[ismrmrd] 66/177: harden checks for valid pointers

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jan 14 20:02:03 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag v1.1.0.beta.1
in repository ismrmrd.

commit a4455120a21eb51d8c38dd931f93f206e2061983
Author: Ghislain Antony Vaillant <ghisvail at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Sep 19 19:15:03 2014 +0100

    harden checks for valid pointers
 include/ismrmrd/ismrmrd.h |    1 +
 libsrc/dataset.c          | 1125 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 libsrc/ismrmrd.c          |   20 +-
 3 files changed, 642 insertions(+), 504 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/ismrmrd/ismrmrd.h b/include/ismrmrd/ismrmrd.h
index 7f53cf9..d15d1df 100644
--- a/include/ismrmrd/ismrmrd.h
+++ b/include/ismrmrd/ismrmrd.h
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ enum ISMRMRD_ErrorCodes {
diff --git a/libsrc/dataset.c b/libsrc/dataset.c
index 40d7411..e82a772 100644
--- a/libsrc/dataset.c
+++ b/libsrc/dataset.c
@@ -22,14 +22,19 @@ extern "C" {
 /* Private (Static) Functions */
 static bool link_exists(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, const char *link_path) {
-    htri_t val = H5Lexists(dset->fileid, link_path, H5P_DEFAULT);
-    if (val < 0 ) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    else if (val) {
-        return true;
+    if (dset) {
+        htri_t val = H5Lexists(dset->fileid, link_path, H5P_DEFAULT);
+        if (val < 0 ) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        else if (val) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        else {
+            return false;
+        }
     else {
         return false;
@@ -37,63 +42,97 @@ static bool link_exists(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, const char *link_path) {
 static int create_link(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, const char *link_path) {
-	hid_t lcpl_id, gid;
-    if (link_exists(dset, link_path)) {
-        return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
+    hid_t lcpl_id, gid;
+    if (dset) {
+        if (link_exists(dset, link_path)) {
+            return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
+        }
+        else {
+            lcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_LINK_CREATE);
+            H5Pset_create_intermediate_group(lcpl_id, 1);
+            gid = H5Gcreate2(dset->fileid, link_path, lcpl_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
+            H5Gclose(gid);
+            H5Pclose(lcpl_id);
+            // TODO can this thing ever return an error?
+            return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
+        }
     else {
-        lcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_LINK_CREATE);
-        H5Pset_create_intermediate_group(lcpl_id, 1);
-        gid = H5Gcreate2(dset->fileid, link_path, lcpl_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
-        H5Gclose(gid);
-	H5Pclose(lcpl_id);
-        // TODO can this thing ever return an error?
-        return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
 static char * make_path(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, const char * var) {
-    size_t len = strlen(dset->groupname) + strlen(var) + 2;
-    char *path = (char *) malloc(len);
-    if (path == NULL) {
-        ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_MEMORYERROR, "Failed to malloc path");
+    if (dset) {
+        if (var) {
+            size_t len = strlen(dset->groupname) + strlen(var) + 2;
+            char *path = (char *) malloc(len);
+            if (path == NULL) {
+                ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_MEMORYERROR, "Failed to malloc path");
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            memset(path, 0, len);
+            strcat(path, dset->groupname);
+            strcat(path, "/");
+            strcat(path, var);
+            return path;
+        }
+        else {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
         return NULL;
-    memset(path, 0, len);
-    strcat(path, dset->groupname);
-    strcat(path, "/");
-    strcat(path, var);
-    return path;
 static char * append_to_path(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, const char * path, const char * var) {
-    size_t len = strlen(path) + strlen(var) + 2;
-    char *newpath = (char *) malloc(len);
-    if (newpath == NULL) {
-        ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_MEMORYERROR, "Failed to realloc newpath");
+    if (dset) {
+        if (path) {
+            if (var) {
+                size_t len = strlen(path) + strlen(var) + 2;
+                char *newpath = (char *) malloc(len);
+                if (newpath == NULL) {
+                    ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_MEMORYERROR, "Failed to realloc newpath");
+                    return NULL;
+                }
+                memset(newpath, 0, len);
+                strcat(newpath, path);
+                strcat(newpath, "/");
+                strcat(newpath, var);
+                return newpath;
+            }
+            else {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
         return NULL;
-    memset(newpath, 0, len);
-    strcat(newpath, path);
-    strcat(newpath, "/");
-    strcat(newpath, var);
-    return newpath;
 static int delete_var(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, const char *var) {
-    int status = ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
-    herr_t h5status;
-    char *path = make_path(dset, var);
-    if (link_exists(dset, path)) {
-        h5status = H5Ldelete(dset->fileid, path, H5P_DEFAULT);
-        if (h5status < 0) {
-            status = ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
-            ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to delete H5 path");
+    if (dset) {
+        int status = ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
+        herr_t h5status;
+        char *path = make_path(dset, var);
+        if (link_exists(dset, path)) {
+            h5status = H5Ldelete(dset->fileid, path, H5P_DEFAULT);
+            if (h5status < 0) {
+                status = ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
+                ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to delete H5 path");
+            }
+        free(path);
+        return status;
+    }
+    else {
-    free(path);
-    return status;
