[ismrmrd] 153/177: adding boilerplate Cython interface to libismrmrd
Ghislain Vaillant
ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jan 14 20:02:14 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag v1.1.0.beta.1
in repository ismrmrd.
commit 2e523736b7f5df9ed3eb324829722a60d01929d7
Author: Joseph Naegele <joseph.naegele at gmail.com>
Date: Fri Sep 26 13:19:14 2014 -0400
adding boilerplate Cython interface to libismrmrd
bindings/python/.gitignore | 2 +
bindings/python/cismrmrd.pxd | 184 +++++++++++++++-----
bindings/python/cismrmrd.pxd.bak | 119 -------------
bindings/python/demo.py | 11 ++
bindings/python/ismrmrd.pyx | 355 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
bindings/python/ismrmrd.pyx.bak | 348 --------------------------------------
bindings/python/test.py | 13 --
bindings/python/usage.py | 26 ---
8 files changed, 506 insertions(+), 552 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bindings/python/.gitignore b/bindings/python/.gitignore
index 71bc996..7e54d49 100644
--- a/bindings/python/.gitignore
+++ b/bindings/python/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/bindings/python/cismrmrd.pxd b/bindings/python/cismrmrd.pxd
index 02d5c49..063ccb5 100644
--- a/bindings/python/cismrmrd.pxd
+++ b/bindings/python/cismrmrd.pxd
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from libc.stdint cimport uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t, int32_t
-cdef extern from "ismrmrd.h":
+cdef extern from "ismrmrd/ismrmrd.h":
cdef enum:
@@ -11,61 +11,161 @@ cdef extern from "ismrmrd.h":
- ctypedef struct EncodingCounters:
- uint16_t kspace_encode_step_1 # e.g. phase encoding line number */
- uint16_t kspace_encode_step_2 # e.g. partition encodning number */
- uint16_t average # e.g. signal average number */
- uint16_t slice # e.g. imaging slice number */
- uint16_t contrast # e.g. echo number in multi-echo */
- uint16_t phase # e.g. cardiac phase number */
- uint16_t repetition # e.g. dynamic number for dynamic scanning */
- uint16_t set # e.g. flow encodning set */
- uint16_t segment # e.g. segment number for segmented acquisition */
- uint16_t user[ISMRMRD_USER_INTS] # Free user parameters */
+ ctypedef struct ISMRMRD_EncodingCounters:
+ uint16_t kspace_encode_step_1 # e.g. phase encoding line number
+ uint16_t kspace_encode_step_2 # e.g. partition encodning number
+ uint16_t average # e.g. signal average number
+ uint16_t slice # e.g. imaging slice number
+ uint16_t contrast # e.g. echo number in multi-echo
+ uint16_t phase # e.g. cardiac phase number
+ uint16_t repetition # e.g. dynamic number for dynamic scanning
+ uint16_t set # e.g. flow encodning set
+ uint16_t segment # e.g. segment number for segmented acquisition
+ uint16_t user[ISMRMRD_USER_INTS] # Free user parameters
ctypedef struct ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader:
- uint16_t version # First unsigned int indicates the version */
- uint64_t flags # bit field with flags */
- uint32_t measurement_uid # Unique ID for the measurement */
- uint32_t scan_counter # Current acquisition number in the measurement */
- uint32_t acquisition_time_stamp # Acquisition clock */
- uint32_t physiology_time_stamp[ISMRMRD_PHYS_STAMPS] # Physiology time stamps, e.g. ecg, breating, etc. */
- uint16_t number_of_samples # Number of samples acquired */
- uint16_t available_channels # Available coils */
- uint16_t active_channels # Active coils on current acquisiton */
- uint64_t channel_mask[ISMRMRD_CHANNEL_MASKS] # Mask to indicate which channels are active. Support for 1024 channels */
- uint16_t discard_pre # Samples to be discarded at the beginning of acquisition */
- uint16_t discard_post # Samples to be discarded at the end of acquisition */
- uint16_t center_sample # Sample at the center of k-space */
- uint16_t encoding_space_ref # Reference to an encoding space, typically only one per acquisition */
- uint16_t trajectory_dimensions # Indicates the dimensionality of the trajectory vector (0 means no trajectory) */
- float sample_time_us # Time between samples in micro seconds, sampling BW */
- float position[ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH] # Three-dimensional spatial offsets from isocenter */
- float read_dir[ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH] # Directional cosines of the readout/frequency encoding */
- float phase_dir[ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH] # Directional cosines of the phase */
- float slice_dir[ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH] # Directional cosines of the slice direction */
- float patient_table_position[ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH] # Patient table off-center */
- EncodingCounters idx # Encoding loop counters, see above */
- int32_t user_int[ISMRMRD_USER_INTS] # Free user parameters */
- float user_float[ISMRMRD_USER_FLOATS] # Free user parameters */
+ uint16_t version # First unsigned int indicates the version
+ uint64_t flags # bit field with flags
+ uint32_t measurement_uid # Unique ID for the measurement
+ uint32_t scan_counter # Current acquisition number in the measurement
+ uint32_t acquisition_time_stamp # Acquisition clock
+ uint32_t physiology_time_stamp[ISMRMRD_PHYS_STAMPS] # Physiology time stamps, e.g. ecg, breating, etc.
