[libgetdata] branch debian/master updated (0d4fe05 -> 8a6664a)
Michael Milligan
mmilligan-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Aug 17 22:56:55 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
mmilligan-guest pushed a change to branch debian/master
in repository libgetdata.
from 0d4fe05 * Non-maintainer upload. * Build against gcc5/gfortran for transition.
new 018430a Upstream 0.8.5
new 8a6664a unreleased 0.8.5-1 from before freeze
The 2 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
AUTHORS | 12 +-
ChangeLog | 1807 ++++++-
Makefile.am | 48 +-
Makefile.in | 202 +-
NEWS | 727 ++-
README | 63 +-
TODO | 4 +-
aclocal.m4 | 127 +-
bindings/Makefile.am | 19 +-
bindings/Makefile.in | 114 +-
bindings/cxx/Makefile.am | 16 +-
bindings/cxx/Makefile.in | 144 +-
bindings/cxx/bitentry.cpp | 19 +-
bindings/cxx/carrayentry.cpp | 12 +-
bindings/cxx/constentry.cpp | 10 +-
bindings/cxx/dirfile.cpp | 197 +-
bindings/cxx/divideentry.cpp | 11 +-
bindings/cxx/entry.cpp | 29 +-
bindings/cxx/fragment.cpp | 47 +-
bindings/cxx/getdata/bitentry.h | 12 +-
bindings/cxx/getdata/dirfile.h | 89 +-
bindings/cxx/getdata/entry.h | 64 +-
bindings/cxx/getdata/fragment.h | 35 +-
bindings/cxx/getdata/mplexentry.h | 74 +
bindings/cxx/getdata/rawentry.h | 17 +-
bindings/cxx/getdata/sbitentry.h | 12 +-
bindings/cxx/getdata/windowentry.h | 66 +
bindings/cxx/indexentry.cpp | 10 +-
bindings/cxx/internal.h | 61 +
bindings/cxx/lincomentry.cpp | 11 +-
bindings/cxx/linterpentry.cpp | 11 +-
bindings/cxx/mplexentry.cpp | 126 +
bindings/cxx/multiplyentry.cpp | 11 +-
bindings/cxx/phaseentry.cpp | 11 +-
bindings/cxx/polynomentry.cpp | 11 +-
bindings/cxx/rawentry.cpp | 25 +-
bindings/cxx/recipentry.cpp | 11 +-
bindings/cxx/sbitentry.cpp | 17 +-
bindings/cxx/stringentry.cpp | 10 +-
bindings/cxx/test/Makefile.am | 4 +-
bindings/cxx/test/Makefile.in | 106 +-
bindings/cxx/test/big_test.cpp | 643 ++-
bindings/cxx/windowentry.cpp | 126 +
bindings/f77/Makefile.am | 17 +-
bindings/f77/Makefile.in | 153 +-
bindings/f77/fgetdata.c | 3016 ++++++++----
bindings/f77/fgetdata.h | 979 ++--
bindings/f77/getdata.f.in | 87 +-
bindings/f77/getdata.f90.in | 767 ++-
bindings/f77/test/Makefile.am | 12 +-
bindings/f77/test/Makefile.in | 122 +-
bindings/f77/test/big_test.f | 4223 +++++-----------
bindings/f77/test/big_test95.f90 | 5907 +++++++----------------
bindings/f77/test/gdcopn.f | 78 +-
bindings/f77/test/test_getdata.f.in | 2 +
bindings/idl/Makefile.am | 8 +-
bindings/idl/Makefile.in | 139 +-
bindings/idl/getdata.c | 1382 +++++-
bindings/idl/makedlm.sh.in | 14 +-
bindings/idl/test/Makefile.in | 100 +-
bindings/idl/test/big_test.pro | 315 +-
bindings/idl/test/getdata_idl_test_routines.pro | 16 +-
bindings/make_parameters.c | 255 +-
bindings/matlab/Contents.m.head | 95 +
bindings/matlab/Makefile.am | 120 +
bindings/matlab/Makefile.in | 1007 ++++
bindings/matlab/doc.tail | 20 +
bindings/matlab/gd_add.c | 56 +
bindings/matlab/gd_add_alias.c | 58 +
bindings/matlab/gd_add_bit.m | 41 +
bindings/matlab/gd_add_carray.c | 63 +
bindings/matlab/gd_add_const.c | 63 +
bindings/matlab/gd_add_divide.m | 39 +
bindings/matlab/gd_add_lincom.m | 41 +
bindings/matlab/gd_add_linterp.m | 40 +
bindings/matlab/gd_add_mplex.m | 43 +
bindings/matlab/gd_add_multiply.m | 39 +
bindings/matlab/gd_add_phase.m | 39 +
bindings/matlab/gd_add_polynom.m | 40 +
bindings/matlab/gd_add_raw.m | 41 +
bindings/matlab/gd_add_recip.m | 40 +
bindings/matlab/gd_add_sbit.m | 41 +
bindings/matlab/gd_add_spec.c | 56 +
bindings/matlab/gd_add_string.c | 58 +
bindings/matlab/gd_add_window.m | 44 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alias_target.c | 54 +
bindings/matlab/gd_aliases.c | 55 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_affixes.c | 61 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_bit.m | 39 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_carray.m | 40 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_const.m | 40 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_divide.m | 39 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_encoding.c | 60 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_endianness.c | 63 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_entry.c | 66 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_frameoffset.c | 57 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_lincom.m | 41 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_linterp.m | 41 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_mplex.m | 41 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_multiply.m | 39 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_phase.m | 39 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_polynom.m | 39 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_protection.c | 55 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_raw.m | 42 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_recip.m | 39 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_sbit.m | 39 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_spec.c | 58 +
