[gazebo] branch master updated (de90dc8 -> aa629bb)
Jose Luis Rivero
jrivero-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Feb 2 16:49:27 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
jrivero-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository gazebo.
from de90dc8 Fix watch file
adds b724815 Added the cleanup-script
adds 450dec7 Imported Upstream version 3.0.0
adds d646061 Imported Upstream version 3.0.0+dfsg
adds 4b24607 Imported Upstream version 5.0.1
adds 963b70e Fix merge conflicts
adds f1d5879 Fixes from the merge
adds a830beb Fix problems that appeared during the merge
adds 5e8a031 Unneded files leaved by the merge
adds e39b077 Unneded files leaved by the merge
adds 60e7c03 Merge branch 'dfsg_clean' of ssh://git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/gazebo into dfsg_clean
adds 2d75bbd Missing file in merge
new aa629bb Merge branch 'dfsg_clean'
The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.hg_archival.txt | 8 +-
CMakeLists.txt | 96 +-
Changelog.md | 424 ++++-
LICENSE | 2 +-
Migration.md | 207 ++-
README | 15 +-
cmake/CodeCoverage.cmake | 53 +
cmake/DefaultCFlags.cmake | 46 +-
cmake/FindFreeimage.cmake | 6 +-
cmake/SearchForStuff.cmake | 112 +-
cmake/gazebo-config.cmake.in | 28 +-
cmake/gazebo_config.h.in | 13 +-
cmake/pkgconfig/gazebo.in | 6 +-
cmake/setup.sh.in | 1 +
debian/cleanup-script.sh | 6 +
deps/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
deps/opende/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
deps/opende/include/ode/objects.h | 16 +
deps/opende/include/ode/odecpp.h | 160 +-
deps/opende/src/joints/screw.cpp | 121 +-
deps/opende/src/quickstep.cpp | 549 +++---
deps/opende/src/util.h | 18 +-
doc/CMakeLists.txt | 6 -
doc/gazebo.in | 9 +-
doc/gazebo_messages.in | 2 +-
doc/header.html | 6 +-
doc/mainpage.html | 6 +-
examples/player/camera/camera.cfg | 15 +-
examples/player/camera/camera.world | 25 -
examples/player/camera/readme.txt | 18 +-
examples/player/laser/laser.cfg | 13 +-
examples/player/laser/laser.world | 25 -
examples/player/laser/readme.txt | 18 +-
examples/player/position2d/position2d.cfg | 2 +-
examples/player/position2d/position2d.world | 13 -
examples/player/position2d/readme.txt | 18 +-
examples/player/readme.txt | 2 +
examples/plugins/animate_joints/CMakeLists.txt | 14 +-
examples/plugins/animate_joints/animate_joints.cc | 2 +-
.../plugins/animate_joints/animate_joints.world | 113 +-
examples/plugins/animate_pose/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
examples/plugins/animate_pose/animate_pose.cc | 2 +-
examples/plugins/animate_pose/animate_pose.world | 62 +-
examples/plugins/camera/camera_dump.cc | 2 +-
examples/plugins/camera/camera_move.cc | 2 +-
.../plugins/custom_messages/custom_messages.cc | 2 +-
examples/plugins/factory/CMakeLists.txt | 10 -
examples/plugins/factory/factory.cc | 2 +-
.../gui_overlay_plugin_spawn/CMakeLists.txt | 31 +
.../GUIExampleSpawnWidget.cc | 112 ++
.../GUIExampleSpawnWidget.hh | 53 +
.../spawn_widget_example.world | 18 +
.../plugins/gui_overlay_plugin_time/CMakeLists.txt | 31 +
.../GUIExampleTimeWidget.cc | 117 ++
.../GUIExampleTimeWidget.hh | 62 +
examples/plugins/hello_world/CMakeLists.txt | 6 +-
examples/plugins/hello_world/hello_world.cc | 2 +-
examples/plugins/mainwindow_example/CMakeLists.txt | 31 +
.../mainwindow_example/MainWindowExampleWidget.cc | 131 ++
.../mainwindow_example/MainWindowExampleWidget.hh | 67 +
examples/plugins/model_push/CMakeLists.txt | 6 +-
examples/plugins/model_push/model_push.cc | 4 +-
examples/plugins/model_visuals/model_visuals.cc | 2 +-
examples/plugins/parameters/CMakeLists.txt | 11 +-
examples/plugins/parameters/parameters.cc | 2 +-
examples/plugins/pr2_pose_test.cc | 2 +-
examples/plugins/presentation.cc | 2 +-
examples/plugins/projector/CMakeLists.txt | 10 +-
examples/plugins/projector/projector.cc | 2 +-
examples/plugins/ray_test.cc | 2 +-
examples/plugins/system_gui_plugin/CMakeLists.txt | 19 +-
examples/plugins/system_gui_plugin/system_gui.cc | 25 +-
.../plugins/system_gui_plugin/system_gui.world | 44 -
examples/plugins/world_edit/CMakeLists.txt | 6 +-
examples/plugins/world_edit/world_edit.cc | 2 +-
examples/stand_alone/animated_box/CMakeLists.txt | 34 +
examples/stand_alone/animated_box/animated_box.cc | 84 +
.../stand_alone/animated_box/animated_box.world | 37 +
.../animated_box/independent_listener.cc | 72 +
.../stand_alone/animated_box/integrated_main.cc | 86 +
examples/stand_alone/arrange/CMakeLists.txt | 14 +
.../stand_alone/arrange/arrange_plugin_test.cc | 56 +
examples/stand_alone/arrange/arrange_test.world | 84 +
.../stand_alone/clone_simulation/CMakeLists.txt | 17 +
examples/stand_alone/clone_simulation/README | 25 +
examples/stand_alone/clone_simulation/cloner.cc | 101 ++
examples/stand_alone/custom_main/CMakeLists.txt | 3 +
examples/stand_alone/custom_main/custom_main.cc | 2 +-
.../stand_alone/custom_main/custom_main_vector.cc | 46 +
examples/stand_alone/listener/listener.cc | 2 +-
examples/stand_alone/publisher/publisher.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/CMakeLists.txt | 4 +-
gazebo/Master.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/Master.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/Server.cc | 90 +-
gazebo/Server.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Animation.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Animation.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Animation_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Assert.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Assert.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/AudioDecoder.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/AudioDecoder.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/AudioDecoder_TEST.cc | 7 +-
gazebo/common/BVHLoader.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/BVHLoader.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Base64.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Base64.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/CMakeLists.txt | 15 +-
gazebo/common/ColladaExporter.cc | 634 +++++++
gazebo/common/ColladaExporter.hh | 112 ++
gazebo/common/ColladaExporterPrivate.hh | 58 +
gazebo/common/ColladaExporter_TEST.cc | 191 ++
gazebo/common/ColladaLoader.cc | 731 ++++++--
gazebo/common/ColladaLoader.hh | 64 +-
gazebo/common/ColladaLoaderPrivate.hh | 99 +
gazebo/common/ColladaLoader_TEST.cc | 93 +-
gazebo/common/Color.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Color.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Color_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/CommonIface.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/CommonIface.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/CommonIface_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/CommonTypes.hh | 4 +-
gazebo/common/Console.cc | 55 +-
gazebo/common/Console.hh | 33 +-
gazebo/common/Console_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Dem.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Dem.hh | 6 +-
gazebo/common/DemPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Dem_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Event.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Event.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Event_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Events.cc | 3 +-
gazebo/common/Events.hh | 18 +-
gazebo/common/Exception.cc | 5 +-
gazebo/common/Exception.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Exception_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/GTSMeshUtils.cc | 191 ++
gazebo/common/GTSMeshUtils.hh | 51 +
gazebo/common/HeightmapData.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Image.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Image.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/ImageHeightmap.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/ImageHeightmap.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/ImageHeightmap_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Image_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/KeyEvent.hh | 25 +-
gazebo/common/KeyFrame.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/KeyFrame.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Material.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Material.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Material_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Mesh.cc | 14 +-
gazebo/common/Mesh.hh | 11 +-
gazebo/common/MeshCSG.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/MeshCSG.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/MeshExporter.cc | 30 +
gazebo/common/MeshExporter.hh | 53 +
