[cylc] 33/33: Merge tag 'upstream/6.7.4' into debian/master
Alastair McKinstry
mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Dec 12 14:24:51 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
mckinstry pushed a commit to branch debian/master
in repository cylc.
commit 4c51afd5bcfae62f3cbdb36d57bd3db9ec877dd8
Merge: 2174286 7babe6b
Author: Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry at debian.org>
Date: Sat Dec 12 13:56:17 2015 +0000
Merge tag 'upstream/6.7.4' into debian/master
admin/get-repo-version | 10 +-
bin/cylc | 192 +-
bin/cylc-5to6 | 2 +-
bin/cylc-broadcast | 323 ++--
bin/cylc-cat-log | 476 +++--
bin/cylc-cat-state | 56 +-
bin/cylc-check-software | 2 +-
bin/cylc-check-triggering | 45 +-
bin/cylc-check-versions | 166 +-
bin/cylc-conditions | 2 +-
bin/cylc-copy | 122 +-
bin/cylc-cycle-point | 338 ++--
bin/cylc-depend | 78 -
bin/cylc-diff | 180 +-
bin/cylc-documentation | 247 +--
bin/cylc-dump | 127 +-
bin/cylc-edit | 269 ++-
bin/cylc-email-suite | 2 +-
bin/cylc-email-task | 2 +-
bin/cylc-ext-trigger | 86 +
bin/cylc-failed | 73 -
bin/cylc-get-directory | 32 +-
bin/cylc-get-gui-config | 73 +-
bin/cylc-get-site-config | 76 +-
bin/cylc-get-suite-config | 127 +-
bin/cylc-get-suite-version | 51 +-
bin/cylc-gpanel | 53 +-
bin/cylc-graph | 398 ++--
bin/cylc-graph-diff | 2 +-
bin/{cylc-gsummary => cylc-gscan} | 42 +-
bin/cylc-gsummary | 36 +-
bin/cylc-gui | 139 +-
bin/cylc-hold | 104 +-
bin/cylc-import-examples | 2 +-
bin/cylc-insert | 104 +-
bin/cylc-job-logs-retrieve | 81 +
bin/cylc-job-submit | 10 +-
bin/{cylc-version => cylc-jobs-kill} | 39 +-
bin/{cylc-reregister => cylc-jobs-poll} | 41 +-
bin/{cylc-job-submit => cylc-jobs-submit} | 36 +-
bin/cylc-jobscript | 43 +-
bin/cylc-kill | 90 +-
bin/cylc-list | 162 +-
bin/cylc-message | 93 +-
bin/cylc-monitor | 418 ++---
bin/cylc-nudge | 70 +-
bin/cylc-ping | 103 +-
bin/cylc-poll | 108 +-
bin/cylc-print | 117 +-
bin/cylc-purge | 91 -
bin/cylc-random | 38 +-
bin/cylc-refresh | 77 +-
bin/cylc-register | 92 +-
bin/cylc-release | 91 +-
bin/cylc-reload | 63 +-
bin/cylc-remove | 105 +-
bin/cylc-reregister | 38 +-
bin/cylc-reset | 107 +-
bin/cylc-restart | 275 ++-
bin/cylc-run | 145 +-
bin/cylc-scan | 336 +++-
bin/cylc-search | 110 +-
bin/cylc-set-runahead | 77 +-
bin/cylc-set-verbosity | 87 +-
bin/cylc-show | 57 +-
bin/cylc-started | 68 -
bin/cylc-stop | 266 ++-
bin/cylc-submit | 256 +--
bin/cylc-succeeded | 69 -
bin/cylc-suite-state | 260 ++-
bin/cylc-test-battery | 65 +-
bin/cylc-test-db | 2 +-
bin/cylc-trigger | 290 +--
bin/cylc-unregister | 124 +-
bin/cylc-upgrade-db | 72 +-
bin/cylc-upgrade-run-dir | 105 +-
bin/cylc-validate | 125 +-
bin/cylc-version | 36 +-
bin/cylc-view | 250 +--
bin/cylc-warranty | 61 +-
bin/gcapture | 55 +-
conf/cylc-mode.el | 4 +-
conf/cylc.lang | 1 +
conf/cylc.xml | 1 +
conf/gcylcrc/gcylc.rc.eg | 7 +-
conf/gcylcrc/themes.rc | 6 +-
debian/changelog | 2 +-
dev/ToDo/ToDo.txt | 10 -
dev/bin/n-suites-start.sh | 37 +
dev/bin/n-suites-stop.sh | 18 +
dev/filewalk.py | 34 -
dev/suites/busy/suite.rc | 2 +-
doc/changes-old.txt | 4 +-
doc/changes.html | 1905 ++++++++++++--------
doc/cug.tex | 816 ++++++---
doc/development.tex | 233 ---
doc/gcylcrc.tex | 20 +-
