[h5py] 54/455: Fixed segfault, infinite loop, more cimport BS, moved h5e into h5
Ghislain Vaillant
ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 2 18:19:16 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag 1.3.0
in repository h5py.
commit 1db40efd45137578b1efe844662d20ca5ea2c736
Author: andrewcollette <andrew.collette at gmail.com>
Date: Tue Jun 17 06:01:14 2008 +0000
Fixed segfault, infinite loop, more cimport BS, moved h5e into h5
h5py/__init__.py | 1 -
h5py/h5.pxd | 208 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
h5py/h5.pyx | 413 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
h5py/h5a.pxd | 3 +-
h5py/h5e.pxd | 220 -----------------------------
h5py/h5e.pyx | 406 ------------------------------------------------------
h5py/h5g.pyx | 3 +-
h5py/h5i.pxd | 2 +-
h5py/h5i.pyx | 2 +-
h5py/h5p.pyx | 34 ++---
h5py/h5t.pxd | 4 +-
h5py/h5t.pyx | 11 +-
setup.py | 2 +-
13 files changed, 608 insertions(+), 701 deletions(-)
diff --git a/h5py/__init__.py b/h5py/__init__.py
index b731752..a398ff4 100644
--- a/h5py/__init__.py
+++ b/h5py/__init__.py
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ __doc__ = \
import utils, h5, h5f, h5g, h5s, h5t, h5d, h5a, h5p, h5z, h5i
-import tests
import version
__doc__ = __doc__ % version.version
diff --git a/h5py/h5.pxd b/h5py/h5.pxd
index 1526609..b63b25a 100644
--- a/h5py/h5.pxd
+++ b/h5py/h5.pxd
@@ -41,22 +41,9 @@ cdef extern from "hdf5.h":
# reflection
ctypedef enum H5I_type_t:
H5I_BADID = -1, # /*invalid Group */
- H5I_FILE = 1, # /*group ID for File objects */
- H5I_GROUP, # /*group ID for Group objects */
- H5I_DATATYPE, # /*group ID for Datatype objects */
- H5I_DATASPACE, # /*group ID for Dataspace objects */
- H5I_DATASET, # /*group ID for Dataset objects */
- H5I_ATTR, # /*group ID for Attribute objects */
- H5I_REFERENCE, # /*group ID for Reference objects */
- H5I_VFL, # /*group ID for virtual file layer */
- H5I_GENPROP_CLS, # /*group ID for generic property list classes */
- H5I_GENPROP_LST, # /*group ID for generic property lists */
- H5I_NGROUPS # /*number of valid groups, MUST BE LAST! */
# --- Reflection ------------------------------------------------------------
H5I_type_t H5Iget_type(hid_t obj_id) except *
- ssize_t H5Iget_name( hid_t obj_id, char *name, size_t size) except *
- hid_t H5Iget_file_id(hid_t obj_id) except *
int H5Idec_ref(hid_t obj_id) except *
int H5Iget_ref(hid_t obj_id) except *
int H5Iinc_ref(hid_t obj_id) except *
@@ -65,13 +52,204 @@ cdef extern from "hdf5.h":
herr_t H5get_libversion(unsigned *majnum, unsigned *minnum,
unsigned *relnum ) except *
+ # --- Error handling --------------------------------------------------------
+ # Major error numbers
+ ctypedef enum H5E_major_t:
+ H5E_NONE_MAJOR = 0, # special zero, no error
+ H5E_ARGS, # invalid arguments to routine
+ H5E_RESOURCE, # resource unavailable
+ H5E_INTERNAL, # Internal error (too specific to document)
+ H5E_FILE, # file Accessability
+ H5E_IO, # Low-level I/O
+ H5E_FUNC, # function Entry/Exit
+ H5E_ATOM, # object Atom
+ H5E_CACHE, # object Cache
+ H5E_BTREE, # B-Tree Node
+ H5E_SYM, # symbol Table
+ H5E_HEAP, # Heap
+ H5E_OHDR, # object Header
+ H5E_DATATYPE, # Datatype
+ H5E_DATASPACE, # Dataspace
+ H5E_DATASET, # Dataset
+ H5E_STORAGE, # data storage
+ H5E_PLIST, # Property lists
+ H5E_ATTR, # Attribute
+ H5E_PLINE, # Data filters
+ H5E_EFL, # External file list
+ H5E_REFERENCE, # References
+ H5E_VFL, # Virtual File Layer
+ H5E_TBBT, # Threaded, Balanced, Binary Trees
+ H5E_TST, # Ternary Search Trees
+ H5E_RS, # Reference Counted Strings
+ H5E_ERROR, # Error API
+ H5E_SLIST # Skip Lists
+ # Minor error numbers
+ ctypedef enum H5E_minor_t:
+ # Argument errors
+ H5E_UNINITIALIZED, # information is unitialized
+ H5E_UNSUPPORTED, # feature is unsupported
+ H5E_BADTYPE, # incorrect type found
+ H5E_BADRANGE, # argument out of range
+ H5E_BADVALUE, # bad value for argument
+ # Resource errors
+ H5E_NOSPACE, # no space available for allocation
+ H5E_CANTCOPY, # unable to copy object
+ H5E_CANTFREE, # unable to free object
+ H5E_ALREADYEXISTS, # Object already exists
+ H5E_CANTLOCK, # Unable to lock object
+ H5E_CANTUNLOCK, # Unable to unlock object
+ H5E_CANTGC, # Unable to garbage collect
+ H5E_CANTGETSIZE, # Unable to compute size
+ # File accessability errors
+ H5E_FILEEXISTS, # file already exists
+ H5E_FILEOPEN, # file already open
+ H5E_CANTCREATE, # Can't create file
+ H5E_CANTOPENFILE, # Can't open file
+ H5E_CANTCLOSEFILE, # Can't close file
+ H5E_NOTHDF5, # not an HDF5 format file
+ H5E_BADFILE, # bad file ID accessed
+ H5E_TRUNCATED, # file has been truncated
+ H5E_MOUNT, # file mount error
+ # Generic low-level file I/O errors
+ H5E_SEEKERROR, # seek failed
+ H5E_READERROR, # read failed
+ H5E_WRITEERROR, # write failed