bindings/matlab/gd_alter_window.m | 40 +
bindings/matlab/gd_bof.c | 56 +
bindings/matlab/gd_carray_len.c | 56 +
bindings/matlab/gd_carrays.c | 61 +
bindings/matlab/gd_close.c | 52 +
bindings/matlab/gd_constants.c | 66 +
bindings/matlab/gd_delete.c | 57 +
bindings/matlab/gd_delete_alias.c | 57 +
bindings/matlab/gd_desync.c | 59 +
bindings/matlab/gd_dirfile_standards.c | 56 +
bindings/matlab/gd_dirfilename.c | 51 +
bindings/matlab/gd_discard.c | 52 +
bindings/matlab/gd_encoding.c | 55 +
bindings/matlab/gd_endianness.c | 56 +
bindings/matlab/gd_entry.c | 59 +
bindings/matlab/gd_entry_list.c | 69 +
bindings/matlab/gd_entry_type.c | 57 +
bindings/matlab/gd_eof.c | 56 +
bindings/matlab/gd_error.c | 54 +
bindings/matlab/gd_error_string.c | 55 +
bindings/matlab/gd_field_list.m | 30 +
bindings/matlab/gd_field_list_by_type.m | 30 +
bindings/matlab/gd_flags.c | 57 +
bindings/matlab/gd_flush.c | 57 +
bindings/matlab/gd_fragment_affixes.c | 60 +
bindings/matlab/gd_fragment_index.c | 56 +
bindings/matlab/gd_fragmentname.c | 54 +
bindings/matlab/gd_framenum.c | 64 +
bindings/matlab/gd_frameoffset.c | 54 +
bindings/matlab/gd_get_carray.c | 70 +
bindings/matlab/gd_get_carray_slice.c | 71 +
bindings/matlab/gd_get_constant.m | 37 +
bindings/matlab/gd_get_string.c | 64 +
bindings/matlab/gd_getdata.c | 75 +
bindings/matlab/gd_hidden.c | 55 +
bindings/matlab/gd_hide.c | 52 +
bindings/matlab/gd_include.c | 69 +
bindings/matlab/gd_invalid_dirfile.c | 45 +
bindings/matlab/gd_linterp_tablename.c | 55 +
bindings/matlab/gd_madd.c | 59 +
bindings/matlab/gd_madd_alias.c | 58 +
bindings/matlab/gd_madd_bit.m | 39 +
bindings/matlab/gd_madd_carray.c | 62 +
bindings/matlab/gd_madd_const.c | 62 +
bindings/matlab/gd_madd_divide.m | 38 +
bindings/matlab/gd_madd_lincom.m | 40 +
bindings/matlab/gd_madd_linterp.m | 39 +
bindings/matlab/gd_madd_mplex.m | 42 +
bindings/matlab/gd_madd_multiply.m | 38 +
bindings/matlab/gd_madd_phase.m | 39 +
bindings/matlab/gd_madd_polynom.m | 39 +
bindings/matlab/gd_madd_recip.m | 39 +
bindings/matlab/gd_madd_sbit.m | 39 +
bindings/matlab/gd_madd_spec.c | 55 +
bindings/matlab/gd_madd_string.c | 58 +
bindings/matlab/gd_madd_window.m | 43 +
bindings/matlab/gd_malter_spec.c | 60 +
bindings/matlab/gd_matlab.h | 113 +
bindings/matlab/gd_mcarrays.c | 65 +
bindings/matlab/gd_mconstants.c | 69 +
bindings/matlab/gd_metaflush.c | 50 +
bindings/matlab/gd_mfield_list.m | 30 +
bindings/matlab/gd_mfield_list_by_type.m | 30 +
bindings/matlab/gd_move.c | 59 +
bindings/matlab/gd_move_alias.c | 55 +
bindings/matlab/gd_mplex_lookback.c | 54 +
bindings/matlab/gd_mstrings.c | 57 +
bindings/matlab/gd_mvector_list.m | 34 +
bindings/matlab/gd_naliases.c | 55 +
bindings/matlab/gd_native_type.c | 57 +
bindings/matlab/gd_nentries.c | 67 +
bindings/matlab/gd_nfields.m | 30 +
bindings/matlab/gd_nfields_by_type.m | 30 +
bindings/matlab/gd_nfragments.c | 51 +
bindings/matlab/gd_nframes.c | 51 +
bindings/matlab/gd_nmfields.m | 30 +
bindings/matlab/gd_nmfields_by_type.m | 30 +
bindings/matlab/gd_nmvectors.m | 34 +
bindings/matlab/gd_nvectors.m | 34 +
bindings/matlab/gd_open.c | 62 +
bindings/matlab/gd_parent_fragment.c | 54 +
bindings/matlab/gd_protection.c | 55 +
bindings/matlab/gd_put_carray.m | 31 +
bindings/matlab/gd_put_carray_slice.c | 60 +
bindings/matlab/gd_put_constant.m | 31 +
bindings/matlab/gd_put_string.c | 54 +
bindings/matlab/gd_putdata.c | 64 +
bindings/matlab/gd_raw_close.c | 55 +
bindings/matlab/gd_raw_filename.c | 55 +
bindings/matlab/gd_reference.c | 57 +
bindings/matlab/gd_rename.c | 58 +
bindings/matlab/gd_rewrite_fragment.c | 54 +
bindings/matlab/gd_seek.c | 66 +
bindings/matlab/gd_spf.c | 54 +
bindings/matlab/gd_strings.c | 53 +
bindings/matlab/gd_strtok.c | 69 +
bindings/matlab/gd_sync.c | 56 +
bindings/matlab/gd_tell.c | 56 +
bindings/matlab/gd_unhide.c | 52 +
bindings/matlab/gd_uninclude.c | 56 +
bindings/matlab/gd_validate.c | 55 +
bindings/matlab/gd_vector_list.m | 34 +
bindings/matlab/gd_verbose_prefix.c | 53 +
bindings/matlab/getdata_constants.m | 221 +
bindings/matlab/make_contents.sh.in | 55 +
bindings/matlab/matlab.c | 1541 ++++++
bindings/matlab/test/Makefile.am | 41 +
bindings/matlab/test/Makefile.in | 608 +++
bindings/matlab/test/big_test.m | 2227 +++++++++
bindings/matlab/test/test.sh | 10 +
bindings/perl/Build.PL.in | 57 +
bindings/perl/GetData.pm.in | 1239 +++++
bindings/perl/GetData.xs | 2098 ++++++++
bindings/perl/MANIFEST.in | 2 +
bindings/perl/Makefile.am | 103 +
bindings/perl/Makefile.in | 742 +++
bindings/perl/funclist.pl | 19 +
bindings/perl/simple_funcs.pl | 160 +
bindings/perl/simple_funcs.xsin | 157 +
bindings/perl/t/big_test.t | 1728 +++++++
bindings/perl/t/callback.t | 37 +
bindings/perl/typemap | 148 +
bindings/python/Makefile.am | 1 +
