[arrayfire-cuda] branch debian/sid created (now e8fed64)
Ghislain Vaillant
ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Dec 20 10:33:33 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ghisvail-guest pushed a change to branch debian/sid
in repository arrayfire-cuda.
at e8fed64 Release to unstable.
This branch includes the following new commits:
new 6eedd29 Initial Commit
new ef911d8 FIX: Don't build test files if BUILD_TEST is OFF
new e58212b Removed MESSAGE from opencl CMakeLists.txt
new 87f78a8 Fixed gcc47 parsing error
new 056e0c8 Removed tagged struct initilization to support older compilers
new 1f40755 Fixed #1: Building OpenCL library fails on Linux
new d158c8e Renaming the helper files
new d4ec6fd fix for building gtest on systems w/ svn < v1.8
new 8682c28 Fix #16: Patch command need to be used instead of svn patch
new b8f1b8d Merge branch '16' into 'master'
new 1c57483 API changes for data transfer functions
new 63569b6 Merge branch 'data' into 'master'
new 43a722e Create context using DEFAULT instead of CPU for OpenCL backend
new d1a33e1 Read me redirection to repository wiki.
new 8d071e5 Automatic download of arrayfire test data
new 866321b forgot GetTestData.cmale
new c6f2e2b Only run tests whose binaries are being built
new 80c80d5 Merge branch 'test' into 'master'
new 44d1bde Fixed errors which popped up on Ubuntu related to pthreads
new 0e4abe7 Merge branch 'ubuntu' into 'master'
new fe1ec48 Data type changes to make the backends self contained
new c516051 Merge branch 'datatypes' into 'master'
new 8cc8d8d Moved helper functions to common source file to enable resuse
new fab1094 Merge branch 'testHelper' into 'master'
new cb4c9c4 BUG fix: Fixing CalcBaseStride for greater than 2 dimensions
new fbaa4b9 Added af_diff1 function with cpu backend implementation.
new 1554e2d Fixing typo in cuda/opencl placeholders for diff1
new 6e0b7f4 Added af_diff2 function with cpu backend implementation.
new c8d4f01 Merge branch 'cpu_diff1' into 'master'
new 973060b af_moddims function
new 60d27af Merge branch 'moddims'
new d1bfcb4 Fixing build errors from diff branch
new 0dc7b46 Fixing warnings from the new tests
new a4e4581 Cleanup of src/backend
new 8c27e9a af_transpose and corresponding unit tests
new ddc2e5c Style changes in transpose
new 9b67e26 Added randu and randn functions to cpu
new ea6e737 Invalid arguments unit test for transpose
new 60ffa3b Merge branch 'transpose' into 'master'
new 2fe025b Fixing warnings in transpose tests
new 28d6da9 Merge branch 'random'
new bbdeebd Fixing constructors for CUDA and OpenCL
new c5c4cb8 Cleaning up CMAKE files to automatically pick up source files
new c20dab3 CMAKE Fix: Explicitly state source extensions
new e9fdfde Fixing the formula for baseoffset.
new d3f9d2f FEAT: Reductions for CPU added
new 54a2b87 Added AF_<backend> definitions to test
new 95512f3 Updating the formula to work with negative and strided offsets
new 253e1b9 Merge branch 'test_definition' into 'master'
new 0b7a575 Consistant naming for headers in src/backend
new 27e0660 Cleanup rand functions. Remove macros
new d4e954e Added CUDA backend for diff1 and diff2
new c45b6c9 Optimized diff to use just two kernels
new 08c438b Instantiate Array distructors
new ada0421 Merge branch 'master' into rand
new 913adb9 Cleanup. Improve readability in random.
new def0215 BUG Fix: af_print in CUDA backend was directly using device pointer.
new 28d0fd7 CUDA backend transpose implementation
new afe3522 Cleaning up diff kernels to have unified functions
new 632b6f1 Merge branch 'diff_cuda' into 'master'
new abc2a45 Changes to transpose kernel
new 33f5699 Merge branch 'cuda_trs' into 'master'
new 763ff7c Merge branch 'consistant_headers'
new 058388f Changed the headers from earlier merges to be consistent as well
new c60d6dc Change launch configuration when inputs are just vectors
new bc29b65 Merge branch 'reduce'
new b974809 Merge branch 'rand'
new 90fecfb changes to include all cl kernels in build
new 2584a91 Merge branch 'ocl_cmake' into 'master'
new c8854b2 Adding explicit methods to modify ArrayInfo
new cc0f7fe Removed all references to af_array inside src/backend/*/.
new 7dd8116 Make all Array<T> constructors private
new 47d1477 FEAT: randu and randn for CUDA implemented
new 16b264c Merge branch 'random' into 'master'
new 9f05a61 type fixes for opencl
new 25d2fbc af_print implementation for opencl backend
new 6d2e3f7 opencl buffer read/write fixes in Array
new 2389a7b Added traits specilization for size_t
new 234f402 Merge branch 'ocl_fixes' into 'master'
new 029c8d6 Added OpenCL backend for diff1 and diff2
new 1a0f28b Changing loop iterators to proper type
new f36a385 A better way to handle the template specialization of size_t
new 4627989 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/diff_opencl'
new 0e15371 BUG Fix: calcStride was accessing out of bounds.
new cc21efd Fixing the bugfix to calcStrides
new e9720bc opencl backend implementation for af_transpose
new 2cc79a3 Separate out reduce and transform functors
new ef6eaec Macro fix in transpose opencl backend
new 30af57b Reverted dim_type to long long
new 130605d Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/ocl_transpose'
new 73304f9 Using dim_type in diff for opencl instead of size_t
new b35f5bb Removing trailing whitespaces
new 793d9ae Getting rid of .cu files in src/backend/cuda/kernel/
new 1b09b78 Remove the unnecessary template instantiations
new 17ae515 Fix various things to get clang working on OSX
new 57bbae4 Merge branch 'master' into clang_fix
new df3e62b Fixing ostream << operator for uchar to print numbers
new a473c0c Compile on Linux
new 44548f2 Replace operator overload with ToNum.
new 0c3c63d Merge branch 'fix_print_uchar' into 'master'
new 1c80e55 Added image IO functions to all backends (code is independent of backend)
new 28f58b2 Removed flags from CMAKE for cuda build
new 154413e Using static channel_split in imageio
new 9977c41 Created image.h header file
new 6346231 Minor changes post merge to imageio.cpp
new 9af851f af_histogram cpu backend implementation
new 4672d9a Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/cpu_histogram'
new a943ff1 Fixes for tests to compile properly by adding std:: prefix
new 8a05cec Style change to fix the compiler warnings on gcc 4.9
new de47844 Changed readTests helper function to accept multiple input arrays
new dfd06e9 Added CPU backend for resize
new b479904 Indexing support for CUDA backend
new 5aa646a Indexing support for OpenCL
new 2ccd965 Removing unnecessary print from test/index.cpp
new 4a6ccfa Enabling diff tests and minor fix to work with indexing
new 31b40e8 Added CUDA backend for resize
new 476569b Added OpenCL backend for resize
new 0d309f1 Enabling transpose tests and fixes to make tranpose pass the tests
new 6dbb019 Merge branch 'simple_index' into 'master'
new b817bce Merge branch 'master' into resize
new 9e5023a Updated OpenCL and CPU with offset changes
new 51f2bd6 Updated diff CPU with offset changes
new 19a8b56 Code cleanup for Resize (all backends)
new d8919b6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/resize'
new 674e250 cpu implementations for af_[erode|dilate] and af_[erode3d|dilate3d]
new 945990f Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/cpu_morph'
new 3352b7b Large tests for resize. Minor type fixes for resize.
new 2116801 CPU GEMM, GEMV, and DOT
new 250bd21 Tests for GEMM and GEMV
new 4d59bb9 Added readImageTests and compareArraysRMSD helpers for unit tests
new 0538f0f af_bilateral API and cpu backend implementation
new e68e862 Adding missing namespace qualifiers
new 598f09f exp equation modification in bilateral cpu backend
new 843a2f6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/cpu_bilateral'
new ecf52ae Changing variable name to be consistent with the rest of the file
new 327d3d0 Moving the functions in cuda/complex.hpp to global namespace
new 16be86c Changing ops.hpp and */backend.hpp to work nicely with NVCC
new abd37ce Removing unnecessary include file
new eff009b Reductions for CUDA backend
new 88129fa Accum implementation for CPU backend
new 93be632 CUDA GEMM, GEMV and DOT
new 3a0a99b Merge branch 'cuda_reduce' into 'master'
new 2609a15 Merge branch 'cpuscan' into 'master'
new 0caec69 Added Transform and Rotate for CPU, CUDA and OpenCL backends
new d5c5e79 Merge branch 'master' into transform
new fc44d35 BugFix: type issue fix in compareArraysRMSD
new 1887354 Disable unit test for int type in bilateral
new c10a428 Merge branch 'testHelper_fix' into 'master'
new 055aa0a Merge branch 'master' into transform
new 61b46d5 BLAS on OpenCL using clBLAS library.
new 69c9daf Added wrappers for translate, scale and skew. Added tests for rotate
new ec9b384 Cleanup CMake files(i.e. remove messages)
new 39af05c Changes to compile on Linux. Fix warnings on g++.
new ee7ce40 morph cuda backend
new a940916 cuda backend implementation for [af_erode3d|af_dilate3d]
new 2f74631 erode/dilate unit tests using images
new 06e9541 Added helper functions to ArrayInfo
new 706069a Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/info_helpers'
new 96a9a33 morph cuda kernel optimizations
new 0ac33f4 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/cuda_morph'
new 12721fc opencl morph implementation
new 8480908 Bug fix to random number generation in CUDA
new 61e5b93 Adding random number generation support to OpenCL backend
new 7595815 Merge branch 'clrand' into 'master'
new 871e39c opencl backend for volumetric morphological ops
new 57cd29e Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/ocl_morph'
new 75100a5 A more robust FindCLBLAS.cmake file
new 1e2ac9e Removed unnecessary code from tests.
new 0b3a06a Using failure count for rotate tests. Minor type corrections in resize.
new 121ba71 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/transform'
new e48557a Merge branch 'master' into blas
new 8446ffe cuda backend bilateral
new c1ab283 Formatting changes. Fix leak in CPU. Enable dot
new 38df112 bilateral opencl backend implementation
new 50beebf Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/blas'
new 51eb537 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/cuda_bilateral'
new 50fd60c Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/ocl_bilateral'
new 3622021 morph kernel optimization for supported window sizes
new 2c04518 Merge branch 'ocl_morph_opt' into 'master'
new 8925c2b Added == and != operators for dim4
new fac89b9 Added base_type to traits
new ab34dba Added Approx1 and Approx2 to all backends
new 63670b0 histogram cuda backend
new 7c85454 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/cuda_histogram'
new f2a99b4 Kernel code cleanup for Approx1,2 linear interp
new 0d94823 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/approx'
new 36a4e1a histogram opencl backend
new 19d6c3a Bug Fix in histogram cuda kernel
new 6a3c04e Make random test deterministic
new 769b118 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/ocl_histogram'
new 80a0b54 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/random'
new 03d91d4 Changing the location of the data repository
new f43e239 Added Param and CParam structs that can be passed to the GPU
new 91e278c Using Params in cuda kernels
new 2ba02e3 Renaming helper functions and functors
new 1bc78d6 Unified print function for all backends
new 100ff62 Cleaning up header files
new 0e9360a Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/header'
new 7126ee7 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into unify
new 7eba1f9 min call in histogram kernel was ambiguous for intel compilers
new 4cffccf Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/intel_histfix'
new a8b8f7e Adding Param<T> to the remaining functions in CUDA backend
new 8b3ed44 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/unify'
new 19fdb28 Added tile to CPU, CUDA, OpenCL backends
new 211e61a opencl device selection feature
new bee1db6 Replaced member funcs with friend funcs in opencl::DeviceManager
new fbff35c Merge branch 'ocl_dselector' into 'master'
new 3d48bbb Adding a missing std:: in opencl/platform.cpp
new 550c22e added opencl kernel caching for transpose
new d35a558 Removed cl.hpp from af/opencl.h
new 1343627 Modified tranpose tests to run for all devices for opencl backend
new c12602e Performance improvement to tile in CUDA, OpenCL
new f0e49d7 enabled ocl kernel caching in transform
new 4fc74c7 enabled ocl kernel caching for all exiting functions
new e32d07f Adding __CL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS to the build process
new 71b0d06 Merge branch 'origin/ocl_kernel_caching'
new 7104157 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/tile'
new 1684b0e Add caching support for tile in xOpenCL
new 9e182c9 Fixing copy paste error
new 7726090 Introduced a common struct and build function for OpenCL kernels
new 0d72ad3 Fix buildProgram multiple definition error
new 844303e style changes in ocl transpose
new 5059c7e unify kernel params changes for opencl morph
new a5cf7e0 Renamed CL_FINISH to CL_DEBUG_FINISH
new 650a9e0 unify kernel param changes to opencl bilateral
new c2c77d3 Changing beta == 0 instead of memsetting C to 0 in gemm
new 4c5083a Merge branch 'origin/blas_fix'
new 09d654d unify kernel param changes to opencl histogram
new 22d9fd6 Unified kernel arguments for approx
new 9f09106 Unified kernel arguments for diff
new ad89c42 Unified kernel arguments for resize
new 0c1003f Unified kernel arguments for transform
new 8187678 Unified kernel arguments for tile
new fc0e6ff Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/unify'
new 5d74d08 Initial Error commit
new ade0729 Updated interface for error checking.
new 8064d73 Created a common exception handling format
new 10eb746 extended CATCHALL to include Type and Support errors
new fc17ec6 AfError now supports line numbers and user specified af_errs
new 272e734 Added *_NOT_SUPPORTED macros for each backend
new 03a37bf Added macro CUDA_CHECK that checks for cudaError and throws AfError
new adc9b62 change cldebug to debug_opencl
new c72234d Added POST_LAUNCH_CHECK to CUDA backend
new 9c7fe62 Added new error type --> ArgumentError
new b291848 Changed backend/reduce.cpp to include the new error mechanisms
new f305d46 Changed backend/diff.cpp to use new error checks
new df80871 Changed backend/morph.cpp to use new error checks
new b463e91 Changed SHOW_CL_ERROR() to CL_TO_AF_ERROR() in opencl backend
new 7015acd Fixing a minor bug for ArgumentError
new e729020 Fixing the dimension checks for backend/morph.cpp
new 9c533ee Fixing the morph tests to check for correct errors
new a14661b Moving ARG_ASSERT to within try catch blocks
new 3a3efc1 corrected typo in cpu_err header
new e4e4c18 Proper error handling added to transpose
new 256567f Proper error handling added to erode/dilate
new 4f296e7 added error handling for bilateral
new f0d946e added error handling for histogram
new e0b1b3c Added error framework to approx
new 815bde5 Added error framework to diff
new decda3f Added error framework to resize
new f77068e Added error framework to tile
new ffb8050 Added error framework to transform
new aee417b Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/error'
new 42ee357 Cleaning up a couple of lines
new 91eefb7 buildProgram now accepts multiple source files
new ac20ba6 added iscplx to backend/opencl/traits.hpp
new c8d88b7 Reductions backend for OpenCL
new 39c3d7f Merge branch 'clreduce' into 'master'
new e9dcb2b Device management for CUDA
new 506d3d7 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/cuda_device'
new 34020e3 Moved dimension checks for matmul to src/backend
new d498889 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/matmul_fixes'
new a1542bc Added reorder to all 3 backends
new 3416366 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/reorder'
new ef03889 Fixing issues with CUDA reductions
new 5aab45c Fixing typo in scan tests
new 40924fc Cleaning up reductions code a bit more
new f6137c9 Added circular shift to all backends
new 60ce2b7 Scan algorithm for CUDA implemented
new 2b0d777 Change to make sure autogenerated string headers are only included once
new aab9f8f Style clean up of OpenCL reduction code
new ab1e065 Scan algorithm for OpenCL backend
new f1f4e5d Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/shift'
new bcc92e0 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/scan'
new 553e009 Create af_create_handle wrapper for createEmptyArray
new 3cbfc46 Added gradient to all backends
new fc28a6e median filter cpu backend and cuda/opencl placeholders
new 9310ed2 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/gradient'
new f8a1449 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/cpu_medfilt'
new ed6b0da modified symmetric pad equation in medfilt cpu backend
new bc68e8c median filter implementation in cuda backend
new 2693297 Updating gitignore to include unwanted emacs files
new 3db8da9 median filter opencl backend implementation
new 358a6ea Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/cuda_medfilt'
new 54c3c3f Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/ocl_medfilt'
new 328bb1c Bug fix to gradient in CUDA and OpenCL backends
new 5b83c86 Bug fix in OpenCL scan for Intel.
new 7b5cb51 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/intel_scan_fix'
new 5734aca Cleaning up buggy strided dimensions in scan for CUDA and OpenCL
new 6f9898c Merge branch 'scan_bugfix'
new eecb911 Launch configuration fix for AMD GPUs
new 0120d95 fft/ifft functions in cpu backend
new fb96eb6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/cpu_fft'
new 9f31560 Cleaning up backend/scan.cpp to include proper error checks
new 452e8b5 Adding support for where for CPU backend
new ca6c341 Added empty wrappers for sort
new f5652fa fft framework changes
new 0cd5ca8 Fixing corner cases in scan algorithm for CUDA and OpenCL backends
new 9652ae3 Exceptions now display file names instead of function names
new 0358a33 Added a new function to create Array<T> from Param<T>
new 7b9dd1c Where implemented for CUDA backend
new 8e5d964 Making the double buffering in OpenCL backend more explicit
new 2d8ef61 Change scan tests to run on OpenCL devices available on the system
new d58e31e Adding support to create Array<T> from Param in OpenCL backend
new cf12ee3 Changing where in CUDA backend to pass out by reference
new 551d5a2 Style changes to OpenCL scan function
new 9532120 fft/ifft cuda backend
new 45e68ad fft/ifft opencl backend
new b2b1770 Tentative support for where in OpenCL backend
new d363b0e Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/fft'
new 20ce32c Modifying FindclFFT.cmake to look in clFFT build directory
new 2c8f04d Change required to suppress comparision warnings
new 2d0cf01 Removing unnecessary variadic templates
new ebb3c1b Removing "static" from template specializations
new 07ab0eb Changes to cuda and OpenCL backends to improve parallel compiles
new 17951d6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/compile'
new 0466df8 Making sure ret in imageio is initialized before returning
new cbdc8e4 Adding dl libs explicitly to the OpenCL backend
new 5af9635 Merge branch 'cpu_where'
new f3b66a8 Fix header locations to fix compilation in debug mode
new 858df4c Initial 1D sort implementation for cpu.
new 1625a2f meanshift API and cpu backend
new 261873e meanshift cuda backend implementation
new 4f8f31b meanshift opencl backend
new 9b99adc Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/meanshift'
new 13642dc Added regions API and CUDA backend.
new 2cad8e9 Added regions CPU backend as not supported.
new 68ebeed Added regions OpenCL backend as not supported.
new 034119b Added unit tests for regions.
new ceb83a6 Added CUDA and OpenCL backends for Sort on dim0
new 992046b Sorting across first dimension
new 3502a44 Merged origin sort to local
new 2bb1ae6 createPaddedArray optimizations for cuda and opencl backend
new d06889f Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pad'
new 01a9e91 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into where
new 212022c BUG: Fixed boundary checks for scan_first in CUDA and OpenCL
new 6839ddd Passing Params as references to where_* in OpenCL backend
new d52dcb3 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/where'
new 7258cb9 no more async; non-global indexing
new 8dfb56c test/sort.cpp: test on working types
new 4aef65c src/backend/sort.cpp: disable s8 for sort
new e1ff702 src/backend/sort.cpp: modify dim assertion for 2D
new 5d7dd44 test/sort.cpp: 2D test
new e05d5ae Added multi-dimensional support for sort on dim 0
new 3c37bcf Added simple JIT kernel generation for OpenCL backend
new dbce7a1 Updated the OpenCL backend to have simpler kernel name generation
new 7bcba21 Kernel compilation and Launching added for OpenCL JIT backend
new 966256f Reorganizing files in src/backend
new a717c7d Cleaning up jit.cpp
new 9720cec Adding logical functions to the external API
new 870a042 Adding the last few binary functions
new 73ec494 Adding cast function to OpenCL JIT backend
new 285cca2 Unary functions added to OpenCL JIT backend
new ff86452 Adding new binary functions to OpenCL JIT backend
new ef318e3 Fixed cudaGetDriverVersion for Mac and ARM
new 0c9c815 Adding support for ScalarNodes in OpenCL JIT backend
new 5f49ca7 BUGFIX const correctness in ArrayInfo functions
new 9c52871 ndims() now returns atleast 1 instead of 0 from before.
new 19d775c Added proper error checking to af_print
new 75ee41e Fixing the API of af_cast
new e2d2c82 Adding cache support for OpenCL JIT kernels
new b8571a9 Merge branch 'bug_fixes' into 'master'
new 6e97c1e Changing the implicit cast behavior to mimic c/c++
new 7fe3635 Adding CUDA/CPU_NOT_SUPPORTED macros for elementary operations
new 5ddb77b JIT kernel generation support for OpenCL backend
new 7eac92b Removing unnecessary member variables from BufferNode
new 75323a8 BUG fix in JIT kernel generation in OpenCL backend
new 2fd3236 Merge branch 'jit'
new 62411a3 Separated sort into sort (only values) and sort_index (values and indices)
new 4c43589 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into sort
new 03cc6b7 Increase tolerance for rotate test
new 17dae98 API change for sort
new f9f52c0 BUGFIX: copy kernel
new 712dce2 Change required to make blas compile on centos 6
new 62d4652 Changing the cpu blas to depend on CBLAS instead of blas
new 688e6d6 Fix for FindCBlas.cmake on debian based OS
new fbf3fcf Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/blas_fix'
new f99db53 Fixes for OpenCL backend for gcc 4.7.2
new 559cea8 Updating the README.md
new 2dc349b Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/ocl_fix'
new 007839f Adding FindMKL.cmake to ArrayFire repo
new 33d1823 Merge branch 'rotate_fix' into 'master'
new 8ff5517 Merge branch 'fft_fix' into 'master'
new 7af219c Bug fix in speicalizations for max<cfloat> and max<cdouble>
new 94d126e Enabling double precision support for JIT kernels
new 1611152 Fixing typo in opencl/jit.cpp
new 9788302 Fixing the initial value for max on complex numbers
new 67ce045 convolve cpu backend
new 084171d Fixing blas uninitialzed warnings
new 09b1fc9 Optimizing loops in sort
new b23a7b7 Added sort_by_key to all backends
new f0c35f5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into sort
new fab8fb8 Added Boost 1.48 requirement to OpenCL CMake (for compute)
new 3eb6d48 Merge branch 'sort' into 'master'
new 6b81773 Fixing warnings for ostream in opencl/kernel
new d17d0ef Merge branch 'warning-fixes' into 'master'
new ce4fd08 BUGFIX for cuda random number generation on multiple devices
new 4954ca3 convolve cuda backend
new 3bbdea9 convolve opencl backend
new b549b4e Update for device manager for OpenCL and CPU
new debca69 Added test to print af_info
new d16a020 Merge branch 'random_fix' into 'master'
new b08d766 Merge branch 'platform_fixes' into 'master'
new f12e42c renamed ConvolveBatchKind variables
new 0f65619 Update README.md to have better formatting.
new 933d1ee Merge branch 'conv' into 'master'
new c4dbacb Stripping end of line characters from README.md
new b97101d Removing unnecessary line from cuda/CMakeLists.txt
new 59d421d Fix for erroring out if Boost.Compute not found for OpenCL
new e380693 First draft of CUDA JIT
new ab53ccf Split sort* functions into separate files
new 6a7af20 Improved regions for CUDA, faster on large regions.
new e74fe00 Changed output array type for bilateral function
new b22866d Added FindNVVM.cmake
new 06843da Updated README.md
new 2660d17 Merge branch 'master' into regions
new 9abffb8 Added OpenCL implementation of regions.
new 249684d subscript assignment feature for cpu, cuda and opencl backends
new 59cc3f2 Adding libcuda as a dependency
new 15b7f33 Changes to make nvvm code to compile and execute
new f10e326 Making the child nodes decide the types when calling functions
new a5a5a68 Removing untracked folder from the repository
new a6ed3db Removing untracked folder from the repository
new adb9968 Adding support for CAST and COMPLEX operations in CUDA backend
new 52d31ba Adding back tests in `basic.cpp` for CUDA backend
new 75c0f2a Merge branch 'sort_split' into 'master'
new f007775 Merge branch 'bilateral_fixes' into 'master'
new c6b2ec1 Merge branch 'compute_cmake_fix' into 'master'
new 16897af Merge branch 'subref_assign' into 'master'
new f744cdb Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/jit'
new 1ab7bc5 Separated functions into header files
new 951c71e Disable large sort tests
new e37bebf Element wise support for CPU backend
new b542f77 Merge branch 'header-files' into 'master'
new 6480f91 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/TNJ'
new b189f3c CPU backend now uses std::shared_ptr for holding data
new 3d75974 Using boost::shared_ptr for reference counting in CUDA backend
new cc945bf Renaming files in CUDA backend
new 14bd0d6 Adding support for weak copy in src/backend/*.cpp
new c055f2a cmake changes for opencl backend
new 875d051 Merge branch 'ocl_cmake_changes' into 'master'
new 9d7f996 Merge branch 'ref'
new 40dc13c Bug fix for OpenCL backend when creating empty Arrays
new 63685ff Adding basic functions to the C++ API
new 4dd2613 Added CPU implementation of regions.