+ H5E_CLOSEERROR, # close failed
+ H5E_OVERFLOW, # address overflowed
+ H5E_FCNTL, # file fcntl failed
+ # Function entry/exit interface errors
+ H5E_CANTINIT, # Can't initialize object
+ H5E_ALREADYINIT, # object already initialized
+ H5E_CANTRELEASE, # Can't release object
+ # Object atom related errors
+ H5E_BADATOM, # Can't find atom information
+ H5E_BADGROUP, # Can't find group information
+ H5E_CANTREGISTER, # Can't register new atom
+ H5E_CANTINC, # Can't increment reference count
+ H5E_CANTDEC, # Can't decrement reference count
+ H5E_NOIDS, # Out of IDs for group
+ # Cache related errors
+ H5E_CANTFLUSH, # Can't flush object from cache
+ H5E_CANTSERIALIZE, # Unable to serialize data from cache
+ H5E_CANTLOAD, # Can't load object into cache
+ H5E_PROTECT, # protected object error
+ H5E_NOTCACHED, # object not currently cached
+ H5E_SYSTEM, # Internal error detected
+ H5E_CANTINS, # Unable to insert metadata into cache
+ H5E_CANTRENAME, # Unable to rename metadata
+ H5E_CANTPROTECT, # Unable to protect metadata
+ H5E_CANTUNPROTECT, # Unable to unprotect metadata
+ # B-tree related errors
+ H5E_NOTFOUND, # object not found
+ H5E_EXISTS, # object already exists
+ H5E_CANTENCODE, # Can't encode value
+ H5E_CANTDECODE, # Can't decode value
+ H5E_CANTSPLIT, # Can't split node
+ H5E_CANTINSERT, # Can't insert object
+ H5E_CANTLIST, # Can't list node
+ # Object header related errors
+ H5E_LINKCOUNT, # bad object header link count
+ H5E_VERSION, # wrong version number
+ H5E_ALIGNMENT, # alignment error
+ H5E_BADMESG, # unrecognized message
+ H5E_CANTDELETE, # Can't delete message
+ H5E_BADITER, # Iteration failed
+ # Group related errors
+ H5E_CANTOPENOBJ, # Can't open object
+ H5E_CANTCLOSEOBJ, # Can't close object
+ H5E_COMPLEN, # name component is too long
+ H5E_LINK, # link count failure
+ H5E_SLINK, # symbolic link error
+ H5E_PATH, # Problem with path to object
+ # Datatype conversion errors
+ H5E_CANTCONVERT, # Can't convert datatypes TypeError?
+ H5E_BADSIZE, # Bad size for object
+ # Dataspace errors
+ H5E_CANTCLIP, # Can't clip hyperslab region
+ H5E_CANTCOUNT, # Can't count elements
+ H5E_CANTSELECT, # Can't select hyperslab
+ H5E_CANTNEXT, # Can't move to next iterator location
+ H5E_BADSELECT, # Invalid selection
+ H5E_CANTCOMPARE, # Can't compare objects
+ # Property list errors
+ H5E_CANTGET, # Can't get value
+ H5E_CANTSET, # Can't set value
+ H5E_DUPCLASS, # Duplicate class name in parent class
+ # Parallel errors
+ H5E_MPI, # some MPI function failed
+ H5E_MPIERRSTR, # MPI Error String
+ # Heap errors
+ H5E_CANTRESTORE, # Can't restore condition
+ # TBBT errors
+ H5E_CANTMAKETREE, # Can't create TBBT tree
+ # I/O pipeline errors
+ H5E_NOFILTER, # requested filter is not available
+ H5E_CALLBACK, # callback failed
+ H5E_CANAPPLY, # error from filter "can apply" callback
+ H5E_SETLOCAL, # error from filter "set local" callback
+ H5E_NOENCODER, # Filter present, but encoding disabled
+ # System level errors
+ H5E_SYSERRSTR # System error message
+ cdef enum H5E_direction_t:
+ H5E_WALK_UPWARD = 0 # begin deep, end at API function
+ H5E_WALK_DOWNWARD = 1 # begin at API function, end deep
+ ctypedef struct H5E_error_t:
+ H5E_major_t maj_num # major error number
+ H5E_minor_t min_num # minor error number
+ char *func_name # function in which error occurred
+ char *file_name # file in which error occurred
+ unsigned line # line in file where error occurs
+ char *desc # optional supplied description
+ # --- Error handling --------------------------------------------------------
+ char *H5Eget_major(H5E_major_t n)
+ char *H5Eget_minor(H5E_minor_t n)
+ herr_t H5Eclear() except *
+ ctypedef herr_t (*H5E_auto_t)(void *client_data)
+ herr_t H5Eset_auto(H5E_auto_t func, void *client_data)
+ herr_t H5Eget_auto(H5E_auto_t *func, void** client_data)
+ ctypedef herr_t (*H5E_walk_t)(int n, H5E_error_t *err_desc, void* client_data)
+ herr_t H5Ewalk(H5E_direction_t direction, H5E_walk_t func, void* client_data )
+# === Custom C extensions =====================================================
+ctypedef H5E_auto_t err_c
+cdef int _enable_exceptions() except -1
+cdef int _disable_exceptions() except -1
+cdef err_c pause_errors() except? NULL
+cdef int resume_errors(err_c cookie) except -1
# === Custom identifier wrappers ==============================================
cdef class ObjectID:
""" Base wrapper class for HDF5 object identifiers """
cdef readonly hid_t id
-cdef class LockableID(ObjectID):
cdef readonly int _locked
diff --git a/h5py/h5.pyx b/h5py/h5.pyx
index a0aa1ca..11d7052 100644
--- a/h5py/h5.pyx
+++ b/h5py/h5.pyx
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@
- HDF5_VERS, HDF5_VERS_TPL: Library version
- API_VERS, API_VERS_TPL: API version (1.6 or 1.8) used to compile h5py.
