[mpich] 02/03: Apply cme fix dpkg-control.

Anton Gladky gladk at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Dec 15 21:25:53 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gladk pushed a commit to branch master
in repository mpich.

commit cf6107116387e458aad30b540fb23b0cf210817a
Author: Anton Gladky <gladk at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Dec 15 22:14:03 2015 +0100

    Apply cme fix dpkg-control.
 debian/control | 150 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------
 1 file changed, 65 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index ba97461..39ca660 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -1,58 +1,51 @@
 Source: mpich
+Maintainer: Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Uploaders: Anton Gladky <gladk at debian.org>,
+           Torquil Macdonald Sørensen <torquil at gmail.com>,
+           "Adam C. Powell, IV" <hazelsct at debian.org>,
+           Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry at debian.org>
 Section: devel
 Priority: extra
-Maintainer: Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
- Anton Gladky <gladk at debian.org>,
- Torquil Macdonald Sørensen <torquil at gmail.com>,
- "Adam C. Powell, IV" <hazelsct at debian.org>,
- Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry at debian.org>
- automake,
- debhelper (>= 9),
- default-jdk,
- dh-autoreconf,
- gfortran (>= 4:5.2.1),
- hwloc-nox,
- libcr-dev [amd64 armel armhf i386 powerpc ppc64 powerpcspe],
- libhwloc-dev,
- libxt-dev,
- procps,
- quilt,
- txt2man,
- valgrind [i386 amd64 powerpc armhf],
- x11proto-core-dev
- texlive-latex-extra,
- texlive-latex-recommended,
- doxygen-latex
+Build-Depends: automake,
+               debhelper (>= 9),
+               default-jdk,
+               dh-autoreconf,
+               gfortran (>= 4:5.2.1),
+               hwloc-nox,
+               libcr-dev [amd64 armel armhf i386 powerpc ppc64 powerpcspe],
+               libhwloc-dev,
+               libxt-dev,
+               procps,
+               quilt,
+               txt2man,
+               valgrind [i386 amd64 powerpc armhf],
+               x11proto-core-dev
+Build-Depends-Indep: texlive-latex-extra,
+                     texlive-latex-recommended,
+                     doxygen-latex
 Standards-Version: 3.9.6
-Homepage: http://www.mpich.org/
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=debian-science/packages/mpich.git
+Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debian-science/packages/mpich.git
 Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/mpich.git
+Homepage: http://www.mpich.org/
 Package: libmpich-dev
 Architecture: any
 Section: libdevel
- gfortran,
- g++,
- libcr-dev [amd64 armel i386 powerpc],
- libmpich12 (= ${binary:Version}),
- ${misc:Depends},
- ${shlibs:Depends}
- libmpich1.0-dev,
- libmpl-dev,
- libopa-dev,
- libmpich2-dev
- libmpich1.0-dev,
- libmpl-dev,
- libopa-dev,
- libmpich2-dev
- mpich (= ${binary:Version})
+Depends: gfortran,
+         g++,
+         libcr-dev [amd64 armel i386 powerpc],
+         libmpich12 (= ${binary:Version}),
+         ${misc:Depends},
+         ${shlibs:Depends}
+Recommends: mpich (= ${binary:Version})
+Breaks: libmpich1.0-dev,
+        libmpl-dev,
+        libopa-dev,
+        libmpich2-dev
+Replaces: libmpich1.0-dev,
+          libmpl-dev,
+          libopa-dev,
+          libmpich2-dev
 Description: Development files for MPICH
  MPICH is a high-performance and widely portable implementation of the
  Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard (both MPI-1 and MPI-2). It
@@ -67,17 +60,13 @@ Package: libmpich12
 Architecture: any
 Multi-Arch: same
 Section: libs
- ${misc:Pre-Depends}
- ${misc:Depends},
- ${shlibs:Depends}
- libmpl1,
- libopa1
- libmpl1,
- libopa1
+Depends: ${misc:Depends},
+         ${shlibs:Depends}
+Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
+Breaks: libmpl1,
+        libopa1
+Replaces: libmpl1,
+          libopa1
 Description: Shared libraries for MPICH
  MPICH is a high-performance and widely portable implementation of the
  Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard (both MPI-1 and MPI-2). It
@@ -89,22 +78,17 @@ Description: Shared libraries for MPICH
 Package: mpich
 Architecture: any
- hwloc-nox | hwloc,
- libmpich12 (= ${binary:Version}),
- ${misc:Depends},
- ${shlibs:Depends}
- mpich-bin,
- mpich2
- mpich-bin,
- mpich2
- libmpich-dev (= ${binary:Version})
- blcr-util,
- mpich-doc (= ${source:Version})
+Depends: hwloc-nox | hwloc,
+         libmpich12 (= ${binary:Version}),
+         ${misc:Depends},
+         ${shlibs:Depends}
+Recommends: libmpich-dev (= ${binary:Version})
+Suggests: blcr-util,
+          mpich-doc (= ${source:Version})
+Breaks: mpich-bin,
+        mpich2
+Replaces: mpich-bin,
+          mpich2
 Description: Implementation of the MPI Message Passing Interface standard
  MPICH is a high-performance and widely portable implementation of the
  Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard (both MPI-1 and MPI-2). It
@@ -117,18 +101,14 @@ Description: Implementation of the MPI Message Passing Interface standard
 Package: mpich-doc
 Architecture: all
 Section: doc
- ${misc:Depends}
- lam-mpidoc,
- lam4-dev,
- mpi-doc,
- openmpi-doc,
- openmpi-mpidoc
- mpich2-doc
- mpich2-doc
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}
+Breaks: mpich2-doc
+Conflicts: lam-mpidoc,
+           lam4-dev,
+           mpi-doc,
+           openmpi-doc,
+           openmpi-mpidoc
+Replaces: mpich2-doc
 Description: Documentation for MPICH
  MPICH is a high-performance and widely portable implementation of the
  Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard (both MPI-1 and MPI-2). It

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/mpich.git

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