new 58288da Fixed template on CUDA regions.
new 680e131 Fixed limits of double type on CUDA backend.
new c41ab04 Merge branch 'cuda_limit' into 'master'
new 90c9dda Added af_copy_array function for deep copy
new ebf7c4f Added helper functions to c++ wrapper
new 0f916ed BUG_FIX: bin2cpp now adds NULL character towards the end of string
new 5c679d7 Minor improvements to CPU regions.
new a2cf832 Added implementation for af::print
new 4962e37 C++ wrappers for functions, includes a bugfix as well
new 9f8885c bin2cpp now adds newline for CUDA but does not for OpenCL
new 8238e43 Added examples folder
new 4c7d0dc Merge branch 'cpp' of mule:area51/arrayfire into cpp
new 02146ad Added enum for regions connectivity type.
new 3815389 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into cpp
new deb1762 Added CPP wrappers for blas, device, data, reduce header files
new 875b04d Added Version.h functionality. Updated info()
new 08542ff C++ wrappers for image and indexing functions
new 0abfc91 Added c-api wrapper for weak copy
new 86e3b54 Merge branch 'cpp' of ssh://mule/area51/arrayfire into cpp
new 4bcb862 Updated operator= for array class
new 2359d86 Merge branch 'regions' into 'master'
new ac0a654 Adding the license file to the repo
new 7f9a6f0 Fixed typo
new 305349b Bugfix: corrected array handle check in destructor
new 9beebec Added index support
new e49677c Added constant function to create complex arrays
new 12a9d99 Added wrapper for unary and binary operations
new d4299ea Added operator overloading for arithmetic and relational operations
new ab78dcc Adding assign operator overloading in CPP
new 7b8854e Merge branch 'origin/cpp' to cpp
new 049ce43 Fixing copy assignment operator
new fa0c2cc Moved operator overloading to src/array/arith.cpp
new 917205b Fixed af_print to print regular array (not transposed)
new 6beb036 Added iota function to C and C++ API
new 9679852 Merge branch 'cpp' into 'master'
new f765f12 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
new d65b6e6 Updating README.md to include clone command and fftw dependency
new 0ebec6a Updating the arrayfire_data repo URL
new 6ea9a66 convenience member functions for array indexing
new 0db720e changed separable convolve cpp API
new ba24a31 changed gradient cpp API
new 88be5f3 additional unit tests for cpp wrapper
new c72acb9 Updating README.md
new f3bf849 Adding the license info for all source files in ArrayFire
new e71c50c Bugfix: af_assign
new 7c1485c Moved cpp wrapper functions to appropriate files
new a6cb86f regions cpp wrapper
new 5146d67 cpp wrapper unit tests
new df77e75 Merge pull request #25 from arrayfire/cpp_tests
new 251d781 Fix for isnan, isinf compilation error
new 1c28484 Merge pull request #28 from arrayfire/nan_inf_fix
new e42ff05 Overload sort C++ API
new 1637e58 Change dim4 from struct to class
new af93103 Added cmake code for CUDA Compute variables
new 2dbd3ea Merge pull request #33 from arrayfire/sort_cpp
new e0fbba9 Merge pull request #31 from arrayfire/cmake_cuda_compute
new 7a1cf6e Merge fft & convolve headers
new b4a4c1d convolve API changes
new d01f9f7 Added new cpp wrappers for ffts
new 4d20d56 Merge pull request #35 from arrayfire/api_changes
new 1508ece Merge data.h and reduce.h into algorithm.h
new 32583c1 Moving constant, randu and randn into af/data.h
new 27929a2 Moving approx1 and approx2 to af/signal.h
new dde787f Merge pull request #38 from arrayfire/header
new fdefc4c Removed usage of ArrayInfo from C++ API
new 1725b3c Moving important utility functions from data.cpp to handle.hpp
new 1b362bc Cleaning up the sort functions
new 3dd48a9 Merge pull request #40 from arrayfire/info_cpp_fixes
new b254aeb CMakeLists.txt does not need to be executable.
new 8697ebf OSX Compilation Fixes
new c26c704 Adding set functions for the CPU backend
new 15ea581 Using *operator instead of pow
new aee400c Merge pull request #41 from arrayfire/osx_fixes
new 5cf8128 Add setUnique()/setUnion()/setIntersection() for OpenCL
new 58449c8 Merge pull request #42 from kylelutz/opencl-set
new 13de85b Fixing the iterators for union and intersect in OpenCL backend
new 0f75134 Adding set operations for CUDA backend
new 81f4ffb Reducing the memory footprint for set_intersect
new 27d13a2 Style changes
new 390eee7 Merge pull request #43 from arrayfire/set
new dc8aab5 Add definition and directive to fix BOOST_INLINE not being defined on nvcc / CUDA < 6.5. Move FIND command for CUDA into backend/cuda/CMakeLists.txt
new 6a4ae8b Restore default compile state.
new aadd5c9 Merge branch 'cuda_6_0_compile_fix'
new 11c5a31 Use ArrayFire's CUDA_VERSION instead of CMake-specific detection.
new a475abd BUGFIX Fix sort on CPU
new 5095919 Added seq class for C++ API
new 796ce74 Updating helloworld example
new 32f49d3 Merge pull request #44 from bkloppenborg/cuda_6_0_compile_fix
new c8994e0 windows fixes for cuda backend
new ee48419 Make FreeImage library optional
new 1f724df windows fixes for opencl backend
new 8e2e0eb fix for google test build command
new 879e083 Merge pull request #48 from arrayfire/seq
new 93df05a Added AF_ERR_NOT_CONFIGURED, added to imageio
new 8656461 Merge pull request #49 from arrayfire/freeimage-optional
new 1cca73b Visual Studio File Grouping for Projects
new f3d0485 Making arrayfire_data a submodule
new 6843367 windows and *nix OS compatibility fixes
new 661842a Scoping out unimplemented code
new d21392a Adding af_eval() and array::eval()
new a5cfdf3 Adding af_get_device and af_sync to all backends
new 840d1cb Merge pull request #56 from arrayfire/data
new 7a068ed windows fixes for cpu backend
new 099513b Merge pull request #58 from arrayfire/eval
new 31884c4 Upgrading C++11 flag from 0x to 11
new d4521b6 Added #if __cplusplus around utils
new b6a9a82 boost compute fixes for windows, had to undef min and max macros
new af19eaa Merge branch 'master' into win_fixes
new 620ec89 BUGFIX op= in array class
new 769d0b5 Added timing code
new 52697ae undef min,max macros before boost/compute headers inclusion
new 5240ab5 Commenting out cpu blas funcions temporarily on windows
new e946ead Additional fixes in cpu backend for windows platform
new a5a4bc5 Merge pull request #59 from arrayfire/win_fixes
new ab3cdea Add install steps.
new d2d03fa Move macro to the top of the file.
new 181ca6a Additional cpp convenience functions for moddims
new f2cdd3f Merge pull request #64 from arrayfire/timer
new 62e61c3 added compatibility APIs
new 617a0de Merge pull request #65 from 9prady9/additional_api
new f0d927c Fixing a bug with +=, -=, *=, /=
new 99573bd BUG fix: evaluate array before assignment operator
new 69a951a Cleaning up moddims
new b202569 Changing enum so it does not clash with functions
new 543a64f Merge pull request #66 from pavanky/misc
new d4d14fd Fixed CPU random generator
new 38e021d Use OpenCL error codes from Boost.Compute
new 029ce91 Reduce Boost.Compute header includes
new e4d3ebd Added NOMINMAX definition for windows platform
new a13cad1 Basic contribution guidelines for pull requests
new f61934e Added description, renamed Requirements to Prerequisites, put clBLAS and clFFT subheadings as h4 under OpenCL backend, point clFFT/clBLAS to ArrayFire fork, formatting.
new a19fa54 Update CONTRIBUTING.md
new 1b01813 Use standard package handling, search in both system and local paths for clBLAS, add CLBLAS_ROOT_DIR hint.
new cc57ec7 Add install steps for CUDA and OpenCL. Add workaround for clFFT and clBLAS installers.
new e5d986e Merge pull request #69 from arrayfire/devel
new 17d8c27 Merge pull request #73 from kylelutz/reduce-header-includes
new c912582 Move OpenCL into backend CMakeLists.txt
new 9051a40 Prefer system libraries.
new 8f294e7 Leave CUDA and OpenCL off by default.
new 166a12c Removing PIC compiler flag for windows platform
new 6645446 Removing undef min, max as NOMINAX is added for windows
new c864bfb Merge pull request #72 from kylelutz/opencl-error-codes
new 5e1bb21 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into ocl_win_fixes
new 620f892 Merge pull request #74 from bkloppenborg/cmake_install
new 9f594f9 Fixed whitespaces, unsigned warning, removed printf
new a93de08 Corrected gtest library path for debug mode
new c6fa901 Added missing template specilizations for copy
new 7284dfd Merge pull request #76 from arrayfire/minor-fixes
new 759852e Corrected visual studio link libraries for test build process
new 4580199 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into ocl_win_fixes
new 9036dc3 Updated template specilizations for copy in cuda/cpu backends
new 1007127 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/ocl_win_fixes' into devel
new d68fb78 Fixing compilation warnings in CPU and CUDA backends
new f692f7c Merge pull request #79 from pavanky/warnings
new 8534868 Merge pull request #75 from arrayfire/devel
new f1eba05 Adding install instructions for tests and examples.
new bb80c74 Only install .h and .hpp files. Exclude the .gitignore file from the installation step.
new 2ec8a32 Include .hpp files.
new e45d315 Merge pull request #80 from bkloppenborg/cmake_additional_install
new d7d5b2b Remove installation of tests and examples.
new 4e24f34 Merge pull request #82 from bkloppenborg/cmake_additional_install
new 3856401 Reorganizing helloworld.cpp
new 3d7979a Updating README.md
new 62817a9 Merge pull request #83 from pavanky/readme
new bdafd6e Update README.md
new 099eaeb add formatting to array print functions
new aa0be75 Merge pull request #85 from 9prady9/format_array_print
new 7676e5f Update README.md with Jenkins Build tags
new dc33c67 Updated README.md
new efb35c4 Merge pull request #87 from arrayfire/devel
new 67b4b8f Choose CUDA default device using AF_CUDA_DEFAULT_DEVICE
new 9b851be Choose OPENCL default device using AF_OPENCL_DEFAULT_DEVICE
new 93d9ecd Merge pull request #89 from arrayfire/default_device
new b099a56 Added round, floor, ceil and abs instances to CPU
new 6b69fc1 Commit for CUDA PTX update fix for abs
new 13733ea Adding new functions to src/backend
new 4792762 Adding new methods to af::array class
new 73476ec Merge pull request #90 from pavanky/device
new 672741a Merge pull request #91 from shehzan10/unary-fix
new 53ba3be Updating the commit hash of test/data submodule
new f72d396 Destroy temporary variables from binary.cpp
new 55802f6 Make sure functions are not being declared more than once in NVVM IR
new 51b362b Merge pull request #93 from pavanky/bugfixes
new 2282085 Windows compatibility changes for BLAS on cpu backend
new 5f69f56 Merge branch 'devel' into win_cblas_fixes
new 24253c9 windows compatibility fixes
new 5e80792 Fixing a bug in CUDA backend to reset flags properly
new c65555f Merge pull request #95 from pavanky/bugfixes
new 3c52e0d style changes in cpu blas functions
new 535be3d Merge pull request #94 from 9prady9/win_cblas_fixes
new 4be9c64 Merge pull request #96 from arrayfire/devel
new c8b9b7b Changed OpenCL library search path order
new ff1fad5 Update README.md
new aa2f804 Merge pull request #98 from pavanky/readme
new e8ca2d1 Merge pull request #97 from kaatish/ocl_cmake_changes
new 5c3f22c fixed formatting
new 58d1043 Merge pull request #99 from mlloreda/patch-1
new b0f2adb Fixed formatting
new 28cc1c8 typo corrections
new 5102439 Merge pull request #100 from 9prady9/readme
new c560ed4 Fix "Could not read from remote repository" issue
new ff3c03f Fix googletest build on other cmake build types
new 23d3990 Merge pull request #104 from firemanphil/master
new 25bab0b Merge pull request #102 from gcasey/buildfixes
new 71823dd Remove use of cmake variable CUDA_DRIVER_LIBRARY
new 2f27a3e Merge pull request #105 from shehzan10/devel
new 8c022fb Add CMake find script from arrayfire_benchmark.
new 8b39be4 Merge pull request #110 from bkloppenborg/add_cmake_find_script
new dd5bc1f Added option to not run CUDACmputeCheck.cmake
new abd060d Formatting changes in cuda/CMakeLists.txt
new 1b8acea Removing -DWINDOWS_REMOTE and just checking CUDA_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY
new 8c3044b Merge pull request #112 from shehzan10/cuda_build_fix
new d8c58e4 Fixes #107
new 82b4716 Merge branch 'issue_107' of https://github.com/bkloppenborg/arrayfire into devel
new ca95e1d Merge pull request #106 from arrayfire/devel
new 7f3fe1e Improved performance of tranpose
new c44aa56 Updated README.md with windows build tag
new 4a683f6 Merge pull request #116 from shehzan10/transpose_perf
new 6b19b7a changed dim_type typedef to int from long long
new 6036d25 Update README.md
new d4b9e68 Remove cmake whitespace warning
new dff0dad Merge pull request #121 from 9prady9/ocl_perf_fix
new a1c18b2 Update README.md
new 38a9ea9 Fixed bugs in ScalarNode for CUDA and OpenCL JIT backends
new 49515e4 Unary math functions convert arrays to floating point arrays
new 2759184 Merge pull request #123 from pavanky/jit_fixes
new 85a789c Fix for copy function in cpu backend
new 72b563c indexing unit tests for 3d and 4d arrays
new e2a1ab4 Merge pull request #124 from 9prady9/index_tests
new 6d797e6 Updated README.md
new 9f95469 Increase tolerance for approx tests
new a657905 Adding unit tests related info
new 89efa49 Merge pull request #130 from arrayfire/devel
new b3041c4 Bug fix for reductions in CUDA backend
new 40e7b2c Bug fix to random number generation in CUDA backend
new 6812baa Removing deprecated files from the repo
new b27eaf8 Suppress them warnings
new 8666b2d Fixing leaks in CUDA JIT backend
new c0ff913 Fixing Leaks in OpenCL JIT backend
new 25a2ba6 Fixing Memory leaks in CPU TNJ
new b733305 Merge branch 'pavanky/jit_fixes' into bugfixes
new e07d56a Merge pull request #131 from pavanky/bugfixes
new 16bca93 Moving src/array to src/frontend/cpp
new 5c9185d Adding support for binary functions with scalar inputs
new 38216cd Compilation fix for null pointer in constructor
new 7831e0b Removed s8. Changed b8 to be of type char
new 4e11be6 cast to b8 now results in arrays made up of 1s or 0s
new 8cce6c2 Fix for get device ptr
new b64c762 Add a debug version of CU_CHECK
new 7ad9b8a updated math operations for all backends
new 8dca2b1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/arith' into devel
new 6423af4 BUGFIX: Buffer nodes from subArrays now use the parent ptr and offsets
new 3f9fe7b bugfix for cuda on windows
new a044302 changing variables names in reduce kernel for cuda backend
new 9b0ccba cmake changes for windows MSVC Projects
new 3da2ba8 Merge pull request #140 from 9prady9/cuda_fix
new 9f15877 Merge pull request #142 from 9prady9/msvc_filters
new 186ab01 Tests use google test present on system if BUILD_GTEST=OFF
new 3ddead6 Fixed regions unit tests
new a8c44b4 Adding a new option to use system GTEST
new 9c6ee01 Merge pull request #146 from pavanky/gtest
new 3151505 Merge pull request #147 from pentschev/regions_tests_fix
new 79ebe06 Merge pull request #148 from arrayfire/devel
new 4a4682f - Add blas as CPU backend dependency - Remove BoostCompute library dependency (header only)
new 1633698 Update submodules
new a31ed81 Added deviceprop functionality to CUDA and OpenCL.
new 72d978f Changed REVISION to AF_REVISION
new 0ddc95c Merge pull request #152 from shehzan10/devel
new dcbc34f correcting test data commit number
new eef6ed0 Merge pull request #153 from arrayfire/update_test_submodule
new f83fd50 Fixing complex function support in arrayfire
new 05ffa07 Adding data check functions: isNaN, isInf, iszero
new 8386c84 Update submodules
new e2cdbd0 Added deviceprop functionality to CUDA and OpenCL.
new 07cfaac Changed REVISION to AF_REVISION
new 0afdb0b correcting test data commit number
new 12d1384 Unifying af_constant_c32/c64 into af_constant_complex
new b6b52be Support for global reductions in CPU backend
new a15cdc3 Fixed merge conflicts.
new 0acc32d Merge pull request #150 from bkloppenborg/findarrayfire_fixes
new 80edcee Merge pull request #154 from pavanky/arith
new 57b5101 Calling af_init to initialize contexts
new 938b87f Merge pull request #157 from shehzan10/devel
new e57df1d Strip whitespace from OpenCL device information.
new 52a5e0a Merge pull request #158 from bkloppenborg/platform_format_fix
new 0f86822 Support for global reductions in CUDA backend
new 5b66b89 Global reduction support for OpenCL backend
new 28c1238 changing reduce_global --> reduce_all
new 0e35ea8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'pavanky/algos' into devel
new 606288f Merge pull request #160 from arrayfire/devel
new e7ab4f6 Use "Subversion_SVN_EXECUTABLE" explicitly instead of "svn patch".
new 61bbbf4 Correction to commit e7ab4f6
new 5d881ee Merge pull request #161 from easuter/devel
new cd40085 Reorganizing the directory structure
new 52373c5 Add FindSubversion.cmake to ensure Subversion_SVN_EXECUTABLE is set.
new f7c4f36 Unified the way complex numbers are printed
new d4fe7e0 Merge pull request #162 from pavanky/reorg
new 332bfdc Added linear interpolation for transform (adds for rotate, scale, skew etc)
new 65d181f Merge pull request #163 from shehzan10/transform_linear
new 23c9b2e Added tests for bilinear transforms (rotate)
new ec51329 Merge pull request #165 from shehzan10/devel
new 97340be Fixes for rotate bilinear tests
new ab0b521 Added struct af_features to store image features (aka keypoints).
new 232affb Added features class to manage af_features structs.
new b66be98 Added FAST feature detector frontend.
new d54e9bb Added FAST feature detector CPU backend.
new f1ba5b5 Added FAST feature detector CUDA backend.
new c303dba Added FAST feature detector OpenCL backend.
new 718f1d7 Bugfix for opencl resource cleanup on windows
new 2f04f64 Removed device selection from transpose test
new 32263b4 Use & operator for array in resize definition
new 8437b56 Added image graphics to CPU and CUDA backend
new 964f3fd PERF: improvements to random number genration in CPU backend
new 4bb8893 Wrapping af_get functions in AF_CHECK macro
new 2e12aab Changed setContext function scope
new af9b305 added isDoubleSupported func for opencl backend
new 055a3f5 Added double precision checks in opencl
new b1076fa PERF: improvements to random number generation in CUDA backend
new 8d865af function to check double precision availability
new f17be23 handle double precision in opencl tranpose
new a35a9f2 adding missing header in testHelper hpp
new fa42991 Fixes #167: Check if driver is unloaded when freeing array
new 3e4ec3f Merge pull request #170 from umar456/devel
new 829eb8c Quote user-supplied paths. Search CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX last to prefer local installs.
new fd45f86 Added handlers for array type in features class.
new 4f33122 Fixed failing abs() call for int/unsigned types on CUDA backend of FAST.
new 830fe8a Added test reader for image input with array output.
new 309f45f Added FAST unit tests.
new ee2a100 PERF: improvements to random number generation in OpenCL backend
new f1dc107 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into fast
new 41a4403 Merge pull request #173 from bkloppenborg/FindclFFTImprovements
new 72a7dca Merge pull request #174 from shehzan10/devel
new 22e06f6 Fixed FAST files to comply with new directory structure.
new 8c0d082 Merge branch 'devel' into graphics
new fa80fd9 Fix for no graphics builds
new dc8e3e7 Move graphics include files into GRAPHICS_FOUND in CMake
new 0145c93 Fixed data filename on FAST unit test.
new 6aa1f63 Updating test/data submodule
new 8a2c6ab Merge pull request #175 from pentschev/fast
new 3ab7f34 Fixed wrong memory type allocation on OpenCL backend of FAST.
new 50e173e Merge pull request #177 from pentschev/fast_opencl_fix
new 41d0af8 FAST will return (af_)features instead of (af_)features *
new ca2d0d2 Merge pull request #179 from pentschev/fast_return_fix
new c841110 mean function
new 4d72280 Merge branch 'devel' into perf
new 33db53f added getDevice internal function for opencl
new d38d114 modified buildProgram opencl helper function
new 78934c5 moved ocl kernel resources from stack to heap
new 5d9a25a Merge branch 'devel' into graphics
new 465ff69 Moved cl_khr_fp64 extension
new 1659d29 PERF: improvements to CUDA JIT when memory is linear
new f045547 Removed cl_khr_fp64 from individual cl files
new 6fe7b0c PERF: improvements to OpenCL JIT when memory is linear
new eb6eb1e EXAMPLE: Monte Carlo estimation of PI
new a95e384 BUGFIX: in JIT for CUDA backend
new 51862c1 Merge pull request #180 from pavanky/perf
new 3aac557 Added path for GLEWmx for Tegra
new 308f7f9 Added OpenGL error checks, better window close handling
new 01f89b7 Added Conway's Game of Life example
new 52a2048 Added OpenGL errors, better window closing to CPU
new 5442ace Added AF_ERR_GL_ERROR and error checking in graphics
new eee256e Merge branch 'devel' into ocl_win_fixes
new 4e55314 correctly adding USE_DOUBLE to OpenCL JIT
new a0fa723 Merge pull request #188 from arrayfire/ocl_win_fixes
new 55e2a2b Fixing the commit id of test/data submodule
new 0cf4a4c Fix cmake error caused by same filename in test and example
new 688f1c2 PERF Improvements to transform and rotate
new 26fe2af Merge pull request #190 from shehzan10/devel
new 4b51bea Merge pull request #181 from arrayfire/devel
new 298cd5b Merge branch 'devel' into graphics
new 7205edf opencl device sorting
new fbd5d13 Wrappers for resize
new a8c71ef Add missing license headers to transform_interp
new 72d6386 Added tests for iota
new b99a566 Merge pull request #191 from 9prady9/ocl_dev_sort
new 433690f Added placeholders for join
new a4e5b7c Added CPU backend for join
new 0410041 Added CUDA backend for join
new e78b819 Added OpenCL backend for join
new 565ff90 PERF: Added memory manager for CUDA backend
new 16f94bc PERF: Added memory manager for CPU backend
new 57890c2 Added tests and linking test data for join
new d3f1bae Merge pull request #192 from shehzan10/join
new 0669086 Merge branch 'devel' into graphics
new 2173395 Merge branch 'devel' into statistics
new 7a4021c Better error handling in ImageIO
new 9138bd5 PERF Batching + Blocks images in rotate and transform
new a3af5b3 Merge pull request #200 from shehzan10/imageio_fixes
new 6e8f7da Merge pull request #202 from shehzan10/devel
new 8421c70 Fixed tests for imageio after error changes
new e47a855 Split sort_by_key instantiation into multiple files
new 9bd5d93 Changed dir to isAscending in all sort functions
new dac9b96 Merge pull request #205 from shehzan10/sort_fixes
new 0696f7d BUG: Fix in memory manager for CUDA backend with multiple devices
new 91544d4 Changing new/delete to malloc/free for CPU backend
new 609c56b Adding variable names for MAX_BUFFERS and MAX_BYTES
new 4c9741d Changing Array.data from cl::Buffer to cl::Buffer *
new f929637 Fixing memory leak inside af_print_array
new 137d1d7 PERF: Added memory manager for OpenCL backend
new db6bfa7 Adding C api calls for malloc and free
new 0856dac Changing the error message for pinned memory alloc / free
new 142cd16 Merge branch 'devel' into memory
new 77a4ede Merge pull request #207 from pavanky/memory
new cf5d3e0 Merge branch 'devel' into graphics
new fbbe6a3 Update image API to accept scaling factors
new 2f43a38 Fixing typo / bug in implicit.cpp
new 46cbd71 Change CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR/common to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH
new 7293ce7 Moved common to CMakeModules
new 43a2e12 Merge pull request #209 from shehzan10/devel
new 63321c8 Default arguments for medfilt
new 36ce3b9 Change int to dim_type in cuda transpose
new 7f1fbb5 PERF Improvement to transpose opencl
new cff7ecf Added conjugate option to transpose
new 0bfed37 Added transpose .T() and conjugate transpose .H() to array class
new 7c218ec Changed minor version from .200 to .beta
new dac875b Merge pull request #219 from shehzan10/devel
new 6c0eb38 PERF: using cuda::mem{Alloc,Free} instead of cuda{Malloc,Free}
new e9a093b PERF: Improvements to reductions in CUDA and OpenCL
new c5f207e Merge pull request #220 from pavanky/perf
new 098c8bb BUG: Fixed issues with binary operations with scalar on LHS
new 4b5a66e Adding noDoubleTests condition to all tests
new a81805b Merge pull request #222 from shehzan10/devel
new 2657927 Merge pull request #223 from arrayfire/devel
new cfc3966 Merge branch 'devel' into graphics
new fc4e72c Updating math_ptx submodule
new 2868361 Adding abs support for complex numbers
new 7e04c00 Merge pull request #226 from pavanky/cplx
new 86a845b Compilation fix for cpu complex.hpp
new 46c66b5 2d convolve performance improvements
new e259310 Merge pull request #227 from 9prady9/conv2d_perf_fixes
new 2cf21d7 Added pinned memory functionality
new 10ca18a Fixed potential memory leaks. Each array allocated with new [n] must be deallocated using delete [].