+from python cimport PyErr_SetObject
# === API =====================================================================
@@ -37,16 +36,9 @@ def get_libversion():
return (major, minor, release)
-#: HDF5 library version as a 3-tuple (major, minor, release), e.g. (1,6,5)
HDF5_VERS_TPL = get_libversion()
-#: HDF5 library version as a string "major.minor.release", e.g. "1.6.5"
HDF5_VERS = "%d.%d.%d" % HDF5_VERS_TPL
-#: API version used to compile, as a string "major.minor", e.g. "1.6"
API_VERS = '1.6'
-#: API version used to compile, as a 2-tuple (major, minor), e.g. (1,6)
API_VERS_TPL = (1,6)
@@ -62,17 +54,19 @@ cdef class ObjectID:
def __cinit__(self, hid_t id):
""" Object init; simply records the given ID. """
+ self._locked = 0
self.id = id
def __dealloc__(self):
""" Automatically decrefs the ID, if it's valid. """
- if H5Iget_type(self.id) != H5I_BADID:
+ if (not self._locked) and (H5Iget_type(self.id) != H5I_BADID):
def __copy__(self):
""" Create a new instance and incref the ID. """
copy = type(self)(self.id)
- H5Iinc_ref(self.id)
+ if not self._locked:
+ H5Iinc_ref(self.id)
return copy
def __str__(self):
@@ -80,30 +74,394 @@ cdef class ObjectID:
ref = str(H5Iget_ref(self.id))
ref = "INVALID"
+ if self._locked:
+ lstr = "locked"
+ else:
+ lstr = "unlocked"
- return "%d [%s] %s" % (self.id, ref, self.__class__.__name__)
+ return "%d [%s] (%s) %s" % (self.id, ref, lstr, self.__class__.__name__)
-cdef class LockableID(ObjectID):
+# === Automatic error handling ================================================
- def __dealloc__(self):
- if not self._locked and H5Iget_type(self.id) != H5I_BADID:
- H5Idec_ref(self.id)
- def __copy__(self):
- return type(self)(self.id)
+# === Public exception hierarchy ==============================================
+class H5Error(EnvironmentError):
+ """ Base class for internal HDF5 library exceptions.
+ Subclass of EnvironmentError; errno is computed from the HDF5 major
+ and minor error numbers:
+ 1000*(major number) + minor number
+ """
+ pass
+# --- New classes -------------------------------------------------------------
+# H5E_ARGS, # invalid arguments to routine
+class ArgsError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_ARGS """
+ pass
+# H5E_RESOURCE, # resource unavailable
+class ResourceError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_RESOURCE """
+ pass
+# H5E_INTERNAL, # Internal error (too specific to document)
+class InternalError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_INTERNAL """
+ pass
+# H5E_FILE, # file Accessability
+class FileError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_FILE """
+ pass
+# H5E_IO, # Low-level I/O
+class LowLevelIOError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_IO """
+ pass
+# H5E_FUNC, # function Entry/Exit
+class FuncError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_FUNC """
+ pass
+# H5E_ATOM, # object Atom
+class AtomError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_ATOM """
+ pass
+# H5E_CACHE, # object Cache
+class CacheError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_CACHE """
+ pass
+# H5E_BTREE, # B-Tree Node
+class BtreeError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_BTREE """
+ pass
+# H5E_SYM, # symbol Table
+class SymbolError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_SYM """
+ pass
+# H5E_HEAP, # Heap
+class HeapError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_HEAP """
+ pass
+# H5E_OHDR, # object Header
+class ObjectHeaderError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_OHDR """
+ pass
+# H5E_DATATYPE, # Datatype
+class DatatypeError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_DATATYPE """
+ pass
+# H5E_DATASPACE, # Dataspace
+class DataspaceError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_DATASPACE """
+ pass
+# H5E_DATASET, # Dataset
+class DatasetError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_DATASET """
+ pass
+# H5E_STORAGE, # data storage
+class StorageError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_STORAGE """
+ pass
+# H5E_PLIST, # Property lists
+class PropertyError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_PLIST """
+ pass
+# H5E_ATTR, # Attribute
+class AttrError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_ATTR """
+ pass
+# H5E_PLINE, # Data filters
+class FilterError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_PLINE """
+ pass
+# H5E_EFL, # External file list
+class FileListError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_EFL """
+ pass
+# H5E_REFERENCE, # References
+class RefError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_REFERENCE """
+ pass
+# H5E_VFL, # Virtual File Layer
+class VirtualFileError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_VFL """
+ pass
+# H5E_TBBT, # Threaded, Balanced, Binary Trees
+class TBBTError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_TBBT """
+ pass
+# H5E_TST, # Ternary Search Trees
+class TSTError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_TST """
+ pass
+# H5E_RS, # Reference Counted Strings
+class RSError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_RS """
+ pass
+# H5E_ERROR, # Error API
+class ErrorError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_ERROR """
+ pass
+# H5E_SLIST # Skip Lists
+class SkipListError(H5Error):
+ """ H5E_SLIST """
+ pass
+_exceptions = {
+ H5E_ARGS: ArgsError,
+ H5E_RESOURCE: ResourceError,
+ H5E_INTERNAL: InternalError,
+ H5E_FILE: FileError,
+ H5E_IO: LowLevelIOError,
+ H5E_FUNC: FuncError,
+ H5E_ATOM: AtomError,
+ H5E_CACHE: CacheError,
+ H5E_BTREE: BtreeError,
+ H5E_SYM: SymbolError,
+ H5E_HEAP: HeapError,
+ H5E_OHDR: ObjectHeaderError,
+ H5E_DATATYPE: DatatypeError,
+ H5E_DATASPACE: DataspaceError,
+ H5E_DATASET: DatasetError,
+ H5E_STORAGE: StorageError,
+ H5E_PLIST: PropertyError,
+ H5E_ATTR: AttrError,
+ H5E_PLINE: FilterError,
+ H5E_EFL: FileListError,
+ H5E_REFERENCE: RefError,
+ H5E_VFL: VirtualFileError,
+ H5E_TBBT: TBBTError,
+ H5E_TST: TSTError,
+ H5E_RS: RSError,
+ H5E_ERROR: ErrorError,
+ H5E_SLIST: SkipListError}
+# === Error stack inspection ==================================================
+cdef class ErrorStackElement:
+ """
+ Represents an entry in the HDF5 error stack.
+ Modeled on the H5E_error_t struct. All parameters are read-only.
