[adios] 142/207: Merge tag 'upstream_1.7.0'

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jun 12 06:04:51 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mckinstry pushed a commit to branch master
in repository adios.

commit 2dc69dbf346cca00bef54eee05a64b438dadd8a5
Merge: abec36f b5ef974
Author: Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Jun 13 23:07:16 2014 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream_1.7.0'

 CMakeLists.txt                                     |   123 +-
 INSTALL                                            |    12 +-
 Makefile.am                                        |     5 +-
 Makefile.in                                        |    59 +-
 NEWS                                               |    19 +-
 aclocal.m4                                         |     3 +
 adios_config                                       |    62 +-
 cmake_init                                         |   234 +-
 config.h.cmake                                     |     6 +
 config.h.in                                        |    18 +
 config/ac_cray_pmi.m4                              |     4 +-
 config/ac_cray_ugni.m4                             |     4 +-
 config/ac_dataspaces.m4                            |    13 +-
 config/ac_dimes.m4                                 |     9 +-
 config/ac_fgr.m4                                   |    67 +
 config/ac_glib.m4                                  |    67 +
 config/ac_infiniband.m4                            |     8 +-
 config/ac_lustre.m4                                |   126 +-
 config/ac_pami.m4                                  |    71 +
 config/ac_portals.m4                               |     4 +-
 configure                                          |  2325 ++-
 configure.ac                                       |    93 +-
 examples/C/Makefile.in                             |    13 +
 examples/C/arrays/Makefile.in                      |    13 +
 examples/C/arrays/arrays_read.c                    |     2 +-
 examples/C/arrays/arrays_write.c                   |     3 +-
 examples/C/attributes/Makefile.in                  |    13 +
 examples/C/attributes/attributes_read.c            |     4 +-
 examples/C/attributes/attributes_write.c           |     3 +-
 examples/C/compression_test/Makefile.in            |    13 +
 examples/C/compression_test/adios_global.c         |     1 -
 examples/C/compression_test/adios_read_box.c       |     2 +-
 examples/C/compression_test/genarray3D.c           |    18 +-
 examples/C/compression_test/read_test.h            |     5 +-
 examples/C/flexpath_arrays/Makefile.in             |    13 +
 .../global_range_select/Makefile.in                |    13 +
 .../flexpath_arrays/global_range_select/arrays.xml |     9 +-
 .../global_range_select/arrays_read.c              |    79 +-
 .../global_range_select/arrays_write.c             |    49 +-
 .../C/flexpath_arrays/process_select/Makefile.in   |    13 +
 .../C/flexpath_arrays/process_select/arrays_read.c |     6 +-
 .../flexpath_arrays/process_select/arrays_write.c  |     3 +-
 examples/C/global-array-time/Makefile.in           |    13 +
 examples/C/global-array-time/adios_globaltime.c    |     1 -
 .../C/global-array-time/adios_globaltime_no_xml.c  |     3 +-
 .../C/global-array-time/adios_read_globaltime.c    |     3 +-
 .../adios_read_globaltime_streaming.c              |    10 +-
 examples/C/global-array/Makefile.am                |     6 +-
 examples/C/global-array/Makefile.in                |    35 +-
 examples/C/global-array/adios_global.c             |     1 -
 examples/C/global-array/adios_global.xml           |     3 +-
 examples/C/global-array/adios_global_2files.c      |     3 +-
 ..._no_xml.c => adios_global_aggregate_by_color.c} |    33 +-
 examples/C/global-array/adios_global_no_xml.c      |     6 +-
 examples/C/global-array/adios_read_chunk.c         |    14 +-
 examples/C/global-array/adios_read_global.c        |     3 +-
