51.44239 38.2504
-2574 51.46239 43.78485
-2575 51.48239 50.26243
-2576 51.50239 57.76602
-2577 51.52239 66.3502
-2578 51.54239 76.02178
-2579 51.56239 86.71124
-2580 51.58239 98.23301
-2581 51.60239 110.23736
-2582 51.62239 122.16952
-2583 51.64239 133.27036
-2584 51.66239 142.66408
-2585 51.68239 149.55134
-2586 51.70239 153.44619
-2587 51.72239 154.31928
-2588 51.74239 152.53902
-2589 51.76239 148.64835
-2590 51.78239 143.11077
-2591 51.80239 136.21354
-2592 51.82239 128.1007
-2593 51.84239 118.91398
-2594 51.86239 108.90831
-2595 51.88239 98.4673
-2596 51.90239 88.02839
-2597 51.92239 77.98589
-2598 51.94239 68.63256
-2599 51.96239 60.13375
-2600 51.98239 52.564
-2601 52.00239 45.92281
-2602 52.02239 40.16389
-2603 52.04239 35.21492
-2604 52.06239 30.99103
-2605 52.08239 27.40362
-2606 52.10239 24.36589
-2607 52.12239 21.79639
-2608 52.14239 19.62109
-2609 52.16239 17.77443
-2610 52.18239 16.19972
-2611 52.20239 14.84891
-2612 52.22239 13.68203
-2613 52.24239 12.66319
-2614 52.26239 11.7722
-2615 52.28239 10.9828
-2616 52.30239 10.28273
-2617 52.32239 9.65531
-2618 52.34239 9.09
-2619 52.36239 8.57828
-2620 52.38239 8.11322
-2621 52.40239 7.68744
-2622 52.42239 7.3003
-2623 52.44239 6.94497
-2624 52.46239 6.61821
-2625 52.48239 6.31716
-2626 52.50239 6.03935
-2627 52.52239 5.78256
-2628 52.54239 5.54486
-2629 52.56239 5.32453
-2630 52.58239 5.12321
-2631 52.60239 4.93327
-2632 52.62239 4.75662
-2633 52.64239 4.59218
-2634 52.66239 4.43901
-2635 52.68239 4.29622
-2636 52.70239 4.16306
-2637 52.72239 4.03882
-2638 52.74239 3.92289
-2639 52.76239 3.8147
-2640 52.78239 3.71374
-2641 52.80239 3.61956
-2642 52.82239 3.53176
-2643 52.84239 3.44996
-2644 52.86239 3.37382
-2645 52.88239 3.30306
-2646 52.90239 3.23741
-2647 52.92239 3.17663
-2648 52.94239 3.12052
-2649 52.96239 3.06887
-2650 52.98239 3.02154
-2651 53.00239 2.97839
-2652 53.02239 2.93929
-2653 53.04239 2.90415
-2654 53.06239 2.87604
-2655 53.08239 2.84861
-2656 53.10239 2.82496
-2657 53.12239 2.80198
-2658 53.14239 2.7859
-2659 53.16239 2.77676
-2660 53.18239 2.7683
-2661 53.20239 2.76372
-2662 53.22239 2.7631
-2663 53.24239 2.76656
-2664 53.26239 2.77423
-2665 53.28239 2.78628
-2666 53.30239 2.80291
-2667 53.32239 2.82435
-2668 53.34239 2.85088
-2669 53.36239 2.88281
-2670 53.38239 2.92052
-2671 53.40239 2.96443
-2672 53.42239 3.01504
-2673 53.44239 3.07291
-2674 53.46239 3.13872
-2675 53.48239 3.2136
-2676 53.50239 3.29966
-2677 53.52239 3.39725
-2678 53.54239 3.50789
-2679 53.56239 3.63336
-2680 53.58239 3.77573
-2681 53.60239 3.93737
-2682 53.62239 4.12099
-2683 53.64239 4.33291
-2684 53.66239 4.57955
-2685 53.68239 4.85685
-2686 53.70239 5.1748
-2687 53.72239 5.53982
-2688 53.74239 5.95934
-2689 53.76239 6.44179
-2690 53.78239 6.99652
-2691 53.80239 7.63601
-2692 53.82239 8.36984
-2693 53.84239 9.20995
-2694 53.86239 10.16327
-2695 53.88239 11.244
-2696 53.90239 12.4774
-2697 53.92239 13.88584
-2698 53.94239 15.5002
-2699 53.96239 17.35241
-2700 53.98239 19.46907
-2701 54.00239 21.86454
-2702 54.02239 24.53411
-2703 54.04239 27.44619
-2704 54.06239 30.52899
-2705 54.08239 33.67141
-2706 54.10239 36.6966
-2707 54.12239 39.38344
-2708 54.14239 41.50023
-2709 54.16239 42.86675
-2710 54.18239 43.41302
-2711 54.20239 43.19558
-2712 54.22239 42.35649
-2713 54.24239 41.05186
-2714 54.26239 39.39399
-2715 54.28239 37.43498
-2716 54.30239 35.19113
-2717 54.32239 32.68544
-2718 54.34239 29.97646
-2719 54.36239 27.16707
-2720 54.38239 24.36885
-2721 54.40239 21.68456
-2722 54.42239 19.18893
-2723 54.44239 16.92297
-2724 54.46239 14.90982
-2725 54.48239 13.14452
-2726 54.50239 11.61419
-2727 54.52239 10.2994
-2728 54.54239 9.17764
-2729 54.56239 8.2255
-2730 54.58239 7.42019
-2731 54.60239 6.74031
-2732 54.62239 6.16332
-2733 54.64239 5.67833
-2734 54.66239 5.26737
-2735 54.68239 4.91638
-2736 54.70239 4.61702
-2737 54.72239 4.36249
-2738 54.74239 4.14336
-2739 54.76239 3.95452
-2740 54.78239 3.79518
-2741 54.80239 3.6564
-2742 54.82239 3.54021
-2743 54.84239 3.44731
-2744 54.86239 3.3745
-2745 54.88239 3.32225
-2746 54.90239 3.28847
-2747 54.92239 3.28101
-2748 54.94239 3.29881
-2749 54.96239 3.34783
-2750 54.98239 3.42618
-2751 55.00239 3.53932
-2752 55.02239 3.6907
-2753 55.04239 3.88042
-2754 55.06239 4.11742
-2755 55.08239 4.40006
-2756 55.10239 4.72793
-2757 55.12239 5.09756
-2758 55.14239 5.50079
-2759 55.16239 5.92294
-2760 55.18239 6.34129
-2761 55.20239 6.7254
-2762 55.22239 7.04113
-2763 55.24239 7.25857
-2764 55.26239 7.36134
-2765 55.28239 7.35158
-2766 55.30239 7.24678
-2767 55.32239 7.07033
-2768 55.34239 6.84169
-2769 55.36239 6.57145
-2770 55.38239 6.26262
-2771 55.40239 5.91934
-2772 55.42239 5.54009
-2773 55.44239 5.13897
-2774 55.46239 4.73135
-2775 55.48239 4.33298
-2776 55.50239 3.95667
-2777 55.52239 3.61089
-2778 55.54239 3.29993
-2779 55.56239 3.0249
-2780 55.58239 2.78478
-2781 55.60239 2.57727
-2782 55.62239 2.39944
-2783 55.64239 2.24807
-2784 55.66239 2.11994
-2785 55.68239 2.01196
-2786 55.70239 1.9213
-2787 55.72239 1.84306
-2788 55.74239 1.7808
-2789 55.76239 1.72889
-2790 55.78239 1.68595
-2791 55.80239 1.65085
-2792 55.82239 1.62269
-2793 55.84239 1.6008
-2794 55.86239 1.58592
-2795 55.88239 1.57764
-2796 55.90239 1.57538
-2797 55.92239 1.57962
-2798 55.94239 1.59104
-2799 55.96239 1.61056
-2800 55.98239 1.63934
-2801 56.00239 1.67875
-2802 56.02239 1.73037
-2803 56.04239 1.79852
-2804 56.06239 1.88129
-2805 56.08239 1.98228
-2806 56.10239 2.10331
-2807 56.12239 2.24909
-2808 56.14239 2.41434
-2809 56.16239 2.59894
-2810 56.18239 2.80752
-2811 56.20239 3.02975
-2812 56.22239 3.26452
-2813 56.24239 3.4971
-2814 56.26239 3.71189
-2815 56.28239 3.89121
-2816 56.30239 4.01943
-2817 56.32239 4.09095
-2818 56.34239 4.10044
-2819 56.36239 4.06022
-2820 56.38239 3.98286
-2821 56.40239 3.87904
-2822 56.42239 3.75469
-2823 56.44239 3.61136
-2824 56.46239 3.44895
-2825 56.48239 3.26894
-2826 56.50239 3.07612
-2827 56.52239 2.87801
-2828 56.54239 2.68286
-2829 56.56239 2.5008
-2830 56.58239 2.3276
-2831 56.60239 2.17514
-2832 56.62239 2.04118
-2833 56.64239 1.92543
-2834 56.66239 1.82687
-2835 56.68239 1.74405
-2836 56.70239 1.67855
-2837 56.72239 1.62244
-2838 56.74239 1.5773
-2839 56.76239 1.53955
-2840 56.78239 1.51625
-2841 56.80239 1.49777
-2842 56.82239 1.48561
-2843 56.84239 1.48229
-2844 56.86239 1.48098
-2845 56.88239 1.48207
-2846 56.90239 1.48766
-2847 56.92239 1.5002
-2848 56.94239 1.51635
-2849 56.96239 1.53588
-2850 56.98239 1.56166
-2851 57.00239 1.58766
-2852 57.02239 1.61549
-2853 57.04239 1.64406
-2854 57.06239 1.67212
-2855 57.08239 1.69854
-2856 57.10239 1.72259
-2857 57.12239 1.74425
-2858 57.14239 1.76411
-2859 57.16239 1.78309
-2860 57.18239 1.80205
-2861 57.20239 1.82155
-2862 57.22239 1.84179
-2863 57.24239 1.86285
-2864 57.26239 1.88483
-2865 57.28239 1.90809
-2866 57.30239 1.93322
-2867 57.32239 1.96093
-2868 57.34239 1.99188
-2869 57.36239 2.02663
-2870 57.38239 2.06561
-2871 57.40239 2.10909
-2872 57.42239 2.15515
-2873 57.44239 2.20901
-2874 57.46239 2.2678
-2875 57.48239 2.33176
-2876 57.50239 2.40116
-2877 57.52239 2.47631
-2878 57.54239 2.55553
-2879 57.56239 2.64379
-2880 57.58239 2.73881
-2881 57.60239 2.84115
-2882 57.62239 2.95143
-2883 57.64239 3.07034
-2884 57.66239 3.19869
-2885 57.68239 3.33738
-2886 57.70239 3.48743
-2887 57.72239 3.65003
-2888 57.74239 3.82649
-2889 57.76239 4.01833
-2890 57.78239 4.22728
-2891 57.80239 4.45533
-2892 57.82239 4.70476
-2893 57.84239 4.98146
-2894 57.86239 5.28467
-2895 57.88239 5.62046
-2896 57.90239 5.99427
-2897 57.92239 6.41287
-2898 57.94239 6.88191
-2899 57.96239 7.41848
-2900 57.98239 8.03332
-2901 58.00239 8.74397
-2902 58.02239 9.57528
-2903 58.04239 10.55033
-2904 58.06239 11.70353
-2905 58.08239 13.07042
-2906 58.10239 14.70147
-2907 58.12239 16.64275
-2908 58.14239 18.94713
-2909 58.16239 21.66899
-2910 58.18239 24.86126
-2911 58.20239 28.57127
-2912 58.22239 32.83497
-2913 58.24239 37.66858
-2914 58.26239 43.05621
-2915 58.28239 48.93183
-2916 58.30239 55.15554
-2917 58.32239 61.48826
-2918 58.34239 67.57799
-2919 58.36239 72.98082
-2920 58.38239 77.23797
-2921 58.40239 80.00112
-2922 58.42239 81.14943
-2923 58.44239 80.82105
-2924 58.46239 79.33385
-2925 58.48239 77.02774
-2926 58.50239 74.15927
-2927 58.52239 70.83924
-2928 58.54239 67.06651
-2929 58.56239 62.81369
-2930 58.58239 58.09943
-2931 58.60239 53.04692
-2932 58.62239 47.85015
-2933 58.64239 42.72143
-2934 58.66239 37.84074
-2935 58.68239 33.3314
-2936 58.70239 29.26288
-2937 58.72239 25.64718
-2938 58.74239 22.48464
-2939 58.76239 19.74459
-2940 58.78239 17.38959
-2941 58.80239 15.37784
-2942 58.82239 13.66673
-2943 58.84239 12.21502
-2944 58.86239 10.98429
-2945 58.88239 9.93968
-2946 58.90239 9.04728
-2947 58.92239 8.28677
-2948 58.94239 7.63247
-2949 58.96239 7.06564
-2950 58.98239 6.56949
-2951 59.00239 6.13518
-2952 59.02239 5.7503
-2953 59.04239 5.40391
-2954 59.06239 5.09299
-2955 59.08239 4.81558
-2956 59.10239 4.56142
-2957 59.12239 4.33213
-2958 59.14239 4.12512
-2959 59.16239 3.93589
-2960 59.18239 3.76581
-2961 59.20239 3.60704
-2962 59.22239 3.46136
-2963 59.24239 3.32758
-2964 59.26239 3.20465
-2965 59.28239 3.09167
-2966 59.30239 2.98784
-2967 59.32239 2.89245
-2968 59.34239 2.8049
-2969 59.36239 2.72465
-2970 59.38239 2.65123
-2971 59.40239 2.58425
-2972 59.42239 2.52335
-2973 59.44239 2.46825
-2974 59.46239 2.42186
-2975 59.48239 2.37771
-2976 59.50239 2.33879
-2977 59.52239 2.30499
-2978 59.54239 2.27628
-2979 59.56239 2.25264
-2980 59.58239 2.23412
-2981 59.60239 2.22082
-2982 59.62239 2.21291
-2983 59.64239 2.21059
-2984 59.66239 2.21418
-2985 59.68239 2.22404
-2986 59.70239 2.24392
-2987 59.72239 2.27012
-2988 59.74239 2.30573
-2989 59.76239 2.3523
-2990 59.78239 2.41182
-2991 59.80239 2.48683
-2992 59.82239 2.58047
-2993 59.84239 2.69659
-2994 59.86239 2.83977
-2995 59.88239 3.01531
-2996 59.90239 3.23318
-2997 59.92239 3.4943
-2998 59.94239 3.80818
-2999 59.96239 4.18191
-3000 59.98239 4.62215
-3001 60.00239 5.13445
-3002 60.02239 5.72233
-3003 60.04239 6.38282
-3004 60.06239 7.1139
-3005 60.08239 7.9053
-3006 60.10239 8.73216
-3007 60.12239 9.54881
-3008 60.14239 10.30463
-3009 60.16239 10.93774
-3010 60.18239 11.39224
-3011 60.20239 11.63577
-3012 60.22239 11.67064
-3013 60.24239 11.5305
-3014 60.26239 11.26384
-3015 60.28239 10.91453
-3016 60.30239 10.50901
-3017 60.32239 10.05407
-3018 60.34239 9.544
-3019 60.36239 8.97259
-3020 60.38239 8.34362
-3021 60.40239 7.67426
-3022 60.42239 6.98759
-3023 60.44239 6.31736
-3024 60.46239 5.6828
-3025 60.48239 5.09871
-3026 60.50239 4.57576
-3027 60.52239 4.10967
-3028 60.54239 3.70191
-3029 60.56239 3.34865
-3030 60.58239 3.04492
-3031 60.60239 2.78528
-3032 60.62239 2.56423
-3033 60.64239 2.37648
-3034 60.66239 2.21709
-3035 60.68239 2.08162
-3036 60.70239 1.96453
-3037 60.72239 1.86638
-3038 60.74239 1.78167
-3039 60.76239 1.70815
-3040 60.78239 1.64395
-3041 60.80239 1.58754
-3042 60.82239 1.5377
-3043 60.84239 1.49181
-3044 60.86239 1.45299
-3045 60.88239 1.41804
-3046 60.90239 1.38655
-3047 60.92239 1.35816
-3048 60.94239 1.33257
-3049 60.96239 1.30952
-3050 60.98239 1.28877
-3051 61.00239 1.27013
-3052 61.02239 1.25342
-3053 61.04239 1.23849
-3054 61.06239 1.22519
-3055 61.08239 1.21343
-3056 61.10239 1.20308
-3057 61.12239 1.19406
-3058 61.14239 1.18629
-3059 61.16239 1.1797
-3060 61.18239 1.17422
-3061 61.20239 1.16981
-3062 61.22239 1.1664
-3063 61.24239 1.16397
-3064 61.26239 1.16247
-3065 61.28239 1.16188
-3066 61.30239 1.16216
-3067 61.32239 1.1633
-3068 61.34239 1.16527
-3069 61.36239 1.16806
-3070 61.38239 1.17167
-3071 61.40239 1.17607
-3072 61.42239 1.18127
-3073 61.44239 1.18726
-3074 61.46239 1.19404
-3075 61.48239 1.20161
-3076 61.50239 1.20999
-3077 61.52239 1.21917
-3078 61.54239 1.22917
-3079 61.56239 1.24
-3080 61.58239 1.25167
-3081 61.60239 1.26421
-3082 61.62239 1.27763
-3083 61.64239 1.29195
-3084 61.66239 1.30721
-3085 61.68239 1.32343
-3086 61.70239 1.34064
-3087 61.72239 1.35888
-3088 61.74239 1.38133
-3089 61.76239 1.40177
-3090 61.78239 1.42336
-3091 61.80239 1.44615
-3092 61.82239 1.4702
-3093 61.84239 1.49556
-3094 61.86239 1.52229
-3095 61.88239 1.55047
-3096 61.90239 1.58017
-3097 61.92239 1.61147
-3098 61.94239 1.64445
-3099 61.96239 1.67921
-3100 61.98239 1.71585
-3101 62.00239 1.75448
-3102 62.02239 1.79522
-3103 62.04239 1.8382
-3104 62.06239 1.88356
-3105 62.08239 1.92832
-3106 62.10239 1.97894
-3107 62.12239 2.03245
-3108 62.14239 2.08903
-3109 62.16239 2.14892
-3110 62.18239 2.21236
-3111 62.20239 2.27959
-3112 62.22239 2.35092
-3113 62.24239 2.42981
-3114 62.26239 2.5103
-3115 62.28239 2.59593
-3116 62.30239 2.68399
-3117 62.32239 2.78123
-3118 62.34239 2.88502
-3119 62.36239 2.99594
-3120 62.38239 3.11779
-3121 62.40239 3.24498
-3122 62.42239 3.38148
-3123 62.44239 3.52817
-3124 62.46239 3.68608
-3125 62.48239 3.85634
-3126 62.50239 4.04026
-3127 62.52239 4.23929
-3128 62.54239 4.45509
-3129 62.56239 4.68958
-3130 62.58239 4.94491
-3131 62.60239 5.22358
-3132 62.62239 5.53151
-3133 62.64239 5.86844
-3134 62.66239 6.24064
-3135 62.68239 6.65382
-3136 62.70239 7.11513
-3137 62.72239 7.63674
-3138 62.74239 8.22581
-3139 62.76239 8.89909
-3140 62.78239 9.67535
-3141 62.80239 10.57802
-3142 62.82239 11.63916
-3143 62.84239 12.88963
-3144 62.86239 14.37279
-3145 62.88239 16.13653
-3146 62.90239 18.23435
-3147 62.92239 20.72676
-3148 62.94239 23.66938
-3149 62.96239 27.12265
-3150 62.98239 31.13982
-3151 63.00239 35.76269
-3152 63.02239 41.0131
-3153 63.04239 46.88028
-3154 63.06239 53.30227
-3155 63.08239 60.14066
-3156 63.10239 67.15197
-3157 63.12239 73.96779
-3158 63.14239 80.10787
-3159 63.16239 85.05287
-3160 63.18239 88.37821
-3161 63.20239 89.89762
-3162 63.22239 89.72817
-3163 63.24239 88.22642
-3164 63.26239 85.83323
-3165 63.28239 82.91972
-3166 63.30239 79.6826
-3167 63.32239 76.15375
-3168 63.34239 72.24829
-3169 63.36239 67.86797
-3170 63.38239 62.99536
-3171 63.40239 57.7349
-3172 63.42239 52.28598
-3173 63.44239 46.87744
-3174 63.46239 41.70789
-3175 63.48239 36.91609
-3176 63.50239 32.57911
-3177 63.52239 28.72496
-3178 63.54239 25.3482
-3179 63.56239 22.42304
-3180 63.58239 19.9157
-3181 63.60239 17.77786
-3182 63.62239 15.96929
-3183 63.64239 14.44771
-3184 63.66239 13.17185
-3185 63.68239 12.11595
-3186 63.70239 11.23718
-3187 63.72239 10.51295
-3188 63.74239 9.92176
-3189 63.76239 9.44504
-3190 63.78239 9.07514
-3191 63.80239 8.79903
-3192 63.82239 8.6175
-3193 63.84239 8.52692
-3194 63.86239 8.52974
-3195 63.88239 8.63712
-3196 63.90239 8.84868
-3197 63.92239 9.17062
-3198 63.94239 9.61748
-3199 63.96239 10.19478
-3200 63.98239 10.90879
-3201 64.00239 11.76206
-3202 64.02239 12.75093
-3203 64.04239 13.86181
-3204 64.06239 15.06623
-3205 64.08239 16.31517
-3206 64.10239 17.53518
-3207 64.12239 18.63087
-3208 64.14239 19.49911
-3209 64.16239 20.05509
-3210 64.18239 20.26057
-3211 64.20239 20.13719
-3212 64.22239 19.75472
-3213 64.24239 19.20108
-3214 64.26239 18.5512
-3215 64.28239 17.848
-3216 64.30239 17.09919
-3217 64.32239 16.28776
-3218 64.34239 15.39088
-3219 64.36239 14.3993
-3220 64.38239 13.32767
-3221 64.40239 12.21158
-3222 64.42239 11.09547
-3223 64.44239 10.02007
-3224 64.46239 9.01513
-3225 64.48239 8.09816
-3226 64.50239 7.27637
-3227 64.52239 6.54981
-3228 64.54239 5.91403
-3229 64.56239 5.36205
-3230 64.58239 4.88564
-3231 64.60239 4.47615
-3232 64.62239 4.12505
-3233 64.64239 3.82207
-3234 64.66239 3.56491
-3235 64.68239 3.34176
-3236 64.70239 3.15099
-3237 64.72239 2.98491
-3238 64.74239 2.83947
-3239 64.76239 2.71126
-3240 64.78239 2.5975
-3241 64.80239 2.49419
-3242 64.82239 2.39812
-3243 64.84239 2.31722
-3244 64.86239 2.24348
-3245 64.88239 2.17614
-3246 64.90239 2.11458
-3247 64.92239 2.05826
-3248 64.94239 2.00668
-3249 64.96239 1.95945
-3250 64.98239 1.9162
-3251 65.00239 1.87662
-3252 65.02239 1.84043
-3253 65.04239 1.80739
-3254 65.06239 1.7773
-3255 65.08239 1.74996
-3256 65.10239 1.72523
-3257 65.12239 1.70297
-3258 65.14239 1.68305
-3259 65.16239 1.66537
-3260 65.18239 1.64671
-3261 65.20239 1.63328
-3262 65.22239 1.62188
-3263 65.24239 1.61247
-3264 65.26239 1.605
-3265 65.28239 1.59946
-3266 65.30239 1.59583
-3267 65.32239 1.59098
-3268 65.34239 1.59121
-3269 65.36239 1.5934
-3270 65.38239 1.59756
-3271 65.40239 1.60376
-3272 65.42239 1.61205
-3273 65.44239 1.62249
-3274 65.46239 1.63519
-3275 65.48239 1.65024
-3276 65.50239 1.66776
-3277 65.52239 1.68789
-3278 65.54239 1.71079
-3279 65.56239 1.73666
-3280 65.58239 1.76887
-3281 65.60239 1.80139
-3282 65.62239 1.83759
-3283 65.64239 1.8778
-3284 65.66239 1.92551
-3285 65.68239 1.9749
-3286 65.70239 2.02954
-3287 65.72239 2.08996
-3288 65.74239 2.15678
-3289 65.76239 2.23072
-3290 65.78239 2.31261
-3291 65.80239 2.40341
-3292 65.82239 2.50711
-3293 65.84239 2.62141
-3294 65.86239 2.74996
-3295 65.88239 2.8979
-3296 65.90239 3.06505
-3297 65.92239 3.25736
-3298 65.94239 3.48039
-3299 65.96239 3.74109
-3300 65.98239 4.04802
-3301 66.00239 4.41141
-3302 66.02239 4.84329
-3303 66.04239 5.36102
-3304 66.06239 5.97489
-3305 66.08239 6.70352
-3306 66.10239 7.56672
-3307 66.12239 8.57667
-3308 66.14239 9.7498
-3309 66.16239 11.09709
-3310 66.18239 12.6233
-3311 66.20239 14.32626
-3312 66.22239 16.18188
-3313 66.24239 18.14301
-3314 66.26239 20.13733
-3315 66.28239 22.05666
-3316 66.30239 23.75333
-3317 66.32239 25.08261
-3318 66.34239 25.93076
-3319 66.36239 26.25792
-3320 66.38239 26.11569
-3321 66.40239 25.61191
-3322 66.42239 24.8838
-3323 66.44239 24.04158
-3324 66.46239 23.14654
-3325 66.48239 22.2073
-3326 66.50239 21.19409
-3327 66.52239 20.06509
-3328 66.54239 18.79531
-3329 66.56239 17.39504
-3330 66.58239 15.90901
-3331 66.60239 14.40007
-3332 66.62239 12.93283
-3333 66.64239 11.54538
-3334 66.66239 10.27966
-3335 66.68239 9.14064
-3336 66.70239 8.13392
-3337 66.72239 7.25499
-3338 66.74239 6.49513
-3339 66.76239 5.84347
-3340 66.78239 5.29165
-3341 66.80239 4.82223
-3342 66.82239 4.42434
-3343 66.84239 4.09217
-3344 66.86239 3.81307
-3345 66.88239 3.57731
-3346 66.90239 3.38116
-3347 66.92239 3.21616
-3348 66.94239 3.08064
-3349 66.96239 2.9653
-3350 66.98239 2.86699
-3351 67.00239 2.78733
-3352 67.02239 2.72435
-3353 67.04239 2.66828
-3354 67.06239 2.62372
-3355 67.08239 2.58703
-3356 67.10239 2.5578
-3357 67.12239 2.53615
-3358 67.14239 2.52247
-3359 67.16239 2.51999
-3360 67.18239 2.52378
-3361 67.20239 2.53495
-3362 67.22239 2.55164
-3363 67.24239 2.56784
-3364 67.26239 2.58611
-3365 67.28239 2.59925
-3366 67.30239 2.60379
-3367 67.32239 2.5979
-3368 67.34239 2.58198
-3369 67.36239 2.5585
-3370 67.38239 2.52847
-3371 67.40239 2.50086
-3372 67.42239 2.47454
-3373 67.44239 2.45039
-3374 67.46239 2.42809
-3375 67.48239 2.40967
-3376 67.50239 2.38776
-3377 67.52239 2.36237
-3378 67.54239 2.33997
-3379 67.56239 2.31835
-3380 67.58239 2.29913
-3381 67.60239 2.28375
-3382 67.62239 2.27329
-3383 67.64239 2.26837
-3384 67.66239 2.26933
-3385 67.68239 2.27623
-3386 67.70239 2.28697
-3387 67.72239 2.3063
-3388 67.74239 2.33102
-3389 67.76239 2.36109
-3390 67.78239 2.39645
-3391 67.80239 2.43708
-3392 67.82239 2.47987
-3393 67.84239 2.53117
-3394 67.86239 2.5901
-3395 67.88239 2.65556
-3396 67.90239 2.73087
-3397 67.92239 2.81046
-3398 67.94239 2.89532
-3399 67.96239 2.9926
-3400 67.98239 3.10024
-3401 68.00239 3.21943
-3402 68.02239 3.35139
-3403 68.04239 3.49735
-3404 68.06239 3.65845
-3405 68.08239 3.8391
-3406 68.10239 4.03477
-3407 68.12239 4.24798
-3408 68.14239 4.47823
-3409 68.16239 4.7238
-3410 68.18239 4.98134
-3411 68.20239 5.24247
-3412 68.22239 5.50664
-3413 68.24239 5.7637
-3414 68.26239 6.0087
-3415 68.28239 6.241
-3416 68.30239 6.46513
-3417 68.32239 6.68957
-3418 68.34239 6.92425
-3419 68.36239 7.17815
-3420 68.38239 7.45793
-3421 68.40239 7.77118
-3422 68.42239 8.11616
-3423 68.44239 8.49743
-3424 68.46239 8.91956
-3425 68.48239 9.38744
-3426 68.50239 9.91978
-3427 68.52239 10.53014
-3428 68.54239 11.2392
-3429 68.56239 12.07162
-3430 68.58239 13.05661
-3431 68.60239 14.2289
-3432 68.62239 15.63324
-3433 68.64239 17.31352
-3434 68.66239 19.32783
-3435 68.68239 21.73676
-3436 68.70239 24.61427
-3437 68.72239 28.02798
-3438 68.74239 32.04551
-3439 68.76239 36.73806
-3440 68.78239 42.15521
-3441 68.80239 48.32795
-3442 68.82239 55.25165
-3443 68.84239 62.86316
-3444 68.86239 71.02287
-3445 68.88239 79.46218
-3446 68.90239 87.76735
-3447 68.92239 95.37776
-3448 68.94239 101.65705
-3449 68.96239 106.02967
-3450 68.98239 108.18563
-3451 69.00239 108.18807
-3452 69.02239 106.44846
-3453 69.04239 103.54734
-3454 69.06239 100.04744
-3455 69.08239 96.34723
-3456 69.10239 92.60563
-3457 69.12239 88.77118
-3458 69.14239 84.65443
-3459 69.16239 80.04362
-3460 69.18239 74.8232
-3461 69.20239 69.04129
-3462 69.22239 62.89428
-3463 69.24239 56.65047
-3464 69.26239 50.56669
-3465 69.28239 44.83766
-3466 69.30239 39.58336
-3467 69.32239 34.85983
-3468 69.34239 30.6774
-3469 69.36239 27.01732
-3470 69.38239 23.84392
-3471 69.40239 21.11269
-3472 69.42239 18.77852
-3473 69.44239 16.78633
-3474 69.46239 15.09213
-3475 69.48239 13.65191
-3476 69.50239 12.42575
-3477 69.52239 11.37521
-3478 69.54239 10.47925
-3479 69.56239 9.70112
-3480 69.58239 9.02634
-3481 69.60239 8.43485
-3482 69.62239 7.90957
-3483 69.64239 7.44561
-3484 69.66239 7.03086
-3485 69.68239 6.65818
-3486 69.70239 6.32184
-3487 69.72239 6.01719
-3488 69.74239 5.73918
-3489 69.76239 5.48778
-3490 69.78239 5.25824
-3491 69.80239 5.04534
-3492 69.82239 4.8535
-3493 69.84239 4.67796
-3494 69.86239 4.51733
-3495 69.88239 4.37036
-3496 69.90239 4.23598
-3497 69.92239 4.11324
-3498 69.94239 4.00131
-3499 69.96239 3.89945
-3500 69.98239 3.80703
-3501 70.00239 3.7235
-3502 70.02239 3.64836
-3503 70.04239 3.58123
-3504 70.06239 3.52173
-3505 70.08239 3.46959
-3506 70.10239 3.42457
-3507 70.12239 3.38647
-3508 70.14239 3.35518
-3509 70.16239 3.3306
-3510 70.18239 3.3127
-3511 70.20239 3.30149
-3512 70.22239 3.29389
-3513 70.24239 3.29632
-3514 70.26239 3.3058
-3515 70.28239 3.32255
-3516 70.30239 3.34695
-3517 70.32239 3.37929
-3518 70.34239 3.42002
-3519 70.36239 3.46967
-3520 70.38239 3.52887
-3521 70.40239 3.59838
-3522 70.42239 3.68228
-3523 70.44239 3.77702
-3524 70.46239 3.88606
-3525 70.48239 4.01114
-3526 70.50239 4.15431
-3527 70.52239 4.31795
-3528 70.54239 4.50882
-3529 70.56239 4.72517
-3530 70.58239 4.97725
-3531 70.60239 5.26547
-3532 70.62239 5.59867
-3533 70.64239 5.98495
-3534 70.66239 6.43768
-3535 70.68239 6.96294
-3536 70.70239 7.5767
-3537 70.72239 8.29436
-3538 70.74239 9.13271
-3539 70.76239 10.11237
-3540 70.78239 11.24674
-3541 70.80239 12.55781
-3542 70.82239 14.05946
-3543 70.84239 15.77286
-3544 70.86239 17.72012
-3545 70.88239 19.92127
-3546 70.90239 22.4012
-3547 70.92239 25.16174
-3548 70.94239 28.18223
-3549 70.96239 31.40225
-3550 70.98239 34.70388
-3551 71.00239 37.91423
-3552 71.02239 40.79246
-3553 71.04239 43.07741
-3554 71.06239 44.55117
-3555 71.08239 45.11384
-3556 71.10239 44.82311
-3557 71.12239 43.86978
-3558 71.14239 42.50432
-3559 71.16239 40.95684
-3560 71.18239 39.38365
-3561 71.20239 37.84743
-3562 71.22239 36.32431
-3563 71.24239 34.73148
-3564 71.26239 32.97065
-3565 71.28239 30.97413
-3566 71.30239 28.74601
-3567 71.32239 26.34785
-3568 71.34239 23.88235
-3569 71.36239 21.4551
-3570 71.38239 19.15052
-3571 71.40239 17.02356
-3572 71.42239 15.10242
-3573 71.44239 13.39549
-3574 71.46239 11.89656
-3575 71.48239 10.59751
-3576 71.50239 9.47624
-3577 71.52239 8.5208
-3578 71.54239 7.71204
-3579 71.56239 7.02779
-3580 71.58239 6.45114
-3581 71.60239 5.97083
-3582 71.62239 5.56942
-3583 71.64239 5.23945
-3584 71.66239 4.96956
-3585 71.68239 4.75612
-3586 71.70239 4.5879
-3587 71.72239 4.46463
-3588 71.74239 4.38425
-3589 71.76239 4.34405
-3590 71.78239 4.35046
-3591 71.80239 4.39485
-3592 71.82239 4.48261
-3593 71.84239 4.61053
-3594 71.86239 4.77652
-3595 71.88239 4.9761
-3596 71.90239 5.20433
-3597 71.92239 5.44187
-3598 71.94239 5.67278
-3599 71.96239 5.87307
-3600 71.98239 6.01748
-3601 72.00239 6.08622
-3602 72.02239 6.07178
-3603 72.04239 5.98181
-3604 72.06239 5.83587
-3605 72.08239 5.65791
-3606 72.10239 5.46904
-3607 72.12239 5.28287
-3608 72.14239 5.10093
-3609 72.16239 4.92613
-3610 72.18239 4.74653
-3611 72.20239 4.55209
-3612 72.22239 4.33614
-3613 72.24239 4.09841
-3614 72.26239 3.84503
-3615 72.28239 3.58587
-3616 72.30239 3.33109
-3617 72.32239 3.08886
-3618 72.34239 2.86447
-3619 72.36239 2.66067
-3620 72.38239 2.47827
-3621 72.40239 2.31685
-3622 72.42239 2.17843
-3623 72.44239 2.05523
-3624 72.46239 1.94847
-3625 72.48239 1.85467
-3626 72.50239 1.77606
-3627 72.52239 1.7083
-3628 72.54239 1.64995
-3629 72.56239 1.59969
-3630 72.58239 1.55638
-3631 72.60239 1.5226
-3632 72.62239 1.49181
-3633 72.64239 1.46595
-3634 72.66239 1.44289
-3635 72.68239 1.4263
-3636 72.70239 1.41333
-3637 72.72239 1.40387
-3638 72.74239 1.39776
-3639 72.76239 1.39798
-3640 72.78239 1.39795
-3641 72.80239 1.40356
-3642 72.82239 1.40796
-3643 72.84239 1.4161
-3644 72.86239 1.42204
-3645 72.88239 1.42653
-3646 72.90239 1.42834
-3647 72.92239 1.42679
-3648 72.94239 1.42191
-3649 72.96239 1.4145
-3650 72.98239 1.40574
-3651 73.00239 1.39681
-3652 73.02239 1.3886
-3653 73.04239 1.38156
-3654 73.06239 1.3757
-3655 73.08239 1.36754
-3656 73.10239 1.36284
-3657 73.12239 1.35799
-3658 73.14239 1.35276
-3659 73.16239 1.3442
-3660 73.18239 1.339
-3661 73.20239 1.33457
-3662 73.22239 1.33141
-3663 73.24239 1.32758
-3664 73.26239 1.33193
-3665 73.28239 1.33522
-3666 73.30239 1.34053
-3667 73.32239 1.35134
-3668 73.34239 1.36207
-3669 73.36239 1.37526
-3670 73.38239 1.39411
-3671 73.40239 1.41235
-3672 73.42239 1.43433
-3673 73.44239 1.45834
-3674 73.46239 1.48469
-3675 73.48239 1.5133
-3676 73.50239 1.54395
-3677 73.52239 1.5763
-3678 73.54239 1.6098
-3679 73.56239 1.64376
-3680 73.58239 1.68071
-3681 73.60239 1.71123
-3682 73.62239 1.74389
-3683 73.64239 1.77583
-3684 73.66239 1.80776
-3685 73.68239 1.8406
-3686 73.70239 1.87525
-3687 73.72239 1.91239
-3688 73.74239 1.95243
-3689 73.76239 1.99552
-3690 73.78239 2.04161
-3691 73.80239 2.09057
-3692 73.82239 2.14234
-3693 73.84239 2.19093
-3694 73.86239 2.2492
-3695 73.88239 2.31143
-3696 73.90239 2.37831
-3697 73.92239 2.44858
-3698 73.94239 2.52448
-3699 73.96239 2.61006
-3700 73.98239 2.70283
-3701 74.00239 2.80348
-3702 74.02239 2.9158
-3703 74.04239 3.03452
-3704 74.06239 3.16347
-3705 74.08239 3.30132
-3706 74.10239 3.4544
-3707 74.12239 3.62096
-3708 74.14239 3.80246
-3709 74.16239 4.0006
-3710 74.18239 4.21734
-3711 74.20239 4.45825
-3712 74.22239 4.72205
-3713 74.24239 5.01437
-3714 74.26239 5.34001
-3715 74.28239 5.70503
-3716 74.30239 6.11714
-3717 74.32239 6.58616
-3718 74.34239 7.12453
-3719 74.36239 7.74794
-3720 74.38239 8.47585
-3721 74.40239 9.33271
-3722 74.42239 10.34414
-3723 74.44239 11.55208
-3724 74.46239 12.98678
-3725 74.48239 14.69137
-3726 74.50239 16.70941
-3727 74.52239 19.08462
-3728 74.54239 21.85803
-3729 74.56239 25.06422
-3730 74.58239 28.72607
-3731 74.60239 32.84726
-3732 74.62239 37.40116
-3733 74.64239 42.31756
-3734 74.66239 47.45248
-3735 74.68239 52.58089
-3736 74.70239 57.38128
-3737 74.72239 61.46405
-3738 74.74239 64.44824
-3739 74.76239 66.07596
-3740 74.78239 66.30994
-3741 74.80239 65.35084
-3742 74.82239 63.5594
-3743 74.84239 61.33603
-3744 74.86239 59.00275
-3745 74.88239 56.76499
-3746 74.90239 54.68513
-3747 74.92239 52.70054
-3748 74.94239 50.66105
-3749 74.96239 48.38852
-3750 74.98239 45.7484
-3751 75.00239 42.7053
-3752 75.02239 39.33386
-3753 75.04239 35.78256
-3754 75.06239 32.21839
-3755 75.08239 28.78345
-3756 75.10239 25.57415
-3757 75.12239 22.65476
-3758 75.14239 20.03859
-3759 75.16239 17.72926
-3760 75.18239 15.71342
-3761 75.20239 13.96967
-3762 75.22239 12.47243
-3763 75.24239 11.19433
-3764 75.26239 10.10786
-3765 75.28239 9.18432
-3766 75.30239 8.40431
-3767 75.32239 7.74018
-3768 75.34239 7.17811
-3769 75.36239 6.69757
-3770 75.38239 6.28478
-3771 75.40239 5.9252
-3772 75.42239 5.61587
-3773 75.44239 5.34621
-3774 75.46239 5.11031
-3775 75.48239 4.9035
-3776 75.50239 4.72212
-3777 75.52239 4.56129
-3778 75.54239 4.42354
-3779 75.56239 4.30377
-3780 75.58239 4.20072
-3781 75.60239 4.11333
-3782 75.62239 4.04076
-3783 75.64239 3.98239
-3784 75.66239 3.93773
-3785 75.68239 3.9065
-3786 75.70239 3.88858
-3787 75.72239 3.88398
-3788 75.74239 3.89293
-3789 75.76239 3.91581
-3790 75.78239 3.95317
-3791 75.80239 4.00586
-3792 75.82239 4.07856
-3793 75.84239 4.16782
-3794 75.86239 4.28164
-3795 75.88239 4.41804
-3796 75.90239 4.58033
-3797 75.92239 4.78011
-3798 75.94239 5.02112
-3799 75.96239 5.31196
-3800 75.98239 5.66319
-3801 76.00239 6.08743
-3802 76.02239 6.59939
-3803 76.04239 7.21568
-3804 76.06239 7.95725
-3805 76.08239 8.83621
-3806 76.10239 9.88234
-3807 76.12239 11.10652
-3808 76.14239 12.52546
-3809 76.16239 14.14883
-3810 76.18239 15.97753
-3811 76.20239 17.99868
-3812 76.22239 20.17841
-3813 76.24239 22.45278
-3814 76.26239 24.71897
-3815 76.28239 26.83267
-3816 76.30239 28.62075
-3817 76.32239 29.91589
-3818 76.34239 30.60664
-3819 76.36239 30.67622
-3820 76.38239 30.21847
-3821 76.40239 29.39768
-3822 76.42239 28.38868
-3823 76.44239 27.34053
-3824 76.46239 26.34815
-3825 76.48239 25.44563
-3826 76.50239 24.61129
-3827 76.52239 23.78159
-3828 76.54239 22.87121
-3829 76.56239 21.81575
-3830 76.58239 20.58029
-3831 76.60239 19.18293
-3832 76.62239 17.68117
-3833 76.64239 16.1487
-3834 76.66239 14.6537
-3835 76.68239 13.24706
-3836 76.70239 11.96027
-3837 76.72239 10.80873
-3838 76.74239 9.79642
-3839 76.76239 8.92005
-3840 76.78239 8.17201
-3841 76.80239 7.54233
-3842 76.82239 7.01992
-3843 76.84239 6.59348
-3844 76.86239 6.24857
-3845 76.88239 5.98347
-3846 76.90239 5.78348
-3847 76.92239 5.64111
-3848 76.94239 5.5535
-3849 76.96239 5.51184
-3850 76.98239 5.51837
-3851 77.00239 5.56584
-3852 77.02239 5.65812
-3853 77.04239 5.79553
-3854 77.06239 5.9866
-3855 77.08239 6.23954
-3856 77.10239 6.56095
-3857 77.12239 6.96349
-3858 77.14239 7.46264
-3859 77.16239 8.07672
-3860 77.18239 8.82983
-3861 77.20239 9.74278
-3862 77.22239 10.84102
-3863 77.24239 12.14563
-3864 77.26239 13.68339
-3865 77.28239 15.47446
-3866 77.30239 17.53256
-3867 77.32239 19.86074
-3868 77.34239 22.44522
-3869 77.36239 25.24646
-3870 77.38239 28.18739
-3871 77.40239 31.1412
-3872 77.42239 33.92546
-3873 77.44239 36.31127
-3874 77.46239 38.07707
-3875 77.48239 39.05537
-3876 77.50239 39.20656
-3877 77.52239 38.63368
-3878 77.54239 37.54357
-3879 77.56239 36.18253
-3880 77.58239 34.74693
-3881 77.60239 33.38422
-3882 77.62239 32.15651
-3883 77.64239 31.0542
-3884 77.66239 29.99758
-3885 77.68239 28.87987
-3886 77.70239 27.59245
-3887 77.72239 26.06752
-3888 77.74239 24.30283
-3889 77.76239 22.35783
-3890 77.78239 20.32304
-3891 77.80239 18.30055
-3892 77.82239 16.36392
-3893 77.84239 14.56389
-3894 77.86239 12.92783
-3895 77.88239 11.46577
-3896 77.90239 10.17631
-3897 77.92239 9.05719
-3898 77.94239 8.08532
-3899 77.96239 7.25081
-3900 77.98239 6.53816
-3901 78.00239 5.93183
-3902 78.02239 5.41687
-3903 78.04239 4.98426
-3904 78.06239 4.61288
-3905 78.08239 4.29478
-3906 78.10239 4.02026
-3907 78.12239 3.78096
-3908 78.14239 3.56992
-3909 78.16239 3.3816
-3910 78.18239 3.2119
-3911 78.20239 3.05796
-3912 78.22239 2.9243
-3913 78.24239 2.79617
-3914 78.26239 2.68208
-3915 78.28239 2.57506
-3916 78.30239 2.48053
-3917 78.32239 2.39445
-3918 78.34239 2.31582
-3919 78.36239 2.24369
-3920 78.38239 2.17719
-3921 78.40239 2.11073
-3922 78.42239 2.055
-3923 78.44239 2.00347
-3924 78.46239 1.95617
-3925 78.48239 1.91318
-3926 78.50239 1.87455
-3927 78.52239 1.84031
-3928 78.54239 1.81047
-3929 78.56239 1.78877
-3930 78.58239 1.76889
-3931 78.60239 1.75589
-3932 78.62239 1.74617
-3933 78.64239 1.74166
-3934 78.66239 1.74596
-3935 78.68239 1.74742
-3936 78.70239 1.76238
-3937 78.72239 1.78535
-3938 78.74239 1.81144
-3939 78.76239 1.85438
-3940 78.78239 1.90891
-3941 78.80239 1.97636
-3942 78.82239 2.05797
-3943 78.84239 2.15479
-3944 78.86239 2.27061
-3945 78.88239 2.40284
-3946 78.90239 2.54837
-3947 78.92239 2.70739
-3948 78.94239 2.87575
-3949 78.96239 3.04657
-3950 78.98239 3.20997
-3951 79.00239 3.3537
-3952 79.02239 3.46538
-3953 79.04239 3.53612
-3954 79.06239 3.56382
-3955 79.08239 3.55424
-3956 79.10239 3.51892
-3957 79.12239 3.47131
-3958 79.14239 3.4233
-3959 79.16239 3.38322
-3960 79.18239 3.35524
-3961 79.20239 3.3395
-3962 79.22239 3.33277
-3963 79.24239 3.32641
-3964 79.26239 3.32072
-3965 79.28239 3.30825
-3966 79.30239 3.28811
-3967 79.32239 3.26318
-3968 79.34239 3.23889
-3969 79.36239 3.22153
-3970 79.38239 3.21676
-3971 79.40239 3.22904
-3972 79.42239 3.26523
-3973 79.44239 3.32592
-3974 79.46239 3.41233
-3975 79.48239 3.52689
-3976 79.50239 3.67883
-3977 79.52239 3.86957
-3978 79.54239 4.10549
-3979 79.56239 4.39458
-3980 79.58239 4.74674
-3981 79.60239 5.1739
-3982 79.62239 5.6901
-3983 79.64239 6.31125
-3984 79.66239 7.05477
-3985 79.68239 7.942
-3986 79.70239 8.98523
-3987 79.72239 10.21086
-3988 79.74239 11.625
-3989 79.76239 13.24559
-3990 79.78239 15.06242
-3991 79.80239 17.06634
-3992 79.82239 19.22292
-3993 79.84239 21.46792
-3994 79.86239 23.69877
-3995 79.88239 25.77266
-3996 79.90239 27.52011
-3997 79.92239 28.78037
-3998 79.94239 29.45129
-3999 79.96239 29.52919
-4000 79.98239 29.1128
-4001 80.00239 28.36742
-4002 80.02239 27.4773
-4003 80.04239 26.58339
-4004 80.06239 25.78504
-4005 80.08239 25.11859
-4006 80.10239 24.56356
-4007 80.12239 24.05141
-4008 80.14239 23.48257
-4009 80.16239 22.75441
-4010 80.18239 21.792
-4011 80.20239 20.58593
-4012 80.22239 19.17593
-4013 80.24239 17.64276
-4014 80.26239 16.07597
-4015 80.28239 14.55139
-4016 80.30239 13.12142
-4017 80.32239 11.81488
-4018 80.34239 10.64463
-4019 80.36239 9.60037
-4020 80.38239 8.67275
-4021 80.40239 7.84576
-4022 80.42239 7.1043
-4023 80.44239 6.43698
-4024 80.46239 5.83331
-4025 80.48239 5.2969
-4026 80.50239 4.81893
-4027 80.52239 4.39581
-4028 80.54239 4.02315
-4029 80.56239 3.69594
-4030 80.58239 3.40908
-4031 80.60239 3.15401
-4032 80.62239 2.93482
-4033 80.64239 2.74194
-4034 80.66239 2.56998
-4035 80.68239 2.41918
-4036 80.70239 2.28768
-4037 80.72239 2.1707
-4038 80.74239 2.06644
-4039 80.76239 1.97333
-4040 80.78239 1.88998
-4041 80.80239 1.81072
-4042 80.82239 1.74505
-4043 80.84239 1.69179
-4044 80.86239 1.63792
-4045 80.88239 1.58913
-4046 80.90239 1.545
-4047 80.92239 1.50517
-4048 80.94239 1.46933
-4049 80.96239 1.4372
-4050 80.98239 1.40858
-4051 81.00239 1.38325
-4052 81.02239 1.36106
-4053 81.04239 1.34188
-4054 81.06239 1.32561
-4055 81.08239 1.31216
-4056 81.10239 1.30149
-4057 81.12239 1.29671
-4058 81.14239 1.29153
-4059 81.16239 1.28911
-4060 81.18239 1.28947
-4061 81.20239 1.29269
-4062 81.22239 1.29885
-4063 81.24239 1.31122
-4064 81.26239 1.32369
-4065 81.28239 1.33956
-4066 81.30239 1.35905
-4067 81.32239 1.38245
-4068 81.34239 1.41006
-4069 81.36239 1.44226
-4070 81.38239 1.47949
-4071 81.40239 1.52228
-4072 81.42239 1.57125
-4073 81.44239 1.62988
-4074 81.46239 1.6923
-4075 81.48239 1.77076
-4076 81.50239 1.86306
-4077 81.52239 1.96726
-4078 81.54239 2.08978
-4079 81.56239 2.23473
-4080 81.58239 2.40402
-4081 81.60239 2.60993
-4082 81.62239 2.85634
-4083 81.64239 3.15123
-4084 81.66239 3.50333
-4085 81.68239 3.92187
-4086 81.70239 4.41604
-4087 81.72239 4.99766
-4088 81.74239 5.66948
-4089 81.76239 6.44157
-4090 81.78239 7.3103
-4091 81.80239 8.27257
-4092 81.82239 9.31379
-4093 81.84239 10.40563
-4094 81.86239 11.50139
-4095 81.88239 12.54003
-4096 81.90239 13.42532
-4097 81.92239 14.07786
-4098 81.94239 14.43447
-4099 81.96239 14.47764
-4100 81.98239 14.24355
-4101 82.00239 13.8091
-4102 82.02239 13.26632
-4103 82.04239 12.69844
-4104 82.06239 12.16592
-4105 82.08239 11.70197
-4106 82.10239 11.31333
-4107 82.12239 10.9831
-4108 82.14239 10.67549
