[python-dtcwt] 113/497: a first stab at keypoint detectors

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jul 21 18:05:55 UTC 2015

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commit 49a03a74e50722e76b550c38c193a3e510172128
Author: Rich Wareham <rjw57 at cam.ac.uk>
Date:   Tue Aug 20 16:33:13 2013 +0100

    a first stab at keypoint detectors
 docs/reference.rst |   6 ++
 dtcwt/keypoint.py  | 245 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 251 insertions(+)

diff --git a/docs/reference.rst b/docs/reference.rst
index f4f0d9b..9022605 100644
--- a/docs/reference.rst
+++ b/docs/reference.rst
@@ -7,6 +7,12 @@ Computing the DT-CWT
 .. automodule:: dtcwt
+Keypoint analysis
+.. automodule:: dtcwt.keypoint
+    :members:
 Image sampling
diff --git a/dtcwt/keypoint.py b/dtcwt/keypoint.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91437fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dtcwt/keypoint.py
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+import numpy as np
+from dtcwt.sampling import upsample_highpass, upsample
+__all__ = [ 'find_keypoints' ]
+def find_keypoints(highpass_subbands, method=None, alpha=1.0, beta=0.4,
+        threshold=None, max_points=None,
+        upsample_keypoint_energy=None, upsample_subbands=None,
+        refine_positions=True, skip_levels=1):
+    """
+    :param highpass_subbands: (NxMx6) matrix of highpass subband images
+    :param method: *(optional)* string specifying which keypoint energy method to use
+    :param alpha: *(optional)* scale parameter for ``'fauqueur'`` method
+    :param beta: *(optional)* shape parameter for ``'fauqueur'`` method
+    :param threshold: *(optional)* minimum keypoint energy of returned keypoints
+    :param max_points: *(optional)* maximum number of keypoints to return
+    :param upsample_keypoint_energy: is non-None, a string specifying a method used to upscale the keypoint energy map before finding keypoints
+    :param upsample_subands: is non-None, a string specifying a method used to upscale the subband image before finding keypoints
+    :param refine_positions: *(optional)* should the keypoint positions be refined to sub-pixel accuracy
+    :param skip_levels: *(optional)* number of levels of the transform to ignore before looking for keypoints
+    :returns: (Px4) array of P keypoints in image co-ordinates
+    The rows of the returned keypoint array give the x co-ordinate, y
+    co-ordinate, scale and keypoint energy. The rows are sorted in order of
+    decreasing keypoint energy.
+    If *refine_positions* is ``True`` then the positions (and energy) of the
+    keypoints will be refined to sub-pixel accuracy by fitting a quadratic
+    patch. If *refine_positions* is ``False`` then the keypoint locations will
+    be those corresponding directly to pixel-wise maxima of the subband images.
+    The *max_points* and *threshold* parameters are cumulative: if both are
+    specified then the *max_points* greatest energy keypoints with energy
+    greater than *threshold* will be returned.
+    Usually the keypoint energies returned from the finest scale level are
+    dominated by noise and so one usually wants to specify *skip_levels* to be
+    1 or 2. If *skip_levels* is 0 then all levels will be used to compute
+    keypoint energy.
+    The *upsample_subbands* and *upsample_keypoint_energy* parameters are used
+    to control whether the individual subband coefficients and/org the keypoint
+    energy map are upscaled by 2 before finding keypoints. If these parameters
+    are None then no corresponding upscaling is performed. If non-None they
+    specify the upscale method as outlined in
+    :py:func:`dtcwt.sampling.upsample`.
+    If *method* is ``None``, the default ``'fauqueur'`` method is used.
