[cmor-tables] 74/83: New set of tables see RELEASE file for list of changes

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Aug 30 08:06:24 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mckinstry pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cmor-tables.

commit fd2fdf706f44e272ceff3327931508c7643cdd8e
Author: Charles Doutriaux <doutriaux1 at llnl.gov>
Date:   Thu Jan 12 12:02:38 2012 -0800

    New set of tables see RELEASE file for list of changes
 Lib/table_generator.py         |   7 ++++---
 RELEASE-NOTES                  |   4 ++++
 Tables/CMIP5_3hr               |   2 +-
 Tables/CMIP5_6hrLev            |   2 +-
 Tables/CMIP5_6hrPlev           |   2 +-
 Tables/CMIP5_Amon              |   2 +-
 Tables/CMIP5_LImon             |   2 +-
 Tables/CMIP5_Lmon              |   2 +-
 Tables/CMIP5_OImon             |   2 +-
 Tables/CMIP5_Oclim             |   2 +-
 Tables/CMIP5_Omon              |   4 ++--
 Tables/CMIP5_Oyr               |   6 +++---
 Tables/CMIP5_aero              |   2 +-
 Tables/CMIP5_cf3hr             |   2 +-
 Tables/CMIP5_cfDay             |   2 +-
 Tables/CMIP5_cfMon             |   2 +-
 Tables/CMIP5_cfOff             |   2 +-
 Tables/CMIP5_cfSites           |   2 +-
 Tables/CMIP5_day               |   2 +-
 Tables/CMIP5_fx                |   7 +++++--
 Tables/md5s                    |   2 +-
 Tables_csv/3hr.csv             |   6 +++---
 Tables_csv/6hrLev.csv          |   2 +-
 Tables_csv/6hrPlev.csv         |   2 +-
 Tables_csv/Omon.csv            |   2 +-
 Tables_csv/Oyr.csv             |   6 +++---
 Tables_csv/Oyr_tracer.csv      |   2 +-
 Tables_csv/fx.csv              |   3 +--
 Tables_csv/general.csv         |   6 +++---
 Tables_csv/other.csv           |  18 +++++++++---------
 Tables_csv/standard_output.xls | Bin 705024 -> 964608 bytes
 configure                      |  18 +++++++++---------
 configure.ac                   |   2 +-
 33 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Lib/table_generator.py b/Lib/table_generator.py
index 786c1cc..d35fa73 100644
--- a/Lib/table_generator.py
+++ b/Lib/table_generator.py
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ valid_min:         %(valid min)
 valid_max:         %(valid max)
 ok_min_mean_abs:   %(mean absolute min)
 ok_max_mean_abs:   %(mean absolute max)
-flag_values:       %(flag values)
-flag_meanings:     %(flag meaning)
+flag_values:       %(flag_values)
+flag_meanings:     %(flag_meanings)
@@ -541,7 +541,8 @@ def create_table(table_file, dims_file,minmax={}):
+            print "Sending columns: ",cnms
             print >> fo, process_template(var_tmpl,cnms,sp,{'CMOR variable name':['?','0','0.0']},minmax=minmaxpassed,iadd=iadd)
     print 'Created tables:',tables.keys()
index 31b5b08..b4d5863 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2012-01-12 : 1.  The long names were corrected for variables o2 in tables Oyr and Omon, and dpocdtpico in table Oyr
+2012-01-12 : 2.  The priorities for output from the decadal runs were modified.
+2012-01-12 : 3.  The valid_min value for "basin" in the fx table was changed from 1 to 0.
+2012-01-12 : 4.  The flag_meanings and flag_values for the "basin" variable in the fx table were transcribed from the excel spreadsheet so that they now will appear in the netCDF output file.
 2011-07-24 : 1.  table fx: added thkcello (which also appears in table Omon), which is included in this table to accommodate  models where thkcello is independent of time.  [You are not required to rewrite any files already written that contain "thkcello".]  Alternatively, you may elect to record only 12 monthly-mean values as part of your Omon output if thkcello is independent of time (and in this case all 12 values would be identical).  If you do this, indicate with a comment in the fi [...]
 2011-07-24 : 2.  table Oclim:  In the CMOR dimensions column, removed "olevel" from the list in lines 41-50, which are variables that are independent of ocean level. 
 2011-07-04 : 3.  table Omon:  Added 2-d versions of ficeberg, hfrunoffds, hfsnthermds, hfsifrazil, hfsithermds, and hfibtherds for models in which only the vertically integrated amounts are available.
