[geneagrapher] 14/226: Reorganizing for packaging (relates to ticket #11).
Doug Torrance
dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jul 11 17:10:32 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository geneagrapher.
commit 343dd3c101abd49923c4f0f72d3dfc28b10bf9dc
Author: David Alber <alber.david at gmail.com>
Date: Fri May 9 04:03:22 2008 +0000
Reorganizing for packaging (relates to ticket #11).
geneagrapher/GGraph.py | 256 +++++++++++++++++++++++
geneagrapher/geneagraph-cgi.py | 119 +++++++++++
geneagrapher/geneagrapher.py | 149 ++++++++++++++
geneagrapher/grab.py | 79 +++++++
geneagrapher/tests.py | 454 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
5 files changed, 1057 insertions(+)
diff --git a/geneagrapher/GGraph.py b/geneagrapher/GGraph.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e3ac6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geneagrapher/GGraph.py
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+class DuplicateNodeError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self.value = value
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.value)
+class Record:
+ """
+ Container class storing record of a mathematician in the graph.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name, institution=None, year=None, id=None):
+ """
+ Record class constructor.
+ Parameters:
+ name: string containing mathematician's name
+ institution: string containing mathematician's institution
+ (empty if none)
+ year: integer containing year degree was earned
+ id: integer containing Math Genealogy Project id value
+ """
+ self.name = name
+ self.institution = institution
+ self.year = year
+ self.id = id
+ # Verify we got the types wanted.
+ if not isinstance(self.name, basestring):
+ raise TypeError("Unexpected parameter type: expected string value for 'name'")
+ if not isinstance(self.institution, basestring) and self.institution is not None:
+ raise TypeError("Unexpected parameter type: expected string value for 'institution'")
+ if not isinstance(self.year, int) and self.year is not None:
+ raise TypeError("Unexpected parameter type: expected integer value for 'year'")
+ if not isinstance(self.id, int) and self.id is not None:
+ raise TypeError("Unexpected parameter type: expected integer value for 'id'")
+ def __cmp__(self, r2):
+ """
+ Compare a pair of mathematician records based on ids.
+ """
+ return self.id.__cmp__(r2.id)
+ def hasInstitution(self):
+ """
+ Return True if this record has an institution associated with it,
+ else False.
+ """
+ return self.institution is not None
+ def hasYear(self):
+ """
+ Return True if this record has a year associated with it, else
+ False.
+ """
+ return self.year is not None
+class Node:
+ """
+ Container class storing a node in the graph.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, record, ancestors, descendents):
+ """
+ Node class constructor.
+ Parameters:
+ record: instance of the Record class
+ ancestors: list of the record's genealogical ancestors's
+ IDs
+ descendents: list of this records genealogical
+ descendent's IDs
+ """
+ self.record = record
+ self.ancestors = ancestors
+ self.descendents = descendents
+ self.already_printed = False
+ # Verify parameter types.
+ if not isinstance(self.record, Record):
+ raise TypeError("Unexpected parameter type: expected Record object for 'record'")
+ if not isinstance(self.ancestors, list):
+ raise TypeError("Unexpected parameter type: expected list object for 'ancestors'")
+ if not isinstance(self.descendents, list):
+ raise TypeError("Unexpected parameter type: expected list object for 'descendents'")
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.record.hasInstitution():
+ if self.record.hasYear():
+ return self.record.name.encode('utf-8', 'replace') + ' \\n' + self.record.institution.encode('utf-8', 'replace') + ' (' + str(self.record.year) + ')'
+ else:
+ return self.record.name.encode('utf-8', 'replace') + ' \\n' + self.record.institution.encode('utf-8', 'replace')
+ else:
+ if self.record.hasYear():
+ return self.record.name.encode('utf-8', 'replace') + ' \\n(' + str(self.record.year) + ')'
+ else:
+ return self.record.name.encode('utf-8', 'replace')
+ def __cmp__(self, n2):
+ return self.record.__cmp__(n2.record)
+ def addAncestor(self, ancestor):
+ """
+ Append an ancestor id to the ancestor list.
+ """
+ # Verify we were passed an int.
+ if not isinstance(ancestor, int):
+ raise TypeError("Unexpected parameter type: expected int for 'ancestor'")
+ self.ancestors.append(ancestor)
+ def id(self):
+ """
+ Accessor method to retrieve the id of this node's record.
+ """
+ return self.record.id
+ def setId(self, id):
+ """
+ Sets the record id.
+ """
+ self.record.id = id
+class Graph:
+ """
+ Class storing the representation of a genealogy graph.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, heads=None):
+ """
+ Graph class constructor.
+ Parameters:
+ heads: a list of Node objects representing the tree head
+ (can be omitted to create an empty graph)
+ """
+ self.heads = heads
+ self.supp_id = -1
+ # Verify type of heads is what we expect.
