[compute] branch master updated (377e509 -> c75f5dc)
Ghislain Vaillant
ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Dec 18 17:58:14 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ghisvail-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository compute.
from 377e509 Merge pull request #472 from msuchard/master
new d11bdd5 Add top-level index.html file
new 0e2aedd Merge pull request #474 from boostorg/add-index-html
new 7894d1f Add missing queue and context parameters in tests
new ce4c4d1 Merge pull request #475 from haahh/pr_tests_fix
new 706af4f Reduce by key algorithm (serial implementation)
new c540954 Parallel reduce by key algorithm implementation
new 33d8ed2 Reduce_by_key benchmarks for Boost.Compute, Thrust and BOLT
new 7059a30 Merge pull request #477 from haahh/pr_reduce_by_key
new 350f2c9 Fix violations of Boost min/max guidelines
new dbf751e Convert tabs to spaces
new 7e12f63 Add missing Boost license info and copyrights
new 7a8d078 Update Boost macros, macros style unification
new 15a778d Merge pull request #480 from haahh/pr_boost_inspection
new 5a9b301 Add more tests for sort
new b5bef71 Merge sort for CPU devices
new b6c2e71 Using merge with merge path algorithm in merge sort
new f278c66 Merge pull request #486 from haahh/pr_sort_cpu
new bf78ec5 Fix overlooked violation of the Boost min/max guidelines
new ffd35b0 Merge pull request #487 from haahh/pr_boost_inspection_overlooked_minmax
new e3324f8 Using serial merge in merge algorithm for small inputs
new cadff8e Merge pull request #489 from haahh/pr_serial_merge
new de0c8ba CPU-targeted merge sort adapted for sorting by key
new 85191aa Merge pull request #490 from haahh/pr_sort_by_key_cpu
new d98e6df Using serial_reduce() when reducing on CPU device
new fd43795 Merge pull request #491 from haahh/pr_always_serial_reduce_for_cpus
new 75a4264 Checking multiple values per thread in find_if_with_atomics()
new 057b220 Merge pull request #495 from haahh/pr_improve_find_if
new 1170943 Fix perf_max_element benchmark
new a50dae7 Support for custom comparision function in find_extrema() and min/max_element()
new e6b20e6 Rename find_extrema_reduce() to find_extrema_with_reduce()
new cf5e40e Merge pull request #497 from haahh/pr_find_extrema_supports_custom_comparision
new c882466 enqueue_* methods in command_queue class now return event object
new 5ac31a7 Merge pull request #496 from haahh/pr_enqueue_methods_return_events
new ef109b7 Add invoke() utility function
new 239f4a2 Merge pull request #498 from boostorg/invoke
new 9211260 fix a few instances where the device type is not used as a bit mask
new bf67a6e Merge pull request #508 from pisto/develop
new 1566a79 Add reduce by key algorithm to algorithm.hpp meta-header
new 75d3225 Merge pull request #509 from haahh/pr_algorithm_reduce_by_key
new 0e51ad4 Fix for search and search_n algorithm
new f04b1aa Merge pull request #511 from haahh/pr_fix_search_search_n
new 70bdf31 Add test for zip_iterator with constant_iterator
new 346a11a Merge pull request #512 from boostorg/zip-constant-iterator
new ff51c44 Fix test for binary_search, lower_bound and upper_bound
new 10583d3 Fix binary_find algorithm
