[starlink-ast] 01/03: Add latex style files needed by new documentation
Ole Streicher
olebole at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Apr 28 08:52:09 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
olebole pushed a commit to branch debian
in repository starlink-ast.
commit dec06f27f6d60afa1e8678fc3ad4063b2d6982f7
Author: Ole Streicher <debian at liska.ath.cx>
Date: Tue Apr 28 10:37:25 2015 +0200
Add latex style files needed by new documentation
debian/control | 4 +-
debian/copyright | 8 +-
debian/patches/latexstyle.patch | 754 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
debian/patches/series | 1 +
4 files changed, 762 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index c5d6e75..a6b195c 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ Build-Depends-Indep: ghostscript,
perl (>= 5.18.1-5),
- texlive-font-utils
+ texlive-font-utils,
+ texlive-latex-extra,
+ texlive-science
Standards-Version: 3.9.6
Section: science
Homepage: http://www.starlink.ac.uk/ast
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index 981b826..25094d1 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Upstream-Name: AST
Upstream-Author: David Berry, R.F. Warren-Smith
Source: http://www.starlink.ac.uk/ast
-Files: *
+Files: * debian/patches/latexstyle.patch
Copyright: Copyright 1997-2009 Council for the Central Laboratory of the
Research Councils
Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Science & Technology Facilities Council
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Copyright: Copyright 1997-2009 Council for the Central Laboratory of the
Copyright (c) 1988 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Copyright (C) 2004 Manolis Lourakis (lourakis at ics forth gr)
Copyright (C) 2006 Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council
-License: GPL
+License: GPL-2
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ License: GPL
Files: proj.h wcstrig.h wcsmath.h proj.c wcstrig.c
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1995-2002, Mark Calabretta <mcalabre at atnf.csiro.au>
-License: LGPL
+License: LGPL-2
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
@@ -44,4 +44,4 @@ License: LGPL
Files: debian/*
Copyright: not applicable
License: public-domain
- Debian packaging by Ole Streicher <debian at liska.ath.cx>
+ Debian packaging by Ole Streicher <olebole at debian.org>
diff --git a/debian/patches/latexstyle.patch b/debian/patches/latexstyle.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09e6ab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/latexstyle.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+Author: Sarah F Graves
+Description: Provide missing LaTeX style files
+ These files were taken from Starlinks github repository.
+Url: https://github.com/Starlink/starlink
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/starlink.cls
+@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
++% Latex2E class for writing starlink documents.
++% .. Class options.
++% With chapters...
++% If twoside...
++% If list of figures (lof)
++% If no abstract
++% If all one page (affects html output only)
++% Declare the options.
++% Pass all options not defined above to the classes.
++% (Must be done before process options)
++ \typeout{..... passing options to report .....}
++ \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{report}}
++ \typeout{........passing options to article......}
++ \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{article}}
++% Process custom options.
++ \LoadClass{report}
++ \typeout{........Report!...........}
++ \LoadClass{article}
++ \typeout{..........Article!..........}
++% Packages required for all reports
++% chek if in a pdf or not
++% Font types and encoding.
++% microtype For improved pdf typography (must come after loading class)
++% units
++% Titlesec.
++% Package to allow graphics to be loaded (\includegraphics) and the
++% default extensions it will look for (and their order).
++%.. Probably needed for something?
++% formatting of list enivornments
++%.. Using color
++%.. Allow boxes with frames and backgrounds, over multiple pages
++%.. Allow tables on multiple pages
++%.. Allow sideways tables
++%.. Allow landscape pdf pages
++%.. Set up the page
++%.. title page formatting
++%... Set up the headers.
++%.... table of contents formatting
++%.. hyperref
++ breaklinks=True,pdfdisplaydoctitle=true]{hyperref}
++%... allow environments using verbatim
++%... allow starlink docs to use indexes
++% Starlink document identification commands
++\newcommand{\stardoccategory}[1]{\def \@stardoccategory {#1}}
++\newcommand{\stardocinitials}[1]{\def \@stardocinitials {#1}}
++\newcommand{\stardoccopyright}[1]{\def \@stardoccopyright {#1}}
++\newcommand{\stardocnumber}[1]{\def \@stardocnumber{#1}}
++% Define a stardoctitle that takes an optional 'short' argument; this
++% can then be used in various places. E.g. if you have a multi line
++% full title, please ensure you also have a single line short title.