gazebo/common/MeshLoader.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/MeshLoader.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/MeshManager.cc | 145 +-
gazebo/common/MeshManager.hh | 29 +-
gazebo/common/Mesh_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/ModelDatabase.cc | 12 +-
gazebo/common/ModelDatabase.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/ModelDatabasePrivate.hh | 5 +-
gazebo/common/MouseEvent.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/MovingWindowFilter.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/MovingWindowFilter_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/PID.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/PID.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Plugin.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Plugin.hh | 37 +-
gazebo/common/STLLoader.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/STLLoader.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/SingletonT.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Skeleton.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Skeleton.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/SkeletonAnimation.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/SkeletonAnimation.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/SphericalCoordinates.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/SphericalCoordinates.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/SphericalCoordinatesPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/SphericalCoordinates_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/SystemPaths.cc | 19 +-
gazebo/common/SystemPaths.hh | 18 +-
gazebo/common/SystemPaths_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Time.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Time.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Time_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Timer.cc | 20 +-
gazebo/common/Timer.hh | 14 +-
gazebo/common/UpdateInfo.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Video.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/common/Video.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/common/ffmpeg_inc.h | 2 +-
gazebo/common/template_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gazebo.1.ronn | 10 +-
gazebo/gazebo.cc | 104 +-
gazebo/gazebo.hh | 74 +-
gazebo/gazebo_core.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gazebo_main.cc | 28 +-
gazebo/gui/Actions.cc | 25 +-
gazebo/gui/Actions.hh | 14 +-
gazebo/gui/AlignWidget.cc | 170 ++
gazebo/gui/AlignWidget.hh | 102 ++
gazebo/gui/AlignWidgetPrivate.hh | 47 +
gazebo/gui/BoxMaker.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/BoxMaker.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/BuildingEditor_TEST.cc | 85 +
gazebo/gui/BuildingEditor_TEST.hh | 32 +
gazebo/gui/CMakeLists.txt | 43 +-
gazebo/gui/CloneWindow.cc | 112 ++
gazebo/gui/CloneWindow.hh | 78 +
gazebo/gui/ConfigWidget.cc | 1884 ++++++++++++++++++++
gazebo/gui/ConfigWidget.hh | 434 +++++
gazebo/gui/ConfigWidget_TEST.cc | 521 ++++++
gazebo/gui/ConfigWidget_TEST.hh | 41 +
gazebo/gui/CylinderMaker.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/CylinderMaker.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/DataLogger.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/DataLogger.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/DataLogger_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/DataLogger_TEST.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/Diagnostics.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/Diagnostics.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/Editor.cc | 9 +-
gazebo/gui/Editor.hh | 7 +-
gazebo/gui/EntityMaker.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/EntityMaker.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/GLWidget.cc | 351 +++-
gazebo/gui/GLWidget.hh | 54 +-
gazebo/gui/GLWidget_TEST.cc | 93 +
gazebo/gui/GLWidget_TEST.hh | 32 +
gazebo/gui/GLWidget_TEST2.cc | 128 ++
gazebo/gui/GLWidget_TEST2.hh | 32 +
gazebo/gui/GuiEvents.cc | 7 +-
gazebo/gui/GuiEvents.hh | 114 +-
gazebo/gui/GuiIface.cc | 76 +-
gazebo/gui/GuiIface.hh | 23 +-
gazebo/gui/GuiIface_TEST.cc | 45 +-
gazebo/gui/GuiIface_TEST.hh | 5 +-
gazebo/gui/GuiPlugin.hh | 55 +
gazebo/gui/GuiTypes.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/IncrementalPlot.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/IncrementalPlot.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/InsertModelWidget.cc | 127 +-
gazebo/gui/InsertModelWidget.hh | 23 +-
gazebo/gui/InsertModelWidgetPrivate.hh | 6 +-
gazebo/gui/JointControlWidget.cc | 44 +-
gazebo/gui/JointControlWidget.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/KeyEventHandler.cc | 28 +-
gazebo/gui/KeyEventHandler.hh | 23 +-
gazebo/gui/LightMaker.cc | 73 +-
gazebo/gui/LightMaker.hh | 19 +-
gazebo/gui/MainWindow.cc | 497 +++++-
gazebo/gui/MainWindow.hh | 64 +-
gazebo/gui/MainWindow_TEST.cc | 278 ++-
gazebo/gui/MainWindow_TEST.hh | 8 +-
gazebo/gui/MeshMaker.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/MeshMaker.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/ModelAlign.cc | 292 +++
gazebo/gui/ModelAlign.hh | 87 +
gazebo/gui/ModelAlignPrivate.hh | 78 +
gazebo/gui/ModelAlign_TEST.cc | 793 ++++++++
gazebo/gui/ModelAlign_TEST.hh | 59 +
gazebo/gui/ModelBuilderWidget.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/ModelBuilderWidget.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/ModelEditWidget.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/ModelEditWidget.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/ModelListWidget.cc | 259 ++-
gazebo/gui/ModelListWidget.hh | 25 +-
gazebo/gui/ModelListWidget_TEST.cc | 12 +-
gazebo/gui/ModelListWidget_TEST.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/ModelMaker.cc | 56 +-
gazebo/gui/ModelMaker.hh | 8 +-
gazebo/gui/ModelManipulator.cc | 26 +-
gazebo/gui/ModelManipulator.hh | 5 +-
gazebo/gui/ModelManipulatorPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/ModelRightMenu.cc | 10 +-
gazebo/gui/ModelRightMenu.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/ModelSnap.cc | 445 +++++
gazebo/gui/ModelSnap.hh | 109 ++
gazebo/gui/ModelSnapPrivate.hh | 100 ++
gazebo/gui/ModelSnap_TEST.cc | 167 ++
gazebo/gui/ModelSnap_TEST.hh | 32 +
gazebo/gui/MouseEventHandler.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/MouseEventHandler.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/OculusWindow.cc | 202 +++
gazebo/gui/OculusWindow.hh | 99 +
gazebo/gui/QTestFixture.cc | 32 +-
gazebo/gui/QTestFixture.hh | 8 +-
gazebo/gui/RenderWidget.cc | 139 +-
gazebo/gui/RenderWidget.hh | 24 +-
gazebo/gui/SaveDialog.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/SaveDialog.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/SpaceNav.cc | 189 ++
gazebo/gui/SpaceNav.hh | 80 +
gazebo/gui/SpaceNavPrivate.hh | 69 +
gazebo/gui/SphereMaker.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/SphereMaker.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/TimePanel.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/TimePanel.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/TimePanel_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/TimePanel_TEST.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/ToolsWidget.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/ToolsWidget.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/TopicSelector.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/TopicSelector.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/building/BuildingEditor.cc | 63 +-
gazebo/gui/building/BuildingEditor.hh | 14 +-
gazebo/gui/building/BuildingEditorEvents.cc | 23 +-
gazebo/gui/building/BuildingEditorEvents.hh | 258 ++-
gazebo/gui/building/BuildingEditorPalette.cc | 408 +++--
gazebo/gui/building/BuildingEditorPalette.hh | 65 +-
.../gui/building/BuildingEditorPalettePrivate.hh | 58 +
gazebo/gui/building/BuildingEditorWidget.cc | 10 +-
gazebo/gui/building/BuildingEditorWidget.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/building/BuildingItem.cc | 28 +-
gazebo/gui/building/BuildingItem.hh | 24 +-
gazebo/gui/building/BuildingMaker.cc | 1074 +++++++++--
gazebo/gui/building/BuildingMaker.hh | 150 +-
gazebo/gui/building/BuildingModelManip.cc | 139 +-
gazebo/gui/building/BuildingModelManip.hh | 93 +-
gazebo/gui/building/CMakeLists.txt | 16 +-
gazebo/gui/building/DoorItem.cc | 37 +-
gazebo/gui/building/DoorItem.hh | 7 +-
gazebo/gui/building/EditorItem.cc | 80 +-
gazebo/gui/building/EditorItem.hh | 98 +-
gazebo/gui/building/EditorView.cc | 1029 +++++++----
gazebo/gui/building/EditorView.hh | 102 +-
gazebo/gui/building/FinishBuildingDialog.cc | 151 +-
gazebo/gui/building/FinishBuildingDialog.hh | 39 +-
gazebo/gui/building/FloorItem.cc | 73 +-