bindings/python/Makefile.in | 111 +-
bindings/python/pydirfile.c | 2045 +++++---
bindings/python/pyentry.c | 1035 ++--
bindings/python/pyfragment.c | 271 +-
bindings/python/pygetdata.c | 109 +-
bindings/python/pygetdata.h | 38 +-
bindings/python/test/Makefile.am | 2 +-
bindings/python/test/Makefile.in | 102 +-
bindings/python/test/big_test.py | 588 ++-
bindings/python/test/callback.py | 3 +-
config.guess | 259 +-
config.sub | 204 +-
configure | 5200 ++++++++++++++------
configure.ac | 577 ++-
debian/changelog | 8 +
debian/control | 3 +-
depcomp | 190 +-
doc/Makefile.am | 13 +-
doc/Makefile.in | 112 +-
doc/README.cxx | 280 +-
doc/README.f77 | 744 ++-
doc/README.f95 | 295 +-
doc/README.idl | 391 +-
doc/README.matlab | 19 +
doc/README.perl | 16 +
doc/README.python | 2 +-
install-sh | 29 +-
ltmain.sh | 95 +-
m4/compiler.m4 | 85 +-
m4/encoding.m4 | 25 +-
m4/floatordering.m4 | 69 +
m4/idl.m4 | 6 +-
m4/libtool.m4 | 265 +-
m4/ltoptions.m4 | 19 +-
m4/ltversion.m4 | 10 +-
m4/matlab.m4 | 161 +
m4/perl.m4 | 196 +
m4/python.m4 | 6 +-
m4/version.m4 | 19 +-
man/GD_SIZE.3 | 59 +
man/Makefile.am | 127 +-
man/Makefile.in | 284 +-
man/checkdirfile.1 | 23 +-
man/dirfile-encoding.5 | 165 +-
man/dirfile-format.5 | 847 +++-
man/dirfile.5 | 9 +-
man/dirfile2ascii.1 | 27 +-
man/gd_add.3 | 37 +-
man/gd_add_alias.3 | 101 +
man/gd_add_bit.3 | 88 +-
man/gd_alias_target.3 | 81 +
man/gd_aliases.3 | 84 +
man/gd_alter_affixes.3 | 112 +
man/gd_alter_bit.3 | 91 +-
man/gd_alter_encoding.3.in | 6 +-
man/gd_alter_endianness.3.in | 15 +-
man/gd_alter_entry.3 | 9 +-
man/gd_alter_frameoffset.3.in | 2 +-
man/gd_alter_protection.3 | 9 +-
man/gd_alter_spec.3 | 12 +-
man/gd_bof.3 | 12 +-
man/gd_bof64.3 | 54 +
man/gd_carray_len.3 | 24 +-
man/gd_carrays.3 | 13 +-
man/gd_cbopen.3 | 157 +-
man/gd_close.3 | 13 +-
man/gd_constants.3 | 7 +-
man/gd_delete.3 | 33 +-
man/gd_desync.3 | 129 +
man/gd_dirfile_standards.3 | 14 +-
man/gd_dirfilename.3 | 16 +-
man/gd_encoding.3 | 25 +-
man/gd_entry.3 | 321 +-
man/gd_entry_list.3 | 210 +
man/gd_entry_type.3 | 27 +-
man/gd_eof.3 | 12 +-
man/gd_eof64.3 | 54 +
man/gd_error.3 | 11 +-
man/gd_error_count.3 | 58 +
man/gd_error_string.3 | 14 +-
man/gd_flags.3 | 93 +
man/gd_flush.3 | 63 +-
man/gd_fragment_affixes.3 | 88 +
man/gd_fragment_index.3 | 35 +-
man/gd_framenum_subset.3 | 14 +-
man/gd_framenum_subset64.3 | 34 +-
man/gd_frameoffset64.3 | 36 +-
man/gd_get_carray_slice.3 | 72 +-
man/gd_getdata.3 | 240 +-
man/gd_getdata64.3 | 37 +-
man/gd_hidden.3 | 77 +
man/gd_hide.3 | 89 +
man/gd_include_affix.3 | 354 ++
man/gd_invalid_dirfile.3 | 5 +-
man/gd_linterp_tablename.3 | 91 +
man/gd_madd_bit.3 | 71 +-
man/gd_mcarrays.3 | 9 +-
man/gd_mconstants.3 | 9 +-
man/gd_metaflush.3 | 20 +-
man/gd_move.3 | 26 +-
man/gd_mplex_lookback.3 | 124 +
man/gd_mstrings.3 | 11 +-
man/gd_naliases.3 | 62 +
man/gd_native_type.3 | 43 +-
man/gd_nentries.3 | 194 +
man/gd_nframes.3 | 12 +-
man/gd_nframes64.3 | 32 +-
man/gd_parent_fragment.3 | 6 +-
man/gd_put_carray_slice.3 | 75 +-
man/gd_put_string.3 | 10 +-
man/gd_putdata.3 | 83 +-
man/gd_putdata64.3 | 37 +-
man/gd_rename.3 | 44 +-
man/gd_rewrite_fragment.3 | 12 +-
man/gd_seek.3 | 212 +
man/gd_seek64.3 | 55 +
man/gd_spf.3 | 13 +-
man/gd_strings.3 | 11 +-
man/gd_strtok.3 | 97 +
man/gd_tell.3 | 110 +
man/gd_tell64.3 | 54 +
man/gd_validate.3 | 10 +-
man/gd_verbose_prefix.3 | 82 +
missing | 53 +-
src/Makefile.am | 72 +-
src/Makefile.in | 365 +-
src/add.c | 1168 +++--
src/ascii.c | 198 +-
src/bzip.c | 75 +-
src/close.c | 53 +-
src/common.c | 781 ++-
src/compat.c | 327 +-
src/constant.c | 197 +-
src/debug.c | 19 +-
src/del.c | 244 +-
src/encoding.c | 883 +++-
src/endian.c | 76 +-
src/entry.c | 478 +-
src/errors.c | 114 +-
src/field_list.c | 546 ++-
src/flimits.c | 110 +-
src/flush.c | 837 ++--
src/fpos.c | 402 ++
src/fragment.c | 336 +-
src/gd_config.h.in | 698 +++
src/getdata.c | 773 ++-
src/getdata.h.in | 364 +-
src/getdata_legacy.h | 2 +-
src/globals.c | 83 +-
src/gzip.c | 164 +-
src/include.c | 412 +-
src/index.c | 24 +-
src/internal.h | 1132 +++--
src/legacy.c | 79 +-
src/lzma.c | 102 +-
src/mod.c | 651 ++-
src/move.c | 402 +-
src/name.c | 669 ++-
src/nan.h | 4 +-
src/native.c | 27 +-
src/nfields.c | 144 +-
src/nframes.c | 20 +-
src/open.c | 519 +-
src/parse.c | 1629 ++++---
src/protect.c | 10 +-
src/putdata.c | 375 +-
src/raw.c | 162 +-
src/sie.c | 519 ++
src/slim.c | 78 +-
src/spf.c | 34 +-
src/string.c | 53 +-
src/types.c | 18 +-
src/zzip.c | 222 +
src/zzslim.c | 181 +
test/Makefile.am | 357 +-
test/Makefile.in | 4813 +++++++++++++-----
test/add.c | 37 +-
test/add_affix.c | 105 +
test/add_alias.c | 57 +
test/add_alias_affix.c | 66 +
test/add_alias_meta.c | 57 +
test/add_bit.c | 29 +-
test/add_bit_bitnum.c | 29 +-
test/add_bit_bitsize.c | 29 +-
test/add_bit_invalid.c | 27 +-
test/add_bit_numbits.c | 29 +-
test/add_carray.c | 29 +-
test/add_clincom.c | 32 +-
test/add_code.c | 33 +-