-4109 82.16239 10.34417
-4110 82.18239 9.9451
-4111 82.20239 9.4507
-4112 82.22239 8.85873
-4113 82.24239 8.19064
-4114 82.26239 7.47516
-4115 82.28239 6.7611
-4116 82.30239 6.06854
-4117 82.32239 5.42377
-4118 82.34239 4.83496
-4119 82.36239 4.30688
-4120 82.38239 3.83991
-4121 82.40239 3.43165
-4122 82.42239 3.07606
-4123 82.44239 2.77079
-4124 82.46239 2.51268
-4125 82.48239 2.29277
-4126 82.50239 2.10599
-4127 82.52239 1.9475
-4128 82.54239 1.81291
-4129 82.56239 1.69833
-4130 82.58239 1.60042
-4131 82.60239 1.51637
-4132 82.62239 1.44389
-4133 82.64239 1.3791
-4134 82.66239 1.32304
-4135 82.68239 1.27703
-4136 82.70239 1.23661
-4137 82.72239 1.20128
-4138 82.74239 1.17063
-4139 82.76239 1.14433
-4140 82.78239 1.1221
-4141 82.80239 1.09754
-4142 82.82239 1.08297
-4143 82.84239 1.072
-4144 82.86239 1.06457
-4145 82.88239 1.06065
-4146 82.90239 1.0603
-4147 82.92239 1.06358
-4148 82.94239 1.07065
-4149 82.96239 1.08169
-4150 82.98239 1.09695
-4151 83.00239 1.11677
-4152 83.02239 1.14482
-4153 83.04239 1.17714
-4154 83.06239 1.21666
-4155 83.08239 1.27002
-4156 83.10239 1.33103
-4157 83.12239 1.40537
-4158 83.14239 1.4927
-4159 83.16239 1.60266
-4160 83.18239 1.73593
-4161 83.20239 1.89679
-4162 83.22239 2.08981
-4163 83.24239 2.3197
-4164 83.26239 2.59098
-4165 83.28239 2.90764
-4166 83.30239 3.27567
-4167 83.32239 3.69193
-4168 83.34239 4.15697
-4169 83.36239 4.66537
-4170 83.38239 5.21277
-4171 83.40239 5.7684
-4172 83.42239 6.30719
-4173 83.44239 6.78981
-4174 83.46239 7.17236
-4175 83.48239 7.41672
-4176 83.50239 7.5029
-4177 83.52239 7.43698
-4178 83.54239 7.24936
-4179 83.56239 6.98439
-4180 83.58239 6.68755
-4181 83.60239 6.39609
-4182 83.62239 6.13448
-4183 83.64239 5.91381
-4184 83.66239 5.7327
-4185 83.68239 5.57571
-4186 83.70239 5.4286
-4187 83.72239 5.26402
-4188 83.74239 5.06071
-4189 83.76239 4.80702
-4190 83.78239 4.50417
-4191 83.80239 4.16448
-4192 83.82239 3.80595
-4193 83.84239 3.44652
-4194 83.86239 3.10045
-4195 83.88239 2.7773
-4196 83.90239 2.48239
-4197 83.92239 2.21789
-4198 83.94239 1.98071
-4199 83.96239 1.77517
-4200 83.98239 1.5991
-4201 84.00239 1.44702
-4202 84.02239 1.31644
-4203 84.04239 1.20474
-4204 84.06239 1.10936
-4205 84.08239 1.02785
-4206 84.10239 0.95801
-4207 84.12239 0.8979
-4208 84.14239 0.84586
-4209 84.16239 0.79696
-4210 84.18239 0.75603
-4211 84.20239 0.7225
-4212 84.22239 0.69215
-4213 84.24239 0.66462
-4214 84.26239 0.63958
-4215 84.28239 0.61674
-4216 84.30239 0.59587
-4217 84.32239 0.57677
-4218 84.34239 0.55925
-4219 84.36239 0.54316
-4220 84.38239 0.52836
-4221 84.40239 0.51473
-4222 84.42239 0.50217
-4223 84.44239 0.49058
-4224 84.46239 0.47988
-4225 84.48239 0.47
-4226 84.50239 0.46088
-4227 84.52239 0.45246
-4228 84.54239 0.44469
-4229 84.56239 0.43752
-4230 84.58239 0.43091
-4231 84.60239 0.42483
-4232 84.62239 0.41925
-4233 84.64239 0.41413
-4234 84.66239 0.40945
-4235 84.68239 0.40835
-4236 84.70239 0.40458
-4237 84.72239 0.40119
-4238 84.74239 0.39818
-4239 84.76239 0.39551
-4240 84.78239 0.39319
-4241 84.80239 0.3912
-4242 84.82239 0.38954
-4243 84.84239 0.38819
-4244 84.86239 0.38715
-4245 84.88239 0.38641
-4246 84.90239 0.38598
-4247 84.92239 0.38584
-4248 84.94239 0.386
-4249 84.96239 0.38646
-4250 84.98239 0.38721
-4251 85.00239 0.38827
-4252 85.02239 0.38962
-4253 85.04239 0.39445
-4254 85.06239 0.39644
-4255 85.08239 0.39875
-4256 85.10239 0.40139
-4257 85.12239 0.40436
-4258 85.14239 0.40768
-4259 85.16239 0.41136
-4260 85.18239 0.41541
-4261 85.20239 0.423
-4262 85.22239 0.42784
-4263 85.24239 0.43311
-4264 85.26239 0.43569
-4265 85.28239 0.43874
-4266 85.30239 0.44544
-4267 85.32239 0.45266
-4268 85.34239 0.46043
-4269 85.36239 0.46878
-4270 85.38239 0.48092
-4271 85.40239 0.49069
-4272 85.42239 0.50117
-4273 85.44239 0.51242
-4274 85.46239 0.52451
-4275 85.48239 0.53749
-4276 85.50239 0.55143
-4277 85.52239 0.56642
-4278 85.54239 0.57944
-4279 85.56239 0.59683
-4280 85.58239 0.61558
-4281 85.60239 0.63579
-4282 85.62239 0.65763
-4283 85.64239 0.67505
-4284 85.66239 0.70075
-4285 85.68239 0.72861
-4286 85.70239 0.75887
-4287 85.72239 0.79181
-4288 85.74239 0.82772
-4289 85.76239 0.86698
-4290 85.78239 0.91356
-4291 85.80239 0.96239
-4292 85.82239 1.01655
-4293 85.84239 1.07681
-4294 85.86239 1.14675
-4295 85.88239 1.22385
-4296 85.90239 1.31117
-4297 85.92239 1.41055
-4298 85.94239 1.52422
-4299 85.96239 1.65482
-4300 85.98239 1.80552
-4301 86.00239 1.97997
-4302 86.02239 2.1823
-4303 86.04239 2.41702
-4304 86.06239 2.68886
-4305 86.08239 3.0059
-4306 86.10239 3.36789
-4307 86.12239 3.78258
-4308 86.14239 4.25608
-4309 86.16239 4.79826
-4310 86.18239 5.40804
-4311 86.20239 6.09797
-4312 86.22239 6.86493
-4313 86.24239 7.70771
-4314 86.26239 8.59518
-4315 86.28239 9.5001
-4316 86.30239 10.3681
-4317 86.32239 11.13795
-4318 86.34239 11.73221
-4319 86.36239 12.08828
-4320 86.38239 12.17671
-4321 86.40239 12.01345
-4322 86.42239 11.65471
-4323 86.44239 11.17766
-4324 86.46239 10.65895
-4325 86.48239 10.16009
-4326 86.50239 9.71952
-4327 86.52239 9.36843
-4328 86.54239 9.0918
-4329 86.56239 8.87925
-4330 86.58239 8.6997
-4331 86.60239 8.51257
-4332 86.62239 8.27681
-4333 86.64239 7.96257
-4334 86.66239 7.5636
-4335 86.68239 7.08297
-4336 86.70239 6.55741
-4337 86.72239 6.01554
-4338 86.74239 5.48343
-4339 86.76239 4.98974
-4340 86.78239 4.53945
-4341 86.80239 4.14216
-4342 86.82239 3.80121
-4343 86.84239 3.5175
-4344 86.86239 3.2906
-4345 86.88239 3.11755
-4346 86.90239 3.0021
-4347 86.92239 2.94026
-4348 86.94239 2.93183
-4349 86.96239 2.9771
-4350 86.98239 3.07368
-4351 87.00239 3.22886
-4352 87.02239 3.44054
-4353 87.04239 3.7093
-4354 87.06239 4.03854
-4355 87.08239 4.42033
-4356 87.10239 4.85159
-4357 87.12239 5.31969
-4358 87.14239 5.8056
-4359 87.16239 6.2913
-4360 87.18239 6.73361
-4361 87.20239 7.08632
-4362 87.22239 7.31558
-4363 87.24239 7.39347
-4364 87.26239 7.32028
-4365 87.28239 7.12822
-4366 87.30239 6.84711
-4367 87.32239 6.52888
-4368 87.34239 6.21591
-4369 87.36239 5.92982
-4370 87.38239 5.6894
-4371 87.40239 5.49912
-4372 87.42239 5.35336
-4373 87.44239 5.23448
-4374 87.46239 5.12992
-4375 87.48239 5.00538
-4376 87.50239 4.84159
-4377 87.52239 4.62266
-4378 87.54239 4.35522
-4379 87.56239 4.04795
-4380 87.58239 3.71875
-4381 87.60239 3.3826
-4382 87.62239 3.06018
-4383 87.64239 2.75821
-4384 87.66239 2.48237
-4385 87.68239 2.23522
-4386 87.70239 2.01726
-4387 87.72239 1.82764
-4388 87.74239 1.66344
-4389 87.76239 1.53162
-4390 87.78239 1.41886
-4391 87.80239 1.32695
-4392 87.82239 1.254
-4393 87.84239 1.19831
-4394 87.86239 1.16184
-4395 87.88239 1.13764
-4396 87.90239 1.12734
-4397 87.92239 1.13021
-4398 87.94239 1.1487
-4399 87.96239 1.17615
-4400 87.98239 1.21287
-4401 88.00239 1.26147
-4402 88.02239 1.3172
-4403 88.04239 1.37682
-4404 88.06239 1.43559
-4405 88.08239 1.49384
-4406 88.10239 1.53404
-4407 88.12239 1.5545
-4408 88.14239 1.55166
-4409 88.16239 1.52602
-4410 88.18239 1.48496
-4411 88.20239 1.43002
-4412 88.22239 1.37067
-4413 88.24239 1.3129
-4414 88.26239 1.26089
-4415 88.28239 1.21696
-4416 88.30239 1.1817
-4417 88.32239 1.15423
-4418 88.34239 1.13238
-4419 88.36239 1.11258
-4420 88.38239 1.09403
-4421 88.40239 1.06445
-4422 88.42239 1.0302
-4423 88.44239 0.98797
-4424 88.46239 0.94249
-4425 88.48239 0.8919
-4426 88.50239 0.84127
-4427 88.52239 0.78934
-4428 88.54239 0.74675
-4429 88.56239 0.70907
-4430 88.58239 0.677
-4431 88.60239 0.65083
-4432 88.62239 0.62793
-4433 88.64239 0.61379
-4434 88.66239 0.60464
-4435 88.68239 0.59972
-4436 88.70239 0.59799
-4437 88.72239 0.59809
-4438 88.74239 0.60153
-4439 88.76239 0.59638
-4440 88.78239 0.59624
-4441 88.80239 0.58698
-4442 88.82239 0.57688
-4443 88.84239 0.57008
-4444 88.86239 0.55246
-4445 88.88239 0.53779
-4446 88.90239 0.52399
-4447 88.92239 0.51185
-4448 88.94239 0.50174
-4449 88.96239 0.49373
-4450 88.98239 0.4876
-4451 89.00239 0.48283
-4452 89.02239 0.47869
-4453 89.04239 0.47436
-4454 89.06239 0.46595
-4455 89.08239 0.45929
-4456 89.10239 0.4512
-4457 89.12239 0.43953
-4458 89.14239 0.43066
-4459 89.16239 0.42169
-4460 89.18239 0.41314
-4461 89.20239 0.40541
-4462 89.22239 0.39874
-4463 89.24239 0.39329
-4464 89.26239 0.3891
-4465 89.28239 0.38619
-4466 89.30239 0.38457
-4467 89.32239 0.3842
-4468 89.34239 0.38505
-4469 89.36239 0.38465
-4470 89.38239 0.38859
-4471 89.40239 0.39355
-4472 89.42239 0.39958
-4473 89.44239 0.40677
-4474 89.46239 0.42108
-4475 89.48239 0.43243
-4476 89.50239 0.44601
-4477 89.52239 0.46227
-4478 89.54239 0.48174
-4479 89.56239 0.499
-4480 89.58239 0.52389
-4481 89.60239 0.5572
-4482 89.62239 0.59659
-4483 89.64239 0.64285
-4484 89.66239 0.69671
-4485 89.68239 0.76188
-4486 89.70239 0.83242
-4487 89.72239 0.91139
-4488 89.74239 0.99811
-4489 89.76239 1.08489
-4490 89.78239 1.18413
-4491 89.80239 1.28056
-4492 89.82239 1.36678
-4493 89.84239 1.44149
-4494 89.86239 1.49097
-4495 89.88239 1.51647
-4496 89.90239 1.51403
-4497 89.92239 1.48759
-4498 89.94239 1.44444
-4499 89.96239 1.39293
-4500 89.98239 1.34052
-4501 90.00239 1.2928
-4502 90.02239 1.25325
-4503 90.04239 1.22341
-4504 90.06239 1.20311
-4505 90.08239 1.1906
-4506 90.10239 1.18273
-4507 90.12239 1.17525
-4508 90.14239 1.16359
-4509 90.16239 1.14393
-4510 90.18239 1.1144
-4511 90.20239 1.07548
-4512 90.22239 1.02963
-4513 90.24239 0.98019
-4514 90.26239 0.93039
-4515 90.28239 0.88275
-4516 90.30239 0.83682
-4517 90.32239 0.79867
-4518 90.34239 0.76866
-4519 90.36239 0.74069
-4520 90.38239 0.7178
-4521 90.40239 0.69976
-4522 90.42239 0.68623
-4523 90.44239 0.67684
-4524 90.46239 0.6712
-4525 90.48239 0.66891
-4526 90.50239 0.66962
-4527 90.52239 0.67303
-4528 90.54239 0.67886
-4529 90.56239 0.68505
-4530 90.58239 0.69585
-4531 90.60239 0.70838
-4532 90.62239 0.72266
-4533 90.64239 0.73871
-4534 90.66239 0.75658
-4535 90.68239 0.77636
-4536 90.70239 0.79815
-4537 90.72239 0.82207
-4538 90.74239 0.84828
-4539 90.76239 0.87694
-4540 90.78239 0.90828
-4541 90.80239 0.94255
-4542 90.82239 0.98003
-4543 90.84239 1.02107
-4544 90.86239 1.06605
-4545 90.88239 1.11544
-4546 90.90239 1.16977
-4547 90.92239 1.23313
-4548 90.94239 1.30175
-4549 90.96239 1.37899
-4550 90.98239 1.46661
-4551 91.00239 1.56686
-4552 91.02239 1.68254
-4553 91.04239 1.81716
-4554 91.06239 1.97497
-4555 91.08239 2.16107
-4556 91.10239 2.38137
-4557 91.12239 2.64256
-4558 91.14239 2.95191
-4559 91.16239 3.31703
-4560 91.18239 3.74544
-4561 91.20239 4.24409
-4562 91.22239 4.8186
-4563 91.24239 5.47588
-4564 91.26239 6.21082
-4565 91.28239 7.02008
-4566 91.30239 7.88992
-4567 91.32239 8.79475
-4568 91.34239 9.69345
-4569 91.36239 10.52779
-4570 91.38239 11.22348
-4571 91.40239 11.7158
-4572 91.42239 11.95122
-4573 91.44239 11.91886
-4574 91.46239 11.65593
-4575 91.48239 11.22347
-4576 91.50239 10.70383
-4577 91.52239 10.16934
-4578 91.54239 9.67517
-4579 91.56239 9.25694
-4580 91.58239 8.93234
-4581 91.60239 8.70341
-4582 91.62239 8.55798
-4583 91.64239 8.47059
-4584 91.66239 8.40425
-4585 91.68239 8.31534
-4586 91.70239 8.15947
-4587 91.72239 7.91548
-4588 91.74239 7.57447
-4589 91.76239 7.15227
-4590 91.78239 6.67817
-4591 91.80239 6.18459
-4592 91.82239 5.6994
-4593 91.84239 5.23959
-4594 91.86239 4.82407
-4595 91.88239 4.45642
-4596 91.90239 4.13928
-4597 91.92239 3.87262
-4598 91.94239 3.65313
-4599 91.96239 3.47904
-4600 91.98239 3.35086
-4601 92.00239 3.26229
-4602 92.02239 3.21448
-4603 92.04239 3.19946
-4604 92.06239 3.21815
-4605 92.08239 3.27326
-4606 92.10239 3.35925
-4607 92.12239 3.48139
-4608 92.14239 3.64339
-4609 92.16239 3.84758
-4610 92.18239 4.10755
-4611 92.20239 4.42737
-4612 92.22239 4.8229
-4613 92.24239 5.30371
-4614 92.26239 5.88391
-4615 92.28239 6.57826
-4616 92.30239 7.40136
-4617 92.32239 8.36654
-4618 92.34239 9.48823
-4619 92.36239 10.76741
-4620 92.38239 12.20531
-4621 92.40239 13.78973
-4622 92.42239 15.48839
-4623 92.44239 17.25428
-4624 92.46239 18.99959
-4625 92.48239 20.6058
-4626 92.50239 21.92997
-4627 92.52239 22.83212
-4628 92.54239 23.21643
-4629 92.56239 23.06754
-4630 92.58239 22.45897
-4631 92.60239 21.52769
-4632 92.62239 20.43152
-4633 92.64239 19.31273
-4634 92.66239 18.28225
-4635 92.68239 17.40326
-4636 92.70239 16.71383
-4637 92.72239 16.21897
-4638 92.74239 15.89673
-4639 92.76239 15.69949
-4640 92.78239 15.55956
-4641 92.80239 15.38467
-4642 92.82239 15.08897
-4643 92.84239 14.61602
-4644 92.86239 13.94106
-4645 92.88239 13.08704
-4646 92.90239 12.10826
-4647 92.92239 11.06947
-4648 92.94239 10.02884
-4649 92.96239 9.0298
-4650 92.98239 8.10025
-4651 93.00239 7.25859
-4652 93.02239 6.50538
-4653 93.04239 5.84333
-4654 93.06239 5.2687
-4655 93.08239 4.77362
-4656 93.10239 4.35487
-4657 93.12239 4.00131
-4658 93.14239 3.70468
-4659 93.16239 3.45696
-4660 93.18239 3.25063
-4661 93.20239 3.07904
-4662 93.22239 2.93954
-4663 93.24239 2.81865
-4664 93.26239 2.72168
-4665 93.28239 2.64261
-4666 93.30239 2.58238
-4667 93.32239 2.53302
-4668 93.34239 2.49636
-4669 93.36239 2.46995
-4670 93.38239 2.45983
-4671 93.40239 2.45732
-4672 93.42239 2.46263
-4673 93.44239 2.48076
-4674 93.46239 2.50887
-4675 93.48239 2.54712
-4676 93.50239 2.59588
-4677 93.52239 2.65576
-4678 93.54239 2.7276
-4679 93.56239 2.81746
-4680 93.58239 2.9204
-4681 93.60239 3.04169
-4682 93.62239 3.18442
-4683 93.64239 3.35211
-4684 93.66239 3.55417
-4685 93.68239 3.79429
-4686 93.70239 4.08075
-4687 93.72239 4.42357
-4688 93.74239 4.83465
-4689 93.76239 5.32766
-4690 93.78239 5.91493
-4691 93.80239 6.61899
-4692 93.82239 7.45338
-4693 93.84239 8.43431
-4694 93.86239 9.57613
-4695 93.88239 10.88949
-4696 93.90239 12.38506
-4697 93.92239 14.04974
-4698 93.94239 15.86834
-4699 93.96239 17.80405
-4700 93.98239 19.78247
-4701 94.00239 21.69946
-4702 94.02239 23.41241
-4703 94.04239 24.75853
-4704 94.06239 25.59116
-4705 94.08239 25.82694
-4706 94.10239 25.47906
-4707 94.12239 24.65497
-4708 94.14239 23.51963
-4709 94.16239 22.2479
-4710 94.18239 20.98933
-4711 94.20239 19.8498
-4712 94.22239 18.9035
-4713 94.24239 18.17941
-4714 94.26239 17.67906
-4715 94.28239 17.37613
-4716 94.30239 17.21729
-4717 94.32239 17.12404
-4718 94.34239 17.00018
-4719 94.36239 16.74863
-4720 94.38239 16.29555
-4721 94.40239 15.61173
-4722 94.42239 14.71846
-4723 94.44239 13.67437
-4724 94.46239 12.55236
-4725 94.48239 11.41966
-4726 94.50239 10.32761
-4727 94.52239 9.30768
-4728 94.54239 8.3877
-4729 94.56239 7.56648
-4730 94.58239 6.844
-4731 94.60239 6.22892
-4732 94.62239 5.70781
-4733 94.64239 5.27613
-4734 94.66239 4.92279
-4735 94.68239 4.64155
-4736 94.70239 4.42533
-4737 94.72239 4.26807
-4738 94.74239 4.16511
-4739 94.76239 4.11724
-4740 94.78239 4.11777
-4741 94.80239 4.16786
-4742 94.82239 4.27552
-4743 94.84239 4.44216
-4744 94.86239 4.66934
-4745 94.88239 4.97645
-4746 94.90239 5.36429
-4747 94.92239 5.84186
-4748 94.94239 6.41752
-4749 94.96239 7.09801
-4750 94.98239 7.88983
-4751 95.00239 8.7887
-4752 95.02239 9.78845
-4753 95.04239 10.87063
-4754 95.06239 12.00133
-4755 95.08239 13.12642
-4756 95.10239 14.17298
-4757 95.12239 15.04234
-4758 95.14239 15.64292
-4759 95.16239 15.90637
-4760 95.18239 15.81437
-4761 95.20239 15.40682
-4762 95.22239 14.76836
-4763 95.24239 14.00197
-4764 95.26239 13.20442
-4765 95.28239 12.45205
-4766 95.30239 11.79688
-4767 95.32239 11.26852
-4768 95.34239 10.8807
-4769 95.36239 10.62115
-4770 95.38239 10.4713
-4771 95.40239 10.39409
-4772 95.42239 10.3388
-4773 95.44239 10.24689
-4774 95.46239 10.06332
-4775 95.48239 9.75079
-4776 95.50239 9.30012
-4777 95.52239 8.73044
-4778 95.54239 8.07942
-4779 95.56239 7.38997
-4780 95.58239 6.69983
-4781 95.60239 6.03697
-4782 95.62239 5.41704
-4783 95.64239 4.85525
-4784 95.66239 4.3521
-4785 95.68239 3.90586
-4786 95.70239 3.52504
-4787 95.72239 3.19006
-4788 95.74239 2.90242
-4789 95.76239 2.65688
-4790 95.78239 2.44809
-4791 95.80239 2.27086
-4792 95.82239 2.12041
-4793 95.84239 1.99242
-4794 95.86239 1.88315
-4795 95.88239 1.78943
-4796 95.90239 1.70626
-4797 95.92239 1.63715
-4798 95.94239 1.57685
-4799 95.96239 1.5218
-4800 95.98239 1.47655
-4801 96.00239 1.43669
-4802 96.02239 1.40172
-4803 96.04239 1.37443
-4804 96.06239 1.34821
-4805 96.08239 1.32589
-4806 96.10239 1.30727
-4807 96.12239 1.29217
-4808 96.14239 1.28044
-4809 96.16239 1.27201
-4810 96.18239 1.2668
-4811 96.20239 1.2648
-4812 96.22239 1.26601
-4813 96.24239 1.27049
-4814 96.26239 1.27831
-4815 96.28239 1.28959
-4816 96.30239 1.30449
-4817 96.32239 1.32322
-4818 96.34239 1.34604
-4819 96.36239 1.37324
-4820 96.38239 1.4052
-4821 96.40239 1.44238
-4822 96.42239 1.48844
-4823 96.44239 1.54162
-4824 96.46239 1.60076
-4825 96.48239 1.66952
-4826 96.50239 1.74975
-4827 96.52239 1.84383
-4828 96.54239 1.95478
-4829 96.56239 2.08634
-4830 96.58239 2.24307
-4831 96.60239 2.43359
-4832 96.62239 2.65801
-4833 96.64239 2.92976
-4834 96.66239 3.25036
-4835 96.68239 3.63429
-4836 96.70239 4.08334
-4837 96.72239 4.60812
-4838 96.74239 5.21467
-4839 96.76239 5.9066
-4840 96.78239 6.68668
-4841 96.80239 7.54452
-4842 96.82239 8.46702
-4843 96.84239 9.42649
-4844 96.86239 10.37853
-4845 96.88239 11.26012
-4846 96.90239 11.99384
-4847 96.92239 12.50151
-4848 96.94239 12.72621
-4849 96.96239 12.65302
-4850 96.98239 12.31929
-4851 97.00239 11.79332
-4852 97.02239 11.15553
-4853 97.04239 10.49549
-4854 97.06239 9.87312
-4855 97.08239 9.33144
-4856 97.10239 8.89549
-4857 97.12239 8.57547
-4858 97.14239 8.36901
-4859 97.16239 8.26822
-4860 97.18239 8.23493
-4861 97.20239 8.23755
-4862 97.22239 8.22944
-4863 97.24239 8.16185
-4864 97.26239 7.99204
-4865 97.28239 7.70697
-4866 97.30239 7.31251
-4867 97.32239 6.82856
-4868 97.34239 6.29401
-4869 97.36239 5.74668
-4870 97.38239 5.20902
-4871 97.40239 4.70217
-4872 97.42239 4.23733
-4873 97.44239 3.81997
-4874 97.46239 3.44973
-4875 97.48239 3.13312
-4876 97.50239 2.85985
-4877 97.52239 2.63142
-4878 97.54239 2.43782
-4879 97.56239 2.27738
-4880 97.58239 2.14556
-4881 97.60239 2.03809
-4882 97.62239 1.95117
-4883 97.64239 1.88165
-4884 97.66239 1.82706
-4885 97.68239 1.78549
-4886 97.70239 1.75225
-4887 97.72239 1.73841
-4888 97.74239 1.72956
-4889 97.76239 1.72288
-4890 97.78239 1.72252
-4891 97.80239 1.7228
-4892 97.82239 1.71791
-4893 97.84239 1.71198
-4894 97.86239 1.70475
-4895 97.88239 1.68805
-4896 97.90239 1.67246
-4897 97.92239 1.65672
-4898 97.94239 1.64307
-4899 97.96239 1.63655
-4900 97.98239 1.63246
-4901 98.00239 1.63498
-4902 98.02239 1.64491
-4903 98.04239 1.66938
-4904 98.06239 1.69757
-4905 98.08239 1.73856
-4906 98.10239 1.78705
-4907 98.12239 1.84557
-4908 98.14239 1.91451
-4909 98.16239 1.99229
-4910 98.18239 2.08929
-4911 98.20239 2.19898
-4912 98.22239 2.32635
-4913 98.24239 2.4768
-4914 98.26239 2.65802
-4915 98.28239 2.87054
-4916 98.30239 3.11402
-4917 98.32239 3.39622
-4918 98.34239 3.71649
-4919 98.36239 4.07002
-4920 98.38239 4.44435
-4921 98.40239 4.83846
-4922 98.42239 5.22534
-4923 98.44239 5.58525
-4924 98.46239 5.88382
-4925 98.48239 6.09675
-4926 98.50239 6.20593
-4927 98.52239 6.21745
-4928 98.54239 6.14607
-4929 98.56239 6.02075
-4930 98.58239 5.87304
-4931 98.60239 5.73023
-4932 98.62239 5.61196
-4933 98.64239 5.52958
-4934 98.66239 5.48717
-4935 98.68239 5.4831
-4936 98.70239 5.51182
-4937 98.72239 5.56889
-4938 98.74239 5.64285
-4939 98.76239 5.7198
-4940 98.78239 5.79051
-4941 98.80239 5.84319
-4942 98.82239 5.86874
-4943 98.84239 5.86432
-4944 98.86239 5.8392
-4945 98.88239 5.80683
-4946 98.90239 5.77346
-4947 98.92239 5.76196
-4948 98.94239 5.78691
-4949 98.96239 5.8571
-4950 98.98239 5.98984
-4951 99.00239 6.18915
-4952 99.02239 6.46455
-4953 99.04239 6.82733
-4954 99.06239 7.28926
-4955 99.08239 7.87427
-4956 99.10239 8.59757
-4957 99.12239 9.48921
-4958 99.14239 10.57057
-4959 99.16239 11.86611
-4960 99.18239 13.39465
-4961 99.20239 15.17927
-4962 99.22239 17.22961
-4963 99.24239 19.53996
-4964 99.26239 22.08159
-4965 99.28239 24.81217
-4966 99.30239 27.64311
-4967 99.32239 30.4306
-4968 99.34239 32.97885
-4969 99.36239 35.0503
-4970 99.38239 36.42025
-4971 99.40239 36.9281
-4972 99.42239 36.54602
-4973 99.44239 35.3913
-4974 99.46239 33.6859
-4975 99.48239 31.68777
-4976 99.50239 29.62934
-4977 99.52239 27.69917
-4978 99.54239 26.0181
-4979 99.56239 24.65947
-4980 99.58239 23.65882
-4981 99.60239 23.00868
-4982 99.62239 22.68026
-4983 99.64239 22.61039
-4984 99.66239 22.70299
-4985 99.68239 22.83101
-4986 99.70239 22.84859
-4987 99.72239 22.61735
-4988 99.74239 22.04156
-4989 99.76239 21.09553
-4990 99.78239 19.82611
-4991 99.80239 18.32897
-4992 99.82239 16.71437
-4993 99.84239 15.0801
-4994 99.86239 13.49912
-4995 99.88239 12.01879
-4996 99.90239 10.66877
-4997 99.92239 9.44822
-4998 99.94239 8.37435
-4999 99.96239 7.43734
-5000 99.98239 6.62594
-5001 100.00239 5.92898
-5002 100.02239 5.33387
-5003 100.04239 4.82464
-5004 100.06239 4.39484
-5005 100.08239 4.02958
-5006 100.10239 3.71831
-5007 100.12239 3.44874
-5008 100.14239 3.21929
-5009 100.16239 3.02028
-5010 100.18239 2.84342
-5011 100.20239 2.69059
-5012 100.22239 2.55528
-5013 100.24239 2.43482
-5014 100.26239 2.32709
-5015 100.28239 2.22903
-5016 100.30239 2.13958
-5017 100.32239 2.06166
-5018 100.34239 1.99131
-5019 100.36239 1.92788
-5020 100.38239 1.87079
-5021 100.40239 1.81957
-5022 100.42239 1.77379
-5023 100.44239 1.73309
-5024 100.46239 1.69719
-5025 100.48239 1.66584
-5026 100.50239 1.63884
-5027 100.52239 1.61602
-5028 100.54239 1.59729
-5029 100.56239 1.58256
-5030 100.58239 1.5718
-5031 100.60239 1.56501
-5032 100.62239 1.56223
-5033 100.64239 1.56356
-5034 100.66239 1.566
-5035 100.68239 1.576
-5036 100.70239 1.59066
-5037 100.72239 1.61027
-5038 100.74239 1.64192
-5039 100.76239 1.67467
-5040 100.78239 1.7177
-5041 100.80239 1.76749
-5042 100.82239 1.82734
-5043 100.84239 1.89885
-5044 100.86239 1.98385
-5045 100.88239 2.08441
-5046 100.90239 2.2028
-5047 100.92239 2.34777
-5048 100.94239 2.51323
-5049 100.96239 2.70612
-5050 100.98239 2.92972
-5051 101.00239 3.18724
-5052 101.02239 3.48157
-5053 101.04239 3.81798
-5054 101.06239 4.19087
-5055 101.08239 4.59868
-5056 101.10239 5.04319
-5057 101.12239 5.5175
-5058 101.14239 6.00758
-5059 101.16239 6.5123
-5060 101.18239 7.02638
-5061 101.20239 7.55917
-5062 101.22239 8.12456
-5063 101.24239 8.73823
-5064 101.26239 9.41123
-5065 101.28239 10.14384
-5066 101.30239 10.92727
-5067 101.32239 11.71615
-5068 101.34239 12.45863
-5069 101.36239 13.08233
-5070 101.38239 13.51207
-5071 101.40239 13.6909
-5072 101.42239 13.5998
-5073 101.44239 13.26429
-5074 101.46239 12.74358
-5075 101.48239 12.11004
-5076 101.50239 11.4312
-5077 101.52239 10.76113
-5078 101.54239 10.13987
-5079 101.56239 9.59602
-5080 101.58239 9.14886
-5081 101.60239 8.80451
-5082 101.62239 8.57145
-5083 101.64239 8.44028
-5084 101.66239 8.38786
-5085 101.68239 8.37947
-5086 101.70239 8.37977
-5087 101.72239 8.33925
-5088 101.74239 8.21652
-5089 101.76239 7.98646
-5090 101.78239 7.64731
-5091 101.80239 7.21914
-5092 101.82239 6.73881
-5093 101.84239 6.2358
-5094 101.86239 5.74253
-5095 101.88239 5.28364
-5096 101.90239 4.86656
-5097 101.92239 4.49956
-5098 101.94239 4.20454
-5099 101.96239 3.97218
-5100 101.98239 3.80412
-5101 102.00239 3.70114
-5102 102.02239 3.6636
-5103 102.04239 3.69476
-5104 102.06239 3.78822
-5105 102.08239 3.94655
-5106 102.10239 4.16854
-5107 102.12239 4.45172
-5108 102.14239 4.7915
-5109 102.16239 5.17983
-5110 102.18239 5.60337
-5111 102.20239 6.04508
-5112 102.22239 6.46631
-5113 102.24239 6.83962
-5114 102.26239 7.11724
-5115 102.28239 7.26589
-5116 102.30239 7.26004
-5117 102.32239 7.10598
-5118 102.34239 6.83069
-5119 102.36239 6.47512
-5120 102.38239 6.08291
-5121 102.40239 5.69198
-5122 102.42239 5.33084
-5123 102.44239 5.0154
-5124 102.46239 4.76303
-5125 102.48239 4.57541
-5126 102.50239 4.4554
-5127 102.52239 4.39213
-5128 102.54239 4.37905
-5129 102.56239 4.40156
-5130 102.58239 4.43978
-5131 102.60239 4.46958
-5132 102.62239 4.46901
-5133 102.64239 4.41106
-5134 102.66239 4.29122
-5135 102.68239 4.10511
-5136 102.70239 3.86862
-5137 102.72239 3.60024
-5138 102.74239 3.31666
-5139 102.76239 3.03832
-5140 102.78239 2.77143
-5141 102.80239 2.52976
-5142 102.82239 2.31049
-5143 102.84239 2.11713
-5144 102.86239 1.95
-5145 102.88239 1.80846
-5146 102.90239 1.6913
-5147 102.92239 1.6001
-5148 102.94239 1.52806
-5149 102.96239 1.47583
-5150 102.98239 1.44185
-5151 103.00239 1.42465
-5152 103.02239 1.42278
-5153 103.04239 1.4348
-5154 103.06239 1.4568
-5155 103.08239 1.49213
-5156 103.10239 1.53283
-5157 103.12239 1.57992
-5158 103.14239 1.62522
-5159 103.16239 1.66265
-5160 103.18239 1.68275
-5161 103.20239 1.68941
-5162 103.22239 1.6724
-5163 103.24239 1.6351
-5164 103.26239 1.58212
-5165 103.28239 1.51975
-5166 103.30239 1.45425
-5167 103.32239 1.39084
-5168 103.34239 1.33666
-5169 103.36239 1.29137
-5170 103.38239 1.25269
-5171 103.40239 1.22428
-5172 103.42239 1.20595
-5173 103.44239 1.19695
-5174 103.46239 1.19584
-5175 103.48239 1.19805
-5176 103.50239 1.20312
-5177 103.52239 1.21051
-5178 103.54239 1.21333
-5179 103.56239 1.20848
-5180 103.58239 1.19427
-5181 103.60239 1.1678
-5182 103.62239 1.13208
-5183 103.64239 1.0979
-5184 103.66239 1.05871
-5185 103.68239 1.02321
-5186 103.70239 0.98998
-5187 103.72239 0.96008
-5188 103.74239 0.93411
-5189 103.76239 0.91231
-5190 103.78239 0.8947
-5191 103.80239 0.87896
-5192 103.82239 0.86977
-5193 103.84239 0.86405
-5194 103.86239 0.86151
-5195 103.88239 0.86187
-5196 103.90239 0.86189
-5197 103.92239 0.86747
-5198 103.94239 0.87285
-5199 103.96239 0.88353
-5200 103.98239 0.8959
-5201 104.00239 0.91311
-5202 104.02239 0.92888
-5203 104.04239 0.94336
-5204 104.06239 0.96282
-5205 104.08239 0.98408
-5206 104.10239 1.00723
-5207 104.12239 1.03236
-5208 104.14239 1.05645
-5209 104.16239 1.08594
-5210 104.18239 1.11781
-5211 104.20239 1.15224
-5212 104.22239 1.18941
-5213 104.24239 1.22956
-5214 104.26239 1.27294
-5215 104.28239 1.31983
-5216 104.30239 1.37057
-5217 104.32239 1.42551
-5218 104.34239 1.48509
-5219 104.36239 1.54978
-5220 104.38239 1.62012
-5221 104.40239 1.69675
-5222 104.42239 1.78037
-5223 104.44239 1.8718
-5224 104.46239 1.97201
-5225 104.48239 2.08486
-5226 104.50239 2.20819
-5227 104.52239 2.34559
-5228 104.54239 2.49961
-5229 104.56239 2.67355
-5230 104.58239 2.87156
-5231 104.60239 3.09584
-5232 104.62239 3.3593
-5233 104.64239 3.66705
-5234 104.66239 4.02915
-5235 104.68239 4.45764
-5236 104.70239 4.96653
-5237 104.72239 5.5716
-5238 104.74239 6.29012
-5239 104.76239 7.14013
-5240 104.78239 8.13957
-5241 104.80239 9.30506
-5242 104.82239 10.65018
-5243 104.84239 12.18335
-5244 104.86239 13.90463
-5245 104.88239 15.80436
-5246 104.90239 17.84662
-5247 104.92239 19.97402
-5248 104.94239 22.09101
-5249 104.96239 24.0669
-5250 104.98239 25.7179
-5251 105.00239 26.87234
-5252 105.02239 27.39245
-5253 105.04239 27.22545
-5254 105.06239 26.43709
-5255 105.08239 25.17567
-5256 105.10239 23.62429
-5257 105.12239 21.96627
-5258 105.14239 20.35671
-5259 105.16239 18.89607
-5260 105.18239 17.65938
-5261 105.20239 16.68236
-5262 105.22239 15.98125
-5263 105.24239 15.55427
-5264 105.26239 15.38358
-5265 105.28239 15.43482
-5266 105.30239 15.65479
-5267 105.32239 15.96905
-5268 105.34239 16.28241
-5269 105.36239 16.49013
-5270 105.38239 16.48404
-5271 105.40239 16.19379
-5272 105.42239 15.60712
-5273 105.44239 14.75694
-5274 105.46239 13.71983
-5275 105.48239 12.57477
-5276 105.50239 11.40144
-5277 105.52239 10.25769
-5278 105.54239 9.18182
-5279 105.56239 8.19597
-5280 105.58239 7.30902
-5281 105.60239 6.52731
-5282 105.62239 5.8455
-5283 105.64239 5.25767
-5284 105.66239 4.75585
-5285 105.68239 4.33412
-5286 105.70239 3.97681
-5287 105.72239 3.67783
-5288 105.74239 3.42855
-5289 105.76239 3.2212
-5290 105.78239 3.04903
-5291 105.80239 2.90009
-5292 105.82239 2.78214
-5293 105.84239 2.68511
-5294 105.86239 2.60597
-5295 105.88239 2.54243
-5296 105.90239 2.49273
-5297 105.92239 2.45356
-5298 105.94239 2.42892
-5299 105.96239 2.41492
-5300 105.98239 2.41136
-5301 106.00239 2.41819
-5302 106.02239 2.43552
-5303 106.04239 2.46361
-5304 106.06239 2.5029
-5305 106.08239 2.55668
-5306 106.10239 2.62239
-5307 106.12239 2.70305
-5308 106.14239 2.8031
-5309 106.16239 2.92187
-5310 106.18239 3.06447
-5311 106.20239 3.23561
-5312 106.22239 3.44124
-5313 106.24239 3.68872
-5314 106.26239 3.98696
-5315 106.28239 4.3465
-5316 106.30239 4.7794
-5317 106.32239 5.29909
-5318 106.34239 5.9199
-5319 106.36239 6.65646
-5320 106.38239 7.52278
-5321 106.40239 8.53113
-5322 106.42239 9.68732
-5323 106.44239 11.00104
-5324 106.46239 12.46401
-5325 106.48239 14.05808
-5326 106.50239 15.74966
-5327 106.52239 17.47019
-5328 106.54239 19.12619
-5329 106.56239 20.59316
-5330 106.58239 21.72141
-5331 106.60239 22.38101
-5332 106.62239 22.49395
-5333 106.64239 22.06525
-5334 106.66239 21.18272
-5335 106.68239 19.98726
-5336 106.70239 18.63267
-5337 106.72239 17.25467
-5338 106.74239 15.95696
-5339 106.76239 14.81052
-5340 106.78239 13.85912
-5341 106.80239 13.12589
-5342 106.82239 12.61832
-5343 106.84239 12.33126
-5344 106.86239 12.24789
-5345 106.88239 12.3389
-5346 106.90239 12.56053
-5347 106.92239 12.85237
-5348 106.94239 13.14412
-5349 106.96239 13.33659
-5350 106.98239 13.35427
-5351 107.00239 13.14037
-5352 107.02239 12.68257
-5353 107.04239 12.00283
-5354 107.06239 11.16311
-5355 107.08239 10.23259
-5356 107.10239 9.26781
-5357 107.12239 8.32786
-5358 107.14239 7.44009
-5359 107.16239 6.62637
-5360 107.18239 5.89227
-5361 107.20239 5.24046
-5362 107.22239 4.66915
-5363 107.24239 4.17365
-5364 107.26239 3.74756
-5365 107.28239 3.38353
-5366 107.30239 3.07386
-5367 107.32239 2.811
-5368 107.34239 2.58786
-5369 107.36239 2.39799
-5370 107.38239 2.23575
-5371 107.40239 2.09631
-5372 107.42239 1.97567
-5373 107.44239 1.87053
-5374 107.46239 1.77588
-5375 107.48239 1.69525
-5376 107.50239 1.62121
-5377 107.52239 1.55776
-5378 107.54239 1.50051
-5379 107.56239 1.44883
-5380 107.58239 1.40218
-5381 107.60239 1.36009
-5382 107.62239 1.31904
-5383 107.64239 1.28496
-5384 107.66239 1.25441
-5385 107.68239 1.22714
-5386 107.70239 1.20294
-5387 107.72239 1.18163
-5388 107.74239 1.16306
-5389 107.76239 1.14713
-5390 107.78239 1.13374
-5391 107.80239 1.12283
-5392 107.82239 1.11435
-5393 107.84239 1.1083
-5394 107.86239 1.10469
-5395 107.88239 1.10355
-5396 107.90239 1.10496
-5397 107.92239 1.10901
-5398 107.94239 1.11584
-5399 107.96239 1.12563
-5400 107.98239 1.14199
-5401 108.00239 1.16048
-5402 108.02239 1.18382
-5403 108.04239 1.21288
-5404 108.06239 1.24874
-5405 108.08239 1.29269
-5406 108.10239 1.34632
-5407 108.12239 1.41143
-5408 108.14239 1.49007
-5409 108.16239 1.58446
-5410 108.18239 1.69689
-5411 108.20239 1.82964
-5412 108.22239 1.98476
-5413 108.24239 2.16389
-5414 108.26239 2.36795
-5415 108.28239 2.5967
-5416 108.30239 2.84815
-5417 108.32239 3.1177
-5418 108.34239 3.39703
-5419 108.36239 3.67298
-5420 108.38239 3.9271
-5421 108.40239 4.13992
-5422 108.42239 4.28458
-5423 108.44239 4.34677
-5424 108.46239 4.32537
-5425 108.48239 4.22365
-5426 108.50239 4.06484
-5427 108.52239 3.87328
-5428 108.54239 3.67187
-5429 108.56239 3.47893
-5430 108.58239 3.3075
-5431 108.60239 3.16607
-5432 108.62239 3.05959
-5433 108.64239 2.99047
-5434 108.66239 2.95916
-5435 108.68239 2.9645
-5436 108.70239 3.00375
-5437 108.72239 3.07562
-5438 108.74239 3.17037
-5439 108.76239 3.27582
-5440 108.78239 3.38359
-5441 108.80239 3.48064
-5442 108.82239 3.55471
-5443 108.84239 3.59754
-5444 108.86239 3.60993
-5445 108.88239 3.59429
-5446 108.90239 3.56293
-5447 108.92239 3.52705
-5448 108.94239 3.50652
-5449 108.96239 3.503
-5450 108.98239 3.52872
-5451 109.00239 3.59159
-5452 109.02239 3.69909
-5453 109.04239 3.85884
-5454 109.06239 4.07906
-5455 109.08239 4.36879
-5456 109.10239 4.73786
-5457 109.12239 5.19677
-5458 109.14239 5.75625
-5459 109.16239 6.42666
-5460 109.18239 7.21712
-5461 109.20239 8.13435
-5462 109.22239 9.18102
-5463 109.24239 10.35337
-5464 109.26239 11.63786
-5465 109.28239 13.00413
-5466 109.30239 14.41214
-5467 109.32239 15.77964
-5468 109.34239 17.00786
-5469 109.36239 17.97868
-5470 109.38239 18.58017
-5471 109.40239 18.73946
-5472 109.42239 18.44962
-5473 109.44239 17.77341
-5474 109.46239 16.8216
-5475 109.48239 15.72292
-5476 109.50239 14.5845
-5477 109.52239 13.49761
-5478 109.54239 12.52363
-5479 109.56239 11.70153
-5480 109.58239 11.05345
-5481 109.60239 10.58924
-5482 109.62239 10.30942
-5483 109.64239 10.20673
-5484 109.66239 10.26628
-5485 109.68239 10.46465
-5486 109.70239 10.76798
-5487 109.72239 11.12992
-5488 109.74239 11.49108
-5489 109.76239 11.78308
-5490 109.78239 11.9393
-5491 109.80239 11.90795
-5492 109.82239 11.68233
-5493 109.84239 11.27907
-5494 109.86239 10.74493
-5495 109.88239 10.138
-5496 109.90239 9.51673
-5497 109.92239 8.92654
-5498 109.94239 8.39887
-5499 109.96239 7.96038
-5500 109.98239 7.62385
-5501 110.00239 7.40017
-5502 110.02239 7.29739
-5503 110.04239 7.3254
-5504 110.06239 7.48513
-5505 110.08239 7.78381
-5506 110.10239 8.22604
-5507 110.12239 8.81537
-5508 110.14239 9.55359
-5509 110.16239 10.43937
-5510 110.18239 11.46615
-5511 110.20239 12.61893
-5512 110.22239 13.86988
-5513 110.24239 15.17336
-5514 110.26239 16.46879
-5515 110.28239 17.66346
-5516 110.30239 18.66615
-5517 110.32239 19.39804
-5518 110.34239 19.83181
-5519 110.36239 19.98777
-5520 110.38239 19.93712
-5521 110.40239 19.774
-5522 110.42239 19.58994
-5523 110.44239 19.44054
-5524 110.46239 19.35454
-5525 110.48239 19.32393
-5526 110.50239 19.30165
-5527 110.52239 19.23182
-5528 110.54239 19.06158
-5529 110.56239 18.76449
-5530 110.58239 18.35123
-5531 110.60239 17.86316
-5532 110.62239 17.35326
-5533 110.64239 16.86541
-5534 110.66239 16.42068
-5535 110.68239 16.01028
-5536 110.70239 15.61309
-5537 110.72239 15.19273
-5538 110.74239 14.71395
-5539 110.76239 14.1719
-5540 110.78239 13.58332
-5541 110.80239 12.982
-5542 110.82239 12.39957
-5543 110.84239 11.87797
-5544 110.86239 11.42068
-5545 110.88239 11.02511
-5546 110.90239 10.66229
-5547 110.92239 10.30071
-5548 110.94239 9.90286
-5549 110.96239 9.43976
-5550 110.98239 8.90046
-5551 111.00239 8.29449
-5552 111.02239 7.64629
-5553 111.04239 6.98559
-5554 111.06239 6.33692
-5555 111.08239 5.72554
-5556 111.10239 5.16006
-5557 111.12239 4.64665
-5558 111.14239 4.18704
-5559 111.16239 3.78008
-5560 111.18239 3.42282
-5561 111.20239 3.10833
-5562 111.22239 2.84051
-5563 111.24239 2.60834
-5564 111.26239 2.4075
-5565 111.28239 2.23691
-5566 111.30239 2.08646
-5567 111.32239 1.95567
-5568 111.34239 1.84142
-5569 111.36239 1.74105
-5570 111.38239 1.65228
-5571 111.40239 1.57328
-5572 111.42239 1.50253
-5573 111.44239 1.43879
-5574 111.46239 1.37952
-5575 111.48239 1.32773
-5576 111.50239 1.28029
-5577 111.52239 1.23676
-5578 111.54239 1.19679
-5579 111.56239 1.16007
-5580 111.58239 1.12632
-5581 111.60239 1.0953
-5582 111.62239 1.06682
-5583 111.64239 1.04068
-5584 111.66239 1.01674
-5585 111.68239 0.99486
-5586 111.70239 0.97493
-5587 111.72239 0.95684
-5588 111.74239 0.94053
-5589 111.76239 0.92591
-5590 111.78239 0.91296
-5591 111.80239 0.8985
-5592 111.82239 0.88878
-5593 111.84239 0.88064
-5594 111.86239 0.8741
-5595 111.88239 0.86918
-5596 111.90239 0.86592
-5597 111.92239 0.86437
-5598 111.94239 0.86461
-5599 111.96239 0.86675
-5600 111.98239 0.87091
-5601 112.00239 0.87662
-5602 112.02239 0.88688
-5603 112.04239 0.90052
-5604 112.06239 0.91816
-5605 112.08239 0.94053
-5606 112.10239 0.96857
-5607 112.12239 1.00337
-5608 112.14239 1.04618
-5609 112.16239 1.09842
-5610 112.18239 1.16162
-5611 112.20239 1.23737
-5612 112.22239 1.33036
-5613 112.24239 1.4357
-5614 112.26239 1.55763
-5615 112.28239 1.69673
-5616 112.30239 1.85278
-5617 112.32239 2.02433
-5618 112.34239 2.2081
-5619 112.36239 2.4014
-5620 112.38239 2.5888
-5621 112.40239 2.76053
-5622 112.42239 2.90111
-5623 112.44239 2.9951
-5624 112.46239 3.03412
