[cg3] branch upstream updated (851c2b1 -> 33f81a1)
Tino Didriksen
tinodidriksen-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Feb 8 23:40:41 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tinodidriksen-guest pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository cg3.
from 851c2b1 Imported Upstream version 0.9.9~r10195
new 33f81a1 Imported Upstream version 0.9.9~r10439
The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
CMake/FindBoost.cmake | 938 ---------------------
CMakeLists.txt | 19 +-
ChangeLog | 197 +++--
TODO | 1 +
compile-profile.sh | 4 +-
emacs/cg.el | 100 ++-
manual/installation.xml | 24 +-
scripts/profile-revisions.php | 12 +-
src/ApertiumApplicator.cpp | 6 +-
src/ApertiumApplicator.hpp | 2 +-
src/BinaryGrammar.cpp | 6 +-
src/BinaryGrammar.hpp | 7 +-
src/BinaryGrammar_read.cpp | 51 +-
...ammar_read.cpp => BinaryGrammar_read_10043.cpp} | 47 +-
src/BinaryGrammar_write.cpp | 59 +-
src/CMakeLists.txt | 9 +-
src/Cohort.cpp | 2 +-
src/Cohort.hpp | 2 +-
src/CohortIterator.cpp | 2 +-
src/CohortIterator.hpp | 2 +-
src/ContextualTest.cpp | 4 +-
src/ContextualTest.hpp | 4 +-
src/FSTApplicator.cpp | 8 +-
src/FSTApplicator.hpp | 2 +-
src/FormatConverter.cpp | 2 +-
src/FormatConverter.hpp | 2 +-
src/Grammar.cpp | 245 ++++--
src/Grammar.hpp | 12 +-
src/GrammarApplicator.cpp | 15 +-
src/GrammarApplicator.hpp | 6 +-
src/GrammarApplicator_matchSet.cpp | 50 +-
src/GrammarApplicator_reflow.cpp | 17 +-
src/GrammarApplicator_runContextualTest.cpp | 2 +-
src/GrammarApplicator_runGrammar.cpp | 8 +-
src/GrammarApplicator_runRules.cpp | 55 +-
src/GrammarWriter.cpp | 41 +-
src/GrammarWriter.hpp | 2 +-
src/IGrammarParser.hpp | 3 +-
src/NicelineApplicator.cpp | 8 +-
src/NicelineApplicator.hpp | 2 +-
src/PlaintextApplicator.cpp | 8 +-
src/PlaintextApplicator.hpp | 2 +-
src/Reading.cpp | 2 +-
src/Reading.hpp | 2 +-
src/Rule.cpp | 6 +-
src/Rule.hpp | 2 +-
src/Set.cpp | 2 +-
src/Set.hpp | 2 +-
src/SingleWindow.cpp | 2 +-
src/SingleWindow.hpp | 2 +-
src/Strings.cpp | 2 +-
src/Strings.hpp | 2 +-
src/Tag.cpp | 2 +-
src/Tag.hpp | 2 +-
src/TagTrie.hpp | 2 +-
src/TextualParser.cpp | 12 +-
src/TextualParser.hpp | 2 +-
src/Window.cpp | 2 +-
src/Window.hpp | 2 +-
src/bloomish.hpp | 2 +-
src/cg3.h | 2 +-
src/cg_comp.cpp | 4 +-
src/cg_conv.cpp | 3 +-
src/cg_proc.cpp | 2 +-
src/flat_unordered_map.hpp | 16 +-
src/flat_unordered_set.hpp | 20 +-
src/inlines.hpp | 8 +-
src/interval_vector.hpp | 9 +-
src/istream.hpp | 2 +-
src/libcg3.cpp | 2 +-
src/macros.hpp | 2 +-
src/main.cpp | 8 +-
src/options.hpp | 2 +-
src/options_conv.hpp | 2 +-
src/sorted_vector.hpp | 38 +-
src/stdafx.hpp | 7 +-
src/test_libcg3.c | 2 +-
src/uextras.cpp | 2 +-
src/uextras.hpp | 2 +-
src/version.hpp | 10 +-
test/T_AnyMinusSome/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_AnyMinusSome/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 558 bytes
test/T_AnyMinusSome/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_Barrier/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 738 bytes
test/T_Barrier/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_BasicAppend/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 2071 bytes
test/T_BasicAppend/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_BasicContextTest/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 1548 bytes
test/T_BasicContextTest/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_BasicDelimit/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_BasicDelimit/expected.txt | 10 +-
test/T_BasicDelimit/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 500 bytes
test/T_BasicDelimit/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_BasicDependency/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_BasicDependency/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 8729 bytes
test/T_BasicDependency/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_BasicIff/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 596 bytes
test/T_BasicIff/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_BasicSelect/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_BasicSelect/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 837 bytes
test/T_BasicSelect/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_BasicSubstitute/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_BasicSubstitute/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 2155 bytes
test/T_BasicSubstitute/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_CG2Compat/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_CG2Compat/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 1106 bytes
test/T_CG2Compat/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_CarefulBarrier/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 704 bytes
test/T_CarefulBarrier/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_DelayAndDelete/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 3055 bytes
test/T_DelayAndDelete/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_Dependency_Loops/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_Dependency_Loops/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 2071 bytes
test/T_Dependency_Loops/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_Dependency_OutOfRange/expected.txt | 2 +-
test/T_Dependency_OutOfRange/grammar.cg3 | 8 +-
test/T_Dependency_OutOfRange/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 1643 bytes
test/T_Dependency_OutOfRange/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_DontMatchEmptySet/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 597 bytes
test/T_DontMatchEmptySet/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_EndlessSelect/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 496 bytes
test/T_EndlessSelect/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_External/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 833 bytes
test/T_Include/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 837 bytes
test/T_Include/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_InputCommands/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 594 bytes
test/T_InputCommands/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_InputMarkup/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 597 bytes
test/T_InputMarkup/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_JumpExecute/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_JumpExecute/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 1163 bytes
test/T_JumpExecute/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_MapAdd_Different/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_MapAdd_Different/expected.txt | 2 +-
test/T_MapAdd_Different/grammar.cg3 | 4 +-
test/T_MapAdd_Different/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 907 bytes
test/T_MapAdd_Different/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_MapThenRemove/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 841 bytes
test/T_MapThenRemove/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_MapThenSelect/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 1000 bytes