@@ -219,7 +258,7 @@ static hid_t get_hdf5type_acquisitionheader(void) {
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, " measurement_uid", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader,  measurement_uid), H5T_NATIVE_UINT32);
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "scan_counter", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader, scan_counter), H5T_NATIVE_UINT32);
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "acquisition_time_stamp", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader, acquisition_time_stamp), H5T_NATIVE_UINT32);
     arraydims[0] = ISMRMRD_PHYS_STAMPS;
     vartype = H5Tarray_create2(H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, 1, arraydims);
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "physiology_time_stamp", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader, physiology_time_stamp), vartype);
@@ -227,7 +266,7 @@ static hid_t get_hdf5type_acquisitionheader(void) {
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "number_of_samples", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader, number_of_samples), H5T_NATIVE_UINT16);
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "available_channels", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader, available_channels), H5T_NATIVE_UINT16);
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "active_channels", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader, active_channels), H5T_NATIVE_UINT16);
     arraydims[0] = ISMRMRD_CHANNEL_MASKS;
     vartype = H5Tarray_create2(H5T_NATIVE_UINT64, 1, arraydims);
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "channel_mask", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader, channel_mask), vartype);
@@ -238,7 +277,7 @@ static hid_t get_hdf5type_acquisitionheader(void) {
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "encoding_space_ref", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader, encoding_space_ref), H5T_NATIVE_UINT16);
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "trajectory_dimensions", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader, trajectory_dimensions), H5T_NATIVE_UINT16);
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "sample_time_us", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader, sample_time_us), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT);
     arraydims[0] = 3;
     vartype = H5Tarray_create2(H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, 1, arraydims);
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "position", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader, position), vartype);
@@ -246,7 +285,7 @@ static hid_t get_hdf5type_acquisitionheader(void) {
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "phase_dir", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader, phase_dir), vartype);
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "slice_dir", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader, slice_dir), vartype);
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "patient_table_position", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader, patient_table_position), vartype);
     vartype = get_hdf5type_encoding();
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "idx", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader, idx), vartype);
@@ -257,21 +296,21 @@ static hid_t get_hdf5type_acquisitionheader(void) {
     arraydims[0] = ISMRMRD_USER_FLOATS;
     vartype = H5Tarray_create2(H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, 1, arraydims);
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "user_float", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader, user_float), vartype);
     /* Clean up */
     if (h5status < 0) {
         ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed get acquisitionheader data type");
     return datatype;   
 static hid_t get_hdf5type_acquisition(void) {
     hid_t datatype, vartype, vlvartype;
     herr_t h5status;
     datatype = H5Tcreate(H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(HDF5_Acquisition));
     vartype = get_hdf5type_acquisitionheader();
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "head", HOFFSET(HDF5_Acquisition, head), vartype);
@@ -284,11 +323,11 @@ static hid_t get_hdf5type_acquisition(void) {
     if (h5status < 0) {
         ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed get acquisition data type");
     return datatype;
@@ -327,7 +366,7 @@ static hid_t get_hdf5type_imageheader(void) {
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "image_type", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_ImageHeader, image_type), H5T_NATIVE_UINT16);
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "image_index", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_ImageHeader, image_index), H5T_NATIVE_UINT16);
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "image_series_index", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_ImageHeader, image_series_index), H5T_NATIVE_UINT16);
     arraydims[0] = ISMRMRD_USER_INTS;
     vartype = H5Tarray_create2(H5T_NATIVE_INT32, 1, arraydims);
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "user_int", HOFFSET(ISMRMRD_ImageHeader, user_int), vartype);
@@ -342,7 +381,7 @@ static hid_t get_hdf5type_imageheader(void) {
     if (h5status < 0) {
         ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed get imageheader data type");
     return datatype;   
@@ -359,7 +398,7 @@ static hid_t get_hdf5type_ndarrayblob(void) {
     hid_t datatype, vartype, vlvartype;
     herr_t h5status;
     hsize_t arraydims[1];
     datatype = H5Tcreate(H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(HDF5_NDArrayBlob));
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "version", HOFFSET(HDF5_NDArrayBlob, version), H5T_NATIVE_UINT16);
     h5status = H5Tinsert(datatype, "data_type", HOFFSET(HDF5_NDArrayBlob, data_type), H5T_NATIVE_UINT16);
@@ -372,16 +411,16 @@ static hid_t get_hdf5type_ndarrayblob(void) {
     if (h5status < 0) {
         ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed get NDArrayBlob data type");
     return datatype;
 static hid_t get_hdf5type_ndarray(uint16_t data_type) {
     hid_t hdfdatatype = -1;
     switch (data_type) {
         case ISMRMRD_USHORT:
@@ -416,523 +455,603 @@ static hid_t get_hdf5type_ndarray(uint16_t data_type) {
 uint32_t get_number_of_elements(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, const char * path)
-    herr_t h5status;
-    uint32_t num;