-5625 112.48239 3.01137
-5626 112.50239 2.93525
-5627 112.52239 2.81959
-5628 112.54239 2.68103
-5629 112.56239 2.54153
-5630 112.58239 2.40107
-5631 112.60239 2.27487
-5632 112.62239 2.16885
-5633 112.64239 2.08667
-5634 112.66239 2.03033
-5635 112.68239 2.00443
-5636 112.70239 2.00379
-5637 112.72239 2.03032
-5638 112.74239 2.08611
-5639 112.76239 2.16376
-5640 112.78239 2.26353
-5641 112.80239 2.38172
-5642 112.82239 2.51318
-5643 112.84239 2.65157
-5644 112.86239 2.79033
-5645 112.88239 2.92456
-5646 112.90239 3.05299
-5647 112.92239 3.17688
-5648 112.94239 3.31179
-5649 112.96239 3.45841
-5650 112.98239 3.63022
-5651 113.00239 3.82641
-5652 113.02239 4.05025
-5653 113.04239 4.29689
-5654 113.06239 4.55518
-5655 113.08239 4.80742
-5656 113.10239 5.03739
-5657 113.12239 5.20953
-5658 113.14239 5.31471
-5659 113.16239 5.34168
-5660 113.18239 5.30152
-5661 113.20239 5.21467
-5662 113.22239 5.10641
-5663 113.24239 5.00016
-5664 113.26239 4.91312
-5665 113.28239 4.85462
-5666 113.30239 4.82594
-5667 113.32239 4.822
-5668 113.34239 4.8333
-5669 113.36239 4.83882
-5670 113.38239 4.82857
-5671 113.40239 4.79891
-5672 113.42239 4.74535
-5673 113.44239 4.67705
-5674 113.46239 4.60388
-5675 113.48239 4.53687
-5676 113.50239 4.47366
-5677 113.52239 4.41403
-5678 113.54239 4.35051
-5679 113.56239 4.27411
-5680 113.58239 4.18204
-5681 113.60239 4.06775
-5682 113.62239 3.93159
-5683 113.64239 3.80472
-5684 113.66239 3.68443
-5685 113.68239 3.58234
-5686 113.70239 3.50482
-5687 113.72239 3.45444
-5688 113.74239 3.43021
-5689 113.76239 3.42311
-5690 113.78239 3.43822
-5691 113.80239 3.46286
-5692 113.82239 3.49271
-5693 113.84239 3.52518
-5694 113.86239 3.56956
-5695 113.88239 3.63015
-5696 113.90239 3.716
-5697 113.92239 3.83619
-5698 113.94239 3.9973
-5699 113.96239 4.20166
-5700 113.98239 4.44868
-5701 114.00239 4.73326
-5702 114.02239 5.04216
-5703 114.04239 5.36051
-5704 114.06239 5.6694
-5705 114.08239 5.93078
-5706 114.10239 6.12084
-5707 114.12239 6.21677
-5708 114.14239 6.2111
-5709 114.16239 6.11739
-5710 114.18239 5.96368
-5711 114.20239 5.78399
-5712 114.22239 5.60266
-5713 114.24239 5.43711
-5714 114.26239 5.30403
-5715 114.28239 5.20219
-5716 114.30239 5.12716
-5717 114.32239 5.06997
-5718 114.34239 5.02061
-5719 114.36239 4.97186
-5720 114.38239 4.92462
-5721 114.40239 4.87883
-5722 114.42239 4.84325
-5723 114.44239 4.82447
-5724 114.46239 4.82549
-5725 114.48239 4.84074
-5726 114.50239 4.8652
-5727 114.52239 4.88928
-5728 114.54239 4.89886
-5729 114.56239 4.87232
-5730 114.58239 4.82401
-5731 114.60239 4.74969
-5732 114.62239 4.65921
-5733 114.64239 4.57767
-5734 114.66239 4.51403
-5735 114.68239 4.47964
-5736 114.70239 4.48218
-5737 114.72239 4.52365
-5738 114.74239 4.6113
-5739 114.76239 4.74262
-5740 114.78239 4.9189
-5741 114.80239 5.14193
-5742 114.82239 5.42409
-5743 114.84239 5.77377
-5744 114.86239 6.205
-5745 114.88239 6.73204
-5746 114.90239 7.36719
-5747 114.92239 8.11901
-5748 114.94239 8.99045
-5749 114.96239 9.97684
-5750 114.98239 11.06267
-5751 115.00239 12.21737
-5752 115.02239 13.39129
-5753 115.04239 14.50874
-5754 115.06239 15.4757
-5755 115.08239 16.18092
-5756 115.10239 16.53365
-5757 115.12239 16.48188
-5758 115.14239 16.04287
-5759 115.16239 15.27976
-5760 115.18239 14.30135
-5761 115.20239 13.21253
-5762 115.22239 12.10441
-5763 115.24239 11.05082
-5764 115.26239 10.09662
-5765 115.28239 9.27158
-5766 115.30239 8.59265
-5767 115.32239 8.06784
-5768 115.34239 7.6988
-5769 115.36239 7.48554
-5770 115.38239 7.41465
-5771 115.40239 7.47809
-5772 115.42239 7.66016
-5773 115.44239 7.93615
-5774 115.46239 8.28239
-5775 115.48239 8.65571
-5776 115.50239 9.0051
-5777 115.52239 9.27189
-5778 115.54239 9.39598
-5779 115.56239 9.33922
-5780 115.58239 9.09164
-5781 115.60239 8.66559
-5782 115.62239 8.11294
-5783 115.64239 7.47369
-5784 115.66239 6.80494
-5785 115.68239 6.14079
-5786 115.70239 5.50114
-5787 115.72239 4.91451
-5788 115.74239 4.38288
-5789 115.76239 3.90926
-5790 115.78239 3.49313
-5791 115.80239 3.13169
-5792 115.82239 2.82072
-5793 115.84239 2.55519
-5794 115.86239 2.32974
-5795 115.88239 2.13898
-5796 115.90239 1.97779
-5797 115.92239 1.84151
-5798 115.94239 1.72597
-5799 115.96239 1.62761
-5800 115.98239 1.54658
-5801 116.00239 1.47413
-5802 116.02239 1.4114
-5803 116.04239 1.35681
-5804 116.06239 1.30911
-5805 116.08239 1.26577
-5806 116.10239 1.22975
-5807 116.12239 1.19796
-5808 116.14239 1.17003
-5809 116.16239 1.14564
-5810 116.18239 1.1245
-5811 116.20239 1.10328
-5812 116.22239 1.08804
-5813 116.24239 1.07546
-5814 116.26239 1.06541
-5815 116.28239 1.05779
-5816 116.30239 1.05251
-5817 116.32239 1.05263
-5818 116.34239 1.05197
-5819 116.36239 1.05041
-5820 116.38239 1.05421
-5821 116.40239 1.06023
-5822 116.42239 1.06851
-5823 116.44239 1.07909
-5824 116.46239 1.09205
-5825 116.48239 1.10747
-5826 116.50239 1.12862
-5827 116.52239 1.1494
-5828 116.54239 1.17306
-5829 116.56239 1.19352
-5830 116.58239 1.22358
-5831 116.60239 1.25721
-5832 116.62239 1.29471
-5833 116.64239 1.33642
-5834 116.66239 1.38277
-5835 116.68239 1.4369
-5836 116.70239 1.4953
-5837 116.72239 1.5605
-5838 116.74239 1.63338
-5839 116.76239 1.71495
-5840 116.78239 1.80638
-5841 116.80239 1.91535
-5842 116.82239 2.0349
-5843 116.84239 2.17129
-5844 116.86239 2.32763
-5845 116.88239 2.50769
-5846 116.90239 2.71287
-5847 116.92239 2.95488
-5848 116.94239 3.23683
-5849 116.96239 3.56271
-5850 116.98239 3.94341
-5851 117.00239 4.39026
-5852 117.02239 4.90856
-5853 117.04239 5.5039
-5854 117.06239 6.19161
-5855 117.08239 6.97811
-5856 117.10239 7.87294
-5857 117.12239 8.88389
-5858 117.14239 10.0143
-5859 117.16239 11.25922
-5860 117.18239 12.60072
-5861 117.20239 14.00578
-5862 117.22239 15.40733
-5863 117.24239 16.71862
-5864 117.26239 17.82598
-5865 117.28239 18.61043
-5866 117.30239 18.97197
-5867 117.32239 18.86277
-5868 117.34239 18.31113
-5869 117.36239 17.4057
-5870 117.38239 16.26781
-5871 117.40239 15.01951
-5872 117.42239 13.75964
-5873 117.44239 12.56921
-5874 117.46239 11.49245
-5875 117.48239 10.56437
-5876 117.50239 9.80089
-5877 117.52239 9.19953
-5878 117.54239 8.77038
-5879 117.56239 8.50729
-5880 117.58239 8.40444
-5881 117.60239 8.45319
-5882 117.62239 8.64132
-5883 117.64239 8.95154
-5884 117.66239 9.35931
-5885 117.68239 9.83022
-5886 117.70239 10.31751
-5887 117.72239 10.762
-5888 117.74239 11.0971
-5889 117.76239 11.2608
-5890 117.78239 11.21552
-5891 117.80239 10.95006
-5892 117.82239 10.49369
-5893 117.84239 9.90067
-5894 117.86239 9.23947
-5895 117.88239 8.56122
-5896 117.90239 7.90848
-5897 117.92239 7.32005
-5898 117.94239 6.80982
-5899 117.96239 6.39321
-5900 117.98239 6.07872
-5901 118.00239 5.87157
-5902 118.02239 5.77488
-5903 118.04239 5.79021
-5904 118.06239 5.9178
-5905 118.08239 6.15656
-5906 118.10239 6.50358
-5907 118.12239 6.95339
-5908 118.14239 7.49655
-5909 118.16239 8.11758
-5910 118.18239 8.79199
-5911 118.20239 9.48308
-5912 118.22239 10.1396
-5913 118.24239 10.69415
-5914 118.26239 11.08497
-5915 118.28239 11.25092
-5916 118.30239 11.16182
-5917 118.32239 10.8266
-5918 118.34239 10.29031
-5919 118.36239 9.61805
-5920 118.38239 8.8773
-5921 118.40239 8.12569
-5922 118.42239 7.40634
-5923 118.44239 6.74851
-5924 118.46239 6.17477
-5925 118.48239 5.68827
-5926 118.50239 5.29716
-5927 118.52239 5.00274
-5928 118.54239 4.80375
-5929 118.56239 4.6969
-5930 118.58239 4.67724
-5931 118.60239 4.73803
-5932 118.62239 4.87039
-5933 118.64239 5.06235
-5934 118.66239 5.29759
-5935 118.68239 5.55386
-5936 118.70239 5.802
-5937 118.72239 6.00519
-5938 118.74239 6.13081
-5939 118.76239 6.14311
-5940 118.78239 6.03334
-5941 118.80239 5.79784
-5942 118.82239 5.47419
-5943 118.84239 5.08101
-5944 118.86239 4.65399
-5945 118.88239 4.2204
-5946 118.90239 3.80002
-5947 118.92239 3.40559
-5948 118.94239 3.04432
-5949 118.96239 2.71944
-5950 118.98239 2.43153
-5951 119.00239 2.17937
-5952 119.02239 1.96063
-5953 119.04239 1.77232
-5954 119.06239 1.61109
-5955 119.08239 1.47349
-5956 119.10239 1.35618
-5957 119.12239 1.25604
-5958 119.14239 1.17026
-5959 119.16239 1.09448
-5960 119.18239 1.03107
-5961 119.20239 0.97557
-5962 119.22239 0.92661
-5963 119.24239 0.88309
-5964 119.26239 0.84214
-5965 119.28239 0.80788
-5966 119.30239 0.77662
-5967 119.32239 0.74807
-5968 119.34239 0.72192
-5969 119.36239 0.70108
-5970 119.38239 0.67908
-5971 119.40239 0.65885
-5972 119.42239 0.64024
-5973 119.44239 0.62311
-5974 119.46239 0.60735
-5975 119.48239 0.59286
-5976 119.50239 0.57955
-5977 119.52239 0.56733
-5978 119.54239 0.55302
-5979 119.56239 0.54285
-5980 119.58239 0.53361
-5981 119.60239 0.52528
-5982 119.62239 0.51784
-5983 119.64239 0.51126
-5984 119.66239 0.50554
-5985 119.68239 0.50385
-5986 119.70239 0.50001
-5987 119.72239 0.50048
-5988 119.74239 0.50623
-5989 119.76239 0.50725
-5990 119.78239 0.50987
-5991 119.80239 0.51423
-5992 119.82239 0.52049
-5993 119.84239 0.52879
-5994 119.86239 0.53925
-5995 119.88239 0.55192
-5996 119.90239 0.56678
-5997 119.92239 0.58368
-5998 119.94239 0.6023
-5999 119.96239 0.62519
-6000 119.98239 0.6451
-6001 120.00239 0.66383
-6002 120.02239 0.67972
-6003 120.04239 0.69106
-6004 120.06239 0.69647
-6005 120.08239 0.69236
-6006 120.10239 0.68547
-6007 120.12239 0.67396
-6008 120.14239 0.6565
-6009 120.16239 0.64101
-6010 120.18239 0.62577
-6011 120.20239 0.6118
-6012 120.22239 0.59977
-6013 120.24239 0.59007
-6014 120.26239 0.58648
-6015 120.28239 0.58322
-6016 120.30239 0.58293
-6017 120.32239 0.58562
-6018 120.34239 0.59122
-6019 120.36239 0.59969
-6020 120.38239 0.61091
-6021 120.40239 0.62475
-6022 120.42239 0.63861
-6023 120.44239 0.65782
-6024 120.46239 0.67857
-6025 120.48239 0.7004
-6026 120.50239 0.72261
-6027 120.52239 0.74441
-6028 120.54239 0.76817
-6029 120.56239 0.7871
-6030 120.58239 0.80426
-6031 120.60239 0.82011
-6032 120.62239 0.83551
-6033 120.64239 0.85154
-6034 120.66239 0.86919
-6035 120.68239 0.88937
-6036 120.70239 0.91277
-6037 120.72239 0.94638
-6038 120.74239 0.97815
-6039 120.76239 1.01471
-6040 120.78239 1.05652
-6041 120.80239 1.10409
-6042 120.82239 1.1604
-6043 120.84239 1.22295
-6044 120.86239 1.2943
-6045 120.88239 1.37362
-6046 120.90239 1.46808
-6047 120.92239 1.57695
-6048 120.94239 1.70334
-6049 120.96239 1.85752
-6050 120.98239 2.03421
-6051 121.00239 2.24675
-6052 121.02239 2.49563
-6053 121.04239 2.79162
-6054 121.06239 3.14308
-6055 121.08239 3.55881
-6056 121.10239 4.04757
-6057 121.12239 4.61758
-6058 121.14239 5.27572
-6059 121.16239 6.02653
-6060 121.18239 6.87083
-6061 121.20239 7.80368
-6062 121.22239 8.81159
-6063 121.24239 9.86869
-6064 121.26239 10.93237
-6065 121.28239 11.94018
-6066 121.30239 12.81108
-6067 121.32239 13.45225
-6068 121.34239 13.79118
-6069 121.36239 13.78356
-6070 121.38239 13.43233
-6071 121.40239 12.79456
-6072 121.42239 11.95535
-6073 121.44239 11.00563
-6074 121.46239 10.02161
-6075 121.48239 9.06936
-6076 121.50239 8.1925
-6077 121.52239 7.40756
-6078 121.54239 6.73343
-6079 121.56239 6.17757
-6080 121.58239 5.74254
-6081 121.60239 5.42761
-6082 121.62239 5.22986
-6083 121.64239 5.1447
-6084 121.66239 5.16622
-6085 121.68239 5.28703
-6086 121.70239 5.49789
-6087 121.72239 5.78229
-6088 121.74239 6.13395
-6089 121.76239 6.52351
-6090 121.78239 6.91957
-6091 121.80239 7.28147
-6092 121.82239 7.56201
-6093 121.84239 7.71502
-6094 121.86239 7.70697
-6095 121.88239 7.52512
-6096 121.90239 7.19089
-6097 121.92239 6.73666
-6098 121.94239 6.21011
-6099 121.96239 5.64698
-6100 121.98239 5.08379
-6101 122.00239 4.54382
-6102 122.02239 4.04152
-6103 122.04239 3.58467
-6104 122.06239 3.17637
-6105 122.08239 2.81658
-6106 122.10239 2.50323
-6107 122.12239 2.23295
-6108 122.14239 2.00159
-6109 122.16239 1.80468
-6110 122.18239 1.6377
-6111 122.20239 1.49238
-6112 122.22239 1.37375
-6113 122.24239 1.2759
-6114 122.26239 1.18952
-6115 122.28239 1.11521
-6116 122.30239 1.05086
-6117 122.32239 0.99476
-6118 122.34239 0.94554
-6119 122.36239 0.90211
-6120 122.38239 0.86212
-6121 122.40239 0.82851
-6122 122.42239 0.79523
-6123 122.44239 0.76826
-6124 122.46239 0.74731
-6125 122.48239 0.7259
-6126 122.50239 0.70696
-6127 122.52239 0.69033
-6128 122.54239 0.67588
-6129 122.56239 0.66353
-6130 122.58239 0.65321
-6131 122.60239 0.64488
-6132 122.62239 0.63851
-6133 122.64239 0.63729
-6134 122.66239 0.63495
-6135 122.68239 0.63159
-6136 122.70239 0.63357
-6137 122.72239 0.64149
-6138 122.74239 0.65037
-6139 122.76239 0.66614
-6140 122.78239 0.6832
-6141 122.80239 0.70546
-6142 122.82239 0.7371
-6143 122.84239 0.77296
-6144 122.86239 0.81748
-6145 122.88239 0.87206
-6146 122.90239 0.93822
-6147 122.92239 1.01746
-6148 122.94239 1.105
-6149 122.96239 1.21452
-6150 122.98239 1.33432
-6151 123.00239 1.47703
-6152 123.02239 1.63542
-6153 123.04239 1.80716
-6154 123.06239 1.98777
-6155 123.08239 2.16988
-6156 123.10239 2.34265
-6157 123.12239 2.49198
-6158 123.14239 2.6022
-6159 123.16239 2.65942
-6160 123.18239 2.65578
-6161 123.20239 2.59224
-6162 123.22239 2.48139
-6163 123.24239 2.33162
-6164 123.26239 2.1618
-6165 123.28239 1.98929
-6166 123.30239 1.81898
-6167 123.32239 1.6604
-6168 123.34239 1.5149
-6169 123.36239 1.39133
-6170 123.38239 1.28782
-6171 123.40239 1.20478
-6172 123.42239 1.14211
-6173 123.44239 1.09932
-6174 123.46239 1.07571
-6175 123.48239 1.07041
-6176 123.50239 1.08241
-6177 123.52239 1.1105
-6178 123.54239 1.15318
-6179 123.56239 1.2085
-6180 123.58239 1.27372
-6181 123.60239 1.34498
-6182 123.62239 1.41695
-6183 123.64239 1.48375
-6184 123.66239 1.53582
-6185 123.68239 1.56516
-6186 123.70239 1.56606
-6187 123.72239 1.53679
-6188 123.74239 1.48021
-6189 123.76239 1.40265
-6190 123.78239 1.31191
-6191 123.80239 1.21536
-6192 123.82239 1.11884
-6193 123.84239 1.02963
-6194 123.86239 0.94404
-6195 123.88239 0.86653
-6196 123.90239 0.79768
-6197 123.92239 0.73752
-6198 123.94239 0.68573
-6199 123.96239 0.64176
-6200 123.98239 0.60493
-6201 124.00239 0.5745
-6202 124.02239 0.54974
-6203 124.04239 0.52993
-6204 124.06239 0.51444
-6205 124.08239 0.50616
-6206 124.10239 0.49929
-6207 124.12239 0.49594
-6208 124.14239 0.49391
-6209 124.16239 0.4949
-6210 124.18239 0.50215
-6211 124.20239 0.50955
-6212 124.22239 0.52358
-6213 124.24239 0.54124
-6214 124.26239 0.56262
-6215 124.28239 0.58773
-6216 124.30239 0.6164
-6217 124.32239 0.64821
-6218 124.34239 0.68239
-6219 124.36239 0.71763
-6220 124.38239 0.75518
-6221 124.40239 0.78623
-6222 124.42239 0.81099
-6223 124.44239 0.8268
-6224 124.46239 0.83197
-6225 124.48239 0.82643
-6226 124.50239 0.8117
-6227 124.52239 0.79043
-6228 124.54239 0.76559
-6229 124.56239 0.73985
-6230 124.58239 0.71529
-6231 124.60239 0.69336
-6232 124.62239 0.67498
-6233 124.64239 0.6607
-6234 124.66239 0.65419
-6235 124.68239 0.65019
-6236 124.70239 0.65118
-6237 124.72239 0.65722
-6238 124.74239 0.66836
-6239 124.76239 0.68466
-6240 124.78239 0.70559
-6241 124.80239 0.73402
-6242 124.82239 0.76871
-6243 124.84239 0.80771
-6244 124.86239 0.86042
-6245 124.88239 0.91772
-6246 124.90239 0.98343
-6247 124.92239 1.05822
-6248 124.94239 1.1427
-6249 124.96239 1.23745
-6250 124.98239 1.34329
-6251 125.00239 1.46154
-6252 125.02239 1.59425
-6253 125.04239 1.74408
-6254 125.06239 1.91388
-6255 125.08239 2.106
-6256 125.10239 2.32159
-6257 125.12239 2.55978
-6258 125.14239 2.81372
-6259 125.16239 3.08214
-6260 125.18239 3.34942
-6261 125.20239 3.59768
-6262 125.22239 3.80453
-6263 125.24239 3.94645
-6264 125.26239 4.00456
-6265 125.28239 3.97061
-6266 125.30239 3.85001
-6267 125.32239 3.66293
-6268 125.34239 3.42619
-6269 125.36239 3.164
-6270 125.38239 2.90392
-6271 125.40239 2.65147
-6272 125.42239 2.41853
-6273 125.44239 2.21082
-6274 125.46239 2.03145
-6275 125.48239 1.88181
-6276 125.50239 1.76218
-6277 125.52239 1.67216
-6278 125.54239 1.61092
-6279 125.56239 1.57741
-6280 125.58239 1.57043
-6281 125.60239 1.58871
-6282 125.62239 1.63086
-6283 125.64239 1.69525
-6284 125.66239 1.77986
-6285 125.68239 1.88191
-6286 125.70239 1.99741
-6287 125.72239 2.12061
-6288 125.74239 2.24339
-6289 125.76239 2.35353
-6290 125.78239 2.44294
-6291 125.80239 2.49728
-6292 125.82239 2.50853
-6293 125.84239 2.47486
-6294 125.86239 2.39815
-6295 125.88239 2.29473
-6296 125.90239 2.1734
-6297 125.92239 2.04832
-6298 125.94239 1.924
-6299 125.96239 1.80881
-6300 125.98239 1.70707
-6301 126.00239 1.62151
-6302 126.02239 1.55379
-6303 126.04239 1.50494
-6304 126.06239 1.47556
-6305 126.08239 1.46606
-6306 126.10239 1.4767
-6307 126.12239 1.50461
-6308 126.14239 1.55608
-6309 126.16239 1.62794
-6310 126.18239 1.7169
-6311 126.20239 1.82845
-6312 126.22239 1.95811
-6313 126.24239 2.10347
-6314 126.26239 2.26051
-6315 126.28239 2.42096
-6316 126.30239 2.58032
-6317 126.32239 2.72357
-6318 126.34239 2.83696
-6319 126.36239 2.9076
-6320 126.38239 2.927
-6321 126.40239 2.89402
-6322 126.42239 2.81213
-6323 126.44239 2.69962
-6324 126.46239 2.56717
-6325 126.48239 2.42738
-6326 126.50239 2.29012
-6327 126.52239 2.16547
-6328 126.54239 2.05291
-6329 126.56239 1.95714
-6330 126.58239 1.87952
-6331 126.60239 1.82057
-6332 126.62239 1.78033
-6333 126.64239 1.75852
-6334 126.66239 1.75471
-6335 126.68239 1.7684
-6336 126.70239 1.80224
-6337 126.72239 1.84941
-6338 126.74239 1.91254
-6339 126.76239 1.99102
-6340 126.78239 2.08409
-6341 126.80239 2.19062
-6342 126.82239 2.30886
-6343 126.84239 2.43397
-6344 126.86239 2.56722
-6345 126.88239 2.69996
-6346 126.90239 2.82596
-6347 126.92239 2.93895
-6348 126.94239 3.03441
-6349 126.96239 3.11514
-6350 126.98239 3.17903
-6351 127.00239 3.2322
-6352 127.02239 3.29263
-6353 127.04239 3.36224
-6354 127.06239 3.45158
-6355 127.08239 3.56865
-6356 127.10239 3.72092
-6357 127.12239 3.91572
-6358 127.14239 4.1606
-6359 127.16239 4.46348
-6360 127.18239 4.83528
-6361 127.20239 5.28468
-6362 127.22239 5.81605
-6363 127.24239 6.44163
-6364 127.26239 7.16991
-6365 127.28239 8.00803
-6366 127.30239 8.96082
-6367 127.32239 10.03233
-6368 127.34239 11.21104
-6369 127.36239 12.48543
-6370 127.38239 13.82559
-6371 127.40239 15.19192
-6372 127.42239 16.5203
-6373 127.44239 17.73993
-6374 127.46239 18.78606
-6375 127.48239 19.62134
-6376 127.50239 20.25241
-6377 127.52239 20.73126
-6378 127.54239 21.13966
-6379 127.56239 21.56843
-6380 127.58239 22.0852
-6381 127.60239 22.73517
-6382 127.62239 23.52532
-6383 127.64239 24.42913
-6384 127.66239 25.3597
-6385 127.68239 26.2083
-6386 127.70239 26.83553
-6387 127.72239 27.10544
-6388 127.74239 26.92418
-6389 127.76239 26.27192
-6390 127.78239 25.20952
-6391 127.80239 23.85956
-6392 127.82239 22.35774
-6393 127.84239 20.83568
-6394 127.86239 19.39456
-6395 127.88239 18.10344
-6396 127.90239 17.00295
-6397 127.92239 16.1109
-6398 127.94239 15.42671
-6399 127.96239 14.93213
-6400 127.98239 14.60126
-6401 128.00239 14.38622
-6402 128.02239 14.2432
-6403 128.04239 14.1209
-6404 128.06239 13.98554
-6405 128.08239 13.82606
-6406 128.10239 13.65541
-6407 128.12239 13.50007
-6408 128.14239 13.40079
-6409 128.16239 13.38299
-6410 128.18239 13.46244
-6411 128.20239 13.63838
-6412 128.22239 13.89132
-6413 128.24239 14.18176
-6414 128.26239 14.45073
-6415 128.28239 14.62535
-6416 128.30239 14.62983
-6417 128.32239 14.4123
-6418 128.34239 13.94874
-6419 128.36239 13.25948
-6420 128.38239 12.39726
-6421 128.40239 11.42927
-6422 128.42239 10.41995
-6423 128.44239 9.42092
-6424 128.46239 8.46819
-6425 128.48239 7.58397
-6426 128.50239 6.77737
-6427 128.52239 6.05865
-6428 128.54239 5.42342
-6429 128.56239 4.86586
-6430 128.58239 4.38522
-6431 128.60239 3.97132
-6432 128.62239 3.61991
-6433 128.64239 3.3173
-6434 128.66239 3.05931
-6435 128.68239 2.83923
-6436 128.70239 2.651
-6437 128.72239 2.48934
-6438 128.74239 2.34974
-6439 128.76239 2.22844
-6440 128.78239 2.12237
-6441 128.80239 2.02903
-6442 128.82239 1.94643
-6443 128.84239 1.87299
-6444 128.86239 1.80565
-6445 128.88239 1.74776
-6446 128.90239 1.69564
-6447 128.92239 1.64877
-6448 128.94239 1.60668
-6449 128.96239 1.569
-6450 128.98239 1.53537
-6451 129.00239 1.50552
-6452 129.02239 1.47919
-6453 129.04239 1.4593
-6454 129.06239 1.43947
-6455 129.08239 1.42262
-6456 129.10239 1.40864
-6457 129.12239 1.39742
-6458 129.14239 1.3889
-6459 129.16239 1.3862
-6460 129.18239 1.37988
-6461 129.20239 1.37932
-6462 129.22239 1.38139
-6463 129.24239 1.3861
-6464 129.26239 1.39353
-6465 129.28239 1.40374
-6466 129.30239 1.41684
-6467 129.32239 1.43296
-6468 129.34239 1.45227
-6469 129.36239 1.47808
-6470 129.38239 1.50444
-6471 129.40239 1.53469
-6472 129.42239 1.56915
-6473 129.44239 1.6082
-6474 129.46239 1.65229
-6475 129.48239 1.70442
-6476 129.50239 1.76192
-6477 129.52239 1.8242
-6478 129.54239 1.8989
-6479 129.56239 1.98771
-6480 129.58239 2.08936
-6481 129.60239 2.20551
-6482 129.62239 2.34138
-6483 129.64239 2.50116
-6484 129.66239 2.68979
-6485 129.68239 2.91298
-6486 129.70239 3.17713
-6487 129.72239 3.4892
-6488 129.74239 3.85644
-6489 129.76239 4.28607
-6490 129.78239 4.78479
-6491 129.80239 5.35819
-6492 129.82239 6.00991
-6493 129.84239 6.74054
-6494 129.86239 7.54601
-6495 129.88239 8.4153
-6496 129.90239 9.32744
-6497 129.92239 10.24801
-6498 129.94239 11.12649
-6499 129.96239 11.89704
-6500 129.98239 12.48578
-6501 130.00239 12.81982
-6502 130.02239 12.87153
-6503 130.04239 12.63475
-6504 130.06239 12.15006
-6505 130.08239 11.48471
-6506 130.10239 10.7134
-6507 130.12239 9.90543
-6508 130.14239 9.10905
-6509 130.16239 8.3617
-6510 130.18239 7.68611
-6511 130.20239 7.09508
-6512 130.22239 6.59487
-6513 130.24239 6.19114
-6514 130.26239 5.8776
-6515 130.28239 5.65473
-6516 130.30239 5.52373
-6517 130.32239 5.47698
-6518 130.34239 5.51501
-6519 130.36239 5.64027
-6520 130.38239 5.84686
-6521 130.40239 6.1394
-6522 130.42239 6.52054
-6523 130.44239 6.99692
-6524 130.46239 7.56356
-6525 130.48239 8.23572
-6526 130.50239 9.00693
-6527 130.52239 9.88055
-6528 130.54239 10.84092
-6529 130.56239 11.8859
-6530 130.58239 12.9851
-6531 130.60239 14.11873
-6532 130.62239 15.27255
-6533 130.64239 16.4356
-6534 130.66239 17.62239
-6535 130.68239 18.85988
-6536 130.70239 20.1675
-6537 130.72239 21.55963
-6538 130.74239 23.01432
-6539 130.76239 24.47775
-6540 130.78239 25.85557
-6541 130.80239 27.01107
-6542 130.82239 27.78969
-6543 130.84239 28.07153
-6544 130.86239 27.78663
-6545 130.88239 26.95434
-6546 130.90239 25.67358
-6547 130.92239 24.08996
-6548 130.94239 22.35889
-6549 130.96239 20.60735
-6550 130.98239 18.93405
-6551 131.00239 17.40508
-6552 131.02239 16.0492
-6553 131.04239 14.88183
-6554 131.06239 13.89703
-6555 131.08239 13.08229
-6556 131.10239 12.40993
-6557 131.12239 11.85186
-6558 131.14239 11.3813
-6559 131.16239 10.98984
-6560 131.18239 10.66438
-6561 131.20239 10.41114
-6562 131.22239 10.24646
-6563 131.24239 10.18634
-6564 131.26239 10.24115
-6565 131.28239 10.41985
-6566 131.30239 10.72921
-6567 131.32239 11.15934
-6568 131.34239 11.7038
-6569 131.36239 12.33136
-6570 131.38239 13.01249
-6571 131.40239 13.6927
-6572 131.42239 14.29341
-6573 131.44239 14.74035
-6574 131.46239 14.95839
-6575 131.48239 14.89388
-6576 131.50239 14.54159
-6577 131.52239 13.93801
-6578 131.54239 13.14783
-6579 131.56239 12.25411
-6580 131.58239 11.32415
-6581 131.60239 10.41414
-6582 131.62239 9.55806
-6583 131.64239 8.78278
-6584 131.66239 8.09204
-6585 131.68239 7.49531
-6586 131.70239 6.97598
-6587 131.72239 6.52446
-6588 131.74239 6.12464
-6589 131.76239 5.75992
-6590 131.78239 5.41393
-6591 131.80239 5.08077
-6592 131.82239 4.7591
-6593 131.84239 4.44698
-6594 131.86239 4.14798
-6595 131.88239 3.86617
-6596 131.90239 3.60805
-6597 131.92239 3.3694
-6598 131.94239 3.15413
-6599 131.96239 2.96206
-6600 131.98239 2.79508
-6601 132.00239 2.64772
-6602 132.02239 2.51855
-6603 132.04239 2.41071
-6604 132.06239 2.3168
-6605 132.08239 2.24157
-6606 132.10239 2.18067
-6607 132.12239 2.13295
-6608 132.14239 2.09206
-6609 132.16239 2.06846
-6610 132.18239 2.05492
-6611 132.20239 2.0487
-6612 132.22239 2.05137
-6613 132.24239 2.06412
-6614 132.26239 2.08264
-6615 132.28239 2.10542
-6616 132.30239 2.13043
-6617 132.32239 2.15524
-6618 132.34239 2.17731
-6619 132.36239 2.19456
-6620 132.38239 2.20291
-6621 132.40239 2.20909
-6622 132.42239 2.21165
-6623 132.44239 2.2131
-6624 132.46239 2.2161
-6625 132.48239 2.22297
-6626 132.50239 2.23559
-6627 132.52239 2.25533
-6628 132.54239 2.28322
-6629 132.56239 2.32003
-6630 132.58239 2.3664
-6631 132.60239 2.4229
-6632 132.62239 2.49014
-6633 132.64239 2.56873
-6634 132.66239 2.65632
-6635 132.68239 2.76344
-6636 132.70239 2.88622
-6637 132.72239 3.0236
-6638 132.74239 3.17995
-6639 132.76239 3.3591
-6640 132.78239 3.56353
-6641 132.80239 3.79786
-6642 132.82239 4.07116
-6643 132.84239 4.3845
-6644 132.86239 4.74694
-6645 132.88239 5.17568
-6646 132.90239 5.6805
-6647 132.92239 6.27637
-6648 132.94239 6.98016
-6649 132.96239 7.81031
-6650 132.98239 8.78637
-6651 133.00239 9.92845
-6652 133.02239 11.25324
-6653 133.04239 12.78525
-6654 133.06239 14.53913
-6655 133.08239 16.51742
-6656 133.10239 18.7208
-6657 133.12239 21.12806
-6658 133.14239 23.70062
-6659 133.16239 26.36645
-6660 133.18239 29.00134
-6661 133.20239 31.44541
-6662 133.22239 33.48919
-6663 133.24239 34.9156
-6664 133.26239 35.54723
-6665 133.28239 35.30062
-6666 133.30239 34.21546
-6667 133.32239 32.4406
-6668 133.34239 30.18577
-6669 133.36239 27.6668
-6670 133.38239 25.06867
-6671 133.40239 22.52892
-6672 133.42239 20.13577
-6673 133.44239 17.95063
-6674 133.46239 15.99979
-6675 133.48239 14.29473
-6676 133.50239 12.83525
-6677 133.52239 11.61389
-6678 133.54239 10.62536
-6679 133.56239 9.84378
-6680 133.58239 9.26184
-6681 133.60239 8.86721
-6682 133.62239 8.64952
-6683 133.64239 8.60079
-6684 133.66239 8.71539
-6685 133.68239 8.99284
-6686 133.70239 9.42441
-6687 133.72239 10.01097
-6688 133.74239 10.74887
-6689 133.76239 11.63105
-6690 133.78239 12.64428
-6691 133.80239 13.7653
-6692 133.82239 14.95607
-6693 133.84239 16.15844
-6694 133.86239 17.2893
-6695 133.88239 18.24945
-6696 133.90239 18.92479
-6697 133.92239 19.21557
-6698 133.94239 19.07431
-6699 133.96239 18.50174
-6700 133.98239 17.56925
-6701 134.00239 16.37488
-6702 134.02239 15.02798
-6703 134.04239 13.62471
-6704 134.06239 12.23829
-6705 134.08239 10.91843
-6706 134.10239 9.69536
-6707 134.12239 8.58488
-6708 134.14239 7.59276
-6709 134.16239 6.71495
-6710 134.18239 5.95212
-6711 134.20239 5.29284
-6712 134.22239 4.72711
-6713 134.24239 4.24423
-6714 134.26239 3.83336
-6715 134.28239 3.48413
-6716 134.30239 3.18695
-6717 134.32239 2.93325
-6718 134.34239 2.71555
-6719 134.36239 2.53069
-6720 134.38239 2.36713
-6721 134.40239 2.22368
-6722 134.42239 2.09685
-6723 134.44239 1.98389
-6724 134.46239 1.88258
-6725 134.48239 1.79119
-6726 134.50239 1.70677
-6727 134.52239 1.62886
-6728 134.54239 1.56347
-6729 134.56239 1.50053
-6730 134.58239 1.44263
-6731 134.60239 1.38928
-6732 134.62239 1.34006
-6733 134.64239 1.29461
-6734 134.66239 1.25259
-6735 134.68239 1.21373
-6736 134.70239 1.17778
-6737 134.72239 1.14451
-6738 134.74239 1.11374
-6739 134.76239 1.08527
-6740 134.78239 1.05898
-6741 134.80239 1.03472
-6742 134.82239 1.01237
-6743 134.84239 0.99184
-6744 134.86239 0.97929
-6745 134.88239 0.9623
-6746 134.90239 0.94691
-6747 134.92239 0.93307
-6748 134.94239 0.92073
-6749 134.96239 0.90987
-6750 134.98239 0.89735
-6751 135.00239 0.88943
-6752 135.02239 0.88297
-6753 135.04239 0.87797
-6754 135.06239 0.87446
-6755 135.08239 0.87248
-6756 135.10239 0.87209
-6757 135.12239 0.87335
-6758 135.14239 0.87634
-6759 135.16239 0.88118
-6760 135.18239 0.88798
-6761 135.20239 0.89689
-6762 135.22239 0.90811
-6763 135.24239 0.92184
-6764 135.26239 0.93833
-6765 135.28239 0.96582
-6766 135.30239 0.99278
-6767 135.32239 1.02523
-6768 135.34239 1.06421
-6769 135.36239 1.11089
-6770 135.38239 1.16664
-6771 135.40239 1.233
-6772 135.42239 1.31162
-6773 135.44239 1.40423
-6774 135.46239 1.51256
-6775 135.48239 1.63825
-6776 135.50239 1.7827
-6777 135.52239 1.94689
-6778 135.54239 2.13446
-6779 135.56239 2.34012
-6780 135.58239 2.56405
-6781 135.60239 2.80241
-6782 135.62239 3.0487
-6783 135.64239 3.29019
-6784 135.66239 3.52071
-6785 135.68239 3.72331
-6786 135.70239 3.88575
-6787 135.72239 4.00096
-6788 135.74239 4.06989
-6789 135.76239 4.10192
-6790 135.78239 4.11273
-6791 135.80239 4.1206
-6792 135.82239 4.14283
-6793 135.84239 4.19333
-6794 135.86239 4.28157
-6795 135.88239 4.41218
-6796 135.90239 4.58486
-6797 135.92239 4.79388
-6798 135.94239 5.03052
-6799 135.96239 5.26977
-6800 135.98239 5.4893
-6801 136.00239 5.65919
-6802 136.02239 5.75846
-6803 136.04239 5.75331
-6804 136.06239 5.64295
-6805 136.08239 5.4407
-6806 136.10239 5.16312
-6807 136.12239 4.84188
-6808 136.14239 4.50101
-6809 136.16239 4.17123
-6810 136.18239 3.86368
-6811 136.20239 3.58742
-6812 136.22239 3.35256
-6813 136.24239 3.15937
-6814 136.26239 3.00808
-6815 136.28239 2.90017
-6816 136.30239 2.827
-6817 136.32239 2.78525
-6818 136.34239 2.76765
-6819 136.36239 2.7653
-6820 136.38239 2.76842
-6821 136.40239 2.7646
-6822 136.42239 2.75321
-6823 136.44239 2.72821
-6824 136.46239 2.69131
-6825 136.48239 2.64812
-6826 136.50239 2.60638
-6827 136.52239 2.57409
-6828 136.54239 2.55805
-6829 136.56239 2.56147
-6830 136.58239 2.59111
-6831 136.60239 2.6448
-6832 136.62239 2.72068
-6833 136.64239 2.81411
-6834 136.66239 2.91726
-6835 136.68239 3.01882
-6836 136.70239 3.10134
-6837 136.72239 3.15558
-6838 136.74239 3.16479
-6839 136.76239 3.12104
-6840 136.78239 3.02447
-6841 136.80239 2.87848
-6842 136.82239 2.70639
-6843 136.84239 2.51594
-6844 136.86239 2.31751
-6845 136.88239 2.12883
-6846 136.90239 1.94945
-6847 136.92239 1.78541
-6848 136.94239 1.6392
-6849 136.96239 1.51204
-6850 136.98239 1.4043
-6851 137.00239 1.31582
-6852 137.02239 1.24609
-6853 137.04239 1.19443
-6854 137.06239 1.16007
-6855 137.08239 1.14221
-6856 137.10239 1.14
-6857 137.12239 1.1526
-6858 137.14239 1.17907
-6859 137.16239 1.2183
-6860 137.18239 1.26882
-6861 137.20239 1.32862
-6862 137.22239 1.39792
-6863 137.24239 1.46441
-6864 137.26239 1.53021
-6865 137.28239 1.58556
-6866 137.30239 1.62318
-6867 137.32239 1.63676
-6868 137.34239 1.62267
-6869 137.36239 1.58119
-6870 137.38239 1.51632
-6871 137.40239 1.43446
-6872 137.42239 1.34266
-6873 137.44239 1.2472
-6874 137.46239 1.15291
-6875 137.48239 1.06316
-6876 137.50239 0.97999
-6877 137.52239 0.90454
-6878 137.54239 0.83726
-6879 137.56239 0.77817
-6880 137.58239 0.72695
-6881 137.60239 0.68315
-6882 137.62239 0.64616
-6883 137.64239 0.61537
-6884 137.66239 0.59344
-6885 137.68239 0.57466
-6886 137.70239 0.56086
-6887 137.72239 0.55172
-6888 137.74239 0.54704
-6889 137.76239 0.5467
-6890 137.78239 0.54831
-6891 137.80239 0.55753
-6892 137.82239 0.57092
-6893 137.84239 0.58868
-6894 137.86239 0.61091
-6895 137.88239 0.63145
-6896 137.90239 0.66261
-6897 137.92239 0.69768
-6898 137.94239 0.73584
-6899 137.96239 0.76957
-6900 137.98239 0.80929
-6901 138.00239 0.84587
-6902 138.02239 0.87584
-6903 138.04239 0.89564
-6904 138.06239 0.90235
-6905 138.08239 0.89461
-6906 138.10239 0.86989
-6907 138.12239 0.83998
-6908 138.14239 0.79917
-6909 138.16239 0.75387
-6910 138.18239 0.70713
-6911 138.20239 0.66123
-6912 138.22239 0.61773
-6913 138.24239 0.57757
-6914 138.26239 0.54123
-6915 138.28239 0.50891
-6916 138.30239 0.48056
-6917 138.32239 0.45601
-6918 138.34239 0.43817
-6919 138.36239 0.42043
-6920 138.38239 0.40561
-6921 138.40239 0.39677
-6922 138.42239 0.38755
-6923 138.44239 0.38037
-6924 138.46239 0.37494
-6925 138.48239 0.36841
-6926 138.50239 0.36972
-6927 138.52239 0.36865
-6928 138.54239 0.36499
-6929 138.56239 0.36468
-6930 138.58239 0.36432
-6931 138.60239 0.36361
-6932 138.62239 0.36232
-6933 138.64239 0.36035
-6934 138.66239 0.35458
-6935 138.68239 0.3546
-6936 138.70239 0.35122
-6937 138.72239 0.34775
-6938 138.74239 0.3444
-6939 138.76239 0.3413
-6940 138.78239 0.33856
-6941 138.80239 0.33621
-6942 138.82239 0.33429
-6943 138.84239 0.33281
-6944 138.86239 0.33176
-6945 138.88239 0.32882
-6946 138.90239 0.32908
-6947 138.92239 0.32961
-6948 138.94239 0.33041
-6949 138.96239 0.33145
-6950 138.98239 0.33273
-6951 139.00239 0.33423
-6952 139.02239 0.33595
-6953 139.04239 0.34092
-6954 139.06239 0.34338
-6955 139.08239 0.3461
-6956 139.10239 0.34909
-6957 139.12239 0.35236
-6958 139.14239 0.353
-6959 139.16239 0.3571
-6960 139.18239 0.36152
-6961 139.20239 0.36631
-6962 139.22239 0.37446
-6963 139.24239 0.38051
-6964 139.26239 0.387
-6965 139.28239 0.39391
-6966 139.30239 0.4047
-6967 139.32239 0.41364
-6968 139.34239 0.42321
-6969 139.36239 0.43341
-6970 139.38239 0.44426
-6971 139.40239 0.45582
-6972 139.42239 0.46821
-6973 139.44239 0.48156
-6974 139.46239 0.49603
-6975 139.48239 0.51168
-6976 139.50239 0.52536
-6977 139.52239 0.54315
-6978 139.54239 0.56151
-6979 139.56239 0.57706
-6980 139.58239 0.5947
-6981 139.60239 0.61016
-6982 139.62239 0.62551
-6983 139.64239 0.63361
-6984 139.66239 0.6372
-6985 139.68239 0.63657
-6986 139.70239 0.6326
-6987 139.72239 0.6264
-6988 139.74239 0.61627
-6989 139.76239 0.60913
-6990 139.78239 0.60258
-6991 139.80239 0.59711
-6992 139.82239 0.59302
-6993 139.84239 0.59047
-6994 139.86239 0.58953
-6995 139.88239 0.59021
-6996 139.90239 0.59247
-6997 139.92239 0.59624
-6998 139.94239 0.60144
-6999 139.96239 0.608
-7000 139.98239 0.61897
-7001 140.00239 0.62549
-7002 140.02239 0.63642
-7003 140.04239 0.64824
-7004 140.06239 0.66097
-7005 140.08239 0.67155
-7006 140.10239 0.68622
-7007 140.12239 0.70507
-7008 140.14239 0.71969
-7009 140.16239 0.73879
-7010 140.18239 0.75931
-7011 140.20239 0.78133
-7012 140.22239 0.80491
-7013 140.24239 0.83014
-7014 140.26239 0.86016
-7015 140.28239 0.88878
-7016 140.30239 0.919
-7017 140.32239 0.94754
-7018 140.34239 0.98041
-7019 140.36239 1.0141
-7020 140.38239 1.04815
-7021 140.40239 1.08208
-7022 140.42239 1.11556
-7023 140.44239 1.14851
-7024 140.46239 1.18122
-7025 140.48239 1.21423
-7026 140.50239 1.2483
-7027 140.52239 1.28421
-7028 140.54239 1.32268
-7029 140.56239 1.36751
-7030 140.58239 1.41294
-7031 140.60239 1.46257
-7032 140.62239 1.51685
-7033 140.64239 1.5762
-7034 140.66239 1.64106
-7035 140.68239 1.7119
-7036 140.70239 1.78926
-7037 140.72239 1.87372
-7038 140.74239 1.96338
-7039 140.76239 2.06174
-7040 140.78239 2.17255
-7041 140.80239 2.29414
-7042 140.82239 2.42945
-7043 140.84239 2.57929
-7044 140.86239 2.74612
-7045 140.88239 2.93303
-7046 140.90239 3.14389
-7047 140.92239 3.38697
-7048 140.94239 3.66311
-7049 140.96239 3.98214
-7050 140.98239 4.35325
-7051 141.00239 4.7874
-7052 141.02239 5.29738
-7053 141.04239 5.89776
-7054 141.06239 6.60472
-7055 141.08239 7.43563
-7056 141.10239 8.40848
-7057 141.12239 9.54101
-7058 141.14239 10.84966
-7059 141.16239 12.34809
-7060 141.18239 14.0453
-7061 141.20239 15.94308
-7062 141.22239 18.03239
-7063 141.24239 20.28831
-7064 141.26239 22.6603
-7065 141.28239 25.0763
-7066 141.30239 27.41758
-7067 141.32239 29.53004
-7068 141.34239 31.23265
-7069 141.36239 32.34672
-7070 141.38239 32.7387
-7071 141.40239 32.36034
-7072 141.42239 31.26489
-7073 141.44239 29.58954
-7074 141.46239 27.51459
-7075 141.48239 25.22083
-7076 141.50239 22.86107
-7077 141.52239 20.54934
-7078 141.54239 18.3624
-7079 141.56239 16.34683
-7080 141.58239 14.527
-7081 141.60239 12.91177
-7082 141.62239 11.49948
-7083 141.64239 10.2814
-7084 141.66239 9.24665
-7085 141.68239 8.37862
-7086 141.70239 7.66112
-7087 141.72239 7.08134
-7088 141.74239 6.61813
-7089 141.76239 6.26424
-7090 141.78239 6.00488
-7091 141.80239 5.83379
-7092 141.82239 5.74372
-7093 141.84239 5.73657
-7094 141.86239 5.80936
-7095 141.88239 5.96421
-7096 141.90239 6.20503
-7097 141.92239 6.53701
-7098 141.94239 6.96602
-7099 141.96239 7.49786
-7100 141.98239 8.13544
-7101 142.00239 8.88672
-7102 142.02239 9.74812
-7103 142.04239 10.71436
-7104 142.06239 11.77242
-7105 142.08239 12.89818
-7106 142.10239 14.05242
-7107 142.12239 15.17736