gazebo/gui/building/FloorItem.hh | 14 +-
gazebo/gui/building/GrabberHandle.cc | 8 +-
gazebo/gui/building/GrabberHandle.hh | 6 +-
gazebo/gui/building/GridLines.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/building/GridLines.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/building/ImportImageDialog.cc | 251 +++
gazebo/gui/building/ImportImageDialog.hh | 109 ++
gazebo/gui/building/ImportImageView.cc | 292 +++
gazebo/gui/building/ImportImageView.hh | 139 ++
gazebo/gui/building/LevelInspectorDialog.cc | 120 +-
gazebo/gui/building/LevelInspectorDialog.hh | 35 +-
gazebo/gui/building/LevelWidget.cc | 106 +-
gazebo/gui/building/LevelWidget.hh | 33 +-
gazebo/gui/building/LineSegmentItem.cc | 238 ---
gazebo/gui/building/LineSegmentItem.hh | 168 --
gazebo/gui/building/MeasureItem.cc | 130 ++
gazebo/gui/building/MeasureItem.hh | 68 +
gazebo/gui/building/PolylineItem.cc | 552 ------
gazebo/gui/building/PolylineItem.hh | 219 ---
gazebo/gui/building/RectItem.cc | 212 ++-
gazebo/gui/building/RectItem.hh | 45 +-
gazebo/gui/building/RotateHandle.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/building/RotateHandle.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/building/ScaleWidget.cc | 4 +-
gazebo/gui/building/ScaleWidget.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/building/SegmentItem.cc | 408 +++++
gazebo/gui/building/SegmentItem.hh | 191 ++
gazebo/gui/building/StairsInspectorDialog.cc | 100 +-
gazebo/gui/building/StairsInspectorDialog.hh | 31 +-
gazebo/gui/building/StairsItem.cc | 32 +-
gazebo/gui/building/StairsItem.hh | 7 +-
gazebo/gui/building/WallInspectorDialog.cc | 107 +-
gazebo/gui/building/WallInspectorDialog.hh | 36 +-
gazebo/gui/building/WallItem.cc | 438 -----
gazebo/gui/building/WallItem.hh | 128 --
gazebo/gui/building/WallSegmentItem.cc | 282 +++
gazebo/gui/building/WallSegmentItem.hh | 128 ++
gazebo/gui/building/WindowDoorInspectorDialog.cc | 4 +-
gazebo/gui/building/WindowDoorInspectorDialog.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/building/WindowItem.cc | 34 +-
gazebo/gui/building/WindowItem.hh | 7 +-
gazebo/gui/gzclient.1.ronn | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/images/align.png | Bin 0 -> 577 bytes
gazebo/gui/images/copy_object.png | Bin 1165 -> 537 bytes
gazebo/gui/images/door.png | Bin 35190 -> 0 bytes
gazebo/gui/images/door.svg | 68 +
gazebo/gui/images/draw_link.svg | 82 +
gazebo/gui/images/magnet.png | Bin 0 -> 5898 bytes
gazebo/gui/images/paste_object.png | Bin 1588 -> 927 bytes
gazebo/gui/images/screenshot.png | Bin 1875 -> 1297 bytes
gazebo/gui/images/stairs.png | Bin 220657 -> 0 bytes
gazebo/gui/images/stairs.svg | 21 +
gazebo/gui/images/wall.png | Bin 580086 -> 0 bytes
gazebo/gui/images/wall.svg | 87 +
gazebo/gui/images/window.png | Bin 33657 -> 0 bytes
gazebo/gui/images/window.svg | 68 +
gazebo/gui/images/x_center.png | Bin 0 -> 2202 bytes
gazebo/gui/images/x_max.png | Bin 0 -> 3249 bytes
gazebo/gui/images/x_min.png | Bin 0 -> 3296 bytes
gazebo/gui/images/y_center.png | Bin 0 -> 731 bytes
gazebo/gui/images/y_max.png | Bin 0 -> 610 bytes
gazebo/gui/images/y_min.png | Bin 0 -> 602 bytes
gazebo/gui/images/z_center.png | Bin 0 -> 724 bytes
gazebo/gui/images/z_max.png | Bin 0 -> 598 bytes
gazebo/gui/images/z_min.png | Bin 0 -> 597 bytes
gazebo/gui/main.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/model/CMakeLists.txt | 9 +
gazebo/gui/model/ImportDialog.cc | 4 +-
gazebo/gui/model/ImportDialog.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/model/JointInspector.cc | 210 ++-
gazebo/gui/model/JointInspector.hh | 68 +-
gazebo/gui/model/JointMaker.cc | 533 ++++--
gazebo/gui/model/JointMaker.hh | 79 +-
gazebo/gui/model/JointMaker_TEST.cc | 140 ++
gazebo/gui/model/JointMaker_TEST.hh | 35 +
gazebo/gui/model/ModelCreator.cc | 599 +++++--
gazebo/gui/model/ModelCreator.hh | 146 +-
gazebo/gui/model/ModelData.hh | 62 +
gazebo/gui/model/ModelEditor.cc | 185 +-
gazebo/gui/model/ModelEditor.hh | 42 +-
gazebo/gui/model/ModelEditorEvents.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/model/ModelEditorEvents.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/model/ModelEditorPalette.cc | 299 ++--
gazebo/gui/model/ModelEditorPalette.hh | 43 +-
gazebo/gui/qt.h | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/qt_test.h | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/resources.qrc | 27 +-
gazebo/gui/style.qss | 18 +
gazebo/gui/terrain/TerrainEditor.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/terrain/TerrainEditor.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/terrain/TerrainEditorPalette.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/terrain/TerrainEditorPalette.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/viewers/ImageFrame.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/viewers/ImageFrame.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/viewers/ImageFramePrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/viewers/ImageView.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/viewers/ImageView.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/viewers/ImageViewPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/viewers/ImagesView.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/viewers/ImagesView.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/viewers/ImagesViewPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/viewers/ImagesView_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/viewers/ImagesView_TEST.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/viewers/LaserView.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/viewers/LaserView.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/viewers/TextView.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/viewers/TextView.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/viewers/TopicView.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/viewers/TopicView.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/viewers/ViewFactory.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/gui/viewers/ViewFactory.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/gzserver.1.ronn | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Angle.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Angle.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Angle_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Box.cc | 15 +-
gazebo/math/Box.hh | 11 +-
gazebo/math/Box_TEST.cc | 12 +-
gazebo/math/CMakeLists.txt | 10 +
gazebo/math/Filter.hh | 248 +++
gazebo/math/Helpers.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Helpers.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Helpers_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Kmeans.cc | 168 ++
gazebo/math/Kmeans.hh | 101 ++
gazebo/math/Kmeans_TEST.cc | 131 ++
gazebo/math/MathTypes.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Matrix3.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Matrix3.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Matrix3_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Matrix4.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Matrix4.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Plane.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Plane.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Plane_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Pose.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Pose.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Pose_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Quaternion.cc | 30 +-
gazebo/math/Quaternion.hh | 18 +-
gazebo/math/Quaternion_TEST.cc | 42 +-
gazebo/math/Rand.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Rand.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Rand_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/RotationSpline.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/RotationSpline.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/math/RotationSpline_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/SignalStats.cc | 240 +++
gazebo/math/SignalStats.hh | 179 ++
gazebo/math/SignalStatsPrivate.hh | 56 +
gazebo/math/SignalStats_TEST.cc | 340 ++++
gazebo/math/Spline.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Spline.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Spline_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Vector2d.cc | 8 +-
gazebo/math/Vector2d.hh | 8 +-
gazebo/math/Vector2d_TEST.cc | 12 +-
gazebo/math/Vector2i.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Vector2i.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Vector2i_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Vector3.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Vector3.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Vector3Stats.cc | 121 ++