+ Atributes
+ maj_num: INT major error number
+ min_num: INT minor error number
+ func_name: STRING name of failing function
+ file_name: STRING name of file in which error occurreed
+ line: UINT line number at which error occured
+ desc: STRING description of error
+ """
+ cdef readonly int maj_num
+ cdef readonly int min_num
+ cdef readonly object func_name
+ cdef readonly object file_name
+ cdef readonly unsigned int line
+ cdef readonly object desc
def __str__(self):
- if H5Iget_type(self.id) != H5I_BADID:
- ref = str(H5Iget_ref(self.id))
- else:
- ref = "INVALID"
- if self._locked:
- lstr = "locked"
- else:
- lstr = "unlocked"
+ return '%2d:%2d "%s" at %s (%s: %s)' % (self.maj_num, self.min_num,
+ self.desc, self.func_name, H5Eget_major(<H5E_major_t>self.maj_num),
+ H5Eget_minor(<H5E_minor_t>self.min_num) )
- return "%d [%s] (%s) %s" % (self.id, ref, lstr, self.__class__.__name__)
+cdef herr_t walk_cb(int n, H5E_error_t *err_desc, void* stack_in):
+ # Callback function to extract elements from the HDF5 error stack
+ stack = <object>stack_in
+ cdef ErrorStackElement element
+ element = ErrorStackElement()
+ element.maj_num = err_desc.maj_num
+ element.min_num = err_desc.min_num
+ element.func_name = err_desc.func_name
+ element.file_name = err_desc.file_name
+ element.desc = err_desc.desc
+ stack.append(element)
+ return 0
+def error_stack():
+ """ () => LIST error_stack
+ Retrieve the HDF5 error stack as a list of ErrorStackElement objects,
+ with the most recent call (the deepest one) listed last.
+ """
+ stack = []
+ H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_DOWNWARD, walk_cb, <void*>stack)
+ return stack
+def error_string():
+ """ () => STRING error_stack
+ Return a string representation of the current error condition.
+ Format is one line of the format
+ '<Description> (<Function name>: <error type>)'
+ If the stack is more than one level deep, this is followed by n lines
+ of the format:
+ ' n: "<Description>" at <function name>'
+ """
+ cdef int stacklen
+ cdef ErrorStackElement el
+ stack = error_stack()
+ stacklen = len(stack)
+ if stacklen == 0:
+ msg = "Unspecified HDF5 error"
+ else:
+ el = stack[0]
+ msg = "%s (%s)" % (el.desc.capitalize(), el.func_name)
+ if stacklen > 1:
+ msg = msg + "\nHDF5 Error Stack:"
+ for i from 0<=i<stacklen:
+ #msg = msg + '\n' + str(stack[i])
+ el = stack[i]
+ msg = msg + '\n %d: "%s" at %s' % \
+ (i, el.desc.capitalize(), el.func_name)
+ return msg
+def clear():
+ """ ()
+ Clear the error stack.
+ """
+ H5Eclear()
+def get_major(int error):
+ """ (INT error) => STRING description
+ Get a description associated with an HDF5 minor error code.
+ """
+ return H5E_get_major(<H5E_major_t>error)
+def get_minor(int error):
+ """ (INT error) => STRING description
+ Get a description associated with an HDF5 minor error code.
+ """
+ return H5E_get_minor(<H5E_minor_t>error)
+def get_error(int error):
+ """ (INT errno) => STRING description
+ Get a full description for an "errno"-style HDF5 error code.
+ """
+ cdef int mj
+ cdef int mn
+ mn = error % 1000
+ mj = (error-mn)/1000
+ return "%s: %s" % (H5E_get_major(<H5E_major_t>mj), H5E_get_minor(<H5E_minor_t>mn))
+def split_error(int error):
+ """ (INT errno) => (INT major, INT minor)
+ Convenience function to split an "errno"-style HDF5 error code into
+ its major and minor components. It's recommended you use this
+ function instead of doing it yourself, as the "encoding" may change
+ in the future.
+ """
+ cdef int mn
+ mn = error % 1000
+ return ((error-mn)/1000, mn)
+# === Automatic exception API =================================================
+cdef herr_t extract_cb(int n, H5E_error_t *err_desc, void* data_in):
+ # Callback to determine error information at top/bottom of stack
+ cdef H5E_error_t *err_struct
+ err_struct = <H5E_error_t*>data_in
+ err_struct.maj_num = err_desc.maj_num
+ err_struct.min_num = err_desc.min_num
+ return 1
+cdef herr_t err_callback(void* client_data):
+ # Callback which sets Python exception based on the current error stack.
+ # Can't use the standard Pyrex raise because then the traceback
+ # points here!
+ cdef H5E_error_t err_struct
+ cdef H5E_major_t mj
+ cdef H5E_minor_t mn
+ # Determine the error numbers for the first entry on the stack.
+ H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, extract_cb, &err_struct)
+ mj = err_struct.maj_num
+ mn = err_struct.min_num
+ exc = _exceptions.get(mj, H5Error)
+ if exc == ErrorError:
+ exc = H5Error
+ msg = error_string()
+ PyErr_SetObject(exc, (1000*mj + mn, msg))
+ return 1
+cdef int _enable_exceptions() except -1:
+ # Enable automatic exception handling, by registering the above callback
+ if H5Eset_auto(err_callback, NULL) < 0:
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to register HDF5 exception callback.")
+ return 0
+cdef int _disable_exceptions() except -1:
+ # Disable automatic exception handling
+ if H5Eset_auto(NULL, NULL) < 0:
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to unregister HDF5 exception callback.")
+ return 0
+cdef err_c pause_errors() except? NULL:
+ # Temporarily disable automatic exception handling, and return a cookie
+ # which can later be used to re-enable it.
+ cdef err_c cookie
+ cdef void* whatever
+ cookie = NULL
+ if H5Eget_auto(&cookie, &whatever) < 0:
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to retrieve the current error handler.")
+ if H5Eset_auto(NULL, NULL) < 0:
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to temporarily disable error handling.")
+ return cookie
+cdef int resume_errors(err_c cookie) except -1:
+ # Resume automatic exception handling, using a cookie from a previous
+ # call to pause_errors(). Also clears the error stack.
+ if H5Eset_auto(cookie, NULL) < 0:
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to re-enable error handling.")
+ if H5Eclear() < 0:
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to clear error stack.")
