[h5py] 207/455: More tests; fix string type conversion to use STR_NULLPAD
Ghislain Vaillant
ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 2 18:19:33 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag 1.3.0
in repository h5py.
commit 0fb1d6fcdc8c2b991bb066fd43cdb6b57c484f2c
Author: andrewcollette <andrew.collette at gmail.com>
Date: Thu Jan 29 01:10:05 2009 +0000
More tests; fix string type conversion to use STR_NULLPAD
h5py/h5t.pyx | 1 +
h5py/tests/common.py | 30 ++++++++++
h5py/tests/test_dataset.py | 50 ++++++++++++++++
h5py/tests/test_filters.py | 42 ++++++++++---
h5py/tests/test_highlevel.py | 139 -------------------------------------------
h5py/tests/test_slicing.py | 82 ++++++++++++++++++-------
6 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 166 deletions(-)
diff --git a/h5py/h5t.pyx b/h5py/h5t.pyx
index 918c727..cf0588d 100644
--- a/h5py/h5t.pyx
+++ b/h5py/h5t.pyx
@@ -1269,6 +1269,7 @@ cdef TypeStringID _c_string(dtype dt):
tid = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1)
H5Tset_size(tid, dt.itemsize)
+ H5Tset_strpad(tid, H5T_STR_NULLPAD)
return TypeStringID(tid)
cdef TypeCompoundID _c_complex(dtype dt):
diff --git a/h5py/tests/common.py b/h5py/tests/common.py
index b7ad4b5..79a30ac 100644
--- a/h5py/tests/common.py
+++ b/h5py/tests/common.py
@@ -56,6 +56,36 @@ def delhdf(f):
+EPSILON = 1e-5
+import numpy as np
+from nose.tools import assert_equal
+INTS = ('i', 'i1', '<i2', '>i2', '<i4', '>i4')
+FLOATS = ('f', '<f4', '>f4', '<f8', '>f8')
+COMPLEX = ('<c8', '>c8', '<c16', '>c16')
+STRINGS = ('|S1', '|S2', 'S17', '|S100')
+VOIDS = ('|V4', '|V8')
+def assert_arr_equal(dset, arr, message=None, precision=None):
+ """ Make sure dset and arr have the same shape, dtype and contents, to
+ within the given precision.
+ Note that dset may be a NumPy array or an HDF5 dataset.
+ """
+ if precision is None:
+ precision = EPSILON
+ if message is None:
+ message = ''
+ if np.isscalar(dset) or np.isscalar(arr):
+ assert np.isscalar(dset) and np.isscalar(arr), "%r %r" % (dset, arr)
+ assert dset - arr < precision, message
+ return
+ assert_equal(dset.shape, arr.shape, message)
+ assert_equal(dset.dtype, arr.dtype, message)
+ assert np.all(np.abs(dset[...] - arr[...]) < precision), "%s %s" % (dset[...], arr[...]) if not message else message
class HDF5TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
diff --git a/h5py/tests/test_dataset.py b/h5py/tests/test_dataset.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad8d713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h5py/tests/test_dataset.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ Test basic behavior of h5py.highlevel.Dataset, not including slicing
+ or keyword arguments
+import numpy as np
+from common import makehdf, delhdf, assert_arr_equal,\
+class TestDataset(object):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.f = makehdf()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ delhdf(self.f)
+ def make_dset(self, *args, **kwds):
+ if 'dset' in self.f:
+ del self.f['dset']
+ return self.f.create_dataset('dset', *args, **kwds)
+ def test_create(self):
+ # Test dataset creation from shape and type, or raw data
+ shapes = ( (), (1,), (10,), (20,1,15), (7,200,1) )
+ for s in shapes:
+ srcdata = np.arange(np.product(s)).reshape(s)
+ for t in types:
+ print "test %s %s" % (s, t)
+ data = srcdata.astype(t)
+ dset = self.make_dset(s, t)
+ dset[...] = data
+ assert np.all(dset[...] == data), "%r %r" % (dset[...], data)
+ dset = self.make_dset(data=data)
+ assert np.all(dset[...] == data)
diff --git a/h5py/tests/test_filters.py b/h5py/tests/test_filters.py
index 0e1a360..351214b 100644
--- a/h5py/tests/test_filters.py
+++ b/h5py/tests/test_filters.py