gazebo/math/Vector3Stats.hh | 111 ++
gazebo/math/Vector3StatsPrivate.hh | 44 +
gazebo/math/Vector3Stats_TEST.cc | 183 ++
gazebo/math/Vector3_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Vector4.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Vector4.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/math/Vector4_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/msgs/CMakeLists.txt | 7 +-
gazebo/msgs/MessageTypes.hh.in | 5 +
gazebo/msgs/MsgFactory.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/msgs/MsgFactory.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/msgs/MsgFactory_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/msgs/axis.proto | 15 +-
gazebo/msgs/camera_cmd.proto | 2 -
gazebo/msgs/camerasensor.proto | 7 +-
gazebo/msgs/collision.proto | 1 -
gazebo/msgs/distortion.proto | 17 +
gazebo/msgs/factory.proto | 1 -
gazebo/msgs/fluid.proto | 17 +
gazebo/msgs/generator/GazeboGenerator.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/msgs/generator/GazeboGenerator.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/msgs/generator/gazebo_generator.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/msgs/geometry.proto | 5 +-
gazebo/msgs/gui.proto | 3 +-
gazebo/msgs/gui_overlay_config.proto | 13 -
gazebo/msgs/hydra.proto | 52 +
gazebo/msgs/joint.proto | 1 -
gazebo/msgs/joint_animation.proto | 1 -
gazebo/msgs/joint_cmd.proto | 3 -
gazebo/msgs/joystick.proto | 23 +
gazebo/msgs/light.proto | 1 -
gazebo/msgs/link.proto | 1 -
gazebo/msgs/msgs.cc | 698 +++++++-
gazebo/msgs/msgs.hh | 110 +-
gazebo/msgs/msgs_TEST.cc | 367 +++-
gazebo/msgs/physics.proto | 1 -
gazebo/msgs/plugin.proto | 3 -
gazebo/msgs/polylinegeom.proto | 13 +
gazebo/msgs/road.proto | 10 +-
gazebo/msgs/scene.proto | 4 -
gazebo/msgs/selection.proto | 4 -
gazebo/msgs/server_control.proto | 4 +-
gazebo/msgs/sim_event.proto | 15 +
gazebo/msgs/vector2d.proto | 2 -
gazebo/msgs/vector3d.proto | 2 -
gazebo/msgs/world_modify.proto | 2 +
gazebo/msgs/world_reset.proto | 2 -
gazebo/msgs/world_stats.proto | 1 -
gazebo/physics/Actor.cc | 39 +-
gazebo/physics/Actor.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/BallJoint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/Base.cc | 15 +-
gazebo/physics/Base.hh | 14 +-
gazebo/physics/BoxShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/BoxShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/BoxShape_TEST.cc | 14 +-
gazebo/physics/CMakeLists.txt | 9 +-
gazebo/physics/Collision.cc | 48 +-
gazebo/physics/Collision.hh | 31 +-
gazebo/physics/CollisionState.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/CollisionState.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/Contact.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/Contact.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ContactManager.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ContactManager.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ContactManager_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/CylinderShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/CylinderShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/CylinderShape_TEST.cc | 14 +-
gazebo/physics/Entity.cc | 28 +-
gazebo/physics/Entity.hh | 44 +-
gazebo/physics/GearboxJoint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/Gripper.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/Gripper.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/HeightmapShape.cc | 3 +-
gazebo/physics/HeightmapShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/Hinge2Joint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/HingeJoint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/Inertial.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/Inertial.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/Inertial_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/Joint.cc | 548 +++++-
gazebo/physics/Joint.hh | 155 +-
gazebo/physics/JointController.cc | 348 +---
gazebo/physics/JointController.hh | 58 +-
gazebo/physics/JointControllerPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/JointController_TEST.cc | 46 +-
gazebo/physics/JointState.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/JointState.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/JointWrench.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/Link.cc | 206 ++-
gazebo/physics/Link.hh | 47 +-
gazebo/physics/LinkState.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/LinkState.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/MapShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/MapShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/MeshShape.cc | 6 +-
gazebo/physics/MeshShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/Model.cc | 107 +-
gazebo/physics/Model.hh | 8 +-
gazebo/physics/ModelState.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ModelState.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/MultiRayShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/MultiRayShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/PhysicsEngine.cc | 21 +-
gazebo/physics/PhysicsEngine.hh | 48 +-
gazebo/physics/PhysicsEngine_TEST.cc | 14 +-
gazebo/physics/PhysicsFactory.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/PhysicsFactory.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/PhysicsIface.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/PhysicsIface.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/PhysicsTypes.hh | 19 +-
gazebo/physics/PlaneShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/PlaneShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/PolylineShape.cc | 161 ++
gazebo/physics/PolylineShape.hh | 91 +
gazebo/physics/Population.cc | 551 ++++++
gazebo/physics/Population.hh | 246 +++
gazebo/physics/PopulationPrivate.hh | 40 +
gazebo/physics/RayShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/RayShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/Road.cc | 46 +-
gazebo/physics/Road.hh | 13 +-
gazebo/physics/Road_TEST.cc | 71 +
gazebo/physics/ScrewJoint.hh | 27 +-
gazebo/physics/Shape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/Shape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/SliderJoint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/SphereShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/SphereShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/SphereShape_TEST.cc | 14 +-
gazebo/physics/State.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/State.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/SurfaceParams.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/SurfaceParams.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/UniversalJoint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/World.cc | 1141 ++++++------
gazebo/physics/World.hh | 310 +---
gazebo/physics/WorldPrivate.hh | 292 +++
gazebo/physics/WorldState.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/WorldState.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletBallJoint.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletBallJoint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletBoxShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletCollision.cc | 20 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletCollision.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletCylinderShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletHeightmapShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletHeightmapShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletHinge2Joint.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletHinge2Joint.hh | 10 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletHingeJoint.cc | 101 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletHingeJoint.hh | 16 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletJoint.cc | 54 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletJoint.hh | 19 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletLink.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletLink.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletMesh.cc | 118 ++
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletMesh.hh | 71 +
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletMeshShape.cc | 66 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletMeshShape.hh | 19 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletMotionState.cc | 22 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletMotionState.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletMultiRayShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletMultiRayShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletPhysics.cc | 120 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletPhysics.hh | 17 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletPhysics_TEST.cc | 6 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletPlaneShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletPolylineShape.cc | 60 +