+ uint16_t number_of_samples # Number of samples acquired
+ uint16_t available_channels # Available coils
+ uint16_t active_channels # Active coils on current acquisiton
+ uint64_t channel_mask[ISMRMRD_CHANNEL_MASKS] # Mask to indicate which channels are active. Support for 1024 channels
+ uint16_t discard_pre # Samples to be discarded at the beginning of acquisition
+ uint16_t discard_post # Samples to be discarded at the end of acquisition
+ uint16_t center_sample # Sample at the center of k-space
+ uint16_t encoding_space_ref # Reference to an encoding space, typically only one per acquisition
+ uint16_t trajectory_dimensions # Indicates the dimensionality of the trajectory vector (0 means no trajectory)
+ float sample_time_us # Time between samples in micro seconds, sampling BW
+ float position[ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH] # Three-dimensional spatial offsets from isocenter
+ float read_dir[ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH] # Directional cosines of the readout/frequency encoding
+ float phase_dir[ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH] # Directional cosines of the phase
+ float slice_dir[ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH] # Directional cosines of the slice direction
+ float patient_table_position[ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH] # Patient table off-center
+ ISMRMRD_EncodingCounters idx # Encoding loop counters, see above
+ int32_t user_int[ISMRMRD_USER_INTS] # Free user parameters
+ float user_float[ISMRMRD_USER_FLOATS] # Free user parameters
ctypedef struct ISMRMRD_Acquisition:
ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader head
float *traj
float complex *data
- cdef ISMRMRD_Acquisition ismrmrd_create_acquisition()
- cdef void ismrmrd_free_acquisition(ISMRMRD_Acquisition*)
- cdef size_t ismrmrd_size_of_acquisition_data(const ISMRMRD_Acquisition *)
+ cdef int ismrmrd_init_acquisition_header(ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader *hdr)
+ cdef ISMRMRD_Acquisition * ismrmrd_create_acquisition()
+ cdef int ismrmrd_free_acquisition(ISMRMRD_Acquisition *acq)
+ cdef int ismrmrd_init_acquisition(ISMRMRD_Acquisition *acq)
+ cdef int ismrmrd_cleanup_acquisition(ISMRMRD_Acquisition *acq)
+ cdef int ismrmrd_copy_acquisition(ISMRMRD_Acquisition *acqdest, const ISMRMRD_Acquisition *acqsource)
+ cdef int ismrmrd_make_consistent_acquisition(ISMRMRD_Acquisition *acq)
+ cdef size_t ismrmrd_size_of_acquisition_traj(const ISMRMRD_Acquisition *acq)
+ cdef size_t ismrmrd_size_of_acquisition_data(const ISMRMRD_Acquisition *acq)
+ cdef enum ISMRMRD_ImageDataTypes:
+ ISMRMRD_USHORT = 1 # corresponds to uint16_t
+ ISMRMRD_SHORT # corresponds to int16_t
+ ISMRMRD_UINT # corresponds to uint32_t
+ ISMRMRD_INT # corresponds to int32_t
+ ISMRMRD_FLOAT # corresponds to float
+ ISMRMRD_DOUBLE # corresponds to double
+ ISMRMRD_CXFLOAT # corresponds to complex float
+ ISMRMRD_CXDOUBLE # corresponds to complex double
+ cdef enum ISMRMRD_ImageTypes:
+ cdef enum ISMRMRD_ImageFlags:
+ ctypedef struct ISMRMRD_ImageHeader:
+ uint16_t version # First unsigned int indicates the version
+ uint64_t flags # bit field with flags
+ uint32_t measurement_uid # Unique ID for the measurement
+ uint16_t matrix_size[3] # Pixels in the 3 spatial dimensions
+ float field_of_view[3] # Size (in mm) of the 3 spatial dimensions
+ uint16_t channels # Number of receive channels
+ float position[ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH] # Three-dimensional spatial offsets from isocenter
+ float read_dir[ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH] # Directional cosines of the readout/frequency encoding
+ float phase_dir[ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH] # Directional cosines of the phase
+ float slice_dir[ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH] # Directional cosines of the slice direction
+ float patient_table_position[ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH] # Patient table off-center
+ uint16_t average # e.g. signal average number
+ uint16_t slice # e.g. imaging slice number
+ uint16_t contrast # e.g. echo number in multi-echo
+ uint16_t phase # e.g. cardiac phase number
+ uint16_t repetition # e.g. dynamic number for dynamic scanning
+ uint16_t set # e.g. flow encodning set
+ uint32_t acquisition_time_stamp # Acquisition clock
+ uint32_t physiology_time_stamp[ISMRMRD_PHYS_STAMPS] # Physiology time stamps, e.g. ecg, breating, etc.