doc/gh-pages/index.html | 96 +-
doc/gh-pages/screenshots/gcylc-text-view.png | Bin 78976 -> 63660 bytes
doc/gh-pages/screenshots/gsummary.png | Bin 30301 -> 12577 bytes
doc/graphics/png/orig/{gsummary.png => gscan.png} | Bin
.../png/scaled/{gsummary.png => gscan.png} | Bin 30067 -> 29994 bytes
doc/implementation.tex | 379 ----
doc/siterc.tex | 266 ++-
doc/suiterc.tex | 458 ++++-
examples/admin/suite.rc | 2 +-
examples/clock-expire/suite.rc | 20 +
examples/demo/ecox/suite.rc | 2 +-
examples/satellite/{ => ext-trigger}/suite.rc | 76 +-
examples/satellite/{ => task-polling}/suite.rc | 31 +-
examples/satellite/{ => task-retries}/suite.rc | 61 +-
lib/cylc/C3MRO.py | 84 +-
lib/cylc/CylcError.py | 14 +-
lib/cylc/CylcOptionParsers.py | 316 ++--
lib/cylc/LogDiagnosis.py | 68 +-
lib/cylc/RunEventHandler.py | 9 +-
lib/cylc/__init__.py | 39 +-
lib/cylc/batch_sys_handlers/at.py | 3 +-
lib/cylc/batch_sys_handlers/background.py | 67 +-
lib/cylc/batch_sys_handlers/loadleveler.py | 21 +-
lib/cylc/batch_sys_handlers/lsf.py | 6 +-
lib/cylc/batch_sys_handlers/{pbs.py => moab.py} | 25 +-
lib/cylc/batch_sys_handlers/pbs.py | 10 +-
lib/cylc/batch_sys_handlers/sge.py | 6 +-
lib/cylc/batch_sys_handlers/slurm.py | 11 +-
lib/cylc/batch_sys_manager.py | 562 +++++-
lib/cylc/batchproc.py | 112 --
lib/cylc/broadcast_report.py | 53 +-
lib/cylc/broker.py | 19 +-
lib/cylc/cfgspec/gcylc.py | 167 +-
lib/cylc/cfgspec/globalcfg.py | 487 +++--
lib/cylc/cfgspec/suite.py | 561 +++---
lib/cylc/cfgspec/utils.py | 65 +
lib/cylc/command_polling.py | 48 +-
lib/cylc/command_prep.py | 74 -
.../simplify.py => conditional_simplifier.py} | 88 +-
lib/cylc/config.py | 1135 +++++++-----
lib/cylc/cycling/__init__.py | 11 +
lib/cylc/cycling/integer.py | 16 +-
lib/cylc/cycling/iso8601.py | 37 +-
lib/cylc/cylc_mode.py | 12 +-
lib/cylc/cylc_pyro_client.py | 65 -
lib/cylc/cylc_xdot.py | 162 +-
lib/cylc/daemonize.py | 13 +-
lib/cylc/dbstatecheck.py | 29 +-
lib/cylc/dump.py | 39 +-
lib/cylc/envvar.py | 27 +-
lib/cylc/exceptions.py | 16 +-
lib/cylc/execute.py | 21 +-
lib/cylc/{owner.py => get_task_proxy.py} | 20 +-
lib/cylc/graphing.py | 111 +-
lib/cylc/graphnode.py | 27 +-
lib/cylc/gui/app_gcylc.py | 834 ++++-----
lib/cylc/gui/color_rotator.py | 10 +-
lib/cylc/gui/combo_logviewer.py | 53 +-
lib/cylc/gui/cylc_logviewer.py | 112 +-
lib/cylc/gui/dbchooser.py | 428 +++--
lib/cylc/gui/dot_maker.py | 8 +-
lib/cylc/gui/filtered_tailer.py | 54 -
lib/cylc/gui/gcapture.py | 173 +-
lib/cylc/gui/gpanel.py | 146 +-
lib/cylc/gui/graph.py | 60 +-
lib/cylc/gui/{gsummary.py => gscan.py} | 695 +++----
lib/cylc/gui/logviewer.py | 134 +-
lib/cylc/gui/option_group.py | 111 +-
lib/cylc/gui/tailer.py | 244 ++-
lib/cylc/gui/updater.py | 488 +++--
lib/cylc/gui/updater_dot.py | 83 +-
lib/cylc/gui/updater_graph.py | 40 +-
lib/cylc/gui/updater_tree.py | 245 +--
lib/cylc/gui/util.py | 33 +-
lib/cylc/gui/view_dot.py | 153 +-
lib/cylc/gui/view_graph.py | 13 +-
lib/cylc/gui/view_tree.py | 212 ++-
lib/cylc/gui/warning_dialog.py | 34 +-
lib/cylc/job_file.py | 79 +-
lib/cylc/job_host.py | 62 +-
lib/cylc/job_logs.py | 132 --
lib/cylc/mkdir_p.py | 14 +-
lib/cylc/mp_pool.py | 198 +-
lib/cylc/multisubprocess.py | 25 +-