-7108 142.14239 16.19582
-7109 142.16239 17.01661
-7110 142.18239 17.54856
-7111 142.20239 17.72166
-7112 142.22239 17.50761
-7113 142.24239 16.92903
-7114 142.26239 16.05196
-7115 142.28239 14.96599
-7116 142.30239 13.76261
-7117 142.32239 12.52024
-7118 142.34239 11.29799
-7119 142.36239 10.136
-7120 142.38239 9.05888
-7121 142.40239 8.07964
-7122 142.42239 7.20317
-7123 142.44239 6.42878
-7124 142.46239 5.75208
-7125 142.48239 5.16629
-7126 142.50239 4.66316
-7127 142.52239 4.23374
-7128 142.54239 3.86894
-7129 142.56239 3.55994
-7130 142.58239 3.29849
-7131 142.60239 3.07481
-7132 142.62239 2.88783
-7133 142.64239 2.72857
-7134 142.66239 2.59236
-7135 142.68239 2.47536
-7136 142.70239 2.37444
-7137 142.72239 2.28706
-7138 142.74239 2.21123
-7139 142.76239 2.14534
-7140 142.78239 2.08614
-7141 142.80239 2.03745
-7142 142.82239 1.99532
-7143 142.84239 1.95923
-7144 142.86239 1.92875
-7145 142.88239 1.90354
-7146 142.90239 1.88328
-7147 142.92239 1.86775
-7148 142.94239 1.85675
-7149 142.96239 1.85012
-7150 142.98239 1.84777
-7151 143.00239 1.84963
-7152 143.02239 1.85568
-7153 143.04239 1.86592
-7154 143.06239 1.8804
-7155 143.08239 1.89921
-7156 143.10239 1.92247
-7157 143.12239 1.95035
-7158 143.14239 1.98306
-7159 143.16239 2.02085
-7160 143.18239 2.06403
-7161 143.20239 2.11297
-7162 143.22239 2.16809
-7163 143.24239 2.22676
-7164 143.26239 2.29585
-7165 143.28239 2.37289
-7166 143.30239 2.45866
-7167 143.32239 2.56074
-7168 143.34239 2.6692
-7169 143.36239 2.79095
-7170 143.38239 2.92809
-7171 143.40239 3.08718
-7172 143.42239 3.26591
-7173 143.44239 3.47111
-7174 143.46239 3.70819
-7175 143.48239 3.98379
-7176 143.50239 4.3059
-7177 143.52239 4.68395
-7178 143.54239 5.12885
-7179 143.56239 5.65292
-7180 143.58239 6.26971
-7181 143.60239 6.99361
-7182 143.62239 7.83938
-7183 143.64239 8.82139
-7184 143.66239 9.95582
-7185 143.68239 11.247
-7186 143.70239 12.7044
-7187 143.72239 14.32806
-7188 143.74239 16.10861
-7189 143.76239 18.02301
-7190 143.78239 20.02896
-7191 143.80239 22.05869
-7192 143.82239 24.01403
-7193 143.84239 25.76682
-7194 143.86239 27.16971
-7195 143.88239 28.0803
-7196 143.90239 28.39442
-7197 143.92239 28.0759
-7198 143.94239 27.16762
-7199 143.96239 25.77798
-7200 143.98239 24.0503
-7201 144.00239 22.13051
-7202 144.02239 20.14442
-7203 144.04239 18.18487
-7204 144.06239 16.32429
-7205 144.08239 14.60075
-7206 144.10239 13.03359
-7207 144.12239 11.63822
-7208 144.14239 10.41136
-7209 144.16239 9.34677
-7210 144.18239 8.43421
-7211 144.20239 7.66101
-7212 144.22239 7.01622
-7213 144.24239 6.48183
-7214 144.26239 6.04631
-7215 144.28239 5.69751
-7216 144.30239 5.42784
-7217 144.32239 5.22417
-7218 144.34239 5.08174
-7219 144.36239 4.99594
-7220 144.38239 4.96419
-7221 144.40239 4.98579
-7222 144.42239 5.06182
-7223 144.44239 5.19493
-7224 144.46239 5.38673
-7225 144.48239 5.6479
-7226 144.50239 5.97898
-7227 144.52239 6.3895
-7228 144.54239 6.88279
-7229 144.56239 7.46363
-7230 144.58239 8.13499
-7231 144.60239 8.89697
-7232 144.62239 9.74536
-7233 144.64239 10.66646
-7234 144.66239 11.64706
-7235 144.68239 12.65234
-7236 144.70239 13.6359
-7237 144.72239 14.53594
-7238 144.74239 15.27947
-7239 144.76239 15.7928
-7240 144.78239 16.01761
-7241 144.80239 15.92674
-7242 144.82239 15.5324
-7243 144.84239 14.88221
-7244 144.86239 14.04541
-7245 144.88239 13.09633
-7246 144.90239 12.10161
-7247 144.92239 11.11367
-7248 144.94239 10.16976
-7249 144.96239 9.29387
-7250 144.98239 8.49977
-7251 145.00239 7.79387
-7252 145.02239 7.17746
-7253 145.04239 6.64839
-7254 145.06239 6.20223
-7255 145.08239 5.83317
-7256 145.10239 5.53466
-7257 145.12239 5.29993
-7258 145.14239 5.12241
-7259 145.16239 4.99596
-7260 145.18239 4.91516
-7261 145.20239 4.87854
-7262 145.22239 4.87895
-7263 145.24239 4.913
-7264 145.26239 4.98089
-7265 145.28239 5.08225
-7266 145.30239 5.2179
-7267 145.32239 5.38753
-7268 145.34239 5.60622
-7269 145.36239 5.86302
-7270 145.38239 6.17362
-7271 145.40239 6.54437
-7272 145.42239 6.98628
-7273 145.44239 7.51264
-7274 145.46239 8.13916
-7275 145.48239 8.88392
-7276 145.50239 9.76721
-7277 145.52239 10.81114
-7278 145.54239 12.03899
-7279 145.56239 13.47429
-7280 145.58239 15.13961
-7281 145.60239 17.0549
-7282 145.62239 19.23549
-7283 145.64239 21.68932
-7284 145.66239 24.41317
-7285 145.68239 27.38755
-7286 145.70239 30.56966
-7287 145.72239 33.88445
-7288 145.74239 37.21496
-7289 145.76239 40.39532
-7290 145.78239 43.21265
-7291 145.80239 45.426
-7292 145.82239 46.80665
-7293 145.84239 47.19276
-7294 145.86239 46.53702
-7295 145.88239 44.92229
-7296 145.90239 42.53596
-7297 145.92239 39.61753
-7298 145.94239 36.40541
-7299 145.96239 33.10166
-7300 145.98239 29.85831
-7301 146.00239 26.77902
-7302 146.02239 23.92783
-7303 146.04239 21.33929
-7304 146.06239 19.02704
-7305 146.08239 16.99034
-7306 146.10239 15.21878
-7307 146.12239 13.69564
-7308 146.14239 12.40037
-7309 146.16239 11.31051
-7310 146.18239 10.40585
-7311 146.20239 9.66051
-7312 146.22239 9.05391
-7313 146.24239 8.57231
-7314 146.26239 8.19769
-7315 146.28239 7.91763
-7316 146.30239 7.7227
-7317 146.32239 7.60973
-7318 146.34239 7.56976
-7319 146.36239 7.60435
-7320 146.38239 7.71529
-7321 146.40239 7.90678
-7322 146.42239 8.19287
-7323 146.44239 8.57094
-7324 146.46239 9.05632
-7325 146.48239 9.65947
-7326 146.50239 10.39667
-7327 146.52239 11.27864
-7328 146.54239 12.31802
-7329 146.56239 13.52581
-7330 146.58239 14.91006
-7331 146.60239 16.47391
-7332 146.62239 18.21293
-7333 146.64239 20.11143
-7334 146.66239 22.13774
-7335 146.68239 24.23923
-7336 146.70239 26.33852
-7337 146.72239 28.33425
-7338 146.74239 30.1102
-7339 146.76239 31.55473
-7340 146.78239 32.58679
-7341 146.80239 33.17774
-7342 146.82239 33.35659
-7343 146.84239 33.19422
-7344 146.86239 32.7743
-7345 146.88239 32.16437
-7346 146.90239 31.39856
-7347 146.92239 30.47591
-7348 146.94239 29.37294
-7349 146.96239 28.06453
-7350 146.98239 26.54455
-7351 147.00239 24.83728
-7352 147.02239 22.99562
-7353 147.04239 21.08874
-7354 147.06239 19.18673
-7355 147.08239 17.34885
-7356 147.10239 15.61817
-7357 147.12239 14.01938
-7358 147.14239 12.57037
-7359 147.16239 11.27145
-7360 147.18239 10.11908
-7361 147.20239 9.1054
-7362 147.22239 8.22012
-7363 147.24239 7.45162
-7364 147.26239 6.78787
-7365 147.28239 6.21697
-7366 147.30239 5.73069
-7367 147.32239 5.31219
-7368 147.34239 4.95498
-7369 147.36239 4.65055
-7370 147.38239 4.38911
-7371 147.40239 4.17018
-7372 147.42239 3.99238
-7373 147.44239 3.84047
-7374 147.46239 3.71663
-7375 147.48239 3.61907
-7376 147.50239 3.54495
-7377 147.52239 3.4988
-7378 147.54239 3.4759
-7379 147.56239 3.48347
-7380 147.58239 3.51984
-7381 147.60239 3.58768
-7382 147.62239 3.69004
-7383 147.64239 3.83018
-7384 147.66239 4.01143
-7385 147.68239 4.23696
-7386 147.70239 4.50948
-7387 147.72239 4.83089
-7388 147.74239 5.20182
-7389 147.76239 5.62093
-7390 147.78239 6.08405
-7391 147.80239 6.58292
-7392 147.82239 7.10376
-7393 147.84239 7.62573
-7394 147.86239 8.12001
-7395 147.88239 8.55063
-7396 147.90239 8.87497
-7397 147.92239 9.06273
-7398 147.94239 9.08586
-7399 147.96239 8.93779
-7400 147.98239 8.6323
-7401 148.00239 8.19948
-7402 148.02239 7.67786
-7403 148.04239 7.1062
-7404 148.06239 6.51789
-7405 148.08239 5.93852
-7406 148.10239 5.38584
-7407 148.12239 4.87109
-7408 148.14239 4.40054
-7409 148.16239 3.97687
-7410 148.18239 3.60337
-7411 148.20239 3.27388
-7412 148.22239 2.98803
-7413 148.24239 2.73969
-7414 148.26239 2.53165
-7415 148.28239 2.35417
-7416 148.30239 2.21022
-7417 148.32239 2.09356
-7418 148.34239 2.00144
-7419 148.36239 1.93151
-7420 148.38239 1.88181
-7421 148.40239 1.8507
-7422 148.42239 1.83685
-7423 148.44239 1.83668
-7424 148.46239 1.8548
-7425 148.48239 1.88645
-7426 148.50239 1.92831
-7427 148.52239 1.98318
-7428 148.54239 2.04531
-7429 148.56239 2.11093
-7430 148.58239 2.17483
-7431 148.60239 2.23044
-7432 148.62239 2.2703
-7433 148.64239 2.28729
-7434 148.66239 2.27611
-7435 148.68239 2.23476
-7436 148.70239 2.16512
-7437 148.72239 2.07227
-7438 148.74239 1.96312
-7439 148.76239 1.84475
-7440 148.78239 1.72336
-7441 148.80239 1.60374
-7442 148.82239 1.48921
-7443 148.84239 1.3819
-7444 148.86239 1.283
-7445 148.88239 1.19302
-7446 148.90239 1.112
-7447 148.92239 1.03969
-7448 148.94239 0.9756
-7449 148.96239 0.91911
-7450 148.98239 0.86954
-7451 149.00239 0.82616
-7452 149.02239 0.78825
-7453 149.04239 0.75515
-7454 149.06239 0.72621
-7455 149.08239 0.70089
-7456 149.10239 0.67868
-7457 149.12239 0.65919
-7458 149.14239 0.64205
-7459 149.16239 0.625
-7460 149.18239 0.61252
-7461 149.20239 0.60151
-7462 149.22239 0.59193
-7463 149.24239 0.58671
-7464 149.26239 0.58124
-7465 149.28239 0.57766
-7466 149.30239 0.57616
-7467 149.32239 0.57693
-7468 149.34239 0.58024
-7469 149.36239 0.58637
-7470 149.38239 0.59561
-7471 149.40239 0.6083
-7472 149.42239 0.62473
-7473 149.44239 0.64521
-7474 149.46239 0.66997
-7475 149.48239 0.69915
-7476 149.50239 0.73278
-7477 149.52239 0.77067
-7478 149.54239 0.81238
-7479 149.56239 0.85704
-7480 149.58239 0.90326
-7481 149.60239 0.949
-7482 149.62239 0.99144
-7483 149.64239 1.02406
-7484 149.66239 1.04947
-7485 149.68239 1.06131
-7486 149.70239 1.0576
-7487 149.72239 1.03815
-7488 149.74239 1.00464
-7489 149.76239 0.9601
-7490 149.78239 0.90814
-7491 149.80239 0.85224
-7492 149.82239 0.79531
-7493 149.84239 0.73951
-7494 149.86239 0.68633
-7495 149.88239 0.6367
-7496 149.90239 0.5911
-7497 149.92239 0.54973
-7498 149.94239 0.51259
-7499 149.96239 0.47952
-7500 149.98239 0.45026
-7501 150.00239 0.4245
-7502 150.02239 0.40191
-7503 150.04239 0.38212
-7504 150.06239 0.36478
-7505 150.08239 0.34957
-7506 150.10239 0.33617
-7507 150.12239 0.32431
-7508 150.14239 0.31375
-7509 150.16239 0.30211
-7510 150.18239 0.29426
-7511 150.20239 0.28696
-7512 150.22239 0.28015
-7513 150.24239 0.27377
-7514 150.26239 0.2678
-7515 150.28239 0.26217
-7516 150.30239 0.25686
-7517 150.32239 0.25184
-7518 150.34239 0.24709
-7519 150.36239 0.24256
-7520 150.38239 0.23826
-7521 150.40239 0.23415
-7522 150.42239 0.23023
-7523 150.44239 0.22647
-7524 150.46239 0.22287
-7525 150.48239 0.21941
-7526 150.50239 0.21608
-7527 150.52239 0.21288
-7528 150.54239 0.20979
-7529 150.56239 0.20681
-7530 150.58239 0.20393
-7531 150.60239 0.20114
-7532 150.62239 0.19844
-7533 150.64239 0.19269
-7534 150.66239 0.19017
-7535 150.68239 0.18772
-7536 150.70239 0.18535
-7537 150.72239 0.18304
-7538 150.74239 0.18079
-7539 150.76239 0.1786
-7540 150.78239 0.17647
-7541 150.80239 0.17439
-7542 150.82239 0.17237
-7543 150.84239 0.17039
-7544 150.86239 0.16846
-7545 150.88239 0.16658
-7546 150.90239 0.16473
-7547 150.92239 0.16293
-7548 150.94239 0.16117
-7549 150.96239 0.15945
-7550 150.98239 0.15776
-7551 151.00239 0.15611
-7552 151.02239 0.15449
-7553 151.04239 0.1529
-7554 151.06239 0.15135
-7555 151.08239 0.14982
-7556 151.10239 0.14833
-7557 151.12239 0.14686
-7558 151.14239 0.14542
-7559 151.16239 0.14401
-7560 151.18239 0.14262
-7561 151.20239 0.14126
-7562 151.22239 0.13992
-7563 151.24239 0.13861
-7564 151.26239 0.13732
-7565 151.28239 0.13605
-7566 151.30239 0.1348
-7567 151.32239 0.13357
-7568 151.34239 0.13236
-7569 151.36239 0.13118
-7570 151.38239 0.13001
-7571 151.40239 0.12886
-7572 151.42239 0.12772
-7573 151.44239 0.12661
-7574 151.46239 0.12551
-7575 151.48239 0.12443
-7576 151.50239 0.12337
-7577 151.52239 0.12232
-7578 151.54239 0.12129
-7579 151.56239 0.12027
-7580 151.58239 0.11927
-7581 151.60239 0.11828
-7582 151.62239 0.11731
-7583 151.64239 0.11635
-7584 151.66239 0.1154
-7585 151.68239 0.11447
-7586 151.70239 0.11355
-7587 151.72239 0.11264
-7588 151.74239 0.11175
-7589 151.76239 0.11086
-7590 151.78239 0.10999
-7591 151.80239 0.10913
-7592 151.82239 0.10829
-7593 151.84239 0.10745
-7594 151.86239 0.10662
-7595 151.88239 0.10581
-7596 151.90239 0.105
-7597 151.92239 0.10421
-7598 151.94239 0.10343
-7599 151.96239 0.10265
-7600 151.98239 0.10189
-7601 152.00239 0.09803
-7602 152.02239 0.09732
-7603 152.04239 0.09662
-7604 152.06239 0.09593
-7605 152.08239 0.09524
-7606 152.10239 0.09145
-7607 152.12239 0.09083
-7608 152.14239 0.09022
-7609 152.16239 0.08962
-7610 152.18239 0.08902
-7611 152.20239 0.08843
-7612 152.22239 0.08784
-7613 152.24239 0.08726
-7614 152.26239 0.08669
-7615 152.28239 0.08612
-7616 152.30239 0.08556
-7617 152.32239 0.08501
-7618 152.34239 0.08446
-7619 152.36239 0.08391
-7620 152.38239 0.08337
-7621 152.40239 0.08284
-7622 152.42239 0.08231
-7623 152.44239 0.08179
-7624 152.46239 0.08127
-7625 152.48239 0.08076
-7626 152.50239 0.08025
-7627 152.52239 0.07975
-7628 152.54239 0.07612
-7629 152.56239 0.07565
-7630 152.58239 0.07519
-7631 152.60239 0.07473
-7632 152.62239 0.07428
-7633 152.64239 0.07383
-7634 152.66239 0.07339
-7635 152.68239 0.07295
-7636 152.70239 0.07251
-7637 152.72239 0.07208
-7638 152.74239 0.06851
-7639 152.76239 0.0681
-7640 152.78239 0.06769
-7641 152.80239 0.06729
-7642 152.82239 0.06689
-7643 152.84239 0.06649
-7644 152.86239 0.0661
-7645 152.88239 0.06571
-7646 152.90239 0.06532
-7647 152.92239 0.06494
-7648 152.94239 0.06456
-7649 152.96239 0.06419
-7650 152.98239 0.06381
-7651 153.00239 0.06344
-7652 153.02239 0.06308
-7653 153.04239 0.06272
-7654 153.06239 0.06236
-7655 153.08239 0.062
-7656 153.10239 0.06165
-7657 153.12239 0.0613
-7658 153.14239 0.06095
-7659 153.16239 0.06061
-7660 153.18239 0.06027
-7661 153.20239 0.05993
-7662 153.22239 0.0596
-7663 153.24239 0.05927
-7664 153.26239 0.05894
-7665 153.28239 0.05861
-7666 153.30239 0.05829
-7667 153.32239 0.05797
-7668 153.34239 0.05765
-7669 153.36239 0.05421
-7670 153.38239 0.05391
-7671 153.40239 0.05362
-7672 153.42239 0.05334
-7673 153.44239 0.05305
-7674 153.46239 0.05277
-7675 153.48239 0.05249
-7676 153.50239 0.05221
-7677 153.52239 0.05193
-7678 153.54239 0.05166
-7679 153.56239 0.05138
-7680 153.58239 0.05111
-7681 153.60239 0.05085
-7682 153.62239 0.05058
-7683 153.64239 0.04718
-7684 153.66239 0.04694
-7685 153.68239 0.04669
-7686 153.70239 0.04645
-7687 153.72239 0.04621
-7688 153.74239 0.04597
-7689 153.76239 0.04573
-7690 153.78239 0.0455
-7691 153.80239 0.04526
-7692 153.82239 0.04503
-7693 153.84239 0.0448
-7694 153.86239 0.04457
-7695 153.88239 0.04435
-7696 153.90239 0.04412
-7697 153.92239 0.0439
-7698 153.94239 0.04368
-7699 153.96239 0.04346
-7700 153.98239 0.04324
-7701 154.00239 0.04303
-7702 154.02239 0.04281
-7703 154.04239 0.0426
-7704 154.06239 0.04239
-7705 154.08239 0.04218
-7706 154.10239 0.04197
-7707 154.12239 0.04177
-7708 154.14239 0.04156
-7709 154.16239 0.04136
-7710 154.18239 0.03802
-7711 154.20239 0.03784
-7712 154.22239 0.03766
-7713 154.24239 0.03748
-7714 154.26239 0.03731
-7715 154.28239 0.03713
-7716 154.30239 0.03696
-7717 154.32239 0.03678
-7718 154.34239 0.03661
-7719 154.36239 0.03644
-7720 154.38239 0.03627
-7721 154.40239 0.03611
-7722 154.42239 0.03594
-7723 154.44239 0.03578
-7724 154.46239 0.03561
-7725 154.48239 0.03545
-7726 154.50239 0.03529
-7727 154.52239 0.03513
-7728 154.54239 0.03497
-7729 154.56239 0.03481
-7730 154.58239 0.03465
-7731 154.60239 0.0345
-7732 154.62239 0.03434
-7733 154.64239 0.03419
-7734 154.66239 0.03403
-7735 154.68239 0.03388
-7736 154.70239 0.03373
-7737 154.72239 0.03358
-7738 154.74239 0.03343
-7739 154.76239 0.03329
-7740 154.78239 0.03314
-7741 154.80239 0.03299
-7742 154.82239 0.03285
-7743 154.84239 0.0327
-7744 154.86239 0.03256
-7745 154.88239 0.03242
-7746 154.90239 0.03228
-7747 154.92239 0.03214
-7748 154.94239 0.032
-7749 154.96239 0.03186
-7750 154.98239 0.03172
-7751 155.00239 0.03159
-7752 155.02239 0.03145
-7753 155.04239 0.03132
-7754 155.06239 0.03118
-7755 155.08239 0.03105
-7756 155.10239 0.03092
-7757 155.12239 0.03079
-7758 155.14239 0.03066
-7759 155.16239 0.03053
-7760 155.18239 0.0304
-7761 155.20239 0.03027
-7762 155.22239 0.03015
-7763 155.24239 0.03002
-7764 155.26239 0.02989
-7765 155.28239 0.02977
-7766 155.30239 0.02965
-7767 155.32239 0.02952
-7768 155.34239 0.0294
-7769 155.36239 0.02928
-7770 155.38239 0.02916
-7771 155.40239 0.02904
-7772 155.42239 0.02892
-7773 155.44239 0.0288
-7774 155.46239 0.02868
-7775 155.48239 0.02857
-7776 155.50239 0.02845
-7777 155.52239 0.02834
-7778 155.54239 0.02822
-7779 155.56239 0.02811
-7780 155.58239 0.02799
-7781 155.60239 0.02788
-7782 155.62239 0.02463
-7783 155.64239 0.02454
-7784 155.66239 0.02444
-7785 155.68239 0.02435
-7786 155.70239 0.02425
-7787 155.72239 0.02416
-7788 155.74239 0.02406
-7789 155.76239 0.02397
-7790 155.78239 0.02388
-7791 155.80239 0.02378
-7792 155.82239 0.02369
-7793 155.84239 0.0236
-7794 155.86239 0.02351
-7795 155.88239 0.02342
-7796 155.90239 0.02333
-7797 155.92239 0.02324
-7798 155.94239 0.02315
-7799 155.96239 0.02306
-7800 155.98239 0.02298
-7801 156.00239 0.02289
-7802 156.02239 0.0228
-7803 156.04239 0.02272
-7804 156.06239 0.02263
-7805 156.08239 0.01941
-7806 156.10239 0.01933
-7807 156.12239 0.01925
-7808 156.14239 0.01918
-7809 156.16239 0.01911
-7810 156.18239 0.01903
-7811 156.20239 0.01581
-7812 156.22239 0.01575
-7813 156.24239 0.01569
-7814 156.26239 0.01562
-7815 156.28239 0.01556
-7816 156.30239 0.0155
-7817 156.32239 0.01544
-7818 156.34239 0.01538
-7819 156.36239 0.01532
-7820 156.38239 0.01526
-7821 156.40239 0.0152
-7822 156.42239 0.01514
-7823 156.44239 0.01508
-7824 156.46239 0.01502
-7825 156.48239 0.01496
-7826 156.50239 0.0149
-7827 156.52239 0.01485
-7828 156.54239 0.01479
-7829 156.56239 0.01473
-7830 156.58239 0.01467
-7831 156.60239 0.01462
-7832 156.62239 0.01456
-7833 156.64239 0.01451
-7834 156.66239 0.01445
-7835 156.68239 0.0144
-7836 156.70239 0.01434
-7837 156.72239 0.01429
-7838 156.74239 0.01423
-7839 156.76239 0.01418
-7840 156.78239 0.01412
-7841 156.80239 0.01407
-7842 156.82239 0.01402
-7843 156.84239 0.01396
-7844 156.86239 0.01391
-7845 156.88239 0.01386
-7846 156.90239 0.01381
-7847 156.92239 0.01376
-7848 156.94239 0.01371
-7849 156.96239 0.01365
-7850 156.98239 0.0136
-7851 157.00239 0.01355
-7852 157.02239 0.0135
-7853 157.04239 0.01345
-7854 157.06239 0.0134
-7855 157.08239 0.01335
-7856 157.10239 0.01331
-7857 157.12239 0.01326
-7858 157.14239 0.01321
-7859 157.16239 0.01316
-7860 157.18239 0.01311
-7861 157.20239 0.01306
-7862 157.22239 0.01302
-7863 157.24239 0.01297
-7864 157.26239 0.01292
-7865 157.28239 0.01288
-7866 157.30239 0.01283
-7867 157.32239 0.01278
-7868 157.34239 0.01274
-7869 157.36239 0.01269
-7870 157.38239 0.01265
-7871 157.40239 0.0126
-7872 157.42239 0.01256
-7873 157.44239 0.01251
-7874 157.46239 0.01247
-7875 157.48239 0.01242
-7876 157.50239 0.01238
-7877 157.52239 0.01234
-7878 157.54239 0.01229
-7879 157.56239 0.01225
-7880 157.58239 0.01221
-7881 157.60239 0.01216
-7882 157.62239 0.01212
-7883 157.64239 0.01208
-7884 157.66239 0.01204
-7885 157.68239 0.01199
-7886 157.70239 0.01195
-7887 157.72239 0.01191
-7888 157.74239 0.01187
-7889 157.76239 0.01183
-7890 157.78239 0.01179
-7891 157.80239 0.01175
-7892 157.82239 0.01171
-7893 157.84239 0.01167
-7894 157.86239 0.01163
-7895 157.88239 0.01159
-7896 157.90239 0.01155
-7897 157.92239 0.01151
-7898 157.94239 0.01147
-7899 157.96239 0.01143
-7900 157.98239 0.01139
-7901 158.00239 0.01135
-7902 158.02239 0.01131
-7903 158.04239 0.01128
-7904 158.06239 0.01124
-7905 158.08239 0.0112
-7906 158.10239 0.01116
-7907 158.12239 0.01112
-7908 158.14239 0.01109
-7909 158.16239 0.01105
-7910 158.18239 0.01101
-7911 158.20239 0.01098
-7912 158.22239 0.01094
-7913 158.24239 0.0109
-7914 158.26239 0.01087
-7915 158.28239 0.01083
-7916 158.30239 0.0108
-7917 158.32239 0.01076
-7918 158.34239 0.01072
-7919 158.36239 0.01069
-7920 158.38239 0.01065
-7921 158.40239 0.01062
-7922 158.42239 0.01058
-7923 158.44239 0.01055
-7924 158.46239 0.01052
-7925 158.48239 0.01048
-7926 158.50239 0.01045
-7927 158.52239 0.01041
-7928 158.54239 0.01038
-7929 158.56239 0.01035
-7930 158.58239 0.01031
-7931 158.60239 0.01028
-7932 158.62239 0.01025
-7933 158.64239 0.01021
-7934 158.66239 0.01018
-7935 158.68239 0.01015
-7936 158.70239 0.01012
-7937 158.72239 0.01008
-7938 158.74239 0.01005
-7939 158.76239 0.01002
-7940 158.78239 0.00999
-7941 158.80239 0.00996
-7942 158.82239 0.00992
-7943 158.84239 0.00989
-7944 158.86239 0.00986
-7945 158.88239 0.00983
-7946 158.90239 0.0098
-7947 158.92239 0.00977
-7948 158.94239 0.00974
-7949 158.96239 0.00971
-7950 158.98239 0.00968
-7951 159.00239 0.00965
-7952 159.02239 0.00962
-7953 159.04239 0.00959
-7954 159.06239 0.00956
-7955 159.08239 0.00953
-7956 159.10239 0.0095
-7957 159.12239 0.00947
-7958 159.14239 0.00944
-7959 159.16239 0.00941
-7960 159.18239 0.00938
-7961 159.20239 0.00935
-7962 159.22239 0.00932
-7963 159.24239 0.00929
-7964 159.26239 0.00927
-7965 159.28239 0.00924
-7966 159.30239 0.00921
-7967 159.32239 0.00918
-7968 159.34239 0.00915
-7969 159.36239 0.00913
-7970 159.38239 0.0091
-7971 159.40239 0.00907
-7972 159.42239 0.00904
-7973 159.44239 0.00902
-7974 159.46239 0.00899
-7975 159.48239 0.00896
-7976 159.50239 0.00893
-7977 159.52239 0.00891
-7978 159.54239 0.00888
-7979 159.56239 0.00885
-7980 159.58239 0.00883
-7981 159.60239 0.0088
-7982 159.62239 0.00878
-7983 159.64239 0.00875
-7984 159.66239 0.00872
-7985 159.68239 0.0087
-7986 159.70239 0.00867
diff --git a/examples/data/1216385.cif b/examples/data/1216385.cif
deleted file mode 100644
index 19643a9..0000000
--- a/examples/data/1216385.cif
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-# #
-# Sb-Te # Sb2Te3 # 1216385 #
-# #
-# #
-# Pearson's Crystal Data #
-# Crystal Structure Database for Inorganic Compounds (on CD-ROM) #
-# Release 2013/14 #
-# Editors: Pierre Villars and Karin Cenzual #
-# #
-# Copyright (c) ASM International & Material Phases Data System (MPDS), #
-# Switzerland & National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan, 2013 #
-# (Data generated pre-2002: Copyright (c) ASM International & MPDS & NIMS; #
-# post-2001: Copyright (c) ASM International & MPDS) #
-# All rights reserved. #
-# #
-# This copy of Pearson's Crystal Data is licensed to: #
-# X-Ray Group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Site License #
-# #
-_audit_creation_date 2014-09-12
-Pearson's Crystal Data browser
-#_database_code_PCD 1216385
-# Entry summary
-_chemical_formula_structural Sb2Te3
-_chemical_formula_sum Sb2Te3
-_chemical_name_mineral tellurantimony
-_chemical_compound_source ?
-_chemical_name_structure_type Bi2Te3,hR15,166
-_chemical_formula_weight 626.3
-_chemical_melting_point ?
-# Bibliographic data
-Phase equilibria in Cu2Te-In2Te3-{Sb/Bi}2Te3 systems and crystal structure of CuIn5Te8 compound
-_journal_coden_ASTM JALCEU
-_journal_name_full 'J. Alloys Compd.'
-_journal_year 2007
-_journal_volume 436
-_journal_page_first 247
-_journal_page_last 251
-_journal_language English
- _publ_author_name
- _publ_author_address
-'Olekseyuk I.D.'
-Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University
-Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry
-'Zhbankov O.Y.'
-Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University
-Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry
-# Standardized crystallographic data
-_cell_length_a 4.26
-_cell_length_b 4.26
-_cell_length_c 30.462
-_cell_angle_alpha 90
-_cell_angle_beta 90
-_cell_angle_gamma 120
-_cell_volume 478.7
-_cell_formula_units_Z 3
-_symmetry_Int_Tables_number 166
-_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'R-3m h'
- _symmetry_equiv_pos_site_id
- _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz
- 1 'x, y, z'
- 2 '-x+y, -x, z'
- 3 '-x+y, y, z'
- 4 '-x, -x+y, -z'
- 5 '-x, -y, -z'
- 6 '-y, -x, z'
- 7 '-y, x-y, z'
- 8 'x, x-y, z'
- 9 'x-y, -y, -z'
- 10 'x-y, x, -z'
- 11 'y, -x+y, -z'
- 12 'y, x, -z'
- 13 '2/3+x, 1/3+y, 1/3+z'
- 14 '2/3-x+y, 1/3-x, 1/3+z'
- 15 '2/3-x+y, 1/3+y, 1/3+z'
- 16 '2/3-x, 1/3-x+y, 1/3-z'
- 17 '2/3-x, 1/3-y, 1/3-z'
- 18 '2/3-y, 1/3-x, 1/3+z'
- 19 '2/3-y, 1/3+x-y, 1/3+z'
- 20 '2/3+x, 1/3+x-y, 1/3+z'
- 21 '2/3+x-y, 1/3-y, 1/3-z'
- 22 '2/3+x-y, 1/3+x, 1/3-z'
- 23 '2/3+y, 1/3-x+y, 1/3-z'
- 24 '2/3+y, 1/3+x, 1/3-z'
- 25 '1/3+x, 2/3+y, 2/3+z'
- 26 '1/3-x+y, 2/3-x, 2/3+z'
- 27 '1/3-x+y, 2/3+y, 2/3+z'
- 28 '1/3-x, 2/3-x+y, 2/3-z'
- 29 '1/3-x, 2/3-y, 2/3-z'
- 30 '1/3-y, 2/3-x, 2/3+z'
- 31 '1/3-y, 2/3+x-y, 2/3+z'
- 32 '1/3+x, 2/3+x-y, 2/3+z'
- 33 '1/3+x-y, 2/3-y, 2/3-z'
- 34 '1/3+x-y, 2/3+x, 2/3-z'
- 35 '1/3+y, 2/3-x+y, 2/3-z'
- 36 '1/3+y, 2/3+x, 2/3-z'
-# Atomic positions taken from type-defining entry
-# _atom_type_symbol
-# _atom_type_oxidation_number
-# Te 0
-# Sb 0
- _atom_site_label
- _atom_site_type_symbol
- _atom_site_Wyckoff_symbol
- _atom_site_symmetry_multiplicity
- _atom_site_fract_x
- _atom_site_fract_y
- _atom_site_fract_z
- _atom_site_occupancy
- Te1 Te c 6 0 0 0.2097 1
- Sb1 Sb c 6 0 0 0.40046 1
- Te2 Te a 3 0 0 0 1
-_exptl_crystal_colour ?
-_exptl_crystal_density_meas ?
-_cell_measurement_temperature ?
-_cell_measurement_radiation 'X-rays, Cu Ka'
-_cell_measurement_wavelength 1.54185
-_cell_measurement_reflns_used ?
-_diffrn_ambient_temperature ?
-_diffrn_measurement_device ?
-_diffrn_measurement_device_type ?
-_diffrn_radiation_type ?
-_diffrn_reflns_number ?
-_exptl_absorpt_coefficient_mu ?
-_exptl_absorpt_correction_type ?
-_computing_structure_solution ?
-_refine_ls_number_parameters ?
-_refine_ls_number_reflns ?
-_refine_ls_R_factor_all ?
-_refine_ls_wR_factor_all ?
-_computing_structure_refinement ?
-# End of data set 1216385
diff --git a/examples/data/BaF2.cif b/examples/data/BaF2.cif
index 880bb80..7b7ce8a 100755
--- a/examples/data/BaF2.cif
+++ b/examples/data/BaF2.cif
@@ -1,228 +1,228 @@
-_chemical_name_mineral 'Frankdicksonite'
-'Wyckoff R W G'
-_journal_name_full 'Crystal Structures'
-_journal_volume 1
-_journal_year 1963
-_journal_page_first 239
-_journal_page_last 444
- Second edition. Interscience Publishers, New York, New York
- Fluorite structure
-_database_code_amcsd 0011682
-_chemical_formula_sum 'Ba F2'
-_cell_length_a 6.2001
-_cell_length_b 6.2001
-_cell_length_c 6.2001
-_cell_angle_alpha 90
-_cell_angle_beta 90
-_cell_angle_gamma 90
-_cell_volume 238.340
-_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 4.886
-_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'F m 3 m'
- 'x,y,z'
- 'x,1/2+y,1/2+z'
- '1/2+x,y,1/2+z'
- '1/2+x,1/2+y,z'
- 'z,-x,y'
- 'z,1/2-x,1/2+y'
- '1/2+z,-x,1/2+y'
- '1/2+z,1/2-x,y'
- '-y,z,-x'
- '-y,1/2+z,1/2-x'
- '1/2-y,z,1/2-x'
- '1/2-y,1/2+z,-x'
- 'x,-y,z'
- 'x,1/2-y,1/2+z'
- '1/2+x,-y,1/2+z'
- '1/2+x,1/2-y,z'
- '-z,x,-y'
- '-z,1/2+x,1/2-y'
- '1/2-z,x,1/2-y'
- '1/2-z,1/2+x,-y'
- 'y,-z,x'
- 'y,1/2-z,1/2+x'
- '1/2+y,-z,1/2+x'
- '1/2+y,1/2-z,x'
- '-x,y,-z'
- '-x,1/2+y,1/2-z'
- '1/2-x,y,1/2-z'
- '1/2-x,1/2+y,-z'
- 'x,-z,-y'
- 'x,1/2-z,1/2-y'
- '1/2+x,-z,1/2-y'
- '1/2+x,1/2-z,-y'
- '-z,y,x'
- '-z,1/2+y,1/2+x'
- '1/2-z,y,1/2+x'
- '1/2-z,1/2+y,x'
- 'y,-x,-z'
- 'y,1/2-x,1/2-z'
- '1/2+y,-x,1/2-z'
- '1/2+y,1/2-x,-z'
- '-x,z,y'
- '-x,1/2+z,1/2+y'
- '1/2-x,z,1/2+y'
- '1/2-x,1/2+z,y'
- 'z,-y,-x'
- 'z,1/2-y,1/2-x'
- '1/2+z,-y,1/2-x'
- '1/2+z,1/2-y,-x'
- '-y,x,z'
- '-y,1/2+x,1/2+z'
- '1/2-y,x,1/2+z'
- '1/2-y,1/2+x,z'
- 'x,z,y'
- 'x,1/2+z,1/2+y'
- '1/2+x,z,1/2+y'
- '1/2+x,1/2+z,y'
- '-z,-y,-x'
- '-z,1/2-y,1/2-x'
- '1/2-z,-y,1/2-x'
- '1/2-z,1/2-y,-x'
- 'y,x,z'
- 'y,1/2+x,1/2+z'
- '1/2+y,x,1/2+z'
- '1/2+y,1/2+x,z'
- '-x,-z,-y'
- '-x,1/2-z,1/2-y'
- '1/2-x,-z,1/2-y'
- '1/2-x,1/2-z,-y'
- 'z,y,x'
- 'z,1/2+y,1/2+x'
- '1/2+z,y,1/2+x'
- '1/2+z,1/2+y,x'
- '-y,-x,-z'
- '-y,1/2-x,1/2-z'
- '1/2-y,-x,1/2-z'
- '1/2-y,1/2-x,-z'
- 'z,x,-y'
- 'z,1/2+x,1/2-y'
- '1/2+z,x,1/2-y'
- '1/2+z,1/2+x,-y'
- '-y,-z,x'
- '-y,1/2-z,1/2+x'
- '1/2-y,-z,1/2+x'
- '1/2-y,1/2-z,x'
- 'x,y,-z'
- 'x,1/2+y,1/2-z'
- '1/2+x,y,1/2-z'
- '1/2+x,1/2+y,-z'
- '-z,-x,y'
- '-z,1/2-x,1/2+y'
- '1/2-z,-x,1/2+y'
- '1/2-z,1/2-x,y'
- 'y,z,-x'
- 'y,1/2+z,1/2-x'
- '1/2+y,z,1/2-x'
- '1/2+y,1/2+z,-x'
- '-x,-y,z'
- '-x,1/2-y,1/2+z'
- '1/2-x,-y,1/2+z'
- '1/2-x,1/2-y,z'
- '-z,x,y'
- '-z,1/2+x,1/2+y'
- '1/2-z,x,1/2+y'
- '1/2-z,1/2+x,y'
- 'y,-z,-x'
- 'y,1/2-z,1/2-x'
- '1/2+y,-z,1/2-x'
- '1/2+y,1/2-z,-x'
- '-x,y,z'
- '-x,1/2+y,1/2+z'
- '1/2-x,y,1/2+z'
- '1/2-x,1/2+y,z'
- 'z,-x,-y'
- 'z,1/2-x,1/2-y'
- '1/2+z,-x,1/2-y'
- '1/2+z,1/2-x,-y'
- '-y,z,x'
- '-y,1/2+z,1/2+x'
- '1/2-y,z,1/2+x'
- '1/2-y,1/2+z,x'
- 'x,-y,-z'
- 'x,1/2-y,1/2-z'
- '1/2+x,-y,1/2-z'
- '1/2+x,1/2-y,-z'
- '-x,z,-y'
- '-x,1/2+z,1/2-y'
- '1/2-x,z,1/2-y'
- '1/2-x,1/2+z,-y'
- 'z,-y,x'
- 'z,1/2-y,1/2+x'
- '1/2+z,-y,1/2+x'
- '1/2+z,1/2-y,x'
- '-y,x,-z'
- '-y,1/2+x,1/2-z'
- '1/2-y,x,1/2-z'
- '1/2-y,1/2+x,-z'
- 'x,-z,y'
- 'x,1/2-z,1/2+y'
- '1/2+x,-z,1/2+y'
- '1/2+x,1/2-z,y'
- '-z,y,-x'
- '-z,1/2+y,1/2-x'
- '1/2-z,y,1/2-x'
- '1/2-z,1/2+y,-x'
- 'y,-x,z'
- 'y,1/2-x,1/2+z'
- '1/2+y,-x,1/2+z'
- '1/2+y,1/2-x,z'
- '-x,-z,y'
- '-x,1/2-z,1/2+y'
- '1/2-x,-z,1/2+y'
- '1/2-x,1/2-z,y'
- 'z,y,-x'
- 'z,1/2+y,1/2-x'
- '1/2+z,y,1/2-x'
- '1/2+z,1/2+y,-x'
- '-y,-x,z'
- '-y,1/2-x,1/2+z'
- '1/2-y,-x,1/2+z'
- '1/2-y,1/2-x,z'
- 'x,z,-y'
- 'x,1/2+z,1/2-y'
- '1/2+x,z,1/2-y'
- '1/2+x,1/2+z,-y'
- '-z,-y,x'
- '-z,1/2-y,1/2+x'
- '1/2-z,-y,1/2+x'
- '1/2-z,1/2-y,x'
- 'y,x,-z'
- 'y,1/2+x,1/2-z'
- '1/2+y,x,1/2-z'
- '1/2+y,1/2+x,-z'
- '-z,-x,-y'
- '-z,1/2-x,1/2-y'
- '1/2-z,-x,1/2-y'
- '1/2-z,1/2-x,-y'
- 'y,z,x'
- 'y,1/2+z,1/2+x'
- '1/2+y,z,1/2+x'
- '1/2+y,1/2+z,x'
- '-x,-y,-z'
- '-x,1/2-y,1/2-z'
- '1/2-x,-y,1/2-z'
- '1/2-x,1/2-y,-z'
- 'z,x,y'
- 'z,1/2+x,1/2+y'
- '1/2+z,x,1/2+y'
- '1/2+z,1/2+x,y'
- '-y,-z,-x'
- '-y,1/2-z,1/2-x'
- '1/2-y,-z,1/2-x'
- '1/2-y,1/2-z,-x'
-Ba 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
-F 0.25000 0.25000 0.25000
+_chemical_name_mineral 'Frankdicksonite'
+'Wyckoff R W G'
+_journal_name_full 'Crystal Structures'
+_journal_volume 1
+_journal_year 1963
+_journal_page_first 239
+_journal_page_last 444
+ Second edition. Interscience Publishers, New York, New York
+ Fluorite structure
+_database_code_amcsd 0011682
+_chemical_formula_sum 'Ba F2'
+_cell_length_a 6.2001
+_cell_length_b 6.2001
+_cell_length_c 6.2001
+_cell_angle_alpha 90
+_cell_angle_beta 90
+_cell_angle_gamma 90
+_cell_volume 238.340
+_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 4.886
+_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'F m 3 m'
+ 'x,y,z'
+ 'x,1/2+y,1/2+z'
+ '1/2+x,y,1/2+z'
+ '1/2+x,1/2+y,z'
+ 'z,-x,y'
+ 'z,1/2-x,1/2+y'
+ '1/2+z,-x,1/2+y'
+ '1/2+z,1/2-x,y'
+ '-y,z,-x'
+ '-y,1/2+z,1/2-x'
+ '1/2-y,z,1/2-x'
+ '1/2-y,1/2+z,-x'
+ 'x,-y,z'
+ 'x,1/2-y,1/2+z'
+ '1/2+x,-y,1/2+z'
+ '1/2+x,1/2-y,z'
+ '-z,x,-y'
+ '-z,1/2+x,1/2-y'
+ '1/2-z,x,1/2-y'
+ '1/2-z,1/2+x,-y'
+ 'y,-z,x'
+ 'y,1/2-z,1/2+x'
+ '1/2+y,-z,1/2+x'
+ '1/2+y,1/2-z,x'
+ '-x,y,-z'
+ '-x,1/2+y,1/2-z'
+ '1/2-x,y,1/2-z'
+ '1/2-x,1/2+y,-z'
+ 'x,-z,-y'
+ 'x,1/2-z,1/2-y'
+ '1/2+x,-z,1/2-y'
+ '1/2+x,1/2-z,-y'
+ '-z,y,x'
+ '-z,1/2+y,1/2+x'
+ '1/2-z,y,1/2+x'
+ '1/2-z,1/2+y,x'
+ 'y,-x,-z'
+ 'y,1/2-x,1/2-z'
+ '1/2+y,-x,1/2-z'
+ '1/2+y,1/2-x,-z'
+ '-x,z,y'
+ '-x,1/2+z,1/2+y'
+ '1/2-x,z,1/2+y'
+ '1/2-x,1/2+z,y'
+ 'z,-y,-x'
+ 'z,1/2-y,1/2-x'
+ '1/2+z,-y,1/2-x'
+ '1/2+z,1/2-y,-x'
+ '-y,x,z'
+ '-y,1/2+x,1/2+z'
+ '1/2-y,x,1/2+z'
+ '1/2-y,1/2+x,z'
+ 'x,z,y'
+ 'x,1/2+z,1/2+y'
+ '1/2+x,z,1/2+y'
+ '1/2+x,1/2+z,y'
+ '-z,-y,-x'
+ '-z,1/2-y,1/2-x'
+ '1/2-z,-y,1/2-x'
+ '1/2-z,1/2-y,-x'
+ 'y,x,z'
+ 'y,1/2+x,1/2+z'
+ '1/2+y,x,1/2+z'
+ '1/2+y,1/2+x,z'
+ '-x,-z,-y'
+ '-x,1/2-z,1/2-y'
+ '1/2-x,-z,1/2-y'
+ '1/2-x,1/2-z,-y'
+ 'z,y,x'
+ 'z,1/2+y,1/2+x'
+ '1/2+z,y,1/2+x'
+ '1/2+z,1/2+y,x'
+ '-y,-x,-z'
+ '-y,1/2-x,1/2-z'
+ '1/2-y,-x,1/2-z'
+ '1/2-y,1/2-x,-z'
+ 'z,x,-y'
+ 'z,1/2+x,1/2-y'
+ '1/2+z,x,1/2-y'
+ '1/2+z,1/2+x,-y'
+ '-y,-z,x'
+ '-y,1/2-z,1/2+x'
+ '1/2-y,-z,1/2+x'
+ '1/2-y,1/2-z,x'
+ 'x,y,-z'
+ 'x,1/2+y,1/2-z'
+ '1/2+x,y,1/2-z'
+ '1/2+x,1/2+y,-z'
+ '-z,-x,y'
+ '-z,1/2-x,1/2+y'
+ '1/2-z,-x,1/2+y'
+ '1/2-z,1/2-x,y'
+ 'y,z,-x'
+ 'y,1/2+z,1/2-x'
+ '1/2+y,z,1/2-x'
+ '1/2+y,1/2+z,-x'
+ '-x,-y,z'
+ '-x,1/2-y,1/2+z'
+ '1/2-x,-y,1/2+z'
+ '1/2-x,1/2-y,z'
+ '-z,x,y'
+ '-z,1/2+x,1/2+y'
+ '1/2-z,x,1/2+y'
+ '1/2-z,1/2+x,y'
+ 'y,-z,-x'
+ 'y,1/2-z,1/2-x'
+ '1/2+y,-z,1/2-x'
+ '1/2+y,1/2-z,-x'
+ '-x,y,z'
+ '-x,1/2+y,1/2+z'
+ '1/2-x,y,1/2+z'
+ '1/2-x,1/2+y,z'
+ 'z,-x,-y'
+ 'z,1/2-x,1/2-y'
+ '1/2+z,-x,1/2-y'
+ '1/2+z,1/2-x,-y'
+ '-y,z,x'
+ '-y,1/2+z,1/2+x'
+ '1/2-y,z,1/2+x'
+ '1/2-y,1/2+z,x'
+ 'x,-y,-z'
+ 'x,1/2-y,1/2-z'
+ '1/2+x,-y,1/2-z'
+ '1/2+x,1/2-y,-z'
+ '-x,z,-y'
+ '-x,1/2+z,1/2-y'
+ '1/2-x,z,1/2-y'
+ '1/2-x,1/2+z,-y'
+ 'z,-y,x'
+ 'z,1/2-y,1/2+x'
+ '1/2+z,-y,1/2+x'
+ '1/2+z,1/2-y,x'
+ '-y,x,-z'
+ '-y,1/2+x,1/2-z'
+ '1/2-y,x,1/2-z'
+ '1/2-y,1/2+x,-z'
+ 'x,-z,y'
+ 'x,1/2-z,1/2+y'
+ '1/2+x,-z,1/2+y'
+ '1/2+x,1/2-z,y'
+ '-z,y,-x'
+ '-z,1/2+y,1/2-x'
+ '1/2-z,y,1/2-x'
+ '1/2-z,1/2+y,-x'
+ 'y,-x,z'
+ 'y,1/2-x,1/2+z'
+ '1/2+y,-x,1/2+z'
+ '1/2+y,1/2-x,z'
+ '-x,-z,y'
+ '-x,1/2-z,1/2+y'
+ '1/2-x,-z,1/2+y'
+ '1/2-x,1/2-z,y'
+ 'z,y,-x'
+ 'z,1/2+y,1/2-x'
+ '1/2+z,y,1/2-x'
+ '1/2+z,1/2+y,-x'
+ '-y,-x,z'
+ '-y,1/2-x,1/2+z'
+ '1/2-y,-x,1/2+z'
+ '1/2-y,1/2-x,z'
+ 'x,z,-y'
+ 'x,1/2+z,1/2-y'
+ '1/2+x,z,1/2-y'
+ '1/2+x,1/2+z,-y'
+ '-z,-y,x'
+ '-z,1/2-y,1/2+x'
+ '1/2-z,-y,1/2+x'
+ '1/2-z,1/2-y,x'
+ 'y,x,-z'
+ 'y,1/2+x,1/2-z'
+ '1/2+y,x,1/2-z'
+ '1/2+y,1/2+x,-z'
+ '-z,-x,-y'
+ '-z,1/2-x,1/2-y'
+ '1/2-z,-x,1/2-y'
+ '1/2-z,1/2-x,-y'
+ 'y,z,x'
+ 'y,1/2+z,1/2+x'
+ '1/2+y,z,1/2+x'
+ '1/2+y,1/2+z,x'
+ '-x,-y,-z'
+ '-x,1/2-y,1/2-z'
+ '1/2-x,-y,1/2-z'
+ '1/2-x,1/2-y,-z'
+ 'z,x,y'
+ 'z,1/2+x,1/2+y'
+ '1/2+z,x,1/2+y'
+ '1/2+z,1/2+x,y'
+ '-y,-z,-x'
+ '-y,1/2-z,1/2-x'
+ '1/2-y,-z,1/2-x'
+ '1/2-y,1/2-z,-x'
+Ba 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
+F 0.25000 0.25000 0.25000
diff --git a/examples/data/Calcite.cif b/examples/data/Calcite.cif
index 2f926cf..8fcf61a 100755
--- a/examples/data/Calcite.cif
+++ b/examples/data/Calcite.cif
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-_chemical_name_mineral 'Calcite'
-'Graf D L'
-_journal_name_full 'American Mineralogist'
-_journal_volume 46
-_journal_year 1961
-_journal_page_first 1283
-_journal_page_last 1316
- Crystallographic tables for the rhombohedral carbonates
-_database_code_amcsd 0000098
-_chemical_formula_sum 'Ca C O3'
-_cell_length_a 4.9900
-_cell_length_b 4.9900
-_cell_length_c 17.0615
-_cell_angle_alpha 90
-_cell_angle_beta 90
-_cell_angle_gamma 120
-_cell_volume 367.916
-_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 2.710
-_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'R -3 c'
- 'x,y,z'
- '2/3+x,1/3+y,1/3+z'
- '1/3+x,2/3+y,2/3+z'
- 'x,x-y,1/2+z'
- '2/3+x,1/3+x-y,5/6+z'
- '1/3+x,2/3+x-y,1/6+z'
- 'y,x,1/2-z'
- '2/3+y,1/3+x,5/6-z'
- '1/3+y,2/3+x,1/6-z'
- '-x+y,y,1/2+z'
- '2/3-x+y,1/3+y,5/6+z'
- '1/3-x+y,2/3+y,1/6+z'
- '-x,-x+y,1/2-z'
- '2/3-x,1/3-x+y,5/6-z'
- '1/3-x,2/3-x+y,1/6-z'
- '-y,-x,1/2+z'
- '2/3-y,1/3-x,5/6+z'
- '1/3-y,2/3-x,1/6+z'
- 'x-y,-y,1/2-z'
- '2/3+x-y,1/3-y,5/6-z'
- '1/3+x-y,2/3-y,1/6-z'
- 'y,-x+y,-z'
- '2/3+y,1/3-x+y,1/3-z'
- '1/3+y,2/3-x+y,2/3-z'
- '-x+y,-x,z'
- '2/3-x+y,1/3-x,1/3+z'
- '1/3-x+y,2/3-x,2/3+z'
- '-x,-y,-z'
- '2/3-x,1/3-y,1/3-z'
- '1/3-x,2/3-y,2/3-z'
- '-y,x-y,z'
- '2/3-y,1/3+x-y,1/3+z'
- '1/3-y,2/3+x-y,2/3+z'
- 'x-y,x,-z'
- '2/3+x-y,1/3+x,1/3-z'
- '1/3+x-y,2/3+x,2/3-z'
-Ca 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
-C 0.00000 0.00000 0.25000
-O 0.25780 0.00000 0.25000
+_chemical_name_mineral 'Calcite'
+'Graf D L'
+_journal_name_full 'American Mineralogist'
+_journal_volume 46
+_journal_year 1961
+_journal_page_first 1283
+_journal_page_last 1316
+ Crystallographic tables for the rhombohedral carbonates
+_database_code_amcsd 0000098
+_chemical_formula_sum 'Ca C O3'
+_cell_length_a 4.9900
+_cell_length_b 4.9900
+_cell_length_c 17.0615
+_cell_angle_alpha 90
+_cell_angle_beta 90
+_cell_angle_gamma 120
+_cell_volume 367.916
+_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 2.710
+_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'R -3 c'
+ 'x,y,z'
+ '2/3+x,1/3+y,1/3+z'
+ '1/3+x,2/3+y,2/3+z'
+ 'x,x-y,1/2+z'
+ '2/3+x,1/3+x-y,5/6+z'