+ if self.heads is not None:
+ if not isinstance(self.heads, list):
+ raise TypeError("Unexpected parameter type: expected list of Node objects for 'heads'")
+ for head in self.heads:
+ if not isinstance(head, Node):
+ raise TypeError("Unexpected parameter type: expected list of Node objects for 'heads'")
+ self.nodes = {}
+ if self.heads is not None:
+ for head in self.heads:
+ self.nodes[head.id()] = head
+ def hasNode(self, id):
+ """
+ Check if the graph contains a node with the given id.
+ """
+ return self.nodes.has_key(id)
+ def getNode(self, id):
+ """
+ Return the node in the graph with given id. Returns
+ None if no such node exists.
+ """
+ if self.hasNode(id):
+ return self.nodes[id]
+ else:
+ return None
+ def getNodeList(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of the nodes in the graph.
+ """
+ return self.nodes.keys()
+ def addNode(self, name, institution, year, id, ancestors, descendents, isHead=False):
+ """
+ Add a new node to the graph if a matching node is not already
+ present.
+ """
+ record = Record(name, institution, year, id)
+ node = Node(record, ancestors, descendents)
+ self.addNodeObject(node, isHead)
+ def addNodeObject(self, node, isHead=False):
+ """
+ Add a new node object to the graph if a node with the same id
+ is not already present.
+ """
+ if node.id() is not None and self.hasNode(node.id()):
+ msg = "node with id %d already exists" % (node.id())
+ raise DuplicateNodeError(msg)
+ if node.id() is None:
+ # Assign a "dummy" id.
+ node.setId(self.supp_id)
+ self.supp_id -= 1
+ self.nodes[node.id()] = node
+ if self.heads is None:
+ self.heads = [node]
+ elif isHead:
+ self.heads.append(node)
+ def generateDotFile(self, include_ancestors, include_descendents):
+ """
+ Return a string that contains the content of the Graphviz dotfile
+ format for this graph.
+ """
+ if self.heads is None:
+ return ""
+ queue = []
+ for head in self.heads:
+ queue.append(head.id())
+ edges = ""
+ dotfile = ""
+ dotfile += """digraph genealogy {
+ graph [charset="utf-8"];
+ node [shape=plaintext];
+ edge [style=bold];\n\n"""
+ while len(queue) > 0:
+ node_id = queue.pop()
+ if not self.hasNode(node_id):
+ # Skip this id if a corresponding node is not present.
+ continue
+ node = self.getNode(node_id)
+ if node.already_printed:
+ continue
+ else:
+ node.already_printed = True
+ if include_ancestors:
+ # Add this node's advisors to queue.
+ queue += node.ancestors
+ if include_descendents:
+ # Add this node's descendents to queue.
+ queue += node.descendents
+ # Print this node's information.
+ nodestr = " %d [label=\"%s\"];" % (node_id, node)
+ dotfile += nodestr
+ # Store the connection information for this node.
+ for advisor in node.ancestors:
+ if self.hasNode(advisor):
+ edgestr = "\n %d -> %d;" % (advisor, node_id)
+ edges += edgestr
+ dotfile += "\n"
+ # Now print the connections between the nodes.
+ dotfile += edges
+ dotfile += "\n}\n"
+ return dotfile
diff --git a/geneagrapher/geneagraph-cgi.py b/geneagrapher/geneagraph-cgi.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..482eb9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geneagrapher/geneagraph-cgi.py
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+import cgi
+import random
+import os
+import time
+from grab import *
+from GGraph import *
+#import cgitb; cgitb.enable() # for debugging, comment out for production
+form = cgi.FieldStorage()
+name = form.getfirst("name", "")
+extra = form.getfirst("extra", "")
+nodes = form.getlist("node")
+output = form.getfirst("output", "png")
+# Save the input to log file.
+f = open("/var/log/geneagraph", "a")
+f.write(time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S'))
+f.write(" ")
+if name != "":
+ f.write("\tName: ")
+ f.write(name)
+ f.write("\n")
+if extra != "":
+ f.write("\tExtra: ")
+ f.write(extra)
+ f.write("\n")
+if len(nodes) > 0:
+ f.write("\t")
+ f.write(str(nodes))
+ f.write("\n")
+ if len(name) > 100:
+ raise ValueError("Name field longer than maximum allowed length (100 characters).")
+ if len(extra) > 100:
+ raise ValueError("Extra field longer than maximum allowed length (100 characters).")
+ if len(nodes) > 5:
+ #if len(nodes) > 50:
+ raise ValueError("Only five node URLs may be supplied.")
+# Replace special characters in name and extra with backslashed form
+ name = name.replace('\\', '\\\\')
+ name = name.replace('\"', '\\"')
+ extra = extra.replace('\\', '\\\\')
+ extra = extra.replace('"', '\\"')
+ record = Record(name, extra, -1, 0)
+ printHead = True
+ if name == "" and extra == "":
+ printHead = False
+ advisors = []
+ for index in range(len(nodes)):
+ if not nodes[index].isspace():
+ if nodes[index].find('id.php?id=') > -1:
+ id = nodes[index].split('id.php?id=')[1].strip()
+ if id.isdigit():
+ advisors.append(int(id))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Node " + str(index+1) + " was improperly formatted.")