test/add_const.c | 28 +-
test/add_cpolynom.c | 30 +-
test/add_crecip.c | 29 +-
test/add_crecip89.c | 28 +-
test/add_divide.c | 29 +-
test/add_divide_invalid.c | 26 +-
test/add_duplicate.c | 27 +-
test/add_format.c | 33 +-
test/add_invalid.c | 30 +-
test/add_lincom.c | 32 +-
test/add_lincom_affix.c | 86 +
test/add_lincom_invalid.c | 30 +-
test/add_lincom_nfields.c | 32 +-
test/add_linterp.c | 28 +-
test/add_linterp_invalid.c | 26 +-
test/add_meta.c | 76 +
test/add_meta_alias.c | 79 +
test/add_mplex.c | 58 +
test/add_mplex_val.c | 43 +
test/add_multiply.c | 28 +-
test/add_multiply_invalid.c | 26 +-
test/add_phase.c | 28 +-
test/add_phase_invalid.c | 26 +-
test/add_polynom.c | 30 +-
test/add_protect.c | 27 +-
test/add_raw.c | 34 +-
test/add_raw_include.c | 36 +-
test/add_raw_invalid.c | 26 +-
test/add_raw_spf.c | 28 +-
test/add_raw_type.c | 28 +-
test/add_rdonly.c | 27 +-
test/add_recip.c | 28 +-
test/add_resolv.c | 57 +
test/add_sbit.c | 28 +-
test/add_scalar.c | 36 +-
test/add_scalar_carray.c | 73 +
test/add_scalar_carray_bad.c | 73 +
test/add_sort.c | 53 +-
test/add_spec.c | 30 +-
test/add_spec_directive.c | 30 +-
test/add_spec_invalid.c | 26 +-
test/add_spec_meta.c | 28 +-
test/add_spec_resolv.c | 57 +
test/add_string.c | 28 +-
test/add_string_affix.c | 62 +
test/add_type.c | 33 +-
test/add_window.c | 60 +
test/add_window_op.c | 54 +
test/alias_list.c | 71 +
test/alias_list_alias.c | 71 +
test/alias_list_missing.c | 57 +
test/alias_num.c | 57 +
test/alias_num_alias.c | 57 +
test/alias_num_missing.c | 56 +
test/alias_target.c | 52 +
test/alias_target_alias.c | 52 +
test/alias_target_missing.c | 52 +
test/alter_bit_bitnum.c | 29 +-
test/alter_bit_numbits.c | 29 +-
test/alter_carray_len.c | 27 +-
test/alter_carray_type.c | 27 +-
test/alter_const.c | 27 +-
test/alter_const_c2r.c | 65 +
test/alter_cpolynom.c | 29 +-
test/alter_crecip.c | 29 +-
test/alter_crecip89.c | 29 +-
test/alter_crecip_zero.c | 34 +-
test/alter_divide.c | 29 +-
test/alter_entry.c | 29 +-
test/alter_entry_affix.c | 75 +
test/alter_entry_hidden.c | 69 +
test/alter_entry_recode.c | 31 +-
test/alter_entry_scalar2a.c | 27 +-
test/alter_entry_scalar2n.c | 29 +-
test/alter_entry_scalar3.c | 27 +-
test/alter_entry_scalar4.c | 27 +-
test/alter_lincom_23.c | 31 +-
test/alter_lincom_32.c | 31 +-
test/alter_lincom_affix.c | 89 +
test/alter_lincom_input.c | 31 +-
test/alter_lincom_offset.c | 31 +-
test/alter_lincom_slope.c | 31 +-
test/alter_linterp.c | 37 +-
test/alter_linterp_move.c | 37 +-
test/alter_mplex.c | 79 +
test/alter_mspec.c | 29 +-
test/alter_mspec_affix.c | 73 +
test/alter_multiply.c | 29 +-
test/alter_phase.c | 29 +-
test/alter_polynom_coeff.c | 29 +-
test/alter_polynom_input.c | 29 +-
test/alter_polynom_ord.c | 29 +-
test/alter_raw_spf.c | 29 +-
test/alter_raw_type.c | 29 +-
test/alter_recip.c | 29 +-
test/alter_recip_zero.c | 29 +-
test/alter_scalar_affix.c | 91 +
test/alter_spec.c | 29 +-
test/alter_spec_affix.c | 70 +
test/alter_spec_meta.c | 29 +-
test/alter_window.c | 79 +
test/ascii_add.c | 69 +
test/ascii_get.c | 31 +-
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test/ascii_nframes.c | 31 +-
test/ascii_put.c | 31 +-
test/bof.c | 29 +-
test/bof_lincom.c | 31 +-
test/bof_phase.c | 31 +-
test/bzip_get.c | 32 +-
test/bzip_get_get.c | 46 +-
test/bzip_move_from.c | 38 +-
test/bzip_nframes.c | 32 +-
test/close.c | 25 +-
test/close_bad.c | 22 +-
test/close_discard.c | 27 +-
test/close_null.c | 20 +
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test/convert_complex128_float64.c | 27 +-
test/convert_complex128_int64.c | 27 +-
test/convert_complex128_uint64.c | 27 +-
test/convert_complex64_complex128.c | 29 +-
test/convert_complex64_float64.c | 27 +-
test/convert_complex64_int64.c | 27 +-
test/convert_complex64_uint64.c | 27 +-
test/convert_float32_complex128.c | 29 +-
test/convert_float32_complex64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_float32_float64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_float32_int16.c | 29 +-
test/convert_float32_int32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_float32_int64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_float32_int8.c | 29 +-
test/convert_float32_uint16.c | 29 +-
test/convert_float32_uint32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_float32_uint64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_float32_uint8.c | 29 +-
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test/convert_float64_complex64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_float64_float32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_float64_int16.c | 29 +-
test/convert_float64_int32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_float64_int64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_float64_int8.c | 29 +-
test/convert_float64_uint16.c | 29 +-
