[mathgl] 01/05: Merge tag 'upstream/2.3.1' into experimental

Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos eftaxiop-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Feb 7 15:51:46 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

eftaxiop-guest pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository mathgl.

commit 60ca4b7ec04e0f52ed7e6901168820fa99626788
Merge: e384b34 a7ee2f4
Author: Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos <eftaxi12 at otenet.gr>
Date:   Tue Jan 27 15:54:34 2015 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/2.3.1' into experimental
    Upstream version 2.3.1

 CMakeLists.txt                  |  39 +-
 ChangeLog.txt                   |  23 ++
 examples/CMakeLists.txt         |   7 +
 examples/full_test.cpp          |   7 +-
 examples/mgl_module.cpp         |  33 ++
 include/config.h.in             |   1 +
 include/mgl2/abstract.h         |   6 +-
 include/mgl2/base.h             |   4 +-
 include/mgl2/base_cf.h          |   8 +-
 include/mgl2/canvas.h           |   3 +-
 include/mgl2/canvas_cf.h        |  11 +-
 include/mgl2/data.h             |   8 +-
 include/mgl2/datac.h            |   2 +-
 include/mgl2/define.h           |  10 +-
 include/mgl2/fit.h              |   2 +
 include/mgl2/fltk.h             |  15 +-
 include/mgl2/glut.h             |   3 +
 include/mgl2/mgl.h              |  78 ++--
 include/mgl2/mpi.h              |   3 +-
 include/mgl2/parser.h           |   7 +
 include/mgl2/prim.h             |   5 +
 include/mgl2/qt.h               |   3 +
 include/mgl2/type.h             |   6 +-
 include/mgl2/window.h           |   4 +-
 include/mgl2/wnd.h              |  15 +-
 json/CMakeLists.txt             |   2 +-
 lang/CMakeLists.txt             |   3 +
 lang/mathgl.i                   |   3 +
 lang/mgl.i                      |   4 +-
 lang/type.i                     |   1 +
 mgltex/CMakeLists.txt           |  56 +++
 mgltex/mgltex.dtx               | 790 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 mgltex/mgltex.installer         |  61 ++++
 mgltex/mgltex.pdf               | Bin 0 -> 210387 bytes
 mgltex/mgltex.sty               | 536 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 mgltex/sample.tex               | 340 +++++++++++++++++
 src/CMakeLists.txt              |  11 +-
 src/addon.cpp                   |   3 +-
 src/axis.cpp                    |  44 ++-
 src/base.cpp                    |  10 +-
 src/base_cf.cpp                 |  19 +
 src/canvas.cpp                  |  22 +-
 src/canvas_cf.cpp               |   4 +-
 src/complex.cpp                 |   4 +-
 src/complex_io.cpp              |   4 +-
 src/crust.cpp                   |   2 +-
 src/data.cpp                    |   4 +-
 src/data_io.cpp                 |   8 +-
 src/data_png.cpp                | 124 +++----
 src/def_font.cpp                |   9 +-
 src/evalc.cpp                   |   1 -
 src/exec.cpp                    |  20 +-
 src/export.cpp                  |  58 ++-
 src/export_2d.cpp               |  17 +-
 src/export_3d.cpp               |   1 +
 src/fit.cpp                     |  48 ++-
 src/font.cpp                    |  21 +-
 src/parser.cpp                  |  54 ++-
 src/pixel.cpp                   |  66 +++-
 src/prc.cpp                     |   2 +-
 src/prim.cpp                    |  62 ++++
 src/window.cpp                  |   6 +-
 texinfo/classes.dia             | Bin 3500 -> 4561 bytes
 texinfo/classes.pdf             | Bin 53847 -> 12984 bytes
 texinfo/classes.png             | Bin 53573 -> 138494 bytes
 texinfo/concept_ru.texi         |   2 +-
 texinfo/core_en.texi            |  44 ++-
 texinfo/core_ru.texi            |  69 +++-
 texinfo/example_en.texi         |   3 +-
 texinfo/example_ru.texi         |   2 +-
 texinfo/parse_en.texi           | 149 +++++++-
 texinfo/parse_ru.texi           | 146 +++++++-
 texinfo/version.texi            |   2 +-
 texinfo/web_en.texi             | 114 ++----
 texinfo/web_ru.texi             | 116 ++----
 texinfo/widget_en.texi          |  11 +-
 texinfo/widget_ru.texi          |   7 +
 todo.txt                        |  10 +-
 udav/CMakeLists.txt             |   2 +-
 udav/udav_wnd.cpp               |  21 --
 utils/mglconv.cpp               |  28 +-
 utils/mglview.cpp               |  31 +-
 widgets/CMakeLists.txt          |   6 +-
 widgets/fltk.cpp                |  31 +-
 widgets/qt.cpp                  |  16 +-
 widgets/{qt.cpp => qt.cpp.orig} |  18 +-
 widgets/qt4/CMakeLists.txt      |   5 +-
 widgets/qt5/CMakeLists.txt      |   5 +-
 88 files changed, 3000 insertions(+), 561 deletions(-)

diff --cc widgets/qt.cpp.orig
index 8e8306b,0000000..3c0d741
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/widgets/qt.cpp.orig
+++ b/widgets/qt.cpp.orig
@@@ -1,1295 -1,0 +1,1295 @@@
 + * qt.cpp is part of Math Graphic Library                              *
 + * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Alexey Balakin <mathgl.abalakin at gmail.ru>       *
 + *                                                                         *
 + *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 + *   it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as       *
 + *   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the    *
 + *   License, or (at your option) any later version.                       *
 + *                                                                         *
 + *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 + *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 + *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 + *                                                                         *
 + *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public     *
 + *   License along with this program; if not, write to the                 *
 + *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 + *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
 + ***************************************************************************/
 +#include <QTimer>
 +#include <QApplication>
 +#include <QMouseEvent>
 +#include <QMessageBox>
 +#include <QMenu>
 +#include <QClipboard>
 +#include <QTextEdit>
 +#include <QPainter>
 +#include <QCursor>
 +#include <QImage>
 +#include <QScrollArea>
 +#include <QMainWindow>
 +#include <QToolBar>
 +#include <QMenuBar>
 +#include <QSpinBox>
 +#include <QPrinter>
 +#include <QPrintDialog>
 +#include <QFileDialog>
 +#include <QInputDialog>
 +#include <QThread>
 +#include <limits.h>
 +#include "mgl2/canvas_wnd.h"
 +#include "mgl2/qmathgl.h"
 +#include "mgl2/qt.h"
 +#define MGL_MAX_LINES	(INT_MAX-1000)
 +#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__APPLE__)
 +#include <X11/Xlib.h>
++<<<<<<< HEAD
 +//#include <qt5/QtCore/QTimer>
++>>>>>>> upstream/2.3.1
 +/// Base class for windows containing MathGL graphics
 +class mglCanvasQT : public mglCanvasWnd
 +using mglCanvasWnd::Window;
 +	int sshow;		///< Current state of animation switch (toggle button)
 +	QMathGL *QMGL;	///< Control which draw graphics
 +	QMainWindow *Wnd;	///< Pointer to window
 +	mglCanvasQT();
++    virtual ~mglCanvasQT() {	if(Wnd)	delete Wnd;	}
 +	/// Create a window for plotting. Now implemeted only for GLUT.
