[ismrmrd] 180/281: Prepping for new matlab API.
Ghislain Vaillant
ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jan 14 20:01:12 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag ismrmrd0.5
in repository ismrmrd.
commit 0bb64396487ee97c8a08d66a638bc9d54c55af03
Author: Souheil Inati <souheil.inati at nih.gov>
Date: Wed Sep 4 15:30:30 2013 -0400
Prepping for new matlab API.
examples/matlab/{ => old}/ismrmrd_header2struct.m | 0
examples/matlab/{ => old}/simple_gridder.m | 0
examples/matlab/{ => old}/simple_spiral_recon.m | 0
examples/matlab/{ => old}/testsynth.m | 0
{matlab => examples/matlab/old}/xml2struct.m | 0
examples/matlab/simple_cartesian_recon.m | 161 ++++++++++++++--------
6 files changed, 104 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)
diff --git a/examples/matlab/ismrmrd_header2struct.m b/examples/matlab/old/ismrmrd_header2struct.m
similarity index 100%
rename from examples/matlab/ismrmrd_header2struct.m
rename to examples/matlab/old/ismrmrd_header2struct.m
diff --git a/examples/matlab/simple_gridder.m b/examples/matlab/old/simple_gridder.m
similarity index 100%
rename from examples/matlab/simple_gridder.m
rename to examples/matlab/old/simple_gridder.m
diff --git a/examples/matlab/simple_spiral_recon.m b/examples/matlab/old/simple_spiral_recon.m
similarity index 100%
rename from examples/matlab/simple_spiral_recon.m
rename to examples/matlab/old/simple_spiral_recon.m
diff --git a/examples/matlab/testsynth.m b/examples/matlab/old/testsynth.m
similarity index 100%
rename from examples/matlab/testsynth.m
rename to examples/matlab/old/testsynth.m
diff --git a/matlab/xml2struct.m b/examples/matlab/old/xml2struct.m
similarity index 100%
rename from matlab/xml2struct.m
rename to examples/matlab/old/xml2struct.m
diff --git a/examples/matlab/simple_cartesian_recon.m b/examples/matlab/simple_cartesian_recon.m
index 9e9daec..3502953 100644
--- a/examples/matlab/simple_cartesian_recon.m
+++ b/examples/matlab/simple_cartesian_recon.m
@@ -1,82 +1,129 @@
-function [images] = simple_cartesian_recon(ismrmrdfile)
+function [images] = simple_cartesian_recon(ismrmrdfile, dataset)
-% [images] = simple_cartesian_recon(ismrmrdfile)
+% [images] = simple_cartesian_recon(ismrmrdfile, dataset)
% Simple example of how to reconstruct a 2D/3D cartesian dataset stored
% in ISMRMRD dataformat. Reconstruction handles partial fourier,
% oversampling, etc.
% Michael S. Hansen (michael.hansen at nih.gov), 2012
+% Souheil J. Inati (souheil.inati at nih.gov), 2013
+% Usage notes:
+% ismrmrdfile: string, required.
+% dataset: string, optional, default='dataset'
+switch nargin
+ case 1
+ dset = 'dataset';
+ case 2
+ dset = dataset;
+ otherwise
+ error('Wrong number of input arguments.')
-%read the header
-header = ismrmrd_header2struct(h5read(ismrmrdfile,'/dataset/xml'));
+% Open the dataset
+f = ismrmrd.IsmrmrdDataset(ismrmrdfile, dset);
-%Is this a cartesian acquisition
-if (~strcmp(header.ismrmrdHeader.encoding.trajectory.Text,'cartesian')),
+% Is this a cartesian acquisition
+traj = f.xmlhdr.getEncoding.get(0).getTrajectory();
+if (~traj.equals(traj.CARTESIAN))
error('This is not a cartesian dataset');
-%if (str2num(header.ismrmrdHeader.encoding.encodedSpace.matrixSize.z.Text) <= 1),
-% error('This is not a 3D dataset');
-%Let's get the matrix size
-matrix_size = [str2num(header.ismrmrdHeader.encoding.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x.Text), ...
- str2num(header.ismrmrdHeader.encoding.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y.Text), ...
- str2num(header.ismrmrdHeader.encoding.encodedSpace.matrixSize.z.Text)];
+% Get the matrix sizes and the number of slices and channels
+matrix_size = [f.xmlhdr.getEncoding.get(0).getEncodedSpace.getMatrixSize.getX, ...
+ f.xmlhdr.getEncoding.get(0).getEncodedSpace.getMatrixSize.getY, ...
+ f.xmlhdr.getEncoding.get(0).getEncodedSpace.getMatrixSize.getZ];
-recon_size = [str2num(header.ismrmrdHeader.encoding.reconSpace.matrixSize.x.Text), ...
- str2num(header.ismrmrdHeader.encoding.reconSpace.matrixSize.y.Text), ...
- str2num(header.ismrmrdHeader.encoding.reconSpace.matrixSize.z.Text)];
+recon_size = [f.xmlhdr.getEncoding.get(0).getReconSpace.getMatrixSize.getX, ...
+ f.xmlhdr.getEncoding.get(0).getReconSpace.getMatrixSize.getY, ...