@@ -23,10 +23,37 @@ class TestFilters(object):
dtype = 'f'
return self.f.create_dataset('dset', shape, dtype, **kwds)
- def test_compression(self):
- """ Dataset compression keywords """
+ def test_chunks(self):
+ # Check chunk behavior, including auto-chunking
+ # Test auto-chunking
+ pairs = [ ( {'chunks': None, 'compression': None}, False ),
+ ( {'chunks': True, 'compression': None}, True ),
+ ( {'chunks': None, 'compression': 'gzip'}, True ),
+ ( {'fletcher32': True}, True ),
+ ( {'shuffle': True}, True ),
+ ( {'maxshape': (None, None)}, True),
+ ( {}, False ) ]
+ for kwds, result in pairs:
+ dset = self.make_dset((10,10), **kwds)
+ assert_equal(bool(dset.chunks), result)
+ # Test user-defined chunking
+ shapes = [(), (1,), (10,5), (1,10), (2**60, 2**60, 2**34)]
+ chunks = {(): [None],
+ (1,): [None, (1,)],
+ (10,5): [None, (5,5), (10,1)],
+ (1,10): [None, (1,10), (1,3)],
+ (2**60, 2**60, 2**34): [(128, 64, 256)] }
+ for shape in shapes:
+ for chunk in chunks[shape]:
+ dset = self.make_dset(shape, chunks=chunk)
+ assert_equal(dset.chunks, chunk)
- # 1. Test compression keyword only
+ def test_compression(self):
+ # Dataset compression keywords only
settings = (0, 9, 4, 'gzip', 'lzf', None)
results = ('gzip', 'gzip', 'gzip', 'gzip', 'lzf', None)
@@ -44,7 +71,7 @@ class TestFilters(object):
assert_equal(dset.compression_opts, o)
def test_compression_opts(self):
- """ Dataset compression keywords & options """
+ # Dataset compression keywords & options
types = ('gzip', 'lzf')
opts = {'gzip': (0, 9, 5), 'lzf': (None,)}
@@ -61,7 +88,8 @@ class TestFilters(object):
assert_equal(dset.compression_opts, o)
def test_fletcher32_shuffle(self):
+ # Check fletcher32 and shuffle, including auto-shuffle
settings = (None, False, True)
results = (False, False, True)
@@ -80,10 +108,10 @@ class TestFilters(object):
assert_equal(dset.shuffle, False)
def test_data(self):
- """ Ensure data can be read/written with filters """
+ # Ensure data can be read/written with filters
compression = (None, 'gzip', 'lzf')
- shapes = ((), (10,), (10,10), (200,200,10))
+ shapes = ((), (10,), (10,10), (200,200))
# Filter settings should be ignored for scalar shapes
types = ('f','i', 'c')
diff --git a/h5py/tests/test_highlevel.py b/h5py/tests/test_highlevel.py
index c14df98..0c92a51 100644
--- a/h5py/tests/test_highlevel.py
+++ b/h5py/tests/test_highlevel.py
@@ -187,127 +187,6 @@ class TestDataset(HDF5TestCase):
- def test_create(self):
- """ Test the constructor and public properties """
- def new_dset(*args, **kwds):
- """ Create a dataset from constructor arguments.
- Return is a 2-tuple (template, dataset).
- """
- # "None" means the keyword is "not provided"
- kwds = dict((x,y) for x,y in kwds.iteritems() if y is not None)
- template = testfiles.Dataset(*args, **kwds)
- self.output(str(template.kwds))
- if 'TEST_DSET' in self.f:
- del self.f['TEST_DSET']
- dset = Dataset(self.f, 'TEST_DSET', *args, **kwds)
- return (template, dset)
- def verify_ds(hdf, template):
- """ Compare a real dataset to a template """
- # Make sure the shape and dtype of the real dataset match the
- # template's description.
- if 'shape' in template.kwds:
- shape = template.kwds['shape']
- else:
- shape = template.kwds['data'].shape
- if 'dtype' in template.kwds:
- dtype = template.kwds['dtype']
- else:
- dtype = template.kwds['data'].dtype
- self.assertEqual(hdf.dtype, dtype, "dtype mismatch %s %s" % (hdf.dtype, dtype))
- self.assertEqual(hdf.shape, shape, "shape mismatch %s %s" % (hdf.shape, shape))
- # If data was given, make sure it's identical
- if 'data' in template.kwds:
- self.assert_(numpy.all(hdf.value == template.kwds['data']))
- # If other keywords were given (chunks, etc), make sure they are
- # correctly recorded.