 +	void Window(int argc, char **argv, int (*draw)(mglBase *gr, void *p),const char *title,
 +						void *par=NULL, void (*reload)(void *p)=NULL, bool maximize=false);
 +	/// Switch on/off transparency (do not overwrite switches in user drawing function)
 +	void ToggleAlpha();
 +	/// Switch on/off lighting (do not overwrite switches in user drawing function)
 +	void ToggleLight();
 +	void ToggleRotate();///< Switch on/off rotation by mouse
 +	void ToggleZoom();	///< Switch on/off zooming by mouse
 +	void ToggleNo();	///< Switch off all zooming and rotation
 +	void Update();		///< Update picture by calling user drawing function
 +	void Adjust();		///< Adjust size of bitmap to window size
 +	void GotoFrame(int d);	///< Show arbitrary frame (use relative step)
 +	void Animation();		///< Run slideshow (animation) of frames
 +	QScrollArea *scroll;	///< Scrolling area
 +	QMenu *popup;			///< Popup menu
 +	QSpinBox *tet, *phi;	///< Spin box for angles
 +void MGL_EXPORT mgl_ask_qt(const wchar_t *quest, wchar_t *res)
 +{	QInputDialog::getText(QApplication::activeWindow(), "MathGL",
 +						QString::fromWCharArray(quest)).toWCharArray(res);	}
 +//		class QMathGL
 +/// Internal class to be used for multi-threading plotting
 +/*class mglTask : public QObject
 +	mglCanvas *gr;		///< Built-in mglCanvasQT-er instance (used by default)
 +	void *draw_par;		///< Parameters for drawing function mglCanvasWnd::DrawFunc.
 +	/// Drawing function for window procedure. It should return the number of frames.
 +	int (*draw_func)(mglBase *gr, void *par);
 +	mglDraw *draw;		///< Class for drawing -- need to call directly due to inheritance mechanism
 +public slots:
 +	void doWork();
 +	void plotDone();
 +void mglTask::doWork()
 +	setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
 +	if(mgl_is_frames(gr))	mgl_new_frame(gr);
 +	if(draw_func)	draw_func(gr, draw_par);
 +	else if(draw)	{	mglGraph g(gr);	draw->Draw(&g);	}
 +	if(mgl_is_frames(gr))	mgl_end_frame(gr);
 +	setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
 +	gr->Finish();
 +	emit plotDone();
 +QMathGL::QMathGL(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QWidget(parent, f)
 +	autoResize = false;	draw_par = 0;	draw_func = 0;
 +	dotsRefr = true;
 +	gr = new mglCanvas;	appName = "MathGL";
 +	popup = 0;	grBuf = 0;	draw = 0;
 +	phi = tet = per = 0;
 +	x1 = y1 = ax1 = ay1 = 0;	x2 = y2 = ax2 = ay2 = 1;
 +	alpha = light = zoom = rotate = grid = viewYZ = custZoom = custDraw = false;
 +	resize(600, 400);	mgl_set_flag(gr, true, MGL_CLF_ON_UPD);
 +	timer = new QTimer(this);
 +	timerRefr = new QTimer(this);	timerRefr->setInterval(100);
 +	timerRefr->setSingleShot(true);
 +	enableWheel = enableMouse = true;
 +	connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(nextSlide()));
 +	connect(timerRefr, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(refreshHQ()));
 +/*	thread = new QThread();
 +	task = new mglTask();	task->moveToThread(thread);
 +	connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), task, SLOT(doWork()));
 +	connect(task, SIGNAL(plotDone()), thread, SLOT(quit()));
 +	connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(afterPlot()));*/
++	timer->stop();	timerRefr->stop();
 +	if(mgl_use_graph(gr,-1)<1)	mgl_delete_graph(gr);
 +	if(grBuf)	delete []grBuf;
 +	if(draw)	delete draw;
 +void QMathGL::setDotsPreview(bool d)
 +{	dotsRefr = d;	}
 +void QMathGL::setDraw(int (*func)(mglBase *gr, void *par), void *par)
 +	if(draw)	delete draw;	draw = 0;
 +	draw_func = func;	draw_par = par;
 +	emit usePrimChanged(draw_func || draw);
 +void QMathGL::setDraw(mglDraw *dr)
 +	if(draw)	delete draw;
 +	draw = dr;	draw_func = 0;
 +	emit usePrimChanged(draw_func || draw);
 +double QMathGL::getRatio()	{	return double(mgl_get_width(gr))/mgl_get_height(gr);	}
 +void mgl_qt_event_func(void *)	{	QApplication::processEvents();	}
 +void QMathGL::setGraph(HMGL GR)	///< Set grapher object
 +	mglCanvas *gg = dynamic_cast<mglCanvas *>(GR);
 +	if(!gg)	return;
 +	if(mgl_use_graph(gr,-1)<1)	mgl_delete_graph(gr);
 +	gr=gg;	mgl_use_graph(gg,1);
 +	gr->SetEventFunc(mgl_qt_event_func, NULL);
 +void QMathGL::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
 +	QPainter paint;
 +	paint.begin(this);
 +	paint.drawPixmap(0,0,pic);
 +	if(zoom)	paint.drawRect(x0,y0,xe-x0,ye-y0);
 +	if(mgl_get_flag(gr,MGL_SHOW_POS) && !mousePos.isEmpty())
 +		paint.drawText(0,12,mousePos);
 +	if(grid)
 +	{
 +		long i, d, h=pic.height(), w=pic.width();
 +		paint.setPen(QColor(192,192,192));
 +		for(i=1;i<10;i++)
 +		{
 +			paint.drawText(0,i*h/10,QString::number(1-i*0.1));
 +			paint.drawLine(0,i*h/10,w,i*h/10);
 +			paint.drawText(i*w/10,h,QString::number(i*0.1));
 +			paint.drawLine(i*w/10,0,i*w/10,h);
 +		}
 +		paint.setPen(QColor(0,0,0));
 +		d = (h>w?w:h)/100;
 +		if(mgl_is_frames(gr))
 +			for(i=0;i<(long)gr->Act.size();i++)
 +			{
 +				const mglActivePos &p=gr->Act[i];
 +				QRect rf(p.x-d/2,p.y-d/2-1,d,d);
 +				paint.drawRect(rf);
 +				paint.fillRect(rf,QBrush(QColor(127,255,63)));
 +			}
 +	}
 +	paint.end();
 +void QMathGL::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *ev)
 +	if(autoResize && ev->size().width()>0 && ev->size().height()>0)
 +	{	mgl_set_size(gr, ev->size().width(), ev->size().height());	update();	}
 +//	else	resize(graph->GetWidth(), graph->GetHeight());
 +void QMathGL::setPer(int p)
 +	if(per!=p && p>=0 && p<100)
 +	{	per = 100*p;	emit perChanged(p);	refresh();	}
 +void QMathGL::setPhi(int p)
 +{	if(phi!=p)	{	phi = p;	emit phiChanged(p);	refresh();	}	}
 +void QMathGL::setTet(int t)
 +{	if(tet!=t)	{	tet = t;	emit tetChanged(t);	refresh();	}	}
 +void QMathGL::setAlpha(bool a)
 +{	if(alpha!=a)	{	alpha = a;	emit alphaChanged(a);	update();	}	}
 +void QMathGL::setLight(bool l)
 +{	if(light!=l)	{	light = l;	emit lightChanged(l);	update();	}	}
 +void QMathGL::setGrid(bool g)