+ return 0
# === Library init ============================================================
@@ -113,6 +471,7 @@ cdef int import_hdf5() except -1:
return 0
diff --git a/h5py/h5a.pxd b/h5py/h5a.pxd
index 5c90aab..3905792 100644
--- a/h5py/h5a.pxd
+++ b/h5py/h5a.pxd
@@ -16,9 +16,10 @@
include "std_defs.pxi"
from h5 cimport ObjectID
+from numpy cimport class ndarray
cdef class AttrID(ObjectID):
-from numpy cimport class ndarray
cdef extern from "hdf5.h":
diff --git a/h5py/h5e.pxd b/h5py/h5e.pxd
deleted file mode 100644
index edd4e9b..0000000
--- a/h5py/h5e.pxd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of h5py, a low-level Python interface to the HDF5 library.
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Andrew Collette
-# http://h5py.alfven.org
-# License: BSD (See LICENSE.txt for full license)
-# $Date$
-# This file contains code or comments from the HDF5 library. The complete HDF5
-# license is available in the file licenses/hdf5.txt in the distribution
-# root directory.
-include "std_defs.pxi"
-cdef extern from "hdf5.h":
- # Major error numbers
- ctypedef enum H5E_major_t:
- H5E_NONE_MAJOR = 0, # special zero, no error
- H5E_ARGS, # invalid arguments to routine
- H5E_RESOURCE, # resource unavailable
- H5E_INTERNAL, # Internal error (too specific to document)
- H5E_FILE, # file Accessability
- H5E_IO, # Low-level I/O
- H5E_FUNC, # function Entry/Exit
- H5E_ATOM, # object Atom
- H5E_CACHE, # object Cache
- H5E_BTREE, # B-Tree Node
- H5E_SYM, # symbol Table
- H5E_HEAP, # Heap
- H5E_OHDR, # object Header
- H5E_DATATYPE, # Datatype
- H5E_DATASPACE, # Dataspace
- H5E_DATASET, # Dataset
- H5E_STORAGE, # data storage
- H5E_PLIST, # Property lists
- H5E_ATTR, # Attribute
- H5E_PLINE, # Data filters
- H5E_EFL, # External file list
- H5E_REFERENCE, # References
- H5E_VFL, # Virtual File Layer
- H5E_TBBT, # Threaded, Balanced, Binary Trees
- H5E_TST, # Ternary Search Trees
- H5E_RS, # Reference Counted Strings
- H5E_ERROR, # Error API
- H5E_SLIST # Skip Lists
- # Minor error numbers
- ctypedef enum H5E_minor_t:
- # Argument errors
- H5E_UNINITIALIZED, # information is unitialized
- H5E_UNSUPPORTED, # feature is unsupported
- H5E_BADTYPE, # incorrect type found
- H5E_BADRANGE, # argument out of range
- H5E_BADVALUE, # bad value for argument
- # Resource errors
- H5E_NOSPACE, # no space available for allocation
- H5E_CANTCOPY, # unable to copy object
- H5E_CANTFREE, # unable to free object
- H5E_ALREADYEXISTS, # Object already exists
- H5E_CANTLOCK, # Unable to lock object
- H5E_CANTUNLOCK, # Unable to unlock object
- H5E_CANTGC, # Unable to garbage collect
- H5E_CANTGETSIZE, # Unable to compute size
- # File accessability errors
- H5E_FILEEXISTS, # file already exists
- H5E_FILEOPEN, # file already open
- H5E_CANTCREATE, # Can't create file
- H5E_CANTOPENFILE, # Can't open file
- H5E_CANTCLOSEFILE, # Can't close file
- H5E_NOTHDF5, # not an HDF5 format file
- H5E_BADFILE, # bad file ID accessed
- H5E_TRUNCATED, # file has been truncated
- H5E_MOUNT, # file mount error
- # Generic low-level file I/O errors
- H5E_SEEKERROR, # seek failed
- H5E_READERROR, # read failed
- H5E_WRITEERROR, # write failed
- H5E_CLOSEERROR, # close failed
- H5E_OVERFLOW, # address overflowed
- H5E_FCNTL, # file fcntl failed
- # Function entry/exit interface errors
- H5E_CANTINIT, # Can't initialize object
- H5E_ALREADYINIT, # object already initialized
- H5E_CANTRELEASE, # Can't release object
- # Object atom related errors
- H5E_BADATOM, # Can't find atom information
- H5E_BADGROUP, # Can't find group information
- H5E_CANTREGISTER, # Can't register new atom
- H5E_CANTINC, # Can't increment reference count
- H5E_CANTDEC, # Can't decrement reference count
- H5E_NOIDS, # Out of IDs for group
- # Cache related errors
- H5E_CANTFLUSH, # Can't flush object from cache
- H5E_CANTSERIALIZE, # Unable to serialize data from cache
- H5E_CANTLOAD, # Can't load object into cache
- H5E_PROTECT, # protected object error
- H5E_NOTCACHED, # object not currently cached
- H5E_SYSTEM, # Internal error detected
- H5E_CANTINS, # Unable to insert metadata into cache
- H5E_CANTRENAME, # Unable to rename metadata
- H5E_CANTPROTECT, # Unable to protect metadata
- H5E_CANTUNPROTECT, # Unable to unprotect metadata
- # B-tree related errors
- H5E_NOTFOUND, # object not found
- H5E_EXISTS, # object already exists
- H5E_CANTENCODE, # Can't encode value
- H5E_CANTDECODE, # Can't decode value
- H5E_CANTSPLIT, # Can't split node
- H5E_CANTINSERT, # Can't insert object
- H5E_CANTLIST, # Can't list node
- # Object header related errors
- H5E_LINKCOUNT, # bad object header link count
- H5E_VERSION, # wrong version number
- H5E_ALIGNMENT, # alignment error
- H5E_BADMESG, # unrecognized message
- H5E_CANTDELETE, # Can't delete message
- H5E_BADITER, # Iteration failed
- # Group related errors
- H5E_CANTOPENOBJ, # Can't open object
- H5E_CANTCLOSEOBJ, # Can't close object
- H5E_COMPLEN, # name component is too long
- H5E_LINK, # link count failure
- H5E_SLINK, # symbolic link error
- H5E_PATH, # Problem with path to object
- # Datatype conversion errors
- H5E_CANTCONVERT, # Can't convert datatypes TypeError?
