[cmor-tables] branch master created (now d4b394b)

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Aug 30 08:05:51 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mckinstry pushed a change to branch master
in repository cmor-tables.

        at  d4b394b   Fix spelling misteak

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  f5d1cdf   initial repo for cmor 2.0
       new  52f2b5f   adding the files that were under libcdms repo
       new  9c53c22   test
       new  7d4ccbb   2010-05-11 : updated tables 2010-05-11 : created a xls2csv script MUCH improved my life when Karl changes tables from now on. 2010-05-11 : sigma coord and irregular girds: implemented 2010-05-11 : cmor_lose new preserves the original  variable id 2010-05-11 : cmor_zfactor MUST have values if zfactor is not time dependent
       new  48364b0   2010-05-12 : CMIP5_fx add time dependency, fixed 2010-05-12 : user could pass any calendar name! Now has to match valid ones!
       new  57fb784   preparing for tag rc9
       new  b5b6183   tiny update to test tagging
       new  0fe5570   testing
       new  44b54fc   testing
       new  a463fb4   2010-05-20 : tagging RC9 2010-05-20 : fixed a bug in python interface when converting zfactor bounds array from 2D to the required 1D. 2010-05-20 : "changed sign" was always written in history even when not necessary. Fixed 2010-05-20 : newer tables
       new  be9c9ba   2010-05-20 : tagging RC9 2010-05-20 : fixed a bug in python interface when converting zfactor bounds array from 2D to the required 1D. 2010-05-20 : "changed sign" was always written in history even when not necessary. Fixed 2010-05-20 : newer tables
       new  e9149be   2010-05-24 : changed the way the final file name is constructed, uses time bounds if present, otherwise as before uses time values
       new  f2e2dfd    updated tables to reflect correct values of valid min/max for areacella
       new  6dc5d23    updated tables to reflect correct values of valid min/max for areacella
       new  bd061eb   2010-05-25 : trying a new way to store date in file names for Jamie. Probably going to be reverted
       new  6d8287d   2010-05-27 : switch version tagging from svn to git 2010-05-27 : fixed  abug in test patch number of NetCDF3 version i was using = instead of ==
       new  147b07c   2010-05-28 : reverted file name construction to use first/last time. BUT added precision for daily and higher frequencies 2010-05-28 : fixed a bug in cmor checker when variable entry was "pop" would break 2010-05-28 : fixed default values of noerror in script from True to cmor.CMOR_CRITICAL
       new  a5a9b5c   2010-05-28 : cmor_checker now checks table md5s in file vs the one passed and vs our control online 2010-05-28 : new tables that include the ok_min/max_mean_absolute value
       new  85f74dc   tagged RC10
       new  bb7e95d   2010-06-01 : table generation was sometimes gen same value for valid_min and valid_max, fixed 2010-06-01 : table generation using %.4g instead of %.2g for valid min/max 2010-06-01 : new tables to reflect that 2010-06-01 : updated examples to work with abs min/max from tables 2010-06-01 : edited example to have only 1 file to edit when tweaking the data generation in test fortran/C samples. 2010-06-01 : changed cmor_dataset to trim input arguments, revelant mostly for [...]
       new  a15eab6   adding the ammended RELEASE NOTES
       new  3d69e4a   2010-06-09 : changed absolute mean error from CRITICAL to NORMAL if less than an order of magnitude off 2010-06-09 : tables generated with min/max now being 3 sigma (from 2) and (20% form 5%) 2010-06-09 : Coord: depth_coord was wrongly defined as positive up, fixed
       new  b47a73f   removing these files so I can repalce them with upper case version (stupid mac)
       new  730c099   same files but now with upper case
       new  4011ce8   2010-06-09 : cmor_axis non-monotnic error was showing incoorect set of bad values
       new  d9c861d   2010-06-09 : cmor axis entry "requested_bounds" now is also valid used to be "bounds_requested"
       new  b57f5e3   ok testing changes
       new  184fe42   removing libmcor related files, leaving only table related stuff
       new  339c736   removed CMOR lib files, leaving only Tables stuff
       new  6af8dd4   Merge branch 'devel'
       new  51e67df    newest set of tables
       new  e69bd7f   Newest set of Tables
       new  d773700   Newest set of tables, added a script to define all axes and variables in tables (except CFSite (for now))
       new  567cc82   generated the md5s for the new tables