test/convert_float64_uint32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_float64_uint64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_float64_uint8.c | 29 +-
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test/convert_int16_complex64.c | 29 +-
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test/convert_int16_int32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_int16_int64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_int16_int8.c | 29 +-
test/convert_int16_uint16.c | 29 +-
test/convert_int16_uint32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_int16_uint64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_int16_uint8.c | 29 +-
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test/convert_int32_complex64.c | 29 +-
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test/convert_int32_int64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_int32_int8.c | 29 +-
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test/convert_int32_uint32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_int32_uint64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_int32_uint8.c | 29 +-
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test/convert_int64_complex64.c | 29 +-
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test/convert_int64_float64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_int64_int16.c | 29 +-
test/convert_int64_int32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_int64_int8.c | 29 +-
test/convert_int64_uint16.c | 29 +-
test/convert_int64_uint32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_int64_uint64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_int64_uint8.c | 29 +-
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test/convert_int8_float64.c | 29 +-
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test/convert_int8_int64.c | 29 +-
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test/convert_int8_uint32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_int8_uint64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_int8_uint8.c | 29 +-
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test/convert_uint16_complex64.c | 29 +-
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test/convert_uint16_int16.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint16_int32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint16_int64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint16_int8.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint16_uint32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint16_uint64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint16_uint8.c | 29 +-
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test/convert_uint32_complex64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint32_float32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint32_float64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint32_int16.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint32_int32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint32_int64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint32_int8.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint32_uint16.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint32_uint64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint32_uint8.c | 29 +-
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test/convert_uint64_complex64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint64_float32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint64_float64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint64_int16.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint64_int32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint64_int64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint64_int8.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint64_uint16.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint64_uint32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint64_uint8.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint8_complex128.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint8_complex64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint8_float32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint8_float64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint8_int16.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint8_int32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint8_int64.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint8_int8.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint8_uint16.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint8_uint32.c | 29 +-
test/convert_uint8_uint64.c | 29 +-
test/creat.c | 32 +-
test/creat_excl.c | 27 +-
test/creat_rdonly.c | 32 +-
test/cvlist.c | 27 +-
test/cvlist_array.c | 27 +-
test/cvlist_array_hidden.c | 67 +
test/cvlist_array_meta.c | 27 +-
test/cvlist_array_meta_hidden.c | 68 +