 examples/C/global-array/adios_read_global_no_xml.c |     5 +-
 examples/C/global-array/adios_read_gpp.c           |     3 +-
 examples/C/global-array/adios_read_writeblock.c    |     6 +-
 examples/C/global-array/no_xml_write_byid.c        |     3 +-
 examples/C/global-array/read_no_xml_write_byid.c   |     5 +-
 examples/C/manual/2_adios_write.c                  |     1 -
 examples/C/manual/3_adios_read.c                   |     2 +-
 examples/C/manual/4_adios_nfiles.c                 |     1 -
 examples/C/manual/Makefile.in                      |    13 +
 examples/C/read_all/Makefile.in                    |    13 +
 examples/C/read_all/read_all.c                     |    79 +-
 examples/C/read_all/read_all_v1.c                  |    11 +-
 examples/C/scalars/Makefile.in                     |    13 +
 examples/C/scalars/scalars_read.c                  |     4 +-
 examples/C/scalars/scalars_write.c                 |     6 +-
 examples/C/schema/CMakeLists.txt                   |    11 +
 examples/C/schema/Makefile.am                      |    18 +-
 examples/C/schema/Makefile.in                      |    80 +-
 examples/C/schema/rectilinear2d.c                  |     4 -
 examples/C/schema/rectilinear2d.readme             |     2 +
 .../{rectilinear2d.c => rectilinear2d_noxml.c}     |    92 +-
 examples/C/schema/structured2d.c                   |     4 -
 examples/C/schema/structured2d.readme              |     3 +-
 .../{structured2d.c => structured2d_noxml.c}       |    84 +-
 examples/C/schema/tri2d.c                          |     4 -
 examples/C/schema/tri2d.readme                     |     2 +
 examples/C/schema/{tri2d.c => tri2d_noxml.c}       |   142 +-
 examples/C/schema/triangle2d.c                     |     4 +-
 examples/C/schema/uniform2d.c                      |     4 -
 examples/C/schema/uniform2d.readme                 |     2 +
 .../C/schema/{uniform2d.c => uniform2d_noxml.c}    |   105 +-
 examples/C/stat/Makefile.in                        |    13 +
 examples/C/stat/stat_read.c                        |     5 +-
 examples/C/stat/stat_write.c                       |     1 -
 examples/C/transforms/Makefile.in                  |    13 +
 examples/C/transforms/adios_global.c               |     1 -
 examples/C/transforms/adios_read_all_3D.c          |    15 +-
 examples/C/transforms/adios_read_points.c          |     8 +-
 examples/C/transforms/adios_read_subv.c            |     8 +-
 examples/C/transforms/adios_read_wb_subpg.c        |    11 +-
 examples/C/transforms/adios_write_all_3D.c         |     2 +-
 examples/Fortran/Makefile.in                       |    13 +
 examples/Fortran/arrays/Makefile.in                |    13 +
 examples/Fortran/global-array-time/Makefile.in     |    13 +
 examples/Fortran/global-array/Makefile.in          |    13 +
 .../Fortran/global-array/no_xml_write_byid.F90     |     4 +
 examples/Fortran/scalars/Makefile.in               |    13 +
 examples/Makefile.in                               |    13 +
 examples/coupling/job                              |     8 +-
 examples/coupling/job1                             |     2 +
 examples/staging/stage_write/genarray_stream.F90   |     7 +-
 examples/staging/stage_write/genarray_stream.xml   |    22 +-
 examples/staging/stage_write/job                   |    31 +-
 examples/staging/stage_write/job.32                |     6 +-
 examples/staging/stage_write/make.settings         |     2 +-
 examples/staging/stage_write/stage_write.c         |    22 +-
 examples/staging/stage_write/writer_adios          |     1 +
 runconf                                            |    99 +-
 scripts/FindADIOS.cmake                            |   238 +
 src/CMakeLists.txt                                 |   608 +-
 src/Makefile.am                                    |     6 +-
 src/Makefile.in                                    |   643 +-
 src/core/adios.c                                   |   151 +-
 src/core/adios_bp_v1.c                             |   158 +-