diff --git a/Tables/CMIP5_3hr b/Tables/CMIP5_3hr
index eff216c..d792257 100644
--- a/Tables/CMIP5_3hr
+++ b/Tables/CMIP5_3hr
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ frequency: 3hr
 cmor_version: 2.6 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
 cf_version:   1.4         ! version of CF that output conforms to
 project_id:   CMIP5  ! project id
-table_date:   26 July 2011 ! date this table was constructed
+table_date:   12 January 2012 ! date this table was constructed
 missing_value: 1.e20      ! value used to indicate a missing value
                           !   in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE 
diff --git a/Tables/CMIP5_6hrLev b/Tables/CMIP5_6hrLev
index c3a52ff..9f18109 100644
--- a/Tables/CMIP5_6hrLev
+++ b/Tables/CMIP5_6hrLev
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ frequency: 6hr
 cmor_version: 2.6 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
 cf_version:   1.4         ! version of CF that output conforms to
 project_id:   CMIP5  ! project id
-table_date:   26 July 2011 ! date this table was constructed
+table_date:   12 January 2012 ! date this table was constructed
 missing_value: 1.e20      ! value used to indicate a missing value
                           !   in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE 
diff --git a/Tables/CMIP5_6hrPlev b/Tables/CMIP5_6hrPlev
index 2fd4450..f57d008 100644
--- a/Tables/CMIP5_6hrPlev
+++ b/Tables/CMIP5_6hrPlev
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ frequency: 6hr
 cmor_version: 2.6 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
 cf_version:   1.4         ! version of CF that output conforms to
 project_id:   CMIP5  ! project id
-table_date:   26 July 2011 ! date this table was constructed
+table_date:   12 January 2012 ! date this table was constructed
 missing_value: 1.e20      ! value used to indicate a missing value
                           !   in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE 
diff --git a/Tables/CMIP5_Amon b/Tables/CMIP5_Amon
index 6858411..37ff925 100644
--- a/Tables/CMIP5_Amon
+++ b/Tables/CMIP5_Amon
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ frequency: mon
 cmor_version: 2.6 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
 cf_version:   1.4         ! version of CF that output conforms to
 project_id:   CMIP5  ! project id
-table_date:   26 July 2011 ! date this table was constructed
+table_date:   12 January 2012 ! date this table was constructed
 missing_value: 1.e20      ! value used to indicate a missing value
                           !   in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE 
diff --git a/Tables/CMIP5_LImon b/Tables/CMIP5_LImon
index 0ed8493..06d409a 100644
--- a/Tables/CMIP5_LImon
+++ b/Tables/CMIP5_LImon
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ frequency: mon
 cmor_version: 2.6 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
 cf_version:   1.4         ! version of CF that output conforms to
 project_id:   CMIP5  ! project id
-table_date:   26 July 2011 ! date this table was constructed
+table_date:   12 January 2012 ! date this table was constructed
 missing_value: 1.e20      ! value used to indicate a missing value
                           !   in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE 
diff --git a/Tables/CMIP5_Lmon b/Tables/CMIP5_Lmon
index bff7c68..d44a2cb 100644
--- a/Tables/CMIP5_Lmon
+++ b/Tables/CMIP5_Lmon
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ frequency: mon
 cmor_version: 2.6 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
 cf_version:   1.4         ! version of CF that output conforms to
 project_id:   CMIP5  ! project id
-table_date:   26 July 2011 ! date this table was constructed
+table_date:   12 January 2012 ! date this table was constructed
 missing_value: 1.e20      ! value used to indicate a missing value
                           !   in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE 
diff --git a/Tables/CMIP5_OImon b/Tables/CMIP5_OImon
index 1209560..034ce9f 100644
--- a/Tables/CMIP5_OImon
+++ b/Tables/CMIP5_OImon
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ frequency: mon
 cmor_version: 2.6 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
 cf_version:   1.4         ! version of CF that output conforms to
 project_id:   CMIP5  ! project id
-table_date:   26 July 2011 ! date this table was constructed
+table_date:   12 January 2012 ! date this table was constructed
 missing_value: 1.e20      ! value used to indicate a missing value
                           !   in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE 
diff --git a/Tables/CMIP5_Oclim b/Tables/CMIP5_Oclim
index 6274205..183142d 100644
--- a/Tables/CMIP5_Oclim
+++ b/Tables/CMIP5_Oclim
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ frequency: monClim
 cmor_version: 2.6 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
 cf_version:   1.4         ! version of CF that output conforms to
 project_id:   CMIP5  ! project id
-table_date:   26 July 2011 ! date this table was constructed
+table_date:   12 January 2012 ! date this table was constructed
 missing_value: 1.e20      ! value used to indicate a missing value
                           !   in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE 
diff --git a/Tables/CMIP5_Omon b/Tables/CMIP5_Omon
index e2e41ef..989b3ff 100644
--- a/Tables/CMIP5_Omon
+++ b/Tables/CMIP5_Omon
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ frequency: mon
 cmor_version: 2.6 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
 cf_version:   1.4         ! version of CF that output conforms to
 project_id:   CMIP5  ! project id
-table_date:   26 July 2011 ! date this table was constructed
+table_date:   12 January 2012 ! date this table was constructed
 missing_value: 1.e20      ! value used to indicate a missing value
                           !   in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE 
@@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water
 units:             mol m-3
 cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
 cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Dissolve Oxygen Concentration at Surface
+long_name:         Dissolved Oxygen Concentration at Surface
 ! Additional variable information:
diff --git a/Tables/CMIP5_Oyr b/Tables/CMIP5_Oyr
index bf881b8..e181a67 100644
--- a/Tables/CMIP5_Oyr
+++ b/Tables/CMIP5_Oyr
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ frequency: yr
 cmor_version: 2.6 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
 cf_version:   1.4         ! version of CF that output conforms to
 project_id:   CMIP5  ! project id
-table_date:   26 July 2011 ! date this table was constructed
+table_date:   12 January 2012 ! date this table was constructed
 missing_value: 1.e20      ! value used to indicate a missing value
                           !   in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE 
@@ -939,7 +939,7 @@ standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water
 units:             mol m-3
 cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
 cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Dissolve Oxygen Concentration