 +{	if(grid!=g)	{	grid = g;	emit gridChanged(g); 	refresh();	}	}
 +void QMathGL::setViewYZ(bool a)
 +{	if(viewYZ!=a)	{	viewYZ = a;	emit viewYZChanged(a);	refresh();	}	}
 +void QMathGL::setRotate(bool r)
 +	if(rotate!=r)
 +	{	zoom=false;	rotate=r;	refresh();	emit rotateChanged(r);	}
 +void QMathGL::setZoom(bool z)
 +	if(zoom!=z)
 +	{	zoom=z;	rotate=false;	refresh();
 +	emit zoomChanged(z);	emit rotateChanged(false);	}
 +void QMathGL::setCustZoom(bool z)	{	custZoom = z;	}
 +void QMathGL::setCustDraw(bool z)	{	custDraw = z;	}
 +void QMathGL::shiftDown()
 +{	mreal d=(y2-y1)/4;	y1+=d;	y2+=d;	refresh();	}
 +void QMathGL::shiftUp()
 +{	mreal d=(y2-y1)/4;	y1-=d;	y2-=d;	refresh();	}
 +void QMathGL::shiftRight()
 +{	mreal d=(x2-x1)/4;	x1-=d;	x2-=d;	refresh();	}
 +void QMathGL::shiftLeft()
 +{	mreal d=(x2-x1)/4;	x1+=d;	x2+=d;	refresh();	}
 +void QMathGL::zoomIn()
 +	mreal d,c;
 +	d = (y2-y1)/4;	c = (y2+y1)/2;	y1 = c-d;	y2 = c+d;
 +	d = (x2-x1)/4;	c = (x2+x1)/2;	x1 = c-d;	x2 = c+d;
 +	refresh();
 +void QMathGL::zoomOut()
 +	mreal d,c;
 +	d = (y2-y1);	c = (y2+y1)/2;	y1 = c-d;	y2 = c+d;
 +	d = (x2-x1);	c = (x2+x1)/2;	x1 = c-d;	x2 = c+d;
 +	refresh();
 +void QMathGL::restore()
 +	setPhi(0);	setTet(0);	setPer(0);
 +	x1=y1=0; 	x2=y2=1;		zoom=rotate=false;
 +	emit zoomChanged(false);	emit rotateChanged(false);
 +	if(ax1!=0 || ay1!=0 || ax2!=1 || ay2!=1)
 +	{
 +		ax1=ay1=0;		ax2=ay2=1;
 +		mgl_zoom_axis(gr,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1);
 +		update();
 +	}
 +	else refresh();
 +void QMathGL::stop()	{	gr->AskStop(true);	}
 +void QMathGL::update()
 +	if(draw_func || draw)
 +	{
 +		mgl_reset_frames(gr);	// remove previous frames
 +		if(mgl_get_flag(gr,MGL_CLF_ON_UPD))	mgl_set_def_param(gr);
 +		mgl_set_alpha(gr,alpha);	mgl_set_light(gr,light);
 +		// use frames for quickly redrawing while adding/changing primitives
 +		if(custDraw)	emit customDraw(x1,y1,x2,y2,true);
 +		if(!isHidden())	QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor));
 +/*		task->gr = gr;	task->draw = draw;
 +		task->draw_func = draw_func;
 +		task->draw_par = draw_par;
 +		thread->start();*/
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
 +		if(mgl_is_frames(gr))	mgl_new_frame(gr);
 +		if(draw_func)	draw_func(gr, draw_par);
 +		else if(draw)	{	mglGraph g(gr);	draw->Draw(&g);	}
 +		if(mgl_is_frames(gr))	mgl_end_frame(gr);
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
 +		gr->AskStop(false);	afterPlot();
 +	}
 +void QMathGL::afterPlot()
 +	emit refreshData();
 +	emit showWarn(mgl_get_mess(gr));
 +	mousePos="";
 +	if(!isHidden())	QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
 +	refresh();
 +void QMathGL::drawPrim()
 +//	mgl_clf_nfog(gr);
 +	mglCanvasWnd *g = dynamic_cast<mglCanvasWnd *>(gr);
 +	mgl_get_frame(gr, g?g->GetCurFig():mgl_get_num_frame(gr)-1);
 +	mglParse pr;
 +	long i, n=primitives.count('\n');
 +	mglGraph gg(gr);
 +	setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
 +	gg.Push();	gg.SubPlot(1,1,0,"#");
 +	mglPoint ox1=gr->Min, ox2=gr->Max;
 +	gg.SetRanges(mglPoint(-1,-1,-1),mglPoint(1,1,1));
 +	for(i=0;i<n;i++)
 +	{
 +		mgl_set_obj_id(gr,i+MGL_MAX_LINES);
 +		QString tst = primitives.section('\n',i,i);
 +		pr.Parse(&gg,primitives.section('\n',i,i).toStdString().c_str(),i+MGL_MAX_LINES);
 +	}
 +	gg.SetRanges(ox1,ox2);	gg.Pop();	setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
 +void QMathGL::refresh()
 +	if(dotsRefr)
 +	{
 +		timerRefr->start();
 +		int q = gr->GetQuality();
 +		prevQuality = q!=MGL_DRAW_DOTS?q:prevQuality;
 +		gr->SetQuality(MGL_DRAW_DOTS);
 +	}
 +	if(mgl_is_frames(gr) && mgl_get_num_frame(gr)>0)
 +	{
 +		drawPrim();
 +		if(custZoom)	emit customZoom(x1,y1,x2,y2,tet,phi,per);
 +		else
 +		{	mgl_zoom(gr,x1,y1,x2,y2);
 +			mgl_ask_perspective(gr,per);
 +			if(viewYZ)	mgl_view(gr,0,-tet,-phi);
 +			else 		mgl_view(gr,-phi,-tet,0);
 +		}
 +	}
 +	mglConvertFromGraph(pic, gr, &grBuf);
 +	if(pic.size()!=size())	setSize(pic.width(), pic.height());
 +	repaint();
 +void QMathGL::refreshHQ()
 +	gr->SetQuality(prevQuality);
 +	if(mgl_is_frames(gr) && mgl_get_num_frame(gr)>0)
 +	{
 +		drawPrim();
 +		if(custZoom)	emit customZoom(x1,y1,x2,y2,tet,phi,per);
 +		else
 +		{	mgl_zoom(gr,x1,y1,x2,y2);
 +			mgl_ask_perspective(gr,per);
 +			if(viewYZ)	mgl_view(gr,0,-tet,-phi);
 +			else 		mgl_view(gr,-phi,-tet,0);
 +		}
 +	}
 +	mglConvertFromGraph(pic, gr, &grBuf);
 +	if(pic.size()!=size())	setSize(pic.width(), pic.height());
 +	repaint();
 +void QMathGL::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *ev)
 +	if(!zoom && !rotate && ev->button()&Qt::LeftButton)
 +	{
 +		mglPoint p = gr->CalcXYZ(ev->x(), ev->y());
 +		mglCanvasWnd *g=dynamic_cast<mglCanvasWnd *>(gr);
 +		if(g)	g->LastMousePos = p;
 +		if(g && g->ClickFunc)	g->ClickFunc(draw_par);
 +		emit mouseClick(p.x,p.y,p.z);
 +		int id = mgl_get_obj_id(gr,ev->x(),ev->y());
 +		if(id<MGL_MAX_LINES)	emit objChanged(id-1);
 +		p = gr->CalcXYZ(ev->x(), ev->y(), true);
 +		if(mgl_isnan(p.x))	mousePos = "";
 +		else	mousePos.sprintf("x=%g, y=%g, z=%g",p.x,p.y,p.z);
 +		emit posChanged(mousePos);
 +		repaint();
 +	}
 +	xe=x0=ev->x();	ye=y0=ev->y();	ev->accept();
 +void QMathGL::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *ev)
 +	if(ev->button()&Qt::LeftButton && enableMouse)
 +	{
 +		if(zoom)
 +		{
 +			int w1=width(),h1=height();
 +			mreal _x1,_x2,_y1,_y2;
 +			_x1 = x1+(x2-x1)*(x0-x())/mreal(w1);	_y1 = y2-(y2-y1)*(ye-y())/mreal(h1);
 +			_x2 = x1+(x2-x1)*(xe-x())/mreal(w1);	_y2 = y2-(y2-y1)*(y0-y())/mreal(h1);
 +			x1=_x1;		x2=_x2;		y1=_y1;		y2=_y2;
 +			if(x1>x2)	{	_x1=x1;	x1=x2;	x2=_x1;	}
 +			if(y1>y2)	{	_x1=y1;	y1=y2;	y2=_x1;	}
 +			x0 = xe;	y0 = ye;
 +			if(custDraw)
 +			{
 +				emit customDraw(x1,y1,x2,y2,false);
 +				update();
 +			}
 +			else	refresh();
 +		}
 +	}
 +	if(ev->button()&Qt::RightButton && popup && !rotate)	// popup menu
 +		popup->popup(QCursor::pos());