test/cvlist_hidden.c | 60 +
test/cvlist_invalid.c | 33 +-
test/cvlist_meta.c | 27 +-
test/cvlist_meta_hidden.c | 60 +
test/cvlist_meta_invalid.c | 33 +-
test/del.c | 29 +-
test/del_carray.c | 27 +-
test/del_carray_deref.c | 29 +-
test/del_const.c | 27 +-
test/del_const_deref.c | 29 +-
test/del_const_force.c | 29 +-
test/del_data.c | 29 +-
test/del_derived.c | 27 +-
test/del_derived_after.c | 59 +
test/del_derived_force.c | 27 +-
test/del_meta.c | 27 +-
test/del_meta_force.c | 27 +-
test/desync.c | 67 +
test/desync_flush.c | 60 +
test/desync_reopen.c | 68 +
test/desync_reopen_inv.c | 68 +
test/dfes_bit.c | 27 +-
test/dfes_divide.c | 27 +-
test/dfes_lincom.c | 27 +-
test/dfes_linterp.c | 27 +-
test/dfes_multiply.c | 27 +-
test/dfes_null.c | 20 +
test/dfes_phase.c | 27 +-
test/dfes_raw.c | 27 +-
test/dfes_recip.c | 27 +-
test/dfes_zero.c | 20 +
test/elist_alias.c | 78 +
test/elist_hidden.c | 75 +
test/elist_noalias.c | 75 +
test/elist_scalar.c | 70 +
test/encode_alter.c | 33 +-
test/encode_get.c | 29 +-
test/encode_move.c | 31 +-
test/endian_alter.c | 30 +-
test/endian_alter_sie.c | 97 +
test/endian_get.c | 40 +-
test/endian_move.c | 30 +-
test/entry_bad_code.c | 27 +-
test/entry_bit.c | 27 +-
test/entry_bit_scalar.c | 27 +-
test/entry_divide.c | 65 +
test/entry_invalid.c | 26 +-
test/entry_lincom.c | 27 +-
test/entry_lincom_scalar.c | 27 +-
test/entry_linterp.c | 27 +-
test/entry_mplex.c | 59 +
test/entry_mplex_scalar.c | 66 +
test/entry_multiply.c | 27 +-
test/entry_phase.c | 27 +-
test/entry_phase_scalar.c | 27 +-
test/entry_polynom.c | 27 +-
test/entry_polynom_scalar.c | 27 +-
test/entry_raw.c | 27 +-
test/entry_raw_scalar.c | 27 +-
test/entry_raw_scalar_code.c | 27 +-
test/entry_raw_scalar_type.c | 27 +-
test/entry_recip.c | 67 +
test/entry_scalar_repr.c | 27 +-
test/entry_type.c | 27 +-
test/entry_type_alias.c | 54 +
test/entry_window.c | 67 +
test/entry_window_scalar.c | 69 +
test/eof.c | 29 +-
test/eof_index.c | 29 +-
test/eof_lincom.c | 31 +-
test/eof_phase.c | 29 +-
test/error.c | 25 +-
test/error_error.c | 25 +-
test/error_num.c | 54 +
test/error_short.c | 25 +-
test/error_verbose.c | 79 +
test/error_verbose_prefix.c | 90 +
test/file.c | 40 +-
test/file_code.c | 29 +-
test/file_type.c | 29 +-
test/flist.c | 27 +-
test/flist_hidden.c | 73 +
test/flist_invalid.c | 33 +-
test/flist_meta.c | 27 +-
test/flist_meta_hidden.c | 71 +
test/flist_meta_invalid.c | 33 +-
test/flist_type.c | 27 +-
test/flist_type_hidden.c | 75 +
test/flist_type_invalid.c | 33 +-
test/flist_type_meta.c | 27 +-
test/flist_type_meta_hidden.c | 74 +
test/flist_type_meta_invalid.c | 33 +-
test/flush.c | 29 +-
test/flush_all.c | 29 +-
test/flush_bad_code.c | 27 +-
test/flush_invalid.c | 26 +-
test/flush_meta.c | 30 +-
test/flush_ref.c | 74 +
test/flush_spec.c | 50 +-
test/foffs_alter.c | 29 +-
test/foffs_get.c | 29 +-
test/foffs_move.c | 29 +-
test/fragment_affix.c | 63 +
test/fragment_affix_alter.c | 69 +
test/fragment_affix_alter2.c | 67 +
test/fragment_affix_dup.c | 66 +
test/fragment_index.c | 31 +-
test/fragment_index_alias.c | 58 +
test/fragment_name.c | 49 +-
test/fragment_name_oor.c | 35 +-
test/fragment_num.c | 55 +
test/fragment_parent.c | 64 +
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test/get_affix.c | 78 +
test/get_bad_code.c | 27 +-
test/get_bit.c | 29 +-
test/get_carray.c | 27 +-
test/get_carray_len.c | 27 +-
test/get_carray_slice.c | 27 +-
test/get_char.c | 29 +-
test/get_clincom.c | 29 +-
test/get_complex128.c | 29 +-
test/get_complex64.c | 29 +-
test/get_const.c | 27 +-
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test/get_const_repr.c | 27 +-
test/get_cpolynom.c | 29 +-
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test/get_endian32.c | 27 +-
test/get_endian64.c | 31 +-
test/get_endian8.c | 27 +-
test/get_endian_complex128_arm.c | 29 +-
test/get_endian_complex128_big.c | 29 +-
test/get_endian_complex128_little.c | 29 +-
test/get_endian_complex64_arm.c | 29 +-
test/get_endian_complex64_big.c | 29 +-
test/get_endian_complex64_little.c | 29 +-
test/get_endian_float32_arm.c | 29 +-
test/get_endian_float32_big.c | 29 +-
test/get_endian_float32_little.c | 29 +-
test/get_endian_float64_arm.c | 29 +-
test/get_endian_float64_big.c | 29 +-
test/get_endian_float64_little.c | 29 +-
test/get_ff.c | 29 +-
test/get_float32.c | 29 +-
test/get_float64.c | 29 +-
test/get_foffs.c | 29 +-
test/get_fs.c | 29 +-
test/get_here.c | 76 +
test/get_here_foffs.c | 85 +
test/get_heres.c | 76 +
test/get_int16.c | 29 +-
test/get_int32.c | 29 +-
test/get_int64.c | 33 +-
test/get_int8.c | 29 +-
test/get_invalid.c | 33 +-
test/get_lincom1.c | 29 +-
test/get_lincom2.c | 29 +-
test/get_lincom3.c | 29 +-
test/get_lincom_noin.c | 27 +-
test/get_lincom_non.c | 29 +-
test/get_lincom_null.c | 68 +
test/get_lincom_spf.c | 82 +
test/get_linterp.c | 31 +-
test/get_linterp_noin.c | 29 +-
test/get_linterp_notab.c | 29 +-