 src/core/adios_bp_v1.h                             |    23 +-
 src/core/adios_copyspec.c                          |     3 +-
 src/core/adios_copyspec.h                          |     2 +
 src/core/adios_endianness.c                        |     1 +
 src/core/adios_internals.c                         |  1151 +-
 src/core/adios_internals.h                         |   113 +-
 src/core/adios_internals_mxml.c                    |   259 +-
 src/core/adios_read.c                              |     5 +
 src/core/adios_read_hooks.c                        |    12 +-
 src/core/adios_read_hooks.h                        |    27 +-
 src/core/adios_read_v1.c                           |    14 +-
 src/core/adios_selection_util.c                    |     5 +-
 src/core/adios_socket.c                            |     2 +-
 src/core/adios_subvolume.c                         |     7 +-
 src/core/adios_subvolume.h                         |     4 +-
 src/core/adios_timing.h                            |     2 +
 src/core/adios_transport_hooks.c                   |    34 +-
 src/core/adios_transport_hooks.h                   |     6 +-
 src/core/adiosf.c                                  |    23 +-
 src/core/adiosf_read.c                             |     9 +-
 src/core/adiosf_read_v1.c                          |    17 +-
 src/core/adiosf_write_mod.f90                      |     9 +-
 src/core/bp_types.h                                |    16 +-
 src/core/bp_utils.c                                |   114 +-
 src/core/common_adios.c                            |    12 +-
 src/core/common_adios.h                            |     1 +
 src/core/common_read.c                             |   732 +-
 src/core/common_read.h                             |     5 +
 src/core/ds_metadata.h                             |     8 +
 src/core/flexpath.h                                |     2 +
 src/core/mpidummy.c                                |    66 +-
 src/core/qhashtbl.c                                |   223 +-
 src/core/qhashtbl.h                                |    15 +-
 src/core/transforms/adios_patchdata.c              |     5 +-
 src/core/transforms/adios_transforms_common.c      |     5 +-
 src/core/transforms/adios_transforms_datablock.c   |     3 +-
 src/core/transforms/adios_transforms_hooks.c       |    49 +-
 src/core/transforms/adios_transforms_hooks.h       |     7 -
 src/core/transforms/adios_transforms_hooks_read.c  |     9 +
 src/core/transforms/adios_transforms_hooks_read.h  |     7 +
 src/core/transforms/adios_transforms_hooks_write.c |     1 +
 src/core/transforms/adios_transforms_read.c        |    14 +-
 src/core/transforms/adios_transforms_reqgroup.c    |     2 +-
 src/core/transforms/adios_transforms_specparse.c   |    13 +-
 src/core/transforms/adios_transforms_specparse.h   |     4 +-
 src/core/transforms/adios_transforms_write.c       |    36 +-
 src/core/transforms/adios_transforms_write.h       |     6 +-
 .../transforms/plugindetect/detect_plugin_infos.h  |     7 +-
 .../transforms/plugindetect/plugin_info_types.h    |     3 +-
 src/core/util.c                                    |    91 +-
 src/core/util.h                                    |     3 +
 src/public/adios.h                                 |    90 +-
 src/public/adios_error.h                           |    17 +-
 src/public/adios_read_v1.h                         |     8 +-
 src/public/adios_read_v1_defs.h                    |     1 +
 src/public/adios_read_v2.h                         |    44 +-
 src/public/adios_read_v2_fwd.h                     |    43 +
 src/public/adios_schema.h                          |     9 +
 src/public/adios_types.h                           |     8 +
 src/public/mpidummy.h                              |    23 +-
 src/read/read_bp.c                                 |   615 +-
 src/read/read_bp_staged.c                          |   127 +-
 src/read/read_bp_staged1.c                         |    14 +-