+long_name:         Dissolved Oxygen Concentration
 ! Additional variable information:
@@ -1824,7 +1824,7 @@ standard_name:     tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_
 units:             mol m-3 s-1
 cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
 cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Tendency of Mole Concentration of Organic Carbon in Sea Water due to Net Primary Production by Picophytoplankton
+long_name:         Tendency of Mole Concentration of Organic Carbon in Sea Water due to Net Primary Production by Calcareous Picophytoplankton
 comment:           Primary (organic carbon) production by the calcite-producing phytoplankton component alone
 ! Additional variable information:
diff --git a/Tables/CMIP5_aero b/Tables/CMIP5_aero
index ed7cc37..9cacb9c 100644
--- a/Tables/CMIP5_aero
+++ b/Tables/CMIP5_aero
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ frequency: mon
 cmor_version: 2.6 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
 cf_version:   1.4         ! version of CF that output conforms to
 project_id:   CMIP5  ! project id
-table_date:   26 July 2011 ! date this table was constructed
+table_date:   12 January 2012 ! date this table was constructed
 missing_value: 1.e20      ! value used to indicate a missing value
                           !   in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE 
diff --git a/Tables/CMIP5_cf3hr b/Tables/CMIP5_cf3hr
index 81bdf9e..a44f90c 100644
--- a/Tables/CMIP5_cf3hr
+++ b/Tables/CMIP5_cf3hr
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ frequency: 3hr
 cmor_version: 2.6 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
 cf_version:   1.4         ! version of CF that output conforms to
 project_id:   CMIP5  ! project id
-table_date:   26 July 2011 ! date this table was constructed
+table_date:   12 January 2012 ! date this table was constructed
 missing_value: 1.e20      ! value used to indicate a missing value
                           !   in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE 
diff --git a/Tables/CMIP5_cfDay b/Tables/CMIP5_cfDay
index 224bb5c..bbe6a9e 100644
--- a/Tables/CMIP5_cfDay
+++ b/Tables/CMIP5_cfDay
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ frequency: day
 cmor_version: 2.6 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
 cf_version:   1.4         ! version of CF that output conforms to
 project_id:   CMIP5  ! project id
-table_date:   26 July 2011 ! date this table was constructed
+table_date:   12 January 2012 ! date this table was constructed
 missing_value: 1.e20      ! value used to indicate a missing value
                           !   in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE 
diff --git a/Tables/CMIP5_cfMon b/Tables/CMIP5_cfMon
index 0c2b729..4fbbcfa 100644
--- a/Tables/CMIP5_cfMon
+++ b/Tables/CMIP5_cfMon
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ frequency: mon
 cmor_version: 2.6 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
 cf_version:   1.4         ! version of CF that output conforms to
 project_id:   CMIP5  ! project id
-table_date:   26 July 2011 ! date this table was constructed
+table_date:   12 January 2012 ! date this table was constructed
 missing_value: 1.e20      ! value used to indicate a missing value
                           !   in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE 
diff --git a/Tables/CMIP5_cfOff b/Tables/CMIP5_cfOff
index 56fac17..a55220e 100644
--- a/Tables/CMIP5_cfOff
+++ b/Tables/CMIP5_cfOff
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ frequency: mon
 cmor_version: 2.6 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
 cf_version:   1.4         ! version of CF that output conforms to
 project_id:   CMIP5  ! project id
-table_date:   26 July 2011 ! date this table was constructed
+table_date:   12 January 2012 ! date this table was constructed
 missing_value: 1.e20      ! value used to indicate a missing value
                           !   in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE 
diff --git a/Tables/CMIP5_cfSites b/Tables/CMIP5_cfSites
index 19656f9..d9e2a64 100644
--- a/Tables/CMIP5_cfSites
+++ b/Tables/CMIP5_cfSites
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ frequency: subhr
 cmor_version: 2.6 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
 cf_version:   1.4         ! version of CF that output conforms to
 project_id:   CMIP5  ! project id
-table_date:   26 July 2011 ! date this table was constructed
+table_date:   12 January 2012 ! date this table was constructed
 missing_value: 1.e20      ! value used to indicate a missing value
                           !   in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE 
diff --git a/Tables/CMIP5_day b/Tables/CMIP5_day
index 6bfa45c..0919c40 100644
--- a/Tables/CMIP5_day
+++ b/Tables/CMIP5_day
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ frequency: day
 cmor_version: 2.6 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
 cf_version:   1.4         ! version of CF that output conforms to
 project_id:   CMIP5  ! project id
-table_date:   26 July 2011 ! date this table was constructed
+table_date:   12 January 2012 ! date this table was constructed
 missing_value: 1.e20      ! value used to indicate a missing value
                           !   in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE 
diff --git a/Tables/CMIP5_fx b/Tables/CMIP5_fx
index 0f7c42b..2c7e099 100644
--- a/Tables/CMIP5_fx
+++ b/Tables/CMIP5_fx
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ frequency: fx
 cmor_version: 2.6 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
 cf_version:   1.4         ! version of CF that output conforms to
 project_id:   CMIP5  ! project id
-table_date:   26 July 2011 ! date this table was constructed
+table_date:   12 January 2012 ! date this table was constructed
 missing_value: 1.e20      ! value used to indicate a missing value
                           !   in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE 
@@ -758,8 +758,11 @@ long_name:         Region Selection Index
 dimensions:        longitude latitude
 out_name:          basin
 type:              integer
-valid_min:         1.0
+valid_min:         0.0
 valid_max:         10.0
+flag_values:       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
+flag_meanings:     global_land southern_ocean atlantic_ocean pacific_ocean arctic_ocean indian_ocean mediterranean_sea black_sea hudson_bay baltic_sea red_sea
diff --git a/Tables/md5s b/Tables/md5s
index 7907d30..e99d1ca 100644
--- a/Tables/md5s
+++ b/Tables/md5s
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{'CMIP5': {'cf3hr': {'11 May 2010': 'a59ca1270ff3036d417a7f2217598266', '19 October 2010': '8b5c2f197b70a103393838ebd4075c6c', '12 May 2010': '905f7ccdd5a31cb71e2a6e3b339cd0e1', '23 August 2010': '5ccea11a7c3d165c76df3d9eede395d0', '01 June 2010': '619aa3c816bc25a53335589698e64968', '11 April 2011': 'c39107ec4994d0b31572fc740afe1879', '01 July 2010': 'c0fe9e92115d75292f5009e13761cb4b', '29 April 2010': 'fdc4fb38dd4cfb7f066329ed43a9e805', '12 March 2010': 'ae9a82f01824d9012aa0657cd7896a9a [...]