-    if (link_exists(dset, path)) {
-		hid_t dataset, dataspace;
-		hsize_t rank, *dims, *maxdims;
-        dataset = H5Dopen2(dset->fileid, path, H5P_DEFAULT);
-        dataspace = H5Dget_space(dataset);
-        rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(dataspace);
-        dims = (hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
-        maxdims = (hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
-        h5status = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dataspace, dims, maxdims);
-        num = dims[0];
-		free(dims);
-		free(maxdims);
-        h5status = H5Sclose(dataspace);
-        h5status= H5Dclose(dataset);
-        if (h5status < 0) {
-            ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to get number of elements in vector.");
+    if (dset) {
+        herr_t h5status;
+        uint32_t num;
+        if (link_exists(dset, path)) {
+            hid_t dataset, dataspace;
+            hsize_t rank, *dims, *maxdims;
+            dataset = H5Dopen2(dset->fileid, path, H5P_DEFAULT);
+            dataspace = H5Dget_space(dataset);
+            rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(dataspace);
+            dims = (hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
+            maxdims = (hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
+            h5status = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dataspace, dims, maxdims);
+            num = dims[0];
+            free(dims);
+            free(maxdims);
+            h5status = H5Sclose(dataspace);
+            h5status= H5Dclose(dataset);
+            if (h5status < 0) {
+                ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to get number of elements in vector.");
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            /* none */
+            num = 0;
+        return num;
     else {
-        /* none */
-        num = 0;
+        return 0;
-    return num;
 int append_element(const ISMRMRD_Dataset * dset, const char * path, void * elem, const hid_t datatype, const uint16_t ndim, const uint16_t *dims)
-    hid_t dataset, dataspace, props, filespace, memspace;
-    herr_t h5status;
-	int n;
-    /* Check the path, extend or create if needed, and select the last block */
-    if (link_exists(dset, path)) {
-        hsize_t rank, *hdfdims, *maxdims, *offset, *ext_dims;
-        /* open */
-        dataset = H5Dopen2(dset->fileid, path, H5P_DEFAULT);
-        /* TODO check that the header dataset's datatype is correct */
-        dataspace = H5Dget_space(dataset);
-        rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(dataspace);
-        if (rank != (ndim+1)) {
-            ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Dimensions are incorrect.");
-            return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
-        }
-        hdfdims =(hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
-        maxdims =(hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
-        h5status = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dataspace, hdfdims, maxdims);
-        for (n = 0; n<ndim; n++) {
-            if (dims[n] != hdfdims[n+1]) {
+    if (dset) {
+        hid_t dataset, dataspace, props, filespace, memspace;
+        herr_t h5status;
+        int n;
+        /* Check the path, extend or create if needed, and select the last block */
+        if (link_exists(dset, path)) {
+            hsize_t rank, *hdfdims, *maxdims, *offset, *ext_dims;
+            /* open */
+            dataset = H5Dopen2(dset->fileid, path, H5P_DEFAULT);
+            /* TODO check that the header dataset's datatype is correct */
+            dataspace = H5Dget_space(dataset);
+            rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(dataspace);
+            if (rank != (ndim+1)) {
                 ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Dimensions are incorrect.");
                 return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
+            hdfdims =(hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
+            maxdims =(hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
+            h5status = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dataspace, hdfdims, maxdims);
+            for (n = 0; n<ndim; n++) {
+                if (dims[n] != hdfdims[n+1]) {
+                    ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Dimensions are incorrect.");
+                    return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
+                }
+            }
+            /* extend it by one */
+            hdfdims[0] += 1;
+            h5status = H5Dset_extent(dataset, hdfdims);
+            /* Select the last block */
+            offset = (hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
+            ext_dims = (hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
+            offset[0] = hdfdims[0]-1;
+            ext_dims[0] = 1;
+            for (n = 0; n<ndim; n++) {
+                offset[n+1] = 0;
+                ext_dims[n+1] = dims[n];
+            }
+            filespace = H5Dget_space(dataset);
+            h5status  = H5Sselect_hyperslab (filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, ext_dims, NULL);
+            memspace = H5Screate_simple(rank, ext_dims, NULL);
+            free(hdfdims);
+            free(maxdims);
+            free(offset);
+            free(ext_dims);
-        /* extend it by one */
-        hdfdims[0] += 1;
-        h5status = H5Dset_extent(dataset, hdfdims);
-        /* Select the last block */
-        offset = (hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
-		ext_dims = (hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
-        offset[0] = hdfdims[0]-1;
-        ext_dims[0] = 1;
-        for (n = 0; n<ndim; n++) {
-            offset[n+1] = 0;
-            ext_dims[n+1] = dims[n];
-        }
-        filespace = H5Dget_space(dataset);
-        h5status  = H5Sselect_hyperslab (filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, ext_dims, NULL);
-        memspace = H5Screate_simple(rank, ext_dims, NULL);
-	    free(hdfdims);
-	    free(maxdims);
-		free(offset);
-		free(ext_dims);
+        else {
+            int rank;
+            hsize_t *hdfdims, *maxdims, *offset, *ext_dims, *chunk_dims;
+            /* create a new dataset */
+            rank = ndim+1;
+            hdfdims = (hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
+            maxdims = (hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