+    =========== ======================================= ======================
+    Name        Description                             Parameters used
+    =========== ======================================= ======================
+    fauqueur    Geometric mean of absolute values[1]    *alpha*, *beta*
+    bendale     Minimum absolute value[2]               none
+    kingsbury   Cross-product of orthogonal subbands    none
+    gale        Gradient of subbands                    none
+    =========== ======================================= ======================
+    [1] Julien Fauqueur, Nick Kingsbury, and Ryan Anderson. *Multiscale
+    Keypoint Detection using the Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform*. 2006
+    International Conference on Image Processing, pages 1625-1628, October
+    2006. ISSN 1522-4880. doi: 10.1109/ICIP.2006.312656.
+    http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=4106857.
+    [2] Pashmina Bendale, Bill Triggs, and Nick Kingsbury. *Multiscale Keypoint
+    Analysis based on Complex Wavelets*. In British Machine Vision Con-ference
+    (BMVC), 2010.
+    http://www-sigproc.eng.cam.ac.uk/~pb397/publications/BTK_BMVC_2010_abstract.pdf.
+    """
+    # Set default method
+    if method is None:
+        method = 'fauqueur'
+    # Skip levels
+    highpass_subbands = highpass_subbands[skip_levels:]
+    # Compute contribution to scale from upsampling
+    upsample_scale = 1
+    if upsample_subbands is not None:
+        upsample_scale <<= 1
+    if upsample_keypoint_energy is not None:
+        upsample_scale <<= 1
+    # Find keypoint energy map for each level
+    kp_energies = []
+    for subband in highpass_subbands:
+        if upsample_subbands is not None:
+            subband = upsample_highpass(subband, upsample_subbands)
+        if method == 'fauqueur':
+            kp_energies.append(_keypoint_energy_fauqueur(subband, alpha, beta))
+        elif method == 'bendale':
+            kp_energies.append(_keypoint_energy_bendale(subband))
+        elif method == 'kingsbury':
+            kp_energies.append(_keypoint_energy_kingsbury(subband))
+        elif method == 'gale':
+            kp_energies.append(_keypoint_energy_gale(subband))
+        else:
+            raise ValueError('Unknown method: {0}'.format(method))
+        if upsample_keypoint_energy is not None:
+            kp_energies[-1] = upsample(kp_energies[-1], upsample_keypoint_energy)
+    # Find keypoints for each level
+    kps = None
+    for level_idx, kp_energy in enumerate(kp_energies):
+        kp_scale = 2**(level_idx+1+skip_levels) / float(upsample_scale)
+        kp_rows, kp_cols, kp_energies = _kp_energy_maxima(kp_energy, threshold=threshold, refine=refine_positions)
+        # Scaling is a bit non-trivial. If the subband has pixel coords in range {0, .., M-1} then it has extent
+        # (-0.5, M-0.5]. If we need to scale the pixel size by kp_scale then the final image will have extent
+        # (-0.5, kp_scale*M-0.5]. So we need a linear function which maps -0.5 -> -0.5 and M-0.5 -> kp_scale*M-0.5
+        # such a function is x -> kp_scale * (x+0.5) - 0.5
+        level_kps = np.array((
+            (kp_cols+0.5)*kp_scale-0.5, (kp_rows+0.5)*kp_scale-0.5,
+            kp_scale*np.ones(kp_cols.shape[0]), kp_energies)).T
+        if kps is None:
+            kps = level_kps
+        else:
+            kps = np.vstack((kps, level_kps))
+    # Sort keypoints
+    sorted_indices = np.argsort(kps[:, 3])
+    kps = kps[sorted_indices[::-1],:]
+    # Truncate if necessary
+    if max_points is not None:
+        kps = kps[:max_points]
+    # Return keypoints
+    return kps
+def _keypoint_energy_fauqueur(subband, alpha, beta):
+    return alpha * np.power(np.maximum(0, np.product(np.abs(subband), axis=2)), beta)
