[arrayfire] 26/61: Documentation for seq class
Ghislain Vaillant
ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Dec 8 11:55:04 UTC 2015
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Author: Shehzan Mohammed <shehzan at arrayfire.com>
Date: Mon Nov 30 13:29:04 2015 -0500
Documentation for seq class
include/af/seq.h | 170 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 167 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/include/af/seq.h b/include/af/seq.h
index 5f952d4..7ab3687 100644
--- a/include/af/seq.h
+++ b/include/af/seq.h
@@ -10,8 +10,21 @@
#pragma once
#include <af/defines.h>
+ \struct af_seq
+ \brief C-style struct to creating sequences for indexing
+ \ingroup index_mat
typedef struct af_seq {
- double begin, end;
+ /// Start position of the sequence
+ double begin;
+ /// End position of the sequence (inclusive)
+ double end;
+ /// Step size between sequence values
double step;
} af_seq;
@@ -22,31 +35,167 @@ namespace af
class array;
+ \class seq
+ \brief seq is used to create seq for indexing af::array
+ \ingroup index_mat
class AFAPI seq
+ ///
+ /// \brief Get the \ref af_seq C-style struct
+ ///
af_seq s;
+ ///
+ /// \brief Get's the length of the sequence
+ ///
size_t size;
+ ///
+ /// \brief Flag for gfor
+ ///
bool m_gfor;
- seq(double = 0);
+ /**
+ \brief Creates a sequence of size length as [0, 1, 2..., length - 1]
+ The sequence has begin as 0, end as length - 1 and step as 1.
+ \note When doing seq(-n), where n is > 0, then the sequence is generated as
+ 0...-n but step remains +1. This is because when such a sequence is
+ used for indexing af::array, then -n represents n elements from the
+ end. That is, seq(-2) will imply indexing an array 0...dimSize - 2.
+ \code
+ // [begin, end, step]
+ seq a(10); // [0, 9, 1] => 0, 1, 2....9
+ \endcode
+ \param[in] length is the size of the seq to be created.
+ */
+ seq(double length = 0);
+ /**
+ \brief Destructor
+ */
- // begin, end, step
+ /**
+ \brief Creates a sequence starting at begin,
+ ending at or before end (inclusive) with increments as step.
+ The sequence will be [begin, begin + step, begin + 2 * step...., begin + n * step]
+ where the begin + n * step <= end.
+ \code
+ // [begin, end, step]
+ seq a(10, 20); // [10, 20, 1] => 10, 11, 12....20
+ seq b(10, 20, 2); // [10, 20, 2] => 10, 12, 14....20
+ seq c(-5, 5); // [-5, 5, 1] => -5, -4, -3....0, 1....5
+ seq d(-5, -15, -1); // [-5,-15, -1] => -5, -6, -7....-15
+ seq e(-15, -5, 1); // [-15, -5, 1] => -15, -14, -13....-5
+ \endcode
+ \param[in] begin is the start of the sequence
+ \param[in] end is the maximum value a sequence can take (inclusive)
+ \param[in] step is the increment or decrement size (default is 1)
+ */
seq(double begin, double end, double step = 1);
+ /**
+ \brief Copy constructor
+ Creates a copy seq from another sequence.
+ \param[in] afs seqence to be copies
+ \param[in] is_gfor is the gfor flag
+ */
seq(seq afs, bool is_gfor);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a seq object from an \ref af_seq struct
+ \param[in] s_ is the \ref af_seq struct
+ */
seq(const af_seq& s_);
+ /**
+ \brief Assignment operator to create a new sequence from an af_seq
+ This operator creates a new sequence using the begin, end and step
+ from the input sequence.
+ \param[in] s is the input sequence
+ */
seq& operator=(const af_seq& s);
+ /**
+ \brief Negation operator creates a sequence with the signs negated
+ begin is changed to -begin
+ end is changed to -end
+ step is changed to -step
+ \code
+ // [begin, end, step]
+ seq a(1, 10); // [ 1, 10, 1] => 1, 2, 3....10
+ seq b = -a; // [-1,-10,-1] => -1, -2, -3...-10
+ \endcode
+ */
inline seq operator-() { return seq(-s.begin, -s.end, -s.step); }
+ /**
+ \brief Addition operator offsets the begin and end by x. There is no
+ change in step.
+ begin is changed to begin + x
+ end is changed to end + x
+ \code
+ // [begin, end, step]
+ seq a(2, 20, 2); // [2, 20, 2] => 2, 4, 6....20
+ seq b = a + 3; // [5, 23, 2] => 5, 7, 9....23
+ \endcode
+ */
inline seq operator+(double x) { return seq(s.begin + x, s.end + x, s.step); }
+ /**
+ \brief Subtraction operator offsets the begin and end by x. There is no
+ change in step.
+ begin is changed to begin - x
+ end is changed to end - x
+ \code
+ // [begin, end, step]
+ seq a(10, 20, 2); // [10, 20, 2] => 10, 12, 14....20
+ seq b(2, 10); // [ 2, 10, 1] => 2, 3, 4....10
+ seq c = a - 3; // [ 7, 17, 2] => 7, 9, 11....17
+ seq d = b - 3; // [-1, 7, 2] => -1, 1, 3....7
+ \endcode
+ */
inline seq operator-(double x) { return seq(s.begin - x, s.end - x, s.step); }
+ /**
+ \brief Multiplication operator spaces the sequence by a factor x.
+ begin is changed to begin * x
+ end is changed to end * x
+ step is changed to step * x
+ \code
+ // [begin, end, step]
+ seq a(10, 20, 2); // [10, 20, 2] => 10, 12, 14....20
+ seq b(-5, 5); // [-5, 5, 1] => -5, -4, -3....0, 1....5
+ seq c = a * 3; // [30, 60, 6] => 30, 36, 42....60
+ seq d = b * 3; // [-15, 15, 3] => -15, -12, -9....0, 3....15
+ seq e = a * 0.5; // [5, 10, 1] => 5, 6, 7....10
+ \endcode
+ */
inline seq operator*(double x) { return seq(s.begin * x, s.end * x, s.step * x); }
friend inline seq operator+(double x, seq y) { return y + x; }
@@ -55,6 +204,21 @@ public:
friend inline seq operator*(double x, seq y) { return y * x; }
+ /**
+ \brief Implicit conversion operator from seq to af::array
+ Convertes a seq object into an af::array object. The contents of the
+ af:array will be the explicit values from the seq.
+ \note Do not use this to create arrays of sequences. Use \ref range.
+ \code
+ // [begin, end, step]
+ seq s(10, 20, 2); // [10, 20, 2] => 10, 12, 14....20
+ array arr = s;
+ af_print(arr); // 10 12 14 16 18 20
+ \endcode
+ */
operator array() const;
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