test/T_MapThenSelect/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_MappingPrefix/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_MappingPrefix/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 1467 bytes
test/T_MappingPrefix/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_Movement/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 1574 bytes
test/T_Movement/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_MultipleSections/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 632 bytes
test/T_MultipleSections/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_NegatedContextTest/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 612 bytes
test/T_NegatedContextTest/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_NotContextTest/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 592 bytes
test/T_NotContextTest/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_NumericalTags/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_NumericalTags/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 2503 bytes
test/T_NumericalTags/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_OmniWithBarrier/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 784 bytes
test/T_OmniWithBarrier/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_Omniscan/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 1689 bytes
test/T_Omniscan/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_OriginPassing/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_OriginPassing/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 3368 bytes
test/T_OriginPassing/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_Parentheses/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_Parentheses/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 2869 bytes
test/T_Parentheses/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_RegExp/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 3827 bytes
test/T_RegExp/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_Relations/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_Relations/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 2970 bytes
test/T_Relations/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_RemCohort/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_RemCohort/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 2239 bytes
test/T_RemCohort/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_RemoveSingleTag/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 591 bytes
test/T_RemoveSingleTag/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_ScanningTests/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 2289 bytes
test/T_ScanningTests/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_SectionRanges/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_SectionRanges/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 1175 bytes
test/T_SectionRanges/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_Sections/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_Sections/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 715 bytes
test/T_Sections/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_SetOp_FailFast/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_SetOp_FailFast/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 906 bytes
test/T_SetOp_FailFast/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_SetOps/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 1437 bytes
test/T_SetOps/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_SetParentChild/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 1660 bytes
test/T_SetParentChild/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_SoftDelimiters/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_SoftDelimiters/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 645 bytes
test/T_SoftDelimiters/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_SpaceInForms/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_SpaceInForms/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 1520 bytes
test/T_SpaceInForms/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_SubReadings_Apertium/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 2027 bytes
test/T_SubReadings_CG/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_SubReadings_CG/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 2370 bytes
test/T_SubReadings_CG/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_SubstituteNil/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 543 bytes
test/T_SubstituteNil/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_Templates/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 5270 bytes
test/T_Templates/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_Trace/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_Trace/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 818 bytes
test/T_Trace/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_Unification/args.txt | 1 +
test/T_Unification/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 4574 bytes
test/T_Unification/run.pl | 32 -
test/T_Variables/grammar.cg3b.10043 | Bin 0 -> 1124 bytes
test/T_Variables/run.pl | 32 -
test/runall.pl | 72 +-
vapply.sh | 2 +-
vparse.sh | 2 +-
215 files changed, 867 insertions(+), 3071 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 CMake/FindBoost.cmake
copy src/{BinaryGrammar_read.cpp => BinaryGrammar_read_10043.cpp} (94%)
create mode 100755 test/T_AnyMinusSome/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_AnyMinusSome/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_AnyMinusSome/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_Barrier/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_Barrier/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_BasicAppend/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_BasicAppend/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_BasicContextTest/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_BasicContextTest/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_BasicDelimit/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_BasicDelimit/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_BasicDelimit/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_BasicDependency/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_BasicDependency/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_BasicDependency/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_BasicIff/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_BasicIff/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_BasicSelect/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_BasicSelect/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_BasicSelect/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_BasicSubstitute/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_BasicSubstitute/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_BasicSubstitute