 +	ev->accept();
 +void QMathGL::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *ev)
 +	if(!enableMouse)	{	ev->ignore();	return;	}
 +	xe=ev->x();	ye=ev->y();
 +	if(rotate)
 +	{
 +		if(ev->buttons()&Qt::LeftButton)	// rotate
 +		{
 +			mreal ff = 240/sqrt(mreal(width()*height()));
 +			phi += int((x0-xe)*ff);
 +			tet -= int((y0-ye)*ff);
 +			if(phi>180)	phi-=360;		if(phi<-180)	phi+=360;
 +			if(tet>180)	tet-=360;		if(tet<-180)	tet+=360;
 +			emit tetChanged(int(tet));		emit phiChanged(int(phi));
 +			refresh();
 +		}
 +		if(ev->buttons()&Qt::RightButton)	// zoom and perspective
 +		{
 +			mreal ff = 2.*(y0-ye)/width(), gg = 0.5*(xe-x0)/height();
 +			mreal cx = (x1+x2)/2, cy = (y1+y2)/2;
 +			x1 = cx+(x1-cx)*exp(-ff);	x2 = cx+(x2-cx)*exp(-ff);
 +			y1 = cy+(y1-cy)*exp(-ff);	y2 = cy+(y2-cy)*exp(-ff);
 +			per = per + gg;
 +			if(per<0)	per = 0;	if(per>=1)	per = 0.9999;
 +			if(gg)	emit perChanged(int(per));
 +			refresh();
 +		}
 +		if(ev->buttons()&Qt::MidButton)	// shift
 +		{
 +			mreal ff = 1./sqrt(mreal(width()*height()));
 +			mreal dx = (x0-xe)*ff*(x2-x1), dy = (y0-ye)*ff*(y2-y1);
 +			x1 += dx;	x2 += dx;	y1 -= dy;	y2 -= dy;
 +		}
 +		x0 = xe;	y0 = ye;
 +		refresh();
 +	}
 +	else if(zoom)	refresh();
 +	else if(ev->buttons()&Qt::MidButton)	// shift axis
 +	{
 +		mreal ff = 1./sqrt(mreal(width()*height()));
 +		mreal dx = (x0-xe)*ff*(ax2-ax1), dy = (y0-ye)*ff*(ay2-ay1);
 +		ax1 += dx;	ax2 += dx;	ay1 -= dy;	ay2 -= dy;
 +		mgl_zoom_axis(gr,ax1,ay1,0,0,ax2,ay2,0,0);
 +		update();	x0 = xe;	y0 = ye;
 +	}
 +	else if(ev->buttons()&Qt::LeftButton)	// move primitives
 +	{
 +		long h=pic.height(), w=pic.width(), d=(h>w?w:h)/100;
 +		long pos = mgl_is_active(gr,x0,y0,d);
 +		long id = long(mgl_get_obj_id(gr,x0,y0))-MGL_MAX_LINES;
 +		if(grid && pos>=0)	// this active point
 +		{
 +			const mglActivePos &p = gr->Act[pos];
 +			id = long(p.id)-MGL_MAX_LINES;
 +			if(id>=0)	// this is our primitive
 +			{
 +				// try "attract" mouse
 +				register size_t i;
 +				register int tt;
 +				for(i=0;i<=10;i++)
 +				{
 +					tt = i*(w/10);	if(abs(xe-tt)<2*d)	xe = tt;
 +					tt = i*(h/10);	if(abs(ye-tt)<2*d)	ye = tt;
 +				}
 +				for(i=0;i<gr->Act.size();i++)
 +				{
 +					const mglActivePos &q = gr->Act[i];
 +					if(abs(xe-q.x)<2*d && abs(ye-q.y)<2*d)	{	xe=q.x;	ye=q.y;	}
 +				}
 +				// now move point
 +				QString tst = primitives.section('\n',id,id), cmd=tst.section(' ',0,0), res;
 +				float dx = 2*(xe-x0)/float(w), dy = 2*(y0-ye)/float(h);
 +				float xx=tst.section(' ',1,1).toFloat(), yy=tst.section(' ',2,2).toFloat();
 +				if(p.n==0)
 +					res = cmd+" "+QString::number(xx+dx)+" "+QString::number(yy+dy)+" "+tst.section(' ',3);
 +				else if(cmd=="rect")
 +				{
 +					float x_=tst.section(' ',3,3).toFloat(), y_=tst.section(' ',4,4).toFloat();
 +					if(p.n==1)	{	xx+=dx;	y_+=dy;	}
 +					if(p.n==2)	{	x_+=dx;	yy+=dy;	}
 +					if(p.n==3)	{	x_+=dx;	y_+=dy;	}
 +					res = "rect "+QString::number(xx)+" "+QString::number(yy)+" "+
 +						QString::number(x_)+" "+QString::number(y_)+" "+tst.section(' ',5);
 +				}
 +				else if(p.n==1)
 +				{
 +					xx=tst.section(' ',3,3).toFloat();	yy=tst.section(' ',4,4).toFloat();
 +					res = tst.section(' ',0,2)+" "+QString::number(xx+dx)+" "+QString::number(yy+dy)+" "+tst.section(' ',5);
 +				}
 +				else if(cmd=="rhomb" || cmd=="ellipse")
 +				{
 +					float x_=tst.section(' ',3,3).toFloat()-xx, y_=tst.section(' ',4,4).toFloat()-yy, dr=0;
 +					if(x_*x_+y_*y_>0)
 +					{
 +						dr = (dx*x_+dy*y_)/(x_*x_+y_*y_);
 +						dr = hypot(dx-dr*x_,dy-dr*y_);
 +					}
 +					else	dr = hypot(dx,dy);
 +					res = tst.section(' ',0,4)+" "+QString::number(tst.section(' ',5,5).toFloat()+dr)+" "+tst.section(' ',6);
 +				}
 +				else if(cmd=="arc")
 +				{
 +					double x_=tst.section(' ',3,3).toFloat()-xx, y_=tst.section(' ',4,4).toFloat()-yy, a_=tst.section(' ',5,5).toFloat();
 +					double c=cos(M_PI*a_/180), s=sin(M_PI*a_/180);
 +					double a = atan2(x_,y_) - atan2(x_*c-y_*s+dx,x_*s+y_*c+dy);
 +					res = tst.section(' ',0,4)+" "+QString::number(a*180/M_PI)+" "+tst.section(' ',6);
 +				}
 +				else if(p.n==2)
 +				{
 +					xx=tst.section(' ',5,5).toFloat();	yy=tst.section(' ',6,6).toFloat();
 +					res = tst.section(' ',0,4)+" "+QString::number(xx+dx)+" "+QString::number(yy+dy)+" "+tst.section(' ',7);
 +				}
 +				else if(p.n==3)
 +				{
 +					xx=tst.section(' ',7,7).toFloat();	yy=tst.section(' ',8,8).toFloat();
 +					if(cmd=="curve")	{	dx*=-1;	dy*=-1;	}
 +					res = tst.section(' ',0,6)+" "+QString::number(xx+dx)+" "+QString::number(yy+dy)+" "+tst.section(' ',9);
 +				}
 +				if(id>0) 	res = primitives.section('\n',0,id-1) + "\n" + res;
 +				primitives = res + "\n" + primitives.section('\n',id+1);
 +				refresh();	x0 = xe;	y0 = ye;
 +			}
 +		}
 +		else if(id>=0)	// this is primitive
 +		{
 +			QString tst = primitives.section('\n',id,id), cmd=tst.section(' ',0,0), res;
 +			float dx = 2*(xe-x0)/float(w), dy = 2*(y0-ye)/float(h);
 +			float x1=tst.section(' ',1,1).toFloat(), y1=tst.section(' ',2,2).toFloat(),x2,y2;
 +			if(cmd=="ball")
 +				res = cmd+" "+QString::number(x1+dx)+" "+QString::number(y1+dy)+" "+tst.section(' ',3);
 +			else if(cmd=="curve")
 +			{
 +				x2=tst.section(' ',5,5).toFloat();	y2=tst.section(' ',6,6).toFloat();
 +				res = cmd+" "+QString::number(x1+dx)+" "+QString::number(y1+dy)+" "+tst.section(' ',3,4)+
 +						" "+QString::number(x2+dx)+" "+QString::number(y2+dy)+" "+tst.section(' ',7);
 +			}
 +			else
 +			{
 +				x2=tst.section(' ',3,3).toFloat();	y2=tst.section(' ',4,4).toFloat();
 +				res = cmd+" "+QString::number(x1+dx)+" "+QString::number(y1+dy)+" "+
 +						QString::number(x2+dx)+" "+QString::number(y2+dy)+" "+tst.section(' ',5);
 +			}
 +			if(id>0) 	res = primitives.section('\n',0,id-1) + "\n" + res;
 +			primitives = res + "\n" + primitives.section('\n',id+1);