new cdb3bd9 Merge pull request #229 from shehzan10/devel
new ae148cb Updating CONTRIBUTING.md
new 53e58a2 Added warning messages for when submodules are not cloned
new 9d6c642 Fix signed to unsigned comparision warning.
new adaa551 Merge pull request #238 from shehzan10/devel
new df82d07 Merge pull request #239 from bkloppenborg/devel
new 2b41d31 BUG: Fixed issues with atan2 in CUDA and OpenCL backends
new f321a91 Merge pull request #240 from pavanky/atan2
new 8492506 TEST: Adding global reduction tests
new 5654c9c Changing af::af_cfloat to af::cfloat for C++ API
new 9241d19 Properly catching and returning errors from af_sort*
new d44906a TESTS: Adding tests for math functions
new 8f869a6 TEST: Adding tests for binary functions
new 1b5c2b1 Merge pull request #241 from pavanky/test
new 96db960 FEAT: Adding support for hypot
new 2d8ef5b TEST: Adding tests for complex binary functions
new 7eeb1ad Merge pull request #242 from pavanky/hypot
new 52921ee Merge branch 'devel' into graphics
new 505a15c FEAT: Adding identity function for all backends
new 034e310 BUG: Fixed problem in cast for OpenCL backend
new 505c7ba BUG: Fixed a problem when casting complex numbers
new c335687 Merge pull request #244 from pavanky/jit_fixes
new dce4e68 FEAT: Adding diag for all backends
new 2e438e6 BUGFIX Fixed memory leak in image io, performance improvements
new 6d72d7c Merge pull request #246 from pavanky/new_funcs
new e0f1c87 Merge pull request #248 from shehzan10/devel
new ab029a7 Added dim checks for binary element wise ops
new d9eb924 BUGFIX Fix segfault in copy array
new 1a6d176 BUG: Fixed memory leak in C++ API when doing indexing
new bcb21d3 SubArrays now contain reference to shared_ptr instead of parent
new 4d9315c Merge branch 'memory' of github.com:pavanky/arrayfire into devel
new d439152 Fixed references to shared_ptr for cpu and opencl backend
new 5423068 Merge pull request #252 from shehzan10/devel
new 8821796 Fixed compilation fix for identity
new e722f8a Fixing problems with isOwner() in all backends
new 44ec688 Correcting typo in FindFreeImage
new e8eb0bc Merge pull request #249 from arrayfire/devel
new e80f312 Adding support for casting seq to array
new 41aeeb2 Default constructor now creates array of size (0,0,0,0)
new 528413f Merge pull request #256 from pavanky/iota
new 091dcbb Added memory manager for pinned memory
new d47171e Using pinned memory in imageio
new 05608d7 Changed API for iota
new 754865d BUGFIX Fixed index-based array operators
new 001995a Merge pull request #257 from shehzan10/devel
new 241c9f0 Minor changes to API
new ce2db4e opencl build program fixes for osx
new 97c95af optional double support for jit.cl
new 84b7831 fix double support in jit.cl
new 0378b4a Merge pull request #258 from mcclanahoochie/osx_fixes
new 352ecf3 feature: indexing array using array
new 622d0a9 BUGFIX: Hotfix for cast in opencl backend
new 1e22bb4 cuda backend for indexing array using array
new 744f872 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into graphics
new 97dca9c opencl backend for indexing array using array
new a525790 Fix warnings in CPU backend on clang
new d973650 cpp wrapper for array based index
new c67129f Removed indices size check in array-index
new 18f2089 using 0 as default for dim to array index cpp wrapper
new ebb7f13 Added mean calculation support for complex types.
new c2462cf bugfix: fixes complex types for mean on cuda/opencl backend
new 9f9618e Merge branch 'devel' into statistics
new 69ff0be Added the __ANSI_STRICT definition for OSX
new 62b5b5d Compile using g++ on OSX
new 4b981fb Adding proper checks to tests
new 12bf9fd Merge pull request #259 from arrayfire/devel
new 62b4627 CMakeLists.txt: Update OSX RPath settings
new 9b86cd8 Remove unnecessary instanciations of morph in OpenCL
new ff62be8 Merge pull request #270 from umar456/clean_ocl_morph
new 6fb0008 Merge pull request #267 from mlloreda/macosx_rpath_fix
new 1a74040 Fix g++ warnings on OSX
new 30ebd69 Merge pull request #271 from umar456/osx_build
new 768b730 Fixing compilation errors
new 2e322b9 Added tests for computing the mean of complex values.
new 2ad5168 Removing boost chrono required from opencl
new 548af6f Merge pull request #276 from shehzan10/devel
new e1ce359 adding math constants to ArrayFire
new 0a8ba35 Merge pull request #277 from pavanky/constants
new e755802 Changing api of few functions to match v2.1
new 2f38b9e Merge pull request #278 from pavanky/api
new 9a68a91 Fix linker warning on OSX
new da1bfd1 Fixed warning due to if/switch
new 27bcf3d Merge branch 'clang_fixes' into clang_warn
new b005e0b Merge pull request #279 from umar456/clang_warn
new c5c7dc2 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into graphics
new 90b2674 BUG: Fixed issues with metadata while indexing
new f4f27ee cleaning up bugs created by previous commit
new c4fe7ca Remove warnings when running fft in OpenCL backend
new 1c44209 Merge pull request #283 from pavanky/minor_fixes
new c1d9792 Initial commit wih gfor support
new e475b1a BUGFIX Reorder condition fix
new a9074ae Merge pull request #285 from shehzan10/devel
new c3a350d Adding dimension checks for cplx2
new 2d37a95 Binary functions in C API now have batchMode parameter
new d42fc21 binaryNode now accepts output dimension size
new ae269c9 Merge branch 'devel' into statistics
new 57174e6 BUGFIX for generating array from seq using negative step
new a8edcad Merge pull request #297 from shehzan10/devel
new 4d25211 Adding support for batch mode in all backends
new 220f6dc Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into gfor
new 3c12121 Adding proper error checking macros to src/api/c/index.cpp
new 7fd7235 Adding batchFunc support for CPP bakend
new 84a07c9 FEAT: Adding GFOR support with for indexing
new 988395f EXAMPLE: Adding vectorize example to arrayfire
new 4e2b8dd Changing batchMode to batch
new 192db5c Merge pull request #299 from pavanky/gfor
new ae939f8 Compilation fix for Windows
new b192d7e feature: match template
new cdce2e5 cpp wrapper for match template
new 3853be3 Corrected typo in median filter opencl kernel wrapper
new d8ae48c bugfix: match template cpp unit test
new cde578e Moved match template c api to apt location
new 5cf586a Merge pull request #303 from 9prady9/match_template
new c693385 Cleaning up error handling in src/api/c/
new eef0c39 Adding error messages when necessary for CPP API functions
new 3f9a1ee Adding bounds checks for index and assign
new be9429c Merge pull request #304 from pavanky/bug_fixes
new 8197765 changed shared mem access pattern for conv3d
new 7a1051a Removed long long numeric qualifier for constants
new 5661e66 perf: minor performance improvements for bilateral
new 4c2be68 Call init from pinned memory and load image
new 9222192 Merge pull request #307 from shehzan10/devel
new 348ea73 Added 4th dimension support to resize
new 1b5caf5 Changed tiling block from y to x in rotate kernels
new c0026c3 Removed an obsolete condition in af_assign
new 1640f5b Merge branch 'devel' into array_idx
new 9c5b96f Added 4th dimension support to rotate
new c22d58e Merge pull request #310 from 9prady9/array_idx
new 9dce1ce Added 4th dimension support to transpose
new 2cbf16f Merge pull request #311 from shehzan10/devel
new e07a3ff BUGFIX in set device for cuda
new c324cbd perffix: 3d separable convolve
new 30e65ed Merge pull request #312 from 9prady9/perf_fixes
new 50a964d Merge branch 'devel' into statistics
new 9d7491b BUGFIX Fixes seq generation for positive numbers
new 97abc09 Merge branch 'devel' of github.com:arrayfire/arrayfire into devel
new 709f7e9 Fix signed vs. unsigned integer comparison.
new 4b9dbce Merge pull request #315 from bkloppenborg/devel
new 5117a8b Bugfix for signed vs. unsigned comparison error.
new 77f903e Merge pull request #316 from bkloppenborg/devel
new f6cfb34 Split sort_by_key instantiation into multiple files for CUDA backend
new 6e83d1e Moved sort_by_key instantiation files into directory
new 5e31587 Merge pull request #317 from shehzan10/devel
new f1eb430 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into graphics
new b7cf8b0 Merge pull request #319 from arrayfire/devel
new eb35e06 Moved division function into math utilities. Fixed mean function.
new d55ef65 Exposing ArrayFire OpenCL internals for interoperability
new f203e8a Merge pull request #323 from pavanky/ocl
new 51f2d35 Fixing compile issues in OSX when using af/opencl.h
new d4c5cb8 BUGFIX: Fixing GFOR bug during assign
new 6ae8643 Cleaning up the error checking in api/c/binary.cpp
new 17443f6 Merge pull request #327 from pavanky/bugfix
new ed4b468 BUGFIX: seq --> array inside GFOR creates batche array
new d885d4f Merge pull request #328 from pavanky/gfor_seq
new f846812 BUGFIX: Fixed OpenCL JIT bug when variables were going out of scope
new abb4e08 Fixing typo in ToNum()
new e25652f Merge pull request #330 from pavanky/ocl_jit_fix
new de0aa93 feature: af_sobel_dxdy
new 457b6d1 af_sobel_dxdy CUDA backend
new ea81d58 Added variance interface and var_all implementation.
new 0ecbc5b af_sobel_dxdy OpenCL backend
new c19d7dd cpp wrapper for sobel derivatives
new 4ba2350 Changed CUDA convolve to avoid issues with constant memory.
new 9c5cbbd Merge pull request #334 from pentschev/devel
new 29acb2f Added ORB API.
new f42dcdb Added ORB CPU backend.
new 253cad8 Added ORB CUDA backend.
new 6ec2076 Changed thread variable names of some OpenCL functions.
new 0ef6eb8 Added ORB OpenCL backend.
new 980cd65 Added test helper to read feature/descriptor test data.
new 430ed2e Added ORB unit tests.
new 86f304d Changed c api for sobel operator
new 19eb2ec Added missing STL algorithm include to CUDA math.hpp.
new cdb3de2 Merge pull request #337 from pentschev/fix_windows_cuda_math
new b01b0c2 Merge pull request #335 from pentschev/devel
new c8d812a Fixing warnings in ORB implementation and tests
new 1dab016 BUGFIX: Fixing data access patterns in OpenCL backend for diag
new d294b3d BUGFIX: Fixing data access patterns in OpenCL backend for identity
new 1baf6a4 Merge pull request #340 from pavanky/bug_fixes
new 7f1a20a Fixing commit id for test/data
new 6915928 Added pi definition to fix ORB on Windows.
new 270fe3a BUGFIX: dims() now gets dimensions properly after indexing
new f307a06 BUGFIX: Fixing issues with indexing after JIT operation
new 5bbadc2 BUGFIX/FEAT: Adding support for more 4d indexing operations
new b88d62f FEAT: Adding support for negative offsets from end in CPP API
new fa1bd1d BUGFIX: Fixed memory leak in af_copy_array
new 3d3b552 Merge pull request #345 from pavanky/more_fixes
new 9040c5c Merge branch 'sobel' of https://github.com/9prady9/arrayfire into devel
new a3add45 Merge pull request #344 from pentschev/fix_windows_orb
new d8d1b93 BUGFIX: Fixing indexing to support reverse indexing
new be5956b Added check before freeing Gaussian filters in ORB OpenCL backend.
new 07b328d ORB to return empty arrays ORB when no features exist.
new 8072053 Merge pull request #354 from pentschev/orb_fixes
new 07f1b22 BUGFIX: Assignment operators now properly implement copy on write
new 57faf93 TEST: Adding additional tests for CPP indexing
new 474607e TEST: Adding new tests for CPP assign operators
new 2017bc5 Merge pull request #355 from pavanky/index_fixes
new 694ccf9 FEAT: Added support for bitand, bitor and bitxor for all backends
new 4f59a4d FEAT: Adding preliminary support for 64 bit integers
new b6e01ea FEAT: reorder, transpose, moddims support for 64 bit ints
new d42683d FEAT: Adding binary function support for 64 bit ints
new a466167 BUGFIX: for numeric operations on integer types in OpenCL backend
new a3b84af FEAT: CUDA backend support for numerical operations on 64 bit ints
new 54f142e BUGFIX: Enabling mod / rem for integer types
new 275846a BUGFIX: Changing % to mean remainder instead of modulus
new 81bd884 Cleaning up mod and rem for integer types
new 9070b33 FEAT: Adding bitshiftl, bitshiftr
new bda791c TEST: Adding tests for 64 bit ints and bit shift functions
new 3ab1dc3 Merge pull request #356 from pavanky/math_funcs
new f385a1a Compile fix for windows
new 2a66fc6 Update CMakeLists.txt
new 1b68375 Added missing shared_ptr deleter in OpenCL backend.
new 949a029 Merge pull request #360 from pentschev/fix_missing_deleter
new 64b04d5 allow for cuda7+ and backwards changes
new 07ea208 Added missing destructor for features class.
new d3bb202 Fixed FAST C++ API, added proper destructor calls.
new c5d2e9e Fixed ORB C++ API to properly destroy af_features
new 498598d Fixed FAST memory leaks on CPU backend
new 26db3ce Fixed ORB memory leaks on CPU backend
new 51be7e2 Fixed FAST memory leaks on CUDA backend
new f8cb8ae Fixed ORB memory leaks on CUDA backend
new 44845c0 Fixed FAST memory leaks on OpenCL backend
new 6430361 Fixed ORB memory leaks on OpenCL backend
new 7055849 Added missing memory deletions on FAST unit test.
new 9bb8efa Merge branch 'devel' into orb_fixes
new 7dc1609 comma to space
new 5babe9d Passing argument as reference to features operator=
new 6f1c72e Renamed feature.cpp to features.cpp to match class name
new c3e525f Merge pull request #361 from pentschev/orb_fixes
new 17776df Merge pull request #359 from jramapuram/devel
new ec45a5b BUGFIX: Adding target triple for when generating NVVM IR
new 6daf106 Fixed FAST CUDA backend case when no features are found
new 085bcdc Fixed FAST CPU backend case when no features are found
new d458f17 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into graphics
new 50c78dd Merge pull request #366 from pentschev/fix_fast_zerofeat
new c156543 Compilation fix for windows
new 940dbdf Merge pull request #368 from shehzan10/devel
new 89eed96 Merge pull request #367 from arrayfire/cuda7
new edf5b7a Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into graphics
new 70fac22 Removing math_ptx submodule as a dependency
new 864ea64 Fixing dependency issues during ptx generation
new 92325d4 Bugfix: fixed improper caching when casting in CUDA backend
new d12a89f Fixed clBLAS/clFFT libs install for Windows and OSX
new 8fc1b5c Bugfix: fixed improper caching when casting in OpenCL backend
new 7ef8028 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into ptxgen
new 0c702cc Merge pull request #369 from shehzan10/devel
new 50318ec Changing std::string inputs to be references
new 8e078a5 Merge pull request #370 from arrayfire/ptxgen
new 885eacb Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into graphics
new 38cbb0b Changing DeviceManager in OpenCL backend to use one context per device
new f10adaf Fixing copy paste error in sobel kernels in OpenCL backend
new d12c1be Cleaning up af::info for OpenCL backend
new 40b2dcb Sanitizing af::array class and constructor
new 8d8de4d Merge pull request #371 from pavanky/fixes
new 6b87f92 Updated README.md
new 889c519 Fix windows compile issue for opencl context handling
new de737e2 Merge pull request #372 from arrayfire/devel
new 95cb7b2 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into graphics
new f3aecec BUG: Fixed problem with JIT caching in CUDA backend
new d02ade6 BUG: Fixed problem with JIT caching in OpenCL backend
new 97c9181 TEST: Adding priliminary test for JIT
new 4eaed82 STYLE: Removing unnecessary include files
new be3f7b9 Renaming tests in test/jit.cpp
new 59ad17e Hashing the kernel names for CUDA and OpenCL
new e1dcfc0 Merge pull request #375 from pavanky/jit_fixes
new d94b833 Merge branch 'devel' into statistics
new d2b075b Corrected test data hash tag
new 35c0a27 Multiple func definition fix for arith operations: mod and rem
new b145bdc BUGFIX: added same complex type cast noop
new 90c0d35 BUGFIX Fixed sobel output types
new f7e9ef8 Merge pull request #379 from shehzan10/devel
new cb792dc Sobel returns int for integer types instead of float
new b48dd0e Merge pull request #380 from shehzan10/devel
new 6e78350 BUILD: auto generated PTX files are copied instead of renaming them
new f50a671 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into graphics
new f983a79 Merge pull request #381 from arrayfire/devel
new b30b289 Use decimal notation instead of hex for OpenCL JIT names
new f9f576e BUGFIX: Enable double precision support properly in OpenCL backend
new 32cd0b9 Merge pull request #382 from pavanky/ocl_build
new 3218a4b Merge pull request #383 from pavanky/clcontext
new 6621e8d FEATURE: convience functions for weighted mean
new e2ba4e0 BUGFIX: Fixing randu for complex numbers in OpenCL backend
new b39ec56 Cleaning up opencl/kernel/random.cl
new ae41b41 FEAT: Adding support for randu(.., b8)
new a1e2092 Merge pull request #384 from pavanky/random
new 078bccc Disabling OpenCL CPU and Accelerator support for OSX
new 39a37b4 Initial documentation for ArrayFire 3.0
new 8305ac7 Simple description for array constructor and BLAS
new 8f4e5cc Adding skeleton code for indexed min and max
new 0f2199b FEATURE: variance
new 5d6fcd7 FEAT: Indexed min and max for CPU backend
new 8d3a47d FEAT: Indexed min and max for CUDA backend
new 84be3c1 Removing unnecessary files from OpenCL backend
new 657aaf3 FEAT: Indexed min and max for OpenCL backend
new d83d847 Reorganizing features.cpp
new 43afe8e Adding proper checks in src/api/c/gradient.cpp
new 6ab0eec FEATURE: standard deviation
new 01122bb Bit operations now supported for scalar integers and bools
new a312f4d BUG: Fixed kernel compile issues with ireduce_dim.cl
new a2f1592 BUG: Fixed typo in ireduce_dim.cl
new 2cadd5b STYLE: Fixed typos in test/reduce.cpp
new 78b0107 TEST: Adding tests for indexed min and max
new 0fff9c4 Merge pull request #386 from pavanky/ireduce
new 3474122 Fixing issues with min and max on boolean arrays
new d0995d4 BUGFIX: added static qualifier for helper arithmetic functions
new eee0081 FEATURE: RGB to GRAY and vice versa color space convertion
new 418ca91 Merge pull request #387 from 9prady9/colorspace
new 829ddcb Added support for AFGFX
new 91884e4 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into graphics
new a4f1e8c Using colorspace conv in graphics. Fixed memory leaks
new 939be11 Mirroring change in handle names from AFGFX
new d7dd157 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into graphics
new 8b9346c FEATURE: covariance
new 0c8c58f Code cleanup for mean, var, stdev
new 3b0ef26 FEATURE: median function
new 3f8e3b5 FEATURE: correlation coefficient function
new 7f0dc1a BUGFIX: corrected scalar constant typo in median
new faa603b type correction in median removes warnings
new 2e17199 Merge branch 'devel' into statistics
new cbdf546 Code cleanup mean, median, stdev
new f2c2065 Merge pull request #389 from 9prady9/statistics
new 1dba2d1 BUGFIX: windows fix for division helper function
new 3008a78 BUGFIX: fixed multiple definition error for unaryName function
new 097635e Fixed memory leak in image c-api
new 20de584 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into graphics
new d6ebbf9 Fixed backend API for join
new c366722 Merge pull request #390 from shehzan10/devel
new 2fdb72c Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into graphics
new 1a7dffb Using direct backend calls for join, tile reorder in af_image
new 8779833 Fixed incorrect use of std::map::erase in OpenCL
new 00714bb FEAT: Adding flat for all backends
new 68f6f1c TEST: Adding tests for flat
new 35f1cb2 Merge pull request #392 from pavanky/flat
new 822a846 Enable scalar(real, imag) in all backends
new 7bc1071 Changing overloaded createHandle appropriate function names
new 51646c0 Disable key testing for sort_index and sort_by_key for OpenCL
new 23d8b82 Moving AF_THROW(af_init()) inside try/catch blocks
new c27f9f1 af_constant_complex does not use temporary variables anymore
new 947bd21 FEAT: constant(val,...) now accepts val from all types
new ec7793f TEST: Adding tests for constants of various types
new ffc4786 FEATURE: histogram equalization for images
new 97d4679 Merge pull request #396 from 9prady9/histeq
new 148fbff Merge pull request #395 from shehzan10/devel
new 5b895a1 FEAT: Adding binary operations for each type
new f7dde88 Merge pull request #398 from pavanky/64bit
new 4d19034 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into graphics
new ddb1751 BUGFIX: memcopy kernel was creating indices incorrectly
new da92bf2 Fix opencl build errors:
new 550913c Adding isLinear() to ArrayInfo
new cfc1e77 PERF: moddims no longer performs a copy if Input is Linear
new 39efcdb Merge pull request #399 from pavanky/copy_fixes
new d1f61f1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into graphics
new ba8e435 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into graphics
new fa06e65 BUGFIX: increased filter/mask length for convolve kernels
new c286ae8 Merge pull request #400 from arrayfire/devel
new b6e6105 Merge pull request #401 from 9prady9/conv_fixes
new cc8f521 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into graphics
new 781d41c Added pretty version of conway
new 35a81e3 Code clean up in FAST and ORB for all backends
new 93dc00b Cleaning up the CPP features class
new d8d2af7 Cleaning up memory.cpp in cuda backend
new c3d38d5 Merge pull request #402 from pavanky/cleanup
new 8cdfae6 BUGFIX: modified default normalization factor
new 7013882 Merge pull request #405 from 9prady9/fft_fix
new 82a54d7 Reverting a dumb commit I made to the code
new 1b093a2 Destroy af_array at the end of tests
new edb2716 Changing the internal API
new 903eec3 Making assign exception safe
new ed0fcd7 Destroying af_arrays properly in reduce and scan tests
new 15b1f77 Add pragma once to copy.hpp
new 3300941 Merge pull request #407 from arrayfire/memory
new 976872c PERFFIX: convolution perf improved by 2-4%
new b3c8a50 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into graphics
new b041236 Organizing the examples directory
new abe8342 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/graphics' into graphics
new 17eef2b PERFFIX: improved 2d convolve perf in cuda by 33%
new d1c9668 Adding back examples from arrayfire_examples repo
new 138fe03 Better templating convert_and_copy_image in graphics
new 54ca2d8 Renamed separable conv cuda kernel file
new 1d38f93 Remove C++11 conditional from src/api/c.
new 1cef8ec Merge branch 'devel' into perf_conv
new 78d41ec Merge pull request #415 from umar456/cxx_fix
new 128a5be Better backend API for iota (allow default argument for reps)
new d21b107 FEAT: Adding gaussian kernel to all backends
new 5ebaeaa Merge pull request #416 from shehzan10/devel
new 5b32e3f Merge pull request #417 from pavanky/gausskern
new 18ea1fa Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into examples
new 1343814 PERFFIX: improved opencl 2d convolution peformance by 4%
new b34787d Merge pull request #408 from 9prady9/perf_conv
new a34cf7f modified expand param to default to false for convolution
new e834af3 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into examples
new af751c1 Changing the API of seprable convolution to match 2.1
new 2635c3d Fixing the dimensions of separable convolution
new 3173983 Moved assets folder/submodule to the root dir.
new 766a9be Fixing dim checks for separable convolve in CUDA and OpenCL backends
new 87abac1 Fixing convolve example
new 8c557e6 Fixing the rainfall example
new 873b85e FEAT: Adding "product" for all backends
new 1850394 Added basic C interface functions.