- for name, value in template.kwds.iteritems():
- if name == 'data':
- continue
- elif value is True:
- self.assert_(getattr(hdf, name) is not None,
- "True kwd ignored: %s" % name)
- elif name == 'compression' and value in range(10):
- cname = getattr(hdf,name)
- cval = getattr(hdf, 'compression_opts')
- self.assertEqual(cname, 'gzip')
- self.assertEqual(cval,value)
- else:
- self.assertEqual(getattr(hdf, name), value,
- "kwd mismatch: %s: %s %s" % (name, getattr(hdf, name), value))
- # Make sure all the public properties work
- for name in ('shape', 'dtype', 'chunks', 'compression', 'shuffle',
- 'fletcher32', 'maxshape'):
- getattr(hdf, name)
- # If a chunks-requiring keyword is used, make sure it's honored
- for name in ('chunks', 'compression', 'shuffle', 'fletcher32'):
- if template.kwds.get(name, False):
- self.assert_(hdf.chunks is not None, "chunks missing for arg %s" % name)
- # === Begin constructor test ===
- # Method 1: specify shape and dtype
- shapes = [(), (1,), (10,5), (1,10), (100,1,100), (51,2,1025),
- (2**60, 2**60, 2**34)]
- for shape in shapes:
- for dtype in TYPES1+TYPES1:
- template, dset = new_dset(shape, dtype)
- verify_ds(dset, template)
- # Method 2: specify actual data
- for shape in shapes[0:6]:
- for dtype in TYPES1:
- arr = numpy.arange(numpy.product(shape), dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
- template, dset = new_dset(data=arr)
- verify_ds(dset, template)
- # Test shape-related keywords
- maxshapes = { (): [None, ()],
- (1,): [None, (1,)],
- (10,5): [None, (10,5), (20,20)],
- (1,10): [None, (2,10), (None,20)],
- (100,1,100): [None, (100,2,100), (None, None, None)],
- (51, 2, 1025): [None, (2**60, 2**40, None)],
- (2**60, 2**60, 2**34): [(2**62, 2**62, 2**35)] }
- chunks = { (): [None],
- (1,): [None, (1,)],
- (10,5): [None, (5,5), (10,1)],
- (1,10): [None, True, (1,10), (1,3)],
- (100,1,100): [None, (50,1,10)],
- (51, 2, 1025): [None],
- (2**60, 2**60, 2**34): [(128,64, 256)]}
- for shape in shapes:
- for ms in maxshapes[shape]:
- for chunk in chunks[shape]:
- template, dset = new_dset(shape, '<i4', chunks=chunk, maxshape=ms)
- verify_ds(dset, template)
- # Other keywords
- compression = [None, True, 5, 9, 'lzf']
- fletcher32 = [True, False]
- shuffle = [True, False]
- for comp in compression:
- for f in fletcher32:
- for sh in [x if comp else None for x in shuffle]:
- template, dset = new_dset((100,100), '<i4', compression=comp, fletcher32=f, shuffle=sh)
- verify_ds(dset, template)
def test_Dataset_order(self):
""" Test order coercion """
@@ -412,24 +291,6 @@ class TestDataset(HDF5TestCase):
self.assert_(numpy.all(arr == data), "%r \n\n %r" % (arr, data))
- def test_slice_names(self):
- """ Test slicing with named fields """
- srcarr = numpy.ndarray((10,10), dtype=[('a', '<i4'), ('b', '<f8')])
- srcarr['a'] = numpy.arange(100).reshape((10,10))
- srcarr['b'] = 100*numpy.arange(100).reshape((10,10))
- dset = self.f.create_dataset('TEST', data=srcarr)
- pairs = \
- [ (dset[:], srcarr[:]), (dset['a'], srcarr['a']),
- (dset[5,5,'a'], srcarr['a'][5,5]),
- (dset[2,:,'b'], srcarr['b'][2,:]),
- (dset['b', ..., 5], srcarr[...,5]['b']) ]
- for i, (d, n) in enumerate(pairs):
- self.assert_(numpy.all(d == n), "Index %d mismatch" % i)
def test_slice_coords(self):
""" Test slicing with CoordsList instances """
diff --git a/h5py/tests/test_slicing.py b/h5py/tests/test_slicing.py
index 74b2e2e..528f742 100644
--- a/h5py/tests/test_slicing.py
+++ b/h5py/tests/test_slicing.py
@@ -2,23 +2,10 @@ import numpy as np
import os
from nose.tools import assert_equal
-from common import makehdf, delhdf
+from common import makehdf, delhdf, assert_arr_equal
import h5py
-def check_arr_equal(dset, arr):
- """ Make sure dset and arr have the same shape, dtype and contents.