 src/read/read_dataspaces.c                         |   357 +-
 src/read/read_dimes.c                              |   440 +-
 src/read/read_flexpath.c                           |   433 +-
 src/transforms/adios_transform_alacrity_read.c     |     2 +
 src/transforms/adios_transform_alacrity_write.c    |     2 +-
 src/transforms/adios_transform_aplod_read.c        |     2 +
 src/transforms/adios_transform_aplod_write.c       |     2 +-
 src/transforms/adios_transform_bzip2_read.c        |     2 +
 src/transforms/adios_transform_bzip2_write.c       |     2 +-
 src/transforms/adios_transform_identity_read.c     |     8 +
 src/transforms/adios_transform_identity_write.c    |     2 +-
 src/transforms/adios_transform_isobar_read.c       |     2 +
 src/transforms/adios_transform_isobar_write.c      |     2 +-
 src/transforms/adios_transform_szip_read.c         |     2 +
 src/transforms/adios_transform_szip_write.c        |     2 +-
 src/transforms/adios_transform_zlib_read.c         |     3 +
 src/transforms/adios_transform_zlib_write.c        |     5 +-
 src/write/adios_dataspaces.c                       |   360 +-
 src/write/adios_dimes.c                            |   436 +-
 src/write/adios_flexpath.c                         |   165 +-
 src/write/adios_mpi.c                              |    51 +-
 src/write/adios_mpi_amr.c                          |   431 +-
 src/write/adios_mpi_bgq.c                          |    21 +-
 src/write/adios_mpi_lustre.c                       |    75 +-
 src/write/adios_nc4.c                              |     1 +
 src/write/adios_nssi.c                             |     2 +-
 src/write/adios_posix.c                            |    78 +-
 src/write/adios_posix1.c                           |    75 +-
 src/write/adios_var_merge.c                        |   155 +-
 tests/C/Makefile.in                                |    13 +
 tests/C/adios_test_c.c                             |    21 +-
 tests/C/flexpath_tests/1D_arr_global/Makefile.am   |     2 +-
 tests/C/flexpath_tests/1D_arr_global/Makefile.in   |    15 +-
 tests/C/flexpath_tests/1D_arr_global/reader.c      |     5 -
 tests/C/flexpath_tests/1D_arr_global/readme.txt    |   108 +
 tests/C/flexpath_tests/1D_arr_global/writer.c      |     2 +-
 .../flexpath_tests/1D_arr_global_noxml/Makefile.am |     2 +-
 .../flexpath_tests/1D_arr_global_noxml/Makefile.in |    15 +-
 .../C/flexpath_tests/1D_arr_global_noxml/reader.c  |     5 +-
 .../flexpath_tests/1D_arr_global_noxml/readme.txt  |   104 +
 .../C/flexpath_tests/1D_arr_global_noxml/writer.c  |     2 +-
 tests/C/flexpath_tests/Makefile.in                 |    13 +
 tests/C/flexpath_tests/common/utils.c              |     2 +-
 .../flexpath_tests/global_range_select/Makefile.in |    13 +
 .../global_range_select/arrays_read.c              |     6 +-
 tests/C/flexpath_tests/include/test_common.h       |     2 +-
 tests/C/flexpath_tests/include/utils.h             |     1 +
 tests/C/flexpath_tests/maya_append/Makefile.in     |    13 +
 tests/C/flexpath_tests/maya_append/reader.c        |     6 +-
 tests/C/flexpath_tests/maya_append/writer.c        |     2 +-
 tests/C/flexpath_tests/maya_noxml/Makefile.in      |    13 +
 tests/C/flexpath_tests/maya_noxml/reader.c         |     4 +-
 tests/C/flexpath_tests/maya_noxml/writer.c         |     4 +-
 tests/C/flexpath_tests/scalar/Makefile.in          |    13 +
 tests/C/flexpath_tests/scalar/reader.c             |     1 -
 tests/C/flexpath_tests/scalar/writer.c             |     2 +-
 tests/Fortran/Makefile.in                          |    13 +
 tests/Makefile.in                                  |    13 +
 tests/bp_read/Makefile.am                          |     2 +
 tests/bp_read/Makefile.in                          |    14 +
 tests/bp_read/bp_read_c.c                          |    16 +-
 tests/bp_read/genbp.c                              |     2 +-
 tests/bp_read/testbp_c.xml                         |    21 +
 tests/genarray/CMakeLists.txt                      |     2 +-