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletPolylineShape.hh | 50 +
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletRaySensor.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletRaySensor.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletRayShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletRayShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletScrewJoint.cc | 9 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletScrewJoint.hh | 6 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletSliderJoint.cc | 122 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletSliderJoint.hh | 17 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletSphereShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletSurfaceParams.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletSurfaceParams.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletTypes.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletTypes_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletUniversalJoint.cc | 48 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/BulletUniversalJoint.hh | 12 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/CMakeLists.txt | 5 +
gazebo/physics/bullet/bullet_inc.h | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/bullet_math_inc.h | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/gzBtUniversalConstraint.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/bullet/gzBtUniversalConstraint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/CMakeLists.txt | 5 +
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTBallJoint.cc | 4 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTBallJoint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTBoxShape.hh | 4 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTCollision.cc | 17 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTCollision.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTCylinderShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTHeightmapShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTHeightmapShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTHinge2Joint.cc | 50 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTHinge2Joint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTHingeJoint.cc | 42 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTHingeJoint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTJoint.cc | 105 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTJoint.hh | 12 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTLink.cc | 355 +++-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTLink.hh | 7 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTMesh.cc | 146 ++
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTMesh.hh | 71 +
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTMeshShape.cc | 30 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTMeshShape.hh | 20 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTModel.cc | 23 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTModel.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTMultiRayShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTMultiRayShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTPhysics.cc | 69 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTPhysics.hh | 9 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTPlaneShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTPolylineShape.cc | 60 +
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTPolylineShape.hh | 50 +
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTRayShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTRayShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTScrewJoint.cc | 100 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTScrewJoint.hh | 16 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTSliderJoint.cc | 41 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTSliderJoint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTSphereShape.hh | 8 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTTypes.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTUniversalJoint.cc | 78 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/DARTUniversalJoint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/dart/dart_inc.h | 13 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/CMakeLists.txt | 7 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEBallJoint.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEBallJoint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEBoxShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODECollision.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODECollision.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODECylinderShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEGearboxJoint.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEGearboxJoint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEHeightmapShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEHeightmapShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEHinge2Joint.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEHinge2Joint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEHingeJoint.cc | 8 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEHingeJoint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEJoint.cc | 590 ++----
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEJoint.hh | 32 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEJoint_TEST.cc | 18 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODELink.cc | 62 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODELink.hh | 8 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEMesh.cc | 157 ++
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEMesh.hh | 85 +
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEMeshShape.cc | 107 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEMeshShape.hh | 24 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEMultiRayShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEMultiRayShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEPhysics.cc | 149 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEPhysics.hh | 29 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEPhysics_TEST.cc | 6 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEPlaneShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEPolylineShape.cc | 66 +
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEPolylineShape.hh | 53 +
gazebo/physics/ode/ODERayShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODERayShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEScrewJoint.cc | 33 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEScrewJoint.hh | 17 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODESliderJoint.cc | 6 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODESliderJoint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODESphereShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODESurfaceParams.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODESurfaceParams.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODETypes.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEUniversalJoint.cc | 228 +--
gazebo/physics/ode/ODEUniversalJoint.hh | 24 +-
gazebo/physics/ode/ode_inc.h | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/CMakeLists.txt | 30 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyBallJoint.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyBallJoint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyBoxShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyCollision.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyCollision.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyCylinderShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyHeightmapShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyHeightmapShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyHinge2Joint.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyHinge2Joint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyHingeJoint.cc | 61 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyHingeJoint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyJoint.cc | 92 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyJoint.hh | 16 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyLink.cc | 17 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyLink.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyMesh.cc | 61 +
