[h5py] 86/455: Add threading unit tests

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 2 18:19:20 UTC 2015

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ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag 1.3.0
in repository h5py.

commit bd5bdd12275ff395e18ee8c0b7c71946f57ce067
Author: andrewcollette <andrew.collette at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Jul 29 02:37:42 2008 +0000

    Add threading unit tests
 h5py/tests/test_threads.py | 244 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 244 insertions(+)

diff --git a/h5py/tests/test_threads.py b/h5py/tests/test_threads.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9411482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h5py/tests/test_threads.py
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+# This file is part of h5py, a low-level Python interface to the HDF5 library.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Andrew Collette
+# http://h5py.alfven.org
+# License: BSD  (See LICENSE.txt for full license)
+# $Date$
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import unittest
+import threading
+import dummy_threading
+import tempfile
+from threading import Thread
+import os
+import numpy
+import time
+from h5py import *
+from h5py.h5 import H5Error
+from h5py.extras import h5sync
+import h5py
+LOCKTYPE = threading.RLock
+SHAPE = (10,10)
+BIGSHAPE = (5300,5000)      # About 200MB worth of doubles
+class WriterThread(Thread):
+    def __init__(self, name, value, dset, reclist):
+        Thread.__init__(self)
+        self.arr = numpy.ones(SHAPE)*value  # Value to be written
+        self.dset = dset                    # Dataset to write to
+        self.reclist = reclist              # We'll append our name to this when done
+        self.name = name                
+        self.next_thread = None             # Thread we'll try to get to break the lock
+        self.sleeptime = 0                  # How long do we give that thread to try
+    def run(self):
+        # Try to fill the dataset with our values
+        with self.dset.lock:
+            if self.next_thread is not None:
+                self.next_thread.start()    # Try to make the next thread steal the dataset
+                time.sleep(self.sleeptime)  # Make sure it has a chance to misbehave
+            self.dset[...] = self.arr
+            self.reclist.append(self.name)  # Add our name to the record, before releasing the lock.
+class TimedWriter(Thread):
+    def __init__(self, dset, arr):
+        Thread.__init__(self)
+        self.dset = dset
+        self.arr = arr
+        self.timestart = 0
+        self.timestop = 0
+    def run(self):
+        self.timestart = time.time()
+        self.dset.id.write(h5s.ALL, h5s.ALL, self.arr)
+        self.timestop = time.time()
+class NullWriter(Thread):
+    def __init__(self):
+        Thread.__init__(self)
+        self.time = 0
+    def run(self):
+        self.time = time.time()
+class TestThreads(unittest.TestCase):      
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.fname = tempfile.mktemp('.hdf5')
+        self.f = File(self.fname, 'w')
+        self.old_lock = h5py.config.RLock
+        h5py.config.RLock = LOCKTYPE
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self.f.close()
+        os.unlink(self.fname)
+        h5py.config.RLock = self.old_lock
+    def test_hl_pos(self):
+        reclist = []
+        dset = self.f.create_dataset('ds',(10,10), dtype='=f8')
+        thread_a = WriterThread('A', 1.0, dset, reclist)
+        thread_b = WriterThread('B', 2.0, dset, reclist)
+        thread_c = WriterThread('C', 3.0, dset, reclist)
+        thread_d = WriterThread('D', 4.0, dset, reclist)
+        thread_a.next_thread = thread_b
+        thread_b.next_thread = thread_c
+        thread_c.next_thread = thread_d
+        thread_a.sleeptime = 3  # Must be larger than b, so that b attempts to steal the lock.
+        thread_b.sleeptime = 2  # Must be larger than c, for the same reason
+        thread_c.sleeptime = 1