+            offset = (hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
+            ext_dims = (hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
+            chunk_dims = (hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
+            hdfdims[0] = 1;
+            maxdims[0] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
+            offset[0] = 1;
+            ext_dims[0] = 1;
+            chunk_dims[0] = 1;
+            for (n = 0; n<ndim; n++) {
+                hdfdims[n+1] = dims[n];
+                maxdims[n+1] = dims[n];
+                offset[n+1] = 0;
+                ext_dims[n+1] = dims[n];
+                chunk_dims[n+1] = dims[n];
+            }
+            dataspace = H5Screate_simple(rank, hdfdims, maxdims);
+            props = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
+            /* enable chunking so that the dataset is extensible */
+            h5status = H5Pset_chunk (props, rank, chunk_dims);
+            /* create */
+            dataset = H5Dcreate2(dset->fileid, path, datatype, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, props,  H5P_DEFAULT);
+            h5status = H5Pclose(props);
+            /* Select the last block */
+            offset[0] = hdfdims[0]-1;
+            filespace = H5Dget_space(dataset);
+            h5status  = H5Sselect_hyperslab (filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, ext_dims, NULL);
+            memspace = H5Screate_simple(rank, ext_dims, NULL);
+            free(hdfdims);
+            free(maxdims);
+            free(offset);
+            free(ext_dims);
+            free(chunk_dims);
+        }
+        /* Write it */
+        /* since this is a 1 element array we can just pass the pointer to the header */
+        h5status = H5Dwrite(dataset, datatype, memspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, elem);
+        /* Clean up */
+        h5status = H5Sclose(dataspace);
+        h5status = H5Sclose(filespace);
+        h5status = H5Sclose(memspace);
+        h5status = H5Dclose(dataset);
+        if (h5status < 0) {
+            ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to get number of acquisitions.");
+            return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
+        }
+        return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
     else {
-		int rank;
-		hsize_t *hdfdims, *maxdims, *offset, *ext_dims, *chunk_dims;
-        /* create a new dataset */
-        rank = ndim+1;
-        hdfdims = (hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
-        maxdims = (hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
-        offset = (hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
-        ext_dims = (hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
-        chunk_dims = (hsize_t *) malloc(rank*sizeof(hsize_t));
-        hdfdims[0] = 1;
-        maxdims[0] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
-        offset[0] = 1;
-        ext_dims[0] = 1;
-        chunk_dims[0] = 1;
-        for (n = 0; n<ndim; n++) {
-            hdfdims[n+1] = dims[n];
-            maxdims[n+1] = dims[n];
-            offset[n+1] = 0;
-            ext_dims[n+1] = dims[n];
-            chunk_dims[n+1] = dims[n];
-        }
-        dataspace = H5Screate_simple(rank, hdfdims, maxdims);
-        props = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
-        /* enable chunking so that the dataset is extensible */
-        h5status = H5Pset_chunk (props, rank, chunk_dims);
-        /* create */
-        dataset = H5Dcreate2(dset->fileid, path, datatype, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, props,  H5P_DEFAULT);
-        h5status = H5Pclose(props);
-        /* Select the last block */
-        offset[0] = hdfdims[0]-1;
-        filespace = H5Dget_space(dataset);
-        h5status  = H5Sselect_hyperslab (filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, ext_dims, NULL);
-        memspace = H5Screate_simple(rank, ext_dims, NULL);
-		free(hdfdims);
-		free(maxdims);
-		free(offset);
-		free(ext_dims);
-		free(chunk_dims);
-    }
-    /* Write it */
-    /* since this is a 1 element array we can just pass the pointer to the header */
-    h5status = H5Dwrite(dataset, datatype, memspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, elem);
-    /* Clean up */
-    h5status = H5Sclose(dataspace);
-    h5status = H5Sclose(filespace);
-    h5status = H5Sclose(memspace);
-    h5status = H5Dclose(dataset);
-    if (h5status < 0) {
-        ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to get number of acquisitions.");
-        return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
-    return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
 /* Public functions */
 int ismrmrd_init_dataset(ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, const char *filename, const char *groupname) {
-    dset->filename = (char *) malloc(strlen(filename) + 1);
-    if (dset->filename == NULL) {
-        ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_MEMORYERROR, "Failed to malloc dataset groupname");
-        return ISMRMRD_MEMORYERROR;
+    if (dset) {
+        dset->filename = (char *) malloc(strlen(filename) + 1);
+        if (dset->filename == NULL) {
+            ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_MEMORYERROR, "Failed to malloc dataset groupname");
+            return ISMRMRD_MEMORYERROR;
+        }
+        strcpy(dset->filename, filename);
+        dset->groupname = (char *) malloc(strlen(groupname) + 1);
+        if (dset->groupname == NULL) {
+            ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_MEMORYERROR, "Failed to malloc dataset groupname");
+            return ISMRMRD_MEMORYERROR;
+        }
+        strcpy(dset->groupname, groupname);
+        dset->fileid = 0;
+        return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
-    strcpy(dset->filename, filename);
-    dset->groupname = (char *) malloc(strlen(groupname) + 1);
-    if (dset->groupname == NULL) {
-        ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_MEMORYERROR, "Failed to malloc dataset groupname");
-        return ISMRMRD_MEMORYERROR;
+    else {
-    strcpy(dset->groupname, groupname);
-    dset->fileid = 0;
-    return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
 int ismrmrd_open_dataset(ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, const bool create_if_needed) {
     // TODO add a mode for clobbering the dataset if it exists.