\ No newline at end of file
+{'CMIP5': {'cf3hr': {'11 May 2010': 'a59ca1270ff3036d417a7f2217598266', '25 October 2010': '0411f9fce5f7d46c64135ce1ac2b3f6a', '19 October 2010': '8b5c2f197b70a103393838ebd4075c6c', '24 May 2010': '61693a46b06627dcd6ffe8ceff288ef0', '28 March 2011': '0a6cd0a3490ef913de1603e050028d9a', '09 June 2010': '8aad2bf8bea26504a0e247c1737ea4a0', '26 July 2011': '9bddc0ef2f3853878612f91e4b88a6e0', '12 May 2010': '905f7ccdd5a31cb71e2a6e3b339cd0e1', '31 January 2011': 'e4778a751fab1c990cdde28a1692e6f [...]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tables_csv/3hr.csv b/Tables_csv/3hr.csv
index d7b8258..5ef414e 100644
--- a/Tables_csv/3hr.csv
+++ b/Tables_csv/3hr.csv
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ CMOR Table 3hr: 2-D Atmospheric and Surface Fields Sampled Every 3 Hours,,,,,3hr
 "All fields are saved on the atmospheric grid.  Precipitation, clouds, and all flux variables are averaged over 3-hour intervals (0-3Z, 3-6Z, 6-9Z, 9-12Z, 12-15Z, 15-18Z, 18-21Z, 21-24Z).  All other fields are sampled synoptically at 0Z, 3Z, 6Z, 9Z, 12Z, 15Z, 18Z, and 21Z.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 The 3-hourly data should be collected only for the following experiments and years:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 ,,,experiment,time-period requested,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
-,,,decadal hindcasts/forecasts,all years,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
+,,,decadal hindcasts/forecasts (but very low priority),all years,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 ,,,historical,Jan 1960 - Dec 2005,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 ,,,AMIP & future 2030 time-slice,all years,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 ,,,future simulations driven by RCP concentrations or emissions,"Jan 2026 - Dec 2045, Jan 2081-Dec 2100, 2181-2200, and 2281-2300",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
-,,,pre-industrial control,30 years (ideally the years corresponding to the last 30 years of abrupt 4xCO2 run),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
+,,,pre-industrial control,30 years (ideally the years corresponding to years 121-150 of abrupt 4XCO2 run),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 ,,,1 percent per year CO2,last 30 years,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 ,,,control SST climatology (6.2a),all years,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 ,,,"CO2 forcing (6.2b), anthropogenic aerosol forcing (6.4a), and sulfate aerosol forcing (6.4b)",all years,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
-,,,abrupt 4XCO2 (6.3),first 5 years and years 121-150 years,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
+,,,abrupt 4XCO2 (6.3),first 5 years and years 121-150,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 ,,,abrupt 4XCO2 ensemble (6.3-E),all years,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 priority,long name,units ,comment ,questions & notes,output variable name ,standard name,unconfirmed or proposed standard name,unformatted units,cell_methods,valid min,valid max,mean absolute min,mean absolute max,positive,type,CMOR dimensions,CMOR variable name,realm,frequency,cell_measures,flag_values,flag_meanings
 1.0,Precipitation,kg m-2 s-1,at surface; includes both liquid and solid phases.  This is the 3-hour mean precipitation flux.,,pr,precipitation_flux,,kg m-2 s-1,time:mean,,,,,,real,longitude latitude time,pr,atmos,,area: areacella,,
diff --git a/Tables_csv/6hrLev.csv b/Tables_csv/6hrLev.csv
index 3dbf675..f951349 100644
--- a/Tables_csv/6hrLev.csv
+++ b/Tables_csv/6hrLev.csv
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ CMOR Table 6hrLev: Fields (Sampled Every 6 Hours) for Driving Regional Models,,,
 ,,,historical,Jan 1950 - Dec 2005,1.0,highest,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 ,,,AMIP,all years,1.0,highest,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 ,,,RCP4.5 and RCP8.5,Jan 2006 - Dec 2100,1 for each expt.,highest,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
-,,,"decadal hindcasts/forecasts runs inititalized in late 2005, late 1980, and late 1990",all years,3 for each period,lower,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
+,,,"decadal hindcasts/forecasts runs inititalized in late 2005, late 1980, and late 1990",all years,3 for each period,very low,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
diff --git a/Tables_csv/6hrPlev.csv b/Tables_csv/6hrPlev.csv
index 10608c3..61824c5 100644
--- a/Tables_csv/6hrPlev.csv
+++ b/Tables_csv/6hrPlev.csv
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 CMOR Table 6hrPlev: Fields (Sampled Every 6 Hours) for Storm-Track Analysis and other Advanced Diagnostic Applications,,,,,6hrPlev,6hr,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 "The 6-hourly data on pressure levels should be sampled as ""snapshots"" (not as 6-hour means) at 0Z, 6Z, 12Z, and 18Z and should be collected only for the following experiments and years.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 ,,,experiment,time-period requested,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
-,,,decadal hindcasts/forecasts,all years,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
+,,,decadal hindcasts/forecasts (but very low priority),all years,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 ,,,historical,Jan 1950 - Dec 2005,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 ,,,AMIP & 2030 time-slice,all years,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 ,,,RCP4.5 and RCP8.5,Jan 2006 - Dec 2100,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
diff --git a/Tables_csv/Omon.csv b/Tables_csv/Omon.csv
index 18a8fe5..6fb5304 100644
--- a/Tables_csv/Omon.csv
+++ b/Tables_csv/Omon.csv
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ In CMOR Table Omon: Marine Biogeochemical 2-D Fields,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 priority,long name,units ,comment ,questions & notes,output variable name ,standard name,unconfirmed or proposed standard name,unformatted units,cell_methods,valid min,valid max,mean absolute min,mean absolute max,positive,type,CMOR dimensions,CMOR variable name,realm,frequency,cell_measures,flag_values,flag_meanings
-2.0,Surface Concentration of (+name of tracer),"mol m-3 or kg m-3 or 1, consistent with first table in Oyr",," Concentrations of all 3D tracers in the uppermost ocean layer. See first table in Oyr for a complete list of these tracers.  ""Tracer""  concentations should be reported even if they are diagnosed rather than prognostically calculated.",include Oyr 3D tracers,,,"mol m-3 or kg m-3 or 1, consistent with first table in Oyr",time: mean area: mean where sea,,,,,,real,longitude latitu [...]
