[arrayfire] branch debian/sid updated (7f43dbd -> 17f300b)
Ghislain Vaillant
ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Dec 10 14:44:36 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ghisvail-guest pushed a change to branch debian/sid
in repository arrayfire.
from 7f43dbd Release to unstable.
adds ca0c7cc Fixes for examples when used with installer
adds f10075b Fixed typos in documentation.
adds f11a990 Merge branch 'patch-2' of https://github.com/mlloreda/arrayfire into hotfixes-3.2.1
adds 1b0ef66 Add missing linkage with libdl
adds 565c9af Merge branch 'fix/missing-libdl-linkage' of https://github.com/ghisvail/arrayfire into hotfixes-3.2.1
adds ef2e7d7 Fix documentation when using older doxygen
adds b0a8e7e Merge branch 'minor-docs' of https://github.com/shehzan10/arrayfire into hotfixes-3.2.1
adds 3281b50 Added missing symbol export for af_draw_surface
adds 0075fdf Merge branch 'gfx_surface_fix' of https://github.com/9prady9/arrayfire into hotfixes-3.2.1
adds 86dd6c7 Build and install documentation in a separate output folder.
adds b747245 Merge branch 'enh/docs-target-settings' of https://github.com/ghisvail/arrayfire into hotfixes-3.2.1
adds 54ad0b3 Fix examples target.
adds 87bfd99 Merge branch 'fix/examples-target' of https://github.com/ghisvail/arrayfire into hotfixes-3.2.1
adds d39f9e8 Fix type in documentation
adds 59faf59 Merge pull request #1115 from shehzan10/hotfixes-3.2.1
adds 0d5913b Fixes for examples cmakelists for dl lib
adds 86c1d7d Tests are now available as standalone
adds bdee78a Fix examples/cmakelist arguments for osx and windows
adds 7fcf9bb Add enable_testing to test/CMakeLists.txt
adds 3fdef4a Merge pull request #1120 from shehzan10/tests-standalone
adds 75c2172 BUGFIX: GFOR assignment when other dimensions have step indices
adds 7d06e9f BUGFIX: Issue with vector indexing when using spans
adds 05e00d5 Do not perform copies in moddims if memory is contiguous
adds d7b9f9a TEST: Adding test for GFOR assign bug
adds 37b3c8c BUGFIX: Getting the device pointer performs memory copy when needed
adds 967545d TEST: Adding tests to verify unnecessary copies aren't being done
adds 4d75c78 Compile fixes for older compilers
adds 57a89ba Merge pull request #1130 from pavanky/bugfixes-3.2.1
adds 1c673f9 Fixed and improved OpenCL's homography
adds 9b00511 Fixed and improved CUDA's homography
adds d4c5ed6 Merge pull request #1136 from pentschev/homography_fixes
adds ee8a1ee Documentation for seq class
adds 71442bb Fix possible divide by zero case in cpu info
adds 3adec6f Merge pull request #1132 from shehzan10/seq_docs
adds 99fe1ac Fix examples installation directory
adds d3f3080 Use folders (VS sln) for examples/tests when built out of source
adds 92599d7 Install examples source irrespective of value of BUILD_EXAMPLES
adds 8136f21 Updated forge tag
adds 0dce77c CMake generates the list of examples
adds d0732f1 Generate examples as dir/filename.cpp
adds c0aba7f Update examples refs to match updated example style
adds 6978c90 Updated release notes for 3.2.1
adds 121caef Fix typo
adds 9fb64de Merge pull request #1137 from shehzan10/hotfixes-3.2.1
adds eb0e0a5 fix code formatting in doxygen
adds 5955b14 initial vectorization tutorial
adds aa076e9 forge visualization tutorial
adds 1cca0de initial opencl, cuda interop tutorials
adds b6e7542 initial interop tutorials
adds 1ada68e doxygen formatting and reference fixes
adds 516c36e interop tweaks temporarily remove external opencl context from interop tutorial. add cuda stream topic
adds 72fe0ae interop formatting tweaks
adds ffd5941 additional vectorization content
adds 384ce6d remove extra information from vectorization
adds 8ad12b4 Merge pull request #1125 from syurkevi/tutorials
adds 0836463 DOC Add background and bold to inline code tags
adds 1183029 DOC corrections, proper linking and syntaxes
adds 7749f4d Merge pull request #1138 from shehzan10/hotfixes-3.2.1
adds 4d6eaba Merge pull request #1139 from arrayfire/hotfixes-3.2.1
adds f263db0 Increment version to 3.2.1
adds 6072652 Merge tag 'upstream/v3.2.1' into dfsg-clean
adds 84ea70a Merge tag 'upstream/v3.2.1+dfsg1' into debian/sid
adds 2c831d9 Update patch queue: - Drop Fix-documentation-target.patch, Fix-examples-target.patch and Fix-missing-cstdio-include.patch, applied upstream. - Refresh Use-custom-cflags-in-examples.patch and Use-system-gtest.patch. - Refresh Fix-CBLAS-detection.patch, use upstream fix. - Add Fix-missing-includes-in-testsuite.patch, fix FTBFS in testsuite on Ubuntu 14.04.
adds a786c99 Update installation of examples.
adds 90c8338 Update autopkgtest testsuite: add script building and running the upstream testsuite against the installed packages.
adds 1af1d3b Update changelog.
adds 17f300b Release to unstable.