test/get_linterp_sort.c | 31 +-
test/get_mplex.c | 76 +
test/get_mplex_bof.c | 76 +
test/get_mplex_lb.c | 76 +
test/get_mplex_lball.c | 81 +
test/get_mplex_nolb.c | 79 +
test/get_multiply.c | 29 +-
test/get_multiply_noin.c | 29 +-
test/get_nonexistent.c | 27 +-
test/get_null.c | 29 +-
test/get_off64.c | 29 +-
test/get_phase.c | 41 +-
test/get_phase_affix.c | 73 +
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test/get_polynom_noin.c | 27 +-
test/get_recip.c | 29 +-
test/get_recip_const.c | 29 +-
test/get_recurse.c | 27 +-
test/get_rofs.c | 83 +
test/get_sbit.c | 29 +-
test/get_sf.c | 29 +-
test/get_ss.c | 29 +-
test/get_type.c | 29 +-
test/get_uint16.c | 29 +-
test/get_uint32.c | 29 +-
test/get_uint64.c | 33 +-
test/get_window.c | 73 +
test/get_window_clr.c | 73 +
test/get_window_ge.c | 73 +
test/get_window_gt.c | 73 +
test/get_window_le.c | 73 +
test/get_window_lt.c | 73 +
test/get_window_ne.c | 73 +
test/get_window_set.c | 73 +
test/get_zero.c | 29 +-
test/global_flags.c | 88 +
test/global_name.c | 29 +-
test/global_ref.c | 27 +-
test/global_ref_empty.c | 27 +-
test/global_ref_set.c | 27 +-
test/gzip_add.c | 84 +
test/gzip_get.c | 34 +-
test/gzip_get_get.c | 32 +-
test/gzip_get_get2.c | 92 +
test/gzip_get_put.c | 160 +
test/gzip_move_from.c | 38 +-
test/gzip_move_to.c | 116 +
test/gzip_nframes.c | 33 +-
test/gzip_put.c | 121 +
test/gzip_put_get.c | 92 +
test/header_complex.c | 27 +-
test/hide.c | 54 +
test/hide_hidden.c | 57 +
test/hide_unhide.c | 54 +
test/include.c | 33 +-
test/include_accmode.c | 25 +-
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test/index_domain.c | 29 +-
test/index_range.c | 29 +-
test/legacy_get.c | 29 +-
test/legacy_get_put.c | 29 +-
test/legacy_get_rofs.c | 29 +-
test/legacy_nframes.c | 29 +-
test/legacy_nonexistent.c | 20 +
test/legacy_put.c | 48 +-
test/legacy_spf.c | 27 +-
test/lzma_get.c | 48 +-
test/lzma_nframes.c | 32 +-
test/madd.c | 36 +-
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test/madd_alias_affix.c | 75 +
test/madd_bit.c | 28 +-
test/madd_bit_invalid.c | 26 +-
test/madd_carray.c | 28 +-
test/madd_clincom.c | 30 +-
test/madd_const.c | 28 +-
test/madd_cpolynom.c | 28 +-
test/madd_crecip.c | 28 +-
test/madd_crecip89.c | 28 +-
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test/madd_index.c | 72 +
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test/madd_linterp.c | 28 +-
test/madd_linterp_invalid.c | 26 +-
test/madd_mplex.c | 59 +
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test/madd_multiply_invalid.c | 26 +-
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test/madd_phase_invalid.c | 26 +-
test/madd_polynom.c | 30 +-
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test/madd_sbit.c | 28 +-
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test/madd_spec_directive.c | 28 +-
test/madd_spec_invalid.c | 26 +-
test/madd_spec_resolv.c | 58 +
test/madd_string.c | 28 +-
test/madd_window.c | 70 +
test/move.c | 31 +-
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test/move_data_enc_ar.c | 35 +-
test/move_data_enc_ra.c | 35 +-
test/move_data_endian.c | 36 +-
test/move_data_foffs.c | 33 +-
test/move_data_nop.c | 33 +-
test/move_index.c | 31 +-
test/move_meta.c | 31 +-
test/move_protect.c | 31 +-
test/move_subdir.c | 39 +-
test/name.c | 87 +-
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test/name_affix_bad.c | 58 +
test/name_alias.c | 173 +
test/name_dup.c | 51 +
test/name_move.c | 42 +-
test/name_move_alias.c | 82 +
test/name_updb.c | 86 +
test/name_updb_alias.c | 119 +
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test/name_updb_const_alias.c | 87 +
test/nentries_alias.c | 61 +
test/nentries_hidden.c | 66 +
test/nentries_noalias.c | 66 +
test/nentries_scalar.c | 66 +
test/nfields.c | 27 +-
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test/nfields_invalid.c | 36 +-
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test/nfields_type_hidden.c | 65 +
test/nfields_type_invalid.c | 33 +-
test/nfields_vector.c | 65 +
test/nfields_vector_hidden.c | 66 +
test/nfields_vector_invalid.c | 40 +
test/nframes.c | 29 +-
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test/nmeta_vectors.c | 27 +-
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test/nmeta_vectors_invalid.c | 34 +-
test/nmeta_vectors_parent.c | 27 +-
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test/open_notdirfile.c | 23 +-
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test/open_sym_al.c | 65 +
test/open_sym_at.c | 65 +
test/open_sym_c.c | 57 +
test/open_sym_cl.c | 57 +
test/open_sym_ct.c | 57 +
test/open_sym_p.c | 57 +
test/open_sym_pl.c | 57 +
test/open_sym_pt.c | 57 +
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test/parse_alias_missing.c | 48 +
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test/parse_bit_bitsize.c | 27 +-
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test/parse_bit_numbits.c | 27 +-