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Node " + str(index+1) + " was improperly formatted.")
+ node = Node(record, advisors)
+ graph = Graph(node, printHead)
+ for advisor in advisors:
+ extractNodeInformation(advisor, graph)
+ fnum = str(int(random.random()*1000000000000000))
+ filename = '/tmp/' + fnum + '.dot'
+ graph.writeDotFile(filename)
+ if output == "dot":
+ print "Content-Type: text/html"
+ print
+ print "<html><body><pre>"
+ f = open(filename, "r")
+ file = f.read()
+ f.close()
+ print file
+ print "</pre></body></html>"
+ elif output == "png" or output == "ps":
+ psfilename = '/tmp/' + fnum + '.ps'
+ command = '/usr/local/bin/dot -Tps ' + filename + ' -o ' + psfilename
+ os.system(command)
+ if output == "png":
+ pngfilename = '/tmp/' + fnum + '.png'
+ command = '/usr/bin/convert -density 144 -geometry 50% ' + psfilename + ' ' + pngfilename
+ os.system(command)
+ print "Content-type: image/png"
+ print "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=genealogy.png"
+ print
+ f = open(pngfilename, "r")
+ elif output == "ps":
+ print "Content-Type: application/postscript"
+ print
+ f = open(psfilename, "r")
+ file = f.read()
+ f.close()
+ print file
+ else: # improper output chosen
+ raise ValueError("Return type was improperly formatted. Go back and check it out.")
+ command = '/bin/rm /tmp/' + fnum + '.*'
+ os.system(command)
+except ValueError, e:
+ print "Content-type: text/html"
+ print
+ print e, "<br>Go back and check it out."
+ raise SystemExit
diff --git a/geneagrapher/geneagrapher.py b/geneagrapher/geneagrapher.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea277d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geneagrapher/geneagrapher.py
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import GGraph
+import grab
+class Geneagrapher:
+ """
+ A class for building Graphviz "dot" files for math genealogies
+ extracted from the Mathematics Genealogy Project website.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.graph = GGraph.Graph()
+ self.leaf_ids = []
+ self.get_ancestors = False
+ self.get_descendents = False
+ self.verbose = False
+ self.supp_node_filename = None
+ self.write_filename = None
+ def parseInput(self):
+ """
+ Parse command-line information.
+ """
+ self.parser = OptionParser()
+ self.parser.set_usage("%prog [options] ID ...")
+ self.parser.set_description('Create a Graphviz "dot" file for a mathematics genealogy, where ID is a record identifier from the Mathematics Genealogy Project. Multiple IDs may be passed.')
+ self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename",
+ help="write report to FILE [default: stdout]", metavar="FILE", default=None)
+ self.parser.add_option("-a", "--with-ancestors", action="store_true", dest="get_ancestors",
+ default=False, help="do not get ancestors of any input IDs")
+ self.parser.add_option("-d", "--with-descendents", action="store_true", dest="get_descendents",
+ default=False, help="do not get ancestors of any input IDs")
+ self.parser.add_option("--verbose", "-v", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False,
+ help="print information showing progress")
+ self.parser.add_option("--version", "-V", action="store_true", dest="print_version", default=False,
+ help="print geneagrapher version and exit")
+ self.parser.add_option("-n", "--attach-node-file", dest="supp_node_filename", metavar="FILE",
+ help="attach supplementary nodes returned by function 'define_supp_nodes()' in FILE to the graph", default=None)
+ (options, args) = self.parser.parse_args()
+ if options.print_version:
+ print "Geneagrapher Version 0.2"
+ self.parser.exit()
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ raise SyntaxError("%s: error: no record IDs passed" % (self.parser.get_prog_name()))
+ self.get_ancestors = options.get_ancestors
+ self.get_descendents = options.get_descendents
+ self.verbose = options.verbose
+ self.supp_node_filename = options.supp_node_filename
+ self.write_filename = options.filename
+ for arg in args:
+ self.leaf_ids.append(int(arg))
+ def buildGraph(self):
+ """
+ Populate the graph member by grabbing the mathematician
+ pages and extracting relevant data.
+ """
+ leaf_grab_queue = list(self.leaf_ids)
+ ancestor_grab_queue = []
+ descendent_grab_queue = []
+ # Grab "supplementary" nodes from file.
+ if self.supp_node_filename is not None:
+ supp_node_modname = self.supp_node_filename.split('.')[0]
+ importstr = "import %s" % (supp_node_modname)
+ exec(importstr)
+ if "define_supp_nodes" not in dir(eval(supp_node_modname)):
+ errstr = "'%s' module has no function 'define_supp_nodes'" % (supp_node_modname)
+ raise AttributeError(errstr)
+ supp_nodes = eval(supp_node_modname).define_supp_nodes()
+ for node in supp_nodes:
+ self.graph.addNodeObject(node, True)
+ # Grab "leaf" nodes.
+ while len(leaf_grab_queue) != 0:
+ id = leaf_grab_queue.pop()
+ if not self.graph.hasNode(id):
+ # Then this information has not yet been grabbed.