+ uint16_t image_data_type # e.g. unsigned short, float, complex float, etc.
+ uint16_t image_type # e.g. magnitude, phase, complex, real, imag, etc.
+ uint16_t image_index # e.g. image number in series of images
+ uint16_t image_series_index # e.g. series number
+ int32_t user_int[ISMRMRD_USER_INTS] # Free user parameters
+ float user_float[ISMRMRD_USER_FLOATS] # Free user parameters
ctypedef struct ISMRMRD_Image:
- pass
+ ISMRMRD_ImageHeader head
+ char *attribute_string
+ void *data
+ cdef int ismrmrd_init_image_header(ISMRMRD_ImageHeader *hdr)
+ cdef ISMRMRD_Image * ismrmrd_create_image()
+ cdef int ismrmrd_free_image(ISMRMRD_Image *im)
+ cdef int ismrmrd_init_image(ISMRMRD_Image *im)
+ cdef int ismrmrd_cleanup_image(ISMRMRD_Image *im)
+ cdef int ismrmrd_copy_image(ISMRMRD_Image *imdest, const ISMRMRD_Image *imsource)
+ cdef int ismrmrd_make_consistent_image(ISMRMRD_Image *im)
+ cdef size_t ismrmrd_size_of_image_attribute_string(const ISMRMRD_Image *im)
+ cdef size_t ismrmrd_size_of_image_data(const ISMRMRD_Image *im)
ctypedef struct ISMRMRD_NDArray:
- pass
+ uint16_t version # First unsigned int indicates the version
+ uint16_t data_type # e.g. unsigned short, float, complex float, etc.
+ uint16_t ndim # Number of dimensions
+ uint16_t dims[ISMRMRD_NDARRAY_MAXDIM] # Dimensions
+ void *data # Pointer to data
+ cdef ISMRMRD_NDArray * ismrmrd_create_ndarray()
+ cdef int ismrmrd_free_ndarray(ISMRMRD_NDArray *arr)
+ cdef int ismrmrd_init_ndarray(ISMRMRD_NDArray *arr)
+ cdef int ismrmrd_cleanup_ndarray(ISMRMRD_NDArray *arr)
+ cdef int ismrmrd_copy_ndarray(ISMRMRD_NDArray *arrdest, const ISMRMRD_NDArray *arrsource)
+ cdef int ismrmrd_make_consistent_ndarray(ISMRMRD_NDArray *arr)
+ cdef size_t ismrmrd_size_of_ndarray_data(const ISMRMRD_NDArray *arr)
+ cdef bint ismrmrd_is_flag_set(const uint64_t flags, const uint64_t val)
+ cdef int ismrmrd_set_flag(uint64_t *flags, const uint64_t val)
+ cdef int ismrmrd_clear_flag(uint64_t *flags, const uint64_t val)
+ cdef int ismrmrd_clear_all_flags(uint64_t *flags)
+ cdef int ismrmrd_sign_of_directions(float read_dir[3],
+ float phase_dir[3], float slice_dir[3])
+ cdef void ismrmrd_directions_to_quaternion(float read_dir[3],
+ float phase_dir[3], float slice_dir[3], float quat[4])
+ cdef void ismrmrd_quaternion_to_directions(float quat[4],
+ float read_dir[3], float phase_dir[3], float slice_dir[3])
-cdef extern from "ismrmrd_dataset.h":
+cdef extern from "ismrmrd/dataset.h":
cdef enum BlockModes:
diff --git a/bindings/python/cismrmrd.pxd.bak b/bindings/python/cismrmrd.pxd.bak
deleted file mode 100644
index 364960e..0000000
--- a/bindings/python/cismrmrd.pxd.bak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-from libc.stdint cimport uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t, int32_t
-cdef extern from "ismrmrd_ext.h":
- EncodingCounters* EncodingCounters_new()
- AcquisitionHeader* AcquisitionHeader_new()
- ImageHeader* ImageHeader_new()
- void EncodingCounters_free(EncodingCounters*)
- void AcquisitionHeader_free(AcquisitionHeader*)
- void ImageHeader_free(ImageHeader*)
-cdef extern from "ismrmrd.h":
- cdef enum:
- # ISMRMRD_PHYS_STAMPS = 8 # TODO: This should be changed to 3 (Major impact)
-cdef extern from "ismrmrd.h":
- ctypedef struct EncodingCounters:
- uint16_t kspace_encode_step_1 # e.g. phase encoding line number */
- uint16_t kspace_encode_step_2 # e.g. partition encodning number */
- uint16_t average # e.g. signal average number */
- uint16_t slice # e.g. imaging slice number */
- uint16_t contrast # e.g. echo number in multi-echo */
- uint16_t phase # e.g. cardiac phase number */
- uint16_t repetition # e.g. dynamic number for dynamic scanning */
- uint16_t set # e.g. flow encodning set */
- uint16_t segment # e.g. segment number for segmented acquisition */
- uint16_t user[ISMRMRD_USER_INTS] # Free user parameters */
- ctypedef struct AcquisitionHeader:
- uint16_t version # First unsigned int indicates the version */
- uint64_t flags # bit field with flags */
- uint32_t measurement_uid # Unique ID for the measurement */
- uint32_t scan_counter # Current acquisition number in the measurement */
- uint32_t acquisition_time_stamp # Acquisition clock */
- uint32_t physiology_time_stamp[ISMRMRD_PHYS_STAMPS] # Physiology time stamps, e.g. ecg, breating, etc. */
- uint16_t number_of_samples # Number of samples acquired */
- uint16_t available_channels # Available coils */
- uint16_t active_channels # Active coils on current acquisiton */
- uint64_t channel_mask[ISMRMRD_CHANNEL_MASKS] # Mask to indicate which channels are active. Support for 1024 channels */
- uint16_t discard_pre # Samples to be discarded at the beginning of acquisition */
- uint16_t discard_post # Samples to be discarded at the end of acquisition */
- uint16_t center_sample # Sample at the center of k-space */
- uint16_t encoding_space_ref # Reference to an encoding space, typically only one per acquisition */
- uint16_t trajectory_dimensions # Indicates the dimensionality of the trajectory vector (0 means no trajectory) */
- float sample_time_us # Time between samples in micro seconds, sampling BW */
- float position[ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH] # Three-dimensional spatial offsets from isocenter */
- float read_dir[ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH] # Directional cosines of the readout/frequency encoding */
- float phase_dir[ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH] # Directional cosines of the phase */
- float slice_dir[ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH] # Directional cosines of the slice direction */
- float patient_table_position[ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH] # Patient table off-center */
- EncodingCounters idx # Encoding loop counters, see above */
- int32_t user_int[ISMRMRD_USER_INTS] # Free user parameters */
- float user_float[ISMRMRD_USER_FLOATS] # Free user parameters */
- cdef enum ImageDataType:
- cdef enum ImageType:
- cdef enum ImageFlags:
- IMAGE_USER1 = 57
- IMAGE_USER2 = 58
- IMAGE_USER3 = 59
- IMAGE_USER4 = 60
- IMAGE_USER5 = 61
- IMAGE_USER6 = 62
- IMAGE_USER7 = 63
