[clfft] annotated tag upstream/v2.2 created (now 9666bc7)
Ghislain Vaillant
ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jul 22 11:24:49 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ghisvail-guest pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/v2.2
in repository clfft.
at 9666bc7 (tag)
tagging d0394b1a62a4214ddd60e239f35c02fb61a4f68a (commit)
tagged by Kent Knox
on Thu Jun 19 16:16:10 2014 -0500
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
v2.2 is a bugfix release, incorporating all bugfixes in the develop
branch. This corresponds approximately to the state of the code
when ACML 6 shipped.
AMD-FirePro (2):
workaround to make clfft run on NV
NV workaround. Using the command queue to get the device id
Andrey Gursky (1):
Adding missing '-pthread' to the C/C++ compiler flags, since the library makes use of pthreads
BenjaminCoquelle (1):
fix bug when working multiple devices.
Brian Kloppenborg (1):
Added CMake find script. The script searches in /usr/local by default. The user may specify CLFFT_ROOT if clFFT is installed in a non-standard location.
Dominic Meiser (1):
Add an option to control shared vs static library builds.
Jenkins SEE Anna7 (1):
Adding the ability to specify build numbers through cmake command line parameters
Kent Knox (32):
Initial check-in of open source clFFT code
Changing version number to 2.0
Adding link to our API documentation on GitHub Pages
Adding link to our API documentation on GitHub Pages
Fixed project name for doxy file
First attempt at changing install suffixes based upon cmake cache variables
Removing /stack from windows builds; adding printscreen support for nmake builds
Merge branch 'add-pkgconfig-support' of https://github.com/matze/clFFT into matze-add-pkgconfig
Merging Matzes pull request, with modifications for the new install procedure
Adding mingw32 support as a compilation platform
Merge pull request #15 from pavanky/develop
Fixed bug in clFFT.pc.in where lib directory was set relative to bin directory
Cleanup of txt not in the spirit of the clMath Apache license
Merge pull request #19 from accelereyes/develop
Add configuration file and cmake modifications to automate build on Travis.
Everything builds with xcode 5.0 except for the googletest executable
Merge pull request #23 from AMD-FirePro/develop
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/develop' into macosx
Everything compiles on MacOSX with the Unix makefile generator
Logic added to packaging step to query dependencies for test executables, and package the dependencies
Merge pull request #29 from BenjaminCoquelle/develop
Fixes #14
Changing the behavior of linking to Boost such that system
Merge pull request #38 from bkloppenborg/add_FindclFFT_script
Merge pull request #37 from andreygursky/cmake-fix-1
Merge pull request #41 from d-meiser/static-lib
Improved detection of the OpenCL dependencies during the 'copy' step
Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/clMathLibraries/clFFT into develop
Update to the cmake script to copy dependencies into packages
Travis fix: The DIRECTORY tag on get_filename_component( ) was introduced
Updates to the main README.md file to incorporate google group links, and
Merge branch 'develop'
Matthias Vogelgesang (1):
Add pkg-config support
Pavan Yalamanchili (4):
Fixed compiler name check on Linux
Adding CUDA_PATH as an option for OPENCL_ROOT
CUDA uses Win32 to store 32 bit libraries
Workaround for 2D FFT failures on NVIDIA GPUs
Timmy (6):
Merge pull request #12 from kknox/develop
Merge pull request #17 from kknox/matze-add-pkgconfig
Merge pull request #18 from kknox/mingwSupport
Merge pull request #21 from kknox/develop
Merge pull request #24 from kknox/macosx
Merge pull request #28 from kknox/develop
bragadeesh (3):
adding error return to handle mismatched device usgae between BakePlan and EnqueueTransform
Merge pull request #30 from accelereyes/develop
fixing documentation
No new revisions were added by this update.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/clfft.git
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