+ '1/3+x,2/3+x-y,1/6+z'
+ 'y,x,1/2-z'
+ '2/3+y,1/3+x,5/6-z'
+ '1/3+y,2/3+x,1/6-z'
+ '-x+y,y,1/2+z'
+ '2/3-x+y,1/3+y,5/6+z'
+ '1/3-x+y,2/3+y,1/6+z'
+ '-x,-x+y,1/2-z'
+ '2/3-x,1/3-x+y,5/6-z'
+ '1/3-x,2/3-x+y,1/6-z'
+ '-y,-x,1/2+z'
+ '2/3-y,1/3-x,5/6+z'
+ '1/3-y,2/3-x,1/6+z'
+ 'x-y,-y,1/2-z'
+ '2/3+x-y,1/3-y,5/6-z'
+ '1/3+x-y,2/3-y,1/6-z'
+ 'y,-x+y,-z'
+ '2/3+y,1/3-x+y,1/3-z'
+ '1/3+y,2/3-x+y,2/3-z'
+ '-x+y,-x,z'
+ '2/3-x+y,1/3-x,1/3+z'
+ '1/3-x+y,2/3-x,2/3+z'
+ '-x,-y,-z'
+ '2/3-x,1/3-y,1/3-z'
+ '1/3-x,2/3-y,2/3-z'
+ '-y,x-y,z'
+ '2/3-y,1/3+x-y,1/3+z'
+ '1/3-y,2/3+x-y,2/3+z'
+ 'x-y,x,-z'
+ '2/3+x-y,1/3+x,1/3-z'
+ '1/3+x-y,2/3+x,2/3-z'
+Ca 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
+C 0.00000 0.00000 0.25000
+O 0.25780 0.00000 0.25000
diff --git a/examples/data/Silicon.cif b/examples/data/Silicon.cif
index a56ce9b..29e6bd1 100755
--- a/examples/data/Silicon.cif
+++ b/examples/data/Silicon.cif
@@ -1,227 +1,227 @@
-_chemical_name_mineral 'Silicon'
-'Wyckoff R W G'
-_journal_name_full 'Crystal Structures'
-_journal_volume 1
-_journal_year 1963
-_journal_page_first 7
-_journal_page_last 83
- Second edition. Interscience Publishers, New York, New York
- Sample at T = 300 K
-_database_code_amcsd 0011243
-_chemical_formula_sum 'Si'
-_cell_length_a 5.43070
-_cell_length_b 5.43070
-_cell_length_c 5.43070
-_cell_angle_alpha 90
-_cell_angle_beta 90
-_cell_angle_gamma 90
-_cell_volume 160.165
-_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 2.329
-_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'F d 3 m'
- 'x,y,z'
- 'x,1/2+y,1/2+z'
- '1/2+x,y,1/2+z'
- '1/2+x,1/2+y,z'
- '3/4+z,3/4-x,1/4+y'
- '3/4+z,1/4-x,3/4+y'
- '1/4+z,3/4-x,3/4+y'
- '1/4+z,1/4-x,1/4+y'
- '-y,1/2+z,1/2-x'
- '-y,+z,-x'
- '1/2-y,1/2+z,-x'
- '1/2-y,+z,1/2-x'
- '3/4+x,3/4-y,1/4+z'
- '3/4+x,1/4-y,3/4+z'
- '1/4+x,3/4-y,3/4+z'
- '1/4+x,1/4-y,1/4+z'
- '-z,1/2+x,1/2-y'
- '-z,+x,-y'
- '1/2-z,1/2+x,-y'
- '1/2-z,+x,1/2-y'
- '3/4+y,3/4-z,1/4+x'
- '3/4+y,1/4-z,3/4+x'
- '1/4+y,3/4-z,3/4+x'
- '1/4+y,1/4-z,1/4+x'
- '-x,1/2+y,1/2-z'
- '-x,+y,-z'
- '1/2-x,1/2+y,-z'
- '1/2-x,+y,1/2-z'
- '1/2+x,-z,1/2-y'
- '1/2+x,1/2-z,-y'
- '+x,-z,-y'
- '+x,1/2-z,1/2-y'
- '3/4-z,3/4+y,1/4+x'
- '3/4-z,1/4+y,3/4+x'
- '1/4-z,3/4+y,3/4+x'
- '1/4-z,1/4+y,1/4+x'
- '1/2+y,-x,1/2-z'
- '1/2+y,1/2-x,-z'
- '+y,-x,-z'
- '+y,1/2-x,1/2-z'
- '3/4-x,3/4+z,1/4+y'
- '3/4-x,1/4+z,3/4+y'
- '1/4-x,3/4+z,3/4+y'
- '1/4-x,1/4+z,1/4+y'
- '1/2+z,-y,1/2-x'
- '1/2+z,1/2-y,-x'
- '+z,-y,-x'
- '+z,1/2-y,1/2-x'
- '3/4-y,3/4+x,1/4+z'
- '3/4-y,1/4+x,3/4+z'
- '1/4-y,3/4+x,3/4+z'
- '1/4-y,1/4+x,1/4+z'
- 'x,1/2+z,1/2+y'
- 'x,+z,+y'
- '1/2+x,1/2+z,+y'
- '1/2+x,+z,1/2+y'
- '1/4-z,3/4-y,3/4-x'
- '1/4-z,1/4-y,1/4-x'
- '3/4-z,3/4-y,1/4-x'
- '3/4-z,1/4-y,3/4-x'
- 'y,1/2+x,1/2+z'
- 'y,+x,+z'
- '1/2+y,1/2+x,+z'
- '1/2+y,+x,1/2+z'
- '1/4-x,3/4-z,3/4-y'
- '1/4-x,1/4-z,1/4-y'
- '3/4-x,3/4-z,1/4-y'
- '3/4-x,1/4-z,3/4-y'
- 'z,1/2+y,1/2+x'
- 'z,+y,+x'
- '1/2+z,1/2+y,+x'
- '1/2+z,+y,1/2+x'
- '1/4-y,3/4-x,3/4-z'
- '1/4-y,1/4-x,1/4-z'
- '3/4-y,3/4-x,1/4-z'
- '3/4-y,1/4-x,3/4-z'
- '3/4+z,1/4+x,3/4-y'
- '3/4+z,3/4+x,1/4-y'
- '1/4+z,1/4+x,1/4-y'
- '1/4+z,3/4+x,3/4-y'
- '-y,1/2-z,1/2+x'
- '-y,-z,+x'
- '1/2-y,1/2-z,+x'
- '1/2-y,-z,1/2+x'
- '3/4+x,1/4+y,3/4-z'
- '3/4+x,3/4+y,1/4-z'
- '1/4+x,1/4+y,1/4-z'
- '1/4+x,3/4+y,3/4-z'
- '-z,1/2-x,1/2+y'
- '-z,-x,+y'
- '1/2-z,1/2-x,+y'
- '1/2-z,-x,1/2+y'
- '3/4+y,1/4+z,3/4-x'
- '3/4+y,3/4+z,1/4-x'
- '1/4+y,1/4+z,1/4-x'
- '1/4+y,3/4+z,3/4-x'
- '-x,1/2-y,1/2+z'
- '-x,-y,+z'
- '1/2-x,1/2-y,+z'
- '1/2-x,-y,1/2+z'
- '1/4-z,3/4+x,3/4+y'
- '1/4-z,1/4+x,1/4+y'
- '3/4-z,3/4+x,1/4+y'
- '3/4-z,1/4+x,3/4+y'
- 'y,-z,-x'
- 'y,1/2-z,1/2-x'
- '1/2+y,-z,1/2-x'
- '1/2+y,1/2-z,-x'
- '1/4-x,3/4+y,3/4+z'
- '1/4-x,1/4+y,1/4+z'
- '3/4-x,3/4+y,1/4+z'
- '3/4-x,1/4+y,3/4+z'
- 'z,-x,-y'
- 'z,1/2-x,1/2-y'
- '1/2+z,-x,1/2-y'
- '1/2+z,1/2-x,-y'
- '1/4-y,3/4+z,3/4+x'
- '1/4-y,1/4+z,1/4+x'
- '3/4-y,3/4+z,1/4+x'
- '3/4-y,1/4+z,3/4+x'
- 'x,-y,-z'
- 'x,1/2-y,1/2-z'
- '1/2+x,-y,1/2-z'
- '1/2+x,1/2-y,-z'
- '1/2-x,1/2+z,-y'
- '1/2-x,+z,1/2-y'
- '-x,1/2+z,1/2-y'
- '-x,+z,-y'
- '1/4+z,3/4-y,3/4+x'
- '1/4+z,1/4-y,1/4+x'
- '3/4+z,3/4-y,1/4+x'
- '3/4+z,1/4-y,3/4+x'
- '1/2-y,1/2+x,-z'
- '1/2-y,+x,1/2-z'
- '-y,1/2+x,1/2-z'
- '-y,+x,-z'
- '1/4+x,3/4-z,3/4+y'
- '1/4+x,1/4-z,1/4+y'
- '3/4+x,3/4-z,1/4+y'
- '3/4+x,1/4-z,3/4+y'
- '1/2-z,1/2+y,-x'
- '1/2-z,+y,1/2-x'
- '-z,1/2+y,1/2-x'
- '-z,+y,-x'
- '1/4+y,3/4-x,3/4+z'
- '1/4+y,1/4-x,1/4+z'
- '3/4+y,3/4-x,1/4+z'
- '3/4+y,1/4-x,3/4+z'
- '-x,-z,y'
- '-x,1/2-z,1/2+y'
- '1/2-x,-z,1/2+y'
- '1/2-x,1/2-z,y'
- '3/4+z,3/4+y,1/4-x'
- '3/4+z,1/4+y,3/4-x'
- '1/4+z,3/4+y,3/4-x'
- '1/4+z,1/4+y,1/4-x'
- '-y,-x,z'
- '-y,1/2-x,1/2+z'
- '1/2-y,-x,1/2+z'
- '1/2-y,1/2-x,z'
- '3/4+x,3/4+z,1/4-y'
- '3/4+x,1/4+z,3/4-y'
- '1/4+x,3/4+z,3/4-y'
- '1/4+x,1/4+z,1/4-y'
- '-z,-y,x'
- '-z,1/2-y,1/2+x'
- '1/2-z,-y,1/2+x'
- '1/2-z,1/2-y,x'
- '3/4+y,3/4+x,1/4-z'
- '3/4+y,1/4+x,3/4-z'
- '1/4+y,3/4+x,3/4-z'
- '1/4+y,1/4+x,1/4-z'
- '1/4-z,1/4-x,1/4-y'
- '1/4-z,3/4-x,3/4-y'
- '3/4-z,1/4-x,3/4-y'
- '3/4-z,3/4-x,1/4-y'
- 'y,z,x'
- 'y,1/2+z,1/2+x'
- '1/2+y,z,1/2+x'
- '1/2+y,1/2+z,x'
- '1/4-x,1/4-y,1/4-z'
- '1/4-x,3/4-y,3/4-z'
- '3/4-x,1/4-y,3/4-z'
- '3/4-x,3/4-y,1/4-z'
- 'z,x,y'
- 'z,1/2+x,1/2+y'
- '1/2+z,x,1/2+y'
- '1/2+z,1/2+x,y'
- '1/4-y,1/4-z,1/4-x'
- '1/4-y,3/4-z,3/4-x'
- '3/4-y,1/4-z,3/4-x'
- '3/4-y,3/4-z,1/4-x'
-Si 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
+_chemical_name_mineral 'Silicon'
+'Wyckoff R W G'
+_journal_name_full 'Crystal Structures'
+_journal_volume 1
+_journal_year 1963
+_journal_page_first 7
+_journal_page_last 83
+ Second edition. Interscience Publishers, New York, New York
+ Sample at T = 300 K
+_database_code_amcsd 0011243
+_chemical_formula_sum 'Si'
+_cell_length_a 5.43070
+_cell_length_b 5.43070
+_cell_length_c 5.43070
+_cell_angle_alpha 90
+_cell_angle_beta 90
+_cell_angle_gamma 90
+_cell_volume 160.165
+_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 2.329
+_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'F d 3 m'
+ 'x,y,z'
+ 'x,1/2+y,1/2+z'
+ '1/2+x,y,1/2+z'
+ '1/2+x,1/2+y,z'
+ '3/4+z,3/4-x,1/4+y'
+ '3/4+z,1/4-x,3/4+y'
+ '1/4+z,3/4-x,3/4+y'
+ '1/4+z,1/4-x,1/4+y'
+ '-y,1/2+z,1/2-x'
+ '-y,+z,-x'
+ '1/2-y,1/2+z,-x'
+ '1/2-y,+z,1/2-x'
+ '3/4+x,3/4-y,1/4+z'
+ '3/4+x,1/4-y,3/4+z'
+ '1/4+x,3/4-y,3/4+z'
+ '1/4+x,1/4-y,1/4+z'
+ '-z,1/2+x,1/2-y'
+ '-z,+x,-y'
+ '1/2-z,1/2+x,-y'
+ '1/2-z,+x,1/2-y'
+ '3/4+y,3/4-z,1/4+x'
+ '3/4+y,1/4-z,3/4+x'
+ '1/4+y,3/4-z,3/4+x'
+ '1/4+y,1/4-z,1/4+x'
+ '-x,1/2+y,1/2-z'
+ '-x,+y,-z'
+ '1/2-x,1/2+y,-z'
+ '1/2-x,+y,1/2-z'
+ '1/2+x,-z,1/2-y'
+ '1/2+x,1/2-z,-y'
+ '+x,-z,-y'
+ '+x,1/2-z,1/2-y'
+ '3/4-z,3/4+y,1/4+x'
+ '3/4-z,1/4+y,3/4+x'
+ '1/4-z,3/4+y,3/4+x'
+ '1/4-z,1/4+y,1/4+x'
+ '1/2+y,-x,1/2-z'
+ '1/2+y,1/2-x,-z'
+ '+y,-x,-z'
+ '+y,1/2-x,1/2-z'
+ '3/4-x,3/4+z,1/4+y'
+ '3/4-x,1/4+z,3/4+y'
+ '1/4-x,3/4+z,3/4+y'
+ '1/4-x,1/4+z,1/4+y'
+ '1/2+z,-y,1/2-x'
+ '1/2+z,1/2-y,-x'
+ '+z,-y,-x'
+ '+z,1/2-y,1/2-x'
+ '3/4-y,3/4+x,1/4+z'
+ '3/4-y,1/4+x,3/4+z'
+ '1/4-y,3/4+x,3/4+z'
+ '1/4-y,1/4+x,1/4+z'
+ 'x,1/2+z,1/2+y'
+ 'x,+z,+y'
+ '1/2+x,1/2+z,+y'
+ '1/2+x,+z,1/2+y'
+ '1/4-z,3/4-y,3/4-x'
+ '1/4-z,1/4-y,1/4-x'
+ '3/4-z,3/4-y,1/4-x'
+ '3/4-z,1/4-y,3/4-x'
+ 'y,1/2+x,1/2+z'
+ 'y,+x,+z'
+ '1/2+y,1/2+x,+z'
+ '1/2+y,+x,1/2+z'
+ '1/4-x,3/4-z,3/4-y'
+ '1/4-x,1/4-z,1/4-y'
+ '3/4-x,3/4-z,1/4-y'
+ '3/4-x,1/4-z,3/4-y'
+ 'z,1/2+y,1/2+x'
+ 'z,+y,+x'
+ '1/2+z,1/2+y,+x'
+ '1/2+z,+y,1/2+x'
+ '1/4-y,3/4-x,3/4-z'
+ '1/4-y,1/4-x,1/4-z'
+ '3/4-y,3/4-x,1/4-z'
+ '3/4-y,1/4-x,3/4-z'
+ '3/4+z,1/4+x,3/4-y'
+ '3/4+z,3/4+x,1/4-y'
+ '1/4+z,1/4+x,1/4-y'
+ '1/4+z,3/4+x,3/4-y'
+ '-y,1/2-z,1/2+x'
+ '-y,-z,+x'
+ '1/2-y,1/2-z,+x'
+ '1/2-y,-z,1/2+x'
+ '3/4+x,1/4+y,3/4-z'
+ '3/4+x,3/4+y,1/4-z'
+ '1/4+x,1/4+y,1/4-z'
+ '1/4+x,3/4+y,3/4-z'
+ '-z,1/2-x,1/2+y'
+ '-z,-x,+y'
+ '1/2-z,1/2-x,+y'
+ '1/2-z,-x,1/2+y'
+ '3/4+y,1/4+z,3/4-x'
+ '3/4+y,3/4+z,1/4-x'
+ '1/4+y,1/4+z,1/4-x'
+ '1/4+y,3/4+z,3/4-x'
+ '-x,1/2-y,1/2+z'
+ '-x,-y,+z'
+ '1/2-x,1/2-y,+z'
+ '1/2-x,-y,1/2+z'
+ '1/4-z,3/4+x,3/4+y'
+ '1/4-z,1/4+x,1/4+y'
+ '3/4-z,3/4+x,1/4+y'
+ '3/4-z,1/4+x,3/4+y'
+ 'y,-z,-x'
+ 'y,1/2-z,1/2-x'
+ '1/2+y,-z,1/2-x'
+ '1/2+y,1/2-z,-x'
+ '1/4-x,3/4+y,3/4+z'
+ '1/4-x,1/4+y,1/4+z'
+ '3/4-x,3/4+y,1/4+z'
+ '3/4-x,1/4+y,3/4+z'
+ 'z,-x,-y'
+ 'z,1/2-x,1/2-y'
+ '1/2+z,-x,1/2-y'
+ '1/2+z,1/2-x,-y'
+ '1/4-y,3/4+z,3/4+x'
+ '1/4-y,1/4+z,1/4+x'
+ '3/4-y,3/4+z,1/4+x'
+ '3/4-y,1/4+z,3/4+x'
+ 'x,-y,-z'
+ 'x,1/2-y,1/2-z'
+ '1/2+x,-y,1/2-z'
+ '1/2+x,1/2-y,-z'
+ '1/2-x,1/2+z,-y'
+ '1/2-x,+z,1/2-y'
+ '-x,1/2+z,1/2-y'
+ '-x,+z,-y'
+ '1/4+z,3/4-y,3/4+x'
+ '1/4+z,1/4-y,1/4+x'
+ '3/4+z,3/4-y,1/4+x'
+ '3/4+z,1/4-y,3/4+x'
+ '1/2-y,1/2+x,-z'
+ '1/2-y,+x,1/2-z'
+ '-y,1/2+x,1/2-z'
+ '-y,+x,-z'
+ '1/4+x,3/4-z,3/4+y'
+ '1/4+x,1/4-z,1/4+y'
+ '3/4+x,3/4-z,1/4+y'
+ '3/4+x,1/4-z,3/4+y'
+ '1/2-z,1/2+y,-x'
+ '1/2-z,+y,1/2-x'
+ '-z,1/2+y,1/2-x'
+ '-z,+y,-x'
+ '1/4+y,3/4-x,3/4+z'
+ '1/4+y,1/4-x,1/4+z'
+ '3/4+y,3/4-x,1/4+z'
+ '3/4+y,1/4-x,3/4+z'
+ '-x,-z,y'
+ '-x,1/2-z,1/2+y'
+ '1/2-x,-z,1/2+y'
+ '1/2-x,1/2-z,y'
+ '3/4+z,3/4+y,1/4-x'
+ '3/4+z,1/4+y,3/4-x'
+ '1/4+z,3/4+y,3/4-x'
+ '1/4+z,1/4+y,1/4-x'
+ '-y,-x,z'
+ '-y,1/2-x,1/2+z'
+ '1/2-y,-x,1/2+z'
+ '1/2-y,1/2-x,z'
+ '3/4+x,3/4+z,1/4-y'
+ '3/4+x,1/4+z,3/4-y'
+ '1/4+x,3/4+z,3/4-y'
+ '1/4+x,1/4+z,1/4-y'
+ '-z,-y,x'
+ '-z,1/2-y,1/2+x'
+ '1/2-z,-y,1/2+x'
+ '1/2-z,1/2-y,x'
+ '3/4+y,3/4+x,1/4-z'
+ '3/4+y,1/4+x,3/4-z'
+ '1/4+y,3/4+x,3/4-z'
+ '1/4+y,1/4+x,1/4-z'
+ '1/4-z,1/4-x,1/4-y'
+ '1/4-z,3/4-x,3/4-y'
+ '3/4-z,1/4-x,3/4-y'
+ '3/4-z,3/4-x,1/4-y'
+ 'y,z,x'
+ 'y,1/2+z,1/2+x'
+ '1/2+y,z,1/2+x'
+ '1/2+y,1/2+z,x'
+ '1/4-x,1/4-y,1/4-z'
+ '1/4-x,3/4-y,3/4-z'
+ '3/4-x,1/4-y,3/4-z'
+ '3/4-x,3/4-y,1/4-z'
+ 'z,x,y'
+ 'z,1/2+x,1/2+y'
+ '1/2+z,x,1/2+y'
+ '1/2+z,1/2+x,y'
+ '1/4-y,1/4-z,1/4-x'
+ '1/4-y,3/4-z,3/4-x'
+ '3/4-y,1/4-z,3/4-x'
+ '3/4-y,3/4-z,1/4-x'
+Si 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
diff --git a/examples/data/bi2te3.cif b/examples/data/bi2te3.cif
index 9983dfb..c001c58 100755
--- a/examples/data/bi2te3.cif
+++ b/examples/data/bi2te3.cif
@@ -1,88 +1,88 @@
-_chemical_name_mineral 'Tellurobismuthite'
-'Feutelais Y'
-'Legendre B'
-'Rodier N'
-'Agafonov V'
-_journal_name_full 'Materials Research Bulletin'
-_journal_volume 28
-_journal_year 1993
-_journal_page_first 591
-_journal_page_last 596
- A study of the phases in the bismuth - tellurium system
-_database_code_amcsd 0014367
-_chemical_compound_source 'Synthetic'
-_chemical_formula_sum 'Bi2 Te3'
-_cell_length_a 4.395
-_cell_length_b 4.395
-_cell_length_c 30.440
-_cell_angle_alpha 90
-_cell_angle_beta 90
-_cell_angle_gamma 120
-_cell_volume 509.205
-_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 7.834
-_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'R -3 m'
- 'x,y,z'
- '2/3+x,1/3+y,1/3+z'
- '1/3+x,2/3+y,2/3+z'
- 'x,x-y,z'
- '2/3+x,1/3+x-y,1/3+z'
- '1/3+x,2/3+x-y,2/3+z'
- 'y,x,-z'
- '2/3+y,1/3+x,1/3-z'
- '1/3+y,2/3+x,2/3-z'
- '-x+y,y,z'
- '2/3-x+y,1/3+y,1/3+z'
- '1/3-x+y,2/3+y,2/3+z'
- '-x,-x+y,-z'
- '2/3-x,1/3-x+y,1/3-z'
- '1/3-x,2/3-x+y,2/3-z'
- '-y,-x,z'
- '2/3-y,1/3-x,1/3+z'
- '1/3-y,2/3-x,2/3+z'
- 'x-y,-y,-z'
- '2/3+x-y,1/3-y,1/3-z'
- '1/3+x-y,2/3-y,2/3-z'
- 'y,-x+y,-z'
- '2/3+y,1/3-x+y,1/3-z'
- '1/3+y,2/3-x+y,2/3-z'
- '-x+y,-x,z'
- '2/3-x+y,1/3-x,1/3+z'
- '1/3-x+y,2/3-x,2/3+z'
- '-x,-y,-z'
- '2/3-x,1/3-y,1/3-z'
- '1/3-x,2/3-y,2/3-z'
- '-y,x-y,z'
- '2/3-y,1/3+x-y,1/3+z'
- '1/3-y,2/3+x-y,2/3+z'
- 'x-y,x,-z'
- '2/3+x-y,1/3+x,1/3-z'
- '1/3+x-y,2/3+x,2/3-z'
-Bi 0.00000 0.00000 0.40046 0.02330
-Te1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.01748
-Te2 0.00000 0.00000 0.79030 0.01912
-Bi 0.02260 0.02260 0.02441 0.01130 0.00000 0.00000
-Te1 0.01916 0.01916 0.01408 0.00961 0.00000 0.00000
-Te2 0.02092 0.02092 0.01549 0.01050 0.00000 0.00000
+_chemical_name_mineral 'Tellurobismuthite'
+'Feutelais Y'
+'Legendre B'
+'Rodier N'
+'Agafonov V'
+_journal_name_full 'Materials Research Bulletin'
+_journal_volume 28
+_journal_year 1993
+_journal_page_first 591
+_journal_page_last 596
+ A study of the phases in the bismuth - tellurium system
+_database_code_amcsd 0014367
+_chemical_compound_source 'Synthetic'
+_chemical_formula_sum 'Bi2 Te3'
+_cell_length_a 4.395
+_cell_length_b 4.395
+_cell_length_c 30.440
+_cell_angle_alpha 90
+_cell_angle_beta 90
+_cell_angle_gamma 120
+_cell_volume 509.205
+_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 7.834
+_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'R -3 m'
+ 'x,y,z'
+ '2/3+x,1/3+y,1/3+z'
+ '1/3+x,2/3+y,2/3+z'
+ 'x,x-y,z'
+ '2/3+x,1/3+x-y,1/3+z'
+ '1/3+x,2/3+x-y,2/3+z'
+ 'y,x,-z'
+ '2/3+y,1/3+x,1/3-z'
+ '1/3+y,2/3+x,2/3-z'
+ '-x+y,y,z'
+ '2/3-x+y,1/3+y,1/3+z'
+ '1/3-x+y,2/3+y,2/3+z'
+ '-x,-x+y,-z'
+ '2/3-x,1/3-x+y,1/3-z'
+ '1/3-x,2/3-x+y,2/3-z'
+ '-y,-x,z'
+ '2/3-y,1/3-x,1/3+z'
+ '1/3-y,2/3-x,2/3+z'
+ 'x-y,-y,-z'
+ '2/3+x-y,1/3-y,1/3-z'
+ '1/3+x-y,2/3-y,2/3-z'
+ 'y,-x+y,-z'
+ '2/3+y,1/3-x+y,1/3-z'
+ '1/3+y,2/3-x+y,2/3-z'
+ '-x+y,-x,z'
+ '2/3-x+y,1/3-x,1/3+z'
+ '1/3-x+y,2/3-x,2/3+z'
+ '-x,-y,-z'
+ '2/3-x,1/3-y,1/3-z'
+ '1/3-x,2/3-y,2/3-z'
+ '-y,x-y,z'
+ '2/3-y,1/3+x-y,1/3+z'
+ '1/3-y,2/3+x-y,2/3+z'
+ 'x-y,x,-z'
+ '2/3+x-y,1/3+x,1/3-z'
+ '1/3+x-y,2/3+x,2/3-z'
+Bi 0.00000 0.00000 0.40046 0.02330
+Te1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.01748
+Te2 0.00000 0.00000 0.79030 0.01912
+Bi 0.02260 0.02260 0.02441 0.01130 0.00000 0.00000
+Te1 0.01916 0.01916 0.01408 0.00961 0.00000 0.00000
+Te2 0.02092 0.02092 0.01549 0.01050 0.00000 0.00000
diff --git a/examples/xrayutilities_export_data2vtk.py b/examples/xrayutilities_export_data2vtk.py
index d9ea013..810005a 100644
--- a/examples/xrayutilities_export_data2vtk.py
+++ b/examples/xrayutilities_export_data2vtk.py
@@ -1,82 +1,82 @@
-# This file is part of xrayutilities.
-# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Copyright (C) 2013 Eugen Wintersberger <eugen.wintersberger at desy.de>
-# Copyright (C) 2013 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner at gmail.com>
-import numpy
-import xrayutilities as xu
-import vtk
-from vtk.util import numpy_support
-import os
-import xrayutilities_id01_functions as id01
-home = "DATADIR" # data path (root)
-datadir = os.path.join(home, "FOLDERNAME") # data path for CCD/Maxipix files
-specdir = home # location of spec file
-sample = "SAMPLENAME" # sample name -> used as spec file name
-# template for the CCD file names
-ccdfiletmp = os.path.join(datadir, "CCDFILENAME_%04d.edf.gz")
-h5file = os.path.join(specdir, sample + ".h5")
-# read spec file and save to HDF5 (needs to be done only once)
-# try: s
-# except NameError: s = xu.io.SPECFile(sample+".spec",path=specdir)
-# else:
-# s.Update()
-# s.Save2HDF5(h5file)
-# in ipython run with: "run -i script" to just update the spec file and parse
-# for new scans only
-# number of points to be used during the gridding
-nx, ny, nz = 100, 101, 102
-# read and grid data with helper function
-qx, qy, qz, gint, gridder = id01.gridmap(h5file, SCANNR, ccdfiletmp,
- nx, ny, nz)
-# prepare data for export to VTK image file
-INT = xu.maplog(gint, 3.0, 0)
-qx0 = qx.min()
-dqx = (qx.max() - qx.min()) / nx
-qy0 = qy.min()
-dqy = (qy.max() - qy.min()) / ny
-qz0 = qz.min()
-dqz = (qz.max() - qz.min()) / nz
-INT = numpy.transpose(INT).reshape((INT.size))
-data_array = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(INT)
-image_data = vtk.vtkImageData()
-image_data.SetOrigin(qx0, qy0, qz0)
-image_data.SetSpacing(dqx, dqy, dqz)
-image_data.SetExtent(0, nx - 1, 0, ny - 1, 0, nz - 1)
-pd = image_data.GetPointData()
-# export data to file
-writer = vtk.vtkXMLImageDataWriter()
+# This file is part of xrayutilities.
+# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Eugen Wintersberger <eugen.wintersberger at desy.de>
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner at gmail.com>
+import numpy
+import xrayutilities as xu
+import vtk
+from vtk.util import numpy_support
+import os
+import xrayutilities_id01_functions as id01
+home = "DATADIR" # data path (root)
+datadir = os.path.join(home, "FOLDERNAME") # data path for CCD/Maxipix files
+specdir = home # location of spec file
+sample = "SAMPLENAME" # sample name -> used as spec file name
+# template for the CCD file names
+ccdfiletmp = os.path.join(datadir, "CCDFILENAME_%04d.edf.gz")
+h5file = os.path.join(specdir, sample + ".h5")
+# read spec file and save to HDF5 (needs to be done only once)
+# try: s
+# except NameError: s = xu.io.SPECFile(sample+".spec",path=specdir)
+# else:
+# s.Update()
+# s.Save2HDF5(h5file)
+# in ipython run with: "run -i script" to just update the spec file and parse
+# for new scans only
+# number of points to be used during the gridding
+nx, ny, nz = 100, 101, 102
+# read and grid data with helper function
+qx, qy, qz, gint, gridder = id01.gridmap(h5file, SCANNR, ccdfiletmp,
+ nx, ny, nz)
+# prepare data for export to VTK image file
+INT = xu.maplog(gint, 3.0, 0)
+qx0 = qx.min()
+dqx = (qx.max() - qx.min()) / nx
+qy0 = qy.min()
+dqy = (qy.max() - qy.min()) / ny
+qz0 = qz.min()
+dqz = (qz.max() - qz.min()) / nz
+INT = numpy.transpose(INT).reshape((INT.size))
+data_array = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(INT)
+image_data = vtk.vtkImageData()
+image_data.SetOrigin(qx0, qy0, qz0)
+image_data.SetSpacing(dqx, dqy, dqz)
+image_data.SetExtent(0, nx - 1, 0, ny - 1, 0, nz - 1)
+pd = image_data.GetPointData()
+# export data to file
+writer = vtk.vtkXMLImageDataWriter()
diff --git a/examples/xrayutilities_hotpixelkill_variant.py b/examples/xrayutilities_hotpixelkill_variant.py
index e36a988..e3cb74c 100644
--- a/examples/xrayutilities_hotpixelkill_variant.py
+++ b/examples/xrayutilities_hotpixelkill_variant.py
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
-# This file is part of xrayutilities.
-# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Copyright (C) 2013 Raphael Grifone <raphael.grifone at esrf.fr>
-# Copyright (C) 2013 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner at gmail.com>
-The function below is a modification of the hotpixelkill function included in
-the xrayutilities_id01_functions.py file.
-Instead of manually specifying the list of hot pixel they are automatically
-determined from a series of dark images. The idea is as follows: If in the
-average data of several dark images (no intentional x-ray radiations during
-acquisition) a signal above a certain threshold remains it is expected to arise
-from a hot pixel and such pixels should be removed to avoid spikes in the data.
-import numpy
-import xrayutilities as xu
-import glob
-def hotpixelkill(ccd):
- """
- function to remove hot pixels from CCD frames
- """
- ccd[hotpixelnumbers] = 0
- # one could also use NaN here, since NaN values are
- # ignored by the gridder
- return ccd
-# identify hot pixels numbers from a series of dark images
-# open a series of 2D detector frames
-ccdavg = numpy.empty(0)
-n = 0
-for f in glob.glob("G:\data\dark*.edf"):
- e = xu.io.EDFFile(f)
- ccdraw = e.data
- try:
- ccdavg += ccdraw
- except:
- ccdavg = ccdraw.astype(numpy.float)
- n += 1
-ccdavg /= float(n)
-# adjust treshold value: either as absolute value or in relation to the maximum
-threshold = 10 # counts
-# or
-# threshold = ccdraw.max()*0.1 #take 10% of maximum intensity
-# determine hot pixels by comparison with the threshold value
-hotpixelnumbers = numpy.where(ccdraw > threshold)
+# This file is part of xrayutilities.
+# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Raphael Grifone <raphael.grifone at esrf.fr>
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner at gmail.com>
+The function below is a modification of the hotpixelkill function included in
+the xrayutilities_id01_functions.py file.
+Instead of manually specifying the list of hot pixel they are automatically
+determined from a series of dark images. The idea is as follows: If in the
+average data of several dark images (no intentional x-ray radiations during
+acquisition) a signal above a certain threshold remains it is expected to arise
+from a hot pixel and such pixels should be removed to avoid spikes in the data.
+import numpy
+import xrayutilities as xu
+import glob
+def hotpixelkill(ccd):
+ """
+ function to remove hot pixels from CCD frames
+ """
+ ccd[hotpixelnumbers] = 0
+ # one could also use NaN here, since NaN values are
+ # ignored by the gridder
+ return ccd
+# identify hot pixels numbers from a series of dark images
+# open a series of 2D detector frames
+ccdavg = numpy.empty(0)
+n = 0
+for f in glob.glob("G:\data\dark*.edf"):
+ e = xu.io.EDFFile(f)
+ ccdraw = e.data
+ try:
+ ccdavg += ccdraw
+ except:
+ ccdavg = ccdraw.astype(numpy.float)
+ n += 1
+ccdavg /= float(n)
+# adjust treshold value: either as absolute value or in relation to the maximum
+threshold = 10 # counts
+# or
+# threshold = ccdraw.max()*0.1 #take 10% of maximum intensity
+# determine hot pixels by comparison with the threshold value
+hotpixelnumbers = numpy.where(ccdraw > threshold)
diff --git a/examples/xrayutilities_kmap_example_ESRF.py b/examples/xrayutilities_kmap_example_ESRF.py
index 3965aa6..19f3187 100644
--- a/examples/xrayutilities_kmap_example_ESRF.py
+++ b/examples/xrayutilities_kmap_example_ESRF.py
@@ -1,101 +1,101 @@
-# This file is part of xrayutilities.
-# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Copyright (C) 2014 Raphael Grifone <raphael.grifone at esrf.fr>
-# Copyright (C) 2014 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner at gmail.com>
-import xrayutilities as xu
-import os
-import numpy
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-# define some convenience variables
-en = 9000.0 # x-ray energy in eV
-home = "\\homefolder"
-workdir = os.path.join(home, 'work')
-specdir = home # location of spec file
-sample = "sample" # sample name -> used as spec file name
-ccdfiletmp = "ccdfilename"
-# region of interest on the detector; useful to reduce the amount of data
-roi = [0, 516, 50, 300]
-# define experimental geometry and detector parameters
-# 2S+2D goniometer (simplified ID01 goniometer, sample mu,phi detector nu,del
-qconv = xu.experiment.QConversion(['z+', 'y-'], ['z+', 'y-'], [1, 0, 0])
-# convention for coordinate system: x downstream; z upwards; y to the
-# "outside" (righthanded)
-hxrd = xu.HXRD([1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], en=en, qconv=qconv)
-hxrd.Ang2Q.init_area('z-', 'y+', cch1=200.07, cch2=297.75, Nch1=516, Nch2=516,
- pwidth1=9.4489e-05, pwidth2=9.4452e-05, distance=1.,
- detrot=-0.801, tiltazimuth=30.3, tilt=1.611, roi=roi)
-def hotpixelkill(ccd):
- """
- function to remove hot pixels from CCD frames or apply any other filter.
- """
- # insert your own code here
- return ccd
-U = numpy.identity(3) # orientation matrix of the sample
-scannr = numpy.arange(0, 100)
-nx, ny = 100, 50
-# specfile, scannumbers, nx,ny, motornames, optional column names (ID01
-# values are default)
-fss = xu.io.FastScanSeries(sample, scannr, nx, ny, 'Mu', 'Eta', 'Nu', 'Delta',
- xmotor='adcY', ymotor='adcX', ccdnr='imgnr',
- path=specdir)
-# retrace clean all scans
-# align different scans (misalignment needs to be determined manually or if
-# your application allows also by a 2d correllation code
-# see e.g. scipy.signal.correlate2d
-# fss.align(deltax,deltay)
-# real space grid
-g2d = xu.Gridder2D(nx, ny)
-# read all motor positions from the data files
-# plot counter intensity on a grid
-for idx, fs in enumerate(fss.fastscans):
- print(idx)
- g2d.Clear()
- g2d(fs.data['adcX'], fs.data['adcY'], fs.data['mpx4int'])
- plt.figure()
- plt.contourf(g2d.xaxis, g2d.yaxis, g2d.data.T, 50)
- plt.xlabel("X (um)")
- plt.ylabel("Y (um)")
-posx, posy = 50, 30
-# reduce data: number of pixels to average in each detector direction
-nav = [2, 2]
-qnx, qny, qnz = (80, 100, 101)
-g = fss.gridRSM(posx, posy, qnx, qny, qnz, qconv, ccdfiletmp, path='',
- roi=roi, nav=nav, typ='index', filterfunc=hotpixelkill,
- UB=U)
-# with typ='real' the position should be real space coordinates. with
-# typ='index' the posx,y should specify indices within the range(nx)
-# range(ny)
-# g now contains a Gridder3D object which can be used for visualization
-# see xrayutilities_example_plot_3D_ESRF_ID01 for example code
-# Note: if you instead want to grid in two dimensions you can decrease one
-# of qnx,qny or qnz to 1 and interprate the data in 2D
+# This file is part of xrayutilities.
+# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Raphael Grifone <raphael.grifone at esrf.fr>
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner at gmail.com>
+import xrayutilities as xu
+import os
+import numpy
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+# define some convenience variables
+en = 9000.0 # x-ray energy in eV
+home = "\\homefolder"
+workdir = os.path.join(home, 'work')
+specdir = home # location of spec file
+sample = "sample" # sample name -> used as spec file name
+ccdfiletmp = "ccdfilename"
+# region of interest on the detector; useful to reduce the amount of data
+roi = [0, 516, 50, 300]
+# define experimental geometry and detector parameters
+# 2S+2D goniometer (simplified ID01 goniometer, sample mu,phi detector nu,del
+qconv = xu.experiment.QConversion(['z+', 'y-'], ['z+', 'y-'], [1, 0, 0])
+# convention for coordinate system: x downstream; z upwards; y to the
+# "outside" (righthanded)
+hxrd = xu.HXRD([1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], en=en, qconv=qconv)
+hxrd.Ang2Q.init_area('z-', 'y+', cch1=200.07, cch2=297.75, Nch1=516, Nch2=516,
+ pwidth1=9.4489e-05, pwidth2=9.4452e-05, distance=1.,
+ detrot=-0.801, tiltazimuth=30.3, tilt=1.611, roi=roi)
+def hotpixelkill(ccd):
+ """
+ function to remove hot pixels from CCD frames or apply any other filter.
+ """
+ # insert your own code here
+ return ccd
+U = numpy.identity(3) # orientation matrix of the sample
+scannr = numpy.arange(0, 100)
+nx, ny = 100, 50
+# specfile, scannumbers, nx,ny, motornames, optional column names (ID01
+# values are default)
+fss = xu.io.FastScanSeries(sample, scannr, nx, ny, 'Mu', 'Eta', 'Nu', 'Delta',
+ xmotor='adcY', ymotor='adcX', ccdnr='imgnr',
+ path=specdir)
+# retrace clean all scans
+# align different scans (misalignment needs to be determined manually or if
+# your application allows also by a 2d correllation code
+# see e.g. scipy.signal.correlate2d
+# fss.align(deltax,deltay)
+# real space grid
+g2d = xu.Gridder2D(nx, ny)
+# read all motor positions from the data files
+# plot counter intensity on a grid
+for idx, fs in enumerate(fss.fastscans):
+ print(idx)
+ g2d.Clear()
+ g2d(fs.data['adcX'], fs.data['adcY'], fs.data['mpx4int'])
+ plt.figure()
+ plt.contourf(g2d.xaxis, g2d.yaxis, g2d.data.T, 50)
+ plt.xlabel("X (um)")
+ plt.ylabel("Y (um)")
+posx, posy = 50, 30
+# reduce data: number of pixels to average in each detector direction
+nav = [2, 2]
+qnx, qny, qnz = (80, 100, 101)
+g = fss.gridRSM(posx, posy, qnx, qny, qnz, qconv, ccdfiletmp, path='',
+ roi=roi, nav=nav, typ='index', filterfunc=hotpixelkill,
+ UB=U)
+# with typ='real' the position should be real space coordinates. with
+# typ='index' the posx,y should specify indices within the range(nx)
+# range(ny)
+# g now contains a Gridder3D object which can be used for visualization
+# see xrayutilities_example_plot_3D_ESRF_ID01 for example code
+# Note: if you instead want to grid in two dimensions you can decrease one
+# of qnx,qny or qnz to 1 and interprate the data in 2D
diff --git a/examples/xrayutilities_user.conf b/examples/xrayutilities_user.conf
index 31c3c0a..d087dbd 100644
--- a/examples/xrayutilities_user.conf
+++ b/examples/xrayutilities_user.conf
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-# XRUTILS user configuration
+# XRUTILS user configuration
# default values for some properties of xrayutilities may be set
-# the syntax follows the one of the ConfigParser python module,
+# the syntax follows the one of the ConfigParser Python module,
# which is similar to .ini files
-# if you want to use this user-specific config file you need to place it in
-# ~/.xrayutilities.conf
-# or the local directory
-# ./xrayutilities.conf
+# if you want to use this user-specific config file you need to place it in
+# ~/.xrayutilities.conf
+# or the local directory
+# ./xrayutilities.conf
-# The config file with the default parameters is found in the python installation
-# path of xrayutilities. It is however not recommended to change things there,
+# The config file with the default parameters is found in the Python installation
+# path of xrayutilities. It is however not recommended to change things there,
# instead the user-specific config file
# begin of xrayutilities configuration
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
# 3: debuging output (e.g. print everything, which could be interesing)
-# default wavelength in Angstrom,
+# default wavelength in Angstrom,
# wavelength=1.5406
# default energy in eV
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 9b36e14..831aa07 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Copyright (C) 2009 Eugen Wintersberger <eugen.wintersberger at desy.de>
-# Copyright (C) 2010-2011,2013 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner at gmail.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner at gmail.com>
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
@@ -120,13 +120,18 @@ except ImportError:
- version="1.1.1",
+ version="1.1.2",
author="Eugen Wintersberger, Dominik Kriegner",
description="package for x-ray diffraction data evaluation",
+ "Programming Language :: C",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.2",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4",
"Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Physics",
"Intended Audience :: Science/Research",
- "Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
+ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
"License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2 or later "
diff --git a/xrayutilities.pdf b/xrayutilities.pdf
index 9477d79..035b0c9 100644
--- a/xrayutilities.pdf
+++ b/xrayutilities.pdf
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
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+/Contents ()
+/Rect [40.01575 186.6394 161.7057 198.6394]
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1459 0 obj
-/Title (Concept of usage)
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-/Next 1460 0 R
-/Dest [16 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 575.0394 0]
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border [0 0 0]
+/Type /Annot
+/Contents ()
+/Rect [40.01575 168.6394 171.1457 180.6394]
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1460 0 obj
-/Title (Angle calculation using the material classes)
-/Parent 1456 0 R
-/Prev 1459 0 R
-/Next 1457 0 R
-/Dest [23 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 787.0394 0]
+/Subtype /Link
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+/Rect [40.01575 150.6394 228.9557 162.6394]
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+1461 0 obj
-/Title (hello world)
-/Parent 1456 0 R
-/Prev 1460 0 R
-/Dest [23 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 473.4333 0]
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border [0 0 0]
+/Type /Annot
+/Contents ()
+/Rect [40.01575 132.6394 114.4757 144.6394]
+/Dest [196 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 508.2394 0]
-1458 0 obj
+1462 0 obj
-/Title (xrayutilities Python package)
-/Parent 1453 0 R
-/Prev 1456 0 R
-/Next 1461 0 R
-/Dest [28 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 708.2394 0]
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border [0 0 0]
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+/Contents ()
+/Rect [40.01575 114.6394 125.0357 126.6394]
+/Dest [176 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 454.2394 0]
-1461 0 obj
+1463 0 obj
-/Title (Installation)
-/Parent 1453 0 R
-/Last 1462 0 R
-/Prev 1458 0 R
-/Next 1463 0 R
-/First 1464 0 R
-/Dest [28 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 569.2394 0]
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+/Subtype /Link
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+/Contents ()
+/Rect [40.01575 96.63937 157.2757 108.6394]
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1464 0 obj
-/Title (Express instructions)
-/Parent 1461 0 R
-/Next 1465 0 R
-/Dest [28 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 529.2394 0]
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border [0 0 0]
+/Type /Annot
+/Contents ()
+/Rect [40.01575 78.63937 164.4857 90.63937]
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1465 0 obj
-/Title (Detailed instructions)
-/Parent 1461 0 R
-/Prev 1464 0 R
-/Next 1466 0 R
-/Dest [28 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 302.4394 0]
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border [0 0 0]
+/Type /Annot
+/Contents ()
+/Rect [40.01575 60.63937 144.4857 72.63937]
+/Dest [193 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 545.4394 0]
1466 0 obj
-/Title (Required third party software)
-/Parent 1461 0 R
-/Prev 1465 0 R
-/Next 1467 0 R
-/Dest [28 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 219.2394 0]
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border [0 0 0]
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+/Contents ()
+/Rect [308.9102 787.0394 404.4802 799.0394]
+/Dest [213 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 282.0394 0]
1467 0 obj
-/Title (Building and installing the library and python package)
-/Parent 1461 0 R
-/Prev 1466 0 R
-/Next 1468 0 R
-/Dest [39 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 521.0394 0]
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border [0 0 0]
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+/Contents ()
+/Rect [308.9102 769.0394 402.2802 781.0394]
+/Dest [218 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 789.8394 0]
1468 0 obj
-/Title (Setup of the Python package)
-/Parent 1461 0 R
-/Prev 1467 0 R
-/Next 1462 0 R
-/Dest [39 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 348.2394 0]
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border [0 0 0]
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+/Contents ()
+/Rect [308.9102 751.0394 391.7002 763.0394]
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-1462 0 obj
+1469 0 obj
-/Title (Notes for installing on Windows)
-/Parent 1461 0 R
-/Prev 1468 0 R
-/Dest [39 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 157.4394 0]
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border [0 0 0]
+/Type /Annot
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+/Rect [308.9102 733.0394 427.2802 745.0394]
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-1463 0 obj
+478 0 obj
-/Title (Examples and API-documentation)
-/Parent 1453 0 R
-/Last 1469 0 R
-/Prev 1461 0 R
-/Next 1470 0 R
-/First 1471 0 R
-/Dest [46 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 485.2394 0]
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-/Title (Examples)
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-/Title (Reading data from data files)
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-/Count 3
+/Parent 10 0 R
+/Contents 1470 0 R
+/MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898]
-1477 0 obj
+1471 0 obj
-/Title (Reading SPEC files)
-/Parent 1474 0 R
-/Next 1478 0 R
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-/Title (Reading EDF files)
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-/Dest [55 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 331.4394 0]
+/Type /Outlines
+/Last 1474 0 R
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1475 0 obj
-/Title (Other formats)
-/Parent 1474 0 R
-/Prev 1478 0 R
-/Dest [58 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 632.2394 0]
+/Title (Welcome to xrayutilities's documentation!)