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyMesh.hh | 71 +
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyMeshShape.cc | 20 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyMeshShape.hh | 7 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyModel.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyModel.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyMultiRayShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyMultiRayShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyPhysics.cc | 46 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyPhysics.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyPlaneShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyPlaneShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyPolylineShape.cc | 63 +
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyPolylineShape.hh | 50 +
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyRayShape.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyRayShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyScrewJoint.cc | 80 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyScrewJoint.hh | 12 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodySliderJoint.cc | 60 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodySliderJoint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodySphereShape.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyTypes.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyUniversalJoint.cc | 95 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/SimbodyUniversalJoint.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/physics/simbody/simbody_inc.h | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/ArrowVisual.cc | 73 +-
gazebo/rendering/ArrowVisual.hh | 15 +-
gazebo/rendering/ArrowVisualPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/AxisVisual.cc | 96 +-
gazebo/rendering/AxisVisual.hh | 23 +-
gazebo/rendering/AxisVisualPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/CMakeLists.txt | 30 +-
gazebo/rendering/COMVisual.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/COMVisual.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/COMVisualPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/Camera.cc | 105 +-
gazebo/rendering/Camera.hh | 57 +-
gazebo/rendering/CameraPrivate.hh | 5 +-
gazebo/rendering/CameraVisual.cc | 12 +-
gazebo/rendering/CameraVisual.hh | 7 +-
gazebo/rendering/CameraVisualPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/ContactVisual.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/ContactVisual.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/ContactVisualPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/Conversions.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/Conversions.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/DepthCamera.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/DepthCamera.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/Distortion.cc | 329 ++++
gazebo/rendering/Distortion.hh | 107 ++
gazebo/rendering/DistortionPrivate.hh | 67 +
gazebo/rendering/DynamicLines.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/DynamicLines.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/DynamicRenderable.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/DynamicRenderable.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/FPSViewController.cc | 81 +-
gazebo/rendering/FPSViewController.hh | 17 +-
gazebo/rendering/GUIOverlay.cc | 525 ------
gazebo/rendering/GUIOverlay.hh | 199 ---
gazebo/rendering/GUIOverlayPrivate.hh | 68 -
gazebo/rendering/GpuLaser.cc | 11 +-
gazebo/rendering/GpuLaser.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/GpuLaser_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/Grid.cc | 4 +-
gazebo/rendering/Grid.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/Heightmap.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/Heightmap.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/Heightmap_TEST.cc | 34 +-
gazebo/rendering/JointVisual.cc | 160 +-
gazebo/rendering/JointVisual.hh | 23 +-
gazebo/rendering/JointVisualPrivate.hh | 5 +-
gazebo/rendering/JointVisual_TEST.cc | 95 +
gazebo/rendering/LaserVisual.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/LaserVisual.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/LaserVisualPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/Light.cc | 140 +-
gazebo/rendering/Light.hh | 18 +-
gazebo/rendering/Material.cc | 5 +-
gazebo/rendering/Material.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/MovableText.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/MovableText.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/OculusCamera.cc | 540 ++++++
gazebo/rendering/OculusCamera.hh | 212 +++
gazebo/rendering/OrbitViewController.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/OrbitViewController.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/Projector.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/Projector.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/RFIDTagVisual.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/RFIDTagVisual.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/RFIDTagVisualPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/RFIDVisual.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/RFIDVisual.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/RFIDVisualPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/RTShaderSystem.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/RTShaderSystem.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/RayQuery.cc | 137 ++
gazebo/rendering/RayQuery.hh | 73 +
gazebo/rendering/RayQueryPrivate.hh | 38 +
gazebo/rendering/RenderEngine.cc | 31 +-
gazebo/rendering/RenderEngine.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/RenderEvents.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/RenderEvents.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/RenderTypes.hh | 25 +-
gazebo/rendering/RenderingIface.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/RenderingIface.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/Road2d.cc | 28 +-
gazebo/rendering/Road2d.hh | 6 +-
gazebo/rendering/Scene.cc | 1126 ++++++------
gazebo/rendering/Scene.hh | 299 +---
gazebo/rendering/ScenePrivate.hh | 321 ++++
gazebo/rendering/SelectionObj.cc | 49 +-
gazebo/rendering/SelectionObj.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/SelectionObjPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/SonarVisual.cc | 40 +-
gazebo/rendering/SonarVisual.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/SonarVisualPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/SonarVisual_TEST.cc | 54 +
gazebo/rendering/TransmitterVisual.cc | 12 +-
gazebo/rendering/TransmitterVisual.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/TransmitterVisualPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/TransmitterVisual_TEST.cc | 54 +
gazebo/rendering/UserCamera.cc | 169 +-
gazebo/rendering/UserCamera.hh | 43 +-
gazebo/rendering/UserCameraPrivate.hh | 23 +-
gazebo/rendering/VideoVisual.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/VideoVisual.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/VideoVisualPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/ViewController.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/ViewController.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/Visual.cc | 216 ++-
gazebo/rendering/Visual.hh | 11 +-
gazebo/rendering/VisualPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/Visual_TEST.cc | 97 +
gazebo/rendering/WindowManager.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/WindowManager.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/WireBox.cc | 10 +-
gazebo/rendering/WireBox.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/WireBoxPrivate.hh | 6 +-
gazebo/rendering/WrenchVisual.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/WrenchVisual.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/WrenchVisualPrivate.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/cegui.h | 31 -
gazebo/rendering/deferred_shading/AmbientLight.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/deferred_shading/DeferredLight.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/deferred_shading/DeferredLight.hh | 2 +-
.../rendering/deferred_shading/DeferredLightCP.hh | 2 +-
.../deferred_shading/GBufferMaterialGenerator.cc | 2 +-
.../deferred_shading/GBufferMaterialGenerator.hh | 2 +-
.../deferred_shading/GBufferSchemeHandler.cc | 2 +-
.../deferred_shading/GBufferSchemeHandler.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/deferred_shading/GeomUtils.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/deferred_shading/GeomUtils.hh | 2 +-
