[clblas] annotated tag debian/2.6-1 created (now 7c2b058)

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Aug 4 15:35:44 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ghisvail-guest pushed a change to annotated tag debian/2.6-1
in repository clblas.

        at  7c2b058   (tag)
   tagging  516a02e4ede41ea64b44f8461eb5081ec292bff5 (commit)
  replaces  debian/2.4-3
 tagged by  Ghislain Antony Vaillant
        on  Tue Aug 4 16:06:27 2015 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
clblas Debian release 2.6-1

BenjaminCoquelle (3):
      Ben : fixing bonaire path for sgemm using CL2.0 path
      fixing a typo
      chanching the heuristic to detect the small matrices

David Tanner (9):
      adding zgemm kernel for hawaii
      fixed including gcn_zgemm.h
      enables apiCallCount for zgemm within client
      fixed zgemm offset bug; removed profiling from client
      Merge pull request #112 from TimmyLiu/develop
      Merge pull request #116 from TimmyLiu/develop
      adding performance data
      fixed graph script
      Merge pull request #119 from TimmyLiu/master

Ghislain Antony Vaillant (7):
      Merge tag 'upstream/v2.6' into debian/experimental
      d/changelog: bump dversion, switch to unreleased
      d/p: refresh patches
      d/rules: update cmake build options
      d/p: add patch fixing missing pthread linkage
      d/p: break doxygen patch down to more specific patches
      d/changelog: release to unstable

Lee Zamparo (1):
      added test for OSX detection to turn off CORR_TEST_WITH_ACML, refactored CMakeLists.txt in BUILD_TEST block

Marius Brehler (3):
      Install scripts/perf to share/clBLAS on non WIN32 systems
      Fix install location of samples
      Install cmake configuration to lib/cmake/clBLAS

Robert (1):
      add x86_64/sdk suffix as search location for libOpenCL.so when

Timmy (43):
      enable offline compilation of a subset of GEMM and TRSM on targeted device
      minor bug fix
      fix bug for small matrix when beta is 0
      minor bug fix in client code
      Merge pull request #81 from TimmyLiu/develop
      do not build bingen if offline compilation is disabled
      Merge pull request #82 from TimmyLiu/develop
      fix travis CI build
      Merge pull request #85 from TimmyLiu/develop
      correctness fix
      Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/clMathLibraries/clBLAS into develop
      replacing barrier with memfence in the inner most loop requires an extra barrier at the beginning of the outer loop.
      improve big sgemm column NN perf. improve small sgemm NN perf.
      Merge pull request #87 from TimmyLiu/develop
      bump develop version to 2.5
      Merge pull request #88 from TimmyLiu/develop
      some static kernel code clean up
      improve sgemm column major TN small matrix perf. some type/bug fixes
      Merge pull request #90 from TimmyLiu/develop
      fix a very silly bug in compuing s/dtrsm flops.
      Merge pull request #91 from TimmyLiu/develop
      Merge pull request #93 from BenjaminCoquelle/develop
      some typo fixes
      Merge pull request #95 from TimmyLiu/develop
      Merge pull request #75 from marbre/samples
      Merge pull request #74 from marbre/develop
      fix cmake bug introduced by pull request #75
      Merge pull request #96 from TimmyLiu/develop
      Merge pull request #99 from lzamparo/cmake_fix
      stop checking opencl major number in some routines
      better handle sgemm NT where M and N are mod32 and not mod64. M and N are within range from 1184 to 3872
      Merge pull request #100 from TimmyLiu/develop
      delete appendix in license file
      Merge pull request #102 from lunochod/develop
      Merge pull request #106 from TimmyLiu/develop
      Merge pull request #105 from marbre/develop
      Merge pull request #107 from guacamoleo/develop
      Merge pull request #111 from guacamoleo/develop
      add codepath for dtrsm when M and N are mod192
      Merge pull request #113 from lunochod/develop
      python scripts should call clBLAS-client instead of client
      Merge pull request #118 from guacamoleo/develop
      merge develop branch to master branch. Bump master branch version number to 2.6

lunochod (1):
      fix undefined reference to symbol 'pthread_key_delete@@GLIBC_2.2.5'


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  8be809d   Merge tag 'upstream/v2.6' into debian/experimental
       new  4a6859c   d/changelog: bump dversion, switch to unreleased
       new  9be369f   d/p: refresh patches
       new  b42faf3   d/rules: update cmake build options
       new  a71e799   d/p: add patch fixing missing pthread linkage
       new  bcc1339   d/p: break doxygen patch down to more specific patches
       new  516a02e   d/changelog: release to unstable

The 7 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/clblas.git

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