lib/cylc/network/__init__.py | 86 +
lib/cylc/network/client_reporter.py | 131 ++
lib/cylc/network/connection_validator.py | 130 ++
lib/cylc/network/ext_trigger.py | 160 ++
lib/cylc/network/port_file.py | 136 ++
lib/cylc/network/port_scan.py | 170 ++
lib/cylc/network/pyro_base.py | 137 ++
.../pyro_daemon.py} | 65 +-
.../{broadcast.py => network/suite_broadcast.py} | 271 ++-
lib/cylc/network/suite_command.py | 89 +
lib/cylc/network/suite_identifier.py | 70 +
lib/cylc/network/suite_info.py | 76 +
.../suite_log.py} | 34 +-
.../{state_summary.py => network/suite_state.py} | 188 +-
lib/cylc/network/task_msgqueue.py | 53 +
lib/cylc/output.py | 6 +-
lib/cylc/outputs.py | 60 +-
lib/cylc/owner.py | 9 +-
lib/cylc/passphrase.py | 181 +-
lib/cylc/port_file.py | 145 --
lib/cylc/port_scan.py | 269 ---
lib/cylc/prerequisite.py | 175 ++
lib/cylc/prerequisites/__init__.py | 0
lib/cylc/prerequisites/conditionals.py | 178 --
lib/cylc/prerequisites/plain_prerequisites.py | 120 --
lib/cylc/prerequisites/prerequisites.py | 98 -
lib/cylc/print_tree.py | 20 +-
lib/cylc/prompt.py | 36 +-
lib/cylc/registration.py | 215 ++-
lib/cylc/regpath.py | 36 +-
lib/cylc/regprompt.py | 6 +-
lib/cylc/remote.py | 21 +-
lib/cylc/rolling_archive.py | 33 +-
lib/cylc/run.py | 52 +-
lib/cylc/rundb.py | 865 +++++----
lib/cylc/scheduler.py | 1162 ++++++------
lib/cylc/strftime.py | 37 +-
lib/cylc/suite_cmd_interface.py | 40 -
lib/cylc/suite_host.py | 44 +-
lib/cylc/suite_id.py | 36 -
lib/cylc/suite_info_interface.py | 32 -
lib/cylc/suite_logging.py | 53 +-
lib/cylc/suite_output.py | 51 +-
lib/cylc/suite_state_dumping.py | 33 +-
lib/cylc/tail.py | 25 +-
lib/cylc/task_id.py | 2 +-
lib/cylc/task_message.py | 395 ++--
lib/cylc/task_output_logs.py | 47 +-
lib/cylc/task_pool.py | 928 +++++++---
lib/cylc/task_proxy.py | 1588 +++++++++-------
lib/cylc/task_receiver.py | 37 -
lib/cylc/task_state.py | 181 +-
lib/cylc/taskdef.py | 34 +-
lib/cylc/time_parser.py | 47 +-
lib/cylc/trigger.py | 34 +-
lib/cylc/which.py | 1 +
lib/parsec/Jinja2Support.py | 19 +-
lib/parsec/OrderedDict.py | 86 +
lib/parsec/__init__.py | 6 +
lib/parsec/config.py | 83 +-
lib/parsec/fileparse.py | 77 +-
lib/parsec/include.py | 22 +-
lib/parsec/tests/nullcfg/bin/missing.py | 22 -
lib/parsec/tests/synonyms/bin/synonyms.py | 2 +-
lib/parsec/upgrade.py | 10 +-
lib/parsec/util.py | 94 +-
lib/parsec/validate.py | 32 +-
lib/xdot.py | 10 +-
tests/authentication/00-identity.t | 70 +
tests/authentication/01-description.t | 78 +
tests/authentication/02-state-totals.t | 80 +
tests/authentication/03-full-read.t | 82 +
tests/authentication/04-shutdown.t | 77 +
tests/authentication/05-full-control.t | 77 +
tests/authentication/06-suite-override.t | 79 +
tests/authentication/07-back-compat.t | 106 ++
tests/authentication/basic/suite.rc | 14 +
tests/authentication/override/suite.rc | 17 +
tests/{purge => authentication}/test_header | 0
tests/broadcast/00-simple.t | 62 +-
tests/broadcast/01-dependencies/reference.log | 105 --
tests/broadcast/01-dependencies/suite.rc | 14 -
tests/{events/00-suite.t => broadcast/08-space.t} | 12 +-
tests/broadcast/08-space/reference.log | 6 +
tests/broadcast/08-space/suite.rc | 25 +