+ grabber = grab.Grabber(id)
+ if self.verbose:
+ print "Grabbing record #%d" % (id)
+ try:
+ [name, institution, year, advisors, descendents] = grabber.extractNodeInformation()
+ except ValueError:
+ # The given id does not exist in the Math Genealogy Project's database.
+ raise
+ self.graph.addNode(name, institution, year, id, advisors, descendents, True)
+ if self.get_ancestors:
+ ancestor_grab_queue += advisors
+ if self.get_descendents:
+ descendent_grab_queue += descendents
+ # Grab ancestors of leaf nodes.
+ if self.get_ancestors:
+ while len(ancestor_grab_queue) != 0:
+ id = ancestor_grab_queue.pop()
+ if not self.graph.hasNode(id):
+ # Then this information has not yet been grabbed.
+ grabber = grab.Grabber(id)
+ if self.verbose:
+ print "Grabbing record #%d" % (id)
+ try:
+ [name, institution, year, advisors, descendents] = grabber.extractNodeInformation()
+ except ValueError:
+ # The given id does not exist in the Math Genealogy Project's database.
+ raise
+ self.graph.addNode(name, institution, year, id, advisors, descendents)
+ ancestor_grab_queue += advisors
+ # Grab descendents of leaf nodes.
+ if self.get_descendents:
+ while len(descendent_grab_queue) != 0:
+ id = descendent_grab_queue.pop()
+ if not self.graph.hasNode(id):
+ # Then this information has not yet been grabbed.
+ grabber = grab.Grabber(id)
+ if self.verbose:
+ print "Grabbing record #%d" % (id)
+ try:
+ [name, institution, year, advisors, descendents] = grabber.extractNodeInformation()
+ except ValueError:
+ # The given id does not exist in the Math Genealogy Project's database.
+ raise
+ self.graph.addNode(name, institution, year, id, advisors, descendents)
+ descendent_grab_queue += descendents
+ def generateDotFile(self):
+ dotfile = self.graph.generateDotFile(self.get_ancestors, self.get_descendents)
+ if self.write_filename is not None:
+ outfile = open(self.write_filename, "w")
+ outfile.write(dotfile)
+ outfile.close()
+ else:
+ print dotfile
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ geneagrapher = Geneagrapher()
+ try:
+ geneagrapher.parseInput()
+ except SyntaxError, e:
+ print geneagrapher.parser.get_usage()
+ print e
+ geneagrapher.buildGraph()
+ geneagrapher.generateDotFile()
diff --git a/geneagrapher/grab.py b/geneagrapher/grab.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7825fbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geneagrapher/grab.py
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import urllib
+import re
+from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint
+class Grabber:
+ """
+ Class for grabbing and parsing mathematician information from
+ Math Genealogy Database.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, id):
+ self.id = id
+ self.pagestr = None
+ self.name = None
+ self.institution = None
+ self.year = None
+ self.advisors = []
+ self.descendents = []
+ def unescape(self, s):
+ return re.sub('&(%s);' % '|'.join(name2codepoint),\
+ lambda m: unichr(name2codepoint[m.group(1)]), s)
+ def getPage(self):
+ """
+ Grab the page for self.id from the Math Genealogy Database.
+ """
+ if self.pagestr is None:
+ url = 'http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/id.php?id=' + str(self.id)
+ page = urllib.urlopen(url)
+ self.pagestr = page.read()
+ self.pagestr = self.pagestr.decode('utf-8')
+ def extractNodeInformation(self):
+ """
+ For the mathematician in this object, extract the list of
+ advisor ids, the mathematician name, the mathematician
+ institution, and the year of the mathematician's degree.
+ """
+ if self.pagestr is None:
+ self.getPage()
+ self.advisors = []
+ self.descendents = []
+ # Split the page string at newline characters.
+ psarray = self.pagestr.split('\n')
+ if psarray[0].find("An error occurred in the forwarding block") > -1:
+ # Then a bad URL (e.g., a bad record id) was given. Throw an exception.
+ msg = "Invalid page address for id %d" % (self.id)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ lines = iter(psarray)
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.find('h2 style=') > -1:
+ line = lines.next()
+ self.name = self.unescape(line.split('</h2>')[0].strip())
+ if '#006633; margin-left: 0.5em">' in line:
+ inst_year = line.split('#006633; margin-left: 0.5em">')[1].split("</span>")[:2]
+ self.institution = self.unescape(inst_year[0].strip())
+ if self.institution == u"":
+ self.institution = None
+ if inst_year[1].split(',')[0].strip().isdigit():
+ self.year = int(inst_year[1].split(',')[0].strip())
+ if 'Advisor' in line:
+ if 'a href=\"id.php?id=' in line:
+ # Extract link to advisor page.