 +			refresh();	x0 = xe;	y0 = ye;
 +		}
 +	}
 +	ev->accept();
 +void QMathGL::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *ev)
 +	long h=pic.height(), w=pic.width(), d=(h>w?w:h)/100;
 +	long pos = mgl_is_active(gr,x0,y0,d);
 +	long id = long(mgl_get_obj_id(gr,x0,y0));
 +	if(grid && pos>=0)	// this active point -> delete primitive
 +	{
 +		const mglActivePos &p = gr->Act[pos];
 +		id = long(p.id)-MGL_MAX_LINES;
 +		QString res;
 +		if(id>0) 	res = primitives.section('\n',0,id-1) + "\n";
 +		if(id>=0)	primitives = res + primitives.section('\n',id+1);
 +		refresh();	x0 = xe;	y0 = ye;
 +	}
 +	else if(id>=MGL_MAX_LINES)	// option for primitives
 +		emit askStyle(id-MGL_MAX_LINES);
 +	else	emit doubleClick(id);
 +	ev->accept();
 +void QMathGL::setStyle(int id, QString stl)
 +	QString tst = primitives.section('\n',id,id), res;
 +	res = tst.section(' ',0,-2) + " " + stl;
 +	if(id>0) 	res = primitives.section('\n',0,id-1) + "\n" + res;
 +	primitives = res + "\n" + primitives.section('\n',id+1);
 +	refresh();	x0 = xe;	y0 = ye;
 +void QMathGL::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *ev)
 +	if(!enableWheel)	{	ev->ignore();	return;	}
 +	if(rotate)	// zoom
 +	{
 +		mreal d,c,f=exp(0.001*ev->delta())/2;
 +		d = (y2-y1)*f;	c = (y2+y1)/2;	y1 = c-d;	y2 = c+d;
 +		d = (x2-x1)*f;	c = (x2+x1)/2;	x1 = c-d;	x2 = c+d;
 +		refresh();	ev->accept();
 +	}
 +	else 		// zoom axis
 +	{
 +		mreal d,c,f=exp(0.001*ev->delta())/2;
 +		d = (ay2-ay1)*f;	c = (ay2+ay1)/2;	ay1 = c-d;	ay2 = c+d;
 +		d = (ax2-ax1)*f;	c = (ax2+ax1)/2;	ax1 = c-d;	ax2 = c+d;
 +		mgl_zoom_axis(gr,ax1,ay1,0,0,ax2,ay2,0,0);
 +		update();	ev->accept();
 +	}
 +void QMathGL::imgSize(int w, int h)
 +{	if(w>0 && h>0)	{	mgl_set_size(gr,w,h);	update();	}	}
 +QString setExtension(QString &fname, const char *ext)
 +	QString oname;
 +	if(fname.right(4)!="."+QString(ext))	oname = fname+"."+QString(ext);
 +	return oname;
 +void QMathGL::exportGIF(QString fname)
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	fname = mgl_get_plotid(gr);
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	QMessageBox::critical(this, appName, tr("No filename."),QMessageBox::Ok,0,0);
 +	else	mgl_write_gif(gr,setExtension(fname,"png").toStdString().c_str(), appName.toStdString().c_str());
 +void QMathGL::exportPNG(QString fname)
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	fname = mgl_get_plotid(gr);
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	QMessageBox::critical(this, appName, tr("No filename."),QMessageBox::Ok,0,0);
 +	else	mgl_write_png(gr,setExtension(fname,"png").toStdString().c_str(), appName.toStdString().c_str());
 +void QMathGL::exportPNGs(QString fname)
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	fname = mgl_get_plotid(gr);
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	QMessageBox::critical(this, appName, tr("No filename."),QMessageBox::Ok,0,0);
 +	else	mgl_write_png_solid(gr,setExtension(fname,"png").toStdString().c_str(), appName.toStdString().c_str());
 +void QMathGL::exportJPG(QString fname)
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	fname = mgl_get_plotid(gr);
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	QMessageBox::critical(this, appName, tr("No filename."),QMessageBox::Ok,0,0);
 +	else	mgl_write_jpg(gr,setExtension(fname,"jpg").toStdString().c_str(), appName.toStdString().c_str());
 +void QMathGL::exportBPS(QString fname)
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	fname = mgl_get_plotid(gr);
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	QMessageBox::critical(this, appName, tr("No filename."),QMessageBox::Ok,0,0);
 +	else
 +	{
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
 +		mgl_write_bps(gr,setExtension(fname,"eps").toStdString().c_str(), appName.toStdString().c_str());
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
 +	}
 +void QMathGL::exportEPS(QString fname)
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	fname = mgl_get_plotid(gr);
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	QMessageBox::critical(this, appName, tr("No filename."),QMessageBox::Ok,0,0);
 +	else
 +	{
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
 +		mgl_write_eps(gr,setExtension(fname,"eps").toStdString().c_str(), appName.toStdString().c_str());
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
 +	}
 +void QMathGL::exportSVG(QString fname)
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	fname = mgl_get_plotid(gr);
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	QMessageBox::critical(this, appName, tr("No filename."),QMessageBox::Ok,0,0);
 +	else
 +	{
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
 +		mgl_write_svg(gr,setExtension(fname,"svg").toStdString().c_str(), appName.toStdString().c_str());
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
 +	}
 +void QMathGL::exportXYZ(QString fname)
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	fname = mgl_get_plotid(gr);
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	QMessageBox::critical(this, appName, tr("No filename."),QMessageBox::Ok,0,0);
 +	else
 +	{
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
 +		mgl_write_xyz(gr,setExtension(fname,"xyz").toStdString().c_str(), appName.toStdString().c_str());
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
 +	}
 +void QMathGL::exportTEX(QString fname)
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	fname = mgl_get_plotid(gr);
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	QMessageBox::critical(this, appName, tr("No filename."),QMessageBox::Ok,0,0);
 +	else
 +	{
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
 +		mgl_write_tex(gr,setExtension(fname,"tex").toStdString().c_str(), appName.toStdString().c_str());
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
 +	}
 +void QMathGL::exportOFF(QString fname)