new 36418e4 Remove redundant kernel compilation from binary_find
new 44b0dec Merge pull request #514 from haahh/pr_fix_binary_find
new 68155f7 Add array support to BOOST_COMPUTE_ADAPT_STRUCT()
new c75f5dc Merge pull request #516 from boostorg/adapt-struct-array
The 49 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
CMakeLists.txt | 9 +
doc/Jamfile.v2 | 9 +
doc/advanced_topics.qbk | 8 +
doc/compute.qbk | 8 +
doc/design.qbk | 8 +
doc/faq.qbk | 8 +
doc/getting_started.qbk | 8 +
doc/interop.qbk | 8 +
doc/introduction.qbk | 8 +
doc/performance.qbk | 8 +
doc/platforms_and_compilers.qbk | 8 +
doc/porting_guide.qbk | 8 +
doc/reference.qbk | 8 +
doc/tutorial.qbk | 8 +
example/CMakeLists.txt | 9 +
example/opencv_convolution.cpp | 4 +-
example/opencv_optical_flow.cpp | 4 +-
example/qimage_blur.cpp | 10 +
example/simple_moving_average.cpp | 4 +-
include/boost/compute/algorithm.hpp | 1 +
include/boost/compute/algorithm/accumulate.hpp | 4 +-
.../boost/compute/algorithm/detail/binary_find.hpp | 68 +--
.../compute/algorithm/detail/find_extrema.hpp | 21 +-
.../algorithm/detail/find_extrema_with_atomics.hpp | 23 +-
...ema_reduce.hpp => find_extrema_with_reduce.hpp} | 216 ++++++---
.../algorithm/detail/find_if_with_atomics.hpp | 158 ++++++-
.../compute/algorithm/detail/merge_sort_on_cpu.hpp | 366 +++++++++++++++
.../algorithm/detail/merge_with_merge_path.hpp | 51 +-
.../compute/algorithm/detail/reduce_by_key.hpp | 119 +++++
.../algorithm/detail/reduce_by_key_with_scan.hpp | 519 +++++++++++++++++++++
.../algorithm/detail/serial_find_extrema.hpp | 21 +-
.../algorithm/detail/serial_reduce_by_key.hpp | 108 +++++
include/boost/compute/algorithm/max_element.hpp | 39 +-
include/boost/compute/algorithm/merge.hpp | 34 ++
include/boost/compute/algorithm/min_element.hpp | 41 +-
include/boost/compute/algorithm/minmax_element.hpp | 25 +-
include/boost/compute/algorithm/reduce.hpp | 18 +-
include/boost/compute/algorithm/reduce_by_key.hpp | 118 +++++
include/boost/compute/algorithm/search.hpp | 15 +-
include/boost/compute/algorithm/search_n.hpp | 17 +-
include/boost/compute/algorithm/sort.hpp | 45 +-
include/boost/compute/algorithm/sort_by_key.hpp | 93 ++--
include/boost/compute/algorithm/stable_sort.hpp | 34 +-
include/boost/compute/async/wait.hpp | 8 +-
include/boost/compute/command_queue.hpp | 143 ++++--
include/boost/compute/config.hpp | 27 +-
include/boost/compute/container/vector.hpp | 8 +-
include/boost/compute/detail/duration.hpp | 6 +-
include/boost/compute/functional/bind.hpp | 4 +-
include/boost/compute/kernel.hpp | 4 +-
.../boost/compute/random/normal_distribution.hpp | 4 +-
include/boost/compute/random/threefry_engine.hpp | 69 +--
.../compute/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp | 2 +-
include/boost/compute/system.hpp | 8 +-
include/boost/compute/types/struct.hpp | 9 +
include/boost/compute/types/tuple.hpp | 10 +-
include/boost/compute/utility.hpp | 1 +
include/boost/compute/utility/dim.hpp | 4 +-
include/boost/compute/utility/extents.hpp | 8 +-
include/boost/compute/utility/invoke.hpp | 71 +++
index.html | 20 +
perf/CMakeLists.txt | 12 +
perf/perf.py | 9 +
perf/perf_accumulate.cpp | 2 +-
perf/perf_binary_find.cpp | 4 +