new 9bd2b8e BUGFIX: 2d separable convolution
new ffc85db FEAT: Adding flip for all backends
new 9dd7ff7 Enabling commented parts of integer.cpp and monte_carlo_options.cpp
new 70b4d05 Merge pull request #419 from 9prady9/sep_conv_fixes
new 490349b Merge branch 'devel' into docs
new 6a138bf Changing the order of dimensions for monte carlo example
new 3085b5c Merge branch 'examples' of github.com:arrayfire/arrayfire into examples
new afc2f63 BUGFIX: in moddims when input is a jit node
new e9b3918 BUGFIX seq ops
new 89055b6 Merge pull request #423 from umar456/docs
new 333d54f Merge pull request #422 from arrayfire/examples
new bc788b4 Use the chromium repository to build gtest.
new 0bb6939 Merge pull request #424 from umar456/gtest
new 39aec3d Changed DIRECTORY to PATH in examples/CMakeList.txt
new 45727e6 Add warning for not cloning gtest submodule
new 5f58d3c Remove GIT_SUBMODULES from build_gtest. Not supported on older Cmake
new f9937d8 Merge pull request #425 from shehzan10/devel
new 56ceb30 BUGFIX for cascaded indexing.
new cadcf8f TEST: Adding cascaded indexing tests
new 342d62c TEST: Adding back commented out tests from flip
new f9547f1 Merge pull request #426 from pavanky/bug_fixes
new 0bb3333 FEATURE: hsv to rgb and vice versa conversion functions
new 1b25949 Merge pull request #427 from 9prady9/hsv_rgb
new 2199b86 Merge branch 'devel' into docs
new f76d51e FEATURE: colorspace function
new 283fa14 Merge pull request #428 from 9prady9/colorspace
new e03a883 Fixing path of arrayfire/assets
new 50f42de Build docs when you docs is enabled and "make all" is used
new 119228d Fix unused variable warnings in convolve_separable
new ba5c09f Merge pull request #430 from umar456/devel
new d0d8297 FEAT: Adding lookup
new 4108eda Adding new instantiations for reductions
new 0ac5299 STYLE: Making the function "where" more explicit in C API
new 12d25af Changing the dimension checks for index in C APi
new b7f1627 Reduced convolution compilation time
new f7333e7 EXAMPLES: All machine learning examples now compile
new b1eef3b Fix no return from non-void function.
new 1a8c8cf BUGFIX: in ArrayIndex aka lookup for CUDA backend
new 403405d Merge pull request #432 from 9prady9/conv_changes
new 9fb152a BUGFIX, EXAMPLE, Fixing a mistake in mnist_common
new 04a72b4 BUGFIX: added type check for tests on opencl backend
new 9542294 Merge pull request #433 from 9prady9/ocl_fix
new 7ace774 Merge pull request #434 from pavanky/examples
new 4ed7471 Adding copyright to examples
new 57a9132 namespace fix in machine learning examples
new e1e78c5 Merge pull request #435 from bkloppenborg/warning_fix
new aa125c9 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into graphics
new c5a9840 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/graphics' into graphics
new 487e839 Double precision checks in testing
new 94bfc41 Changed graphics names to match Forge nomenclature
new ddffdc5 Merge pull request #438 from umar456/double_test
new e005e3b Fix out-of-bounds memory access in array-based indexing.
new 55f7c15 Merge pull request #439 from bkloppenborg/array_indexing
new 0fbb249 Adding deep belief net example to ArrayFire
new 4777a7f Changing neural network example to use batches and epochs
new 78d82f8 Merge pull request #440 from pavanky/dbn
new a2386b0 Renamed af_array_index backend files to match new name af_lookup
new 88fb969 Added image blur argument to ORB API
new eab87a6 Added image blurring to ORB CPU backend
new e8f7208 Added image blurring to ORB CUDA backend
new b8ab588 Added image blurring to ORB OpenCL backend
new 34c3428 Added image blurring argument to ORB unit tests
new d43d401 Merge pull request #442 from pentschev/orb_blurring
new 84d6858 Merge pull request #441 from 9prady9/lookup_fixes
new 235b71f Documentation for colorspace conversion functions
new 3896100 Documentation for histogram & histequal
new 5e7ffd6 EXAMPLE: Cleaning up DBN and ANN examples
new 60ccebb Adding new functions matmulNT, matmulTN, matmulTT
new fa92635 Cleaning up DBN example to use new matmul functions
new 7ac52a9 Adding RBM example for ArrayFire
new d74ad0a Merge pull request #446 from pavanky/rbm
new 28044e5 Improved ORB performance and memory usage on CUDA backend
new 247b37e Improved FAST performance on CUDA backend
new 953001f Merge pull request #447 from pentschev/improve_orb_perf
new c643911 Merge pull request #448 from pentschev/improve_fast_perf
new 802b507 BUGFIX for indexing after JIT ops
new b293c34 Fixes to save image
new 585379e Merge pull request #449 from shehzan10/devel
new a76fb47 Moved repeat function docs content to common location for image.h
new 80bd3ef Added argument to define length of edge discard in FAST.
new 8ac18d2 Merge pull request #450 from pentschev/fast_edge
new e52edfd PERF: Break large JIT trees into smaller nodes
new e3d7f29 Fixing test names in complex.cpp
new 150d2f1 Merge pull request #452 from pavanky/jit_fixes
new 9800044 Reuse unit tests to write documentation examples
new 6980c80 Fix pedantic compiler warning.
new ece52e6 Merge pull request #455 from bkloppenborg/remove_unneeded_chars
new 88ce3a5 Fixes and code optimization to join
new 1c7d4eb Merge pull request #456 from shehzan10/devel
new 81c0c93 Changed the way FAST handles different datatypes internally
new e052698 Merge pull request #457 from pentschev/change_fast_datatype_internals
new b50fb8c Removed duplicate lines in mean & var tests
new b1a86e3 BUGFIX: fix in af_mean_all for cdouble type
new 7471df2 Merge pull request #458 from 9prady9/win_fix
new e76987b Modified readme file with additional ArrayFire contact info
new f9b1c1d Update README.md
new bfde310 Update README.md
new e1c45aa Add function to test/find first non-zero dimension
new 912391f Return user-specified dimension.
new 7e3228e Merge pull request #460 from bkloppenborg/get_non-zero_dims
new 4062a12 Merge pull request #459 from ogreen/MRead
new 74eb5e3 API Change iota to range
new bd3e846 Update test data for orb
new cd56e3c STYLE: Changing cast operations in all backends
new b1e87b3 FEAT: filter in convolutions is cast to the accum type
new a9eaf76 Merge pull request #463 from pavanky/minor_fixes
new 2e129a0 Merge pull request #462 from shehzan10/devel
new 3b1edf1 Merge pull request #443 from 9prady9/cspace_hist_docs
new dadc5e8 Faster DBN convergence. Test updates
new 3f8289f Merge branch 'devel' of github.com:arrayfire/arrayfire into dbn_rand
new ad6688a Removed cudaMemset from FAST
new a1a1bbb Merge pull request #465 from pentschev/remove_fast_memset
new f298176 Added documentation for FAST
new 13ccc7e Moved FAST description to docs directory.
new 6985eaf Fixed FAST edge assertions
new 517a11f Merge pull request #467 from pentschev/fix_fast_edge_assert
new c772e25 Merge pull request #466 from pentschev/doc_fast
new 6eeaeb7 fix gtest build with ninja and simplify gtest external project
new cc07a2c Make tests C++03 complient.
new 6dc7ff3 BUILD: Adding /usr/local/include and /usr/include to FindOpenCL
new 1df8764 Merge branch 'gtest-ninja' into devel
new a45abdf Added ORB documentation
new 11f786b Merge pull request #471 from pentschev/doc_orb
new cc5d11e Merge branch 'devel' into clang
new 9725a7e Remove additional c++11 features from test
new 1d47b48 Make tests using libstdc++ for clang builds on OSX
new 9ab19ea simplify freeimage cmake code
new 6d18fb7 Removed messages an unnecessary functions
new ad4c704 Merge pull request #472 from umar456/clang
new 29b4615 Install ArrayFire version file (version.h)
new 30cfe33 Fix documentation source directory for install
new 97d4c26 Renaming logit to logistic_regression
new 0617b07 BUGFIX: corrected the dimensions passed to gemv for tranpose(A)
new c58a204 BUGFIX: var and stdev now use the getFNSD from common.hpp
new ec71ab6 EXAMPLE: Cleaning up rbm example
new a012f2f Example: Naive bayes example now uses prior probabilities
new d393ec7 Merge pull request #478 from pavanky/bug_fixes
new b4cd8fb Updated test data
new 7ce560e BUGFIX Fix windows is_same ambiguity
new e35e897 Made FAST CPU results match CUDA results
new 38cb351 Made FAST OpenCL results match CUDA results
new 4262b4b Merge pull request #481 from pentschev/match_fast_results
new 34d961a Merge pull request #464 from arrayfire/devel
new 012bca8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into graphics
new 635baa2 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/graphics' into graphics
new b4c61f2 Merge with upstream, fix conflict.
new 24b5308 fix gtest byproducts
new 83f150d Merge pull request #484 from glehmann/fix-gtest-byproducts
new e820c45 Merge pull request #475 from bkloppenborg/cmake_install
new 0784848 BUILD :Changes to suppress warnings in tests
new 51d388d Example: clean up logistic regression
new 12cc3ae Example: Adding comments to naive bayes
new f8f27cb Example: Adding new example to demo perceptron
new 8e4adfd Merge pull request #485 from pavanky/examples
new 8a608c2 Removed USE_SYSTEM_GTEST cmake option
new ff4a4e2 FEATURE: generalized indexing function
new 8432372 install arrayfire cmake configuration and version files
new 36b6de0 Renamed af_assign to af_assign_seq
new fe1a2dd PERF: Making the isLinear() to only look upto ndims()
new 2708c6f PERF: Perform an async copy when data is linear
new cc7a4b7 Merge pull request #489 from pavanky/perf
new a2586ea Added display ASCII display function for MNIST.
new 9150f05 Merge pull request #490 from umar456/mnist
new b265516 Merge pull request #470 from glehmann/cmake-config
new aac0990 Remove execution bit.
new 47b285b BUGFIX: corrected conv2 filter length constant
new b1e0a81 Create .tar.gz package for libraries and documentation using CPack
new 3654cbd Added Harris corner detector example
new a4346e3 Merge pull request #491 from pentschev/example_harris
new 1f5e3f9 Removing OPENCL_LIBRARIES from CLBLAS_LIBRARIES in FindCLBLAS.cmake
new 5f2f72d Make example CMakeList standalone
new 1a65ac6 Merge branch 'devel' into cmake_packaging
new a4925c4 Fix missing asset definition.
new da79654 Package examples
new 5c999a2 Fix incorrect reference to ArrayFire libraries from FIND script.
new 33fb7b1 API Change order of data that range generates
new 34058b3 Merge pull request #494 from bkloppenborg/cmake_packaging
new 72952ed Linear indexing now flattens the arrays before the operation
new 2ec629a Fixed FAST type comparison mismatch warning
new d5aed33 Merge pull request #495 from pentschev/fix_fast_warning
new 186f0e2 Changing the layout of the documentation
new 555e244 cleaning up the groups structure
new 6079562 Merge pull request #496 from pavanky/dox
new 1339996 Added operators for dim4
new 541789c Added new functionality iota
new 18d8f90 Removing test/range. Will add back when corrected for new functionality
new 902b7ae Merge pull request #497 from shehzan10/devel
new 953ebba FEATURE: af_assign_gen
new 117d973 af_assign_gen cuda backend implementation
new b6d306d af_assign_gen opencl backend implementation
new dd0c736 Merge branch 'devel' into general_index
new ca8f58e Restore example naming convention and output directories.
new f3ad79a Merge pull request #500 from bkloppenborg/cmake_packaging
new f6a5f81 Add missing includes for stand-alone compliation of examples.
new e9e243a Add copyright to header.
new 02cccd5 Merge pull request #502 from bkloppenborg/standalone_examples
new 00af49c BUGFIX Fix offsets and strides when using moddims
new e7c89ad Merge pull request #503 from shehzan10/devel
new ac37b5b Removing empty file reduce.h
new 1bd88bd Minor tweaks to blas documentation
new 427c186 Added documentation for reductions
new 7df8b6a Adding doxygen briefs for image processing functions
new bad13bc Documented code related to 'How to add function to ArrayFire' wiki
new 75e5047 Function groups organized
new f110757 Style and typo corrections in exampleFunction
new 597fd35 Adding the remaining documentation for functions in algorithm.h
new 457e58f Merge pull request #504 from 9prady9/TemplateFunction
new 511a4b6 Added documentation for part of arith.h
new 741d66e Merge pull request #505 from pavanky/docs
new d94f936 Install example assets along with examples.
new 009f66d Merge pull request #506 from bkloppenborg/example_fix
new c5cd283 Regions documentation and code example
new 99fb5da Renamed image processing titles for morph & filters subgroups
new e4c1f1c Documentation for gaussian kernel functions
new 3fb4e91 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into graphics
new 72f1d92 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/graphics' into graphics
new 8a3207e Documentation for Sobel Operator functions
new 7c5a78e display a warning when the assets can't be found in the source dir
new d5d21a3 Documentation for matchTemplate function
new dd60549 Documentation for medfilt function
new 24f24e9 Documentation for meanshift & bilateral functions
new 7053eda Merge pull request #507 from glehmann/assets-submodule-msg
new 0714fa8 Documentation for Morphological Operator functions
new 149d488 Merge pull request #508 from 9prady9/image_docs
new f1b4287 DOCS: documentation for statistics.h
new b8020e3 DOCS: Adding brief descriptions for all documented functions
new 1a9e475 DOCS: Adding documentation for remaining functions in image.h
new 716d946 DOCS: Remove src/api/c from header path
new baea33d DOCS: Fixing code in getting_started
new e48bd02 DOCS: Fixing the formatting in image.h
new d853519 Documentation for Convolution functions
new a97d9ff DOCS: Adding documentation for all functions in arith.h
new aece147 Documentation for fft & ifft functions
new 22c91b5 Merge pull request #509 from pavanky/docs
new 699760a Documentation for approx1 & approx2 functions
new c819d38 Merge pull request #510 from 9prady9/signal_docs
new d33e762 Documentation corrections
new 217b91e Fix ASSET_DIR path
new 415f831 Merge pull request #511 from umar456/assets
new 95b9e75 DOCS: Fixing warnings
new f184089 DOCS: Adding examples tab to the generated documentation
new b1a7d39 DOCS: Adding documentation for device.h and array.h
new 2f4d004 DOCS: Adding documentation for manip_mat in index.h
new abaa8f1 DOCS: Adding documentation for data.h
new ce0c076 DOCS: Fixing documentation errors for arith functions
new 284013a DOCS: Adding documentation for arith and logical operators in array.h
new 4e04a6f DOCS: Adding documentation for indexing operations
new 8dd3857 DOCS: Fixing links in the documentation landing page
new a4a26ce DOCS: Adding download links for arrayfire
new 38a2496 Merge pull request #512 from arrayfire/devel
new 1bfd5d2 Add OS and architecture information to generated installer files.
new 41fc59e Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into graphics
new 88e1c55 Merge pull request #514 from bkloppenborg/cmake_packaging
new 26c4396 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into graphics
new b321d88 Fix OpenCL not found for examples.
new 5a753b6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/graphics' into graphics
new aab3c3c Merge pull request #515 from bkloppenborg/cmake_opencl_fix
new b31aff1 BUGFIX Fixed bug in range
new 233b437 Added test for range
new 3dc9197 API Add overloaded api for tile
new c15e0dc BUGFIX Fixed tiling bug in iota
new e9decbd Added test for iota
new d04c54c Merge pull request #517 from shehzan10/devel
new 65b0647 Merge branch 'general_index' of https://github.com/9prady9/arrayfire into general_index
new 321a294 Updated README.md with binary downloads link
new 0888320 Merge pull request #519 from shehzan10/devel
new a17843f Changed THREADS to 256 and BLOCKS to 64 in random.hpp.
new fb63358 Merge pull request #521 from mcarilli/randufix
new 7d0edb4 Added 4th dimension batch for erode,dilate
new 90e1631 Added 4th dimension batch for erode3d,dilate3d
new e379a90 Revised documentation for convolve
new 8ff2de6 Added 4th dimension batch for bilateral
new ca76e73 Added 4th dimension batch for meanshift
new b2a3acc Added 4th dimension batch for histogram
new 5a0d398 Added 4th dimension batch for median filter
new 3b86af5 matchTemplate 4th dimension batch support
new 7600d18 4th dimension batch support for rgb-gray transformations
new 01c4943 Enabled 4th dim batch support for hsv-rgb conversions
new fa4f417 Added 4th dim batch support for 2d separable convolve
new 424363b Added 4-connectivity code sample
new 0d144e7 Remove macro templates in constant. Use Gtest templates
new 1ccc114 Merge pull request #527 from 9prady9/docs_improvements
new 6718646 Add code coverage flags for UNIX platforms
new ff8ed6b Add coverall configuration file
new cc0828f EXAMPLE: Cleaning up machine learning examples
new 55f6d3f EXAMPLE: Added softmax regression
new 3fc4b49 FEAT: Changing indexing to the generalized APIs
new 09bae10 TEST: Adding test for a(idx) = b where idx is array
new 2cfa8ae FEAT: array::isbool() is now implemented
new 863cfb9 BUGFIX: Fixed bug in seq to array casting inside gfor
new a07c717 STYLE: Cleaning up rainfall example
new 6414d88 BUGFIX: Logical operations now return b8 instead of u8
new 0cee88b BUGFIX: Making sure the array index is locked
new d3cb0ad TEST: Test for logical assignment
new c46a29a TEST: added for scoped out indexing with arrays
new 6cda141 batch support for indexed arrays in separable 2d convolution
new 16af736 BUGFIX: batch support for indexed arrays in morphological functions
new 666aa27 batch support for indexed arrays in bilateral, meanshift
new a3e3b6e batch support for indexed arrays in histogram
new 3aa1191 Merge pull request #531 from pavanky/indexing
new 6962fef Merge pull request #530 from pavanky/softmax
new f329385 batch support for indexed arrays in medfilt function
new b44b985 batch support for indexed arrays in matchTemplate
new b3d95fa batch suppor for indexed arrays in sobel functions
new 2d48792 Added coveralls target to cmake
new 0f0332b Merge pull request #523 from 9prady9/batch4gfor
new c9260c8 set the lib version
new 9bc4cb1 Merge pull request #534 from glehmann/lib-version
new df12cb3 STYLE: Removing AF_VERSION_MINOR output in af_info()
new 5835f12 Moved cuda::trimIndex to utility header
new c23edc3 BUGFIX: fixed a condition check in cpp wrapper for convolve
new 86dbd61 Merge branch 'cmake-freeimage' of https://github.com/glehmann/arrayfire into devel
new 20d14a5 Remove old token from coveralls config
new 0801c7c Renamed ConvolveBatchKind::[ONE2ALL to ONE2MANY]
new d5c2a56 Merge pull request #535 from umar456/coverall
new 12c06bc Added Hamming Distance API and CUDA backend
new 060d47a Using FindOpenCL from CMake 3.2
new e10dd16 Merge pull request #536 from shehzan10/devel
new 0d3c5f5 BUGFIX: added .as(u8) call for input in regions
new 99c0b03 FEAT: Adding combinations of arrays and sequences for indexing
new 6be994e download and build the opencl dependencies with cmake
new 5f5bf53 TEST: Additional tests for gen_index
new 46854a2 TEST: added tests for gen_assign
new c4a49ad Merge pull request #537 from pavanky/indexing
new b259c34 FEAT: Adding functions to expose memory info and garbage collection
new 3b965e9 Add the id of the device the memory is allocated on
new 0c14f2f BUGFIX: Decrment the used buffer and byte count only once
new c02cddf BUGFIX: Binary operations with scalars create proper types
new c6396c7 BUGFIX: Cast logical and bitwise operators to the right type
new d4c8da5 TEST: get the proper output type for binary operations
new 3a3d0de Merge pull request #539 from pavanky/memory
new c8a92fe Multidimensional batch support for convolve
new e779d9c Changed the shared memory loading pattern in 3d convolve
new 5ed0c81 Merge pull request #540 from 9prady9/conv_batch4gfor
new a65d047 Remove delete calls
new 36dd7a3 vector -> unique_ptr for unitilized data. Removed init loops
new 9d299e5 Merge pull request #543 from umar456/rm_del
new f254dff HOTFIX: fixes normalization factor bug in ifft
new d85e607 additional cpp convenience wrappers for fft and ifft
new 7084517 fix 1000+ warnings about unused function with clang
new 6889c20 replace tabs with 4 spaces
new bdcc64c Merge pull request #546 from glehmann/fix-unused-function
new 5fdd217 Changes based on cppcheck static analysis
new a515b11 BUGFIX: for accum along non-first dimension
new 99143c0 Retiring warps early for accum along first dimension
new f539123 Merge pull request #547 from umar456/cppcheck
new 4c6ea0d PERF: Minor improvements to accum in CUDA
new d58ec95 BUGFIX: in accum for OpenCL backend
new 26975c3 Merge pull request #548 from pavanky/scan_fixes
new e6033c9 renamed unified fft wrapper API
new 87431a2 Merge branch 'build-opencl-dependencies' of https://github.com/glehmann/arrayfire into devel
new 6d6df48 Update clFFT commit id
new 92514e3 Merge pull request #545 from 9prady9/fft_api_additions
new 8b9adad Merge pull request #550 from shehzan10/devel
new 339fe68 Revert "download and build the opencl dependencies with cmake"
new 34465d9 Merge pull request #551 from arrayfire/revert-550-devel
new 8c39d38 Using commits as version for Boost.Compute external build
new df81438 Fixed building clBLAS external
new 46111d5 Fixed building clFFT external
new d0a8bcf Using wget if cmake downloads empty file for boost compute
new 89124e9 Formatting and case in cmake files
new 55d3b9c Revert "Revert "download and build the opencl dependencies with cmake""
new ce44015 Merge branch 'devel' of https://github.com/shehzan10/arrayfire into devel
new 102bf9b BUILD: Making sure boost compute path is included properly
new af39f5e Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into graphics
new ca1899f fix the missing external projects byproducts
new 95d44a8 fix the condition used to set the external projects by products
new cd83183 Change download link
new 7e868b6 Create one cuBlasHandle per GPU. Tests
new 6abeffd Merge pull request #555 from umar456/multigpublas
new b919791 Merge pull request #553 from glehmann/fix-ep-byproducts
new 1781af4 Remove FindArrayFire, script is automatically generated.
new bd1253f Add source package. Create using
new 5e35138 Merge pull request #557 from bkloppenborg/cmake_packaging
new 8009eac Code cleanup
new 3f4fcc2 BUGFIX: used a wrong offset for 0th dim in kernels
new 8b56098 Updated contribution guidelines with new wiki page link
new b14f7e1 BUGFIX: corrected padding kernel offset
new ce4e7be Unit test for fft on padded Arrays
new 7e5a97a Merge pull request #559 from 9prady9/fft_fixes
new f038ee0 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/graphics' into graphics
new 3da2f33 Changed regions to accept b8 input only
new e37f8d0 Fixed regions unit tests to use b8 as input
new b9ed587 Updated regions docs
new 8e30fa4 Merge pull request #560 from pentschev/regions_b8
new 77455d9 Identity support for s64 and u64. Unit Tests
new 1335bb6 Fix identity for char and complex types
new bbfa82a Identity unit tests for C++
new c2dc1de BUGFIX: The 3rd and 4th dimensions offsets were flipped for identity
new d4b8646 TEST: enabling tests for 3D identity
new a317deb Merge branch 'umar456-identity' into devel
new bef153f Remove unnecessary operator overloads for complex in OpenCL
new 6700480 BUGFIX: Maintaining the proper data type in binary functions
new fbb0e74 Merge pull request #563 from pavanky/binary_fixes
new 0719df3 Build fix for Windows
new d9b8a41 Merge pull request #564 from pgovind/identity_fix
new d668278 Sort functions in docs. Update coveralls
new f28f2b5 Call garbageCollect() when cufft plan creation fails and try again
new 5c165ed Call garbageCollect() when CLFFT plan creation fails and try again
new 4adc40f Renaming cuda/fft.cu to cuda/fft.cpp
new 1b8cde2 Merge pull request #568 from pavanky/fft_mem_fix
new 7c5ed69 HOTFIX:Corrected kernel window lengths meanshift
new 7a19bd8 Removing trailing whitespaces
new 0e6a846 Renamed files with image related functions to image
new b8d3993 Renaming lib_deps to FreeImage_LIBS
new 7ede49f Added Linear Algebra for CUDA using cusolver
new b66dc6f Fix compiler errors for lapack
new eea430b Added Cholesky for CPU
new e82566e Added LU to CPU
new 3e55e05 Fixed dimensions in QR CUDA
new 4ee5fa5 Added QR to CPU
new 3661c32 Added brief linear algebra example files
new 64c653c Fixed cholesky upper-lower issue
new 5de27e8 Fixed return arrays for lapack functions
new d257df2 Returning index value array for LU as pivot
new 61d243b Added CPP tests for linear algebra
new 3265dc2 Added inplace transpose API
new abf81fd Merge branch 'name_changes' into 'graphics'
new 728f076 Added framework for solve
new 23021c3 Added CUFFT_CHECK() to check for cuFFT errors
new dde81a4 Changed CUDA FFT functions to use CUFFT_CHECK()
new 581496e Merge pull request #569 from pentschev/err_cufft
new 3645ee2 Minor cpu/reduce refactor
new 201a60c Merge pull request #570 from umar456/reduce_refactor
new 3eb6d52 cuda image rendering resource manager changes
new 27d6e3d opencl backend graphics
new 340b4b2 Added CPU implementation for solve
new d936fe3 Changes to fix warnings on gcc
new cd7cc4c Style changes in array.cpp
new e87b9e4 BUGFIX: Assignment inside GFOR with start and end points
new c58c770 BUGFIX: batched mode assignment inside GFOR
new 1a45145 TEST: Adding tests for GFOR
new fdeec01 Style fixes in src/api/c/assign.cpp
new 4d77384 Merge pull request #571 from pavanky/gfor_fix
new 9979959 Merge branch 'arrayfire/devel' into lin_algebra
new 995d5a6 Changes to remove compiler warnings
new 48b04a1 Merge branch 'lin_algebra' of github.com:alltheflops/arrayfire into lin_algebra
new 8350fb8 Added TRSM to cuda backend
new 9e8bed1 Added convert pivot option to cuda lu
new d6b2ff6 Solve CUDA and CPU fixes. Work in progress
new 33b4aec Add unit test coverage information in the README
new 8d60339 TEST: Adding tests for solve
new e181600 Added fftconvolve() C API
new 5050884 Compilation fixes for trsm
new 6708bd6 Change lapack api leading dims to use strides
new ac3187c Added fftconvolve() C++ API
new 85fea39 Added fftconvolve() prototypes to signal.h
new 78df1c9 Fix CMake to create Xcode projects
new d55ad1d Added documentation for fftconvolve()
new f96cd5e Print error messages based on environment vars
new 7b7e426 Remove iostream.