+ advisor_id = int(line.split('a href=\"id.php?id=')[1].split('\">')[0])
+ self.advisors.append(advisor_id)
+ if '<tr ' in line:
+ descendent_id = int(line.split('a href=\"id.php?id=')[1].split('\">')[0])
+ self.descendents.append(descendent_id)
+ if 'According to our current on-line database' in line:
+ break
+ return [self.name, self.institution, self.year, self.advisors, self.descendents]
diff --git a/geneagrapher/tests.py b/geneagrapher/tests.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5ac852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geneagrapher/tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+import sys
+import unittest
+import GGraph
+import grab
+import geneagrapher
+# Unit tests for GGraph.
+class TestRecordMethods(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ Unit tests for the GGraph.Record class.
+ """
+ def test001_init(self):
+ # Test the constructor.
+ record = GGraph.Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799, 18231)
+ self.assertEqual(record.name, "Carl Friedrich Gauss")
+ self.assertEqual(record.institution, "Universitaet Helmstedt")
+ self.assertEqual(record.year, 1799)
+ self.assertEqual(record.id, 18231)
+ def test002_init_bad_name(self):
+ # Test constructor with bad 'name' parameter.
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, GGraph.Record, 1, "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799, 18231)
+ def test003_init_bad_institution(self):
+ # Test constructor with bad 'institution' parameter.
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, GGraph.Record, "Carl Friedrich Gauss", 1, 1799, 18231)
+ def test004_init_bad_year(self):
+ # Test constructor with bad 'year' parameter.
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, GGraph.Record, "Carl Friedrich Gauss",
+ "Universitaet Helmstedt", "1799", 18231)
+ def test005_init_bad_id(self):
+ # Test constructor with bad 'id' parameter.
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, GGraph.Record, "Carl Friedrich Gauss",
+ "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799, "18231")
+ def test006_cmp_equal(self):
+ # Verify two 'equal' records are compared correctly.
+ record1 = GGraph.Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799, 18231)
+ record2 = GGraph.Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799, 18231)
+ self.assert_(record1 == record2)
+ def test007_cmp_unequal(self):
+ # Verify two 'unequal' records are compared correctly.
+ record1 = GGraph.Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799, 18231)
+ record2 = GGraph.Record("Leonhard Euler", "Universitaet Basel", 1726, 38586)
+ self.assert_(record1 < record2)
+ def test008_hasInstitution_yes(self):
+ # Verify hasInstitution() method returns True when the conditions are right.
+ record = GGraph.Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799, 18231)
+ self.assert_(record.hasInstitution())
+ def test009_hasInstitution_no(self):
+ # Verify hasInstitution() method returns False when the conditions are right.
+ record = GGraph.Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", None, 1799, 18231)
+ self.assert_(not record.hasInstitution())
+ def test010_hasYear_yes(self):
+ # Verify hasYear() method returns True when the conditions are right.
+ record = GGraph.Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799, 18231)
+ self.assert_(record.hasYear())
+ def test011_hasYear_no(self):
+ # Verify hasYear() method returns False when the conditions are right.
+ record = GGraph.Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", None, 18231)
+ self.assert_(not record.hasYear())
+class TestNodeMethods(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ Unit tests for the GGraph.Node class.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.record = GGraph.Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799, 18231)
+ def test001_init(self):
+ # Test the constructor.
+ node = GGraph.Node(self.record, [], [])
+ self.assertEquals(node.record, self.record)
+ self.assertEquals(node.ancestors, [])
+ self.assertEquals(node.descendents, [])
+ def test002_init_bad_record(self):
+ # Test the constructor for a case where the record passed is not a Record
+ # object.
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, GGraph.Node, 1, [], [])
+ def test003_init_bad_ancestor_list(self):
+ # Test the constructor for a case where the ancestor list is not a list.
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, GGraph.Node, self.record, 1, [])
+ def test003_2_init_bad_descendent_list(self):
+ # Test the constructor for a case where the descendent list is not a list.
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, GGraph.Node, self.record, [], 1)
+ def test004_str_full(self):
+ # Test __str__() method for Node with complete record.
+ node = GGraph.Node(self.record, [], [])
+ nodestr = node.__str__()
+ nodestrexpt = "Carl Friedrich Gauss \\nUniversitaet Helmstedt (1799)"
+ self.assertEquals(nodestr, nodestrexpt)
+ def test005_str_no_year(self):
+ # Test __str__() method for Node containing record without year.
+ record = GGraph.Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", None, 18231)
+ node = GGraph.Node(record, [], [])
+ nodestr = node.__str__()
+ nodestrexpt = "Carl Friedrich Gauss \\nUniversitaet Helmstedt"
+ self.assertEquals(nodestr, nodestrexpt)
+ def test006_str_no_inst(self):
+ # Test __str__() method for Node containing record without institution.
+ record = GGraph.Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", None, 1799, 18231)
+ node = GGraph.Node(record, [], [])
+ nodestr = node.__str__()
+ nodestrexpt = "Carl Friedrich Gauss \\n(1799)"
+ self.assertEquals(nodestr, nodestrexpt)
+ def test007_str_no_inst_no_id(self):
+ # Test __str__() method for Node containing record without institution
+ # or year.