+2.0,"(long name taken from 1st table in Oyr) + "" at surface""","mol m-3 or kg m-3 or 1, consistent with first table in Oyr",(copied from 3D tracer list)," Concentrations of all 3D tracers in the uppermost ocean layer. See first table in Oyr for a complete list of these tracers.  ""Tracer""  concentations should be reported even if they are diagnosed rather than prognostically calculated.",include Oyr 3D tracers,(copied from 1st table in Oyr),,"mol m-3 or kg m-3 or 1, consistent with fir [...]
 1.0,Primary Organic Carbon Production by All Types of Phytoplankton,mol m-2 s-1,"Vertically integrated total primary (organic carbon) production by phytoplankton.  This should equal the sum of intpdiat+intpphymisc, but those individual components may be unavailable in some models.",,intpp,net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_phytoplankton,,mol m-2 s-1,time: mean area: mean where sea,,,,,,real,longitude latitude time,intpp,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello,,
 2.0,Primary Organic Carbon Production by Phytoplankton Based on Nitrate Uptake Alone,mol m-2 s-1,Vertically integrated primary (organic carbon) production by phytoplankton based on nitrate uptake alone,,intpnitrate,net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_due_to_nitrate_utilization,,mol m-2 s-1,time: mean area: where sea,,,,,,real,longitude latitude time,intpnitrate,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello,,
 2.0,Primary Organic Carbon Production by Diatoms,mol m-2 s-1,Vertically integrated primary (organic carbon) production by the diatom phytoplankton component alone,,intpdiat,net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_diatoms,,mol m-2 s-1,time: mean area: mean where sea,,,,,,real,longitude latitude time,intpdiat,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello,,
diff --git a/Tables_csv/Oyr.csv b/Tables_csv/Oyr.csv
index d5efeed..8f8cb19 100644
--- a/Tables_csv/Oyr.csv
+++ b/Tables_csv/Oyr.csv
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ priority,long name,units ,comment ,questions & notes,output variable name ,stand
 3.0,Other Zooplankton Carbon Concentration,mol m-3,"carbon from additional zooplankton component concentrations alone (e.g. Micro, meso).  Since the models all have different numbers of components, this variable has been included to provide a check for intercomparison between models since some phytoplankton groups are supersets.",,zoocmisc,mole_concentration_of_miscellaneous_zooplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water,,mol m-3,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitud [...]
 1.0,Total Alkalinity,mol m-3,"total alkalinity equivalent concentration (including carbonate, nitrogen, silicate, and borate components)",,talk,sea_water_alkalinity_expressed_as_mole_equivalent,,mol m-3,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,talk,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
 1.0,pH,1.0,negative log of hydrogen ion concentration with the concentration expressed as mol H kg-1.,,ph,sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale,,1.0,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,ph,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
-1.0,Dissolve Oxygen Concentration,mol m-3,,,o2,mole_concentration_of_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water,,mol m-3,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,o2,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
+1.0,Dissolved Oxygen Concentration,mol m-3,,,o2,mole_concentration_of_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water,,mol m-3,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,o2,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
 1.0,Dissolved Nitrate Concentration,mol m-3,,,no3,mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water,,mol m-3,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,no3,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
 2.0,Dissolved Ammonium Concentration,mol m-3,,,nh4,mole_concentration_of_ammonium_in_sea_water,,mol m-3,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,nh4,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
 1.0,Dissolved Phosphate Concentration,mol m-3,,,po4,mole_concentration_of_phosphate_in_sea_water,,mol m-3,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,po4,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
@@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ priority,long name,units ,comment ,questions & notes,output variable name ,stand
 3.0,Aragonite Dissolution,mol m-3 s-1,,,darag,tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_dissolution,,mol m-3 s-1,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,darag,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
 3.0,Diatom Primary Carbon Production,mol m-3 s-1,Primary (organic carbon) production by the diatom component alone,,pdi,tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_diatoms,,mol m-3 s-1,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,pdi,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
 3.0,Tendency of Mole Concentration of Organic Carbon in Sea Water due to Net Primary Production by Diazotrophs,mol m-3 s-1,Primary (organic carbon) production by the diazotrophic phytoplankton component alone,,dpocdtdiaz,tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_diazotrophs,,mol m-3 s-1,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,dpocdtdiaz,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: [...]
-3.0,Tendency of Mole Concentration of Organic Carbon in Sea Water due to Net Primary Production by Picophytoplankton,mol m-3 s-1,Primary (organic carbon) production by the calcite-producing phytoplankton component alone,,dpocdtcalc,tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_calcareous_phytoplankton,,mol m-3 s-1,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,dpocdtcalc,ocnBgchem, [...]
+3.0,Tendency of Mole Concentration of Organic Carbon in Sea Water due to Net Primary Production by Calcareous Picophytoplankton,mol m-3 s-1,Primary (organic carbon) production by the calcite-producing phytoplankton component alone,,dpocdtcalc,tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_calcareous_phytoplankton,,mol m-3 s-1,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,dpocdtcalc [...]
 3.0,Tendency of Mole Concentration of Organic Carbon in Sea Water due to Net Primary Production by Picophytoplankton,mol m-3 s-1,Primary (organic carbon) production by the picophytoplankton (<2 um) component alone,,dpocdtpico,tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_picophytoplankton,,mol m-3 s-1,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,dpocdtpico,ocnBgchem,,area: areace [...]