new 37c1013 Cleaning up error handling for cublas functions
new 976a4d5 Merge pull request #575 from umar456/xcode
new 410a8c2 Cleaning up cublas and cusolve managers
new 77bd5da Fixing memory leaks for linear algebra in cuda backend
new 97f22ee BUGFIX: QR decomposition for CUDA backend when M >= N
new 9be81f6 FEAT: Adding solve for CUDA backend
new 340445f Added convert_pivot option for LU to all backends
new a851b0a CMake fixes for CUDA 7 with CMake 3.2. Change WITH_LINEAR_ALGEBRA to WITH_<backend>_LINEAR_ALGEBRA
new a193858 Remove AFAPI from cpp/lapack.cpp
new e678e47 Added inverse to all backends
new 5e8bcfc Added template parameter to fftconvolve() C API
new b9a1282 FEAT Added plot to cpu backend
new 36cf81d Merge branch 'graphics' into plot
new 0a12f31 Split plot from image
new 015bb6f Merge remote-tracking branch 'mule/opencl_image' into plot
new 1565665 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into plot
new b719997 Move CUDA InteropManager into its own file
new e92f00f Move OpenCL InteropManager into its own file
new 7e15bc7 FFTWL libraries are not required
new ea10ae4 Added plot to CUDA backend
new 8e7af62 Updated plot example
new 061380b Added plot to OpenCL backend
new fa7ffb1 Moving FindMKL to FindCBLAS.cmake
new 85b1822 Removed size from fg_plot2d in accordance with change in forge
new 9847e8c Merge branch 'plot' into 'graphics'
new a7ea087 Use relitive path for unit test data path
new ba03c7d Merge pull request #577 from umar456/rel_dir
new 2fbd8e5 Added expand flag to fftconvolve()
new c65cb38 BUGFIX: Corrected PBO binding for image cpu
new d3ac1c9 Added CLFFT_CHECK() to check for clFFT errors
new 90ebf01 Merge pull request #578 from pentschev/err_clfft
new 8a2a402 Merge branch 'devel' into fftconvolve
new 0fd302f Helper functions in OpenCL to create af::array from cl_mem
new 198e411 Add s64 and u64 support for assign
new c11289c Removing unnecessary cl_device_id check
new 11e8f7e Merge pull request #580 from umar456/assign64
new 68e79e8 Adding support to retain and release cl mem objects
new c2c244f Adding an optional retain parameter for getContext and getQueue
new f6b19aa Merge pull request #579 from pavanky/ocl_helpers
new 065a478 AF changes for forge borders and ticks
new 9c4ebed Merge branch 'border' into 'graphics'
new 32339b0 BUGFIX: fixed vbo index in plot, cuda & opencl backends
new 9728ddb Doc for using ArrayFire with external OpenCL code
new 2863a88 Merge pull request #581 from bkloppenborg/docs_external_code
new 52d9e75 Added a mutex in the memory alloc and dealloc of the CPU backend to facilitate multi-threaded use
new 1b9faf2 Merge pull request #582 from munnybearz/threading
new 1d4ce6c Added fftconvolve() support for CUDA
new b8a9f1e Added CUDA version check to err_cufft.hpp
new f857ac3 Merge pull request #583 from pentschev/err_cufft_fix
new 4e7338a Remove unnecessary template parameters from tests
new c3b25b7 Added fftconvolve() support for OpenCL
new aad9430 Added unit tests for fftconvolve()
new b820e96 Added fftconvolve() support for CPU
new bcf4af0 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into fftconvolve
new dea5681 Merge pull request #587 from pentschev/fftconvolve
new db21222 Remove usage of max() in fftconvolve()
new dd4d3a2 Use explicit for af::array constructors
new 1dbe972 Fixed bugs on fftconvolve()
new 7e9559b Changes to reflect API change in Forge
new c3e29c6 Fixed fftconvolve() bug for large input sizes
new 7a8cfe5 Typed tests for alltrue and anytrue
new 20e6b40 STYLE: Removing swtich case from FFT
new e952223 FEAT Added 3 and 4 array join functions
new a14f043 STYLE: Cleaning up the FFT code in CPU backend
new e1d58bc Changed af_join3/4 into af_join_many
new 7d3e59c Added CPP test for join many
new 28c9208 STYLE: cleaning up fft_common in CUDA backend
new d33abdc Fixes for number of arrays in join
new ea26585 Fixing a warning when compiling cufft
new dfb6d6b STYLE: Fixing fft_common in OpenCL backend
new 82bbff3 STYLE: cleanup computeDims and computePaddedDims in all backends
new 7a8449c Merge pull request #593 from shehzan10/join
new 0e20d01 Added fftconvolve() interface to fft() plan cache
new 4446b91 Updated OpenCL and CPU fftconvolve() templates
new 4ebf3c8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into devel
new 6c163b8 Diagonal Tests
new aa70f58 Fix char ZERO option bugs in diagonal. Tests. Refactor
new f3d8d58 Added support for s64 and u64 to diagonal. Tests
new 9494a6b Merge pull request #602 from umar456/diagonal
new 2b055c8 Removed unused template parameters from CUDA fftconvolve()
new 350c4bb Merge pull request #599 from pentschev/fftconvolve_cuda_cache
new 592e3b7 FEAT: Adding multi-dimensional batch support for fft
new f582695 TEST: Updating the fft tests with batch mode support
new 51d0a3f Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into fft_fixes
new de79eb7 Add self-extracting zip for Linux.
new cbc6da5 BUILD: Fixing uncaught merge conflicts
new ce8f721 Merge pull request #603 from pavanky/fft_fixes
new 9d0d3b6 BUGFIX: Median should now use floating point numbers for outputs
new a5c7b7e BUGFIX: Median was using the improper count for number of elements
new 470444f TEST: Added tests to cover all cases of median
new 53b200b Merge pull request #604 from pavanky/bug_fixes
new 0a0ee06 BUGFIX: Changing the behavior of indexing to relfect old arrayfire
new 4cc0a22 BUGFIX: Assignment of scalars to values now uses to the storage type
new e09ce4a BUGFIX: Removing the evaluations before they are done
new 45b7bed BUGFIX: Fixed assign when both out and rhs are vectors
new 78b0fb3 TEST: Adding tests for assignment when special vector cases are involved
new da28447 TEST: Adding tests for indexing when inputs are vectors
new 477bf86 Merge pull request #605 from pavanky/index_fixes
new d74a92b BUGFIX: adjust a few is* functions
new f9c3f7a Unit tests for several af::array member funcitons
new 0b10ce3 Adjusted failure tests for constant and random
new 9dca5c5 Added u64 support to join()
new dadafd7 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into add_join_u64
new 91e09b1 Added s64 support to join()
new 55c6835 Merge pull request #609 from pentschev/add_join_u64
new 1d161d6 Minor indexing refactor
new 97ee9e5 Moving dim4 to the common backend area
new 26cd18e BUGFIX: calculating ndims from dim4 properly when elements() == 0
new 4af76ed TEST: Re-writing the random test properly after earlier bugfix
new def37c6 BUGFIX: Adding proper dim asserts for all data creation functions
new 990b4e6 STYLE: Making sure af_destroy_array is called on non empty array
new 5224809 Added proper error checking for special indexing cases
new de8a3c1 STYLE: Moving dim asserts in data creation functions to a single place
new 07730c3 Destructors must not throw exceptions
new 151c8c1 Merge pull request #610 from pavanky/dim4
new 69803ed Merge branch 'devel' of github.com:arrayfire/arrayfire into array_attrib
new a53b09d Scalar is not a vector
new 0aa0df4 Copying FindLAPACK from cmake distribution to CMakeModules
new 0f5f951 Simplify isRow/isColumn
new 2bcaea9 Merge pull request #612 from umar456/array_attrib
new 38a7350 BUGFIX: build/compile changes
new 8b27a65 Add DEB and RPM packages for Linux.
new 984dad8 Merge branch 'api_changes' into 'graphics'
new 19f125e Moved large FFT unit tests to fft_large.cpp
new 3be32d5 Merge pull request #617 from pentschev/move_fft_large_tests
new eeb3ea1 Added missing checks to OpenCL functions
new a70a575 Merge pull request #618 from pentschev/add_missing_opencl_checks
new 4885362 Merge branch 'devel' into graphics
new f267af4 Updated assets submodule
new fdd9a71 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/graphics' into graphics
new 330456b AF CPU backend changes for forge 1dhistogram
new 6dca4d9 Remove gen_index member function
new 3fc015a Importing the first set of clmagma functions
new 1387fd4 FEAT: LU decomposition for OpenCL backend
new 1a3b357 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into lin_algebra
new b17ef43 Merge pull request #619 from umar456/index_refactor
new b2b9920 BUGFIX: Making sure the lu_split kernel is working properly
new 3aa395f BUGFIX: Bugfixes in the magma code for getrf
new 1258a7e BUGFIX: input and output were flipped in magma/transpose.cpp
new efd4ff9 BUGFIX: Fixing out of bound acceses in createPivot when M > N
new 5e0885a Removed execution permissions of source files
new 30f996b Merge pull request #620 from pentschev/remove_exec_permissions
new b862fa8 Replaced loadFont with loadSystemFont call
new fc7b215 Merge branch 'graphics' into cpu_hist
new c966e0d Build DEB and RPM packages only on Linux.
new f7684a0 Pull packging out of main CMake file.
new 45425a2 Fixed size calculation of packed array in fftconvolve()
new 9d4cbf3 Added large unit tests for fftconvolve()
new 562d135 Move initBlas to the blas header.
new 711fd38 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into lin_algebra
new 697e1f1 Adding CLBLAS_CHECK to clblas.cpp and magma_blas.h
new 20326b3 Making sure initBlas is called before calling magma functions
new 7c84c6d BUGFIX: Call the clblas routines only for non zero dimension lengths
new a760d14 FEAT: real and imag now work with non complex numbers
new 2c6bc8f TEST: Adding extended tests for LU decomposition
new f1b28c8 Merge pull request #623 from pentschev/fftconvolve_tests_large
new 44ca12c Remove package directory, move packaging to CPack.txt file.
new 4430ecb Including missing headers for call_once in blas.hpp
new 812c477 Fixed wrong fftconvolve() large unit tests
new 2cb9063 Merge pull request #622 from bkloppenborg/linux_installers
new e2d9fce Adding magma files necessary for cholesky decomposition
new 69f7b85 FEAT: Adding cholesky for OpenCL
new 4363cbb Removing unused variable from CPU and CUDA cholesky functions
new dfbfc6b STYLE: Reduce redundant code in LU for all backends
new a88cae8 STYLE: Reduce redundant code in cholesky for all backends
new 86bc8d2 STYLE: Reuse qr_inplace inside qr for CPU backend
new b3ce35c Exposed fft_common() in OpenCL backend
new 898bb91 Integrated OpenCL fftconvolve() with fft() plan cacher
new 393d00d Merge pull request #624 from pentschev/fftconvolve_opencl_cache
new 44ac309 Adding triangle matrix extraction to CUDA
new 81bd215 Adding triangle matrix extracting to CPU backend
new 6478889 Adding triangle matrix extraction to OpenCL backend
new 5405f79 BUGFIX: Extracting lower triangle now works as expected in all backends
new 4f209e8 Out of place cholesky now returns triangular matrix for all backends
new 0ef9f84 TEST: Adding tests for cholesky for large matrix sizes
new f16cb5e Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into lin_algebra
new 95ad6cf Modified histogram draw function
new ab58dc9 CUDA backend copy_hist function
new 8ad9923 OpenCL backend copy_hist function
new 920c67f Merge branch 'cpu_hist' into 'graphics'
new 68380c8 Use non-member non-friend functions to perform binary operations
new 251312d Use forward declarations instead of including headers
new 87e80c1 Merge branch 'devel' into proxy
new 500cf35 BUGFIX corrected size_t format specifier
new 94fa026 BUGFIX fixed 3rd dimension index in cpu histogram implementation
new daf1cc4 Include array.h in opencl.h: forward decl doesn't work
new a9978aa BUGFIX fixed Windows Debug mode issue
new 1599064 Style fixes for string macro concatenation in sprintf
new c660d05 Merge pull request #628 from umar456/cpp_idioms
new 3a9661e BUGFIX fixed signed-unsigned comparison warnings
new b56dcc0 Fixed wrong labels printing in ML examples
new 0ab87ce Merge pull request #629 from pentschev/fix_ml_examples
new 2bb74ab BUGFIX added /bigobj CXX flag for opencl on windows
new e1a1a6a Merge pull request #630 from 9prady9/win_fixes
new 83ba2b2 Indexing using proxy class. Initial implementation.
new d879035 Assign unit tests
new d73a505 Assignment tests for row and col member functions.
new 6547631 Assign unit tests
new 2cdee5e Assignment tests for row and col member functions.
new a2b8099 Update test data commit
new a642cc5 Fixed FAST on Mac OS X
new cb96009 Merge pull request #632 from pentschev/fix_fast_osx
new 97aa791 Merge pull request #631 from umar456/assign_tests
new d88e6a3 Fix race condition in reduce_first_kernel.
new 0d0d7d1 Remove the need for volatile memory by always using __syncthreads();
new 437b35a Adding shuffle instructions for __CUDA_ARCH__ > 300 in reduce
new c59116e Removing volatile memory and race conditions by adding ireduce
new dee5752 Removing warnings from test/assign.cpp
new 01f88d8 Merge pull request #634 from pavanky/bug_fixes
new 8c77b78 Fixed faulty float comparison
new c137000 Merge pull request #635 from umar456/index_fix
new 8216f18 Fixed build warnings
new 86f0e02 Update boost.compute repository and commit
new 3565017 Merge pull request #636 from pentschev/fix_build_warnings
new ef696c1 Merge pull request #637 from shehzan10/compute_update
new be2fdf3 Fixed scan for OS X.
new de33ed6 Merge pull request #639 from pentschev/fix_scan_osx
new d2f5ea3 Merge branch 'devel' into proxy
new 0a6e966 Unit tests for array_proxy to array_proxy assignment
new d02180c Fixes indexed array to indexed array assignment
new 5c25ba9 Added missing calls to OPENCL_DEBUG_FINISH()
new 41f04d9 Added missing OpenCL exception handling
new e6f92b7 Fixed assign()/index() on OSX
new cc7a76a Merge pull request #641 from pentschev/opencl_osx_fixes
new ee66bdc Added write and af_write_array functions to all backends
new 8de0a75 Added missing POST_LAUNCH_CHECK() calls on CUDA
new acac0d6 Moved conv_image() to testHelpers.hpp
new 3a05f4a Fixed meanshift() unit tests for double data type
new f089652 Added tests for write
new 93abb70 Merge pull request #642 from pentschev/fix_meanshift_tests
new 88c470e Merge pull request #643 from shehzan10/af_write
new e929792 Added missing cpp wrappers for set functions
new 49c4648 Merge branch 'devel' into graphics
new f930ce8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/graphics' into graphics
new b54fd3c Adding magma files required for QR decomposition
new cc7b654 FEAT: Adding QR decomposition for OpenCL backend
new 25f816f Updating err_clblas
new 94c732d TEST: Adding tests for QR decomposition
new 65d89ad TEST: Fixing tests in LU decomposition
new d62f665 FEAT: Solve for square systems
new 29ed5a4 Increase resize() test coverage
new d68d9e8 Merge pull request #645 from pentschev/increase_resize_coverage
new 91d7b68 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into lin_algebra
new 83141ba Fix for min max in magma files
new 3e4326e Fixes for qr and cholesky tests
new 8dca030 Added multiview examples: edge filters and morphing
new 87ea2df Merge pull request #640 from umar456/proxy
new 122e7af Added titles for multiple view mode graphics examples
new 252925c Simplify indexing. Fix const correctness.
new 9be64f0 Changes to accomodate f77 blas on windows for lapack
new 0ad8dc6 Merge pull request #647 from umar456/simplify_idx
new 109e2d3 Adding AF_CPU definition to CPU backend
new 918448f Separate variable for f77 blas for CPU and OpenCL
new 8586af8 Add installation documentation for Windows, OSX, and Linux.
new cb5b81a Fixes for CUDA linear algebra on windows
new caf2508 Moved installation instructions to Doxygen. Updated links.
new 4d0858f Fix markdown for Doxygen.
new e0a9733 Add AFAPI to proxy class for windows
new ddac758 Removed unecessary checks in resize()
new dd1babc Remove unused functions. Cleanup
new 0f82c9c Merge pull request #648 from bkloppenborg/install_docs
new f8e636f Modified CATCHALL macro to handle forge exceptions
new 4d576b2 BUGFIX / STYLE: Cleaning up of indexing code to fix minor bugs
new fec7f42 STYLE: Minor style changes to indexing structs and classes
new 12a130d Merge pull request #649 from pavanky/index_cleanup
new 1c9fd1c Image save tests
new ad51242 Added new test helper for output only functions
new 318a2b2 Added tests for gaussiankernel()
new d1e33bd Removed test helper for output only functions
new ba187e8 Changed way how gaussiankernel() size is handle in tests
new c4c344d Updated test data
new f8204eb Merge pull request #650 from pentschev/gaussiankernel_tests
new 424c3ed Add s64/u64 type support for lookup
new 6e59b13 array_proxy member func tests. Test additional types
new a1fc60c Tests assignment with the slice function.
new 4457f82 Test rows and cols functions.
new ce23b33 remove scalar test.
new 77b445e Merge pull request #651 from umar456/lookup
new 79dbe5f Error checks for indexing operations
new c7ec16a Increased fft() test coverage
new 1a52a9e Merge pull request #652 from pentschev/increase_fft_coverage
new 7e6afb4 FEAT: Solve for non square systems in OpenCL
new f6ba3c4 Minor style changes
new 5b71151 FEAT: inverse for opencl backend
new d5856d5 STYLE changes in CPU and CUDA inverse functions
new d6088df STYLE minor changes to cuda/solve.cu
new ca9fa43 Fixing a minor bug in swapdblk
new 21d79c4 TEST: Updated solve tests
new 7bbee45 BUGFIX: memory leak in opencl linear algebra routine
new 8329f3f TEST: Added tests for inverse
new a5e09c7 Remove setenv from inverse test
new d26f59d Fixed fft() tests to properly call dft() wrapper
new afd85ca Add Windows (MSVS) and Linux (CMake/Make) usage instructions.
new 0baa955 Merge pull request #653 from bkloppenborg/install_docs
new fcb3e2d Merge pull request #654 from umar456/idx_errchk
new 139e1e3 FEATURE / STYLE: Changes to af::exception. Added af_err_to_string
new 2d846f1 Moving non index functions from index.h to data.h
new c25c9dd af_print no longer uses af_reorder
new ce82be5 Using MKL CBLAS, LAPACKE
new bf17dc7 Increase tolerance for LU float test
new 862a935 Added provisional lapacke wrapper for lapack
new e68a087 Fixes for lapacke wrapper on OSX
new 8e635c9 Fixes for lapack tests
new dfa3049 Added return in swapblk opencl, fixed size of qr test
new 3f5fbe4 BUGFIX: Fixing a minor bug in CUDA solve
new 96e1126 TEST: Changes to dense linear algebra tests
new 0a860f2 Fixed af_mul_t OpenCL operation
new df94edc BUGFIX: Reduce the local memory useage for transpose_inplace in OpenCL
new 39bca4a Removing default option from C API
new 5c63d2d Fixing error checks in cholesky and solve
new 9f09be4 FEAT: Adding lower and upper for all backends
new 536388f BUGFIX: base_type of intl and uintl is now fixed
new 7c18041 TEST: tests for lower and upper triangle matrices
new 638984e Removing new and delete from cuda and opencl linear algebra functions
new fa4a8e2 *Inplace --> *InPlace
new 6f053a1 Removing commented out test
new 93daa39 Merge pull request #657 from alltheflops/lin_algebra
new d77596b Fix CUDA cusolver library find in CMake
new d8c4a49 Fix compiler warnings in tests
new 7197760 Disable lapacke.cpp for OSX CUDA
new a4acd8e Add lapacke dependency for Debian-based distributions.
new 7374755 Document AF CMake variables. Add non-standard install instructions.
new 96cd935 Remove unit tests from docs examples
new 27edb47 Added class for FreeImage such that init and deinit are called once
new 27d8e8b Reduced size for triangle tests - Used > 1.5GB mem
new 20697d0 Added options for static FreeImage in CMAKE
new 9e33d03 Calling freeimage init/deinit in constructor/destructor
new 8283d61 Updated FindFreeImage.cmake to handle switch of lib type
new 4dfbf29 Random number generators now have unified states for all types
new 9ba026c Added COPYRIGHT.md for software credits and corresponding licenses
new 660e31d Add lapack(e) dependency on Fedora.
new 0fd7615 Merge pull request #659 from bkloppenborg/usage_instructions
new e26f206 FEAT: Adding setSeed and getSeed for all backends
new 9d9112b TEST: for setSeed and getSeed
new 30a7baa BUGFIX: af_print now prints 1D arrays properly
new a6f2eea Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into minor_fixes
new a96f09c Fix freeimage_include_path
new 9445c44 Merge pull request #660 from shehzan10/devel
new ec9ee86 CMake Fix for broken build due to freeimage static
new 19e88b8 TEST: Updating random test to make sure there are no clashes
new 5652677 Merge pull request #664 from pavanky/minor_fixes
new 5f94ff7 Fix missing dereference.
new 6183278 Merge pull request #666 from FilipeMaia/fix_get_last_error
new e0ccca4 Fixed Freeimage initialization bug
new 208faa6 Changed FI, MKL toggle variables from *_USE_* to USE_*
new 9b04a50 Merge pull request #667 from shehzan10/devel
new 21219e1 Ensure af_get_last_error and af_err_to_string are exported by including the public header.
new a134b85 Merge pull request #669 from FilipeMaia/fix_non_exported_symbols
new ab9f0a3 Add missing definitions for array_proxy operators
new c9248c3 BUGFIX in random number generation for multiple GPUS in CUDA backend
new 74c6419 Exporting the symbols from dim4.hpp
new 3da02a8 Instantiating array::unlock, array_proxy::unlock()
new 857d38e Using simpler FindLAPACKE script
new c092314 Merge pull request #671 from pavanky/fixes
new e0e57e0 Fixing error handling in seqToDims
new 400e1b2 Add missing constant() declaration
new 8595c86 Changing af_blas_transpose to af_transpose_t
new 3bc842f Merge pull request #673 from shehzan10/devel
new 5a698cc Merge pull request #672 from FilipeMaia/fix_missing_operators
new 4f63a5a Changing enums in af_pad_type
new de9f3a1 FEAT: 2D spatial convolution now supported until 17x17
new 7990c2c Making the expand parameter an enum for convolutions
new bbed63b Add double test disabling to random getseed
new 2a48e06 Making all the inputs consts
new 6099075 SOLVE, MATMUL and INVERSE now use af_mat_prop
new 2c99374 Adding argument checks for matmul, dot, inverse and solve
new 9002e68 FEAT: convolve automatically switches to frequency domain when necessary
new fd0f470 Fixing compile warnings in tests
new 63fa923 FEAT: Chaining matrix multiplications
new aa74259 Merge pull request #674 from pavanky/minor_features
new 5bb8abe ArrayFire Graphics API changes
new 47070f6 FEAT: IIR and FIR for all backends
new 46c02ae Add support for s64 and u64 arrays
new fcd5a12 Revert "BUGFIX: af_print now prints 1D arrays properly"
new e8307c8 Revert "af_print no longer uses af_reorder"
new 7dee476 BUGFIXES: fixing batch mode in IIR filter for all backends
new 3820078 Merge pull request #675 from FilipeMaia/where_64bit_int_support
new cb33be7 Add tests for where for u64 and s64
new c57cf4f FEAT: Add complex support for fftconvolve
new e98655a TEST: Adding complex tests for fftconvolve
new 116ab2e TEST: Initial tests for IIR filter
new c2469b4 FEAT: Add short circuit code for iir when only a0 is available
new 5b71bf1 Add support to var for u64 and s64.