+ f.xmlhdr.getEncoding.get(0).getReconSpace.getMatrixSize.getZ];
+if ~isempty(f.xmlhdr.getEncoding.get(0).getEncodingLimits.getSlice)
+ slices = f.xmlhdr.getEncoding.get(0).getEncodingLimits.getSlice;
+ slices = 1;
-%Let's load the data
-raw_data = h5read(ismrmrdfile,'/dataset/data');
+channels = f.xmlhdr.getAcquisitionSystemInformation.getReceiverChannels.doubleValue;
-channels = max(raw_data.head.active_channels);
-samples = max(raw_data.head.number_of_samples);
-center_line = str2num(header.ismrmrdHeader.encoding.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_1.center.Text);
-center_partition = str2num(header.ismrmrdHeader.encoding.encodingLimits.kspace_encoding_step_2.center.Text);
-if (samples ~= matrix_size(1)),
- error('Mismatch between number of samples and matrix size');
+% Get the encoding centers
+center_line = f.xmlhdr.getEncoding.get(0).getEncodingLimits.getKspaceEncodingStep1.getCenter;
+if (matrix_size(3) > 1)
+ % 3D
+ center_partition = f.xmlhdr.getEncoding.get(0).getEncodingLimits.getKspaceEncodingStep2.getCenter;
+ % 2D
+ center_partition = 0;
-buffer = zeros(matrix_size(1),matrix_size(2),matrix_size(3),channels);
+acqFlags = ismrmrd.AcquisitionFlags;
+% Allocate a buffer for storing 1 repetition's worth of data
+buffer = zeros([matrix_size(1),matrix_size(2),matrix_size(3),slices,channels],'single');
+% Initalize the output
+images = [];
+% read all the acquisitions
+acq = f.readAcquisition();
+% Loop over all the acquisitions
counter = 0;
-for p=1:length(raw_data.head.flags),
- if (bitget(uint64(raw_data.head.flags(p)),19)), %if this is noise, we will skip it
- continue;
- end
- line_number = (int32(raw_data.head.idx.kspace_encode_step_1(p))-center_line)+bitshift(matrix_size(2),-1);
- partition_number = (int32(raw_data.head.idx.kspace_encode_step_2(p))-center_partition)+bitshift(matrix_size(3),-1);
- buffer(:,line_number+1,partition_number+1,:) = reshape(complex(raw_data.data{p}(1:2:end), raw_data.data{p}(2:2:end)), samples, 1, 1, channels);
- if (bitget(uint64(raw_data.head.flags(p)),8)), %Is this the last in slice? We should make an image
- fprintf('Reconstructing image %d....', counter+1);
- img = fftshift(ifft(ifftshift(buffer),[],1)) ./ sqrt(size(buffer,1));
- img = fftshift(ifft(ifftshift(img),[],2)) ./ sqrt(size(img,2));
- if (matrix_size(3) > 1),
- img = fftshift(ifft(ifftshift(img),[],3)) ./ sqrt(size(img,3));
- end
- img = img((1:recon_size(1))+bitshift(matrix_size(1)-recon_size(1),-1), ...
- (1:recon_size(2))+bitshift(matrix_size(2)-recon_size(2),-1), ...
- (1:recon_size(3))+bitshift(matrix_size(3)-recon_size(3),-1), :);
- images(:,:,:,counter+1) = sqrt(sum(abs(img).^2,4)); %RMS coil combination
- counter = counter + 1;
- fprintf('done\n');
- buffer = zeros(matrix_size(1),matrix_size(2),matrix_size(3), channels);
- end
+for p = 1:f.getNumberOfAcquisitions
+ % ignore the noise scans
+ if acqFlags.isSet(acq.head.flags(p),'ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT')
+ continue
+ end
+ % stuff the data in the buffer
+ line_number = int32(acq.head.idx.kspace_encode_step_1(p)) - center_line + matrix_size(2)/2 + 1;
+ if matrix_size(3) > 1
+ partition_number = int32(acq.head.idx.kspace_encode_step_2(p)) - center_partition + matrix_size(3)/2 + 1;
+ else
+ partition_number = 1;
+ end
+ slice_number = acq.head.idx.slice(p) + 1;
+ buffer(:,line_number,partition_number,slice_number,:) = acq.data{p};
+ % Is this the last in slice? We should make an image
+ if (acqFlags.isSet(acq.head.flags(p),'ACQ_LAST_IN_SLICE'))
+ counter = counter + 1;
+ fprintf('Reconstructing image %d\n', counter);
+ fprintf(' slice: %d\n', slice_number);
+ fprintf(' rep: %d\n', acq.head.idx.repetition(p)+1);
+ % FFT
+ img = fftshift(ifft(ifftshift(buffer(:,:,:,slice_number,:)),[],1)) ./ sqrt(size(buffer,1));
+ img = fftshift(ifft(ifftshift(img),[],2)) ./ sqrt(size(img,2));
+ if (matrix_size(3) > 1),
+ img = fftshift(ifft(ifftshift(img),[],3)) ./ sqrt(size(img,3));
+ end
-%Let's just show the middle slice image
-imagesc(images(:,:,bitshift(size(images,3),-1)+1, 1));colormap(gray);axis image;
+ % Handle over-sampling
+ if matrix_size(3) > 1
+ img = img((1:recon_size(1)) + (matrix_size(1)-recon_size(1))/2, ...
+ (1:recon_size(2)) + (matrix_size(2)-recon_size(2))/2, ...
+ (1:recon_size(3)) + (matrix_size(3)-recon_size(3))/2, :);
+ else
+ img = img((1:recon_size(1)) + (matrix_size(1)-recon_size(1))/2, ...
+ (1:recon_size(2)) + (matrix_size(2)-recon_size(2))/2, ...
+ 1, :);
+ end
+ % RMS coil combination
+ img = sqrt(sum(abs(img).^2,4));
+ % Append to the output buffer
+ images(:,:,:,counter) = img;
+ end
+% Display the middle slice image
+% imagesc(images(:,:,bitshift(size(images,3),-1)+1, 1));colormap(gray);axis image;
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/ismrmrd.git
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