+        thread_a.start()
+        # Ensure they all finish
+        # TODO: Handle a possible deadlock more gracefully.
+        thread_a.join()
+        thread_b.join()
+        thread_c.join()
+        thread_d.join()
+        self.assertEqual(reclist, ['A','B','C','D'])
+        self.assert_(numpy.all(dset.value == numpy.ones(SHAPE)*4.0))
+    def test_hl_neg(self):
+        oldlock = h5py.config.RLock
+        try:
+            # Force the threads to operate in reverse order, by defeating locks
+            h5py.config.RLock = dummy_threading.RLock
+            reclist = []
+            dset = self.f.create_dataset('ds',(10,10), dtype='=f8')
+            thread_a = WriterThread('A', 1.0, dset, reclist)
+            thread_b = WriterThread('B', 2.0, dset, reclist)
+            thread_c = WriterThread('C', 3.0, dset, reclist)
+            thread_d = WriterThread('D', 4.0, dset, reclist)
+            thread_a.next_thread = thread_b
+            thread_b.next_thread = thread_c
+            thread_c.next_thread = thread_d
+            thread_a.sleeptime = 3  # Must be larger than b, so that b attempts to steal the lock.
+            thread_b.sleeptime = 2  # Must be larger than c, for the same reason
+            thread_c.sleeptime = 1
+            thread_a.start()
+            # Ensure they all finish
+            # TODO: Handle a possible deadlock more gracefully.
+            thread_a.join()
+            thread_b.join()
+            thread_c.join()
+            thread_d.join()
+            self.assertEqual(reclist, ['D','C','B','A'])
+            self.assert_(numpy.all(dset.value == numpy.ones(SHAPE)*1.0))
+        finally:
+            h5py.config.RLock = oldlock
+    def test_nonblock(self):
+        # Ensure low-level I/O blocking behavior
+        dset = self.f.create_dataset('ds', BIGSHAPE, '=f8')
+        arr = numpy.ones(BIGSHAPE, '=f8')
+        DELAY = 0.1
+        thread_a = TimedWriter(dset, arr)
+        thread_b = NullWriter()
+        thread_a.start()
+        time.sleep(DELAY)
+        thread_b.start()
+        thread_a.join()
+        thread_b.join()
+        write_time = thread_a.timestop - thread_a.timestart
+        if write_time < DELAY:
+            raise Exception("Write was too fast to test blocking (%f sec; need %f)" % (write_time, DELAY))
+        if h5py.config.compile_opts['IO_NONBLOCK']:
+            self.assert_(thread_b.time < thread_a.timestop)
+        else:
+            self.assert_(thread_b.time > thread_a.timestop)
+    def test_lock_behavior(self):
+        # Check to make sure the user-provided lock class behaves correctly
+        # when called from C code
+        dset = self.f.create_dataset('ds', SHAPE, '=f8')   
+        arr = numpy.ones(SHAPE, '=f8')
+        writethread = TimedWriter(dset, arr)
+        with h5py.config.lock:
+            writethread.start()
+            time.sleep(2)       # give it more than enough time to finish, if it ignores the lock
+            exit_lock_time = time.time()
+        time.sleep(0.1)
+        writethread.join()
+        if h5py.config.compile_opts['IO_NONBLOCK']:
+            self.assert_(writethread.timestop > exit_lock_time)
+        else:
+            self.assert_(writethread.timestop < exit_lock_time)
+    def test_decorator(self):
+        time1 = 0
+        time2 = 0
+        class SleeperThread(Thread):
+            def __init__(self, sleeptime):
+                Thread.__init__(self)
+                self.sleeptime = sleeptime
+                self.time = 0
+            @h5sync
+            def run(self):
+                time.sleep(self.sleeptime)
+                self.time = time.time()
+        thread_a = SleeperThread(2)
+        thread_b = SleeperThread(1)
+        thread_a.start()
+        thread_b.start()
+        thread_a.join()
+        thread_b.join()
+        self.assert_(thread_a.time < thread_b.time)
+        @h5sync
+        def thisismyname(foo):
+            pass
+        self.assertEqual(thisismyname.__name__, "thisismyname")

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