+ record = GGraph.Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", None, None, 18231)
+ node = GGraph.Node(record, [], [])
+ nodestr = node.__str__()
+ nodestrexpt = "Carl Friedrich Gauss"
+ self.assertEquals(nodestr, nodestrexpt)
+ def test008_cmp_equal(self):
+ # Test comparison method for Nodes with identical records.
+ record2 = GGraph.Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799, 18231)
+ node1 = GGraph.Node(self.record, [], [])
+ node2 = GGraph.Node(record2, [], [])
+ self.assert_(node1 == node2)
+ def test009_cmp_unequal(self):
+ # Test comparison method for Nodes with different records.
+ record2 = GGraph.Record("Leonhard Euler", "Universitaet Basel", 1726, 38586)
+ node1 = GGraph.Node(self.record, [], [])
+ node2 = GGraph.Node(record2, [], [])
+ self.assert_(node1 < node2)
+ def test010_add_ancestor(self):
+ # Test the addAncestor() method.
+ node = GGraph.Node(self.record, [], [])
+ node.addAncestor(5)
+ self.assertEquals(node.ancestors, [5])
+ def test011_add_ancestor_bad_type(self):
+ # Test the addAncestor() method for a case where the parameter type is incorrect.
+ node = GGraph.Node(self.record, [], [])
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, node.addAncestor, '5')
+ def test012_get_id(self):
+ node = GGraph.Node(self.record, [], [])
+ self.assertEquals(node.id(), 18231)
+ def test013_set_id(self):
+ # Test the setId() method.
+ node = GGraph.Node(self.record, [], [])
+ self.assertEquals(node.id(), 18231)
+ node.setId(15)
+ self.assertEquals(node.id(), 15)
+class TestGraphMethods(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ Unit tests for the GGraph.Graph class.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.record1 = GGraph.Record("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799, 18231)
+ self.node1 = GGraph.Node(self.record1, [], [])
+ self.graph1 = GGraph.Graph([self.node1])
+ def test001_init_empty(self):
+ # Test the constructor.
+ graph = GGraph.Graph()
+ self.assertEquals(graph.heads, None)
+ def test002_init(self):
+ # Test the constructor.
+ self.assert_(self.graph1.heads == [self.node1])
+ self.assertEquals(self.graph1.nodes.keys(), [18231])
+ self.assertEquals(self.graph1.nodes[18231], self.node1)
+ def test003_init_bad_heads(self):
+ # Test the constructor when passed a bad type for the heads parameter.
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, GGraph.Graph, 3)
+ def test004_has_node_true(self):
+ # Test the hasNode() method for a True case.
+ self.assertEquals(self.graph1.hasNode(18231), True)
+ def test005_has_node_false(self):
+ # Test the hasNode() method for a False case.
+ self.assertEquals(self.graph1.hasNode(1), False)
+ def test006_get_node(self):
+ # Test the getNode() method.
+ node = self.graph1.getNode(18231)
+ self.assert_(node == self.node1)
+ def test007_get_node_not_found(self):
+ # Test the getNode() method for a case where the node does not exist.
+ node = self.graph1.getNode(1)
+ self.assertEquals(node, None)
+ def test008_get_node_list(self):
+ # Test the getNodeList() method.
+ self.assertEquals(self.graph1.getNodeList(), [18231])
+ def test008_get_node_list_empty(self):
+ # Test the getNodeList() method for an empty graph.
+ graph = GGraph.Graph()
+ self.assertEquals(graph.getNodeList(), [])
+ def test009_add_node(self):
+ # Test the addNode() method.
+ self.graph1.addNode("Leonhard Euler", "Universitaet Basel", 1726, 38586, [], [])
+ self.assertEquals([38586, 18231], self.graph1.getNodeList())
+ self.assertEquals(self.graph1.heads, [self.node1])
+ def test010_add_second_node_head(self):
+ # Test the addNode() method when adding a second node and
+ # marking it as a head node.
+ self.graph1.addNode("Leonhard Euler", "Universitaet Basel", 1726, 38586, [], [], True)
+ self.assertEquals([38586, 18231], self.graph1.getNodeList())
+ self.assertEquals(self.graph1.heads, [self.node1, self.graph1.getNode(38586)])
+ def test011_add_node_head(self):
+ # Test the addNode() method when no heads exist.
+ graph = GGraph.Graph()
+ self.assertEquals(graph.heads, None)
+ graph.addNode("Leonhard Euler", "Universitaet Basel", 1726, 38586, [], [])
+ self.assertEquals(graph.heads, [graph.getNode(38586)])
+ def test012_add_node_already_present(self):
+ self.graph1.addNode("Leonhard Euler", "Universitaet Basel", 1726, 38586, [], [])
+ self.assertEquals([38586, 18231], self.graph1.getNodeList())
+ self.assertRaises(GGraph.DuplicateNodeError, self.graph1.addNode, "Leonhard Euler", "Universitaet Basel", 1726, 38586, [], [])
+ def test013_add_node_object(self):
+ # Test the addNodeObject() method.