.../{events/00-suite.t => clock-expire/00-basic.t} | 13 +-
tests/clock-expire/00-basic/suite.rc | 33 +
tests/{pyc => clock-expire}/test_header | 0
tests/cyclers/00-daily.t | 0
tests/cyclers/23-multidaily_local.t | 0
tests/cyclers/24-360_calendar.t | 0
tests/cyclers/25-no_initial_cycle_point.t | 0
tests/cyclers/26-no_final_cycle_point.t | 0
.../cyclers/27-no_initial_but_final_cycle_point.t | 0
tests/cyclers/29-0000_rollunder.t | 0
tests/cyclers/30-9999_rollover.t | 2 +-
tests/cyclers/34-implicit-back-compat.t | 0
tests/cyclers/35-implicit-disallowed.t | 0
tests/cyclers/{22-integer1.t => 40-integer1.t} | 0
...initial_immortal.t => 41-r1_initial_immortal.t} | 0
...two_step.t => 42-back_comp_start_up_two_step.t} | 0
..._up_simple.t => 43-back_comp_start_up_simple.t} | 0
tests/cyclers/9999_rollover/reference.log | 8 -
tests/cyclers/9999_rollover/suite.rc | 11 +-
tests/cyclers/integer1/suite.rc | 2 +-
tests/cyclers/r1_at_icp_or/reference.log | 2 +-
tests/cyclers/r1_at_icp_or/suite.rc | 2 +
tests/cyclers/r1_initial_immortal/suite.rc | 2 +
tests/cylc-5to6/00-simple-start-up.t | 2 +-
tests/cylc-5to6/01-single-cycler.t | 2 +-
tests/cylc-cat-log/00-local.t | 8 +-
tests/cylc-cat-log/01-remote.t | 8 +-
tests/cylc-cat-log/01-remote/suite.rc | 2 +-
.../02-remote-custom-runtime-viewer-pbs.t | 61 +
.../reference.log | 6 +
.../02-remote-custom-runtime-viewer-pbs/suite.rc | 33 +
.../00-suite.t => cylc-cat-log/03-bad-suite.t} | 25 +-
.../00-basic.t => cylc-cat-log/04-local-tail.t} | 40 +-
tests/cylc-cat-log/04-local-tail/bin/my-tailer.sh | 5 +
tests/cylc-cat-log/04-local-tail/suite.rc | 14 +
.../01-remote.t => cylc-cat-log/05-remote-tail.t} | 42 +-
tests/cylc-cat-log/05-remote-tail/bin/my-tailer.sh | 5 +
tests/cylc-cat-log/05-remote-tail/suite.rc | 17 +
tests/cylc-get-config/00-simple/section1.stdout | 15 +-
tests/cylc-get-config/00-simple/section2.stdout | 260 ++-
tests/cylc-graph-diff/00-simple.t | 4 +-
tests/cylc-insert/01-insert-bad-cycle-point.t | 2 +-
tests/cylc-insert/02-insert-bad-stop-cycle-point.t | 2 +-
.../04-insert-family.t} | 6 +-
tests/cylc-insert/insert-family/reference.log | 63 +
tests/cylc-insert/insert-family/suite.rc | 33 +
tests/cylc-job-poll/02-loadleveler.t | 5 +-
tests/cylc-job-poll/03-slurm.t | 5 +-
tests/cylc-job-poll/04-pbs.t | 5 +-
tests/cylc-job-poll/05-lsf.t | 7 +-
tests/cylc-kill/00-kill-multi-hosts.t | 56 +
tests/cylc-kill/00-kill-multi-hosts/reference.log | 10 +
tests/cylc-kill/00-kill-multi-hosts/suite.rc | 26 +
tests/{purge => cylc-kill}/test_header | 0
tests/cylc-message/00-ssh.t | 54 +
tests/cylc-message/00-ssh/reference.log | 5 +
tests/cylc-message/00-ssh/suite.rc | 15 +
tests/{purge => cylc-message}/test_header | 0
tests/cylc-poll/00-basic.t | 0
tests/cylc-poll/01-task-failed.t | 0
tests/cylc-poll/02-task-submit-failed.t | 0
tests/cylc-poll/03-poll-all.t | 0
tests/cylc-poll/04-poll-multi-hosts.t | 56 +
tests/cylc-poll/04-poll-multi-hosts/reference.log | 11 +
tests/cylc-poll/04-poll-multi-hosts/suite.rc | 52 +
.../cylc-poll/05-poll-multi-messages.t | 20 +-
.../cylc-poll/05-poll-multi-messages/reference.log | 8 +
tests/cylc-poll/05-poll-multi-messages/suite.rc | 45 +
.../06-loadleveler.t} | 20 +-
tests/cylc-poll/06-loadleveler/reference.log | 40 +