.../deferred_shading/LightMaterialGenerator.hh | 2 +-
.../deferred_shading/ListenerFactoryLogic.hh | 2 +-
.../deferred_shading/MaterialGenerator.cc | 2 +-
.../deferred_shading/MaterialGenerator.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/deferred_shading/MergeCP.hh | 2 +-
.../deferred_shading/MergeMaterialGenerator.cc | 2 +-
.../deferred_shading/MergeMaterialGenerator.hh | 2 +-
.../deferred_shading/MergeSchemeHandler.cc | 2 +-
.../deferred_shading/MergeSchemeHandler.hh | 2 +-
.../deferred_shading/NullSchemeHandler.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/deferred_shading/SSAOLogic.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/deferred_shading/SSAOLogic.hh | 2 +-
.../deferred_shading/TechniqueDefinitions.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/ogre_gazebo.h | 2 +-
.../rendering/selection_buffer/MaterialSwitcher.cc | 2 +-
.../rendering/selection_buffer/MaterialSwitcher.hh | 2 +-
.../rendering/selection_buffer/SelectionBuffer.cc | 2 +-
.../rendering/selection_buffer/SelectionBuffer.hh | 2 +-
.../selection_buffer/SelectionRenderListener.cc | 2 +-
.../selection_buffer/SelectionRenderListener.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/rendering/skyx/CMakeLists.txt | 3 -
gazebo/rendering/skyx/include/Prerequisites.h | 6 +-
gazebo/sensors/CameraSensor.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/CameraSensor.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/ContactSensor.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/ContactSensor.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/DepthCameraSensor.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/DepthCameraSensor.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/ForceTorqueSensor.cc | 135 +-
gazebo/sensors/ForceTorqueSensor.hh | 26 +-
gazebo/sensors/ForceTorqueSensor_TEST.cc | 22 +-
gazebo/sensors/GaussianNoiseModel.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/GaussianNoiseModel.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/GpsSensor.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/GpsSensor.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/GpsSensor_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/GpuRaySensor.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/GpuRaySensor.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/GpuRaySensor_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/ImuSensor.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/ImuSensor.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/ImuSensor_TEST.cc | 57 +-
gazebo/sensors/MultiCameraSensor.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/MultiCameraSensor.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/Noise.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/Noise.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/Noise_TEST.cc | 6 +-
gazebo/sensors/RFIDSensor.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/RFIDSensor.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/RFIDTag.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/RFIDTag.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/RaySensor.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/RaySensor.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/RaySensor_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/Sensor.cc | 25 +-
gazebo/sensors/Sensor.hh | 12 +-
gazebo/sensors/SensorFactory.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/SensorFactory.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/SensorManager.cc | 18 +-
gazebo/sensors/SensorManager.hh | 13 +-
gazebo/sensors/SensorManager_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/SensorTypes.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/Sensor_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/SensorsIface.cc | 16 +-
gazebo/sensors/SensorsIface.hh | 8 +-
gazebo/sensors/SonarSensor.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/SonarSensor.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/SonarSensor_TEST.cc | 4 +-
gazebo/sensors/WirelessReceiver.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/WirelessReceiver.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/WirelessReceiver_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/WirelessTransceiver.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/WirelessTransceiver.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/WirelessTransmitter.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/WirelessTransmitter.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/sensors/WirelessTransmitter_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/server_main.cc | 5 +-
gazebo/transport/CallbackHelper.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/CallbackHelper.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/Connection.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/Connection.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/ConnectionManager.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/ConnectionManager.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/Connection_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/IOManager.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/IOManager.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/Node.cc | 10 +-
gazebo/transport/Node.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/Publication.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/Publication.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/PublicationTransport.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/PublicationTransport.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/Publisher.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/Publisher.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/SubscribeOptions.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/Subscriber.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/Subscriber.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/SubscriptionTransport.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/SubscriptionTransport.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/TopicManager.cc | 16 +-
gazebo/transport/TopicManager.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/TransportIface.cc | 18 +-
gazebo/transport/TransportIface.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/transport/TransportTypes.hh | 7 +-
gazebo/util/Diagnostics.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/util/Diagnostics.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/util/Diagnostics_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/util/LogPlay.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/util/LogPlay.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/util/LogRecord.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/util/LogRecord.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/util/LogRecord_TEST.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/util/OpenAL.cc | 2 +-
gazebo/util/OpenAL.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/util/OpenAL_TEST.cc | 6 +-
gazebo/util/UtilTypes.hh | 2 +-
gazebo/util/system.hh | 2 +-
interfaces/player/ActarrayInterface.cc | 2 +-
interfaces/player/ActarrayInterface.hh | 2 +-
interfaces/player/BumperInterface.cc | 2 +-
interfaces/player/BumperInterface.hh | 2 +-
interfaces/player/CMakeLists.txt | 5 +-
interfaces/player/CameraInterface.cc | 3 +-
interfaces/player/CameraInterface.hh | 2 +-
interfaces/player/FiducialInterface.cc | 2 +-
interfaces/player/FiducialInterface.hh | 2 +-
interfaces/player/GazeboClient.cc | 2 +-
interfaces/player/GazeboClient.hh | 2 +-
interfaces/player/GazeboDriver.cc | 6 +-
interfaces/player/GazeboDriver.hh | 7 +-
interfaces/player/GazeboInterface.cc | 2 +-
interfaces/player/GazeboInterface.hh | 2 +-
interfaces/player/GazeboTime.cc | 2 +-
interfaces/player/GazeboTime.hh | 2 +-
interfaces/player/GpsInterface.cc | 2 +-
interfaces/player/GpsInterface.hh | 2 +-
interfaces/player/Graphics3dInterface.cc | 2 +-
interfaces/player/Graphics3dInterface.hh | 2 +-
interfaces/player/GripperInterface.cc | 2 +-
interfaces/player/GripperInterface.hh | 2 +-
interfaces/player/IRInterface.cc | 2 +-
interfaces/player/IRInterface.hh | 2 +-
interfaces/player/LaserInterface.cc | 31 +-
interfaces/player/LaserInterface.hh | 4 +-
interfaces/player/OpaqueInterface.cc | 2 +-
interfaces/player/OpaqueInterface.hh | 2 +-
interfaces/player/PTZInterface.cc | 2 +-
interfaces/player/PTZInterface.hh | 2 +-
interfaces/player/Position2dInterface.cc | 26 +-
interfaces/player/Position2dInterface.hh | 4 +-
interfaces/player/Position3dInterface.cc | 2 +-
interfaces/player/Position3dInterface.hh | 2 +-
interfaces/player/PowerInterface.cc | 2 +-
interfaces/player/PowerInterface.hh | 2 +-