- IMAGE_USER8 = 64
- ctypedef struct ImageHeader:
- uint16_t version # First unsigned int indicates the version */
- uint64_t flags # bit field with flags */
- uint32_t measurement_uid # Unique ID for the measurement */
- uint16_t matrix_size[3] # Pixels in the 3 spatial dimensions */
- float field_of_view[3] # Size (in mm) of the 3 spatial dimensions */
- uint16_t channels # Number of receive channels */
- float position[ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH] # Three-dimensional spatial offsets from isocenter */
- float read_dir[ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH] # Directional cosines of the readout/frequency encoding */
- float phase_dir[ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH] # Directional cosines of the phase */
- float slice_dir[ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH] # Directional cosines of the slice direction */
- float patient_table_position[ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH] # Patient table off-center */
- uint16_t average # e.g. signal average number */
- uint16_t slice # e.g. imaging slice number */
- uint16_t contrast # e.g. echo number in multi-echo */
- uint16_t phase # e.g. cardiac phase number */
- uint16_t repetition # e.g. dynamic number for dynamic scanning */
- uint16_t set # e.g. flow encodning set */
- uint32_t acquisition_time_stamp # Acquisition clock */
- uint32_t physiology_time_stamp[ISMRMRD_PHYS_STAMPS] # Physiology time stamps, e.g. ecg, breating, etc. */
- uint16_t image_data_type # e.g. unsigned short, float, complex float, etc. */
- uint16_t image_type # e.g. magnitude, phase, complex, real, imag, etc. */
- uint16_t image_index # e.g. image number in series of images */
- uint16_t image_series_index # e.g. series number */
- int32_t user_int[ISMRMRD_USER_INTS] # Free user parameters */
- float user_float[ISMRMRD_USER_FLOATS] # Free user parameters */
diff --git a/bindings/python/demo.py b/bindings/python/demo.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ce439b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/python/demo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import ismrmrd
+acq = ismrmrd.Acquisition()
+acq.head.version = 42
+img = ismrmrd.Image()
+f = ismrmrd.Dataset('./testdata.h5', '/dataset', True)
+print f.filename
+# xml = f.readHeader()
diff --git a/bindings/python/ismrmrd.pyx b/bindings/python/ismrmrd.pyx
index 68cba70..0d60efe 100644
--- a/bindings/python/ismrmrd.pyx
+++ b/bindings/python/ismrmrd.pyx
@@ -1,13 +1,74 @@
cimport cismrmrd
-cimport numpy as np
from libc.stdlib cimport calloc, free
from libc.string cimport memcpy
+#### Helper functions
cdef AcquisitionHeader_from_struct(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader *other):
head = AcquisitionHeader()
memcpy(head.this, other, sizeof(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader))
return head
+cdef ImageHeader_from_struct(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_ImageHeader *other):
+ head = ImageHeader()
+ memcpy(head.this, other, sizeof(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_ImageHeader))
+ return head
+cdef class EncodingCounters:
+ cdef cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_EncodingCounters *this
+ def __cinit__(self):
+ self.this = <cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_EncodingCounters*>calloc(1, sizeof(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_EncodingCounters))
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ free(self.this)
+ property kspace_encode_step_1:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.kspace_encode_step_1
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.kspace_encode_step_1 = val
+ property kspace_encode_step_2:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.kspace_encode_step_2
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.kspace_encode_step_2 = val
+ property average:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.average
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.average = val
+ property slice:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.slice
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.slice = val
+ property contrast:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.contrast
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.contrast = val
+ property phase:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.phase
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.phase = val
+ property repetition:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.repetition
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.repetition = val
+ property set:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.set
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.set = val
+ property segment:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.segment
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.segment = val
+ property user:
+ def __get__(self):
+ l = [0 for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_INTS)]
+ for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_INTS):
+ l[i] = self.thisptr.user[i]
+ return l
+ def __set__(self, vals):
+ for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_INTS):
+ self.thisptr.user[i] = vals[i]
cdef class AcquisitionHeader:
cdef cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_AcquisitionHeader *this
def __cinit__(self):
@@ -19,6 +80,133 @@ cdef class AcquisitionHeader:
def __get__(self): return self.this.version
def __set__(self, val): self.this.version = val
+ property flags:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.flags
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.flags = val
+ property measurement_uid:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.measurement_uid
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.measurement_uid = val
+ property scan_counter:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.scan_counter
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.scan_counter = val
+ property acquisition_time_stamp:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.acquisition_time_stamp