+ record = GGraph.Record("Leonhard Euler", "Universitaet Basel", 1726, 38586)
+ node = GGraph.Node(record, [], [])
+ self.graph1.addNodeObject(node)
+ self.assertEquals([38586, 18231], self.graph1.getNodeList())
+ self.assertEquals(self.graph1.heads, [self.node1])
+ def test014_generate_dot_file(self):
+ # Test the generateDotFile() method.
+ dotfileexpt = """digraph genealogy {
+ graph [charset="utf-8"];
+ node [shape=plaintext];
+ edge [style=bold];
+ 18231 [label="Carl Friedrich Gauss \\nUniversitaet Helmstedt (1799)"];
+ dotfile = self.graph1.generateDotFile(True, False)
+ self.assertEquals(dotfile, dotfileexpt)
+ def test015_generate_dot_file(self):
+ # Test the generateDotFile() method.
+ graph = GGraph.Graph()
+ graph.addNode("Carl Friedrich Gauss", "Universitaet Helmstedt", 1799, 18231, [18230], [])
+ graph.addNode("Johann Friedrich Pfaff", "Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen", 1786, 18230, [66476], [])
+ graph.addNode("Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner", "Universitaet Leipzig", 1739, 66476, [57670], [])
+ graph.addNode("Christian August Hausen", "Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg", 1713, 57670, [72669], [])
+ graph.addNode("Johann Christoph Wichmannshausen", "Universitaet Leipzig", 1685, 72669, [21235], [])
+ graph.addNode("Otto Mencke", "Universitaet Leipzig", 1665, 21235, [], [])
+ dotfileexpt = """digraph genealogy {
+ graph [charset="utf-8"];
+ node [shape=plaintext];
+ edge [style=bold];
+ 18231 [label="Carl Friedrich Gauss \\nUniversitaet Helmstedt (1799)"];
+ 18230 [label="Johann Friedrich Pfaff \\nGeorg-August-Universitaet Goettingen (1786)"];
+ 66476 [label="Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner \\nUniversitaet Leipzig (1739)"];
+ 57670 [label="Christian August Hausen \\nMartin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg (1713)"];
+ 72669 [label="Johann Christoph Wichmannshausen \\nUniversitaet Leipzig (1685)"];
+ 21235 [label="Otto Mencke \\nUniversitaet Leipzig (1665)"];
+ 18230 -> 18231;
+ 66476 -> 18230;
+ 57670 -> 66476;
+ 72669 -> 57670;
+ 21235 -> 72669;
+ dotfile = graph.generateDotFile(True, False)
+ self.assertEquals(dotfile, dotfileexpt)
+class TestGrabberMethods(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ Unit tests for the grab.Grabber class.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.grabber = grab.Grabber(18231)
+ def test001_init(self):
+ # Test constructor.
+ self.assertEquals(self.grabber.id, 18231)
+ self.assertEquals(self.grabber.pagestr, None)
+ self.assertEquals(self.grabber.name, None)
+ self.assertEquals(self.grabber.institution, None)
+ self.assertEquals(self.grabber.year, None)
+ self.assertEquals(self.grabber.advisors, [])
+ self.assertEquals(self.grabber.descendents, [])
+ def test002_get_page(self):
+ # Test getPage() method.
+ self.grabber.getPage()
+ self.assert_(self.grabber.pagestr is not None)
+ self.assert_(u"<title>The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Carl Gau\xdf</title>" in self.grabber.pagestr)
+ # Get page again and test for adverse affects.
+ self.grabber.getPage()
+ self.assert_(u"<title>The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Carl Gau\xdf</title>" in self.grabber.pagestr)
+ def test003_extract_info_bad(self):
+ # Verify exception thrown for bad id.
+ grabber = grab.Grabber(999999999)
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, grabber.extractNodeInformation)
+ def test004_extract_info_all_fields(self):
+ # Test the extractNodeInformation() method for a record containing all fields.
+ [name, institution, year, advisors, descendents] = self.grabber.extractNodeInformation()
+ self.assertEquals(name, self.grabber.name)
+ self.assertEquals(institution, self.grabber.institution)
+ self.assertEquals(year, self.grabber.year)
+ self.assertEquals(advisors, self.grabber.advisors)
+ self.assertEquals(name, u"Carl Friedrich Gau\xdf")
+ self.assertEquals(institution, u"Universit\xe4t Helmstedt")
+ self.assertEquals(year, 1799)
+ self.assertEquals(advisors, [18230])
+ self.assertEquals(descendents, [18603, 18233, 62547, 29642, 55175, 29458, 19953, 18232])
+ # Verify calling extractNodeInformation() twice does not have side effect.
+ [name, institution, year, advisors, descendents] = self.grabber.extractNodeInformation()
+ self.assertEquals(name, u"Carl Friedrich Gau\xdf")
+ self.assertEquals(institution, u"Universit\xe4t Helmstedt")
+ self.assertEquals(year, 1799)
+ self.assertEquals(advisors, [18230])
+ self.assertEquals(descendents, [18603, 18233, 62547, 29642, 55175, 29458, 19953, 18232])
+ def test005_extract_info_no_advisor(self):
+ # Test the extractNodeInformation() method for a record with no advisor.