/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_CG2Compat/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_CG2Compat/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_CG2Compat/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_CarefulBarrier/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_CarefulBarrier/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_DelayAndDelete/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_DelayAndDelete/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_Dependency_Loops/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_Dependency_Loops/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_Dependency_Loops/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_Dependency_OutOfRange/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_Dependency_OutOfRange/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_DontMatchEmptySet/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_DontMatchEmptySet/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_EndlessSelect/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_EndlessSelect/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_External/grammar.cg3b.10043
create mode 100644 test/T_Include/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_Include/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_InputCommands/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_InputCommands/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_InputMarkup/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_InputMarkup/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_JumpExecute/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_JumpExecute/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_JumpExecute/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_MapAdd_Different/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_MapAdd_Different/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_MapAdd_Different/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_MapThenRemove/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_MapThenRemove/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_MapThenSelect/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_MapThenSelect/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_MappingPrefix/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_MappingPrefix/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_MappingPrefix/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_Movement/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_Movement/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_MultipleSections/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_MultipleSections/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_NegatedContextTest/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_NegatedContextTest/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_NotContextTest/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_NotContextTest/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_NumericalTags/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_NumericalTags/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_NumericalTags/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_OmniWithBarrier/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_OmniWithBarrier/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_Omniscan/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_Omniscan/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_OriginPassing/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_OriginPassing/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_OriginPassing/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_Parentheses/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_Parentheses/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_Parentheses/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_RegExp/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_RegExp/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_Relations/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_Relations/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_Relations/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_RemCohort/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_RemCohort/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_RemCohort/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_RemoveSingleTag/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_RemoveSingleTag/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_ScanningTests/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_ScanningTests/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_SectionRanges/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_SectionRanges/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_SectionRanges/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_Sections/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_Sections/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_Sections/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_SetOp_FailFast/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_SetOp_FailFast/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_SetOp_FailFast/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_SetOps/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_SetOps/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_SetParentChild/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_SetParentChild/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_SoftDelimiters/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_SoftDelimiters/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_SoftDelimiters/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_SpaceInForms/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_SpaceInForms/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_SpaceInForms/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_SubReadings_Apertium/grammar.cg3b.10043
create mode 100755 test/T_SubReadings_CG/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_SubReadings_CG/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_SubReadings_CG/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_SubstituteNil/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_SubstituteNil/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_Templates/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_Templates/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_Trace/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_Trace/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_Trace/run.pl
create mode 100755 test/T_Unification/args.txt
create mode 100644 test/T_Unification/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_Unification/run.pl
create mode 100644 test/T_Variables/grammar.cg3b.10043
delete mode 100755 test/T_Variables/run.pl
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/cg3.git
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