test/parse_bit_scalar.c | 27 +-
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test/parse_carray_long.c | 27 +-
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test/parse_const_complex.c | 74 +
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test/parse_endian_slash.c | 27 +-
test/parse_eol.c | 27 +-
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test/parse_foffs_include.c | 39 +-
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test/parse_hidden_meta.c | 51 +
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test/parse_include_absrel.c | 50 +-
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test/parse_include_ref.c | 66 +
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test/parse_raw_spf.c | 27 +-
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test/parse_string_null.c | 27 +-
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test/parse_version_98.c | 62 +
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test/parse_version_p9.c | 61 +
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test/parse_window_scalar.c | 55 +
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test/put_carray.c | 35 +-
test/put_carray_slice.c | 28 +-
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test/put_complex64.c | 62 +-
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test/put_float64.c | 52 +-
test/put_foffs.c | 52 +-
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test/put_heres.c | 88 +
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test/put_int8.c | 52 +-
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test/put_linterp_notab.c | 29 +-
test/put_linterp_reverse.c | 54 +-
test/put_mplex.c | 81 +
test/put_multiply.c | 29 +-
test/put_null.c | 27 +-
test/put_off64.c | 52 +-
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test/put_polynom1.c | 52 +-
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test/put_recurse.c | 27 +-
test/put_repr.c | 29 +-
test/put_rofs.c | 43 +-
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test/put_ss.c | 52 +-
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test/put_uint32.c | 52 +-
test/put_uint64.c | 52 +-
test/put_window.c | 71 +
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test/repr_int8.c | 29 +-
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test/repr_real_i.c | 29 +-
test/repr_real_m.c | 29 +-
test/repr_real_r.c | 29 +-
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test/repr_uint32.c | 29 +-
test/repr_uint64.c | 29 +-
test/repr_uint8.c | 29 +-
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test/seek_cur.c | 75 +
test/seek_end.c | 74 +
test/seek_foffs.c | 74 +
test/seek_neg.c | 70 +
test/seek_set.c | 74 +
test/sie_get_big.c | 68 +
test/sie_get_little.c | 68 +
test/sie_move_from.c | 84 +
test/sie_move_to.c | 84 +
test/sie_nframes_big.c | 62 +
test/sie_nframes_little.c | 62 +
test/sie_put_big.c | 83 +
test/sie_put_little.c | 83 +
test/slim_get.c | 32 +-
test/slim_nframes.c | 34 +-
test/spf.c | 29 +-
test/spf_alias.c | 50 +
test/spf_alias_meta.c | 53 +
test/spf_alias_missing.c | 50 +
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test/spf_lincom.c | 29 +-
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test/spf_polynom.c | 29 +-
test/spf_recip.c | 29 +-
test/spf_recurse.c | 29 +-
test/svlist.c | 27 +-
test/svlist_hidden.c | 73 +
test/svlist_invalid.c | 33 +-
test/svlist_meta.c | 27 +-
test/svlist_meta_hidden.c | 77 +
test/svlist_meta_invalid.c | 33 +-
test/table.c | 67 +
test/table_code.c | 59 +
test/table_type.c | 59 +
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test/tell64.c | 75 +
test/tell_multidiv.c | 70 +
test/test.h | 96 +-
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test/tok_escape.c | 69 +
test/tok_quote.c | 69 +
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test/trunc_dir.c | 70 +
test/trunc_rdonly.c | 27 +-
test/trunc_rofs.c | 31 +-
test/trunc_truncsub.c | 70 +
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test/version_6_write.c | 42 +-
test/version_7.c | 31 +-
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test/version_8_strict.c | 42 +-
test/version_8_write.c | 27 +-
test/version_9.c | 89 +
test/version_9_strict.c | 121 +
test/version_9_write.c | 104 +
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test/vlist_meta_hidden.c | 74 +
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test/zzip_data.c | 90 +
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test/zzip_get_get.c | 88 +
test/zzip_nframes.c | 93 +
test/zzslim_get.c | 95 +
test/zzslim_nframes.c | 98 +
util/Makefile.in | 96 +-
util/checkdirfile.c | 76 +-
util/dirfile2ascii.c | 15 +-
1335 files changed, 98413 insertions(+), 23216 deletions(-)
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Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/libgetdata.git
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