[gringo] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/4.5.1'
Thomas Krennwallner
tkren-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jul 13 07:17:32 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tkren-guest pushed a commit to branch devel
in repository gringo.
commit fcb43ce17a8674ae3566f4dc998c8d82050ab187
Merge: 1d31def 6eccfa7
Author: Thomas Krennwallner <tkren at kr.tuwien.ac.at>
Date: Mon Jul 13 08:15:26 2015 +0200
Merge tag 'upstream/4.5.1'
Upstream version 4.5.1
.clang_complete | 22 ---
.ycm_extra_conf.py | 174 ---------------------
CHANGES | 9 ++
INSTALL | 19 ++-
README | 4 +-
SConscript | 165 ++++++++++++++-----
SConstruct | 22 ++-
app/clingo/src/clingo_app.cc | 7 +-
app/clingo/src/clingo_app.hh | 2 +-
app/clingo/tests/lua/blocksworld1.lp | 5 +
app/clingo/tests/lua/conformant1.lp | 4 +-
app/clingo/tests/lua/conformant2.lp | 4 +-
app/clingo/tests/lua/conformant3.lp | 4 +-
app/clingo/tests/lua/sokoban.lp | 1 +
app/clingo/tests/lua/sokoban_back.lp | 1 +
app/clingo/tests/lua/sokoban_para.lp | 1 +
app/clingo/tests/python/sokoban.lp | 1 +
app/{luaclingo/src => example}/main.cc | 33 ++--
app/gringo/main.cc | 16 +-
app/luaclingo/src/main.cc | 2 +-
app/pyclingo/src/main.cc | 2 +-
examples/clingo/controller-processes/client-lua.lp | 2 +-
examples/clingo/iclingo/incmode-lua.lp | 1 +
examples/clingo/iclingo/incmode-py.lp | 1 +
examples/clingo/pydoc/pydoc-lib.py | 7 +-
examples/clingo/pydoc/pydoc.lp | 7 +-
examples/clingo/stats/example.lp | 2 +
examples/clingo/stats/stats-lua.lp | 1 +
examples/clingo/stats/stats-py.lp | 1 +
examples/reify/README | 5 +
.../conformant1.lp => examples/reify/example2.lp | 146 +++++------------
examples/reify/meta.lp | 6 +
examples/reify/metaO.lp | 2 +-
libclasp/src/clasp_output.cpp | 23 +--
.../include => libclingo/clingo}/clingocontrol.hh | 19 +--
{app/shared => libclingo}/src/clingocontrol.cc | 96 +++++-------
libgringo/gringo/control.hh | 1 +
libgringo/gringo/ground/statements.hh | 8 +-
libgringo/gringo/input/aggregates.hh | 6 +-
libgringo/gringo/input/groundtermparser.hh | 2 +-
libgringo/gringo/logger.hh | 3 +-
libgringo/gringo/output/literal.hh | 2 +
libgringo/gringo/output/literals.hh | 1 +
libgringo/gringo/output/output.hh | 2 +
libgringo/gringo/output/statement.hh | 1 +
libgringo/gringo/value.hh | 5 +
libgringo/gringo/version.hh | 2 +-
libgringo/src/ground/statements.cc | 58 +++----
libgringo/src/input/aggregate.cc | 2 +-
libgringo/src/input/aggregates.cc | 50 ++++--
libgringo/src/input/groundtermparser.cc | 8 +-
libgringo/src/input/nongroundlexer.xh | 155 +++++++++---------
libgringo/src/input/nongroundparser.cc | 7 +-
libgringo/src/lua.cc | 19 ++-
libgringo/src/output/literals.cc | 20 +++
libgringo/src/output/output.cc | 66 +++++++-
libgringo/src/python.cc | 23 ++-
libgringo/src/term.cc | 4 +-
libgringo/tests/output/aspcomp13.cc | 6 +-
libgringo/tests/output/incremental.cc | 1 +
libgringo/tests/output/lparse.cc | 13 ++
61 files changed, 658 insertions(+), 624 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/gringo.git
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