new 002287e TEST: Adding tests for iir when only a0 is available
new 24a4182 Additional var tests
new 59a6bf7 BUGFIX in iir for all backends
new 9613d85 TEST: Adding more tests for iir filter
new 7a17574 Merge pull request #679 from arrayfire/var_tests
new 8bb4aeb Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into features
new bc2ed28 Fix warnings in test/var.cpp
new a4d5a3e Merge pull request #680 from pavanky/features
new 8b7ff98 BUGFIX: Fixed random number generation for CPU backend
new bef9ddb BUGFIX fixed histogram draw params in example
new e34580a Modified histogram & plot examples to use render loop
new cb60a03 Added log2() support
new e83c652 Added missing copyright headers
new d38a27e Merge pull request #683 from pentschev/add_log2_support
new b6d27b3 Added default axes labels for plot, hist functions
new b7cafcd Merge branch 'devel' into graphics
new 9645a43 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/graphics' into graphics
new 1b98b8f Type corrections in COPYRIGHT.md
new a703fc3 Added default arguments to translate, scale, skew
new e702c19 bug fixes: related to convolve API change and OpenCL headers
new b6fc4f5 BUGFIX fixed graphics namespace when not needed
new b685fa6 STYLE: Changing dim_type to dim_t
new 5267641 TYPO: fix ArrayFire URL
new 719fde1 Merge pull request #685 from ghisvail/typo/copyrights-af-url
new 451f1e2 Fixed linear interpolation for transform/rotate
new 39d973d Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into devel
new 5fea642 Merge pull request #684 from pavanky/api_changes
new 8e9daff Merge branch 'devel' of github.com:arrayfire/arrayfire into devel
new 322e882 Build fixed for windows for b685fa6
new 0c5d0a5 Merge pull request #686 from shehzan10/devel
new 35b2960 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into graphics
new e305bbb Fix Forge CMake scripts
new 9c1998f Warning fixes in hist and morphing
new 79fceb4 Building forge as external project
new 49eed1c Build fixes for rotate and abs
new de91400 abs fix for size_t on tegra
new 89d80cb Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into graphics
new 52e316c Fixed to build_forge for building on windows
new 4642d8d Fixed memory leak in cpu/where.cpp
new 282509a Merge pull request #689 from munnybearz/memleak
new 2e95fb1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/hamming_distance' into devel
new c3f2273 Changed dim_type to dim_t in hamming_matcher
new 73acadd Added CPU backend for hamming_matcher()
new 2aa23e5 Installs forge includes/libs with install command
new efbd29e Divide VS projects into VS Filters for Tests and Examples
new fce4ad5 API: dim_t is now a signed type
new f0cfc3f BUILD: Making the default build type to be Release
new f58c3d5 Removed uncessary dependency GLFW from ArrayFire
new 6193613 BUGFIX: IIR now uses lower local memory in opencl backend
new c63be70 Updating licenses and copyright
new fbf3873 Updating the gtest submodule commit
new 0628a6d Merge pull request #691 from pavanky/bug_fixes
new 83d46fe Merge branch 'devel' into graphics
new c2d6f97 Windows specific fixes for graphics
new 4fd3fbe BUGFIX: fixed memleak in indexing
new 3cb8890 Update build_forge.cmake
new 188f164 Add Find Package GLFW back for include directories
new e026297 Test Getting started code examples
new 1ac9ad3 Changes to reflect forge API changes
new a9bfffa Change translate test verification to ratio
new d38e422 Fixes for Solve OpenCL for NVIDIA GPUs
new b9de94d Disable solve/qr test failing on windows opencl
new da11f49 Remove unused gfor parameter from array constructor
new 80685ad Merge pull request #695 from shehzan10/devel
new d9b195e Fixed qr and solve test to compile
new 294cd8a Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into graphics
new 2f716b3 Fix build_forge to build properly on windows
new 74bbdf8 Move matrix_manipulation examples to unit tests.
new b50f82b Removed unncessary CheckGL calls
new a22d230 Add missing constructors for af::array
new 42069ad Fix indexing ND using linear indexing
new e36626e OSX graphics fixes
new 81a7183 Adding BUILD_GRAPHICS Option to find/build Forge
new 630afb5 CMakeList Tabbing/Formatting
new 102cc73 Added GLEW and GLFW along with licenses to copyright
new 7909af4 Changing forge-external to forge-ext
new aa9b79e STYLE: af_err enums now have hard coded values
new b46af83 Change macro for dim_t definition
new ce738fd TEST: Check if output type is double in var tests
new beaede0 Expanded macro for definition of dim_t
new 6b56cd9 FEAT,TEST: Adding 64 bit int support and tests for mean
new d829d0c FEAT: Adding 64 bit support for stdev, corrcoef, covariance
new c307cd6 Adding LP64 macro for dim_t
new 35f71bf Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into graphics
new e70bbaf Temporary workaround for incorrect weak copy symantics of af_array
new 6ce425a Merge pull request #699 from munnybearz/indexmemleak
new aee71cc Partial fix for linear indexing on ND array
new d6ebb84 Create indexing unit tests for indexing documentation.
new a287d79 Apply Rule of 3/5 to array_proxy class.
new 2241464 Merge branch 'devel' into gs_tests
new 9743bbc BUGFIX: Memory leak in array_proxy operator array()
new f4b21ac BUGFIX/STYLE: Refactor moddims/assign; Memory leak in assign.
new 95e8236 STYLE: changing AF_ERR_NOMEM to AF_ERR_NO_MEM
new ba75031 API: rename af_weak_copy/af_destroy_array to af_retain/af_release
new dbbf18a STYLE: Fixing the way debug info is displayed when building opencl programs
new 7c11266 Replaced static arrays of cl::program/kernels with maps
new 1d8c7c9 Added comments to differentiate af_err enum ranges
new c35df28 Merge pull request #698 from pavanky/osx_fixes
new 13aa388 Merge branch 'gs_tests' of https://github.com/umar456/arrayfire into devel
new 84a8f56 STYLE: removing templates from gen_indexing
new cce1dae Changing the geqrf to geqrf3 to reflect function name from magma
new 4bacd8b Add compiliation instructions to examples. This resolves #606.
new 8f1fe74 Merge pull request #701 from bkloppenborg/example_docs
new 9084988 FEAT/TEST: lower and upper support making the diagonal == 1
new 9b949ff Compilation fixes and getting started test fixes
new 76ea6a5 FEAT: Adding QR in place for OpenCL backend
new 306e6ab Changing the API of linear algebra functions
new 04d1daa TEST: Adding tests for luInPlace, qrInPlace, choleskyInPlace
new 5f63317 Fixing a minor style issue for solve in CPU backend
new 0b1d8f3 Documentation for data.h
new ab6e4ee Documentation for util.h
new f33e174 Documentation for print
new 8eee3a6 Merge branch 'devel' of https://github.com/shehzan10/arrayfire into lapack
new 51d4f6c Documentation for inplace transpose
new 9b730bc Fixing matrix_manipulation test
new edcac79 OS X interop context creation changes
new 5fc35ba Merge branch 'devel' into graphics
new 1f21643 Fix double tests in getting started and matrix manip
new 1ccc3a5 First draft of lapack documentation
new 07c912b Document index and enums in defines.h
new 1c7c865 Added OpenCL backend for hamming_matcher()
new 25a12d8 Make proper use of local memory for OpenCL hamming_matcher()
new ee98fc8 DOC: Updated lapack documentation with code snippets
new d2b0317 DOC: cleaning up af/opencl.h documentation
new 2273b3c DOC: Adding documentation for missing parameters
new c47fc8a API: Removing domain parameter from separable convolution
new 7792268 Merge branch 'devel' of https://github.com/shehzan10/arrayfire into lapack
new 662bc9d Merge pull request #703 from pavanky/lapack
new bbdef97 Added c32/64 s/u/32/64 to resize
new 0301f02 DOCS: Added docs for operator(). Style updates in array.h
new 4659e2e DOC: Added documentation for image
new d954bb8 Fix const correctness for row(s)/col(s)
new 89c7e60 Merge pull request #706 from umar456/rowcol
new 341893a Merge pull request #705 from shehzan10/devel
new 82fefa3 Merge branch 'devel' into array_docs
new 9f740e4 Removing redundant enum: af_source_t was just a clone of af_source
new 4924eec Marking arrayfire constants to be externs
new 0e0c726 Fixed race condition in CUDA hamming_matcher()
new b126be7 Adding documentation for enums in af/defines
new 763b615 Reusing test condition in OpenCL hamming_matcher() kernel
new 23a9ad5 Moving unsanitized C++ API to be inside __cplusplus checks
new 0cf2410 API: changing (af_pad_type, padType) --> (af_border_type, borderType)
new 06921f1 Fixing compile warnings
new a4952b5 Added copy-via-host fallback option for opencl graphics
new 206a4bc Merge branch 'devel' into graphics
new f13b740 Compilation fixes in resize for osx and windows
new 7d57d55 DOC: Adding documentation for IIR and FIR
new 9712de5 CPack filename based on graphics support
new af07ae0 Style fixes
new 28404ae Fixed segfault error when graphics is not used for opencl
new 6f88657 Changed af::Window::operator() to return reference
new 133b58a Added checks for graphics calls
new 793f153 Merge pull request #708 from pavanky/docs
new c232373 Merge pull request #707 from arrayfire/graphics
new ca6311c Compilation fix for afHost in conway examples
new 3159164 Change conway loop condition to window.close()
new 0c5a381 Added missing syncs to hamming_matcher()
new 272dae1 Added unit tests for hamming_matcher()
new fb0c85c Updated test data
new da25782 Added Hamming matcher documentation
new 11ef364 Moved computer vision functions to vision.h
new 67bf106 Corrected no graphics enum in graphics functions
new caa7e9a Fixing double tests in getting started
new e4c205e Making the triangle test slightly smaller in size
new 38321fe Removing forge headers from install command
new bf99527 Merge pull request #711 from 9prady9/no_gfx_fix
new e0ce42f Prevent CUDA hamming_matcher from allocating additional device memory
new 1050816 Added more syncs to hamming_matcher()
new a68143d Changed C++ hamming_matcher() to hammingMatcher()
new 8c8a7eb Added C++ unit test for hammingMatcher()
new 7b6f993 Prevent OpenCL hamming_matcher from allocating additional device memory
new be59116 Cleaned up some hamming_matcher code
new 93f8376 Fixed memory leak in unit test helper's conv_image()
new 73146c4 Merge pull request #710 from pentschev/hamming
new 49c08ae Moving af_features to be an internal structure
new de6b09b BUILD fix for test/hamming.cpp
new bb939f1 Functions that don't support GFOR / batch mode now return errors
new 94a2679 Merge pull request #714 from pavanky/fixes
new 17c55a2 Option to use static GLEWmx
new f9ca21c Remove print statements
new bfec277 Add option to use system GTest
new c262f08 renamed uint to unsigned
new 8c92835 Merge pull request #716 from shehzan10/devel
new 1adb675 Fixing GLEWmx for build forge
new c5b3ec5 API: Update set and reduce API
new e5d2cf9 Fix __builtin_popcount for windows
new ac2e155 Fix e5d2cf9
new 2aa9d74 API: fftconvolve, meanshift, colorspace, erode/dilate
new 637fe4e Add AF_DISABLE_GRAPHICS to disable OpenCL window creation on init
new c913951 API: histequal->histEqual, deviceprop->deviceInfo
new 84dae78 Changing the messages af::exception generates
new 57ace34 BUGFIX: Fix for assign with linear indexing
new 91d0ac8 TEST: Adding tests for linear assign and index
new f3272c7 API: Add old names to compatibility header
new afaf6d2 BUGFIX: Fix GFOR support for convolve in CPU backend
new 8c2156a BUGFIX: Convolve in OpenCL now work when filters are sub arrays
new 2631d68 TEST: Adding GFOR tests for convolve
new 96b5f20 BUGFIX/TEST: medfilt in CPU backend now works inside GFOR
new 4b4ee5b BUGFIX/TEST: morph fixed for GFOR in CPU backend.
new feb97a2 BUGFIX/TEST: Fixing bug inside GFOR for bilateral in CPU backend
new 75f64ad BUGFIX/TEST: histogram inside GFOR fixed for CPU backend
new 6a436a6 BUGFIX/TEST: fixed meanshift in GFOR for CPU backend
new 8bfc91a Create a deprecated macro.
new ec2fac0 BUGFIX/TEST: Fixed lower and upper in OpenCL backend for sub arrays
new 6a27b5e TEST: GFOR tests for resize, diagonal and transpose
new 8800acd Merge pull request #720 from pavanky/bug_fixes
new aa955c6 Merge pull request #717 from shehzan10/devel
new ad28b3d Merge pull request #718 from umar456/api_update
new a7fee3f Correct alternate functions for deprecated functions
new 5227570 Replace deprecated calls with new APIs
new 3a91ca9 Fix reduce test files
new 57f9545 Fixed histequal to return result with same dims as input
new 5889b9c BUGFIX fixed ForgeManager caching mechanism
new 6659f5c BUGFIX: corrected af_min_t to min for char specilization
new 1b68d68 add module centralizing all install paths
new 419bb82 use new install path variables
new 4c29e38 Inplace LU now returns pivot in lapack compliant format
new 67e1f96 Fixing warning messages during compilation
new e6b6413 FEAT: solveLU has been added to all backends
new beb7928 TEST: Adding tests for solveLU
new e90de68 DOCS: Adding documentation details for solveLU
new c777412 Fixing the cuda error check in cuda/platform.cpp
new cac53d8 make paths overridable
new 5bb323e Minor fixes to solveLU documentation
new 69df923 Adding getrs to backend/lapacke.cpp
new c6392f1 Added image processing examples
new ce3f61d Fixed OpenCL hamming_matcher() local memory size query
new a80d187 Fixed hamming_matcher() OpenCL kernel for Intel devices
new f178b98 Changed CUDA hamming_matcher switch case to if condition
new d08d78c Added set position function to af::Window
new c485b99 Offseted window start position in pyramids examples
new f87926a Added more paths to FindGLFW
new 794884a Add descriptions to Conway, update conway_pretty
new 0ebb9c7 Merge pull request #725 from shehzan10/devel
new df38def Merge pull request #724 from pentschev/hamming_fixes
new 47e9c5e Merge pull request #723 from 9prady9/fixes
new 5594ae7 Merge branch 'devel' into array_docs
new 1a3be44 Fixes for building on OSX
new a9040f4 DOCS: Additional operator overload docs
new d9082d8 Modified harris example to use graphics when appropriate
new 59e206f Added fractal examples
new d19cc24 Fixed math header in optical flow example
new 31449fe Minor style changes
new 8394db8 Modified fractal array to be normalized before rendering
new 306b0a6 Merge pull request #726 from 9prady9/examples
new 9a68280 FEAT: Adding support for triangle matrix solve
new f99e09f TEST: Adding tests for solve
new 526e012 Added wrapper for setTitle for window
new 6d838b5 TEST: Updating documentation for af::solve
new f42cf38 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into solvers
new d41b683 Added FAST feature detector example
new 6c2b7b8 Removing unnecessary const from af_lu_inplace
new 4a9745a BUILD fixes for OSX
new 4369393 Changed exception handling in examples to stderr.
new 19654b8 BUGFIX: solve with upper triangular matrices fixed for NVIDIA gpus
new 9b65bc4 Merge pull request #729 from pavanky/solvers
new facdfdc Merge pull request #730 from pentschev/fast_example
new 647bde8 Merge pull request #728 from shehzan10/devel
new ed6eede DOCS: Document rest of array.h. Fix doxygen labels
new 8e3c5a6 Merge pull request #732 from umar456/array_docs
new 0078a6e Added arrayfire pro tips page
new cf7f43e This fixes that serious memory leak in OpenCL backend, and gets rid of unnecessary CLBuffer referencing.
new 339f74c Retain buffer added.
new 8f10e2c Merge pull request #734 from unbornchikken/pr1
new b6dc418 BUGFIX: anytrue / alltrue now return b8 instead of u8
new e207fef FEAT: Adding det and rank for all backends
new e8c9154 Updating documentation for rank and det
new dab946a Merge pull request #722 from ghisvail/enh/cmake-install-paths
new 9d67371 Renamed arrayfire_pro_tips to configuring_arrayfire_environment
new 4448ac2 Add option for user to set relative test data directory
new 2f786da Merge pull request #733 from shehzan10/devel
new 61debc5 FEAT: Adding support for matrix norm in all backends
new 2262bb9 FEAT: Add missing element wise functions
new 5f93e98 Adding array.nonzeros()
new b1d7da4 FEAT: Adding minfilt and maxfilt
new ad07a2d Added colormap attribute to af::Window
new db329f1 Added colormap option to examples to make them look pretty
new c8da0c3 Corrected doxygen group tag for matchTemplate C++ API
new c92ee92 Adding "tests" for missing functions
new 5473216 Fixing up documentation for image processing and lapack
new f571148 DOCS: Style updates. Deprecated list
new dc9c2a9 Updated doxygen to show deprecated list.
new bc44c0f Fix documentation warnings
new aedf09f Merge pull request #737 from umar456/style_docs
new 5459716 Documentation for af::Window class and graphics C API
new 7ec1f8b Merge fixes
new 4ae3c5b Merge branch 'pavanky-missing_functions' into devel
new 9033010 Merge branch 'devel' into cmap_additions
new 9b3f323 Change uint to unsigned for fixing builds on windows
new a8dfa17 BUGFIX in jit opencl
new c831bb5 More uint to unsigned
new 92343e3 Only build examples if full backend is found, fixes #738.
new c5c585f Fix missing includes in standalone compilation.
new b7327b3 Merge pull request #739 from 9prady9/cmap_additions
new e34ca9a Sort member functions alphabetically.
new b6ea255 Revamp the getting started guide.
new 595db9f Remove extra FindOpenCL.cmake file.
new 7437e7f Merge pull request #741 from bkloppenborg/improve_docs
new 25f0e97 Fix incorrect array construction.
new 6766eb4 Fix missing init of vector.
new 5ec105d Skip complex<float> object creation in favor of direct init.
new 5db880c Merge pull request #742 from bkloppenborg/examples_fix
new 7f7e2fc Convert constant into a template
new 7882552 array.device<T>() now hands complete control of the memory to user
new 2f2e8b9 BUGFIX: cpu memory manager incorrectly calculating total_bytes
new 8dfde8c FEAT: Adding functions to get and set memory chunk resolution
new 6627947 TEST: Adding tests for memory manager
new fd40afa Fixing code for af/opencl.h
new 9846bd9 TEST: Updating memory test for indexing and assignment
new bed93f0 BUILD fix for OSX.
new 888c276 Fixing fractal example
new a660754 BUGFIX: Fixing the reset methods in backend/CPU/TNJ/*
new 37068e1 Removing exceptions being thrown from clean up code
new 8fa76dc Adding a specialziation for array.device<cl_mem>() in af/opencl.h
new aab895e Merge pull request #745 from pavanky/fractal_fixes
new b01aa1c Adding capability to build multiple compute versions
new 0cacd94 Move example install directory.
new c17fccf Added CUDA_COMPUTE_DETECT Option to disable auto detection
new 9e3c01a Additional Image Processing Examples
new be0f7d4 BUGFIX: element wise operations on sub arrays work now in CPU backend
new 3ebab20 Merge pull request #748 from bkloppenborg/example_install_path
new 8bcfeb5 Merge pull request #747 from shehzan10/devel
new 0eb4d28 Merge pull request #749 from 9prady9/ImageEditingExample
new 1febbb7 Moving header files to fix build issues
new 9a49f6d For single compute, set PTX to compute version
new 5c0473a Replace deprecated functions with new API
new 2c894f7 Fixed CUDA fftconvolve warning
new 1876650 Added missing return statement to OpenCL getQueue()
new 428cc0d Deprecated functions will throw errors in examples
new 631f201 Merge pull request #751 from shehzan10/devel
new 08e5e8d Merge pull request #752 from pentschev/fftconvolve_warnings
new 8abaf54 Added the row(s)/col(s)/slice(s) member functions to proxy
new 76eae4c Disable cuda compute check from being run everytime cmake is run
new 86cb2b6 Fix deprecated warning to error for visual studio
new b1996f0 Fix headers for c-only compilation
new 79fc880 std::complex -> af_cfloat/af_cdouble
new aad666d Fixed several docs typos and confusing sentences
new d4a44be Fixing issues with doxygen
new 908dfb1 Changes to AF_VERSION*
new b30294d Fixing documentation to have pre-requisites
new e9752ab Fixing path of the installed examples directory
new 07ed99b Merge pull request #756 from pentschev/doc_typos
new a521e49 Merge pull request #754 from shehzan10/devel
new c409361 Merge pull request #755 from umar456/constant
new 482446a Merge pull request #753 from umar456/proxy_fix
new 37add1c Merge pull request #757 from pavanky/final_fixes
new 35a3406 Add deprecated functions from AF2.1
new 80db8f0 Merge branch 'devel' into dep_func
new ebbb2d3 Fixing build failures for OpenCL on a few machines
new d6486bb Merge branch 'dep_func' of https://github.com/umar456/arrayfire into devel
new c0a690d Commenting out broken test
new 301b725 BUILD: Adding INSTALLER_MODE flags for all backends
new 90e6c3b Tagging build_forge for af3.0
new ef3e113 Added Step 0 to windows to run pre-built executables
new 43ebb80 Fixing documentation and release notes
new 3facf05 c++ checks in complex
new 86426db Merge pull request #759 from arrayfire/devel
new d8d4b38 Fixing CPack.txt
new c047384 Fixing CPack.txt
new 94f254a Fixed 'snprintf' definition conflict in Visual Studio 2015
new ee0c295 Fixing conflicts between std::array and af::array
new c8ad7cb Added test to check the validity of the headers in C
new 6ed384c fix missing include
new 02d9076 Move snprintf/static macros from defines.h to backend
new 3a802f3 Disable RPM and DEB packages
new 84cd31b Merge pull request #773 from shehzan10/devel
new 79ef380 Merge pull request #770 from umar456/basic_c
new b63c45c Moved CV documentation to vision.dox
new cea9b58 Fix typo in installer mode.
new ab3e32d Added missing Hamming matcher documentation
new b53cb90 Merge pull request #774 from bkloppenborg/cmake_fix
new a3cfd81 Moved matchTemplate definition to vision.h
new c1910ad Graphics changes to reflect changes in upstream library forge
new 7e5e1d1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/hotfixes-3.0.1' into vision_docs
new 93225fe Merge pull request #777 from pentschev/vision_docs
new 7a6b39f Fixed matchTemplate includes
new 717e0ca Merge pull request #778 from pentschev/matchtemplate_vision
new 88e4bbb Fixed glew header search hints for cmake
new 2306181 Removed the need to Find glfw/glew from build_forge script
new aa9cb6d updated external project forge tag
new b7e41bb Merge pull request #776 from 9prady9/gfx_changes
new c7e20cd Change forge branch to master
new a8e497a Remove git folder form docs folder
new c4a723a Resolve ambiguous pow error on osx cuda(6.5)
new ec96aa0 Fixed fftconvolve() bug, resulting in wrong output
new 59560ea Requires some knowledge of array_proxy_impl. Fixes #787
new de3ad6c Add defines.hpp to opencl files where snprintf is required on windows
new 6c70164 Merge branch 'fftconvolve_fix' of https://github.com/pentschev/arrayfire into hotfixes-3.0.1
new 8f1a3be BUGFIX/TEST: fftConvolve now does multi dimensional batching properly
new 55bf057 BUGFIX/TEST: fftConvolve now does multi dimensional batching properly
new 0c445ac Merge pull request #789 from FilipeMaia/array_proxy_constructor
new 56f1d34 Add missing parameter to CREATE_TESTS macro
new dbc2ae1 Enable multiple CUDA computes to be detected and enabled
new 7a7a109 Disable fallback computes if any CUDA_COMPUTE_XY is set
new 3c1b83e Change build status to reflect master status
new 6718173 Updated fractal example
new 797984d Disable fallback only if any compute is set to ON
new d5ab3fb Merge branch 'fix-missing-include' of git://github.com/glehmann/arrayfire into multiple_computes
new 9cf1d7b Merge pull request #797 from shehzan10/multiple_computes
new 8e622d9 Merge pull request #796 from umar456/osx_install
new 5086d1d Merge pull request #798 from umar456/fractal
new 19f92d9 Optimized compute detection code
new 17480c0 Make all link interfaces private
new d3d5af2 Fix cuda linking.
new 26ff678 Fix cmake errors in linux for private linking
new 795d4a5 Fix path for CMake config files.