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	fname = mgl_get_plotid(gr);
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	QMessageBox::critical(this, appName, tr("No filename."),QMessageBox::Ok,0,0);
 +	else
 +	{
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
 +		mgl_write_off(gr,setExtension(fname,"off").toStdString().c_str(), appName.toStdString().c_str(),0);
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
 +	}
 +void QMathGL::exportOBJ(QString fname)
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	fname = mgl_get_plotid(gr);
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	QMessageBox::critical(this, appName, tr("No filename."),QMessageBox::Ok,0,0);
 +	else
 +	{
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
 +		mgl_write_obj(gr,setExtension(fname,"obj").toStdString().c_str(), appName.toStdString().c_str(),1);
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
 +	}
 +void QMathGL::exportSTL(QString fname)
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	fname = mgl_get_plotid(gr);
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	QMessageBox::critical(this, appName, tr("No filename."),QMessageBox::Ok,0,0);
 +	else
 +	{
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
 +		mgl_write_stl(gr,setExtension(fname,"stl").toStdString().c_str(), appName.toStdString().c_str());
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
 +	}
 +/*void QMathGL::exportX3D(QString fname)
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	fname = mgl_get_plotid(gr);
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	QMessageBox::critical(this, appName, tr("No filename."),QMessageBox::Ok,0,0);
 +	else
 +	{
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
 +		mgl_write_x3d(gr,setExtension(fname,"x3d").toStdString().c_str(), appName.toStdString().c_str());
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
 +	}
 +void QMathGL::exportTGA(QString fname)
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	fname = mgl_get_plotid(gr);
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	QMessageBox::critical(this, appName, tr("No filename."),QMessageBox::Ok,0,0);
 +	else
 +	{
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
 +		mgl_write_tga(gr,setExtension(fname,"tga").toStdString().c_str(), appName.toStdString().c_str());
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
 +	}
 +void QMathGL::exportPRC(QString fname)
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	fname = mgl_get_plotid(gr);
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	QMessageBox::critical(this, appName, tr("No filename."),QMessageBox::Ok,0,0);
 +	else
 +	{
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
 +		mgl_write_prc(gr,setExtension(fname,"prc").toStdString().c_str(), appName.toStdString().c_str(),1);
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
 +	}
 +void QMathGL::exportMGLD(QString fname)
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	fname = mgl_get_plotid(gr);
 +	if(fname.isEmpty())	QMessageBox::critical(this, appName, tr("No filename."),QMessageBox::Ok,0,0);
 +	else
 +	{
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
 +		mgl_export_mgld(gr,setExtension(fname,"mgld").toStdString().c_str(), appName.toStdString().c_str());
 +		setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
 +	}
 +void mglConvertFromGraph(QPixmap &pic, mglCanvas *gr, uchar **buf)
 +	const uchar *bb = mgl_get_rgb(gr);
 +	register long i,w=mgl_get_width(gr), h=mgl_get_height(gr);
 +	if(*buf)	delete [](*buf);
 +	*buf = new uchar[4*w*h];
 +	for(i=0;i<w*h;i++)
 +	{
 +		(*buf)[4*i]   = bb[3*i+2];
 +		(*buf)[4*i+1] = bb[3*i+1];
 +		(*buf)[4*i+2] = bb[3*i];
 +		(*buf)[4*i+3] = 255;
 +	}
 +	QImage img(*buf, w, h, QImage::Format_RGB32);
 +	pic = QPixmap::fromImage(img);
 +void QMathGL::copy()
 +{	QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard();
 +	cb->setPixmap(pic, QClipboard::Clipboard);		}
 +void QMathGL::copyClickCoor()
 +{	QApplication::clipboard()->setText(mousePos);	}
 +void QMathGL::setMGLFont(QString path)
 +{	if(path.isEmpty())	mgl_restore_font(gr);
 +	else 	mgl_load_font(gr,path.toStdString().c_str(),0);	}
 +void QMathGL::setSize(int w, int h)
 +	resize(w, h);
 +	if(w!=pic.width() || h!=pic.height())	// update only when image size is changed
 +	{	mgl_set_size(gr,w,h);	update();	}
 +void QMathGL::about()
 +	QString s = tr("MathGL v. 2.") + QString::number(MGL_VER2) + tr("\n(c) Alexey Balakin, 2007\nhttp://mathgl.sourceforge.net/");
 +	QMessageBox::about(this, tr("MathGL - about"), s);
 +void QMathGL::aboutQt()	{	QMessageBox::aboutQt(this, tr("About Qt"));	}
 +void QMathGL::print()
 +	QPrinter *printer = new QPrinter;
 +	printer->setOrientation(getRatio()>1 ? QPrinter::Landscape : QPrinter::Portrait);
 +	QPrintDialog printDlg(printer, this);
 +	if (printDlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
 +	{
 +		QRectF r = printer->pageRect(QPrinter::Inch);
 +		int d1 = int(pic.width()/r.width()), d2 = int(pic.height()/r.height());
 +		int dpi = printer->resolution();
 +		if(dpi<d1)	dpi=d1;		if(dpi<d2)	dpi=d2;
 +		printer->setResolution(dpi);
 +		QPainter p;
 +		if(!p.begin(printer))	return;	// paint on printer
 +		p.drawPixmap(0,0,pic);
 +	}
 +	delete printer;
 +void QMathGL::nextSlide()
 +	mglCanvasWnd *g = dynamic_cast<mglCanvasWnd *>(gr);
 +	if(g && g->GetNumFig()>1)	g->NextFrame();
 +	emit frameChanged(+1);
 +void QMathGL::prevSlide()
 +	mglCanvasWnd *g = dynamic_cast<mglCanvasWnd *>(gr);
 +	if(g && g->GetNumFig()>1)	g->PrevFrame();
 +	emit frameChanged(-1);
 +void QMathGL::animation(bool st)
 +	if(st)	timer->stop();
 +	else	timer->start(int(mgl_wnd_get_delay(gr)*1000));
 +void QMathGL::adjust()
 +	mgl_set_size(gr, parentWidget()->width()-3, parentWidget()->height()-3);
 +	setSize(parentWidget()->width()-3, parentWidget()->height()-3);
 +	update();	// TODO replace to refresh ?!?