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.acquisition_time_stamp = val
+ property physiology_time_stamp:
+ def __get__(self):
+ return [self.thisptr.physiology_time_stamp[i] for i in
+ range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_PHYS_STAMPS)]
+ def __set__(self, val):
+ for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_PHYS_STAMPS):
+ self.thisptr.physiology_time_stamp[i] = val[i]
+ property number_of_samples:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.number_of_samples
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.number_of_samples = val
+ property available_channels:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.available_channels
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.available_channels = val
+ property active_channels:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.active_channels
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.active_channels = val
+ property channel_mask:
+ def __get__(self):
+ return [self.thisptr.channel_mask[i] for i in
+ range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_CHANNEL_MASKS)]
+ def __set__(self, val):
+ for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_CHANNEL_MASKS):
+ self.thisptr.channel_mask[i] = val[i]
+ property discard_pre:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.discard_pre
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.discard_pre = val
+ property discard_post:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.discard_post
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.discard_post = val
+ property center_sample:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.center_sample
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.center_sample = val
+ property encoding_space_ref:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.encoding_space_ref
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.encoding_space_ref = val
+ property trajectory_dimensions:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.trajectory_dimensions
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.trajectory_dimensions = val
+ property sample_time_us:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.sample_time_us
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.sample_time_us = val
+ property position:
+ def __get__(self):
+ return [self.thisptr.position[i] for i in
+ range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH)]
+ def __set__(self, val):
+ for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH):
+ self.thisptr.position[i] = val[i]
+ property read_dir:
+ def __get__(self):
+ return [self.thisptr.read_dir[i] for i in
+ def __set__(self, val):
+ for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH):
+ self.thisptr.read_dir[i] = val[i]
+ property phase_dir:
+ def __get__(self):
+ return [self.thisptr.phase_dir[i] for i in
+ def __set__(self, val):
+ for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH):
+ self.thisptr.phase_dir[i] = val[i]
+ property slice_dir:
+ def __get__(self):
+ return [self.thisptr.slice_dir[i] for i in
+ def __set__(self, val):
+ for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH):
+ self.thisptr.slice_dir[i] = val[i]
+ property patient_table_position:
+ def __get__(self):
+ return [self.thisptr.patient_table_position[i] for i in
+ range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH)]
+ def __set__(self, val):
+ for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH):
+ self.thisptr.patient_table_position[i] = val[i]
+ property idx:
+ def __get__(self): return self.idx
+ def __set__(self, val): pass # FIXME (does nothing)
+ property user_int:
+ def __get__(self):
+ return [self.thisptr.user_int[i] for i in
+ range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_INTS)]
+ def __set__(self, val):
+ for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_INTS):
+ self.thisptr.user_int[i] = val[i]
+ property user_float:
+ def __get__(self):
+ return [self.thisptr.user_float[i] for i in
+ range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_FLOATS)]
+ def __set__(self, val):
+ for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_FLOATS):
+ self.thisptr.user_float[i] = val[i]
cdef class Acquisition:
cdef cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_Acquisition *this
@@ -32,9 +220,168 @@ cdef class Acquisition:
property data:
def __get__(self):
size = cismrmrd.ismrmrd_size_of_acquisition_data(self.this)
- # arr = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.cfloat)
- cdef complex float [:] arrview = self.this.data
- return arrview
+ return None # FIXME: return NumPy array or Cython Typed MemoryView
+cdef class ImageHeader:
+ cdef cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_ImageHeader *this
+ def __cinit__(self):
+ self.this = <cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_ImageHeader*>calloc(1, sizeof(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_ImageHeader))
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ free(self.this)
+ property version:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.version
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.version = val
+ property flags:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.flags
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.flags = val
+ property measurement_uid:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.measurement_uid
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.measurement_uid = val
+ property matrix_size:
+ def __get__(self):
+ return [self.thisptr.matrix_size[i] for i in range(3)]
+ def __set__(self, val):
+ for i in range(3):
+ self.thisptr.matrix_size[i] = val[i]
+ property field_of_view:
+ def __get__(self):
+ return [self.thisptr.field_of_view[i] for i in range(3)]
+ def __set__(self, val):
+ for i in range(3):
+ self.thisptr.field_of_view[i] = val[i]
+ property channels:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.channels
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.channels = val
+ property position:
+ def __get__(self):
+ return [self.thisptr.position[i] for i in
+ range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH)]