.../06-loadleveler}/suite.rc | 26 +-
tests/cylc-poll/07-pbs.t | 1 +
tests/cylc-poll/07-pbs/reference.log | 5 +
tests/cylc-poll/07-pbs/suite.rc | 25 +
tests/cylc-poll/08-slurm.t | 1 +
tests/cylc-poll/08-slurm/reference.log | 5 +
tests/cylc-poll/08-slurm/suite.rc | 25 +
tests/cylc-poll/09-lsf.t | 1 +
tests/cylc-poll/09-lsf/reference.log | 5 +
tests/cylc-poll/09-lsf/suite.rc | 25 +
tests/cylc-scan/00-simple.t | 1 +
tests/cylc-scan/01-hosts.t | 4 +-
tests/cylc-submit/00-bg.t | 13 +-
tests/cylc-submit/00-bg/suite.rc | 4 +-
tests/cylc-trigger/03-edit-run.t | 2 +-
tests/cylc-trigger/03-edit-run/suite.rc | 6 +-
tests/cylc-trigger/basic/reference.log | 2 +-
tests/database/00-simple.t | 67 +-
tests/database/00-simple/schema.out | 6 +
.../db-events => 00-simple/select-task-events.out} | 0
tests/database/00-simple/select-task-job-logs.out | 15 +
tests/database/00-simple/select-task-jobs.out | 3 +
.../db-states => 00-simple/select-task-states.out} | 0
tests/database/{simple => 00-simple}/suite.rc | 2 +-
.../05-activity-log.t => database/01-broadcast.t} | 47 +-
tests/database/01-broadcast/reference.log | 7 +
tests/database/01-broadcast/suite.rc | 20 +
tests/{events/00-suite.t => database/02-retry.t} | 26 +-
tests/database/02-retry/reference.log | 8 +
tests/database/02-retry/suite.rc | 15 +
tests/database/03-remote.t | 56 +
tests/database/03-remote/reference.log | 6 +
tests/database/03-remote/suite.rc | 20 +
.../00-suite.t => database/04-lock-recover.t} | 33 +-
tests/database/04-lock-recover/bin/cylc-db-lock | 23 +
tests/database/04-lock-recover/reference.log | 16 +
tests/database/04-lock-recover/suite.rc | 25 +
.../00-suite.t => database/05-lock-recover-100.t} | 32 +-
.../database/05-lock-recover-100/bin/cylc-db-lock | 25 +
tests/database/05-lock-recover-100/reference.log | 15 +
tests/database/05-lock-recover-100/suite.rc | 19 +
tests/database/simple/db-schema | 3 -
tests/deprecations/00-all/suite.rc | 2 +
tests/directives/00-loadleveler.t | 13 +-
tests/documentation/00-make.t | 2 +-
tests/events/00-suite.t | 0
tests/events/01-task.t | 1 +
tests/events/02-multi.t | 0
tests/events/02-multi/reference.log | 2 +-
tests/events/03-timeout.t | 0
tests/events/04-timeout-ref-live.t | 0
tests/events/05-timeout-ref-dummy.t | 0
tests/events/06-timeout-ref-simulation.t | 0
tests/events/07-task-iso.t | 1 +
tests/events/08-task-event-handler-retry.t | 54 +
.../bin/hello-event-handler | 20 +
.../08-task-event-handler-retry/reference.log | 6 +
tests/events/08-task-event-handler-retry/suite.rc | 31 +
tests/events/09-task-event-mail.t | 51 +
tests/events/09-task-event-mail/reference.log | 6 +
tests/events/09-task-event-mail/suite.rc | 21 +
tests/events/10-task-event-job-logs-retrieve.t | 104 ++
.../10-task-event-job-logs-retrieve/reference.log | 7 +
.../10-task-event-job-logs-retrieve/suite.rc | 21 +
.../events/11-cycle-task-event-job-logs-retrieve.t | 82 +
.../reference.log | 10 +
.../11-cycle-task-event-job-logs-retrieve/suite.rc | 29 +
tests/events/12-task-event-handler-retry-globalcfg | 1 +
.../events/12-task-event-handler-retry-globalcfg.t | 1 +
tests/events/13-task-event-mail-globalcfg | 1 +
tests/events/13-task-event-mail-globalcfg.t | 1 +