- Note that dset may be a NumPy array or an HDF5 dataset
- """
- if np.isscalar(dset) or np.isscalar(arr):
- assert np.isscalar(dset) and np.isscalar(arr)
- assert dset == arr
- return
- assert_equal(dset.shape, arr.shape)
- assert_equal(dset.dtype, arr.dtype)
- assert np.all(dset[...] == arr[...]), "%s %s" % (dset[...], arr[...])
class SliceFreezer(object):
""" Necessary because numpy.s_ clips slices > 2**32 """
@@ -36,19 +23,24 @@ class TestSlicing(object):
def generate(self, shape, dtype):
- if 'dset' in self.f:
- del self.f['dset']
size = np.product(shape)
- dset = self.f.create_dataset('dset', shape, dtype)
+ dset = self.generate_dset(shape, dtype)
arr = np.arange(size, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
return dset, arr
+ def generate_dset(self, shape, dtype, **kwds):
+ if 'dset' in self.f:
+ del self.f['dset']
+ return self.f.create_dataset('dset', shape, dtype, **kwds)
def generate_rand(self, shape, dtype='f'):
return np.random.random(shape).astype(dtype)
def test_slices(self):
+ # Test interger, slice, array and list indices
dset, arr = self.generate((10,10,50),'f')
slices = [s[0,0,0], s[0,0,:], s[0,:,0], s[0,:,:]]
@@ -70,15 +62,40 @@ class TestSlicing(object):
dset[slc] = arr[slc]
print "check write %s" % (slc,)
- check_arr_equal(dset, arr)
+ assert_arr_equal(dset, arr)
out = dset[slc]
print "check read %s" % (slc,)
- check_arr_equal(out, arr[slc])
+ assert_arr_equal(out, arr[slc])
+ def test_slices_big(self):
+ # Test slicing behavior for indices larger than 2**32
+ shape = (2**62, 2**62)
+ dtype = 'f'
+ bases = [1024, 2**37, 2**60]
+ regions = [ (42,1), (100,100), (1,42), (1,1), (4,1025)]
+ for base in bases:
+ print "Testing base 2**%d" % np.log2(base)
+ slices = [ s[base:base+x, base:base+y] for x, y in regions]
+ dset = self.generate_dset(shape, dtype, maxshape=(None, None))
+ for region, slc in zip(regions, slices):
+ print " Testing shape %s slice %s" % (region, slc,)
+ data = np.arange(np.product(region), dtype=dtype).reshape(region)
+ dset[slc] = data
+ assert_arr_equal(dset[slc], data)
def test_scalars(self):
+ # Confirm correct behavior for scalar datasets
dset, arr = self.generate((),'i')
dset[...] = arr[...] = 42
@@ -88,6 +105,7 @@ class TestSlicing(object):
def test_broadcast(self):
+ # Test broadcasting to HDF5
dset, arr = self.generate((20,10,30),'f')
dset[...] = arr[...]
@@ -105,7 +123,31 @@ class TestSlicing(object):
print "broadcast %s %s" % (slc, shape)
dset[slc] = subarr
arr[slc] = subarr
- check_arr_equal(dset, arr)
+ assert_arr_equal(dset, arr)
+ def test_slice_names(self):
+ # Test slicing in conjunction with named fields
+ shape = (10,10)
+ size = np.product(shape)
+ dtype = [('a', 'i'), ('b', 'f')]
+ srcarr = np.ndarray(shape, dtype)
+ srcarr['a'] = np.arange(size).reshape(shape)
+ srcarr['b'] = np.arange(size).reshape(shape)*100
+ dset = self.f.create_dataset('TEST', data=srcarr)
+ pairs = [ (s[:], srcarr[:]),
+ (s['a'], srcarr['a']),
+ (s[5,5,'a'], srcarr['a'][5,5]),
+ (s[2,:,'b'], srcarr['b'][2,:]),
+ (s['b',...,5], srcarr[...,5]['b']) ]
+ for slc, result in pairs:
+ print "slicing %s" % (slc,)
+ assert np.all(dset[slc] == result)
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