-    hid_t       fileid;
-    /* Try opening the file */
-    /* Note the is_hdf5 function doesn't work well when trying to open multiple files */
-    /* Suppress errors with the try macro. */
-    H5E_BEGIN_TRY {
-        fileid = H5Fopen(dset->filename, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT);
-    } H5E_END_TRY
-    if (fileid > 0) {
-        dset->fileid = fileid;
+    if (dset) {
+        hid_t fileid;
+        /* Try opening the file */
+        /* Note the is_hdf5 function doesn't work well when trying to open multiple files */
+        /* Suppress errors with the try macro. */
+        H5E_BEGIN_TRY {
+            fileid = H5Fopen(dset->filename, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT);
+        } H5E_END_TRY
+        if (fileid > 0) {
+            dset->fileid = fileid;
+        }
+        else {
+            /* Some sort of error opening the file */
+            /* Maybe it doesn't exist? */
+            if (create_if_needed == false) {
+            ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to open file.");
+            return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
+        }
+        else {
+            /* Try creating a new file using the default properties. */
+            /* this will be readwrite */
+            H5E_BEGIN_TRY {
+                fileid = H5Fcreate(dset->filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
+            } H5E_END_TRY
+            if (fileid > 0) {
+                dset->fileid = fileid;
+            }
+            else {
+            /* Error opening the file */
+                ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to open file.");
+                return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
+            }
+        }
+        }
+        /* Open the existing dataset */
+        /* insure that /groupname exists */
+        create_link(dset, dset->groupname);
+        return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
     else {
-        /* Some sort of error opening the file */
-        /* Maybe it doesn't exist? */
-        if (create_if_needed == false) {
-	    ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to open file.");
-	}
-	else {
-	    /* Try creating a new file using the default properties. */
-            /* this will be readwrite */
-	    H5E_BEGIN_TRY {
-	        fileid = H5Fcreate(dset->filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
-	    } H5E_END_TRY
-	    if (fileid > 0) {
-	        dset->fileid = fileid;
-	    }
-	    else {
-	        /* Error opening the file */
-	        ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to open file.");
-	    }
-	}
-    /* Open the existing dataset */
-    /* insure that /groupname exists */
-    create_link(dset, dset->groupname);
-    return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
 int ismrmrd_close_dataset(ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset) {
-    herr_t h5status;
-    /* Check for a valid fileid before trying to close the file */
-    if (dset->fileid > 0) {
-        h5status = H5Fclose (dset->fileid);
-        dset->fileid = 0;
-        if (h5status < 0) {
-            ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to close dataset.");
-            return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
+    if (dset) {
+        herr_t h5status;
+        /* Check for a valid fileid before trying to close the file */
+        if (dset->fileid > 0) {
+            h5status = H5Fclose (dset->fileid);
+            dset->fileid = 0;
+            if (h5status < 0) {
+                ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to close dataset.");
+                return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
+            }
+        return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
-    return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
-int ismrmrd_write_header(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, const char *xmlstring) {
-    hid_t dataset, dataspace, datatype, props;
-    hsize_t dims[] = {1};
-    herr_t h5status;
-    void *buff[1];
-	char * path;
-    /* The path to the xml header */
-    path = make_path(dset, "xml");
-    /* Delete the old header if it exists */
-    h5status = delete_var(dset, "xml");
-    /* Create a new dataset for the xmlstring */
-    /* i.e. create the memory type, data space, and data set */
-    dataspace = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, NULL);
-    datatype = get_hdf5type_xmlheader();
-    props = H5Pcreate (H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
-    dataset = H5Dcreate2(dset->fileid, path, datatype, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, props,  H5P_DEFAULT);
-    /* Write it out */
-    /* We have to wrap the xmlstring in an array */
-    buff[0] = (void *) xmlstring;  /* safe to get rid of const the type */
-    h5status = H5Dwrite(dataset, datatype, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, buff);
-    /* Clean up */
-    h5status = H5Pclose(props);
-    h5status = H5Tclose(datatype);
-    h5status = H5Sclose(dataspace);
-    h5status = H5Dclose(dataset);
-    if (h5status < 0) {
-        ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to write header.");
-        return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
+    else {
-    return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
-char * ismrmrd_read_header(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset) {
-    hid_t dataset, datatype;
-    herr_t h5status;
-    char * xmlstring;
-    /* The path to the xml header */
-    char *path = make_path(dset, "xml");
-    if (link_exists(dset, path)) {
+int ismrmrd_write_header(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, const char *xmlstring) {
+    if (dset) {
+        hid_t dataset, dataspace, datatype, props;
+        hsize_t dims[] = {1};
+        herr_t h5status;
         void *buff[1];
-        dataset = H5Dopen2(dset->fileid, path, H5P_DEFAULT);
+        char * path;
+        /* The path to the xml header */
+        path = make_path(dset, "xml");
+        /* Delete the old header if it exists */
+        h5status = delete_var(dset, "xml");
+        /* Create a new dataset for the xmlstring */
+        /* i.e. create the memory type, data space, and data set */
+        dataspace = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, NULL);
         datatype = get_hdf5type_xmlheader();
-        /* Read it into a 1D buffer*/
-        h5status = H5Dread(dataset, datatype, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, buff);
-        /* Unpack */
-        xmlstring = (char *) malloc(strlen(buff[0])+1);
-        if (xmlstring == NULL) {
-            ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_MEMORYERROR, "Failed to malloc xmlstring");
-        } else {
-            memcpy(xmlstring, buff[0], strlen(buff[0])+1);
-        }
+        props = H5Pcreate (H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
+        dataset = H5Dcreate2(dset->fileid, path, datatype, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, props,  H5P_DEFAULT);