+/Parent 1473 0 R
+/Next 1476 0 R
+/Dest [15 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 787.0394 0]
1476 0 obj
-/Title (Angle calculation using experiment and material classes)
-/Parent 1471 0 R
-/Prev 1474 0 R
-/Next 1479 0 R
-/Dest [58 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 457.8394 0]
+/Title (Introduction)
+/Parent 1473 0 R
+/Last 1477 0 R
+/Prev 1475 0 R
+/Next 1478 0 R
+/First 1479 0 R
+/Dest [15 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 699.0394 0]
+/Count 3
1479 0 obj
-/Title (Using the Gridder classes)
-/Parent 1471 0 R
-/Prev 1476 0 R
+/Title (Concept of usage)
+/Parent 1476 0 R
/Next 1480 0 R
-/Dest [67 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 107.4394 0]
+/Dest [15 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 575.0394 0]
1480 0 obj
-/Title (Using the material class)
-/Parent 1471 0 R
+/Title (Angle calculation using the material classes)
+/Parent 1476 0 R
/Prev 1479 0 R
-/Next 1481 0 R
-/Dest [72 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 463.0394 0]
+/Next 1477 0 R
+/Dest [22 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 787.0394 0]
-1481 0 obj
+1477 0 obj
-/Title (Calculation of diffraction angles for a general geometry)
-/Parent 1471 0 R
+/Title (hello world)
+/Parent 1476 0 R
/Prev 1480 0 R
-/Next 1482 0 R
-/Dest [77 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 75.03937 0]
+/Dest [22 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 477.9105 0]
-1482 0 obj
+1478 0 obj
-/Title (User-specific config file)
-/Parent 1471 0 R
-/Prev 1481 0 R
-/Next 1472 0 R
-/Dest [80 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 272.2394 0]
+/Title (xrayutilities Python package)
+/Parent 1473 0 R
+/Prev 1476 0 R
+/Next 1481 0 R
+/Dest [27 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 708.2394 0]
-1472 0 obj
+1481 0 obj
-/Title (Determining detector parameters)
-/Parent 1471 0 R
-/Last 1483 0 R
-/Prev 1482 0 R
+/Title (Installation)
+/Parent 1473 0 R
+/Last 1482 0 R
+/Prev 1478 0 R
+/Next 1483 0 R
/First 1484 0 R
-/Dest [83 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 596.2394 0]
-/Count 3
+/Dest [27 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 569.2394 0]
+/Count 6
1484 0 obj
-/Title (Linear detectors)
-/Parent 1472 0 R
+/Title (Express instructions)
+/Parent 1481 0 R
/Next 1485 0 R
-/Dest [83 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 533.4394 0]
+/Dest [27 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 529.2394 0]
1485 0 obj
-/Title (Area detector \(Variant 1\))
-/Parent 1472 0 R
+/Title (Detailed instructions)
+/Parent 1481 0 R
/Prev 1484 0 R
-/Next 1483 0 R
-/Dest [83 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 118.2394 0]
+/Next 1486 0 R
+/Dest [27 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 302.4394 0]
-1483 0 obj
+1486 0 obj
-/Title (Area detector \(Variant 2\))
-/Parent 1472 0 R
+/Title (Required third party software)
+/Parent 1481 0 R
/Prev 1485 0 R
-/Dest [90 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 588.2394 0]
+/Next 1487 0 R
+/Dest [27 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 219.2394 0]
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+1487 0 obj
-/Title (xrayutilities package)
-/Parent 1463 0 R
-/Last 1486 0 R
-/Prev 1471 0 R
-/Next 1487 0 R
-/First 1488 0 R
-/Dest [93 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 584.2394 0]
-/Count 52
+/Title (Building and installing the library and python package)
+/Parent 1481 0 R
+/Prev 1486 0 R
+/Next 1488 0 R
+/Dest [38 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 521.0394 0]
1488 0 obj
-/Title (Subpackages)
-/Parent 1473 0 R
-/Last 1489 0 R
-/Next 1490 0 R
-/First 1491 0 R
-/Dest [93 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 549.0394 0]
-/Count 39
+/Title (Setup of the Python package)
+/Parent 1481 0 R
+/Prev 1487 0 R
+/Next 1482 0 R
+/Dest [38 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 348.2394 0]
+1482 0 obj
+/Title (Notes for installing on Windows)
+/Parent 1481 0 R
+/Prev 1488 0 R
+/Dest [38 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 157.4394 0]
+1483 0 obj
+/Title (Examples and API-documentation)
+/Parent 1473 0 R
+/Last 1489 0 R
+/Prev 1481 0 R
+/Next 1490 0 R
+/First 1491 0 R
+/Dest [45 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 485.2394 0]
+/Count 160
1491 0 obj
-/Title (xrayutilities.analysis package)
-/Parent 1488 0 R
+/Title (Examples)
+/Parent 1483 0 R
/Last 1492 0 R
/Next 1493 0 R
/First 1494 0 R
-/Dest [93 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 516.2394 0]
-/Count 6
+/Dest [45 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 445.2394 0]
+/Count 13
1494 0 obj
-/Title (Submodules)
+/Title (Reading data from data files)
/Parent 1491 0 R
+/Last 1495 0 R
+/Next 1496 0 R
+/First 1497 0 R
+/Dest [45 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 368.0394 0]
+/Count 3
+1497 0 obj
+/Title (Reading SPEC files)
+/Parent 1494 0 R
+/Next 1498 0 R
+/Dest [45 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 305.2394 0]
+1498 0 obj
+/Title (Reading EDF files)
+/Parent 1494 0 R
+/Prev 1497 0 R
/Next 1495 0 R
-/Dest [93 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 485.8394 0]
+/Dest [54 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 331.4394 0]
1495 0 obj
-/Title (xrayutilities.analysis.line_cuts module)
-/Parent 1491 0 R
-/Prev 1494 0 R
-/Next 1496 0 R
-/Dest [93 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 456.6394 0]
+/Title (Other formats)
+/Parent 1494 0 R
+/Prev 1498 0 R
+/Dest [57 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 632.2394 0]
1496 0 obj
-/Title (xrayutilities.analysis.line_cuts3d module)
+/Title (Angle calculation using experiment and material classes)
/Parent 1491 0 R
-/Prev 1495 0 R
-/Next 1497 0 R
-/Dest [104 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 531.2394 0]
+/Prev 1494 0 R
+/Next 1499 0 R
+/Dest [57 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 457.8394 0]
-1497 0 obj
+1499 0 obj
-/Title (xrayutilities.analysis.misc module)
+/Title (Using the Gridder classes)
/Parent 1491 0 R
/Prev 1496 0 R
-/Next 1498 0 R
-/Dest [107 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 425.2394 0]
+/Next 1500 0 R
+/Dest [66 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 107.4394 0]
-1498 0 obj
+1500 0 obj
-/Title (xrayutilities.analysis.sample_align module)
+/Title (Using the material class)
/Parent 1491 0 R
-/Prev 1497 0 R
+/Prev 1499 0 R
+/Next 1501 0 R
+/Dest [71 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 463.0394 0]
+1501 0 obj
+/Title (Calculation of diffraction angles for a general geometry)
+/Parent 1491 0 R
+/Prev 1500 0 R
+/Next 1502 0 R
+/Dest [76 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 75.03937 0]
+1502 0 obj
+/Title (User-specific config file)
+/Parent 1491 0 R
+/Prev 1501 0 R
/Next 1492 0 R
-/Dest [107 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 189.0394 0]
+/Dest [79 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 272.2394 0]
1492 0 obj
-/Title (Module contents)
+/Title (Determining detector parameters)
/Parent 1491 0 R
-/Prev 1498 0 R
-/Dest [112 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 278.4394 0]
+/Last 1503 0 R
+/Prev 1502 0 R
+/First 1504 0 R
+/Dest [82 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 596.2394 0]
+/Count 3
+1504 0 obj
+/Title (Linear detectors)
+/Parent 1492 0 R
+/Next 1505 0 R
+/Dest [82 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 533.4394 0]
+1505 0 obj
+/Title (Area detector \(Variant 1\))
+/Parent 1492 0 R
+/Prev 1504 0 R
+/Next 1503 0 R
+/Dest [82 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 118.2394 0]
+1503 0 obj
+/Title (Area detector \(Variant 2\))
+/Parent 1492 0 R
+/Prev 1505 0 R
+/Dest [89 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 588.2394 0]
1493 0 obj
-/Title (xrayutilities.io package)
-/Parent 1488 0 R
-/Last 1499 0 R
+/Title (xrayutilities package)
+/Parent 1483 0 R
+/Last 1506 0 R
/Prev 1491 0 R
-/Next 1500 0 R
-/First 1501 0 R
-/Dest [112 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 189.2394 0]
+/Next 1507 0 R
+/First 1508 0 R
+/Dest [92 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 584.2394 0]
+/Count 52
+1508 0 obj
+/Title (Subpackages)
+/Parent 1493 0 R
+/Last 1509 0 R
+/Next 1510 0 R
+/First 1511 0 R
+/Dest [92 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 549.0394 0]
+/Count 39
+1511 0 obj
+/Title (xrayutilities.analysis package)
+/Parent 1508 0 R
+/Last 1512 0 R
+/Next 1513 0 R
+/First 1514 0 R
+/Dest [92 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 516.2394 0]
+/Count 6
+1514 0 obj
+/Title (Submodules)
+/Parent 1511 0 R
+/Next 1515 0 R
+/Dest [92 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 485.8394 0]
+1515 0 obj
+/Title (xrayutilities.analysis.line_cuts module)
+/Parent 1511 0 R
+/Prev 1514 0 R
+/Next 1516 0 R
+/Dest [92 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 456.6394 0]
+1516 0 obj
+/Title (xrayutilities.analysis.line_cuts3d module)
+/Parent 1511 0 R
+/Prev 1515 0 R
+/Next 1517 0 R
+/Dest [103 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 531.2394 0]
+1517 0 obj
+/Title (xrayutilities.analysis.misc module)
+/Parent 1511 0 R
+/Prev 1516 0 R
+/Next 1518 0 R
+/Dest [106 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 425.2394 0]
+1518 0 obj
+/Title (xrayutilities.analysis.sample_align module)
+/Parent 1511 0 R
+/Prev 1517 0 R
+/Next 1512 0 R
+/Dest [106 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 189.0394 0]
+1512 0 obj
+/Title (Module contents)
+/Parent 1511 0 R
+/Prev 1518 0 R
+/Dest [111 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 278.4394 0]
+1513 0 obj
+/Title (xrayutilities.io package)
+/Parent 1508 0 R
+/Last 1519 0 R
+/Prev 1511 0 R
+/Next 1520 0 R
+/First 1521 0 R
+/Dest [111 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 189.2394 0]
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+1521 0 obj
/Title (Submodules)
-/Parent 1493 0 R
-/Next 1502 0 R
-/Dest [112 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 158.8394 0]
+/Parent 1513 0 R
+/Next 1522 0 R
+/Dest [111 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 158.8394 0]
-1502 0 obj
+1522 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.cbf module)
-/Parent 1493 0 R
-/Prev 1501 0 R
-/Next 1503 0 R
-/Dest [112 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 129.6394 0]
+/Parent 1513 0 R
+/Prev 1521 0 R
+/Next 1523 0 R
+/Dest [111 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 129.6394 0]
-1503 0 obj
+1523 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.desy_tty08 module)
-/Parent 1493 0 R
-/Prev 1502 0 R
-/Next 1504 0 R
-/Dest [123 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 391.0394 0]
+/Parent 1513 0 R
+/Prev 1522 0 R
+/Next 1524 0 R
+/Dest [122 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 391.0394 0]
-1504 0 obj
+1524 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.edf module)
-/Parent 1493 0 R
-/Prev 1503 0 R
-/Next 1505 0 R
-/Dest [126 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 534.2394 0]
+/Parent 1513 0 R
+/Prev 1523 0 R
+/Next 1525 0 R
+/Dest [125 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 534.2394 0]
-1505 0 obj
+1525 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.fastscan module)
-/Parent 1493 0 R
-/Prev 1504 0 R
-/Next 1506 0 R
-/Dest [129 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 671.0394 0]
+/Parent 1513 0 R
+/Prev 1524 0 R
+/Next 1526 0 R
+/Dest [128 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 671.0394 0]
-1506 0 obj
+1526 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.helper module)
-/Parent 1493 0 R
-/Prev 1505 0 R
-/Next 1507 0 R
-/Dest [132 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 381.0394 0]
+/Parent 1513 0 R
+/Prev 1525 0 R
+/Next 1527 0 R
+/Dest [131 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 372.0394 0]
-1507 0 obj
+1527 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.imagereader module)
-/Parent 1493 0 R
-/Prev 1506 0 R
-/Next 1508 0 R
-/Dest [132 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 129.8394 0]
+/Parent 1513 0 R
+/Prev 1526 0 R
+/Next 1528 0 R
+/Dest [131 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 120.8394 0]
-1508 0 obj
+1528 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.panalytical_xml module)
-/Parent 1493 0 R
-/Prev 1507 0 R
-/Next 1509 0 R
-/Dest [137 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 432.0394 0]
+/Parent 1513 0 R
+/Prev 1527 0 R
+/Next 1529 0 R
+/Dest [136 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 420.0394 0]
-1509 0 obj
+1529 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.pdcif module)
-/Parent 1493 0 R
-/Prev 1508 0 R
-/Next 1510 0 R
-/Dest [140 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 444.4394 0]
+/Parent 1513 0 R
+/Prev 1528 0 R
+/Next 1530 0 R
+/Dest [139 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 417.4394 0]
-1510 0 obj
+1530 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.radicon module)
-/Parent 1493 0 R
-/Prev 1509 0 R
-/Next 1511 0 R
-/Dest [140 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 90.23937 0]
+/Parent 1513 0 R
+/Prev 1529 0 R
+/Next 1531 0 R
+/Dest [142 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 787.0394 0]
-1511 0 obj
+1531 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.rotanode_alignment module)
-/Parent 1493 0 R
-/Prev 1510 0 R
-/Next 1512 0 R
-/Dest [145 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 339.0394 0]
+/Parent 1513 0 R
+/Prev 1530 0 R
+/Next 1532 0 R
+/Dest [142 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 301.8394 0]
-1512 0 obj
+1532 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.seifert module)
-/Parent 1493 0 R
-/Prev 1511 0 R
-/Next 1513 0 R
-/Dest [148 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 756.0394 0]
+/Parent 1513 0 R
+/Prev 1531 0 R
+/Next 1533 0 R
+/Dest [147 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 720.0394 0]
-1513 0 obj
+1533 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.spec module)
-/Parent 1493 0 R
-/Prev 1512 0 R
-/Next 1514 0 R
-/Dest [151 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 414.2394 0]
+/Parent 1513 0 R
+/Prev 1532 0 R
+/Next 1534 0 R
+/Dest [150 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 378.2394 0]
-1514 0 obj
+1534 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.spectra module)
-/Parent 1493 0 R
-/Prev 1513 0 R
-/Next 1499 0 R
-/Dest [154 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 315.2394 0]
+/Parent 1513 0 R
+/Prev 1533 0 R
+/Next 1519 0 R
+/Dest [153 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 787.0394 0]
-1499 0 obj
+1519 0 obj
/Title (Module contents)
-/Parent 1493 0 R
-/Prev 1514 0 R
-/Dest [157 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 510.0394 0]
+/Parent 1513 0 R
+/Prev 1534 0 R
+/Dest [156 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 269.8504 0]
-1500 0 obj
+1520 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials package)
-/Parent 1488 0 R
-/Last 1515 0 R
-/Prev 1493 0 R
-/Next 1489 0 R
-/First 1516 0 R
-/Dest [157 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 480.8394 0]
+/Parent 1508 0 R
+/Last 1535 0 R
+/Prev 1513 0 R
+/Next 1509 0 R
+/First 1536 0 R
+/Dest [156 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 240.6504 0]
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+1536 0 obj
/Title (Submodules)
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-/Next 1517 0 R
-/Dest [157 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 450.4394 0]
+/Parent 1520 0 R
+/Next 1537 0 R
+/Dest [156 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 210.2504 0]
-1517 0 obj
+1537 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials.cif module)
-/Parent 1500 0 R
-/Prev 1516 0 R
-/Next 1518 0 R
-/Dest [157 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 421.2394 0]
+/Parent 1520 0 R
+/Prev 1536 0 R
+/Next 1538 0 R
+/Dest [156 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 181.0504 0]
-1518 0 obj
+1538 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials.database module)
-/Parent 1500 0 R
-/Prev 1517 0 R
-/Next 1519 0 R
-/Dest [157 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 182.0394 0]
+/Parent 1520 0 R
+/Prev 1537 0 R
+/Next 1539 0 R
+/Dest [165 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 663.0394 0]
-1519 0 obj
+1539 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials.elements module)
-/Parent 1500 0 R
-/Prev 1518 0 R
-/Next 1520 0 R
-/Dest [168 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 433.0394 0]
+/Parent 1520 0 R
+/Prev 1538 0 R
+/Next 1540 0 R
+/Dest [168 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 191.0394 0]
-1520 0 obj
+1540 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials.lattice module)
-/Parent 1500 0 R
-/Prev 1519 0 R
-/Next 1521 0 R
-/Dest [168 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 403.8394 0]
+/Parent 1520 0 R
+/Prev 1539 0 R
+/Next 1541 0 R
+/Dest [168 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 161.8394 0]
-1521 0 obj
+1541 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials.material module)
-/Parent 1500 0 R
-/Prev 1520 0 R
-/Next 1522 0 R
-/Dest [173 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 393.0394 0]
+/Parent 1520 0 R
+/Prev 1540 0 R
+/Next 1542 0 R
+/Dest [173 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 147.4394 0]
-1522 0 obj
+1542 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials.predefined_materials module)
-/Parent 1500 0 R
-/Prev 1521 0 R
-/Next 1515 0 R
-/Dest [176 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 184.4394 0]
+/Parent 1520 0 R
+/Prev 1541 0 R
+/Next 1535 0 R
+/Dest [176 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 672.0394 0]
-1515 0 obj
+1535 0 obj
/Title (Module contents)
-/Parent 1500 0 R
-/Prev 1522 0 R
-/Dest [179 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 787.0394 0]
+/Parent 1520 0 R
+/Prev 1542 0 R
+/Dest [176 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 540.8394 0]
-1489 0 obj
+1509 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.math package)
-/Parent 1488 0 R
-/Last 1523 0 R
-/Prev 1500 0 R
-/First 1524 0 R
-/Dest [179 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 757.8394 0]
+/Parent 1508 0 R
+/Last 1543 0 R
+/Prev 1520 0 R
+/First 1544 0 R
+/Dest [176 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 511.6394 0]
/Count 6
-1524 0 obj
+1544 0 obj
/Title (Submodules)
-/Parent 1489 0 R
-/Next 1525 0 R
-/Dest [179 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 727.4394 0]
+/Parent 1509 0 R
+/Next 1545 0 R
+/Dest [176 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 481.2394 0]
-1525 0 obj
+1545 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.math.fit module)
-/Parent 1489 0 R
-/Prev 1524 0 R
-/Next 1526 0 R
-/Dest [179 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 698.2394 0]
+/Parent 1509 0 R
+/Prev 1544 0 R
+/Next 1546 0 R
+/Dest [176 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 452.0394 0]
-1526 0 obj
+1546 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.math.functions module)
-/Parent 1489 0 R
-/Prev 1525 0 R
-/Next 1527 0 R
-/Dest [188 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 134.0394 0]
+/Parent 1509 0 R
+/Prev 1545 0 R
+/Next 1547 0 R
+/Dest [187 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 603.0394 0]
-1527 0 obj
+1547 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.math.transforms module)
-/Parent 1489 0 R
-/Prev 1526 0 R
-/Next 1528 0 R
-/Dest [191 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 357.0394 0]
+/Parent 1509 0 R
+/Prev 1546 0 R
+/Next 1548 0 R
+/Dest [190 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 99.23937 0]
-1528 0 obj
+1548 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.math.vector module)
-/Parent 1489 0 R
-/Prev 1527 0 R
-/Next 1523 0 R
-/Dest [194 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 787.0394 0]
+/Parent 1509 0 R
+/Prev 1547 0 R
+/Next 1543 0 R
+/Dest [193 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 543.2394 0]
-1523 0 obj
+1543 0 obj
/Title (Module contents)
-/Parent 1489 0 R
-/Prev 1528 0 R
-/Dest [197 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 759.0394 0]
+/Parent 1509 0 R
+/Prev 1548 0 R
+/Dest [196 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 506.0394 0]
-1490 0 obj
+1510 0 obj
/Title (Submodules)
-/Parent 1473 0 R
-/Prev 1488 0 R
-/Next 1529 0 R
-/Dest [197 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 729.8394 0]
+/Parent 1493 0 R
+/Prev 1508 0 R
+/Next 1549 0 R
+/Dest [196 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 476.8394 0]
-1529 0 obj
+1549 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.config module)
-/Parent 1473 0 R
-/Prev 1490 0 R
-/Next 1530 0 R
-/Dest [197 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 697.0394 0]
+/Parent 1493 0 R
+/Prev 1510 0 R
+/Next 1550 0 R
+/Dest [196 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 444.0394 0]
-1530 0 obj
+1550 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.exception module)
-/Parent 1473 0 R
-/Prev 1529 0 R
-/Next 1531 0 R
-/Dest [197 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 610.2394 0]
+/Parent 1493 0 R
+/Prev 1549 0 R
+/Next 1551 0 R
+/Dest [196 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 357.2394 0]
-1531 0 obj
+1551 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.experiment module)
-/Parent 1473 0 R
-/Prev 1530 0 R
-/Next 1532 0 R
-/Dest [197 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 444.4394 0]
+/Parent 1493 0 R
+/Prev 1550 0 R
+/Next 1552 0 R
+/Dest [196 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 191.4394 0]
-1532 0 obj
+1552 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.gridder module)
-/Parent 1473 0 R
-/Prev 1531 0 R
-/Next 1533 0 R
-/Dest [208 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 301.0394 0]
+/Parent 1493 0 R
+/Prev 1551 0 R
+/Next 1553 0 R
+/Dest [207 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 651.0394 0]
-1533 0 obj
+1553 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.gridder2d module)
-/Parent 1473 0 R
-/Prev 1532 0 R
-/Next 1534 0 R
-/Dest [211 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 90.03937 0]
+/Parent 1493 0 R
+/Prev 1552 0 R
+/Next 1554 0 R
+/Dest [210 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 447.0394 0]
-1534 0 obj
+1554 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.gridder3d module)
-/Parent 1473 0 R
-/Prev 1533 0 R
-/Next 1535 0 R
-/Dest [214 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 318.0394 0]
+/Parent 1493 0 R
+/Prev 1553 0 R
+/Next 1555 0 R
+/Dest [213 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 675.0394 0]
-1535 0 obj
+1555 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.normalize module)
-/Parent 1473 0 R
-/Prev 1534 0 R
-/Next 1536 0 R
-/Dest [217 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 663.0394 0]
+/Parent 1493 0 R
+/Prev 1554 0 R
+/Next 1556 0 R
+/Dest [213 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 279.2394 0]
-1536 0 obj
+1556 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.q2ang_fit module)
-/Parent 1473 0 R
-/Prev 1535 0 R
-/Next 1537 0 R
-/Dest [220 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 427.0394 0]
+/Parent 1493 0 R
+/Prev 1555 0 R
+/Next 1557 0 R
+/Dest [218 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 787.0394 0]
-1537 0 obj
+1557 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.utilities module)
-/Parent 1473 0 R
-/Prev 1536 0 R
-/Next 1538 0 R
-/Dest [223 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 606.0394 0]
+/Parent 1493 0 R
+/Prev 1556 0 R
+/Next 1558 0 R
+/Dest [218 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 285.2394 0]
-1538 0 obj
+1558 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.utilities_noconf module)
-/Parent 1473 0 R
-/Prev 1537 0 R
-/Next 1486 0 R
-/Dest [223 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 304.4394 0]
+/Parent 1493 0 R
+/Prev 1557 0 R
+/Next 1506 0 R
+/Dest [223 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 716.2394 0]
-1486 0 obj
+1506 0 obj
/Title (Module contents)
-/Parent 1473 0 R
-/Prev 1538 0 R
-/Dest [228 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 453.2394 0]
+/Parent 1493 0 R
+/Prev 1558 0 R
+/Dest [226 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 429.4394 0]
-1487 0 obj
+1507 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.analysis package)
-/Parent 1463 0 R
-/Last 1539 0 R
-/Prev 1473 0 R
-/Next 1540 0 R
-/First 1541 0 R
-/Dest [228 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 339.4394 0]
+/Parent 1483 0 R
+/Last 1559 0 R
+/Prev 1493 0 R
+/Next 1560 0 R
+/First 1561 0 R
+/Dest [226 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 315.6394 0]
/Count 6
-1541 0 obj
+1561 0 obj
/Title (Submodules)
-/Parent 1487 0 R
-/Next 1542 0 R
-/Dest [228 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 304.2394 0]
+/Parent 1507 0 R
+/Next 1562 0 R
+/Dest [226 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 280.4394 0]
-1542 0 obj
+1562 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.analysis.line_cuts module)
-/Parent 1487 0 R
-/Prev 1541 0 R
-/Next 1543 0 R
-/Dest [228 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 271.4394 0]
+/Parent 1507 0 R
+/Prev 1561 0 R
+/Next 1563 0 R
+/Dest [226 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 247.6394 0]
-1543 0 obj
+1563 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.analysis.line_cuts3d module)
-/Parent 1487 0 R
-/Prev 1542 0 R
-/Next 1544 0 R
-/Dest [239 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 356.2394 0]
+/Parent 1507 0 R
+/Prev 1562 0 R
+/Next 1564 0 R
+/Dest [237 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 320.2394 0]
-1544 0 obj
+1564 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.analysis.misc module)
-/Parent 1487 0 R
-/Prev 1543 0 R
-/Next 1545 0 R
-/Dest [242 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 238.4394 0]
+/Parent 1507 0 R
+/Prev 1563 0 R
+/Next 1565 0 R
+/Dest [240 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 202.4394 0]
-1545 0 obj
+1565 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.analysis.sample_align module)
-/Parent 1487 0 R
-/Prev 1544 0 R
-/Next 1539 0 R
-/Dest [245 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 726.0394 0]
+/Parent 1507 0 R
+/Prev 1564 0 R
+/Next 1559 0 R
+/Dest [243 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 699.0394 0]
-1539 0 obj
+1559 0 obj
/Title (Module contents)
-/Parent 1487 0 R
-/Prev 1545 0 R
-/Dest [248 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 184.4394 0]
+/Parent 1507 0 R
+/Prev 1565 0 R
+/Dest [246 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 172.0394 0]
-1540 0 obj
+1560 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io package)
-/Parent 1463 0 R
-/Last 1546 0 R
-/Prev 1487 0 R
-/Next 1547 0 R
-/First 1548 0 R
-/Dest [248 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 91.63937 0]
+/Parent 1483 0 R
+/Last 1566 0 R
+/Prev 1507 0 R
+/Next 1567 0 R
+/First 1568 0 R
+/Dest [246 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 79.23937 0]
/Count 15
-1548 0 obj
+1568 0 obj
/Title (Submodules)
-/Parent 1540 0 R
-/Next 1549 0 R
-/Dest [253 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 787.0394 0]
+/Parent 1560 0 R
+/Next 1569 0 R
+/Dest [251 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 787.0394 0]
-1549 0 obj
+1569 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.cbf module)
-/Parent 1540 0 R
-/Prev 1548 0 R
-/Next 1550 0 R
-/Dest [253 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 754.2394 0]
+/Parent 1560 0 R
+/Prev 1568 0 R
+/Next 1570 0 R
+/Dest [251 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 754.2394 0]
-1550 0 obj
+1570 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.desy_tty08 module)
-/Parent 1540 0 R
-/Prev 1549 0 R
-/Next 1551 0 R
-/Dest [253 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 275.4394 0]
+/Parent 1560 0 R
+/Prev 1569 0 R
+/Next 1571 0 R
+/Dest [251 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 275.4394 0]
-1551 0 obj
+1571 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.edf module)
-/Parent 1540 0 R
-/Prev 1550 0 R
-/Next 1552 0 R
-/Dest [260 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 407.2394 0]
+/Parent 1560 0 R
+/Prev 1570 0 R
+/Next 1572 0 R
+/Dest [258 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 407.2394 0]
-1552 0 obj
+1572 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.fastscan module)
-/Parent 1540 0 R
-/Prev 1551 0 R
-/Next 1553 0 R
-/Dest [263 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 530.0394 0]
+/Parent 1560 0 R
+/Prev 1571 0 R
+/Next 1573 0 R
+/Dest [261 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 530.0394 0]
-1553 0 obj
+1573 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.helper module)
-/Parent 1540 0 R
-/Prev 1552 0 R
-/Next 1554 0 R
-/Dest [266 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 261.0394 0]
+/Parent 1560 0 R
+/Prev 1572 0 R
+/Next 1574 0 R
+/Dest [264 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 372.0394 0]
-1554 0 obj
+1574 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.imagereader module)
-/Parent 1540 0 R
-/Prev 1553 0 R
-/Next 1555 0 R
-/Dest [269 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 729.0394 0]
+/Parent 1560 0 R
+/Prev 1573 0 R
+/Next 1575 0 R
+/Dest [264 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 117.2394 0]
-1555 0 obj
+1575 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.panalytical_xml module)
-/Parent 1540 0 R
-/Prev 1554 0 R
-/Next 1556 0 R
-/Dest [269 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 303.2394 0]
+/Parent 1560 0 R
+/Prev 1574 0 R
+/Next 1576 0 R
+/Dest [269 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 420.0394 0]
-1556 0 obj
+1576 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.pdcif module)
-/Parent 1540 0 R
-/Prev 1555 0 R
-/Next 1557 0 R
-/Dest [274 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 285.4394 0]
+/Parent 1560 0 R
+/Prev 1575 0 R
+/Next 1577 0 R
+/Dest [272 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 417.4394 0]
-1557 0 obj
+1577 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.radicon module)
-/Parent 1540 0 R
-/Prev 1556 0 R
-/Next 1558 0 R
-/Dest [277 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 651.0394 0]
+/Parent 1560 0 R
+/Prev 1576 0 R
+/Next 1578 0 R
+/Dest [275 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 787.0394 0]
-1558 0 obj
+1578 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.rotanode_alignment module)
-/Parent 1540 0 R
-/Prev 1557 0 R
-/Next 1559 0 R
-/Dest [277 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 162.2394 0]
+/Parent 1560 0 R
+/Prev 1577 0 R
+/Next 1579 0 R
+/Dest [275 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 298.2394 0]
-1559 0 obj
+1579 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.seifert module)
-/Parent 1540 0 R
-/Prev 1558 0 R
-/Next 1560 0 R
-/Dest [282 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 564.0394 0]
+/Parent 1560 0 R
+/Prev 1578 0 R
+/Next 1580 0 R
+/Dest [280 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 720.0394 0]
-1560 0 obj
+1580 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.spec module)
-/Parent 1540 0 R
-/Prev 1559 0 R
-/Next 1561 0 R
-/Dest [285 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 232.2394 0]
+/Parent 1560 0 R
+/Prev 1579 0 R
+/Next 1581 0 R
+/Dest [283 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 384.2394 0]
-1561 0 obj
+1581 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.spectra module)
-/Parent 1540 0 R
-/Prev 1560 0 R
-/Next 1546 0 R
-/Dest [288 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 144.2394 0]
+/Parent 1560 0 R
+/Prev 1580 0 R
+/Next 1566 0 R
+/Dest [286 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 787.0394 0]
-1546 0 obj
+1566 0 obj
/Title (Module contents)
-/Parent 1540 0 R
-/Prev 1561 0 R
-/Dest [291 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 319.0394 0]
+/Parent 1560 0 R
+/Prev 1581 0 R
+/Dest [289 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 269.8504 0]
-1547 0 obj
+1567 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials package)
-/Parent 1463 0 R
-/Last 1562 0 R
-/Prev 1540 0 R
-/Next 1563 0 R
-/First 1564 0 R
-/Dest [291 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 286.2394 0]
+/Parent 1483 0 R
+/Last 1582 0 R
+/Prev 1560 0 R
+/Next 1583 0 R
+/First 1584 0 R
+/Dest [289 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 237.0504 0]
/Count 8
-1564 0 obj
+1584 0 obj
/Title (Submodules)
-/Parent 1547 0 R
-/Next 1565 0 R
-/Dest [291 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 251.0394 0]
+/Parent 1567 0 R
+/Next 1585 0 R
+/Dest [289 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 201.8504 0]
-1565 0 obj
+1585 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials.cif module)
-/Parent 1547 0 R
-/Prev 1564 0 R
-/Next 1566 0 R
-/Dest [291 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 218.2394 0]
+/Parent 1567 0 R
+/Prev 1584 0 R
+/Next 1586 0 R
+/Dest [289 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 169.0504 0]
-1566 0 obj
+1586 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials.database module)
-/Parent 1547 0 R
-/Prev 1565 0 R
-/Next 1567 0 R
-/Dest [300 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 699.0394 0]
+/Parent 1567 0 R
+/Prev 1585 0 R
+/Next 1587 0 R
+/Dest [298 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 651.0394 0]
-1567 0 obj
+1587 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials.elements module)
-/Parent 1547 0 R
-/Prev 1566 0 R
-/Next 1568 0 R
-/Dest [303 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 239.0394 0]
+/Parent 1567 0 R
+/Prev 1586 0 R
+/Next 1588 0 R
+/Dest [301 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 163.0394 0]
-1568 0 obj
+1588 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials.lattice module)
-/Parent 1547 0 R
-/Prev 1567 0 R
-/Next 1569 0 R
-/Dest [303 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 206.2394 0]
+/Parent 1567 0 R
+/Prev 1587 0 R
+/Next 1589 0 R
+/Dest [301 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 130.2394 0]
-1569 0 obj
+1589 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials.material module)
-/Parent 1547 0 R
-/Prev 1568 0 R
-/Next 1570 0 R
-/Dest [308 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 171.4394 0]
+/Parent 1567 0 R
+/Prev 1588 0 R
+/Next 1590 0 R
+/Dest [306 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 135.4394 0]
-1570 0 obj
+1590 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials.predefined_materials module)
-/Parent 1547 0 R
-/Prev 1569 0 R
-/Next 1562 0 R
-/Dest [311 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 672.0394 0]
+/Parent 1567 0 R
+/Prev 1589 0 R
+/Next 1582 0 R
+/Dest [309 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 672.0394 0]
-1562 0 obj
+1582 0 obj
/Title (Module contents)
-/Parent 1547 0 R
-/Prev 1570 0 R
-/Dest [311 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 537.2394 0]
+/Parent 1567 0 R
+/Prev 1590 0 R
+/Dest [309 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 537.2394 0]
-1563 0 obj
+1583 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.math package)
-/Parent 1463 0 R
-/Last 1571 0 R
-/Prev 1547 0 R
-/Next 1469 0 R
-/First 1572 0 R
-/Dest [311 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 504.4394 0]
+/Parent 1483 0 R
+/Last 1591 0 R
+/Prev 1567 0 R
+/Next 1489 0 R
+/First 1592 0 R
+/Dest [309 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 504.4394 0]
/Count 6
-1572 0 obj
+1592 0 obj
/Title (Submodules)
-/Parent 1563 0 R
-/Next 1573 0 R
-/Dest [311 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 469.2394 0]
+/Parent 1583 0 R
+/Next 1593 0 R
+/Dest [309 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 469.2394 0]
-1573 0 obj
+1593 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.math.fit module)
-/Parent 1563 0 R
-/Prev 1572 0 R
-/Next 1574 0 R
-/Dest [311 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 436.4394 0]
+/Parent 1583 0 R
+/Prev 1592 0 R
+/Next 1594 0 R
+/Dest [309 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 436.4394 0]
-1574 0 obj
+1594 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.math.functions module)
-/Parent 1563 0 R
-/Prev 1573 0 R
-/Next 1575 0 R
-/Dest [322 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 588.0394 0]
+/Parent 1583 0 R
+/Prev 1593 0 R
+/Next 1595 0 R
+/Dest [320 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 588.0394 0]
-1575 0 obj
+1595 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.math.transforms module)
-/Parent 1563 0 R
-/Prev 1574 0 R
-/Next 1576 0 R
-/Dest [325 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 99.23937 0]
+/Parent 1583 0 R
+/Prev 1594 0 R
+/Next 1596 0 R
+/Dest [323 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 99.23937 0]
-1576 0 obj
+1596 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.math.vector module)
-/Parent 1563 0 R
-/Prev 1575 0 R
-/Next 1571 0 R
-/Dest [328 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 531.2394 0]
+/Parent 1583 0 R
+/Prev 1595 0 R
+/Next 1591 0 R
+/Dest [326 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 531.2394 0]
-1571 0 obj
+1591 0 obj
/Title (Module contents)
-/Parent 1563 0 R
-/Prev 1576 0 R
-/Dest [331 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 494.0394 0]
+/Parent 1583 0 R
+/Prev 1596 0 R
+/Dest [329 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 494.0394 0]
-1469 0 obj
+1489 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities)
-/Parent 1463 0 R
-/Last 1577 0 R
-/Prev 1563 0 R
-/First 1577 0 R
-/Dest [331 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 461.2394 0]
+/Parent 1483 0 R
+/Last 1597 0 R
+/Prev 1583 0 R
+/First 1597 0 R
+/Dest [329 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 461.2394 0]
/Count 53
-1577 0 obj
+1597 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities package)
-/Parent 1469 0 R
-/Last 1578 0 R
-/First 1579 0 R
-/Dest [331 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 426.0394 0]
+/Parent 1489 0 R
+/Last 1598 0 R
+/First 1599 0 R
+/Dest [329 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 426.0394 0]
/Count 52
-1579 0 obj
+1599 0 obj
/Title (Subpackages)
-/Parent 1577 0 R
-/Last 1580 0 R
-/Next 1581 0 R
-/First 1582 0 R
-/Dest [331 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 393.2394 0]
+/Parent 1597 0 R
+/Last 1600 0 R
+/Next 1601 0 R
+/First 1602 0 R
+/Dest [329 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 393.2394 0]
/Count 39
-1582 0 obj
+1602 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.analysis package)
-/Parent 1579 0 R
-/Last 1583 0 R
-/Next 1584 0 R
-/First 1585 0 R
-/Dest [331 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 362.8394 0]
+/Parent 1599 0 R
+/Last 1603 0 R
+/Next 1604 0 R
+/First 1605 0 R
+/Dest [329 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 362.8394 0]
/Count 6
-1585 0 obj
+1605 0 obj
/Title (Submodules)
-/Parent 1582 0 R
-/Next 1586 0 R
-/Dest [331 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 333.6394 0]
+/Parent 1602 0 R
+/Next 1606 0 R
+/Dest [329 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 333.6394 0]
-1586 0 obj
+1606 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.analysis.line_cuts module)
-/Parent 1582 0 R
-/Prev 1585 0 R
-/Next 1587 0 R
-/Dest [331 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 305.6394 0]
+/Parent 1602 0 R
+/Prev 1605 0 R
+/Next 1607 0 R
+/Dest [329 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 305.6394 0]
-1587 0 obj
+1607 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.analysis.line_cuts3d module)
-/Parent 1582 0 R
-/Prev 1586 0 R
-/Next 1588 0 R
-/Dest [348 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 371.2394 0]
+/Parent 1602 0 R
+/Prev 1606 0 R
+/Next 1608 0 R
+/Dest [346 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 371.2394 0]
-1588 0 obj
+1608 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.analysis.misc module)
-/Parent 1582 0 R
-/Prev 1587 0 R
-/Next 1589 0 R
-/Dest [351 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 256.4394 0]
+/Parent 1602 0 R
+/Prev 1607 0 R
+/Next 1609 0 R
+/Dest [349 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 256.4394 0]
-1589 0 obj
+1609 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.analysis.sample_align module)
-/Parent 1582 0 R
-/Prev 1588 0 R
-/Next 1583 0 R
-/Dest [354 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 744.0394 0]
+/Parent 1602 0 R
+/Prev 1608 0 R
+/Next 1603 0 R
+/Dest [352 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 744.0394 0]
-1583 0 obj
+1603 0 obj
/Title (Module contents)
-/Parent 1582 0 R
-/Prev 1589 0 R
-/Dest [357 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 215.4394 0]
+/Parent 1602 0 R
+/Prev 1609 0 R
+/Dest [355 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 169.4394 0]
-1584 0 obj
+1604 0 obj
-/Title (xrayutilities.io package)
-/Parent 1579 0 R
-/Last 1590 0 R
-/Prev 1582 0 R
-/Next 1591 0 R
-/First 1592 0 R
-/Dest [357 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 127.4394 0]
+/Title (xrayutilities.io package)
+/Parent 1599 0 R
+/Last 1610 0 R
+/Prev 1602 0 R
+/Next 1611 0 R
+/First 1612 0 R
+/Dest [355 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 81.43937 0]
/Count 15
-1592 0 obj
+1612 0 obj
/Title (Submodules)
-/Parent 1584 0 R
-/Next 1593 0 R
-/Dest [357 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 98.23937 0]
+/Parent 1604 0 R
+/Next 1613 0 R
+/Dest [360 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 787.0394 0]
-1593 0 obj
+1613 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.cbf module)
-/Parent 1584 0 R
-/Prev 1592 0 R
-/Next 1594 0 R
-/Dest [357 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 70.23937 0]
+/Parent 1604 0 R
+/Prev 1612 0 R
+/Next 1614 0 R
+/Dest [360 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 759.0394 0]
-1594 0 obj
+1614 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.desy_tty08 module)
-/Parent 1584 0 R
-/Prev 1593 0 R
-/Next 1595 0 R
-/Dest [366 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 331.0394 0]
+/Parent 1604 0 R
+/Prev 1613 0 R
+/Next 1615 0 R
+/Dest [360 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 285.0394 0]
-1595 0 obj
+1615 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.edf module)
-/Parent 1584 0 R
-/Prev 1594 0 R
-/Next 1596 0 R
-/Dest [369 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 479.2394 0]
+/Parent 1604 0 R
+/Prev 1614 0 R
+/Next 1616 0 R
+/Dest [367 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 443.2394 0]
-1596 0 obj
+1616 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.fastscan module)
-/Parent 1584 0 R
-/Prev 1595 0 R
-/Next 1597 0 R
-/Dest [372 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 617.0394 0]
+/Parent 1604 0 R
+/Prev 1615 0 R
+/Next 1617 0 R
+/Dest [370 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 578.0394 0]
-1597 0 obj
+1617 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.helper module)
-/Parent 1584 0 R
-/Prev 1596 0 R
-/Next 1598 0 R
-/Dest [375 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 321.0394 0]
+/Parent 1604 0 R
+/Prev 1616 0 R
+/Next 1618 0 R
+/Dest [373 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 372.0394 0]
-1598 0 obj
+1618 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.imagereader module)
-/Parent 1584 0 R
-/Prev 1597 0 R
-/Next 1599 0 R
-/Dest [375 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 71.03937 0]
+/Parent 1604 0 R
+/Prev 1617 0 R
+/Next 1619 0 R
+/Dest [373 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 122.0394 0]
-1599 0 obj
+1619 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.panalytical_xml module)
-/Parent 1584 0 R
-/Prev 1598 0 R
-/Next 1600 0 R
-/Dest [380 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 384.0394 0]
+/Parent 1604 0 R
+/Prev 1618 0 R
+/Next 1620 0 R
+/Dest [378 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 432.0394 0]
-1600 0 obj
+1620 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.pdcif module)
-/Parent 1584 0 R
-/Prev 1599 0 R
-/Next 1601 0 R
-/Dest [383 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 372.4394 0]
+/Parent 1604 0 R
+/Prev 1619 0 R
+/Next 1621 0 R
+/Dest [381 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 444.4394 0]
-1601 0 obj
+1621 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.radicon module)
-/Parent 1584 0 R
-/Prev 1600 0 R
-/Next 1602 0 R
-/Dest [386 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 747.0394 0]
+/Parent 1604 0 R
+/Prev 1620 0 R
+/Next 1622 0 R
+/Dest [381 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 91.43937 0]
-1602 0 obj
+1622 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.rotanode_alignment module)
-/Parent 1584 0 R
-/Prev 1601 0 R
-/Next 1603 0 R
-/Dest [386 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 263.0394 0]
+/Parent 1604 0 R
+/Prev 1621 0 R
+/Next 1623 0 R
+/Dest [386 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 339.0394 0]
-1603 0 obj
+1623 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.seifert module)
-/Parent 1584 0 R
-/Prev 1602 0 R
-/Next 1604 0 R
-/Dest [391 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 684.0394 0]
+/Parent 1604 0 R
+/Prev 1622 0 R
+/Next 1624 0 R
+/Dest [389 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 756.0394 0]
-1604 0 obj
+1624 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.spec module)
-/Parent 1584 0 R
-/Prev 1603 0 R
-/Next 1605 0 R
-/Dest [394 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 366.2394 0]
+/Parent 1604 0 R
+/Prev 1623 0 R
+/Next 1625 0 R
+/Dest [392 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 450.2394 0]
-1605 0 obj
+1625 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.io.spectra module)
-/Parent 1584 0 R
-/Prev 1604 0 R
-/Next 1590 0 R
-/Dest [397 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 261.2394 0]
+/Parent 1604 0 R
+/Prev 1624 0 R
+/Next 1610 0 R
+/Dest [395 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 136.4394 0]
-1590 0 obj
+1610 0 obj
/Title (Module contents)
-/Parent 1584 0 R
-/Prev 1605 0 R
-/Dest [400 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 437.0394 0]
+/Parent 1604 0 R
+/Prev 1625 0 R
+/Dest [398 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 319.0394 0]
-1591 0 obj
+1611 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials package)
-/Parent 1579 0 R
-/Last 1606 0 R
-/Prev 1584 0 R
-/Next 1580 0 R
-/First 1607 0 R
-/Dest [400 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 409.0394 0]
+/Parent 1599 0 R
+/Last 1626 0 R
+/Prev 1604 0 R
+/Next 1600 0 R
+/First 1627 0 R
+/Dest [398 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 291.0394 0]
/Count 8
-1607 0 obj
+1627 0 obj
/Title (Submodules)
-/Parent 1591 0 R
-/Next 1608 0 R
-/Dest [400 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 379.8394 0]
+/Parent 1611 0 R
+/Next 1628 0 R
+/Dest [398 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 261.8394 0]
-1608 0 obj
+1628 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials.cif module)
-/Parent 1591 0 R
-/Prev 1607 0 R
-/Next 1609 0 R
-/Dest [400 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 351.8394 0]
+/Parent 1611 0 R
+/Prev 1627 0 R
+/Next 1629 0 R
+/Dest [398 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 233.8394 0]
-1609 0 obj
+1629 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials.database module)
-/Parent 1591 0 R
-/Prev 1608 0 R
-/Next 1610 0 R
-/Dest [400 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 113.8394 0]
+/Parent 1611 0 R
+/Prev 1628 0 R
+/Next 1630 0 R
+/Dest [407 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 735.0394 0]
-1610 0 obj
+1630 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials.elements module)
-/Parent 1591 0 R
-/Prev 1609 0 R
-/Next 1611 0 R
-/Dest [411 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 370.0394 0]
+/Parent 1611 0 R
+/Prev 1629 0 R
+/Next 1631 0 R
+/Dest [410 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 267.0394 0]
-1611 0 obj
+1631 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials.lattice module)
-/Parent 1591 0 R
-/Prev 1610 0 R
-/Next 1612 0 R
-/Dest [411 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 342.0394 0]
+/Parent 1611 0 R
+/Prev 1630 0 R
+/Next 1632 0 R
+/Dest [410 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 239.0394 0]
-1612 0 obj
+1632 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials.material module)
-/Parent 1591 0 R
-/Prev 1611 0 R
-/Next 1613 0 R
-/Dest [416 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 333.0394 0]
+/Parent 1611 0 R
+/Prev 1631 0 R
+/Next 1633 0 R
+/Dest [415 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 222.2394 0]
-1613 0 obj
+1633 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.materials.predefined_materials module)
-/Parent 1591 0 R
-/Prev 1612 0 R
-/Next 1606 0 R
-/Dest [419 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 127.4394 0]
+/Parent 1611 0 R
+/Prev 1632 0 R
+/Next 1626 0 R
+/Dest [418 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 741.0394 0]
-1606 0 obj
+1626 0 obj
/Title (Module contents)
-/Parent 1591 0 R
-/Prev 1613 0 R
-/Dest [422 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 723.0394 0]
+/Parent 1611 0 R
+/Prev 1633 0 R
+/Dest [418 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 611.0394 0]
-1580 0 obj
+1600 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.math package)
-/Parent 1579 0 R
-/Last 1614 0 R
-/Prev 1591 0 R
-/First 1615 0 R
-/Dest [422 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 695.0394 0]
+/Parent 1599 0 R
+/Last 1634 0 R
+/Prev 1611 0 R
+/First 1635 0 R
+/Dest [418 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 583.0394 0]
/Count 6
-1615 0 obj
+1635 0 obj
/Title (Submodules)
-/Parent 1580 0 R
-/Next 1616 0 R
-/Dest [422 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 665.8394 0]
+/Parent 1600 0 R
+/Next 1636 0 R
+/Dest [418 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 553.8394 0]
-1616 0 obj
+1636 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.math.fit module)
-/Parent 1580 0 R
-/Prev 1615 0 R
-/Next 1617 0 R
-/Dest [422 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 637.8394 0]
+/Parent 1600 0 R
+/Prev 1635 0 R
+/Next 1637 0 R
+/Dest [418 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 525.8394 0]
-1617 0 obj
+1637 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.math.functions module)
-/Parent 1580 0 R
-/Prev 1616 0 R
-/Next 1618 0 R
-/Dest [431 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 787.0394 0]
+/Parent 1600 0 R
+/Prev 1636 0 R
+/Next 1638 0 R
+/Dest [429 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 693.0394 0]
-1618 0 obj
+1638 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.math.transforms module)
-/Parent 1580 0 R
-/Prev 1617 0 R
-/Next 1619 0 R
-/Dest [434 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 294.0394 0]
+/Parent 1600 0 R
+/Prev 1637 0 R
+/Next 1639 0 R
+/Dest [432 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 192.0394 0]
-1619 0 obj
+1639 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.math.vector module)
-/Parent 1580 0 R
-/Prev 1618 0 R
-/Next 1614 0 R
-/Dest [437 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 747.0394 0]
+/Parent 1600 0 R
+/Prev 1638 0 R
+/Next 1634 0 R
+/Dest [435 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 621.2394 0]
-1614 0 obj
+1634 0 obj
/Title (Module contents)
-/Parent 1580 0 R
-/Prev 1619 0 R
-/Dest [440 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 726.8504 0]
+/Parent 1600 0 R
+/Prev 1639 0 R
+/Dest [438 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 579.0394 0]
-1581 0 obj
+1601 0 obj
/Title (Submodules)
-/Parent 1577 0 R
-/Prev 1579 0 R
-/Next 1620 0 R
-/Dest [440 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 698.8504 0]
+/Parent 1597 0 R
+/Prev 1599 0 R
+/Next 1640 0 R
+/Dest [438 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 551.0394 0]
-1620 0 obj
+1640 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.config module)
-/Parent 1577 0 R
-/Prev 1581 0 R
-/Next 1621 0 R
-/Dest [440 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 668.4504 0]
+/Parent 1597 0 R
+/Prev 1601 0 R
+/Next 1641 0 R
+/Dest [438 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 520.6394 0]
-1621 0 obj
+1641 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.exception module)
-/Parent 1577 0 R
-/Prev 1620 0 R
-/Next 1622 0 R
-/Dest [440 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 584.0504 0]
+/Parent 1597 0 R
+/Prev 1640 0 R
+/Next 1642 0 R
+/Dest [438 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 436.2394 0]
-1622 0 obj
+1642 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.experiment module)
-/Parent 1577 0 R
-/Prev 1621 0 R
-/Next 1623 0 R
-/Dest [440 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 420.6504 0]
+/Parent 1597 0 R
+/Prev 1641 0 R
+/Next 1643 0 R
+/Dest [438 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 272.8394 0]
-1623 0 obj
+1643 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.gridder module)
-/Parent 1577 0 R
-/Prev 1622 0 R
-/Next 1624 0 R
-/Dest [453 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 301.0394 0]
+/Parent 1597 0 R
+/Prev 1642 0 R
+/Next 1644 0 R
+/Dest [451 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 76.03937 0]
-1624 0 obj
+1644 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.gridder2d module)
-/Parent 1577 0 R
-/Prev 1623 0 R
-/Next 1625 0 R
-/Dest [456 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 90.03937 0]
+/Parent 1597 0 R
+/Prev 1643 0 R
+/Next 1645 0 R
+/Dest [454 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 612.0394 0]
-1625 0 obj
+1645 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.gridder3d module)
-/Parent 1577 0 R
-/Prev 1624 0 R
-/Next 1626 0 R
-/Dest [459 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 318.0394 0]
+/Parent 1597 0 R
+/Prev 1644 0 R
+/Next 1646 0 R
+/Dest [454 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 110.6394 0]
-1626 0 obj
+1646 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.normalize module)
-/Parent 1577 0 R
-/Prev 1625 0 R
-/Next 1627 0 R
-/Dest [462 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 663.0394 0]
+/Parent 1597 0 R
+/Prev 1645 0 R
+/Next 1647 0 R
+/Dest [459 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 438.0394 0]
-1627 0 obj
+1647 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.q2ang_fit module)
-/Parent 1577 0 R
-/Prev 1626 0 R
-/Next 1628 0 R
-/Dest [465 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 427.0394 0]
+/Parent 1597 0 R
+/Prev 1646 0 R
+/Next 1648 0 R
+/Dest [462 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 199.0394 0]
-1628 0 obj
+1648 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.utilities module)
-/Parent 1577 0 R
-/Prev 1627 0 R
-/Next 1629 0 R
-/Dest [468 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 606.0394 0]
+/Parent 1597 0 R
+/Prev 1647 0 R
+/Next 1649 0 R
+/Dest [465 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 422.0394 0]
-1629 0 obj
+1649 0 obj
/Title (xrayutilities.utilities_noconf module)
-/Parent 1577 0 R
-/Prev 1628 0 R
-/Next 1578 0 R
-/Dest [468 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 306.8394 0]
+/Parent 1597 0 R
+/Prev 1648 0 R
+/Next 1598 0 R
+/Dest [465 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 122.8394 0]
-1578 0 obj
+1598 0 obj
/Title (Module contents)
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-/Prev 1629 0 R
-/Dest [473 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 453.2394 0]
+/Parent 1597 0 R
+/Prev 1649 0 R
+/Dest [470 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 558.2394 0]
-1470 0 obj
+1490 0 obj
/Title (Indices and tables)
-/Parent 1453 0 R
-/Prev 1463 0 R
-/Next 1630 0 R
-/Dest [473 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 341.8394 0]
+/Parent 1473 0 R
+/Prev 1483 0 R
+/Next 1650 0 R
+/Dest [470 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 446.8394 0]
-1630 0 obj
+1650 0 obj
/Title (Index)
-/Parent 1453 0 R
-/Prev 1470 0 R
-/Next 1454 0 R
-/Dest [478 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 799.0394 0]
+/Parent 1473 0 R
+/Prev 1490 0 R
+/Next 1474 0 R
+/Dest [475 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 799.0394 0]
-1454 0 obj
+1474 0 obj
/Title (Python Module Index)
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-/Prev 1630 0 R
-/Dest [481 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 799.0394 0]
+/Parent 1473 0 R
+/Prev 1650 0 R
+/Dest [478 0 R /XYZ 40.01575 799.0394 0]
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+10 0 obj
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+/Kids [9 0 R 12 0 R 119 0 R 230 0 R 339 0 R 448 0 R 480 0 R 482 0 R 15 0 R 22 0 R 495 0 R 27 0 R 38 0 R 45 0 R 54 0 R 57 0 R 66 0 R 71 0 R 76 0 R 79 0 R 82 0 R 523 0 R 89 0 R 526 0 R 92 0 R 529 0 R 531 0 R 533 0 R 535 0 R 537 0 R 103 0 R 106 0 R 541 0 R 543 0 R 545 0 R 111 0 R 122 0 R 125 0 R 128 0 R 552 0 R 554 0 R 556 0 R 131 0 R 136 0 R 139 0 R 142 0 R 147 0 R 150 0 R 567 0 R 569 0 R 153 0 R 572 0 R 156 0 R 165 0 R 168 0 R 577 0 R 173 0 R 583 0 R 580 0 R 586 0 R 588 0 R 590 0 R 176 0 [...]
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+/Length 1162
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-484 0 obj
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@@ -15977,1627 +16160,1681 @@ stream
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+Gb!#\9lo@)&\Yg!s.OLkB?I)CO;+PObToqXC:>\)j(.m<<?$_s-,^M6!9D5T?_>pmWDC]<mHu.+9 at a?pk^NL,F[Happl52]^*<FK8G<W,7=lRRMNT*Ua7&5qO4RJ5]tTAY[7M3g;4=>G:#[:SB*ibX"i6H"^E<K1(GW&^3(mkWTYl8&EICj9?,Yl'OTm"$,)SanME\bh^A>YbK.#'t3Ol=<iLRN/&0sSc08N#bbU=#9OX2F[nKc>U$*;V#:TDR^8l9Bffud%@l:SNh\N`/*9\umNh9&cfqG6SDnNZ[@hM:mDGk>^CnR8'q^.$nh?kt&p,brDf#Of8G7dk!RJ(^sM-#H=GPqc'6)@Kp'F_,*WlNO[h7?,N`j?h82Yijk%hAW1u1n-ni`#$nU>[]FSD&;iq^YUsM+Vi_=<mNjfnEW0Q6#?HfF8sn"92fa>eod[X:[NW2A]-%Y!,m>'3jWudf<quTYO;Ph>e=$;Pm8%)E.4/FF6 [...]
494 0 obj
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+/Length 3474
-Gb!#\9lo@)&\Yg!s.OLkB?I)CO;+PObToqXC:>\)j(.m<<?$_s-,^M6!9D5T?_>pm. at IJQX*44KgEl.fBQV"<rOS\Y6Ms=P1#EOj]VjMrLa#.Z,t1Ced/A1\fDEaLs'B#"_qH at E_C3Z,b%>W)`ess]rISEPrSNZc_i'njG[)MP:sej,?!UddF;(pi<2>(9P)/+ZXJ1dE0/%eD`o'FqG7JM,89ecbmf\K/h$YEh-4:1!9Op^e5s,O]Glm;RoolCrZVf3jHF._E[CXeg<pn:o$BoZQ<O]9aVZ,%+])N;s^\8oN0HU0Td!-Jm`4*fL(G):kO^rRKp#(8M_s%%-r at beU\YPe\W&!Ld8n6i'[]YQ?FM4DlXf.BXK3Tj/)>;k_``n'PN#&b at S+pGRRk&<pZMfC3qU[7\5GUWXf'6he&Uo-u3/ER/B^QtSG&?OC_7D8Kj)_iiIi3553P_\fYg.&*/TiZ4md%K851cs&<TQN#'qF1Cr7 [...]
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539 0 obj
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547 0 obj
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+/Length 1779
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558 0 obj
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-Gb"/)=`<%a&:P.Os"Jl,'%e/kndaTE>Xa4nD%a<2E?<]l8n-"3>uI!L?f0N_`C#D,d?[]FJHNaN/n\5Bbg(Sl'++sC;#M7W!,jLKeHZGG_;u6,74btH#k'F=5PsX>1Ks0g$t<&f[D?uZ@[Ol`Ds at f,19KY8Ho1ragBOu4>gB_#O/6qc8N6:&*5Q#B9nOY4;CF:+73Q1SV#lOZJ2k[ZaG(6/iRq&u6pNe-Y(b).Qq?4t:IGa'UB%+J1&f,o!L#'qPV`H.-t1$1$b6*EQS22rSna?\;8oqn=]C?T<,2qg_,5=f'tI5F*duslnKm,X(Ek#S:[sjC7C`Di_V[JIMYC$.M4tu6bA:5F:saX=s#'pldggn$862Bo$HWL^'$.n]>QKFija/J`lpf[:4bhk\l'u?c^!a<;aQ4jSZC(`jYsBa$VtPRcg*[&F5Hn6[MWGDunP**<4G3`]_Yj'>[Bo;\7M'ub-eu#*p(^N6S8`qcF@/n(P( [...]
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+/Length 2151
-Gb!SmlYkN;')s!qrrWj at O_ir2U7QOYhM:MW]*mu#mJ289[YKC!BNn]S.agodhsUt&ad-MkMR1".Sm0qV3@'COrf%f#i#gF?@7nV1.Cm!!K\9ls-d8D>RJon::=%6MT:`BGf!D<o]YGaXi).[c\?PQ%bgNiZir#n7_pWnaoaW\"RaYXY:7GSYmVTjsVtYPQ4)PKhAo!N)*51M+cE\HKDXQlB0"+CTCZ5IN5E3`aSrT$R'f*B!Q;%<HSmSlSnC73E$r7^t#"Ss(d([R9QXl\,V*lXSP-*/A9mBh3[B+Xe*SPp$XK+N'hq?@=QfGPN4=q2NQbVr[N_SoCP<QIsd-PF%7t#agKT6B3abLsG`$(323H=NloItnkB&o3blTGX,].P<<n1MeOl^Ea_-('V"0YH;u3RqF#)j@=Pk_neTOiA0XC[qVn=K+9:<@fDTF1MqJWJo9d539c(WsbogOmuE+IhP[BF"s]6F%)\nqLadoIud.:ea [...]
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+/Length 1974
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-567 0 obj
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+/Length 2256
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+/Length 2310
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+/Length 1941
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578 0 obj
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+/Length 1946
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+/Length 2181
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+/Length 1689
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+/Length 2394
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+/Length 2349
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+/Length 2481
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+/Length 1610
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+/Length 1692
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601 0 obj
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+/Length 2276
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+/Length 2045
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607 0 obj
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+/Length 2459
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+/Length 1976
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+/Length 2216
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+/Length 2452
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-Gb"/)>Aqt]'Rm78s)>nL9=Hdea&f'#CaiYOcjFG-FsSCjEQ76n03O at l@"/'G);B.9a/PQV(*k;#C<mciDpFlrGK)L*`udZs"u3pH"C>=M@$iVS_6>a(-L]mcA:O'_rB6pA[<,,%CtAmCeMWQc(=#k\RKqCCO+6*lJL,dAQEQe)rQ=:"HO62Zno;*PCSkY\@%'&0 at rQUu^\=FJS71-;&";aMY%<5T*8U9=2&fsB/*(a1,Y$QA,$)2oH061f?5D!LSJ;_McXHAJ-:_f"*uY=]"VFhBIc^f^b at k&>4Q8A66K>$\9LGbE3-'_/DRI>))80g>/iJP[]#QnNB)sV&n`f<dS&8YG;'A25H#Z,r_jg.2[C"bRIW]gRc8-6sBi[.<1jW&l%dP:92`.9i?-rLaE:,Fhc=Po(dfY8IYfl+&UT^bpfj"r\I_KsBlt/$nhsS(O:ZO_SOkur4NY%2C2k_pFjOU!MKh'n+XcMV'$79)ri(g)s0= [...]
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+/Length 2346
-Gb!Sn>Ar99&q1 at Qs01^F'Z6fY]Li4qOuR=]oH>UU6OF)If&TG4_cq=V?2Em5bjoY6(<t?Gcm2FUEHZPLG3594L874m^JoW-&L$W3an753e0+L$67pG+pV2lPpTIs&q>(gXAK>(*WU8EXF\GLgQPPNZ!kK!US(FiO)HtH\@?RRV<`d`g3%<CVCYB7EpNn[q_O43*/LMW(g^p)hN$N1]/Q;'@l[\jXLtIFq(AgMh//PS&X[KL4+NZ[*]du]`!oH-VL+n5@=V at tj^rmtUDn-eXL>;epmOpgY>^1uZbXa4HP`+maURC:b.Cjq"*qBa%M?sZ%66:A/DoCYJR50WX)^?C4B0fe&\J at c4'O1kda%9ddII:n$ib6a>WIMU)[HSO?)LZ4gIqF:$4QAbg>g0LC`J.n3X-)X[o6>OclVttuMq6YfI+USt)MKQ!=Ji2K0uqtikfa)i?dPY6U+c:P*XC*TD.U)Tm`f&W0%D\-aN2mRSQ)+L%p [...]
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+/Length 2470
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+/Length 2814
-Gb"/)968jr(>`[NrrI=T2^:%&q!Lg69q,.PhB]hk,[J22,bZ at f('H3<^]#:):Ip^EbH]O\AF.]7"F+m)E$!p48-di;kNL5;8*Hj$o^[uo*/q%$aRLel?2]Y0\U+8An)r#eG&C\l[c<-,$Jj@?h:R?Ao`SJp&F8N*5`F/bFsD*o2e$VU(+Z)Ej*O&t?ao7i""P"A#c^F%Ae_(nXX)m-<?(TWXXTDQ#qh'F]Kgij.=<I6/Lkj:jd*d0Pc[tccpFHcUllf4;H/HDOML05Kioh_6I8-;f+f+o#B]VT\p=D2_>71DKi&Ou<>(m1Z[rp-,W at Qh:nq2d,o(]H]rI9UdT,VQ.TC at h7LI#`)n?+)>9Zt`$FHZ6'dQ^u:gHqL$;/c>mA-c*1>Ai16OdkbYoAF$%Dci%$Au8cDR9P[>c$M%Ob0fT4)/T at fIq/6<mqDlqYJWn3FFM"k+1j,Rg/:7[()pDjqL'n/W(:+Xp'qE7B^(uXFD!#P7 [...]
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-Gau`U=``=W&q3VVr^6.<4>$da_)kYB8[=bTWkFSc5&I`+0F:;j;^;I.QK2Df%IfZSRAQ$:>d@%R5bjCD^M`8.iI>-]qHJK2f5UCO#G&a)$?VK!E;b"Ulh0!k5Ms3&X1>Z.1u31'E#adLL1fM8C4`<0M"TL]\;]:GN,*:R<Ah06Q"s]Rj*;g-lkd22"0O<-*adIDi(g^8J#?XB(^+(\T-:c at KDR[q_L)H$oeZZbr at etCcQ^G.k&]1\oW1ki,F%;s6B06`:/CAN\@O-N[>AUbY33XoY*/SFMcH=@4ssS@[eodq5<qe`onAurJ%qq:glnEganABCcbgBEqFQ(D"Q'`1^.n,Hb;W'*8bh8:8^*M4Zb$bJeX)s/D[H4_rNHj'7>k`Z&5<LWYmR7rMcCAdeQ\B,[lYqffsl.=9XD(ml'(IM%iO(D/u=S>QSP:WH'lO3-YQuRC63B/TX>qN3<PQL".tLAKe_q\LNf]$:p$r7aVMoP/j [...]
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+/Length 2401
-Gb"/)>Ar99&q1 at Qs"MJY at Du&$=tVJ&Jb1+";Zt0%-Oo]ETIu0\\WYY8U6)E8rqDsdhF*3bBVfUnU9Z)mgtCN:R;Za#>FNG<J%5:_&qF$kGk$Lj[pZHDDDN4In)27*djLcZ52hd.1Li6/GRes.B/AN$f[C+6BASS[\ZeVT3A-rK4BUC,1#J7kcY2s=q8l\l=j+HS"XKR>8*a9n0->Z<mlOW at GU_)QJh.A,<[k`jd'j@&<M4"+b:En`)l5'+s%>!52`cg@*N=WZ))DB.TlGZd('R)0C^Lo_B<_.O()Jqnl,C/L$&d:*A:_WL2eeq[/;6?dE2-*nc<Q32UUEc1RiGZ#,(47(J,f5/f.%"(",':I5\#kU#q[8l+c_^VPH_\))&F0Mf?n%?8hE=5T/KP&W.]:/V7I]8\`kmF*X\`OV=^*:9]GAioSh3b.iDYVCDKEHqq:o at qG-f+hppT9occE$oi^Osaa9H!"I7-Mc6_2T#%UuZBk [...]