new 901ce18 Merge pull request #803 from bkloppenborg/hotfixes
new b3ae296 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/hotfixes-3.0.1' into devel
new 12bfe66 Remove references to installer_mode
new 6874582 Merge branch 'private_lib' of git://github.com/umar456/arrayfire into hotfixes-3.0.1
new bbab9e8 Fixed examples cmake for unix
new bf8d015 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into hotfixes-3.0.1
new d792e2a Fix header file in basic_c
new acbc41c Fix for displaying images of type uchar, int and uint
new 4e0d05e Merge pull request #805 from 9prady9/gfx_image_fixes
new cd8a594 Created OSX Installer
new 8671111 Add gitter label
new 0478325 Make osx installer based on targets. Style
new 24a7c4f Fix CUDACheckCompute when error is returned
new 2fd0e96 Minor typo fixes in windows doc
new 74382f2 Fixed wrong indexing in some machine learning examples
new c3f83cd Fixed gtest git link
new 9af8f62 Merge pull request #808 from shehzan10/hotfixes-3.0.1
new 6dbbb23 Merge pull request #807 from pentschev/ml_examples_fix
new ca00f5c Finalize osx Installer
new cfb2b31 Put guards around osx install scripts
new 68367b5 Removed a printf from opencl backend
new c75b915 Renamed cpack.txt to cpack.cmake
new f93867d Changed forge tag to af3.0.1 in build_forge.cmake
new 08af9a6 Update the installer name
new 72b79bb Merge pull request #811 from 9prady9/printf_cleanup
new aa99409 Merge pull request #810 from umar456/osx_install
new 55d28ec Adding using_on_osx document
new 42eca27 Update release notes and version details
new 17db1c9 Merge pull request #814 from arrayfire/hotfixes-3.0.1
new 36708b0 Merge pull request #815 from arrayfire/hotfixes-3.0.1
new 3053edd Implement CUDA complex dot product
new ab35ad1 Add complex dot product for CPU backend
new 0372645 Add complex dot product for OpenCL backend
new 4a1e364 Remove cache path from NVVM path
new b20e65a Function return type fix for blas
new 0bd1110 Add forgotten instatiations
new 075f48d Merge pull request #817 from FilipeMaia/complex_dot_product
new 2d5c961 Compilation fix for windows when graphics disabled
new 5d13193 A few functions (e.g. setunique) were not being exported to the library
new bc3a5dd Merge pull request #819 from FilipeMaia/missing_header
new 30f7b26 Merge pull request #820 from shehzan10/CUDA-fixes
new b0e4992 FEAT Add CPU backend for unwrap function
new 73d9038 Added CUDA backend for Unwrap
new 669b4b2 Added OpenCL backend for Unwrap
new 4badf65 Bugfixes, comments
new 36ab51c fix #828: remove unnecessary include of a cmake module
new 4ada49a Merge pull request #831 from ghisvail/hotfix/unnecessary-include
new 9b13e8a Adding padding for strides > 1
new 9281f4e Added test for unwrap, updated data submodule
new ec5c0d1 Added documentation for unwrap
new f00a396 FEAT: Difference of Gaussians
new b037a8c Merge pull request #835 from 9prady9/dog
new 2816c01 Changing behavior of unwrap using padding
new b3d5bba Changed unwrap tests to new behavior
new dafe47a Updated documentation for unwrap
new dc18c34 Unwrap: Remove duplicate asserts, add intl, uintl to test
new 238f85d Remove unused lapack definition
new a3de665 BUGFIX for gradient when single element is in new block
new 967ffb0 Make dim4 a POD object
new 4c9962b Make ArrayInfo a POD object
new 8204912 Add static checks for POD for dim4 and ArrayInfo
new 91f7431 Make Array<T> a standard layout type
new f037380 Ensure Array<T> is standard layout using static_asserts
new 0af0fb5 Merge pull request #841 from shehzan10/gradient_fix
new ce0d03f Merge branch 'unwrap' of shehzan10/arrayfire into devel
new 409b295 Revert "Make dim4 a POD object"
new 67d0f60 Reduce size of Array<T> by rearranging mem vars
new 0492397 Merge pull request #842 from umar456/pod
new ee72370 Add static checks to make sure ArrayInfo is the first mem var
new 19b7067 Merge pull request #843 from umar456/offset_check
new 2175ccb Added AF_INTERP_LOWER and implementation for resize
new 152fccf FEAT: Implementing array::lock() and array::unlock()
new 2e7ffe9 DOCS: Adding documentation for constant
new 93786a9 Adding documentation for array::scalar
new 8491b6d DOCS: Updating arith functions to specify their input limitations
new 691f0d1 FEAT / TEST: Adding af::copy()
new 31016e9 Display if a backend is enabled or not when building examples and tests
new 94909e1 Merge pull request #848 from pavanky/new_additions
new 6bd71f0 DOCS: Fixing documentation for lock and unlock
new e2fc0f3 Merge pull request #847 from pavanky/docs
new 2b41732 Added citation and acknowledgements.
new 4dbc1c8 Fixing bug in linear interpolation functions
new d6bf32e Merge pull request #852 from shehzan10/resize_lower
new e2ee96e FEAT Added nearest neighbour with SSD, SAD and SHD
new 9f46f19 Added tests for nearest neighbour
new f3d4660 Added documentation for nearest neighbour
new 7f9b423 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into nearestNeighbour
new e41e922 Merge pull request #851 from shehzan10/linear_fix
new f999b05 Fix double compilation
new 57e96b0 Move acknowledgements to separate file.
new 55e4273 Point all acknowledgement documents to GitHub repo.
new 65cefda Merge pull request #849 from bkloppenborg/citation
new 90a9ffb Remove redefition warning for blas
new b626967 Added options for dotc and dotu to dot function
new 470cf99 FEAT: intl/uintl for random
new 7883d32 FEAT: intl/uintl support for all reduce functions
new 16b4c0a TEST: Refactor reduce tests. Test intl/uintl
new cf58d66 BUILD: Fix redefinition warning in blas.
new 29d0df7 Revert "BUILD: Fix redefinition warning in blas."
new 354a40b Bug fixes for nearest neighbour and hamming
new 8540fa0 Added tests for dot
new 6f3e9f8 Merge pull request #855 from umar456/long_long
new 87ca992 Merge pull request #853 from shehzan10/nearestNeighbour
new fdb0850 DOCS: Updating release notes
new 8079fc7 Merge pull request #857 from arrayfire/hotfixes-3.0.2
new fd8d75d Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into devel
new 74c2b05 Compilation and warning fixes
new 93427f0 Updating version number
new 2ae60bb Merge branch 'master' into devel
new 8aae20b BUFIX: Remove memory leak in af::copy()
new 1161ff5 Updating forge tag to fix build issuess with ninja
new 8ac5cb9 Merge pull request #863 from pavanky/bugfix
new 4dc9836 Allow building against 64bit index OpenBlas
new 91cea3b Add support for BLAS symbol renaming
new 0672f56 FEAT: Adding function to get use_count of shared pointers
new 51b90c7 PERF: Do not make copies if the number of references is only 1
new d656a20 Renaming enums for convolve batch modes
new 44d857d Merge pull request #870 from pavanky/refs
new 3ebc19e BUGFIX: Ignoring NaN values in min and max for all backends
new c9fbfc5 Also use the void* interface for MKL on windows
new a815801 Don't link the installed version of forge on Linux/OSX
new 88680b5 Additional operator* overloads for cfloat, cdouble
new b3e65dc Added mean<T> instantiations for int64 and uint64 in C++ API
new 034e905 Clean up mean helper functions & typo fix in af_mean_all_weighted
new 8cd7964 Additional unit tests for mean
new d30462c Updating assets commit tag
new 7b657e4 Merge pull request #866 from JuliaComputing/kf/forgerpath
new 319753f Merge pull request #867 from JuliaComputing/kf/blasrename
new 1b315f9 STYLE: Remove macros; Simplify templates;
new b774d57 Merge pull request #1 from umar456/JuliaComputing-kf/openblas64
new 28d9e71 Add lower interpolation to rotate and transform
new 99a9234 Allow users to set precision when using print
new 7c41de9 Added C API for Harris corner detector
new 4049083 Added C++ API for Harris corner detector
new ea3c150 Added CPU backend for Harris corner detector
new e9e8474 Added CUDA backend for Harris corner detector
new d183732 Added OpenCL backend for Harris corner detector
new cef733b Added Harris corner detector unit tests
new cfb97ca Added documentation and function definitions for Harris
new 2b6712b Fixed FAST unit tests
new 311b2c5 Updated data
new c62a250 Changed af_print macro, added documentation
new e12dceb Merge pull request #873 from shehzan10/more-lower
new 895d6b2 Merge pull request #865 from JuliaComputing/kf/openblas64
new 7d1da23 Removed unused variables from OpenCL's sort_index
new 3b2ce09 FEAT: Added support to substitute nan values for sum and product
new 9036d73 Adding missing instantiations for compat functions
new 248de68 TEST: Adding tests for reductions when using NaNs
new 8f37d8c Fix print macro
new 998a0b8 Change build labels to be for devel branch
new 0cf4d80 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into harris
new 9d09831 Added noDoubleTest for nearest neighbour and dot test
new 93a581d Merge pull request #875 from pavanky/reduce-nan
new a257ef4 Merge pull request #874 from pentschev/harris
new bd21a82 BUGFIX: Fixing casting to and from complex numbers in CPU backend
new 56a000d Adding more operator overloading for af::cfloat and af::cdouble
new bb7bb77 BUGFIX: Making sure c32/c64 imitate f32/f64 when operating with scalars
new 2ee28e7 TEST: Add mixed type tests with complex inputs
new d08400d PERF: Improvements for non linear JIT kernels in OpenCL backend
new 9ee690c TEST: Adding batched mode tests
new f8e9398 PERF: Speeding up JIT for 3D arrays in OpenCL backends
new 5ef10b3 Merge pull request #877 from pavanky/cplx_fixes
new f5ac99e Fixed bug affecting Harris on AMD GPUs
new 5b49f07 BUGFIX: median of all elements is now fixed
new 05de8bf PERF: Improvements to tile when tiling along singleton dimensions
new ecdab67 PERF: Improvements to CUDA JIT for non linear 3D and 4D arrays
new f8f072c FEAT: Adding support for non overlapping batched convolution
new 2ca72cb TEST: Adding tests for non overlapping convolves
new 73dbeb9 DOCS: Updating the documentation for convolution
new c4b6ace Merge pull request #889 from pavanky/features-3.1
new 3a163f5 Changes in examples to reflect asset modifications
new a8c6ae9 Adding missing license for a few files
new 218043d Updating version to 3.1.0
new 210978f Merge pull request #891 from 9prady9/assets_changes
new a736988 Merge branch 'devel' into stats_tests
new 4ff4de3 turned off clFFT examples in external project build
new eb9367a fix forge dependency target errors in cpu, opencl backends
new 79fbe5d Merge pull request #892 from 9prady9/cmake_fixes
new fb17b53 Added AF_API_VERSION
new 724450f Merge pull request #893 from shehzan10/devel
new 30cbbc7 Fix double free issue.
new 9cbc641 Add test for index copy assignment.
new 4d23d41 Add move constructor and move assignment op
new 12e4f9d Add SVD API
new 369013c Add SVD Cuda backend
new 2969c73 Add SVD CPU Backend
new 82d039f Add SVD OpenCL Stump
new 864c51d Add SVD example
new a5efdea BUGFIX: Check for NULL values when allocating memory on CPU backend
new 981cb4a Ensure CUDA and OpenCL return proper errors when out of memory
new 171d8dd TEST: Adding test to trash the memory manager and see if it recovers
new d22c0bb FEAT,TEST: Adding sigmoid function for all backends
new bc2b8f5 Adding the option to remove tests from ctest
new 4cc3a9b Merge pull request #895 from FilipeMaia/devel
new 1a2b405 Merge pull request #897 from pavanky/minor_changes
new 8253205 BUGFIX/TEST: Fixing bug in rank. Added appropriate tests
new e7d75be BUGFIX/TEST: Fixing not for C API. Added relevant tests.
new 1bde871 BUGFIX: Fixing a bug in randn for CPU backend
new 05509c9 BUGFIX: Fixing setSeed for randu
new b8cfd77 TEST: Updating and fixing the randu/randn tests
new 71da964 Merge pull request #882 from klemmster/cusolver_svd
new 7f422f5 Merge branch 'devel' into stats_tests
new bd39083 TEST: Updating random tests to properly reset seeds
new 8b11400 Corrected path typo in mean tests
new cd78911 TEST: Fixing out of bounds access in fft tests
new 3fb199d BUGFIX in randn for apple systems
new 214acf1 Renaming rank test to rank_dense
new ed3a830 Merge pull request #906 from pavanky/bugfixes
new 89d7e65 Automatically enable and build CUDA and OpenCL backends by default.
new c69ca0a Added 64-bit integer type support for functions
new 426dc0b Added print errors to documentation
new 5ad9ada Suppress FIND output for non-essential libraries.
new a86171a Merge pull request #910 from shehzan10/devel
new 88a2c26 Merge pull request #909 from bkloppenborg/autobuild-backends
new 5df0554 BUGFIX: Fixed issues with mixed real and complex types
new 9564317 Fixing the checks for skew
new fb24097 BUGFIX: conjg no longer errors out for real inputs
new d4cd847 af_scale now checks for default parameters properly
new 3b19720 Merge pull request #915 from pavanky/fixes
new 16d8e27 Extended support for interleaved convolution
new 4c34bf2 Made cpu::Array constructor consistent with CUDA & OpenCL
new 3499b98 Fixed filenames for the files used in computer vision examples
new de9ba74 SUSAN Corner Detector
new 1a8892b Added error checks non-array parameters of susan API
new 8aaf299 Updating the COPYRIGHT.md document
new 2c3e0d8 CUDA backend for SUSAN dectector
new ddd704b Updating the language in COPYRIGHT document
new e57ed91 OpenCL backend for SUSAN dectector
new 220f027 fixes: typos; specific to windows; additional unit test
new 307040b Corrected memory allocation bug in cpu backend for orb, where
new 2f5c672 Removed uncessary corner sorting for SUSAN
new f3df808 matchTemplate example
new aca80f8 matchTemplate fix in opencl to support indexed template images
new d322941 Removed uncessary copy in matchTemplate example
new 314bc9e Added heat colormap to display disparity values for matching
new 51d441c Merge pull request #922 from 9prady9/match_template_example
new e9535b9 Changed CUDA/OpenCL kernels to use zero leading dimension
new 57ffa26 typo fix in cuda SUSAN kernel
new 26df8b3 SUSAN CUDA/OpenCL: Added bound checks to load shared/local Memory
new a9fd10c Replaced static shared memory with dynamic in SUSAN CUDA kernel
new 3d405b9 Merge pull request #921 from 9prady9/susan
new d026e5f Merge branch 'devel' into stats_tests
new 3cedee7 Added new example: heston_model in financial
new 4358056 Moving af_array info gathering functions from util.h to array.h
new 3ede60b Changed default cuda stream to be non-zero
new f816f41 Making fft_inplace consistent across all backends
new 61968d6 FEAT / TEST: Adding support for inplace fft
new 1363441 Wrapped cuda kernel launches with CUDA_LAUNCH macro
new 822fd5a Moving general fft implementation to src/api/c
new 61ea091 FEAT: Summed Area Tables (sat, af_sat) a.k.a integral images
new d46b15b Added stream parameter for upstream{thrust, cufft, cublas} calls
new 8f250e7 Added check for skipping double type test when not supported
new d8760f6 Added uintl, intl support for jit operations in cuda backend
new 60c2be9 thrust fixes for cuda stream selection on cuda < 7.0
new 27f3385 Merge pull request #931 from 9prady9/sat
new f19ecf8 Merge pull request #929 from 9prady9/cuda_default_stream
new 75c81f1 Merge pull request #928 from pavanky/minor_changes
new 499dc09 shared/local memory loading fix
new 8086d34 Merge pull request #933 from 9prady9/ker_fixes
new 60c4979 namespace fix for POST_LAUNCH_CHECK macro: cuda backend
new 6cf4a5a Replaced cuda Memcopy/Memset with async versions
new e2994d9 Merge pull request #935 from 9prady9/cudaMem_stream
new 3b4d983 typo fix in opencl morph kernel
new dc38b24 graphics window set size functions
new 6efd999 style fixes in graphics examples
new b92e629 Removing consts from the fftInplace API
new 155293f FEAT/TEST: Adding R2C and C2R FFT transforms for all backends
new 91f6e35 DOCS: Adding documentation for real to complex transforms
new 7900fca Fixing a minor issue in ArrayFireConfigVersion.cmake file
new d65d048 Fixing issue in documentation
new 0efb69a Cleaning up multiply_inplace in cpu backend
new 0a1adee Enabling memory manager back in cuda backend
new d2e182f Merge pull request #936 from pavanky/fft
new b47dc5b Merge pull request #937 from 9prady9/wind_resize
new 910feb7 FEAT: Adding select for CPU backend
new 97c916a FEAT: Select added for CUDA backend
new 773c02d FEAT: Select for opencl backend
new 981c5e6 FEAT: replace for all backends
new 0472884 TEST: Adding tests for select and replace
new 66de62b Merge branch 'devel' into stats_tests
new 5df1b8c Merge pull request #941 from pavanky/new_funcs_31
new 3e3be90 Fix type in linux doc
new 62b0360 Fix signed-usigned comp warnings
new 07ffda7 Fixes to print functions
new 50699cc FEAT Added saveArray and readArray functions for file read/write
new b259259 YCbCr <-> RGB conversion functions
new 4c876fc unit tests for YCbCr <-> RGB conversion
new ce88eec Documentation for ycbcr_rgb conversion functions
new 587aa2d Modified colorspace function to handle new colorspace - YCbCr
new b55a459 Modifed colorspace function wrapper code for efficiency
new 77c31e6 FEAT: adding complex support for exp
new 345c579 Binary operations with floating point scalars default to single precision
new 2a9e855 Removed af_print_array_c. af::print now calls af_print_array_p
new 57449b0 saveArray returns index of array
new e59c953 Rename af_print_array_p to af_print_array_gen
new 1e60132 BUGFIX: Fixing offset issue with CPU element wise operations
new 384cbc7 Replaced padArray calls with Jit operations in ycbcr conversions
new f4cc97f Updated forge tag
new 26a2e40 PERF: improvements to element wise operations in CPU backend
new 0da5291 Merge pull request #942 from 9prady9/ycbcr
new 9e20a23 Merge pull request #945 from pavanky/jit_fixes
new cbdd5be Merge pull request #944 from pavanky/minor
new 3794c80 Merge branch 'devel' into svd
new 028960f Added SIFT prototypes and parameter documentation
new 60546a1 Added C API for SIFT
new efe1331 Added C++ API for SIFT
new 3ef9fdf Added CUDA backend for SIFT
new b87ba86 Added OpenCL backend for SIFT
new 25344cb Added CPU backend for SIFT
new 48e909a Added AF_ERR_NONFREE to defines.h
new 1ee6b70 Added BUILD_NONFREE option to CMake
new b177218 Added SIFT Copyright information
new b69215c Added OpenSIFT License
new afe1e46 Added SIFT documentation
new d1d122e Updated test data
new ca57067 Added SIFT unit tests
new bdbf30e Changes to style and fix compile errors
new 43e5fe1 Made SIFT image indexing more readable in CPU backend
new a6ae78b SIFT fix for CUDA on Windows, made it more readable
new 9d09e4d Made SIFT image indexing more readable in OpenCL backend
new cce0e73 Templated SIFT gaussianElimination() in CPU and CUDA backends
new ac92dda FEAT added to string function
new a5e8a5e Added missing CUDA_LAUNCH and THRUST_SELECT to SIFT
new dc6b11c Merge pull request #943 from shehzan10/stream
new bda81b0 Improved CUDA SIFT coalescing and performance
new dd97ce5 Improved OpenCL SIFT coalescing and performance
new a9a8140 Passing shared size memory dynamically to CUDA SIFT
new 3ada93a Moved OpenCL's conv2Helper to kernel directory
new b5cf8d5 Improved SIFT OpenCL code
new 079f4df Using pre-defined constants for workgroup sizes in CUDA SIFT
new 78b9b99 Style changes to code in unwrap
new 2d60aed FEAT: Adding support to unwrap along rows as well as columns
new c17da09 Using 3D arrays for Gaussian/DoG pyramids in CUDA SIFT
new 9bd1693 Using cudaMemsetAsync for SIFT
new 966a130 Fixed OpenCL SIFT bug causing segmentation faults on Intel
new 45a4966 Added missing buffer freeing call to OpenCL SIFT
new 298c4d8 Fixed CUDA SIFT on unused memory buffer
new b563615 Changed SIFT unit test to use std::stable_sort()
new 30dd47a modified cpu::getInfo to display CPU information
new 4cd73be Fixes for cpu backend getInfo on Tegra platform
new 3121ca1 Create instances for const index member functions
new 2fa808b Fixed missing header error for windows platform
new faefa30 Moved syncthreads/barriers out of thread conditionals
new 817ccc3 FEAT Added image IO using memory functions and tests
new a958628 BUGFIX: Fixed a bug for unwrap in all backends
new 7df4dcd FEAT/TEST/DOC: Adding wrap for CPU backend
new 1909fa5 FEAT: wrap for CUDA backend
new 1fab923 Adding atomics.hpp file for CUDA that can be used in the future
new 365afb4 Moving the kernel cache map to a centralized location
new 2e05dd4 FEAT: wrap for OpenCL backend
new a8113b0 Removing faulty test
new aca30fa Cleaning up unwrap code in OpenCL by using cache store
new 791dfcc Merge pull request #952 from 9prady9/cpuinfo
new 08b6ecf Fixing the compile error on windows
new cd097af Fix conjugate transpose for vectors
new 1580652 fix #957: remove unused dtype trait for size_t
new c43af47 Changed saveImageMem API. Added image format enum
new ee4d0bd Moving CUDA SIFT syncthreads calls out of thread conditionals
new 20b5f51 Cleaning up cpu blas / lapack in OpenCL backend
new e7e38b5 Fixes to supress annoying compiler warnings in OpenCL backend
new 05c3d62 Add typedef af_image_format af::imageFormat
new 0681ddd Merge pull request #954 from shehzan10/imageio_mem
new f89e37b Merge pull request #955 from pavanky/wrap
new 5867404 Merge pull request #958 from shehzan10/ctrans_fix
new a8d8837 Merge pull request #959 from ghisvail/bugfix/remove-unused-dtype-traits
new 7f06c0d update cl.hpp to upstream version 1.2.7
new 30f9e3c fix instantiation of Platform objects
new fde6380 Adding functions from clMagma necessary for OpenCL SVD:
new 73b8081 Initial support for SVD in OpenCL backend
new 162e258 fix instantiation of cl::Platform objects
new 163ab37 Adding proper error checking in magma
new 7b759ce adding GL headers in platform.cpp
new af598d1 Moved GL headers in platform.cpp inside WITH_GRAPHICS block
new cc0f401 BUGFIX: in array_proxy::get() const
new 9dbf2df Merge pull request #961 from 9prady9/cl_hpp_fixes
new 1ba33a6 Merge pull request #953 from umar456/fix_951
new b6d8e2d Updated boost compute version tags
new eb66094 Fixing svd params to reflect clmagma
new 0ce0df2 Merge pull request #962 from shehzan10/update-deps
new 0183b6a Fixing the output of af::info() for OpenCL backend
new f34693e Updating documentation and adding version guards for for 3.1
new c88929e Merge pull request #948 from pentschev/sift
new b372e49 Reorganizing non free build process.