       new  ff13ebc   Newer tables, now contains generic_levels global attribute to specify generic levels, not limited to alevel and olvel anymore
       new  4a478ec   cfSites table dims are back with 'site' instead of 'lat/lon'
       new  825064e   updating md5s
       new  171b3ed   added x/y axes with units of degrees for CMIP5_grids
       new  3103b21   Adding a configure/make to the package
       new  4b7a194   updated frequency in tables
       new  2c6fb02   latest version of tables to go with 2.1 cmor release
       new  b3a9fc5   tables that go with CMOR 2.1 release, nothing big
       new  7e16764   2010-09-15 : updated Omon longname for var coming from Oyr, also changed olevel to depth0m for these
       new  4cf2abc   2010-09-17 : cfsite is back as longitude/latitude, site moved to CMIP5_grids 2010-09-15 : updated Omon longname for var coming from Oyr, also changed olevel to depth0m for these
       new  7cb0205   updated version number to 1.1.0
       new  77944cb   Added a colon
       new  7502acf   Added a colon
       new  0f73262   new md5s, new version number
       new  b047282   2010-10-22 : Table replaced cell_measures with ext_cell_measures to be CF compliant 2010-10-19 : added required attribute parent_experiment_rip 2010-10-19 : restored "site" in cfSite 2010-10-19 : removed some historical expt_id_ok 2010-10-19 : 6hrPlev new valid min/max
       new  c4f36bd   2010-10-25 : Fixed cfSites still had some lat/lon...
       new  15f4292   reverted sites to lat/lon
       new  ca0eeb5   merged with my localchanges
       new  9434341   2010-11-12 : added site longitude latitude to cfSite, added must_call_cmor_grid attribute, need CMOR 2.5
       new  5d56537   2010-11-15 : fixed typo in cfSite longitude/latitude had wrong min/max
       new  66276de   removed formula terms indices and added new experiemnt
       new  b945797   2010-11-30 : edited min/maxs to be added only for monthly tables 2010-11-30 : min/max are adjusted with greater of 5% or 3*std instead of just 3*std 2010-11-30 : typos fixed by Karl 2010-11-30 : formulas do not have indices on coefficients anymore (because of unstructured grids)
       new  2f06624   Changes include the following (note that for all tables, some information formerly appearing in the "comment" column has been moved to the "questions & notes" column, but these changes have not usually been highlighted by shading, which shows the other changes that have been recently made):
       new  c39c5ec   2011-01-31: fixed depth stored direction 2011-01-31: added an experiment 2011-01-31: new set of Tables from Karl
       new  58565eb   new md5s and version number
       new  7962dd2   fixed day for sic/sit
       new  a716dbb   updated md5s
       new  7102ded   Newer set of tables
       new  20677ba   Newer set of tables with configure number upped
       new  d35f717   2011-04-11 : added olev axis_entry as vertical coordinate 2011-04-11 : changed min and valid_abs_min on areacello and volcello 2011-04-11 : changed min and abs_valid_min of sltovgyre and sltovovrt 2011-03-28 : a couple of realm specifications in the cmor day table 2011-03-28 : some grid coordinate specifications were removed because they were wrong
       new  a5e2687   Adding tools to manipulate the tables in python
       new  15cd376   Adding tools to manipulate the tables in python
       new  e5358ec   upped version number because of python tools
       new  6dc5daf   2011-04-27 : day table has updated comment on wrong standard name 2011-04-27 : fx table has corrected depth axis entry and a bunch of axes that depend on eta 2011-04-11 : added olev axis_entry as vertical coordinate 2011-04-11 : changed min and valid_abs_min on areacello and volcello 2011-04-11 : changed min and abs_valid_min of sltovgyre and sltovovrt
       new  b62a2bb   uppped version number
       new  b5ba1f8   Updated manip tools
       new  fcec367   Newest set of tables from Karl
       new  6f6a379   Updated release notes
       new  8162315   autoconf
       new  fd2fdf7   New set of tables see RELEASE file for list of changes
       new  93841ed   New set of tables
       new  aeb4ff7   latest set of tables
       new  587edef   New md5s
       new  3f9535e   New set of tables with minor bug fixes from Karl in them
       new  820f113   Forgot to push version number
       new  98488f8   New debian release
       new  7ff9788   Build fixes
       new  b656262   S-V 3.9.5
       new  d4b394b   Fix spelling misteak

The 83 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/cmor-tables.git

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