+def _keypoint_energy_bendale(subband):
+    return np.min(np.abs(subband), axis=2)
+def _keypoint_energy_kingsbury(subband):
+    raise NotImplementedError('not implemented yet')
+def _keypoint_energy_gale(subband):
+    raise NotImplementedError('not implemented yet')
+def _nullspace(A, atol=1e-13, rtol=0):
+    """Compute an approximate basis for the nullspace of A.
+    The algorithm used by this function is based on the singular value
+    decomposition of `A`.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    A : ndarray
+        A should be at most 2-D.  A 1-D array with length k will be treated
+        as a 2-D with shape (1, k)
+    atol : float
+        The absolute tolerance for a zero singular value.  Singular values
+        smaller than `atol` are considered to be zero.
+    rtol : float
+        The relative tolerance.  Singular values less than rtol*smax are
+        considered to be zero, where smax is the largest singular value.
+    If both `atol` and `rtol` are positive, the combined tolerance is the
+    maximum of the two; that is::
+        tol = max(atol, rtol * smax)
+    Singular values smaller than `tol` are considered to be zero.
+    Return value
+    ------------
+    ns : ndarray
+        If `A` is an array with shape (m, k), then `ns` will be an array
+        with shape (k, n), where n is the estimated dimension of the
+        nullspace of `A`.  The columns of `ns` are a basis for the
+        nullspace; each element in numpy.dot(A, ns) will be approximately
+        zero.
+    """
+    A = np.atleast_2d(A)
+    u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(A)
+    tol = max(atol, rtol * s[0])
+    nnz = (s >= tol).sum()
+    ns = vh[nnz:].conj().T
+    return ns
+def _kp_energy_maxima(X, threshold=None, refine=True):
+    # If no threshold is provided, choose one which all keypoints will pass
+    if threshold is None:
+        threshold = X.min() - 1
+    # Compute local maximum image
+    maxima = np.ones_like(X) * threshold
+    for dx in (-1,0,1):
+        for dy in (-1,0,1):
+            maxima[1:-2,1:-2] = np.maximum(maxima[1:-2,1:-2], X[1+dy:X.shape[0]-2+dy, 1+dx:X.shape[1]-2+dx])
+    # This will be used to store the values of local maxima
+    lm_values = []
+    # This will be used to store the refined positions
+    lm_refined_rows, lm_refined_cols = [], []
+    # Find local maxima
+    lm_rows, lm_cols = np.nonzero(maxima == X)
+    if refine:
+        # Taylor series of I(x) around x_0 is I(x) ~= I(x_o) + dI/dx x + dI^2/dx^2 x^2 + ...
+        # maximum is at differential is zero or:
+        # 0 = dI/dx + 2 dI^2/dx^2 x => x = -dI/dx * (2*dI^2/dx^2)^-1
+        # Form the various gradient images for X
+        dXdy, dXdx = np.gradient(X)
+        dX2dxdy, dX2dx2 = np.gradient(dXdx)
+        dX2dy2, dX2dydx = np.gradient(dXdy)
+        a_im = np.dstack((
+           dX2dx2, dX2dy2, dX2dxdy, dXdx, dXdy, X,
+        ))
+    # Calculate a vectors for each neighbourhood
+    for r, c in zip(lm_rows, lm_cols):
+        if refine:
+            a = a_im[r,c,:]
+            A = np.array(((2*a[0], a[2], a[3]), (a[2], 2*a[1], a[4])))
+            v = _nullspace(A)[:,0]
+            v /= v[2]
+            # Only accept fittings where maximum is within half of a pixel of
+            # the maximum pixel's centre.
+            if np.any(np.abs(v[:2]) > 0.5):
+                continue
+            x, y = v[:2]
+            lm_values.append(a[0]*x*x + a[1]*y*y + a[2]*x*y + a[3]*x + a[4]*y + a[5])
+        else:
+            x, y = 0, 0
+            lm_values.append(X[r,c])
+        lm_refined_rows.append(r+y)
+        lm_refined_cols.append(c+x)
+    return np.array(lm_refined_rows), np.array(lm_refined_cols), np.array(lm_values)

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