+        /* Write it out */
+        /* We have to wrap the xmlstring in an array */
+        buff[0] = (void *) xmlstring;  /* safe to get rid of const the type */
+        h5status = H5Dwrite(dataset, datatype, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, buff);
         /* Clean up */
+        h5status = H5Pclose(props);
         h5status = H5Tclose(datatype);
+        h5status = H5Sclose(dataspace);
         h5status = H5Dclose(dataset);
-        free(path);
         if (h5status < 0) {
-            ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to read header.");
-            return NULL;
+            ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to write header.");
+            return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
+        return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
+    }
+    else {
+    }
-        return xmlstring;
+char * ismrmrd_read_header(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset) {
+    if (dset) {
+        hid_t dataset, datatype;
+        herr_t h5status;
+        char * xmlstring;
+        /* The path to the xml header */
+        char *path = make_path(dset, "xml");
+        if (link_exists(dset, path)) {
+            void *buff[1];
+            dataset = H5Dopen2(dset->fileid, path, H5P_DEFAULT);
+            datatype = get_hdf5type_xmlheader();
+            /* Read it into a 1D buffer*/
+            h5status = H5Dread(dataset, datatype, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, buff);
+            /* Unpack */
+            xmlstring = (char *) malloc(strlen(buff[0])+1);
+            if (xmlstring == NULL) {
+                ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_MEMORYERROR, "Failed to malloc xmlstring");
+            } else {
+                memcpy(xmlstring, buff[0], strlen(buff[0])+1);
+            }
+            /* Clean up */
+            h5status = H5Tclose(datatype);
+            h5status = H5Dclose(dataset);
+            free(path);
+            if (h5status < 0) {
+                ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to read header.");
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            return xmlstring;
+        }
+        else {
+            // No XML String found
+            // TODO handle errors
+            free(path);
+            return NULL;
+        }
     else {
-        // No XML String found
-        // TODO handle errors
-        free(path);
         return NULL;
 uint32_t ismrmrd_get_number_of_acquisitions(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset) {
-    /* The path to the acqusition data */    
-    char *path = make_path(dset, "data");
-    uint32_t numacq = get_number_of_elements(dset, path);
-    free(path);
-    return numacq;
+    if (dset) {
+        /* The path to the acqusition data */    
+        char *path = make_path(dset, "data");
+        uint32_t numacq = get_number_of_elements(dset, path);
+        free(path);
+        return numacq;
+    }
+    else {
+        return 0;
+    }
 int ismrmrd_append_acquisition(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, const ISMRMRD_Acquisition *acq) {
-	int status;
-	char *path;
-	hid_t datatype;
-    HDF5_Acquisition hdf5acq[1];
-    /* The path to the acqusition data */    
-    path = make_path(dset, "data");
-    /* The acquisition datatype */
-    datatype = get_hdf5type_acquisition();
-    /* Create the HDF5 version of the acquisition */
-    hdf5acq[0].head = acq->head;
-    hdf5acq[0].traj.len = acq->head.number_of_samples * acq->head.trajectory_dimensions;
-    hdf5acq[0].traj.p = acq->traj;
-    hdf5acq[0].data.len = acq->head.number_of_samples * acq->head.active_channels;
-    hdf5acq[0].data.p = acq->data;
-    /* Write it */
-    status = append_element(dset, path, hdf5acq, datatype, 0, NULL);    
-    if (status != ISMRMRD_NOERROR) {
-        ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to append acquisition.");
-        return status;
+    if(dset) {
+        if (acq) {
+            int status;
+            char *path;
+            hid_t datatype;
+            HDF5_Acquisition hdf5acq[1];
+            /* The path to the acqusition data */    
+            path = make_path(dset, "data");
+            /* The acquisition datatype */
+            datatype = get_hdf5type_acquisition();
+            /* Create the HDF5 version of the acquisition */
+            hdf5acq[0].head = acq->head;
+            hdf5acq[0].traj.len = acq->head.number_of_samples * acq->head.trajectory_dimensions;
+            hdf5acq[0].traj.p = acq->traj;
+            hdf5acq[0].data.len = acq->head.number_of_samples * acq->head.active_channels;
+            hdf5acq[0].data.p = acq->data;
+            /* Write it */
+            status = append_element(dset, path, hdf5acq, datatype, 0, NULL);    
+            if (status != ISMRMRD_NOERROR) {
+                ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to append acquisition.");
+                return status;
+            }
+            /* Clean up */
+            H5Tclose(datatype);
+            free(path);
+            return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
+        }
+        else {
+            return ISMRMRD_RUNTIMEERROR;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
-    /* Clean up */
-    H5Tclose(datatype);
-    free(path);
-    return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
 int ismrmrd_read_acquisition(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, uint32_t index, ISMRMRD_Acquisition *acq)
-    hid_t dataset, datatype, filespace, memspace;
-    hsize_t dims[1];
-    hsize_t offset[1];
-    hsize_t dimsr[1] = {1};
-    herr_t h5status;
-    HDF5_Acquisition hdf5acq;
-    /* The path to the acqusition data */    
-    char *path = make_path(dset, "data");
-    /* Check the path, extend or create if needed */
-    if (link_exists(dset, path)) {
-        /* open */
-        dataset = H5Dopen2(dset->fileid, path, H5P_DEFAULT);
-        /* The acquisition datatype */
-        datatype = get_hdf5type_acquisition();
-        /* TODO check that the dataset's datatype is correct */
-        filespace = H5Dget_space(dataset);
-        h5status = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(filespace, dims, NULL);
-        if (index < dims[0]) {
-            offset[0] = index;
-            h5status = H5Sselect_hyperslab (filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, dimsr, NULL);
-            memspace = H5Screate_simple(1, dimsr, NULL);
-            h5status = H5Dread(dataset, datatype, memspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, (void *) &hdf5acq);
-            memcpy(&acq->head, &hdf5acq.head, sizeof(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader));
-            ismrmrd_make_consistent_acquisition(acq);
-            memcpy(acq->traj, hdf5acq.traj.p, ismrmrd_size_of_acquisition_traj(acq));
-            memcpy(acq->data, hdf5acq.data.p, ismrmrd_size_of_acquisition_data(acq));
-            /* clean up */
-            free(hdf5acq.traj.p);
-            free(hdf5acq.data.p);