 +void QMathGL::addMark()
 +{	primitives += "ball 0 0 'r*'\n";	refresh();	}
 +void QMathGL::addLine()
 +{	primitives += "line -0.2 0 0.2 0 'r2'\n";	refresh();	}
 +void QMathGL::addRect()
 +{	primitives += "rect -0.2 -0.2 0.2 0.2 'r'\n";	refresh();	}
 +void QMathGL::addCurve()
 +{	primitives += "curve -0.2 0 0 0.5 0.2 0 0 0.5 'r2'\n";	refresh();	}
 +void QMathGL::addRhomb()
 +{	primitives += "rhomb -0.2 0 0.2 0 0.1 'r'\n";	refresh();	}
 +void QMathGL::addEllipse()
 +{	primitives += "ellipse -0.2 0 0.2 0 0.1 'r'\n";	refresh();	}
 +void QMathGL::addArc()
 +{	primitives += "arc 0 0 0.2 0 60 'r2'\n";	refresh();	}
 +void QMathGL::addPolygon(int n)
 +	if(n<3)
 +		n = QInputDialog::getText(QApplication::activeWindow(), "MathGL", tr("Enter number of vertexes")).toInt();
 +	if(n>=3)
 +	{	primitives += "polygon 0 0 0 0.2 "+QString::number(n)+" 'r'\n";	refresh();	}
 +//{	primitives += "arc -0.2 0 0.2 0 0.1 'r'\n";	refresh();	}
 +void QMathGL::addText(QString txt)
 +	if(txt.isEmpty())
 +		txt = QInputDialog::getText(QApplication::activeWindow(), "MathGL", tr("Enter text"));
 +	if(!txt.isEmpty())
 +	{	primitives += "text 0 0 0.1 0 '"+txt+"' ''\n";	refresh();	}
 +//		class mglCanvasQT
 +mglCanvasQT::mglCanvasQT() : mglCanvasWnd()
 +{	Wnd = 0;	}
 +void mglCanvasQT::GotoFrame(int d)
 +	int f = GetCurFig()+d;
 +	if(f>=GetNumFig())	f = 0;
 +	if(f<0)	f = GetNumFig()-1;
 +	if(GetNumFig()>0 && d)	{	SetCurFig(f);	QMGL->refresh();	}
 +void mglCanvasQT::Animation()	{	QMGL->animation(true);	}
 +void mglCanvasQT::ToggleAlpha()	{	QMGL->setAlpha(!QMGL->getAlpha());	}
 +void mglCanvasQT::ToggleLight()	{	QMGL->setLight(!QMGL->getLight());	}
 +void mglCanvasQT::ToggleNo()		{	QMGL->restore();	}
 +void mglCanvasQT::ToggleZoom()	{	QMGL->setZoom(!QMGL->getZoom());	}
 +void mglCanvasQT::ToggleRotate(){	QMGL->setRotate(!QMGL->getRotate());}
 +void mglCanvasQT::Update()		{	SetCurFig(0);	QMGL->update();	}
 +void mglCanvasQT::Adjust()		{	QMGL->adjust();	}
 +void mglCanvasQT::Window(int argc, char **argv, int (*draw)(mglBase *gr, void *p), const char *title, void *par, void (*reload)(void *p), bool maximize)
 +	SetDrawFunc(draw, par, reload);
 +	if(Wnd)
 +	{
 +		Wnd->setWindowTitle(title);
 +		if(maximize)
 +		{	Wnd->showMaximized();	}
 +		else	Wnd->show();
 +		return;
 +	}
 +	if(!qApp)
 +	{
 +#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__APPLE__)
 +		// try to fix possible multi-threading errors
 +		// must be placed before ANY window creation
 +		XInitThreads();
- 		QApplication *a;
- 		if(!argv)
- 		{
- 			static char tmp[2][1];
- 			tmp[0][0]=tmp[1][0]=0;
- 			static int aa=1;
- 			a = new QApplication(aa, (char **)tmp);
- 		}
- 		else	a = new QApplication(argc, argv);
++//		static char buf=0, *tmp=&buf;
++//		if(!argv)	{	argc = 1;	argv = &tmp;	}
++		if(!argv)	argc = 0;
++		QApplication *a = new QApplication(argc, argv);
 +		a->connect(a, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), a, SLOT(quit()));
 +	}
 +	Wnd = new QMainWindow;	Wnd->resize(850,680);
 +	Wnd->setWindowTitle(title);
 +	scroll = new QScrollArea(Wnd);
 +	QMGL = new QMathGL(Wnd);
 +	popup = mglMakeMenu(Wnd, QMGL, tet, phi);
 +	QMGL->setPopup(popup);	QMGL->setGraph(this);
 +	QMGL->setDraw(draw, par);
 +	QMGL->appName = title;
 +	qApp->processEvents();
 +	scroll->setWidget(QMGL);
 +	Wnd->setCentralWidget(scroll);
 +	QMGL->refresh();
 +	if(!maximize)	Wnd->show();
 +	else	Wnd->showMaximized();
 +#include "xpm/alpha.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/arc.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/copy.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/curve.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/down_1.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/fileprint.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/left_1.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/light.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/line.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/mark_a.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/mark_d.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/mark_o.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/mark_s.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/right_1.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/next_sl.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/norm_1.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/ok.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/prev_sl.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/rotate.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/show_sl.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/text.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/polygon.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/zoom_1.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/zoom_in.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/zoom_out.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/up_1.xpm"
 +#include "xpm/stop.xpm"
 +#define TR	QObject::tr
 +MGL_EXPORT QMenu *mglMakeMenu(QMainWindow *Wnd, QMathGL *QMGL, QSpinBox *&tet, QSpinBox *&phi)
 +	QAction *a;
 +	QMenu *o, *oo;
 +	QToolBar *bb;
 +	QMenu *popup = new QMenu(Wnd);
 +	// file menu
 +	{
 +		o = Wnd->menuBar()->addMenu(TR("&File"));
 +		oo = new QMenu(TR("&Export as 2D ..."),Wnd);
 +		oo->addAction(TR("PNG"), QMGL, SLOT(exportPNG()),Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_P);
 +		oo->addAction(TR("solid PNG"), QMGL, SLOT(exportPNGs()),Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_F);
 +		oo->addAction(TR("JPEG"), QMGL, SLOT(exportJPG()),Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_J);
 +		oo->addAction(TR("bitmap EPS"), QMGL, SLOT(exportBPS()));
 +		oo->addAction(TR("vector EPS"), QMGL, SLOT(exportEPS()),Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_E);
 +		oo->addAction(TR("SVG"), QMGL, SLOT(exportSVG()),Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_S);
 +		oo->addAction(TR("LaTeX"), QMGL, SLOT(exportTEX()),Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_L);
 +		o->addMenu(oo);		popup->addMenu(oo);
 +		oo = new QMenu(TR("&Export as 3D ..."),Wnd);
 +		oo->addAction(TR("MGLD"), QMGL, SLOT(exportMGLD()),Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_M);
 +		oo->addAction(TR("PRC"), QMGL, SLOT(exportPRC()),Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_D);
 +		oo->addAction(TR("OBJ"), QMGL, SLOT(exportOBJ()),Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_O);
 +		oo->addAction(TR("STL"), QMGL, SLOT(exportSTL()));
 +		oo->addAction(TR("XYZ"), QMGL, SLOT(exportXYZ()));
 +//		oo->addAction(TR("X3D"), QMGL, SLOT(exportX3D()),Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_X);
 +		o->addMenu(oo);		popup->addMenu(oo);
 +		o->addSeparator();
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(fileprint), TR("Print &graphics"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(print()));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Open printer dialog and print graphics\t(CTRl+P)"));
 +		a->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_P);	o->addAction(a);
 +		o->addSeparator();
 +		o->addAction(TR("&Close"), Wnd, SLOT(close()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_W);
 +	}
 +	// graphics menu
 +	{
 +		bb = new QToolBar(TR("Graphics"),Wnd);
 +		Wnd->addToolBar(Qt::TopToolBarArea, bb);
 +		o = Wnd->menuBar()->addMenu(TR("&Graphics"));
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(alpha_xpm), TR("&Alpha"), Wnd);
 +		a->setShortcut(Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_T);	a->setCheckable(true);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), QMGL, SLOT(setAlpha(bool)));
 +		Wnd->connect(QMGL, SIGNAL(alphaChanged(bool)), a, SLOT(setChecked(bool)));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Switch on/off TRansparency for the graphics (Alt+T)."));
 +		o->addAction(a);		bb->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(light_xpm), TR("&Light"), Wnd);
 +		a->setShortcut(Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_L);	a->setCheckable(true);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), QMGL, SLOT(setLight(bool)));
 +		Wnd->connect(QMGL, SIGNAL(lightChanged(bool)), a, SLOT(setChecked(bool)));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Switch on/off lightning for the graphics (Alt+L)."));
 +		o->addAction(a);		bb->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(rotate_xpm), TR("&Rotate by mouse"), Wnd);
 +		a->setCheckable(true);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), QMGL, SLOT(setRotate(bool)));
 +		Wnd->connect(QMGL, SIGNAL(rotateChanged(bool)), a, SLOT(setChecked(bool)));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Switch on/off mouse handling of the graphics\n(rotation, shifting, zooming and perspective)."));
 +		bb->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(zoom_in_xpm), TR("&Zoom by mouse"), Wnd);
 +		a->setCheckable(true);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), QMGL, SLOT(setZoom(bool)));
 +		Wnd->connect(QMGL, SIGNAL(zoomChanged(bool)), a, SLOT(setChecked(bool)));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Switch on/off mouse zoom of selected region."));
 +		bb->addAction(a);
 +		o->addSeparator();
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(zoom_out_xpm), TR("Res&tore"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(restore()));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Restore default graphics rotation, zoom and perspective (Alt+Space)."));