- H5E_BADSIZE, # Bad size for object
- # Dataspace errors
- H5E_CANTCLIP, # Can't clip hyperslab region
- H5E_CANTCOUNT, # Can't count elements
- H5E_CANTSELECT, # Can't select hyperslab
- H5E_CANTNEXT, # Can't move to next iterator location
- H5E_BADSELECT, # Invalid selection
- H5E_CANTCOMPARE, # Can't compare objects
- # Property list errors
- H5E_CANTGET, # Can't get value
- H5E_CANTSET, # Can't set value
- H5E_DUPCLASS, # Duplicate class name in parent class
- # Parallel errors
- H5E_MPI, # some MPI function failed
- H5E_MPIERRSTR, # MPI Error String
- # Heap errors
- H5E_CANTRESTORE, # Can't restore condition
- # TBBT errors
- H5E_CANTMAKETREE, # Can't create TBBT tree
- # I/O pipeline errors
- H5E_NOFILTER, # requested filter is not available
- H5E_CALLBACK, # callback failed
- H5E_CANAPPLY, # error from filter "can apply" callback
- H5E_SETLOCAL, # error from filter "set local" callback
- H5E_NOENCODER, # Filter present, but encoding disabled
- # System level errors
- H5E_SYSERRSTR # System error message
- cdef enum H5E_direction_t:
- H5E_WALK_UPWARD = 0 # begin deep, end at API function
- H5E_WALK_DOWNWARD = 1 # begin at API function, end deep
- ctypedef struct H5E_error_t:
- H5E_major_t maj_num # major error number
- H5E_minor_t min_num # minor error number
- char *func_name # function in which error occurred
- char *file_name # file in which error occurred
- unsigned line # line in file where error occurs
- char *desc # optional supplied description
- # --- Error handling --------------------------------------------------------
- char *H5Eget_major(H5E_major_t n)
- char *H5Eget_minor(H5E_minor_t n)
- herr_t H5Eclear() except *
- ctypedef herr_t (*H5E_auto_t)(void *client_data)
- herr_t H5Eset_auto(H5E_auto_t func, void *client_data)
- herr_t H5Eget_auto(H5E_auto_t *func, void** client_data)
- ctypedef herr_t (*H5E_walk_t)(int n, H5E_error_t *err_desc, void* client_data)
- herr_t H5Ewalk(H5E_direction_t direction, H5E_walk_t func, void* client_data )
-# Custom error-handling functions
-ctypedef H5E_auto_t err_c
-cdef int _enable_exceptions() except -1
-cdef int _disable_exceptions() except -1
-cdef err_c pause_errors() except? NULL
-cdef int resume_errors(err_c cookie) except -1
diff --git a/h5py/h5e.pyx b/h5py/h5e.pyx
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cb4b75..0000000
--- a/h5py/h5e.pyx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of h5py, a low-level Python interface to the HDF5 library.
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Andrew Collette
-# http://h5py.alfven.org
-# License: BSD (See LICENSE.txt for full license)
-# $Date$
- Provides a Python exception hierarchy modeled on HDF5 major error numbers,
- and exports a C interface which automatically raises exceptions when
- an error is detected in the HDF5 library.
- Each exception class is associated with an HDF5 major error number. Since
- the HDF5 library determines which error number is issued, it also
- determines which exception class is raised. The choice is occasionally
- surprising, and not well documented in the library itself.
-from python cimport PyErr_SetObject
-# === Public exception hierarchy ==============================================
-class H5Error(EnvironmentError):
- """ Base class for internal HDF5 library exceptions.
- Subclass of EnvironmentError; errno is computed from the HDF5 major
- and minor error numbers:
- 1000*(major number) + minor number
- """
- pass
-# --- New classes -------------------------------------------------------------
-# H5E_ARGS, # invalid arguments to routine
-class ArgsError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_ARGS """
- pass
-# H5E_RESOURCE, # resource unavailable
-class ResourceError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_RESOURCE """
- pass
-# H5E_INTERNAL, # Internal error (too specific to document)
-class InternalError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_INTERNAL """
- pass
-# H5E_FILE, # file Accessability
-class FileError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_FILE """
- pass
-# H5E_IO, # Low-level I/O
-class LowLevelIOError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_IO """
- pass
-# H5E_FUNC, # function Entry/Exit
-class FuncError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_FUNC """
- pass
-# H5E_ATOM, # object Atom
-class AtomError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_ATOM """
- pass
-# H5E_CACHE, # object Cache
-class CacheError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_CACHE """
- pass
-# H5E_BTREE, # B-Tree Node
-class BtreeError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_BTREE """
- pass
-# H5E_SYM, # symbol Table
-class SymbolError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_SYM """
- pass
-# H5E_HEAP, # Heap
-class HeapError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_HEAP """
- pass
-# H5E_OHDR, # object Header
-class ObjectHeaderError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_OHDR """
- pass
-# H5E_DATATYPE, # Datatype
-class DatatypeError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_DATATYPE """
- pass
-# H5E_DATASPACE, # Dataspace
-class DataspaceError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_DATASPACE """
- pass
-# H5E_DATASET, # Dataset
-class DatasetError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_DATASET """
- pass
-# H5E_STORAGE, # data storage
-class StorageError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_STORAGE """
- pass
-# H5E_PLIST, # Property lists
-class PropertyError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_PLIST """
- pass
-# H5E_ATTR, # Attribute
-class AttrError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_ATTR """
- pass
-# H5E_PLINE, # Data filters
-class FilterError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_PLINE """
- pass
-# H5E_EFL, # External file list
-class FileListError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_EFL """
- pass
-# H5E_REFERENCE, # References
-class RefError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_REFERENCE """
- pass
-# H5E_VFL, # Virtual File Layer
-class VirtualFileError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_VFL """
- pass
-# H5E_TBBT, # Threaded, Balanced, Binary Trees
-class TBBTError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_TBBT """
- pass
-# H5E_TST, # Ternary Search Trees
-class TSTError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_TST """
- pass
-# H5E_RS, # Reference Counted Strings
-class RSError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_RS """
- pass
-# H5E_ERROR, # Error API
-class ErrorError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_ERROR """
- pass
-# H5E_SLIST # Skip Lists
-class SkipListError(H5Error):
- """ H5E_SLIST """
- pass
-_exceptions = {
- H5E_ARGS: ArgsError,
- H5E_RESOURCE: ResourceError,
- H5E_INTERNAL: InternalError,
- H5E_FILE: FileError,
- H5E_IO: LowLevelIOError,
- H5E_FUNC: FuncError,
- H5E_ATOM: AtomError,
- H5E_CACHE: CacheError,
- H5E_BTREE: BtreeError,
- H5E_SYM: SymbolError,
- H5E_HEAP: HeapError,
- H5E_OHDR: ObjectHeaderError,
- H5E_DATATYPE: DatatypeError,
- H5E_DATASPACE: DataspaceError,
- H5E_DATASET: DatasetError,
- H5E_STORAGE: StorageError,
- H5E_PLIST: PropertyError,
- H5E_ATTR: AttrError,
- H5E_PLINE: FilterError,
- H5E_EFL: FileListError,
- H5E_REFERENCE: RefError,
- H5E_VFL: VirtualFileError,
- H5E_TBBT: TBBTError,
- H5E_TST: TSTError,
- H5E_RS: RSError,
- H5E_ERROR: ErrorError,
- H5E_SLIST: SkipListError}
-# === Error stack inspection ==================================================
-cdef class ErrorStackElement:
- """
- Represents an entry in the HDF5 error stack.