-3.0,Other Phytoplankton Carbon Production,mol m-3 s-1,Primary (organic carbon) production by other phytoplankton components alone,I think this variable is unnecessary since it can be gotten by subtracting diatom primary carbon production from pp.,phypmisc,tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_miscellaneous_phytoplankton,,mol m-3 s-1,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel [...]
+3.0,Other Phytoplankton Carbon Production,mol m-3 s-1,Primary (organic carbon) production by other phytoplankton components alone,I think this variable might be unnecessary since it can be gotten by subtracting diatom primary carbon production from pp.,phypmisc,tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_miscellaneous_phytoplankton,,mol m-3 s-1,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude  [...]
 3.0,Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon due to Biological Activity,mol m-3 s-1,Net of biological terms in time rate of change of dissolved inorganic carbon,,bddtdic,tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_processes,,mol m-3 s-1,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,bddtdic,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
 3.0,Rate of Change of Nitrogen Nutrient due to Biological Activity,mol m-3 s-1,Net of biological terms in time rate of change of nitrogen nutrients (e.g. NO3+NH4),,bddtdin,tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_nitrogen_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_processes,,mol m-3 s-1,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,bddtdin,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
 3.0,Rate of Change of Dissolved Phosphate due to Biological Activity,mol m-3 s-1,Net of biological terms in time rate of change of dissolved phosphate,,bddtdip,tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_phosphate_in_sea_water_due_to_biological_processes,,mol m-3 s-1,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,bddtdip,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
diff --git a/Tables_csv/Oyr_tracer.csv b/Tables_csv/Oyr_tracer.csv
index 7733114..0bed436 100644
--- a/Tables_csv/Oyr_tracer.csv
+++ b/Tables_csv/Oyr_tracer.csv
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 3.0,Other Zooplankton Carbon Concentration,mol m-3,"carbon from additional zooplankton component concentrations alone (e.g. Micro, meso).  Since the models all have different numbers of components, this variable has been included to provide a check for intercomparison between models since some phytoplankton groups are supersets.",,zoocmisc,mole_concentration_of_miscellaneous_zooplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water,,mol m-3,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitud [...]
 1.0,Total Alkalinity,mol m-3,"total alkalinity equivalent concentration (including carbonate, nitrogen, silicate, and borate components)",,talk,sea_water_alkalinity_expressed_as_mole_equivalent,,mol m-3,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,talk,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
 1.0,pH,1.0,negative log of hydrogen ion concentration with the concentration expressed as mol H kg-1.,,ph,sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale,,1.0,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,ph,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
-1.0,Dissolve Oxygen Concentration,mol m-3,,,o2,mole_concentration_of_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water,,mol m-3,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,o2,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
+1.0,Dissolved Oxygen Concentration,mol m-3,,,o2,mole_concentration_of_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water,,mol m-3,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,o2,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
 1.0,Dissolved Nitrate Concentration,mol m-3,,,no3,mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water,,mol m-3,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,no3,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
 2.0,Dissolved Ammonium Concentration,mol m-3,,,nh4,mole_concentration_of_ammonium_in_sea_water,,mol m-3,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,nh4,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
 1.0,Dissolved Phosphate Concentration,mol m-3,,,po4,mole_concentration_of_phosphate_in_sea_water,,mol m-3,time: mean area: mean where sea ,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel time,po4,ocnBgchem,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
diff --git a/Tables_csv/fx.csv b/Tables_csv/fx.csv
index affb90f..034caed 100644
--- a/Tables_csv/fx.csv
+++ b/Tables_csv/fx.csv
@@ -26,9 +26,8 @@ priority,long name,units ,comment ,questions & notes,output variable name ,stand
 1.0,Ocean Grid-Cell Volume,m3,grid-cell volume ca. 2000.  ,"a 3-d field: For oceans with more than 1 mesh, report on grid that applies to temperature ",volcello,ocean_volume,,m3,,0.0,1e+15,0.0,1e+15,,real,longitude latitude olevel,volcello,ocean,,,,
 1.0,Ocean Grid-Cell Area,m2,,"For oceans with more than 1 mesh (e.g., staggered grids), report areas that apply to surface vertical fluxes of energy.",areacello,cell_area,,m2,,0.0,1e+12,0.0,1e+12,,real,longitude latitude,areacello,ocean,,,,
 1.0,Sea Area Fraction,%, This is the area fraction at the ocean surface.,"Should this be recorded as a function of depth?  Report on the same grid that ocean fields are reported (i.e., the ocean native grid, or the grid that ocean data has been provided to CMIP.  For completeness, provide this even if the ocean grid is the same as the atmospheric grid.",sftof,sea_area_fraction,,%,,0.0,100.0,,,,real,longitude latitude,sftof,ocean,,area: areacello,,
-1.0,Region Selection Index,1.0, ,"Report on the same grid as the temperature field. flag_values=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 corresponding to flag_meanings=global_land, southern_ocean, atlantic_ocean, pacific_ocean, arctic_ocean, indian_ocean, mediterranean_sea, black_sea, hudson_bay, baltic_sea, red_sea. ",basin,region,,1.0,,1.0,10.0,,,,integer,longitude latitude,basin,ocean,,area: areacello,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10,global_land southern_ocean atlantic_ocean pacific_ocean arctic_ocean indian_oce [...]
+1.0,Region Selection Index,1.0, ,"Report on the same grid as the temperature field. flag_values=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 corresponding to flag_meanings=global_land, southern_ocean, atlantic_ocean, pacific_ocean, arctic_ocean, indian_ocean, mediterranean_sea, black_sea, hudson_bay, baltic_sea, red_sea. ",basin,region,,1.0,,0.0,10.0,,,,integer,longitude latitude,basin,ocean,,area: areacello,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10,global_land southern_ocean atlantic_ocean pacific_ocean arctic_ocean indian_oce [...]