interfaces/player/SimulationInterface.cc | 2 +-
interfaces/player/SimulationInterface.hh | 2 +-
interfaces/player/SonarInterface.cc | 2 +-
interfaces/player/SonarInterface.hh | 2 +-
interfaces/player/player.h | 2 +-
interfaces/player/player_cfgs/CMakeLists.txt | 11 +-
interfaces/player/player_cfgs/epuck.cfg | 236 ---
interfaces/player/player_cfgs/epuck_single.cfg | 33 -
interfaces/player/player_cfgs/gazebo.cfg | 105 --
interfaces/player/player_cfgs/pioneer2dx.cfg | 17 +-
interfaces/player/player_cfgs/pioneerarm.cfg | 34 -
media/CMakeLists.txt | 7 +-
media/materials/programs/CMakeLists.txt | 8 +-
.../programs/camera_distortion_map_fs.glsl | 20 +
.../programs/camera_distortion_map_vs.glsl | 7 +
media/materials/programs/oculus.cg | 47 +
media/materials/programs/warp.vert | 9 +
media/materials/programs/warpWithChromeAb.frag | 40 +
media/materials/scripts/CMakeLists.txt | 4 +
media/materials/scripts/distortion.compositor | 26 +
media/materials/scripts/gazebo.material | 350 +++-
media/materials/scripts/glsl120.program | 20 +
media/materials/scripts/noise.compositor | 43 +-
media/materials/scripts/oculus.compositor | 43 +
media/materials/scripts/warp.material | 21 +
media/materials/textures/CMakeLists.txt | 9 +
media/materials/textures/bricks.png | Bin 0 -> 2816159 bytes
media/materials/textures/building_frame.png | Bin 0 -> 411 bytes
media/materials/textures/motorway.jpg | Bin 0 -> 955050 bytes
.../materials/textures/{road1.jpg => primary.jpg} | Bin
media/materials/textures/residential.jpg | Bin 0 -> 22256 bytes
media/materials/textures/secondary.jpg | Bin 0 -> 23884 bytes
media/materials/textures/sidewalk.jpg | Bin 0 -> 33596 bytes
media/materials/textures/steps.jpeg | Bin 0 -> 39345 bytes
media/materials/textures/texture_information.txt | 1 +
media/materials/textures/trunk.jpg | Bin 0 -> 47018 bytes
media/models/CMakeLists.txt | 14 +
.../{rtshaderlib => rtshaderlib150}/CMakeLists.txt | 0
media/rtshaderlib150/FFPLib_Common.glsl | 253 +++
media/rtshaderlib150/FFPLib_Fog.glsl | 151 ++
media/rtshaderlib150/FFPLib_Lighting.glsl | 225 +++
media/rtshaderlib150/FFPLib_Texturing.glsl | 335 ++++
media/rtshaderlib150/FFPLib_Transform.glsl | 70 +
media/rtshaderlib150/SGXLib_IntegratedPSSM.glsl | 144 ++
media/rtshaderlib150/SGXLib_NormalMapLighting.glsl | 288 +++
media/rtshaderlib150/SGXLib_PerPixelLighting.glsl | 227 +++
media/rtshaderlib150/SampleLib_ReflectionMap.glsl | 64 +
.../materials/CMakeLists.txt | 0
.../materials/RTShaderSystem.material | 220 +++
models/CMakeLists.txt | 12 +
models/ground_plane/model.config | 16 +
models/ground_plane/model.sdf | 39 +
models/sun/model.config | 16 +
models/sun/model.sdf | 16 +
plugins/ArrangePlugin.cc | 210 +++
plugins/ArrangePlugin.hh | 112 ++
plugins/BreakableJointPlugin.cc | 2 +-
plugins/BreakableJointPlugin.hh | 2 +-
plugins/CMakeLists.txt | 32 +-
plugins/CameraPlugin.cc | 2 +-
plugins/CameraPlugin.hh | 3 +-
plugins/CartDemoPlugin.cc | 2 +-
plugins/CartDemoPlugin.hh | 5 +-
plugins/ContactPlugin.cc | 2 +-
plugins/ContactPlugin.hh | 4 +-
plugins/DepthCameraPlugin.cc | 2 +-
plugins/DepthCameraPlugin.hh | 3 +-
plugins/DiffDrivePlugin.cc | 13 +-
plugins/DiffDrivePlugin.hh | 4 +-
plugins/ForceTorquePlugin.cc | 2 +-
plugins/ForceTorquePlugin.hh | 2 +-
plugins/GpuRayPlugin.cc | 2 +-
plugins/GpuRayPlugin.hh | 3 +-
plugins/HydraDemoPlugin.cc | 82 +
plugins/HydraDemoPlugin.hh | 71 +
plugins/HydraPlugin.cc | 376 ++++
plugins/HydraPlugin.hh | 108 ++
plugins/ImuSensorPlugin.cc | 69 +
plugins/ImuSensorPlugin.hh | 58 +
plugins/InitialVelocityPlugin.cc | 59 +
plugins/InitialVelocityPlugin.hh | 51 +
plugins/JointTrajectoryPlugin.cc | 4 +-
plugins/JointTrajectoryPlugin.hh | 2 +-
plugins/LiftDragPlugin.cc | 2 +-
plugins/LiftDragPlugin.hh | 5 +-
plugins/ModelPropShop.cc | 2 +-
plugins/ModelPropShop.hh | 4 +-
plugins/MudPlugin.cc | 2 +-
plugins/MudPlugin.hh | 5 +-
plugins/PressurePlugin.cc | 2 +-
plugins/PressurePlugin.hh | 4 +-
plugins/RayPlugin.cc | 2 +-
plugins/RayPlugin.hh | 3 +-
plugins/RaySensorNoisePlugin.cc | 2 +-
plugins/RaySensorNoisePlugin.hh | 2 +-
plugins/RubblePlugin.cc | 5 +-
plugins/RubblePlugin.hh | 4 +-
plugins/SkidSteerDrivePlugin.cc | 11 +-
plugins/SkidSteerDrivePlugin.hh | 5 +-
plugins/SonarPlugin.cc | 2 +-
plugins/SonarPlugin.hh | 3 +-
plugins/SphereAtlasDemoPlugin.cc | 2 +-
plugins/SphereAtlasDemoPlugin.hh | 5 +-
plugins/TimerGUIPlugin.cc | 210 +++
plugins/TimerGUIPlugin.hh | 96 +
plugins/VehiclePlugin.cc | 18 +-
plugins/VehiclePlugin.hh | 5 +-
plugins/events/CMakeLists.txt | 30 +
plugins/events/EventSource.cc | 84 +
plugins/events/EventSource.hh | 104 ++
plugins/events/ExistenceEventSource.cc | 65 +
plugins/events/ExistenceEventSource.hh | 56 +
plugins/events/InRegionEventSource.cc | 158 ++
plugins/events/InRegionEventSource.hh | 119 ++
plugins/events/SimEventsException.hh | 31 +
plugins/events/SimEventsPlugin.cc | 153 ++
plugins/events/SimEventsPlugin.hh | 83 +
plugins/events/SimStateEventSource.cc | 58 +
plugins/events/SimStateEventSource.hh | 54 +
test/CMakeLists.txt | 5 +-
test/ServerFixture.cc | 101 +-
test/ServerFixture.hh | 46 +-
test/cmake/CMakeLists.txt | 5 +-
test/cmake/config-cmake.cc | 5 +-
test/cmake/plugin/CMakeLists.txt | 4 +-
.../materials/textures/cordless_drill.png | Bin 0 -> 40661 bytes
test/data/cordless_drill/meshes/cordless_drill.dae | 138 ++
test/data/pr2_state_log_expected.h | 2 +-
test/data/zero_count.dae | 168 ++
test/examples/example_plugins.cc | 15 +-
test/gtest/src/gtest-all.cc | 2 +-
test/gtest/src/gtest-death-test.cc | 2 +-
test/gtest/src/gtest-filepath.cc | 2 +-
test/gtest/src/gtest-port.cc | 2 +-
test/gtest/src/gtest-printers.cc | 2 +-
test/gtest/src/gtest-test-part.cc | 2 +-
test/gtest/src/gtest-typed-test.cc | 2 +-
test/gtest/src/gtest.cc | 2 +-
test/gtest/src/gtest_main.cc | 2 +-
test/integration/CMakeLists.txt | 29 +-
test/integration/SimplePendulumIntegrator.hh | 2 +-
test/integration/aero_plugin.cc | 2 +-
test/integration/bandwidth.cc | 2 +-
test/integration/camera.cc | 22 +-
test/integration/camera_sensor.cc | 112 +-
test/integration/concave_mesh.cc | 2 +-
test/integration/contact_sensor.cc | 24 +-
test/integration/dem.cc | 2 +-
test/integration/factory.cc | 122 +-
test/integration/file_handling.cc | 2 +-
test/integration/gpu_laser.cc | 83 +-
test/integration/gripper.cc | 22 +-
test/integration/gz_camera.cc | 8 +-
test/integration/gz_joint.cc | 20 +-
test/integration/gz_log.cc | 6 +-
test/integration/gz_model.cc | 14 +-
test/integration/gz_physics.cc | 18 +-
test/integration/gz_world.cc | 6 +-
test/integration/heightmap.cc | 14 +-
test/integration/heights_cmp.h | 2 +-
test/integration/helper_physics_generator.hh | 4 +-
test/integration/images_cmp.h | 2 +-
test/integration/imu.cc | 277 ++-
test/integration/insert_model.cc | 142 ++
test/integration/insert_model.hh | 32 +
test/integration/joint_controller.cc | 4 +-
test/integration/joint_force_torque.cc | 2 +-
test/integration/joint_gearbox.cc | 2 +-
test/integration/joint_revolute.cc | 20 +-
test/integration/joint_screw.cc | 163 +-
test/integration/joint_set_position_test.cc | 593 ++++++
test/integration/joint_spawn.cc | 99 +-
test/integration/joint_test.cc | 96 +-
test/integration/joint_test.hh | 2 +-
test/integration/joint_universal.cc | 86 +-
test/integration/laser.cc | 6 +-
test/integration/manpages.cc | 2 +-
test/integration/model.cc | 62 +
test/integration/model_database.cc | 2 +-
test/integration/multicamera_sensor.cc | 248 ++-
test/integration/noise.cc | 2 +-
test/integration/nondefault_world.cc | 4 +-
test/integration/ogre_log.cc | 2 +-
test/integration/physics.cc | 44 +-
.../physics_basic_controller_response.cc | 151 ++
test/integration/physics_collision.cc | 80 +
test/integration/physics_friction.cc | 2 +-
test/integration/physics_inertia_ratio.cc | 97 +
test/integration/physics_link.cc | 28 +-
test/integration/physics_msgs.cc | 12 +-
test/integration/physics_thread_safe.cc | 2 +-
test/integration/pioneer2dx.cc | 2 +-
test/integration/player/CMakeLists.txt | 8 +-
test/integration/player/player.cc | 2 +-
test/integration/plugin.cc | 136 ++
test/integration/polyline.cc | 113 ++
test/integration/pr2.cc | 6 +-
test/integration/projector.cc | 2 +-
test/integration/rendering_sensor.cc | 2 +-
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test/plugins/Issue1208Plugin.hh | 45 +
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test/plugins/ModelTrajectoryTestPlugin.hh | 5 +-
test/plugins/SpringTestPlugin.cc | 2 +-
test/plugins/SpringTestPlugin.hh | 5 +-
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.../exception_model_plugin_constructor_test.world | 28 +
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Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/gazebo.git
More information about the debian-science-commits
mailing list