[python-dtcwt] 20/497: add original README file and update our README
Ghislain Vaillant
ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jul 21 18:05:45 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to branch debian/sid
in repository python-dtcwt.
commit 2c4e6868bc37d7832c0730c5f14f440b3cc2aa1e
Author: Rich Wareham <rjw57 at cam.ac.uk>
Date: Wed Aug 7 15:43:30 2013 +0100
add original README file and update our README
ORIGINAL_README.txt | 112 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
README.rst | 39 ++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 151 insertions(+)
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7fb32c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform Pack - version 4.3
+Nick Kingsbury, Cambridge University, June 2003.
+This pack (version 4.2) includes the following functions for performing
+the Dual Tree Complex wavelet Transform on 1-D and 2-D signals:
+The main DT CWT functions:
+ dtwavexfm => 1D DTCWT decomposition
+ dtwaveifm => 1D DTCWT reconstruction
+ dtwavexfm2 => 2D DTCWT decomposition
+ dtwaveifm2 => 2D DTCWT reconstruction
+Lower level functions:
+ colfilter => Column filtering of a matrix with symmetric extension
+ coldfilt => Column filtering with decimation by 2, using 2 filters.
+ colifilt => Column filtering with interpolation (upsampling) by 2, using 2 filters.
+ reflect => Reflect a vector about max and min limits (used for sym extension).
+There are also equivalent functions for the usual Discrete Wavelet Transform
+(included mainly for comparison purposes):
+ wavexfm => 1D DWT decomposition
+ waveifm => 1D DWT reconstruction
+ wavexfm2 => 2D DWT decomposition
+ waveifm2 => 2D DWT reconstruction
+Lower level DWT functions:
+ coldwtfilt => Column filtering with decimation by 2.
+ coliwtfilt => Column filtering with interpolation (upsampling) by 2.
+There are 2 test M-files which show how the main functions
+can be used, and also demonstrate the shift invariance properties
+of the DT CWT, compared with the DWT, in both 1-D and 2-D:
+ shift_test_1D => Demonstrate shift invariance in 1-D
+ shift_test_2D => Demonstrate shift invariance in 2-D
+ shiftmovie => Show 1-D shift invariance as a movie.
+These M-files use the following ancilliary functions:
+ draw => Draw an image in a correctly sized figure window.
+ cimage5 => Draw a complex subimage using a colour palette for the complex numbers.
+ drawcirc => Generate a circular disc image.
+ setfig => Set up a predefined figure window.
+ settitle => Set the title of a figure window.
+Various .MAT files contain the wavelet filter coefficients.
+To test the 1-D DTCWT package use the following Matlab commands:
+X = rand(512,1);
+figure; plot(X); drawnow
+[Yl,Yh] = dtwavexfm(X,5,'near_sym_b','qshift_b');
+Z = dtwaveifm(Yl,Yh,'near_sym_b','qshift_b');
+figure; plot(Z)
+dtcwt_error = max(abs(Z-X)) % Error should be < 1e-12
+To test the 2-D DTCWT package use the following Matlab commands:
+load lenna
+figure; draw(X); drawnow
+[Yl,Yh] = dtwavexfm2(X,4,'near_sym_b','qshift_b');
+Z = dtwaveifm2(Yl,Yh,'near_sym_b','qshift_b');
+figure; draw(Z)
+dtcwt_error = max(abs(Z(:)-X(:))) % Error should be < 1e-12
+For more interesting tests, run the M-files shift_test_1D and
+Further information on the DT CWT can be obtained from papers
+downloadable from my website (given below). The best tutorial is in
+the 1999 Royal Society Paper. In particular this explains the conversion
+between 'real' quad-number subimages and pairs of complex subimages.
+The Q-shift filters are explained in the ICIP 2000 paper and in more detail
+in the May 2001 paper for the Journal on Applied and Computational
+Harmonic Analysis.
+This code is copyright and is supplied free of charge for research
+purposes only. In return for supplying the code, all I ask is that, if
+you use the algorithms, you give due reference to this work in any
+papers that you write and that you let me know if you find any good
+applications for the DT CWT. If the applications are good, I would be
+very interested in collaboration. I accept no liability arising from use
+of these algorithms.
+Nick Kingsbury,
+Cambridge University, June 2003.
+Dr N G Kingsbury,
+ Dept. of Engineering, University of Cambridge,
+ Trumpington St., Cambridge CB2 1PZ, UK.
+ or
+ Trinity College, Cambridge CB2 1TQ, UK.
+Phone: (0 or +44) 1223 338514 / 332647; Home: 1954 211152;
+Fax: 1223 338564 / 332662; E-mail: ngk at eng.cam.ac.uk
+Web home page: http://www.eng.cam.ac.uk/~ngk/
+Version 4.3: Bug corrected at lines 45 and 48 of waveifm2.m
+(LoLo instead of Lo). June 2003.
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index e69de29..54e3aa0 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Python library for the Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform
+This library provides support for computing 1D and 2D dual-tree complex wavelet
+transforms and their inverse in Python.
+Installation is based on setuptools and follows the usual conventions for a
+Python project::
+ $ python setup.py install
+A minimal test suite is provided so that you may verify the code works on your
+ $ python setup.py nosetests
+This will also write test-coverage information to the ``cover/`` directory.
+Further documentation
+More documentation is available via the Sphinx documentation system::
+ $ python setup.py build_sphinx
+Compiled documentation may be found in ``build/docs/html/``.
+Based on the Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform Pack for MATLAB by Nick
+Kingsbury, Cambridge University. The original README can be found in
+ORIGINAL_README.txt. This file outlines the conditions of use of the original
+MATLAB toolbox.
+.. vim:sw=4:sts=4:et
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