++\def\stardoctitle{\@ifnextchar [{\@stardoctitletwo}{\@stardoctitleone}}
++\newcommand{\stardocversion}[1]{\def \@stardocversion{#1}}
++\newcommand{\stardocmanual}[1]{\def \@stardocmanual{#1}}
++\newcommand{\stardocabstract}[1]{\def \@stardocabstract{#1}}
++% Defaults for current data?
++\starproject{Starlink Project}
++% initalise to nothing
++% Provide \the... versions of these commands so you don't need to use @
++% in latex.
++% Ensure the stardoctitle etc is available as \thetitle.
++% Ensure the author list is available as \theauthor.
++%% Various commands to setup the frontmatter of starlink docs.
++%% This should consist of 1) the title, 2) the abstract, 3) the table
++%% of contents, 4) the list of figures (unless class option nolof is given).
++%.. Format the initial header.
++ \begin{flushright}
++ \textbf{\thestardocinitials /\thestardocnumber}
++ \end{flushright}
++ \thestarproject\\
++ \thestardoccategory\ \thestardocnumber\\
++%... Format the main ttile
++% Graphics for front page
++% .. Provide a command \startitle page that will produce a consistent
++% starlink title page
++ \null
++ \vskip 2em%
++%%.. command to print the abstract (with copyright at bottom of page)
++ \ifwithabs
++ \ifwithchapters
++ \chapter*{}
++ \fi
++ \section*{Abstract}
++ \thispagestyle{fancy}
++ \markboth{Abstract}{}
++ \thestardocabstract{}
++ \\
++ \vspace*{\fill}
++ \\
++ {\small\thestardoccopyright{}}
++ \clearpage
++ \fi
++%% General Front matter command -- title page, abstract, toc, lof This
++%% command \scfrontmatter is what should be called
++%% after \begin{document} in any starlink tex file.
++% Use roman page numbers
++% Create the titlepage
++% Show the abstract (defined to do nothing if noabs is set)
++% Table of contents (catcode stuff to prevent errors with _)
++\begingroup \catcode`\_=12 \tableofcontents \endgroup
++% unless the class option 'nolof' has been given, create a list of
++% figures.
++ \begingroup \catcode`\_=12 \listoffigures \endgroup
++% Reset the page counting to arabic and start from 1.
++%% Back matter commands (references and index)
++% Ensure index shows up in toc.
++ \phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Index}
++ \oldprintindex}
++%% Various class specific macros
++%% Starlink list enivornments
++%% enumdesc: An enumerated description list
++ before={\stepcounter{enumdescc}\setcounter{enumdescci}{0}},%
++ style=nextline,leftmargin=0.5cm,labelindent=0.5cm,rightmargin=0.5cm,
++ topsep=0.5\baselineskip, font={%
++ \phantomsection\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries\refstepcounter{enumdescci}\theenumdescci~}
++%% A description list which has the labels in a box on the left with
++%% the length of the widest label, and the definitions aligned past
++%% it. In HTML output, starstyle.4ht will format this as a table.
++%% This uses the package eqparbox to get the box of width of the
++%% widest label (takes 2 runs of pdflatex).
++ leftmargin=\dimexpr\eqboxwidth{descnb\romannumeral\numexpr\value{desc}+1\relax}+3em\relax,
++ labelsep=1em, labelindent=2em, rightmargin=2em}
++%% Linking and referencing commands.
++%%.. Starlink xref command
++%% By default use the starlink.ac.uk; this will be fixed up at the
++%% end of make world by a different program.
++%problems with _ in labels (e.g. in xrefs)
++\renewcommand{\_}{\ifmmode \oldunderscore \else \string_\fi}
++%% Deprecated commands (for compatability only)
++% % Graphics commands
++ \begin{figure}#2
++ \centering\includegraphics[#3]{#1}
++ \typeout{#1 inserted on page \arabic{page}}
++ \caption[#5]{\label{#4} #6}
++ \end{figure}
++% A starlink Hyperref (defined a bit differently to regular hyperref,
++% and with a first argument that doesn't do anything. Deprecated; only
++% provided for consistency with old documents. Include the string, not
++% just the cross reference number or letter in the hyperlink.
++% %.. Empty environment latex only.
