[ismrmrd] 138/281: Reorganizing matlab interface. Got rid of native hdf5 stuff in preparation for migrating to a thin wrapper around the java stuff.

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jan 14 20:01:07 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag ismrmrd0.5
in repository ismrmrd.

commit 6859af471f68764404f72058af2a13e9af75cfb7
Author: Souheil Inati <souheil.inati at nih.gov>
Date:   Mon Apr 15 13:08:43 2013 -0400

    Reorganizing matlab interface.  Got rid of native hdf5 stuff in preparation
    for migrating to a thin wrapper around the java stuff.
 matlab/+ismrmrd/{old => }/XMLHeader.m |  8 ++---
 matlab/old                            | 64 -----------------------------------
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

diff --git a/matlab/+ismrmrd/old/XMLHeader.m b/matlab/+ismrmrd/XMLHeader.m
similarity index 91%
rename from matlab/+ismrmrd/old/XMLHeader.m
rename to matlab/+ismrmrd/XMLHeader.m
index 9d064f7..eca3ebc 100644
--- a/matlab/+ismrmrd/old/XMLHeader.m
+++ b/matlab/+ismrmrd/XMLHeader.m
@@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
-% XMLHeader
 classdef XMLHeader
-    properties
-        factory = []
-    end
-        function obj = XMLHeader()
+        function obj = XMLHeader(xmlstr)
             obj.factory = org.ismrm.ismrmrd.xmlhdr.ObjectFactory(); 
diff --git a/matlab/old b/matlab/old
deleted file mode 100644
index ffeea07..0000000
--- a/matlab/old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-The ISMRMRD Matlab Interface
-The ISMRM raw data file format is based on HDF5.  Each dataset consists of an XML text header and a set of acquisitions or images.  Matlab has very good built-in support for reading HDF5, this makes reading ISMRMRD files into Matlab very straightforward.
-XML Header Interface
-The two methods, readxml and writexml, read and write a XML header
-from an ISMRMRD dataset: readxml returns a string writexml takes a
-string as input This provides the user with the flexibility to use
-whatever tools they prefer to create or modify the XML header string.
-Unfortunately, working with XML directly can be difficult and is
-error-prone, therefore, the ISMRMRD Matlab interface class provides a
-JAVA class for a convient way to interact with the XML header.  This
-class is automatically generated from the XML schema describing the
-XML header and is therefore guaranteed to be valid.  The examples
-provided use this feature to manipulate the XML header.  If you want
-to use this feature, then you must have a version that is compiled for
-the version of JAVA that your Matlab installation is using.
-The matlab interface consists of a package in a directory called
-"+ismrmrd". Warning, the name and the plus sign are important.
-Put the +ismrmrd folder somewhere, for example in
-/home/jane/ismrmrd/matlab, then add that somewhere to your matlab
-search path.
-Installing with the Pre-Compiled XML Header Bindings
-The compiled XML header JAVA class bundle must be installed and the
-Matlab JAVA classpath.  Copy the compiled java class bundle
-(xmlhdr.jar) somewhere on your system, for example into the folder
-/home/jane/ismrmrd/matlab/+ismrmrd.  The specific location doesn't
-matter, but it's important to keep things tidy.  Then modify your
-static java classpath.  For example, if you are running R2012b on
-linux, create (or edit) the file ~/.matlab/R2012b/javaclasspath.txt
-and add the following line:
-  /home/jane/ismrmrd/matlab/+ismrmrd/xmlhdr.jar 
-Note that you must restart Matlab for the changes to take
-effect. Please refer to the Matlab documentation for more information
-on the java class path.
-Compiling the JAVA bindings to the XML Header
-Assuming the ismrmrd library was installed in ${ISMRMRD_HOME}, the JAVA interface to the XML header can be created from the XML schema using the JAXB bindings in the following way: 
-  cd ${ISMRMRD_HOME}/matlab/+ismrmrd
-  xjc -p org.ismrm.ismrmrd.xmlhdr ../schema/ismrmrd.xsd
-  javac org/ismrm/ismrmrd/xmlhdr/*.java
-  jar -cvf xmlhdr.jar org/ismrm/ismrmrd/xmlhdr/*.class
-  javadoc -d xmlhdr.javadoc org/ismrm/ismrmrd/xmlhdr/*.java
-  rm -rf org
-Modify your Matlab java classpath as described in previous
-section. You will need to make sure that you are using the same
-version of the java compiler as the jre that matlab is using.  A
-description of how Matlab works with the JAVA runtime (JRE) is beyond
-the scope of this document.  Please refer to the matlab documentation
-for details. Two good starting points are:
-  http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/version.html
-  http://www.mathworks.com/support/solutions/en/data/1-1812J/

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