- Modeled on the H5E_error_t struct. All parameters are read-only.
- Atributes
- maj_num: INT major error number
- min_num: INT minor error number
- func_name: STRING name of failing function
- file_name: STRING name of file in which error occurreed
- line: UINT line number at which error occured
- desc: STRING description of error
- """
- cdef readonly int maj_num
- cdef readonly int min_num
- cdef readonly object func_name
- cdef readonly object file_name
- cdef readonly unsigned int line
- cdef readonly object desc
- def __str__(self):
- return '%2d:%2d "%s" at %s (%s: %s)' % (self.maj_num, self.min_num,
- self.desc, self.func_name, H5Eget_major(<H5E_major_t>self.maj_num),
- H5Eget_minor(<H5E_minor_t>self.min_num) )
-cdef herr_t walk_cb(int n, H5E_error_t *err_desc, void* stack_in):
- # Callback function to extract elements from the HDF5 error stack
- stack = <object>stack_in
- cdef ErrorStackElement element
- element = ErrorStackElement()
- element.maj_num = err_desc.maj_num
- element.min_num = err_desc.min_num
- element.func_name = err_desc.func_name
- element.file_name = err_desc.file_name
- element.desc = err_desc.desc
- stack.append(element)
- return 0
-def error_stack():
- """ () => LIST error_stack
- Retrieve the HDF5 error stack as a list of ErrorStackElement objects,
- with the most recent call (the deepest one) listed last.
- """
- stack = []
- H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_DOWNWARD, walk_cb, <void*>stack)
- return stack
-def error_string():
- """ () => STRING error_stack
- Return a string representation of the current error condition.
- Format is one line of the format
- '<Description> (<Function name>: <error type>)'
- If the stack is more than one level deep, this is followed by n lines
- of the format:
- ' n: "<Description>" at <function name>'
- """
- cdef int stacklen
- cdef ErrorStackElement el
- stack = error_stack()
- stacklen = len(stack)
- if stacklen == 0:
- msg = "Unspecified HDF5 error"
- else:
- el = stack[0]
- msg = "%s (%s)" % (el.desc.capitalize(), el.func_name)
- if stacklen > 1:
- msg = msg + "\nHDF5 Error Stack:"
- for i from 0<=i<stacklen:
- #msg = msg + '\n' + str(stack[i])
- el = stack[i]
- msg = msg + '\n %d: "%s" at %s' % \
- (i, el.desc.capitalize(), el.func_name)
- return msg
-def clear():
- """ ()
- Clear the error stack.
- """
- H5Eclear()
-def get_major(int error):
- """ (INT error) => STRING description
- Get a description associated with an HDF5 minor error code.
- """
- return H5E_get_major(<H5E_major_t>error)
-def get_minor(int error):
- """ (INT error) => STRING description
- Get a description associated with an HDF5 minor error code.
- """
- return H5E_get_minor(<H5E_minor_t>error)
-def get_error(int error):
- """ (INT errno) => STRING description
- Get a full description for an "errno"-style HDF5 error code.
- """
- cdef int mj
- cdef int mn
- mn = error % 1000
- mj = (error-mn)/1000
- return "%s: %s" % (H5E_get_major(<H5E_major_t>mj), H5E_get_minor(<H5E_minor_t>mn))
-def split_error(int error):
- """ (INT errno) => (INT major, INT minor)
- Convenience function to split an "errno"-style HDF5 error code into
- its major and minor components. It's recommended you use this
- function instead of doing it yourself, as the "encoding" may change
- in the future.
- """
- cdef int mn
- mn = error % 1000
- return ((error-mn)/1000, mn)
-# === Automatic exception API =================================================
-cdef herr_t extract_cb(int n, H5E_error_t *err_desc, void* data_in):
- # Callback to determine error information at top/bottom of stack
- cdef H5E_error_t *err_struct
- err_struct = <H5E_error_t*>data_in
- err_struct.maj_num = err_desc.maj_num
- err_struct.min_num = err_desc.min_num
- return 1
-cdef herr_t err_callback(void* client_data):
- # Callback which sets Python exception based on the current error stack.
- # Can't use the standard Pyrex raise because then the traceback
- # points here!
- cdef H5E_error_t err_struct
- cdef H5E_major_t mj
- cdef H5E_minor_t mn
- # Determine the error numbers for the first entry on the stack.
- H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, extract_cb, &err_struct)
- mj = err_struct.maj_num
- mn = err_struct.min_num
- exc = _exceptions.get(mj, H5Error)
- msg = error_string()
- PyErr_SetObject(exc, (1000*mj + mn, msg))
- return 1
-cdef int _enable_exceptions() except -1:
- # Enable automatic exception handling, by registering the above callback
- if H5Eset_auto(err_callback, NULL) < 0:
- raise RuntimeError("Failed to register HDF5 exception callback.")
- return 0
-cdef int _disable_exceptions() except -1:
- # Disable automatic exception handling
- if H5Eset_auto(NULL, NULL) < 0:
- raise RuntimeError("Failed to unregister HDF5 exception callback.")