perf/perf_bolt_max_element.cpp | 19 +-
perf/perf_bolt_reduce_by_key.cpp | 100 ++++
perf/perf_exclusive_scan.cpp | 10 +
perf/perf_max_element.cpp | 16 +-
perf/perf_merge.cpp | 2 +
perf/perf_reduce_by_key.cpp | 114 +++++
perf/perf_saxpy.cpp | 2 +-
perf/perf_sort.cpp | 2 +-
perf/perf_stl_merge.cpp | 4 +-
perf/perf_tbb_merge.cpp | 12 +-
perf/perf_thrust_exclusive_scan.cu | 2 +-
perf/perf_thrust_reduce_by_key.cu | 91 ++++
perf/perfdoc.py | 7 +
test/CMakeLists.txt | 11 +
test/context_setup.hpp | 10 +
test/extra/CMakeLists.txt | 9 +
test/opencl_version_check.hpp | 10 +
test/test_accumulate.cpp | 17 +-
test/test_any_all_none_of.cpp | 27 +-
test/test_array.cpp | 4 +-
test/test_async_wait.cpp | 4 +-
test/test_binary_search.cpp | 91 ++--
test/test_closure.cpp | 6 +-
test/test_command_queue.cpp | 2 +-
test/test_complex.cpp | 67 +--
test/test_context.cpp | 6 +-
test/test_copy.cpp | 48 +-
test/test_copy_if.cpp | 46 +-
test/test_count.cpp | 64 +--
test/test_equal.cpp | 19 +-
test/test_equal_range.cpp | 16 +-
test/test_extrema.cpp | 74 ++-
test/test_fill.cpp | 42 +-
test/test_find.cpp | 23 +-
test/test_flat_map.cpp | 22 +-
test/test_flat_set.cpp | 35 +-
test/test_generate.cpp | 6 +-
test/test_invoke.cpp | 59 +++
test/test_iota.cpp | 25 +-
test/test_is_permutation.cpp | 2 +-
test/test_kernel.cpp | 4 +-
test/test_lambda.cpp | 51 +-
test/test_lexicographical_compare.cpp | 17 +-
test/test_malloc.cpp | 2 +-
test/test_mismatch.cpp | 7 +-
test/test_next_permutation.cpp | 4 +-
test/test_pair.cpp | 90 ++--
test/test_partial_sum.cpp | 8 +-
test/test_partition.cpp | 20 +-
test/test_pinned_allocator.cpp | 4 +-
test/test_prev_permutation.cpp | 4 +-
test/test_program_cache.cpp | 6 +-
test/test_random_fill.cpp | 8 +-
test/test_random_shuffle.cpp | 8 +-
test/test_reduce_by_key.cpp | 210 +++++++++
test/test_replace.cpp | 14 +-
test/test_reverse.cpp | 39 +-
test/test_search.cpp | 19 +-
test/test_search_n.cpp | 15 +-
test/test_sort.cpp | 168 +++++--
test/test_struct.cpp | 38 ++
test/test_tuple.cpp | 38 +-
test/test_unique_copy.cpp | 6 +-
test/test_user_defined_types.cpp | 12 +-
test/test_vector.cpp | 97 ++--
test/test_zip_iterator.cpp | 30 +-
131 files changed, 3850 insertions(+), 927 deletions(-)
rename include/boost/compute/algorithm/detail/{find_extrema_reduce.hpp => find_extrema_with_reduce.hpp} (54%)
create mode 100644 include/boost/compute/algorithm/detail/merge_sort_on_cpu.hpp
create mode 100644 include/boost/compute/algorithm/detail/reduce_by_key.hpp
create mode 100644 include/boost/compute/algorithm/detail/reduce_by_key_with_scan.hpp
create mode 100644 include/boost/compute/algorithm/detail/serial_reduce_by_key.hpp
create mode 100644 include/boost/compute/algorithm/reduce_by_key.hpp
create mode 100644 include/boost/compute/utility/invoke.hpp
create mode 100644 index.html
create mode 100644 perf/perf_bolt_reduce_by_key.cpp
create mode 100644 perf/perf_reduce_by_key.cpp
create mode 100644 perf/perf_thrust_reduce_by_key.cu
create mode 100644 test/test_invoke.cpp
create mode 100644 test/test_reduce_by_key.cpp
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/compute.git
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