new b9fac73 Changing build flags to build non free algorithms
new 5e0ceac Templated options are now runtime compile options for opencl reductions
new 8bf6589 Templated options are now runtime compile options for opencl convolutions
new bf69efc Templated options are now runtime compile options for opencl indexed min/max
new 5c0da49 Templated options are now runtime compile options for opencl scan
new 39f9977 Templated options are now runtime compile options for opencl nearest neighbor
new d03c3c0 Removing unnecessary switch case from opencl ireduce
new 2c00e64 Templated options are now runtime compile options for opencl FAST
new 72f7ff5 Splitting up opencl sort_by_key files to compile in parallel
new 398b55c Splitting sort_by_key across too many files slows down compile times
new 98f6f7c Fixing a bug introduced a couple of commits ago in OpenCL SIFT
new 8bb6ad7 Merge pull request #966 from pavanky/compile_fixes
new c071d86 Merge pull request #964 from pavanky/fixes_310
new 7fb28f6 Merge branch 'devel' into nonfree_fixes
new 71c12e8 Remove set_scalar(x, 0) instructions
new af7681f Merge pull request #965 from pavanky/nonfree_fixes
new d0e1e7b Remove unused opencl/kernel/set files
new f52389e Merge pull request #968 from shehzan10/opencl_fixes
new c265948 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into svd
new 549f6b5 Work around for issues in OpenCL svd
new 5fc32dc API clean up and adding support for complex numbers for SVD
new 4118733 Fixing various typos and bug fixes for SVD in CUDA and OpenCL
new b3c5f0f TEST: for SVD
new 974856b DOCS: Updating the documentation for SVD
new 9ef664c Adding version guards for svd
new 73717c1 Adding more pragma directives to supress GCC warnings
new 083f6b8 TEST: updating SVD tests to contain all four floating point data types
new 25975bb Fixing svd example to reflect the change in API
new d1b1a0e Fix typo
new 0b76aa3 Revert "Updated boost compute version tags"
new ed9e1be Compilation fixes for OSX
new 8bcbf98 Use xGESVD instead of xGESDD for ARM platforms
new 80593d5 Merge pull request #969 from pavanky/svd
new 857a6b4 Initial commit for heterogenous api for ArrayFire backends
new 8755004 Added missing 3.1 version gaurds
new 40912e5 BUGFIX SVD use gesdd only with MKL, use gesvd with atlas
new 52923a1 Updated release notes for v3.1.0
new 7f8799d Version guards for complex operators
new ff39491 Added SIFT license info to release notes
new e1bee7a SVD using gesdd on Apple
new 2c7044b Merge pull request #970 from shehzan10/rel_31
new aa8bc95 FEAT: Adding support for linear assignment in C API
new 654dffb Restore original shape after flattening input for linear indexing
new 5b671c2 Merge pull request #971 from pavanky/assign
new b70c2c4 Windows specific changes to HAPI Symbol Manager
new 280af8d Cleaned up function call in hapi functions
new 131de34 Heterogeneous API for arith and algorithm header functions
new 4b5725b FEAT: Adding support for linear indexing in C API
new d2741e0 OpenCL backend af_info function string fixes
new 52f45e9 Documentation for CUDA backend specific API
new 41d517e Documentation fixes for 3.1 release
new d27f91b Updated forge upstream tag for 3.1 release
new 2712182 Documentation for missing index header functions
new 164b39e Added missing docs for complex and opencl backend specific fns
new 4f60872 Added missing docs for operator%, array::H and array::T
new 1a52ee1 Merge pull request #973 from 9prady9/upstream_updates
new 45d804b Merge branch 'devel' into stats_tests
new 7a462eb Merge branch 'devel' into heterogeneous_api
new e6acad6 Merge pull request #974 from arrayfire/devel
new 79c90ac Updated copyright year in hapi source files
new f9ebb38 backend-independent api wrapper for image & vision headers
new ceabe02 backend-independent wrapper for arrayfire funtions
new 4d7e369 Increment version to 3.1.1
new e0b8b5b Fixes for snprintf on windows
new d12d141 Renamed cmake file hapi build-identifier
new 8d73db4 Cleaned up symbol manager class in HAPI wrapper
new cc26908 Changed default backend enum to point to zero
new a83b095 Fixed typo in data, device & index wrapper source files
new 92d0ec1 Documentation for runtime backend selection functions
new 7463601 Wrapper work around for af_make_seq function in hapi
new 8b94ac1 FEAT Added batch support for approx1 and approx2
new c954729 Changing int to dim_t in approx kernels
new a9cb8fe set_backend and get_backend_count functions
new 871e114 Added any dimension batching and gfor support for approx1 and approx2
new 15c3cb0 Change condition structure in approx
new 53d327e Moved HAPI examples into standard examples location
new 5db4b02 Merge pull request #979 from shehzan10/approx-batch
new 7b17460 Corrected BUILD_ALL cmake macro arguments
new 9f36a1d fix: opencl backend alone build fails due to this missing header
new 095f29e BUGFIX: For calculating number of elements for a buffer in CUDA backend
new 619ecf7 BUGFIX: For calculating number of elements for a buffer in OpenCL backend
new bce6967 TEST: Adding tests for indexed reductions
new be34055 Merge branch 'devel' into heterogeneous_api
new 6ca7247 Utility functions for generating af_index_t array objects
new 11fbdfb Moved indexing utility functions to common location
new 704c0dc Merge pull request #983 from pavanky/indexed_reduce_fixes
new 15b0221 Added missing functions hapi wrapper
new 64a0dbf DOC fix for AF_PATH rendering missing %
new e87a003 Read me fixes
new d6c13c2 Renaming src/api/hapi to src/api/unified
new ec94996 Fixing CMakeFiles for unified backend
new 4cb64cb Changes required to make unified library build the cpp bindings
new e35b5ec Changes to examples and test CMakeLists to build *_unified binaries
new d042df9 changed unified api to load libraries using prioritized list of paths
new 644d074 Try PkgConf first to find CBLAS
new fc0ed41 Try PkgConf first to find LAPACKE
new 7e46c54 Fixed CMake source bugs for windows platform in unified api sources
new aa5b8ae Removed AFAPI attribute declaration where no needed for func definitions
new 59484b0 Another cmake fix for windows platform in unified api project
new 7788c3b Merge pull request #990 from marbre/hotfixes-3.1.1-cblas
new a083294 Merge pull request #991 from marbre/hotfixes-3.1.1-lapacke
new 859112e Fixed cmake bug in examples also
new a884c96 Added error display strings for unified api error codes
new e737b52 use RAII to avoid freeimage bitmap resource leaks
new 887ae72 Changes to Heston model to remove c++11 dependencies
new a24a264 fix in unified api for af_save_image
new 6c0c1b8 Disabled Sort1000 & SortMed tests for sort_by_key and sort_index
new 714cdc0 BUGFIX: seq.begin can now use negative offsets just like seq.end
new 01af962 Updating Release notes for 3.1.1
new 63436aa Merge pull request #977 from arrayfire/heterogeneous_api
new eb9fde9 BUG: Fixing seq when passing af::end to af::seq
new 3d7f26b bug fix in image_editing example
new 11a6b07 Merge pull request #994 from vakopian/fi-leak-fix
new f2474cf Updated forge tag for 3.1 release
new 5e91f81 Merge pull request #996 from pavanky/hotfixes-3.1.1
new 90b61ce Merge pull request #997 from 9prady9/gfx_examples_fixes
new 169af41 Updating release notes
new 92e08e9 Merge pull request #998 from arrayfire/hotfixes-3.1.1
new 2d75672 Merge branch 'arrayfire/master' into 'arrayfire/devel'
new 4698f12 BUGFIX in assign
new b40e017 Add missing compute2cores versions
new f5e0a33 Increment version to 3.1.2
new bd5ab15 Merge branch 'devel' into stats_tests
new f26cc0d typo fixes in mean unit test
new 1311e81 BUGFIX convolve frequency condition is now based on kernel size
new a9e33bc Add missing AFAPIs
new cb54732 Merge pull request #1001 from arrayfire/hotfixes-3.1.2
new 1b52681 Fix sizes for approx batch tests
new fc7630f Use af_print_array_gen in unified basic example
new 4a0f164 Change unified backend priority. Add af/backend.h to arrayfire.h
new c5f8b3c Changed unified/basic.cpp to use C++ api
new 94e8dbf Add unified backend details to using on pages and cmake.in file
new 4923e58 Documentation for unified backend
new cb68a30 Reduced size of approx1 batched linear test
new 32cf297 BUGFIX: Fix indexed reductions with complex types in OpenCL backend
new 0886f63 BUGFIX: Fix kernel name generation in ireduce for OpenCL backend
new 139de04 BUFIX: Converting non-linear indices to linear indices in ireduce
new 9b4a8a8 TEST: Adding tests for bugs in indexed reductions
new fe1f289 Merge pull request #1007 from shehzan10/unified_doc
new c865ca4 Merge pull request #1009 from pavanky/reduce_fixes
new b0c7c7b Reduction fixes for smaller arrays (<4096 elements)
new 40f8cd1 Fixed histogram cuda/opencl kernels for indexed arrays
new 2f56b39 Removed unncessary memory overhead in histogram cuda/opencl kernels
new 392d26c type cast fix in histogram unit test
new 60b39e8 Merge pull request #1012 from 9prady9/histogram_fixes
new 4693a58 Change output of DOG to floating type
new 4439521 Increment version to 3.2.0
new 8d68ba5 Added AF_MSG macro
new ebfe9e5 Added short (s16) and ushort (u16) types for CPU
new 7f3ff10 Added short, ushort support for CUDA backend
new 5e88e4a Fix memory alloc for fast opencl
new 50582e1 Added short and ushort support for CUDA backend
new 4a2b3bc Remove ushort redifinition from imageio
new 984525c Change ushort to unsigned short in cpp
new 4286b86 Add typedef for ushort in tests
new e5b8788 Restricts cpuid usage to only 64 & 32 bit architectures
new 61643e0 Merge pull request #1016 from 9prady9/cpuid_fixes
new bf53528 Add missing examples to documentation
new d99397f Fix quoting text in readme docs
new 5fd5463 Minor fixes in documentation. Fix cmake command for docs
new 5b82ff1 Corrections in unified backend doc
new e1196f8 Add -L to lib path in using on pages
new 0da2226 Merge pull request #1017 from shehzan10/hotfixes-3.1.2
new f606a91 Add 16-bit enums to docs
new 14b0a4d Merge pull request #1014 from shehzan10/16bit
new fb9f225 Fix tests for 32-bit systems
new d639289 Added enviornment variable to disable multi gpu tests
new 8ed7ae4 Removed __LP64__ macro from checks related to valid cpuid usability
new e6d2ae7 Forge tag update for ArrayFire 3.1.2
new f2f1d16 Merge pull request #1023 from 9prady9/cpuid_lp64_marco_fix
new fa26517 Merge pull request #1018 from shehzan10/hotfixes-3.1.2
new de4edd4 Send err messages to file for OSX installer
new 3a92a6f Fix median test (again)
new 9907d46 Merge branch 'osx_inst_fix' of git://github.com/umar456/arrayfire into hotfixes-3.1.2
new 381e4ad Updated release notes
new 77128bb Merge pull request #1026 from arrayfire/hotfixes-3.1.2
new 31d2475 Merge branch 'master' into devel
new 4b478af Merge branch 'devel' into stats_tests
new 01bd5d1 Corrected a typo in statistics functions documentation
new 2876c22 Fix dlopen string for OSX
new c32937d Documentation fixes
new d7ce9fa basic unit tests for `af::cov` and `af_cov`
new dd0a803 unit tests for standard deviation function
new d004ca8 unit tests for correlation coefficient function
new 6934df6 Enabled integral types to float/double reduction
new c19058f statistics functions fixes
new 064be97 Merge pull request #1031 from shehzan10/unified_fixes
new 645903e Merge branch 'devel' into stats_tests
new 8dd257b function to set active cuda device using native id
new 9d85fb5 function to set active opencl device using cl_device_d
new ff0cbf8 Fixed template specilization for MSVC compiler in mean function
new 581ea3d Added check to verify f64 support in covariance unit test
new 4ad8ad0 Increment version to 3.1.3
new 5c012ec Specilization for Binary functor for cdouble type in cpu backend
new 63807f4 Merge pull request #1034 from 9prady9/set_native_device
new 5028db2 Removing ARCH_32 and ARCH_64 flags
new 3fe2b08 Fixing missing symbol issues when freeimage is not found
new 7335f49 Merge pull request #1041 from pavanky/fixes
new 254458f Return CUDA Driver version on windows too
new 9f15ec2 Add Paths to FindOpenCL for linux
new 6b6ce72 Improved SIFT descriptor scaling
new f10dddc Update test data
new 507ea36 Fixed SIFT on CPU backend when double_input is false
new 43810d5 Fixed several memory leaks in CUDA and OpenCL SIFT
new 5d4e868 Fixed min/max values of sigma in SIFT scale levels
new bf7e205 Merge branch 'sift_scale' of git://github.com/pentschev/arrayfire into hotfixes-3.1.3
new 5eaa630 Fix memory leak in median
new b931609 Added several SIFT unit tests
new 8856529 Fix windows builds when not using MKL
new 8d0ac0a Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/hotfixes-3.1.3' into sift_tests
new ce43ad2 Updated test data
new 2ca9bf4 Merge pull request #1048 from shehzan10/hotfixes-3.1.3
new fcaa3a8 Merge pull request #1050 from pentschev/sift_tests
new 191e1fa Add paths to examples FindOpenCL.cmake file
new 2c3b475 Fix documentation groups for select and replace
new f9f3e7d Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/hotfixes-3.1.3' into devel
new 06a9cd6 Added GLOH function prototypes
new 037d2f7 Added C API for GLOH
new 746a40f Added C++ API for GLOH
new 97dae2e Added CPU implementation of GLOH
new 337fcec Added CUDA implementation of GLOH
new de6d401 Added OpenCL implementation of GLOH
new 5f18136 Added GLOH documentation
new eaa14d5 Added GLOH unit tests
new e7facc8 Merge branch 'devel' into gloh
new 653f789 Added missing 'AFAPI' to C++ API
new ef53a67 Added unified API for GLOH
new 73bcb3b Merge pull request #1052 from pentschev/gloh
new 0ca7aeb Added CPU fallback for CUDA LU when CUDA older than 7
new 590da11 Added CPU fallback for CUDA QR when CUDA older than 7
new 37e0658 Added CPU fallback for CUDA QR when CUDA older than 7
new 876494d Added CPU fallback for CUDA Solve when CUDA older than 7
new adbd62b Added CPU fallback for CUDA Inverse when CUDA older than 7
new 55fdae4 Added CPU fallback for CUDA SVD when CUDA older than 7
new c166c8f Call deviceGC before solve tests to minimize memory (tegra)
new d3f29d5 Updated test data
new 6223be6 Default CPU fallback for CUDA LAPACK to OFF. Use CUDA_LAPACK_CPU_FALLBACK=ON
new 0759aea Merge pull request #1053 from shehzan10/cudalapack
new 9191492 Change condition when nonfree are removed from ctest
new 5abb983 Fix comparison warnings
new f944c75 Fixes for building without lapack
new 66453c4 Call submodule update if submodules are missing
new ee04f37 Changed std::sort to std::stable_sort in CPU SIFT
new 08e6b65 Updated SIFT/GLOH test thresholds
new bb93ee4 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into sift_fixes
new 9b47179 Merge pull request #7 from pentschev/sift_fixes
new a67ea40 Updated SIFT/GLOH test thresholds
new f8462bc Merge pull request #1056 from shehzan10/devel
new 7fc3856 Fixed out-of-bounds memory access in CUDA/OpenCL SIFT
new d9c793c Fix doc for af_isnan
new 17ff045 Updated release notes for 3.1.3
new 2dfad04 Adding missing offsets for various OpenCL kernels
new 71e02b8 Merge pull request #1061 from pavanky/bugfixes-3.1.3
new a422f8a Add return type to cuda blas (for windows)
new ac81157 Add change to release notes for 3.1.3
new 35c89f5 Merge pull request #1059 from arrayfire/hotfixes-3.1.3
new c607f62 Merge pull request #1062 from arrayfire/master
new c0b9c80 Provide option for MKL use for CUDA lapack cpu fallback
new 2b4ed25 3D line plot feature
new 52b63cf Fix compilation fixes for VS2015
new ded5320 Add return type docs for functions with varying return type
new ca1e922 Fix warnings
new c23e49b Port shallow water eq example from 2.1
new 2a1d63d 3d surface rendering features
new 380b7b0 Merge pull request #1065 from umar456/swe
new 5a938e2 Change clBLAS tag to the corrected commit
new eb0f5b6 Add unified backend binaries to the OSX installer
new a4733f5 Update installation documentation to match current methods.
new 0c90cce Added function to get available backends
new ae5d7a5 Include special instructions for Windows.
new 218d2b1 Optimizations to backends available computation
new 7437975 Merge pull request #1070 from bkloppenborg/devel
new 95de3c5 Merge pull request #1069 from umar456/devel
new 97bed15 Merge pull request #1064 from shehzan10/devel
new 35579b4 Merge branch 'surface_plot' of git://github.com/syurkevi/arrayfire into syurkevi-surface_plot
new 9436f10 Fix for cuda backend surface rendering function
new 33de00a Merge branch 'syurkevi-surface_plot' into devel
new 8f54598 Replaced deviceSychronize calls with async versions
new aa75b14 Optimization for JPEG, cleanup
new 551cd56 Moved common functions from imageio into header file
new 61226f3 FEAT add loadImageT and saveImageT. Provides loading in different types
new 662efff Change loop in surface example
new ff8369b Fix enum value conversion in image
new 6a21345 Fix imageio load order in case of bitmap and not bitmap
new 86457a9 Add s16 and u16 types to image (graphics)
new ec6d55d Add s16 and u16 types to surface (graphics)
new f3e7308 Add s16 and u16 types to histogram (graphics)
new 2f209d4 Add s16 and u16 types to plot (graphics)
new 4dd618c Add s16 and u16 types to plot3 (graphics)
new 26399fc Update forge build tag
new f3dbb85 Add load_image_t and save_image_t to unified
new ff4812c Removed uncessary stream synchronizes in device pointer functions
new 35111ba Doc for loadImageT and saveImageT
new 75f228b Fixes for ushort on windows
new 61d0d54 Update test data
new 0b90a21 Style fixes
new ab2e222 Merge pull request #1076 from 9prady9/cuda_memcpy_stream_fixes
new 805176e Merge pull request #1077 from shehzan10/imageio
new 778b13f Add intl/uintl to sort, sort_index, sort_by_key
new d60ae28 use cl_long and cl_ulong in sort functions
new c0cb5cd Add intl/uintl to lookup
new 5ff4efc Add intl/uintl to histogram and histeq
new 401f130 Add intl/uintl to convolve and fftconvolve
new 2e36523 Add intl/uintl to set functions
new a479c25 Add intl/uintl to meanshift
new 944159c Fix cuda shared memory instantiation for s64 and u64
new 53d77a7 Added homography function prototype and API
new 80869d9 Added CPU backend for homography
new 693397d Added CUDA backend for homography
new 5ca352a Added OpenCL backend for homography
new 008a6d9 Added homography documentation
new b514aab Added homography unit tests
new e5e954e Updated test data
new 804651a Fix comparison warning
new 04153f9 Compilation fix for non-imageio builds
new 80d49eb Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into homography
new 33d4ead Fixed homography for Intel OpenCL
new cb13531 Disabled homography LMedS unit tests
new b3da23b Split vision.h prototypes into multiple lines
new 452f51f Add OpenGL requirements for Forge.
new ec4adea Update documentation.
new c19e636 Add Ubuntu 14.04 installation quirk
new f819023 Update INSTALL.md
new e0dcaa6 Update CMake and Make examples.
new 674b9df Update section titles, helloworld exe.
new e3b7a1c Add install page to layout
new 69b9ace More documentation updates for tutorials
new d7abcf2 Fixed __syncthreads() calls in homography
new 6601bef API Change loadImageT -> loadImageNative
new dc1bea3 Add support for c32/c64 for isInf, isNaN, iszero
new 4bcf103 Update links
new 888cf7c Merge pull request #1089 from shehzan10/devel2
new b9495c7 Merge pull request #1087 from shehzan10/devel
new 6975da8 Fix iota dims check
new 3e0abfa Added AF_HOMOGRAPHY prefix to af_homography_t enum
new 7ad94e5 Fix af_device_array dims check
new c55cae4 Fixed homography documentation
new 15411eb Add version guards for v3.2
new 9067eb8 Update link to example projects.
new ba5ca79 Add XCode instructions, assets.
new 75891bb Add link to ArrayFire project template repo.
new 49a41d4 Add PPA for glfw3 on Ubuntu 14.04
new bd3e37d Update INSTALL.md
new 2a21ddc Memory leak fix in SUSAN feature detector
new 7ad7ce0 Encode backend info into ArrayInfo::devId
new efd5c02 Added array/backend checks to unified backend
new da4d2cc Add getBackendId function to get backend info of an array
new e0233fc Update unified api docs
new 7aa5911 CHECK_ARRAYS lets C-API return errors in case of arr = 0
new 42d3301 specilizations for abs math function for int & char
new 6e19054 Merge branch 'doc-updates' of https://github.com/bkloppenborg/arrayfire into unified_checks
new 4242378 Merge branch 'devel' of https://github.com/shehzan10/arrayfire into unified_checks
new dd3f023 Indexing test for out of bounds access
new cf0ab91 Added version checks for getBackendId
new 144a2db Fix triangle test failures
new 0d8f647 Merge branch 'homography' of https://github.com/pentschev/arrayfire into unified_checks
new 68df69a Merge pull request #1096 from 9prady9/susan_fixes
new 31761d2 Removed unnecessary __syncthreads() on homography
new ddc179e updates matrix manipulation documentation
new 1fd4511 Removed unnecessary barrier from homography
new 1bf915a Merge branch 'homography' of https://github.com/pentschev/arrayfire into unified_checks
new 463f044 Moved det to rank test file. Removed rank and det from missing test
new 1b8c231 Merge pull request #1097 from shehzan10/unified_checks
new bbd3d8a Merge pull request #1099 from syurkevi/maniparr_docupdate
new ace69d2 Removed gfor unsupported functionality
new 70de4fe Added new examples
new 1830993 Added release notes for 3.2.0
new 140c340 Update forge tag for af3.2.0
new a4ffcf5 Add Tegra X1 badges to readme
new 8bbb6eb Merge pull request #1100 from shehzan10/docs-3.2
new 2a45792 Transpose build table in readme
new 46a45b5 Added groups for graphics func documentation
new c9b22d5 Merge pull request #1102 from arrayfire/devel
new f10075b Fixed typos in documentation.
new ca0c7cc Fixes for examples when used with installer
new 86dd6c7 Build and install documentation in a separate output folder.
new eb0e0a5 fix code formatting in doxygen
new 5955b14 initial vectorization tutorial
new 1b0ef66 Add missing linkage with libdl
new ef2e7d7 Fix documentation when using older doxygen
new 54ad0b3 Fix examples target.
new 3281b50 Added missing symbol export for af_draw_surface
new f11a990 Merge branch 'patch-2' of https://github.com/mlloreda/arrayfire into hotfixes-3.2.1
new 565c9af Merge branch 'fix/missing-libdl-linkage' of https://github.com/ghisvail/arrayfire into hotfixes-3.2.1
new b0a8e7e Merge branch 'minor-docs' of https://github.com/shehzan10/arrayfire into hotfixes-3.2.1
new 0075fdf Merge branch 'gfx_surface_fix' of https://github.com/9prady9/arrayfire into hotfixes-3.2.1
new b747245 Merge branch 'enh/docs-target-settings' of https://github.com/ghisvail/arrayfire into hotfixes-3.2.1
new 87bfd99 Merge branch 'fix/examples-target' of https://github.com/ghisvail/arrayfire into hotfixes-3.2.1
new d39f9e8 Fix type in documentation
new 0d5913b Fixes for examples cmakelists for dl lib
new 86c1d7d Tests are now available as standalone
new bdee78a Fix examples/cmakelist arguments for osx and windows
new aa076e9 forge visualization tutorial
new 1cca0de initial opencl, cuda interop tutorials
new 59faf59 Merge pull request #1115 from shehzan10/hotfixes-3.2.1
new 75c2172 BUGFIX: GFOR assignment when other dimensions have step indices
new 7d06e9f BUGFIX: Issue with vector indexing when using spans
new 05e00d5 Do not perform copies in moddims if memory is contiguous
new ee8a1ee Documentation for seq class
new 71442bb Fix possible divide by zero case in cpu info
new d7b9f9a TEST: Adding test for GFOR assign bug
new 7fcf9bb Add enable_testing to test/CMakeLists.txt
new 37b3c8c BUGFIX: Getting the device pointer performs memory copy when needed
new 967545d TEST: Adding tests to verify unnecessary copies aren't being done
new b6e7542 initial interop tutorials
new 1ada68e doxygen formatting and reference fixes
new 4d75c78 Compile fixes for older compilers
new 1c673f9 Fixed and improved OpenCL's homography
new 9b00511 Fixed and improved CUDA's homography
new 516c36e interop tweaks temporarily remove external opencl context from interop tutorial. add cuda stream topic
new 3fdef4a Merge pull request #1120 from shehzan10/tests-standalone
new 57a89ba Merge pull request #1130 from pavanky/bugfixes-3.2.1
new d4c5ed6 Merge pull request #1136 from pentschev/homography_fixes
new 3adec6f Merge pull request #1132 from shehzan10/seq_docs
new 99fe1ac Fix examples installation directory
new 72fe0ae interop formatting tweaks
new ffd5941 additional vectorization content
new 384ce6d remove extra information from vectorization
new d3f3080 Use folders (VS sln) for examples/tests when built out of source
new 92599d7 Install examples source irrespective of value of BUILD_EXAMPLES
new 8136f21 Updated forge tag
new 0dce77c CMake generates the list of examples
new d0732f1 Generate examples as dir/filename.cpp
new c0aba7f Update examples refs to match updated example style
new 6978c90 Updated release notes for 3.2.1
new 121caef Fix typo
new 9fb64de Merge pull request #1137 from shehzan10/hotfixes-3.2.1
new 8ad12b4 Merge pull request #1125 from syurkevi/tutorials
new 0836463 DOC Add background and bold to inline code tags
new 1183029 DOC corrections, proper linking and syntaxes
new 7749f4d Merge pull request #1138 from shehzan10/hotfixes-3.2.1
new 4d6eaba Merge pull request #1139 from arrayfire/hotfixes-3.2.1
new f263db0 Increment version to 3.2.1
new 29797ff Clean tree from non DFSG-compliant files.
new 4927d01 Initial debianization.
new e8fed64 Release to unstable.
The 3349 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/arrayfire-cuda.git
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