No new revisions were added by this update.
Summary of changes:
.gitignore | 1 +
CMakeLists.txt | 13 ++
CMakeModules/AFInstallDirs.cmake | 2 +-
CMakeModules/Version.cmake | 2 +-
CMakeModules/build_forge.cmake | 2 +-
CMakeModules/examples.dox.in | 3 +
assets | 2 +-
debian/changelog | 16 ++
debian/libarrayfire-doc.install | 1 +
debian/patches/Fix-CBLAS-detection.patch | 30 ++-
debian/patches/Fix-documentation-target.patch | 57 ------
debian/patches/Fix-examples-target.patch | 25 ---
debian/patches/Fix-missing-cstdio-include.patch | 20 --
.../Fix-missing-includes-in-testsuite.patch | 21 ++
debian/patches/Use-custom-cflags-in-examples.patch | 4 +-
debian/patches/Use-system-gtest.patch | 9 +-
debian/patches/series | 4 +-
debian/tests/{build-examples => build-testsuite} | 11 +-
debian/tests/control | 7 +
docs/CMakeLists.txt | 36 +++-
docs/arrayfire.css | 6 +
docs/details/array.dox | 21 --
docs/doxygen.mk | 4 +-
docs/layout.xml | 4 +
docs/pages/INSTALL.md | 2 +-
docs/pages/forge_visualization.md | 160 ++++++++++++++++
docs/pages/getting_started.md | 4 +-
docs/pages/interop_cuda.md | 163 ++++++++++++++++
docs/pages/interop_opencl.md | 189 ++++++++++++++++++
docs/pages/matrix_manipulation.md | 150 +++++++++------
docs/pages/release_notes.md | 51 ++++-
docs/pages/timing.md | 6 +-
docs/pages/unified_backend.md | 4 +-
docs/pages/vectorization.md | 212 +++++++++++++++++++++
examples/CMakeLists.txt | 122 ++++++------
examples/unified/basic.cpp | 1 +
include/af/array.h | 80 +++++---
include/af/graphics.h | 2 +-
include/af/seq.h | 170 ++++++++++++++++-
include/arrayfire.h | 51 -----
src/api/c/moddims.cpp | 3 +-
src/api/cpp/array.cpp | 27 +--
src/api/unified/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +
src/backend/cpu/Array.cpp | 8 +-
src/backend/cpu/Array.hpp | 20 +-
src/backend/cpu/platform.cpp | 4 +-
src/backend/cuda/Array.cpp | 12 +-
src/backend/cuda/Array.hpp | 20 +-
src/backend/cuda/homography.cu | 4 +-
src/backend/cuda/kernel/homography.hpp | 91 +++++----
src/backend/opencl/Array.cpp | 14 +-
src/backend/opencl/Array.hpp | 21 +-
src/backend/opencl/homography.cpp | 6 +-
src/backend/opencl/kernel/homography.cl | 87 +++++----
src/backend/opencl/kernel/homography.hpp | 8 +-
test/CMakeLists.txt | 167 +++++++++++-----
.../CMakeModules}/FindOpenCL.cmake | 0
.../CMakeModules}/build_gtest.cmake | 15 +-
test/array.cpp | 45 +++++
test/gfor.cpp | 34 ++++
test/index.cpp | 95 +++++++++
61 files changed, 1776 insertions(+), 575 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 CMakeModules/examples.dox.in
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/Fix-documentation-target.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/Fix-examples-target.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/Fix-missing-cstdio-include.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/Fix-missing-includes-in-testsuite.patch
copy debian/tests/{build-examples => build-testsuite} (73%)
create mode 100644 docs/pages/forge_visualization.md
create mode 100644 docs/pages/interop_cuda.md
create mode 100644 docs/pages/interop_opencl.md
create mode 100644 docs/pages/vectorization.md
copy {CMakeModules => test/CMakeModules}/FindOpenCL.cmake (100%)
rename {CMakeModules => test/CMakeModules}/build_gtest.cmake (90%)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/arrayfire.git
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