+ def __set__(self, val):
+ for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH):
+ self.thisptr.position[i] = val[i]
+ property read_dir:
+ def __get__(self):
+ return [self.thisptr.read_dir[i] for i in
+ def __set__(self, val):
+ for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH):
+ self.thisptr.read_dir[i] = val[i]
+ property phase_dir:
+ def __get__(self):
+ return [self.thisptr.phase_dir[i] for i in
+ def __set__(self, val):
+ for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH):
+ self.thisptr.phase_dir[i] = val[i]
+ property slice_dir:
+ def __get__(self):
+ return [self.thisptr.slice_dir[i] for i in
+ def __set__(self, val):
+ for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH):
+ self.thisptr.slice_dir[i] = val[i]
+ property patient_table_position:
+ def __get__(self):
+ return [self.thisptr.patient_table_position[i] for i in
+ range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH)]
+ def __set__(self, val):
+ for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH):
+ self.thisptr.patient_table_position[i] = val[i]
+ property average:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.average
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.average = val
+ property slice:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.slice
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.slice = val
+ property contrast:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.contrast
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.contrast = val
+ property phase:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.phase
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.phase = val
+ property repetition:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.repetition
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.repetition = val
+ property set:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.set
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.set = val
+ property acquisition_time_stamp:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.acquisition_time_stamp
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.acquisition_time_stamp = val
+ property physiology_time_stamp:
+ def __get__(self):
+ return [self.thisptr.physiology_time_stamp[i] for i in
+ range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_PHYS_STAMPS)]
+ def __set__(self, val):
+ for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_PHYS_STAMPS):
+ self.thisptr.physiology_time_stamp[i] = val[i]
+ property image_data_type:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.image_data_type
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.image_data_type = val
+ property image_type:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.image_type
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.image_type = val
+ property image_index:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.image_index
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.image_index = val
+ property image_series_index:
+ def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.image_series_index
+ def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.image_series_index = val
+ property user_int:
+ def __get__(self):
+ return [self.thisptr.user_int[i] for i in
+ range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_INTS)]
+ def __set__(self, val):
+ for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_INTS):
+ self.thisptr.user_int[i] = val[i]
+ property user_float:
+ def __get__(self):
+ return [self.thisptr.user_float[i] for i in
+ range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_FLOATS)]
+ def __set__(self, val):
+ for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_FLOATS):
+ self.thisptr.user_int[i] = val[i]
+cdef class Image:
+ cdef cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_Image *this
+ def __cinit__(self):
+ self.this = <cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_Image*>cismrmrd.ismrmrd_create_image()
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ cismrmrd.ismrmrd_free_image(self.this)
+ property head:
+ def __get__(self): return ImageHeader_from_struct(&self.this.head)
+ property attribute_string:
+ def __get__(self): return self.this.attribute_string
+ property data:
+ def __get__(self):
+ size = cismrmrd.ismrmrd_size_of_image_data(self.this)
+ return None # FIXME: return NumPy array or Cython Typed MemoryView
cdef class Dataset:
cdef cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_Dataset *this
diff --git a/bindings/python/ismrmrd.pyx.bak b/bindings/python/ismrmrd.pyx.bak
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cfc8c3..0000000
--- a/bindings/python/ismrmrd.pyx.bak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-cimport cismrmrd
-cdef class PyEncodingCounters:
- cdef cismrmrd.EncodingCounters *thisptr
- def __cinit__(self):
- self.thisptr = cismrmrd.EncodingCounters_new()
- def __dealloc__(self):
- cismrmrd.EncodingCounters_free(self.thisptr)
- property kspace_encode_step_1:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.kspace_encode_step_1
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.kspace_encode_step_1 = val
- property kspace_encode_step_2:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.kspace_encode_step_2
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.kspace_encode_step_2 = val
- property average:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.average
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.average = val
- property slice:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.slice
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.slice = val
- property contrast:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.contrast
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.contrast = val
- property phase:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.phase
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.phase = val
- property repetition:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.repetition
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.repetition = val