.../14-task-event-job-logs-retrieve-globalcfg | 1 +
.../14-task-event-job-logs-retrieve-globalcfg.t | 1 +
.../15-host-task-event-handler-retry-globalcfg | 1 +
.../15-host-task-event-handler-retry-globalcfg.t | 74 +
.../16-task-event-job-logs-register-globalcfg.t | 63 +
.../reference.log | 5 +
.../suite.rc | 23 +
.../events/17-task-event-job-logs-retrieve-command | 1 +
.../17-task-event-job-logs-retrieve-command.t | 75 +
tests/events/task-iso/bin/log-check.sh | 4 +-
tests/events/task-iso/events.log | 2 +-
tests/events/task-iso/suite.rc | 10 +-
tests/events/task/bin/log-check.sh | 4 +-
tests/events/task/suite.rc | 8 +-
.../00-suite.t => ext-trigger/00-satellite.t} | 10 +-
tests/ext-trigger/00-satellite/reference.log | 204 +++
.../ext-trigger/00-satellite}/suite.rc | 84 +-
.../00-suite.t => ext-trigger/01-no-nudge.t} | 17 +-
tests/ext-trigger/01-no-nudge/suite.rc | 29 +
tests/{purge => ext-trigger}/test_header | 0
tests/graph-equivalence/00-oneline.t | 1 +
tests/graph-equivalence/01-twolines.t | 1 +
tests/graph-equivalence/02-splitline.t | 1 +
tests/graph-equivalence/03-multiline_and1.t | 1 +
tests/graph-equivalence/04-multiline_and2.t | 3 +-
tests/graph-equivalence/multiline_and_refs/c-ref-2 | 5 +
.../05-suicide-family.t} | 14 +-
tests/graphing/05-suicide-family/graph.plain.ref | 2 +
.../05-suicide-family/graph.plain.suicide.ref | 5 +
tests/graphing/05-suicide-family/suite.rc | 8 +
tests/graphing/06-family-or.t | 64 +
.../07-stop-at-final-point.t} | 16 +-
.../07-stop-at-final-point/graph.plain.ref | 23 +
tests/graphing/07-stop-at-final-point/suite.rc | 18 +
tests/hold-release/12-hold-then-retry/suite.rc | 2 +-
.../17-hold-after-point.t} | 9 +-
tests/hold-release/hold-after-point/reference.log | 36 +
tests/hold-release/hold-after-point/suite.rc | 29 +
tests/inheritance/00-namespace-list.t | 10 +-
tests/inheritance/01-circular.t | 2 +-
tests/integer-cycling/00-satellite/suite.rc | 2 +-
.../{cylc-scan/00-simple.t => jinja2/07-filters.t} | 8 +-
tests/jinja2/filters/Jinja2Filters/hello.py | 2 +
tests/jinja2/filters/Jinja2Filters/truly.py | 2 +
tests/jinja2/filters/suite.rc | 10 +
tests/jinja2/filters/suite.rc-expanded | 9 +
tests/jinja2/include/suite.rc-expanded | 2 +-
tests/jinja2/simple/suite.rc-expanded | 2 +-
tests/job-kill/01-remote.t | 5 +-
tests/job-kill/01-remote/suite.rc | 2 -
tests/job-kill/02-loadleveler.t | 11 +-
tests/job-kill/02-loadleveler/suite.rc | 2 +-
tests/job-kill/03-slurm/suite.rc | 2 +-
tests/job-kill/04-pbs/suite.rc | 2 +-
tests/job-poll/00-late/suite.rc | 2 +-
tests/job-submission/02-job-nn-remote-host.t | 4 +-
.../03-job-nn-remote-host-with-shared-fs.t | 5 +-
tests/job-submission/05-activity-log.t | 13 +-
tests/job-submission/06-garbage/suite.rc | 2 +-
tests/job-submission/07-multi.t | 64 +
tests/job-submission/07-multi/reference.log | 46 +
tests/job-submission/07-multi/suite.rc | 33 +
tests/jobscript/00-torture.t | 1 -
tests/jobscript/00-torture/foo.ref-jobfile | 27 +-
tests/lib/bash/test_header | 48 +-
.../00-client.t} | 39 +-
tests/logging/00-client/suite.rc | 17 +
tests/{purge => logging}/test_header | 0
tests/message-triggers/01-new/reference.log | 49 -
tests/message-triggers/01-new/suite.rc | 23 +-