 tests/genarray/Makefile.in                         |    13 +
 tests/suite/Makefile.in                            |    13 +
 tests/suite/programs/Makefile.am                   |    36 +-
 tests/suite/programs/Makefile.in                   |   179 +-
 tests/suite/programs/{many_vars.c => big_file.c}   |   206 +-
 tests/suite/programs/group_free_test.c             |    85 +
 tests/suite/programs/hashtest.c                    |    27 +-
 tests/suite/programs/many_vars.c                   |     3 +-
 tests/suite/programs/set_path.c                    |   334 +
 tests/suite/programs/set_path_var.c                |   353 +
 tests/suite/programs/steps_read_file.c             |   197 +
 tests/suite/programs/steps_read_stream.c           |   231 +
 tests/suite/programs/steps_write.c                 |    91 +
 tests/suite/programs/transforms_specparse.c        |    30 +-
 tests/suite/reference/arrays_bpls.txt              |     2 +-
 tests/suite/reference/attributes_bpls.txt          |     2 +-
 tests/suite/reference/global_array_no_xml_bpls.txt |     2 +-
 .../suite/reference/global_array_no_xml_f_bpls.txt |     2 +-
 tests/suite/reference/no_xml_write_byid_bpls.txt   |     2 +-
 tests/suite/reference/no_xml_write_byid_f_bpls.txt |     2 +-
 tests/suite/reference/scalars_write_bpls.txt       |     2 +-
 utils/CMakeLists.txt                               |     1 +
 utils/Makefile.am                                  |     4 +-
 utils/Makefile.in                                  |    20 +-
 utils/adios_lint/Makefile.in                       |    13 +
 utils/adios_lint/adios_lint.c                      |     4 +-
 utils/bp2ascii/Makefile.in                         |    13 +
 utils/bp2ascii/bp2ascii.c                          |    18 +-
 utils/bp2bp/Makefile.in                            |    13 +
 utils/bp2bp/bp2bp.c                                |    11 +-
 utils/bp2h5/Makefile.in                            |    13 +
 utils/bp2ncd/Makefile.in                           |    13 +
 utils/bpdiff/Makefile.in                           |    13 +
 utils/bpdiff/bpdiff.c                              |   207 +-
 utils/bpdump/Makefile.in                           |    13 +
 utils/bpdump/bpdump.c                              |    31 +-
 utils/bpls/Makefile.in                             |    13 +
 utils/bpls/bpls.c                                  |   146 +-
 utils/bpls/bpls.h                                  |     2 +-
 utils/bpsplit/Makefile.in                          |    13 +
 utils/bpsplit/bpappend.c                           |    21 +-
 utils/bpsplit/bpgettime.c                          |     5 +-
 utils/bpsplit/bpsplit.c                            |     9 +-
 utils/gpp/Makefile.in                              |    13 +
 utils/gpp/ad_config.py                             |     4 +-
 utils/list_methods/CMakeLists.txt                  |    28 +
 utils/list_methods/Makefile.am                     |    36 +
 utils/{bpsplit => list_methods}/Makefile.in        |   184 +-
 utils/list_methods/list_methods.c                  |   427 +
 utils/skel/CMakeLists.txt                          |    21 +-
 utils/skel/Makefile.am                             |    26 +-
 utils/skel/Makefile.in                             |    38 +-
 utils/skel/bin/skel                                |    70 +-
 utils/skel/etc/Makefile.in                         |    13 +
 utils/skel/etc/templates/Makefile.tmpl             |    19 +
 utils/skel/etc/templates/create_suite.tmpl         |    15 +
 utils/skel/etc/templates/replay.tmpl               |     5 +
 utils/skel/etc/templates/replay_bp.tmpl            |    18 +
 utils/skel/etc/templates/replay_yaml.tmpl          |    10 +
 utils/skel/etc/templates/source_write_c.tmpl       |   207 +
 utils/skel/etc/templates/source_write_fortran.tmpl |   216 +
 utils/skel/etc/templates/submit_nautilus.tmpl      |    33 +
 utils/skel/etc/templates/submit_sith.tmpl          |    29 +
 utils/skel/etc/templates/xml.tmpl                  |    29 +