- property set:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.set
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.set = val
- property segment:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.segment
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.segment = val
- property user:
- def __get__(self):
- l = [0 for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_INTS)]
- for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_INTS):
- l[i] = self.thisptr.user[i]
- return l
- def __set__(self, vals):
- for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_INTS):
- self.thisptr.user[i] = vals[i]
-cdef class PyAcquisitionHeader:
- cdef cismrmrd.AcquisitionHeader *thisptr
- cdef PyEncodingCounters idx
- def __cinit__(self):
- self.thisptr = cismrmrd.AcquisitionHeader_new()
- def __init__(self):
- self.idx = PyEncodingCounters()
- def __dealloc__(self):
- cismrmrd.AcquisitionHeader_free(self.thisptr)
- property version:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.version
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.version = val
- property flags:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.flags
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.flags = val
- property measurement_uid:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.measurement_uid
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.measurement_uid = val
- property scan_counter:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.scan_counter
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.scan_counter = val
- property acquisition_time_stamp:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.acquisition_time_stamp
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.acquisition_time_stamp = val
- property physiology_time_stamp:
- def __get__(self):
- return [self.thisptr.physiology_time_stamp[i] for i in
- range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_PHYS_STAMPS)]
- def __set__(self, val):
- for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_PHYS_STAMPS):
- self.thisptr.physiology_time_stamp[i] = val[i]
- property number_of_samples:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.number_of_samples
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.number_of_samples = val
- property available_channels:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.available_channels
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.available_channels = val
- property active_channels:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.active_channels
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.active_channels = val
- property channel_mask:
- def __get__(self):
- return [self.thisptr.channel_mask[i] for i in
- range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_CHANNEL_MASKS)]
- def __set__(self, val):
- for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_CHANNEL_MASKS):
- self.thisptr.channel_mask[i] = val[i]
- property discard_pre:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.discard_pre
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.discard_pre = val
- property discard_post:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.discard_post
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.discard_post = val
- property center_sample:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.center_sample
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.center_sample = val
- property encoding_space_ref:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.encoding_space_ref
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.encoding_space_ref = val
- property trajectory_dimensions:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.trajectory_dimensions
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.trajectory_dimensions = val
- property sample_time_us:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.sample_time_us
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.sample_time_us = val
- property position:
- def __get__(self):
- return [self.thisptr.position[i] for i in
- range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH)]
- def __set__(self, val):
- for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH):
- self.thisptr.position[i] = val[i]
- property read_dir:
- def __get__(self):
- return [self.thisptr.read_dir[i] for i in
- def __set__(self, val):
- for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH):
- self.thisptr.read_dir[i] = val[i]
- property phase_dir:
- def __get__(self):
- return [self.thisptr.phase_dir[i] for i in
- def __set__(self, val):
- for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH):
- self.thisptr.phase_dir[i] = val[i]
- property slice_dir:
- def __get__(self):
- return [self.thisptr.slice_dir[i] for i in
- def __set__(self, val):
- for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH):
- self.thisptr.slice_dir[i] = val[i]
- property patient_table_position:
- def __get__(self):
- return [self.thisptr.patient_table_position[i] for i in
- range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH)]
- def __set__(self, val):
- for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH):
- self.thisptr.patient_table_position[i] = val[i]
- property idx:
- def __get__(self): return self.idx
- def __set__(self, val): pass # FIXME (does nothing)
- property user_int:
- def __get__(self):
- return [self.thisptr.user_int[i] for i in
- range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_INTS)]
- def __set__(self, val):
- for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_INTS):
- self.thisptr.user_int[i] = val[i]
- property user_float:
- def __get__(self):
- return [self.thisptr.user_float[i] for i in
- range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_FLOATS)]
- def __set__(self, val):
- for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_FLOATS):
- self.thisptr.user_float[i] = val[i]
-cdef class PyImageHeader:
- cdef cismrmrd.ImageHeader *thisptr
- def __cinit__(self):
- self.thisptr = cismrmrd.ImageHeader_new()
- def __dealloc__(self):
- cismrmrd.ImageHeader_free(self.thisptr)
- property version:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.version