- return 0
-cdef err_c pause_errors() except? NULL:
- # Temporarily disable automatic exception handling, and return a cookie
- # which can later be used to re-enable it.
- cdef err_c cookie
- cdef void* whatever
- cookie = NULL
- if H5Eget_auto(&cookie, &whatever) < 0:
- raise RuntimeError("Failed to retrieve the current error handler.")
- if H5Eset_auto(NULL, NULL) < 0:
- raise RuntimeError("Failed to temporarily disable error handling.")
- return cookie
-cdef int resume_errors(err_c cookie) except -1:
- # Resume automatic exception handling, using a cookie from a previous
- # call to pause_errors(). Also clears the error stack.
- if H5Eset_auto(cookie, NULL) < 0:
- raise RuntimeError("Failed to re-enable error handling.")
- if H5Eclear() < 0:
- raise RuntimeError("Failed to clear error stack.")
- return 0
diff --git a/h5py/h5g.pyx b/h5py/h5g.pyx
index 082d135..a51d611 100644
--- a/h5py/h5g.pyx
+++ b/h5py/h5g.pyx
@@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ from utils cimport emalloc, efree
# Runtime imports
import h5
-from h5 import DDict
-from h5e import H5Error
+from h5 import DDict, H5Error
# === Public constants and data structures ====================================
diff --git a/h5py/h5i.pxd b/h5py/h5i.pxd
index ad142d7..15df417 100644
--- a/h5py/h5i.pxd
+++ b/h5py/h5i.pxd
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
include "std_defs.pxi"
from h5 cimport class ObjectID
-from h5f cimport class FileID
+#from h5f cimport class FileID
cdef extern from "hdf5.h":
diff --git a/h5py/h5i.pyx b/h5py/h5i.pyx
index a10f03d..67e163b 100644
--- a/h5py/h5i.pyx
+++ b/h5py/h5i.pyx
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ def get_file_id(ObjectID obj not None):
Obtain an identifier for the file in which this object resides,
re-opening the file if necessary.
- return FileID(H5Iget_file_id(obj.id))
+ return ObjectID(H5Iget_file_id(obj.id))
def inc_ref(ObjectID obj not None):
""" (ObjectID obj)
diff --git a/h5py/h5p.pyx b/h5py/h5p.pyx
index f69244c..4469bb1 100644
--- a/h5py/h5p.pyx
+++ b/h5py/h5p.pyx
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
# Pyrex compile-time imports
-from h5d cimport H5D_layout_t
-from h5z cimport H5Z_filter_t
from utils cimport require_tuple, convert_dims, convert_tuple, \
emalloc, efree, pybool
@@ -27,17 +25,24 @@ import h5
import h5t
from h5 import DDict
+cdef object lockid(hid_t id_in):
+ cdef PropClassID pid
+ pid = PropClassID(id_in)
+ pid._locked = 1
+ return pid
# === Public constants and data structures ====================================
# Property list classes
-NO_CLASS = PropImmutableClassID(H5P_NO_CLASS)
-MOUNT = PropImmutableClassID(H5P_MOUNT)
+# These need to be locked, as the library won't let you close them.
+NO_CLASS = lockid(H5P_NO_CLASS)
+MOUNT = lockid(H5P_MOUNT)
+DEFAULT = lockid(H5P_DEFAULT) # really 0 but whatever
_classmapper = { H5P_FILE_CREATE: PropFCID,
@@ -66,17 +71,6 @@ cdef class PropID(ObjectID):
cdef class PropClassID(PropID):
-cdef class PropImmutableClassID(PropClassID):
- """
- Represents property list class objects.
- These are not automatically closed.
- This is a hack until custom classes can be implemented.
- """
- def __dealloc__(self):
- pass
# === Property list HDF5 instances ============================================
def create(PropClassID cls not None):
diff --git a/h5py/h5t.pxd b/h5py/h5t.pxd
index 96e2039..72d75e5 100644
--- a/h5py/h5t.pxd
+++ b/h5py/h5t.pxd
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
# directory.
include "std_defs.pxi"
-from h5 cimport class ObjectID, class LockableID
+from h5 cimport class ObjectID
-cdef class TypeID(LockableID):
+cdef class TypeID(ObjectID):
cdef int enum_convert(self, long long *buf, int reverse) except -1
diff --git a/h5py/h5t.pyx b/h5py/h5t.pyx
index 7368060..244e1f4 100644
--- a/h5py/h5t.pyx
+++ b/h5py/h5t.pyx
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
# Pyrex compile-time imports
from defs_c cimport free
from h5p cimport H5P_DEFAULT
-from h5e cimport err_c, pause_errors, resume_errors
+from h5 cimport err_c, pause_errors, resume_errors
from numpy cimport dtype, ndarray
from utils cimport emalloc, efree, pybool, \
@@ -75,8 +75,7 @@ from utils cimport emalloc, efree, pybool, \
# Runtime imports
import h5
-from h5 import DDict
-from h5e import ArgsError
+from h5 import DDict, ArgsError
import sys
# === Custom C API ============================================================
@@ -191,6 +190,10 @@ def create(int classtype, size_t size):
Create a new HDF5 type object. Legal values are
+ # If it's not one of these, the library SEGFAULTS. Thanks, guys.
+ if classtype != H5T_COMPOUND and classtype != H5T_OPAQUE and \
+ classtype != H5T_ENUM:
+ raise ValueError("Class must be COMPOUND, OPAQUE or ENUM")
return TypeID(H5Tcreate(<H5T_class_t>classtype, size))
def open(ObjectID group not None, char* name):
@@ -230,7 +233,7 @@ def enum_create(TypeID base not None):
# === XXXX ====
-cdef class TypeID(LockableID):
+cdef class TypeID(ObjectID):
Represents an HDF5 datatype identifier.
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 81e7c76..cb18812 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ except ImportError:
ext_exten = '.pyx'
# Pyrex extension modules
-pyx_modules = ['h5e', 'h5' , 'h5f', 'h5g', 'h5s', 'h5t',
+pyx_modules = ['h5' , 'h5f', 'h5g', 'h5s', 'h5t',
'h5d', 'h5a', 'h5p', 'h5z', 'h5i', 'h5r', 'utils']
pyx_src_path = 'h5py'
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/h5py.git
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