.../02-alternate.t} | 2 +-
tests/message-triggers/02-alternate/reference.log | 23 +
tests/message-triggers/02-alternate/suite.rc | 20 +
.../03-placeholder.t} | 9 +-
tests/message-triggers/03-placeholder/suite.rc | 12 +
tests/{events/00-suite.t => pep8/00-bin-lib.t} | 21 +-
tests/{purge => pep8}/test_header | 0
tests/purge/00-purge.t | 31 -
tests/purge/purge/bin/A.sh | 27 -
tests/purge/purge/bin/B.sh | 26 -
tests/purge/purge/bin/C.sh | 26 -
tests/purge/purge/bin/ColdA.sh | 8 -
tests/purge/purge/bin/ColdB.sh | 8 -
tests/purge/purge/bin/ColdC.sh | 8 -
tests/purge/purge/bin/D.sh | 20 -
tests/purge/purge/bin/E.sh | 17 -
tests/purge/purge/bin/F.sh | 16 -
tests/purge/purge/bin/X.sh | 8 -
tests/purge/purge/bin/clean-workspace.sh | 27 -
tests/purge/purge/reference.log | 179 --
tests/purge/purge/suite.rc | 135 --
tests/registration/00-simple.t | 0
.../02-corrupted.t} | 50 +-
tests/reload/11-garbage.t | 2 +-
tests/remote/00-basic.t | 4 +-
tests/restart/01-broadcast.t | 192 +-
tests/restart/02-failed.t | 136 +-
tests/restart/03-retrying.t | 155 +-
tests/restart/04-running.t | 150 +-
tests/restart/05-submit-failed.t | 142 +-
tests/restart/06-succeeded.t | 137 +-
tests/restart/07-waiting.t | 135 +-
.../{11-bad-state-dump.t => 08-bad-state-dump.t} | 0
tests/restart/08-retrying-loadleveler.t | 40 -
tests/restart/{12-reload.t => 09-reload.t} | 0
tests/restart/09-running-loadleveler.t | 42 -
.../{13-pre-initial-2.t => 10-pre-initial-2.t} | 0
tests/restart/10-submit-failed-loadleveler.t | 40 -
...-back-comp-restart.t => 11-back-comp-restart.t} | 0
.../{21-deleted-logs.t => 12-deleted-logs.t} | 0
.../{22-bad-job-host.t => 13-bad-job-host.t} | 7 +-
tests/restart/14-multicycle.t | 121 ++
tests/restart/15-retrying-slurm.t | 1 -
tests/restart/16-retrying-pbs.t | 1 -
tests/restart/17-running-slurm.t | 1 -
tests/restart/18-running-pbs.t | 1 -
tests/restart/19-submit-failed-slurm.t | 1 -
tests/restart/20-submit-failed-pbs.t | 1 -
tests/restart/back-comp-restart/state | 2 +-
.../{22-bad-job-host => bad-job-host}/suite.rc | 8 +-
tests/restart/broadcast/suite.rc | 105 +-
tests/restart/failed/suite.rc | 94 +-
tests/restart/lib/suite-runtime-restart.rc | 32 +
.../multicycle/bin/shutdown_this_suite_hook | 2 +
tests/restart/multicycle/suite.rc | 53 +
tests/restart/reload/suite.rc | 2 +-
tests/restart/retrying/suite.rc | 116 +-
tests/restart/running/suite.rc | 101 +-
tests/restart/submit-failed/suite.rc | 107 +-
tests/restart/succeeded/suite.rc | 94 +-
tests/restart/waiting/suite.rc | 92 +-
tests/runahead/no_final/suite.rc | 6 +-
tests/special/07-clock-triggered-360.t | 2 +-
.../{pyc/00-simple.t => suite-state/03-options.t} | 11 +-
.../00-basic.t => suite-state/04-template.t} | 36 +-
tests/suite-state/options/reference.log | 49 +
tests/suite-state/options/suite.rc | 22 +
tests/suite-state/template/reference.log | 19 +
tests/suite-state/template/suite.rc | 16 +
tests/suite-state/template_ref/reference.log | 19 +
tests/suite-state/template_ref/suite.rc | 16 +
tests/vacation/00-sigusr1.t | 130 +-
tests/vacation/01-loadleveler.t | 8 +-
tests/validate/09-include-missing.t | 5 +-
tests/validate/10-bad-sequence-interval.t | 1 +
tests/validate/11-bad-sequence-2-digit-century.t | 1 +