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.version = val
- property flags:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.flags
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.flags = val
- property measurement_uid:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.measurement_uid
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.measurement_uid = val
- property matrix_size:
- def __get__(self):
- return [self.thisptr.matrix_size[i] for i in range(3)]
- def __set__(self, val):
- for i in range(3):
- self.thisptr.matrix_size[i] = val[i]
- property field_of_view:
- def __get__(self):
- return [self.thisptr.field_of_view[i] for i in range(3)]
- def __set__(self, val):
- for i in range(3):
- self.thisptr.field_of_view[i] = val[i]
- property channels:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.channels
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.channels = val
- property position:
- def __get__(self):
- return [self.thisptr.position[i] for i in
- range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH)]
- def __set__(self, val):
- for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH):
- self.thisptr.position[i] = val[i]
- property read_dir:
- def __get__(self):
- return [self.thisptr.read_dir[i] for i in
- def __set__(self, val):
- for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH):
- self.thisptr.read_dir[i] = val[i]
- property phase_dir:
- def __get__(self):
- return [self.thisptr.phase_dir[i] for i in
- def __set__(self, val):
- for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH):
- self.thisptr.phase_dir[i] = val[i]
- property slice_dir:
- def __get__(self):
- return [self.thisptr.slice_dir[i] for i in
- def __set__(self, val):
- for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_DIRECTION_LENGTH):
- self.thisptr.slice_dir[i] = val[i]
- property patient_table_position:
- def __get__(self):
- return [self.thisptr.patient_table_position[i] for i in
- range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH)]
- def __set__(self, val):
- for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_POSITION_LENGTH):
- self.thisptr.patient_table_position[i] = val[i]
- property average:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.average
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.average = val
- property slice:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.slice
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.slice = val
- property contrast:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.contrast
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.contrast = val
- property phase:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.phase
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.phase = val
- property repetition:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.repetition
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.repetition = val
- property set:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.set
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.set = val
- property acquisition_time_stamp:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.acquisition_time_stamp
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.acquisition_time_stamp = val
- property physiology_time_stamp:
- def __get__(self):
- return [self.thisptr.physiology_time_stamp[i] for i in
- range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_PHYS_STAMPS)]
- def __set__(self, val):
- for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_PHYS_STAMPS):
- self.thisptr.physiology_time_stamp[i] = val[i]
- property image_data_type:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.image_data_type
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.image_data_type = val
- property image_type:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.image_type
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.image_type = val
- property image_index:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.image_index
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.image_index = val
- property image_series_index:
- def __get__(self): return self.thisptr.image_series_index
- def __set__(self, val): self.thisptr.image_series_index = val
- property user_int:
- def __get__(self):
- return [self.thisptr.user_int[i] for i in
- range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_INTS)]
- def __set__(self, val):
- for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_INTS):
- self.thisptr.user_int[i] = val[i]
- property user_float:
- def __get__(self):
- return [self.thisptr.user_float[i] for i in
- range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_FLOATS)]
- def __set__(self, val):
- for i in range(cismrmrd.ISMRMRD_USER_FLOATS):
- self.thisptr.user_int[i] = val[i]
diff --git a/bindings/python/test.py b/bindings/python/test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9203170..0000000
--- a/bindings/python/test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-import ismrmrd
-acq = ismrmrd.Acquisition()
-# acq.version = 42
-f = ismrmrd.Dataset('./testdata.h5', '/dataset', True)
-print f.filename
-# xml = f.readHeader()
-# a = f.readAcquisition(10)
-# print(a.getPosition(0), a.getPosition(1), a.getPosition(2))
-# print(a.getReadDirection(0), a.getReadDirection(1), a.getReadDirection(2))
diff --git a/bindings/python/usage.py b/bindings/python/usage.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a8dc614..0000000
--- a/bindings/python/usage.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-import h5py
-HEADER_PATH = 'xml'
-DATA_PATH = 'data'
-class IsmrmrdDataset(object):
- def __init__(self, filename, dataset):
- self.filename = filename
- self.dsetname = dataset
- self.h5file = None
- self.h5dset = None
- def load(self):
- self.h5file = h5py.File(self.filename)
- self.h5dset = self.filename[self.dsetname]
- a = self.h5dset[HEADER_PATH].value
- self.header = str(a[0])
- def append_array(self, array, name):
- self.h5dset[name] = array
- def read_array(self, name, index):
- return self.h5dset[name]
- def append_acquisition(Acquisition)
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