-            h5status = H5Tclose(datatype);
-            h5status = H5Sclose(filespace);
-            h5status = H5Sclose(memspace);
-            h5status = H5Dclose(dataset);
-            if (h5status < 0) {
-                ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to read acquisition.");
+    if (dset) {
+        if (acq) {
+            hid_t dataset, datatype, filespace, memspace;
+            hsize_t dims[1];
+            hsize_t offset[1];
+            hsize_t dimsr[1] = {1};
+            herr_t h5status;
+            HDF5_Acquisition hdf5acq;
+            /* The path to the acqusition data */    
+            char *path = make_path(dset, "data");
+            /* Check the path, extend or create if needed */
+            if (link_exists(dset, path)) {
+                /* open */
+                dataset = H5Dopen2(dset->fileid, path, H5P_DEFAULT);
+                /* The acquisition datatype */
+                datatype = get_hdf5type_acquisition();
+                /* TODO check that the dataset's datatype is correct */
+                filespace = H5Dget_space(dataset);
+                h5status = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(filespace, dims, NULL);
+                if (index < dims[0]) {
+                    offset[0] = index;
+                    h5status = H5Sselect_hyperslab (filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, dimsr, NULL);
+                    memspace = H5Screate_simple(1, dimsr, NULL);
+                    h5status = H5Dread(dataset, datatype, memspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, (void *) &hdf5acq);
+                    memcpy(&acq->head, &hdf5acq.head, sizeof(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader));
+                    ismrmrd_make_consistent_acquisition(acq);
+                    memcpy(acq->traj, hdf5acq.traj.p, ismrmrd_size_of_acquisition_traj(acq));
+                    memcpy(acq->data, hdf5acq.data.p, ismrmrd_size_of_acquisition_data(acq));
+                    /* clean up */
+                    free(hdf5acq.traj.p);
+                    free(hdf5acq.data.p);
+                    h5status = H5Tclose(datatype);
+                    h5status = H5Sclose(filespace);
+                    h5status = H5Sclose(memspace);
+                    h5status = H5Dclose(dataset);
+                    if (h5status < 0) {
+                        ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to read acquisition.");
+                        return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    /* index out of range */
+                    ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Acquisition index out of range.");
+                    return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                /* No data */
+                /* TODO Throw error */
                 return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
+            return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
         else {
-            /* index out of range */
-            ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Acquisition index out of range.");
-            return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
+            return ISMRMRD_RUNTIMEERROR;
     else {
-        /* No data */
-        /* TODO Throw error */
-        return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
-    return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
 int ismrmrd_append_image(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, const char *varname,
                          const int block_mode, const ISMRMRD_Image *im) {
-    int status;
-    hid_t datatype;
-	char *path, *headerpath, *attrpath, *datapath;
-    uint16_t dims[4];
-    /* The group for this set of images */
-    /* /groupname/varname */
-    path = make_path(dset, varname);
-    /* Make sure the path exists */
-    create_link(dset, path);        
-    /* Handle the header */
-    headerpath = append_to_path(dset, path, "header");
-    datatype = get_hdf5type_imageheader();
-    status = append_element(dset, headerpath, (void *) &im->head, datatype, 0, NULL);
-    if (status != ISMRMRD_NOERROR) {
-        ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to append image header.");
-        return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
-    }
-    free(headerpath);
-    /* Handle the attribute string */
-    attrpath = append_to_path(dset, path, "attributes");
-    datatype = get_hdf5type_image_attribute_string();
-    status = append_element(dset, attrpath, (void *) &im->attribute_string, datatype, 0, NULL);
-    if (status != ISMRMRD_NOERROR) {
-        ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to append image attribute string.");
-        return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
-    }
-    free(attrpath);
-    /* Handle the data */
-    datapath = append_to_path(dset, path, "data");
-    datatype = get_hdf5type_ndarray(im->head.data_type);
-    dims[0] = im->head.matrix_size[0];
-    dims[1] = im->head.matrix_size[1];
-    dims[2] = im->head.matrix_size[2];
-    dims[3] = im->head.channels;
-    status = append_element(dset, datapath, im->data, datatype, 4, dims);
-    if (status != ISMRMRD_NOERROR) {
-        ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to append image data.");
-        return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
-    }
-    free(datapath);
-    /* Final cleanup */
-    H5Tclose(datatype);
-    free(path);
-    return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
+    if (dset) {
+        if (im) {
+            int status;
+            hid_t datatype;
+            char *path, *headerpath, *attrpath, *datapath;
+            uint16_t dims[4];
+            /* The group for this set of images */
+            /* /groupname/varname */
+            path = make_path(dset, varname);
+            /* Make sure the path exists */
+            create_link(dset, path);        
+            /* Handle the header */
+            headerpath = append_to_path(dset, path, "header");
+            datatype = get_hdf5type_imageheader();
+            status = append_element(dset, headerpath, (void *) &im->head, datatype, 0, NULL);
+            if (status != ISMRMRD_NOERROR) {
+                ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to append image header.");
+                return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
+            }
+            free(headerpath);
+            /* Handle the attribute string */
+            attrpath = append_to_path(dset, path, "attributes");
+            datatype = get_hdf5type_image_attribute_string();
+            status = append_element(dset, attrpath, (void *) &im->attribute_string, datatype, 0, NULL);
+            if (status != ISMRMRD_NOERROR) {
+                ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to append image attribute string.");
+                return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
+            }
+            free(attrpath);
+            /* Handle the data */