tests/validate/11-fail-mixed-syntax-formats-1.t | 1 +
tests/validate/12-fail-mixed-syntax-formats-2.t | 1 +
tests/validate/13-fail-mixed-syntax-formats-3.t | 1 +
tests/validate/14-fail-mixed-syntax-formats-4.t | 1 +
tests/validate/15-fail-mixed-syntax-formats-5.t | 1 +
tests/validate/16-fail-mixed-syntax-formats-6.t | 1 +
tests/validate/17-fail-mixed-syntax-formats-7.t | 1 +
tests/validate/18-fail-mixed-syntax-formats-8.t | 1 +
tests/validate/19-fail-mixed-syntax-formats-9.t | 1 +
tests/validate/20-fail-no-scheduling.t | 3 +-
tests/validate/21-fail-no-dependencies.t | 1 +
tests/validate/21-fail-no-dependencies/suite.rc | 1 +
tests/validate/22-fail-no-graph-async.t | 1 +
tests/validate/23-fail-no-graph-sequence.t | 1 +
tests/validate/24-fail-year-bounds.t | 1 +
tests/validate/25-fail-mixed-syntax-formats-10.t | 1 +
tests/validate/26-fail-initial-greater-final.t | 1 +
.../validate/28-fail-graph-double-ampsand/suite.rc | 14 -
.../28-fail-graph-double-conditionals.t} | 65 +-
.../30-fail-max-active-cycle-points-zero.t | 1 +
tests/validate/32-fail-not-integer.t | 1 +
tests/validate/33-fail-graph-bracket-missing.t | 1 +
...aph-double-ampsand.t => 34-fail-graph-cycles.t} | 7 +-
tests/validate/34-fail-graph-cycles/suite.rc | 4 +
...graph-double-ampsand.t => 35-fail-self-edges.t} | 5 +-
tests/validate/35-fail-self-edges/suite.rc | 8 +
.../36-pass-special-tasks-non-word-names.t} | 33 +-
...cle-points-zero.t => 37-fail-double-runahead.t} | 9 +-
tests/validate/37-fail-double-runahead/suite.rc | 7 +
.../38-clock-trigger-task-not-defined.t} | 29 +-
...-year-bounds.t => 39-degenerate-point-format.t} | 3 +-
tests/validate/39-degenerate-point-format/suite.rc | 7 +
.../00-suite.t => validate/40-fail-suicide-left.t} | 21 +-
.../41-mixed-syntax-global-suite.t} | 45 +-
...ry.t => 42-jinja2-template-syntax-error-main.t} | 14 +-
.../42-jinja2-template-syntax-error-main/suite.rc | 10 +
...43-jinja2-template-syntax-error-cylc-include.t} | 14 +-
.../suite-includeme.rc | 4 +
.../suite.rc | 8 +
...4-jinja2-template-syntax-error-jinja-include.t} | 11 +-
.../suite-includeme.rc | 3 +
.../suite.rc | 7 +
...t-century.t => 45-jinja2-template-error-main.t} | 12 +-
.../45-jinja2-template-error-main/suite.rc | 8 +
...it-century.t => 46-jinja2-template-not-found.t} | 11 +-
.../validate/46-jinja2-template-not-found/suite.rc | 6 +
...ce-2-digit-century.t => 47-jinja2-type-error.t} | 9 +-
tests/validate/47-jinja2-type-error/suite.rc | 6 +
...l-year-bounds.t => 48-fail-bad-vis-nod-attrs.t} | 8 +-
tests/validate/48-fail-bad-vis-nod-attrs/suite.rc | 8 +
.../49-fail-no-graph.t} | 33 +-
604 files changed, 23659 insertions(+), 17356 deletions(-)
diff --cc debian/changelog
index ae431f3,0000000..eb82b92
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,5 -1,0 +1,5 @@@
- cylc (6.4.1-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
++cylc (6..7.4-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+ * Initial release. (Closes: #788814)
+ -- Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry at debian.org> Tue, 02 Jun 2015 11:38:25 +0100
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/cylc.git
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