 2.0,Upward Geothermal Heat Flux at Sea Floor ,W m-2,,If this field is time-dependent then save it instead as one of your Omon fields (see the Omon table),hfgeou,upward_geothermal_heat_flux_at_sea_floor,,W m-2,area: mean where sea,,,,,up,real,longitude latitude,hfgeou,ocean,,area: areacello,,
 2.0,Ocean Model Cell Thickness ,m ,,If this field is time-dependent then save it instead as one of your Omon fields (see the Omon table),thkcello,cell_thickness,,m ,time: mean,,,,,,real,longitude latitude olevel,thkcello,ocean,,area: areacello volume: volcello,,
-,,,,eliminated basinv because it can be estimated from basin; also some models would also need a basinu for completeness,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
diff --git a/Tables_csv/general.csv b/Tables_csv/general.csv
index 22fe58c..9e6e861 100644
--- a/Tables_csv/general.csv
+++ b/Tables_csv/general.csv
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ General information,,,
 1. Sea ice fields and ocean biogeochemistry fields will be archived on the same grid as ocean fields.,,,
 2. Land fields (including ice and snow on land) and land biogeochemistry fields will be archived on the same grid as the atmosphere.,,,
-,,,modifed between 8 November 2010 and 4 January 2011
 ,,,modified between 4 January 2011 and 28 March 2011.
-The following rules and recommendations for how to  calculate quantities should be followed unless a different method is explicitly indicated in the notes that appear in the following tables.,,,modified between 28 March 2011 and 10 June 2011.
-,,,modified after 10 June 2011.
+,,,modified between 28 March 2011 and 10 June 2011.
+The following rules and recommendations for how to  calculate quantities should be followed unless a different method is explicitly indicated in the notes that appear in the following tables.,,,modified between 10 June 2011 and 27 July 2011
+,,,modifed after 27 July 2011
 "1. It is recommended that ocean and sea-ice output (including Oclim, Oyr, Omon, and OImon)  be reported on the ocean's native grid.  Unless noted otherwise in the tables, all other output should be reported on the atmospheric grid.",,,
 "2. Unless otherwise specified, the ocean and sea-ice output (including Oclim, Oyr, Omon, and OImon) represents a mean over only the sea portion of each grid cell (i.e., it is interpreted as ""where ocean over ocean""), and a value of 0.0 should be reported where the sea fraction is 0.",,,
diff --git a/Tables_csv/other.csv b/Tables_csv/other.csv
index f8d4ea0..b9fabf2 100644
--- a/Tables_csv/other.csv
+++ b/Tables_csv/other.csv
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Requested output: years requested for each expt./output table combination (see CFMIP output sheet for information on time-periods for saving the special CFMIP-focused output.,,,,red font means output should be reported for only a single member in the case of an ensemble of simulations,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 ,,,,blue font means this is a lower priority request,,,,,,,,,,,,,
-"If a cell is shaded yellow/tan,  none of the variables will  be part of the subset of model output that will be replicated at several locations (except, as noted by * or ** -- see note at right-- this may apply only to lower priority variables)",,,,"""all*"" indicates that although all years will be included in the ""replicated"" subset, only the high and medium priority variables will be included in the replicated subset.                                                                  [...]
+"If a cell is shaded yellow/tan,  none of the variables will  be part of the subset of model output that will be replicated at several locations (except, as noted by * or ** -- see note at right-- this may apply only to lower priority variables)",,,,"""all*"" indicates that although all years will be included in the ""replicated"" subset, only the high and medium priority variables will be included in the replicated subset.                                                                  [...]
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ Requested output: years requested for each expt./output table combination (see C
 """decadal"" prediction experiments",,,Oclim,Oyr,Amon,Omon,,Lmon,Limon,Oimon,aero,,day,,6hrLev,6hrPlev,3hr
 Experiment, Description,Expt. #,,,,lon x lat x olev,other,,,,lon x lat,lon x  lat x alev,subset of fields saved for selected expts. ,other,,,lon x lat
-10-year predictions,10-year hindcasts/predictions,1.1,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,all,year 10,,all,"for expts. initialized in late 1980, 1990, and 2005, all years",all,all
-30-year predictions,30-year hindcasts/predictions,1.2,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,all,"years 10, 20, & 30",,all,"for expts. initialized in late 1980 and 2005, all years",all,all
-10-year predictions,increased ensemble size of 1.1,1.1-E,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,all,year 10,,all,,all,all
-30-year predictions,increased ensemble size of 1.2,1.2-E,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,all,"years 10, 20, & 30",,all,,all,all
-10-year predictions,additional start dates for expts. 1.1,1.1-I,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,all,year 10,,all,,all,all
+10-year predictions,10-year hindcasts/predictions,1.1,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,all,year 10,,all,,,
+30-year predictions,30-year hindcasts/predictions,1.2,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,all,"years 10, 20, & 30",,all,,,
+10-year predictions,increased ensemble size of 1.1,1.1-E,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,all,year 10,,all,,,
+30-year predictions,increased ensemble size of 1.2,1.2-E,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,all,"years 10, 20, & 30",,all,,,
+10-year predictions,additional start dates for expts. 1.1,1.1-I,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,all,year 10,,all,,,
 AMIP,AMIP (1979-2008),3.3,,,all,,,all,all,all,all,"years 1980, 1990, 2000, & possibly 2010",all,all,all,all,all
-pre-industrial control,"control run, but possibly as short as 100 years",3.1-S,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,all,"years 20, 40, 60, 80, & 100",,all,,,30.0
-1 percent per year CO2,1% per year CO2 rise imposed,6.1-S,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,,,,all,,,last 30
+pre-industrial control,"control run, but possibly as short as 100 years",3.1-S,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,all,"years 20, 40, 60, 80, & 100",,all,,,30 years corresponding to years 121-150 of abrupt 4xCO2 run
+1 percent per year CO2,1% per year CO2 rise imposed,6.1-S,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,,,,all,,,first 5 years and years 121-150
 volcano-free hindcasts,hindcasts but without volcanoes,1.3,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,all,year 10,,all,,all,all
 prediction with 2010 volcano,Pinatubo-like eruption imposed,1.4,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,all,"years 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2015",,all,,all,all
 initialization alternatives,experiments to explore impact of different initialization procedures,1.5,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,all,year 10,,all,,all,all
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ chemistry-focused runs,near-term runs with enhanced chemistry/aerosol models,1.6
 "experiments focusing on the ""longer-term""",,,Oclim,Oyr,Amon,Omon,,Lmon,Limon,Oimon,aero,,day,,6hrLev,6hrPlev,3hr
 Experiment, Description,Expt. #,,,,lon x lat x olev,other,,,,lon x lat,lon x  lat x alev,subset of fields saved for selected expts. ,other,,,
-pre-industrial control,coupled atmosphere/ocean control run,3.1,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,all,"years corresponding to years 1850, 1870, 1890, . . . , 1950, 1960, 1970, . . . , 2000 of only 1 member of the ensemble of historical run and years 2010, 2020, 2040, 2060, 2080, & 2100 of only 1 member of the ensemble of each of the RCP cases",20 years corresponding to years 1986-2005 of only 1 member of the ensemble of historical runs,all,,30 years corresponding to 1979-2008 of historical [...]