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+/Length 2792
-Gb"/)gMYb*&:G(NJ!d\l6*#mS=p;K&S$q&T\r1IcI1$V5&oF\76rg%Ok3mLb=ghjFM'CPH[b)ir at du?=1H]_LML^Q at 7/m`qJ at B$5q1/ON?p"VP(_2Kh_>EcmdC8-\ZDd)VL.PY-"lFM5dgd at 6W@M at dZKr*K89I.hYX\qSWHpDoG;4`60VLhK.?)#LZ+X$4US,)mN0 at A`9GfKCngKHp`hL2Z;*U,u?iFAU7lH7.:)6:T7aX%f=@Q6?g%IFJ[Z.5]+]$6;Hi4c,]">I5eOALS%HZLDVZEa."Osb^J/X!@^9EJL_N'Y;19bW5G/:u:`#C.Q$O5(d]<L0Lk:IEB]Rim442B1;o05G2S;82m-;sTOAg_S_Tdpd,PDKlrNpVj7HrJ)-PS]G16H%OcdP?r)ShSOb5f.e!+O0s-!6U]6N9 at Hl&gh2.">GtE0W%E^$YKYW1L3SfbrcL!5S61WjuF5/!m0c]RFTqP'=!Y7VlN+aiUBDr\r [...]
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+/Length 2632
-Gb!;f9lJcG&A8=iIi.fU2eWnfqQ^J#Yh<p'!HsCh`lA&_A'm1R8Q6urNrT%f.G;!X99GJrgU;[^LdQ2BoB,S&;?A3E-2M[$!F/CXiZeIj at 57po)`CChJj1T[-f7]q887CWL.NB2!RDpDC&'[4e-;d.8EZlu\.%&n9O4#R`Nl at IQE!@_LH=;EK#n?hq*JVRb%327%Y<[YYS]dR;jN>g%P/=c39"of8LgW#=JkjE%No9UBUUS69Q?/l+D27j/;&9b/obF at d88m88S,qSb(R+ciXJSq_;l#1_p+%spn$ZYg6$3o at KWe(Ec[anbOZJ31#shkJXF]$8`^1iGFA/5lXdRYr5?XdhF/Bkb`?9ee#_]Pk[l*8Ms3R,q:RfdGb0e,Z-upmTqiN7HXf!Q2Tr$UrM.+;-HgS4A@:)eYEmO])H at Q2gg,;Lb$8g^%\k[.brBBD/j at _'nBL//8):9\`9DuU6_G>Db)6sS#q9M<`^YZR:sO4/jD [...]
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+/Length 2572
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+/Length 2147
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681 0 obj
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+/Length 1985
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+/Length 2851
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686 0 obj
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+/Length 2437
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687 0 obj
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+/Length 2319
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+/Length 2160
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690 0 obj
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+/Length 1831
-Gb!l!D/\/e&H3^ns5?.&7\Z'qRoLR5P%#jEZpU=/)mFT<BUNkikf&gc2VtXp;6hapZ><NTj#+4H`t<UV_ri)4mMJhEpnl`B)ZX-'iRnqLb$]T!eBeU@^Oi)ua%%54O6EUI75R>*gB?9<1o<>=>%Sd=f"*;?D;D'll=GT+!mQ>_QZtrSchQbgl at o2A-(Z2#KlCXs^#>Wt at 8P;W_u_QHa%('S)^.PZ##,\:OJ.)V\FD1>i?m5>T#9Ka',Z5Oquuho(2t^3O8Fe-cI7.nV<83QV3#U>09hY$3 at 1TCj<X%U*l<HJ0jdZ[IfU)ieE[gK?Q%C1Al.g^dR8*K[f3Uu6G6-&!I\IL9MI<a9K'_7_Lj7SNja'A at VWoHo[@>9:[pS.g#aeBBhAg+:ZGYl8!sO9Q:":Tg\TQKNT[/H$O4fZ"4tE_(3/DUs&D6Ua8eE9 at Z@NMm4IP2!j_1kTFIeXkhe^&^(A$YHfV*@6P-GtC?]mNbnmL;Rl [...]
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+/Length 1984
-Gb"/)gMYb*&:H3nJ!`a(86+JWpFRgtTYM>q/c<%`"H6#9MCHXjV:=2%h][-O/6e6H\(f_DD0'q at Ss_AjPQ<go)sXUK!o-K.rFZ3@';c-kCs at _!Dt%Ien`KB$NKMDq\u$F,kCD`!RVki9m&:,0-,>i`Df?Pg*8/+n_JE=[%;X*P201OmY1)hn>,7:Q"E=S%mfWS23)*9l#tXJ5^1LnC<+EcI'!Wa:7Eg=u2.Q/4`!]ZO:G`,;%bIrkUne4PW#r*dlk9S49mhi#0qS[_8Z2X+kp9"F@/:Yj-Ds?g5 at rJ*LK"E(;GEYgb28%t]k.:o:,ct2K9/P/%d>bn6nsAEboc4`VhQ1dO+tka$6&k<3!j:cH-a$;VjaYR`gtbI9Ofg3Zcfo5CFiL`)r&lYG';)dT3HWVH0Qm`X.QQ=`[HkBREibAjGD/jFMD9,$DkFO[dDT'7%FsJoUL<pTY:Vh;%?s-H/R0-aCn;)l7ng8WQ3 at 4Au-Q2hU [...]
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+/Length 2191
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+/Length 2214
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+/Length 2381
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703 0 obj
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+/Length 1706
-Gb!SnD/\/e&H3^ns5C]B.9ol;.*3sI!DD/U"4j15$krsK%#dm7>U7JB9-+'0*@XXe,0<lU3X(rd:+@<1a*W*',8C8,IM;Yt6i`QPG^W#2=>69JTa$58?grMjIeNI4N,3'2dkHX=3T,1C at G3oaR9IDU!m0I"%$r-fb.(JOXD7$#/[aa)1XGV[VACrb&#M"fN_fLYV^C$!2>,)<*GZRj4OgKT[4Nr3fNHrYgp1j>KQcaC(q+.HjohPs(kj0Y+J(rdY<nht>%C:9)9qY"P5uc3/<6Ts'd#qkR#+fk!g.>;/moj:$+YRa%]?+BP49D"0fajpVl3TA(Q7BlS1%OJ<96tU/'m2Yc^$[BeDbD^U,\Ln+>&VGqD##1ZI7;AQ9FckomKcYWFYAP(tLI.f>sn6PR at H)^7nh]QXPGB&@+-PE3o'C[/$o/S<hMaM5.P0?BkSf-#bZo%_6E[@QkSOQRq.pdk:nP1jMFP]M1B/0Tbc)IjBW"TX [...]
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+/Length 2099
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+/Length 2134
-Gb"/*?#SIU'R^LRs1jsEC#I(,54&?!BRs_30FZY"[q,hYM6a\U_iq%OhQPh5,[7![`Ng+*/PrffjRA>!3kUgRn<h0cKg.Qof*N#b1.B*-N3J&6*l<Y at T]pCYkNV*I^R#bHYVfEL`MRJrgGTdH*uiQ_1Jfl[G^ao=_r0 at l0NO9rWb/#@@a+.&.8StXq1PXFT]o25j,`Qq;,>cQoMfI5g80ccQ$qQ,fAR.IZ`&hbjfk9TE_@%/+;lHm;t7f9c[qq\qT;H4?`;7>f:+;l2NCL1Z*5r at iGjRSq1>>J8=CePRka"]:(U!Y90F%g(U4NsC$9LOKt/4I+0X8uFH`+WIR5<%&IcNc7,p7YcB0J<,EMAG(hc?d?i20_(.CD5i>)k[oC)KcN`HPM/.bI98,S#IT4.qY^b^p=:m*jL9bK,P`NZP#Nj1rBX$s;#_/^Y?Y&Fm'n6RaJgu=9qf.ksSSGA+"ROA3q$O,[iA<RthRg8XQlLPG"Hc [...]
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+/Length 2362
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+/Length 2016
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+/Length 2004
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-Gb"/)>Ar7S'RgRSs1lZ3ob<P"=W+f+ at a/56 at 4D+f+J:=?dAi+IMe2qb*R_OH[TZhAS?>M:fSOiD*e$6'0?-P:D_,5X5!g>=kjAHr9[I=$Ycd2'ngF8j\\<s(YAbY#W/?HAb<VAn.B7"G0_>-5'r1<iqPmdf'l/nO"aH!,h(4L3YheA`IrPO"L03qbs1,+PgScjM7%0JVm7jVr+^C)?#9p:ER>PV1RK_^b#Mhd&%@6A[*LcoD2?$#ck$(%;X(u4*%#B#\?TuGg)l.9fe'ng/,W8.C(9^iu\F[q>0hOftb\;SI2eI+`<U(n[F.a7uW#M')&^5nb5l;#8<'r&E%KU""q(ie]E.O0g`kb8DQ7rOq6 at eNmTdI_,RrH>rTq8`]^?^`SFtnV+Ln\*2Q6,]<:eG4b5e3aFb[\IEI2;#IN. at K"E?5<;/5A0Z@$4or_E-jg(cuV#;jMOF&mrj82-hrW23oug^^+88mO\_R!N<n6(Ai!b'' [...]
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+/Length 1977
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+/Length 2714
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+/Length 2484
-Gb!Smhf%7-&:Q:Zs+/fqS01ZsrNlpuV+n92fL+9OT`Y]3N(hu0okUAaf_auY7nT']9=Eh2gX%it,3s>5P2C]^nO/3?s/Gi''11R5PNuFFW($+jKK=iTmXHB%n)(kToBdK#fm9N(;V-,Lmo%'1!sbDs#,X-ebI;E*%Gc<<4E@'-\#+1]Ti8l#/^"=tO(<:Oem+AI`Q=VbN6!1VHqpD8IJ*-mQ7Sbtj#&&GhqYg>P0*Q`$,O%SH+tYH^0kMW1p/%u`1+iRigeg(61-BK1`5"%*QPAC=Gj3(8[_H]bt(oT%?<c at Op=b!'hanOn6nt1-=rDoQ$LLbNfPqn0X9[BWLO:i->1;T'Uc7BhsCP%=[u.gr1NKV5ecdU at j^=l]k*W$ZnQ69glGgm:[bI=_5LZ(gQ]fm-=@ku(NSkMFu.d4%CI+D:,Gb%a0G>jXJ9J)[c#'j):R"n*\g>M:h#Ji/$%^LFU[.9C`dk>:*qK8nZH3)X7![X,n [...]
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750 0 obj
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+/Length 3025
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+Gb!S-CN%rso"+r&LOk#nY+a3I/g$7-gkW7V>G.$&VZR8_#@g3*,W:%(]<n\ihq;:5'I?VNjT`Dg&kV``bg,RfB10PTImed at .DVE%gtWJa%SZ%N>g%iccgZ+(IeNU8N7>)'D:ui849u#7ZK]:rbk!Vpn!8n'ZfV[#TA_USi%eG6_c<Kj^"ts-_%0>6pO7JF*_'`DaTnhc5&[-3Z#OjJFA?g\/$LBX_#7sM=*ZiiE`@kYp03p`WH`mBKhtb+D_jL!8i-f/OG3*kY*a`b_PH61O!(LO at Kihafh+(`FGT?K*7e+3N)*ZFkApLoM5<YXp[YddM)ps/60WFq9UVHZhQqV&$G[R4jhliqE.u.RISQhf+[#0 at -8To.,/.\7^?ZE)a?,/9f*rOe9+Y1\_XN"q8*dcD2hnA_l&0A+_:f[_2*@Qn.N'V=N4H1Pgfe[m<(:SBT<dJ:eV2B at aB6UR^POMTF"qFJEs9m9rBWouIn*<h\U8g6h* [...]
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+Gb"/)gMYb*&:H4YJ!d\l79:3M;3q@]d*(9r0$pJE$kUbuD6&pi<MJOMmrq;o[U`U!.`Y:\C_Gf<P+(@gbaC8/#akBYo_1$CGW13*IhEk>9P-O0_h#p"pg`mmg%X[U83PQZ%?jVLK'-"KZi^P7l3XtfCn?DX8G.$fiY-/OVL"u95DqO,r$^3D.H;\>0e\Mg(^5iW:h7Ql9YTKn]!l-G8o#$`.+C&ohMgcYH>)3kK(c?n"oYJo3K"P7An`T(iIYVY:WcP#C!Pf!pD:#?N:a_cDY,Ts^=5N6Qhkqkl`\k_e'0&JG3=sV-QG28Xe"b80A_WRQ5?h0#(M,jJ-$C[!1(IY+7P*:ho7o?*:G91Ye"^WnaFZ2i"<n1^6HEjq(h'"/DglBm05-J3ehi;XIdo2a!&U!`^K.O(628j^sBWrgZC1WX]7"+ at t:8eg6_3cp`ra'[fPR!ma+7I!`Df3BR;*bF9IEa<ust9/U3s6UQe+DZJZ9KaU [...]
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+/Length 1866
-Gb!#^gMYb*&:H4YIi.gS:=3g![hYPHfk_K%cn9Y7UOe#_.%@=b\eGltrdKWeXG_"ZQ-'D2Ukj:6l=f>(R at u2dn]0(m_Z\oD.K&_F"dTVH(bF9X at JUR"9OGO/p%!f:cLjlK[(NXKj0<6a:>k,(4TQ@'eUG"qUA+J>4*k;&C.D5&L]r_?%>bYWhHi[V#?NVXJ^`u!BsUYs1t`gOHAeQAhSRZOBXlBoPU*W^\qjt=mEMg+d.E<Ppl#.'!8=W,p72uGgDpbiY$[g0;h.+/7d_Z9^usi(!Y%2p'M&T2r.QdNAh.W3%BT"ERBL9.qENp0+#K4t1<;6iJ`Mna/h"deKnr9/F?I)q53(^IqrEA.b*bN\/7%EOO1r[KR`b!.Rr*X;WGT*Qmp`*dBq<<9eUb.U)OoJ.m]SSIZMV2uFYhN0.QDj,nLPoh")!SQdms^1Kugn"fKk#h9>Q3Y3Z?oG-g`c!_=R?N8[s:.OirAqA^<C]jd6iOau [...]
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+/Length 1911
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+/Length 2225
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+/Length 2401
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+/Length 2312
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+0000852262 00000 n
/ID [(-�/����j��DYu�) (-�/����j��DYu�)]
-/Root 1451 0 R
-/Size 1828
+/Root 1471 0 R
+/Size 1854
diff --git a/xrayutilities/analysis/sample_align.py b/xrayutilities/analysis/sample_align.py
index aecda43..7d9e112 100644
--- a/xrayutilities/analysis/sample_align.py
+++ b/xrayutilities/analysis/sample_align.py
@@ -224,12 +224,12 @@ def psd_chdeg(angles, channels, stdev=None, usetilt=True, plot=True,
ax2 = plt.subplot(212, sharex=ax1)
if modelline:
plt.plot(angp, models._unilin(fittan.beta,
- numpy.degrees(numpy.tan(numpy.radians(angp))))
- - models._unilin(fitlin.beta, angp),
+ numpy.degrees(numpy.tan(numpy.radians(angp)))) -
+ models._unilin(fitlin.beta, angp),
modelline, label=mlabel, lw=linewidth)
if usetilt:
- plt.plot(angp, straight_tilt(fittilt.beta, angp)
- - models._unilin(fitlin.beta, angp),
+ plt.plot(angp, straight_tilt(fittilt.beta, angp) -
+ models._unilin(fitlin.beta, angp),
modeltilt, label=mtiltlabel, lw=linewidth)
if stdev is None:
plt.plot(angles, channels - models._unilin(fitlin.beta, angles),
@@ -439,7 +439,8 @@ def linear_detector_calib(angle, mca_spectra, **keyargs):
def area_detector_calib(angle1, angle2, ccdimages, detaxis, r_i, plot=True,
cut_off=0.7, start=(0, 0, 0, 0),
fix=(False, False, False, False),
- fig=None, wl=None, plotlog=False, debug=False):
+ fig=None, wl=None, plotlog=False, debug=False,
+ nwindow=50):
function to calibrate the detector parameters of an area detector
it determines the detector tilt possible rotations and offsets in the
@@ -472,6 +473,10 @@ def area_detector_calib(angle1, angle2, ccdimages, detaxis, r_i, plot=True,
affect the scaling of the error
plotlog . flag to specify if the created error plot should be on
+ nwindow . window size for determination of the center of mass position
+ after the center of mass of every full image is determined,
+ the center of mass is determined again using a window of
+ size nwindow in order to reduce the effect of hot pixels.
debug ... flag to specify that you want to see verbose output and
saving of images to show if the CEN determination works
@@ -512,15 +517,23 @@ def area_detector_calib(angle1, angle2, ccdimages, detaxis, r_i, plot=True,
if debug:
print("average intensity per image: %.1f" % avg)
+ nw = nwindow // 2
for i in range(Npoints):
img = ccdimages[i]
if numpy.sum(img) > cut_off * avg:
- [cen1, cen2] = center_of_mass(img)
+ [cen1r, cen2r] = center_of_mass(img)
+ [cen1, cen2] = center_of_mass(
+ img[max(int(cen1r) - nw, 0):
+ min(int(cen1r) + nw, img.shape[0]),
+ max(int(cen2r) - nw, 0):
+ min(int(cen2r) + nw, img.shape[1])])
+ cen1 += max(int(cen1r) - nw, 0)
+ cen2 += max(int(cen2r) - nw, 0)
if debug:
plt.imshow(utilities.maplog(img), origin='low')
plt.plot(cen2, cen1, "wo", mfc='none')
- plt.axis([cen2 - 25, cen2 + 25, cen1 - 25, cen1 + 25])
+ plt.axis([cen2 - nw, cen2 + nw, cen1 - nw, cen1 + nw])
plt.savefig("xu_calib_ccd_img%d.png" % i)
@@ -528,9 +541,9 @@ def area_detector_calib(angle1, angle2, ccdimages, detaxis, r_i, plot=True,
n2 = numpy.append(n2, cen2)
ang1 = numpy.append(ang1, angle1[i])
ang2 = numpy.append(ang2, angle2[i])
- # if debug:
- # print("%8.3f %8.3f \t%.2f %.2f" % (angle1[i], angle2[i],
- # cen1, cen2))
+ if debug:
+ print("%8.3f %8.3f \t%.2f %.2f" % (angle1[i], angle2[i],
+ cen1, cen2))
Nused = len(ang1)
if debug:
@@ -764,7 +777,7 @@ def _determine_detdir(ang1, ang2, n1, n2, detaxis, r_i):
def _area_detector_calib_fit(ang1, ang2, n1, n2, detaxis, r_i, detdir1,
detdir2, start=(0, 0, 0, 0),
- fix = (False, False, False, False),
+ fix=(False, False, False, False),
full_output=False, wl=1., debug=False):
@@ -967,8 +980,9 @@ def _area_detector_calib_fit(ang1, ang2, n1, n2, detaxis, r_i, detdir1,
dAngles = numpy.concatenate((dAngles, arg))
# add detector rotation around primary beam
dAngles = numpy.concatenate((dAngles,
- numpy.ones(arg.shape, dtype=numpy.double)
- * _area_rot))
+ numpy.ones(arg.shape,
+ dtype=numpy.double) *
+ _area_rot))
# read channel numbers
n1 = numpy.array((), dtype=numpy.double)
@@ -1104,7 +1118,7 @@ def _area_detector_calib_fit(ang1, ang2, n1, n2, detaxis, r_i, detdir1,
ifixb += (int(not fix[i]),)
my_odr = odr.ODR(data, model, beta0=param, ifixb=(1, 1, 1, 1) + ifixb,
- ifixx =(0, 0, 0, 0), stpb=(0.4, 0.4, pwidth1 / 50.,
+ ifixx=(0, 0, 0, 0), stpb=(0.4, 0.4, pwidth1 / 50.,
pwidth2 / 50., 2, 0.125, 0.01, 0.01),
sclb=(1 / numpy.abs(cch1), 1 / numpy.abs(cch2),
1 / pwidth1, 1 / pwidth2, 1 / 90., 1 / 0.2, 1 / 0.2,
@@ -1270,8 +1284,8 @@ def area_detector_calib_hkl(sampleang, angle1, angle2, ccdimages, hkls,
for i in range(Npoints):
img = ccdimages[i]
- if ((numpy.sum(img) > cut_off * avg)
- or (numpy.all(hkls[i] != (0, 0, 0)))):
+ if ((numpy.sum(img) > cut_off * avg) or
+ (numpy.all(hkls[i] != (0, 0, 0)))):
[cen1, cen2] = center_of_mass(img)
if debug:
@@ -1873,7 +1887,7 @@ def _area_detector_calib_fit2(sang, ang1, ang2, n1, n2, hkls, experiment,
ifixb += (int(not fix[i]),)
my_odr = odr.ODR(data, model, beta0=param, ifixb=(1, 1, 1, 1) + ifixb,
- ifixx =(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+ ifixx=(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
stpb=(0.4, 0.4, pwidth1 / 50., pwidth2 / 50., 2, 0.125,
0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1., 0.0001),
sclb=(1 / numpy.abs(cch1), 1 / numpy.abs(cch2),
@@ -2053,14 +2067,20 @@ def miscut_calc(phi, aomega, zeros=None, omega0=None, plot=True):
# first guess for the parameters
# omega0,phi0,miscut
p0 = (om.mean(), a[om.argmax()], om.max() - om.min())
- fitfunc = lambda p, phi: numpy.abs(p[2]) * \
- numpy.cos(numpy.radians(phi - (p[1] % 360.))) + p[0]
+ def fitfunc(p, phi):
+ return numpy.abs(p[2]) * \
+ numpy.cos(numpy.radians(phi - (p[1] % 360.))) + p[0]
# first guess for the parameters
p0 = (a[om.argmax()], om.max() - om.min()) # omega0,phi0,miscut
- fitfunc = lambda p, phi: numpy.abs(p[1]) * \
- numpy.cos(numpy.radians(phi - (p[0] % 360.))) + omega0
- errfunc = lambda p, phi, om: fitfunc(p, phi) - om
+ def fitfunc(p, phi):
+ return numpy.abs(p[1]) * \
+ numpy.cos(numpy.radians(phi - (p[0] % 360.))) + omega0
+ def errfunc(p, phi, om): return fitfunc(p, phi) - om
p1, success = optimize.leastsq(errfunc, p0, args=(a, om), maxfev=10000)
if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL:
diff --git a/xrayutilities/experiment.py b/xrayutilities/experiment.py
index 0d379c4..da83a82 100644
--- a/xrayutilities/experiment.py
+++ b/xrayutilities/experiment.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Eugen Wintersberger <eugen.wintersberger at desy.de>
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner at gmail.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner at gmail.com>
# Copyright (C) 2012 Tanja Etzelstorfer <tanja.etzelstorfer at jku.at>
@@ -1436,26 +1436,27 @@ class Experiment(object):
- **kwargs: optional keyword arguments
- B: reciprocal space conversion matrix of a Material.
- you can specify the matrix B (default identiy matrix)
- shape needs to be (3,3)
- mat: Material object to use to obtain a B matrix
- (e.g. xu.materials.Si)
- can be used as alternative to the B keyword argument
- B is favored in case both are given
- U: orientation matrix U can be given
- if none is given the orientation defined in the Experiment
- class is used.
- dettype:detector type: one of ('point', 'linear', 'area')
- decides which routine of Ang2Q to call
- default 'point'
- delta: giving delta angles to correct the given ones for
- misalignment. delta must be an numpy array or list of
- length 2. used angles are than om,tt - delta
- wl: x-ray wavelength in angstroem (default: self._wl)
- en: x-ray energy in eV (default: converted self._wl)
- deg: flag to tell if angles are passed as degree (default: True)
+ **kwargs: optional keyword arguments
+ B: reciprocal space conversion matrix of a Material. you
+ can specify the matrix B (default identiy matrix) shape
+ needs to be (3,3)
+ mat: Material object to use to obtain a B matrix
+ (e.g. xu.materials.Si) can be used as alternative to
+ the B keyword argument B is favored in case both are
+ given
+ U: orientation matrix U can be given. If none is given the
+ orientation defined in the Experiment class is used.
+ dettype: detector type: one of ('point', 'linear', 'area')
+ decides which routine of Ang2Q to call. default 'point'
+ delta: giving delta angles to correct the given ones for
+ misalignment. delta must be an numpy array or list of
+ length 2. used angles are than om,tt - delta
+ wl: x-ray wavelength in angstroem (default: self._wl)
+ en: x-ray energy in eV (default: converted self._wl)
+ deg: flag to tell if angles are passed as degree (default:
+ True)
+ sampledis: sample displacement vector in relative units of the
+ detector distance (default: (0,0,0))
@@ -1466,13 +1467,13 @@ class Experiment(object):
for k in kwargs.keys():
if k not in ['U', 'B', 'mat', 'dettype', 'delta', 'wl', 'en',
- 'deg']:
+ 'deg', 'sampledis']:
raise Exception("unknown keyword argument given: allowed are "
"'B': orthonormalization matrix, "
"'U': orientation matrix, "
"'mat': material object, "
"'dettype': string with detector type, "
- "'delta,wl,en,deg' from Ang2Q")
+ "'delta,wl,en,deg,sampledis' from Ang2Q")
if "B" in kwargs:
B = numpy.array(kwargs['B'])
diff --git a/xrayutilities/gridder2d.py b/xrayutilities/gridder2d.py
index a1b8154..08626dd 100644
--- a/xrayutilities/gridder2d.py
+++ b/xrayutilities/gridder2d.py
@@ -242,8 +242,7 @@ class Gridder2DList(Gridder2D):
if not self.fixed_range:
# assume that with setting keep_data the user wants to call the
# gridder more often and obtain a reasonable result
- self.dataRange((x.min(), x.max()), (y.min(), y.max()),
- self.keep_data)
+ self.dataRange(x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max(), self.keep_data)
# perform gridding this should be moved to native code if possible
def gindex(x, min, delt):
diff --git a/xrayutilities/io/__init__.py b/xrayutilities/io/__init__.py
index dab338b..91055cc 100644
--- a/xrayutilities/io/__init__.py
+++ b/xrayutilities/io/__init__.py
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ from .spec import SPECFile
from .spec import SPECScan
from .spec import SPECLog
from .spec import geth5_scan
+from .spec import getspec_scan
# for backward compatibility import also as old name
from .spec import geth5_scan as geth5_map
diff --git a/xrayutilities/io/edf.py b/xrayutilities/io/edf.py
index 7908d92..b3d2429 100644
--- a/xrayutilities/io/edf.py
+++ b/xrayutilities/io/edf.py
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Eugen Wintersberger <eugen.wintersberger at desy.de>
-# Copyright (C) 2010-2012,2014 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner at gmail.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2012,2014-2015
+# Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner at gmail.com>
# Copyright (C) 2012 Tanja Etzelstorfer <tanja.etzelstorfer at jku.at>
# module for handling files stored in the EDF data format developed by the ESRF
@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ DataTypeDict = {"SignedByte": "b",
class EDFFile(object):
def __init__(self, fname, nxkey="Dim_1", nykey="Dim_2",
- dtkey="DataType", path="", header=True):
+ dtkey="DataType", path="", header=True, keep_open=False):
required arguments:
fname ....... name of the EDF file of type .edf or .edf.gz
@@ -75,6 +76,8 @@ class EDFFile(object):
for the binary data
path ........ path to the EDF file
header ...... has header (default true)
+ keep_open ... if True the file handle is kept open between multiple
+ calls which can cause significant speed-ups
self.filename = fname
@@ -98,6 +101,11 @@ class EDFFile(object):
self._dtype = []
+ if keep_open:
+ self.fid = xu_open(self.full_filename, 'rb')
+ else:
+ self.fid = None
self.nimages = len(self._data_offsets)
self.header = self._headers[0]
@@ -152,7 +160,7 @@ class EDFFile(object):
[key, value] = edf_kv_split.split(
line_buffer, 1)
- print("XU.io.EDFFile.ReadData: "
+ print("XU.io.EDFFile.Parse: "
"line_buffer: %s" % line_buffer)
key = key.strip()
@@ -233,18 +241,26 @@ class EDFFile(object):
nimg: number of the image which should be read (starts with 0)
- # to read the data we have to open the file in binary mode
- with xu_open(self.full_filename, 'rb') as binfid:
+ if self.fid:
+ binfid = self.fid
# move to the data section - jump over the header
binfid.seek(self._data_offsets[nimg], 0)
# read the data
tot_nofp = self._dimx[nimg] * self._dimy[nimg]
fmt_str = self._fmt_str[nimg]
bindata = binfid.read(struct.calcsize(tot_nofp * fmt_str))
- if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG:
- print("XU.io.EDFFile: read binary data: nofp: %d len: %d"
- % (tot_nofp, len(bindata)))
- print("XU.io.EDFFile: format: %s" % fmt_str)
+ else:
+ with xu_open(self.full_filename, 'rb') as binfid:
+ # move to the data section - jump over the header
+ binfid.seek(self._data_offsets[nimg], 0)
+ # read the data
+ tot_nofp = self._dimx[nimg] * self._dimy[nimg]
+ fmt_str = self._fmt_str[nimg]
+ bindata = binfid.read(struct.calcsize(tot_nofp * fmt_str))
+ if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG:
+ print("XU.io.EDFFile: read binary data: nofp: %d len: %d"
+ % (tot_nofp, len(bindata)))
+ print("XU.io.EDFFile: format: %s" % fmt_str)
num_data = struct.unpack(tot_nofp * fmt_str, bindata)
diff --git a/xrayutilities/io/fastscan.py b/xrayutilities/io/fastscan.py
index 9a896ff..ffb73b7 100644
--- a/xrayutilities/io/fastscan.py
+++ b/xrayutilities/io/fastscan.py
@@ -1,688 +1,856 @@
-# This file is part of xrayutilities.
-# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Copyright (C) 2014 Raphael Grifone <raphael.grifone at esrf.fr>
-# Copyright (C) 2014 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner at gmail.com>
-modules to help with the analysis of FastScan data acquired at the ESRF.
-FastScan data are X-ray data (various detectors possible) acquired during
-scanning the sample in real space with a Piezo Scanner. The same functions
-might be used to analze traditional SPEC mesh scans.
-The module provides three core classes:
-* FastScan
-* FastScanCCD
-* FastScanSeries
-where the first two are able to parse single mesh/FastScans when one is
-interested in data of a single channel detector or are detector and the last
-one is able to parse full series of such mesh scans with either type of
-see examples/xrayutilities_kmap_ESRF.py for an example script
-import os.path
-import numpy
-# relative imports
-from . import SPECFile
-from . import EDFFile
-from ..exception import InputError
-from ..gridder import delta
-from ..gridder2d import Gridder2D
-from ..gridder2d import Gridder2DList
-from ..gridder3d import Gridder3D
-from ..normalize import blockAverage2D
-# python 2to3 compatibility
- basestring
-except NameError:
- basestring = str
-class FastScan(object):
- """
- class to help parsing and treating fast scan data. FastScan is the
- aquisition of X-ray data while scanning the sample with piezo stages in
- real space. It's is available at several beamlines at the ESRF synchrotron
- light-source.
- """
- def __init__(self, filename, scannr,
- xmotor='adcX', ymotor='adcY', path=""):
- """
- Constructor routine for the FastScan object. It initializes the object
- and parses the spec-scan for the needed data which are saved in
- properties of the FastScan object.
- Parameters
- ----------
- filename: file name of the fast scan spec file
- scannr: scannr of the to be parsed fast scan
- optional:
- xmotor: motor name of the x-motor (default: 'adcX' (ID01))
- ymotor: motor name of the y-motor (default: 'adcY' (ID01))
- path: optional path of the FastScan spec file
- """
- self.filename = filename
- self.full_filename = os.path.join(path, filename)
- self.filename = os.path.basename(self.full_filename)
- self.scannr = scannr
- self.xmotor = xmotor
- self.ymotor = ymotor
- # read the scan
- self.specscan = None
- self.parse()
- def parse(self):
- """
- parse the specfile for the scan number specified in the constructor and
- store the needed informations in the object properties
- """
- # parse the file
- self.specfile = SPECFile(self.full_filename)
- self.specscan = self.specfile.__getattr__('scan%d' % self.scannr)
- self.specscan.ReadData()
- self.xvalues = self.specscan.data[self.xmotor]
- self.yvalues = self.specscan.data[self.ymotor]
- self.data = self.specscan.data
- def motorposition(self, motorname):
- """
- read the position of motor with name given by motorname from the data
- file. In case the motor is included in the data columns the returned
- object is an array with all the values from the file (although retrace
- clean is respected if already performed). In the case the motor is not
- moved during the scan only one value is returned.
- Parameters
- ----------
- motorname: name of the motor for which the position is wanted
- Returns
- -------
- val: motor position(s) of motor with name motorname during the scan
- """
- if self.specscan:
- # try reading value from data
- try:
- return self.data[motorname]
- except ValueError:
- try:
- return self.specscan.init_motor_pos['INIT_MOPO_%s'
- % motorname]
- except ValueError:
- raise ValueError("given motorname '%s' not found in the "
- "Spec-data" % motorname)
- else:
- return None
- def retrace_clean(self):
- """
- function to clean the data of the scan from retrace artifacts created
- by the zig-zag scanning motion of the piezo actuators the function
- cleans the xvalues, yvalues and data attribute of the FastScan object.
- """
- # set window to determin the slope
- window = [-1, 0, 1]
- # calc the slope of x_motor movement using a window for better acuracy
- slope = numpy.convolve(self.xvalues, window, mode='same') / \
- numpy.convolve(numpy.arange(len(self.xvalues)), window, 'same')
- # select where slope is above the slope mean value
- # this can be modified if data points are missing of the retrace does
- # not clean all points
- mask = numpy.where(slope > slope.mean())
- # reduce data size by cutting out retrace
- self.xvalues = self.xvalues[mask]
- self.yvalues = self.yvalues[mask]
- self.data = self.data[mask]
- def grid2D(self, nx, ny, **kwargs):
- """
- function to grid the counter data and return the gridded X,Y and
- Intensity values.
- Parameters
- ----------
- nx,ny: number of bins in x,y direction
- optional keyword arguments:
- counter: name of the counter to use for gridding (default: 'mpx4int'
- (ID01))
- gridrange: range for the gridder: format: ((xmin,xmax),(ymin,ymax))
- Returns
- -------
- Gridder2D object with X,Y,data on regular x,y-grid
- """
- if 'counter' in kwargs:
- self.counter = kwargs['counter']
- kwargs.pop("counter")
- else:
- self.counter = 'mpx4int'
- if 'gridrange' in kwargs:
- gridrange = kwargs['gridrange']
- kwargs.pop("gridrange")
- else:
- gridrange = None
- # define gridder
- g2d = Gridder2D(nx, ny)
- if gridrange:
- g2d.dataRange(gridrange[0][0], gridrange[0][1],
- gridrange[1][0], gridrange[1][1])
- # check if counter is in data fields
- try:
- inte = self.data[self.counter]
- except ValueError:
- raise ValueError("field named '%s' not found in data parsed from "
- "scan #%d in file %s"
- % (self.counter, self.scannr, self.filename))
- # grid data
- g2d(self.xvalues, self.yvalues, self.data[self.counter])
- # return gridded data
- return g2d
-class FastScanCCD(FastScan):
- """
- class to help parsing and treating fast scan data including CCD frames.
- FastScan is the aquisition of X-ray data while scanning the sample with
- piezo stages in real space. It's is available at several beamlines at the
- ESRF synchrotron light-source. During such fast scan at every grid point
- CCD frames are recorded and need to be analyzed
- """
- def _gridCCDnumbers(self, nx, ny, ccdnr, gridrange=None):
- """
- internal function to grid the CCD frame number to produce a list of
- ccd-files per bin needed for the further treatment
- Parameters
- ----------
- nx,ny: number of bins in x,y direction
- ccdnr: array with ccd file numbers of length
- length(FastScanCCD.data) OR a string with the data
- column name for the file ccd-numbers
- optional:
- gridrange: range for the gridder: format: ((xmin,xmax),(ymin,ymax))
- Returns
- -------
- gridder object: regular x,y-grid as well as 4-dimensional data
- object
- """
- g2l = Gridder2DList(nx, ny)
- if gridrange:
- g2l.dataRange(gridrange[0][0], gridrange[0][1],
- gridrange[1][0], gridrange[1][1])
- if isinstance(ccdnr, basestring):
- # check if counter is in data fields
- try:
- ccdnumbers = self.data[ccdnr]
- except ValueError:
- raise ValueError("field named '%s' not found in data parsed "
- "from scan #%d in file %s"
- % (ccdnr, self.scannr, self.filename))
- elif isinstance(ccdnr, (list, tuple, numpy.ndarray)):
- ccdnumbers = ccdnr
- else:
- raise ValueError("xu.FastScanCCD: wrong data type for "
- "argument 'ccdnr'")
- # assign ccd frames to grid
- g2l(self.xvalues, self.yvalues, ccdnumbers)
- return g2l
- def gridCCD(self, nx, ny, ccdtemplate, ccdnr, roi=None, path="",
- nav=[1, 1], gridrange=None, filterfunc=None):
- """
- function to grid the internal data and ccd files and return the gridded
- X,Y and DATA values. DATA represents a 4D with first two dimensions
- representing X,Y and the remaining two dimensions representing detector
- channels
- Parameters
- ----------
- nx,ny: number of bins in x,y direction
- ccdtemplate: template string for the ccdfilenames
- ccdnr: array with ccd file numbers of length
- length(FastScanCCD.data) OR a string with the data
- column name for the file ccd-numbers
- optional:
- roi: region of interest on the 2D detector. should be a list
- of lower and upper bounds of detector channels for the
- two pixel directions (default: None)
- path: common path of the CCDframe
- nav: number of detector pixel which will be averaged together
- (reduces the date size)
- gridrange: range for the gridder: format: ((xmin,xmax),(ymin,ymax))
- filterfunc: function applied to the CCD-frames before any
- processing. this function should take a single argument
- which is the ccddata which need to be returned with the
- same shape! e.g. remove hot pixels, flat/darkfield
- correction
- Returns
- -------
- X,Y,DATA: regular x,y-grid as well as 4-dimensional data object
- """
- g2l = _gridCCDnumbers(self, nx, ny, ccdnr, gridrange=gridrange)
- gdata = g2l.data
- self.ccdtemplate = os.path.join(path, ccdtemplate)
- # get CCDframe numbers and motor values
- valuelist = self.getCCDFrames(posx, posy, typ)
- # read ccd shape from first image
- ccdshape = blockAverage2D(
- EDFFile(self.ccdtemplate % (0, valuelist[0][-1][0])).data,
- nav[0], nav[1], roi=roi).shape
- self.ccddata = numpy.zeros((nx, ny, ccdshape[0], ccdshape[1]))
- # go through the gridded data and average the ccdframes
- for i in range(gdata.shape[0]):
- for j in range(gdata.shape[1]):
- if len(gdata[i, j]) == 0:
- continue
- else:
- framecount = 0
- # read ccdframes and average them
- for k in range(len(gdata[i, j])):
- e = EDFFile(self.ccdtemplate % gdata[i, j][k])
- if filterfunc:
- ccdfilt = filterfunc(e.data)
- else:
- ccdfilt = e.data
- ccdframe = blockAverage2D(ccdfilt, nav[0], nav[1],
- roi=roi)
- self.ccddata[i, j, :, :] += ccdframe
- framecount += 1
- self.ccddata[i, j, :, :] = self.ccddata[i, j, :, :] / \
- float(framecount)
- return g2l.xmatrix, g2l.ymatrix, self.ccddata
-class FastScanSeries(object):
- """
- class to help parsing and treating a series of fast scan data including CCD
- frames. FastScan is the aquisition of X-ray data while scanning the sample
- with piezo stages in real space. It's is available at several beamlines at
- the ESRF synchrotron light-source. During such fast scan at every grid
- point CCD frames are recorded and need to be analyzed.
- For the series of FastScans we assume that they are measured at different
- goniometer angles and therefore transform the data to reciprocal space.
- """
- def __init__(self, filenames, scannrs, nx, ny, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Constructor routine for the FastScanSeries object. It initializes the
- object and creates a list of FastScanCCD objects. Importantly it also
- expects the motor names of the angles needed for reciprocal space
- conversion.
- Parameters
- ----------
- filenames: file names of the fast scan spec files, in case of more
- than one filename supply a list of names and also a list of
- scan numbers for the different files in the 'scannrs'
- argument
- scannrs: scannrs of the to be parsed fast scans. in case of one
- specfile this is a list of numbers (e.g. [1,2,3]). when
- multiple filenames are given supply a separate list for
- every file (e.g. [[1,2,3],[2,4]])
- nx,ny: grid-points for the real space grid
- *args: motor names for the Reciprocal space conversion. The order
- needs be as required by the QConversion.area() function.
- optional keyword arguments:
- xmotor: motor name of the x-motor (default: 'adcX' (ID01))
- ymotor: motor name of the y-motor (default: 'adcY' (ID01))
- ccdnr: name of the ccd-number data column
- (default: 'imgnr' (ID01))
- counter: name of a defined counter (roi) in the spec file
- (default: 'ccdint1' (ID01))
- path: optional path of the FastScan spec file (default: '')
- """
- if 'ccdnr' in kwargs:
- self.ccdnr = kwargs['ccdnr']
- kwargs.pop("ccdnr")
- else:
- self.ccdnr = 'imgnr'
- if 'counter' in kwargs:
- self.counter = kwargs['counter']
- kwargs.pop("counter")
- else:
- self.counter = 'ccdint1'
- self.fastscans = []
- self.nx = nx
- self.ny = ny
- self.motor_pos = None
- self.gridded = False
- self.gonio_motors = []
- # save motor names
- for arg in args:
- if not isinstance(arg, basestring):
- raise ValueError("one of the motor name arguments is not of "
- "type 'str' but %s" % str(type(arg)))
- self.gonio_motors.append(arg)
- # create list of FastScans
- if isinstance(filenames, basestring):
- filenames = [filenames]
- scannrs = [scannrs]
- if isinstance(filenames, (tuple, list)):
- for fname in filenames:
- for snrs in scannrs[filenames.index(fname)]:
- self.fastscans.append(FastScanCCD(fname, snrs, **kwargs))
- else:
- raise ValueError("argument 'filenames' is not of "
- "appropriate type!")
- def retrace_clean(self):
- """
- perform retrace clean for every FastScan in the series
- """
- self.gridded = False
- self.xmin = numpy.min(self.fastscans[0].xvalues)
- self.ymin = numpy.min(self.fastscans[0].yvalues)
- self.xmax = numpy.max(self.fastscans[0].xvalues)
- self.ymax = numpy.max(self.fastscans[0].yvalues)
- for fs in self.fastscans:
- fs.retrace_clean()
- if numpy.max(fs.xvalues) > self.xmax:
- self.xmax = numpy.max(fs.xvalues)
- if numpy.max(fs.yvalues) > self.ymax:
- self.ymax = numpy.max(fs.yvalues)
- if numpy.min(fs.xvalues) < self.xmin:
- self.xmin = numpy.min(fs.xvalues)
- if numpy.min(fs.yvalues) < self.ymin:
- self.ymin = numpy.min(fs.yvalues)
- def align(self, deltax, deltay):
- """
- Since a sample drift or shift due to rotation often occurs between
- different FastScans it should be correct before combining them. Since
- determining such a shift is not straight-forward in general the user
- needs to supply the routine with the shifts in order correct the
- x,y-values for the different FastScans. Such a routine could for
- example use the integrated CCD intensities and determine the shift
- using a cross-convolution.
- Parameters
- ----------
- deltax: list of shifts in x-direction for every FastScan in the
- data structure
- deltay: same for the y-direction
- """
- self.gridded = False
- self.xmin = numpy.min(self.fastscans[0].xvalues)
- self.ymin = numpy.min(self.fastscans[0].yvalues)
- self.xmax = numpy.max(self.fastscans[0].xvalues)
- self.ymax = numpy.max(self.fastscans[0].yvalues)
- for fs in self.fastscans:
- i = self.fastscans.index(fs)
- fs.xvalues += deltax[i]
- fs.yvalues += deltay[i]
- if numpy.max(fs.xvalues) > self.xmax:
- self.xmax = numpy.max(fs.xvalues)
- if numpy.max(fs.yvalues) > self.ymax:
- self.ymax = numpy.max(fs.yvalues)
- if numpy.min(fs.xvalues) < self.xmin:
- self.xmin = numpy.min(fs.xvalues)
- if numpy.min(fs.yvalues) < self.ymin:
- self.ymin = numpy.min(fs.yvalues)
- def read_motors(self):
- """
- read motor values from the series of fast scans
- """
- self.motor_pos = numpy.zeros((len(self.fastscans),
- len(self.gonio_motors)))
- for i in range(len(self.fastscans)):
- fs = self.fastscans[i]
- for j in range(len(self.gonio_motors)):
- mname = self.gonio_motors[j]
- self.motor_pos[i, j] = fs.motorposition(mname)
- def getCCDFrames(self, posx, posy, typ='real'):
- """
- function to determine the list of ccd-frame numbers for a specific real
- space position. The real space position must be within the data limits
- of the FastScanSeries otherwise an ValueError is thrown
- Parameters
- ----------
- posx: real space x-position or index in x direction
- posy: real space y-position or index in y direction
- optional:
- typ: type of coordinates. specifies if the position is specified as
- real space coordinate or as index. valid values are 'real' and
- 'index'. (default: 'real')
- Returns
- -------
- [[motorpos1, ccdnrs1], [motorpos2, ccdnrs2], ...] where motorposN is
- from the N-ths FastScan in the series and ccdnrsN is the list of
- according CCD-frames
- """
- # determine grid point for position x,y
- if typ == 'real':
- # grid point calculation
- def gindex(x, min, delt):
- return numpy.round((x - min) / delt)
- xdelta = delta(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.nx)
- ydelta = delta(self.ymin, self.ymax, self.ny)
- xidx = gindex(posx, self.xmin, xdelta)
- yidx = gindex(posy, self.ymin, ydelta)
- elif typ == 'index':
- xidx = posx
- yidx = posy
- else:
- raise ValueError("given value of 'typ' is invalid.")
- if xidx >= self.nx or xidx < 0:
- raise ValueError("specified x-position is out of the data range")
- if yidx > self.ny or yidx < 0:
- raise ValueError("specified y-position is out of the data range")
- # read motor values and perform gridding for all subscans
- if not self.gridded:
- self.read_motors()
- self.glist = []
- for fs in self.fastscans:
- g2l = fs._gridCCDnumbers(
- self.nx, self.ny, self.ccdnr,
- gridrange=((self.xmin, self.xmax), (self.ymin, self.ymax)))
- self.glist.append(g2l) # contains the ccdnumbers in g2l.data
- self.gridded = True
- # return the ccdnumbers and goniometer angles for this position
- ret = []
- for i in range(len(self.glist)):
- motorpos = self.motor_pos[i]
- ccdnrs = self.glist[i].data[xidx, yidx]
- ret.append([motorpos, ccdnrs])
- return ret
- def rawRSM(self, posx, posy, qconv, ccdtemp, path, roi=None,
- nav=[1, 1], typ='real', filterfunc=None, **kwargs):
- """
- function to return the reciprocal space map data at a certain
- x,y-position from a series of FastScan measurements. It necessary to
- give the QConversion-object to be used for the reciprocal space
- conversion. The QConversion-object is expected to have the 'area'
- conversion routines configured properly.
- Parameters
- ----------
- posx: real space x-position or index in x direction
- posy: real space y-position or index in y direction
- qconv: QConversion-object to be used for the conversion of the
- CCD-data to reciprocal space
- ccdtemp: template string for the ccdfilenames
- optional:
- path: common path of the CCDframes
- roi: region of interest on the 2D detector. should be a list
- of lower and upper bounds of detector channels for the
- two pixel directions (default: None)
- nav: number of detector pixel which will be averaged
- together (reduces the date size)
- typ: type of coordinates. specifies if the position is
- specified as real space coordinate or as index. valid
- values are 'real' and 'index'. (default: 'real')
- filterfunc: function applied to the CCD-frames before any
- processing. this function should take a single argument
- which is the ccddata which need to be returned with the
- same shape! e.g. remove hot pixels, flat/darkfield
- correction
- UB: sample orientation matrix
- Returns
- -------
- qx,qy,qz,ccddata,valuelist: raw data of the reciprocal space map and
- valuelist containing the ccdframe numbers
- and corresponding motor positions
- """
- if 'UB' in kwargs:
- U = kwargs['UB']
- kwargs.pop("UB")
- else:
- U = numpy.identity(3)
- # get CCDframe numbers and motor values
- valuelist = self.getCCDFrames(posx, posy, typ)
- # load ccd frames and convert to reciprocal space
- self.ccdtemplate = os.path.join(path, ccdtemp)
- # read ccd shape from first image
- ccdshape = blockAverage2D(
- EDFFile(self.ccdtemplate % (valuelist[0][1][0])).data,
- nav[0], nav[1], roi=roi).shape
- ccddata = numpy.zeros((len(self.fastscans), ccdshape[0], ccdshape[1]))
- motors = []
- for i in range(len(self.gonio_motors)):
- motors.append(numpy.zeros(0))
- # go through the gridded data and average the ccdframes
- for i in range(len(self.fastscans)):
- imotors, ccdnrs = valuelist[i]
- # read CCD
- if len(ccdnrs) == 0:
- continue
- else:
- # append motors
- for j in range(len(self.gonio_motors)):
- motors[j] = numpy.append(motors[j], imotors[j])
- framecount = 0
- # read ccdframes and average them
- for k in range(len(ccdnrs)):
- edf = EDFFile(self.ccdtemplate % ccdnrs[k])
- if filterfunc:
- ccdfilt = filterfunc(edf.data)
- else:
- ccdfilt = edf.data
- ccdframe = blockAverage2D(ccdfilt, nav[0], nav[1], roi=roi)
- ccddata[i, :, :] += ccdframe
- framecount += 1
- ccddata[i, :, :] = ccddata[i, :, :] / float(framecount)
- qx, qy, qz = qconv.area(*motors, roi=roi, Nav=nav, UB=U)
- return qx, qy, qz, ccddata, valuelist
- def gridRSM(self, posx, posy, qnx, qny, qnz, qconv, ccdtemp, path="",
- roi=None, nav=[1, 1], typ='real', filterfunc=None, **kwargs):
- """
- function to calculate the reciprocal space map at a certain
- x,y-position from a series of FastScan measurements it is necessary to
- specify the number of grid-oints for the reciprocal space map and the
- QConversion-object to be used for the reciprocal space conversion. The
- QConversion-object is expected to have the 'area' conversion routines
- configured properly.
- Parameters
- ----------
- posx: real space x-position or index in x direction
- posy: real space y-position or index in y direction
- qnx: number of points in the Qx direction of the gridded
- reciprocal space map
- qny: same for y direction
- qnz: same for z directino
- qconv: QConversion-object to be used for the conversion of the
- CCD-data to reciprocal space
- ccdtemp: template string for the ccdfilenames
- optional:
- path: common path of the CCDframes
- roi: region of interest on the 2D detector. should be a list
- of lower and upper bounds of detector channels for the
- two pixel directions (default: None)
- nav: number of detector pixel which will be averaged together
- (reduces the date size)
- typ: type of coordinates. specifies if the position is
- specified as real space coordinate or as index. valid
- values are 'real' and 'index'. (default: 'real')
- filterfunc: function applied to the CCD-frames before any
- processing. this function should take a single argument
- which is the ccddata which need to be returned with the
- same shape! e.g. remove hot pixels, flat/darkfield
- correction
- UB: sample orientation matrix
- Returns
- -------
- Gridder3D object with gridded reciprocal space map
- """
- qx, qy, qz, ccddata, vallist = self.rawRSM(
- posx, posy, qconv, ccdtemp, path, roi=roi, nav=nav,
- typ=typ, filterfunc=filterfunc, **kwargs)
- # perform 3D gridding and return the data or gridder
- g = Gridder3D(qnx, qny, qnz)
- g(qx, qy, qz, ccddata)
- return g
+# This file is part of xrayutilities.
+# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Raphael Grifone <raphael.grifone at esrf.fr>
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner at gmail.com>
+modules to help with the analysis of FastScan data acquired at the ESRF.
+FastScan data are X-ray data (various detectors possible) acquired during
+scanning the sample in real space with a Piezo Scanner. The same functions
+might be used to analze traditional SPEC mesh scans.
+The module provides three core classes:
+* FastScan
+* FastScanCCD
+* FastScanSeries
+where the first two are able to parse single mesh/FastScans when one is
+interested in data of a single channel detector or are detector and the last
+one is able to parse full series of such mesh scans with either type of
+see examples/xrayutilities_kmap_ESRF.py for an example script
+import os.path
+import numpy
+import re
+import glob
+# relative imports
+from . import SPECFile
+from . import EDFFile
+from ..exception import InputError
+from ..gridder import delta
+from ..gridder2d import Gridder2D
+from ..gridder2d import Gridder2DList
+from ..gridder3d import Gridder3D
+from ..normalize import blockAverage2D
+from .. import config
+from .. import utilities
+# python 2to3 compatibility
+ basestring
+except NameError:
+ basestring = str
+SPEC_ImageFile = re.compile(r"^#C imageFile")
+class FastScan(object):
+ """
+ class to help parsing and treating fast scan data. FastScan is the
+ aquisition of X-ray data while scanning the sample with piezo stages in
+ real space. It's is available at several beamlines at the ESRF synchrotron
+ light-source.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, filename, scannr,
+ xmotor='adcX', ymotor='adcY', path=""):
+ """
+ Constructor routine for the FastScan object. It initializes the object
+ and parses the spec-scan for the needed data which are saved in
+ properties of the FastScan object.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ filename: file name of the fast scan spec file
+ scannr: scannr of the to be parsed fast scan
+ optional:
+ xmotor: motor name of the x-motor (default: 'adcX' (ID01))
+ ymotor: motor name of the y-motor (default: 'adcY' (ID01))
+ path: optional path of the FastScan spec file
+ """
+ self.scannr = scannr
+ self.xmotor = xmotor
+ self.ymotor = ymotor
+ if isinstance(filename, SPECFile):
+ self.specfile = filename
+ self.filename = self.specfile.filename
+ self.full_filename = self.specfile.full_filename
+ self.specscan = self.specfile.__getattr__('scan%d' % self.scannr)
+ else:
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.full_filename = os.path.join(path, filename)
+ self.filename = os.path.basename(self.full_filename)
+ self.specscan = None
+ # read the scan
+ self.parse()
+ def parse(self):
+ """
+ parse the specfile for the scan number specified in the constructor and
+ store the needed informations in the object properties
+ """
+ # parse the file
+ if not self.specscan:
+ self.specfile = SPECFile(self.full_filename)
+ self.specscan = self.specfile.__getattr__('scan%d' % self.scannr)
+ self.specscan.ReadData()
+ self.xvalues = self.specscan.data[self.xmotor]
+ self.yvalues = self.specscan.data[self.ymotor]
+ self.data = self.specscan.data
+ def motorposition(self, motorname):
+ """
+ read the position of motor with name given by motorname from the data
+ file. In case the motor is included in the data columns the returned
+ object is an array with all the values from the file (although retrace
+ clean is respected if already performed). In the case the motor is not
+ moved during the scan only one value is returned.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ motorname: name of the motor for which the position is wanted
+ Returns
+ -------
+ val: motor position(s) of motor with name motorname during the scan
+ """
+ if self.specscan:
+ # try reading value from data
+ try:
+ return self.data[motorname]
+ except ValueError:
+ try:
+ return self.specscan.init_motor_pos['INIT_MOPO_%s'
+ % motorname]
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError("given motorname '%s' not found in the "
+ "Spec-data" % motorname)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def retrace_clean(self):
+ """
+ function to clean the data of the scan from retrace artifacts created
+ by the zig-zag scanning motion of the piezo actuators the function
+ cleans the xvalues, yvalues and data attribute of the FastScan object.
