[asl] 60/177: Merge branch 'develop'
Ghislain Vaillant
ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Aug 27 09:22:41 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository asl.
commit ce85445dd2a5f281ba21fa5e6631adc92ae8e0ce
Merge: 72f267b abb873a
Author: Avtech Scientific <AvtechScientific at users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Wed Jul 1 13:24:32 2015 +0300
Merge branch 'develop'
README.md | 19 +-
doc/Developer-Guide/Doxyfile.in | 4 +-
examples/elastic/acousticWaves.cc | 60 ++---
examples/elastic/cubeGravity.cc | 28 +-
examples/elastic/cubeIncompressibleGravity.cc | 27 +-
examples/elastic/cubePoroelasticGravity.cc | 31 +--
examples/elastic/poroelastic.cc | 37 ++-
examples/flow/bus_wind.cc | 44 +--
examples/flow/compressor.cc | 48 ++--
examples/flow/flow.cc | 51 ++--
examples/flow/flow2.cc | 49 ++--
examples/flow/flow3.cc | 48 ++--
examples/flow/flowKDPGrowth.cc | 45 ++--
examples/flow/flowRotatingCylinders.cc | 47 ++--
examples/flow/locomotive_in_tunnel.cc | 98 ++++---
examples/flow/locomotive_laminar.cc | 16 +-
examples/flow/locomotive_stability.cc | 49 ++--
examples/flow/multicomponent_flow.cc | 84 +++---
examples/flow/multiphase_flow.cc | 61 +++--
examples/flow/pitot_tube_ice.cc | 46 ++--
examples/heatTransfer/surfaceFlux.cc | 46 ++--
examples/input_data/Media_Files_LICENSE.md | 9 +
examples/input_data/axial-compressor.stl | Bin 32248484 -> 16124284 bytes
examples/input_data/brain.vti | Bin 0 -> 33442 bytes
examples/jumpingObjects/jumpingBox.cc | 20 +-
examples/levelSet/levelSetBasic.cc | 22 +-
examples/levelSet/levelSetFacetedGrowth.cc | 31 +--
examples/levelSet/levelSetNormalGrowth.cc | 26 +-
examples/massTransferSM/testSMDiff.cc | 44 +--
examples/massTransferSM/testSMDiff3C.cc | 42 +--
examples/massTransferSM/testSMPhi.cc | 40 +--
examples/massTransferSM/testSMPhiBV.cc | 44 +--
src/acl/Kernels/aclKernel.h | 2 +-
src/utilities/aslGlobalSpace.h | 4 +-
src/utilities/aslParametersManager.cxx | 370 ++++++++++++++------------
src/utilities/aslParametersManager.h | 108 +++++---
36 files changed, 888 insertions(+), 812 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/asl.git
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