+pre-industrial control,coupled atmosphere/ocean control run,3.1,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,all,"years corresponding to years 1850, 1870, 1890, . . . , 1950, 1960, 1970, . . . , 2000 of only 1 member of the ensemble of historical run and years 2010, 2020, 2040, 2060, 2080, & 2100 of only 1 member of the ensemble of each of the RCP cases",20 years corresponding to years 1986-2005 of only 1 member of the ensemble of historical runs,all,,30 years corresponding to 1979-2008 of historical [...]
 historical,simulation of recent past (1850-2005),3.2,1986-2005 monthly climatology,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,all,"years 1850, 1870, 1890, . . . , 1950, 1960, 1970, . . . , 2000",1950-2005,all,1950-2005,1950-2005,1960-2005
 AMIP,AMIP (1979-2008),3.3,,,all,,,all,all,all,all,"1980, 1990, 2000, & possibly 2010",all,all,all,all,all
 historical,increase ensemble size of expt. 3.2,3.2-E,,all*,all,all**,all,all,all,all,all,"years 1850, 1870, 1890,  . . .  , 1950, 1960, 1970,  . . . , 2000",,all,,1950-2005,1960-2005
diff --git a/Tables_csv/standard_output.xls b/Tables_csv/standard_output.xls
index be4c5f6..1ea8d3f 100644
Binary files a/Tables_csv/standard_output.xls and b/Tables_csv/standard_output.xls differ
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 26d81c1..111f995 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #! /bin/sh
 # Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles.
-# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.61 for cmip5-cmor-tables 1.3.10.
+# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.61 for cmip5-cmor-tables 1.3.11.
 # Report bugs to <doutriaux1 at llnl.gov>.
@@ -574,8 +574,8 @@ SHELL=${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh}
 # Identity of this package.
-PACKAGE_STRING='cmip5-cmor-tables 1.3.10'
+PACKAGE_STRING='cmip5-cmor-tables 1.3.11'
 PACKAGE_BUGREPORT='doutriaux1 at llnl.gov'
@@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ if test "$ac_init_help" = "long"; then
   # Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing.
   # This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh.
   cat <<_ACEOF
-\`configure' configures cmip5-cmor-tables 1.3.10 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
+\`configure' configures cmip5-cmor-tables 1.3.11 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
 Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
@@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@ fi
 if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then
   case $ac_init_help in
-     short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of cmip5-cmor-tables 1.3.10:";;
+     short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of cmip5-cmor-tables 1.3.11:";;
   cat <<\_ACEOF
@@ -1267,7 +1267,7 @@ fi
 test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status
 if $ac_init_version; then
   cat <<\_ACEOF
-cmip5-cmor-tables configure 1.3.10
+cmip5-cmor-tables configure 1.3.11
 generated by GNU Autoconf 2.61
 Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
@@ -1281,7 +1281,7 @@ cat >config.log <<_ACEOF
 This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
 running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
-It was created by cmip5-cmor-tables $as_me 1.3.10, which was
+It was created by cmip5-cmor-tables $as_me 1.3.11, which was
 generated by GNU Autoconf 2.61.  Invocation command line was
   $ $0 $@
@@ -2227,7 +2227,7 @@ exec 6>&1
 # report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their
 # values after options handling.
-This file was extended by cmip5-cmor-tables $as_me 1.3.10, which was
+This file was extended by cmip5-cmor-tables $as_me 1.3.11, which was
 generated by GNU Autoconf 2.61.  Invocation command line was
@@ -2270,7 +2270,7 @@ Report bugs to <bug-autoconf at gnu.org>."
-cmip5-cmor-tables config.status 1.3.10
+cmip5-cmor-tables config.status 1.3.11
 configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.61,
   with options \\"`echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`\\"
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 372f078..c1f2c5a 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ dnl                                                -*- Autoconf -*-
 dnl  Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
 dnl AC_PREREQ(2.59)
-AC_INIT(cmip5-cmor-tables, 1.3.10, doutriaux1 at llnl.gov)
+AC_INIT(cmip5-cmor-tables, 1.3.11, doutriaux1 at llnl.gov)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/cmor-tables.git

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