+ grabber = grab.Grabber(21235)
+ [name, institution, year, advisors, descendents] = grabber.extractNodeInformation()
+ self.assertEquals(name, u"Otto Mencke")
+ self.assertEquals(institution, u"Universit\xe4t Leipzig")
+ self.assertEquals(year, 1665)
+ self.assertEquals(advisors, [])
+ self.assertEquals(descendents, [77909, 72669])
+ def test006_extract_info_no_year(self):
+ # Test the extractNodeInformation() method for a record with no year.
+ # This example also has no descendents.
+ grabber = grab.Grabber(53658)
+ [name, institution, year, advisors, descendents] = grabber.extractNodeInformation()
+ self.assertEquals(name, u"S. Cingolani")
+ self.assertEquals(institution, u"Universit\xe0 di Pisa")
+ self.assertEquals(year, None)
+ self.assertEquals(advisors, [51261])
+ self.assertEquals(descendents, [])
+ def test007_extract_info_no_inst(self):
+ # Test the extractNodeInformation() method for a record with no institution.
+ # This test is also missing additional information already tested.
+ grabber = grab.Grabber(52965)
+ [name, institution, year, advisors, descendents] = grabber.extractNodeInformation()
+ self.assertEquals(name, u"Walter Mayer")
+ self.assertEquals(institution, None)
+ self.assertEquals(year, None)
+ self.assertEquals(advisors, [])
+ self.assertEquals(descendents, [52996])
+ # Tests for special (from my point of view) characters:
+ def test008_slash_l(self):
+ # Test the extractNodeInformation() method for a record
+ # containing a slash l character. Example:
+ # http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/id.php?id=7383.
+ grabber = grab.Grabber(7383)
+ [name, institution, year, advisors, descendents] = grabber.extractNodeInformation()
+ self.assertEquals(name, u"W\u0142adys\u0142aw Hugo Dyonizy Steinhaus")
+ self.assertEquals(institution, u"Georg-August-Universit\xe4t G\xf6ttingen")
+ self.assertEquals(year, 1911)
+ self.assertEquals(advisors, [7298])
+ self.assertEquals(descendents, [12681, 28292, 10275, 79297, 36991, 17851, 51907, 15165, 89841, 84016])
+class TestGeneagrapherMethods(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ Unit tests for the geneagrapher.Geneagrapher class.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.ggrapher = geneagrapher.Geneagrapher()
+ def test001_init(self):
+ # Test constructor.
+ self.assertEquals(isinstance(self.ggrapher.graph, GGraph.Graph), True)
+ self.assertEquals(self.ggrapher.leaf_ids, [])
+ self.assertEquals(self.ggrapher.get_ancestors, False)
+ self.assertEquals(self.ggrapher.get_descendents, False)
+ self.assertEquals(self.ggrapher.verbose, False)
+ self.assertEquals(self.ggrapher.supp_node_filename, None)
+ self.assertEquals(self.ggrapher.write_filename, None)
+ def test002_parse_empty(self):
+ # Test parseInput() with no arguments.
+ sys.argv = ['geneagrapher']
+ self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, self.ggrapher.parseInput)
+ def test003_parse_default(self):
+ # Test parseInput() with no options.
+ sys.argv = ['geneagrapher', '3']
+ self.ggrapher.get_ancestors = False
+ self.ggrapher.get_descendents = True
+ self.ggrapher.write_filename = "filler"
+ self.ggrapher.parseInput()
+ self.assertEquals(self.ggrapher.get_ancestors, False)
+ self.assertEquals(self.ggrapher.get_descendents, False)
+ self.assertEquals(self.ggrapher.verbose, False)
+ self.assertEquals(self.ggrapher.supp_node_filename, None)
+ self.assertEquals(self.ggrapher.write_filename, None)
+ self.assertEquals(self.ggrapher.leaf_ids, [3])
+ def test004_parse_options(self):
+ # Test parseInput() with options.
+ sys.argv = ['geneagrapher', '--with-ancestors', '--with-descendents', '--file=filler', '--verbose', '-n', 'suppfiller', '3', '43']
+ self.ggrapher.parseInput()
+ self.assertEquals(self.ggrapher.get_ancestors, True)
+ self.assertEquals(self.ggrapher.get_descendents, True)
+ self.assertEquals(self.ggrapher.verbose, True)
+ self.assertEquals(self.ggrapher.supp_node_filename, "suppfiller")
+ self.assertEquals(self.ggrapher.write_filename, "filler")
+ self.assertEquals(self.ggrapher.leaf_ids, [3, 43])
+ def test005_bad_supp_node_file(self):
+ # Test buildGraph() method when given bad supplementary node
+ # file.
+ sys.argv = ['geneagrapher', '--attach-node-file=tests.py', '3', '43']
+ self.ggrapher.parseInput()
+ self.assertRaises(AttributeError, self.ggrapher.buildGraph)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestRecordMethods))
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestNodeMethods))
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestGraphMethods))
+ #suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestGrabberMethods))
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestGeneagrapherMethods))
+ unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(suite)
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