++%%%% Command that doesn't do anything in latex
++%.. environments that don't do anything
++\def\makeinnocent#1{\catcode`#1=12 }
++ \def\csarg#1#2{\expandafter#1\csname#2\endcsname}
++ \def\ThrowAwayComment#1{\begingroup
++ \def\CurrentComment{#1}%
++ \let\do\makeinnocent \dospecials
++ \makeinnocent\^^L% and whatever other special cases
++ \endlinechar`\^^M \catcode`\^^M=12 \xComment}
++ {\catcode`\^^M=12 \endlinechar=-1 %
++ \gdef\xComment#1^^M{\def\test{#1}
++ \csarg\ifx{PlainEnd\CurrentComment Test}\test
++ \let\html at next\endgroup
++ \else \csarg\ifx{LaLaEnd\CurrentComment Test}\test
++ \edef\html at next{\endgroup\noexpand\end{\CurrentComment}}
++ \else \let\html at next\xComment
++ \fi \fi \html at next}
++ }
++ \def\excludecomment
++ #1{\expandafter\def\csname#1\endcsname{\ThrowAwayComment{#1}}%
++ {\escapechar=-1\relax
++ \csarg\xdef{PlainEnd#1Test}{\string\\end#1}%
++ \csarg\xdef{LaLaEnd#1Test}{\string\\end\string\{#1\string\}}%
++ }}
++%.. Define additional colours.
++\definecolor{MidnightBlue}{RGB}{25, 25, 112}
++%.. Miscellanous commands
++%.. Create a command to remove all space from input
++\def\RemoveSpaces#1{\zap at space#1 \@empty}
++% % Command for text that should be pushed to the right of the line (eg
++% % following an hfill, on a single line of text
++\newcommand*{\scpushright}[1]{\hfill #1}
++% %.. verbatim environment for quoting terminal.
++% command for a text box that floats around and pops out from the text (framed)
++ backgroundcolor=white,%
++ middlelinewidth=4pt,%
++ middlelinecolor=bblue,%
++ userdefinedwidth=0.8\textwidth,%
++ roundcorner=10pt, %
++ innertopmargin=\topskip}%
++ align=center,%
++ frametitle=#1,%
++ frametitlebackgroundcolor=bblue]%
++%Framed boxes (obsolete).
++%.. Tip box
++%.. starlink long table (used so that its easier to fix it up for html output)
++ \ifwithchapters
++ \chapter*{}
++ \fi
++ \section*{Acronyms}
++ \markboth{Acronyms}{}
++ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\protect\numberline{}Acronyms}
++%% Load the reamining starlink specific classes.
++%.. The remaining starlink specific definitions.
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sst.sty
+@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
++% Packet for formatting latex code output from prolat
++% .. Set up the sectioning and appearance for the sstroutine.
++%... New subsection sstrefsection
++%... Formatting the title for sstrefsection
++\titlespacing*{\sstrefsection}{0pt}{3.5ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{2.3ex plus .2ex}
++%... Command to turn name and short description into single variable for title.
++\newcommand{\sstsectitle}[2]{\strut \vphantom{#1}#1\newline \ignorespaces#2\strut}
++% .. Command to completely remove section from contents so it can be
++% added in manually at the correct section.
++%% Add a toc entry which will be used in the main toc
++%% commands to temporarily stop sstroutines from writing anything into the main toc
++%% Command to restart sstroutines appearing in the main html toc
++%% (does nothing in pdf)
++%% .. command to format the sst title
++ \tocless\sstrefsection{\centering\rule{\textwidth}{0.5mm}\\%
++ #1\\#2\\\rule{\textwidth}{0.5mm}}
++ \sstmaintocline{\RemoveSpaces{#1}}{#2}
++%... Basic SSTROUTINE command
++ \clearpage
++ % Create the section.
++ \ssttitle{#1}{#2}
++ % Set the first parameter as the label; need to remove spaces first.
++ \label{\RemoveSpaces{#1}}
++ %.. change the mark on the left hand side to include the name of the chapter.
++ \markright{\textit{\RemoveSpaces{#1}}}
++ \iftwoside
++ \fancyhead[RE,LO]{\thepage\hspace{1cm}\rightmark}
++ \else
++ \lhead{\thepage\hspace{1cm}\rightmark}
++ \fi
++ %.. Nest all the material within a description
++ \begin{description}[style=nextline]
++ #3
++ \end{description}
++ % End the page
++ \newpage
++% .. Various sst macros that are used within an \sstroutine
++% .. diytopic -- basis for many of th commands.