+ """
+ # set window to determin the slope
+ window = [-1, 0, 1]
+ # calc the slope of x_motor movement using a window for better acuracy
+ slope = numpy.convolve(self.xvalues, window, mode='same') / \
+ numpy.convolve(numpy.arange(len(self.xvalues)), window, 'same')
+ # select where slope is above the slope mean value
+ # this can be modified if data points are missing of the retrace does
+ # not clean all points
+ mask = numpy.where(slope > slope.mean())
+ # reduce data size by cutting out retrace
+ self.xvalues = self.xvalues[mask]
+ self.yvalues = self.yvalues[mask]
+ self.data = self.data[mask]
+ def grid2D(self, nx, ny, **kwargs):
+ """
+ function to grid the counter data and return the gridded X,Y and
+ Intensity values.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ nx,ny: number of bins in x,y direction
+ optional keyword arguments:
+ counter: name of the counter to use for gridding (default: 'mpx4int'
+ (ID01))
+ gridrange: range for the gridder: format: ((xmin,xmax),(ymin,ymax))
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Gridder2D object with X,Y,data on regular x,y-grid
+ """
+ if 'counter' in kwargs:
+ self.counter = kwargs['counter']
+ kwargs.pop("counter")
+ else:
+ self.counter = 'mpx4int'
+ if 'gridrange' in kwargs:
+ gridrange = kwargs['gridrange']
+ kwargs.pop("gridrange")
+ else:
+ gridrange = None
+ # define gridder
+ g2d = Gridder2D(nx, ny)
+ if gridrange:
+ g2d.dataRange(gridrange[0][0], gridrange[0][1],
+ gridrange[1][0], gridrange[1][1])
+ # check if counter is in data fields
+ try:
+ inte = self.data[self.counter]
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError("field named '%s' not found in data parsed from "
+ "scan #%d in file %s"
+ % (self.counter, self.scannr, self.filename))
+ # grid data
+ g2d(self.xvalues, self.yvalues, self.data[self.counter])
+ # return gridded data
+ return g2d
+class FastScanCCD(FastScan):
+ """
+ class to help parsing and treating fast scan data including CCD frames.
+ FastScan is the aquisition of X-ray data while scanning the sample with
+ piezo stages in real space. It's is available at several beamlines at the
+ ESRF synchrotron light-source. During such fast scan at every grid point
+ CCD frames are recorded and need to be analyzed
+ """
+ def _gridCCDnumbers(self, nx, ny, ccdnr, gridrange=None):
+ """
+ internal function to grid the CCD frame number to produce a list of
+ ccd-files per bin needed for the further treatment
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ nx,ny: number of bins in x,y direction
+ ccdnr: array with ccd file numbers of length
+ length(FastScanCCD.data) OR a string with the data
+ column name for the file ccd-numbers
+ optional:
+ gridrange: range for the gridder: format: ((xmin,xmax),(ymin,ymax))
+ Returns
+ -------
+ gridder object: regular x,y-grid as well as 4-dimensional data
+ object
+ """
+ g2l = Gridder2DList(nx, ny)
+ if gridrange:
+ g2l.dataRange(gridrange[0][0], gridrange[0][1],
+ gridrange[1][0], gridrange[1][1])
+ if isinstance(ccdnr, basestring):
+ # check if counter is in data fields
+ try:
+ ccdnumbers = self.data[ccdnr]
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError("field named '%s' not found in data parsed "
+ "from scan #%d in file %s"
+ % (ccdnr, self.scannr, self.filename))
+ elif isinstance(ccdnr, (list, tuple, numpy.ndarray)):
+ ccdnumbers = ccdnr
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("xu.FastScanCCD: wrong data type for "
+ "argument 'ccdnr'")
+ # assign ccd frames to grid
+ g2l(self.xvalues, self.yvalues, ccdnumbers)
+ return g2l
+ def getccdFileTemplate(self, specscan, datadir=None, keepdir=0,
+ numfmt='%04d'):
+ """
+ function to extract the CCD file template string from the comment
+ in the SPEC-file scan-header
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ specscan: spec-scan object from which header the CCD directory should
+ be extracted
+ datadir: the CCD filenames are usually parsed from the scan object.
+ With this option the directory used for the data can be
+ overwritten. Specify the datadir as simple string.
+ Alternatively the innermost directory structure can be
+ automatically taken from the specfile. If this is needed
+ specify the number of directories which should be kept
+ using the keepdir option.
+ keepdir: number of directories which should be taken from the
+ specscan. (default: 0)
+ numfmt: format string for the CCD file number (optional)
+ Returns
+ -------
+ fmtstr: format string for the CCD file name using one number to
+ build the real file name
+ """
+ for line in specscan.header:
+ if SPEC_ImageFile.match(line):
+ for substr in line.split(' '):
+ t = substr.split('[')
+ if len(t) == 2:
+ if t[0] == 'dir':
+ dir = t[1].strip(']')
+ elif t[0] == 'prefix':
+ prefix = t[1].strip(']')
+ elif t[0] == 'suffix':
+ suffix = t[1].strip(']')
+ ccdtmp = os.path.join(dir, prefix + numfmt + suffix)
+ return utilities.exchange_filepath(ccdtmp, datadir, keepdir)
+ def gridCCD(self, nx, ny, ccdnr, roi=None, datadir=None, keepdir=0,
+ nav=[1, 1], gridrange=None, filterfunc=None, imgoffset=0):
+ """
+ function to grid the internal data and ccd files and return the gridded
+ X,Y and DATA values. DATA represents a 4D with first two dimensions
+ representing X,Y and the remaining two dimensions representing detector
+ channels
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ nx,ny: number of bins in x,y direction
+ ccdnr: array with ccd file numbers of length
+ length(FastScanCCD.data) OR a string with the data
+ column name for the file ccd-numbers
+ optional:
+ roi: region of interest on the 2D detector. should be a list
+ of lower and upper bounds of detector channels for the
+ two pixel directions (default: None)
+ datadir: the CCD filenames are usually parsed from the SPEC file.
+ With this option the directory used for the data can be
+ overwritten. Specify the datadir as simple string.
+ Alternatively the innermost directory structure can be
+ automatically taken from the specfile. If this is needed
+ specify the number of directories which should be kept
+ using the keepdir option.
+ keepdir: number of directories which should be taken from the
+ SPEC file. (default: 0)
+ nav: number of detector pixel which will be averaged together
+ (reduces the date size)
+ gridrange: range for the gridder: format: ((xmin,xmax),(ymin,ymax))
+ filterfunc: function applied to the CCD-frames before any
+ processing. this function should take a single argument
+ which is the ccddata which need to be returned with the
+ same shape! e.g. remove hot pixels, flat/darkfield
+ correction
+ Returns
+ -------
+ X,Y,DATA: regular x,y-grid as well as 4-dimensional data object
+ """
+ g2l = self._gridCCDnumbers(nx, ny, ccdnr, gridrange=gridrange)
+ gdata = g2l.data
+ self.ccdtemplate = self.getccdFileTemplate(self.specscan, datadir,
+ keepdir)
+ # read ccd shape from first image
+ filename = sorted(glob.glob(self.ccdtemplate.replace('%04d', '*')))[0]
+ if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL:
+ print('XU.io.FastScanCCD: open file %s' % filename)
+ e = EDFFile(filename, keep_open=True)
+ ccdshape = blockAverage2D(e.ReadData(), nav[0], nav[1], roi=roi).shape
+ self.ccddata = numpy.zeros((nx, ny, ccdshape[0], ccdshape[1]))
+ nimage = e.nimages
+ # go through the gridded data and average the ccdframes
+ for j in range(gdata.shape[1]):
+ for i in range(gdata.shape[0]):
+ if len(gdata[i, j]) == 0:
+ continue
+ else:
+ framecount = 0
+ # read ccdframes and average them
+ for imgnum in gdata[i, j]:
+ filenumber = (imgnum - imgoffset) // nimage
+ imgindex = int((imgnum - imgoffset) % nimage)
+ newfile = self.ccdtemplate % (filenumber)
+ if e.filename != newfile:
+ if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL:
+ print('XU.io.FastScanCCD: open file %s'
+ % newfile)
+ e = EDFFile(newfile, keep_open=True)
+ if filterfunc:
+ ccdfilt = filterfunc(e.ReadData(imgindex))
+ else:
+ ccdfilt = e.ReadData(imgindex)
+ ccdframe = blockAverage2D(ccdfilt, nav[0], nav[1],
+ roi=roi)
+ self.ccddata[i, j, :, :] += ccdframe
+ framecount += 1
+ self.ccddata[i, j, :, :] = self.ccddata[i, j, :, :] / \
+ float(framecount)
+ return g2l.xmatrix, g2l.ymatrix, self.ccddata
+class FastScanSeries(object):
+ """
+ class to help parsing and treating a series of fast scan data including CCD
+ frames. FastScan is the aquisition of X-ray data while scanning the sample
+ with piezo stages in real space. It's is available at several beamlines at
+ the ESRF synchrotron light-source. During such fast scan at every grid
+ point CCD frames are recorded and need to be analyzed.
+ For the series of FastScans we assume that they are measured at different
+ goniometer angles and therefore transform the data to reciprocal space.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, filenames, scannrs, nx, ny, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Constructor routine for the FastScanSeries object. It initializes the
+ object and creates a list of FastScanCCD objects. Importantly it also
+ expects the motor names of the angles needed for reciprocal space
+ conversion.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ filenames: file names of the fast scan spec files, in case of more
+ than one filename supply a list of names and also a list of
+ scan numbers for the different files in the 'scannrs'
+ argument
+ scannrs: scannrs of the to be parsed fast scans. in case of one
+ specfile this is a list of numbers (e.g. [1,2,3]). when
+ multiple filenames are given supply a separate list for
+ every file (e.g. [[1,2,3],[2,4]])
+ nx,ny: grid-points for the real space grid
+ *args: motor names for the Reciprocal space conversion. The order
+ needs be as required by the QConversion.area() function.
+ optional keyword arguments:
+ xmotor: motor name of the x-motor (default: 'adcX' (ID01))
+ ymotor: motor name of the y-motor (default: 'adcY' (ID01))
+ ccdnr: name of the ccd-number data column
+ (default: 'imgnr' (ID01))
+ counter: name of a defined counter (roi) in the spec file
+ (default: 'ccdint1' (ID01))
+ path: optional path of the FastScan spec file (default: '')
+ """
+ if 'ccdnr' in kwargs:
+ self.ccdnr = kwargs['ccdnr']
+ kwargs.pop("ccdnr")
+ else:
+ self.ccdnr = 'imgnr'
+ if 'counter' in kwargs:
+ self.counter = kwargs['counter']
+ kwargs.pop("counter")
+ else:
+ self.counter = 'ccdint1'
+ if 'path' in kwargs:
+ self.path = kwargs['path']
+ kwargs.pop("path")
+ else:
+ self.path = ''
+ self.fastscans = []
+ self.nx = nx
+ self.ny = ny
+ self.motor_pos = None
+ self.gridded = False
+ self.gonio_motors = []
+ # save motor names
+ for arg in args:
+ if not isinstance(arg, basestring):
+ raise ValueError("one of the motor name arguments is not of "
+ "type 'str' but %s" % str(type(arg)))
+ self.gonio_motors.append(arg)
+ # create list of FastScans
+ if isinstance(filenames, basestring):
+ filenames = [filenames]
+ scannrs = [scannrs]
+ if isinstance(filenames, (tuple, list)):
+ for fname in filenames:
+ full_filename = os.path.join(self.path, fname)
+ specfile = SPECFile(full_filename)
+ for snrs in scannrs[filenames.index(fname)]:
+ self.fastscans.append(FastScanCCD(specfile,
+ snrs, **kwargs))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("argument 'filenames' is not of "
+ "appropriate type!")
+ self.xmin = numpy.min(self.fastscans[0].xvalues)
+ self.ymin = numpy.min(self.fastscans[0].yvalues)
+ self.xmax = numpy.max(self.fastscans[0].xvalues)
+ self.ymax = numpy.max(self.fastscans[0].yvalues)
+ for fs in self.fastscans:
+ if numpy.max(fs.xvalues) > self.xmax:
+ self.xmax = numpy.max(fs.xvalues)
+ if numpy.max(fs.yvalues) > self.ymax:
+ self.ymax = numpy.max(fs.yvalues)
+ if numpy.min(fs.xvalues) < self.xmin:
+ self.xmin = numpy.min(fs.xvalues)
+ if numpy.min(fs.yvalues) < self.ymin:
+ self.ymin = numpy.min(fs.yvalues)
+ def retrace_clean(self):
+ """
+ perform retrace clean for every FastScan in the series
+ """
+ self.gridded = False
+ self.xmin = numpy.min(self.fastscans[0].xvalues)
+ self.ymin = numpy.min(self.fastscans[0].yvalues)
+ self.xmax = numpy.max(self.fastscans[0].xvalues)
+ self.ymax = numpy.max(self.fastscans[0].yvalues)
+ for fs in self.fastscans:
+ fs.retrace_clean()
+ if numpy.max(fs.xvalues) > self.xmax:
+ self.xmax = numpy.max(fs.xvalues)
+ if numpy.max(fs.yvalues) > self.ymax:
+ self.ymax = numpy.max(fs.yvalues)
+ if numpy.min(fs.xvalues) < self.xmin:
+ self.xmin = numpy.min(fs.xvalues)
+ if numpy.min(fs.yvalues) < self.ymin:
+ self.ymin = numpy.min(fs.yvalues)
+ def align(self, deltax, deltay):
+ """
+ Since a sample drift or shift due to rotation often occurs between
+ different FastScans it should be corrected before combining them. Since
+ determining such a shift is not straight-forward in general the user
+ needs to supply the routine with the shifts in order correct the
+ x,y-values for the different FastScans. Such a routine could for
+ example use the integrated CCD intensities and determine the shift
+ using a cross-convolution.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ deltax: list of shifts in x-direction for every FastScan in the
+ data structure
+ deltay: same for the y-direction
+ """
+ self.gridded = False
+ self.xmin = numpy.min(self.fastscans[0].xvalues)
+ self.ymin = numpy.min(self.fastscans[0].yvalues)
+ self.xmax = numpy.max(self.fastscans[0].xvalues)
+ self.ymax = numpy.max(self.fastscans[0].yvalues)
+ for fs in self.fastscans:
+ i = self.fastscans.index(fs)
+ fs.xvalues += deltax[i]
+ fs.yvalues += deltay[i]
+ if numpy.max(fs.xvalues) > self.xmax:
+ self.xmax = numpy.max(fs.xvalues)
+ if numpy.max(fs.yvalues) > self.ymax:
+ self.ymax = numpy.max(fs.yvalues)
+ if numpy.min(fs.xvalues) < self.xmin:
+ self.xmin = numpy.min(fs.xvalues)
+ if numpy.min(fs.yvalues) < self.ymin:
+ self.ymin = numpy.min(fs.yvalues)
+ def read_motors(self):
+ """
+ read motor values from the series of fast scans
+ """
+ self.motor_pos = numpy.zeros((len(self.fastscans),
+ len(self.gonio_motors)))
+ for i in range(len(self.fastscans)):
+ fs = self.fastscans[i]
+ for j in range(len(self.gonio_motors)):
+ mname = self.gonio_motors[j]
+ self.motor_pos[i, j] = fs.motorposition(mname)
+ def getCCDFrames(self, posx, posy, typ='real'):
+ """
+ function to determine the list of ccd-frame numbers for a specific real
+ space position. The real space position must be within the data limits
+ of the FastScanSeries otherwise an ValueError is thrown
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ posx: real space x-position or index in x direction
+ posy: real space y-position or index in y direction
+ optional:
+ typ: type of coordinates. specifies if the position is specified as
+ real space coordinate or as index. valid values are 'real' and
+ 'index'. (default: 'real')
+ Returns
+ -------
+ [[motorpos1, ccdnrs1], [motorpos2, ccdnrs2], ...] where motorposN is
+ from the N-ths FastScan in the series and ccdnrsN is the list of
+ according CCD-frames
+ """
+ # determine grid point for position x,y
+ if typ == 'real':
+ # grid point calculation
+ def gindex(x, min, delt):
+ return numpy.round((x - min) / delt)
+ xdelta = delta(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.nx)
+ ydelta = delta(self.ymin, self.ymax, self.ny)
+ xidx = gindex(posx, self.xmin, xdelta)
+ yidx = gindex(posy, self.ymin, ydelta)
+ elif typ == 'index':
+ xidx = posx
+ yidx = posy
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("given value of 'typ' is invalid.")
+ if xidx >= self.nx or xidx < 0:
+ raise ValueError("specified x-position is out of the data range")
+ if yidx > self.ny or yidx < 0:
+ raise ValueError("specified y-position is out of the data range")
+ # read motor values and perform gridding for all subscans
+ if not self.gridded:
+ self.read_motors()
+ self.glist = []
+ for fs in self.fastscans:
+ g2l = fs._gridCCDnumbers(
+ self.nx, self.ny, self.ccdnr,
+ gridrange=((self.xmin, self.xmax), (self.ymin, self.ymax)))
+ self.glist.append(g2l) # contains the ccdnumbers in g2l.data
+ self.gridded = True
+ # return the ccdnumbers and goniometer angles for this position
+ ret = []
+ for i in range(len(self.glist)):
+ motorpos = self.motor_pos[i]
+ ccdnrs = self.glist[i].data[xidx, yidx]
+ ret.append([motorpos, ccdnrs])
+ return ret
+ def rawRSM(self, posx, posy, qconv, roi=None, nav=[1, 1], typ='real',
+ datadir=None, keepdir=0, filterfunc=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ function to return the reciprocal space map data at a certain
+ x,y-position from a series of FastScan measurements. It necessary to
+ give the QConversion-object to be used for the reciprocal space
+ conversion. The QConversion-object is expected to have the 'area'
+ conversion routines configured properly.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ posx: real space x-position or index in x direction
+ posy: real space y-position or index in y direction
+ qconv: QConversion-object to be used for the conversion of the
+ CCD-data to reciprocal space
+ optional:
+ roi: region of interest on the 2D detector. should be a list
+ of lower and upper bounds of detector channels for the
+ two pixel directions (default: None)
+ nav: number of detector pixel which will be averaged
+ together (reduces the date size)
+ typ: type of coordinates. specifies if the position is
+ specified as real space coordinate or as index. valid
+ values are 'real' and 'index'. (default: 'real')
+ filterfunc: function applied to the CCD-frames before any
+ processing. this function should take a single argument
+ which is the ccddata which need to be returned with the
+ same shape! e.g. remove hot pixels, flat/darkfield
+ correction
+ UB: sample orientation matrix
+ datadir: the CCD filenames are usually parsed from the SPEC
+ file. With this option the directory used for the data
+ can be overwritten. Specify the datadir as simple
+ string. Alternatively the innermost directory
+ structure can be automatically taken from the specfile.
+ If this is needed specify the number of directories
+ which should be kept using the keepdir option.
+ keepdir: number of directories which should be taken from the
+ SPEC file. (default: 0)
+ Returns
+ -------
+ qx,qy,qz,ccddata,valuelist: raw data of the reciprocal space map and
+ valuelist containing the ccdframe numbers
+ and corresponding motor positions
+ """
+ if 'UB' in kwargs:
+ U = kwargs['UB']
+ kwargs.pop("UB")
+ else:
+ U = numpy.identity(3)
+ if 'imgoffset' in kwargs:
+ imgoffset = kwargs['imgoffset']
+ kwargs.pop("imgoffset")
+ else:
+ imgoffset = 0
+ # get CCDframe numbers and motor values
+ valuelist = self.getCCDFrames(posx, posy, typ)
+ # load ccd frames and convert to reciprocal space
+ fsccd = self.fastscans[0]
+ self.ccdtemplate = fsccd.getccdFileTemplate(fsccd.specscan, datadir,
+ keepdir)
+ # read ccd shape from first image
+ filename = glob.glob(self.ccdtemplate.replace('%04d', '*'))[0]
+ e = EDFFile(filename, keep_open=True)
+ ccdshape = blockAverage2D(e.ReadData(), nav[0], nav[1], roi=roi).shape
+ ccddata = numpy.zeros((len(self.fastscans), ccdshape[0], ccdshape[1]))
+ motors = []
+ nimage = e.nimages
+ for i in range(len(self.gonio_motors)):
+ motors.append(numpy.zeros(0))
+ # go through the gridded data and average the ccdframes
+ for i in range(len(self.fastscans)):
+ imotors, ccdnrs = valuelist[i]
+ fsccd = self.fastscans[i]
+ # append motor positions
+ for j in range(len(self.gonio_motors)):
+ motors[j] = numpy.append(motors[j], imotors[j])
+ # read CCD
+ if len(ccdnrs) == 0:
+ continue
+ else:
+ self.ccdtemplate = fsccd.getccdFileTemplate(fsccd.specscan)
+ framecount = 0
+ # read ccdframes and average them
+ for imgnum in ccdnrs:
+ filenumber = (imgnum - imgoffset) // nimage
+ imgindex = int((imgnum - imgoffset) % nimage)
+ newfile = self.ccdtemplate % (filenumber)
+ if e.filename != newfile:
+ e = EDFFile(newfile, keep_open=True)
+ if filterfunc:
+ ccdfilt = filterfunc(e.ReadData(imgindex))
+ else:
+ ccdfilt = e.ReadData(imgindex)
+ ccdframe = blockAverage2D(ccdfilt, nav[0], nav[1], roi=roi)
+ ccddata[i, :, :] += ccdframe
+ framecount += 1
+ ccddata[i, :, :] = ccddata[i, :, :] / float(framecount)
+ qx, qy, qz = qconv.area(*motors, roi=roi, Nav=nav, UB=U)
+ return qx, qy, qz, ccddata, valuelist
+ def gridRSM(self, posx, posy, qnx, qny, qnz, qconv, roi=None, nav=[1, 1],
+ typ='real', filterfunc=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ function to calculate the reciprocal space map at a certain
+ x,y-position from a series of FastScan measurements it is necessary to
+ specify the number of grid-oints for the reciprocal space map and the
+ QConversion-object to be used for the reciprocal space conversion. The
+ QConversion-object is expected to have the 'area' conversion routines
+ configured properly.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ posx: real space x-position or index in x direction
+ posy: real space y-position or index in y direction
+ qnx: number of points in the Qx direction of the gridded
+ reciprocal space map
+ qny: same for y direction
+ qnz: same for z directino
+ qconv: QConversion-object to be used for the conversion of the
+ CCD-data to reciprocal space
+ optional:
+ roi: region of interest on the 2D detector. should be a list
+ of lower and upper bounds of detector channels for the
+ two pixel directions (default: None)
+ nav: number of detector pixel which will be averaged together
+ (reduces the date size)
+ typ: type of coordinates. specifies if the position is
+ specified as real space coordinate or as index. valid
+ values are 'real' and 'index'. (default: 'real')
+ filterfunc: function applied to the CCD-frames before any
+ processing. this function should take a single argument
+ which is the ccddata which need to be returned with the
+ same shape! e.g. remove hot pixels, flat/darkfield
+ correction
+ UB: sample orientation matrix
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Gridder3D object with gridded reciprocal space map
+ """
+ qx, qy, qz, ccddata, vallist = self.rawRSM(
+ posx, posy, qconv, roi=roi, nav=nav,
+ typ=typ, filterfunc=filterfunc, **kwargs)
+ # perform 3D gridding and return the data or gridder
+ g = Gridder3D(qnx, qny, qnz)
+ g(qx, qy, qz, ccddata)
+ return g
+ def grid2Dall(self, nx, ny, **kwargs):
+ """
+ function to grid the counter data and return the gridded X,Y and
+ Intensity values from all the FastScanSeries.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ nx,ny: number of bins in x,y direction
+ optional keyword arguments:
+ counter: name of the counter to use for gridding (default: 'mpx4int'
+ (ID01))
+ gridrange: range for the gridder: format: ((xmin,xmax),(ymin,ymax))
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Gridder2D object with X,Y,data on regular x,y-grid
+ """
+ if 'counter' in kwargs:
+ counter = kwargs['counter']
+ kwargs.pop("counter")
+ else:
+ counter = 'mpx4int'
+ if 'gridrange' in kwargs:
+ gridrange = kwargs['gridrange']
+ kwargs.pop("gridrange")
+ else:
+ gridrange = ((self.xmin, self.xmax), (self.ymin, self.ymax))
+ # define gridder
+ g2d = Gridder2D(nx, ny)
+ if gridrange:
+ g2d.dataRange(gridrange[0][0], gridrange[0][1],
+ gridrange[1][0], gridrange[1][1])
+ g2d.KeepData(True)
+ for fs in self.fastscans:
+ # check if counter is in data fields
+ try:
+ inte = fs.data[counter]
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError("field named '%s' not found in data parsed "
+ "from scan #%d in file %s"
+ % (counter, fs.scannr, fs.filename))
+ # grid data
+ g2d(fs.xvalues, fs.yvalues, fs.data[counter])
+ # return gridded data
+ return g2d
diff --git a/xrayutilities/io/helper.py b/xrayutilities/io/helper.py
index 88e9c0c..61c1cd3 100644
--- a/xrayutilities/io/helper.py
+++ b/xrayutilities/io/helper.py
@@ -29,11 +29,12 @@ import bz2
import sys
import tables
+from .. import config
+from ..exception import InputError
if sys.version_info >= (3, 3):
import lzma # new in python 3.3
-from .. import config
-from ..exception import InputError
# python 2to3 compatibility
diff --git a/xrayutilities/io/spec.py b/xrayutilities/io/spec.py
index c6eea95..ed26837 100644
--- a/xrayutilities/io/spec.py
+++ b/xrayutilities/io/spec.py
@@ -676,8 +676,8 @@ class SPECFile(object):
for s in self.scan_list:
- if (((not g.__contains__(s.name)) or s.ischanged)
- and s.scan_status != "NODATA"):
+ if (((not g.__contains__(s.name)) or s.ischanged) and
+ s.scan_status != "NODATA"):
if s.data is not None:
s.Save2HDF5(h5, group=g, comp=comp)
@@ -1076,3 +1076,76 @@ def geth5_scan(h5f, scans, *args, **kwargs):
return MAP
return retval, MAP
+def getspec_scan(specf, scans, *args):
+ """
+ function to obtain the angular cooridinates as well as intensity values
+ saved in a SPECFile. Especially useful to combine the data from multiple
+ scans.
+ further more it is possible to obtain even more positions from
+ the data file if more than two string arguments with its names are given
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ specf: SPECFile object
+ scans: number of the scans of the reciprocal space map (int,tuple or
+ list)
+ *args: names of the motors and counters (strings)
+ Returns
+ -------
+ [ang1,ang2,...]:
+ coordinates and counters from the SPEC file
+ Example
+ -------
+ >>> [om, tt] = xu.io.getspec_scan(s, 36, 'omega', 'gamma', 'Counter2')
+ """
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ return
+ if numpy.iterable(scans):
+ scanlist = scans
+ else:
+ scanlist = list([scans])
+ angles = dict.fromkeys(args)
+ for key in angles.keys():
+ if not isinstance(key, str):
+ raise InputError("*arg values need to be strings with "
+ "motornames")
+ angles[key] = numpy.zeros(0)
+ buf = numpy.zeros(0)
+ for nr in scanlist:
+ sscan = specf.__getattr__("scan%d" % nr)
+ command = sscan.command
+ sscan.ReadData()
+ sdata = sscan.data
+ # check type of scan
+ notscanmotors = []
+ for i in range(len(args)):
+ motname = args[i]
+ try:
+ buf = sdata[motname]
+ scanshape = buf.shape
+ angles[motname] = numpy.concatenate((angles[motname], buf))
+ except:
+ notscanmotors.append(i)
+ if len(notscanmotors) == len(args):
+ scanshape = len(sdata)
+ for i in notscanmotors:
+ motname = args[i]
+ buf = (numpy.ones(scanshape) *
+ sscan.init_motor_pos["INIT_MOPO_%s" % motname])
+ angles[motname] = numpy.concatenate((angles[motname], buf))
+ retval = []
+ for motname in args:
+ # create return values in correct order
+ retval.append(angles[motname])
+ return retval
diff --git a/xrayutilities/materials/cif.py b/xrayutilities/materials/cif.py
index bdbc9b4..8d1760a 100644
--- a/xrayutilities/materials/cif.py
+++ b/xrayutilities/materials/cif.py
@@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ class CIFFile(object):
a3 = self.lattice_const[2] * numpy.array([
(ca - cb * cg) / sg,
- numpy.sqrt(1 - ca ** 2 - cb ** 2 - cg ** 2
- + 2 * ca * cb * cg) / sg],
+ numpy.sqrt(1 - ca ** 2 - cb ** 2 - cg ** 2 +
+ 2 * ca * cb * cg) / sg],
# create lattice
l = Lattice(a1, a2, a3, base=lb)
diff --git a/xrayutilities/materials/data/README.txt~ b/xrayutilities/materials/data/README.txt~
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d0304c..0000000
--- a/xrayutilities/materials/data/README.txt~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Notes about origin/copyright of files:
-*.cif .... structure files created by the webform [1] from available
- data (Journal articles)
-f[01]*.dat.xz: database files from XOP/DABAX project [2]
-nist_atom.dat: included from NIST > Physical Reference Data
- > Atomic Weights [3]
-[1] http://www.cryst.ehu.es/cgi-bin/cryst/programs/mcif2vesta/index.php
-[2] http://ftp.esrf.eu/pub/scisoft/xop2.3/
-[3] http://www.nist.gov/pml/data/comp.cfm
diff --git a/xrayutilities/materials/material.py b/xrayutilities/materials/material.py
index 2ad54d4..89bacb0 100644
--- a/xrayutilities/materials/material.py
+++ b/xrayutilities/materials/material.py
@@ -1092,23 +1092,33 @@ class Alloy(Material):
# test if inplane direction of hkl is the same as the one for the
# experiment otherwise warn the user
hklinplane = numpy.cross(numpy.cross(exp.ndir, hkl), exp.ndir)
- if (numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.cross(hklinplane, exp.idir))
- > config.EPSILON):
+ if (numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.cross(hklinplane, exp.idir)) >
+ config.EPSILON):
warnings.warn("Alloy: given hkl differs from the geometry of the "
"Experiment instance in the azimuthal direction")
# calculate relaxed points for matA and matB as general as possible:
- a1 = lambda x: self.lattice_const_AB(
- self.matA.lattice.a1, self.matB.lattice.a1, x)
- a2 = lambda x: self.lattice_const_AB(
- self.matA.lattice.a2, self.matB.lattice.a2, x)
- a3 = lambda x: self.lattice_const_AB(
- self.matA.lattice.a3, self.matB.lattice.a3, x)
- V = lambda x: numpy.dot(a3(x), numpy.cross(a1(x), a2(x)))
- b1 = lambda x: 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a2(x), a3(x))
- b2 = lambda x: 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a3(x), a1(x))
- b3 = lambda x: 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a1(x), a2(x))
- qhklx = lambda x: hkl[0] * b1(x) + hkl[1] * b2(x) + hkl[2] * b3(x)
+ def a1(x):
+ return self.lattice_const_AB(self.matA.lattice.a1,
+ self.matB.lattice.a1, x)
+ def a2(x):
+ return self.lattice_const_AB(self.matA.lattice.a2,
+ self.matB.lattice.a2, x)
+ def a3(x):
+ return self.lattice_const_AB(self.matA.lattice.a3,
+ self.matB.lattice.a3, x)
+ def V(x): return numpy.dot(a3(x), numpy.cross(a1(x), a2(x)))
+ def b1(x): return 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a2(x), a3(x))
+ def b2(x): return 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a3(x), a1(x))
+ def b3(x): return 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a1(x), a2(x))
+ def qhklx(x): return hkl[0] * b1(x) + hkl[1] * b2(x) + hkl[2] * b3(x)
qr_i = numpy.abs(transform(qhklx(self.x))[1])
qr_p = numpy.abs(transform(qhklx(self.x))[2])
@@ -1119,14 +1129,17 @@ class Alloy(Material):
# transform elastic constants to correct coordinate frame
cijA = Cijkl2Cij(transform(self.matA.cijkl))
cijB = Cijkl2Cij(transform(self.matB.cijkl))
- abulk = lambda x: numpy.linalg.norm(a1(x))
- frac = lambda x: (
- (cijB[0, 2] + cijB[1, 2] + cijB[2, 0] + cijB[2, 1] -
- (cijA[0, 2] + cijA[1, 2] + cijA[2, 0] + cijA[2, 1])) * x +
- (cijA[0, 2] + cijA[1, 2] + cijA[2, 0] + cijA[2, 1]))\
- / (2 * ((cijB[2, 2] - cijA[2, 2]) * x + cijA[2, 2]))
- aperp = lambda x: abulk(self.x) * (1 + frac(x) *
- (1 - asub / abulk(self.x)))
+ def abulk(x): return numpy.linalg.norm(a1(x))
+ def frac(x):
+ return ((cijB[0, 2] + cijB[1, 2] + cijB[2, 0] + cijB[2, 1] -
+ (cijA[0, 2] + cijA[1, 2] + cijA[2, 0] + cijA[2, 1])) * x +
+ (cijA[0, 2] + cijA[1, 2] + cijA[2, 0] + cijA[2, 1])) / \
+ (2 * ((cijB[2, 2] - cijA[2, 2]) * x + cijA[2, 2]))
+ def aperp(x):
+ return abulk(self.x) * (1 + frac(x) * (1 - asub / abulk(self.x)))
qp_i = 2 * numpy.pi / asub * numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.cross(ndir, hkl))
qp_p = 2 * numpy.pi / aperp(self.x) * numpy.abs(numpy.dot(ndir, hkl))
@@ -1212,37 +1225,50 @@ class CubicAlloy(Alloy):
cijA = Cijkl2Cij(trans(self.matA.cijkl))
cijB = Cijkl2Cij(trans(self.matB.cijkl))
- # define lambda functions for all things in the equation to solve
- a1 = lambda x: self.lattice_const_AB(
- self.matA.lattice.a1, self.matB.lattice.a1, x)
- a2 = lambda x: self.lattice_const_AB(
- self.matA.lattice.a2, self.matB.lattice.a2, x)
- a3 = lambda x: self.lattice_const_AB(
- self.matA.lattice.a3, self.matB.lattice.a3, x)
- V = lambda x: numpy.dot(a3(x), numpy.cross(a1(x), a2(x)))
- b1 = lambda x: 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a2(x), a3(x))
- b2 = lambda x: 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a3(x), a1(x))
- b3 = lambda x: 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a1(x), a2(x))
- qhklx = lambda x: hkl[0] * b1(x) + hkl[1] * b2(x) + hkl[2] * b3(x)
+ # define functions for all things in the equation to solve
+ def a1(x):
+ return self.lattice_const_AB(self.matA.lattice.a1,
+ self.matB.lattice.a1, x)
+ def a2(x):
+ return self.lattice_const_AB(self.matA.lattice.a2,
+ self.matB.lattice.a2, x)
+ def a3(x):
+ return self.lattice_const_AB(self.matA.lattice.a3,
+ self.matB.lattice.a3, x)
+ def V(x): return numpy.dot(a3(x), numpy.cross(a1(x), a2(x)))
+ def b1(x): return 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a2(x), a3(x))
+ def b2(x): return 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a3(x), a1(x))
+ def b3(x): return 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a1(x), a2(x))
+ def qhklx(x): return hkl[0] * b1(x) + hkl[1] * b2(x) + hkl[2] * b3(x)
# the following line is not generally true! only cubic materials
- abulk_perp = lambda x: numpy.abs(
- 2 * numpy.pi / numpy.inner(qhklx(x), n) * numpy.inner(n, hkl))
+ def abulk_perp(x):
+ return numpy.abs(2 * numpy.pi / numpy.inner(qhklx(x), n) *
+ numpy.inner(n, hkl))
# can we use abulk_perp here? for cubic materials this should work?!
- ainp = lambda x: asub + relax * (abulk_perp(x) - asub)
+ def ainp(x): return asub + relax * (abulk_perp(x) - asub)
if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG:
print("XU.materials.Alloy.ContentB: abulk_perp: %8.5g"
% (abulk_perp(0.)))
- frac = lambda x: (
- (cijB[0, 2] + cijB[1, 2] + cijB[2, 0] + cijB[2, 1] -
- (cijA[0, 2] + cijA[1, 2] + cijA[2, 0] + cijA[2, 1])) * x +
- (cijA[0, 2] + cijA[1, 2] + cijA[2, 0] + cijA[2, 1]))\
- / (2 * ((cijB[2, 2] - cijA[2, 2]) * x + cijA[2, 2]))
+ def frac(x):
+ return ((cijB[0, 2] + cijB[1, 2] + cijB[2, 0] + cijB[2, 1] -
+ (cijA[0, 2] + cijA[1, 2] + cijA[2, 0] + cijA[2, 1])) * x +
+ (cijA[0, 2] + cijA[1, 2] + cijA[2, 0] + cijA[2, 1])) / \
+ (2 * ((cijB[2, 2] - cijA[2, 2]) * x + cijA[2, 2]))
- equation = lambda x: (aperp - abulk_perp(x)) + \
- (ainp(x) - abulk_perp(x)) * frac(x)
+ def equation(x):
+ return ((aperp - abulk_perp(x)) +
+ (ainp(x) - abulk_perp(x)) * frac(x))
x = scipy.optimize.brentq(equation, -0.1, 1.1)
@@ -1318,38 +1344,53 @@ class CubicAlloy(Alloy):
cijA = Cijkl2Cij(trans(self.matA.cijkl))
cijB = Cijkl2Cij(trans(self.matB.cijkl))
- # define lambda functions for all things in the equation to solve
- a1 = lambda x: self.lattice_const_AB(
- self.matA.lattice.a1, self.matB.lattice.a1, x)
- a2 = lambda x: self.lattice_const_AB(
- self.matA.lattice.a2, self.matB.lattice.a2, x)
- a3 = lambda x: self.lattice_const_AB(
- self.matA.lattice.a3, self.matB.lattice.a3, x)
- V = lambda x: numpy.dot(a3(x), numpy.cross(a1(x), a2(x)))
- b1 = lambda x: 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a2(x), a3(x))
- b2 = lambda x: 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a3(x), a1(x))
- b3 = lambda x: 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a1(x), a2(x))
- qsurx = lambda x: sur[0] * b1(x) + sur[1] * b2(x) + sur[2] * b3(x)
- qhklx = lambda x: hkl[0] * b1(x) + hkl[1] * b2(x) + hkl[2] * b3(x)
+ # define functions for all things in the equation to solve
+ def a1(x):
+ return self.lattice_const_AB(self.matA.lattice.a1,
+ self.matB.lattice.a1, x)
+ def a2(x):
+ return self.lattice_const_AB(self.matA.lattice.a2,
+ self.matB.lattice.a2, x)
+ def a3(x):
+ return self.lattice_const_AB(self.matA.lattice.a3,
+ self.matB.lattice.a3, x)
+ def V(x): return numpy.dot(a3(x), numpy.cross(a1(x), a2(x)))
+ def b1(x): return 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a2(x), a3(x))
+ def b2(x): return 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a3(x), a1(x))
+ def b3(x): return 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a1(x), a2(x))
+ def qsurx(x): return sur[0] * b1(x) + sur[1] * b2(x) + sur[2] * b3(x)
+ def qhklx(x): return hkl[0] * b1(x) + hkl[1] * b2(x) + hkl[2] * b3(x)
# the following two lines are not generally true! only cubic materials
- abulk_inp = lambda x: numpy.abs(
- 2 * numpy.pi / numpy.inner(qhklx(x), inp2) *
- numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.cross(n, hkl)))
- abulk_perp = lambda x: numpy.abs(
- 2 * numpy.pi / numpy.inner(qhklx(x), n) * numpy.inner(n, hkl))
+ def abulk_inp(x):
+ return numpy.abs(2 * numpy.pi / numpy.inner(qhklx(x), inp2) *
+ numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.cross(n, hkl)))
+ def abulk_perp(x):
+ return numpy.abs(2 * numpy.pi / numpy.inner(qhklx(x), n) *
+ numpy.inner(n, hkl))
if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG:
print("XU.materials.Alloy.ContentB: abulk_inp/perp: %8.5g %8.5g"
% (abulk_inp(0.), abulk_perp(0.)))
- frac = lambda x: (
- (cijB[0, 2] + cijB[1, 2] + cijB[2, 0] + cijB[2, 1] -
- (cijA[0, 2] + cijA[1, 2] + cijA[2, 0] + cijA[2, 1])) * x +
- (cijA[0, 2] + cijA[1, 2] + cijA[2, 0] + cijA[2, 1]))\
- / (2 * ((cijB[2, 2] - cijA[2, 2]) * x + cijA[2, 2]))
+ def frac(x):
+ return ((cijB[0, 2] + cijB[1, 2] + cijB[2, 0] + cijB[2, 1] -
+ (cijA[0, 2] + cijA[1, 2] + cijA[2, 0] + cijA[2, 1])) * x +
+ (cijA[0, 2] + cijA[1, 2] + cijA[2, 0] + cijA[2, 1])) / \
+ (2 * ((cijB[2, 2] - cijA[2, 2]) * x + cijA[2, 2]))
- equation = lambda x: (aperp - abulk_perp(x)) + \
- (ainp - abulk_inp(x)) * frac(x)
+ def equation(x):
+ return ((aperp - abulk_perp(x)) +
+ (ainp - abulk_inp(x)) * frac(x))
x = scipy.optimize.brentq(equation, -0.1, 1.1)
diff --git a/xrayutilities/materials/predefined_materials.py b/xrayutilities/materials/predefined_materials.py
index 9f4b8dd..cdd4ec6 100644
--- a/xrayutilities/materials/predefined_materials.py
+++ b/xrayutilities/materials/predefined_materials.py
@@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ GaAs = Material("GaAs",
lattice.ZincBlendeLattice(elements.Ga, elements.As, 5.65325),
CubicElasticTensor(11.9e+10, 5.34e+10, 5.96e+10),
+AlAs = Material("AlAs",
+ lattice.ZincBlendeLattice(elements.Al, elements.As, 5.6611),
+ CubicElasticTensor(12.02e+10, 5.70e+10, 5.99e+10),
+ thetaDebye=446)
GaSb = Material("GaSb",
lattice.ZincBlendeLattice(elements.Ga, elements.Sb, 6.09593),
CubicElasticTensor(8.83e+10, 4.02e+10, 4.32e+10),
diff --git a/xrayutilities/math/fit.py b/xrayutilities/math/fit.py
index db82875..12d0b5e 100644
--- a/xrayutilities/math/fit.py
+++ b/xrayutilities/math/fit.py
@@ -79,23 +79,28 @@ def peak_fit(xdata, ydata, iparams=[], peaktype='Gauss', maxit=300,
gfunc_dp = None
if peaktype == 'Gauss':
if background == 'linear':
- gfunc = lambda param, x: Gauss1d(x, *param) + x * param[-1]
+ def gfunc(param, x): return Gauss1d(x, *param) + x * param[-1]
- gfunc = lambda param, x: Gauss1d(x, *param)
- gfunc_dx = lambda param, x: Gauss1d_der_x(x, *param)
- gfunc_dp = lambda param, x: Gauss1d_der_p(x, *param)
+ def gfunc(param, x): return Gauss1d(x, *param)
+ def gfunc_dx(param, x): return Gauss1d_der_x(x, *param)
+ def gfunc_dp(param, x): return Gauss1d_der_p(x, *param)
elif peaktype == 'Lorentz':
if background == 'linear':
- gfunc = lambda param, x: Lorentz1d(x, *param) + x * param[-1]
+ def gfunc(param, x): return Lorentz1d(x, *param) + x * param[-1]
- gfunc = lambda param, x: Lorentz1d(x, *param)
- gfunc_dx = lambda param, x: Lorentz1d_der_x(x, *param)
- gfunc_dp = lambda param, x: Lorentz1d_der_p(x, *param)
+ def gfunc(param, x): return Lorentz1d(x, *param)
+ def gfunc_dx(param, x): return Lorentz1d_der_x(x, *param)
+ def gfunc_dp(param, x): return Lorentz1d_der_p(x, *param)
elif peaktype == 'PseudoVoigt':
if background == 'linear':
- gfunc = lambda param, x: PseudoVoigt1d(x, *param) + x * param[-1]
+ def gfunc(param, x):
+ return PseudoVoigt1d(x, *param) + x * param[-1]
- gfunc = lambda param, x: PseudoVoigt1d(x, *param)
+ def gfunc(param, x): return PseudoVoigt1d(x, *param)
raise InputError("keyword rgument peaktype takes invalid value!")
@@ -227,8 +232,10 @@ def fit_peak2d(x, y, data, start, drange, fit_function, maxfev=2000):
ly = ly[mask]
lx = lx[mask]
ldata = data.flatten()[mask]
- # /(numpy.abs(numpy.sqrt(data))+numpy.abs(numpy.sqrt(data[data!=0].min())))
- errfunc = lambda p, x, z, data: (fit_function(x, z, *p) - data)
+ def errfunc(p, x, z, data):
+ return fit_function(x, z, *p) - data
p, cov, infodict, errmsg, success = optimize.leastsq(
errfunc, start, args=(lx, ly, ldata), full_output=1, maxfev=maxfev)
diff --git a/xrayutilities/math/functions.py b/xrayutilities/math/functions.py
index b56a21c..128a536 100644
--- a/xrayutilities/math/functions.py
+++ b/xrayutilities/math/functions.py
@@ -365,8 +365,9 @@ def PseudoVoigt1dasym(x, *p):
lx = numpy.asarray(x)
f = numpy.zeros(lx.shape)
f[lx < p[0]] = (p[4] + pv *
- Lorentz1d(lx[x < p[0]], p[0], p[1], p[3], 0) + (1 - pv)
- * Gauss1d(lx[x < p[0]], p[0], sigmal, p[3], 0))
+ Lorentz1d(lx[x < p[0]], p[0], p[1], p[3], 0) +
+ (1 - pv) *
+ Gauss1d(lx[x < p[0]], p[0], sigmal, p[3], 0))
f[lx >= p[0]] = (p[4] + pv *
Lorentz1d(lx[x >= p[0]], p[0], p[2], p[3], 0) +
(1 - pv) *
diff --git a/xrayutilities/src/qconversion.h~ b/xrayutilities/src/qconversion.h~
deleted file mode 100644
index 051d6ad..0000000
--- a/xrayutilities/src/qconversion.h~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of xrayutilities.
- *
- * xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner at gmail.com>
-#pragma once
-#include "xrayutilities.h"
-#define cdeg2rad (M_PI / 180.)
-#define crad2deg (180. / M_PI)
-#define deg2rad(ang) (ang * cdeg2rad)
-#define rad2deg(rad) (rad * crad2deg)
-/* ###################################
- * matrix vector operations for
- * 3x3 matrices and vectors of length
- * 3
- * ################################### */
-INLINE void ident(double *m);
-INLINE void sumvec(double *RESTRICT v1, double *RESTRICT v2);
-INLINE void diffvec(double *RESTRICT v1, double *RESTRICT v2);
-INLINE double norm(double *v);
-INLINE void normalize(double *v);
-INLINE void veccopy(double *RESTRICT v1, double *RESTRICT v2);
-INLINE void vecmul(double *RESTRICT r, double a);
-INLINE void cross(double *RESTRICT v1, double *RESTRICT v2,
- double *RESTRICT r);
-INLINE void vecmatcross(double *RESTRICT v, double *RESTRICT m,
- double *RESTRICT mr);
-INLINE void matmul(double *RESTRICT m1, double *RESTRICT m2);
-INLINE void matmulc(double *RESTRICT m, double c);
-INLINE void matvec(double *RESTRICT m, double *RESTRICT v,
- double *RESTRICT r);
-INLINE void tensorprod(double *RESTRICT v1, double *RESTRICT v2,
- double *RESTRICT m);
-INLINE void summat(double *RESTRICT m1, double *RESTRICT m2);
-INLINE void diffmat(double *RESTRICT m1, double *RESTRICT m2);
-INLINE void inversemat(double *RESTRICT m, double *RESTRICT i);
-INLINE double determinant(double *RESTRICT m);
-# functions which implement rotation matrices
-# for all coordinate axes and rotation senses
-# the routines expect angles in radians
-# for conversion from degrees to radians
-# the functions and2rad and rad2ang are
-# supplied
-typedef void (*fp_rot)(double, double *);
-INLINE void rotation_xp(double a, double *mat);
-INLINE void rotation_yp(double a, double *mat);
-INLINE void rotation_zp(double a, double *mat);
-INLINE void rotation_xm(double a, double *mat);
-INLINE void rotation_ym(double a, double *mat);
-INLINE void rotation_zm(double a, double *mat);
-INLINE void rotation_kappa(double a, double *mat);
-INLINE void rotation_arb(double a, double *RESTRICT e, double *RESTRICT mat);
-INLINE void apply_xp(double a, double *vec);
-INLINE void apply_yp(double a, double *vec);
-INLINE void apply_zp(double a, double *vec);
-INLINE void apply_xm(double a, double *vec);
-INLINE void apply_ym(double a, double *vec);
-INLINE void apply_zm(double a, double *vec);
-INLINE void apply_kappa(double a, double *vec);
-INLINE void apply_tx(double x, double *vec);
-INLINE void apply_ty(double y, double *vec);
-INLINE void apply_tz(double z, double *vec);
-# functions needed for reciprocal space converions
-int determine_axes_directions(fp_rot *fp_circles, char *stringAxis,
- unsigned int n);
-int determine_axes_directions_ap(fp_rot *fp_circles, char *stringAxis,
- unsigned int n);
-int determine_detector_pixel(double *rpixel, char *dir, double dpixel,
- double *r_i, double tilt);
-int tilt_detector_axis(double tiltazimuth, double tilt,
- double *RESTRICT rpixel1, double *RESTRICT rpixel2);
-int print_matrix(double *m);
-int print_vector(double *m);
diff --git a/xrayutilities/utilities_noconf.py b/xrayutilities/utilities_noconf.py
index 309736a..21cc09a 100644
--- a/xrayutilities/utilities_noconf.py
+++ b/xrayutilities/utilities_noconf.py
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ this part of utilities does not need the config class
import numbers
import numpy
import scipy.constants
+import os
from .exception import InputError
@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ def en2lam(inp):
- >>> lambda = lam2en(8048)
+ >>> wavelength = en2lam(8048)
# lambda(A) = h*c/(e * E(eV)) *1e10
inp = energy(inp)
@@ -101,7 +102,6 @@ def energy(en):
en: energy either as scalar or array with value in eV, which
will be returned unchanged; or string with name of emission line
@@ -128,7 +128,6 @@ def wavelength(wl):
wl: wavelength; If scalar or array the wavelength in Angstrom will be
returned unchanged, string with emission name is converted to
@@ -147,3 +146,68 @@ def wavelength(wl):
return en2lam(energies[wl])
raise InputError("wrong type for argument wavelength")
+def exchange_path(orig, new, keep=0):
+ """
+ function to exchange the root of a path with the option of keeping the
+ inner directory structure. This for example includes such a conversion
+ /dir_a/subdir/images/sample -> /home/user/data/images/sample
+ where the two innermost directory names are kept (keep=2)
+ Parameter
+ ---------
+ orig: original path which should be replaced by the new path
+ new: new path which should be used instead
+ keep: (optional) number of inner most directory names which should be
+ kept the same in the output (default = 0)
+ Returns
+ -------
+ directory path string
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> exchange_path('/dir_a/subdir/img/sam', '/home/user/data', 2)
+ '/home/user/data/img/sam'
+ """
+ subdirs = []
+ o = orig
+ for i in range(keep):
+ o, s = os.path.split(o)
+ subdirs.append(s)
+ out = new
+ subdirs.reverse()
+ for s in subdirs:
+ out = os.path.join(out, s)
+ return out
+def exchange_filepath(orig, new, keep=0):
+ """
+ function to exchange the root of a filename with the option of keeping the
+ inner directory structure. This for example includes such a conversion
+ /dir_a/subdir/sample/file.txt -> /home/user/data/sample/file.txt
+ where the innermost directory name is kept (keep=1)
+ Parameter
+ ---------
+ orig: original filename which should have its data root replaced
+ new: new path which should be used instead
+ keep: (optional) number of inner most directory names which should be
+ kept the same in the output (default = 0). Note that the filename
+ is always return unchanged also with keep=0.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ filename string
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> exchange_filepath('/dir_a/subdir/sam/file.txt', '/data', 1)
+ '/data/sam/file.txt'
+ """
+ if new:
+ return exchange_path(orig, new, keep+1)
+ else:
+ return orig
diff --git a/xrayutilities/xrayutilities_default.conf b/xrayutilities/xrayutilities_default.conf
index d07afe2..f06cdc9 100644
--- a/xrayutilities/xrayutilities_default.conf
+++ b/xrayutilities/xrayutilities_default.conf
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# XRAYUTILITIES global default configuration
# default values for some properties of xrayutilities may be set
-# the syntax follows the one of the ConfigParser python module,
+# the syntax follows the one of the ConfigParser Python module,
# which is similar to .ini files
# begin of xrayutilities configuration
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