+            datapath = append_to_path(dset, path, "data");
+            datatype = get_hdf5type_ndarray(im->head.data_type);
+            dims[0] = im->head.matrix_size[0];
+            dims[1] = im->head.matrix_size[1];
+            dims[2] = im->head.matrix_size[2];
+            dims[3] = im->head.channels;
+            status = append_element(dset, datapath, im->data, datatype, 4, dims);
+            if (status != ISMRMRD_NOERROR) {
+                ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to append image data.");
+                return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
+            }
+            free(datapath);
+            /* Final cleanup */
+            H5Tclose(datatype);
+            free(path);
+            return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
+        }
+        else {
+            return ISMRMRD_RUNTIMEERROR;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+    }
 uint32_t ismrmrd_get_number_of_images(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, const char *varname)
-    /* The group for this set of images */
-    /* /groupname/varname */
-    char *path = make_path(dset, varname);
-    /* The path to the acqusition image headers */
-    char *headerpath = append_to_path(dset, path, "header");
-    uint32_t numimages = get_number_of_elements(dset, headerpath);
-    free(headerpath);
-    free(path);
-    return numimages;
+    if (dset) {
+        /* The group for this set of images */
+        /* /groupname/varname */
+        char *path = make_path(dset, varname);
+        /* The path to the acqusition image headers */
+        char *headerpath = append_to_path(dset, path, "header");
+        uint32_t numimages = get_number_of_elements(dset, headerpath);
+        free(headerpath);
+        free(path);
+        return numimages;
+    }
+    else {
+        return 0;
+    }
 int ismrmrd_append_array(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, const char *varname,
                          const int block_mode, const ISMRMRD_NDArray *arr) {
-    int status;
-    hid_t datatype;
-    uint16_t ndim, *dims;
-	int n;
-    /* The group for this set */
-    /* /groupname/varname */
-    char *path = make_path(dset, varname);
-    /* Handle the data */
-    datatype = get_hdf5type_ndarray(arr->data_type);
-    ndim = arr->ndim;
-    dims = (uint16_t *) malloc(ndim*sizeof(uint16_t));
-    for (n=0; n<ndim; n++) {
-        dims[n] = arr->dims[n];
-    }
-    status = append_element(dset, path, arr->data, datatype, ndim, dims);
-    if (status != ISMRMRD_NOERROR) {
-        ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to append array.");
-        return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
-    }
-    /* Final cleanup */
-	free(dims);
-    H5Tclose(datatype);
-    free(path);
-    return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
+    if (dset) {
+        if (arr) {
+            int status;
+            hid_t datatype;
+            uint16_t ndim, *dims;
+            int n;
+            /* The group for this set */
+            /* /groupname/varname */
+            char *path = make_path(dset, varname);
+            /* Handle the data */
+            datatype = get_hdf5type_ndarray(arr->data_type);
+            ndim = arr->ndim;
+            dims = (uint16_t *) malloc(ndim*sizeof(uint16_t));
+            for (n=0; n<ndim; n++) {
+                dims[n] = arr->dims[n];
+            }
+            status = append_element(dset, path, arr->data, datatype, ndim, dims);
+            if (status != ISMRMRD_NOERROR) {
+                ISMRMRD_THROW(ISMRMRD_FILEERROR, "Failed to append array.");
+                return ISMRMRD_FILEERROR;
+            }
+            /* Final cleanup */
+            free(dims);
+            H5Tclose(datatype);
+            free(path);
+            return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
+        }
+        else {
+            return ISMRMRD_RUNTIMEERROR;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+    }
 uint32_t ismrmrd_get_number_of_arrays(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, const char *varname) {
-    /* The group for this set */
-    /* /groupname/varname */
-    char *path = make_path(dset, varname);
-    uint32_t numarrays = get_number_of_elements(dset, path);
-    free(path);
-    return numarrays;
+    if (dset) {
+        /* The group for this set */
+        /* /groupname/varname */
+        char *path = make_path(dset, varname);
+        uint32_t numarrays = get_number_of_elements(dset, path);
+        free(path);
+        return numarrays;
+    }
+    else {
+        return 0;
+    }
@@ -940,12 +1059,22 @@ uint32_t ismrmrd_get_number_of_arrays(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, const char *v
 int ismrmrd_read_image(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, const char *varname,
                        const uint32_t index, ISMRMRD_Image *im) {
-    return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
+    if (dset) {
+        return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
+    }
+    else {
+    }
-int ismrmrd_read_array(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dataset, const char *varname,
+int ismrmrd_read_array(const ISMRMRD_Dataset *dset, const char *varname,
                        const uint32_t index, ISMRMRD_NDArray *arr) {
-    return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
+    if (dset) {
+        return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
+    }
+    else {
+    }
diff --git a/libsrc/ismrmrd.c b/libsrc/ismrmrd.c
index 2607d3c..4663f4d 100644
--- a/libsrc/ismrmrd.c
+++ b/libsrc/ismrmrd.c
@@ -108,9 +108,11 @@ int ismrmrd_make_consistent_acquisition(ISMRMRD_Acquisition *acq) {
                 return ISMRMRD_MEMORYERROR;
+        return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
+    }
+    else {
-    return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
 size_t ismrmrd_size_of_acquisition_traj(const ISMRMRD_Acquisition *acq) {
@@ -204,9 +206,11 @@ int ismrmrd_make_consistent_image(ISMRMRD_Image *im) {
                 return ISMRMRD_MEMORYERROR;
+        return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
+    }
+    else {
-    return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
 size_t ismrmrd_size_of_image_data(const ISMRMRD_Image *im) {
@@ -325,8 +329,11 @@ int ismrmrd_make_consistent_ndarray(ISMRMRD_NDArray *arr) {
             /* the data type is invalid for some other reason */
             return ISMRMRD_MEMORYERROR;
+        return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
+    }
+    else {
-    return ISMRMRD_NOERROR;
 size_t ismrmrd_size_of_ndarray_data(const ISMRMRD_NDArray *arr) {
@@ -418,7 +425,8 @@ char *ismrmrd_strerror(int err) {
     char *error_messages[] = {
         "No Error",
         "Memory Error",
-        "File Error"
+        "File Error",
+        "Runtime Error"
     assert(err > ISMRMRD_BEGINERROR);

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/ismrmrd.git

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