++\begin{description}[style=nextline]\item[]\end{description} #2}
++\newcommand{\sstdescription}[1]{\item[Description:] #1 }
++\newcommand{\sstusage}[1]{\item[Usage:]{\raggedright \tt #1}}
++\begin{description}[style=nextline]\item[] #1 \end{description}}
++\begin{description}[style=nextline]\item[] #1 \end{description}}
++\newcommand{\sstsubsection}[2]{\item[{#1}] #2}
++\newcommand{\sstdiylist}[2]{\item[#1] #2}
++\newcommand{\sstimplementationstatus}[1]{\item[Implementation Status:] #1}
++\newcommand{\sstbugs}[1]{\item[Bugs:] #1}
++% Format a list of items while in paragraph mode.
++ \mbox{}%\vspace{-1\baselineskip}
++ \begin{itemize}
++ #1
++ \end{itemize}
++\newcommand{\sstresparameters}[1]{\sstdiytopic{Results Parameters}{#1}}
++\newcommand{\sstinvocation}[1]{\sstdiytopic{Invocation}{{\tt #1}}}
++\newcommand{\sstreturnedvalue}[1]{\sstdiytopic{Returned Value}{#1}}
++#2 }
++% Set the font of the label of the sstexample items:
++% (extra \\ spacing is required to not have weird effects. I think the
++% important point is to explicitly force the label into vertical mode,
++% so it doesn't try and continue the previous paragraph).
++ \setlength{\parindent}{0mm}
++ \item[Examples:]
++ \begin{description}[style=unboxed,font=\sstexamplefont,
++ leftmargin=0pt,]
++ #1
++ \end{description}
++% Define the format of an item.
++% Format the attribute data type section.
++% an environment for references (for the SST sstdiytopic command).
++\newenvironment{refs}{\vspace{-4ex} % normally 3ex
++ \begin{list}{}{\setlength{\topsep}{0mm}
++ \setlength{\partopsep}{0mm}
++ \setlength{\itemsep}{0mm}
++ \setlength{\parsep}{0mm}
++ \setlength{\leftmargin}{1.5em}
++ \setlength{\itemindent}{-\leftmargin}
++ \setlength{\labelsep}{0mm}
++ \setlength{\labelwidth}{0mm}}
++ }{\end{list}}
++% .. Additional SST-routine like commands.
++% .. SST attribute command: similar to an sstroutine, but slightly
++% different formatting and doesn't force a new page. See SUN/95 for
++% example of usage. Also doesn't appear in the table of contents.
++ % Create the section.
++ \subsubsection*{\centering \rule{\textwidth}{0.5mm}\\\Large\ignorespaces#1
++ \\#2\\\rule{\textwidth}{0.5mm}}
++ % Set the first parameter as the label; need to remove spaces first.
++ \label{\RemoveSpaces{#1}}
++ %.. change the mark on the left hand side to include the name of the section.
++ \markright{\textit{\RemoveSpaces{#1}}}
++ \iftwoside
++ \fancyhead[RE,LO]{\thepage\hspace{1cm}\rightmark}
++ \else
++ \lhead{\thepage\hspace{1cm}\rightmark}
++ \fi
++ %.. Nest all the material within a description
++ \begin{description}[style=nextline]
++ #3
++ \end{description}%
++%% SSTroutinenolabel should be same as regular sstroutine, but not
++%% define a label (see sun209 -- this is because sun209 uses \textit
++%% in some of its macro titles, so thesse cannot be automatically
++%% changed to a label. The label must be manually created when
++%% using these.
++ \clearpage
++ % Create the section.
++ \ssttitle{#1}{#2}
++ %.. change the mark on the left hand side to include the name of the chapter.
++ \markright{\textit{\RemoveSpaces{#1}}}
++ \iftwoside
++ \fancyhead[RE,LO]{\thepage\hspace{1cm}\rightmark}
++ \else
++ \lhead{\thepage\hspace{1cm}\rightmark}
++ \fi
++ %.. Nest all the material within a description
++ \begin{description}[style=nextline]
++ #3
++ \end{description}
++ % End the page
++ \newpage
++% .. Miscellaneous
++%% Change the \wedge command to something that looks better.
++%% command to prevent sstroutines from appearing in the extra html toc
++%% called by \sstminitoc{Title of Toc} (does nothing in pdf)
++%% Command to restart sstroutines appearing in the extra html toc
++%% called by \sstminitoc{Title of Toc} (does nothing in pdf)
++% Command that in html typesets a listing of all
++% sstroutines/sstroutinenolables that occur before the next sectioning
++% command. Does nothing in pdf at the moment.
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index a1b9e71..cac0bd9 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ use_std_automake.patch
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-astro/packages/starlink-ast.git
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