 utils/skel/lib/skel_bpy.py                         |   193 +-
 utils/skel/lib/skel_makefile.py                    |    15 +-
 utils/skel/lib/skel_params.py                      |    50 +-
 utils/skel/lib/skel_replay.py                      |    10 +-
 utils/skel/lib/skel_source.py                      |    17 +-
 utils/skel/lib/skel_submit.py                      |    10 +-
 utils/skel/lib/skel_suite.py                       |    68 +
 utils/skel/lib/skel_template.py                    |    63 +
 utils/skel/lib/skel_test_plan.py                   |    66 +
 utils/skel/lib/skel_xml.py                         |     9 +-
 utils/skel/src/Makefile.in                         |    13 +
 utils/skeldump/Makefile.in                         |    13 +
 utils/skeldump/skeldump.c                          |    23 +-
 wrappers/matlab/adiosopenc_staging.c               |   427 +
 wrappers/matlab/writer.bp                          |   Bin 0 -> 23064 bytes
 wrappers/numpy/CMakeLists.txt                      |    61 -
 wrappers/numpy/Makefile                            |    53 +
 wrappers/numpy/Modules/CMakeUtilityFunctions.cmake |    19 -
 wrappers/numpy/Modules/FindADIOS.cmake             |   136 -
 wrappers/numpy/Modules/FindMPI4Py.cmake            |    65 -
 wrappers/numpy/Modules/FindNumpy.cmake             |    57 -
 .../Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake    |   260 -
 wrappers/numpy/README                              |    75 +-
 wrappers/numpy/adios.cpp                           | 18457 +++++++++---------
 wrappers/numpy/adios.pyx                           |   502 +-
 wrappers/numpy/{adios.cpp => adios_mpi.cpp}        | 18951 +++++++++----------
 wrappers/numpy/{adios.pyx => adios_mpi.pyx}        |   496 +-
 wrappers/numpy/conf/CMakeLists.txt                 |   205 +
 wrappers/numpy/conf/MANIFEST.in                    |    15 +
 wrappers/numpy/conf/__init__.py                    |     0
 wrappers/numpy/conf/__init__.pyc                   |   Bin 0 -> 149 bytes
 wrappers/numpy/conf/cythonize.bat                  |     4 +
 wrappers/numpy/conf/cythonize.py                   |    72 +
 wrappers/numpy/conf/cythonize.sh                   |     4 +
 wrappers/numpy/conf/epydoc.cfg                     |   149 +
 wrappers/numpy/conf/epydocify.py                   |   110 +
 wrappers/numpy/conf/mpiconfig.py                   |   363 +
 wrappers/numpy/conf/mpiconfig.pyc                  |   Bin 0 -> 11220 bytes
 wrappers/numpy/conf/mpidistutils.py                |  1534 ++
 wrappers/numpy/conf/mpidistutils.pyc               |   Bin 0 -> 54064 bytes
 wrappers/numpy/conf/mpiregexes.py                  |    75 +
 wrappers/numpy/conf/mpiregexes.pyc                 |   Bin 0 -> 2495 bytes
 wrappers/numpy/conf/mpiscanner.py                  |   342 +
 wrappers/numpy/conf/mpiscanner.pyc                 |   Bin 0 -> 15203 bytes
 wrappers/numpy/example/ncdf2bp.py                  |    13 +-
 wrappers/numpy/mpi.cfg                             |   184 +
 wrappers/numpy/mpiconfig.py                        |   363 +
 wrappers/numpy/mpidistutils.py                     |  1534 ++
 wrappers/numpy/setup.py                            |     9 +-
 wrappers/numpy/{setup.py => setup_mpi.py}          |    11 +-
 wrappers/numpy/test/adios_noxml_test.py            |    29 -
 wrappers/numpy/test/adios_read_test.py             |    14 -
 wrappers/numpy/test/adios_write_test.py            |    21 -
 wrappers/numpy/test/test_adios_noxml.sh            |    15 -
 .../{test/test_adios_read.sh => tests/config.xml}  |    23 +-
 .../test_adios_write.sh => tests/config_mpi.xml}   |    18 -
 wrappers/numpy/tests/test_adios.py                 |    51 +
 wrappers/numpy/tests/test_adios_mpi.py             |    59 +
 wrappers/numpy/tests/test_adios_timestep.py        |    58 +
 370 files changed, 37372 insertions(+), 26267 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/adios.git

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