 +		a->setShortcut(Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_Space);
 +		o->addAction(a);	bb->addAction(a);	popup->addAction(a);
 +		bb->addSeparator();
 +		o->addAction(a);	bb->addAction(a);	popup->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(ok_xpm), TR("Re&draw"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(update()));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Execute script and redraw graphics (F5)."));
 +		a->setShortcut(Qt::Key_F5);
 +		o->addAction(a);	bb->addAction(a);	popup->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(stop_xpm), TR("Stop"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(stop()));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Ask to stop plot drawing (F7)."));
 +		a->setShortcut(Qt::Key_F7);
 +		a = new QAction(TR("&Adjust size"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(adjust()));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Change canvas size to fill whole region (F6)."));
 +		a->setShortcut(Qt::Key_F6);		o->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(copy_xpm), TR("&Copy plot"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(copy()));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Copy graphics to clipboard (CTRl+Shift+G)."));
 +		a->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_G);
 +		o->addAction(a);		bb->addAction(a);	popup->addAction(a);
 +		bb->addSeparator();
 +		oo = new QMenu(TR("Primitives ..."),Wnd);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(line_xpm), TR("Add line"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(addLine()));
 +		Wnd->connect(QMGL, SIGNAL(usePrimChanged(bool)), a, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Add line which properties can be changed later by mouse."));
 +		bb->addAction(a);	oo->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(arc_xpm), TR("Add arc"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(addArc()));
 +		Wnd->connect(QMGL, SIGNAL(usePrimChanged(bool)), a, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Add arc which properties can be changed later by mouse."));
 +		bb->addAction(a);	oo->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(curve_xpm), TR("Add curve"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(addCurve()));
 +		Wnd->connect(QMGL, SIGNAL(usePrimChanged(bool)), a, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Add curve which properties can be changed later by mouse."));
 +		bb->addAction(a);	oo->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(mark_s_xpm), TR("Add rect"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(addRect()));
 +		Wnd->connect(QMGL, SIGNAL(usePrimChanged(bool)), a, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Add rectangle which properties can be changed later by mouse."));
 +		bb->addAction(a);	oo->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(mark_d_xpm), TR("Add rhombus"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(addRhomb()));
 +		Wnd->connect(QMGL, SIGNAL(usePrimChanged(bool)), a, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Add rhombus which properties can be changed later by mouse."));
 +		bb->addAction(a);	oo->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(mark_o_xpm), TR("Add ellipse"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(addEllipse()));
 +		Wnd->connect(QMGL, SIGNAL(usePrimChanged(bool)), a, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Add ellipse which properties can be changed later by mouse."));
 +		bb->addAction(a);	oo->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(polygon_xpm), TR("Add polygon"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(addPolygon()));
 +		Wnd->connect(QMGL, SIGNAL(usePrimChanged(bool)), a, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Add polygon which properties can be changed later by mouse."));
 +		bb->addAction(a);	oo->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(mark_a_xpm), TR("Add mark"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(addMark()));
 +		Wnd->connect(QMGL, SIGNAL(usePrimChanged(bool)), a, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Add marker which properties can be changed later by mouse."));
 +		bb->addAction(a);	oo->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(text_xpm), TR("Add text"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(addText()));
 +		Wnd->connect(QMGL, SIGNAL(usePrimChanged(bool)), a, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Add text which properties can be changed later by mouse."));
 +		bb->addAction(a);	oo->addAction(a);
 +		o->addMenu(oo);
 +		bb->addSeparator();
 +		tet = new QSpinBox(Wnd);	tet->setWrapping(true);
 +		bb->addWidget(tet);	tet->setRange(-180, 180);	tet->setSingleStep(10);
 +		Wnd->connect(tet, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), QMGL, SLOT(setTet(int)));
 +		Wnd->connect(QMGL, SIGNAL(tetChanged(int)), tet, SLOT(setValue(int)));
 +		tet->setToolTip(TR("Set value of \\theta angle."));
 +		bb->addSeparator();
 +		phi = new QSpinBox(Wnd);	phi->setWrapping(true);
 +		bb->addWidget(phi);	phi->setRange(-180, 180);	phi->setSingleStep(10);
 +		Wnd->connect(phi, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), QMGL, SLOT(setPhi(int)));
 +		Wnd->connect(QMGL, SIGNAL(phiChanged(int)), phi, SLOT(setValue(int)));
 +		phi->setToolTip(TR("Set value of \\phi angle."));
 +//	bb->addSeparator();
 +	}
 +	// zooming menu
 +	{
 +		oo = o->addMenu(TR("Zoom/move"));
 +		bb = new QToolBar(TR("Zoom graphics"),Wnd);
 +		Wnd->addToolBar(Qt::LeftToolBarArea, bb);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(left_1_xpm), TR("Move &left"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(shiftLeft()));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Move graphics left by 1/3 of its width."));
 +		bb->addAction(a);		oo->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(up_1_xpm), TR("Move &up"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(shiftUp()));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Move graphics up by 1/3 of its height."));
 +		bb->addAction(a);		oo->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(zoom_1_xpm), TR("Zoom &in"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(zoomIn()));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Zoom in graphics."));
 +		bb->addAction(a);		oo->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(norm_1_xpm), TR("Zoom &out"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(zoomOut()));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Zoom out graphics."));
 +		bb->addAction(a);		oo->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(down_1_xpm), TR("Move &down"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(shiftDown()));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Move graphics up down 1/3 of its height."));
 +		bb->addAction(a);		oo->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(right_1_xpm), TR("Move &right"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(shiftRight()));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Move graphics right by 1/3 of its width."));
 +		bb->addAction(a);		oo->addAction(a);
 +	}
 +	// animation menu
 +	{
 +		o = Wnd->menuBar()->addMenu(TR("&Animation"));
 +		bb = new QToolBar(TR("Animation"),Wnd);
 +		Wnd->addToolBar(Qt::LeftToolBarArea, bb);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(next_sl_xpm), TR("&Next slide"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(nextSlide()));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Show next slide (Ctrl+.)."));
 +		a->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Period);	o->addAction(a);		bb->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(show_sl_xpm), TR("&Slideshow"), Wnd);
 +		a->setCheckable(true);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), QMGL, SLOT(animation(bool)));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Run slideshow (CTRl+F5)."));
 +		a->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_F5);	o->addAction(a);		bb->addAction(a);
 +		a = new QAction(QPixmap(prev_sl_xpm), TR("&Prev slide"), Wnd);
 +		Wnd->connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), QMGL, SLOT(prevSlide()));
 +		a->setToolTip(TR("Show previous slide (Ctrl+,)."));
 +		a->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Comma);	o->addAction(a);		bb->addAction(a);
 +	}
 +	Wnd->menuBar()->addSeparator();
 +	o = Wnd->menuBar()->addMenu(TR("&Help"));
 +	o->addAction(TR("About"), QMGL, SLOT(about()));
 +	o->addAction(TR("About &Qt"), QMGL, SLOT(aboutQt()));
 +	return popup;
 +HMGL MGL_EXPORT mgl_create_graph_qt(int (*draw)(HMGL gr, void *p), const char *title, void *par, void (*load)(void *p))
 +	mglCanvasQT *g = new mglCanvasQT;
 +	g->Window(0,0,draw,title,par,load);
 +	return g;
 +int MGL_EXPORT mgl_qt_run()	{	return (qApp)?qApp->exec():-1;	}
 +uintptr_t MGL_EXPORT mgl_create_graph_qt_(const char *title, int l)
 +	char *s = new char[l+1];	memcpy(s,title,l);	s[l]=0;
 +	uintptr_t t = uintptr_t(mgl_create_graph_qt(0,s,0,0));
 +	delete []s;	return t;
 +int MGL_EXPORT mgl_qt_run_()	{	return mgl_qt_run();	}

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/mathgl.git

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